Company Profile


Company Profile
Company Profile
World’s Premier Rubber Belt Since the iniGal DUNLOP® formula was introduced in 1938, DUNLINE® RUBBER PRODUCTS (DRP) has been recognized as the leading manufacturer of Rubber Belts for all types and brands of Compressive Shrinkage Machines worldwide. DRP markets its belts under the Dunply® brand in China and under the Dunline® brand in the rest of the world. Whether processing light weight woven or knit fabrics simply for “hand” (so_ness or feel of the fabric) or shrinking heavy weight denim up to 16%, Dunline® belts are considered the industry standard and remain the preferred choice for all applicaGons. Made in the USA Dunline® Rubber Products produces every one of its belts at its 7,000 square meter manufacturing facility in Lake City, South Carolina, USA. DRP uses superior thin-­‐ply construcGon technologies, comprehensive quality systems, and a staff with a cumulaGve building experience of over 90 years to produce its rubber belts. We source only the highest quality rubber and our manufacturing facility is fully dedicated to the producGon of rubber belts. This is criGcal because, unlike some of our compeGtors, we are able to significantly reduce exposure to foreign materials that directly affect belt quality. Technical Support Dunline® Rubber Products not only produces the highest quality compressive shrinkage belt on the market, we also offer superior technical support to ensure the best possible results. Our technical service providers have been trained in the intricacies of compressive shrinkage on a wide variety of machines, fabrics, and applicaGons. Not only do we help customers to achieve consistent desired shrinkage with the least possible stress put on the rubber belt and machinery, but due to our extensive technical knowledge we are also able to help customers solve problems with their fabric producGon (e.g., wavy selvages, elephant skin texture, corrugaGons, etc.). We are always available to consult on any problems customers may face with their Sanforizing processes and to recommend best pracGces to improve shrinkage capacity and consistency, and to increase Rubber Belt life. A Family Business Owners Kate and Alex Scovil have 35 years of experience as owners of manufacturing companies and are vested in ensuring that the Dunline® Rubber Belt remains the go-­‐to product for superior shrinkage, durability, and consistent performance. Dedicated to conGnuing the legacy of excellence they have recently hired their daughter, Kelly Scovil, to ensure the commitment to quality product and superior customer service conGnues through the next generaGon. Commitment to Quality and Service We at Dunline® Rubber Products Company are defined by our desire to create the highest quality product and exceed customer expectaGons. We are in business to serve our customers and do everything to help them meet their business objecGves – from value pricing and short lead Gmes to providing the most extensive and up-­‐to-­‐date advice to prolong rubber belt life and shrinkage capacity. From our owners to the builders on the shop floor, we are all dedicated and ready to meet your needs. 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Dunline® Advantages
•  DUNLINE® Endless Rubber Compressive Shrinking Belts are composed of the original DUNLOP® formula. Made with top-­‐grade natural rubber, this formula is considered the industry standard. •  DUNLINE® Rubber Belts are ground to a fine finish so that grinding prior to iniGal use is generally not required. This prevents wasGng Gme, money and rubber in grinding a new RB. •  The DUNLINE® formula contains the highest percentage of natural rubber, allowing for greater recoil and shrinkage capacity. Note: Extruded belts, even if made with natural rubber, require formulas with a higher concentraGon of addiGves (and thereby less natural rubber) to achieve the viscosity required for the extrusion process. •  The inner surface of a DUNLINE® RB is gently buffed to greatly assist in eliminaGng slippage of the RB against the idler, tension and/or compression rolls. As the buffed interior naturally has more coefficient of fricGon than a completely slick interior, less tension is needed to turn these rolls. As less tension is applied to the RB, it is generally possible to run the RB with less compression – once more equaGng to longer life due to less frequent grinding intervals and less cracking •  Due to our natural rubber formula, a DUNLINE® RB simply has be4er resistance to tearing, cracking, elongaGon, abrasion and the negaGve effects from heat and chemicals. NOTE: Having beker abrasion resistance generally means the ability to run more fabric between grinds. •  We developed the ply-­‐build method to eliminate the “spiraled” pakern typically found on an extruded belt and occasionally transferred to more delicate fabrics. NOTE: Years of tesGng show that the extruded spiral pakerned belt, when under heavy compression, is more apt to fail when small internal fissures are stressed and flexed. •  Our formula, its hardness, our thin ply building technique, and our rubber quality, generally allows the use of less compression to achieve the same amount of shrinkage as with other belts. This means a longer belt life, due to less frequent grinding intervals, and less cracking. •  A DUNLINE® RB consists of the same rubber quality and hardness throughout. In contrast, belt’s built in (2-­‐3) layers of increasing hardness require more compression to shrink fabric. The more compression used, the more suscepGble the RB is to cracking (due to the stress load being applied) and thus, the more frequently the RB needs grinding. This also means more stress on the machine journals and bearings. •  We provide an op@mally designed container for safely transporGng the RB, easier inspecGon by customs agents, and easier removal. The container is also deigned to help minimize compression set during storage. •  Each DUNLINE® RB is built by a staff having a cumula@ve building experience of some 90 years and must pass mulGple inspecGon points before it is inspected by senior management. •  Our Technical Support is available to all customers. Our team of rubber chemists and texGle experts are ready to assist with all aspects of compressive shrinkage and to recommend best pracGces for maximum belt life and superior fabric finishing. NOTE: Our technical advice can enable machines to be run with less stress on machine bearings and journals, reducGon in grinding duraGon, allow belts to be run thinner while sGll producing necessary shrinkage, and helps prevent “seconds” in fabric producGon, increasing customer’s profitability •  A wide variety of Maintenance Tools and Accessories are available for purchase to ensure opGmal performance and extend belt life including our specially formulated high temperature release compound, Dunply Belt Protect; premium quality silicon-­‐carbide grinding cloth; felt doctors with custom inserts; durometers; and a variety of finisher (palmer) felts. 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Construction Comparison
Two-­‐Layers of Different Durometer Structure -­‐ 
The joint between the different hardness is stressed when the belt is run under heat and pressure When the belt is ground down, the fabric can be impacted by the different durometer of the internal layer Hot Bead Extruded Structure -­‐ 
Joints may crack under pressure The spiral pakern of extruded beads of rubber on belt surface may transfer to lighter-­‐weight fabrics Dunline® Thin-­‐Ply Calendered Structure -­‐ 
Built from a conGnuous piece of rubber on a 3962mm diameter drum Layers extend the full width of belt, no seams A new surface is revealed a_er every grinding 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Edge Types
Edge Styles
Edge Styles
Reverse Bevel Edge
-­‐  Allows for largest working surface on which to run fabric -­‐  Helps prevent interior water spray from reaching the fabric on the surface of the belt -­‐  Reduces stress on the edges of the belt, minimizing edge cracking 1” 25.4 mm 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Cooling Water Application
The proper use of WATER is the most important factor to ensuring the longevity of a Dunline® Rubber Belt. Adequate water coverage is essenGal to both cool and lubricate your belt. To prevent damage to the belt, when running your shrinkage machine ensure that: 1) Water is the first thing turned on and the last thing turned off 2) The internal and external water sprays are consistent across the RB width and that none of the openings are clogged with lint, scale build up, or any other obstrucGon 3) The Felt Dr. Blade is pressed uniformly against the Rubber Belt across the full width of the belt – parGcularly at the edges where it typically falls away from the belt. This area of belt needs water applicaGon the most because it is not insulated by the fabric and is thus subjected to a higher heat and more abrasion. 4) All the water sprays are facing in the proper direcGon as illustrated below 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Tensioning a Belt
General Rule: Operate the Rubber Belt (RB) with as likle tension or stretch as possible. Excessive tension requires an increase of compression or pressure on the RB in order to achieve the same amount of shrinkage. It also increases the stress on the RB and on the machine, causing premature wear on both. AFTER INSTALLING A NEW RUBBER BELT OR AFTER EACH GRIND: 1. Remove all tension from the RB. 2. Confirm that there are two marks, 12" (30.5cm) apart, on both sides of the RB.* If not, use a straight edge pushed against the belt's face, between the bokom idler roll and the tension roll (see diagram below), to straighten the curvature of the RB. Now, draw two thin lines exactly 12" (30.5cm) apart on the flat edge (perpendicular surface to the face) of the belt. Make these lines on both edges of the RB. 3. Increase the tension evenly on both sides of the RB unGl the lines are the recommended distance apart. (Note: To insure accuracy, the belt should be rotated several Gmes [4 – 5] before measuring the stretch). The recommended sevngs are as follows: >> For a 2 5/8" (67mm) DUNLINE® Belt -­‐ Stretch preferably 1/8" (0.32 cm) to a maximum of 1/4" (0.65 cm). Note: The 12" (30.5 cm) mark located on the side of the Belt* should now preferably read 12 1/8" (30.8 cm) and stretch to a maximum of 12 1/4" (31.11 cm). >> For a 2" (51mm) DUNLINE® Belt -­‐ Stretch preferably 1/4" (0.65 cm) to a maximum of 1/2" (1.27 cm). Note: The 12" (30.5 cm) mark located on the side of the Belt* should now preferably read 12 1/4" (31.11 cm) to a 12 1/2" (31.8 cm) maximum. * DUNLINE® RUBBER PRODUCTS COMPANY places these marks on all New Rubber Belt's shipped. With age, however, these marks will fade and will need to be reapplied. Obviously, the marks should be placed as accurately as possible to help insure the proper tensioning of the RB. 4. ConGnue checking the distance between the lines unGl it remains constant. 5. If the fabric's appearance is desirable, the tension is now correct. The RB should not require further adjustment unGl ground. For possible excepGons to this rule, please see below. FINE-­‐TUNING RUBBER BELT TENSION: If a parGcular fabric corrugates a_er sevng the tension as described above, it generally means a likle more tension is necessary to successfully run this parGcular fabric. Have someone posiGoned on both sides of the tension roll (if manual). Tighten the tension roll uniformly (each side at the same Gme and same amount) a single turn at a Gme, while watching the fabric as it runs. As soon as the corrugaGon stops, Gghten the tension roll one more turn. (This extra turn allows for slight variances in the fabric from roll to roll). This should be a perfect sevng for this parGcular fabric. Subsequent fabrics may need similar adjustment. 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Finisher Felts
Endless -­‐ no seams or splices that may mark-­‐off or weaken the felt. Superior Strength and Durability -­‐ due to the high-­‐tech and long staple fibers used in conjunc@on with the needling process. Pre Heat-­‐Set -­‐ provides excellent dimensional stability and subsequent ease of tracking. Ba4-­‐on-­‐Base Construc@on -­‐ an endless woven scrim (base) with a layered needled surface (ba4). STYLES Ø  100% POLYESTER The industry standard. This felt is made from a special polyester. This parGcular polyester has excellent abrasion and tensile characterisGcs as well as hydrolysis resistance. We selected it only a_er tesGng literally every other polyester fiber available. (Note: All polyester fibers are not equal in tensile strength, abrasion, or hydrolysis resistance. Typically the cheaper the fiber the poorer its qualiGes). Ø  70/30 and 50/50 POLYESTER/ACRYLIC A special blend of 100% syntheGc fibers made by combining our special hydrolysis resistant polyester fiber (see above) with excellent abrasion resistant and highly alkaline resistant acrylic fibers. This is the preferred felt for applicaGons that tend towards an alkaline pH level. Ø  100% NOMEX® The ulGmate in felt performance and the only opGon for use on a Liquid Ammonia range. This DuPont® fiber was specifically engineered to perform in all high temperature and chemical environments. It is the ideal felt for commission finishers processing a full range of fabrics with various pH levels. This felt will outlast any other. Among its many qualiGes are: 1) outstanding strength retenGon upon exposure to high temperature (245°C); 2) excellent resistance to acids and alkalis; and, 3) has good physical properGes (elongaGon, elasGc recovery, tensile strength, etc.) We highly recommend this felt for longevity, especially in harsh environments, and to impart a so_ hand to fabric. *NOMEX® is a Registered Trademark of DuPont Corp. Ø  50/50 POLYESTER/WOOL BLEND Many customers prefer this type felt to impart a superior "hand" to any fabric processed. It is a blend of our special hydrolysis resistant polyester described above and wool. The blending raGo is typically 50/50, as the polyester insures a durable product while the wool helps to impart a "so_ hand". SIZE RANGE Ø 
Length – 10.67 to 30 mtrs. (35 – 98 _.) Width – 1,524 mm to 4,445 mm. (60 – 175 in.) Thickness -­‐ 6 – 8 mm. (0.23 -­‐ 0.31”) NOTE: Please contact us if you have a special applicaGon, size requirement, or other request. Our research & development staff will be glad to work with you. 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * * Warranty
A Dunline® Rubber Belt will equal or exceed any other rubber belt on the market today. As a general rule, a Dunline® belt can be used to a thickness of 50mm when processing heavyweight fabrics requiring high shrinkage, or down to 25mm for fabrics run to impart hand only. Its longevity is due to the original DUNLOP® formula sGll used, our rubber quality, our ply-­‐build technique, and our building staff with a cumulaGve experience of almost 90 years. DARKS CorporaGon, DBA Dunline® Rubber Products Company warrants all Dunline® Rubber Belts to be free from manufacturing defects in materials or workmanship or we will replace or help to repair the belt at no charge per our sole discreGon. If neither of the foregoing are reasonably available, we will refund or credit the net belt price, less amounts akributable to its prior use. This warranty is valid only if the product, in part or in whole, at our request, is returned for analysis in its original shipping container. No claim will exceed the invoice value of the product. Any addiGonal payments will be at the sole discreGon of DARKS CorporaGon, DBA Dunline® Rubber Products Company. 1070 E Main St, PO Drawer 1749, Lake City, SC 29560 USA * T: 1.843.374.3102 * F: 1.843.374.3104 * *