Triangle Business Journal Nicole Goolsby, VP of the Andrew Roby
Triangle Business Journal Nicole Goolsby, VP of the Andrew Roby
Construction leader 20-year Charlotte industry veteran to head Triangle operations people on the move, 22 Looking ahead Companies to Watch in 2016 retail real estate pharmaceuticals security economic development ic er Am biotechnology ity C an s es sin Bu services technology ls na ur Jo -N ot An inside look at 10 Triangle companies facing major challenges or opportunities in the coming year that could impact the region’s economy in multiple sectors. STAFF REPORTS, 4-8 for mm co retail on the move cia er Whole Foods center breaks ground in Cary lu The grocery store will anchor the new Alston Town Center located in the fast-growing west Cary market. se amanda hoyle, 10 The Triangle’s 2015 grocery store boom executive voice headline Why I leftgoes silicon in hereLY valleyxx13 A roundup of major grocery stores that opened, began construction or announced locations during the past year. amanda hoyle, 10 U.S. attorney heads to private practice Thomas Walker, who has prosecuted cases in the Eastern District of North Carolina since 2011, will step down Jan. 7. lauren ohnesorge, 11 2016 wish list: More company HQs The Triangle lost three major companies to exits in 2015. What is being done to build our stock of corporate headquarters? viewpoint, 23 triangle’s top financial planners TRIANGLE BUSINESS JOURNAL r December 25, 2015 Vol. 31, No. 18, $3.00 3600 Glenwood Ave. Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 15-16 Breaking news online On smartphones and tablets L Daily email updates 2 Triangle Business JOURNAL READER’S GUIDe R People in the issue ABC Pilewski, Jenny.............. 22 Putman, Garrett............. 22 Rice, Kerry...................... 6 Rogan, Dr. Walter........... 22 DEF STU GHI Ganguly, Joydeep............. 5 Goolsby, Nicole.............. 22 Gray, Shane................... 22 Green, Bob...................... 4 Hall, Chris..................... 22 Hall, Jennifer................. 22 Humphries, Bill................ 8 Icahn, Carl..................... 10 MNO R companies STU SUBSCRIBE Subscribe, make changes to your subscription or get help accessing the digital edition contact Cameron Tessener at 919-327-1026 or ctessener@ You can also subscribe at subscribe. Advertise For advertising information, rates, editorial calendar and production specifications call Nick Boetcher at 919-327-1032. US publisher: Jason Christie 919-327-1005, EDITOR: Sougata Mukherjee 919-327-1000, MANAGING EDITOR: Rebecca Troyer 919-327-1020, digital producer: Marc DeRoberts 919-327-1024, DESIGN EDITOR: Dathan Kazsuk 919-327-1025, RESEARCH/LOGISTICS DIRECTOR: lu se R R NEWS TIPS Contact reporters directly or send news tips to Managing Editor Rebecca Troyer at R CONTACT cia er RR Digital Edition: Print subscribers can access a digital replica of the weekly print edition. mm RR Afternoon Edition: Afternoon roundup of the day’s stories. co media RR Morning Edition: An email digest of top stories from local regional and national sources. for VWXYZ Village Capital................. 9 WakeMed Cary Hospital.... 3 Whole Foods.................... 3 WillowTree...................... 6 Women’s Giving Network of Wake County............. 9 YellowWood Group......... 22 Zacks Investment Research..................... 10 RR Find us on: Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ ot Salvation Army of Wake County................. 9 SAS Institute................. 22 Sassool............................ 3 Simon Youth Foundation.. 9 Smashing Boxes............... 6 Smith Anderson............... 9 Spoonflower.................... 7 Starboard Value LP........... 4 Summit Design and Engineering Services... 22 Sunstates Security........... 7 Tammy Lynn Center....... 22 Trader Joe’s..................... 3 Trailblazer Studios......... 22 UNC-Chapel Hill......9, 6, 13 DIGITAL AND SOCIAL MEDIA RR Twitter: Follow us @TriangleBizJrnl -N R social Qlik............................... 13 The Queen’s Foundation... 9 Raleigh-Wake County Dental Society............... 9 Renaissance Capital......... 6 Research Triangle Park..... 5 ROCKin’teriors............... 22 Rotary Club of Raleigh...... 9 Rotary International......... 9 RTP Credit Union........... 13 Rufty-Peedin................. 22 Capitalize on the good news and grow your business. Get the word out with reprints, e-prints and commemorative plaques. Call 877-397-5134 or go to – the only authorized provider of reprint products. Next week, TBJ takes a look at 10 individuals we’ll be watching in 2016 as they gear up for change, expansion, retooling or rebranding in their respective sectors. Because each of these individuals – whether CEO, site lead, entrepreneur, developer or public official – is poised to play a role in the potential growth of the greater Triangle in the coming year. We think you should be watching them, too. ls MNO MaxPoint Interactive........ 6 Merz North America......... 8 National Multiple Sclerosis Needham & Co................. 6 Neomonde....................... 3 NetApp......................... 13 Nortel........................... 13 North Bridge Growth PQR REPRINTS PEOPLE to watch na Kilgore Properties LLC.... 22 Longfellow Real Estate Partners........................ 4 Lyme Properties............... 4 Equity........................... 7 North Carolina Institute of Political Leadership. 22 Novan Therapeutics......... 4 Novartis.......................... 5 O’Reilly........................... 4 RRWant to be on The List? Email Cameron Snipes at csnipes@ to request a survey. ur JKL in the issue RR Feb. 5: Biotech/ Pharma Cos.; CROs Jo GHI The Green Chair Project.... 9 Grifols............................. 5 IBM............................... 13 InRFood.......................... 9 Iron Yard Academy........... 6 Wallace, Daniel.............. 22 Warner, Kirk.................... 9 Watson, Rebecca............ 22 Weldon, Mark................ 22 Wingo, Scot..................... 7 Witty, Andrew.................. 5 Zagieboylo, Cyndi............ 3 RR Jan. 29: Top Leases; LEED Certified Buildings s es sin Bu DEF Deloitte........................... 6 Dewberry...................... 22 Duke University........4, 6, 9 Eisai................................ 5 Eli Lilly............................ 5 Ellis & Winters LLP......... 22 Eschelon Experiences....... 9 Etsy................................ 7 French/West/Vaughan.... 22 VWXYZ RR 2015-16 Book of Lists Power Party This event recognizes the top companies and individuals featured in our brand new 2015-16 Book of Lists. We’ll also honor our 2015 Businessperson of the Year. Date: Jan. 14 Venue: The Umstead Hotel & Spa Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. RR Jan. 22: Triangle Law Firms ity ABC Advance Auto Parts.......... 4 Aerie Pharmaceuticals...... 4 Alexandria Real Estate Equities...................... 10 American Underground.... 6 Biogen............................ 5 BioMed Realty Trust......... 4 Bridgestone..................... 4 Bull City Venture Partners.7 Carlyle and Conlan......... 22 Carolina Premium Outlets.9 ChannelAdviser................ 7 Cisco............................. 13 Coldwell Banker Howard Perry & Walston........... 22 Saleh, Mounir.................. 3 Santiago, Zulayka.......... 22 Scangos, George.............. 5 Schomber, Brad............... 6 Sherman, George............. 4 Showalter, Allison.......... 22 Sichol, Adam,.................. 4 Sirgany, Edward............. 22 Sloan, O. Temple III.......... 4 Sloan, O. Temple Jr........... 4 Southwick, Daniel.......... 22 Smith, Jeff...................... 4 Strzepek, Dawn Marie.... 22 Thomas, Maria................. 7 Turnage, Jennifer............. 7 Triangle Business Journal hosts networking, award and education events throughout the year. View the schedule and register for events at RR Jan. 15: Triangle Hotels C an Maloney, Holly................. 7 Marcus, Joel.................. 10 Mehta, Keval................... 9 Morris, John III.............. 22 EVENTS next week PQR ic er Am JKL Jones, David.................... 7 Klein, Adam..................... 6 UP Njenga, Olalah............... 22 Olsen, Eric..................... 22 Anctil, Gabrielle............. 22 Bailey, Jack..................... 5 Belle, Denise.................... 3 Brock, Jessica................ 10 Burrell, Kathryn............... 7 Coronado, Adrienne....... 22 Cowell, Janet................... 3 Darling, Yum................. 22 Dengel, Tobias................. 6 Donaldson, Jeremy........ 22 Epperson, Joe.................. 6 Fort, Ellen..................... 22 Fraser, Stephen................ 7 R COMING Cameron Snipes, 919-327-1022 PHOTOGRAPHER: Kaitlin McKeown 919-327-1019, ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Nick Boetcher 919-327-1032, AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT EXECUTIVE: Cameron Tessener, 919-327-1026 BUSINESS MANAGER: Caroline Saleeby 919-327-1002, OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR: Patty Lowell 919-327-1011, Triangle Business Journal is a publication of: American City Business Journals, 120 W. Morehead St., Charlotte, N.C. 28202 Whitney Shaw, CEO; Ray Shaw, Chairman (1989-2009) Triangle Business Journal (ISSN 1527-5957), 3600 Glenwood Ave., Suite 100, Raleigh NC 27612. Published weekly, except semi-weekly the first week in December for $96. Published by American City Business Journals Inc. and is registered with the Library of Congress. Periodicals Postage Paid at Raleigh, NC. Doing business as Triangle Business Journal. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Triangle Business Journal is an equal opportunity employer. Subscription rates: 52-issues (1 year) - $97; 104-issues (2 years) - $183; 156 -issues (3 years) $183. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TRIANGLE BUSINESS JOURNAL, 3600 Glenwood Ave., Suite 100, Raleigh NC 27612. 3 december 4, 2015 glance Biz: Aatquick triangle Happenings I R foodie Managing Editor Rebecca Troyer 919-327-1020 @tribizme family R tweet n.c. state university - @NCState R accolade ot for mm co Even though you are involved in TV production on a daily basis, were you surprised by anything about the logistics of shooting the show? I think I was most surprised by their wonderful and constant attention to detail. In television news we are moving at the speed of light, producing a segment that will air in two or three hours. They were meticulous about lighting, sound and keeping things consistent. I think I was also surprised by how much they really wanted us to be surprised. When we walked into a room on the show our reactions were real; it was literally the first time we were seeing everything. I think that makes the show more exciting. cia er lu se What particular aspects of the redesign particularly convinced you to “love it?” For us it was really all -N How did it feel to be a participant on the show, when you are usually on camera as a news reporter? I have done many interviews for true crime magazine programs, so I had some experience being the focus of a story rather than the reporter. But this was different because the topic was literally my life, my home, my family. I really had to allow myself to let go and not be so guarded ... Once I got the hang of it, I found it to be very freeing and fun just to be myself and not to be the serious reporter everyone is used to seeing on the local news. ls N.C. State Treasurer Janet Cowell “celebrates the Force” with her office “white elephant” Christmas gift, a Star Wars light saber. A about function. They were able to take the space we already had upstairs and re-configure it so that it worked for us for the first time in 20 years ... I got my first walk-in closet in my adult life which was a dream for me as someone who is a stickler for organization. Downstairs the changes were even more dramatic. They added about 300 square feet to our rec room by converting an outdoor patio to an indoor-space. They also gave me a home office which I’ve never had and desperately needed for all of the work I do outside of television news. We’re not so sure that there wasn’t another name on that list ... #MissUniverse2015 na c/o janet cowell official facebook page Q ur town WRAL investigative reporter Amanda & Lamb of Cary recently chatted with Biz about her appearance with her husband, Reginald “Grif” Griffin, on HGTV’s “Love it or List It,” which has been filming its 12th season in the Triangle. The show’s premise is that designer Hilary Farr tries to convince the couple to stay by remodeling the home, while realtor David Visentin tries to find them a home better suited to their needs. Jo R around WRAL reporter Lamb just wanted to “list it” s es sin Bu Biz recently caught up with the owners of the new Sassool Mediterranean cafe in Cary. Owners Lisa and Mounir Saleh, and their two oldest daughters, Noelle and Simone, opened the new cafe Dec. 10 in the Shoppes at Kildaire. How did they choose the new site? “We wanted to locate in the general area surrounding WakeMed Cary Hospital, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s because it has the combination of residences and businesses that fits the profile of our customer,” says Mounir Saleh. Sassool in north Raleigh was originally called Neomonde, like the flagship restaurant on Beryl Road in Raleigh, but the family changed the name last year to honor the owners’ mother. c/o HGTV Left to right: Reginald Griffin, Amanda Lamb, David Visentin and Hilary Farr. ity sassool launches a new generation in business c/o N.C. State University athletics C an Left to right: Simone Saleh, manager of Sassool Cary; Mounir Saleh, co-owner; and Noelle Saleh Scott, manager of Sassool Raleigh. ic er Am c/o sassool of the week you said it Comments on TBJ Poll: Should the feds classify the Triangle as one MSA? Z No! Durham is a great city on its own! Better county than Wake. - Mary millard Z No, because Raleigh is the state capital. - harvey vonzel c/o national Multiple Sclerosis society Denise Belle of Knightdale was honored for her volunteerism. Denise belle honored by national MS society Denise Belle of Knightdale was inducted into the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Volunteer Hall of Fame. Belle began volunteering for the society in 2002, serving on the planning committee for the chapter’s first African-American Conference. A public health expert herself, Belle especially focused on connecting resources to underserved populations. “We are so grateful for the unswerving commitment shown by our volunteers to our universal vision of ending MS forever,” said Cyndi Zagieboylo, president and CEO of the National MS Society. 4 Triangle Business JOURNAL residential real estate companies to watch I 919-327-1018 BY Amanda hoyle @tbjrealestate Advance Auto Parts mitigates challenges of growth I R Closer look Name: Advance Auto Parts Description: Automotive parts retailer (acquired General Parts International of Raleigh in 2013) Location: Dual headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia, and Raleigh CEO: George Sherman (interim) ic er Am Employees: 680 in Raleigh; 75,000 companywide ity C an s es sin Bu kaitlin mckeown Advance Auto Parts in Raleigh is still figuring out logistics of its General Parts acquisition. of President George Sherman who will add the role of interim CEO, and a shift in the makeup of the board of directors per Starboard’s recommendations. Starboard acquired a 3.7 percent stake in the company in late September. In the weeks since the shakeup, Advance Auto Parts has also been rumored to be for sale, with at least one potential buyer coming forward with an offer as high as $200 per share. Advance Auto has been trading in the $140 to $160 per share price range in recent months. But as of Dec. 21, the company had not acknowledged any potential offers and would not comment on the topic. Any major change in ownership or corporate structure at Advance Auto Parts in 2016 could have ramifications for Raleigh and the Triangle. O. Temple Sloan III, son of General Parts founder and Raleigh philanthropist O. Temple Sloan Jr., who helped negotiate the sale in 2014, relinquished ls na ur Jo ot -N n the two years since auto parts retailer Advance Auto Parts acquired competitor General Parts International of Raleigh for $2 billion, much of the company’s attention has been focused on the integration of the two retailers. It’s been no small challenge, considering the company is now the largest retailer of automotive replacement parts with a combined 5,240 store locations and 74,000 employees, including about 1,400 employees at its headquarters in Roanoke, Virginia, and another 600 at the former GPI corporate campus in Raleigh. But it’s still been too little, too late for some Advance Auto stockholders who say the company’s revenue and profits aren’t keeping up with competition like O’Reilly Automotive and AutoZone. A third competitor, Pep Boys, is in a similar predicament as Advance Auto and is currently in a bidding battle between tiremaker Bridgestone and activist investor Carl Icahn, who both want to buy the company. While it hasn’t gone that far at Advance Auto, one shareholder group, led by activist investor Jeff Smith and Starboard Value LP, has initiated a takeover of the company’s board of directors. The move has led to the ouster of CEO Darren Jackson, who will retire from the company on Jan. 2, the promotion his role as president of General Parts one year after the company’s acquisition date but remains an active member of the Advance Auto board of directors. Sherman, the company’s president, and CFO Mike Norana have been based at Advance Auto’s campus in Raleigh and both own residences in Raleigh’s high-end Devon neighborhood. Executive vice president Charles Tyson is also based in Raleigh. Sherman, a former executive with Target, The Home Depot and Best Buy, is said to be in the running for the fulltime CEO position at Advance Auto, but the company’s executive search firm says it’s considering a number of internal and external candidates. If Advance Auto is acquired by another company, like Missouri-based O’Reilly advance auto on Page 10 for R Closer look Location: Headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts; regional office in Durham Top executive: Robert Green, chairman and partner Triangle site lead: Jessica Brock, managing partner of Durham office Employees: Six in Durham Street and Durham Central Park. The two new buildings at Durham.ID, each with 150,000 square feet of office and research space, represent another $100 million investment by Longfellow. In each of Longfellow’s previous real estate investments in the Triangle, though, the company had a cushion of rent-paying tenants. The new building project does not yet have any pre-lease commitments. That still isn’t deterring Longfellow Managing Partner Adam Sichol, who’s been racking up the frequent flyer miles tbj file photo longfellow on Page 10 Adam Sichol and Jessica Brock, both of Longfellow Real Estate Partners. se Description: Investor and developer of commercial real estate for science and technology companies lu Name: Longfellow Real Estate Partners between Boston and Durham the last few years. “We feel like the market is ripe,” he says. “We’re already talking to a few tenants talking about taking fairly sizable chunks of space when the buildings open.” The project is not unlike what was envisioned in the late 1990s in Boston when the founders of another real estate development firm called Lyme Properties bought a piece of land near the campus of MIT. That project evolved to become part of Kendall Square, one of the highest concentrations of corporate life sciences research in the country. After Lyme sold its entire portfolio of properties in Boston and Kendall Square for $1.5 billion to California-based BioMed Realty Trust in 2007, it was four of its former employees, including Lyme’s COO Bob Green, that founded Longfellow Real Estate Partners a year later. While Durham.ID may not be the next Kendall Square, it does have a lot of the same ingredients with proximity to Duke University’s research programs and a cluster of growing technology and life sciences firms in the region. cia er I n the four years since the then-relatively unknown Longfellow Real Estate Partners purchased its first building in downtown Durham, the Boston-based development group has amassed a portfolio of 19 lab-oriented office buildings in Durham and near Research Triangle Park. It’s helped companies like Novan Therapeutics, Aerie Pharmaceuticals and research groups from Duke University expand their operations. Longfellow’s aggressive investments in Triangle buildings have so far topped more than $260 million, making it one of the largest real estate firms in the region focused on life sciences companies. But in 2016, Longfellow will break ground on its first one (or two) groundup office buildings in the region with the expansion of its Durham Innovation District initiative, or Durham.ID, that’s been brewing over the past two years in downtown Durham. The whole Durham.ID project is envisioned as an urban, mixed-use development that incorporates about 1.7 million square feet of both existing and new buildings in a 15-acre area between Duke mm co Longfellow betting millions on downtown Durham 5 december 25, 2015 pharmaceutical companies to watch I 919-327-1029 BY jason debruyn @tribizhealth Cash buildup gives Biogen flexibility for acquisitions I R Closer look Name: Biogen Description: Large-cap biotechnology company Location: Worldwide headquarters in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Major production operations in Research Triangle Park CEO: George Scangos ic er Am Triangle site lead: Joydeep Ganguly, vice president of manufacturing Employees: 1,275 in RTP ity C an s es sin Bu c/o biogen Joydeep Ganguly is Biogen’s highest-ranking official at Research Triangle Park. of the total – including 130 jobs in RTP. Biogen reported third-quarter revenues of $2.8 billion, beating most analyst estimates. It also upped its revenue expectations for the full year to reflect anticipated revenue growth of up to 9 percent, an improvement after it drastically reduced guidance in the second quarter. The layoffs overshadowed a detail in the quarterly results that showed Bio- gen had $4.1 billion in cash, more than triple its bankroll just three months earlier. With that much cash, and a pharmaceutical and biotech world that is quickly consolidating, investors will want to know if Biogen will look for an acquisition in 2016, especially considering that its current pipeline of drugs probably won’t bring in significant revenue growth for a few years. Biogen CEO George Scangos has so ls na ur Jo ot -N n 2016 and beyond, Research Triangle Park operations will play a big role in the success of drug maker Biogen. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Biogen operates two major manufacturing facilities in Research Triangle Park. In the summer, Biogen acquired the manufacturing plant operated by Japanese pharmaceutical company Eisai – an important move, because it gave Biogen capability to manufacture parenteral products, meaning drugs that are injected, a capability Biogen did not have in RTP. Already, Biogen leans heavily on RTP operations for production, something that will only increase in 2016 with the expanded capabilities. In terms of local leadership, 2016 will be the first full year for Joydeep Ganguly, who took over as the highestranking Biogen official in RTP. Since 2013, Ganguly led the team that started Biogen’s Oral Solid Dose manufacturing operations. He joined the company in 2006 after engineering roles at what is now Grifols in Clayton. This upcoming year will also be one in which Biogen looks to rebound from layoffs. As part of its third-quarter results, the company announced a workforce reduction of 800 employees – 11 percent far played his cards close to the vest. “We are constantly looking for interesting opportunities that are consistent with our strategy, that are in our areas of expertise,” he said in November. “It is a question of value, of what you get for what you pay, and we have been financially disciplined in the past.” As far as the stock price goes, investors might hope for a little more predictability. Through 2015, Biogen investors were caught up in the larger biotech bubble and selloff. Biogen shares soared as high as $480 in March, but fell sharply twice to trade in the $280 range during the fall and early winter. The Nasdaq biotechnology index experienced a big swing as well, though not as drastic as for Biogen individually. for R Closer look Name: GlaxoSmithKline lu se earnings in October. “The benefits of the recent three-part transaction are becoming evident in our sales and earnings performance and we have made good progress on our restructuring and integration programs during the quarter. Although GSK cut back R&D operations in RTP, it is still one of the leading research companies in Big Pharma. Officials have said the company expects to seek regulatory approval for 20 new medicines and vaccines by 2020 and has a pipeline of 40 potential products in its six core areas. “The level of innovation in this portfolio is substantial,” Witty said at an investor meeting in November. “We believe this is critical in today’s operating environment as payors look to balance pressures of pricing and demand. It also provides us with confidence that this portfolio can generate significant value for shareholders and deliver widespread benefits to patients and consumers.” Witty was able to position the company on the same side as patients in a growing debate over increasing drug prices in the United States. He called the move by Turing Pharmaceuticals to skyrocket the price of Daraprim to $750 per pill “dis- cia er C limbing out of a year in which it cut hundreds of jobs, GlaxoSmithKline looks to 2016 as the first year of a changed company. In late 2014, GSK disclosed it would pare back the research and development operations in Research Triangle Park, a move that affected hundreds of workers. Layoffs took place in stages throughout 2015. In 2016, however, the company will work to integrate the assets acquired through a swap with Novartis, in which GSK acquired Novartis’ global vaccines business, excluding its influenza vaccines. The company also created a consumer health care joint venture, for which GSK will have majority control and an equity interest of 63.5 percent, and sold its oncology business to Novartis for $16 billion. The multi-billion dollar deal also involved Eli Lilly. GSK has a presence in more than 150 markets, with revenues split across pharmaceuticals (59 percent), consumer health care (25 percent) and vaccines (16 percent). “This quarter’s performance reflects continued execution of our strategy,” GSK’s CEO Andrew Witty said when the company announced third-quarter mm co Post-layoffs, GSK rebuilds with pipeline of products Description: Large-cap pharmaceutical company Location: Worldwide headquarters in London; U.S. headquarters in Research Triangle Park CEO: Andrew Witty Triangle site lead: Jack Bailey, president of U.S. pharmaceuticals Employees: 4,000 in N.C. tbj file photo Jack Bailey is president of GlaxoSmithKline’s U.S. division. turbing” at the Forbes Healthcare Summit in December. Turing’s CEO Martin Shkreli has been criticized by many CEOs in the pharmaceutical industry. On Dec. 17, Shkreli was arrested by FBI agents for securities fraud. GSK is pursuing a strategy away from high-priced drugs toward those that cost less and are useful to many more people. Jack Bailey, the president of GSK’s U.S. arm, said this was the driving force behind the asset swap with Novartis. “Rather than launching high-priced products where you end up in this constant pricing battle, instead we want to be in areas – like asthma like vaccines – where you have a lot of tailwinds,” Bailey said. “You look at the aging population; there are 150 million babies born every year; they need to be vaccinated ... Vaccines are typically no more than $100, and frequently less. So we are in the areas where you are not dealing with these enormous price tags. Because ultimately, over time, I think it isn’t sustainable.” 6 Triangle Business JOURNAL technology companies to watch I 919-327-1008 BY lauren ohnesorge @tribiztech Could MaxPoint rekindle its technology groove? A ic er Am t the ring of a bell in March, an advertising technology software firm you may not have known existed, MaxPoint Interactive, went public for $11.50. It was supposed to be a banner year for the company, which moved into its new Perimeter Park headquarters and vowed to keep up its nationally recognized growth trajectory. That banner year may have to come in 2016. In December, MaxPoint shares had dipped to about $1.50 per share, making it, according to Renaissance Capital, the biggest IPO flop of 2015. For a company with such high-profile backing (executives such as CEO Joe Epperson served in leadership roles at eBay) whose growth has been consistently recognized by national brands such as Deloitte, it’s been a long, fast fall. And executives have done little thus far to dissuade analyst ire. Analysts such as Kerry Rice of Needham & Co. say management has shown a “limited visibility” when it comes to dictating guidances. The MaxPoint technology aims to predict the products most likely to get you ity C an s es sin Bu na ur Jo and your neighbors to a store, analyzing more than 40 billion advertising impressions and making 12 trillion calculations per day. MaxPoint has created a digital grid of households across the Joe country, organizing Epperson them into 44,000 of what it calls “Digital ZIPs,” specific neighborhoods. Using a variety of localized data, from historical purchasing power to demographic information, it can pinpoint what promotions have the best chance of success in an individual neighborhood. As of Sept. 30, the company had 670 enterprise customers buying into the concept. But the company’s top 50 customers are responsible for two-thirds of the company’s sales figures, meaning a dip in those top-tier clients could have major consequences for the company that’s already struggling with investor patience. R Closer look Name: MaxPoint Interactive Description: A marketing technology firm founded by eBay executives Location: Morrisville CEO and Triangle site lead: Joe Epperson Employees: More than 300 On a recent earnings call, CFO Brad Schomber admitted customer activity has been “unpredictable” of late. He – and his fellow executives – repeatedly insist that their technology is working and that customer cancellations are budgetary, not reflective of the product’s effectiveness. But, as the stock price indicates, investors aren’t so sure. In August, a classaction lawsuit was filed alleging that management did not adequately inform investors of the risks at that public debut. The bottom line for MaxPoint is that something has to change, and quickly. Otherwise, the Triangle’s most recent IPO story could wind up a cautionary tale. ls Left, MaxPoint Interactive CFO Brad Schomber. tbj file photo ot -N for Iron Yard Academy poised to meet demand for coders look Name: The Iron Yard Academy se CEO: Peter Barth lu Location: Durham and soon-to-be Raleigh cia er Description: A code school (owned by Apollo Education Group out of Arizona) training students from a wide variety of backgrounds in advanced computer technologies. mm R Closer co W hen WillowTree CEO Tobias Dengel and his cohorts picked Durham for a 98-job expansion in November, the competition was fierce. Colorado and Georgia were among the states vying for postions that are supposed to pay $83,000 in annual salaries. In the end, it wasn’t solely the incentives that clinched the Triangle for the Virginia app developer. It was the entire package – a package that includes coding schools. “Fifteen to 20 percent of our development team in Charlottesville doesn’t have a formal college degree,” Dengel said in an interview. Code schools – such as the Iron Yard Academy – provide an attractive proposition, he continued. And in 2015, the Iron Yard Academy announced a plan to double down on the region. Durham-based Smashing Boxes teamed up with the Iron Yard for the Durham Iron Yard Academy in 2014 in an effort not just to entice high-tech companies, but to fuel the growing talent pool required to sustain the firms already here. And it’s needed, as a common complaint by tech companies big and small is that, even in a region enriched by N.C. Triangle site lead: Dana Calder, campus director, Durham Employees: 100 (six in Durham) State University, Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill, high-tech talent can take weeks to secure. That’s where the Iron Yard comes in. Over the past year, it’s grown at Durham’s American Underground. In 2016, it will take over American Underground’s downtown Raleigh campus. Already, 25 startups previously occupying the space have moved out, many to competing entrepreneurial hubs such as HQ Raleigh and Industrious. Adam Klein, chief strategy officer for Capitol Broadcasting-owned American Underground, says it’s going to be worth tbj file photo In 2016, Iron Yard Academy will take over American Underground’s Raleigh campus. such a bold step. Because creating and recruiting startups to the region is only sustainable when there’s the talent pool to drive growth. And that’s where Iron Yard officials say they fill the gap — in exchange for a steep tuition. The boot camp-style code school is intensive, with tuition costs close to $10,000. But, if it can deliver, it’s creating tech talent that companies repeatedly say they need in the Triangle. 7 december 25, 2015 manufacturing & business services companies to watch I 919-327-1022 BY cameron snipes @tribizBOL Spoonflower’s challenge: Build global customer base T R Closer look Name: Spoonflower Description: Manufacturer of custom fabrics Location: Durham Partners: Gart Davis, Allison Polish and Stephen Fraser Employees: 150 ic er Am C an tbj file photo Left to right: Spoonflower partners Stephen Fraser, Gart Davis and Allison Polish. ity the overseas market, it opened an office in Berlin. A five-person team is currently working out of a temporary office while the main space is being renovated, but it should be up and running in the new digs by the beginning of January, Fraser says. During 2016, Spoonflower will launch a German version of its website, a version in French, and a UK-specific Spoonflower. “Initially, all our European order fulfillment will take place out of Berlin, but we will look at other locations and languages as we progress,” Fraser says, who adds that about 25 percent of its business is now international. Starting in January, Spoonflower will be printing fabric in Berlin. “In 2016 we expect to do over $2 million in sales from s es sin Bu the Berlin office, with aggressive goals for growth in the following years,” Fraser says. Currently the company employs a little more than 150 people and occupies about 35,000 square feet in Durham. Eventually the company will need an entirely new building all to themselves, Fraser says. In November, nearly three months after its $25 million equity infusion, Spoonflower hired its first-ever chief financial officer, Jennifer Turnage. Turnage said she was drawn to the company by its growth potential. “It’s very exciting to see a company, a local company, raise that kind of capital,” she said at the time of her hire. Seven days after the Turnage announcement, Spoonflower added more heft to its ls na ur Jo ot -N for his past year has been a banner one for Durham manufacturer Spoonflower, and all indications are that those boundaries will be pushed even further in 2016. Spoonflower, a 7-year-old Internetbased service for creating custom fabric that also develops custom wallpaper and gift wrap, was ranked No. 10 among TBJ’s 2015 Fast 50 list of fastest-growing private companies, its second consecutive time on the list. Spoonflower also appeared on TBJ’s Best Places to Work list in 2015. Other outlets are also noticing Spoonflower’s growth. The company appeared on the Inc. 5000 list this year, coming in at No. 1,009. And according to its Inc. 5000 profile, the company has grown 433 percent in three years, posted $15.3 million in revenue in 2014 and also added 83 workers that year. In August, Spoonflower announced a $25 million equity infusion that its cofounder Stephen Fraser says means 50 more new jobs in Durham. The round was led by Boston-based North Bridge Growth Equity with participation from Durham-based Bull City Venture Partners. As part of the financial deal, Russ Pyle and Holly Maloney of North Bridge joined the board, as did David Jones of Bull City Venture Partners. Spoonflower said that the cash would be used to increase innovation and fuel international expansion. To accommodate board, bringing on former Etsy CEO Maria Thomas and ChannelAdviser founder Scot Wingo. The company’s growth chart will depend on how quickly customers embrace its products and services. While private equity and venture capital firms show patience at the front end of the investment cycle, they want to see growth — mainly in the form of customers, not necessarily margins. Spoonflower execs believe another way to reach more prospects would be with the launch of a new robust website. Sprout Patterns is designed to make sewing customized clothing accessible to anyone, the company says. A few months ago the company released “The Spoonflower Handbook: A DIY Guide to Designing Fabric, Wallpaper & Gift Wrap with 30+ Projects,” now listed as the No. 1 best-seller in the Fiber Arts & Textiles category on Amazon. co mm As safety concerns grow, so does Sunstates Security Sunstates has been involved in a number of other security initiatives this past year, including partnering with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to educate security employees on their roles in family safety. The NCMEC module went live on the Sunstates Learning Management System in July 2015. Since then, a majority of the firm’s employees have voluntarily completed the training, according to the company. Another big win came in April when Burrell and her husband Glenn, a former Scotland Yard officer and also the company’s president and other co-founder, signed statements of employer support for members of the active Reserve and National Guard. Sunstates employs a large number of ex-military members. And Sunstates has garnered national acclaim. In 2014 and 2015, the company was recognized on Security Letter’s annual ranking of largest security services firms in the U.S. Sunstates has seen organic growth of nearly 30 percent over the past three years and has increased its employee count in the Triangle from 223 in 2014 to 368. The company currently employs 1,477. cia er I lu se t’s an all-too familiar occurrence these days: News of mass shootings, dozens of people dead and many more wounded in what the public perceives as safe places. Active shooter situations have almost become commonplace in modern society. Raleigh-based Sunstates Security, a 17-year-old private, woman-owned $37 million company that provides uniformed security personnel to clients in a variety of industries, is working to help combat that trend. “Security is in the forefront of everyone’s mind, as it has to be,” says Kathryn Burrell, co-owner and CEO of Sunstates. Sunstates has developed its own business continuity program to mitigate and even prevent emergency events in the workplace. For example, now operating in most regions across the U.S., its program, called Sunstates Mutual Aid Rapid Response Team, or SMARRT, consists of 81 specially trained and equipped team members whose primary focus is protection of clients’ personnel and assets and immediate containment of incidents. Burrell says that for the past 18 months, Sunstates has been working on kaitlin mckeown Glenn and Kathryn Burrell of Raleighbased Sunstates Security. developing an app to aid in these situations. Dubbed Push for Safety, the app is designed to help avert emergencies. The idea is to provide an avenue for employees who find themselves in an environment with an active shooter present with the ability to quietly submit anonymous tips to its security personnel. “It’s about using everyone’s eyes and ears in those situations,” Burrell says, adding that the app should be rolled out to existing clients in the first part of 2016. R Closer look Name: Sunstates Security Description: Provider of uniformed security personnel Location: Raleigh Owners: Kathryn Burrell, CEO; Glenn Burrell, president Employees: 111 in the Triangle; 1,477 companywide Sunstates’ total client roster number is now 377, a little more than 100 of which are located in the Triangle. Its clients include the ports of Wilmington and Morehead City, a handful of megachurches in Texas, and a number of property management companies and corporate clients mainly concentrated throughout the eastern U.S. Though competition abounds in the security space, even locally, Sunstates believes it is on the right track for even more growth in 2016, building on its past three-year growth numbers. This belief is due in part to the upcoming roll-out of its new Push for Safety app and a healthy pipeline of potential clients, Burrell says. 8 Triangle Business JOURNAL economic development companies to watch I 919-327-1000 BY sougata mukherjee @tribizeditor Lundy wrestles spotlight with ambitious Raleigh plan W opment company has worked without much fanfare behind the glory and pomp of say, a Kane Realty Corp., the North Hills builder or a Dominion Realty Partners, the firm behind the PNC Tower and the Charter Square projects in downtown Raleigh. But Baker believes he is in a sweet spot having secured this sought-after land. “If you look at the population, Millennials will fill up the residential,” Baker forecasts. “And STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) employers will fill up commercial space.” But for that to happen, Baker acknowledges that more jobs are needed in the central district to make downtown a walk-live-work-play area. Lundy’s current plan for the property includes erecting two 20-story buildings — one for commercial and the other for residential – with expansive retail space at the bottom of both buildings. The total amount of commercial space will exceed 300,000 square feet with lease rates in the low 30s, Baker estimates, adding the current plan also calls for the residential tower to have 250 condo units. Company officials estimate the project will cost about $160 million at the full buildout with structured parking. R Closer Description: Real estate development and management Location: Raleigh Founder/president: Jim Baker Jr. Employees: 18 tbj file photo The Lundy Group paid $6.3 million for a 1.2-acre tract in downtown Raleigh. ity C an s es sin Bu But before all that, the Lundy Group may also have to buy the adjacent 0.8acre property which currently is occupied by a law firm, Baker says. He declined to discuss financial specifics. Both towers will start going up at the same time, he says, and the earliest completion time would be sometime in 2018. The Lundy Group’s previous big development was the $60 million Greenbridge condo project in Chapel Hill. Baker adds that the towers of Hillsborough Street will be unique. “If you look at some of the projects we have done — Castalia in Chapel Hill or the Westchase in Raleigh – you will notice we like to construct buildings differently,” Baker says. “All I can say (about the new build- ls na ur Jo ings is that) it will be very high quality.” As Baker admits, the Hillsborough Street project may be the doorway for the company to embark on similar projects south of the Washington, D.C. area. And the Lundy Group is far from a company banking on just one project. At the start of the year, the company’s goal was to amass two million square feet of space under management (primarily office and retail centers) primarily in North and South Carolina. By early December, Baker notes the company had signed up 1.95 million under management, and is hopeful the goal will be met by year’s end. “I would like to grow our (property) management business by 15 percent,” Baker opines. “We really want to put similar projects across the Southeast.” ot -N economic development for companies to watch 919-327-1024 mm co I look Name: The Lundy Group ic er Am hen founder Jim Baker started the Lundy Group back in 1986, little did he know that almost 30 years later, his company would be in the spotlight in downtown Raleigh as the developer embarks on an ambitious plan to erect two 20-story buildings on one of the most coveted downtown Raleigh pieces of land on Hillsborough Street. After a see-saw battle with local and national developers for a 1.2-acre tract, Jim the Lundy group Baker emerged victorious last month when it won an auction to buy the Campbell University Law school parking lot at 301 Hillsborough St. for $6.3 million. “We had a walk-away price in mind,” says Baker with a wry smile. “ But we did not get to that point. We are very excited about this project.” Baker should be. It easily will be the largest project in the company’s history. In the past, this quiet real estate devel- BY marc deroberts @tribizdigital region’s economy, the hospitality and tourism industries, and multinational corporations in the region and the state,” states a Merz spokesman. As the new kid on the block, Merz says it is looking forward to partnering with local organizations and initiatives. In mid-January, it will host more than 400 of its sales teams at the Raleigh Convention Center. For 2016, the company says it plans to focus its local operations on developing initiatives to advance the areas of neurology and aesthetics, boost market penetration for Radiesse, and launch distribution of its Cellulite treatment, Cellfina. Merz is also expecting the FDA to approve Xeomin, an injectable treatment for upper limb spasticity in adults. The biggest challenge Merz will face next year is to how to keep the sales momentum going. The 100-plus year old company registered about $1.3 billion in global sales in 2014-15, a 16 percent increase from the year before. And se ta Air LInes flight between Paris and Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Though it’s likely the company was rooting for Frankfurt, Germany, when RDU was finalizing its destiBill nation selection – a Humphries representative says the local team travels to the global HQ often – Merz was one of a handful of companies that pledged its commitment to fill seats. It contributed to the $1.1 million fund from the Research Triangle Foundation to mitigate Delta’s anticipated $2.2 million shortfall for the first year of the flight, which is expected to take off in May. “Considering the strength of the RTP economy, we see this as a guaranteed success for all industries in the area. This only stands to support the Triangle lu B etween summer 2014 and summer 2015, Merz North America said goodbye to Greensboro as it settled into its new Raleigh headquarters. President and CEO Bill Humphries says a big reason for relocating to the Triangle was access to talent in the life sciences industry. In Greensboro, the company employed a little more than 190. But its headcount has since bulked up to 278. And Humphries says the company is still growing. “Our growth last year was 32 percent, this year we’re going to grow 19,” he told a crowd at Triangle Business Journal’s Power Breakfast in November. Merz received a green light from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in June for a product to make hands appear more youthful. The Botox-like product, Radiesse, is the first of its kind. “The face is the moneymaker,” Humphries said at the time. “But look at the hands to determine someone’s age.” Merz was a key player in implementing a new international, nonstop Del- cia er Triangle newcomer Merz USA looks to beef up sales R Closer look Name: Merz North America Description: Cosmetics device and drug maker Location: Raleigh; Merz Pharma Group HQ in Frankfurt, Germany Top Triangle executives: Bill Humphries, president and CEO of Merz North America Employees: 278 locally, with room to grow to 330 on new campus; 2,500 globally as Humphries said recently, the U.S. team is firing on all cylinders. Sales momentum often relies on leadership continuity and market conditions. If any of those changes next year, the company’s U.S. operations would face stiff headwinds. For now, however, the company’s entry to the Triangle market has meant much more than dollars and cents to the community. 9 december 25, 2015 A better World I Todd Cohen 919-272-2051 community service Raleigh Rotary Club focuses on world service A ity C an s es sin Bu tbj file photo Kirk Warner of Smith Anderson is the current president of the 120-member Rotary Club of Raleigh. Jo to raise money for Polio Plus, an effort by Rotary International that has helped nearly eradicate polio throughout the world. The club participates in two service projects every month that range from planting trees and clearing streams to supporting food banks. It also hosts information tents and sells bottled water at The Works, the annual July 4 event in downtown Raleigh, and at Wide Open Bluegrass, the downtown music festival held each October. It also helped create the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center, which selects Rotary members to serve as fellows who enroll either in the master’s program in international development at Duke University or in a range of master’s programs at UNC-Chapel Hill. To celebrate its 100th anniversary last year, the club raised $200,000 to help outfit Wake Smiles, the nonprofit dental clinic at the Salvation Army that is the dental health program of the Raleigh-Wake County Dental Society. ot -N for mm co And it continues to raise money for the project. Supporting water and sanitation projects are a big focus of the club’s international work. Through contributions and volunteers, it has participated for four years in the latrines initiative in the Dominican Republic. The initiative is a project of Rotary’s District 7710, which includes 46 clubs with nearly 1,900 members. It’s also spearheading the water project in Pozos, a sister city of Raleigh. The club aims to enlist at least eight to 10 other clubs in the effort and raise money to support it, including grants it hopes to secure from Rotary International. The club also launched an annual concert event at Meymandi Concert Hall at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts to raise money to support is work. The club “has brought leaders from each of the major industries and professional groups together to try to solve community problems,” Warner says. “And they have made a tremendous impact over the years.” Todd Cohen publishes Philanthropy North Carolina at He can be reached at (919) 272-2051 or send nonprofit news to toddcohen49@ cia er news ls na ur R nonprofit ic er Am t the Salvation Army Judy D. Zelnak Center of Hope in Raleigh, volunteer dentists and hygienists last year performed 2,822 procedures for low-income, uninsured adults. In the Dominican Republic, volunteers and donations have supported the construction of hundreds of latrines to help improve sanitation for local residents. And in Mineral de Pozos, a city in the mountains of Mexico, volunteers and donations are supporting the installation of pump stations, pipes and other equipment that will provide potable water for local villages. Playing an instrumental role in all three projects has been the Rotary Club of Raleigh. Founded in 1914, the club with now 120 members, believes it is the oldest civic and Rotary organization in North Carolina. Through local and international service projects, the club aims to “engage leaders of the community in significant and meaningful acts,” says Kirk Warner, president of the club and a lawyer at Smith Anderson. Every year, the club raises $20,000 to $25,000 to support 10 to 15 local and international projects. Since 1979, it has raised thousands of dollars every year for the Salvation Army of Wake County. And it raised $115,000 and continues triangle businesses contribute funding and services to local nonprofit organizations lu Durham’s InRFood was peer-selected to receive $100,000 in investment from Village Capital and Global Health and Social Innovation Capital Partners. InRFood was selected from a pool of 12 early stage health businesses committed to bridging the “health-wealth gap” by offering better access and/or delivering more affordable health care to lowwealth individuals. InRFood simplifies and personalizes nutrition through digital tools. “Seventy percent of all doctors visits are somehow related to diet. At InRFood, we bring transparency to what is in your food and the impact it has on your personal health,” said Keval Mehta, founder and CEO of InRFood. se The Women’s Giving Network of Wake County awarded $105,000 to four local nonprofits serving women and/or children. This brings the network’s total grant dollars awarded to Wake County nonprofits over the last nine years to $1 million. The nonprofits receiving funds include The Green Chair Project, The Women’s Center of Wake County, The Queen’s Foundation and Kidznotes. tbj file photo c/o stop hunger now Eschelon Experiences restaurant group founder G. Patel. Volunteers pack meals for Raleighbased Stop Hunger Now. Eschelon Experiences restaurant group donated more than $82,000 to area nonprofits in the greater Raleigh community in 2015. This includes funds raised through its month-of-giving campaign in which customers at any of the Eschelon restaurants were encouraged to contribute $1 or more to support the nonprofit organization of the month. Employees also volunteered 340 hours of service, and the group donated $36,500 worth of food to fundraising events. Raleigh-based Stop Hunger Now commemorated its 10th anniversary of packaging meals to feed people suffering from hunger across the globe. At the anniversary event, 750 volunteers packaged 106,000 meals capping a decade in which the organization has packaged more than 225 million meals at 19 locations in the U.S. and six locations abroad. “Engaging volunteers in the mealpackaging process is an introduction to how easy it is to end hunger,” said Ray Buchanan, Stop Hunger Now founder. “When people package meals, they can see they can make a difference.” Stop Hunger Now meal packaging events are a volunteer-based program that coordinates the streamlined packaging of highly nutritious dehydrated meals comprised of rice, soy, vegetables and 23 essential vitamins and minerals. Living near Carolina Premium Outlets could help a graduating senior pay for college. Simon Youth Foundation, a national nonprofit that provides educational opportunities for at-risk high school students, has begun looking for a graduating senior who lives within 50 miles of Carolina Premium Outlets in Smithfield. Each year, Simon Youth Community Scholarships are awarded in every community across the country that is home to Simon Malls, Mills, or Premium Outlets centers. The application period has begun and ends March 1, 2016. Recipients will receive up to $1,500 to enroll in an accredited college, university, vocational or technical school. 10 Triangle Business JOURNAL NEWS Grocery boom Whole Foods center underway in Cary New grocery will anchor alston town center roundup A look at grocery stores that have opened, broken ground or announced locations in the Triangle in 2015. Z Aldi Food Market Location: Garner Z carlie c’s iga Location: Zebulon C Z durham co-op Location: Durham Z earth fare Location: Morrisville Z publix Locations: Apex, Cary, west Cary and Wake Forest Z save-a-lot Location: Raleigh ic er Am Z h mart Location: Cary c/ o Dan Eaton C an A new Whole Foods store will anchor the proposed Alston Town Center in west Cary. feet of retail available for small shops. Dye says that all but 2,200 square feet of the small shop space next to Whole Foods has been pre-leased, but he declined to identify any of the other new retailers until their contracts were finalized. “Clearly, Whole Foods has a lot of draw as an anchor,” he says. In addition to the retail, AAC is selling off about 38 acres of the 110-acre assemblage at the intersection of N.C. ity s es sin Bu 540-Triangle Parkway and N.C. 55 to a group of apartment developers. The developers recently received town approval to build a 493-unit apartment community that’s behind Panther Creek High School. Construction of the apartments is also slated to start in early 2016. Joint developers of the apartments are Woodfield Investments and Cary-based Symphony Properties. – Amanda Hoyle Z harris teeter Location: Raleigh Z walmart neighborhood markets Location: Raleigh Z standard foods Location: Raleigh Z sam’s club Location: Wake Forest Z sprouts farmers market Location: Raleigh Z lidl Locations: Raleigh and Cary Z Whole Foods Location: Cary ls na ur Jo onstruction crews are moving dirt and setting the foundation for what will be a new Whole Foods Market-anchored retail center at the proposed Alston Town Center mixed-use development project in west Cary, a project that’s been 11 years in the making. The new Whole Foods grocery store is slated to open – weather-permitting – in late 2016 or early 2017, says Joe Dye with the project’s owner, American Asset Corp. of Charlotte. The new store will be the grocer’s second store in Cary, and its sixth location in the Triangle. AAC acquired the first piece of the Alston Town Center land in 2004 and has been working on planning and site plan approvals ever since. It will also be the first new development project in the Triangle by AAC, the owner and developer of Brier Creek Commons and Brier Creek Corporate Center, since 2008. “It’s nice to be in the ground getting muddy and dirty again,” Dye says. The new Whole Foods store will be taking about 35,000 square feet of space in the center with another 33,000 square R grocery Longfellow expects to be major player in durham life sciences hub mm co cia er lu se Vacant Class A office space in the central Durham submarket is also almost nonexistent with 99 percent of the submarket marked as occupied. Longfellow’s researchers theorize that the submarket’s 12-month absorption of only 153,000 square feet is hindered only by the lack of available office space. “We have a master plan we’ve been working on for two years, and that’s finally wrapped up,” Sichol says. “We just haven’t decided if we’re going to start with one building or two.” Longfellow, though, isn’t the only real estate developer in town targeting life sciences and tech users. Alexandria Real Estate Equities of Pasadena, California, has been investing in laboratory buildings in the Triangle for much longer and in December announced plans to redevelop a property it owns in Research Triangle Park into the so-called Alexandria Center for Science, Technology and Agriculture. Alexandria CEO Joel Marcus says the project will resemble a “mini-city” with offices, laboratories and accelerator space. Wexford Science + Technology of Baltimore is also making a $128 million investment in downtown Durham with construction underway to transform the old, seven-story Chesterfield cigarette manufacturing building on West for longfellow FROM Page 4 ot Automotive as some analysts have speculated, the corporate operations in Raleigh and in Roanoke would have major implications that would likely involve layoffs. If it’s acquired by a private equity firm or investor group, like billionaire Carl Icahn, it could mean a corporate restructuring that could benefit either, neither or both the corporate operations in Roanoke and in Raleigh. In its third-quarter report in November, Advance Auto lowered its outlook for 2015 and announced it would close another 30 stores by year end in addition to the 50 stores it had said it would close. Analysts and investors, though, are growing impatient. Starboard, through its own research, has stated that Advance Auto share prices should be trading in the $350 to $400 per share range, not the $150 per share range it’s been trading for in recent months. It has recommended a number of measures to improve operating margins and reshape its distribution chain. In the past month, Zacks Investment Research analysts have cut their rating for Advance Auto from a “strong buy” in early November to a “hold” rating in mid-November to “sell” on Dec. 10. Nine others firms have a “buy” rating on the company. The average stock price target among the research firms, as of Dec. 21, was $185.67. -N advance auto FROM Page 4 kaitlin mckeown Adam Sichol, managing partner of Boston-based Longfellow Real Estate Partners. Main Street into a new research lab and office space. Two tenants, including Duke University and a new co-working lab group called BioLab, have committed to much of the space available at Chesterfield. “BioLab will be to life science(s) companies like what American Underground has been to technology companies,” explains Justin Parker, senior project manager for Wexford. The Chesterfield, though, will likely be completed and leased up by the time Longfellow is ready to open the first of its new buildings at Durham.ID. But as at Kendall Square, Sichol says they feel confident about the position in the Triangle market and continue to look for other buildings that fit their investment strategy. Longfellow has opened a second office in Durham, led by North Carolina native and veteran commercial real estate broker Jessica Brock, who was named a managing partner of the firm in 2014. Brock says the company’s strategy all along has been to target the companies in the technology and life sciences industries that have specialized and, oftentimes, expensive space needs. The company, she says, has invested a lot of money in renovating buildings and converting office space into lab space even before a tenant was signed on, betting that the gamble would pay off. 11 december 25, 2015 NEWS R on the move R downtown dining ic er Am C/o U.S. Attorney Thomas Walker U.S. Attorney thomas walker announces resignation to pursue private practice C an service. “In every case and every instance, Thomas has embodied the Justice Department’s highest standards of integrity and professionalism,” she said, adding that, thanks to his leadership, his office is “well positioned for years of success.” Walker, a native of Atlanta (and a Campbell University law graduate), previously served as a partner at Alston & Bird, as well as special counsel to N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper. It was not immediately clear where he’ll be working once he leaves the public sector. – Lauren Ohnesorge h-street kitchen coming to old varsity theater on raleigh’s hillsborough street ity s es sin Bu The developers of the new restaurant and bar coming to the old Varsity Theater on Raleigh’s Hillsborough Street revealed the name and branding on the morning of Dec. 22. H-Street Kitchen will open in the spring of 2016, and menus will be ready by February, says Gary Bryant, who is overseeing the restaurant project. “Bringing back the Hillsborough Street spirit with great food and Pack Pride,” says the restaurant’s Facebook page, also launched Dec. 22. Chef Adam Rose, formerly of Il Palio in Chapel Hill, will be the chef. Bryant says the restaurant will feature “eclectic” American cuisine with “approachable pricing” of entrees from $8 to $18 with an open kitchen in the center of the space, “like you were going to a friend’s house for dinner.” – Rebecca Troyer ls na ur Jo Thomas Walker, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina since 2011, has resigned. That’s according to a notice sent out Dec. 22 by the U.S. Department of Justice that says he’s returning to private practice. Walker submitted his resignation to President Barack Obama, effective Jan. 7. As United States Attorney, Walker oversaw all federal criminal and civil matters in the 44 eastern counties of North Carolina, including Wake County. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch put out a statement Dec. 22 lauding his c/o h-street kitchen -N NOMINATE! ot 2015-16 BOOK OF LISTS for co mm Recognizing the area’s top companies and individuals, and honoring the cia er 2015 BUSINESSPERSON OF THE YEAR John Kane – CEO, Kane Realty Corp. lu se Triangle Business Journal will honor women in various business categories who have proven to be dynamic and outstanding leaders with established track records of significant accomplishments in business and community service. DEADLINE: February 1, 2016 NOMINATE January 14, 2016 | 7:00PM | The Umstead Hotel and Spa Ticket packages are available at: For questions, contact Patty Lowell at 919.327.1034. TITLE SPONSORS: 12 Triangle Business JOURNAL Photos of the week I 919-327-1019 Visual Journalist Kaitlin McKeown @tribizphoto ic er Am C an ity Santa Cap Victoria Kennedy closes up shop at King’s Sandwich Shop in Durham on Dec. 16. s es sin Bu ls na ur Jo ot -N for co mm Durham Violin Sip and Spell A contestant laughs after misspelling “quinoa” during the Sip & Spell science spelling bee at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences on Dec. 17. se TJ McDermott, owner of King’s Sandwich Shop in Durham, washes dishes as the shop prepares to close for the day on Dec. 16. lu Washing Pots cia er Morgan Fleming plays the violin in front of Cocoa Cinnamon on Dec. 16 in Durham. Fleming, who says he likes to practice outdoors and in public spaces, also frequently plays at the Durham Farmers’ Market on Saturday mornings. Body Shop Feature Afternoon sun illuminates a pedestrian in front of Quality Paint & Body Shop near Durham’s Brightleaf Square on Dec. 16. 13 december 25, 2015 executive voice: diane adams ic er Am To the Valley and back ity C an s es sin Bu ls na ur Jo ot -N look T Getting started Growing up, Adams wanted to be a physical education teacher. “I was in sports,” she explains. “That was the world you lived in.” Adams’ teenage world consisted of softball, track and tennis. Her hometown tennis courts were the asphalt playing grounds at the nearby IBM in RTP. It was that park, with its growing innovation cluster and entrepreneurial energy, that pulled her in the corporate direction. First job: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Family: Three children Hometown: Durham Current residence: Wake Forest Education: UNC-Chapel Hill Growing up three miles from RTP, she says, “really shaped” her life. “You were surrounded by technology,” she says. “My parents said play to your strengths. They were right.” Her strengths off the tennis court were math and finance, which led her to study business at UNC-Chapel Hill. Her career actually began in the park – an internship at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences with a boss who “forgot I was a student.” “He pushed me and pushed me,” she says. Roles at other firms followed, such as an analyst position at the RTP Credit Union. Eventually, finance took her into the technology sector and then to human resources, her lifelong sweet spot. That passion, and the Cisco promotion that it brought, took her to Silicon Valley. se o manage innovative employees, you have to understand and nurture “the whole person,” says Diane Adams, longtime human resources executive and Wake Forest-based author of “It Takes More than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee.” It comes down to trust. “It’s really that simple,” Adams says. “But it’s complicated at the same time.” Adams has had decades to hone her outlook – an outlook she’s exercised at Nortel, Cisco and Qlik, and crafted right here in Research Triangle Park. She credits her career beginnings to RTP itself. lu Name: Diane Adams Title: Chief people officer of Qlik cia er 919-327-1008, @TriBizTech Coming home When her father was diagnosed with prostate cancer, “that’s when you really want to be close to home,” Adams says. She spoke with then-Cisco CEO John Chambers directly. He told her she could work from anywhere, including RTP. “That was really the start of when I got really clear on how much it means as a leader to invest and care about somebody personally and professionally,” she says. “Just think about it, an environment where you thrive because you can make it work both personally and professionally.” Her advice to leaders isn’t necessarily to allow their employees to live anywhere (though in a tech-heavy world, she says that’s often possible). It’s really to instill a sense of trust, to be honest and transparent with employees so that they feel like they’re part of everything – both the opportunities and the challenges for a company. mm R Closer co BY LAUREN K. OHNESORGE kaitlin mckeown for Diane Adams is chief people officer of Qlik, based in Research Triangle Park. Management style At Qlik, where she currently serves as chief people officer, she says “it’s all about trust at the end of the day.” That’s what she says she’s tried to instill at every company she’s been a part of. “When you think about the best cul- tures, they trust their people to get it done in a way that works for them.” Adams admits she’s been lucky. She’s had jobs that have allowed her (and her children) to travel the world. And it hasn’t been without challenges. After all, you can’t do everything when you have three children. “I thought, what are my priorities? I do love dinner time, where everybody sits down,” she says. But she quickly realized she didn’t have the hours her own mother had to create a home-cooked meal every day. So she whipped out the takeout menus. “What I cared about was that we had great relationships with the children ... You always have to think, what’s the outcome that I want? For me, in raising my children, it was to be intimately in their life, to understand them. You give up things to do what’s most important.” Trust, too, is important when making decisions that aren’t so positive – such as laying off an employee. She says respect should be a key part of that conversation. “When team members realize that the purpose of the organization is even greater than the organization itself ... during the tough times, people will rally around the company,” she says. 14 Triangle Business JOURNAL smalL Business family business Holiday celebrations vary from business to business Humbug!” She spends the week before Christmas working up the markdowns for the after-Christmas sale. The import-export industry can be highly volatile. One of 10 children of a poor family, Will has worked hard but quietly to keep on top of it, and he’s been very successful. When I called about my survey, I reminded him that he can afford to celebrate the holidays in any way he chooses. For example, I said, he, his wife and their three shareholder children could enjoy a glittering, glamorous cruise through the sunny Caribbean. They could spend a luxurious holiday week in New York or a traditional Christmas in Rome. But Will celebrates at home, and on Christmas Eve, he telephones every member of his large extended family, including his nephew on Guam. He asks how they are and what’s going on in their lives. He offers a hearty holiday greeting and a New Year’s wish, and he ends each call with a question: “What can I do for you?” If there’s an honest and reasonable need, Will meets it. That’s his way of celebrating. Ramona is a registered nurse who runs a home health care organization wears every year for the holiday party. When he first played Santa about 15 years ago, he needed six pillows. This year the employees’ guesses are coming in at the one to two pillows mark. The “holiday roundup” happens on a day in mid-December at Solnick and Sons when the employees bring their kids to the plant. There’s some goofing around in the morning, with the bigger kids sitting on the switched-off forklifts in the warehouse and making zooning noises, and the little kids playing games and watching cartoon movies. At noon there’s a huge party featuring all the stuff that kids aren’t supposed to eat. “Hey,” says Mama Solnick, “it’s only one time a year. So eat.” Retail, Lucia insists, is a highintensity, low-margin way to earn a living, and there’s no room in her business’s schedule for a lot of holiday frivolity. Throughout the year, her idea of down time is Saturday night and Sunday morning away from the store. The clerks who work for her (excluding her husband and daughter, of course) put in no more than a 40-hour week or they complain about overtime. “Celebrate?” says Lucia. “Bah! ic er Am ity C an s es sin Bu founded by her mother. She and her staff are on call seven days and week and 24 hours a day, so planning and organizing an office holiday celebration is out of the question. “Besides,” she says, “managing this business is demanding enough. I don’t have the energy to be the leader of Santa Claus’ band.” But Ramona celebrates. Two nights before Christmas she singlehandedly bakes 10 dozen chocolate chip cookies. She boxes them with ribbons and bows and delivers them to the women’s and children’s homeless shelter on Christmas Eve. “I use my head to keep the home health care business running,” she says, “but this is something I do with my hands and my heart.” However your family and your business celebrate the holidays – or even if you don’t celebrate at all – best wishes to family businesses everywhere for a season of happiness and satisfaction. Lea is a professor at UNC-Chapel Hill and a family business speaker, author and adviser. Contact him at james. ls ot -N nominate na ur Jo I ran a little survey of family businesses to learn how they celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. Many responded that their companies send cards or gifts to their customers James and suppliers and Lea then just take an extra day or two off. One family declared that its business is strictly secular, so there’s absolutely no acknowledgement of anything religious. Another one described the staff gathering with the CEO around a huge punch bowl in the main conference room to sing holiday classics, from “Joy to the World” to “The Dreidel Song” to “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.” The party is over when the bowl is empty or the CEO is horizontal, whichever comes first. Marvin, the senior owner-executive of a Midwestern pharmacy chain, reported that the highlight of his family company’s celebration is an employee contest to guess how many pillows he’ll need to fill out the Santa costume he for mm co cia er 2 0 1 6 AWARDS lu se Triangle Business Journal will be honoring the top home building companies, community development firms and residential real estate agents in the Triangle region. Recognizing Residential Real Estate Excellence Deadline coming soon: January 11, 2016 NOMINATE 15 december 25, 2015 Compiled by Cameron Snipes 919-327-1022, @TriBizBOL Financial Planners ranked by the number of series 7, fully licensed brokers in the Triangle Business name/ Website 1 2 Wells Fargo Advisors Edward Jones1 4 Morgan Stanley Wealth Management 5 Ameriprise Financial Services 6 AXA Advisors, LLC 3105 Glenwood Ave. #201, Raleigh, NC 27612 154 207 10 R closer Services offered Names of Triangle managers Advisory services, asset management, estate planning strategies, trust services, retirement planning, portfolio analysis and monitoring Aaron Landry, Christian Kubista, Buck Bratcher, Bob Gipp, Brad Sears, Steve McKenzie 1526 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-967-0700 100 200 NA Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, annuities, life insurance, long-term care insurance Steven Richards 150 Fayetteville St. #2000, Raleigh, NC 27601 919-829-2000 97 152 4 Comprehensive wealth management Douglas Hornberger, Tim Harrison, William Peyton 700 Spring Forest Rd. #200, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-877-2400 89 145 4 Wealth management Michael Lingner, David Pottenger, Robin Hogan, Frank Dworsky 3600 Glenwood Ave. #130, Raleigh, NC 27612 919-227-3211 81 121 10 Financial services Sean Flanigan 91 2 Retirement, financial and estate planning, asset management, insurance, annuities, qualified and non-qualified plans, employee benefits John Erwin 3201 Beechleaf Ct. #450, Raleigh, NC 27604 919-341-1776 64 17 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 27603 919-831-2370 62 71 33 General securities, money management, wealth management, personal and corporate insurance, estate and retirement planning and trusts Richard Bryant 140 3 Business and individual retirement, financial and estate planning, advisory services, insurance, annuities, qualified and non-qualified plans Shawn Will, Scott Lord 2 Wealth management Karl Ruppert, Ben LInk Fiduciary services, financial advisory, executive financial planning, private wealth services Wilson Hoyle s es sin Bu Capital Investment Companies1 Number of Triangle locations ity 7 Total number of employees in the Triangle C an Merrill Lynch Number of Series 7, fully licensed brokers in the Triangle ic er Am 3 Address/ Phone Principal Financial Group 4141 Parklake Ave. #510, Raleigh, NC 27612 800-457-3776 34 9 UBS Financial Services Inc. 3737 Glenwood Ave. #200, Raleigh, NC 27612 919-787-2005 25 52 10 CAPTRUST Financial Advisors 8816 Six Forks Rd. #301, Raleigh, NC 27615 919-870-6822 23 NA 1 11 Raymond James Financial Services1 5720 Six Forks Rd. #201, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-846-7268 20 31 2 Comprehensive advisory wealth management, financial planning, insurance, annuities, securities-based lending, mortgages, traditional brokerage services 11 Northwestern Mutual 4020 Westchase Blvd. #175, Raleigh, NC 27607 919-834-7772 20 163 2 Financial planning, wealth management, life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care, annuities 13 BB&T Scott & Stringfellow 3605 Glenwood Ave. #400, Raleigh, NC 27612 919-571-1893 19 27 1 Brokerage services, financial planning, insurance services 14 Capitol Financial Solutions 8816 Six Forks Rd. #301, Raleigh, NC 27615 919-546-0400 15 25 1 Wealth management, retirement planning, life insurance, estate planning Robert Turner 15 Scottrade Inc. 6308 Falls of Neuse Rd., Raleigh, NC 27615 919-954-1997 11 13 4 Online investing, local branch office support, free educational seminars, ETFs, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, CDs, IRAs, Roth IRAs, educational savings accounts NA 16 Navigon Financial 1009 Slater Rd. #210-A, Durham, NC 27703 919-941-6235 10 17 1 Wealth and risk management planning, comprehensive insurance planning, brokerage services, employee benefits, 401(k) services 17 Davenport & Co. LLC1 3605 Glenwood Ave. #390, Raleigh, NC 27612 919-571-6550 9 16 2 Asset management, financial planning, insurance, fixed income, mutual funds, annuities, retirement plans, corporate finance, public finance James Shearin 18 Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. 4000 Westchase Blvd. #100, Raleigh, NC 27607 919-743-7481 7 NA 3 Full-service financial firm Rich Munneke 18 First Citizens Investor Services P.O. Box 27131, Raleigh, NC 27611 800-229-0205 7 55 33 Broker/dealer, mutual funds, annuities, investments, financial planning NA 20 Place Trade Financial Inc.1 4030 Wake Forest Rd. #300, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-719-7200 6 13 2 Full-service discount brokerage, municipal bond dealer, online trading Sarah Place 21 Financial Directions Group Inc. 5001 Weston Pkwy. #200, Cary, NC 27513 919-678-0007 4 7 1 Financial planning, employee retirement, money management Lori Spivey 22 Midtown Advisors 4800 Falls of Neuse Rd. #160, Raleigh, NC 27609 919-747-6674 2 4 1 Financial advice, financial service, estate planning, insurance products Tommy Perry 1 Firm did not respond to surveys. Last year's information used. NOTES: NA - did not report. se lu Tim Mann cia er Mike Condrey, Taylor Coleman, Jimbo Huckabee mm John Pace co for ot -N ls na ur Jo 8 Graham Self look 859 The cumulative total number of series 7, fully licensed brokers employed in the Triangle by the firms on The List. Re-Rank A look at the top three on The List, ranked by the total number of local employees. Wells Fargo Adv. 207 Edward Jones 200 Northwestern Mutual 163 ABOUT THE LIST Information was obtained from firm representatives and firm websites. Information on The List was supplied by individual companies through questionnaires and could not be independently verified by Triangle Business Journal. NEED A COPY OF THE LIST? Information for obtaining reprints, web permissions and commemorative plaques, call 877-3975134. More information can be found online at by clicking the “Buy” tab near the top of the site. WANT TO BE ON THE LIST? If you wish to be surveyed when The List is next updated, or if you wish to be considered for other Lists, email your contact information to Cameron Snipes at csnipes@ 16 Triangle Business JOURNAL Market Predictions The CFA Institute, a global association of investment professionals, revealed its 2015 Global Market Sentiment Survey in which it polled members of the CFA Institute, Chartered Financial Analysts, on their views of the global markets. Here’s a snippet of what the latest survey shows. B Top Picks for Equity Market Performance U 2014 A 2015 F U S Russia = 6.2% Germany = 6.1% ic er Am Japan = 6.2% India = 8.9% USA = 26.3% China = 10.7% USA = 33.5% China = 9.3% C an biggest risk to global markets in 2015 Weak developed market economies 32% l A US ica Afr e it Un om gd in dK g on gK n Ho 30% N s nd rla e eth 28% 27% and rl itze w S e nc Fra 26% any rm Ge Political instability 25% ia ral st Au na So uth 30% ur zi Bra 31% Jo ia 32% s es sin Bu 38% Ind Rise in interest rates ity 44% 25% an Jap ot for mm co cia er lu se DEADLINE: January 25, 2016 NOMINATE 24% 23% ina Ch 23% 23% a nad Ca SOURCE: CFA Institute Global Market Sentiment Survey 2015 -N Triangle Business Journal will honor Triangle individuals and organizations for putting innovation and compassion to work to improve the human condition. ore ap g Sin ls nominate 24% 17 december 25, 2015 LEADS Information to build your business RR Bankruptcies Chapter 7 Blackwater Enterprises Inc., P.O. Box 499, Jamesville 27846; Assets, $0 to $50,000; Debts, $100,001 to $500,000; Major Creditor, not shown; Attorney, Leslie Locke Craft; case #15-06663, 12/10/15. Chapter 11 BioMedNanoTech Inc., 3214 Charles B. Root Wynd Suite 213-B, Raleigh 27612; Assets, $1,000,001 to $10,000,000; Debts, $1,000,001 to $10,000,000; Major Creditor, not shown; Attorney, Trawick H. Stubbs Jr.; case #15-06728, 12/14/15. WAKE COUNTY Plaintiff: Ferguson Receivable LLC dba Ferguson Enterprises Inc. dba Ferguson Enterprises Inc. of Virginia, Defendant: MC Heating & Cooling Inc./Michael E. McCarty, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015982, Filed: 12/02/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: L&S Drywall Inc., contract, case #15 CVD 016037, Filed: 12/04/15 Plaintiff: Kingsmill Farm II LLC, Defendant: TR Vernal Paving Inc., collection on account, case #15 CVD 016067, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Dickinson Well Drilling Inc., contract, case #15 CVD 016081, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Pastor Ramos/dba Rose Painting, contract, case #15 CVD 016082, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Edwin Pena/dba Pena Construction LLC, contract, case #15 CVD 016083, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Mr. Austin Construction Inc., contract, case #15 CVD 016084, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Michael Thompson/dba Thompson Clearing and Grading, contract, case #15 CVD 016085, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Brian S. Cross/dba BC Carpentry, contract, case #15 CVD 016086, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Colonial Materials Inc. dba Colonial Materials of Fayetteville Inc., Defendant: Clement Bullard/ dba B&H Contractors, collection on account, case #15 CVD 016087, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Builders Mutual Insurance Co., Defendant: Luis A. Obispo/Quality Construction Framing Inc., contract, case #15 CVD 016088, Filed: 12/07/15 Plaintiff: Core Health and Fitness LLC, Defendant: AFP Liquidation Inc./dba Advantage Fitness Products Inc./Brent R. Johnson, collection on account, case #15 CVD 016091, Filed: 12/07/15 RR Federal Tax Liens WAKE COUNTY Family Eye Care of Apex OD Holly Springs Road, Holly Springs 27540, case #15 M 05521, 11/19/15. Claimant: James Bobby Currin & Sons Inc., Contractor: Ashland Construction Co., $8,061, Owner: Park West Village Phase I LLC, on property at 100 Village Market Place, Morrisville 27560, case #15 M 05321, 11/09/15. Duke Lazzara Development LLC, 2431 Schieffelin Road, Apex 27502, $305,852, (941), case #15 M 05572, 11/24/15. Tennie Group LLC, P.O. Box 1279, Knightdale 27545, $24,334, (941), case #15 M 05571, 11/24/15. Cathy Lee Day Care & Learning, 529 Bethlehem Road, Knightdale 27575, $40,134, (941), case #15 M 05484, 11/17/15. Claimant: East Coast Electrical Services LLC, Contractor: CTI Property Services Inc., $5,983, Owner: Barbara Rives Taylor, on property at 420 Bickett Blvd., Raleigh 27608, case #15 M 05527, 11/20/15. Generator Software Inc., 1805 Oatlands Court, Wake Forest 27587, $17,659, (6721), case #15 M 05489, 11/17/15. W.E. Garrison Co. Inc., 5820 Fayetteville Road, Raleigh 27603, $60,532, (941), case #15 M 05483, 11/17/15. Tammy Y. Lewis/Ideal Healthcare Services, 4904 Waters Edge Drive Suite 160, Raleigh 27606, $19,299, (941), case #15 M 05477, 11/17/15. Donald Grantham, 4012 Mackinac Island Lane, Raleigh 27610, $33,954, (6672), case #15 M 05573, 11/24/15. RR Mechanics’ Liens ORANGE COUNTY Claimant: Southern Appliance Group Inc. dba Kitchen and Bath Galleries, Contractor: MCF Builders of Chatham County LLC, $17,550, Owner: Richard and Helen D. Tapper, on property at 1615 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill 27516, case #15 M 362, 11/19/15. WAKE COUNTY Claimant: Milagro Co., Contractor: Intramco Inc., $10,200, Owner: Narsi Development II LLC, on property at Lot 305 Brier Creek, case #15 M 05558, 11/23/15. Claimant: R.E. Michel Co. LLC, Contractor: Spartan Construction & Development LLC/Eco-Green Air Inc., $48,467, Owner: Apex Road Commercial LLC, on property at 1184 W. Chatham St., Cary, case #15 M 05546, 11/23/15. Claimant: James Bobby Currin & Sons Inc., Contractor: Monteith Construction Corp., $42,809, Owner: Town of Holly Springs, on property at Holly Springs Law Enforcement Center 750 Claimant: Hertz Equipment Rental Corp., Contractor: Northview Partners/Total Construction, $13,290, Owner: CN Apartments LLC, on property at 710 Spring Falls Drive, Raleigh 27609, case #15 M 05504, 11/18/15. Claimant: Triangle Electrical Services Inc., Contractor: Kirkland Inc., $103,529, Owner: Brentwood-Brier Creek LLC, on property at 10600 Little Brier Creek Lane, Raleigh 27617, case #15 M 05500, 11/18/15. LLC, 5310 S. Alston Ave. Suite 210, Durham 27713; 3708 Mayfair St., Durham 27707, 1 Tract (3.976 acres) ID 121599/121603, $3,550,000. Hanover Acquisition 5 LLC to TKC CLXVIII LLC, 5935 Carnegie Blvd. Suite 200, Charlotte 28209; 4024 Stirrup Creek Drive, Durham 27703, Lot 7 Triangle Business Park ID 157290, $10,948,000. George W. Griggs and Lydia B. Griggs to EBX-NEUSE I LLC, 412 N. Fourth St. Suite 300, Baton Rouge, La. 70802; 3132/3240 Redwood Road, Durham 27704, Lot 1 George W. Griggs and wife Lydia B. Griggs and Lot 2 Property of Edith Ferrell Boone ID 170331/170334, $816,000. ESA P Portfolio LLC to DW CL VI LLC, 5847 San Felipe Suite 4650, Houston 77057; 5008 NC Highway 55, Durham 27713, 1 Tract (2.125 acres) ID 153781, $2,580,000. ORANGE COUNTY RR Real Estate Transactions (Commercial) DURHAM COUNTY Measurement Durham LLC to Lambert Development Hunt Street LLC, 5 Hanover Square 14th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10004; 400 Hunt St., Durham 27701, Parcel 2 Morris Ridge ID 104855, $450,000. GLAXOSMITHKLINE LLC to Churchill Partners LLC, 4309 Emperor Blvd. Suite 110, Durham 27703; 5421 Page Road, Durham 27703, Lot S23 Imperial Center ID 074704437904, $2,931,000. Ravenco LLC to Islamic Ahlul Bayt Association of The Triangle, 5209 Russell Road, Durham 27712; 2120 and 2200 Miami Blvd., Durham 27703, 2 Tracts Lots 6-11 and part of Lot 12 and Lots 13-15 and part of Lot 12 T.H. Alford Farm ID 163578/163579, $407,000. South Square One LLC to TDC Atlantic South Square LLC, 5310 S. Alston Ave. Suite 210, Durham 27713; 3710 University Drive, Durham 27707, Southsquare One ID 081011477128, $5,800,000. Mayberry Real Estate Holdings LLC to TDC Atlantic South Square Glandon Forest Equity LLC to Four W’s Inc., P.O. Box 1254, Dunn 28335; 6105 US 70 W., Mebane 27032, Lot 1 Property of Mebane Lumber and Hardware Co. Inc. ID 9835404656, $1,329,000. WAKE COUNTY TGR Properties LLC to Capmar Holdings LLC, c/o Bell Davis and Pitt PA P.O. Box 20129, Winston-Salem 27120; 11550 Common Oaks Drive, Raleigh 27614, metes and bounds (7.06 acres) ID 1830526058, $4,604,000. se Plaintiff: Independent Benefit Advisors Inc., Defendant: Click Optimize LLC/dba Healthgrades Operating Co. Inc., contract, case #15 CVD 015966, Filed: 12/01/15 Plaintiff: Praetorian Insurance Co., Defendant: Eastern Carolina Logging Inc., collection on account, case #15 CVD 016063, Filed: 12/04/15 PA, 113 Salem Towne Court, Apex 27502, $28,080, (1120/941), case #15 M 05482, 11/17/15. lu Berkley Net Underwriters vs. Devcore Adult Care LLC, P.O. Box 2436, Gastonia Plaintiff: Getitnc Inc. dba Tarheel Media Solutions, Defendant: Paul Scott/ Scotty’s Locksmith/Lock & Key Clinic, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015949, Filed: 12/01/15 Plaintiff: Thomas Publishing Co. LLC, Defendant: Atlantic Resources Inc., collection on account, case #15 CVD 016062, Filed: 12/04/15 cia er Marlin Business Bank vs. Definitive Touch Personal Care PLLC, 402 Newsome Grove Road, Ahoskie 27910, $9,359, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 014608, 12/11/15. Plaintiff: Getitnc Inc. dba Tarheel Media Solutions, Defendant: Scott Custom Builders Inc./Robert E. Scott, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015948, Filed: 12/01/15 EMAIL EDITION To buy Leads information for Triangle and more than 40 other markets, call 877-5934157, or see The information is available on disk or via email and arrives earlier than the published version. mm Atlantic Ventures Inc. dba Atlantic Ventures vs. Laborquick Inc./John W. Jordan/Raymond W. Mackenzie III, P.O. Box 7064, Greenville 27835, $1,270,294, plaintiff, case #09 CVS 017370, 12/08/15. Plaintiff: Getitnc Inc. dba Tarheel Media Solutions, Defendant: Lovely Lady of Smithfield LLC/Darlene Gardner, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015947, Filed: 12/01/15 State Tax Liens................................. xx co American Express Bank FSB vs. Marie Davis aka Marie I. Davis/Soteria Consulting Inc., 8409 Cassock Court, Raleigh 27613, $41,239, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 012467, 12/08/15. Plaintiff: Getitnc Inc. dba Tarheel Media Solutions, Defendant: Ruby Sharon Baldwin/dba Baldwin’s Carpet Cleaning & Upholstery Service, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015946, Filed: 12/01/15 Real Estate Transactions..................17 for Ferguson Receivables LLC dba Ferguson Enterprises Inc. dba Ferguson Enterprises Inc. of Virginia vs. Louis Heating and Cooling Service Inc./ Louis J. Agnolutto/Carla T. Agnolutto, 3404 Edgemont Drive, Raleigh 27612, $60,697, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 012382, 12/11/15. Plaintiff: Xpedx, Defendant: Harvard Maintenance Inc., collection on account, case #15 CVD 015938, Filed: 11/30/15 Mechanics’ Liens..............................17 New Corporations...........................20 ot State Electric Supply Co. vs. Wicker Electric Contracting Inc., 3700 Bastion Lane Suite 101, Raleigh 27604, $22,028, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 014528, 12/14/15. Plaintiff: Riverport Insurance Co., Defendant: Woodland Trace LLC, collection on account, case #15 CVD 015937, Filed: 11/30/15 Court Judgments..............................17 Federal Tax Liens..............................17 -N First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. vs. Charles R. Gurley PA/Charles R. Gurley, P.O. Box 1703, Goldsboro 27553, $25,542, plaintiff, case #15 CVS 003817, 12/07/15. Plaintiff: Colorado Boxed Beef Co., Defendant: 2000 Avondale Foods LLC/ dba Compare Foods/2000 Foods LLC et al., collection on account, case #15 CVD 015936, Filed: 11/30/15 Civil Lawsuits....................................17 ls Hockaday Mechanical Corp. vs. Contracting Solutions Inc., 404 Old Mill Road, Fuquay-Varina 27526, $82,809, plaintiff, case #15 CVS 011166, 12/10/15. Plaintiff: Belfor USA Group Inc., Defendant: Dynamic Development Group LLC/ dba Sleep Inn, contract, case #15 CVD 015926, Filed: 11/30/15 Building Permits............................... 18 na American Builders & Contractors Supply Co. Inc. vs. Daniel Thorne Sullivan dba Sullivan Construction, 100 Scots Fire Lane, Cary 27511, $8,109, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 014672, 12/11/15. Plaintiff: Belfor USA Group Inc., Defendant: Matthews Seafood Inc./ dba Huntersville Family Restaurant/Captain’s Galley Seafood of Lancaster Inc., collection on account, case #15 CVD 015920, Filed: 11/30/15 Bankruptcies.....................................17 ur Daniel Riccitelli dba A1 Roofing vs. Carolinian Homes Inc., (address not shown), $7,500, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 009665, 12/10/15. WAKE COUNTY Plaintiff: Cleveland Village LLC dba Cleveland Commerce Center, Defendant: Kornerstone Community Management Inc./Diana E. Ellis/Kevin Eugene Kelly, money owed, case #15 CVD 015911, Filed: 11/30/15 Assumed Names.............................. 19 Jo Ramesh Mocherla/ Nandini Mocherla vs. Mihir Chakraborty dba MC Construction Co., (address not shown), $16,648, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 004514, 12/10/15. RR Civil Lawsuits (District ) INDEX s es sin Bu Climax Paperboard Inc. vs. Eastcoast Packing Inc., (address not shown), $25,236, plaintiff, case #15 CVS 016345, 12/09/15. Plaintiff: Manuela Marianne Tyler, Defendant: Nathan Joel Sergeant/Goi’n Green Inc., motor vehicle negligence, case #15 CVS 016012, Filed: 12/03/15 READER’S GUIDE Leads is a collection of information gathered from Triangle-area courthouses, government offices and informational websites. We gather these public records so you can build your business. No matter what business you are in, you can gain a competitive edge by reading Leads. Find new and expanding businesses and new customers. Find out the area’s commercial and residential hotspots. Find clues about the financial condition of your vendors, customers or competitors. Listings for each category may vary from week to week because of information availability and space constraints. (Note: *Indicates listings are not available for this week.) ity Bruce Wainright vs. Grancrete Inc., (address not shown), $807,728, plaintiff, case #15 CVS 009332, 12/09/15. WAKE COUNTY Plaintiff: J&J Sports Productions Inc., Defendant: Sky Lights LLC/ dba Club Bed/Edwin A. Dubon, money owed, case #15 CVS 016052, Filed: 11/30/15 THIS SECTION C an Riverport Insurance Co. vs. Amaz Logistics LLC, (address not shown), $47,394, plaintiff, case #15 CVS 006924, 12/09/15. RR Civil Lawsuits (Superior) R ABOUT ic er Am RR Court Judgments 28053, $9,304, plaintiff, case #15 CVD 004420, 12/11/15. WSLD 12 Oaks VI LLC to Weekley Homes LLC, 15401 Weston Parkway Suite 175, Cary 27511; multiple addresses Eagle Springs Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lots 1094-1101/1106-1107 and 1113 Twelve Oaks ID 043972/0433973/0433974 (11 parcels), $880,000. Cary Parkway LLC to C.A.S. Property Management LLC, 106-A Ridgeview Drive, Cary 27511; 135 Parkway Office Court No. 205, Cary 27518, Unit 135-205 Building 4 Parkway Professional Park ID 0372926, $436,000. Bella Vista Development LLC to Bost Construction Co., 1941 Evans Road, Cary 27513; 1101 Easterly Court/5104 Bella Ridge Drive, Raleigh 27615, Lot 7 and 26 Bella Vista ID 0799.03-40-5534/0799.0451-1755, $440,000. Ferrell Investments LP/ David S. and Elizabeth K. Ferrell et al. to Soltero Holdings LLC, 5509 Solomans Seal Court, Holly Springs 27540; 15100 Weston Parkway No. 101/102, Cary 27513, Unit 15100-101 and 15100-102 Building Three Westridge at Weston ID 0278126/0278127, $500,000. Richard Lane Jones and Terry J. Jones et al. to Lennar Carolinas LLC, 909 Aviation Parkway Suite 1500, Morrisville 27560; multiple addresses Holly Springs Road, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 2 (67.458 acres) ID 205085 and portions of 037727/128483/0205084 (6 parcels), $5,413,000. Parker Properties to Avalaire Land LLC, c/o Howard P. Satisky Esq. Satisky & Silverstein LLP 415 Hillsborough St. Suite 201, Raleigh 27603; 12900 Durant Road, Raleigh 27614, metes and bounds (100.481 acres) ID 0053013, $10,500,000. Rea Lake Boone Trail LLC to Valor Properties LLC, 4000 Westchase Blvd. Suite 310, Raleigh 27607; 3701 Lake Boone Trail No. 100, Raleigh 27607, Unit 1 3701 Lake Boone Trail Condominium ID 0328651, $800,000. Jen North Carolina 2 LLC to Ashton Raleigh Residential LLC, 5711 Six Forks Road Suite 300, Raleigh 27609; 5200 Landguard Drive/7520 Pinecrest Road, Raleigh 27613, Lots 2/5/6/55 and 56 Pinebrook Hills ID 0317751/0111118, $732,000. Southpark Village Investments I LLC to SPSC LLC, 3717 National Drive Suite 104, Raleigh 27612; 600 Village Walk Drive, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 12 ID 0415939, $957,000. Duke Realty LP to 4318 Medical Park Drive LLC (undivided 25% interest)/ SSS Holdings of NC LLC (undivided 75% interest), 11901 Possum Track Road, Raleigh 27614; 10970 Chapel Hill Road, Morrisville 27560, Lot 6 ID 0746 76 1670, $4,510,000. Isabella Williams Smith Trustee to Mason Long Williams and Isabella Williams Smith Trustees, c/o Mason Long Williams 8300 Health Park Suite 217, Raleigh 27615; 219 Oberlin Road, Raleigh 27605, Lots 24 and 25 Beavers Plat ID 0077767/0077766, $800,000. All Saints Catholic Academy Inc. to CAPCOM LLC, 4641 Paragon Park Road, Raleigh 27616; 4154 Shearon Farms Ave. Suite 100, Wake Forest 27587, Unit 100 Oasis Commons Condominiums ID 0404212, $535,000. MBA Land Group LLC to Braswell Custom Homes Inc., 3908 Blackard Pond Road, Raleigh 27629; 1505 Yardley Drive/1332 Mackinaw Drive/1505 Minart Lane, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 5/44/78 and 115 Stonewater ID 0433439/ 0433457/0433466 (4 parcels), $443,000. Atria at Crabtree Valley Apartments LLC to Co-BB Atria LLC, 12765 W. Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 1307, Wellington, Fla. 33414; 4604 Baymar Drive/4801 Bluestone Drive, Raleigh 27612, metes and bounds (31.449 acres) ID 0796044104/ 0796034346, $33,250,000. Audubon Parc Apartments LLC (65.38% interest)/ Audubon Parc Apartments Lexington LLC (34.62% interest) to Co-BB Audubon LLC, 12765 W. Forest Blvd. Blvd. Suite 1307, Wellington, Fla. 33414; 200 Bald Eagle Lane, Cary 27518, Tract 2 Property of Waverly Place Associates, $26,600,000. United Development Corp. to PM Restaurant Holdings LLC, 9019 Overlook Road Suite C-2, Brentwood, Tenn. 37027; 700 Cayman Ave., Holly Springs 27540, Tract 2B (1.29 acres) and Lot 1 CJ Development ID 0210496/0256449, $1,284,000. Gateway Forest LLC to Rainbow Rascals NC - Wake Forest LLC, 1732 Crooks Road, Troy, Mich. 48084; 903 Gateway Commons Circle, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 12 Gateway Commons ID 1840868530, $626,000. Sorrell Farms LLC to Meritage Homes of the Carolinas Inc., 8800 E. Raintree Drive Suite 300, Scottsdale, Ariz. 85260; 6917 Ten Ten Road, Apex 27539, Lot 2 (9.34 acres) ID 0095729, $432,000. RR Real Estate Transactions (Residential) DURHAM COUNTY Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Irene X. Smitherman, 306 Kinney Glenn Court, Durham 27713, Lot 54 Chamberlynne ID 215880, $424,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Clintin A. and Hillary E. Brooks, 209 Kinney Glenn Court, Durham 27713, Lot 67 Chamberlynne ID 215902, $415,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Jill Kravitz and Andrew Prokopetz, 304 Kinney Glenn Court, Durham 27713, Lot 53 Chamberlynne ID 215888, $390,000. Weekley Homes LLC to Christopher Ducar, 212 Bella Rose Drive, Chapel Hill 27507, Lot 44 Montclair ID 218012, $497,000. Lara Korhammer to Elizabeth S. Smith, 213 Kinsale Drive, Chapel Hill 27517, Lot 11 Blenheim Woods ID 210376, $412,500. True Homes LLC to Micaela Mocilnikar and Andrew J. Rindos IV, 215 Court Jester Way, Morrisville 27560, Lot 23 Four Seasons at Renaissance ID 213423, $406,000. True Homes LLC to Jean Carmel Balthazar and Hervia Lebreton-Balthazar, 115 Court Jester Way, Morrisville 27560, Lot 18 Four Seasons at Renaissance ID 213418, $370,000. Pulte Home Corp. to Craig C. White/Irene S. White Trustees, 114 Gem Yarn Lane, Durham 27703, Lot 328 Del Webb Carolina Arbors ID 217218, $478,000. Pulte Home Corp. to Gerald and Paulette Glass, 106 Gem Yarn Lane, Durham 27703, Lot 324 Del Webb Carolina Arbors ID 217214, $422,000. AVH Bethpage LLC to Devin T. and Margery A. Walls, 1027 Branwell Drive, Durham 27703, Lot 84 Creekside at Bethpage ID 217662, $415,000. Level Carolina Homes LLC to Casey Marcum and Leanna Pearson, 3312 Flat River Drive, Durham 27703, Tract 13B Brightleaf at the Park ID 216787, $390,000. Jordan’s Construction Inc. to Richard J. O’Brien, 3 Alumwood Place, Durham 27705, Lot 307 Rose Of Sharon Croasdaile Farm ID 214314, $755,000. Legacy Custom Homes Inc. to Christopher J. and Faith A. Kosobucki, 206 Winrock Place, Durham 27705, Lot 292 Rose of Sharon Croasdaile Farm ID 214299, $687,500. Stephanie B. Wallace/ Cecil F. Wallace Jr. to Maria Rodriguez-Fischer and Martin Fischer, 1700 Faison Road, Durham 27705, Lot 16 Property of Croasdaile ID 130787, $415,000. Jonathan C. and Matthea B. Glass to Jung Y. Kim, 401 Harkness Circle, Durham 27705, Lot 79 Carillon Forest ID 206949, $404,000. 18 Triangle Business JOURNAL LEADS Eatate of Dennis S. Hamlett to Ronald W. and Linda D. McKenzie, 3313 Randolph Road, Durham 27705, part of Tract 6 I. M. Pickett Estate ID 137827, $350,000. Tamar J. Parrish to Culver S. and Charles D. Scales Jr., 3945 St. Marks Road, Durham 27707, Lots 60 and 61A Hope Valley West ID 139670, $647,500. Alan N. and Patricia Carlson to Mark and Sarah Balling, 9 Burnley Court, Durham 27707, Lot 4 Surrey Green II ID 135180, $484,500. Hope Valley Townhomes LLC to Claire Fefer, 101 Cofield Circle, Durham 27707, Lot 26 Weldon Downs Townhomes ID 209562, $413,500. Lorraine C. Neustedter to Jennifer E. and Justin T. Plant, 1107 W. Lakewood Ave., Durham 27707, ID 115208, $355,000. JCHoying Contracting and Development LLC to James D. and Joanna S. Wagner, 8008 Crookneck Drive, Angier 27501, Lot 46 Johnson’s Landing ID 0339833, $430,000. L&L of Raleigh to Julia Steen Harshbarger, 2346 Manzoni Drive, Apex 27502, Lot 132 Verona at Bella Casa ID 427375, $554,000. NVR Inc. dba Ryan Homes to Eric A. and Denise E. Ricks, 2100 Pineola Bog Trail, Apex 27502, Lot 399 Parkside at Bella Casa ID 0431156, $521,500. Toll NC II LP to Michael and LeeAnn T. Nguyen, 4025 Piney Gap Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 6 The Woodlands at Green Level Crossing ID 0365095, $761,000. Amward Homes of NC Inc. to Kevin R. and Lori S. Jones, 2732 Belmont View Loop, Cary 27519, Lot 35 Sedgefield ID 0420211, $688,500. Aaron J. and Jennifer M. Quirk to Minh T. and Michelle E. Le, 3137 Sentinel Ferry Lane, Cary 27519, Lot 529 Weldon Ridge ID 0373589, $376,000. Ramnik and Garima Kamo fka Garima Eaton to Ravi and Subha Narasimha, 217 Walcott Way, Cary 27519, Lot 460 Preston Village North ID 0225074, $629,000. Markham Real Estate & Investments LLC to Michael R. and Kathleen G. Smith, 3817 Olde Waverly Way, Fuquay-Varina 27526, Lot 54 Olde Waverly Way ID 0665860890, $450,000. Joshua Lee Stamer and Jessica Laws Stamer to Sean T. Liao and Suzie Kim, 202 Oxford Creek Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 552 Cary Park PUD ID 0304216, $536,000. Halcyon Homes LLC to Scott J. and Allison L. Kennedy, 4558 Heritage Mill Way, Fuquay-Varina 27526, Lot 183 Sunset Bluffs ID 0426505, $440,000. Thomas J. Jr. and Sandra L. Landro to Amy Murphy Hannen and Stanley Edwards Hannen, 513 Potomac Grove Place, Cary 27519, Lot 190 Carpenter Village ID 0745224606, $525,000. Bench Construction Co. LLC to Todd E. and Kristin M. Bateson, 926 Cambridge Hall Loop, Apex 27539, Lot 104 Churchill Estates ID 0760851546, $659,000. Jerry Neil Fink and Nancy Kay Fink to Vipin and Kavita Pant, 2001 Roland Glen Road, Cary 27519, Lot 40 Upchurch Farms ID 0289628, $525,000. Meritage Homes of the Carolinas Inc. to Ramakrishnan and Shubha Nagaraj, 2212 Serene Lake Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 15 Blaney Farms ID 0427064, $486,000. M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Robert E. and Jennifer M. Smith, 116 Restonwood Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 57 Woodcreek ID 0411356, $461,500. Robuck Homes Triangle LLC to Adam G. and Megan W. Simpson, 4617 Brighton Ridge Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 334 Brighton Forest ID 0415020, $441,000. headlines TWICE EVERY WEEKDAY | 680 WPTF Toll NC III LP to Adele and Matthew Philip Hawkins, 7632 Summer Pines Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 664 Hasentree Golf Community ID 0407346, $741,500. Alberta A. Davis to Christopher M. and Heather E. Higgins, 504 Vista Del Lago Lane, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 3 La Ventana ID 0239040, $585,000. Lloyd E. and Melanie C. Mattingly to Tyrone E. and Laura J. Briscoe, 1337 Jenkins Road, Wake Forest 27587, Lot B2 (4.336 acres) ID 1831671461, $505,000. Christopher and Kristy Cornell to Jason A. and Amy Hollander, 1413 Bridle Glen Court, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 27 Old Farm Crossing ID 0309065, $490,000. Cady Construction Co. Inc. to Carlton Dwayne Jones and Lucy Danielle Jones, 10005 San Remo Place, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 2 Porto Fino ID 0327708, $457,500. NVR Inc. dba Ryan Homes to Sean M. and Tara K. McKenzie, 1316 Endgame Court, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 77 Bishops Grant ID 0425099, $444,500. business 5:25 PM 6:25 PM ICG Homes LLC to Richard P. and Mary Jo Smith, 411 Bendemeer Lane, Rolesville 27571, Lot 171 Carlton Pointe ID 1758541504, $380,500. Randy L. and Amanda Sue Cramp to Winston Brewster Jr., 6808 Rising Sun Court, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 8 Sunset Manor ID 366716, $415,000. Reporting from the Triangle Business Journal newsroom, staffers Amanda Jones Hoyle and Jason deBruyn will deliver the top local business news updates every weekday at 5:25 pm and 6:25 pm on NewsRadio680 WPTF. Jeffrey B. and Mary E. Spears to Kaltrina Mavraj, 1105 Kalworth Road, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 25 Devonshire ID 1802187142, $410,000. Cory A. and Jennifer D. Ellinger to George M. and Tina W. McIntyre, 2621 Stratford Hall Drive, Raleigh 27587, Lot 3009 Stratford Hall at Wakefield Plantation ID 0249454, $405,000. John Trevor Clements to Maryann L. Aimone Trustee, 1737 Dunn Maple Drive, Wake Forest Tidewater Investors IV LLC to Stephen Patrick Hoyle, 2592 Holiday Ave., Zebulon 27597, Lot 17 and 18 Bunn Lake Estates ID 0074356, $472,000. William Buff Clayton and DiLcia Suyapa Quezada Reyes to Doy and Joelle Najm, 3025 Cone Manor Lane, Raleigh 27613, Lot 1 Linville ID 309004, $1,058,000. Michael Paul Bradley and Corliss M. Bradley aka Corliss H. Bradley to Pamela S. Chestek, 200 S. Dawson St. Suite 301, Raleigh 27601, Lot 301 Park Devereux ID 0268581, $425,500. SM Raleigh LLC to Kimberly B. and Thomas B. Hibler, 505-102 John Haywood Way, Raleigh 27604; 525 John Haywood Way Suite LH, Raleigh 27604, Unit 202 Building 2 Blount Street Commons Condominium ID 0403917, $430,500. Anthony James Tindall and Kelli Linn Tindall to Doc Shufelt and Katherine Shae Shufelt, 813 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh 27605, Lot 1 (.1429 acre) St. Johns Metropolitan Community Outreach ID 422056, $649,000. Folusakin and Folashade Ayoade to Arthur and Kethy Steinhafel, 3932 Colinwood Lane, Raleigh 27606, Lot 101 The Estates at Meadow Ridge ID 0380827, $660,000. Lisa W. Marshall to Stacie M. Walker, 3000 Wyntree Ridge Way, Raleigh 27606, Lot 4 Wyntree ID 0304782, $580,000. Randall Lee Poulton Trustee to Yizhe Wang and Hong Guan, 6201 View Water Drive, Raleigh 27606, Lot 5 and portion of Lot 6 Lakewood Farms ID 170273, $575,000. George A. and Shiyoe S. Malinasky to ZhouZhen Ni and CuiQin Wu, 5648 Thistleton Lane, Raleigh 27606, Lot 2 Eagle Creek North ID 0781193527, $552,500. Elena Kleymenova to Andrew L. and Amy R. Tharp, 1421 Grecian Woods Place, Raleigh 27606, Lot 8 Athens Wood ID 0305943, $420,000. Gregory P. Gulley to Robert A. and Kathryn P. Chappelle, 6609 Deerview Drive, Raleigh 27606, Lot 23 Huntingwood Estates ID 0105165, $415,000. Lambert Development Ridge Road LLC to Patrick and Tina M. Daly, 1412 Ridge Road, Raleigh 27607, Lot 2 (18,016 square feet) ID 128452, $1,325,000. se Kevin and Lori Jones to Prem Prakash and Soni Raizada, 601 Sea Salt Court, M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Jane M. Overbeck, 205 Sour Mash Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 1022 Twelve Oaks PUD ID 0427574, $396,000. Gary D. and Lisa L. Cline to Emily Ann Gertsch, 2333 Clayette Court, Raleigh 27612, Lot 2 Avallon ID 0307350, $590,000. NuCompass Mobility Services Inc. to Bruce Alan Campbell, 1708 Stannard Trail, Raleigh 27612, Lot 84 Inman Park ID 254651, $530,000. lu Weekley Homes LLC to Nijole M. Krivickas and John Groth, 700 Revere Crossing Lane No. 312, Cary 27519; 109 Sour Mash Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 1035 Twelve Oaks PUD ID 0639751360, $465,000. Vincent J. and Phoebe K. Nolfo to Diana Bynum, 233 Midden Way, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 612 Sunset Ridge North ID 0321545, $427,000. Royal Oaks Building Group LLC to Peter C. Newton and Amy A. Newton, 861 Kaylin Lane, Apex 27523, Lot 33 The Trace II ID 0427770, $493,500. TOMORROW’S TODAY Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Hesham and Melissa J. Bakr, 109 King Oak St., Holly Springs 27540, Lot 421 Twelve Oaks ID 0419147, $436,000. Manchester Drive, Raleigh 27609, Lot 1 North Hills Estates ID 0051344, $375,000. Jesse Burlon Barbour to Henry Allan Swicegood, 1925 Unity Church Road, Willow Springs 27592, Lot 3 J. Burlon Barbour ID 0686633114, $387,500. cia er Huanliang Xia and Xuejun Li to Manuel Florencio Fernandez and Virginia Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Satish Kumar and Padmavathy Gopalakrishnan, 479 Methven Grove Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 19 Collins Grove ID 0423320, $378,000. Terramor Homes Inc. to Joseph Mattress, 2504 Emerald Woods Jr., Wake Forest 27587, Lot 57 Emerald Woods ID 0424392, $391,500. mm Burlage Circle LLC to Valerie C. and Bradley G. Merritt, 322 Burlage Circle, Chapel Hill 27514, Lot 8 and Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Arunkumar Vennapusa and Vasanthi Nagareddi, 1216 Flip Trail, Cary 27513, Lot 32 The Woods at Fairbanks ID 0428812, $559,000. John J. and Heather R. Dunford to Jerrod J. and Andrea M. Jeske, 4901 Sunset Fairways Drive, Holly Springs 27540, 1127 Woodcreek ID 0422920, $451,000. co Robert W. Saunders to Lislie S. and Stephen S. Purcell, 1547 Pathway Drive, Carrboro 27510, Lot 21 Bolin Forest ID 9779625676, $410,000. Travis M. and Martha P. Althaus to Laura E. Jackson, 1524 Kilarney Drive, Cary 27511, Lot 345 Woods of Kildaire ID 0088967, $390,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Eric O.A. and Susan M. Miller, 421 Methven Grove Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 38 Collins Grove ID 0423339, $388,000. for Carolina Cottage Homes LLC to Stacy L. Kirk and Ronald H. Burgin, 1125 Quincy Cottage Road, Hillsborough 27278, Lot 340 Forest Ridge ID 9874638007, $357,000. Dogwood & Co. LLC to Edward D. Brawley, 1209 Kingston Ridge Road, Cary 27511, Lot 5 Hillsdale Forest ID 0321121, $434,000. Ashton Raleigh Residential LLC to Christopher and Stephanie Cabrera, 3475 Colby Chase Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 222 Pemberley ID 0428636, $383,500. ot Leslie M. and Otis C. Powell Jr. to Manuel E. and Amber M. Aguirre, 711 Claytor Drive, Hillsborough 27278, Lot 3 Riverbend II ID 9874338902, $395,000. Pulte Home Corp. to Simon J. Kelly and Amity J. Brown, 1280 Magnolia Row Trail, Apex 27502, Lot 17 Magnolia Walk PUD ID 0427095, $375,500. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Rajesh Sharan and Nishi Sinha, 433 Methven Grove Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 33 Collins Grove ID 0423334, $390,000. -N Jacqueline M. Morlando and R. Christopher Thomas to Eric S. Raznick and Tracey H. Erwin, 1913 E. Chapman Court, Hillsborough 27278, Lot 13 Churton Grove ID 9875713768, $405,000. Capital City Homes LLC to Dana Tucci, 4328 Brighton Ridge Drive, Apex 27539; 3321 Heathrowe Grove Court, Fuquay-Varina 27526, Lot 150 High Grove ID 0415133, $397,000. ls Royal Oaks Building Group LLC to Joshua and Jennifer Almond, 2113 Blazing Trail Drive, Apex 27502, Lot 387 Parkside at Bella Casa ID 0424539, $415,000. Salvatore J. and Lucy A. Musarra to Donald Osvaldo Freytes and Saly RomeroTorres, 307 Parkknoll Lane, Cary 27519, Lot 288 Parkknoll ID 0190010, $398,500. na ORANGE COUNTY Future Homes by Jim Thompson Inc. to Craig M. and Heather B. Dorion, 6317 Rambleford Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 161 Copperleaf GlenID 0423014, $863,500. Robuck Homes Triangle LLC to Donald L. Jr. and Candace O. Gillespie, 4533 Brighton Ridge Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 322 Brighton Forest ID 0419535, $399,000. ur Pulte Home Corp. to Amol M. and Shalaka A. Dongre, 1255 Magnolia Row Trail, Apex 27502, Lot 25 Magnolia Walk PUD ID 0427105, $444,000. Glenn W. and Pamela S. Gorman to Benjamin N. and Lisa M. Fox, 111 Weatherly Place, Cary 27518, Lot 91 Wynston Ridge ID 0179348, $456,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Ruihua Chen, 533 Methven Grove Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 3 Collins Grove ID 0421240, $410,000. Jo The Drees Co. to Jordan T. and Jennifer A. Clark, 112 Kayleen Court, Durham 27713, Lot 5 The Oaks at Lyon’s Farm ID 216848, $417,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Vijaykrishnan Ramanujam and Vidya Srinivasan, 109 Gretchen Lane, Cary 27513, Lot 63 The Woods at Fairbanks ID 0428791, $453,000. Saint Francis United Methodist Church of Cary NC to Logan Baez and Jessica E. Alfonso-Baez, 3204 Kildalton Place, Apex 27539, Lot 13 Sedgmoor ID 0172328, $403,000. s es sin Bu Meritage Homes of the Carolinas Inc. to Terry L. and Clifford R. Jones Sr., 1409 Capstone Drive, Durham 27713, Lot 113 Jordan at Southpoint ID 216738, $438,500. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to John Wilson, 1728 Fairbanks Road, Cary 27513, Lot 42 The Woods at Fairbanks ID 0428770, $456,000. Robert N. and Kathleen B. Potter to Robert P. Niedbalski, 507 Monroe St., Chapel Hill 27516; 327 St. Mary’s Road, Hillsborough 27278, Lot 1 Property of Joseph Hughes ID 9874278675, $399,000. WAKE COUNTY Lennar Carolinas LLC to Murali Krishna Pagolu and Amritha Poluri, 6045 Fryars Gate Court, Cary 27519, Lot 91 Fryars Gate ID 431632, $425,000. Eric J. McCafferty and Christiana Chafin McCafferty to Randall and Kate Lague, 114 Livingstone Drive, Cary 27513, Lot 5 Harrison Place ID 0173179, $465,000. The Drees Co. to Bryan D. and Keira A. Kraft, 435 Claremont Drive, Chapel Hill 27516, Lot 66 Claremont South ID 9779372030, $493,000. Bruce C. and Janice G. Wells to Corney M. and Marci P. Hansen, 1212 Pinehurst Drive, Chapel Hill 27517, Lot 20 Meadowmont ID 9798459034, $716,000. Gregory S. Harrell and Christina Hall Harrell to Stephen Spain Mervin Jr. and Charlotte A. White, 408 Mickey Lane, Cary 27513, Lot 3 Talton Place ID 0356799, $470,000. 27587, Lot 432 Heritage Wake Forest ID 0337534, $397,000. Meritage Homes of the Carolinas Inc. to Steve T. and Dawn O. Earwood, 2213 Serene Lake Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 9 Blaney Farms ID 0427058, $435,000. ity Toll NC LP to Stratimir Doytch, 604 Swift Creek Crossing, Durham 27713, Lot 222 The Hills at Southpoint ID 216870, $644,000. Tracy B. Parham/Karla F. Moore to Arthur and Lilia Shwarts, 644 Lake Hogan Lane, Chapel Hill 27516, Lot 6 Lake Hogan Lane ID 9779294110, $625,000. Cary 27519, Lot 50 Seal Harbor and Easthampton at Twin Lakes ID 0348410, $434,000. C an Linda A. Hollowell to Thomas and Mary M. Leonard, 3 Hallbrook Court, Durham 27712, Lot 22 Treyburn ID 192783, $350,000. Weekley Homes LLC to Zachary Arble and Alexis Dieter, 6309 Moinear Lane, Chapel Hill 27516, Lot 7 Dunhill ID 9881158402, $825,500. Fernandez, 119 Haddonfield Lane, Cary 27513, Lot 31 Amesbury ID 0202927, $540,000. ic er Am Jennifer L. Moore/Lee A. Coggins to Pamela L. and Maygan Bustin, 9 Heather Place, Durham 27707, Lot 3 Marydell Estates ID 136274, $355,000. part of Lot 9 Hidden Hills Extension ID 9789733243, $415,000. Meritage Homes of the Carolinas Inc. to William G. and Stephanie M. Fine, 2416 Trenton Park Lane, Raleigh 27607, Lot 23 Trenton Pointe ID 0419013, $741,000. Eric W. and Nicole Islinger to Andrew W. Gonce and Alixe E. Steinmetz, 1605 Pineview St., Raleigh 27608, metes and bounds (0.381 acres) ID 0058399, $820,000. Goldmark Construction Group LLC to Raymond Paul Laws and Lisa L. Laws, 326 Pershing Road, Raleigh 27608, Lot 1 (0.188 acres) ID 0014747, $730,000. Claire Brown Poole to Aaron M. and Sally B. Fitzgerald, 2511 Beechridge Road, Raleigh 27608, Lots 16 and 17 Kenmoor ID 078134, $525,000. Bradley D. and Christa J. Leupen to Samuel Stronach, 402 E. Whitaker Mill Road, Raleigh 27608, Lot 9 Georgetown ID 0072865, $420,000. Donald W. and E. Renee Ruseell to Hailey E. Maroncelli, 1000 Homes by Dickerson Inc to Daniel S. Larrimore, 5217 Woodall Way, Raleigh 27613, Lot 16 Haywood ID 0422679, $700,000. Rufty Homes Inc. to Ernest Daniels and Kathleen Rickard, 6414 Rosny Road, Raleigh 27613, Lot 4 Daveny Woods ID 0787507525, $523,000. Sanjay Das and Mou Shome to Charles Hoffman and Esther Bonardi, 3112 Twin Leaf Drive, Raleigh 27613, Lot 54 Olde Creedmoor ID 222725, $486,000. Daniel C. III and Meighan K. Agresta to Bryan and Kristin Giordano, 9948 Koupela Drive, Raleigh 27614, Lot 2 Property of H.A. Denning ID 134082, $584,500. Donna L. Albritton to Ann Amorossi, 1915 Hornbeck Court, Raleigh 27614, Lot 91 Bedford at Falls River ID 298721, $412,000. John and Debbie Percivall to Barbara Hogg, 8124 Lloyd Allyns Way, Raleigh 27615, Lot 8 The Carriages at Allyn’s Landing ID 0300580, $505,000. Charles Y. Kim and JiYoung Lee to Hongli Zhan and Ying Liu, 9610 Club Valley Way, Raleigh 27617, Lot 1005 Brier Creek Country Club ID 0758758955, $540,000. Harold R. and Shirley T. Kay to Paraclete Land Acquisition LLC, P.O. Box 91327, Raleigh 27675; 107 Guernsey Trail, Cary 27518, Lot 4 Ponderosa ID 100737, $415,000. Robert J. and Joanna H. Baumgart to The Board of Trustees, c/o Director of Real Estate North Carolina State University Campus Box 7230, Raleigh 27695; 2/4 Maiden Lane, Raleigh 27607, Lot 3 (0.686 acres) ID 0050753/0073263, $2,000,000. RR Building Permits (Commercial) The following information is provided by Construction Insite. For further information call 704 553 8828. www. UNDER $1 MILLION JOHNSTON COUNTY Cadco Construction Co., commercial alteration at 5638 NC Highway 42, Riccobene & Associates, $395,000, 41,965 square feet. Divine Construction Group, commercial alteration at 67 JR Road, JR Cigars, $357,000, 13,000 square feet. WAKE COUNTY Alston TC LLC, commercial alteration at 5034 Arco St., $924,000, 7,887 square feet. Alston TC LLC, commercial alteration at 5020 Arco St., $920,000, 8,077 square feet. Alston TC LLC, commercial alteration at 5021 Arco St., $865,000, 8,077 square feet. RGD Project Management Inc., commercial alteration at 160 N. Pharma Drive, Southport Business Park, $804,744. Brasfield & Gorrie LLC, commercial alteration at 3000 New Bern Ave. No. G-100, Wakemed Corporate Accounting, $665,000, 11,189 square feet. Constance Spencer, commercial alteration at 1156 Parkside Manor St., Brad Smith, $500,000, 6,183 square feet. Anthony Ray Woodard, commercial alteration at 7109 Glenwood Ave., Music First LLC/New York Carpet World, $431,000, 6,500 square feet. Shoe Show Inc., commercial alteration at 5959 Triangle Town Blvd. No. 1107, Triangle Town Center LLC, $362,000, 12,988 square feet. Brookwood Construction LLC, commercial building at 5540 Centerview Drive, TNREF III West Raleigh LLC Koger Center South, $328,880, 704 square feet. Management Resource Systems, commercial alteration at 3002 Village Market Place, Morrisville Partners LLC, $282,570. Bradley Construction Inc., commercial alteration at 11201 Galleria Ave. No. 101, Rex CDP Park Land Condo Owners, $269,000, 5,147 square feet. $1-2 MILLION JOHNSTON COUNTY Ashland Construction Co., commercial alteration at 11711 US Highway 70 Business W., $1,531,400, 45,374 square feet. WAKE COUNTY Davidson & Jones Construction Co., commercial alteration at 9012 Glenwood Ave. No. 100, F&J Investments Of Wake County LLC, $1,000,000, 30,857 square feet. $2-3 MILLION WAKE COUNTY Alston TC LLC, commercial building at 5055 Arco St., Whole Foods, $2,447,000, 41,368 square feet. MORE THAN $3 MILLION WAKE COUNTY R.N. Rouse & Co. Inc., commercial building at 7025 Kit Creek Road, Cisco, $4,115,000, 40,000 square feet. RR Building Permits (Residential) The following information is provided by Construction Insite. For further information call 704 553 8828. www. UNDER $1 MILLION DURHAM COUNTY Edward Rose Associates Inc. S.C., multifamily residences at 5315/5319/5323/5325 Jessip St., Avellan Springs (each), $981,000, 27,834 square feet. KMW Builders LLC, multifamily residences alteration at 1208/1210/1220 Morreene St., Housing Authority (each), $242,000, 9,440 square feet. KMW Builders LLC, multifamily residences alteration at 3307/3309-3312/3406/ 3408/3418/3420 Mordecai St., Housing Authority (each), $242,000, 9,732 square feet. KMW Builders LLC, multifamily residences alteration at 3424/3434/3440/ 3446 Glasson St., Housing Authority (each), $242,000, 9,732 square feet. JOHNSTON COUNTY Caviness & Cates Building, single-family residence at 205 Tarkenton Court, Riverwood Athletic Club, $257,900, 3,978 square feet. M/I Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 19 december 25, 2015 LEADS 117 Wilders Woods Grove Lane, Wilders Woods Lot 39, $247,200, 3,296 square feet. Royal Oaks Building Group, single-family residence at 36 Trevor Ridge, Chandlers Ridge, $236,817, 4,398 square feet. Caviness & Cates Building, single-family residence at 201 Tarkenton Court, Riverwood Athletic Club, $234,900, 3,710 square feet. Fleming Homes LLC, single-family residence at 733 Riverwood Drive, Riverwood, $220,000, 3,214 square feet. Glenn Thompson Contracting Inc., singlefamily residence at 7345 NC Highway 231, Preserves at Buckhorn, $220,000, 1,693 square feet. Jerry Pounds Construction Inc., single-family residence at 620 Fontana Drive, Timberlake, $205,900, 3,686 square feet. Standard Pacific Of The Carolinas LLC, single-family residence at 112 Streelman Way, Woods at Fairbanks Lot 21, $214,000, 5,885 square feet. Standard Pacific Of The Carolinas LLC, single-family residence at 1552 Fairbanks Road, Woods at Fairbanks, $214,000, 6,129 square feet. $1-2 MILLION WAKE COUNTY John C. Sanders & Co. LLC, single-family residence at 1918 Banbury Road, Sunset Hills Lot 11, $1,600,000, 8,074 square feet. Bost Construction Co., single-family residence at 4304 Brinleys Cove Drive, Brinleys Cove Lot 6, $1,350,000, 7,181 square feet. Loyd Builders LLC, singlefamily residence at 125 Dunedin Court, Macgregor Downs Lot 249, $1,163,000, 9,847 square feet. MORE THAN $3 MILLION M/I Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 3026 Adonis Circle, Reserve at Brookhaven Lot 29, $560,015, 5,126 square feet. Harold K. Jordan And Co. Inc., apartments at 2841 Manorcrest Court, Anderson Six Forks Apartments LLC 200 East Apartments, $5,134,715, 57,813 square feet. Eastwood Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 908 Lily Anne Court, Hampton Pointe Lot 67, $253,000, 3,585 square feet. Lennar Corp., single-family residence at 501 Christol St., Cedar Lakes Lot 148, Dongwen Guo and Junxia Wang to Shaun and Kristen Fitzsimmons, 103 Downing Forest Place, Cary 27519, Lot 246 Brookstone ID 234649, $415,000. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Krishnam Vegesna, 6048 Fryars Gate Court, Cary 27519, Lot 93 Fryars Gate ID 431634, $406,500. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Justin Ethan Dodson and Allison Dodson to Scott J. DuBois and Autumn L. Teal, 507 Cleveland St., Raleigh 27605, Lot 17 Marcus Plescia, Ruth Ann Grissom ID 0037710, $505,000. JW Homes LLC to Ashish R. and Nidhi Nathaniel, 116 Canterwood Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 1036 Woodcreek ID 0369928, $551,000. Sean G. and Diane L. Burke to Jonathan M. and Jessica B. Moran, 4329 Willowdale Court, Apex 27539, Lot 14 Hickory Creek ID 0345200, $515,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Mahesh Baban Borhade and Sonal Dilip Shahir, 238 Begen St., Morrisville 27560, Lot 69 The Birkshires at Town Commons ID 0422201, $377,000. Future Homes By Jim Thompson Inc. to Gregory I. and Diane M. Bald, 2808 Brighton Forest Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 9 Brighton Forest ID 0424261, $465,000. Eddie W. III and Kathleen C. Hill to James Arthur Woodard Jr. and Gail Louise Woodard, 3316 Whittingham Drive, New Hill 27562, Lot 1B Greenvale ID 0256584, $480,000. PMT NPL Financing 2015-1 to Peter James Delisi, 8301 Covington Hill Way, Apex 27539, Lot 46 Park at West Lake ID 0319362/0679257906, $450,000. Medallion Construction Inc. to Kenneth E. and Carol A. Bair, 5709 Lena Bunn Court, Rolesville 27571, Lot 3280 Heritage East ID 421330, $539,000. Amward Homes of NC Inc. to Leah M. Singer and Erika L. Mackey et al., 100 Hardy Oaks Way, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 898 Twelve Oaks ID 0429870, $704,000. JW Homes LLC to Kimberly S. Labow, 4820 Sunset Fairways Drive, Apex 27540, Lot 1149 Woodcreek ID 0422926, $498,000. Fredde Joyce Sloanim to Jeffrey J. and Karen M. Clymer, 5316 Moonflower Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 28 Sunset Lake Village ID 0208061, $490,000. Michael Stuart Bowen to Michael J. Maysonet, 204 Pointe Park Circle, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 200 Holly Pointe ID 0410274, $471,000. Steven W. and Carole Gankiewicz to Jason A. and Jenna Wood, 105 Brightling Way, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 163 Wescott ID 0313442, $447,000. Gordon C. and Dawn D. Galzerano fka Dawn D. Boardman to Byron Mark Weaver and Jenna L. Weaver, 121 Brightling Way, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 159 Wescott ID 0325960, $443,000. Amie M. and Garry S. Miller to Kyle D. and April Horner, 1000 Hollymont Drive, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 31 Highland at Holly Glen ID 0378005, $430,000. Charles B. and Kathy A. Archer to Kenneth W. Jr. and Jennifer R. Knapp, 4800 Greenpoint Lane, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 663 Sunset Forest at Sunset Ridge ID 0212541, $421,500. KB Home Raleigh-Durham Inc. to Leandro A. and Anna Marie Eder, 100 Waccamaw Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 68 The Parks at Bass Lake ID 431281, $412,000. Maurice H. and Dorothy W. Krause to David and Sheila Hessler, 5417 Denberg Lane, Raleigh 27606, Lot 9 Dutchman Downs ID 0186063, $412,000. M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Sherman C. and Allison L. Lee, 2220 Big Lake Court, Raleigh 27607, Lot 29 The Woods at Umstead ID 0374953, $815,000. Capitol City Homes LLC to Elizabeth A. and Matthew J. Demeusy, 1617 Sterling Lake Drive, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 8 The Reserve ID 0417501, $670,000. Robert Raymond Wilson and Jennifer Lynn Wilson to Charles A. and Joy M. Silber, 11017 Ledbury Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 24 Mangum Estates ID 0356102, $610,000. Ralph and Doreen Tewsbury to Steven L. and Ruth W. Edwards, 7100 Hawk Hill Court, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 12 St. Ives ID 298600, $590,000. JW Homes LLC to Laurene L. Fitzgerald, 1201 Woodland Grove Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 241 Traditions Southwest ID 1841913625, $455,000. Arthur H.T. Lin and Yi Kung L.C. Lin to Marcus Kestler and Carrie Hartley, 1120 Four Wheel, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 4 (2.49 acres) Lake Ridge Minor ID 222870, $441,000. Terramor Homes Inc. to Keith M. and Lisa Ann Roseberry, 8841 Knights Union Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 52 Emerald Woods ID 0424388, $433,000. Adam and Mary Jones to Terry J. and Melissa I. Rains, 4253 Fawn Lily Drive, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 1820 Heritage South ID 0404391, $417,000. Mark D. Burgess and Melissa Miller Burgess fka Melissa Miller to Fernando N. and Cristie L. Avolio, 1221 Colonial Club Road, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 16 Heritage Wake Forest ID 0300612, $410,000. JW Homes LLC to Mark A. and Anne M. Braunscheidel, 1204 Woodland Grove Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 269 Traditions Southwest ID Rick Carlisle and Sara E. Lawrence to Lemuel D. and Emily R. Whitsett, 1336 Brooks Ave., Raleigh 27607, Lot 145/146 and part 144 Sunset Hills ID 0794786093, $575,000. Joseph E. Jr. and Sarah C. Ward to Henry L. IV and Ashley K. Brathwaite, 817 Wayne Drive, Raleigh 27608, Lot 39 Whitaker Park ID 1705816077, $935,000. R. Paxton Badham and Lucie J. Badham to H. Glenn White III and Catherine Charlton White, 2801-305 Glenwood Gardens Lane, Raleigh 27608, Unit 1405 Building 1 The Gardens on Glenwood Condominium ID 0296260, $735,000. Lisa Marie Dame and Jean Paul Dame to Mark Brady and Dana Petri, 10125 Darling St., Raleigh 27613, Lot 38 Leesville Hollow ID 0340165, $445,000. Wallace Timothy Cottrell II and Amanda Sharp Cottrell to Michael Joseph Smith and Keli Frances Smith, 1709 Percheron Place, Raleigh 27613, Lot 27 Saddleridge ID 177964, $433,500. ExperienceOne Homes LLC to Mark R. and Susan E. Hembarsky, 12509 Bellstone Lane, Raleigh 27614, Lot 5039 Club Villas Townhouse Development Wakefield Plantation ID 0410792, $500,000. Charles R. Gales to Scott Christopher Gales and Elizabeth Williams SmithGales, 12509 Richmond Run Drive, Raleigh 27614, Lot 7042 Dunleith ID 0250574, $400,000. Robert Kelton to John E. and Judith A. Telling, 8815 Leeshire Lane, Raleigh 27615, Lot 91 Traemoor Village ID 0303014, $515,000. Pamela McClure to Donald and Anna Joy Bennett, 2317 Finley Ridge Lane, Raleigh 27615, Lot 6 Finley Crest ID 0366348, $505,000. Donna R. Laible fka Donna E. Bomba Executrix and Alan Richard Laible to Scott A. and Kelly K. Tippins, 9213 Litchford Road, Raleigh 27615, Lot 83 Muirfield ID 0128992, $445,000. David L. Pearce aka David Lee Pearce and Patricia L. Pearch aka Patricia Lee Pearce to William W. IV and Oksana G. Cobey, 224 Bayleaf Drive, Raleigh 27615, Lot 3 Bayleaf Forest ID 0027566, $377,000. L&L of Raleigh Inc. to Curtis Austin Anderson and Shanna Dianne Anderson, 1623 St. Marys St., Raleigh 27608, Lot 717 Hayes Barton ID 0072853, $505,000. Raymond Gamble to Christopher M. Evans, 1209 Weldon Place, Raleigh 27608, Lot 3 Hess ID 0162415, $495,000. M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Kathleen K. Gormley, 669 Fallon Grove Way, Raleigh 27608, Lot 66 The Grove at Fallon Park ID 0420567, $451,000. Scott J. Dubois to Joseph Edwin Ward Jr. and Sarah C. Ward, 1914 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh 27608, Property of T. Michael McLarry ID 080640, $376,500. W. Stacy Miller and Ida Odom Miller to Ida Odom Miller, 815-6 Marlowe Road, Raleigh 27609, Lot 6 Williamsborough Square ID 0096642, $1,050,000. Richard C. and Sally A. Boren to Michael Brandon Jones, 1317 Ravenhurst Drive, Raleigh 27615, Lot 27 North Ridge Additions to Haymarket Village ID 0058513, $375,000. New Market Way LLC to Linda Goodman Trust, 2905 Turning Brook Lane, Raleigh 27616, Lot 12 Deep Run Estates ID 0366574, $421,000. se Eastwood Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 8304 Pin Cherry Drive, Honeycutt Landing Lot 59, $253,000, 3,585 square feet. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Dimpy N. and Nitin Juneja, 6020 Fryars Gate Court, Cary 27519, Lot 96 Fryars Gate ID 431637, $416,500. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Satish Manchana and Poornima Nandakumar, 249 Begen St., Morrisville 27560, Lot 30 The Birkshires at Town Hall Commons ID 0422179, $393,000. Naz and Hanifa Haji to Daniel J. and Heather Shanahan, 8412 Norman Estates Way, Raleigh 27613, Lot 2 Norman Estates ID 0350690, $767,000. lu Eastwood Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 830 Middle Ground Ave., Hampton Pointe Lot 156, $253,000, 3,585 square feet. Bin Liu and Yun Ding to Sumit Bahl and Shweta Pabby, 5132 Trembath Lane, Cary 27519, Lot 57 Fryars Gate ID 0422405, $418,500. SM Raleigh LLC to Adam and Pamela A. Schoenfeld, 505-101 John Haywood Way, Raleigh 27604; 525 John Haywood Way Suite LH, Raleigh 27604, Unit 201 Building 2 Blout Street Commons Condo ID 0403917, $435,500. Shervin Tahssili and Soheila Amini to Drew Gainor, 5706 Belmont Valley Court, Raleigh 27612, Lot 9 Valley Crest ID 0330480, $562,000. cia er Ahmed Siddiqui, singlefamily residence at 4725 Inwood Road, $260,000. Ed Kasper and Xiu Huan Kasper to Abhinav Mishra and Divya Shukla, 314 Euphoria Circle, Cary 27519, Lot 154 Harmony ID 0360605, $423,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Gandhi Raj Munuswamy Padmanabhan et al., 235 Begen St., Morrisville 27560, Lot 37 The Birkshires at Town Hall Commons ID 0422186, $409,000. Daryl Grout and Susan Montgomery-Grout to Tracy Schrieber, 4727 Nifflin St., Raleigh 27612; 400 W. North St. No. 1530, Raleigh 27603, Unit 1530 West Condominium ID 0252286, $630,000. mm Heritage Remodel & Design LLC, single-family residence at 122 E. Whitaker Mill Road, $337,198, 3,028 square feet. Pulte Home Corp. to Siddharth N. Potnis and Manasi Vadhavkar, 2109 Chipley Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 209 Village at the Park ID 0432458, $431,000. Thomas Luther to Matthew David Staton and Jennifer Claire Staton Simmons, 411 Cutler St., Raleigh 27603, Lot 122 Boylan Heights ID 029806, $505,000. co Raleigh Custom Homes Inc., single-family residence at 7316 Ledford Grove Lane, Hasentree Lot 608, $400,000, 4,970 square feet. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Rajesh Narramneni, 5729 Hurkett Court, Cary 27519, Lot 100 Fryars Gate ID 431662, $431,500. M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Chun Lei Huang, P.O. Box 319, Morrisville 27560; 108 Winterview Place, Apex 27539, Lot 21 Woodcreek ID 0411712, $450,000. for M/I Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 3017 Adonis Circle, Reserve at Brookhaven Lot 39, $431,526, 4,464 square feet. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Anitha Chidirala and Kondal Reddy Yedavelli, 5816 Fryar Lane, Cary 27519, Lot 124 Fryars Gate ID 431684, $440,500. Matthew J. and Emily B. Szymanski to Ashley C. Linton, 400-1510 W. North St., Raleigh 27603, Unit 1510 West Condominium ID 0403556, $538,000. ot Imperial Custom Homes Inc., single-family residence at 5817 Shawood Drive, Lot 1, $472,306, 4,722 square feet. William E. and Keiko Merendoni to Robert and Gabriela Hill, 108 Kettlewell Court, Cary 27519, Lot 510 Wellsley ID 0198622, $448,000. Michele Larussa and Philip Robert Goepel to Craig A. and Susan A. Collard, 105 Four Meadows Lane, Morrisville 27560, Lot 1217 Crabtree Crossing Estates ID 289162, $999,000. -N Homes by Dickerson, single-family residence at 7005 Bartons Bend Way, Bartons Creek Lot 33, $495,000, 5,199 square feet. JW Homes LLC to Jason S. and Britta Boster, 104 Canterwood Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 1033 Woodcreek ID 0369925, $563,500. NVR Inc. dba Ryan Homes to James D. Phifer, 509 Opposition Way, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 60 Bishops Grant ID 0428365, $392,000. ls M/I Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 3016 Adonis Circle, Reserve at Brookhaven Lot 30, $498,973, 5,042 square feet. Brian Scott Hill and Mary Ashley Nunn Hill to Ilangovan Veerasingam and Rubana Raveendrasriskantha, 7529 McCrimmon Parkway, Cary 27519, Lot 24 Village Square at Amberly ID 352740, $480,000. Ole and Marianne Graff to Donald C. and Tracey A. Savino, 4217 Summer Brook Drive, Apex 27539, Lot 181 Jamison Park ID 0326005, $587,000. K. Hovnanian Homes at Brook Manor LLC to Michael W. Hughes, 200 Horncliffe Way, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 121 Brook Manor ID 0428124, $376,000. na Mangrum Building LLC, single-family residence at 2324 Victoria Park Lane, Wakefield Plantation Lot 6018, $499,041, 5,359 square feet. Richard Caira aka Richard J. Caira Jr. and Melissa Caira to Stephen R. and Gia A. Pace, 225 Candia Lane, Cary 27519, Lot 47 Highcroft ID 0734474842, $495,500. Royal Oaks Building Group LLC to Jason M. and Heather M. Shepherd, 851 Kaylin Lane, Apex 27523, Lot 32 The Trace II ID 0427769, $381,500. Stephen N. Peskar and Kimberly D. SamsonPeskar to Thomas P. and Rachel E. Sibley, 1109 Lake Valley Drive, Wake 27587, Lot 135 Sutherland ID 1812081227, $394,000. ur Mangrum Building LLC, single-family residence at 5317 Poyner Road, Hamptons at Umstead Lot 74, $520,391, 7,444 square feet. Harold K. Jordan And Co. Inc., apartments at 2830 Manorcrest Court, Anderson Six Forks Apartments LLC 200 East Apartments, $4,397,569, 50,052 square feet. Betty D. and Joseph Philip Moore to Crosswind Development Inc., c/o 2550 Capital Blvd., Creedmoor 27522; 13833 Capital Blvd., Wake Forest 27587, metes and bounds (30.527 acres) ID 0016814, $1,050,000. KB Home Raleigh-Durham Inc. to Jason Matthew Dodds and Dava B. Dodds, 212 Congaree Drive, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 57 The Parks at Bass Lake ID 431270, $388,500. Jo M/I Homes Of Raleigh, single-family residence at 3012 Adonis Circle, Reserve at Brookhaven Lot 31, $534,316, 5,577 square feet. Harold K. Jordan And Co. Inc., apartments at 2821 Manorcrest Court, Anderson Six Forks Apartments LLC 200 East Apartments, $4,504,583, 51,270 square feet. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Madhu Varadaraju, 6033 Fryars Gate Court, Cary 27519, Lot 88 Fryars Gate ID 431629, $378,500. Gregory W. and Lori S. Needham, 3835 Glen Iris Lake, Raleigh 27612, Lot 28 Glenlake South ID 0338740, $790,000. Standard Pacific of the Carolinas LLC to Paul E. and Shyrill Lasher, 3368 Mountain Hill Drive, Wake Forest 27587, Lot 134 Homestead at Heritage ID 0424760, $404,000. s es sin Bu Gephart Hill Building Co. LLC, single-family residence at 1200 Westmoreland Drive, North Hills, $559,243, 6,107 square feet. Lennar Carolinas LLC to Sreenivasa R. and Srihari Tubati, 5736 Hurkett Court, Cary 27519, Lot 103 Fryars Gate ID 431665, $380,500. 0421761, $410,000. M/I Homes of Raleigh LLC to Julie A. Hegner, 228 Sour Mash Court, Holly Springs 27540, Lot 1005 Twelve Oaks PUD ID 0427559, $396,000. ity WAKE COUNTY Pulte Home Corp. to Srikanth Penumadula, 2117 Chipley Drive, Cary 27519, Lot 207 Village at the Park ID 0432456, $402,500. C an WAKE COUNTY Hari Pilla, 6049 Fryars Gate Court, Cary 27519, Lot 92 Fryars Gate ID 431633, $405,000. ic er Am Summerlin Builders Inc., single-family residence at 170 Holly Berry Lane, Holly Berry Farm Lot 1, $210,975, 2,813 square feet. $235,000, 4,337 square feet. Anna L. Rhodes to Cross Development CC Apex LLC, 5317 Inverrary Drive, Plano, Texas 75093; 1920 Laura Duncan Road, Apex 27523, metes and bounds (5 acres) ID 0742.08-98-7022, $1,525,000. RR Assumed Names DURHAM COUNTY Reliant Funding Group LLC, 212 Washington Ave., Bridgeville, Pa. 15017. MG Painting, 200 Easy St., Oxford 27565. Raleigh Custom Homes Inc. to Richard J. Passerine, 5523 Alpine Drive, Raleigh 27609, Lot 2 Fairfax Hills Park ID 0415307, $675,000. Brite Collective, 307 Watts St. Apt. B, Durham 27701. Lou Oakley Cunningham to Wendy Goff Joyner, 3611 Rolston Drive, Raleigh 27609, Lot 20 Ramblewood II ID 0354544, $585,000. Thorb Lawn Care Services, 104 English Ivy Drive, Durham 27703. Eric Andrew Spong and Bernadette M. Spong to Davins Cleaning, 1002 Cleveland St., Durham 27701. A Sweet Sound, 21 Vestrial Lane, Durham 27703. Gaia Verse, 410 Southshore Parkway, Durham 27703. Fayetteville 28314. Little to None, 2198 Chapel Hill Road, Durham 27703. Moorish American Publishing Co., 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. Will’s Towing, 4605 Tyne Drive, Durham 27703. Kleen Rite, 16 S. Indian Creek Place, Durham 27703. Mollo’s, 202 Denver Ave., Durham 27704. Empower Me Books, 6 Heatherford Court, Durham 27704. Empower Me Stem, 6 Heatherford Court, Durham 27704. Working For You, 200 Erlwood Way No. 202, Durham 27704. Shon’s Automotive Group, 2114 Buffalo Way, Durham 27704. Pro-Flooring and Maintenance Services, 15 Mirando Place, Durham 27707. Iris Entre Consturas, 1907 House Ave., Durham 27707. T.S. Priester Tax Service, 3326 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Building E Suite 100, Durham 27707. Katelyn Leanne Real Estate Group, 2105 Alpine Road, Durham 27707. JB Janitorial Services, 114 Parquest St., Durham 27707. Cox and Haumann Property Management, 4905 Guinevere Court, Durham 27712. Denron Logistics, 1101 Exchange Place Apt. 622, Durham 27713. Boomerang Tax Service, 5225-D Penrith Drive, Durham 27713. Green Roots Environmental Design, 4137 S. Alston Ave., Durham 27713. RNH Technologies, 104 Wood Valley Court, Durham 27713. Israel Hernandez Contratista, 13 Armer Lane, Newton Grove 28366. ORANGE COUNTY Cole’s Pressure Washington, 206 Haywards Lane, Mebane 27302. Chapel Hill Staging, 3902 Sweeten Creek Road, Chapel Hill 27514. Acupuncture at Eastowne, 800 Eastowne Drive, Chapel Hill 27514. Anchor Management, 5 Lacrosse Place, Chapel Hill 27517. Cheeky Chic, 4607 Hope Valley Road Apt. A, Durham 27707. Pines Sportsnet/, 913-A Shady Lawn Road Ext, Chapel Hill 27514. Piedmont Sundial/ Piedmont Mundial, 913-A Shady Lawn Road Ext., Chapel Hill 27514. KCL Accounting and Bookkeeping Services, 242 Valley Park Drive, Chapel Hill 27514. MV Trak, 1205 Blackwood Mountain Road, Chapel Hill 27516. North Carolina Study Center, 206 W. Cameron Ave., Chapel Hill 27516. Honeysuckle Meadery, 8507 Pickards Meadow Road, Chapel Hill 27516. All City Realty, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. Action Realty, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. Moorish American Civil Registry, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. Speedway #6974, 500 Speedway Drive, Enon, Ohio 45323. Rock Solid Properties LLC, 10421 S. Jordan Gateway Suite 600, South Jordan, Utah 84095. WAKE COUNTY Indecomm Global Services, 379 Thornall St. Second Floor, Edison, N.J. 08837. Cherry Promotions, 33 W. Main St. Suite 307, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523. Sleeping Giant Designs, 417 Applecross Drive, Cary 27511. Erb Office Installation, 810 Pamlico Drive, Cary 27511. Artisian Quality Roofing, 304 Amberglow Place, Cary 27513. Power Tech Electric, 506 Reely Creek Road, Cary 27513. Next Venture Homes, 2474 Walnut St. Suite 300, Cary 27518. Joy Forever Realty, 4968 Highcroft Drive, Cary 27519. Credo Collective, 21136 Bradford Green Square, Cary 27519. Polyphony Music Designs, 1123 Brook Arbor Drive, Cary 27519. Peak Medical Solutions, 1017 Batchelor Road, Apex 27523. Wordsmith Ideas, 1331 Park Summit Blvd., Apex 27523. J.M.M. Home Improvements, 1318 Pineview Drive, Garner 27529. Cole’s Produce Patch, 4525 Benson Road, Garner 27529. D&Q Food Truck, 332 Steel Hopper Way, Garner 27529. International Hair Professionals, 100 Upton Court, Garner 27529. At Ease Therapeutic Massage, 2652 New Oxford Drive, Apex 27539. Ada’s Miracle Cleaning, 3949 Circle Drive, Apex 27539. Service Medic, 213 Magnolia Meadow Way, Holly Springs 27540. GAT RV Consulting, 1018 Tarford Place, Knightdale 27545. Perfectly Portioned, 109 Dean Place, Knightdale 27545. Madilin & Co., 222 Friesan Way, Rolesville 27571. BioHealth Ventures, 1409 Sand Hollow Circle, Wake Forest 27587. Barnes Family Mobile Veterinary Service, 301 Springtime Fields Lane, Wake Forest 27587. Million Dollar Made Merchandise, 2618 Old Greensboro Road, Chapel Hill 27516. M-KAL Enterprises LLC dba Trimax Car Care Center, 2616 Leighton Ridge Drive, Wake Forest, Fla. 27587. Exclusive Cleaning Service, 2618 Old Greensboro Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Eagles Rock Software, 513 S. Main St., Wake Forest 27587. UPS Store 3361, 117 Kinsdale Drive, Chapel Hill 27517. Top Flight Security, 2708 Freeman Drive, Wendell 27591. JC Restaurant Equipment Repairs, 6320 New Sharon Church Road, Rougemont 27572. R.C.G. Stone Brick, 7805 King Fish Lane, Zebulon 27597. Acorn Industrial, 7311 ACC Blvd., Raleigh 27617. Garner Cleveland Record, 215 S. McDowell St., Raleigh 27601. Elemental Touch, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. MHD Non-Profit Consulting, 213 N. Boylan Ave. Unit B, Raleigh 27603. Moorish Science Temple of America Branch Temple 7, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Fayetteville 28314. Prosperous Living Community Center, 3412 Lakewood Drive, Raleigh 27604. Moorish Science Temple of America Finance, 6493 Tarreytown Drive, Key Masters, 2209 Tucca Way, Raleigh 27604. A&A Mini Mart, 1295 20 Triangle Business JOURNAL LEADS Schaub Drive Apt. A, Raleigh 27606. Buckhorn Road, Garner 27529. The Creative Exchange, 5409 Portree Place Apt. 15, Raleigh 27606. ETC Services Lawns, 4151 Battle Field Drive, Garner 27529. 2nd Chance Pet Adoptions, 6003 Chapel Hill Road Suite 133, Raleigh 27607. Charmayne’s Christian Care, 135 Oakton Ridge Place, Garner 27529. Raleighwood Real Estate, 2806 Wayland Drive, Raleigh 27608. Tarheel Beauty Solutions, 6140 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 36, Raleigh 27609. Cruz Brick Services, 1221 Bentley Lane, Raleigh 27610. I&D Professionals, 3021 Ogilvy Court Unit 103, Raleigh 27610. Euromotors North Carolina, 1100-111 Corporation Parkway, Raleigh 27610. Azriel Transportation Courtesy, 6905 Glendower Road No. C, Raleigh 27613. Thomas Guerriero, 1421 Deltona Drive, Raleigh 27615. God Mode MMA, 4721 Capital Club Court Apt. E, Raleigh 27616. The Creative Agency, 4341 Karlbrook Lane, Raleigh 27616. The Landing, 105 Adventure Trail, Cary 27513. Signed Sweet, 1211 Waterford Forest Circle, Cary 27513. Three Apples Health Coaching, 6109 Ivy Ridge Road, Raleigh 27612. Workforce Success, 3434 Edwards Mill Road Suite 112-225, Raleigh 27612. Organic Now, 7772 Silver View Lane, Raleigh 27613. Realty Raleigh, 8514 Eden Park Drive, Raleigh 27613. Element Hot Yoga LLC, 4307 Russling Leaf Lane, Raleigh 27613. Rolesville Pediatric Dentistry, 10931 Raven Ridge Road Suite 105, Raleigh 27614. Hale-Coley Enterprises, 14460 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 149-258, Raleigh 27614. Matthew J. Wiggs DMD, 7509 Six Forks Road Suite 201, Raleigh 27615. Lloyd’s Tree Service, 6808 Chesterbrook Court Apt. 302, Raleigh 27615. Astonishing Landscape and Lawncare, 7217 Brookbank Lane, Raleigh 27615. Notes Unlimited, 9660138 Falls of Neuse Road No. 277, Raleigh 27615. McCord Services LLC, 1533 Ellis Road Suite H-101, Durham 27703. Datatech Consulting LLC, 1803 Hemlock Hill Drive, Durham 27703. Klean Crew Corp. LLC, 7 Gateview Court, Durham 27703. Elite Wireless NC LLC, 933 N. Miami Blvd., Durham 27703. Positive Prints Professional Services LLC, 1821 Hillandale Road Suite 1B-256, Durham 27705. PAG Insurance Co. Inc., 1911 Hillandale Road Suite 1020, Durham 27705. Innoleaders Education & Technology LLC, 720 S. La Salle St. Apt. K, Durham 27705. Vega Investments LLC, 1921 N. Pointe Drive Suite 210, Durham 27705. Hope Aaa Construction LLC, 212 Broad St. Apt. E-52, Durham 27705. Morrissey Consultants LLC, 4725 Ganesh Place, Durham 27705. Bently’s Pet Spa LLC, 4800 University Drive, Durham 27707. Ride The Sky Stables LLC, 5206 George King Road, Durham 27707. Fauntleroy Properties LLC, 2024 Jersey Ave., Durham 27707. Carolina Jars, 4039 Cashew Drive, Raleigh 27616. Yuko Refinishing, 10501 Green Level Church Road, Cary 27519. BB Cleaning, 6400 Fox Road, Raleigh 27616. R.J. Evans Investments & Holding LLC, 2602 Fayetteville St., Durham 27707. D&M Property Investments, 1337 Old American Health Services, 2551 Ravenhill Drive, Fayetteville 28303. Sovereign Medical Supply, 137 Stoneybrook Mombasa Estates LLC, 11 W. Bayberry Court, Durham 27713. The Yeast Roll Co. LLC, 103 Woodcrest Drive, Chapel Hill 27516. 1st Integrity Financial Services LLC, 1005 Park Glen Place, Durham 27713-8999. The Gavlyn Group LLC, 108 Jones Creek Place, Chapel Hill 27516. Free Spirit Tiny Homes LLC, 200 Deer Ridge Drive, Chapel Hill 27516. JOHNSTON COUNTY Traditionalist Worker Party National Committee LLC, 2517 Federal Road, Benson 27504. Ellwood Capital LLC, 205 Maywood Way, Chapel Hill 27516. Best Of The Bull LLC, 2105 Alpine Road, Durham 27707. Tatum Law Group PLLC, 3511 Shannon Road Suite 200, Durham 27707. J. Scott Dick CPA PLLC, 3742 Swarthmore Road, Durham 27707. Stony Brook Farms LLC, 4711 Hope Valley Road Suite 4-F No. 214, Durham 27707. X-Celeprint Ltd., 3021 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park 27709. Jenny Jo’s Shopping The Solutions Group Inc., 2800 Winningham Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Golden Rose 70 Inc., 1255 Crescent Green Suite 105, Cary 27518. Hillsborough Strength & Conditioning LLC, 309 Barclay Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Clayton Health Zone LLC, 106 N. Lombard St. Suite 100, Clayton 27520. Firefly Hotglass LLC, 310 Brandywine Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Severe Solutions LLC, 1215 Contender Drive, Clayton 27520. Antipodean Ventures LLC, 1313 Arboretum Drive, Chapel Hill 27517. Dale David LLC, 13376 US Highway 70 W. Business, Clayton 27520. Hidden Barn Gate LLC, 3330 Jack Road Suite B, Clayton 27520. Liberty Tax Service, 307 Millsford Hill Place, Cary 27518. J&J Waller Transport LLC, 1732 E. Honey Springs Ave., Fuquay-Varina 27526. Guilford Insurance Services Inc., 715 Gimghoul Road, Chapel Hill 27514. Titan Efurniture Industries Inc., 1400 Oakland Ave., Durham 27705. Doone Right The First Time LLC, 2110 Concord St., Durham 27707. Bottle Rev, 2024 Hawkins St., Durham 27703. Clinical Community Solutions LLC, 4312 Waterford Valley Drive Apt. 1321, Durham 27713. Robert S. Pleasant PA, 300 W. Main St., Clayton 27520. From Our Vintage Point, P.O. Box 293, Raleigh 27615. JKG Cleaning Services, 729 Champlain Court, Cary 27519. Auto Trans Casualty Inc., 715 Gimghoul Road, Chapel Hill 27514. Ecogreen Clean LLC, 4615 Jimmy Rogers Road, Durham 27704. Orbis Tertius Tutoring & Editorial, 713 Madison Ave., Cary 27513. Acorn Industrial, 7311 ACC Blvd., Raleigh 27617. BAW Consulting LLC, 3025 Courtney Creek Blvd., Durham 27713. New Life Painting LLC, 152 Pay Day Lane, Clayton 27520. Steve’s Home Services, 713 Madison Ave., Cary 27513. Reporting House Inc., 210 Joseph Pond Lane, Cary 27519. Pendergraft Page Properties II LLC, 1829 E. Franklin St. Suite 800-B, Chapel Hill 27514. Pocket Square Partner LLC, 404 Asbury Court, Durham 27703. Triangle Auto Brokers, 9660-138 Falls of Neuse Road No. 277, Raleigh 27615. Westgate Preowned, 6421 Old Westgate Road, Raleigh 27617. Synergy Research Group Inc., 2530 Meridian Parkway Suite 300 Office 3007, Durham 27713. Minded LLC, 615 Churchill Drive, Chapel Hill 27517. The Culler Co. LLC, 10 Hamilton Road, Chapel Hill 27517. Midway Home Improvement LLC, 715 Harolds N. Field Drive, Cedar Grove 27231. Goodwin Chase LLC, 425 S. Lombard St., Clayton 27520. CNT Concrete LLC, 1801 Old NC 10 Trailer 512, Hillsborough 27278. Custom Masonry Service LLC, 12270 Buffalo Road, Clayton 27527. Revitalize Churches Inc., 216 Townsend Drive, Clayton 27527. Ford Meadows LLC, 5160 NC Highway 42 W., Garner 27529. Steel Bridge Crossing LLC, 5160 NC Highway 42 W., Garner 27529. Twisted Pine LLC, 1139 Princeton-Kenly Road, Kenly 27542. Audiosmith Inc., 1982 Piney Grove Church Road, Kenly 27542. Jenny & Johnson Group Inc., 406-D S. Church St., Kenly 27542. ELJON LLC, 107 N. Peedin Ave., Pine Level 27568. Chris Roofing Co. Inc., 122 Boyette Drive, Selma 27576. Vesta Enterprises Inc., 235 E. Market St., Smithfield 27577. The Lampe Reserves Inc., 235 E. Market St., Smithfield 27577. ORANGE COUNTY Awesome 1 LLC, 3002 Little River Drive, Hillsborough 27278. Six Scoops Farm Ice Cream LLC, 3109 Dairyland Road, Hillsborough 27278. Contractors911 LLC, 200 Cardinal Drive Suite B, Hillsborough 27278. 86 St. LLC, 102 S. Merritt Mill Road, Carrboro 27510. Martha Newport Realty Group LLC, 114 Purple Leaf Place, Carrboro 27510. Henderson Place II LLC, 101 N. Columbia St., Chapel Hill 27514. Henson Enterprises LLC, 101 N. Columbia St., Chapel Hill 27514. East West Water Street LLC, 1450 Environ Way, Chapel Hill 27514. Cal & Co., 1003 Karen Woods Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Red Building LLC, 1652 Purple Sage Lane, Chapel Hill 27516. Red Collective LLC, 1652 Purple Sage Lane, Chapel Hill 27516. Altair Protech LLC, 1530 Haywards Heath Lane, Apex 27502. Novi Diagnostics Inc., 5448 Apex Peakway No. 163, Apex 27502-3924. Chad J. Kimbrough DDS PLLC, 201 Shannon Oaks Circle Suite 200, Cary 27511. Sai Medhus LLC, 3108 Misty Rise Drive, Cary 27519. Relax & Unwine LLC, 419 E. Main St., Clayton 27520. Agape International Maxima Inc. (AIM), 8300 Jenks Road, Apex 27523. Bones Brothers Hauling LLC, 3029 Dragan Hills Drive, Wake Forest 27587. Mark 6:31 LLC, 4804 Draycroft Place, FuquayVarina 27526. JLT Management Group LLC, 3725 Coach Lantern Ave., Wake Forest 27587. Realty 64 LLC, 1605 S. Main St., Fuquay-Varina 27526. Tentmakers Consulting Services LLC, 3725 Coach Lantern Ave., Wake Forest 27587. Avidity Innovations LLC, 709 Apalachia Lake Drive, Fuquay-Varina 27526. Sfive Group LLC, 202 Academy St., FuquayVarina 27526. HML Sports Intercultural Corp., 901 Kildaire Farm Road Building D-5 Suite C, Cary 27511. Bucket & Ladder Cleaning Services LLC, 130 Gatewood Ridge Court, Garner 27529. Skyview Retractables LLC, 103 Stourbridge Circle, Cary 27511. Behringer Investment LLC, 206 Penny St., Garner 27529. TCN Services Inc., 744-J E. Chatham St., Cary 27511. Omega Title Insurance LLC, 133 US Highway 70 W., Garner 27529. Servienvios LLC, 750 E. Chatham St., Cary 27511. KBC Realty LLC, 108 Fare Stone Drive, Garner 27529. Pack & Ship Network LLC, 1408 Highland Trail, Cary 27511. JH Paint Enterprises LLC, 4132 Mountainbrook Road, Apex 27539. Carolina Crush Soccer LLC, 117 Westview Cove Lane, Cary 27513. Bruce Knight General Contractor LLC, 8108 Rosiere Drive, Apex 27539. Nicholas CPA PLLC, 10000 Centre Green Way Suite 200, Cary 27513. Figueroa Construction LLC, 4624 Arrowhead Drive, Apex 27539-9384. Blue Leaf Homes LLC, 705 King St., Cary 27513. A&K Stores LLC, 401 Sturminster Drive, Holly Springs 27540. TBF Capital Group LLC, 3442 Renaissance Park Place, Cary 27513. Tax Advisors Of Cary LLC, 140 Preston Executive Drive Suite H, Cary 27513. SGN Hotels LLC, 217 Cole Valley Drive, Cary 27513. Zenith Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy LLC, 315 Harvest Row Court, Cary 27513. Soltero Holdings LLC, 5509 Solomans Seal Court, Holly Springs 27540. Springs Enterprises LLC, 412 Magnolia Meadow Way, Holly Springs 27540. Scotland Consolidated Properties LLC, 624 Holly Springs Road No. 336, Holly Springs 27540. Ez Realty Group LLC, 100 Abbott Ridge Court, Holly Springs 27540. AFVH LLC, 100 N. Main St., Holly Springs 27540. Charter Schools USA At Cabarrus High School LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Proflex Physical Therapy Of North Carolina LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Reep-OFC Eleven Water Ridge NC LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Reep-OFC Two Water Ridge NC LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Renew Financial I LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Bernal Construction Services Inc., 159 Maywood Ave., Raleigh 27603. Moon Goddess Weaving & Fiber Works LLC, 6900 Guy Johnson Lane, Raleigh 27603. Blannie Cheng PLLC, 832 Historian St., Raleigh 27603. Bionpharma Healthcare LLC, 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. Remarkable Living Institute LLC, 2500 Regency Parkway, Cary 27518. Brown Carr Trucking LLC, 1104 Ranchester Road, Knightdale 27545. The Northgate Group Construction Co. LLC, 1008 W. South St., Raleigh 27603. PFB Publishing LLC, 1321 English Cottage Lane, Cary 27518. Dominion Dwellings LLC, 1204 Village Market Place Suite 172, Morrisville 27560. Tapz Inc., 300 Michelangelo Way, Cary 27518. Dream Blossoms LLC, 334 Long Millgate Road, Morrisville 27560. EWT 43 LLC, 507 W. Peace St. Suite 101, Raleigh 27603. Dogonitz LLC, 3002 Gregory Manor Court, Cary 27518. PHO 919 LLC, 3504 Davis Drive, Morrisville 27560. Pelican’s Snoballs VA LLC, 203 Winterlochen Road, Raleigh 27603. LMS Construction LLC, 107 Cedar Cliff Court, Cary 27518. Compagina Inc., 6236 Kit Creek Road, Morrisville 27560. Tech Banyan Inc., 305 Mannington Drive, Morrisville 27560. TWG Aviation LLC, 303 W. Barbee Chapel Road, Chapel Hill 27517. Janice’s Yellow Tomatoes LLC, 242 Northlands Drive, Cary 27519. ABC System Services LLC, 6205 Farrington Road Apt. N-7, Chapel Hill 27517. NGRE LLC, 849 River Song Place, Cary 27519. Little Village Learning Centers LLC, 923 Crabtree Crossing Parkway, Morrisville 27560. View Soft Solutions Inc., 1736 Colleen Circle, Cary 27519. Deja Do LLC, 6328 Kit Creek Oad, Morrisville 27560. Infinity Hospitality LLC, 204 Riggsbee Farm Drive, Cary 27519. Seediq LLC, 5625 Chimney Swift Drive, Wake Forest 27587. Krotts Corp., 600 Eton Hall Lane Apt. 101, Cary 27519. Innate Properties LLC, 2824 Rogers Road Suite 204, Wake Forest 27587. Melissa Cartwright Consulting LLC, 2598 Red Wolf Public Sector LLC, 5 W. Hargett St. Suite 1003, Raleigh 27601. Phastar Inc., 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. J.L. Stracke Corp., 450 Rose Point Drive, Cary 27518. WAKE COUNTY Deasy Co. LLC, 556 New Bern Ave., Raleigh 27601. Temg Professional Services LLC, 1005 Tellis Drive, Knightdale 27545. Atlantis Advisors LLC, 400 W. Rosemary St. Suite 111, Chapel Hill 27516. MBMH LLC, 200-J Pomona Drive, Greensboro 27407. The Law Office Of Dewey P. Brinkley PA, 16 W. Martin St., Raleigh 27601. Your Crm Team Inc., 1289 Fordham Blvd. No. 177, Chapel Hill 27514. MacKenan Investment Group LLC, 110 MacKenan Drive, Cary 27518. Automotive Consultants Of NC LLC, 2400 Broad St. Second Floor, Durham 27704 Silver Slippers Senior Day Care LLC, 485 Old Wilson Road, Wendell 27591. Gastonia 1228 Investments LLC, 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. DG Design Build LLC, 305 Tobacco Farm Way, Chapel Hill 27516. Barbara Aldridge & Mary Simmons LLC, 605 Orchard Place, Hillsborough 27278. MDP Accounting & Tax LLC, 485 Old Wilson Road, Wendell 27591. WBE Properties LLC, 320 Covenant Rock Lane, Holly Springs 27540. Zymeron Corp., 2 Couch Road, Chapel Hill 27516. Sleepy Cat Sound LLC, 310 W. Poplar Ave., Carrboro 27540. Big Dog Property Management Inc., 1780 Heritage Center Drive Suite 104, Wake Forest 27587. MFG Investments Inc., 829 Highwater Place, Fuquay-Varina 27526. Hanson Painting LLC, 1421 E. Broad St. No. 123, Fuquay-Varina 27526. Friendship Veterinary Imaging PLLC, 127 Westview Cove Lane, Cary 27513. Rosser & Smith Transport Inc., 612 Magnolia Forest Court, Wake Forest 27587. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo Cleaning Services LLC, 3025 Vidal Court, Wake Forest 27587. Ready To Start Living LLC, 1249 Kildaire Farm Road No. 205, Cary 27511. Mania Greens I LLC, 101 Arlington Ridge, Cary 27513. Wake Forest 27587. Next Level Services LLC, 3209 Lebrun Path, FuquayVarina 27526. Taylor Consulting Enterprises LLC, 308 Canon Gate Drive, Cary 27518. AFB Construction Co. LLC, 3808 Ode Turner Road, Hillsborough 27278. Fig Garden LLC, 110 Lake Time LLC, 1138 Bexley Hills Bend, Apex 27502. se Glossary Books, 713 Madison Ave., Cary 27513. Angie Watts, 4501 New Bern Ave. Suite 130-270, Raleigh 27610-1550. Jeanette Sarbo PhD PLLC, 180 Providence Road Suite 9, Chapel Hill 27514. Carolina EB-5 Regional Center LLC, 804 Trendy Lane, Apex 27502. lu Daniel’s Auto Service & Sales, 333 E. Durham Road, Cary 27511. Heart of the Hound, 6416 The Lakes Drive Apt. G, Raleigh 27609. Ifala LLC, 1920 E. NC Highway 54, Durham 27713. Sweet Springs LLC, 3024 Buckingham Way, Apex 27502. cia er Dostan and Raman, 8 N. Broad St. No. E., Angier 27501. JB Tile & Design, 1212 Athens Drive Apt. A, Raleigh 27606. Investor’s Title Captive Co. Inc., 121 N. Columbia St., Chapel Hill 27514. Chatham Center LLC, 2081 Shepherds Vineyard Drive Suite 102, Apex 27502. mm Maaco Auto Paint & Collision, 2200 N. Church St., Greensboro 27405. Redmond Heating and Air, 1830 Vierra Woods Drive No. 204, Raleigh 27606. Medscribes Inc., 6409 Fayetteville Road Suite 120, Durham 27713. co Marquis at Edwards Mill, 14 Corporate Plaza Suite 210, Newport Beach, Calif. 92660. Laura’s & Alex Flooring, 137 Pineland Circle, Raleigh 27606. Restorative Just-Us LLC, 311 E. Main St., Durham 27701-3717. Triangle Balanced Therapy PLLC, 109 Conner Drive Building 3 Suite 107, Chapel Hill 27514. for Grain Bridge, 4666 Faries Parkway, Decatur, Ill. 62526. SN Food Mart 2, 1325 Revolution Circle, Raleigh 27603. The Law Office Of Derrick J. Hensley PLLC, 323 E. Chapel Hill St. Room 203, Durham 27701. Formatec Durham LLC, 5500 Fortunes Ridge Drive No. 85-B, Durham 27713. ot Prescreene, 722 Collins Hill Suite H-133, Lawrenceville, Ga. 30046. R.D.H. Environmental Consulting, 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Drive, Raleigh 27603. Diamond View Wealth LLC, 280 S. Mangum St. 550 Diamond View II, Durham 27701. Laura M. Carr PLLC, 1717 Venezia Way, Apex 27502. -N NGM City, 3400 Westgate Drive No. 1/2, Durham 27707. Epic Developmental Services, 2 S. Salisbury St., Raleigh 27601. Felix Roofing & Painting Inc., 1111 Park Ave., Durham 27701. Ingram Holdings LLC, 111 Barnes St., Carrboro 27510. ls First Choice Services, 2412 Banner St., Durham 27704. Done Rite Auto, 1004 Four Friends Lane, Willow Spring 27592. Christiania 320 LLC, 1207 Red Mountain Road, Rougemont 27572. Bryant Pond Lane, Apex 27502. na Steven Jamroz Photography, 8311 Brier Creek Parkway Suite 105532, Raleigh 27617. Soap Fixations, 404 Deep Woods Trail, Wake Forest 27587. DNA Calibrations LLC, 65 Glen Road No. 661, Garner 27529. Mabrey Real Estate LLC, 5014 Bridgewood Drive, Durham 27713. ur Build Your Body, 7920 Mandrel Way, Raleigh 27616. Lifetime Roofing and Exteriors, 1904 S. Main St. Suite 210, Wake Forest 27587. DURHAM COUNTY Records Information Systems Inc., 2101 Copeland Way, Chapel Hill 27517. Jasmine Court, Carrboro 27510. Freespaces LLC, 103 Creekview Circle, Carrboro 27510. Jo Lauren Jolly Photography, 4420 Willow Lake Road, Raleigh 27616. Mattress by Appointment Cary/Apex, 137 Prestonian Place, Morrisville 27560. R R New Corporations Hudson City Holdings LLC, 5002 Linden Oaks Ave., Durham 27713. s es sin Bu Health Life Club, 7920 Mandrel Way, Raleigh 27616. NCRE Group Inc., 112 Willow Pond Court, Lillington 27546. Direct Business Lending Consultants, 1810 E. Sahara Ave. Suite 214, Las Vegas, Nev. 89104. Emporium LLC, 3003 Elk Ridge Road, Durham 27712. ity Klug Consulting, 419 Hensley Drive No. B, Raleigh 27615. PheeBee’s Boutique, 702 Southampton Drive, Knightdale 27545. Smith and Sons Home Inspections, 508 Heathwick Drive, Knightdale 28545. C an Pro-Tax Services & Payroll LLC, 8366 Six Forks Road Suite 204, Raleigh 27615. Carolina Realty Team, 4107 Twin Spires Drive, Knightdale 27545. Laissez Faire Skate Co., 137 Stoneybrook Road, Wilmington 28411. ic er Am Timbre Line Recordings, 5008 Shamrock Drive, Raleigh 27612. Ascertain Information, 5017 Kinderston Drive, Holly Springs 27540. Road, Wilmington 28411. ALK Consulting Inc., 9117 Cobalt Ridge Way, Cary 27519. EPK Properties LLC, 2205 Grace Park Drive, Morrisville 27560. Little Village Academy LLC, 923 Crabtree Crossing Parkway, Morrisville 27560. Prapti Inc., 110 Kudrow Lane, Morrisville 27560. Bogue Banks Grill LLC, 1320 Country Club Drive, EWT 42 LLC, 507 W. Peace St. Suite 101, Raleigh 27603. Hock Consulting LLC, 425 N. Boylan Ave. Apt. 628, Raleigh 27603. Strange Solutions Of Raleigh LLC, 9100 Ten Ten Road, Raleigh 27603. 3119 Associates CH LLC, 516 W. Cabarrus St., Raleigh 27603. Superior Colors Inc., 1400 Smith Reno Road, Raleigh 27603. Town Of Granite Co., 5220 Monk Drive, Raleigh 27603. Ekeko Investment Group LLC, 1436 Guffy Drive, Raleigh 27603. Ramirez Painting & Drywall LLC, 1110 Southern Moss Court, Raleigh 27603. SW Raleigh Properties LLC, 2408 Eleanor Rigby Court, Raleigh 27603. Select Cars LLC, 9624 Fayetteville Road, Raleigh 27603. REV Brick & Block 21 december 25, 2015 LEADS Masonry LLC, 4707 N. New Hope Road Apt. C-2, Raleigh 27604. BHE Painting LLC, 4713 Old Plank Road 122, Raleigh 27604. Head’Z Up Next LLC, 4011-121 Capital Blvd., Raleigh 27604. Thyme Place, Raleigh 27609. C&M Of West End LLC, 5720 Six Forks Road Suite 102, Raleigh 27609. C&K Vereen Investments LLC, 5720 Six Forks Road Suite 102, Raleigh 27609. SHRC Group LLC, 702 N. Blount St., Raleigh 27604. Homescapes Builders LLC, 132 Ashton Hall Lane, Raleigh 27609. J&N Renovation Inc., 201-5 Delway St., Raleigh 27604. B.G. Stewart & Co., 308 Shaftsberry Court, Raleigh 27609. Miracle Works Cleaning Service LLC, 3408 Lake Woodard Drive Suite C, Raleigh 27604. ARRAAInnovations LLC, 4601 Six Forks Road Suite 400, Raleigh 27609. Allstar Pizza /Wings Inc., 901 N. State St., Raleigh 27604. A Family Solucion Community Services LLC, 4287 Lake Woodard Drive, Raleigh 27604. Mercy Holding Co., 3109 Poplar Wood Court Suite 302, Raleigh 27604. K. Baires LLC, 3812 Bonneville Apt. B, Raleigh 27604. Stone Mason LLC, 1951 Clark Ave., Raleigh 276050669. Global Lactation Education Associates LLC, 3940 Colinwood Lane, Raleigh 27606. Wilshire Capital Partners LLC, 1824 Wilshire Ave., Raleigh 27608. Novaerus US Inc., 4700 Falls Of Neuse Road Suite 355, Raleigh 27609. Gibson Cyber Security LLC, 5508 Knollwood Road, Raleigh 27609. FCP Empreendimentos LLC, 4030 Wake Forest Road Suite 349, Raleigh 27609. EW Design & Marketing LLC, 5604 Hawley Court, Raleigh 27609. Prime Water Services Inc., 4030 Wake Forest Road Suite 349, Raleigh 27609. Foot & Ankle Centers Of America NC LLC, 404 FSI Mechanical Inc., 6518-B Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh 27616. Genturi Inc., 104 Morganscliff Court, Chapel Hill 27517. Vestis Capital Partners Inc., 3732 Carnegie Lane, Raleigh 27612. Geeksmash LLC, 203 Running Creek Road, Cary 27518. Covenant Commercial Realty LLC, 3701 National Drive Suite 104, Raleigh 27612-0333. Rich L&T Realty Inc., 213 Asbill Court, Cary 27518. Teneos LLC, 9650 Strickland Road Suite 103323, Raleigh 27615. ZForm LLC, 8358-104 Six Forks Road, Raleigh 27615. Long Wireless Communications LLC, 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. RLWaddell Photography & Design LLC, 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. Kima Commercial LLC, 7533 Matherly Drive, Wake Forest 27587. North Carolina Family Therapy Center PLLC, 7804 Kingsbrook Court, Wake Forest 27587. Execplus Staffing & Consulting LLC, 208 Whithorne Drive, Garner 27529. Warrenton Brewing Co. LLC, 8705 Sunflower Meadows Lane, Wake Forest 27587. Chopp Enterprise LLC, 3216 High Lonesome Lane, Apex 27539. Kornegay Rentals LLC, 2414 Stephens Road, Cary 27518. Next Venture Solutions LLC, 2474 Walnut St. Suite 300, Cary 27518. Clotho LLC, 2500 Regency Parkway, Cary 27518. TLCY LLC, 104 Scots Cove Lane, Cary 27518. Psychological Research For OrganizationalBehavior Enhancement (PROBE), 128 Benedum Place, Cary 27518. FNA LLC, 25308 Praxis Way, Cary 27519. ZFIW 94 LLC, 318 Ambermore Place, Cary 27519. Dan Fax Holdings LLC, 408 Parkman Grant Drive, Cary 27519. All Things Fabulous 101 LLC, 529 Finnbar Drive, Cary 27519. Kabinett LLC, 536 Buxton Grant Drive, Cary 27519. Jacobs Business Services LLC, 9204 Dansforeshire Way, Wake Forest 275873401. 1000KIDZ Inc., 7212 Capulin Crest Drive, Apex 27539. Passey Financial LLC, 104 Osterville Drive, Holly Springs 27540. R&G Concrete Specialist LLC, 6256 Stag Trail Lot 15, Wendell 27591. Bright Cleaning LLC, 128 Fountain Springs Road, Holly Springs 27540. Path Pediatric Therapy PLLC, 7760 Pegram St., Willow Springs 27592. Sunshine Commercial Cleaning Svcs. LLC, 200 Holly Branch Drive, Holly Springs 27540. Southern Insurance Solutions LLC, 216 Village Walk Drive, Holly Springs 27540. ECL Holdings LLC, 3110 Edwards Mill Road Suite 300, Raleigh 27612. Homeco LLC, 2225 Raven Road No. 100, Raleigh 27614. Keen Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance LLC, 133 Presley Blvd., Garner 27529. AKARO LLC, 9011 Treesdale Lane, Raleigh 27617. Queenin LLC, 9210 Bruckhaus St. Apt. 226, Raleigh 27617. Daniel R. Genty LLC, 12432 Bayleaf Church Road, Raleigh 27614. Spunky Sports LLC, 7305 Mithrasdowne Court, Wake Forest 27587. O’Brien & West DMD III PLLC, 204 Meares Bluff Lane, Holly Springs 27540. ECL Group LLC, 3110 Edwards Mill Road Suite 300, Raleigh 27612. D&R Home Improvement LLC, 9401 Taurus Court, Raleigh 27613. Deen Inc., 714 N. White St., Wake Forest 27587. Purple Sunset LLC, 84 Colson Drive, Garner 27529. TLMerritt LLC, 6714 Morgantown St., Raleigh 27616. Verified Solar LLC, 6220 Angus Drive No. 100, Raleigh 27617. WNNT LLC, 5225 Sutter Way, Raleigh 27613. ALJ Roofing Techs LLC, 5536 Jones Sausage Road, Garner 27529. Herne Designs LLC, 8520 Ridge Bury Road, Raleigh 27603. Tshiams Logistic Specialist LLC, 113 Braid Court, Raleigh 27603. Herne Omnimedia LLC, 8520 Ridge Bury Road, Raleigh 27603. Bell’s Corner LLC, 1169 Page Road, Raleigh 27603. Provider-Led PatientCentered Care LLC, 120 Penmarc Drive Suite 118, Raleigh 27603. Lucas Law LLC, 3409 Greywood Drive, Raleigh 27604. TBM Partners LLC, 6131 Falls Of Neuse Road Suite 200, Raleigh 27609. Keyes2MiSuccess LLC, 4204 Cobia Court Apt. D, Raleigh 27604. Kicks In A Box LLC, 717 E. Martin St. Suite 135, Raleigh 27610. Triple A Interiors Inc., 1801 Rugby Court, Raleigh 27604. PHF Point LLC, 340 Kings Parkway, Raleigh 27610. GT Performance Inc., 1830 Tillery Place Suite C, Raleigh 27604. Kingdom Entrepreneur University LLC, 101 Caribbean Court, Knightdale 27545. Vtech Properties Of NC LLC, 712 Moss Road, Zebulon 27597. A Taste Of New York Inc., 3112 Julian Drive, Raleigh 27604. Priya Darshan Inc., 1516 Cameron Chase Drive, Morrisville 27560. Opus Financial Inc., 1912 Jadewood Drive, Morrisville 27560. Jokermartini LLC, 3016 Bristol Creek Drive Suite T-14, Morrisville 27560. Axana LLC, 4407 Hopson Road Apt. 4305, Morrisville 27560. Pharmacy Headquarters LLC, 5101 Grace Park Drive, Morrisville 27560. Clay Genie Grills LLC, 706 Antrim Meadow Lane, Cary 27519. M Realty Group LLC, 11010 Lake Grove Blvd. Suite 100-186, Morrisville 27560-7391 T3 Tri Coaching LLC, 708 Rolling Springs Drive, Cary 27519. Christian Child Care Center LLC, 200 S. Massey St., Selma 27576. Wellhealth Integrative Health Coaching & Valtech LLC, 1125 JRB Quality Construction Inc., 501 W. Sycamore St., Zebulon 27597-2548. Necessary Design LLC, 1110 Watauga St., Raleigh 27604-2034. Avant Of North Carolina LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. 15 Riverside LLC, 1033 Wade Ave. Suite 102, Raleigh 27605. Distribution Realty LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. ANET LLC, 1951 Clark Ave., Raleigh 27605. Meridian New Bern LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. True Corp., 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Eletrope LLC, 444 S. Blount St. Suite 320, Raleigh 27601. Foster Consulting LLC, 1218 Filmore St., Raleigh 27605. Ghanemco Corp., 652 Chappell Drive, Raleigh 27606. Creative Investors Group LLC, 1550 Lilley Court Suite Q6-105, Raleigh 27606. Coble Commercial Interiors LLC, 5400 Etta Burke Court Suite 200, Raleigh 27606. Nutile Designs LLC, 6004 Woodknoll Court, Raleigh 27606. 24/7 Roofing Solutions LLC, 1629 Eva Mae Drive, Raleigh 27610. EGR Technologies Inc., 741 Fitzgerald Drive, Raleigh 27610. Dream Drywall LLC, 4020 Grandover Drive, Raleigh 27610. Cosmos Granite (South East) LLC, 501 S. New Hope Road, Raleigh 27610. Home Care For Heroes LLC, 1308 Highcourt Drive No. 202, Raleigh 27610. Sissoho CPA PLLC, 5825 Abbington Way, Raleigh 27610. Greenz Transport LLC, 1316 Wrentree Circle, Raleigh 27610. The Canary Box Inc., 2401 Old World Place No. 103, Raleigh 27611. Salisbury Street Hotel LLC, 3141 John Humphries Wynd Suite 200, Raleigh 27612. K-11 Holdings LLC, 4040 Ed Drive Suite 201, Raleigh 27612. K2B LLC, 4040 Ed Drive Suite 201, Raleigh 27612. RALDT LLC, 4131 Parklake Ave. Suite 360, Raleigh 27612. Ergenzinger Life Sciences Consulting LLC, 1107 Daleland Drive, Raleigh 27612. Swiss-Smith LLC, 2611 Sherborne Place, Raleigh 27612. Maida V4 LLC, 2840 Plaza Place Suite 100, Raleigh 27612. Gimghoul Brewery & Bottle Co. LLC, 2840 Plaza Place Suite 300, Raleigh 27612. Movers LLC, 604 Harvest Lane, Raleigh 27606. Malta Insurance Holdings LLC, 3110 Edwards Mill Road Suite 300, Raleigh 27612. Eco-Industrial LLC, 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. Bliss Beauty Bar LLC, 149 Hunt Club Lane Apt. H, Raleigh 27606. Oak City Agronomy LLC, 2105 Loudal Drive, Raleigh 27613. J. Crew Inc., 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. Patricio Masonry LLC, 4112-B Woodlake Place, Raleigh 27607. NC Wake Properties Inc., 3316 Queensland Road, Raleigh 27614. PM Restaurant Holdings LLC, 327 Hillsborough St., Raleigh 27603. Unicat LLC, 2235 Gateway Access Point Suite 201, Raleigh 27607. JMD Consulting Ltd., 1509 October Road, Raleigh 27614. Hitville Music Entertainment LLC, 3535 S. Wilmington St. Suite 203, Raleigh 27603. Skyventures LLC, 1330 Sunday Drive Suite 105, Raleigh 27607. Xalta Technologies LLC, 1009 Stradshire Drive, Raleigh 27614. Steve Egeland Consulting Being Diesel LLC, 1016 3148 Fairfax Dr. LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. KB&KB LLC, 2514 Village Manor Way, Raleigh 27614. Haag & Walker Enterprises LLC, 7013 Buckhead Drive, Raleigh 27615. Shop For U LLC, 3001 Emcutta Court, Raleigh 27604. Vidwans Financial LLC, 124 Heartsease Lane, Morrisville 27560. Listing Logistix LLC, 11708 Wake Bluff Drive, Raleigh 27614. Mooreco Works LLC, 5720 Six Forks Road Suite 102, Raleigh 27609. Lai’s Realty LLC, 1217 Spruce Drive, Zebulon 27597. Glenwood Hpi LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. Concentric Concepts LLC, 4030 Wake Forest Road Suite 349, Raleigh 27609. JS Consulting & Design PLLC, 11703 Durant Road, Raleigh 27614. Bearded Warrior Inc., 3321 Huntleigh Drive, Raleigh 27604. MKC Homes LLC, 624 Holly Springs Road No. 167, Holly Springs 27540. Main Street1625 LLC, 1005 Evanwood Lane, Morrisville 27560. Amberlight Aesthetics LLC, 4030 Wake Forest Road Suite 349, Raleigh 27609. Arrowhead Interior Repairs & Handyman Service Inc., 6702 Foxfire Place, Raleigh 27615. The Satulah Group LLC, 516 N. Bloodworth St., Raleigh 27604. French Family OBX LLC, 150 Fayetteville St. Box 1011, Raleigh 27601. JA Consulting LLC, 1003 Dresser Court, Raleigh 27609. Smart Utility Connections LLC, 2327 Mount Vernon Church Road, Raleigh 27614. North Carolina Landscaping Inc., 5720 Six Forks Road Suite 102, Raleigh 27609. Across The River LLC, 1211 Azalea Drive, Zebulon 27597. AMAJS Group Inc., 5236 Emerald Spring Drive, Knightdale 27545. Riofi PC, 4030 Wake Forest Road Suite 349, Raleigh 27609. OFO Heritage LLC, 4700 Norbury Place, Raleigh 27614. Lakeside Arms LLC, 7004 Jeffrey Drive, Raleigh 27603-1510. 13 Sea Turtle LLC, 308 Arborhill Lane, Holly Springs 27540. Efren Martinez Matias LLC, 3532 Kemp Drive No. 13, Knightdale 27545. Saxon Holdings LLC, 2601 Oberlin Road Suite 100, Raleigh 27608. Robin Sinn OD PLLC, 1917 Falls Farm Crossing, Raleigh 27614. Destination Car Rental LLC, 3209 Gresham Lake Road, Raleigh 27615. Intricate Automotive Group Inc., 5012 Royal Troon Drive, Raleigh 27604. Tax Multiservicios Latinos LLC, 1224 Moores Creek Drive, Knightdale 27545. 1700 Glenwood LLC, 918 Cowper Drive, Raleigh 27608. Lularoe Susan Boylston LLC, 4713 Scollay Court, Raleigh 27609. L Pet Grooming LLC, 11449 NC Highway 39, Zebulon 27597. 116 Ocean LLC, 308 Arborhill Lane, Holly Springs 27540. Mountain Refined Equestrian Center LLC, 10908 Flower Bed Court, Raleigh 27614. RDU Real Estate Group LLC, 608 W. Johnson St. Suite A, Raleigh 276031242. My Place Too Inc., 900 E. Six Forks Road Apt. 569, Raleigh 27604. BLRay LLC, 109 Brodie Privette Road, Zebulon 27597. Elite Hospitality LLC, 2601 Oberlin Road Suite 100, Raleigh 27608. MK&MS Real Estate LLC, 1312 Caistor Lane, Raleigh 27614. My Daughter’s Dump Trucks LLC, 2045 Persimmon Ridge Drive, Raleigh 27604. Home Solutions & Services LLC, 1023 Lakeside Farm Road, Zebulon 27597. Mizelle Lane, Raleigh 27614. NHM-Hotel East Two LLC, 4321 Lassiter At N. Hills Suite 250, Raleigh 27609. Yollam LLC, 4541 Tollington Drive, Raleigh 27604. Starfish Kids LLC, 140 Paddy Lane, Youngsville 27596. LLC, 104 Duncan St., Raleigh 27608. Wayah Motor Services LLC, 120 Penmarc Drive Suite 118, Raleigh 27603. se Midtown Motors Of Raleigh LLC, 1806 Wake Forest Road, Raleigh 27608. Tran Ventures LLC, 5818 Parkchester Road, Raleigh 27616. Blackstone Property LLC, 8000 Gabriels Bend Drive, Raleigh 27612. Hess Designs Inc., 5208 Harrington Grove Drive, Raleigh 27613. Kely Blue Basics LLC, 4871 Hasentree Lake Drive, Wake Forest 27587. HBM Entertainment LLC, 1115 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh 27603. lu J. Michael Investments LLC, 5443 Wade Park Blvd. Apt. 1110, Raleigh 27607. Gallery By Christopher LLC, 5741 Goodstone Drive Unit 1225, Raleigh 27616. Dhoom Dhadaka LLC, 9117 Palm Bay Circle, Raleigh 27617. FILI LLC, 8613 Lakewood Drive, Raleigh 27613. HK Hibachi & Sushi Inc., 2634 Timber Drive, Garner 27529. Destiny Tabu LLC, 1029 Altice Drive, Raleigh 27603. cia er RB Images LLC, 802 Lake Boone Trail, Raleigh 27607. Fekak LLC, 5020 Departure Drive Suite I, Raleigh 27616. Thairapy 101 LLC, 4431 Village Manor Way No. 301, Raleigh 27612. Perimeter Controls LLC, 6901 Chamonix Place, Raleigh 27613. Simpesa Inc., 3913 Song Sparrow Drive, Wake Forest 27587. Get Fit & Chic Boutique Inc., 10225 Sauls Road, Raleigh 27603. mm Retina Investments LLC, 4414 Lake Boone Trail Suite 302, Raleigh 27607. Legends Mount Pleasant Hoa LLC, 3605 Glenwood Ave. Suite 445, Raleigh 27612. Ding Protection Plan Inc., 3241 Groveshire Drive, Raleigh 27616. Jason’s Quality Landscaping Inc., 2101 Southfort Drive, Garner 27529. co Daehan Korean News Inc., 7406-K Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh 27607. Island Creek Gun & Rod LLC, 4200 City Of Oaks Wynd, Raleigh 27612. Gianni State Farm LLC, 8109 Olde Hill Court, Raleigh 27615. VanQuish Professional Services LLC, 215 W. Chestnut Ave., Wake Forest 27587. for Bonsai Bardo LLC, 2812 Wycliff Road, Raleigh 27607. Coves End LLC, 4200 City Of Oaks Wynd, Raleigh 27612. Brookhurst Associates LLC, 9208 Falls Of Neuse Road Suite 201, Raleigh 27615. 220 RTW LLC, 3425 Petticoat Lane, FuquayVarina 27526. ot Peoples Financial Services Inc., 4000 Westchase Blvd. Suite 150, Raleigh 27607. EJC Credit Solutions LLC, 3434 Edwards Mill Road Suite 112-220, Raleigh 27612. Winnellent LLC, 10516 Leslie Drive, Raleigh 27615. Lifetime Roofing LLC, 1904 S. Main St. No. 210, Wake Forest 27587. -N Northeast Beauty LLC, 1921 Crossroads Vista Drive No. 205, Raleigh 27606. Hop Notch Consulting LLC, 4117 Balsam Drive, Raleigh 27612. GV Hires LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. CSRMS LLC, 5600 Maggie Run Lane, Fuquay-Varina 27526. ls Jeff Girman Jr. LLC, 637 Bashford Road, Raleigh 27606. Jive Turkeez LLC, 6113 Mansura Drive, Raleigh 27610. Grabbin’ Ur Goods, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Lifetime Exteriors LLC, 1904 S. Main St. No. 210, Wake Forest 27587. na J’s Golf Carts Sales & Service Inc., 2848 Anfield Road, Raleigh 27606. Zuly’s Cleaning Service LLC, 2917 Mark Oak Court, Raleigh 27610. Little Shop Of Honeys LLC, 735 Weathergreen Drive, Raleigh 27615. Move On Marketing LLC, 46 Sherman Pines Drive, Fuquay-Varina 27526. ur Sanabel Investments LLC, 4117 Brewster Drive, Raleigh 27606. JL Williams Bail Bonds LLC, 1022 Seabrook Road, Raleigh 27610. EBR Gastonia LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Wynn Nail Bar Inc., 12646 Capital Blvd., Wake Forest 27587. BSTech Inc., 904 River Song Place, Cary 27519. Jo M. Raudales Cleaning Services (MRCS) LLC, 1201 Trillium Circle No. 1, Raleigh 27606. Facility Maintenance Corp. LLC, 2020 Winston Diamond Court, Raleigh 27610. Apex Athletix LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. The Kor Group LLC, 1205 Hartsfield Forest Drive, Wake Forest 27587. DG Publishing Inc., 7625 Roberts Road, Cary 27519. s es sin Bu Piedmont Education Solutions LLC, 1009 Wade Ave. Apt. 566, Raleigh 27605. J&R Auto Repair Of Raleigh LLC, 5733 New Bern Ave., Raleigh 27610. Legacyhouse Investments LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Chamberwell Ave., Wake Forest 27587. Consulting LLC, 724 Rolling Springs Drive, Cary 27519. ity Don & Phyllis Brookshire LLC, 1007 Nichols Drive, Raleigh 27605. JZA Cleaning LLC, 844 Schenley Drive Lot 5, Raleigh 27610. CWC’s Trucking LLC, 8811 Autumn Winds Drive Apt. 306, Raleigh 27615. C an New World Concepts Inc., 1951 Clark Ave., Raleigh 27605. Deerspring LLC, 5819 Sentinel Drive, Raleigh 27609-3538. Venuti Farms LLC, 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. ic er Am Primitive Ways Records LLC, 1813 Watkins St., Raleigh 27604. RM&A Investments LLC, 2446 E. Lake Drive, Raleigh 27609-2611. The Ticking Crocodile LLC, 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. Creative Services Of NC LLC, 7108 Racine Way, Raleigh 27615. Leesville Land LLC, 7208 Falls Of Neuse Road Suite 201, Raleigh 27615. 87 Shipwash Drive LLC, 7320 Six Forks Road Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Carolina Rentals 2015 LLC, 1732 Briarforest Place, Raleigh 27615. Quiet Type Investments LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Dancing Bear Inc., 7605 Wingfoot Drive, Raleigh 27615. Radiant Futures LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. Big Country Contracting LLC, 176 Mine Lake Court Suite 100, Raleigh 27615. LIG Management LLC, 8310 Bandford Way, Raleigh 27615. 2-Clean LLC, 8321 Bandford Way No. 003, Raleigh 27615. Petralabs Inc., 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. Preservation Construction & Roofing LLC, 8480 Honeycutt Road Suite 200 No. V-295, Raleigh 27615. Framedphoto LLC, 911 Paverstone Drive Suite F, Raleigh 27615. Midnight Pirate LLC, 9131 Anson Way Suite 305, Raleigh 27615. Only Secure Wordpress Inc., 9505 Candor Oaks Drive, Raleigh 27615. LDG Enterprises LLC, 8207 Amador Way, Raleigh 27616. My Taxes & More LLC, 4820 Jelynn St., Raleigh 27616. Panaderia Y Pasteleria Esperanza LLC, 5440 Atlantic Springs Road No. 114, Raleigh 27616. A - CTR LLC, 2907 Berkeley Springs Place, Raleigh 27616. Dogwood Pediatric Therapy PLLC, 6428 Cape Charles Drive, Raleigh 27617. Amazon Professional Group Corp., 8311 Brier Creek Parkway Suite 105235, Raleigh 27617. Barnette Industries LLC, 8311 Brier Creek Parkway Suite 105-297, Raleigh 27617. 22 Triangle Business JOURNAL PEOPLE ON THE MOVE R Architecture, engineering & design R nonprofits R spotlight Eric Olsen, Edward Sirgany Daniel Southwick Ellen Fort Wallace Daniel John Morris III Summit Design and Engineering Services hired Eric Olsen as business development manager. Edward Sirgany joined the firm as a traffic engineer. Dewberry hired Daniel “Dan” Southwick as a senior vice president in the firm’s Raleigh office. The Lucy Daniels Center for Early Childhood hired Ellen Fort as director of development and communications. She will oversee fundraising and communications for the nonprofit. Wallace “Dan” Daniel was hired as director of development and public relations at Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities. John Morris III was named a member of the Children’s Home Society of North Carolina’s board of directors. nicole goolsby vp and triangle division leader at andrew roby general contractors R legal ic er Am R const. ity C an Jennifer Hall, Adrienne Coronado Jeremy Donaldson was hired as a superintendent at Rufty-Peedin. Jennifer Hall joined Ellis & Winters LLP as an associate in the firm’s Commercial Real Estate group. Adrienne Coronado joined the firm as an associate in the firm’s Commercial Litigation group. R public s es sin Bu Jeremy Donaldson After running her own homebuilding company for the past 15 years in the Charlotte area, Nicole Goolsby has come to the Triangle to lead the dayto-day construction operations for residential contractor Andrew Roby. In her new role, Goolsby leads the company’s entire Triangle division and is charged with growing its local customer base and building community relationships. Charlotte-based Andrew Roby currently employs 87 people throughout North Carolina. Its growing Triangle division now has five employees. Last year the firm’s local division reported $3.5 million in gross billings and $34.5 million in companywide billings. relations/advertising Jenny Pilewski, Dawn Marie Strzepek, Allison Showalter French/West/Vaughan named Jenny Pilewski a senior vice president at the firm. Dawn Marie Strzepek was named creative director of the firm. Allison Showalter was named an associate vice president at French/West/Vaughan. Jo care R real estate R etc. ot -N R health ls na ur What’s one thing you wish people knew about your job? It is much more than just building a new home, adding additional space or remodeling a room. The highlight of my job is the relationships with clients, their families, employees and trade partners that last for years. It has been that way for my first 20 years in this industry, and I expect it to continue with Andrew Roby especially since the company has a 60-year reputation as a premier custom residential contractor in the Carolinas. for R multimedia R tech. Walter Rogan Chris Hall Garrett Putman Dr. Walter Rogan of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in RTP, received the 10th annual Child Advocate Science Award from the Children’s Environmental Health Network. Trailblazer Studios hired Chris Hall as a colorist. Garrett Putman was hired as a principal marketing consultant at SAS Institute. Biggest worry: Business-wise, I worry about having the patience to build the foundation before we really take off. We have great opportunities before us, and I am very enthusiastic about the future. Triangle businessperson you most admire: I am fortunate to have a number of friends and business colleagues in the Raleigh area and it’s hard to narrow it down to just one: Mike Carpenter of the N.C. Home Builders Association; Tim Minton of the NCHBA; my hometown legislators, Sen. Jeff Tarte and Rep. John Bradford; and Warren Smith of L&L in Raleigh. Personal: Goolsby has three children, William, Ellyn and Devon. Last book you’ve read: “Good to Great” by Jim Collins Rebecca Watson Shane Gray was hired as director of construction/ project management at Kilgore Properties LLC. Rebecca Watson was hired as a sales assistant at ROCKin’teriors. se R health Shane Gray Gabrielle Anctil joined the Ida Terbet Group at the Falls of Neuse Road office of Coldwell Banker Howard Perry & Walston as a sales associate. lu Biggest pet peeve: I think most of my pet peeves all hinge on the same thing – effective communication. Gabrielle Anctil cia er Zulayka Santiago was hired as director of the North Carolina Oral Health Collaborative at the N.C. Foundation for Advanced Health Programs. Neftali Serrano was hired as director of clinical training at the N.C. Foundation for Advanced Health Programs. Omisade Burney-Scott was hired as partnership manager at NCFAHP. What are some of your major goals for your new position? I want to bring the effective processes and management tools of Andrew Roby to our division; train and develop the best construction team for our customers; engage in the community and continue the company priority of giving back; and create homes and residential spaces that “make it home” for our customers. mm co Zulayka Santiago, Neftali Serrano, Omisade Burney-Scott R staffing R etc. Yum Darling, Mark Weldon Olalah Njenga Carlyle and Conlan hired Yum Darling as business manager. Mark Weldon was hired as a placement professional at the firm. Olalah Njenga, CEO of YellowWood Group, completed the fellowship program at the North Carolina Institute of Political Leadership. 23 december 25, 2015 Viewpoint Send letters to the Triangle Business Journal 3600 Glenwood Ave., Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612 Triangle Business Journal welcomes letters to the editor EDITOR’S NOTEBOOK Election 2016 issues Again, we lost a few headquarters this year Obamacare: Is the end inevitable in 2016? W ic er Am ity C an s es sin Bu ls na ur Jo America, all of these premium hikes, hidden charges, and offloaded costs have produced some of the most unhealthy choices for Americans in modern history. According to a recent Gallup survey, almost one out of every three Americans says that they or a family member has put off treatment because of the costs of medical care. That is a 12 percent increase since 2001. Projections are that the situation is not going to improve. Most experts expect double-digit increases in premiums with even more cost shifting from insurers to patients in the coming years. No solutions appear in sight. While premiums continue to rise, so do deductibles, producing out-of-pocket costs that no one except the most wealthy or employees with “luxury plans” (which carry with them an extra tax) can afford. Based on figures from 17 of the largest insurers in the country, premiums for new businesses will increase by an average of 96 percent with premium increases for patients from 100 to 400 percent. Of course, individual consumers can attest to the impact annual premium increases have had on their lives since -N for mm co cia er lu se Sougata Mukherjee is editor of Triangle Business Journal. He can be reached at sougata@ Randy Evans is an attorney from Atlanta who was general counsel for former U.S. Speakers of the House Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert. ot It sounds like a broken record when we talk about how the Triangle keeps losing corporate headquarters operations. This year was no exception. Earlier in the year, perhaps our biggest loss was when Valeant Pharmaceuticals announced it was buying Salix Pharmaceuticals — one of Raleigh’s home-grown companies that managed to stay independent, raise private money, go public, get several FDA approvals and hire hundreds of workers. The Valeant announcement was followed by the departure of local executives and the hundreds of layoffs. Game over. Soon after, came another Valeant gem: A $1 billion buyout of Sprout Pharmaceuticals, another Raleigh outfit that just days before it got approval for a drug that increases women’s libido. Sprout’s drug, Addyi, launched with much fanfare, but I am still scratching my head as to why Valeant would pay $1 billion for the company. Bloomberg reported physicians prescribed the drug 227 times during the first few weeks of commercialization. I am sure that number is up by now — but $1 billion? Regardless, Sprout was an independent company — and now it is not. Its founder recently stepped down from the company, and Valeant placed a corporate executive from outof-town to oversee the Addyi operations. In the tech field, the biggest loss may have been when Bronto, Durham’s e-commerce firm was acquired by NetSuite, a California-based public company for $200 million. Bronto was growing fast — and lot of people had expectations that it may try to test the waters independently by going public. That did not happen. Now a boardroom in San Mateo charts Bronto’s future. Bronto founders Joe Colopy and Chaz Felix are still intimately involved, but for how long? Mergers and acquisitions are the fabric of capitalism as economies of scale make surviving entities stronger. Chamber of commerce officials cannot stop a sensible M&A from happening. But those same people can have a plan to recruit corporate headquarters locations from other states. While we have been successful in luring some giant operations in recent years through unit relocations and expansions — Novo Nordisk in Johnston County, MetLife in Cary, Fidelity Investments in Research Triangle Park — our HQ cupboard is running bare. If newly minted Raleigh chamber CEO Tim Giuliani is looking for a home-run to stamp his presence in this community — here is an opening: Recruit some corporate headquarters operations — downtown, midtown, north Raleigh, anywhere. One silver lining was the HQ relocation of Merz North America from Greensboro to Raleigh. Merz is getting involved in the community quickly because of the CEO’s interest in arts, culture, sports and philanthropy. It’s time to get a few more. It is long overdue. ho could have predicted that presidential candidates would have made it this far into the 2016 election cycle without a lot of talk about the future of the Affordable Care Act? While it was certainly front and center in President Barack Obama’s first term, replete with Republicans’ repeated efforts at repeal, it currently barely merits a mention in either the Democratic or Republican debates and campaigns. Yet, although Obamacare has dodged potentially fatal shots in two different challenges that made their way to the U.S. Supreme Court, the evidence is mounting that the system will not survive its own weight, making either change or collapse a virtual certainty. The reasons are straightforward. Rather than making health care and health insurance more affordable, the data increasingly confirms that health care and health insurance has never been more expensive than now. Both statistically and anecdotally, consumers are facing higher premiums with fewer choices and higher deductibles and co-pays. Indeed, just in time for the holidays, individual Americans and their employers are getting the bad news that their health insurance premiums are increasing yet again under the Affordable Care Act to levels that are simply unsustainable for average Americans and small businesses. In order to make the numbers work even at these higher premiums, insurers are looking for ways to push more of the burden on patients for prescriptions and medical care. Rather than leading to a healthier Obamacare’s inception in 2010. Worse yet, even those paying for the higher-priced insurance with astronomical deductibles face seemingly insurmountable challenges in getting the health care for which they did pay. From unavailable medications to doctors scheduling appointments weeks in the future, health care has become anything but accessible. Instead, patients are facing indefinite delays in both seeing a doctor, and, once they do, getting the prescriptions they need. Meanwhile, the health care exchanges that were the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act have been failing at a disturbing rate. According to the latest data, over half of the 17 state health care exchanges are in serious financial trouble with many openly considering abandoning their exchanges in favor of the federal exchange which has been plagued with problems since its rollout. Even individual employers and average citizens are balking at the president’s plan. Make no mistake, by the time the 2016 general election rolls around, the pain level for voters will have passed the tipping point and both Democrats and Republicans will be discussing “the fix.” Unfortunately, absent a recognition that the current system is fundamentally flawed, the truth is that “the fix” will once again be in for average Americans and it will be a burden too great for them to carry. While immigration and national security have taken center stage, it is Obamacare that is the sleeper issue that may in fact have the biggest impact on the 2016 presidential election. Just watch and see. BUSINESS SURVEY PULSE 9% Should the feds classify the Triangle as one MSA? Yes. Both Raleigh and Durham should be combined. No. Keep Raleigh as Raleigh and Durham as Durham. 17% I don’t think it matters. number of responses 608 take our survey Would you take the bus to work? To vote, go to to take the survey and take others on the page. 75% ic er Am ity C an 2015-16 BOOK OF LISTS s es sin Bu ur Jo Recognizing the area’s top companies and individuals, and honoring the ls na 2015 Businessperson of the Year. ot -N for mm co cia er lu se January 14, 2016 | 7:00PM | The Umstead Hotel and Spa Ticket packages are available at: For questions, contact Patty Lowell at 919.327.1034. TITLE SPONSORS:
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