2016 April TRSG Agenda - Tatiara District Council
2016 April TRSG Agenda - Tatiara District Council
TATIARA DISTRICT COUNCIL Notice of Meeting TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Wednesday 13th April 2016 Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Council’s Tatiara Road Safety Group is to be held in the Council Chambers, Bordertown on Wednesday 13th April 2016, commencing at 5.30pm. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 1 Tatiara District Council TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 13th April 2016 at 5.30pm in the Council Chambers, 43 Woolshed Street, Bordertown AGENDA 1. WELCOME 2. APOLOGIES 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES R Forgan Recommendation: That the Minutes of the Tatiara Road Safety Group Annual General Meeting held on 17th February 2016 be taken as read and confirmed. 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6. CORRESPONDENCE Recommendation: That the following Correspondence be received: Incoming: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 8th March 2016 – Annual Rotary Car Light Safety Check Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 16th March 2016 – Medicines & Drugs plus joint draft media release Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCSRO) 23rd March 2016 - media release approval Email Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCSRO) 30th March 2016 – RAA Regional Safety Grant Email from Robert Henty (DPTI) 4th April 2016 – Speed Limits Emu Flat Road Road Fatalities in SA to 6th April 2016 - DPTI Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 6th April 2016 - SA Police Website Outgoing: 1. 2. 3. Hon. Peter Malinauskas, Minister for Road Safety – Compulsory Protective Clothing Requirement for Motorcycle Riders. Hon. Peter Malinauskas, Minister for Road Safety – Lighting Upgrade at Keith Truck Parking Bay. Jeff Overall DPTI – Highway Signs – Glare on Reverse Side N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 2 1. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 8th March 2016 – Annual Rotary Car Light Safety Check Promoting the free annual car light safety check provided by Rotary. Bordertown’s location is Wise Ford. This has been advertised on Council’s Facebook page and a poster placed on the post office noticeboard. 2. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 16th March 2016 – Medicines & Drugs plus joint draft media release Rob has contacted a couple of pharmacists in the regions regarding one of our issues in the community regarding the use of prescribed drugs. There has been a lot said of tackling those who drive after taking illegal drugs and MAC are currently running DRIVE HIGH? in South Australia at the moment. He has developed a media release which he hopes might be run in the Border Chronicle and in other publications in the Limestone Coast upon approval. 3. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCSRO) 23rd March 2016 - media release approval Advising us that approval for the media release was granted from Mr. Arn Doan, who is the pharmacist in Bordertown and Keith. 4. Email Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCSRO) 30th March 2016 – RAA Regional Safety Grant Details of a submission to the RAA Regional Safety Grant for a variable message trailer as previously discussed by members at TRSG meetings. 5. Email from Robert Henty (DPTI) 4th April 2016 – Speed Limits Emu Flat Road DPTI have extensively reviewed the speed limit on Emu Flat Road and have provided their reasons for not reducing the speed limit from 80 km/hr to 60 km/hr. 6. Road Fatalities in SA to 6th April 2016 – DPTI - 21 fatalities compared to 21 in 2015 and a 4 year average of 26. - 4 were passengers, 8 were light vehicle drivers, 1 was a heavy vehicle driver, 3 were motor cycle riders, 2 were pedestrians, 2 were cyclists and 1 was a gopher driver. - 10 people died in Adelaide and 11 in country areas. - 13 were male, 8 were female. - Of the 21 deaths, 1 was between 0-15, 1 was between, 20-24, 4 were between 25-29, 3 between 30-39, 6 between 40-49, 2 between 60-69, 1 between 70-79, 2 between 80-89 and 1 was 90+. 7. Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 6th April 2016 - SA Police Website Up until midnight of 5/04/2016: - The South East has had 0 deaths, 4 year average of 0. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 3 - SA has had 172 serious injuries on its roads in 2016 compared to a 4 year average of 178. - The South East has had 16 serious injuries compared to a 4 year average of 12. 7. REPORTS 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Rob Forgan – Regional Community Road Safety Officer Ross Elliott Police Report Schools Tatiara District Council o TRSG Strategic Plan 8. GENERAL BUSINESS 9. NEXT MEETING 10. CLOSE N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 4 Tatiara District Council TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Annual General Meeting Meeting held on Wednesday 17th February 2016 in the Keith Council Depot, Stirling Road, Keith commencing at 5.33pm MINUTES PRESENT: Peter Cook, Councillor Liz Goossens, Roger Clothier, Surya Prakash (Council Manager Technical Services), Rod Drabsch, Mick O’Connell, NR (SAPOL). In Attendance: Rob Forgan (LCLGA Road Safety Co-Coordinator) & Mandy Clarke (Council EA). APOLOGIES: Tom Carter (SAPOL), Ross Elliott, Miles Hannemann, Police Superintendent Trevor Twilley (SAPOL), Adam Howell (SAPOL). ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN: NR nominated Peter Cook for the position of Chairman – accepted. There were no other nominations Peter Cook was elected unopposed. ELECTION OF DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: P Cook nominated Liz Goossens as Deputy Chairman – accepted. There were no other nominations Liz Goossens was elected unopposed. MINUTES: Moved L Goossens seconded R Clothier that the minutes of the Tatiara Road Safety Group held 18th November 2015 be received. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING: o Great initiative by the Bordertown High School re: the provision of a bus for the schoolies weekend. Rod Drabsch to investigate whether there is a similar need in Keith. o Speed message trailer – We now have a list of things we can apply for if a grant comes open, if we meet the criteria then we can apply straight away. CORRESPONDENCE: Moved S Prakash seconded L Goossens that the correspondence as listed be received. CARRIED N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 5 Tatiara District Council Incoming: 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – 5TCB Road Safety Messages Letter from DPTI – 9th December 2015 – Keith Truck Parking Bay Pedestrian Lighting Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – ABC SE Radio – Schoolies Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 24th November 2015 – BikeSA Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 9th December 2015 – Limestone Coast Regional Community Road Safety Newsletter Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th December 2015 – 5TCB Christmas Road Safety Message Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th February 2016 – Media Release DPTI – Community Grants Road Fatalities in SA to February 2016 – DPTI Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 11th February 2016 - SA Police Website Press Release – Minister for Road Safety – Drug Driving Cr Miles Hannemann – Resignation BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: Moved S Prakash seconded R Drabsch that TRSG write a letter to the Minister for Road Safety Peter Malinauskas including a copy of the letter that we have received from DPTI to again request lighting over the highway at the Keith Truck Parking Bay. CARRIED Moved R Clothier seconded L Goossens that the Tatiara Road Safety Group accept the resignation of Miles Hannemann. CARRIED REPORTS: Rob Forgan – Regional Community Road Safety Officer REGIONAL COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY PROJECT UPDATE (27/11/15-16/02/2016) On behalf of the Limestone Coast Local Government Association (SELGA) I am pleased to present an update on recent activities on the Regional Community Road Safety Officer project. Community Road Safety Groups Together with SAPOL coordinate the Mount Gambier and Districts Road Safety Group production and distribution of the Allendale East Area School 2016 Road Safety Calendar collaborative project. Copy sent to MAC prior to Xmas 2015. Launch the Calendar in front of the AEAS community on Thursday 10th December 2015. A media report from The Border Watch is attached. Additional copies have been made available to the families if new students enrolling in 2016. Attend Community Road Safety Group evening meetings at Wattle Range (AGM) and Mount Gambier and District. Community Outreach N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 6 Tatiara District Council Represent regional road safety at the Limestone Coast Services for Young People forum held in Mount Gambier on Monday 30th November 2015. With the message and image associated with the “Don’t Risk It” campaign from Christmas 2014 post Christmas post cards to community stakeholders. Copy attached. Create 2015’s new Christmas message and cards bearing the “12 Days of Christmas” road safety message. Copy attached. Weekly distribution of the “No Winners Here” (NWH) scoreboard that is now being distributed to all active community road safety groups with an email address in South Australia. NOTE: Campbelltown City Council in Adelaide have picked it up and run the weekly update in their public areas. Campaigns Stay Another Day – In late December 2015 an innovative full page message in the Limestone Coast Stay Another Day” annual tourism guidebook was published. 20,000 copies of the book are distributed via key entry points, visitor information centres and tourist destinations throughout the region. The “Stay Another Day” campaign message was featured in the Australasian Council for Road Safety (ACRS) newsletter #194 released 27th January 2016. Extract from the Newsletter attached. “On the Beach: Sounding out stakeholders on the production of a road safety DVD that will engage all beach users on appropriate driver behavior. Using a concept successfully employed by the Kangaroo Island Council on another road safety initiative, conversations have begun with the District Council of Robe and other stakeholders about a generic message using the region’s iconic Long Beach as a case study. This regional engagement we believe will lead to the development of a funding application that will demonstrate safe behaviors where motor vehicles are permitted on our beaches and share with beachgoers. The initial meeting held in Robe with a selection of possible stakeholders (Council, SAAS,) on 12 February is expected to get the ball rolling. For want of a better name, “Project Pie Drive” a road safety project aimed at minimising the dangers caused by driver fatigue came to fruition. In Late January saw the first shipment of thousands of pastry bags arrive for distribution via a number of bakeries and canteens in the Limestone Coast. The pastry bags (Copy attached) have a road safety message bearing 7 tips on fighting driver fatigue. It also depicts a map that highlights a wealth of places in the Limestone Coast region to take time out, have a break from driving, enjoy our region and refresh. Expected to be launched in the second week of February 2016. I have a bundle of the bags here for members if they wish to draw them to the attention of their local bakeries and canteens to expedite take up. State Government Follow up Minister Piccolo’s office requesting a copy of the supporting powerpoint material shown by DPTI, RAA, CASR and SAPOL at the regional forum on the Review of Rural Speed Limits held in Mount Gambier on the 25th November. No response as yet. Letter sent to Tony Piccolo MP acknowledging his strong support for improving community road safety during his time as Minister for Road Safety. December meeting with Mr. Michael Cornish, GM Road Safety and Communications, MAC. Local Government With Michael Cornish, General Manager, MAC attended the Geared 2 Drive presentation at District Council of Grant on 10th December 2016. Approach the Management of Mount Gambier Airport about the placement of short road safety messages on their display screens inside the terminal building. Simple messages will focus on local driving conditions, e.g. Keep on the LHS, and watch out for wildlife (roos), lights on and sharing the road with heavy freight vehicles. Status: Outstanding N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 7 Tatiara District Council Reported to the LCLGA Board at their General Meeting on Friday 12th February 2016. Federal Nil return Industry Open our account with the National Road Safety Strategy (NRSS) Keep on the alert for relevant webinars such as the one on the SW Road Safety Alliance in Western Australia facilitated by ARRB on Tuesday 17th February 2016. Media Released Limestone Coast Community Road Safety Newsletter No 5 on 9th December 2015. Copy of cover attached. Preparing and inserting full page Christmas Road Safety message in the region’s Lifestyle 1 magazine, (Circulation 21,500 copies) that covers 6 South Australian Councils and 3 Victorian shires. The message “12 Days of Christmas” was used with the permission of the Calderdale Road Safe Active Travel Council based in East Yorkshire (UK) Adapt the “12 Days of Christmas” message with scripts for playing on 5tcb radio servicing the Upper South East. 5TCB are playing the “Don’t Touch It” road safety messages that were previously run on STARFM 96.1. For our initial $4312.00 investment we have managed to leverage that to generate around $24K in value on STARFM 96.1 alone! Aboriginal “All Stars” road safety music CD to Michael Cornish for distribution in Port Augusta and APY lands. Review LCLGA (SELGA) website content. ABC Radio – Highlight the locations of all driver reviver stations on the way to Adelaide and Melbourne over the Christmas – New Year period. Diary note for Easter ABC SE Local Radio (7 January) – Publicity on the AEAS Road safety calendar project ABC SE Local Radio (Friday 12th February) – publicity on Beating Driver Fatigue aka “The Pie Drive” Liaise with Mr. Chris Russell LGSA SA and Ms Leisha Bond from her agency, The Press Gallery re promotion of local government road safety initiatives initiated by LCLGA. Social Media: Weekly entries on the LCLGA Regional Community Road Safety Facebook page. Some of the issues covered in this reporting period were; “Driver Distraction” – Using a National Film Sound Archive clip (circa.1958) on road safety featuring the legendary Australian test cricketer, Keith Miller. “No Winners Here” New Year’s Eve road safety message Fatigue using material from the South West Alliance in WA that supported MAC’s “Don’t Fight Fatigue” message. “Under the Influence” – What type of driver are you raising message demonstrating the impact of parent’s driver and copy cat behavior on drivers of the future. “Watch out for the Warning Signs” Driving with Diabetes “It’s all about the look!” The best look on the street is a message from Australian Davis Cup Tennis player, Sam Groth about the dangers of being distracted by mobiles and head phones. “Back to School” Monday 1st February 2016. “Self Destruct” Cognitive Recognition – Alertness, Awareness, Concentration, Distraction. St Valentine’s Day message – Keeping you and your Valentine safe. Urging young men to take care while driving, particularly when they have their wives or girlfriends in the car with them. Youth in Road Safety “YOURS” A J Fordham’s photographic journey from road trauma Research Fatigue N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 8 Tatiara District Council Funding Promotion of funding opportunities, e.g. Fund My Idea. Community Grants for Safer, Greener and More Active Travel that open on 22 February and close at 5pm on 3 April 2016. Other: Annual Report to MAC for 2013-2014 Annual Report to MAC for 2014-2015 Abstract for the Australasian Council for Road Safety Conference September 2016 Media – The autumn edition (tourism feature) of Southern Life, a 7,500 copy circulation with an estimated 30,000 readers that can extend the road safety message featured in the Stay Another Day publication. Status: Under investigation South East Field Days? Local Government Showcase? Industry alignment Merchandise 25kph: Follow up on a query from Roger Clothier regarding MAC Bumper stickers regarding 25kph in the proximity of emergency vehicles. Ms Megan Cree of MAC advised (16/2) that MAC do not have them. It is possible that they may be able to get some from DPTI. I don’t know what the unit cost is, but I have ordered for 500. Wallet Cards – Know Your Limit. Suitable for food and wine festivals, clubs, pubs and licensed venues. Megan of MAC advised on 16/2/16 that they were at the printer at that very moment. EMERGING PRIORITY Preparation for the final year of this pilot project. If you wish to discuss or have any questions in relation to this report, please contact me on 0408 673 113. Yours sincerely, 17 February 2016 N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 9 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 10 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 11 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 12 Tatiara District Council Chairman Report Country Road Speed Limits – discussion to bring the speed limit on country roads back to 100 km/hr. The default speed limit on country roads is 100 km/hr if not signposted otherwise just the same as the default is 50 km/hr in built up areas unless otherwise signposted. Noticed that the reflection on the back of the new signs on the highway is very bad and makes it very hard to see. Moved R Drabsch seconded R Clothier that TRSG write to DPTI requesting that the reverse side of all signs on the highway be treated on the back with a non reflective treatment to reduce the glare from the sun. CARRIED Police Report Riddoch Highway/Dukes Highway junction - there is no give way or stop sign at this junction. Nothing to alert traffic that the junction lays ahead. Suggestion to have flashing lights and/or reduce the 80km/hr speed limit to 60 km/hr. S Prakash suggested that Council write to DPTI about near misses etc and get them to install road reduction flashing lights etc rather than trying to reduce the speed limit. S Prakash to bring more information back to the next meeting regarding that particular corner in relation to how many accidents/near misses etc. Speed was has been an issue of late with 6 or 7 drivers being clocked over 150 km/hr. Issued 3 immediate loss of licence notices. Suggestion whether there would be consideration of changing the speed limit in Woolshed Street to 40 km/hr. It was felt that most road users drive to the conditions on Woolshed St, ie not travel at 50 km/hr when the street is busy at peak time. Council Emu flat road – Requested an update to our application regarding the reduction of the speed limit. ARTC Boom Gates Bordertown – ARTC acknowledge that this is a dangerous crossing, We are yet to receive a response regarding the installation of boom gates. Last Council meeting MTS had a visit from the safety officer from JBS regarding reducing the speed limit in front of their JBS plant. Council wanted to seek the opinion of the TRSG before they make a decision. Council thinks that there would be too many different speed limits (different) on that road. TRSG suggests the following: o Include placing the speed trailer on this road as part of its rotations. o Police to police this area more. o Check whether current slips lanes are visible, being parked in and whether there is a lane for cars and trucks. o Driver education for migrants. Schools – Mick O’Connell Concerned that some motorbike riders are not dressing appropriately to ride. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 13 Tatiara District Council Moved M O’Connell seconded R Clothier that Council write to the Road Safety Minister to request that the wearing of protective clothing for motorcycle riders to be legislated to be in line with other states. CARRIED Asked whether pushbikes on footpaths has become an issue now that legislation has changed. R Forgan responded that this does not seem to be a problem from a regional perspective. GENERAL BUSINESS: Nil. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 13th April 2016 (every 2nd month). CLOSE: Meeting closed at 7.18pm. ITEMS REQUIRING FURTHER REVIEW (to stay on minutes) Bike/Road Safety Program for primary school children Purchase of an additional speed message trailer. Purchase of a variable message/speed trailer. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160413.docx 14 Tatiara District Council
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