Meet the Project REACH Staff!


Meet the Project REACH Staff!
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Meet the Project REACH Staff!
Project REACH has much to offer both new participants and continuing students, from the time you
begin your college career through your senior year.
Stop by the Center for Teaching and Learning and meet our friendly staff!
Jesse Lott
Audrey Dreier-Morrison
Director of Center for TeachAssociate Director
ing and Learning and Dean for
the First Year Program
Patti Dellas
Writing Coordinator
Melanie Miller
Academic Coordinator
Michele Tesch
Administrative Assistant
Our AMAZING Peer Mentors!
Front row from left: Lilliemae Ervin, Angela Martini, Samantha Young, Kara Locey
Top row from left: McCauley Cannizzo, Amanda Ostrom, Daniel Goewey, Alexandra Nordman, Sarah-Anna Hogan
Juanibel Abreu
Salat Ali
Justice Armstrong
Ibrahima Badji
Lochanie Balkissoon
Brooke Berglund
Shakiya Booker
Chantel Bounds
Patricia Breen
Madelyne Bump
Brittany Cain
Jaleel Campbell
Maxime Centeno
Shannon Collado
Samantha Crouse
Myra Cutway
Helen Dupree
Jennifer Eastwood
Tyne Emery
Emily Evans
Kelsey Farrell
Michaela Frechette
Kathleen Gaffga
Kevin Gamache
Taylor Gibbons
Jorge Guerrero
Chyna Harrison
Zachary House
James Hunt
Elijah Huntley
Stuart Inzinna
Liam Kelleher
Rayvon Kenyon
Taylor Leonard
Emily Lindsley
Mimi Liu
Alvaro Llanes
Tiffany Longacre
Kaitlin Lyboult
Emilio Maria
Christabel Martinez
Kahliek McArthur
Alexandra Miller
Amber Morgan
Mor-Talla Ndiaye
Nadine Newton
Rachel Phillips
Megan Plahanski
Project REACH student, Sonja
loves Canterbury!
Sonja writes, “We’re in the
Mirror World here. Everything is a little strange--it’s recognizable, but
wiser, warped by time. There are pubs that I
pass everyday that have been open longer
than the US has existed. Walking into the
great cathedral is like stepping back into
another time entirely. It’s breathtaking, and I
feel privileged to be here.”
Alexander Reyes
Desire Rico
Maranda Rowe
Justus Russell
Jessica Russo
Fatou Sangare
Alejandra Santos
Dana Schron
Alyssa Serafen
Elizabeth Simmons
Julia Smith
Courtney Soule
Heather Stay
Lashawn Sylvester
Natanya Thomas
Justin Torres
Jordynn Varano
G'Andre White
Brittany Whitehouse
Donte Williams
Nicole Williams
Stephanie Williams
Kaedynne Wilson
Project REACH
on Facebook for events
and other
important information.
9/28—Joanne Shenandoah
10/29—Etiquette Dinner
11/22—Phoenix Project
Project REACH senior,
Quieesha Burns, is a
veteran of showing her
clothing designs in various
fashion shows throughout
New York State. This year,
it was a great honor when Quieesha was chosen to highlight and model
her designs during Syracuse Fashion Weekend. This collaboration of
international haute couture designers and young local designers,
including our very own Quieesha Burns, will bring incredible high
fashion talent to the runway on Friday October 11 at the Syracuse
OnCenter. Proceeds from the event will benefit Golisano Children’s
Hospital and the upstate community. Congratulations, Quieesha!
Additional tutoring is
available on the first floor
of the Center for Teaching
and Learning. The tutor
schedule may be
downloaded at the link
If you have any
accomplishments you’d like us
to share in the Project REACH
newsletter, please email Michele
Feel free to include pictures!
Free Stuff
Resumes and cover letters printed on resume paper
Travel drive that may borrowed for academic purposes
A scanner for use by appointment
School supplies (limited quantities): Notebooks, loose-leaf paper,
 Funding for conferences, and academic field trips, when budget
allows (A Request for Funds form must be submitted at least 4 weeks in advance)
Contact Michele Tesch x7205 or for details.
Sadé Paigé had thé opportunity to intérn at a désign studio and havé thé chancé to work oné on oné with
thé désignér and léarn what it takés to own your own businéss. Using thé skills shé léarnéd in Construction I
and II, Sadé cut out pattérns, put pattérn piécés togéthér, rippéd out séams, and hélpéd as Daniél pérféctéd
his béautiful garménts. Thé world of fashion is not for thé faint of héart and Sadé télls us that shé “ran
around liké crazy” in NYC, hélping out with Daniél’s désigns. At a momént’s call, Sadé would run through
Manhattan picking up trimmings liké thréad and zippérs as garménts wéré finishéd! Shé hélpéd out at a
samplé salé whéré shé mét othér désignérs, all of which was éxciting and héctic, an éxpériéncé Sadé will
névér forgét. Nonstop activitiés and always busy, Sadé also was ablé to atténd thé prémiér of Daniél’s
Fashion Film, When Sunny Gets Blue www.daniélsilvérsté Théré is no doubt that this intérnship
will opén many doors for our futuré fashion désignér, Sadé Paigé.
Here is a great photo of Sadé looking gorgeous
as she is seen with Daniel wearing one of his
incredible designs, a black stretch mesh dress.
Daniel and Sadé with design
assistant, Briana.
Sadé presenting
her internship
board, wearing
a cream lace
dress with nude
undertone from
Daniel’s spring/
summer 2013
Project REACH is Proud of Adrian Sutherland!
We recently had the pleasure of catching up with Adrian Sutherland who graduated
with a degree in sport management in 2010. Adrian utilized many of Project REACH’s
services and what stands out the most to him, are the career counseling services and
his experience as a Peer Mentor. Adrian says, “For some the career mindset does not
kick in until their senior year, and at that point it’s a scramble. I encourage students to
get involved with any career-driven initiatives early because it makes career decisions
after college that much easier.”
Adrian supports Project REACH’s Peer Mentoring Program, “It is one of the best
programs on campus. The relationships that you develop with mentees last forever
and they look up to you as an example. It gives the mentee the understanding that you
can still be the cool kid but also have your priorities in order.”
Adrian is currently working in New York City with Mindshare, a global media agency.
He specializes in media planning and buying, as well as the development of crossplatform marketing programs with strong emphasis on digital advertising. He notes
that it is his volunteer work that he is most proud of. Specifically, his passion for
working with youth is being fulfilled by coaching a local basketball team. This allows him to teach children life skills through
sports. According to Adrian, “If we achieve this goal, they can become doctors, lawyers, musicians, or whatever their dreams
dictate because they have people supporting them.”
Although Adrian left Cazenovia over three years ago, it is clear that he is utilizing his college experiences and skills in many ways.
We congratulate him and are proud of Project REACH alumnus, Adrian Sutherland!