Westmount Public School
Westmount Public School
Westmount Public School The StucJents. School Council, Playground Comurittee, and StatTof Westmount llr"rblic School wor"rld likc to thauk oirr donors very rnuch fbr their generous contributions to our school playground" With our donors' slrpport rve were able to create a r,vonderfLl, saf'e, "green" and inclr.isive play space, Thunk you to evertone w,htt helpetl make these wonderful ch*nges huppen. l*'estmtunt Scltuol b*l*ngs t* *n una*ing communigs! Playgrounal Donafions * h{erilee Friends and Jack Peter r Caralvn *Cassandra * *f Wbstw$ant Stansel * Mark & .lanice Davis * Kindergaften Class * Ansnymaus (2) * Sarah Bolvie* Julie Dodd s B ronze * \\ iltilnr Steduill + Anonynrous {-i} *' I'he l-olget Fanrill,* Adrian Welslr (ln Mernory}* * .leffct Kim Caban * h{atthe\,r'h'IacKay * Karen McNeit& Farnily * Crece deHaan * * In fulemory'of Lora MacKa)'* Family cf Edward Lohrenz* futcFadrlen Famill,* s Tlre Parsons Fan:ily * Gr*onrbridge Family' * Phillips Fanrilv * Riley, Cameron and Nolan * * Shannn & i\lexa Lorves s Shane Madill fl?tfil s Drn & Sarah Hickey * Namri Family * * Ava & i\na Bror,vn-Mantha $ ,Anonym*us (5) s Bob & Linda Vassiliadis * Li*da Stedwill* + lu )lcnrorl'ol'Crlhaur Clarke + Dr. & Mrs. Hlnscn s Dantien Cheung * Diivid Hall * 'k Kuzir.r &.lrr:tirrc Ptiscr'* Vl. & C. !'allitrit-Frrrscr''h Dr'. Ceorge C.W. Lce * Girarcli Fanrilt'* * 'fhe hleade Famill' * Don, Erniir'. Ale.x and Lor.a Vassii-iadis * EnvironuientaI Earlh Angels * {'\!'csirntiunr Leadersliip Corrnr-:il + Cha Farnih * McNab Farnilv * Freetnan Farnilr * $ The Momi Familv * The Oldlru-ld Farnily * Adrian & Isabelle Braat * Garri, Baldrvin * Gold sfulcCilien, Al,otte & DLrpuis + R*tary tliub of Peterborougl"r * L.R, Brolr,n Auriio Visual * *T'he Ebisuzaki-Mackay Farnily s The Pede Famil,v e Nlinistry of Natural Resources-CFWIP * Pl#tinHnr *Clria-Wen ilsu & Siuron Dadcls 4 R.C."irlie s Students & Families of Westnicunt *S'Cool Lif-e Funcl * TD Fliends of"flie Environrnent Foundation I Pcterlrcrough Hcrticr-rltural Sociefy * THAN{K YOU! -{iix*rix:1*wi s$iwg Fr*a*nds s€ €fu* ffirxwFcwE?egsesE* *;:*;x*'] S*q*x'tdw€6*E* o$.:,;*e" ffiffi W\y Frltsrbgrnilsh Hcitlc{ltilrel