2016 February TRSG Agenda - Tatiara District Council
2016 February TRSG Agenda - Tatiara District Council
TATIARA DISTRICT COUNCIL Notice of Annual General Meeting TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Wednesday 17th February 2016 Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Council’s Tatiara Road Safety Group is to be held in the Keith Council Depot, 160 Stirling Road, Keith on Wednesday 17th February 2016, commencing at 5.30pm. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 1 Tatiara District Council TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 17th February 2016 at 5.30pm in the Keith Council Depot, 160 Stirling Road, Keith AGENDA 1. WELCOME 2. APOLOGIES 3. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES T Carter (SAPOL), A Howell (SAPOL) Recommendation: That the Minutes of the Tatiara Road Safety Group Meeting held on 18th November 2015 be taken as read and confirmed. 5. MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6. CORRESPONDENCE Recommendation: That the following Correspondence be received: Incoming: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – 5TCB Road Safety Messages Letter from DPTI – 9th December 2015 – Keith Truck Parking Bay Pedestrian Lighting Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – ABC SE Radio – Schoolies Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 24th November 2015 – BikeSA Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 9th December 2015 – Limestone Coast Regional Community Road Safety Newsletter Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th December 2015 – 5TCB Christmas Road Safety Message Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th February 2016 – Media Release DPTI – Community Grants Road Fatalities in SA to February 2016 – DPTI Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 11th February 2016 - SA Police Website Outgoing: Nil. 1. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – 5TCB Road Safety Messages Discussion with 5TCB regarding putting various road safety messages to air. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 2 2. Letter from DPTI – 9th December 2015 – Keith Truck Parking Bay Pedestrian Lighting DPTI advised that the installation of lighting at this location is considered a low priority compared to other issues across the State. They also feel that the use of solar lights to provide adequate lighting for pedestrians crossing the highway is not considered appropriate as it may not meet Australian Standards. 3. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 19th November 2015 – ABC SE Radio – Schoolies Rob Forgan arranged for ABC SE radio to interview Bordertown High School Principal, Mick O’Connell, regarding Schoolies and the school’s initiatives surrounding this. 4. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 24th November 2015 – BikeSA 210 persons attended the Bike SA “Be Safe Be Seen” presentations in the Limestone Coast across 13 venues. A couple of the issues that came up in the South East were: Interface with Heavy Vehicles (sharing the road with Semis, B Doubles etc) Questions about where people could go to get funding for cycling infrastructure. 5. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 9th December 2015 – Limestone Coast Regional Community Road Safety Newsletter Provision of the December 2015 Limestone Coast Regional Road Safety Newsletter. Great round up of road safety news and events from around the Limestone Coast region. 6. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th December 2015 – 5TCB Christmas Road Safety Message A suggestion for a Christmas Road Safety Message to be played on 5TCB Radio. 7. Email from Rob Forgan (LCLGA RCRSO) 11th February 2016 – Media Release Media release that covers a recent road safety initiative in the Limestone Coast. Plus 2 photos (courtesy of R Lowe ABC SE) to choose from as well as a graphic of the map and its points of interest that is printed on the Berkefeld pastry bag. 8. DPTI – Community Grants Open 22nd February 2016 Community Grants for Safer, Greener and More Active Travel open on the 22nd of February 2016 and close at 5.00 pm on 3rd April 2016. 9. Road Fatalities in SA to February 2016 – DPTI - 11 fatalities compared to 14 in 2015 and a 4 year average of 12. - 2 were passengers, 5 were light vehicle drivers, 2 were motor cycle riders, 1 was a pedestrian and 1 was a cyclist. - 7 people died in Adelaide and 4 in country areas. - 7 were male, 4 were female. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 3 - Of the 11 deaths, 3 were between 25-29, 2 between 30-39, 3 between 40-49, 1 between 60-69 and 2 were 70+. 10. Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 11th February 2016 - SA Police Website Up until midnight of 11/02/2016: - The South East has had 0 deaths, 4 year average of 0. - SA has had 85 serious injuries on its roads in 2016 compared to a 4 year average of 84. - The South East has had 9 serious injuries compared to a 4 year average of 6. 7. REPORTS 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Rob Forgan – Regional Community Road Safety Officer Ross Elliott Police Report Schools Tatiara District Council o TRSG Strategic Plan 8. GENERAL BUSINESS 9. NEXT MEETING 10. CLOSE N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 4 Tatiara District Council TATIARA ROAD SAFETY GROUP Meeting held on Wednesday 18th November 2015 in the Council Chamber, Woolshed Street, Bordertown commencing at 5.33pm MINUTES PRESENT: Councillor Liz Goossens, Roger Clothier, Surya Prakash (Council Manager Technical Services), Rod Drabsch, Mick O’Connell, Tom Carter (SAPOL) and Neil Rook (SAPOL). In Attendance: Rob Forgan (LCLGA Road Safety Co-Coordinator) & Mandy Clarke (Council EA). APOLOGIES: Peter Cook, Ross Elliott, Police Superintendent Trevor Twilley, Cr Miles Hannemann, Adam Howell (SAPOL), MINUTES: Moved R Clothier seconded M O’Connell that the minutes of the Tatiara Road Safety Group held 23rd September 2015 be received. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING: o Concern on the Dukes Highway at Wirrega, turn right lane – MTS has inspected the location. The slip lane meets DPTI specifications and unfortunately there is no way to control the speed. Sight distances comply. The bus driver needs to be very diligent when using that section of road. CORRESPONDENCE: Moved R Drabsch seconded R Forgan that the correspondence as listed be received. CARRIED Incoming: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mount Gambier & Districts Road Safety Group – Agenda 23rd November 2015 Email from Rob Forgan LC LGA – Review of draft TRSG Strategic Plan Wattle Range Road Safety Group – Annual World Day of Remembrance Ceremony for Road Crash Victims Road Fatalities in SA for October – DPTI Fatalities & Serious Injuries to 8th November 2015 - SA Police Website Email from DPTI – Speed Display trailers funding Email from Community Achievement Awards N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 5 Tatiara District Council Outgoing: Nil. BUSINESS ARISING FROM CORRESPONDENCE: o Annual World Day of Remembrance Ceremony for Road Crash Victims was very well attended. It had great coverage. o Speed Display trailers brochures – Could this be a project that service clubs etc. may like to contribute some funds towards? Moved S Prakash seconded R Drabsch that the Tatiara Road Safety Group write to the following groups outlining a request for funds to purchase a speed message trailer: Bendigo Bank SGIC Keith Apex Bordertown Apex CARRIED A list of final names to be circulated to the group before a letter is sent out. REPORTS: Rob Forgan – Regional Community Road Safety Officer Mr. Peter Cook Chair Tatiara Road Safety Group “The Good Country” Dear Peter, REGIONAL COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY PROJECT UPDATE (22/09/15-17/11/15) On behalf of the Limestone Coast Local Government Association (SELGA) I am pleased to present an update on recent activities on the Regional Community Road Safety Officer project. Community Road Safety Groups Raise awareness of the 2015 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims – 20th Anniversary. Assist Mount Gambier and Districts Road Safety Group with the funding and production of their 2016 Road Safety Calendar project collaboration with Allendale East Area School. Assist Tatiara RSG with accessing the Moving Right Along program. The Wattle Range Road Safety Group (formerly Millicent Road Safety Group) recognised by Professor Brian Owler at the inaugural Australasian Council of Road Safety (ACRS) Forum on the Gold Coast in October 2015. Community Outreach Liaison with the Stand Like Stone Foundation and trustees of the Steven Noble Memorial subfund, local councils and service clubs refunding for local road safety projects. Bike SA Regional Road Safety “Be Safe Be Seen” sessions in collaboration with Bike SA approach multiple sites and businesses encouraging them to host the cycling safety sessions. Sessions have been organized for the week commencing 16th November at various locations, viz. Kingston, Bordertown, Naracoorte, Coonawarra, Millicent and Mount Gambier. Many questions asked as a result of the new Cycling Laws introduced in October 2015. N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 6 Tatiara District Council Arranged meeting with Mr. David Copley, new CEO of Pangula Mannamurna Incorporated, Aboriginal community health unit. I promoted the South Australian “On the Right Track’ initiative as well as the novel approach undertaken in the NT using community champions in the form of the Road Safety All Star musicians. A copy of the All Stars CD was provided to Pangula Mannamurna Inc. Campaigns Stay Another Day – Revise the original concept by developing an innovative full page message in the Annual Limestone Coast tourism guidebook. 20,000 copies of the book are distributed via key entry points, visitor information centres and tourist destinations throughout the region. On track for a pre-Christmas release. Be Safe Be Seen: Building on the momentum of the Tour of the Great South Coast arrangements are in place with Bike SA about the roll out of regional cycling safety sessions sponsored by MAC. These started at Kingston on the 17th November and will conclude with a session in Bordertown (Murray Nankivell Accountants) on Friday 20th November. FATIGUE: Novel approach on addressing the fatigue issue experienced by travelers on the roads of the Limestone Coast region. In conjunction with a catering and hospitality services business a message will be overprinted on pastry bags that will be distributed to approximately 10 regional bakeries. The distributor is on board, the graphics have been completed and we are on track for a launch in the New Year. Mr. Peter Cook and the Mount Gambier and District Road Safety Group have been advised that they are semifinalists in the prestigious 2015 Hunt and Hunt Lawyers Road Safety Community Achievement Awards. State Government Liaison with Minister Piccolo’s office regarding the opportunity to address Local Government on the Review of Rural Speed Limits to coincide with the Country Cabinet meeting in our region in November 2015. Approach Mr. Michael Deegan, CEO of DPTI about the community concerns of the safety of Princes Highway and the Penola –Kangaroo Inn intersection. Federal Nil Local Government Reported to the Board of the Limestone Coast Local Government Association at their October 2015 meeting. Assist District Council of Robe with a road safety issue at the Penola Rd, Princes Highway intersection at Claywells. Media ABC Radio – 30 September ABC Radio 11/11/15 Promotion of Be Safe Be Seen, Changes to cycling laws and the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Lead story in the SE Times 18/11/15 Provide ABC Local radio and THE FM radio stations at Millicent and 5TCB radio (Bordertown) with a free copy of the Road Safety All Stars CD that is a dynamic means of spreading the road safety message amongst Indigenous families and their communities. Press releases: Cycling Safety – Be Safe Be Seen Assist SAMFS with the promotion of the Road Awareness Program (RAP) in the Tatiara (Bordertown and Keith). Social Media: Weekly entries on the newly created LCLGA Regional Community Road Safety Facebook page. Issues covered were; Cycling Safety – Bike SA & MAC Be Safe Be Seen regional sessions. “Keep Your Distance” Introduction of the new rules on 25th October 2015. Promotion of the 20th Anniversary of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 7 Tatiara District Council Pedestrian Safety – Street Talk, Street Walk. “Gotta Lift our Game” this season. A message at Grand Final time. “No Winners Here” “Schoolies” Victor Harbor 2015. Getting there, Getting home safely. Research Fatigue. Funding Identifying and approaching local sources. Other On leave in the NT 12/10/15-26/10/15 Brief Ms Megan Cree of MAC Marketing and Communications on the Limestone Coast pilot project. If you wish to discuss or have any questions in relation to this report, please contact me on 0408 673 113. Yours sincerely, Rob Forgan REGIONAL COMMUNITY ROAD SAFETY OFFICER 18 November 2015 N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 8 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 9 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 10 Tatiara District Council N:\Committees\Council\Section41\Sec 41 Committees\Tatiara Road Safety Group\Agendas\2016\20160217.docx 11 Tatiara District Council A suggestion from SAPOL members present that in the “Drive to Arrive” publication, could we change one of the squares to read: “25km/hr past emergency vehicles”. R Forgan advised that the proof had been accepted as is, but would note it for next year. Council Council approved the speed limit change on Emu Flat Road from 80 km to 60 km. DPTI have been in contact regarding collection of speed related data. MTS advised that traffic monitor will collect data and then it will be presented to DPTI who can then process our application to reduce the speed limit. Have received complaints regarding speeding from the Carol Murray Kindergarten in Bordertown and the Kindergarten in Keith. Would like a police presence to make sure motorists are doing the right thing. The time of surveillance is between 8.15 am and 8.45 a.m. Speed message trailer is currently located in McLeod Street, as there was a near miss with a motorist not complying with the speed limit during road works. Strategic Plan – MTS explained the benefits of the Strategic Plan and how it would work. This will now become a standard item for discussion/updates on the agenda. R Forgan suggested that once the draft plan has been adopted that we email it out to other local Road Safety Groups as it may assist them in their planning process. Any amendments or suggestions to improve “measures” or Actions should be sent to MTS prior to next meeting. Police There was a near miss involving a semi-trailer at the intersection which may have been travelling too fast. Suggestion to install rumble strips to the intersection of Riddoch Highway and Dukes Highway. MTS to liaise with DPTI and SAPOL regarding this. The 60 km zone near the BP at Keith – BP staff and truck drivers are now in favour of the change. Even those who weren’t in favour previously. Mick O’Connell - Schools School is supplying a bus for schoolies in Victor Harbor. A great initiative as there will be less students on the road during this time. GENERAL BUSINESS: Nil. NEXT MEETING: CLOSE: Wednesday 17th February 2016 (every 2nd month). Meeting closed at 6.40pm. ITEMS REQUIRING FURTHER REVIEW (to stay on minutes) Bike/Road Safety Program for primary school children Purchase of an additional speed message trailer. Purchase of a variable message/speed trailer. 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