Higher Education Institutions in Austria
Higher Education Institutions in Austria
Higher Education Institutions 2014/15 www.studyinaustria.at Higher Education Institutions 2014/15 Powered by Higher Education Institutions 2014/15 Vienna, February 2014 Powered by COntents 4 Preface & Introduction 50 Carinthia Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt 52 Lower Austria Danube University Krems UNIVERSITIES 10 Vienna 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 University of Vienna Medical University of Vienna Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) University of Applied Arts Vienna University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 28 Styria 30 32 34 36 University of Graz Medical University of Graz Graz University of Technology University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) Montanuniversität Leoben 38 Tyrol 40 University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Medical University 42 Salzburg 44 University of Salzburg Mozarteum University Salzburg 46 Upper Austria Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz 48 University of Art and Design Linz PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES 56 Vienna 58 60 62 Konservatorium Wien University MODUL University Vienna Sigmund Freud University Webster University Vienna 64 Tyrol 66 Salzburg 68 UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology Paracelsus Medical University Private University Seeburg Castle 70 Upper Austria Catholic Theological Private University of Linz Anton Bruckner Private University 72 74 Lower Austria Danube Private University 76 New Design University UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES University Colleges of Teacher Education 80 Vienna 82 84 86 FHWien – University of Applied Sciences of WKW University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna FH Campus Vienna – University of Applied Sciences 120 Vienna 122 124 University of Teacher Education Vienna University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy Vienna University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems 88 Styria 90 FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences FH Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences 126 Styria 128 University College of Teacher Education Styria Catholic University College of Education Graz (CUCE Graz) 92 Tyrol 94 96 MCI Management Center Innsbruck University of Applied Sciences Kufstein University of Applied Sciences Tyrol fh gesundheit 130 Tyrol 132 University College of Teacher Education Tyrol University College of Teacher Education – Edith Stein Salzburg University of Applied Sciences 134 Salzburg 136 Upper Austria 138 University of Education Salzburg 98 Salzburg 100 Upper Austria 102 104 Carinthia Carinthia University of Applied Sciences 140 Carinthia University College of Teacher Education Carinthia – Victor Frankl UC 106 Lower Austria 108 110 112 IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Theresan Military Academy 114 Burgenland University of Applied Sciences Burgenland 116 Vorarlberg Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria University College of Education Upper Austria Private University College of Teacher Education of the Diocese of Linz 142 Lower Austria University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria 144 Burgenland University College of Teacher Education Burgenland 146 Vorarlberg University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg 148 150 Diplomatic Academy of Vienna Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) PREFACE & Introduction Preface With this brochure we would like to illustrate the wide variety of study options in Austria. The higher education location Austria unites three very important aspects: a great number of high quality tertiary education institutions in all nine federal provinces, a long academic tradition and an open-minded atmosphere for creativity and innovation. In many areas the Austrian institutions have accomplished outstanding achievements on an international level and gained high reputation. But it will only be through a co-operation of all four areas of the higher education sector – universities, private universities, universities of applied sciences, and university colleges of teacher education – with their respective tasks that the international competitiveness of Austria can be guaranteed. The brochure “Higher Education Institutions in Austria” is an overview of universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and university colleges of teacher education. By means of short 4 presentations, contact addresses and references we endeavour to provide an overview of the Austrian higher education system for all those who are interested in studying or pursuing research in Austria or getting in contact with one of these institutions. We would like to use this opportunity to thank all institutions and people who contributed with their great commitment to the making of this brochure. Information about study options in Austria can be found in our “Study Programmes. A brief Guide for International Students”, where you will also find important practical and legal information (entry and residence requirements, living costs, accommodation, lists of the fields of study, etc.) which is important for the preparation of your stay in Austria. Do not hesitate to order this guide from us (info@oead.at). More information at www.studyinaustria.at. Rita Michlits (OeAD-GmbH) Introduction Knowledge and innovation are the two pillars on which the broad spectrum of higher education in Austria is founded. Extremely complex university structures that have grown over a long tradition as well as very young institutions characterise the higher education landscape in Austria. Austria offers a space for both a scientific discourse intent on constructive criticism and discussion and for a rather application- and practice-oriented specialised education. The numerous Austrian institutions of higher education have become the most important site of academic teaching and research and they offer a broad range of study options. The university colleges of teacher education offer excellent educational possibilities for teacher training throughout Austria. Internationality is an important factor for the high quality standard that is guaranteed by the institutions of tertiary education. Numerous bilateral grant programmes, joint study programmes, university partnerships, the EU programme Erasmus+, educational networks such as CEEPUS, ASEA Uninet, etc. enable a great number of exchanges and a constant crossing of borders. The Bologna Process has been widely established in Austria. Transparency and acknowledgement of bachelor and master’s programmes are vital requirements for the opening within and outside Europe. Science that stretches beyond regional borders is the basis for the vibrant meeting place of research and teaching that is offered by the Austrian institutions of higher education. 78% of the students study at universities, 12% at universities of applied sciences, 5% at university colleges of teacher education, 3% at universities of the arts and the remaining 2% at private universities. 23% of the approximately 340,000 degree programme students in the academic year 2012/2013 are international students (Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, unidata). Universities Wide variety of study options. The Austrian universities display an enormous variety in terms of both size and structure. Their educational offer reflects this diversity. The study programmes at the traditional comprehensive universities in Vienna, Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Linz and Salzburg cover a broad spectrum of academic subjects. Austria’s technical and medical universities, on the other hand, concentrate on a range of highly specialised theoretical and applied disciplines. In 1994 the Austrian university landscape was expanded even further by the establishment of the Danube University Krems for postgraduate education. As of January 1, 2004 the former medical faculties were disjointed from their home universities and turned into institutions in their own right, the autonomous Medical Universities of Vienna, Graz, and Innsbruck. Research and teaching are seen as an inseparable entity at Austrian universities. Underpinned by this tenet all academic fields (Humanities, Natural Sciences, Law, Social and Economic Sciences, Medicine, Technology, Mining Sciences, Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences and Veterinary Medicine) aim at fostering interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary research work promotes a university education that strives to develop far-sighted concepts and solutions. The permanent dialogue with trade and industry has led to the establishment of a great number of competence centres in which innovative cooperation between university departments and enterprises takes place. In the last few years the Austrian university system has introduced the European three-tier system of degrees according to the Bologna process. Besides, the old two-tier system still exists in some subject areas and universities (for example Medicine). 5 Universities of the Arts Tradition and modernity. Whether it is music, dramatic arts, fine arts or applied arts, Austria’s universities of the arts provide an ideal space to tap into the fascinating interaction of art and science and acquire an exquisite education in a host of subjects. The universities of the arts in Austria have the highest percentage of international students (46% in the academic year 2012/2013, Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, unidata). Austria has traditionally been at the confluence of a rich variety of artistic streams, trends and styles. Today it continues to offer ample opportunities: the sound festival Ars Electronica in Linz, the Salzburg Festival, which is very rich in tradition, the jazz big band in Graz, the Viennale film festival, the Baroque palace theatre in Schönbrunn or the Picture Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, to name but a few. While the academic universities’ 6 mission is closely tied to research, the universities of the arts’ supreme objective is anchored in the “development and opening up of the arts”. The interaction between art and science, theory and practice presents a challenge to creativity, innovation and technical brilliance, which is taken up by the universities of the arts. Private Universities A perfect study environment. Austrian private universities offer innovative and high quality education and provide students with personal attention at the highest academic level. Continuous internal and external evaluation of teaching and research as well as active promotion of the arts assure constant university quality development. The Austrian private universities refine existing and establish new degree programmes based on current and future educational needs. Periodic external reaccreditation reviews supplement internal quality management and provide graduates with excellent chances for their future careers. The Conference of Austrian Private Universities (OePUK) serves as official representative for its members both in Austria and abroad. The curricula of the Austrian private universities as well as the academic degrees awarded by them differ from university to university. More information: www.aq.ac.at www.privatuniversitaeten.at Universities of Applied Sciences A booming sector. Since the start of the first few universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) degree programmes in the winter semester 1994/1995 a constantly growing demand can be experienced in this sector. The programmes on offer at pre- sent provide for an academically based and practiceoriented education (www.fachhochschulen.ac.at). In line with the Bologna Process universities of applied sciences offer bachelor and master’s programmes, and in a few cases still the former diploma programmes. Practice-oriented. In the areas of economy, tourism, technology, information technology, health, security, media and design the universities of applied sciences provide students with qualifications for specific occupations that are in line with the demands of trade and industry. Mandatory career-oriented practical training units or job-based internships are part of the universities of applied sciences degree programmes. Since 1996/97 part-time study programmes for working people have been offered, too, which take into account the specific situation of working students. Whether you are interested in modern telecommunication technologies, e-business, biotechnological processes, traffic ecology, industrial IT, healthcare management, facility management or many more subjects, the study options at the universities of applied sciences are adapted constantly and in permanent dialogue with trade and industry to meet the trends and requirements of the time. University Colleges of Teacher Education The Austrian university colleges of teacher education offer a three-year (six-semester) Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree in combination with a teaching qualification for primary, secondary or special needs schools. Some of them also offer BEd degrees for polytechnic schools and for teaching religious education. The University College of Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy offers a Bachelor of Education in combination with a qualification for teaching in schools of agriculture. Graduates of higher secondary education are accepted at the university colleges after going through a screening procedure and after successfully completing a four-week information period. The study programme comprises courses in educational science, subject studies relevant for the respective teaching qualification and practical school experience. There are nine state-run university colleges, e.g. in Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, Styria, Vorarlberg, Carinthia and two in Vienna and five private ones maintained by the dioceses of Graz, Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna and by a foundation in Burgenland. 7 UNIVERSITIES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 University of Vienna (Vienna) Medical University of Vienna (Vienna) Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) (Vienna) BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Vienna, Tulln) University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (Vienna) WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business (Vienna) University of Applied Arts Vienna (Vienna) University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (Vienna) Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Vienna) University of Graz (Graz) Medical University of Graz (Graz) 12 13 Graz University of Technology (Graz) University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) (Graz, Oberschützen) 14 Montanuniversität Leoben (Leoben) 15 University of Innsbruck (Innsbruck) 16 Innsbruck Medical University (Innsbruck) 17 University of Salzburg (Salzburg) 18 Mozarteum University Salzburg (Salzburg, Innsbruck) 19 Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz (Linz) 20 University of Art and Design Linz (Linz) 21 Alpen-Adria-Universität (Klagenfurt) 22 Danube University Krems (Krems) Germany 22 19 20 4 Krems Vienna Slovakia 1-9 Linz Upper Austria Tulln Lower Austria 17 18 Salzburg Burgenland Liechtenstein Vorarlberg Tyrol 15 18 16 Styria Salzburg Innsbruck 14 13 Leoben Oberschützen 10-13 Graz Switzerland Carinthia Italy 21 Klagenfurt Slovenia Hungary UniversiTIES universitIES Czech Republic University of Vienna ABOUT: The University of Vienna offers more than 180 degree programmes, among them 55 bachelor degree programmes and 116 master degree programmes. There are more than 100 main research areas of the faculties. To foster particularly innovative, interdisciplinary fields of research that have not yet been established at the University of Vienna (Life Science Governance, Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History, Human Rights in the European Context,...) research platforms have been established. Besides regular bachelor, master or doctoral degree programmes the Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna offers numerous further education programmes and postgraduate studies. As a public institution the University of Vienna wants to help to overcome innovation deficits. For this, successful innovation transfer projects are required. The service unit International Office serves as the transfer agency of the University of Vienna and provides support to the university’s scientists to facilitate a systematic and professional transfer of knowledge and technology. The University of Vienna has always forged close international relationships. The network of international scientists, teaching staff and students is continuously expanding and contributes significantly to the university’s position as one of the leading universities in Europe. Currently the University of Vienna takes part in the Erasmus programme, ASEAUNINET, the network of universities in the capitals of Europe (UNICA) and the European University Association (EUA). Quick facts: founded in number of teachers 10 1365 6,700 number of students percentage of foreign students 91,900 28% CONTACT: University of Vienna 1010 Vienna Universitätsring 1 T +43 1 4277-0 www.univie.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Student Point T +43 1 4277-10600 F +43 1 4277-9182 english.studentpoint@univie. ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 1 4277-18208 F +43 1 4277-9182 international.office@univie. ac.at Business, Economics and Statistics Catholic Theology | Protestant Theology Chemistry | Physics Computer Science | Mathematics Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy Historical and Cultural Studies | Translation Studies Law Life Sciences Philological and Cultural Studies Philosophy and Education Psychology Social Sciences Molecular Biology Sports Sciences and University Sports Teacher Education SPECIAL FEATURES: One of the primary objectives of the University of Vienna is to provide excellent doctoral education. In order to achieve this goal the unit Research Services and Career Development was created to support doctoral candidates during their doctoral studies and to help them to finish their research projects successfully. It offers information and consultation in all administrative matters that need to be dealt with during doctoral studies. In addition, it organises workshops for doctoral candidates to train and improve their transferable skills and provides platforms for communication and networking. With its wide range of 26 subjects, the University of Vienna is the largest institution for teacher education in Austria. The University is committed to further developing university-based teacher education in terms of content, didactics and organisation. To implement these plans efficiently the Centre for Teacher Education was established. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES & Centres: Medical University of Vienna ABOUT: The Medical University of Vienna is the largest medical institution in Austria and one of the most important top-level research centres in Europe. With its long history and tradition, which covers 650 years, it has developed into a highly modern research institution. It employs a staff of 5,400, of which 1,800 are researchers and 1,500 are medical doctors at Europe’s largest university hospital, the Vienna General Hospital (AKH). Each year more than 100,000 patients are treated as inpatients in 29 university departments, 47,000 operations are conducted and about 540,000 outpatients receive initial treatment in the day clinics. In its structuring and alignment MedUni Vienna relies on the “triple track” strategy. Research, education and patient care represent the three cornerstones of the university’s system. This enables medical science to respond flexibly to the continually changing demands of the state and society. Quick facts: founded as Medical Faculty in autonomous Medical University since academic staff students of which doctoral/PhD students percentage of foreign students 16 PhD programmes 10 Applied medical sciences doctoral programmes An innovative curriculum with focus on small-group 12 1365 2004 3,500 7,500 1,100 27% instruction and clinical practice also makes MedUni Vienna one of the most popular educational establishments in Central Europe today – a fact proven not least by the large number of international students. Apart from human and dental medicine the Medical University of Vienna also provides numerous PhD and doctoral programmes and a master programme in Medical Informatics. The training of young scientists is one of MedUni Vienna‘s key objectives. PhD subject programmes are oriented towards MedUni Vienna‘s focal points of research and are held in English only. CONTACT: Medical University of Vienna 1090 Vienna | Spitalgasse 23 T +43 1 40160-0 F +43 1 40160-910000 www.meduniwien.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Studies and Examinations Department T +43 1 40160-21 000 F +43 1 40160-921 000 studienabteilung@ meduniwien.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Mobility Office T +43 1 40160-21 014 F +43 1 40160-921 001 international@ meduniwien.ac.at A diploma degree programme both in Medicine and in Dentistry can be studied following a new educational concept, the so-called Medicine Curriculum Vienna (MCW). The core of the MCW is the principle of integrated and problem-oriented learning. The curriculum consists of 24 integrated study blocks, followed by 12 clinical blocks. In the field “problem-oriented learning“ (POL) students furthermore have to develop strategies and solutions for problems related to the medical practice autonomously and with guidance. The MCW also places special emphasis on the training of the communicative and social competence of the students in their contact with patients as well as the development of a well thoughtout ethical attitude. SPECIAL FEATURES: Interdisciplinarity and translational research – these are key areas at MedUni Vienna. Research results from the lab are translated into clinical practice. Practically all of the units are involved in medico-scientific and medico-diagnostic research. The high standard of research is reflected in the considerable number of scientific publications. In 2011 scientists from MedUni Vienna published works with a total impact factor of 11,880. MedUni Vienna has created five structured research clusters: _Allergology | Immunology | Infectious Diseases _Cancer Research | Oncology (Comprehensive Cancer Center Vienna) _Neurosciences _Cardiovascular Medicine _Medical Imaging In addition, there are focal areas of research: _Metabolism and Nutrition _Organ Failure | Organ Replacement _Musculoskeletal Disorders _Orphan and Rare Diseases _Critical Care _Prevention of Diseases UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: VIENNA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TU Wien) ABOUT: MISSION Our mission is “technology for people”. Through our research we “develop scientific excellence”, through our teaching we “enhance comprehensive competence”. employment are very prosperous. The high demand for graduates of the TU Wien from economy and industry, governmental as well as research institutions are manifest evidence for this. STUDIES TU Wien places great emphasis on the inclusion of students in research programmes (research-based teaching), considering this an important criterion encouraging new generations of scientists. TU Wien offers a broad range of studies from “A” for Actuarial Theory to “T” for Technical Physics. Doctoral programmes and secondary school teacher accreditation are also offered. The education offered by the Vienna University of Technology is rewarded by high international and domestic recognition. The chances for graduates for getting an attractive Research The Vienna University of Technology is Austria’s largest technical and scientific university. It sees itself primarily as a research institution. As a university of technology TU Wien covers a wide spectrum – from abstract pure research and the fundamental principles of science to applied technological research and partnership with industry. Theory and application are not opposites for TU Wien – linking both areas adds value to both research and teaching. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers 14 1815 1,992 number of students percentage of foreign students 27,148 29% CONTACT: TU Wien 1040 Vienna | Karlsplatz 13 T +43 1 58801-0 www.tuwien.ac.at Information about courses Public Relations Office T +43 1 58801-41070 infostud@tuwien.ac.at http://studium.tuwien.ac.at Information about entrance examinations | Department for Studies and Examinations T +43 1 58801-41060 studienabteilung@zv.tuwien.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office 1040 Vienna | Gusshausstr. 28 T +43 1 58801-41552 zemann@ai.tuwien.ac.at Architecture and Regional Planning Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Informatics Mathematics and Geo-Information Mechanical Engineering and Business Science Physics Technical Chemistry SPECIAL FEATURES: Research 2013+ – Vienna University of Technology defines new strategic research focus points to be prepared for the future. Within these specialist fields TU Wien is constantly striving to further develop the spectrum covered by their research. On this basis the “TU research matrix” has been developed as part of a joint effort with inhouse researchers for the 2013+ development plan. For this the TU’s research focal areas were defined with the 6-8 crossfaculty, predominantly interdisciplinary “TU fields of research”, which encompass the skills within the TU research expertise on which the scientific profile in the 2013+ development plan is based. TU Wien has therefore selected five research focal areas: _Computational Science and Engineering _Quantum Physics and Quantum Technologies _Materials and Matter _Information and Communication Technology _Energy and Environment TU Wien is defined by the excellence of its researchers in the areas of expertise covered by the TU’s research focal areas: this ensures that we have the very best conditions to continue the success story that is Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Vienna ABOUT: The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna – known also by its acronym “BOKU” – was initially founded as a university of agriculture and forestry in 1872, it nowadays covers a unique scientific spectrum – ranging from agrarian issues to biotechnological research. Deriving from its mantra – to be a “University of Life” – the BOKU aims to take on a special societal and political responsibility. Its core competency is the research and communication of potential sustainability solutions and the protection of natural resources. As a result, the BOKU provides answers to issues of socio-political importance that affect us all. The BOKU enjoys an outstanding reputation and offers an exceptional environment: It has always been a place of encounter for different fields of science, research topics, opinions, attitudes, people and nationalities; openness and diversity characterise everyday life at this university. BOKU’s topics in teaching and research _sustainable use of naturally growing raw materials both for energy supply as well as for innovative materials _protecting natural resources such as water, soil and atmosphere _shaping true to life recycling processes _interrelation between food production and health _managing biotopes and environments _protecting the wellbeing of plants, animals and humans Quick facts: Currently, more than 10,000 students attend courses at the BOKU. The study programmes offered currently include nine bachelor’s, 25 master’s and three doctoral programmes; six of the master’s programmes are collaborations with international universities and institutions. 16 All programmes are highly interdisciplinary: The combination of natural sciences, technology and economics (also known as BOKU’s “three pillar system”) makes the graduates highly employable in research and business sectors. CONTACT: BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences), Vienna 1180 Vienna Gregor Mendel-Strasse 33 T +43 1 47654-0 www.boku.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations 1180 Vienna | Gregor Mendel-Strasse 33 T +43 1 47654-0 studabt@boku.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes 1190 Vienna | Peter Jordan-Strasse 82a T +43 1 47654-2600 zib@boku.ac.at Water, Atmosphere and Environment Nanobiotechnology Chemistry Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research Food Sciences and Technology Landscape, Spatial Economics and Social Sciences Sustainable Agricultural Systems Civil Engineering and Natural Hazards Forest and Soil Sciences Crop Sciences Agrobiotechnology (IFA Tulln) Applied Genetics and Cell Biology Material Sciences and Process Engineering Biotechnology SPECIAL FEATURES: BOKU – the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna supports the concept of a European and global bio-economy 2030, addressing the grand societal challenges: sustainable management of natural resources, sustainable production, improving public health, mitigating climate change, integrating and balancing social developments and global sustainable development. The Centre for Development Research is dedicated to the transfer of know-how and technology for sustainable development in Africa, Asia and Latin America. An integral part of BOKU is the Vienna Institute of BioTechnology; it is home to those institutes that deal directly or indirectly with this future key technology. Constantly being aware of environmental issues, BOKU was the first Austrian university to receive the European EMAS certificate for its environmental management system in 2006. BOKU’s “Centre for Global Change and Sustainability” supports the university in realising its societal responsibility. On a somewhat smaller scale, there is the Kids’ University, giving children an insight into the world of science by means of age-appropriate lectures; or in-house, the autonomous Equal Opportunities Working Group provides preventive advice and fosters the advancement of women. UniversiTIES universitIES Departments: UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDiCINE, VIENNA ABOUT: Vetmeduni Vienna was founded in 1765 as “K. and K. Horse Curing and Operation School“ by Empress Maria Theresia. Therefore it is the third-oldest veterinary school in the world, the oldest in German-speaking countries and the only one in Austria. Our mission is teaching with care, research with vision and treatment with ambition. Vetmeduni Vienna looks back at a prosperous tradition and consistently continues this way by performing both ethically and ecologically specified services in teaching and research. Issues of food safety, animal husbandry and animal welfare, man and his natural environment, protection of the environment and biomedicine are in the focus of interest. Our study programmes range at a high level of quality, approved by international evaluation. The primary research intention is to promote the development of veterinary sciences by aiming at holistic problem solutions. The animal hospital and its university clinics contribute ideally to teaching and research activities. Quick facts: number of staff number of scientists number of students 1,200 650 2,300 Locations The large university campus is located in the 21st district of Vienna (Floridsdorf). The campus includes 47 buildings spread over an area of 15 ha. It also houses the university‘s 18 animal hospital and various spin-off enterprises and branches of business partners. There are efficient public transport connections to the Viennese city center. Outposts of the University Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology Teaching and Research Station Kremesberg CONTACT: University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna 1210 Vienna | Veterinaerplatz 1 T +43 1 25077-0 F +43 1 25077-1090 www.vetmeduni.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Office Dr. Ursula Schober T +43 1 25077-1107 F +43 1 25077-1197 ursula.schober@vetmeduni. ac.at Further information www.vetmeduni.ac.at/ international Departments and interdisciplinary Facilities Biomedical Sciences | Pathobiology | Farm Animals and Veterinary Public Health | Companion Animals and Horses | Integrative Biology and Evolution | Messerli Research Institute Study programmes Veterinary Medicine (Diploma programme, German) Veterinary Medicine (Doctoral programme, German) Equine Sciences (BA programme, German) Biomedicine & Biotechnology (BA programme, German) Biomedicine & Biotechnology (MA programme, English) Comparative Morphology (MA programme, English) Human-Animal Interactions (MA programme, English) PhD programmes SPECIAL FEATURES: Housing possibilities for students Student Apartments Vetmeduni Vienna: single apartments providing a kitchenette, a bathroom and a furnished living space, room-cleaning service, WLAN, TV rooms, recreation rooms, laundry, fitness room, garage, corporate garden www.vetheim.at Haus Donaufeld: rooms in double room apartments, common kitchens, roomcleaning service, TV and Internet connection, recreation rooms, fitness room, music room, party room, sauna, laundry, cafeteria. Pets are allowed! www.stuwo.at/de/studentenheim-wien-donaufelderstrasse University Library: Oldest library with literature of veterinary medicine in German-speaking countries, specialist literature of veterinary medicine and other branches, journals and online database http://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/bibl/ Audit “hochschuleundfamilie” (“universityandfamily”) The University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna is certified with the audit “university andfamily”, which refers to arrangements provided by the university in order to ease compatibility of academic studies and family management. UniversiTIES universitIES Faculties: WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) ABOUT: WU is the largest university of economics and business in the European Union and has been awarded the prestigious EQUIS and AMBA accreditations. Excellent results in independent international rankings, for example the Financial Times Ranking, are a further indicator of WU’s outstanding quality and international reputation. The University’s size works to its advantage in its wide range of fields and specializations available in teaching and research, the large selection of foreign languages, its close network of corporate partners, the comprehensive character of its international programs, and its large number of international students. WU plays an important role on the Austrian labor market and has a prominent position in public life through the many WU alumni in top positions. Quick facts: founded in 1898 number of faculty approx. 1,350 number of students approx. 23,000 percentage of foreign students 23% 20 Internationalization has always been a WU asset. Membership in CEMS (Community of European Management Schools) and WU’s leadership role in PIM (Partnership in International Management) connect WU to the finest business schools in the world. Approximately 230 partner universities in about 55 countries, 23% international students from around 100 countries, summer university programs in the CEE region and Asia, the International Summer University program in Vienna, a wide variety of courses taught in English, seven master programs taught in English, international internships, and various programs are just part of what WU has to offer. CONTACT: WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) 1020 Vienna Welthandelsplatz 1 T +43 1 31336-0 F +43 1 31336-740 www.wu.ac.at Information about programs and admission Admissions Office (International Students) T +43 1 31336-6210 F +43 1 31336-720 admission@wu.ac.at Information about international exchange programs International Office T +43 1 31336-4310 F +43 1 31336-752 zas@wu.ac.at Business, Employment and Social Security Law Economics Finance, Accounting and Statistics Foreign Language Business Communication Global Business and Trade Information Systems and Operations Management Marketing Public Law and Tax Law Socioeconomics Strategic Management and Innovation SPECIAL FEATURES: In October 2013 WU moved to a new campus adjacent to the Prater park and the Reed Exhibition and Congress Center. Conveniently located near the city center but in a green area, the modern new campus comes along with an innovative university concept. Six building complexes were built, centered around a Library & Learning Center and designed by renowned international architects. This new campus provides ideal conditions for teaching, learning, and research. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES & Departments: University of Applied Arts Vienna ABOUT: The University of Applied Arts Vienna is home to more than 2,000 students, many of whom coming from other countries. The range of courses which are on offer is diverse and includes architecture, fine arts (painting, graphics, transarts, photography, landscape art), stage design, design (fashion, graphic design, graphics and advertising), industrial design, media design (transmedia arts, digital art), conservation and restoration, pedagogic studies for artistic teaching disciplines, textile design and handicrafts, art & science, creative writing and social design. It is the diversity of these artistic disciplines which is supplemented by a large number of scientific subjects that contributes to the special atmosphere that prevails at the “Angewandte”. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 22 1867 439 2,000 40% The basic concept of the university as a place of critical reflection and a forum where questions are more important than given patent solutions lives on at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. For all those interested in the university of the arts, especially potential applicants, the yearly Open House provides insights into life in the studios, workshops and labs of the Angewandte. All departments offer expert talks, guided tours and presentations of projects, theses and films. Students and teachers are available for questions and talks and can give information about the entrance examinations, the study programmes and the curricula. CONTACT: University of Applied Arts Vienna 1010 Vienna | O. Kokoschka-Pl. 2 T +43 1 71133-2160 pr@uni-ak.ac.at www.dieangewandte.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Bernhard Kernegger T +43 1 71133-2060 F +43 1 71133-2069 studien@uni-ak.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Studies Office Astrid Behrens 1010 Vienna | Postgasse 6 T +43 1 71133-3170 F +43 1 71133-3179 astrid.behrens@uni-ak.ac.at Architecture Fine and Media Art Design Conservation and Restoration Arts and Society Art Sciences and Art Education Art and Technology Creative Writing Centre for Art & Knowledge Transfer Gender Art Lab Collection and Archive SPECIAL FEATURES: The Essence The highlight of an academic year at the Angewandte is the annual exhibition “The Essence”. “The Essence” showcases the origins and development processes of selected individual and group projects by students and graduates from the preceding winter and summer semesters. They represent the various art departments as extraordinary idea workshops with their own unique profile. Together with lecturers and students curators organise an exhibtion of the most intriguing projects in Architecture, Industrial Design, Fine Arts, Stage Design, Design, Conservation and Restoration, Media Art, and Language Art, staging them in a prominent museum context in Vienna: art as a seismograph of a changing society, as a form-giver of society, as an institution that provokes change. Show Angewandte The Show Angewandte – the fashion department’s show – has become one of the highlights of the Viennese fashion scene. Each June students present their collections. It displays around 200 of the outfits designed and sewn in the previous semesters under the artistic guidance of the fashion instructor. Witty or experimental, clean lines or purism – originality is a must. Not least because of the continuous high quality of presented works and numerous successful graduates, including Bless, House of the very island’s, Petar Petrov, Ute Ploier. UniversiTIES universitIES Departments: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna ABOUT: The University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna is one of the world‘s largest, oldest, and best known universities in the performing arts of music, theatre and film. A charity concert given by noble society ladies in 1812 led to the foundation of a “Society of the Friends of Music” with the goal of promoting music in society. Finally, the “Konservatorium der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde” was founded in 1817. In 1851 the institution was turned into a government-supported conservatory and finally in 1998 was granted the status of a university. The university offers an outstanding education in one of the most beautiful cities in the world – Vienna – with curricula ranging from instrumental studies, voice and voice performance, to acting in the Max Reinhardt Seminar, the Film Academy Vienna, music education and research areas. Quick facts: At present more than 800 teachers instruct approximately 3,000 students from more than 70 countries in the world. The university comprises 24 departments located in 20 buildings, some of which are architecturally and historically famous sites. The curriculum covers a wide array of subjects from classical to modern music, music education, dramatic arts, film and scientific subjects such as music sociology, ethnology and management. The high quality of teachers and students has led to the university’s international reputation for artistic excellence. The high level of teaching 24 and research is documented in more than 1,000 events a year organized by the university; among them numerous concerts in the university’s own concert halls, which combine historical styles with state-of-the-art acoustics, opera performances and theatre performances in Vienna’s oldest baroque theatre, the Schlosstheater Schönbrunn, owned by the university, church concerts in the 17th century church of St. Ursula, film festivals, symposiums, exhibitions and interdisciplinary events. CONTACT: University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 1030 Vienna Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1 T +43 1 71155 F +43 1 71155-199 www.mdw.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Department for Studies and Examinations T +43 1 71155-6900 F +43 1 71155-6999 studienabteilung@mdw.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 1 71155-7420 F +43 1 71155-7429 internationaloffice@mdw.ac.at Composition and Electro-Acoustics | Conducting | Music Analysis, Theory and History | Keyboard Instruments | String Instruments | Leonard Bernstein Inst. for Wind and Percussion Instruments | Joseph Haydn Inst. for Chamber Music and Special Ensembles | Organ, Organ Research and Church Music | Voice and Music Theatre | Acting and Directing (Max Reinhardt Seminar) | Film and Television (Film Academy Vienna) | Music Education with focus on keyboard instruments, string instruments, wind and percussion instruments or voice | Music and Movement Education and Music Therapy | Musical Style Research | Popular Music | Anton Bruckner Inst. (music theory, aural training, ensemble direction) | Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology | Music Acoustics (Wiener Klangstil) | Music Sociology | Cultural Management and Cultural Studies SPECIAL FEATURES: isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw isa is the musical summer campus of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In 2014 isa will be held for the 24th time in the beautiful region close to the Semmering, in the south of Vienna and partly in Vienna itself from August 6 to 24, 2014. With the next annual theme of “Zeitenwenden/Times of Change” isa14 will set out to deal with major historical turning points such as 1914, 1814 and 1989. Important years for world history such as these not only have a political, social and economic impact but also quite naturally influence the cultural sphere. With music from these and other historical turning points as well as with the appropriate space for interdisciplinary and scholarly reflection (as part of isaScience) isa14 will also bring up important questions about our present-day situation. The programs of the master classes, the festival, the workshops and the interdisciplinary projects will dig up many interesting, equally astounding and shattering events and turmoils, not only in musical history! August 6–24, 2014 Contact and information: www.isa-music.org; facebook.com/isamusic.org isaOperaVienna / Otto Edelmann Singing Competition – Vienna Following the great response to the first edition of isaOperaVienna last year, this successful format will be continued! The singers’ course of isa14 will be embedded in the production of Mozart’s entire “Da Ponte” cycle. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS VIENNA ABOUT: The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna is a public university with 1300 students and a faculty of 260 offering opportunities for study, artistic and scholarly research and artistic practice in the fields of fine arts, art teachers’ training (education in the arts), architecture, stage design, conservation and restoration, art history and theory and the natural and technical sciences in the arts. Established in the 17th century, the Academy today focuses on providing up-to-date education in contemporary art. Studio practice is balanced with a large variety of course offerings on art theory and history. Our faculty consists of distinguished artists and scholars whose teaching is based on their artistic practice and research experience. In addition to being an educational institution, the Academy houses two internationally renowned art collections, the Picture Gallery and the Prints and Drawings Collection. Quick facts: With a student body coming from more than 50 countries and consisting of 40 per cent international students the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna provides a highly international environment. Although most of our study programmes are in German some individual courses are offered in English. We also offer courses in German as a foreign language for our students. Our study programmes cover the full range of undergraduate and (post)graduate education up to the doctorate. Most of our curricula are organised in the traditional 26 European 4-year diploma programmes which lead to the equivalent of a master’s degree. There is currently one 3-year bachelor programme in Architecture and two 2-year master programmes (Architecture and Master in Critical Studies). The doctoral programmes last 3 years. Five buildings covering a total area of 33,500 square metres are available for teaching, artistic practice and research. All the different sections have state-of-the-art laboratories, workshops and studios. The video and the sound studio are among the most advanced of their kind in Austria. CONTACT: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna 1010 Vienna | Schillerplatz 3 T +43 1 58816-0 F +43 1 58816-1099 www.akbild.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Registrar’s Office T +43 1 58816-1900 F +43 1 58816-1999 stud@akbild.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 1 58816-2100 F +43 1 58816-2199 international@akbild.ac.at Architecture Conservation and Restoration Education in the Arts Fine Arts Master in Critical Studies PhD in Practice Stage Design Doctoral programmes in the Humanities, Natural Sciences and Architecture SPECIAL FEATURES: PhD in Practice A 4-year doctoral programme combining academic and artistic research taught entirely in English. It provides students with the opportunity to realise their individual research projects within a context that encourages intensive collaboration. One focal point of the programme is the intersection of art and knowledge and the specific productivity of artistic methods and strategies in terms of the production and analysis of knowledge. Research Numerous research projects hosted at the Academy create a stimulating climate of artistic/intellectual debate. Especially in the field of artistic research but also in the fields of art theory/art history, natural sciences (material analysis) and conservation/ restoration projects deal with avant-garde questions and methods of research. In discursive events like public lectures, conferences and symposia research findings are discussed and disseminated. Teaching and Learning The Academy places great importance on providing students with a setting in which they can be both learners and artistic practitioners from the outset. We offer a range of teaching methods designed to foster an open and reflective learning environment. UniversiTIES universitIES Study Programmes: UniversITY OF GRAZ ABOUT: The University of Graz is Austria’s second oldest and second largest university. Through decades of intensive collaboration with institutions in South-Eastern Europe the University of Graz has acquired a profound knowledge about this region which has become a main interdisciplinary focus. Diversity and a wide scope characterise the education programmes at the University of Graz. Students can choose from a total of more than one hundred fields of studies. Numerous bachelor, master and diploma programmes as well as several joint degree programmes and summer schools have been established in order to provide compatibility with international systems. Selected doctoral programmes create an ideal basis for a scientific career. As a modern scientific institution the University of Graz pools first-rate research in many projects and co-operations on a national as well as on an international level. Collaboration with partner institutions worldwide embody the integration of the University of Graz in a global network, enrich the scientific life and ensure the quality of teaching and research. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students number of graduates 28 1585 2,700 31,500 12% 3,000 7 core research areas _Models and Simulation _Molecular Enzymology and Physiology _Brain and Behaviour _Environment and Global Change _Heterogeneity and Cohesion _Cultural History and Interpretation of Europe _Learning – Education – Knowledge CONTACT: University of Graz 8010 Graz | Universitätsplatz 3 T +43 316 380-0 F +43 316 380-9140 info@uni-graz.at www.uni-graz.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Academic Affairs T +43 316 380-1163 F +43 316 380-9105 studienabteilung@uni-graz.at http://studienabteilung. uni-graz.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations T +43 316 380-1249 F +43 316 380-9156 international@uni-graz.at http://international.uni-graz.at Arts and Humanities Environmental, Regional and Educational Sciences Law Natural Sciences Business, Economics and Social Sciences Catholic Theology SPECIAL FEATURES: NAWI Graz With NAWI Graz the University of Graz and Graz University of Technology have created a co-operation that is unique in Austria. NAWI Graz stands for joint teaching, research and doctorate programmes in the natural sciences. Joint degree programmes have been established in the fields of chemistry, technical and molecular biosciences, mathematics, physics and geosciences. International Mobility The University of Graz is strongly involved in international mobility programmes and offers a wide range of study and research opportunities at 500 partner universities around the world. The University’s expertise and its strong participation in Erasmus Mundus projects has diversified and widened the scope of mobility to the exchange of students, researchers and staff also with third countries. Joint Degrees Currently the University of Graz coordinates eight joint degree programmes on MA level and one on PhD level with renowned international partner universities. Two more programmes are being developed at the moment and the University also participates in another four programmes as a partner institution. They enhance the international profile of the University, offer an interdisciplinary academic approach and increase the employability of the graduates on the international job market. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: Medical University of Graz ABOUT: The Medical University of Graz is a young university with a long-standing tradition: As early as 1863 much emphasis was placed on medical research and the education of new physicians, both of which proved to be very successful. In January 2004 the former Faculty of Medicine was replaced by an autonomous university. The core competencies of the Medical University of Graz are: high-standard training and education, research on an international level and continuous improvement of top-quality medicine. Additionally, the orientation toward the bio-psycho-social model is one of the main concerns of the university. This orientation is also clearly reflected in the field of education, where patients Quick facts: founded as Medical Faculty in autonomous Medical University since number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 30 1863 2004 1,343 4,105 22.5% with their ailments and environment take the centre stage and specialists will come to them. It is not only in research and patient care that the Medical University of Graz breaks new ground. This applies especially to the field of education, where a new curriculum for medicine has been introduced in 2002. According to this curriculum students start their education with practical training and the medical knowledge will be imparted in special modules. For the students this means practical experience at a very early stage of their studies and there are seminars and small study groups. Furthermore, emphasis is put on both medical knowledge and on social competence and ethics. CONTACT: Medical University of Graz 8036 Graz | Auenbruggerpl. 2 T +43 316 385-72011 F +43 316 385-72030 www.medunigraz.at Information about courses and entrance examinations 8010 Graz | Mozartgasse 12/1 T +43 316 380-4015 F +43 316 380-9607 stpamug@medunigraz.at Information about international exchange programmes 8010 Graz | Mozartgasse 12/2 T +43 316 380-4030 F +43 316 380-9629 international.office@medunigraz.at Dentistry Medicine Medical Sciences Nursing Science PhD Programme SPECIAL FEATURES: At the Medical University of Graz one focus is laid on practical skills. Students of the degree programme medicine have the possibility to practise their medical skills in Austria’s first “Clinical Skills Center”. Different dummies and medical equipment are available for the training. During the so-called “Clinical Year” the students have to participate in hands-on trainings in clinical subjects and to work in a practice for general medicine. Also, the bachelor programme of nursing science is practice-oriented with an amount of more than 2,500 hours. So the graduates receive both the academic degree and the full professional licence in general nursing. UniversiTIES universitIES Study Programmes: Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology ABOUT: More than 12,000 students take advantage of the wide range of studies offered by Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) in the fields of engineering and technical-natural sciences. The university currently offers 18 bachelor’s, 34 master’s and two teacher training programmes as well as a number of postgraduate courses. Students can rely on good support and an excellent infrastructure. Efficient use of new technologies in the fields of e-learning, IT services, the library and administrative procedures makes day-to-day university life easier. Well-founded specialised knowledge and a high degree of problem-solving abilities are the seed capital of the 1,900 annual graduates launched on their future careers. CONTACT: Cooperation as a factor of success Scientists carry out research and development at the highest level in the seven faculties and their more than 100 departments. Excellent contacts with industry and business can be seen in numerous participations in scientific competence centres and research networks. Co-operations with scientific partner institutes act as a further dynamo to success. Graz University of Technology 8010 Graz | Rechbauerstr. 12 T +43 316 873-0, F -6009 info@tugraz.at, www.tugraz.at number of BA programmes number of MA programmes number of annual graduates Information about international exchange programmes International Office Sabine Prem 8010 Graz | Mandellstr. 11/II T +43 316 873-6416 sabine.prem@tugraz.at www.international.tugraz.at Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of international students 32 1811 1,411 12,573 15.3% 18 34 1,953 Information about courses and entrance examinations Evelyn Schlapfer 8010 Graz | Rechbauerstr. 12 T +43 316 873-6419 schlapfer@tugraz.at www.tugraz.at/studium Architecture Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Economic Sciences Electrical and Information Engineering Technical Mathematics and Technical Physics Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering SPECIAL FEATURES: Fields of Expertise Five nationally and internationally visible fields of competence make up the scientific fingerprint of Graz University of Technology: _Advanced Materials Science _Human & Biotechnology _Information, Communication & Computing _Mobility & Production _Sustainable Systems NAWI Graz With NAWI Graz the University of Graz and Graz University of Technology have created a co-operation that is unique in Austria. NAWI Graz stands for joint teaching, research and doctorate programmes in the natural sciences. Joint degree programmes have been established in the fields of chemistry, technical and molecular biosciences, mathematics, physics and geosciences. International Orientation TU Graz cultivates a worldwide network of partners from industry and business, universities and non-university research institutes. Individual cooperations in teaching and research, interdisciplinary research projects, student and staff mobility and strategic partnerships are continuing the strong international orientation. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: University of Music and performing Arts Graz (KUG) ABOUT: With some 2,400 students in Graz and Oberschützen, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) is an internationally renowned place of education – 17 institutes offer highly qualified training for artistic and scientific professions. Owing to its geographic situation it knows to perfectly combine Austrian tradition in music and performing arts with the creative potential of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. With its consequently realised leitmotif “Open for the New by Tradition”, its focus on contemporary music and its really unique living symbiosis between the arts and science Quick facts: founded in artistic/scientific personnel numbers of students percentage of foreign students 34 1815 409 2,385 58% KUG has been able to shape its profile among universities in Europe. The different disciplines in the fields of Performing Arts and Music concentrate on essentials in the arts and science. Our students from abroad (approx. 58%) foster an intercultural diversity and, as a result, a creative climate at the KUG. The lively activities encouraging international development and unfolding of the arts (artistic research, and the successful commitment with regard to institutionalised contacts to foreign countries) follow the conviction that the arts will gain intensity if they leave their national bonds. CONTACT: University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) 8010 Graz | Leonhardstr. 15 T +43 316 389-0 F +43 316 389-1101 www.kug.ac.at Registrar’s Office T +43 316 389-1312 F +43 316 389-1311 studienabteilung@kug.ac.at Department of International Relations Irene Hofmann-Wellenhof T +43 316 389-1162 F +43 316 389-1161 irene.hofmann-wellenhof@ kug.ac.at Composition, Theory of Music, History of Music, and Conducting SPECIAL FEATURES: Piano Strings Wind and Percussion Instruments Music Education Church Music and Organ Voice, Lied and Oratorio Jazz | Jazz Research Opera | Drama Stage Design Oberschützen Ethnomusicology | Aesthetics of Music Early Music and Performance Practice Electronic Music and Acoustics The KUG combines the development and unfolding of the arts (artistic research) and scientific research with university education. Compared to other universities worldwide the scientific aspect in education is quite well developed and benefits from the vivid practice of music. On the other hand, artists benefit from scientific reflection. A functional and state-of-the-art infrastructure as well as numerous guest lectures, workshops and possibilities to appear in public allow to design studies in the best possible way. The artistic and scientific activities of some 400 renowned teachers interact directly with teaching and ensure excellent and practice-oriented education in this way. Owing to this highly qualified personal attention the KUG can look back on a long list of very successful graduates. At the KUG students and teachers are considered partners in a common cognitive process which animates the concept of “education through arts and science”. UniversiTIES universitIES Departments: MontanuniversitÄt Leoben ABOUT: Being a technical university with a unique focus, the Montanuniversität Leoben has achieved an outstanding position. The Montanuniversität Leoben offers its students excellent infrastructure and optimum support by the teaching staff. The curricula follow the value-added chain from raw materials to production materials and on to the finished product. The range of studies is complemented by multidisciplinary fields such as Industrial Environmental Protection, Industrial Logistics and Industrial Energy Technology. The Montanuniversität Leoben is devoted to basic and applied research at its highest level. The close cooperation with industry allows students to perform applicationoriented research with state-of-the-art technical equipment and facilities. Due to the high standards and the academic excellence of its teaching staff and students the Montanuniversität Leoben can rightly take its place among leading international universities. Quick facts: founded in number of students ratio lecturer:students percentage of foreign students number of nationalities percentage of female students number of cooperations with internat. universities number of Erasmus cooperations 36 1840 3,300 1:7 14% 76 24% 50 81 number of classes held in English highest density of student dorms in Austria 252 Recent surveys have ranked the Montanuniversität as the best university in Austria and have shown that at no other Austrian university students are more content with their education. CONTACT: Montanuniversität Leoben 8700 Leoben | Franz Josef-Str. 18 T +43 3842 402 F +43 3842 402-7702 www.unileoben.ac.at Information and admission for international degree students T +43 3842 402-7043 admission@unileoben.ac.at Information about Erasmus and international exchange programmes erasmus@unileoben.ac.at international@unileoben.ac.at T +43 3842 402-7201 Applied Geosciences Mineral Resources Engineering Petroleum Engineering Metallurgy Materials Science Polymer Engineering and Science Mechanical Engineering Industrial Environmental Protection Industrial Logistics Industrial Energy Technology SPECIAL FEATURES: _the first year of studies, as an introductory phase for guidance and orientation, is the same for all students _welcome week for all students at the beginning of the semester, including academic counselling, tutoring services and a welcome party _very active, international community that organises events, conversation classes, trips and excursions to explore the surroundings _exchange student buddies _a Festival of Nations with dance performances, music and international delicacies is organised every other year _friendly and casual atmosphere, great networking among students _great outdoor sports such as mountain biking, hiking, climbing or skiing and loads of other fun activities are close at hand _a wide range of additional sports and language classes The city of Leoben and the Montanuniversität look back on a rich and long history of mining, resulting in a number of traditions that still play an important role in city life. Examples are the Miners’ Parade, the End of the Semester Parade, the St. Barbara Celebration, the Ledersprung (”jump over the miner’s leather”) or the Gösser Kirtag, a street fair attracting tens of thousands of visitors to Leoben. UniversiTIES universitIES Programmes: University of Innsbruck ABOUT: The history of the University of Innsbruck extends back about 100 years before its official foundation, to the establishment of a Jesuit school in 1562. Emperor Leopold I used this school as a basis for setting up the university, which was founded in 1669. Over the next 150 years the university endured challenging times and was dissolved on two occasions but was subsequently reopened each time. In 1826 Francis I founded the Faculty of Philosophy and Law, and other facul- ties were established progressively thereafter. In 1969 teaching started at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture, and in 1976 Sociology and Economics, which had previously been integrated into the Faculty of Law and Political Science, was established as a separate faculty. Under the University Act 2002 the university was then re-organised into fifteen faculties and the Faculty of Medicine became a separate University in its own right. Quick facts: The University of Innsbruck has developed into the largest and most important research and education institution in western Austria, with almost 28,000 students and more than 4,500 staff and faculty members. Located in the heart of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck offers excellent facilities for research and teaching in a spectacular environment, and international rankings confirm the University’s important role in scientific research. In 2012 scientists from the University of Innsbruck produced more than 3,500 publications. 38 The University of Innsbruck is very well integrated into the European research and education network. Through some 400 partnerships and numerous agreements it has established important relationships with institutes and universities worldwide. Within this productive environment the university‘s 16 faculties provide a broad spectrum of programmes in all fields of study. In order to promote international exchange in research and teaching the university also collaborates with numerous international research institutions. CONTACT: University of Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck | Innrain 52 Christoph Probst-Platz T +43 512 507-0 F +43 512 507-2800 www.uibk.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Admission Department T +43 512 507-32602 studienabteilung@uibk.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Office 6020 Innsbruck Herzog Friedrich-Strasse 3 T +43 512 507-32401 or -32405 international-relations@uibk. ac.at Architecture Biology Catholic Theology Chemistry and Pharmacy Engineering Science Economics and Statistics Education Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History) Humanities 2 (Language and Literature) Law Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics Psychology and Sports Science Innsbruck University School of Management School of Education School of Political Science and Sociology SPECIAL FEATURES: Research at the University of Innsbruck The University of Innsbruck is a research university with sixteen separate faculties. The major areas of research are in the fields of Physics, “Alpine Space – Man and Environment”, Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts, Scientific Computing and the Molecular Biosciences. There are also four interdisciplinary research platforms involving the collaboration of various faculties, and 33 research centers, in a structure designed to promote networking and collaboration between scientists in different disciplines. International standing In the Times Higher Education 2010/11 survey the University of Innsbruck was the highest ranked university in Austria. This ranking was based on a differentiated grading system that took into account the teaching, research, and international reputation of the universities. The University of Innsbruck received its highest ranking in the category of research performance, which is based on the number of citations of publications from researchers working at the university. This serves to emphasise the fact that the University of Innsbruck has achieved an outstanding international reputation in many fields of research. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: Innsbruck Medical University ABOUT: The city of Innsbruck is one of the oldest centres of academic medicine in Austria. Medicine has been a central component of the university since its foundation in 1669 – first as a faculty and, since 2004, as an independent medical university. Innsbruck Medical University considers itself to be an institution aiming at the best possible standards in the three areas of research, teaching and patient care. The close integration of theoretical instruction and practical hospital environment has always been a special feature of medicine in Innsbruck. For Innsbruck Medical University this combination is a strongpoint that it is constantly trying to expand in research as well as in teaching. Outstanding research programmes can be found particularly in the following key research areas: onco-sciences; neurosciences; genetics, epigenetics and genomics; infection, immunity and transplantation. Quick facts: founded in 1669 as a faculty | university since number of staff* number of students percentage of foreign students 2004 1,400 3,000 22% *full-time equivalent There are three study programmes at Innsbruck Medical University: diploma programme in Human Medicine, diploma programme in Dentistry and doctoral programme in Medical Science (PhD). The doctoral programme in Medical Science (PhD) is designed to give graduates the 40 skills to carry out independent scientific research and to provide medical science-related training to junior scientists. Graduates also have the possibility to continue their studies with the part-time programmes for clinical PhD doctorate studies of clinical medicine (Clinical PhD). Since 2011 the Innsbruck Medical University has exclusively offered the “Molecular Medicine’ bachelor programme in Austria and from the winter semester 2014/15 the master’s programme in “Molecular Medicine” as a further study programme. (http://mol-med.i-med.ac.at/) CONTACT: Innsbruck Medical University 6020 Innsbruck | Innrain 52 Christoph Probst-Platz T +43 512 9003-0 www.i-med.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations 6020 Innsbruck Speckbacherstrasse 31–33 Martina Heidegger T +43 512 9003-70040 medizin-studienangelegen heiten@i-med.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes 6020 Innsbruck | Schöpfstr. 24 Sabine Edlinger T +43 512 9003-70060 international-relations@i-med. ac.at Campus, Clinics and Institutes Innsbruck has a unique campus structure where the research institutes of both universities – the University of Innsbruck and the Innsbruck Medical University are centered around the university hospital. This fosters medically relevant research and provides the grounds for developing personalised medicine in Innsbruck. The organisational units of the Medical University are divided into medical field theory, one clinical area and in other service facilities. The area of the medical field theory is divided into 7 departments and 2 institutes. The Innsbruck University Hospital contains 38 different clinics an 3 shared facilities. SPECIAL FEATURES: Doctoral College in Molecular Cell Biology and Oncology (MCBO) MCBO is a highly competitive PhD programme, financed by the Austrian Science Fund and run by leading scientists of the doctoral programmes in Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Oncology at the Innsbruck Medical University. MCBO aims to attract promising young scientists from Austria and across the world and provide them with a comprehensive and challenging research training that will enable them to develop into tomorrow‘s leaders in biological research. (http://www.mcbo.at) PhD Programme “Signal Processing in Neurons” (SPIN) SPIN is an international, interdisciplinary PhD programme for the training of an elite of young researchers. It leads to an EU-conform PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) degree in Neuroscience. Graduates receive an advanced professional qualification in teaching and research. SPIN is an initiative of Innsbruck Medical University and Innsbruck´s Leopold Franzens University. It was established in September 2007 with the support of the FWF Austrian Science Fund. (http://www.spin.at) International Standing In the 2013 University Ranking conducted by Leiden University, the oldest university in the Netherlands, the Innsbruck Medical University is ranked 170 and is therefore the best Austrian university. This result is international recognition for the excellent achievements of the researchers at the Innsbruck Medical University. For the ranking the academic quality (number of citations) is assessed separately from the size of the university. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: University of salzburg ABOUT: Due to its wonderful scenery, its many sites of historical importance and its music festivals Salzburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Not only that: Salzburg is a university city with a tradition. In 1622 the university was founded by and named after Prince Archbishop Paris Lodron. Today it comprises four faculties with 18,000 students and around 2,800 members of staff. The University of Salzburg offers students a wide variety of subjects with a wellbalanced ratio between teaching staff and students. The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg offers a total of 115 study Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 42 1622 1,900 18,000 34% programmes, some of which more recently in cooperation with other universities. Bachelor degree course programmes, such as Engineering, held in cooperation with the Technical University of Munich or Law and Business have been introduced to meet new economic and social demands. The master degree course “European Union Studies” is a new feature combining disciplines such as politics, history and law. Students therefore now have the opportunity to obtain essential additional qualifications to meet the demands of an ever-changing employment market. CONTACT: University of Salzburg 5010 Salzburg | Kapitelg. 4–6 T +43 662 8044-0 F +43 662 8044-214 www.uni-salzburg.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Department for Studies Administration T +43 662 8044-2251 to 2259 F +43 662 8044-2261 studium@sbg.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations T +43 662 8044-2043 F +43 662 8044-154 international@sbg.ac.at Catholic Theology: The Faculty is the oldest: it dates back to 1622. Today it consists of four departments: Philosophy, Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies and Church History and Practical Theology. Law: It is divided into four departments: Private Law, Public Law, Commercial and European Law and Social and Economic Sciences. Cultural and Social Sciences: It is the largest faculty in Salzburg and includes 12 departments. It offers more than 30 study programmes such as History, Linguistics, Communication Studies, etc. Natural Sciences: It is the University’s second biggest faculty and encompasses eight departments which offer seven study programmes such as Computer Sciences, Psychology, Cell Biology, etc. SPECIAL FEATURES: Within the University’s four faculties the four focus areas are: Life Sciences and Health; European Union Studies; Law, Economics and Business; and Arts and Humanities. Additionally, the University maintains a broad spectrum of study fields and research areas that, as a series of Centres, work together within a wider research unit. The Centres are smaller scientific organisational structures in which scientific areas are managed on a cross-disciplinary basis and are funded by third parties. _Embedded Software & Systems Research Centre (SRC) _Information and Communication Technologies & Society (ICT&S) _Interdisciplinary Centre for Medieval Studies _Centre for Jewish Culture History _Centre for Neurocognitive Research _Centre for Poverty Research _Centre for Language Research _Centre for Gastrosophy _Centre for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions _Stefan Zweig Centre Salzburg UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: Mozarteum University Salzburg ABOUT: The Mozarteum University offers over 40 artistic and education courses in the fields of music, the performing and visual arts. The lecturers, many of whom are internationally renowned artists and teachers, pass on their knowledge and their art, thus making the university a place of lively intellectual exchange and dialogue. Furthermore, students and lecturers engage in joint artistic activities as an integral part of the course programme, thereby enriching cultural life in Salzburg. Besides intensive studies in an arts-friendly environment students can create networks for later professional careers here. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 1841 500 1,600 56% Entrance Examination, Final Qualifications, Fees In order to study at the Mozarteum University it is necessary to pass an entrance examination which tests the artistic talent and ability of potential students. All courses are held in German; bachelor, master’s as well as doctoral degrees are awarded. 44 International Relations The Mozarteum University fosters international relations with associated music and art academies by means of an international exchange of lecturers and students, scholarship programmes, exchange concerts and mutual projects. Intensive cooperation within the framework of networks such as AEC, ERASMUS, ASEA-UNINET and EURASIA PACIFIC UNINET encourages the development of contacts and the realisation of artistic and scientific projects. CONTACT: Mozarteum University 5020 Salzburg | Mirabellpl. 1 T +43 662 6198-0 F +43 662 6198-3033 info@moz.ac.at www.uni-mozarteum.at Information about courses and entrance examinations 5020 Salzburg | Makartplatz 5 Robert Schiller T +43 662 6198-3310 robert.schiller@moz.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations 5020 Salzburg | Schranneng. 10a Elisabeth Skärbäck T +43 662 6198-2230 elisabeth.skaerbaeck@moz. ac.at Music Conducting, Composition and Music Theory | Keyboard Studies | String Studies Brass, Wind and Percussion Studies | Vocal Studies Music Theatre | Musicology Music Education in Salzburg Music Education in Innsbruck Theatre Drama | Stage Design Visual Arts Fine Arts, Arts and Crafts Education SPECIAL FEATURES: Mozarteum International Summer Academy Every year the Mozarteum University organises the International Summer Academy which invites thousands of young musicians from all over the world to study in Salzburg. The Summer Academy was founded in 1916 by Lilli Lehmann and nowadays offers over 60 master classes. Master courses with outstanding teachers from the Mozarteum University and many international guests give excellent young musicians inspiration and the chance to achieve perfection by profiting from a wealth of encounters during the festival season. www.summeracademymozarteum.at International Mozart Competition The International Mozart Competition organised by the Mozarteum University is one of the major international music competitions. Every 3 to 4 years highly talented young musicians from all over the world are invited to compare their ability in the interpretation of Mozart and be judged by an international jury. For the winners the International Mozart Competition is often a springboard to a world career as is impressively documented by the international success of previous prizewinners. www.uni-mozarteum.at/en/kunst/mowe/index.php UniversiTIES universitIES Departments: Johannes kepler University (JkU) Linz ABOUT: Dynamic Centre of Research and Management The Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz is a contemporary, future-oriented research institution and institution of higher education with a strong focus on the mutual advancement of academics and modern society. The university believes that by consolidating individual strengths in various subject areas numerous synergy effects can be created that benefit university faculty as well as over 19,000 enrolled students. The contemporary campus-style setting is unique in Austria Quick facts: established in 1966 faculty & staff 2,800 students 19,000 degree programs 60 departments 119 partner universities 250 in over 50 countries 46 and home to all three faculties (Law, Social Sciences, Economics & Business as well as Engineering and Natural Sciences). Local residents also enjoy the natural, park-style campus environment. Additional strengths of the JKU Linz include working closely with the local business community, ensuring a modern institution with a highly regarded national and international reputation. CONTACT: Johannes Kepler University (JKU) 4040 Linz | Altenberger Str. 69 T +43 732 2468-0 F +43 732 2468-8822 www.jku.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Teaching and Study Services T +43 732 2468-3101 F +43 732 2468-3289 lss@jku Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 732 2468-3292 F +43 732 2468-3294 auslandsbuero@jku.at Social Sciences, Economics and Business (SOWI) Law (RE) Engineering and Natural Sciences (TNF) SPECIAL FEATURES: Based on international models, the Johannes Kepler University campus includes the newly designed Science Park consisting of three ultra-modern complexes featuring over 64,000 m2 of net floor area. The Science Park is now home to over 1000 researchers. The first two buildings have been completed since the ground-breaking ceremony on May 11, 2007, the third building was opened in fall 2012. The Mechatronics Building includes large laboratories and machinery halls and the second building is primarily home to institutes in the fields of Polymer Engineering and Mathematics. The third building houses scientists and researchers in the fields of Computer Sciences, Business Informatics, Information Technology, Mathematics and Statistics. Numerous firms have also rented office space in the Science Park, supporting close ties to research and creating numerous synergy effects designed to not only benefit science and students, but Upper Austria’s economic region as well. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: University of Art and Design Linz ABOUT: The University of Art and Design Linz (Kunstuniversität Linz) has its institutional and programmatic roots in the “Kunstschule” (Art School) of the City of Linz, which was founded in 1947, assigned academy status in 1973 and finally made a fully-fledged university in 1998. The institution was conceived as an explicit statement to signify dissociation from the previous art policy of the National Socialist era. This is in particular exemplified by its emphasis on the fundamental values of freedom of art and research, its commitment to modernism and contemporary art and the positioning of the University at the interface of free artistic and appliedeconomically-oriented design. In the past as in the present these values form the basis of the fundamental essence and identity of the Kunstuniversität Linz. Since January 1, 2004 the University is constituted as a “corporation under public law” according to the new Universities Organisation Act of 2002 and hence enjoys far-reaching autonomy. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers (permanently employed) number of students percentage of foreign students 48 1947 105 1,200 21% The admission examination consists of the following qualifications (partial examinations): Presentation of portfolio Practical examination CONTACT: University of Art and Design Linz 4010 Linz | Hauptplatz 8 T +43 732 7898 F +43 732 783508 www.ufg.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Legal Department and Study Administration T +43 732 7898-206 studien.office@ufg.ac.at www.ufg.ac.at/studienabteilung Information about international exchange programmes Legal Department and Study Administration / International Relations T +43 732 7898-269 international.office@ufg.ac.at Architecture Fine Arts | Graphic Design and Photography Industrial Design | Interface Cultures Media Culture and Art Theory Sculptural Conceptions/Ceramics space&designstrategies Teacher Training: Art Education, Design & Technology, Textile Art, Media Design textile.art.design Time-based Media | Time-based and Interactive Media Visual Communication (Graphic Design & Photography) Webscience (interdisciplinary master´s programme in cooperation with Johannes Kepler Universität Linz) PhD Programme SPECIAL FEATURES: With its curricula and thematic profile the University of Art and Design Linz occupies a somewhat special position at least in the German-speaking region but also beyond. The reason lies in the fact that its curricula and profile are largely situated at the interfaces between freelance art and applied design as well as between artistic creation and scientific research. This fundamental concept revolves around three central pillars: intermediality, spatial strategies and artistic-scientific research. Moreover, the above-mentioned special position is justified by other unique aspects, such as a strong focus on contemporary and future artistic/design disciplines, close relations with cultural and art institutions as well as with economic and industrial circles, the nexus between artistic and applied creativity underpinned by numerous projects or a clearly stated commitment to artistic and scientific mediation. Compact and differentiated; equally in tune with the surrounding region and international networks; efficient, creative, yet easy-going and informal, this is an atmosphere worthwhile exploring. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt ABOUT: The AAU is a vibrant and innovative university, located at the intersection of three unique cultures. It is the leading academic educational and research institution in Carinthia and serves as a hub for the acquisition, exchange and transfer of knowledge across the entire Alps-Adriatic Region. The research achievements of the AAU regularly earn national and international recognition. A wide variety of projects represent an important source of stimulus for Carinthia as a business location. By actively living its credo of diversity and openness the AUU has come to embody the cultural centre of the region. More than 10,000 students attend the AAU in Klagenfurt for the purposes of study and research, including around 1,500 students from abroad. Approximately 1,300 members of staff produce outstanding achievements in teaching, research and administration. Quick facts: The AAU is a campus university in the best sense of the word: short distances and modern infrastructure are guaranteed. The campus is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Wörthersee. The AAU is located in Austria’s southernmost province, in Carinthia. Klagenfurt, the capital of the province, is regarded as one of the most important nodal points within the Alps-Adriatic Region, and is especially popular as a university city among international students. Residential accommodation, sports facilities and a wide 50 variety of cultural and leisure activities are available in the immediate vicinity of the campus. The AAU can therefore offer the perfect setting for enjoying a varied student life with an international flair. The AAU is the only Austrian university with premises in three separate locations: Klagenfurt, Vienna and Graz. The Master’s Degree Course in Human and Social Ecology is taught at the university’s premises in Vienna; all other degree courses are taught on campus in Klagenfurt. CONTACT: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt 9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Universitätsstr. 65–67 T +43 463 2700 studieninfo@aau.at www.aau.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Admissions and Examinations Office T +43 463 2700-9197 studabt@aau.at www.aau.at/studabt Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 463 2700-9207 internationales@aau.at www.aau.at/bib The Faculty of Humanities distinguishes itself by its practice-oriented and transdisciplinary research activities. It comprises a broad spectrum of core subjects in the Humanities, encouraging multi-lingualism and intercultural education. The Faculty of Management and Economics is recognised for its high practical relevance, and occupies a special position among the Austrian Economics Faculties. The Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies is fully devoted to problems relating to society and dealing with public goods such as health, the environment and education. The Faculty of Technical Sciences comprises the areas of Mathematics and Statistics, Informatics as well as Information and Communication Technologies. SPECIAL FEATURES: Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia – four countries, four languages, four cultures. The AAU is the trailblazer of the intercultural exchange with neighbouring countries. The pioneering efforts include a double degree programme with the University of Udine and numerous other co-operations. Master’s degree programme: Information Technology This two-year master’s degree programme further develops the skills acquired in a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, Telematics or Informatics. It serves to provide an academic education and qualification for professional activities in the development and operation of modern information and communication technologies. Courses are taught in English and the student population is international. Master’s degree programme: International Management In an age of globalisation language skills and cultural knowledge are essential to be able to compete in international markets. The International Management programme provides prospective students with the opportunity to acquire these competencies. The mandatory semester abroad will broaden the horizon and enable graduates to work with diverse cultures. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: Danube University Krems ABOUT: Danube University Krems is the university for continuing education. Its courses are specifically oriented toward the needs of working professionals. The University offers exclusive master’s programmes and short programmes in five areas of study. Serving more than 7,000 students and with 15,000 graduates from 90 countries it is one of the leading providers of further education courses in Europe. Danube University Krems was founded in 1994 and combines many years of experience in postgraduate university education with innovation and the highest quality standards in research and teaching. Quick facts: founded in 1994 self-financing ratio 80% number of students 7,419 percentage of female students 52% average age 39 years number of alumni 15,327 52 Internationality international lecturers percentage of foreign students 977 30% Number of staff total number of employees academic staff 473 237 CONTACT: Danube University Krems 3500 Krems Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30 T +43 2732 893-0 F +43 2732 893-4000 www.donau-uni.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Academic Service Center T +43 2732 893-2282 F +43 2732 893-4280 ssc@donau-uni.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 2732 893-2216 F +43 2732 893-4240 io@donau-uni.ac.at One special strength of Danube University Krems is the variety of operating fields which facilitate innovative interdisciplinary links according to the requirements set up by practice. Hence, medicine and management, music and law, or image science and technology are combined in the university courses. The three faculties of the university focus on health and medicine, business and globalisation, as well as education, arts and architecture. The 14 departments within the faculties cooperate across professional lines in research. Danube University Krems cooperates with numerous universities worldwide, including the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, the Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, and the Beijing Normal University, China. SPECIAL FEATURES: The university for continuing education The majority of the students of Danube University Krems hold a university degree. Therefore, the main part of university teaching at Danube University Krems consists of courses which are concluded with an internationally recognised master’s degree such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Science (MSc), Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Law (LL.M.). The range of courses offered here extends from executive MBA, interactive media management, European Union law, future building solutions and music management to health care management, stroke medicine and dentistry. Throughout its coursework Danube University Krems combines science with practical applications and operates with innovative learning methods as an expert for studying while working. New campus with state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities Danube University Krems is located in one of Europe’s most beautiful cultural landscapes, the Wachau region along the Danube, which has been named a world cultural heritage site by the UNESCO in 2000. A renovated tobacco factory dating back to the onset of the 20th century and new transparent buildings on Campus Krems provide students and lecturers with an open, innovative and motivational atmosphere for research and studying. UniversiTIES universitIES FACULTIES: PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES: 1 Konservatorium Wien University (Vienna) 2 MODUL University Vienna (Vienna) 3 Sigmund Freud University (Vienna) 4 Webster University Vienna (Vienna) 5 UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology (Hall) 54 6 7 8 9 10 11 Paracelsus Medical University (Salzburg) Private University Seeburg Castle (Seekirchen) Catholic Theological Private University Linz (Linz) Anton Bruckner Private University (Linz) Danube Private University (Krems-Stein) New Design University (St. Pölten) 8 10 Krems-Stein 9 St. Pölten Linz Upper Austria 7 6 11 Vienna Slovakia 1-4 Lower Austria Seekirchen Salzburg Burgenland Liechtenstein Vorarlberg 5 Tyrol Styria Salzburg Hall Hungary Switzerland Carinthia Italy Slovenia PrivatE universiTIES Germany PRIVATE universitIES Czech Republic Konservatorium Wien University ABOUT: Konservatorium Wien University is the first and only accredited private university that is fully funded by the City of Vienna. Evolved from the Conservatory, it offers a wide spectrum of academic but also practice-oriented courses in the fields of Music and Performing Arts. The range of programmes comprises more than 30 bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes, university certificate courses and preparatory courses. Numerous successes achieved by our almost 850 students from all over the world in national and international competitions impressively demonstrate the high standard of education at the University. The teaching staff of the Konservatorium Wien University is composed of renowned personalities. Several times a year prominent guest professors enrich our programmes. Quick facts: founded in 1945 as Conservatory of the City of Vienna 2005 accreditation as a private university number of students 850 number of teachers 265 new admissions annually 150–200 graduates annually 150 percentage of foreign students 55% students enrolled in music 70% students enrolled in performing arts 30% 56 Duration of study: 8 semesters (bachelor degree programme), 4 semesters/terms (master degree programme), 2–4 semesters (academic diplomas) The Konservatorium Wien University offers campus flair in three locations directly in the historical heart of Vienna. CONTACT: Konservatorium Wien University 1010 Vienna | Johannesgasse 4a T +43 1 512 7747-0 F +43 1 512 7747-7913 www.konservatorium-wien.ac.at Information about courses, entrance examinations information – student administration – exams office 1010 Vienna | Johannesgasse 4a (3rd floor | room 3.19 and 3.20) T +43 1 5127747–89332, -89333, -89334 F +43 1 5127747-99–89332, -89333, -89334 studieninfo@konswien.at Departement of Performing Arts Dance Drama Musical Theatre Voice and Opera Master of Arts Education (MAE) SPECIAL FEATURES: _Optimising the quality in education and internationalisation _Special support for highly gifted young people to fully develop their potential _Interdisciplinarity of the Arts via cross-departmental projects _Integrating tradition and modernity _Accessible education at the highest level – low tuition fees _Individual attention for every student (average of three students per teacher) _Successful graduates including Saskia Hölbling, Bettina Mönch, Julian Rachlin, Mihail Sosnovschi, Nicholas Ofzarek, Lidia Baich or Özlem Bulut _Acclaimed artists in teaching and research who enjoy an international career and reputation such as Esther Balfe, Roland Batik, Natalia Gutman, Uta Schwabe, Pavel Vernikov and Nebojša Jovan Živković. Master classes, seminars and workshops held by Markus Stockhausen, Angelika Kirchschlager, Lang Lang and Bobby McFerrin _Growing emphasis placed on artistic theory and research _Erasmus mobility programme and partner universities across Europe _Active promoter of concerts and theatre productions with over 400 productions yearly _Active member of the cultural scene underlined by partnerships and cooperations with leading cultural institutes, universities and initiatives throughout the world _Cross-discipline Fidelio competition for students to showcase their talents PrivatE universiTIES Departement of Music Conducting and Composition Early Music Jazz Keyboard Instruments String Instruments Wind and Percussion Instruments PRIVATE universitIES STUDIES: Modul UNIVERSITY Vienna ABOUT: MODUL University Vienna is an international private university in Austria owned by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The MODUL brand stands for more than 100 years of excellence in education. Founded in 1908, MODUL College is the vocational training school with the longest tradition in tourism and hospitality education worldwide. Since 2007 MODUL University Vienna has offered cutting-edge education (BBA, BSc, MBA and PhD study programs) in the areas of international management, tourism and hospitality management, new media technology, public governance, and sustainable development. Today, students from more than 70 different countries study at the modern campus. The research-driven curricula successfully generate and sustain innovation. The integrated educational concept, combining professional skills and personal development, prepares its graduates for executive positions worldwide. Quick facts: Located on Kahlenberg, a scenic hill overlooking Vienna, MODUL University’s campus boasts a spectacular view of the city and the Danube River. Just a few footsteps away from the Vienna Woods, the University’s tranquil location offers a peaceful study setting while staying on the pulse of one of the world’s great cities. Vienna’s theaters, museums, operas, festivals, cafés, and architecture offer an unparalleled European experience, and it serves as a favorable hub to visit other exciting destinations. 58 Our small size and personalized attention provides an academic experience unparalleled in larger institutions. With an intimate 10:1 student-faculty ratio every student has his or her own academic advisor on our internationally experienced faculty. English is the language of instruction, with an additional language as part of the core curriculum. Many Modulians live in nearby student accommodation organized through MU, gaining an improved sense of togetherness, bonding and experience that extends beyond the university walls. CONTACT: MODUL University Vienna 1190 Vienna Am Kahlenberg 1 T +43 1 3203555-0 F +43 1 3203555-902 www.modul.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Admissions Services T +43 1 3203555-200 F +43 1 3203555-902 admissions@modul.ac.at Information about international exchange programs Student Service Center T +43 1 3203555-203 F +43 1 3203555-902 ssc@modul.ac.at Study programs BSc in International Management | BBA in Tourism and Hospitality Management | BBA in Tourism, Hotel Management and Operations | MSc in Sustainable Development, Management and Policy | MSc in International Tourism Management | Master of Business Administration (with majors in: New Media Information, Tourism or Public Governance) | MBA in Sustainable Development (in collaboration with BOKU Vienna) | PhD in Business and Socioeconomic Sciences SPECIAL FEATURES: Built in 2007, MU features state-of-the-art campus facilities and services including a library stocked with the latest publications, a modern cafeteria with hot cooked meals, PC lab with course-specific software, campus-wide wireless Internet, and a comfortable student lounge. Our panorama terrace hosts a variety of events as well as providing an unbeatable lunchtime experience with the best view in the city. The Student Service Center provides a wealth of services, including visa application assistance, housing placements, an introductory Welcome Week for new students, and running MU’s academic exchange program with partner universities around the globe. Extracurricular participation is highly encouraged and our variety of student activities include a Wine Society, a Hotel Club, sports tournaments, International Day, MU Cares community outreach program and cultural excursions to name but a few. The MODUL Career Center is our portal for industry and alumni networks, connecting students with internship opportunities and support in career planning and career development. PrivatE universiTIES The foundation principles of the university’s four faculties (Tourism and Service Management, New Media Technology, Applied Statistics and Economics and Public Governance and Sustainable Development) are based on a commitment to research, innovation and sustainability as key drivers of success in a dynamic and knowledge-based society. PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: Sigmund Freud University ABOUT: The Sigmund Freud University Vienna now offers bachelor, master’s and doctorate degree programmes in Psychotherapy Science as well as a bachelor and master’s programme in Psychology. Psychotherapy Science is an academic programme which also includes supervisions, psychotherapy self-experience and practical work with patients. The Sigmund Freud University operates its own psychotherapy outpatient clinic, allowing students to undergo practical training in-house. Additionally, the University offers a variety of continuing Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 60 2003 200 1,600 40% education and professional development programmes. The studies are offered in German and English language, since 2009 also in French language in our new branch in Paris. The Sigmund Freud University is a unique institution that has pioneered psychotherapy science as an academic degree. We seek to set new standards for research and teaching in psychotherapy by emphasizing research activities, practical training and academic exchange among the different psychotherapy schools. CONTACT: Sigmund Freud University 1030 Vienna Schnirchgasse 9a T +43 1 7984098-24 F +43 1 7984098-20 www.sfu.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: An outstanding special of Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität is that the training both in the academic and in the practical fields is held in German and in English; or, in other words, Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität does not only run the programme “psychotherapy science“ for German-speaking students but also an English programme of psychotherapy science for students from all over the world. Furthermore, the Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität organises the Summer School in Psychotherapy in July of every year. The teaching language is English, and, thus, interested students are able to get a first insight into psychotherapy science during two interesting weeks full of teaching, discussing, and self-experience. PrivatE universiTIES Psychotherapy Science Psychology PRIVATE universitIES Programmes: WEBSTER UNIVERSITY VIENNA ABOUT: Webster University is an American University with a global perspective. The university was founded in the USA in 1915. Since then Webster has grown to become an international university with more than 100 campuses in 8 countries on 4 continents. Currently the university enrolls about 22,000 students around the globe who range from traditional college-age students to adult learners. Webster is dedicated to academic excellence, innovation in higher education, meeting students’ needs in an ever- changing world and incorporating an international perspective throughout the curriculum. CONTACT: The Webster Vienna campus was established in 1981 and was the first operator of an MBA in Austria. Webster University is the only dually accredited university in Austria, with both a US and an Austrian accreditation. The business programs are also accredited by ACBSP. Webster University Vienna 1220 Vienna Berchtoldgasse 1 T +43 1 2699293-0 F +43 1 2699293-13 www.webster.ac.at info@webster.ac.at Quick facts: For over 30 years Webster University Vienna has offered students from all over the world the opportunity to experience the benefits of an American education in the heart of Europe: _Within the international network of over 100 campuses worldwide the students have the opportunity to study in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Africa. _The language of instruction at all locations is English. _Webster offers a personalised educational experience 62 with a maximum of 20 (master courses) or 25 (bachelor courses) students in each class. Students are in close contact with each other and with their teachers to ensure personal attention and high academic quality. Practical approaches through real-life projects, studies, etc. as well as a solid theoretical basis are Webster’s trademarks _Each student has an academic advisor to guide him or her through his/her studies Weekly campus tours Every Monday at 15:30 Beginning in the fall of 2014, Webster University Vienna will be located in the historical Palais Wenkheim 1020 Wien | Praterstrasse 23 Master – Postgraduate Programs Business & Management (Finance, International Business, Marketing) International Relations Counseling Psychology General MBA MBA with special emphasis (Finance, International Business, Marketing or International Relations) SPECIAL FEATURES: Webster‘s international network of campuses offers a world of opportunities. Admission to one campus means admission to the Webster Worldwide network. Students can travel the Webster University network as a study abroad or a transfer student. Webster University has campuses in Austria, Vienna China, Shanghai Switzerland, Geneva Thailand, Cha-am, Bangkok The Netherlands, Leiden United Kingdom, London Africa, Ghana USA, Main campus in St. Louis, MO Webster University Vienna is the only dually accredited university in Austria, with both the US Higher Learning Commission accreditation and private university accreditation from the Austrian Ministry of Education. The business programs are also accredited by ACBSP (Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs). PrivatE universiTIES Bachelor – Undergraduate Programs Business & Management (Business Administration, Marketing, International Business) International Relations Psychology Media Communications PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics & Technology ABOUT: The University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, UMIT, was founded in 2001 and focuses on the exciting and rapidly developing fields of medical informatics and bio-informatics, health sciences, nursing science and related disciplines. As a European health & life sciences university UMIT offers cutting-edge academic research and teaching in these areas and is able to meet the most demanding criteria. Currently UMIT offers 18 different bachelor, master and Ph.D. courses, ranging from business administration in health care organisations to mechatronics focused on biomedical Quick facts: founded in staff number of students percentage of foreign students 64 2001 160 1,540 26% engineering. The University itself is situated in Hall in Tirol, a small medieval town, only about 10 km away from the Tyrolean capital of Innsbruck. In the field of research the various UMIT departments cooperate with other research institutions all over the world. It is truly remarkable that now, only ten years since its foundation, UMIT has already acquired an excellent reputation for its involvement in major research projects. In the area of teaching graduates concluding their degree courses receive accreditation in the form of the internationally recognised Bachelor, Master or Doctor. CONTACT: UMIT – The Health & Life Sciences University 6060 Hall in Tirol Eduard Wallnöfer-Zentrum 1 T +43 50 8648-3000 F +43 50 8648-673000 www.umit.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Department for Studies T +43 50 8648-3817 lehre@umit.at Information about international exchange programmes Department for Studies T +43 50 8648-3817 lehre@umit.at SPECIAL FEATURES: The HTADS Continuing Education Program The certified courses within the international continuing education programme in HTADS are designed to provide excellent quality education and comprehensive training in the key issues of HTA and DS for anyone involved in the health sector. Currently, the HTADS continuing education programme comprises three certified courses (Introduction to Health Technology Assessment, Modeling Approaches for HTA: a Practical Hands-On Workshop, Winter School in Clinical Epidemiology – A 6-day certified course) The courses take place annually. Health Technology Assessment (HTA) has been defined by the International Network of Agencies for HTA (INAHTA) as “a multidisciplinary field of policy analysis, studying the medical, economic, social and ethical implications of development, diffusion and use of health technologies (e.g., drugs, devices, surgical procedures, prevention techniques)“. In conducting HTA the discipline of decision sciences has become increasingly relevant. Decision Sciences (DS) is the application of explicit and quantitative methods to analyse decisions under conditions of uncertainty (e.g. meta analysis, decisionanalytic modeling, cost-effectiveness analysis). PrivatE universiTIES Biomedical Computer Science and Mechatronics Medical Sciences and Management Nursing Sciences and Gerontology Public Health and Health Technology Assessment PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: Paracelsus Medical University ABOUT: MISSION The Paracelsus Medical University is a medical university in private ownership, which asserts a claim to the highest standards. We see our mission in teaching and research in various fields in the health sciences. The university structure was initially based on Mayo Medical School (Minnesota, USA) and still enjoys a close collaboration with this renowned partner among others such as Yale, Prague, Cambridge. CLAIM Teaching is based on the most modern scientific principles of human medicine. Problem-oriented thinking and problemsolving strategies as well as professional communication and patient-oriented counseling skills are important elements of the curriculum, as are the learning of social and ethical principles in the medical profession. The dialogue between research, teaching and patient care has the highest priority. Quick facts: THE STUDY OF HUMAN MEDICINE The students are selected by means of a rigorous admission process. A maximum of 50 students are admitted per year. The intensive curriculum comprises a five-year study period – for instance due to shorter holidays and teaching in small groups. Clinical tuition already begins at the end of the first year and is further intensified in the fourth year (clinical rotations). The fifth year comprises 37 weeks of clinical internships. The research trimester is a mandatory part of the curriculum in the fourth year of study. 66 STUDY COURSES IN NURSINg SCIENCES The 2-in-1 Care Model course offers one education with two degrees – an undergraduate degree in Nursing Science as well as a professional qualification (diploma in Healthcare and Nursing) can be obtained in only 7 semesters. The Paracelsus University guarantees a solid foundation in science and practical research skills. The online course in nursing sciences offers an online bachelor degree in nursing sciences. Students of the master’s course in nursing sciences gain the master´s degree in nursing sciences. CONTACT: Paracelsus Medical University 5020 Salzburg | Strubergasse 21 T +43 662 2420-0 www.pmu.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Deanery for student matters Eva Niederreiter, Andrea Bauer, Livia Roßberg T +43 662 2420-80221, -80222, -80223 eva.niederreiter@pmu.ac.at andrea.bauer@pmu.ac.at livia.rossberg@pmu.ac.at SERVICE FOR STUDENTS The Paracelsus Medical University strives to create a conducive environment for student life on the campus from the student support service provided by the Head of Student Affairs to a modern student hall of residence in the immediate vicinity of the University. MENTORS The University´s voluntary mentoring programs have also proven to be extremely worthwhile. While the mentoring program provided by students for students is intended to ease the freshmen´s first years of study the mentoring program provided by the University begins in the third year. In the latter, experienced doctors and graduates offer their mentees personal and professional guidance in planning their future careers. USMLE EXAMINATION To enable our graduates to pursue an international career the first part of the American entrance examination for medical practitioners (USMLE Step 1) is compulsory for students of the 3rd academic year. The USMLE examination takes place in Munich. It is not possible to graduate from the Paracelsus Medical University without passing this examination. However, it is possible to retake the exam more than once until the end of the 5th academic year. PrivatE universiTIES FURTHER EDUCATION University Course Health Sciences & Leadership | University Course for Healthcare Executives | University Course in Wound Care Management | University Course in Palliative Care | Course for Medical Executives | Course in Medical Education | Course Clinical Studies | Course Study Assistants | Course Statistics SPECIAL FEATURES: UniversiTIES DEGREE COURSES Study of Human Medicine | Online Course in Nursing Sciences | Master Course in Nursing Sciences | Degree & Training: 2-in-1 Care Model | Postgraduate Degree in Medical Science | Postgraduate Degree in Molecular Medicine universitIES PRIVATE universitIES Courses & degrees: PRIVATE UNIVERSITY SEEBURG CASTLE ABOUT: The Private University Seeburg Castle (USC), a center for hands-on business competence, creates and distributes knowledge with practical significance at an academic level. We prepare our participants in their chosen fields to develop them into the leaders of tomorrow. Our outstanding programs not only increase your attractiveness to the corporate market but, more importantly, they increase your practical ability to succeed. Our Concept Students come to Seekirchen three times each semester for Quick facts: founded in number of students number of teachers (full-time and part-time) number of external teachers percentage of foreign students student-teacher ratio 68 2007 330 9 83 21% 1:36.4 a week or a weekend at a time to participate in course work, complete exams, and to trade experience and ideas with classmates, professors, and academic coaches. Between on-site phases students use the internet and the learning platform to study online. They can work on their own or in groups on assignments and ask tutors for feedback and advice. Coursework can be completed comfortably from home, assignments uploaded easily on the platform. Furthermore, students can communicate with instructors and professors at any time without being limited to office hours. CONTACT: Private University Seeburg Castle 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee | Seeburgstrasse 8 T +43 6212 2626 F +43 6212 2626-39 www.uni-seeburg.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Students’ Affairs Office Information about international exchange programmes International Affairs Office Evelyn Rotschopf T +43 6212 2626-10 F +43 6212 2626-39 info@uni-seeburg.at evelyn.rotschopf@uniseeburg.at In addition there is the opportunity to complete the threesemester Master of Business Administration (MBA) in General Management. In all courses the focus lies on personal care and on work in small groups. Our university offers the ideal conditions for its students to develop personal, social methods and subject-knowledge skills into a very unique, holistic skills profile. SPECIAL FEATURES: Individualization: Previous academic performance and relevant work experience of students are considered in determining the length of study as well as program contents. Academic Coaching: The optimal alignment of personal abilities, career goals and choice of study area is an essential condition for academic and career success. We already provide orientation and support before the start of the program through the analysis of individual talents and personal goals. During the complete course of study personal academic coaches are available to counsel and advise every student. They support the development of learning strategies and provide suggestions for specific exam preparation. Part of the duties and responsibility of our academic coaches is to help prepare students for a successful job search through job application training and a personal counseling session. Blended Learning Course Format: The “blended learning” approach combines the advantages of various teaching and instruction methods. These course formats will be used in a way to achieve an optimal “blend”. Advantages for Students: There are three main advantages for students at the Private University Seeburg Castle: practical relevance and problem orientation, didactic concept, flexibility. PrivatE universiTIES The Private University Seeburg Castle is a young university of Economics and offers the following accredited programs: Business Administration (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Business Psychology (B.Sc., M.Sc.) Sports and Event Management (B.Sc., M.Sc.) PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: Catholic Theological Private University of Linz ABOUT: Right in the centre of the city and in the centre of life – this is how the Catholic Theological Private University of Linz (KTU Linz) in Bethlehemstrasse presents itself. From a historical point of view the KTU Linz is the oldest academic institution in Upper Austria. For more than 300 years theology has been conducted and taught here; since 2005 also theory of art and philosophy. As the first Austrian private university the KTU Linz has been publicly accredited with all its courses in the fields of theology, religious education, philosophy and theory of art. It distinguishes itself by its scientific quality and its very personal atmosphere. Quick facts: More than 30 scholars teach and pursue research at the KTU Linz; approximately 500 students are currently enrolled. As a result of the continuous expansion of the courses on offer and the research carried out the KTU Linz today positions itself as a distinguished and innovative tertiary education institution which – not least through international cooperation in research and teaching and the development of new curricula – meets the requirements of the European higher education area and the local demand for education and further education both in the fields of 70 theology and theory of art and philosophy. The KTU Linz addresses current issues and comments on them in public talks, symposiums, exhibitions and publications. As a competence centre especially for humanities the Catholic Theological Private University of Linz accompanies the economic, technological, cultural and social development of the country from a holistic perspective and provides soundly argued impulses that are oriented towards the welfare of people and the Creation. CONTACT: Catholic Theological Private University of Linz 4020 Linz | Bethlehemstr. 20 T +43 732 784293 F + 43 732 784293-4155 www.ktu-linz.ac.at Information about courses, entrance examinations and international exchange programmes Department for Studies and Examinations Johanna Fischer T +43 732 784293-4178 F +43 732 784293-4155 j.fischer@ktu-linz.ac.at Institute for History and Theory of Art and Philosophy: 1 bachelor programme 1 master programme 1 doctoral programme SPECIAL FEATURES: With its two faculties, the Faculty for Theology and – and this is unique in the whole world – the Department for Theory of Art and Philosophy at faculty level, the KTU Linz forms a centre for humanities and cultural studies where students can study according to the three-tier Bologna model. Theme-related and elective modules in the bachelor, master, diploma and doctoral programmes provide, besides a better shaping of the image of the institution, space for students for putting special emphasis on their specific fields of interest. Beside the exchange between the individual academic disciplines special emphasis is put on cultural interaction, for example on the mutual influence of religion and art. Due to a strong relation with economics in the curricula of the university in the research focus area economics-ethics-society (WiEGe) an important contribution to a constructive dialogue between theology and economics is also made through relevant education of the students. PrivatE universiTIES Faculty for Catholic TheologY: 2 diploma programmes 1 bachelor programme 1 master programme 1 licentiate programme 1 doctoral programme PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: ANTON BRUCKNER PRIVATE UNIVERSITY ABOUT: The Anton Bruckner Private University is one of five Austrian academies for music, drama and dance, and one of four universities in Linz. 870 students from all parts of the world are taught by an academic staff of 200, all of whom are widely experienced and well-known in their respective fields. The University has its origins in the former Bruckner Conservatory, which was responsible for music training in Linz for nearly 100 years. 72 CONTACT: Anton Bruckner Private University 4040 Linz I Wildbergstr. 18 T + 43 732 701000 F + 43 732 701000-30 Information about courses T + 43 732 701000-22 studienbuero@bruckneruni.at Quick facts: founded in (Conservatory) number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students Our graduates are to be found performing in international concert halls, playing in famous orchestras, demonstrating their acting skills throughout the German-speaking theatre world, or working as teachers in music schools, conservatories and universities. The artists and teachers of Anton Bruckner Private University have established a community with a lively vision, realised through outstanding artistic training. 1932 200 870 30% Information about international exchange programmes Johanna Breuer T + 43 732 701000-77 j.breuer@bruckneruni.at www.bruckneruni.at University course Communicating Music – Music in Context (MA) Early Music and Historical Performance SPECIAL FEATURES: The dynamism of the young University in the media location Linz is reflected in the curricula: Jazz and Improvised Music, Contemporary Dance Theatre and New Music are on offer, as well as, for example, Performance and Pedagogical studies, Early Music and Music in Context. The cultural life of the city of Linz is enriched by a wide range of performances at the Anton Bruckner Private University – concerts, music theatre, theatre. Students can try out their skills and the public is given a glimpse of how the University works. The Anton Bruckner Private University will soon move to new premises. This new building is built by the federal province of Upper Austria on the former “Hagengründe”, at the foot of the Pöstlingberg in Linz-Urfahr. The ground-breaking ceremony was held in May 2011 and the new University is scheduled for completion in 2015. An entrance examination is required to study at the Anton Bruckner Private University. PrivatE universiTIES Instrumental Performance and Pedagogy on modern and period instruments (BA, MA) Singing, Voice and Music Theatre (BA, MA) Jazz and Improvised Music (BA, MA) Music Theory and Composition (BA, MA) Conducting (BA, MA) Drama (BA) Dance Performance and Pedagogy (BA, MA) Elementary Music Education (BA, MA) PRIVATE universitIES COURSES: Danube PRIVATE UNIVERSITY (DPU) ABOUT: The Danube Private University (DPU) was founded in September 2009 and is situated in Krems, Lower Austria. The university has faculties for Medicine and Dentistry and is a 100% privately funded organisation. At the start of the summer semester 2014 the university will have up to 450 students enrolled for the dentistry, allowing students to graduate with the academic qualification Dr. med. dent. The DPU is also accredited for Postgraduate Master Courses in a variety of specialist dentistry fields as well as Bachelor/ Quick facts: The degree in Dentistry consists of a 20-week semester and reduced semester holidays (instead of the 15-week semester at state universities) and is offered as an intensive block course with additional supervision and a strong emphasis on practical work. In accordance with Austrian statutory regula-tions the course takes place over the mandatory 6 years leading to the academic qualification Dr. med. dent. In their final university year students have the option to choose a specialization field in dentistry and to enhance their skills in this subject. This is the first step 74 Master of Arts courses (BA/MA) for Medical Journalism and PR with 18 students and the Bachelor Dental Hygiene (BA). Vision The university competes at an international level offering a degree in Dentistry which places significant emphasis on practical work and which incorporates the fundamentals of Science and Natural Sciences. The DPU strives to position students at the heart of the university offering state-of-the art training and an educational experience that students can build upon for life. for a later postgraduate MSc education after the successful degree in dentistry. A compulsory optional subject which forms large parts of the theoretical components of the “Master of Science“ is selected and subsequently postgraduate participation in courses and submission of clinical cases and a master thesis lead to the M.Sc. qualification. The dental qualification Dr. med. dent. offered at the DPU is in accordance with all 2005/2006 EU Regulations and Guidelines and also adheres to the Terms and Conditions for Austrian University Legislation. CONTACT: Danube Private University (DPU) 3500 Krems-Stein Steiner Landstrasse 124 T +43 676 842419–305/330 F +43 2732 70478–7060 info@dp-uni.ac.at www.dp-uni.ac.at The Danube Private University’s ethos is based on classical, educational ideals and principals. The University strives to educate highly qualified dentists and dental hygienists, placing great emphasis on academia, yet also values the pursuit of cultural interests and activities. Extra-curricular events are offered to all students in the form of lectures, literary discussions, musical events and art appreciation. Danube Private University students are also required to understand the social responsibility of their vocation towards people. Students are frequently engaged in social projects both in the town of Krems and in the region. Students, lecturers and employees of the Danube Private University are eager to show their commitment to Dentistry and their ability to act as a co-operative partner in the scientific community in the region as well as in the Republic of Austria. PrivatE universiTIES SPECIAL FEATURES: UniversiTIES Full-time, 12 semesters: University Degree in Dentistry leading to the academic qualification of Dr. med. dent. Part-time, 6 semesters – In German language: Master of Science in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Dentistry (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Endodontics (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Function and Prosthetics (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Orthodontics (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Oral Surgery/Implantology (M.Sc.) – In English language: Master of Science Oral Surgery/ Implantology (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Orthodontics (M.Sc.) Full-time, 6 semesters: Master of Science Clinical Oral Surgery/Implantology (M.Sc.) | Master of Science Clinical Orthodontics (M.Sc.) The Danube Private University additionally offers degree courses in the following subjects: Bachelor of Arts in Medical Journalism and PR (BA) | Master of Arts in Medical Journalism and PR (MA) | Bachelor Dental Hygiene (BA) universitIES PRIVATE universitIES FACULTies: Medicine | Dentristy NEW DESIGN UNIVERSITY ABOUT: The New Design University – one of Austria’s youngest universities – is a place where creative minds work on the future of our society. The interdisciplinary mix of design, technology and business allows for an inventive understanding of today and for an experimental approach to tomorrow. The Faculty of Design includes a bachelor programme in Graphic Design, renowned for its profound training in the fundamental principles of the discipline, Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students 2004 76 323 and a bachelor in Manual & Material Culture, combining product design with handcraft. The bachelor in Interior Design introduces students to the major fields of the profession whereas the master in Interior Design focuses on the construction of identity through space. The Faculty of Technology offers a bachelor in Event Engineering as well as a master in E-Mobility & Energy Management and a master in Intellectual Property Rights & Innovations. CONTACT: New Design University 3100 St. Pölten Mariazeller Strasse 97 T +43 2742 890-2411 F +43 2742 890-2413 www.ndu.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Office T +43 2742 890-2411 F +43 2742 890-2413 office@ndu.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes T +43 2742 890-2424 F +43 2742 890-2413 76 Faculty of Technology Event Engineering (BA) E-Mobility & Energy Management (MSc) Intellectual Property Rights & Innovations (MSc) Faculty of Business Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation* (BSc, MSc) *subject to accreditation SPECIAL FEATURES: The New Design University is a private university founded by the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria. The university’s small size provides for a high amount of flexibility in organising the individual study programmes. It maintains a close connection between research, teaching and the region’s entrepreneurs, exemplified by a platform (“FutureLab”) where students can hone their professional skills by working on “real-life” commissioned projects and supervised by expert professors. All students can easily join such research projects and thus – already early on in their academic career – learn to respond to business demands in a creative, innovative manner. The City of St.Pölten – home to the university – figures as a laboratory for this “real-life” development approach: students are in close contact with citizens and city officials, discussing the evolution of the city and its population. In this way the entire study programme has a strong practical side and connects the students with the professional world. The university also maintains and develops strong and innovative partnerships with national and international universities. PrivatE universiTIES Faculty of Design Graphic & Information Design (BA) Interior Design (BA, MA) Manual & Material Culture (BA) PRIVATE universitIES FACULTIES: UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES: 1 FHWien – University of Applied Sciences of WKW (Vienna) 2 University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (Vienna) 3 University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna (Vienna) 4 FH Campus Vienna – University of Applied Sciences (Vienna) 5 FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences (Graz, Kapfenberg, Bad Gleichenberg) 6 FH Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences (Graz) 7 MCI Management Center Innsbruck (Innsbruck) 8 University of Applied Sciences Tyrol fh-gesundheit (Innsbruck) 9 University of Applied Sciences Kufstein (Kufstein) 10 Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Salzburg) 11 Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences (Linz, Wels, Steyr, Hagenberg) 78 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions (Linz) Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Klagenfurt, Spittal/Drau, Villach, Feldkirchen) IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems (Krems) University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (Wiener Neustadt, Wieselburg, Tulln) St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (St.Pölten) Theresan Military Academy (Wr. Neustadt) University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Eisenstadt, Pinkafeld) Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (Dornbirn) Krems Hagenberg 11 11 12 Germany Wels 11 14 Wieselburg 15 Linz Upper Austria 11 Steyr 15 Tulln 1-4 16 Lower Austria Wr. Neustadt 15 Salzburg 17 9 19 Kufstein 7 Tyrol Styria Salzburg 8 13 13 Villach 13 Feldkirchen 13 Klagenfurt Slovenia 18 Pinkafeld 6 Graz Carinthia Italy Kapfenberg 5 Spittal/Drau Switzerland Burgenland 5 Innsbruck 18 Eisenstadt 5 Bad Gleichenberg Hungary UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Dornbirn Slovakia St. Pölten 10 Liechtenstein Vorarlberg Vienna universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Czech Republic FHWIEN UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES OF WKW ABOUT: The FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW launched its first degree programme, Tourism Management, in 1994. Today we are Austria’s leading university of applied sciences (UAS) for management and communications with a range of 17 bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at seven departments. Since 2007 our institutes have been centralised at our new WKO campus wien on Währinger Gürtel. Guided by the principle of lifelong learning, we have designed our academic programmes to be active, flexible and future-oriented. As a partner to the business world we are resonsible for producing methodologically sound research findings and creating practice-oriented know-how for corporations and other members of the business community. In addition, our Alumni&Co association helps us promote contact and knowledge sharing among students, alumni, lecturers, and the business world. Quick facts: Learning from the leading corporations in the country and applying your knowledge directly to your profession – we make it possible. Our business-oriented university and further education programmes pave the way for a promising career. And all master programmes as well as most degrees are offered part-time. Moreover, FHWien’s portfolio includes an International MBA in Management & Communications as well as certificate programmes in Restaurant & Culinary Management, Asset Management & Financial Planning and Video 80 Journalism. Studying at the FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW brings students top career opportunities: we have already equipped over 6,000 alumni with the tools they need for their careers. We know which skills and knowledge the market demands and have tailored our programmes accordingly. And our close cooperation with partners from a range of industries in numerous realworld projects as well as the required internships in some programmes underline our commitment to business practice. CONTACT: FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW 1180 Vienna | Währinger Gürtel 97 T +43 1 47677-5744 F +43 1 47677-5745 www.fh-wien.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes Centre for International Education & Mobility 1180 Vienna | Währinger Gürtel 97 Section B | Room B105 T +43 1 47677-5750 F +43 1 47677 5745 ciem@fh-wien.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: Our students enjoy the ideal infrastructure for study and research. One highlight is the excellent access to Vienna’s city centre. Moreover, our campus offers: _Over 50 classrooms with multi-media equipment _Computer labs with computer workstations, WLAN, and our multifunctional Campus Card _CampusShop, our specialised bookshop _Library with over 32,000 media _Restaurants, cafés, and communication islands _Underground parking garage (discount available for students and faculty) International Activities _Participation in international projects in the area of research and development _Faculty and student mobility: Erasmus programme, cooperations with non-EU countries, summer sessions abroad _International networking & joint degrees _Internships abroad _Internationalisation of the curriculum by means of an extensive range of Englishlanguage courses _Use of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) _Use of the Diploma Supplement UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Bachelor Degree: Finance, Accounting & Taxation | Real Estate | Journalism & Media Management | Content Production & Digital Media Management | Corporate Communication | Marketing & Sales | Human Resources & Knowledge Management | Hospitality & Tourism Management | Management & Entrepreneurship Master Degree: Financial Management & Controlling | Real Estate Management | Journalism & New Media | Communication Management | Marketing & Sales Management | Leadership in Hospitality & Tourism | Organisational & Human Resources Development | Entrepreneurship – Executive Management International MBA in Management & Communications Certificate Programmes: Restaurant and Culinary Management | Video Journalism | Asset Management & Financial Planning universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Programmes: University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien ABOUT: With some 6,800 graduates and roughly 3,300 students the University of Applied Sciences (UAS) Technikum Wien is Austria’s largest purely technical university of applied sciences. The 12 bachelor’s and 17 master’s degree programs are offered as full-time, part-time and/or distance study programs. Eight degree programs are taught in English. The educational offerings are based on a solid scientific foundation and are also practice-oriented. At the UAS Technikum Wien emphasis is not only placed on providing a high-quality technical education but also on subjects with a focus on business and personal development. Close ties and collaborations with business and industry provide students with excellent career opportunities. The research and development activities are currently concentrated on four research focuses: eHealth, Embedded Systems, Renewable Energy and Tissue Engineering. The UAS Technikum Wien became Vienna’s first university of applied sciences in 2000. It is a network partner of the FEEI – Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries. Quick facts: _Austria’s largest purely technical university of applied sciences _founded in 1994 _12 bachelor’s and 17 master’s degree programs _full-time programs, part-time programs or distance study 82 _fees: tuition is EUR 363.36 each semester plus a EUR 75 materials fee per semester _around 500 lecturers _about 15 percent foreign students CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien 1200 Vienna Hoechstaedtplatz 6 T +43 1 3334077-0 www.technikum-wien.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Student Advisory Service T +43 1 3334077-333 studienberatung@ technikum-wien.at Communication Technologies & Electronic Engineering Engineering & Environmental Technologies Information Technologies & Business Solutions Life Science Technologies Master’s degree programs: _Biomedical Engineering Sciences (full-time) _Information Systems Management (part-time and distance study) _Intelligent Transport Systems (full-time) _Telecommunications and Internet Technologies (part-time) _Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (part-time) Interested in one or two exchange semesters at UAS Technikum Wien? If you are interested in studying abroad and, for example, would like to attend the UAS Technikum Wien as an incoming exchange student for one or two semesters (on the basis of a bilateral agreement between your home institution and the UAS Technikum Wien), the Center for International Relations and Cross-Cultural Education at the UAS Technikum Wien offers you support. Center for International Relations Mr. Masaaki Nakamura 1200 Vienna | Hoechstaedtplatz 6 masaaki.nakamura@technikum-wien.at Interested in enrolling in a degree program at UAS Technikum Wien? If you are interested in enrolling in a degree program at the UAS Technikum Wien (in order to obtain a degree), please contact the administrative assistant for the degree program you are interested in. For further information visit www.technikum-wien.at. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Degree Programs in english Bachelor’s degree programs: _Business Informatics (distance study) _Electronics and Business (distance study) SPECIAL Services: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: A subsidiary of UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES BFI VIENNA ABOUT: The University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna is one of the leading Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. At the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna academic education is combined with practical training. The sophisticated scientific education forms the base of career prospects in management. Its graduates are internationally regarded as highly qualified. They are very much in demand as employees in areas of responsibility across various fields of activities in industry, administration and the economy. International orientation has always been one of the main targets of the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. We strongly believe in the added value of cultural diversity in societies. The University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna has implemented the Bologna system, the aim of which is to promote mobility and employability and make Europe a more competitive continent in higher education. To pursue this goal we have established a network with more than 80 partner universities in 32 countries throughout the world. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students member of the European University Association 84 1996 400 1,929 7 bachelor programmes (1 in English) 6 master programmes (3 in English) 7 postgraduate programmes full-time and part-time programmes tuition fees: € 363.36 per semester (+ € 18.- Austrian Student Union fee) CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna 1020 Vienna | Wohlmutstr. 22 T +43 1 7201286 F +43 1 7201286-19 www.fh-vie.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Secretary for Studies and Examinations T +43 1 7201286 info@fh-vie.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 1 7201286-81 maria.wasinger@fh-vie.ac.at claus.inanger@fh-vie.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: EU Award – EU Quality Seal and Quality Indicator Having been awarded the ECTS label and the Diploma Supplement Label in 2006 and 2009, the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna stresses once again its quality leadership in Austria. The University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna thus belongs to the top league of university institutions which have been awarded both labels by the EU Commission. DEGREE PROGRAMMES AND COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH European Economy and Business Management (Bachelor) International Banking and Finance (Master) Quantitative Asset and Risk Management (Master) Strategic HR Management in Europe (Master) International Programme for exchange students (Bachelor level) Several courses taught in English in our German-taught programmes HIGH SERVICE LEVEL FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS _orientation week _Austrian language and culture course _buddy system _Erasmus Student Network _wide range of social activities _joint projects with local students UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Banking and Finance International Banking and Finance European Economy and Business Management Film, TV and Media Production Logistics and Transport Management Project Management and Information Technology Project Management and Organisation Quantitative Asset and Risk Management Strategic HR Management in Europe Technical Sales and Distribution Management Work Design and HR Management universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Study Programmes: FH Campus Vienna UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES ABOUT: Fast and innovative development The FH Campus Vienna has been a university of applied sciences since 2004 – currently more than 4,500 students in over 50 bachelor’s and master’s programmes in the fields of Applied Life Sciences, Engineering, Building and Design, Health, Social Work, and Public Sector are building a secure professional future for themselves. Since 2009 most of the bachelor’s and master’s programmes take place in one of Austria´s most modern college buildings in Vienna’s 10th district. Well-networked Internships, research and international matters are all of the utmost importance at the FH Campus Vienna. Students can work on R&D projects at the UAS during their studies. The FH Campus Vienna cultivates exchange between business, teaching and research and is thereby constantly improving the high scientific quality and practical relevance of its courses. The international networking facilitates the transition between training and professional activity: Students already make valuable contacts with future employers during the degree courses. Quick facts: founded in 2004 number of teachers 1,400 number of students 4,500 4 sites The FH Campus Vienna maintains cooperations with the University of Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna, the 86 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, the University of Veterinary Medicine and the Vienna University of Technology, the “Association of Viennese Hospitals“ (Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund, KAV), the Federal Chancellery, the Ministery of Finance and a multitude of distinguished companies, organisations and other public institutions. CONTACT: FH Campus Vienna 1100 Vienna Favoritenstrasse 226 T +43 1 6066877-1000 F +43 1 6066877-1009 www.fh-campuswien.ac.at www.campusnetzwerk.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Rector’s Office T +43 1 6066877-1500 rektorat@fh-campuswien.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office Wolfgang Sünder T +43 1 6066877-6151 international@fh-campus wien.ac.at Applied Life Sciences Engineering Building and Design Health Social Work Public Sector SPECIAL FEATURES: The FH Campus Wien positions itself in an international network with around 100 foreign educational institutions Europe-wide. The Applied Life Science department is especially internationally orientated. The FH Campus Wien maintains, particularly in this field, cooperations with some of the most renowned universities in Europe. The health department also attaches great importance to internationalisation from its beginning, including international networks, conferences, guest lecturers and an outstanding mobility. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Besides mobility, the FH Campus Wien is pursuing the Europeanisation of its curricula and promoting the exchange of lecturers at the European level. Spearheading this development is the master’s degree programme “Social Economy and Social Work“ – the first European degree programme for social work – for which eight European universities have created a curriculum together. The degree programme is completed with the awarding of a “Joint Degree“. universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Fields: FH JOANNEUM – UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES ABOUT: The FH JOANNEUM is a public university offering top-rate career-oriented programs with a strong interdisciplinary and cooperative approach and a commitment to the highest levels of teaching and research. It provides a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs in Engineering, Health Studies, Media & Design, Applied Computer Sciences, Management and Building, Energy & Society, making it one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Austria. Quick facts: founded in 1995 degree programs 41 number of students over 4,000 7% percentage of foreign students (not incl. incomings) number of partner universities about 200 The FH JOANNEUM currently offers 24 bachelor degree programs, 17 master degree programs and 7 postgraduate courses. More than 4,000 students from Austria and abroad are enrolled at the three campuses in Graz, Kapfenberg and Bad Gleichenberg located in the province of Styria. 88 FH JOANNEUM is proud of the high international quality of its teaching, the numerous awards received for its applied research and development and the excellent career opportunities for its graduates. Our training focuses on the scientific, technological, economic and social challenges of tomorrow. Our educational philosophy is based on working in interdisciplinary teams, using modern media and promoting a spirit of partnership and cooperation between motivated students and experienced teaching staff. International cooperation and the mobility of students and faculty members in exchange programs with partner universities help to maintain the international profile of the FH JOANNEUM. We currently cooperate with 200 institutions of higher education all over the world. A high percentage of our students (230 students in the academic year 2012/13) spend either a semester or their internship period abroad. The incoming students (200 from over 30 countries in the academic year 2012/13) add an international dimension not only to our studies but also to our campus life. CONTACT: FH JOANNEUM – University of Applied Sciences Graz | Kapfenberg Bad Gleichenberg T +43 316 5453-0 www.fh-joanneum.at Austria | Styria Information about courses and entrance examinations Student Information 8020 Graz | Alte Poststr. 147 T +43 316 5453-8800 info@fh-joanneum.at Information about international exchange programs International Relations Birgit Hernády T +43 316 5453-8875 birgit.hernady@fh-joanneum.at Building, Energy & Society: We design tomorrow’s living spaces. www.fh-joanneum.at/dbe The FH JOANNEUM is actively engaged in a range of international research and development programs. Courses in English, international projects, guest professors and incoming students are an integral part of our international focus. Several master degree programs are taught entirely in English: “Advanced Electronic Engineering“, “Business in Emerging Markets“, “Aviation“, IT + Mobile Security” and “Energy & Transport Management”. Engineering: We focus on innovative mobility and sustainable production. www.fh-joanneum.at/den Health Studies: We care about people’s health. www.fh-joanneum.at/dgs Management: We invest our expertise in international business success. www.fh-joanneum.at/dma Media & Design: We shape the media and design of the future. www.fh-joanneum.at/dmd The FH JOANNEUM also offers a comprehensive teaching program in the field of German as a foreign language and organizes numerous intercultural events to promote the social integration of international students. The FH JOANNEUM promotes international cooperative education by developing a specific exchange platform as a partner institution of WACE (World Association for Cooperative Education). A large number of international placement opportunities are offered by internationally operating Austrian employers and global providers. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES SPECIAL FEATURES: UniversiTIES Applied Computer Sciences: We connect people and systems. www.fh-joanneum.at/dai universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEpartments: FH CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences ABOUT: The FH CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences offers technical, scientific and business degree programmes oriented towards the international challenges of a modern professional environment at an academic level. International Marketing & Sales Management and Financial Accounting & Management Accounting are the two management science degree programmes on offer at the FH CAMPUS 02. The three interdisciplinary technical degree programmes are Automation Technology, guaranteeing technical progress in product development and in manufacturing, Information Technologies & Business Informatics, optimising knowledge management, business processes and communication and Innovation Management, representing Quick facts: founded in number of lecturers number of students percentage of foreign students 90 1995 270 1,200 2% a combination of management and technology. Together with the academic teaching staff a great number of lecturers from the industry take care of the practical content of the courses taught. Many companies are partners in the various projects undertaken during the degree programmes and in the written theses to be prepared. All degree programmes taught at the University of Applied Sciences are offered as part-time courses (pt) with teaching sessions held on Fridays, from midday onwards, and on Saturdays. The business management programmes are also taught as full-time courses (ft) from Monday to Thursday and Monday to Friday, respectively. CONTACT: FH CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences 8010 Graz | Körblergasse 126 T +43 316 6002-0 F +43 316 6002-1207 www.campus02.at Information about courses and entrance examinations T +43 316 6002-0 info@campus02.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Barbara Schantl T: +43 316 6002-786 F: +43 316 6002-1221 international@campus02.at Part-Time Automation Technology (pt) Information Technologies & Business Informatics (pt) Innovation Management (pt) The FH CAMPUS 02 has close practical links with companies and industrial enterprises and thus an ideal dual access to science and practice. The FH CAMPUS 02 is a university of applied sciences that puts much emphasis on “entrepreneurship” and sees itself as a “university of applied sciences of the economy” for the economy. With the extra-occupational courses we offer incoming students also have the opportunity to do a corresponding work placement besides attending courses – in a network of working students – and to gain practical experience abroad. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Full-Time/Part-Time International Marketing & Sales Management (ft/pt) Financial Accounting & Management Accounting (ft/pt) SPECIAL FEATURES: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: MCI Management Center Innsbruck ABOUT: Founded in 1995/96 as the main pillar of the unique Innsbruck Open University concept, the Management Center Innsbruck now occupies a prominent position in the international university scene. In the meantime more than 3,000 students, 800 members of teaching staff, 200 partner universities woldwide and numerous graduates and employers appreciate the qualities of the Entrepreneurial School (R). The MCI offers a wide range of bachelor and master study programmes in the fields of management, society, engineering & life sciences. Curricula with a strong practical orientation, an international teaching staff and student body, the limited number of study places and internships with prestigious companies are among the many attractions of an MCI study programme. Learning and working in an international environment and interacting with people from different cultures are core aspects at the MCI. With motivated students, study programmes embedded in the business world, project-based teaching in compact groups, excellent facilities and intense support the highest quality standards and first-class career prospects are guaranteed. Embedded in a broad network of patrons, sponsors and partners, the MCI is an important engine in the positioning of Tyrol and Austria as a centre for academic and international encounters. Our neighbourly co-operation with the University of Innsbruck, the closeness to the lively Old Town of Innsbruck and the powerful architecture of the location are an expression of our philosophy and mission. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers 92 1995 800 number of students number of partner universities 3,000 200 CONTACT: MCI Management Center Innsbruck 6020 Innsbruck Universitätsstrasse 15 T +43 512 2070-0 F +43 512 2070-1099 www.mci.edu Information about courses and entrance examinations T +43 512 2070-0 office@mci.edu Information about international exchange programmes International Relations T +43 512 2070-1600 international@mci.edu Bachelor: Biotechnology | Business & Management | Food & Bioresource Technologies | Management, Communication & IT | Management & Law | Mechatronics | Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management | Social Work | Tourism Business Studies | Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering | Industrial Engineering & Management EXECUTIVE MASTER Programmes MANAGEMENT SEMINARS High standard of teaching With a mixed faculty comprising the MCI’s own teachers, managers from trade and industry, visiting lecturers from all over the world and recognised experts from the worlds of research, consulting and the liberal professions, the MCI offers a synergetic combination of theory and practice that creates added value for students. International study programmes Students and faculty from all over the world, a semester abroad with intensive modules at prestigious partner universities, double degree options, internships with global players, and a variety of international activities open the door to international perspectives, intercultural skills and professional development. Strong Service orientation A professional Language Centre, excellent library facilities and study corners, modern eLearning platforms, an effective Career Centre with job offers, internships and intercultural training programmes, a Startup Centre, and an extremely active Alumni & Friends Club additionally enrich the MCI’s study programmes. Top-Ranked A string of outstanding results in polls and rankings are confirmation of the high quality and level of acceptance achieved by the MCI. They strengthen its reputation, build trust and offer orientation for prospective students for making the right choice on an increasingly confusing higher education market in which clear positioning, a credible brand and top places in the rankings are decisive. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Master: Food & Bioresource Engineering | Biotechnology l Entrepreneurship & Tourism l Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering l Industrial Engineering & Management l International Business l International Business & Law l International Health & Social Management l Management, Communication & IT l Mechatronics – Mechanical Engineering l Social Work, Social Policy & Management SPECIAL FEATURES: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES PROGRAMMES: University of Applied Sciences Kufstein ABOUT: The FH Kufstein has currently over 1,400 students from more than 30 nations who create an international, multicultural atmosphere. With more than 160 partner universities worldwide the FH Kufstein hosts 200 international incoming students annually, while an even larger number of our students go out for a semester or year to study abroad. What is more, with approximately 100 faculty members and employees as well as over 200 contracted lecturers the FH Kufstein plays a significant role in the regional economy. ATTRACTIVE CAMPUS IN CHARMING SURROUNDINGS The FH Kufstein resides in a building that contains modern lecture rooms and work spaces, a library and a cafeteria. The campus is located in the green, generous park area that lies adjacent to the city center. Quick facts: A highly practical orientation, living internationality, applied research and continuous development: a perfect combination of practice and academic education makes Kufstein University of Applied Sciences one of the leading higher education institutions in Europe. A degree from Kufstein University of Applied Sciences paves the way for the best career prospects – worldwide. The international network with 160 partner universities allows lecturers and students to participate in exchanges, 94 which results in a transfer of knowledge across all borders. The range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes – offered in both full- and part-time formats – have been conceived to meet the professional demands of the respective industries. The FH Kufstein has also developed a postgraduate programme in cooperation with several internationally renowned partner universities. The graduates of the degree programmes thus have excellent prospects for filling challenging positions in their field and for advancing their careers. CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences Kufstein 6330 Kufstein | Andreas Hofer-Strasse 7 T +43 5372 71819-0 F +43 5372 71819-104 www.fh-kufstein.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Sara Neubauer T +43 5372 71819-111 sara.neubauer@fh-kufstein. ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Office Noureddine Rafili T +43 5372 71819-113 international@fh-kufstein.ac.at Bachelor programmes Business Management | European Energy Business | Facility & Real Estate Management | Industrial Engineering & Management | International Business Studies | Marketing & Communication Management | Sports, Culture & Event Management | Web Business & Technology International Business Studies – Master’s Degree in English By studying international business at FH Kufstein you can be assured that you will receive a truly modern higher education. This comprehensive master‘s degree, with its international orientation, allows students to choose from one of two specialisations, whilst simultaneously offering a wide range of electives. The specialisations are in marketing/management and finance. The marketing/ management option is designed to provide a sound management education in the broad area of marketing. The finance option, which is built upon a comprehensive economics base, includes study in the areas of corporate finance, multinational business finance, behavioural finance as well as the economics of uncertainty. All lectures are conducted in English. Full-time master’s degree programme (Master of Arts in Business) 30 places per year Duration: 4 semesters Fees: € 363.36/semester Online application: www.fh-kufstein.ac.at UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Master programmes Corporate Restructuring | Digital Marketing | Web Communications & Infomation Systems | ERP Systems & Business Process Management | European Energy Business | Facility & Real Estate Management | International Business Studies | Sports, Culture & Event Management SPECIAL FEATURES: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: University of Applied Sciences Tyrol ABOUT: Founded in 2006, the University of Applied Sciences Tyrol is the youngest academic institution in Tyrol. The university offers practice-oriented academic training and education in the health care sector and has become an important part of the Tyrolean education area. The bachelor programmes encompass biomedical science, dietetics, logopedics, mid- wifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and radiological technology, each with a duration of three years. For continuing education and professional specialisation the university offers a wide array of master programmes and certificate programmes for further education. CONTACT: scientific, social and personal skills needed in health care professions, preparing them for the requirements of these occupations. In comparison to other bachelor programmes at universities of applied sciences courses in health care have a high proportion of practical training. The majority of these practical training sessions are conducted at hospitals and private practices. Knowledge and skills acquired in classes are consistently applied, practised and deepened in these environments. Information about courses and entrance examinations Department for Studies T +43 512 5322-76710, -76712 info@fhg-tirol.ac.at Quick facts: number of students number of faculty and staff number of part time faculty 630 45 500 A team of experienced, highly motivated and highly competent teachers and scientists trains the students in becoming highly qualified professionals in the health care sector. In the framework of the well-founded higher education programmes the students are taught all practical, 96 University of Applied Sciences Tyrol | fhg – Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe Tirol GmbH 6020 Innsbruck | Innrain 98 T +43 512 5322-0 F +43 512 5322-75200 www.fhg-tirol.ac.at International exchange programmes International Relations Office T +43 512 5322-76718 info@fhg-tirol.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: Participation in European exchange programmes Numerous partner institutions in various European countries guarantee that students are able to gain good insight into other health care and education systems. The University of Applied Sciences Tyrol is committed to promoting the mobility of its students; the International Relations Office supports students to participate in exchange programmes such as the Erasmus programme of the European Union. In 2011 the University of Applied Sciences Tyrol has been awarded the Diploma Supplement Label and has been recognised as best practice example by the European Commission. Research The University of Applied Sciences Tyrol pays special attention to research. Embedded in an excellent environment of health care and research institutions, the university applies high standards for research work undertaken at its institution. In each course teachers help and mentor students in carrying out bachelor and master thesis projects. In addition, the students have an appropriate infrastructure at their disposal. Laboratories, therapy rooms, special research hardware and software as well as a library with online access to numerous data bases and journals are standard at the University of Applied Sciences Tyrol. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Bachelor programmes: Biomedical Science | Dietetics | Logopaedics | Midwifery | Occupational Therapy | Physiotherapy | Radiological Technology Master programme: Quality and Process Management in the Health Care Sector CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES FOR FURTHER EDUCATION / Master courses: Advanced Practice Midwifery (MSc) | Biomedical Sciences (MSc) | Clinical Dietetics (MSc) | Educational Theory for Health Professions (MSc) | Occupational Therapy (MSc) | Osteopathy (MSc) CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES FOR FURTHER EDUCATION / Academic courses: Biomedical Sciences | Educational Theory for Health Professions |Intensive Care | Midwife for Perinatal Management | Occupational Therapy | Operating Room Care| Optometrist | Quality and Process Management | Respiratory Therapist universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES PROGRAMMES: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences ABOUT: The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences with its 2,400 well selected students is a center of innovation and expertise in the knowledge domains of its degree programmes. Since its foundation in 1995 it has acted as a hub for the knowhow transfer between research and the industry. Its degree programmes offer university-level education tailored to the needs of current and future demands of the labour market combined with a sound theoretical underpinning. We collaborate with partner institutions in Europe, America, Asia and Australia in international projects as well as faculty and student exchange. Besides their studies students can create networks for later professional careers at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences. All of our auditoriums and labs provide modern state-of-the-art equipment. Both our locations – Urstein Campus and Kuchl Campus – are situated in one of the most beautiful areas of the world. Quick facts: founded in number of teaching & research staff number of students 16 bachelor programmes 9 master programmes 2 postgraduate programmes 98 1995 854 2,400 2 locations: Urstein Campus & Kuchl Campus Degree programmes in the following 4 disciplines: Engineering Business and Social Sciences Design, Media and Arts Health Studies CONTACT: Salzburg University of Applied Sciences 5412 Puch | Urstein Süd 1 T +43 50 2211-0 F +43 50 2211-1099 www.fh-salzburg.ac.at info@fh-salzburg.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations International Office T +43 50 2211-1031 international@fh-salzburg.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office Rosalyn Eder T +43 50 2211-1032 rosalyn.eder@fh-salzburg.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: High research competence Salzburg University of Applied Sciences focuses on applied research especially in information technologies, business & tourism, media and design, health-related studies as well as wood technologies. Since January 2013 the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences also has a Josef Ressel Centre for User-centric Smart Grid Privacy, Security, and Control. Innovative and interdisciplinary curricula We provide unique curricula that integrate technology, content, art and business aspects. Domain-specific knowledge is complemented by social skills. Excellent industry contacts We have close ties with leading regional and international companies. Professional placements and project experience are a central part of our studies. The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences cooperates closely with companies. A great percentage of our lecturers is also active in the business world. Advanced infrastructure State-of-the-art lab equipment provides the ideal setting for creative minds and supports the most advanced teaching methodologies. Both campuses can be reached by local trains or buses. The picturesque city center of Salzburg is only a few minutes’ ride away. We also have housing opportunities at both locations. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Bachelor PROGRAMMES: Biomedical Sciences | Business Management | Design & Product Management | Forest Products Technology & Timber Construction | Information Technology and Systems Management | Innovation & Management in Tourism | Midwifery | MultiMediaArt | MultiMedia Technology | Nursing | Occupational Therapy | Orthoptics | Physiotherapy | Radiation Technology | Smart Building | Social Work Master PROGRAMMES: Applied Image & Signal Processing | Business Management | Design & Product Management | Forest Products Technology & Management | Information Technology and Systems Management | Innovation & Management in Tourism | Innovation in the Field of Social Profit | MultiMediaArt | MultiMediaTechnology Postgraduate: Applied Physiology for Midwives | International Executive Master Program in Hospitality Management (Vietnam/Salzburg) universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programmes: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria ABOUT: The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is one of the top Austrian UAS and offers an internationally recognised, well-established, practice-oriented education at university level at four locations in the central region of Upper Austria and supports the economy with cutting-edge products from our research and development centers. Its appeal is the university’s unique blend of broad-based specialist theory and intensely practical applications. Funda- mental to this curriculum strategy is the input from private sector companies and organisations. The cooperation with private sector partners provides invaluable access to realworld know-how and resources that has invariably led to the development of new projects and provided opportunities for creative interface with potential new partners. Our record of more than 1,000 such collaborative ventures at home and abroad speaks for itself. Quick facts: number of students number of teachers number of foreign students appr. 4,800* 195 391 * incl. study preparatory programme A nationwide survey among human resources managers at Austrian companies put the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria top of the league when it comes to educational reputation and all-round image. We offer _Internationally recognised degrees _Very good student/teaching staff ratio 100 _Well-balanced combination of theory and practice _Degree programmes include internships/fieldwork and R&D project work _Excellent job prospects for graduates _Students from 50 different countries _More than 200 partner universities worldwide The goal at all four locations is to educate young people in those areas with the largest growth potential. A characteristic is also the close contact between professors and students as well as the permanent dialogue with industry. CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria 4600 Wels Franz Fritsch-Strasse 11 T +43 50804-10 F +43 050804-11900 info@fh-ooe.at www.fh-ooe.at www.fh-ooe.com Information about programmes and entrance examinations Information about international exchange programmes international@fh-hagenberg.at international@fh-linz.at international@fh-steyr.at international@fh-wels.at School of Informatics, Communications and Media Hagenberg Campus: 4232 Hagenberg | Softwarepark 11 T +43 50804-21530 | F +43 50804-21599 School of Applied Health and Social Sciences Linz Campus: 4020 Linz | Garnisonstrasse 21 T +43 50804-54060 | F +43 50804-954060 School of Engineering and Environmental Sciences Campus Wels: 4600 Wels | Stelzhamerstrasse 23 T +43 50804-43140 | F +43 50804-43166 Degree programmes and courses taught in English The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria offers six degree programmes taught exclusively in English: _Global Sales and Marketing (Bachelor) _Global Sales and Marketing (Master) _Medical Engineering (Master) _Mobile Computing (Master) _Innovation and Product Management (Master) _Interactive Media (Master) _Sustainable Energy Systems (Master) Furthermore the University offers more than 300 courses taught in English at four campuses. Incoming students may choose courses from different programmes on each campus. Preparation Programme UASUA At the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria students have the opportunity to complete a German Preparation Programme. After the two-semester preparation programme students have the skills necessary to be able to attend all German programmes offered by the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. To apply for the Preparation Programme UASUA the student must provide proof of an A2 level of knowledge in German according to the European reference framework. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES School of Management Steyr Campus: 4400 Steyr | Wehrgrabengasse 1–3 T +43 50804-33050 | F +43 50804-33097 SPECIAL FEATURES: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES SCHOOLS: University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria ABOUT: Health professionals have excellent prospects The University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria was founded in 2010 by the “Oö. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG of the Province of Upper Austria”, the “Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Linz” and the “OÖ Ordensspitäler Koordinations GmbH”. This close cooperation facilitates the pooling of a comprehensive set of competencies under one roof. Students greatly benefit from the resulting synergies. With this foundation tried and tested education programs can now be offered at university level with internationally acknowledged degrees. Nine programs of study prepare students in an optimal way for a successful future in the health sector: in higher medicaltechnical professions, and midwives, in hospital management and in university didactics. Graduates are capable of handling Quick facts: founded in number of students approx. 102 2010 800 the ever more complex requirements in the health sector and have excellent job chances both at home and abroad. Many years of training experience of the team of teachers and the hospitals, facilitators with practical experience and internships in health institutions guarantee technically and scientifically well-founded, application-oriented courses of study as well as intensive co-operation between research and teaching. First-rate infrastructures at all locations offer an ideal scientific environment for students. The master programs enable graduates to assume management positions in health institutions or to analyze didactic problem definitions and develop solutions. In seven application-oriented bachelor programs we train tomorrow´s health professionals. CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria 4020 Linz Semmelweisstrasse 34/D3 T +43 50344-20000 office@fhgooe.ac.at www.fh-gesundheitsberufe.at Master programs Management for Health Professionals – main focus on hospital management: Campus Health, Landes-Nervenklinik Wagner-Jauregg Linz | University Didactics for Health Professional Education: Landes-Nervenklinik Wagner-Jauregg Linz SPECIAL FEATURES: _close cooperation between the three founders (Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Linz, OÖ Ordensspitäler Koordinations GmbH and the Oö. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG) _long lasting knowledge in medical education based on the former postsecondary educational programs _very close adjacence to the hospitals of the founders and other health care facilities, therefore lots of adequate traineeships _highly practice-orientated programs to train health professionals _seven bachelor programs and two master programs in health professions at three locations in Linz, Steyr and Wels _ideal alliance of theoretical expert knowledge, science and practical experience _strong collaboration between research and education _very good career opportunities UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Bachelor programs Biomedical Science: Campus Health, AKh Linz; Campus Health, LKH Steyr | Dietetics: Campus Health at the KH der Elisabethinen Linz | Occupational Therapy: Campus Health, Landes-Nervenklinik Wagner-Jauregg Linz | Midwifery: Campus Health, Landes-Frauen- und Kinderklinik Linz | Speech Therapy: Campus Health, AKh Linz | Physiotherapy: Campus Health, AKh Linz; Campus Health, LKH Steyr; Campus Health, Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen | Radiological Technology: Campus Health, AKh Linz; Campus Health, LKH Steyr universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEGREE PROGRAMMES: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences ABOUT: CUAS – Carinthia University of Applied Sciences – was founded in 1995 and has five locations in Carinthia: Feldkirchen, Klagenfurt, Spittal/Drau and Villach. With its 4 different schools CUAS currently offers more than 30 degree programs. It is our mission to offer excellent career opportunities to our graduates. This is possible through intensive, practice-oriented studies with close academic support and mentoring. Our students enjoy the advantages of studying at a well-established and reputable academic institution in a young and dynamic setting. CUAS is an internationally- Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 104 1995 250 2,042 9.7% oriented university well-grounded in a high-profile business and social environment. Our academic programs offer fuel for the mind: multifaceted educational content and research with state-of-the-art facilities. The intensive and demanding academic programs at CUAS are balanced by numerous social events and high quality recreational opportunities. The degree programs at CUAS are designed to prepare students for a successful future. Last but not least: Carinthia and CUAS are known for their hospitality. We are looking forward to welcoming you at CUAS! CONTACT: Carinthia University of Applied Sciences 9800 Spittal/Drau Villacher Strasse 1 T +43 5 90500-0 F +43 5 90500-9810 www.cuas.at Information about courses and entrance examinations 9800 Spittal/Drau Villacher Strasse 1 T +43 5 90500-0 info@cuas.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office 9524 Villach | Europastrasse 4 T +43 5 90500-9902, -9903 international@cuas.at Civil Engineering & Architecture Engineering & IT Health Sciences & Social Work Management SPECIAL FEATURES: http://facebook.com/FHKaerntenCUAS http://blog.fh-kaernten.at http://twitter.com/FHKaernten http://youtube.com/FHKaernten http://gplus.to/FHKaerntenCUAS http://fh-kaernten.at/apps UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Time for sunny thoughts? Spend your time in Carinthia – a fantastic place to study! Where else could you experience three languages and cultures in just one day? Where else could you enjoy the view of the Alps and then breathe Mediterranean scents? Where else can you ski down the slopes and enjoy the cultures of three different countries at the same time? universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems ABOUT: STUDYING THE INTERNATIONAL WAY The IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems is characterised as a centre for international and practice-oriented academic education. The high educational quality of the degree programmes in Krems is based on internationalisation, the teaching of modern soft skills and the use of the latest e-business solutions. International focus and practical relevance are the topmost priorities of all programmes. An excellent academic background, state-of- the-art technical equipment, over 100 partner universities worldwide and many other quality aspects provide students with the skills and competences needed on the international labour market. A mix of theory and practice, project-related work, an international faculty as well as hands-on experience make studying a varied and exciting experience. International accreditations The Bonn-based Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA), a leading international quality assurance agency, presented its quality seal to the IMC Krems. The award underscores the high quality of the Health Sciences, Business Studies and Life Sciences degree programmes: The bachelor and master programmes Tourism and Leisure Management have been honoured by the “International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality education”, THE-ICE, for its particularly quality-focused education in tourism and leisure industry. The THE-ICE was founded in Australia in 2004 and serves the quality assurance of the international range of courses in the field of “Tourism and Hospitality” with the purpose to support and promote outstanding programmes. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers 106 1994 504 number of students percentage of foreign students around 2,500 30% CONTACT: IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems 3500 Krems T +43 2732 802 F +43 2732 802-4 www.fh-krems.ac.at Information about degree programmes and admission requirements Department for Prospective Student Counselling T +43 2732 802-222 information@fh-krems.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes Department for Internationalisation T +43 2732 802-270 international@fh-krems.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: Advantages for IMC Krems students include _Guaranteed study places (no overcrowded lectures) thanks to limits on student numbers in each degree programme _Fixed programme length within the maximum study period _Personal, friendly atmosphere _Small-group teaching and learning due to limits on student numbers _Close collaboration between professors, lecturers, heads of department, and students _Internships and study abroad programmes _State-of-the-art technical infrastructure (info screens, comprehensive high-speed network, electronic student I.D. card, etc.) and modern interior design. _On-campus library Induction DAYS: In September the IMC Krems kicks off the academic year with the Induction Days to welcome the new regular and exchange students. This week serves as an orientation phase at the start of the degree programme and is jointly organised by the rectorate, student representatives and the Students for Students group (SfS – a member of ESN). It also underlines the University’s mutual efforts to ease new students’ entry into campus life and helps them to form a close-knit community spanning the individual degree programmes. This introductory phase includes several modules. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Business Studies | International Management Health Studies | Life Sciences Programmes taught in English: Business Administration*, BA (first intake September 2014) | Export-Oriented Management, BA | International Business and Export Management, MA | Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, BSc/MSc | Tourism Management and Leisure Industry, BA and MA | Marketing & Sales, MA | *upon approval of AQA Programmes in German: Business Administration and E-Business Management, BA I Management of SME, MA I Management of Health Institutions, MA | Business Administration of the Public Health Sector, BA | Management, MA | Ergotherapy, BSc | Physiotherapy, BSc | Midwifery, BSc | Advanced Nursing Practice, BSc I General Nursing, BSc | Music Therapy, BSc and MSc | Environmental and Sustainability Management, MA universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES & Programmes: UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES WIENER NEUSTADT ABOUT: Education – Internationalisation – Research The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, the first officially accredited University of Applied Sciences in Austria, combines academic studies with a more practically orientated education. The broad spectrum of different study options and the variety of majors characterise the three-year bachelor’s programmes. The two-year master’s programmes concentrate on the foundation of contents as well as on management skills and personal skills. Great importance is attached to internationalisation: The university supports 68 exchange programmes as well as internships abroad. The programmes “Business Consultancy International”, “Aerospace Engineering” and “MedTech” are taught entirely in English and guarantee further international connections. Exchange students are integrated in an extensive social events programme and are offered academic counselling and organisation of accommodation by the International Office. The University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt is an important innovative business partner. Through its applied research and development as well as its transfer of technology and knowledge the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt remains in constant contact with the economy and the industries. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 108 1994 1,090 3,200 13% 4 Campuses: Wiener Neustadt, Wieselburg, Tulln, Rudolfinerhaus Wien (cooperation partner) CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt 2700 Wiener Neustadt Johannes Gutenberg-Strasse 3 T +43 2622 89084-0 F +43 2622 89 084-99 www.fhwn.ac.at www.facebook.com/fhwnfan Information about courses and entrance examinations Business Consultancy International Administration T +43 2622 89084-880 admission@fhwn.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 2622 89084-451 fhwnio@fhwn.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: KEY BENEFITS FHWN _voted by Industry Magazine in the 2013 ranking as one of the TOP 3 Applied Sciences Universities in Austria _high practical orientation with excellent connections to the business world, ensured by obligatory internships _lower living costs compared to other locations in Austria _guaranteed study places and close contact between professors and students _superior quality ensured through qualified lecturers by actively supporting students’ self-dependent academic development INTERNATIONALITY _more than 60 partner universities around the world offer top exchange possibilities _international student body consisting of more than 50 nations _remarkable teaching staff mobility _a dedicated International Office opens opportunities for unique experiences for incoming & outgoing students UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH BUSINESS: Business Consultancy International, BA & MA ENGINEERING: Med Tech, MA | Aerospace Engineering, MA PROGRAMMES IN GERMAN BUSINESS: Business Consultancy, BA & MA | Product Marketing & Project Mgmt, BA & MA | Organic Business & Marketing, MA | Food Product Development & Resource Mgmt, MA ENGINEERING: Business Engineering, BSc & MSc | Computer Science, BSc & MSc | Mechatronics, BSc & MSc | Biotechnical Processes, BSc & MSc | Renewable Energy Systems, MSc HEALTH STUDIES: Health Care & Nursing, BSc | Biomedical Science, BSc | Speech Therapy, BSc | Radiologic Technology, BSc | Occupational Therapy, BSc SECURITY: Police Leadership, BA | Strategic Security Mgmt, MA SPORTS: Coaching & Sports, BSc & MSc universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES & Programmes: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences ABOUT: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers degree programmes at bachelor’s and master’s level in the fields of Technology, Business, and Health & Social Sciences. The aim is to provide vocationally orientated academic training in which practical experience and team projects play an essential role. Moreover, students will obtain a high level of foreign language competence and communicative and interper- sonal skills, and they can choose to acquire international certificates. Study or work abroad periods are encouraged. St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is housed in a modern, friendly new building near the city centre and is equipped with state-of-the-art lecture halls, computer rooms, laboratories, a library and a refectory. Accommodation is available in four modern student residences which are within walking distance of the campus. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 1996 360 2,000 7% St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is committed to giving students an academic education with a strong vocational focus. It helps the students acquire the skills they will actually need in their future careers. We cooperate closely with companies through work placements, projects with 110 businesses, and the large number of part-time lecturers who contribute their specific professional expertise. Research plays an increasingly important part. There are seven research centres dedicated to Creative Media Technologies, Information Security, Media Economics, and Social Inclusion. The students are involved in cutting-edge projects and thus gain valuable research skills even before graduation. Projects are carried out in co-operation with local businesses and also with national and international research partners. CONTACT: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences 3100 St. Pölten Matthias Corvinus-Strasse 15 T +43 2742 313228 F +43 2742 313228-339 www.fhstp.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Campus Service Centre T +43 2742 313228-330, -331 csc@fhstp.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 2742 313228-261, -262 international@fhstp.ac.at MEDIA Media and Communications Consulting (BA, MA) Media Management (BA, MA) Media Technology (BSc) Digital Media Technologies (MSc) TRAFFIC Railway Infrastructure Technology (BSc, MSc) HEALTH Dietetics (BSc) | Physiotherapy (BSc) | Digital Healthcare (MSc) SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Work (BA, MA) The Campus Media Campus & City Radio 94.4: The campus radio is an educational terrestrial radio station run entirely by students and it broadcasts to students and young people in and around St. Pölten. The students receive professional training on how to fulfil the wide range of tasks involved in making radio. The radio team co-operates with local and international festivals and is a major event organiser in the region. Campus & City Radio 94.4 can be received in the St. Pölten area and also via web stream (www.campusradio.at). c-tv: Under the lecturers’ guidance students produce their own TV programmes and learn about all the steps ranging from idea development, planning and production to finishing and distribution. c-tv may be viewed on the Viennese channel Okto, on TW1 and ORF alpha and as a web stream (www.campusfernsehen.at). SUMO Magazine: All students interested in writing articles or in performing any other tasks related to producing a magazine are welcome to join the SUMO team. SUMO is published quarterly and covers topics such as sports, lifestyle, music, travel, and education. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES INFORMATICS IT Security (BSc) Information Security (MSc) SPECIAL FEATURES: universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programmes: Theresan Military Academy ABOUT: Leadership Competence As the name implies the main aspect for our bachelor programme is leadership competence. Knowledge and skills are developed to enable the graduate to cope with modern security challenges. To this end expert knowledge is gained in military core subjects and in relevant scientific disciplines such as law, political science, economy and business administration, philosophy, sociology, psychology and educational science. Apart from military customers civilian enterprises and organisations (GOs, NGOs, IOs) will headhunt for our graduates since they trust their premium leadership competence and their experience. Language of instruction The language of instruction is German (B2 level). Certain subjects, however, are taught in English. Quick facts: The Theresan Military Academy was founded in 1752 and is the oldest Military Academy in the world. The number of teachers is 150 and the number of students who have attended the academy is 5,500. 3-5% civilian students attend the Academy. In compliance with the timeless, straightforward order issued by Empress Maria Theresia in 1752 “Make them fine 112 officers and righteous men!” the faculty of the Military Academy is still making great efforts to bring forth leaders of excellence. These days, however, her mission has been restated within the framework of the Bachelor Programme Military Leadership to include both military and civilian crisis managers of either sex (to cater for equal opportunities). CONTACT: Theresan Military Academy 2700 Wiener Neustadt Burgplatz 1 T +43 50 201202-8900 F +43 50 201201-7200 http://campus.milak.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Theresan Military Academy Institute & Faculty for Teaching & Research T +43 50 201202-9105 F +43 50 201201-7250 karlheinz.braun@bmlvs.gv.at Bachelor Programme Military Leadership (for career soldiers and civilians) SPECIAL FEATURES: Financial and fringe benefits For career soldiers: A monthly pay of approx. € 1,800.00 after tax. Free board and lodging as well as free clothing and equipment. For civilians: Grants and allowances on request (according to pertinent regulations). Inexpensive board; lodging according to availability. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES _Full-time FH bachelor programme (from 2013 onwards also in English). _Length of study: 6 semesters, which includes both a national (in the 5th semester) and an international training-on-the-job (ITJ) (in the 6th semester), totalling 12 weeks (26 ECTS) for leadership practice. _Waiver from the completion of subjects already covered, on request. _Annual intake 60 students max. _Graduation: For military students as 2nd Lieutenant and Bachelor. For civilian students as Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Military Leadership. It should not go unnoticed that our bachelor programme is sometimes more demanding than others. universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: University of Applied Sciences Burgenland ABOUT: The two campuses of the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland are centrally situated in the heart of modern Europe, thus offering unique intercultural learning opportunities at tertiary level. Students can choose between eight bachelor´s and twelve master´s degree programmes in five departments: _Business Studies (focusing on Central and Eastern Europe) _Information Technology and Information Management _Energy and Environmental Management _Health _Social Work In accordance with the motto “Academic excellence in the heart of Europe” the University of Applied Sciences Burgenland places special emphasis on incorporating international aspects into the programmes. Students are offered crossborder courses, research and development opportunities, advisory services and further education courses with more than 70 partner universities and approximately 400 enterprises all over Europe. Quick facts: Sometimes it is enough to let the facts speak for themselves: _practical, personal and individual support _modern campuses with state-of-the-art lecture halls, seminar rooms, libraries and computer rooms _modern and service-oriented infrastructure _EU Educational Programme (Erasmus) _internships in various EU countries 114 _degrees recognised throughout Europe _international teachers, native speakers _practical training, close cooperation with companies _state-of-the-art laboratories _internationally recognised research projects _full or part-time degree programmes _cross-border partnerships and networks _good career opportunities (98% employment rate) CONTACT: University of Applied Sciences Burgenland 7000 Eisenstadt | Campus 1 T +43 5 9010609-0 F +43 5 9010609-15 www.fh-burgenland.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Office for Information & Communication T +43 5 9010609-20 beratung@fh-burgenland.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 5 9010601-14 office@fh-burgenland.at Business Studies Information Technology and Information Management Energy and Environmental Management Health Social Work SPECIAL FEATURES: Luckily, Burgenland can boast up to 300 days of sunshine each year, well above the country’s average. The location of the University of Applied Sciences in Eastern Burgenland, right in the heart of Europe, offers a uniquely mild climate and reflects the sunny side of student life. Students will also find a broad spectrum of cultural events and sports facilities in Burgenland, a lively events scene, a variety of culinary highlights as well as countless accommodation and shopping opportunities. Last, but most certainly not least, Burgenland offers students the great outdoors. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES The area is the embodiment of Austria’s culture and cuisine, with cities such as Vienna, Graz, Bratislava, Sopron and Budapest easily accessible, meaning beautiful landscapes, splendid vineyards, ancient castles, and quaint Austrian wine taverns are just a stone’s throw away. universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTIES: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences ABOUT: Within the last ten years Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences has developed into an important factor for the region’s economy and society. The core competences are based on the areas of engineering, business, design and social work. Practice-oriented goals, innovative curricula, international study courses and creative pedagogy help students to become first-rate employees. With its international network of 120 partner universities Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences supports the mobility of students and teaching staff. With English as the language of instruction in nearly all degree programs students can study in English for a full semester at an international university that holds not only the Life Long Learning Awards 2008, 2009 and 2011 but also the Diploma Supplement Label (awarded by the European Commission in 2010) and the ECTS Label (awarded by the European Commission in 2011). Quick facts: Innovative region Vorarlberg FHV‘s interesting location in Vorarlberg is unique: this Austrian province borders on the three countries of Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Situated between Lake Constance and the Arlberg mountain range, its trump card is the mix of a strong economy and great recreational offerings. Cities such as Zurich, Milan and Munich as well as the most beautiful ski areas in the Arlberg and Montafon 116 regions are all within easy reach. Obviously, Vorarlberg is one of the most innovative regions in Europe. High industrialization and the combination of traditional and modern influences generate an extremely creative and success-oriented climate. Examples for that are companies such as Tridonic, New Logic, Alpla, Bachmann, Blum, Zumtobel, HQ Laser or Doppelmayr. CONTACT: Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences 6850 Dornbirn Hochschulstrasse 1 T +43 5572 792-0 F +43 5572 792-9500 info@fhv.at www.fhv.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office Karin Wüstner-Dobler T +43 5572 792-1201 international@fhv.at http://www.fhv.at/fhv-studies/ international Master’s degree Business Process Management Accounting, Controlling & Finance | Marketing & Sales Mechatronics Computer Science InterMedia | Social Work SPECIAL FEATURES: The International Office at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences is in charge of the University’s internationalization strategy, collaborating closely with the various study programs. The major tasks of the International Office are the coordination of the University’s international relations, the development and the maintenance of its partner network as well as the organization of outgoing and incoming student mobility. Lecturer and staff mobility, the administration of different EU programs, encouraging mobility activities and the support of the study programs complete the department´s range of responsibilities. For its outstanding quality and performance in student mobility Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences received the E-Quality Label on three consecutive occasions. In 2008, 2009 and 2011 the Lifelong Learning Award was awarded to the institution, and in spring 2005 Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences was awarded the ECTS and the Diploma Supplement Label by the European Commission. In 2010 the Diploma Supplement Label once again was awarded to the institution, in 2011 once again the ECTS Label. UNIVERSITIES OF APpLIED SCIENCES Bachelor’s degree International Business, full-time and part-time Mechatronics | Mechanical Engineering Electrical Enineering Dual Computer Science – Software and Information Engineering Engineering with Business Administration InterMedia | Social Work universitIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEGREE PROGRAMMES: UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION: 1 University of Teacher Education Vienna (Vienna) 2 University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy Vienna (Vienna) 3 University College of Teacher Education Vienna/ Krems (Vienna, Krems) 4 University College of Teacher Education Styria (Graz) 5 Catholic University College of Education Graz (Graz) 6 University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (Innsbruck) 7 University College of Teacher Education – Edith Stein (Innsbruck, Salzburg, Feldkirch, Stams) 8 University of Education Salzburg (Salzburg) 9 University College of Education Upper Austria (Linz) 118 10 11 12 13 14 Private University College of Teacher Education of the Diocese of Linz (Linz) University College of Teacher Education Carinthia – Victor Frankl UC (Klagenfurt) University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (Melk, Hollabrunn, Baden) University College of Teacher Education Burgenland (Eisenstadt) University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (Feldkirch) 12 Germany 9 3 10 12 Linz Krems Melk Upper Austria 7 Hollabrunn Lower Austria Vienna Slovakia 1-3 12 Baden 13 Eisenstadt 8 Salzburg 7 14 Burgenland Feldkirch Liechtenstein Vorarlberg Stams Tyrol 7 6 Styria Salzburg 7 4 Innsbruck 5 Graz Switzerland Carinthia Italy 11 Klagenfurt Slovenia Hungary UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION universitIES COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Czech Republic UNIVERSITY OF TEACHER EDUCATION VIENNA ABOUT: All programmes of study last for six semesters and lead to the academic degree of Bachelor of Education (BEd). The courses of education under our degree programmes are internationally recognised and enable you to pursue a teaching career in all EU countries. The University of Teacher Education Vienna provides a supportive and stimulating study environment for all students. We strive to offer high quality teaching based upon the promoting of personal development and the strengthening of scientific knowledge and its practical applications. Our programmes of study offer undergraduates the oppor- tunity to explore in-depth some of the most challenging and fundamental issues concerning children and young people. We teach them through hands-on experience in our partner schools where we guide them through the process of lesson preparation and classroom teaching while at the same time assisting them with regard to analysis and self-reflection. The final assignment in the course of study is a bachelor thesis known in German as Bachelorarbeit. We offer further education courses to about 25,000 Viennese teachers. About 57,000 teachers attended our courses during the last academic year. Quick facts: founded in 2007 number of teachers 490 number of students 3,500 percentage of foreign students 3% The University of Teacher Education in Vienna provides initial education and training for future generations of teachers 120 in Vienna as well as continuous and further in-service training for all active members of the teaching profession. We also try to motivate active teachers to acquire a higher academic degree through the master’s degree programmes we have on offer. CONTACT: University of Teacher Education Vienna 1100 Vienna | Grenzackerstr. 18 T+43 1 60118-0 office@phwien.ac.at www.phwien.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Office T +43 1 60118-3860 F +43 1 60118-3864 international.office@phwien. ac.at Institute for further education (Coordination Unit) T +43 1 60118-3600 F +43 1 60118-3603 institutweiterbildung@phwien. ac.at Initial Teacher Education – Compulsory Schooling T +43 1 60118-3101 | institutausbildung@phwien.ac.at Initial Teacher Education – Practical Studies T +43 1 60118-3401 | schulpraxis@phwien.ac.at Initial Teacher Education – Vocational Schooling T +43 1 60118-3201 | institutberufsbildung@phwien.ac.at IFIS – Research, Innovation and School Development T +43 1 60118-3301 | institutforschung@phwien.ac.at Institute for Further Education – In-service Teachers (compulsory schooling, lower secondary, Kindergarten and special needs) T +43 1 60118-3501 | institutPE1@phwien.ac.at Institute for Further Education – In-Service teachers (lower and upper secondary) T +43 1 60118-3701 | institutPE3@phwien.ac.at SPECIAL FEATURES: The University of Teacher Education in Vienna provides pre- and in-service training for compulsory and vocational school teachers in Vienna and at the same time is a centre for educational research and of excellence and offers studies at the highest level. It also offers hands-on teaching practice for future teachers as well as continuing education and expert training for professional teachers. We have exchange agreements with more than 100 European partner universities. Students from these universities may study under the ERASMUS programme at the University of Teacher Education in Vienna (PH Wien) for either one semester or a full academic year. Teachers and staff may do exchanges in their professional field as well. For more information concerning these study opportunities visit our websites: www.ph-online.ac.at/ph-wien/webnav.ini and www.phwien.ac.at/index.php?id=26 UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION The University of Teacher Education Vienna has both EU and non-EU exchange partners but also welcomes students from partner and non-partner universities who pay fees directly. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy ABOUT: The University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy is the pedagogical centre for the training of teachers and advisors in the work fields of agriculture, forestry and the environment. Both the rural and the urban economic area of Austria will increasingly become influenced by structural, ecological and societal changes. Well-trained young people and the further training of disseminators largely contribute to a sustainable and future-oriented development. The University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy offers scientifically sound training related to the students’ future work fields. The students gain pedagogical, personal and professional key competences from the perspective of sustainability. This aims at becoming fit for the challenges in society and in their jobs. Quick facts: The University College was founded in 1954. Currently about 500 students are taught by 50 teachers from different scientific backgrounds. Two bachelor study programmes, “Agrarian Pedagogy” and “Environmental Pedagogy,” are offered. The students gain pedagogical fundamentals, communication and team building in theory and practice and specialised content in areas of agrarian science as well as in environmental topics and sustainable development. Besides these studies the University College offers a wide range of programmes in further education and advanced 122 training. Various college courses such as “Advisory and Adult Education”, “Horticultural Therapy” and “Medical Plants and Wild Herbs” and a Master of Arts in “Education Management in Rural Areas” are offered as part-time programmes for different target groups. These long-term offerings are supplemented by about 150 seminars and trainings on different topics such as pedagogy and didactics, environment and sustainability, quality, guidance and management, entrepreneurship, rural development, climate protection and green pedagogy. CONTACT: University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy 1130 Vienna | Angermayerg. 1 T +43 1 8772266-0 www.agrarumweltpaedagogik. ac.at Information about Studies and Examinations T +43 1 8772266-21 www.agrarumweltpaedagogik. ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office Beate Kralicek T +43 1 8772266-52 beate.kralicek@agrarumwelt paedagogik.ac.at Department for Higher Education Department for Advisory Service and Innovation Management Department for Advanced Training and Further Education SPECIAL FEATURES: Theory Meets Practice In all study programmes internships and professional experience are core areas apart from focusing on theoretical aspects. All students spend a total of eight weeks in schools to practise teaching and in advisory and adult education within the scope of the agrarian and forestry extension service. In the field of environmental pedagogy a mentoring programme was established. Within this programme more than 50 environmental organisations host the students for their internships. Master Programmes In addition to the Master of Arts in “Educational Management in Rural Areas” a master programme in “Green Care” was started in the autumn of 2012. Both programmes are part-time, based on blocked modules taught by international experts. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Further Education Programmes More than 150 long-term and short-term educational offerings are designed for different target groups each year. Main topics: pedagogy and didactics, environment and sustainability, quality, guidance and management, entrepreneurship, rural development, climate protection and green pedagogy. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION VIENNA/KREMS ABOUT: The University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems (KPH) was founded in 2007. The institution is unique in Europe in its ecumenically oriented approach. Moreover, with its five campuses in Vienna and Lower Austria it is Austria’s biggest private university college of teacher education. Based on a concept of initial teacher training, in-service teacher training and further education the KPH offers opportunities for teachers to acquire qualifications and professionalisation to be able to meet the challenges in the fields of general pedagogy and religious education pedagogy. In terms of an enlightened Christian perspective the KPH fosters and advocates the cooperation among the five Christian denominations (the Roman Catholic Church, Protestantism Augsburg Confession and Helvetian Confession, the Orthodox and the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the Old Catholic Church) and at the same time allows them to maintain their individual identities. Quick facts: The KPH offers teaching qualifications for compulsory schooling (primary, lower secondary, polytechnic and special needs schools; religious education) and in-service teacher training courses for teachers of all school types, for kindergarten teachers, and for social education workers. The three-year course programmes are fully modularised and lead to the academic degree of “Bachelor of Education” (BEd). At the beginning of their studies students attend a 124 four-week introductory course, which allows them to gain an insight into the different course programmes and requirements and to reflect on their roles as future schoolteachers. Currently the KPH offers 40 initial teacher training courses, follow-up studies as well as extension and distance learning courses, 7 master degree courses, other academic programmes and a wide range of seminars. 329 lecturers taught 2345 students in 2013. CONTACT: KPH Wien/Krems 1210 Vienna | Mayerweckstr. 1 T +43 1 29108-106 www.kphvie.ac.at office@kphvie.ac.at Information about International Exchange Programmes International Cooperations Birgit Adler-Klammer T +43 1 29108-104 birgit.adler@kphvie.ac.at Press Office Hannes Martschin T +43 1 4097720 hannes.martschin@kphvie.ac.at Strategic institutes and centres of excellence have clear profiles in setting thematic priorities in school and curriculum development as well as in implementing exemplary projects in pedagogical fields of work from kindergarten to adult education with a special reference to Christian values and traditions. Centres of excellence have been established in the fields of pre-school education, human rights pedagogy, artistic and cultural education, intercultural, interreligious and interconfessional learning, spirituality and education for sustainable development, integrative promotion of giftedness and research into giftedness, value-based business didactics, school development, language competence, mathematics, primary school pedagogy, scientific competence. SPECIAL FEATURES: Practice Schools The KPH is a place of teaching, learning and research for the education sector and offers students a theory-based teaching practice in selected schools. From the very beginning of the course programmes students teach at practice schools under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors from the college. E-Learning and Peer Mentoring The KPH has broadened the range of its e-learning platforms and interactive learning models. At the same time personal coaching is enhanced through the innovative peer-review model, in which senior students work as peer mentors. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Cooperations and Networks The KPH cooperates issue-specifically with educational institutions in national and international networks, public authorities and ministeries. Moreover, it participates in international educational programmes. The KPH sees itself as a place of public discourse about school development and teacher education in general and about education promoting the individual and the development of the community and the environment. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Departments: University College of Teacher Education Styria ABOUT: The University College of Teacher Education Styria is a nationally and internationally renowned public educational institution. Teaching and learning at the University College of Teacher Education Styria are organised around our specialised fields of study which consist of teacher education, continuing education and further education. These fields of study contribute quality standards to lifelong learning. Furthermore, our learning opportunities offer brush-up and training courses in other pedagogical and social areas. CONTACT: Courses The University College of Teacher Education Styria offers the following teacher certification programmes: Primary Education Special Education Lower-level Secondary Education Vocational Education Nutritional Education Information and Communication Technology Education for Technical and Trade Professions Information about courses and entrance examinations Studies and Examination Regulations T +43 316 8067-3600 a6@phst.at Quick facts: The University College of Teacher Education Styria (PHSt) was founded in 2007. Its main Campus is at Hasnerplatz, which is very close to the historic city center of Graz. The University College offers a wide variety of study programmes in the fields of training, continuing education and further education for all types of schools and grades. Over 500 people are employed in the fields of teaching and research and about 3000 full-time and part-time students study at the PHSt. Approximately 7% of the students have an international background. 126 University College of Teacher Education Styria 8010 Graz | Hasnerplatz 12 T +43 316 8067-0 F +43 316 8067-3199 www.phst.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations T +43 316 8067-2200 z2@phst.at Institute 1 Research, Transfer of Knowledge and Innovation Institute 2 Compulsory Education including Pre-school Institute 3 Further Education, Pre-school and Primary Level Institute 4 Further Education, Secondary Level I and II Institute 5 Vocational Education and Practical Studies Institute 6 Further Education, Vocational Training Institute 7 School Development and Management SPECIAL FEATURES: International Students The University College of Teacher Education offers a wide range of courses for international students. Students can stay for one or two semesters. They attend the international module “Culture, Society and Education”, which is a communication and practice-related module. History, culture, society and educational systems in Europe are introduced, discussed and compared. School visits, excursions, visits of museums and theatre performances and more are prepared, organised and documented by the students. Personal communication methods are introduced and trained. The use of ICT is another focus. Students learn how to develop, present and publish content on the internet and “Erasmus TV” is produced regularly. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION At the beginning of May the annual International Week “Come2Graz” takes place at the University College of Teacher Education Styria. Teachers and staff from international partner institutions are invited to participate in teaching assignments and staff training during this week. The opening ceremony, guest lectures and workshops and an additional social and cultural programme are some of the highlights. More than 100 colleagues from our more than 40 partner institutions have participated in our International Week. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS: CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION GRAZ (CUCE GRAZ) ABOUT: Initial and in-service training as well as further education of teachers for all types of schools offering compulsory schooling in Austria takes place at University Colleges of Teacher Education. The CUCE Graz is committed to innovation, to Christian social and moral values and to international horizons. Full account is taken of topical scholarly and scientific standards of teacher training, and lively interaction between pedagogy, theology and other relevant disciplines is encouraged. The CUCE Graz is a place of learning and teaching where “greatest challenge goes along with greatest respect” (A. S. Makarenko); and “a space to live and work where the spirit of freedom and of the love of the Gospel are alive” (Second Vatican Council). Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students: initial training in-service and further education courses percentage of foreign students 2007 80 400 several thousands 5% The CUCE Graz offers training in the area of undergraduate studies for the teaching profession at primary schools, spe- 128 cial education schools and the teaching of Catholic religion in compulsory schools. It is a private institution enjoying public recognition by the state of Austria. It is owned by the “Foundation for the University College and Education of the Roman-Catholic Diocese of Graz-Seckau”. The entire offer of studies follows the Bologna system architecture, including the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The language is German, yet some courses are offered in English. CONTACT: Catholic University College of Education Graz 8010 Graz | Lange Gasse 2 T +43 316 581670-0 F +43 316 581670-11 www.kphgraz.at office@kphgraz.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 316 581670-19 F +43 316 581670-29 international.office@kphgraz.at Two of the four departments of the CUCE Graz offer academic degree courses leading to a full teaching qualification _for Primary Schools _for Special Schools _for Roman Catholic Religious Studies at Primary, Secondary Modern and Technical Schools In addition, the CUCE Graz offers further education of teachers from primary to most types of secondary schools in a large variety of subjects, skills and competences, from short-term single courses to intensive four-semester study programmes. A fourth department coordinates research activities and international contacts of the CUCE Graz. SPECIAL FEATURES: UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION _At CUCE Graz the new type of teacher training is based on the Christian image of man and closely related to humanistic and democratic values, sustaining a spirit of mutual respect and dialogue. _The largely modularised schedule guarantees that the contents of studies are not approached in a single-sided way but comprehensively with regard to their intrinsic connections. _Special emphasis is put on modern reform pedagogical movements. _The CUCE Graz has more than thirty academic partner institutions in more than twenty European countries, offering a wide framework for students’ and teachers’ mobility according to European exchange programmes. _The CUCE Graz focuses on pedagogical research, offering a rich variety of publications as well as cooperations with both national and international institutions in this field. _While the majority of students in the initial teacher training study for regular primary or special school teachers’ qualifications, the CUCE Graz is also specialised in training teachers for Catholic Religious Studies in all types of compulsory schools. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: University College of Teacher Education Tyrol ABOUT: The University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (PHT) opened in 2007 following national restructuring processes and the merger of three institutions. Thus, the Pedagogical University is an institution for teacher education comprising five institutes: elementary and primary pedagogy, secondary pedagogy, occupational professionalization, vocational pedagogy, school quality and innovation. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 2007 300 1,000 2% Students in initial teacher education courses and students in vocational teacher education graduate with a B.Ed. after three years. The institute for CPD offers both in-service training sessions and post-graduate occupational professionalization courses for teachers. Currently there are 1,000 students in initial teacher education courses and 14,000 teachers are registered externally. 130 The former institutions became involved in the ERASMUS programme in the early 1990s and thus the new Pedagogical University was able to acquire the EUC from the start. The PHT continues to be active in the fields of student and staff mobility. Furthermore, the former institutions participated in numerous COMENIUS and ERASMUS projects and networks with a focus on mentoring, language teacher education and citizenship and also coordinated a COMENIUS 2 project, a COMENIUS network and an Accompanying Measures project. The PHT is involved in five COMENIUS 2 projects, one COMENIUS and one ERASMUS network. CONTACT: University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (PHT) 6010 Innsbruck | Pastorstr. 7 T +43 512 59923-0 F +43 512 59923-1099 www.ph-tirol.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Department for Studies and Examinations T +43 512 59923-2501 F +43 512 59923-2599 margret.naschberger@phtirol.ac.at Initial Teacher Education _Primary _Secondary _Special Needs Polytechnic Schools Teachers for Nutrition & Household Teachers for ICT Teachers for Vocational Schools/Apprentices Teachers for Technical Workshops at Upper Secondary Vocational Schools SPECIAL FEATURES: After-school Education This course trains students to educate 6 to 15-year-old children in after-school care programmes. In addition to personal development, social learning, instructional methodology and professional design of after-school programmes in co-operation with other institutions or school partners the course also contains physical, cultural and scientific subjects implemented in the curriculum. As well as theoretical study, the programme offers work experience in different partner schools. Duration: 2 semesters, 60 ECTS, full-time and part-time Degree: Teacher for After-school Education Information and application: veronika.moeltner@ph-tirol.ac.at UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Study Programmes: UNIVERSITY college OF teacher EDUCATION – Edith Stein ABOUT: The institution’s main office is located in Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol. Its departments are in Feldkirch, Salzburg, Stams and Innsbruck. The KPH Edith Stein was founded in 2007. It offers a wider perspective on professional education and a broad range of study programmes which include teaching for primary and secondary level, teaching for special needs and religious education. The institution’s traditional strengths are: 132 CONTACT: University College of Teacher Education Edith Stein 6020 Innsbruck | Riedgasse 11 T +43 512 2230-5601 F +43 521 2230-5699 www.kph-es.at Information about courses and entrance examinations see our Departments Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students _Special tutorship in small seminar groups and individual tutoring in research and development to provide continuous support for students. _Practice-oriented education emphasising work placements and establishing partnerships with the professional world. _European links: student and lecturer exchange programmes with 21 European partners. 2007 104 421 2% Information about international exchange programmes International Office 6422 Stams | Stiftshof 1 Isolde Woolley T +43 5263 5253-27 F +43 5263 5253-60 isolde.woolley@kph-es.at Teacher Training – Stams T +43 5263 5253-11 lehrerinnenbildung.stams@kph-es.at Religious Education and Didactics – Stams & Innsbruck T +43 5263 5253-31(Stams) T +43 512 2230-5201 (Innsbruck) irpb.stams@kph-es.at | irpb.innsbruck@kph-es.at Religious Education and Didactics – Salzburg T +43 662 8047-4100 irpb.salzburg@kph-es.at Religious Education and Didactics – Feldkirch T +43 5522 76016 irpb.feldkirch@kph-es.at SPECIAL FEATURES: Our main goal is to prepare students for a successful career in teaching in an increasingly globalised working environment. Furthermore, our lecturers have substantial tutoring experience, which benefits a close relationship between students and lecturers. Our lecturers follow the latest developments in the students’ future work field and they perform research to enhance their teaching practice and to improve study programmes. In short, the KPH Edith Stein offers state-of-the-art education. In spite of being a Catholic foundation we welcome students from all backgrounds and believe that cultural diversity is one of the core values of our institution and our training for a successful career in a globalised world. Therefore we welcome foreign students to enrich the study and working environment at the KPH Edith Stein. Their input and commitment is greatly valued. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Departments: UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION SALZBURG ABOUT: The University of Education Salzburg (PH Salzburg) combines professional initial, in-service and continuing education of teachers with research on relevant educational needs for the future. The PH Salzburg believes in the idea of comprehensive education, modern pedagogical impulses, regional and international networks and the art of imparting knowledge and skills with “head, heart and hand”. Initial studies conclude with the degree of “Bachelor of Education” (primary, lower secondary and special needs education). Personal and social qualifications are assessed to the same extent as methodology and profound knowledge. The attached training schools enable students to put theoretical know-how into practice. The PH Salzburg faces the challenge of lifelong learning within a changing world of knowledge. A wide array of courses caters for individual teachers’ needs in the daily classroom. Some select programmes conclude with the degree of “Master of Education”. Quality and innovation are assured at regular intervals through scientific analysis and research concerning pedagogical and social matters. A European network of contracts with 52 partner institutions contributes to the attractiveness of the PH Salzburg and enables mobility for teachers and students alike. They are encouraged to take part in national and international educational projects, thus becoming part of a European educational and social expertise. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students in initial training 134 2007 364 1,017 students of in-service training students of continuing training percentage of foreign students (initial training) 11,980 2,136 12% CONTACT: University of Education Salzburg 5020 Salzburg Akademiestrasse 23 T +43 662 6388-0 office@phsalzburg.at www.phsalzburg.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Information about international exchange programmes International Office Coordination Marina Grogger marina.grogger@phsalzburg.at Students Mobility Giorgia Disa giorgia.disa@phsalzburg.at INITIAL TRAINING Primary school teacher education Special needs teacher education Secondary school teacher education Vocational school teacher education Lifelong Learning | INSTITUTES In–Service training for all teachers (annual course catalogue) Professional continuing education Primary and Secondary schools in-service training courses SPECIAL FEATURES: International Module (20 ECTS credits): Languages, history, culture, society and educational systems within Europe are introduced, discussed and compared in various courses. German as a foreign language at beginners’ and intermediate level is also offered. Excursions, school visits, social activities (theatre, museums, traditional local events) are prepared, organised and documented in the form of a portfolio by the students. Project management methods and techniques are introduced and trained. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Programmes: University College of Education Upper Austria ABOUT: Professionality, Humanity and Internationality are our main goals and at the same time describe the process for achieving them. Professionality and Professionalisation reflect the permanent discussion about the pedagogical term of profession within the in-service teacher training, in research projects and in the implementation of the EPIK model. Humanity and Humanisation refer to the permanent reflec- tion about the educational goals in accordance with the European Enlightenment, enhancing the education of values and anthropological reflection. Internationality and Internationalisation strengthen the geographical, academic and cultural mobility of students and lecturers through mobility programmes and international projects. Quick facts: The University College of Education Upper Austria considers teacher education as a lifelong learning process, increasing professionality via pre and in-service training based on scientific concepts. It covers teacher training for primary and secondary one level as well as vocational education and special needs education. It offers teacher education in the field of information and communication and in the technical and commercial field for upper secondary schools. Finally it provides in-service training for all school types in 136 Upper Austria. The University of Education Upper Austria has close cooperations with schools, working together on models and approaches for school development, targeting class, school, space and educational system development on the whole. With the “Europaschule“ the PH OÖ has its own practice school in which new models of education are developed, practised and evaluated. For Erasmus students the PH OÖ offers an international study programme in English. CONTACT: University College of Education Upper Austria 4020 Linz | Kaplanhofstr. 40 T +43 732 7470-0 F +43 732 7470-3090 office@ph-ooe.at www.ph-ooe.at Office for study registration T +43 732 7470-7810 Stud-pruef@ph-ooe.at International Relations (Projects, Mobility, ...) T +43 732 7470-7090 office.iks@ph-ooe.at The PH OÖ’s organigram is based on a matrix structure which comprises amongst others: _departments for primary teacher education, secondary teacher education, inclusive pedagogy, vocational teacher education, professional development and continuing education _departments for arts, mathematics, sciences, economics, social sciences, sports, languages, human sciences,... _centers promoting competences-oriented learning, personality development, school development, etc. SPECIAL FEATURES: Strength and profile areas The PH OÖ sustains 5 profile areas. These are also reflected in the research projects. _Language and languages as key competences in education: Language/s awareness and language/s education as a part of identity development in schools and teacher education involves respect for linguistic and cultural diversity _Standardisation and individualisation: Educational standards in Austria and Europe in the contradictory context of heterogeneity and individualisation _Personality development and civic education: Teaching models for promoting personality development based on dialogue, research and value education. _Promotion of individual talents – broad participation in education: Development of teaching based on individualisation and differentiation, special education focussing on diagnostic and coaching, cooperative and participative learning. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION _Subject disciplines and general education: Promotion of subject disciplines strengthening trans- and interdisciplinarity, development of subject disciplines university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: Private University College of Teacher Education of the Diocese of Linz ABOUT: The Private University College of Teacher Education of the Diocese of Linz is a centre of education which offers courses for initial teacher training, in-service training, supplementary teacher training and for people employed in associated occupations. Our philosophy of education is based on a humanistic Christian world view reflected in our training which aims to produce teachers who are capable of acting responsibly and in solidarity. The aim of teacher education at our college is to combine subject knowledge and life experience with the necessary skills and wisdom for teaching at all university levels. Open dialogue both in learning and teaching, between students and teachers, is a basic characteristic of our teacher training courses. A course of initial teacher training (including attendance and examinations) can be completed within the usual 6-semester period of study. Thorough training is the basis of a successful and enjoyable career as a teacher. Our college supports life-long learning with a wide variety of courses (in-service training, supplementary teacher training and courses for people employed in associated occupations). We place a premium stress on international networking (with universitities in Europe, Africa and Asia), and topicality in our scholarly and scientific research. A particular attraction of our college campus is its location, situated on a hill in the green belt overlooking the city. Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students in initial teacher training 138 1968 300 1,300 students in specific university courses percentage of foreign students 11,500 2% CONTACT: Private University College of Teacher Education of the Diocese of Linz 4020 Linz | Salesianumweg 3 T +43 732 772666 F +43 732 772666-1010 www.ph-linz.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Department of Teacher Training T +43 732 772666-4334 ausbildung@ph-linz.at Information about international exchange programmes International Office T +43 732 772666 international@ph-linz.at QTS for Lower Secondary Schools QTS for Primary Schools QTS for Special Schools QTS (RE) for Lower Secondary Schools QTS (RE) for Primary Schools QTS (RE) for Vocational Schools SPECIAL FEATURES: The Private University College of Education of the Diocese of Linz offers master’s degrees, academically certified courses and training courses for professional development in a wide variety of fields. More than 400 participants are already engaged in a wide range of courses. All courses are offered part-time, master’s degrees are equal to the internationally recognised 120 ECTS (compatible with the Bologna Declaration). UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Master’s DegreesDuration Degree awarded Information Management and E-Learning 6 semesters Master of Science European Master of Educational Management 4 semesters Master of Education Art Therapy and Pedagogy 6 semesters Master of Arts Counselling and Coaching in Institutions 6 semesters Master of Arts Theatre Pedagogy – Learning by Acting 6 semesters Master of Arts Behavioural Problems and Schools 6 semesters Master of Education Violence Prevention and Mediation 6 semesters Master of Arts university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: University College of Teacher Education Carinthia – Viktor Frankl ABOUT: The UCTE is a post-secondary college for pedagogy and education. We offer teacher training, in-service training for teachers and scientifically founded educational opportunities for people in pedagogical vocations. Students are also welcome to participate in research work. Due to the UCTE’s location in the Alps-Adriatic region we focus on didactics of language learning/multilingualism, global learning, migration and pedagogy of peace. Taking into account Carinthia’s cultural situation as a bilingual region, promoting multilingualism and the mobility of students is a natural aspect of our work. The UCTE houses a regional Centre for Didactics of Natural Science, which focuses on didactic education and training for natural sciences at elementary and secondary level. Furthermore, we are a centre for outstanding projects in the field of school development. Top priority is given to methods of individualisation and methods derived from the pedagogies of the school reformers at the turn of the century and we cooperate with universities and university colleges all over Europe. Our day-to-day work is based on a concept influenced by Viktor Frankl and his philosophy. 140 University College of Teacher Education Carinthia (UCTE) 9020 Klagenfurt Hubertusstraße 1 and Kaufmanngasse 8 T +43 463 508508-888 F +43 463 508508-829 www.ph-kaernten.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations T +43 463 508508-88 office@ph-kaernten.ac.at Quick facts: founded in number of teachers number of students in initial-training CONTACT: 2007 240 630 number of students in in-service training percentage of foreign students 8.000 8% Information about international exchange programmes Office for International Affairs Pia-Maria Rabensteiner T +43 463 508508-218 pia-maria.rabensteiner@ ph-kaernten.ac.at Department for Primary Education Department for Secondary Education Department for Vocational Education Department for Basic Studies for Educational Science, School Development and Mentoring Department for Multicultural and Intercultural Education Department for Information Technologies and E-learning SPECIAL FEATURES: Science Lab Our Science Lab offers many stations and learning arrangements with a variety of learning materials to help with individual learning and research. The Science Lab is an educational centre for students studying natural sciences fields. Progressive Education in our affiliated practice schools Teacher students have a chance to be made familiar with progressive education methods based upon Maria Montessori, Célestin Freinet and Helene Parkhurst (Dalton Plan). UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Viktor Frankl’s image of humanity The University College of Teacher Education of Carinthia is committed to Viktor Frankl’s image of humanity and ethics and therefore offers lectures and courses in the area of meaning-centred pedagogy. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Departments: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Lower Austria ABOUT: The University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria offers initial teacher training for primary, secondary and special needs teacher education. The very good reputation of the University College of Teacher Education courses is based on a solid foundation in academic subjects combined with an accompanying school practice. Beside these bachelor studies the University College of Teacher Education provides a wide variety of study programmes in the field of continuous teacher education and further education for all types of teachers. Furthermore, our learning opportunities provide training courses in other pedagogical and social areas. We also try to increase our offers for teachers to acquire higher academic degrees through master’s degree programmes. An important aspect in the further development of the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria is its strong commitment to lifelong learning in a European and international context. Quick facts: The PH NÖ is situated in Baden and was founded in 1968. Baden, a spa town with approximately 30,000 inhabitants, is situated 23 km south of Vienna in the east of the Vienna Woods. Presently about 1,200 students are enrolled in full-time programmes at the university college and 22,000 qualified teachers are enrolled in the programme for continuing teacher development and post-graduate teacher 142 education. We currently offer students a 6-semester (in the future 8-semester) Bachelor of Education degree programme and 3 master programmes. The academic year starts with the enrolment on October 1st and ends on June 30th. Summer holidays are in July, August and September. CONTACT: University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria 2500 Baden | Mühlgasse 67 T +43 2252 88570-155 F +43 2252 88570-180 office@ph-noe.ac.at www.ph-noe.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations T +43 2252 88570-111 studien@ph-noe.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes International Relations Office T +43 2252 88570-155 erasmus@ph-noe.ac.at Initial Teacher Education Bachelor of Education | Primary School Teacher Bachelor of Education | Secondary School Teacher Bachelor of Education | Special Needs Teacher Continuous Teacher Education Further Teacher Training | Advanced Studies for Teachers Master Degree Studies The organisation of the PH NÖ comprises eight departments: Department of Childhood and Youth Studies | Department of Quality Management | Department of International Co-operations & Research | Department of Information Technology | Department of Subject Matter Studies | Department of Didactics | Department of School Management | Department of University Management SPECIAL FEATURES: Intensive teaching practice for all incoming students (primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, special needs teachers) European Module in English (3 European credits) for incoming and outgoing students The English Department offers methodology courses for English as a foreign language at primary and secondary school level as well as courses in culture studies, literature and applied linguistics (CEFR levels B2-C1). Courses for teaching German as a foreign language are available. Master Degree Studies (1) School Management: Professional leadership and sustainable development (2) Collegial teaching and learning (3) Mentoring UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Master of Science in School Building Leadership: in co-operation with Mercy College New York. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION BURGENLAND ABOUT: History and Vision The University College of Teacher Education Burgenland was founded in 2007. Due to the history and cultural situation of Burgenland with its ethnic groups the PH Burgenland is committed to multilingualism not only in initial training but also in lifelong learning. The University College is highly dedicated to empowering all of its students to act as successful and responsible teachers within the nurturing and diverse learning community it provides. Continuous internal and external evaluation assures constant improvement in the quality of our service. The reflections of our alumni are testimony to the quality of relationships between faculty and students. Quick facts: The PH Burgenland has 150 professors who provide high quality teaching for around 270 full-time students (initial training) and for around 7500 in-service training students (continuous professional development) per year. We also offer additional courses of studies. Additional Courses of Studies _Course of studies for bilingual education in the languages of Hungarian and Croatian – receiving a certificate (6 semesters) 144 _Course of studies for teachers of religious education – receiving a certificate (3-6 semesters depending on the religion) _Course of studies for prospective practice teachers – receiving a certificate. Authorized practice teachers instruct students in compulsory practical training at certain practice schools. CONTACT: University College of Teacher Education Burgenland 7000 Eisenstadt Thomas Alva Edison Strasse 1 T +43 5 901030-0 F +43 5 901030-1 www.ph-burgenland.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Incoming students Javier Silvestrini T +43 5 901030-332 Javier.silvestrini@ph-burgen land.at International Office Irma Ortner-Lidy T +43 5 901030-714 Irma.ortner-lidy@ph-burgen land.at Department for Training and Practical School Studies offering _training programs for prospective teachers at primary level (age 6–10) _training programs for prospective teachers in special needs education (age 6–10) _training programs for prospective teachers at secondary lower level (age 10–14) Department for Personnel and School Development of Schools at Primary and Secondary Level Department for Personnel and School Development of Vocational Schools Department for Religious Pedagogical Training Competence Centre for Applied Research and Development SPECIAL FEATURES: The three top priorities in research and teaching are the areas of: _New Learning Culture: We aim at enhancing the paradigm shift from teaching to learning. Students are qualified to establish active learning strategies, to respond to individual learning processes, to diagnose skills and learner orientation and to support each child according to his or her individual talents and abilities. _E-Learning and Media Education: We want to raise students’ media skills in order to provide them with a variety of educational methods for individualized and diversified teaching and to widen their range of possibilities in the acquisition of knowledge. _Multilingualism and Intercultural Education: We strive to offer not only multilingual and intercultural but also interreligious opportunities in learning. Students are qualified to appreciate heterogeneity, to manage diversity and promote cultural awareness. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Departments: University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg ABOUT: Teacher studies: The University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (PHV) offers bachelor degree programmes leading to a teaching certificate that qualifies graduates to become primary school or basic secondary school teachers. The programme comprises studies in the humanities, specialist fields, teaching methodology, teaching practice and supplementary studies. Teaching practice: Austria‘s University Colleges of Teacher Education were established to bridge teaching theory and practice, both in terms of content and organisation. Directly affiliated to the college is a training school for primary and basic secondary education. Further Training of Teachers: In in-service training the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg addresses 6,000 teachers of all school levels in the region. The University College offers about 1,000 seminars in various fields of education each year. Quick facts: The PHV was inaugurated in 2007 and builds upon the tradition of three former teacher training academies and in-service institutions. Apart from providing the initial education of the future generation of teachers in Vorarlberg and the continuous and further in-service training of all active members of the teaching profession we also try to enable working teachers to acquire a higher academic degree through the master’s degree programmes. On average there are about 500 146 students in pre-service, about 3500 teachers in in-service or further training each year. Approximately 100 teachers are employed at the PHV. Feldkirch’s location near the borders with Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Germany, the beautiful landscapes of the area between Lake Constance and the three-thousandmetre mountains of the East and West Alps offer the visitor many attractive opportunities. CONTACT: University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg 6800 Feldkirch Liechtensteinerstrasse 33–37 T +43 5522 31199-0 F +43 5522 31199-550 www.ph-vorarlberg.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations T +43 5522 31199-507 studienabteilung@phvorarlberg.ac.at Information about international exchange programmes Centre for International Affairs T +43 5522 31199-500 international@ph-vorarlberg. ac.at Teacher education for primary schools (for children aged 6–10) SPECIAL FEATURES: Teacher education for secondary schools (for children aged 10–14) An introductory module for international exchange students English for International Communication for outgoing and incoming students Outgoing students practise English together with incoming students in international and intercultural situations using role plays, presentations, discussions, etc. Special education (for children with special needs) Vocational education Multi-Language Training for incoming and outgoing students The language skills are developed further in this multi-language seminar. International Tandems / Tridems Based on intercultural exchange the students are asked to question their own identities and experience their own and foreign customs, values, attitudes, and situations. They are made aware of these matters in mutual meetings. Intensive German Course This course of currently 32 hours is designed for the incomings to improve their active and passive skills to communicate in German. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION Vorarlberg Studies for incoming and outgoing students Students will explore facts of Vorarlberg’s culture, history and ecology and deepen their understanding of the European dimension through lectures, personal encounters, excursions, reading, observations and cross-cultural communication. university COLLEGES OF TEACHER EDUCATION FACULTIES: Diplomatic Academy of Vienna ABOUT: The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna (DA) is a postgraduate professional school, dedicated to preparing talented university and college graduates for international careers. The main academic areas encompass international relations, political science, international and EU law, economics, history and languages. We equip our students not only with the academic qualifications but also intercultural skills, negotiation and management skills which are the essential prerequisites for the successful entry into many international professions today. Students receive a world-class education in international affairs, an endeavour begun by the Empress Maria Theresa when she founded the Oriental Academy in 1754 to train young men for the diplomatic service of the Habsburg monarchy. Out of the Oriental Academy evolved first the Consular Academy and in 1964 the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. Quick facts: founded in 1754 | 175 students from 50 countries Master of Advanced International Studies (MAIS): This two-year full-time academic programme centres on the advanced study of politics and international relations, international economics, history, and international and European law. It provides an extensive knowledge in international affairs, strong analytical skills, some language skills, and the experience of an international community. The MAIS is a joint master’s degree of the DA and the University of Vienna. 148 Master of Science in Environmental Technology and International Affairs (ETIA): The two-year full-time MSc programme, offered jointly by the DA and the Vienna University of Technology, combines international studies in major political, economic and legal issues concerning the environment and sustainable development with studies of environmental technologies. Diploma Programme: This one-year full-time interdisciplinary postgraduate programme provides a broad survey of the system of international relations and places equal emphasis on both the academic and the practical with special training in languages and personal skills. CONTACT: Diplomatic Academy of Vienna 1040 Vienna Favoritenstrasse 15a Genny Chiarandon (registrar) T +43 1 5057272-120 F +43 1 5042265-120 genny.chiarandon@da-vienna. ac.at www.da-vienna.ac.at Applications Please register electronically at http://application.da-vienna. ac.at/ Application Deadlines March 1 for MAIS and Diploma Programme March 15 for ETIA programme (changes possible) The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna boasts an international faculty that consists of university professors from many different countries. The academic programmes centre on the advanced study of the following fields: _Political Science and International Relations _International Economics _History _International and European Law A permanent faculty ensures the coordination of the main fields of study and provides academic counselling to students. Lectures and workshops held by high ranking diplomats and experts from diplomacy, business, finance, public administration or international organisations add their special insight to the academic training at the DA. Another core element is language training in the DA’s three working languages English, German and French. SPECIAL FEATURES: The Diplomatic Academy‘s teaching philosophy is built on five pillars: _the highest academic standards _multidisciplinary training _the interplay between theory and practice _full competence in languages _an ideal student-teacher ratio Besides our academic programmes we encourage our students to participate in a wide variety of extracurricular activities, such as student-organised conferences, an annual ball and charity events. Students also take an active role in the publication of their magazine “Polemics” and in various sporting events. Furthermore, the DA offers a particularly rich programme of lectures and conferences open to the general public, held by leading personalities from the worlds of politics, business, science, the media and culture. Students and faculty members enjoy the truly international atmosphere at the DA campus, an atmosphere of vibrant plurilinguism. The Career Centre offers individual counselling and support in career planning tailored to individual needs and career choices. The DA also draws on a large network of alumni, organising formal and informal meetings as well as helping to get internships at international organisations located in Vienna. Among the highlights of studying at the DA are the various study trips. Diplomatic Academy of Vienna FACULTIES: INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Austria (IST AUSTRIA) ABOUT: The Institute of Science and Technology Austria is a PhDgranting institution located in Klosterneuburg, 18 km from the center of Vienna. The Institute is dedicated to cutting-edge research in the natural sciences and related disciplines. The IST Austria opened in 2009 and will grow to 90–100 research groups and about 1000 scientists by 2026. The IST Austria is a scientifically interdisciplinary institution that aims to break down the traditional boundaries between disciplines. The focus is on basic research in the life sciences, physics, mathematics, and computer science. The IST Austria Quick facts: founded in campus opening number of teachers number of students percentage of foreign students 150 2006 June 2009 30 91 85% recruits its scientists – from doctoral students to professors – in the whole world and selects them exclusively on the basis of their research excellence and promise. The PhD program combines advanced coursework and research. The language of research and instruction is English. The IST Austria offers internationally competitive PhD salaries supporting 4–5 years of study. Applicants must hold either a bachelor’s or master’s degree or equivalent. All interested students must apply to the doctoral program by January 15 in order to start the program in September. CONTACT: Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) 3400 Klosterneuburg Am Campus 1 T +43 2243 9000 F +43 2243 9000-2000 www.ist.ac.at Information about courses and entrance examinations Academic Affairs T +43 2243 9000-1034 or 1098 F +43 2243 9000-2000 gradschool@ist.ac.at The Institute of Science and Technology Austria is not organized into departments but around an interdisciplinary approach. SPECIAL FEATURES: Currently, research at the IST Austria focuses on the life sciences, physics, mathematics, and computer science. There are strong synergies between these fields and, to foster an interdisciplinary spirit, the Institute is not organized into departments. Before choosing a thesis supervisor each student works on projects with three research groups and takes courses in different fields: biology, mathematics, computer science, neuroscience and physics. The language of instruction and research at the IST Austria is English. UniversiTIES universitIES IST Austria FACULTIES: University Preparation Programmes The University Preparation Programmes have been set up for those international students who have been admitted to study at an Austrian university but who have to take supplementary examinations before beginning their studies at this university. Courses range from German intensive courses to preparation courses for other disciplines. University Preparation Programmes are a joint facility of the universities, supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture, and administered by the OeAD. The cosmopolitan, tolerant, and communicative atmosphere at the university courses provides an open forum for international encounter. In the courses students develop and practise – with the support of instructors – not only those skills required for the academic domain but also acquire the social and cultural skills needed in everyday life. A variety of extracurricular activities conceived to supplement the academic programme (such as excursions, day trips, visits to cultural events or student facilities, joint celebrations) contribute to the integration of the students into their new environment. University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities 1090 Vienna | Sechshauser Strasse 33A T +43 1 3199991-0 F +43 1 3199991-70 vwu@vwu.at www.vwu.at University Preparation Course of the Graz Universities 8020 Graz | Neubaugasse 10 T +43 316 831496 or +43 316 950-112 F +43 316 950-111 office@vgu.at www.vgu.at University Course for International Students – University of Leoben 8700 Leoben | Franz Josef Strasse 18 T +43 3842 402-8000 F +43 3842 402-7012 leoben@oead.ac.at Publisher: OeAD – Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research | Head office: Vienna I 1010 Wien | Ebendorferstrasse 7 | info@oead.at | www.oead.at | Edited by: KIM – Communication – Information – Marketing | Responsible for the content: Rita Michlits (OeAD) | Proof-reading: Irmgard Schmoll | Graphic Design: Bader&Team/The Gentlemen creative; Christina Brandauer (OeAD) | Printed by: Gerin GmbH & Co KG | Texts in English have been provided by the higher education institutions, therefore different terms and spellings may occur. The photos have been provided by the higher education institutions for this brochure. | 3rd edition: Vienna 2014 152