June 2011 On Point Newsletter - Gulf Coast German Shorthair
June 2011 On Point Newsletter - Gulf Coast German Shorthair
On Point June 2011 Vomhart’s Odyssey Gauge 1 Gulf Coast GSPC Code of Ethics This code is established as a guideline to protect and advance the interests of the German Shorthaired Pointer by maintaining high breeding standards and encouraging sportsmanlike competition at all dog events. Members are strongly urged to adhere to the following guidelines: Breeding Breed only healthy adults of good temperament and qualities in relation to the AKC approved standard for the G.S.P. Breed only AKC registered G.S.P.s to AKC registered G.S.P.s and keep accurate records of matings and puppies in accordance with AKC rules. Breed only O.F.A. certified adults. Breed only C.E.R.F. certified stock with certification being done not more than twelve months prior to breeding. As a breeder, assume the responsibility for the welfare of any puppy you produce including a willingness to take a puppy back or assist in placing the dog in a new home. Health The best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness and veterinary care, including socialization with people and exposure to the outside world shall be maintained. Sales Puppies or adults shall not be consigned or sold to pet shops or commercial dealers. Purchasers should be urged to spay/neuter pets that are not to be used for breeding. Furnish buyers with a pedigree, AKC registration application, medical and immunization records, a feeding schedule, general care instructions and information about their local GSP club. Sportsmanship Members shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their German Shorthaired Pointers, and the sport of purebred dogs, regardless of the location or circumstance. 2 President 1st V.P. (Show Chairman) 2nd V.P. (Field Chairman) Secretary Treasurer Directors at Large 2010 — 2011 Officers Gene Moseley 979-826-0092 txrockincm@sbcglobal.net Jeanine Wright 281-656-2072 gspfriend2@yahoo.com Terry Bomer 281-413-2149 tbomer@aol.com Tracy Black 281-787-7788 blac6771@yahoo.com Denny Patterson 281-850-2346 denny.patterson@resservices.com Kirk Bomer 281-413-0514 mkbomer@gmail.com Chuck Duran 713-462-5633 chuckdur@sbcglobal.net ON POINT is published 11 times a year. Permission is granted to reprint articles from ON POINT provided credit is given to the publication and the author. Club members are invited to submit photos and write-ups of their dogs for covers. Editor: Molly Howard 18 Shadow Lane Houston, TX 77080 713-468-5816 FAX 713-468-1311 madronegsps@comcast.net Staff: Molly Howard (Statistics) madronegsps@comcast.net Chuck Duran (Photography) chuckdur@sbcglobal.net Gene Moseley (Photography) txrockincm@sbcglobal.net Jeanine Wright (Rescue) gspfriend2@yahoo.com FEATURE DOG OF THE MONTH Vomhart’s Odyssey Gauge AFC DC Odyssey Kurrhaars V Riverwood x Ch Europa Aus Der Abendstern. “Gauge” Owned and loved by Carolyn and Curtis Ramsay Hello, my name is Gauge. I am an 18month old GSP and rising star. I have a more common name of NO NO BAD BOY! Seems the story goes that my Mom had THREE PERFECT GSPs and then there is me. Mom says I am the GSP that would be returned to breeder or found in shelters. I am the story of all those GSPs you hear about but are glad you don’t have. SO, seems I have some issues. Mom says barking, jumping, running away when called, eating off counters, eating shoes, taking clothes to the back yard, jumping on guests, jumping on the clean bed with my wet dirty body and putting my toys back out while she tries to put them away are not how things should be done. I have been to several obedience classes and every time I get the class clown award. I am learning the show ring is not the place to neither kiss judges nor jump on them. They do not like me bowing to my friends to play and barking nor does she like me hopping around the ring on two feet trying to get that food out of her hand. Well, ―what was I thinking when I picked this boy?‖ I have this big boy that is very full of energy and seemingly smart and though he is a challenge he has stolen mine and Curtis’s hearts. There seems to be not turning him back in even though Hattie and Devin have wishes of him staying gone forever. They love to bite him each and every time he returns. Guess I have a lot more training books and classes to purchase with this guy Gauge. Carolyn 3 General Meeting Notice: The next general meeting of the Gulf Coast German Shorthaired Pointer Club will take place on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 7:30 pm in the meeting room at the Gander Mountain Store, 19820 Hempstead Road in northwest Houston. Go west on 290 to FM 1960/Hwy 6. Gander Mountain is located on the SE corner of Hwy 6 and West 290. Proposed changes to the Constitution & By-Laws election who has not been nominated. On or before March 15th*, (Change to the April general meeting) the Board shall select a nominating committee consisting of three members and two alternates, not more than one of whom shall be a member of the Board. The Secretary shall immediately notify the committeemen and alternates of their selection. The Board shall name a chairman for the committee and it shall be his duty to call a committee meeting which shall be held on or before April 15th (Change to the May general meeting) The Club proposes to change the wording of the following: ARTICLE II, MEMBERSHIP to read: C) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Associate membership shall be open to youths under the age of eighteen. Associate members shall have all the privileges and responsibilities of regular members except they may not hold office nor vote ARTICLE VI, COMMITTEES, SECTION II, COMMITTTTEE CHAIRMEN RESPONSIBILITIES To be added: D) It is the chairmen’s responsibility to report a list of helpers for each event to the statistician for the purpose of title plaques and Dog of the Year trophies ARTICLE III, MEETINGS AND VOTING, SECTION 1, CLUB MEETINGS: Meetings of the Club shall be held in the Texas Gulf Coast area on the fourth Thursday of the month in the months of January through October. The May meeting will be held the third Thursday of the month. (This sentence should be scratched) The December meeting will be held the first Thursday of December. All meetings will be at such time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. (Added:) Notice of each meeting shall be printed in the newsletter and received at least five (5) days prior to the date of that meeting. Quorum for such meetings shall be eight (8) members in good standing. (8/91) The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting only at the annual meeting, provided the proposed amendments have been included in the notice of the meeting. (6/95) Dues are due $15 single membership $20 family membership Mail your dues to: Denny Patteson, 14727 Bronze Finch Dr., Cypress, TX 77433 or bring them to the meeting so that you can vote for the election of officers. If you joined the club in April or May 2011, your dues are good for the 2011-2012 year. ARTICLE V, THE CLUB YEAR, ANNUAL MEETINGS, ELECTIONS, SECTION IV, NOMINATIONS No person may be a candidate in the Club 4 Performance Events Department June 1, 2011 To: All Licensed Pointing Breed Field Trial and Hunting Test Clubs Subject: SportDOG GPS Tracking Collar The AKC Performance Events Department has approved the SportDOG GSP tracking collar for use in field trials and hunting tests. The model of this unit is TEK-V1L, which consists of the TEK-L collar and the TEK-H receiver. The GPS collar has an antenna that runs from the box below the dog’s neck up around the side of the dog’s head. The unit is pictured below. This unit is unique in that there is an e-collar module that can be attached to the same collar. The collar can not be used with the e-collar module attached. The e-collar module has its own antenna; therefore this collar with the e-collar module attached will have two antennas, one on each side of the dog’s head. Judges should be alert to the number of antennas. If there is any question or uncertainty, judges have the authority to request the collar be removed for inspection. It is the responsibility of the handler to insure the dog is wearing an approved collar. If a handler errors, whether intentional or by mistake, it is the event committee’s responsibility to investigate the matter and if in their opinion a violation of the regulations has occurred, the handler must be charged with misconduct. The use of specific tracking devices may be rescinded at any time by the Performance Events Department if the regulations pertaining to their use become overly difficult to enforce or in the case of repeated misuse. All AKC approved tracking devices and the Regulations governing their use may be viewed at – www.akc.org/trackingdevices/. 5 Texas Panhandle Pointing Breed Dog Club Hunt Test and Field Trial Pointing Breed Judge’s Seminars Hunt Test Judging Seminar, Saturday, September 17, 2011 Field Trial Judging Seminar, Sunday, September 18, 2011 These seminars will meet the judging requirement for field trial and/or hunt test judges and are open to handlers, club officers or anyone interested in learning more about the sport. Cost is $40 per person - per seminar. The location of the seminars will be announced at a later date. Breaks can be arranged for the convenience of show participants. The eight hour seminars will start at 9:00 a.m. each day. Prepayment is highly encouraged due to limited seating. RSVP by September 6th if you plan to attend. TPPBDC reserves the right to cancel these seminars with full refund if at least 20 participates for each day have not committed by this date. Make checks payable to TPPBDC and mail with the form below to TPPBDC, 710 S. Georgia St., Amarillo, TX 79106. Fax reservations to 806-373-3438. Prepaid seating will have preference. If you have questions, please contact Burnie or Charli Stokes at 806-373-7572. Please fill out the form below and return it as soon as possible. Seating is limited. Name __________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ City, State ______________________________________________________________ Telephone Contact Information _____________________________________________ Email Address __________________________________________________________ Judge’s Number (if applicable for renewal) ____________________________________ I will be attending the following seminars: (Please circle one or both) Hunt Test Judge’s Seminar September 17, 2011 $40 Field Trial Judge’s Seminar September 18, 2011 $40 Amount Enclosed __________ TPPBDC wishes to thank Panhandle Kennel Club for the opportunity to offer this seminar in conjunction with their four day conformation show. Please support them!! 6 WEST HOUSTON OBEDIENCE CLUB OBEDIENCE & RALLY SHOW N’ GO JULY 2, 2011, 9AM TO 3:30PM SMART DOG TRAINING CENTER 910 CURTIN, HOUSTON, 77018 $7.00 PER RUN, Registration starts at 8:15am. OBEDIENCE UTILITY, LIMIT 17 RUNS, 9 am to 11am OPEN, LIMIT 17 RUNS, to follow Utility NOVICE, LIMIT 20 RUNS, to follow Open ABOVE INCLUDES STAYS FOR NOVICE & OPEN RALLY EXCELLENT, LIMIT 20 RUNS, 9 am to 11 am ADVANCED, LIMIT 20 RUNS, to follow (~11a-1p) NOVICE, LIMIT 20 RUNS, to follow (~1p-3p) ABOVE INCLUDES 10 MIN WALK THROUGH PER CLASS For information, contact Jeanine Wright, 281-656-2072 (gspfriend2@yahoo.com) or Jan Nuzzo, 832-483-2286 (jannuzzo@nushow.com) UTILITY JUMPS WILL BE BIG TO SMALL OPEN JUMPS WILL BE SMALL TO BIG RALLY EXCELLENT JUMPS WILL BE BIG TO SMALL RALLY ADVANCED JUMPS WILL BE SMALL TO BIG 7 Show — Seminole KC—May 28 CH Algerland Forever and Always (Allie) — BOS M. R Lara & Breeders Northlake KC of Gtr. Covington LA — June 3 Ehrenogel Freeze Frame (Freeze) — WB, BOW — 1 pt. Marina Renee Lara DVM & Greg Hostetter Calcasieu KC—June 9 Cheta’s Spenser For Hire (Spenser) — WD Marcheta Huerter CH Cheta’s Cherokee Ghost Dancer (Dancer) — BOB Marcheta & Larry Huerter Calcasieu KC—June 10 Cheta’s Spenser For Hire (Spenser) — WD Marcheta Huerter CH Cheta’s Cherokee Ghost Dancer (Dancer) — BOS Marcheta & Larry Huerter German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Colorado (show #2) — June 10 Up N’ Adam’s Madrone London Cop (Bobby) — WD — 3 Pt. Major! Molly Howard & Mark Howard Acadiana KC—June 11 Vomhart’s Odyssey Gauge (Gauge) — WD —1 Pt. Carolyn Ramsay CH Cheta’s Cherokee Ghost Dancer (Dancer) — SEL — 1 Pt. Marcheta & Larry Huerter Colorado Springs KC— June 12 Up N’ Adam’s Madrone London Cop (Bobby) — WD, BOW — 4 Pt. Major! Molly Howard & Mark Howard Acadiana KC—June 12 Vomhart’s Odyssey Gauge (Gauge) — WD—1 Pt. Carolyn Ramsay CH Cheta’s Cherokee Ghost Dancer (Dancer)— BOS Marcheta & Larry Huerter 8 What Causes Fear of Storms, Fireworks and Other Noises? By Holly Nash, DVM, MS What are the signs of noise phobia? It is unknown why some pets become afraid of noises such as thunder and fireworks; it is a common problem in dogs, but less so in cats. The fear can soon become a phobia, which is defined as a persistent, excessive, and irrational fear response. In the case of thunderstorms, pets may also be fearful of storm-associated events such as a change in barometric pressure, lightning, electrostatic disturbances, and even smells associated with the storms. Noise phobias can include fear of thunderstorms, fireworks, gunshots, and even the sound of birds. Different animals may display different signs of noise phobias which include: Hiding (most common sign in cats) Urinating Defecating Chewing Panting Pacing Trying to escape (digging, jumping through windows or going through walls, running away) Drooling Seeking the owner Expressing anal glands Not eating Not listening to commands Trembling or shaking Dilated pupils Vocalizing (barking or meowing) A recent study has found that certain breeds of dogs have an above average risk of developing noise phobias. These include some of the working and sporting breeds such as Collies, German Shepherds, Beagles, and Basset Hounds. This survey was quite small, however, and more research needs to be done in this area. The study also found that dogs who had separation anxiety were more likely to also have noise and thunderstorm phobias. Consult with a veterinarian experienced in animal behavior problems, and/or an animal behaviorist if your pet is showing signs of noise phobia. They can help develop a treatment plan for your pet. A noise phobia may be traced to a particular bad experience of a noise, but often, no triggering event can be ascertained. In almost all instances, the fear of noises and storms escalates, worsening with each exposure. Soon the pet may become fearful of similar sounds or events associated with the noise. For example, a pet afraid of thunder may also become afraid of rain, or a dog afraid of gunshots may show fear at the mere sight of a hunting rifle. How is noise phobia treated? There is no guarantee that a noise phobia can be totally resolved, but in many instances the fear can be managed effectively. The effectiveness of treatment depends on a number of factors including the severity of the phobia; how long the pet has had it; whether it is ongoing, seasonal, or unpredictable; and the amount of time the owner is willing to commit to the behavior modification techniques. The owner's attitude can influence the severity of the fear. For instance, if owners themselves are nervous during storms, noise phobias in their pets may occur more often or become more severe. Similarly, if the owner attempts to overly comfort the animal, the animal interprets it as confirming there really is something to be afraid of. The over petting or comforting is really positive reinforcement of an undesirable behavior. The first thing to remember is that you should refrain from giving excessive attention or punishment for fearful behavior. Constant petting or consoling may be interpreted by the pet as a reward for the fearful response. In the event of overcomforting a dog during a storm, for example, it may signal to the pet that the storm really is something he should be afraid of. 9 Similarly, the pet should not be punished for showing fear. This will only increase his anxiety level. Instead, project confidence, and give your dog attention in the form of playing, grooming, or other activities your pet enjoys. Change environment: By changing the environment of the animal during the storm or noise, the anxiety level can be reduced. Changing the environment may reduce the volume level of the sound or help make the pet less aware of it. Usually treatment includes three other facets: medications, changing the environment, and behavior modification. Increase vigorous exercise: The pet should receive vigorous exercise daily, and more so on a day when the fear-producing noise is likely to occur. The exercise will help to tire the animal, both mentally and physically, and may make her less responsive to the noise. In addition, exercise has the effect of increasing natural serotonin levels, which can act as a sedative. Administer medications: Medications may be given individually or in combination. In some instances, the medication may be administered during an entire thunderstorm season. Others may be given when a storm or noisy event (Fourth of July fireworks) is expected. A common protocol is to give amitriptyline during the storm season, and valium when a storm is predicted. The valium or other quick-acting medication needs to be given prior to the development of any behavioral or physical signs of anxiety. If there is a chance of a storm predicted for the afternoon, the pet should start receiving the valium or similar medication in the morning. Pets who also exhibit separation anxiety may need a different combination of medications. Several combinations may need to be tried before the optimum regimen for a particular animal is determined. Many of the medications that would be used on a daily basis, e.g.; Amitriptyline, Prozac, and Buspirone, may take 3-4 weeks to see an effect. Others, such as Alprazolam work within 30 minutes. Often a combination of medications is needed. Examples of medications used to manage noise phobia include: Alprazolam (Xanax) Amitriptyline (Elavil) Buspirone (Buspar) Clomipramine (Clomicalm) Clorazepate (Tranxene) Diazepam (Valium) Fluoxetine (Prozac) Trazadone Inderal Paroxetine (Paxil) Tranxene-SD Alternative therapies have also been used with some success. These include melatonin and flower essences such as Rescue Remedy. These two therapies take effect within an hour of administration, and should be given prior to the storm or other fear-producing event. Pheromones, such as dog appeasing pheromone (DAP), found in Comfort Zone® products, and cat facial pheromones found in Feliway® products may help some pets. Reduce or block the noise level: "White noise," such as running a fan or air conditioner may aid in blocking out some of the fear-producing noise. Playing a TV or radio can have a similar effect. Allowing the pet access to the basement or a room without outside walls or windows may decrease the noise level. Closing the windows and curtains can also help reduce the noise. Some owners have placed foam earplugs or cotton balls in their pets' ears. Create a safe haven: Some pets feel more comfortable in a small space such as a crate or a small room like a bathroom (run the fan and leave the lights on). Some pets seek out the safety of the bathtub or shower during a storm. (Some have hypothesized that a pet may feel less static electricity if on tile or porcelain.) If the pet is comfortable in a crate, the crate can be covered with a blanket to add to the feeling of security. The door to the crate should be left open and the pet should not be confined to the crate, which could dramatically increase the stress level. Some pets, especially cats, may find that a closet or area under the bed makes a good retreat. Project a calm attitude: Pets are very aware of the mental state of their owners. If you are worried or nervous, this will add to the pet's fear. Your pet will look to you for direction, so keep an "upbeat" and "in charge" attitude. Maintain good health and nutrition: Health problems may increase the stress level of pets, and increase their anxiety. For instance, a dog in pain because of hip dysplasia may be more irritable and prone to other 10 behavior changes. Diets too high in protein have been linked to some behavioral problems. Consult your veterinarian if you would like advice about changing your pet's diet. 2. Obtain a commercial tape or CD of a storm, or tape record one yourself (commercial products generally work better). Play the recording at normal volume to determine if it will induce the fear response. If it does, continue with the desensitization; if not, you will need to obtain a different recording. For some animals, a recording alone may not work, since there may be a combination of occurrences that provokes fear, e.g.; thunder plus lightning or changes in barometric pressure. For these animals, darkening the room and adding strobe lights may more closely mimic the storm, and may need to be included in the desensitization process. Behavior modification: Special techniques can be used to help change the animal's response to the noise. Counterconditioning: Using counterconditioning, the animal is taught to display an acceptable behavior rather than an unacceptable one as a response to a certain stimulus. In this way, a negative stimulus can become associated with a positive event. For instance, the only time the pet gets his absolutely most favorite treat, game, or toy, is just prior to and during a thunderstorm. Dogs who enjoy traveling may be taken for a car ride, or cats who love catnip, may be given their favorite catnip mouse. (Dogs who enjoy swimming will need to wait inside until the storm is over!) After a time, the pet will start associating an oncoming storm with getting to have his favorite thing. 3. Play the recording at a volume low enough that the pet is aware of the sound, but it does not induce a fear response. For instance, the ears may be cocked towards the source of the sound, but you still have the pet's attention. In some instances, that may mean the pet needs to be in a different room from where the recording is playing. While the recording is playing at the low level, either have him relax or engage the pet in an activity in which you give the commands, such as obedience training or performing tricks. Give food or other rewards during the activity when the pet accomplishes what he is supposed to. If the animal shows signs of fear, stop and try again the next day, playing the recording at an even lower level. It Desensitization: Using desensitization, the animal's response is decreased while he is exposed to increasing levels of the fear-producing stimulus. For noise phobias, the animal is taught to be calm when the noise level is low, and then the noise level is gradually increased. This process is generally more successful in dogs than cats. It works best during the 'off' season for thunderstorms. To desensitize a pet to thunderstorms: is important that the pet not be rewarded while he is fearful or anxious. Sessions should last about 5-10 minutes. 4. If the animal does not respond fearfully, during the next session, increase the volume slightly. Again, involve the pet in an activity or have the dog 'relax' and reward him for obeying commands. Continue increasing the volume gradually for each session. If the pet starts to show fear, decrease the volume. Repeat the sessions in various rooms of the house and with various family members present. 1. Teach your pet the command 'relax' in the absence of any noise. When your pet is lying quietly, gently pet him and say the command 'relax' or 'settle'. If the pet would get up or become more active, wait until your pet relaxes again. When your pet is relaxed, provide a very tasty treat every 10 seconds or so. Continue saying the command and giving treats several times provided the pet does stay relaxed. Repeat this several times a day and gradually extend the time your pet needs to be relaxed before he gets his treat. Once your pet can relax on command, you are ready to proceed. 5. When the pet does not show fear when the recording is played at a loud volume, you may want to try playing the recording for a short time while you are absent. Gradually increase the time you are gone while the recording is playing. 6. When the pet appears to have lost his fear, the sessions can be reduced to one per week. In most instances, these sessions will need to be repeated weekly for the life of the pet. 7. During an actual storm, use the same activities and rewards you used in the training sessions. Continued on page 17 11 Gulf Coast GSPC Dog of the Year Awards Thru April 2011 Field Trial Dog Of The Year — 1. Uodibar’s Chocolate Wonder (Hank) 2. FC/AFC Uodibar’s Fly High Freeebird (Leo) 3. MSR’s Crystal Blue Persuasion (Crystal) 4. Texas Hoosier Girl (Indy) 5. MSR’S Opalescence (Opal) 6. Uodibar’s Sneakin Deacon (Deke) 7. FC Uodibars Smart Albert (Albert) 8. FC/AFC Uodibar’s Waiting For Daylight (Nell) 8. Lil Acres Little Annie (Annie) 9. Uodibar’s Wallflower (Pansy) 10. FC/AFC Uodibar’s Lolita (Lola) 11. Texas Bushwacking Bud (Bud) 12. FC/AFC Uodibar’s Wood Man (Woody) 13. Uodibar’s Willie He Make It (Willie) 14. FC Franco’s Freebird (Fly) 15. Uodibar’s Bohemian (Bo) 15. Uodibar’s Party Punch (Spike) 16. Texas Little Bit Of Dixie (Little Bit) 17, Uodibar’s Sailor’s Moon (Sailor) 18. Tonelli’s Little Stinker Dixie (Dixie) 67 60 52 51 46 32 30 29 29 25 24 21 19 14 12 8 8 6 4 3 H & D Killam H & D Killam J & S Messer K & T Bomer J & S Messer H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam T Hudson H & D Killam H & D Killam K & T Bomer H & D Killam H & D Killam H & S Franco H & D Killam H & D KiIlam K & T Bomer H & D Killam H & S Franco 39 24 16 12 10 9 8 7 2 H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam M & Howard J & S Messer H & D Killam H & D Killam J & S Messer Puppy/Derby Dog Of The Year — 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Uodibar’s Tom Cat (Tiger) Uodibar’s Dandy Dude II (Dude) HK Uodibar’s Prophet (Moses) Uodibar’s Frijol (Bean) Up N’ Adam’s Madrone London Cop (Bobby) MSR’s Crystalized Nuke (Nuke) HK Uodibar’s Golden Girl (Asia) Uodibar’s Jackas (Jack) MSR’s Built Tough (Ford) Show Dog Of The Year — (Grand Champion & BOW Points are not tabulated.) 1. GCH West Star’s Calm Before The Storm (Hugo) 51 12 T & B Conboy & M Sylvester Show Dog of the Year cont’d. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. CH Ehrenvogel Lights, Camera, Action (Jackson) CH Cheta’s Cherokee Ghost Dancer (Dancer) Ehrenvogel The Race Is On (Indy) CH Algerland Forever and Always (Allie) Ehrenvogel Say Cheese (Khoa) Ehrenvogel Freeze Frame (Freeze) 23 17 12 10 8 7 8. Vomhart’s Odyssey Gauge (Gauge) 9. Rugerheim—Ehrenvogel Zinfadel (Zinny) Marina Renee Lara DVM M & L Huerter M R Lara & E Leonard M R Lara & Breeders Marina Renee Lara DVM Marina Renee Lara DVM & Greg Hostetter Carolyn Ramsay M R Lara/A C Lester/Nancy Ward 3 1 Hunting Dog of the Year — 1. CH Southwind’s Rock Slide From NEWPoint MH (Sly) 2. Madrone Ring Nine-One-One JH (Riot) 3. Ehrenvogel The Race Is On (Indy) 149.7 31.5 14.0 P Dunn M & M Howard M. Lara/E. Leonard Agility Dog Of The Year — 1. CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel RAE JH AX MXJ XF (Beamer) 460 S & J Evans & N Ward Policy For Reporting Wins, Scores and Placements: To have a win, score or placement count toward Dog of the Year standings it must be submitted to the statistician within three months of the event. Send to: Molly Howard, 18 Shadow Lane, Houston, TX 77080 or email madronegsps@comcast.net Your message should contain the following: Dog’s registered name, call name, owner(s), show/trial, date, class/stake and score/ placement. Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for a Dog of the Year Award the principal owner of the dog must be a GCGSPC club member and help at 3 events. Only GSPs are eligible for Dog of the Year Awards. To be eligible for an AKC title plaque, the principle owner of the dog must be a GCGSPC club member and help at two Club events. All pointing breeds are eligible to earn title plaques. Dog’s registered name, call name, breeder, name of title and date earned must be submitted to the statistician. Individuals holding an office or chairing or acting as secretary for any event or function (i.e., de-snaking, awards banquet, newsletter, webmaster, library, programs, rescue, Christmas party) will automatically be eligible for any Dog of the Year award or title plaque. 13 Purebred Paradox — What Now? By Sharyn Hutchens Sharyn Hutchens is a delegate for a club in Virginia whose husband operates the website PetLaw with which some of you are familiar. She is very familiar with anti-dog legislative efforts and, I think, a very sensible person. She has written a series for the delegate's email list about her attendance at the HSUS sponsored conference called the Purebred Paradox. If anyone would like the entire summary which was four parts, I'll be glad to share it with you. In it, she has a short summary of several speakers and their topics and some commentary. Here is her conclusion. Based on my years of watching the AR organizations and their campaigns, I think Sharyn is spot-on in her assessment of what is in the wind. This is something we need to start preparing for now and begin to work on proactively. Please read this through and give some thought to the things you can do to put your dogs, your breedings, and your clubs in a good public light proactively rather than trying to react to an attack. This is a battle that will be joined very soon. Sherrie Wallis The first four parts of my Purebred Paradox Impressions post reported what I heard at the conference. In this final part I want to offer some opinions about what it means and what we should do. These thoughts are mine alone, not approved by any organization. It’s a standard HSUS tactic to announce a problem, get others to talk about their announcement, and then use all the talk as a springboard for an attack. It does not matter that there are few real problems or that existing laws would take care of them: They use the talk that they generated together with whatever seemingly awful events or situations they can find or invent to promote the idea of a general crisis demanding immediate attention. Experts in the field are caught off-guard. Sure, there are some problems – there are problems in every facet of life -- and current law is dealing with them. But HSUS is talking to people who know nothing about this field -- lawmakers and the general public -- using emotion rather than facts. It doesn’t matter that there is no fire and all the smoke came out of an HSUS spray can. They have credibility and money and they use it to demand action. Recognize the term 'puppy mill'? How about 'factory farming'? Those were earlier campaigns and some very bad laws were the result. Obviously the point of these campaigns is the extremely successful fundraising that goes on around them. It’s safe to say that the Purebred Paradox Conference was the opening salvo of an HSUS attack on the breeding of purebred dogs. It does not matter that most presentations were balanced, or that several of them pointed out actions being taken to improve the health of purebreds. It certainly doesn't matter that no presenter that I heard endorsed the idea of laws about breeding dogs (with the possible exception of a couple of the British presenters, who hinted at ―regulations.‖) The conference raised the profile of purebred health and HSUS will use selective quotes and pieces of the documentary to 'prove' that laws are needed. Anyone with doubts about the future can check out Wayne Pacelle's blog at http://hsus.typepad.com/wayne/2011/04/purebredparadox.html He says: "But perhaps the biggest dog welfare issue in America is the reckless breeding of purebred dogs, which produces an incredible laundry list of inherited disorders, congenital health problems, and welfare concerns for the animals. In The Bond, I take this issue head- on, calling out the American Kennel Club and other breed registry groups for their mania in valuing the exterior appearance of the animals rather 14 than the underlying health and wellness of the dogs." that the claims are not true. The more people who actually know how show breeders operate, the harder it will be for HSUS to get traction. I don't think he could get any clearer than that. Only the details differ from what he said about commercial dog breeders when the 'puppy mill' campaign started or his thoughts more recently about 'factory farming.' And only the details will differ in the laws that HSUS and their various puppets will start introducing in the next legislative seasons. 2. Get informed and get involved. Okay, you aren't a commercial breeder so those laws didn't bother you. You're not a farmer, either. But if you’re a breeder of purebred dogs or ever hope to be one, this campaign will matter to you. A lot. If you’ve been letting other people deal with ―all that legislative stuff,‖ those days are over. We can only defend our rights with INFORMATION to combat the lies that are about to start and NUMBERS of voters who tell lawmakers the truth. The annual HSUS Taking Action for Animals conference will feature a workshop entitled ―Health, Welfare, and Policy in Purebred Dog Breeding,‖ Speakers are from Best Friends, Humane Society International, and the ASPCA. Less than three months will have passed between the Purebred Paradox conference and this follow-up. What’s next? 3. Be prepared to make some changes. Forget "We've always done it that way." Nobody will care how you always did it. If Velma Voter calls her lawmaker and asks him to vote for HB 666 to stop breeders from producing defective dogs and you call him and say "We've always done it that way," then that lawmaker will most likely decide that a law to make you stop doing it that way would be a good idea. I’m not talking about compromise. I’m talking about improvement where it is needed. We are about to begin a war with the general public over our right to breed dogs. They will be told that we are not stewards of our breeds but that we are breeding for appearance, with disregard for the health of our dogs. Just as they have been convinced that all commercial breeders are puppy mills, they will now be told that all show breeders are only out to win at the expense of our dogs. 4. Know what science says about your breeding practices. Some practices that were necessary or at least okay when breeds were being founded (say 100 years ago) no longer make general sense. If you have an exceptional situation so one or more of these breeding practices does make sense for your dogs, then be sure you know the reason and be prepared to explain it so the public can understand it; otherwise don't do it. How do we fight back? One thing that will not work is to keep shouting, ―We don’t have a problem!‖ Legislators and the public will not buy it. So what can we do to protect our breeds? -- Inbreeding and linebreeding. To reduce the frequency with which inherited diseases appear, scientists and geneticists insist that we should be outcrossing, not inbreeding/linebreeding. (Linebreeding is a term coined by breeders, but geneticists say it is still inbreeding, though to a lesser degree.) This is a tough one for us. ―But my 1. We need transparency. When HSUS attacked the farmers, their response was to say, ―Okay, why don’t you come SEE what we do?” We need to reach out to the public and show them that there are not dirty secrets hiding in the darkness of our kennels. This will not change anything HSUS is doing, but it will help show the general population 15 mentor said...‖ Your mentor was not wrong, but we’re in a very different place with our breeds than we were 40 years ago. We need to change course. They needed consistency, we need diversity. Remember, we may think inbreeding is ―setting type‖ but genetic experts think ―not healthy‖ and the general public thinks ―Deliverance.‖ -- Use of popular sires. Nobody in the scientific community thinks this is a healthy practice. Even when no known bad trait is passed on, the unhealthy recessives that the sire carries (every animal carries some) will be more frequent in succeeding generations and if something truly terrible is discovered in a few generations it may be nearly impossible to breed away from it. It happened most famously in Dobermans (cardiomyopathy) and we're seeing it now in other breeds. -- Breeding physical traits that are not good for the dogs. If the trend in your breed is to more csections, more of a trait that brings discomfort or danger with type, or anything else that you would have a hard time defending to the public, then it is time to reverse that trend. I hope the parent clubs involved will be ready for this fight. Some breeds are believed by many veterinarians and (in some cases) by the public to be prone to problems due to traits specifically bred into them for appearance’s sake. I am no expert in any of these breeds and don't know whether the claims are true or how many dogs are affected. But if your breed is one of those targeted, you must to be able to explain either why these traits are not damaging to the dogs’ health or what you are doing to change those traits. Again, transparency. If only two percent of your breed is affected by, say, brachycephalic airway syndrome, get the figures to prove it and be ready to talk about it. We cannot ignore these accusations any longer. We must be prepared to defend what we’re doing...or change it. -- Failing to give specific attention to inherited health in a breeding program. Are you doing the tests that make sense for your breed and line? Do you do pedigree research on health issues? Do you offer the best health guarantee practical for your breed and encourage your buyers to report any problems? And when the problems are reported, are you supportive? Put that information on your website, and when you talk to prospective puppy owners or anyone else, emphasize health. Basically if you can't say 'health and happiness of our breed are the primary concern of our parent club' then you are going to be on the defensive. The heat will be on for laws to force you to change and that heat is going to include laws that will do much more damage than good. 5. Join your breed's parent club. Support their health program. Insist that they talk about and deal with these issues. Be willing to consider specific action to improve the health of the breed. For example, there are breeds with defects so that are so common that they cannot be much reduced: These breeds might need to open their stud books in a carefully planned, scientific program to bring in healthier genes. Neither the public nor lawmakers will care about the argument "Our dogs won't be pure anymore!" Does your breed have something like a 'guide to breeding healthy (name of your breed)'? They should. Health problems and what is being done to reduce them should be on every parent club’s website. 5. Support the AKC. No, they're not perfect but they're making a serious effort and they're miles ahead of where they were even a few years ago. They are the only organization with the horsepower, the name recognition, and the reputation to go toe-to-toe with HSUS. They cannot do this without our support and they cannot defend the indefensible. 16 Purebred Paradox contd. Change is coming whether we want it or not. If we act now, we can assure that most -- maybe even all -- the change actually benefits the dogs. Our specific actions will help with our defense but the increased knowledge of WHY we do what we do will be even more valuable. If we do not act, then we will get change anyway. It will be led by those who hate us and don't care at all about the animals and it will be enforced by the ignorant. Our choice. Sharyn Hutchens Timbreblue Whippets Virginia — Contributed by Jeanine Wright Fear of noises contd. successful desensitization, the training process should take place during a time of the year when the actual noise will not be encountered: if the pet is afraid of thunder or fireworks, try desensitization during the winter; if afraid of gunshots, the training should take place outside of the hunting season. In most instances, it is best to discontinue any behavior-modifying medications during the desensitization process. Consult with your veterinarian before discontinuing any medications. To increase the chances of Conclusion Fear of thunderstorms, fireworks, and other forms of noise phobia are common problems in dogs, and some cats. Administering medications along with changing the pet's environment, and using behavior modification techniques can help ease the fear. NOTE: Sources of audiotapes and CD's for noise desensitization include: http://www.scarednomore.com/ http://calmaudio.com/thunderstorms.html http://www.f7sound.com/dog.htm This list is for informational use only. Inclusion in this list does not denote product endorsement. Reliant World Series of Dog Shows July 20—24 Show Dates and Times: Working Dog and Houston All-Terrier Show Wednesday, July 20, 2011 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. NOTE: Free parking and general admission from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Houston Combined Specialty Association, Houston Area Terrier Show and the Bluebonnet Boxer Club Thursday, July 21, 2011 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. NOTE: Best in Show and Performance Events are NOT held today. Houston Kennel Club Friday, July 22, 2011 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Groups and Best in Show Judging Beaumont Kennel Club Saturday, July 23, 2011 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Groups and Best in Show Judging Galveston County Kennel Club Sunday, July 24, 2011 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Groups and Best in Show Judging 17 1 2 3 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 30 31 B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B B AG B AG B B AG B AG B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R B/O/R Oklahoma City KC —Oklahoma City, OK (J-Richard G. Beauchamp) Mid-Del-Tinker KC—Oklahoma City, OK (J-Dr. Judith A. Newton) Mid-Del-Tinker KC —Oklahoma City, OK (J– Nancy D. Simmons) Texas KC—Market Hall, Dallas, TX (J-Robert H. Slay) Trinity Valley KC—Market Hall, Dallas, TX (J-Cindy Vogels) Greater Collin KC—Market Hall, Dallas, TX (J-Robert L. Vandiver) GSPC of San Antonio—Joe & Harry Freeman Colisium, San Antonio,TX (J-Jean Fournier) Bexar County KC—Joe & Harry Freeman Colisium, San Antonio, TX (J-Jon R.Cole) Alamo DOC– San Antonio, TX Comal County KC—Joe & Harry Freeman Colisium, San Antonio, TX (J-James Reynolds) Poodle Club of San Antonio– San Antonio, TX Bexar County KC—Joe & Harry Freeman Colisium, San Antonio, TX (J-Susan St. John Brown) GSPCA Regional Specialty— ( J-Keke Kahn) Bexar County KC—San Antonio, TX Comal County KC—Joe & Harry Freeman Colisium, San Antonio, TX (J—Edd Bevin) Alamo DOC—San Antonio, TX Gulf Coast GSPC —Reliant Hall, Houston,TX (J-W. Everett Dean, Jr.) Houston KC — Reliant Hall, Houston, TX (J-Paula Nykiel) Beaumont KC — Reliant Hall, Houston, TX (J-Dr. Ronald I. Spritzer) Galveston County KC—Reliant Hall, Houston, TX (J-Brenda L. Abraham) Longview KC—Longview, TX (J-Chris Walkowitz) Longview KC—Longview, TX (J-Sidney L. Marx) 18 Dual Champion (DC) 1988 NFC/FC Leipchen Buddendorf M Finley Show Champions (CH) 1966 Miss Blitz T Sylvester Tra-Ben's Diamond L T Conboy 1970 Flintlock's Fantasia M/M R Van Wormer Flintlock's Firing Pin M/M R Van Wormer Tomala's Lightning Flash T Sylvester Tra-Ben's Joaquin M/M T Conboy 1971 Tra-Ben's White Diamond T Conboy 1972 Arta V Bauerheim R W Farmer Buck Yung Auf Feldmeister's N & J Young Dino's Wink C & S Griffin Grand Prix M C Herber 1973 Bobcat's Beaudidalie C & R McGann Tomala's Flash of Lightening T Sylvester 1975 Serakraut's Hot Chocolate E Howard/H Polk Serakraut's Ima Big Wheel E Howard/H Polk 1976 Von Hasso of the Baretta R McGann 1977 Wildwood Serakraut Lucky Lark E Howard 1983 Red Ferns Chip v Kingspoint E/J Norton 1984 Lowenbrau's Jager Von Grief V Dittert 1985 Brush Country's Denim N' Lace M Finley/A Finley Brush Country's Mary's Darn Daug M Finley Deja's Tresspasser D & J Synstad Der Fritz Von Wiederholden V & J Dittert Tejasvalle Momentum A Pittman 1986 Deja's Windmaster D & J Synstad Wyndbourne Brush Country Fire A Finley 1987 Deja's Ticked Shadow M Howard/J Synstad 1988 Ehrenvogel Love Me Tender R C Jacob NFC/FC Leipchen Buddendorf M Finley 1989 Riverside's Song of the South G & D Bobo Riverside's C Spot Wyn CD G Bobo Brush Country Terminator M Finley/A Finley Brush Country Fancy Me M Finley/A Finley 1990 Caijoy's Lonesome Dove D Culbreth/B Culbreth Deja's Madrone Cuddlebug N Chambers/J Synstad Ehrenvogel Yankee Doodle BCulbreth/MRLara DVM Geist's Bourbon and Bitters G & M Geist Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug M Howard Shikari's Royal Velvet L Stringfellow 1991 Rugerheim's Very Inspiration C & J Looke Tejas' Song Of Solomon CDX, JH S Appel 1992 Brush Country Babalu M Finely Brush Country Silver Jubilee M Finley Brush Country Silversmith M Finley Ehrenvogel Bubbles BCulbreth/MRLara DVM Famepoint Bound For Glory R Lara/D Hines Indy’s One And Only T Gradert Minado’s Brush Country Manana A Finley/M Finley Shadydell’s Texas Comet P Carlisle/K Odell 1993 Brush Country Good Ol’ Boy M Finley Cock O’ The Walk Victory S Evans/B Culbreth Ehrenvogel Follow That Dream M R Lara/C De La Garza Madrone Myna Ya Own Business S Grayshon/M & M Howard Madrone Pheasant Dreams S Grayshon/M Howard Mayde Creek’s Olivia E Bucy 1994 Ehrenvogel Titan Of Caijoy M Renee Lara DVM Ehrenvogel Triumph Spitfire M Renee Lara DVM Madrone Axel Der Taubenjager W Schroeter/S Grayshon NMK’s Hope V Rugerheim J & C Looke Searcy’s Airistocrat G & M Geist 1995 Caijoy Athena of Ehrenvogel S May/B Culbreth Caijoy’s Candid Challenger JH R C Jacob/B Culbreth Caijoy Pandora Of Ehrenvogel JH M R Lara//B Culbreth Madrone Just For The Halibut M Howard/S Grayshon 1996 Caijoy’s Right To Bear Arms JH B Culbreth/M R Lara DVM Ehrenvogel Chico M Renee Lara DVM Ehrenvogel Liberty Dime M R Lara/E V Wagner Ehrenvogel Pocket Change M Renee Lara DVM Gold Dust Crested Butte M & S Smith Madrone Cutthroat Competitor M & M Howard//S Grayshon 1997 Caijoy Dirty Dancing B Culbreth Ehrenvogel Grand Illusion M R Lara DVM Madrone Luci Fruit JH S Grayshon/M & M Howard 1998 Caijoy’s Rebel Challenger MH R Quates Caijoy Twist And Shout M Renee Lara Lancia Aurelia Chico M Renee Lara Southwind’s Buccaneer F Cohen South Wind’s Gale Force CD, JH P & J Dunn 1999 Brush Country Henrietta A Richter Madrone Adam’s Apple R Smith/S Grayshon/D Smith Caijoy’s Double Delight S May/B Culbreth Southwind Brush Country Salsa A Richter/S Skiles Caijoy Polka Dot Polka M R Lara/B Culbreth Southwind Riverdance P & J Dunn Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH N Ward Southwind Ruby’s Shadow P & H Dunn Madrone Romanov Champagne M & M Howard/S Grayshon/ Southwind Logs Onto Maydecrk JH M J Wright 2000 Ehrenvogel Talk Of The Town RLara,/BBullard,MKuykendall Ehrenvogel Daredevil N Ward Ehrenvogel Hot Onapoint R Lara, H Faught Southwind’s Serenade P Dunn 2001 Madrone Champagne Toast S Grayshon/M & M Howard/ Remy Madrones Sparkle Parade GA & D Bobo Southwind Brush Country Bravo A Richter/P Dunn Southwind Heavenly Hattie Carolyn Ramsey 2002 Ehrenvogel Thrill Seeker M Huerter/M R Lara 19 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Ehrenvogel Thriller M R Lara/J Luza Ehrenvogel Thrill of Victory M R Lara/M Juch Ehrenvogel Unsolved Mystery M R Lara Southwind N’Dejas Whirlwind J & D Synstad Madrone Southwind Chime M & M Howard//S Grayshon Ehrenvogel The Gambler M R Lara Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel N Ward Ehrenvogel Queen Of Hearts E Bucy & M R Lara Newpoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel T & J Evans & N Ward Newpoint Sunsplash Of Ehrenvogel Nancy Ward Ehrenvogel Double Down T & K Evans & M R Lara Brumar Precious Stone V Ehrenvogel M R Lara Ehrenvogel Its All About Me M R Lara/M Juch Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD JH AX MXJ T Evans J and K’s Jake Von Greif J Smith Southwind’s American Pie P Dunn Odyssey’s Texas Justice M Huerter Ehrenvogel MHK Look Away R Lara/H Wolfschohl Ehrenvogel MHK R Is4 Ricochet R Lara/T Baranowski Kan-Point Ehrenvogel Unmasked R Lara/L Coonrod Kan-Point Way 2 Go Ehrenvogel R Lara NEWpoint Ehrenvogel 4 Runner N Ward/T Sandvik/R Lara NEWpoint HI Resolution Ehrenvogel N Ward/R Lara NEWpoint Hummer V Ehrenvogel N Ward Bodensee Riverdance Devin C Ramsay Madrone Wyndbourne Rejoice S & M Grayshon/S Harrison NEWPoint Judge Advocate General N Ward NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow RA JH N Ward Brush Country Can’t Buy Me Love M Finley/A Richter Madrone Celestial Knight I & S Zagorski Brush Country Point Made M Finley/A Richter Ehrenvogel Rocky Mountain High M R Lara/M Short NEWPoint Due Process N Ward & G Thornton NEWPoint Glitter N’ Gold N Ward NEWPoint Good As Gold N Ward & S Littlefield NEWPoint On The Rocks N Ward NEWPoint Solid Gold N Ward NEWPoint Texas Black Gold G A Bobo & N Ward Southwind’s Mega Fiesta P Dunn Cheta’s Irish Reilly O’Roark M Huerter Southwind’s Rock Slide From NEWPoint P Dunn Algerland Forever And Always M R Lara/ A H Landa/ G Bernard Madrone Three Ring Circus M & M Howard National Field Champion (NFC) 1987 FC Liepchen Buddendorf M Finley National Amateur Field Champions (NAFC) 2003 2005 1979 1980 1984 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 Field Champions (FC) R Reining R W Farmer R & D Harrington P W Rosenberg 2002 20 J H Wilde R Reining J Smith M Finley D Hocking W C Moran H & R Fenneberg H & R Fenneberg T Hudson T Hudson P & D Rosenberg T Hudson G Moseley Jr. J Messer S Balaski/G Moseley L & C Albright L Albright T Hudson J Messer S Balaski/G Moseley G Moseley/S Balaski J Smith T Hudson T Hudson G & S Moseley T & K Bomer G & S Moseley K & T Bomer H & D Killam K & T Bomer H & D Killam H & S Franco J & S Messer G & S Moseley H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam J LaRue & M Rauhut J & S Messer H & D Killam Amateur Field Champions (AFC) 1998 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker J & S Messer (R-U) NAFC/FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker J & S Messer 1973 Reining's Hauptmann Brutus 1977 October's Ib 1978 R.D.D. and D's Ike 1980 AFC Beau James Patton Catrina's Mocha V Duke 1982 Apollo B B K Dee's Saidde 1984 Leipchen Buddendorf 1985 Dixieland's Aughta Go Dude 1987 Dixieland's Bridie Coco Von Leber 1989 Brownhaven Danish Peber 1993 Spike’s UB Mohamed V Greif JH 1997 AFC Alexander’s Dancing Dream Beau James High Card AFC Missy’s Ashruf V Blitzkrieg Texas Deputy Dawg JH 1998 Annie Fannie Mae SH AFC Laski’s Dandi Dixie Darling Uodibar’s Iron Spotz JH 1999 Uodibar’s Buena Suerte 2000 Uodibar’s Add Libby 2001 Annie’s Little Stinker AFC Texas Amazing Grace Texas Dirty White Boy 2003 NFC RR Billy’s Revelation 2004 Uodibar’s Monkee Business 2005 Huachuka Hasta Luego Texas Practical Magic 2006 Texas Cassino’s Mad Cash Texas Flying Wizard 2007 RHR Texas Maid In the Shade Lucy De Laredo AFC Texas Dixie Cup Uodibar’s Wood Man 2008 Carrriage Hills St. Thomas Breeze MSRs Gone With the Wind AFC Texas Last Dixie Chick Uodibar’s Smart Albert 2009 Uodibar’s Angelina 2010 Uodibar’s Fly High Freebird Uodibar Blue Gold Texas Havin A Blast MSR’s Opalesence Uodibar’s Waiting For Daylight Beau James Patton Catrina's Mocha V Duke Apollo B B FC Spike’s U Mohammed V Greif JH Alexander’s Dancing Dream Beau James High Card Missy’s Ashruf V Blitzkrieg FC Annie Fannie Mae SH Laski’s Dandi Dixie Darling FC Uodibar’s Iron Spotz JH FC Texas Deputy Dawg JH Hanna Belle Texas Amazing Grace Texas Dirty White Boy Annie’s Little Stinker P W Rosenberg J H Wilde R Reining T Hudson T Hudson P & D Rosenberg T Hudson J Messer S Balaski/G Moseley L & C Albright G Moseley, Jr. J Messer S Balaski/G Moseley G Moseley/S Balaski J & S Messer 2005 FC Uodibar’s Monkee Business T Hudson 2006 FC Texas Practical Magic G & S Moseley 2007 CH Madrone Southwind Chime MH AX AXJ M&MHoward/S Grayshon Texas Dixie Cup K & T Bomer FC Texas Flying Wizard G & S Moseley 2008 FC Carriage Hills St. Thomas Breese H & S Franco FC MSR’s Gone With the Wind J & S Messer FC Texas Cassino’s Mad Cash K & T Bomer Texas Last Dixie Chick G & S Moseley FC Texas Maid In The Shade K & T Bomer 2009 Uodibar’s Lolita H & D KiIlam 2010 Uodibar’s Angelina H & D KIllam Uodibar’s Fly Hifh Freebird H & D Killam 1997 Caijoy-ERV Mardi Gras Jazz JH R & D Quates Elwing Mirwan Time Share JH F Cohen//M St. John Watson’s Fraulein Inga D & S Watson 1998 Shooting Star’s Sonic Boom D Dimmitt Magnum’s Ghost Maggie E & F McKanna 2000 Moesgaard’s Sawyer Brown JH M Condit Moesgaard’s Fraulein Greta JH D & S Watson Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD JH M Howard/ M Howard/S Grayshon 2002 Moesgaard’s Chocolate Moose JH M & T Condit 2003 Moesgaard’s Fraulein Ilsa D & S Watson 2005 CH Southwind’s American Pie P Dunn CH Madrone Romanov Champagne OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH Madrone Southwind Chime OA AXJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2007 Southwind’s Mega Fiesta P Dunn JMP’s EZ Goin Gus JH J Perrin 2010 Southwind’s Rock Slide From NEWPoint P Dunn Hunting Titles Master Hunters (MH) 1994 CH Ehrenvogel Yankee Doodle SH B Culbreth/M R Lara 1996 Caijoy’s Rebel Challenger SH R Quates Madrone Happy as A Lark CDX SH MHoward/MHoward 1997 CH Madrone Cutthroat Competitor SH M & M Howard/S Grayshon 2000 Shooting Starr’s Sonic Boom SH D Dimmitt 2002 Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD SH NA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon Sharp Shooter’s Time Bomb D Dimmitt 2003 Southwind’s Bucaneer SH F Cohen 2004 Moesgaard’s Sawyer Brown SH M Condit 2006 CH Madrone Southwind Chime SH AX AXJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2007 CH Madrone Romanov Champagne SH OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH Southwind’s American Pie SH P Dunn 2008 Southwind’s Mega Fiesta SH P Dunn Junior Hunters (JH) 1987 Beau Sams Sweet Jasmine Deja’s Rianna V Marja Dutchess SP Von Challenger Fieldfine Cinnamon Schnapps 1988 Texas October Storm 1989 CH Oak Leaf’s Luck Of Ehrenvogel CD Rene’s Maine Hope CD 1990 CH Deja’s Ticked Shadow CDX CH Deja’s Wyndbourne Razz M’ Tazz CD CH Ehrenvogel Love Me Tender Esquire’s Gold Forest Schatzi Esquire Tejas Crudo Homesteader’s Takin’ A Chance CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug CD CH Riverside’s C Spot Wyn CDX Tejas’ Song Of Solomon CDX Tramac L and L’s Madame Raissa 1991 Deja’s Dream Weaver Indy’s One And Only Texas State Trooper 1992 Mayde Creek’s Olivia Rugerheim’s Times Square Spike’s UB Mohamed V Greif 1993Deja’s Dogwood Divine Dream CDX Senior Hunters (SH) 1987 Belleau Woods Candymans Sam E Sailors 1988 Lyons Houston Hurricane J Eidman Socrates’ Poncho Villa CD M J Wright 1989 Fieldfine Cinnamon Schnapps JH F Cohen 1990 BJ’s Ramblin’ Rebel Challenger B & M Hand Deja’s Rianna V Marja JH J Wright/JSynstad Golden Forest Heidi R Sailors 1991 CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug CDX JH M Howard CH Oak Leaf’s Luck Of Ehrenvogel CD JH D & B Culbreth/T Sanvik Tramac L And L’s Madame Raissa JH R & C Coutermarsh 1992 CH Ehrenvogel’s Jaeger CDX T Sanvik/BCulbreth/ M R Lara DVM CH Ehrenvogel Yankee Doodle JH B Culbreth/M R Lara 1995 Caijoy’s Rebel Challenger JH R Quates CH Indy’s One And Only CD, JH T Gradert Madrone Happy As A Lark CDX JH M Howard/M Howard Shadydell’s Texas Ranger R Carlisle 1996 Annie Fannie Mae JH J Messer Madrone Cutthroat Competitor M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon Ehrenvogel Bubbles Judge Madison’s Belle Laski’s Creme De Cacao Madrone Happy As A Lark Mayde Creek’s Thaddeus Shadydell’s Texas Ranger Texas October Frost 1994 Blitzkrieg’s Pachucka Pete Caijoy’s Candid Challenger Caijoy’s Cleavor Endeavor Caijoy’s Pandora Of Ehrenvogel 21 E Sailors M J Wright B Hand F Cohen P & D Rosenberg B & D Culbreth S Evans M Howard D & J Synstad R C Jacob R Sailors D & C Hampton T Howard M Howard G Bobo S Appel R & C Coutermarsh F Cohen T Gradert G Moseley E Bucy G & M Geist T Hudson M & S Appel/ J Synstad B Culbreth/M R Lara C Duran/D Blume T & S Balaski M Howard M J Wright R Carlisle P & D Rosenberg C Duran/D Blume R Jacob/BCulbreth D Yount/Culbreth B Culbreth Caijoy’s Rebel Challenger R Quates Caijoy’s Right To Bear Arms B Culbreth CH Cock O’The Walk Victory S Evans/B Culbreth Elwing Mirwan Times Share F Cohen/M StJohn Geist’s Brush Country Fire G & M Geist CH Madrone Myna Ya Own Business CD S Grayshon/M Howard CH Sercy’s Airistocrat G & M Geist CH Shadydell’s Texas Comet P Carlisle/K Odell Texas Deputy Dawg G Moseley, Jr. 1995 Annie Fannie Mae J L Messer Blitzkrieg’s Pachucka Kate C E Duran/D Blume CH Caijoy Athena of Ehrenvogel S May/B Culbreth Caijoy-ERV Mardi Gras Jazz R Quates/D Quates Daniels Misty Girl R E Truly Shadydell’s Texas Ranger R Carlisle Ehrenvogel Titan Of Caijoy M R Lara Madrone Happy As A Lark CDX JH M Howard/M Howard Hazel’s Oklahoma Blitz G Oakley CH Madrone Toucan Tango CD P Dunn South Winds Gale Force P & J Dunn Uodibar’s Iron Spotz L & C Albright 1996 Double S Crystal Clear CDX R Smith Hanna Belle J Messer 1997 Caijoy Last Dance N Ward Madrone Luci Fruit S Grayshon/M Howard/M Howard Madrone Sandars Candy Apple M Howard/S Grayshon/M Howard RT’s Moesgaard Lone Jac R Truly Tre Von Rockinhaus R Truly Uodibar’s Ruby-Dubee-Doo J & JJ Bubb 1998 CH Caijoy Dirty Dancing B Culbreth Newpoint Romancing The Stone N Ward Moesgaard’s Fraulein Greta D & S Watson Moesgaard’s Sawyer Brown M & T Condit Texas Sky’s Tumbleweed P Carlisle 1999 CH Southwind’s Buccaneer F Cohen Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk N Ward Southwind Logs Onto Maydecrk M J Wright Jenny Belle Bomer T & K Bomer Rockin Rollin Dude K & T Bomer Hanna Belle Bomer K & T Bomer 2001 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil N Ward Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare S Evans III Texas Sky’s Belle Star P Carlisle 2002 Moesgaard’s Fraulein Ilsa D & S Watson Moesgaard’s Chocolate Moose M & T Condit CH Southwind’s Serenade P Dunn 2003 CH Caijoy Twist And Shout N Ward & M R Lara NEWpoint Sunsplash Of Ehrenvogel N Ward Southwind’s Red Hot Jazz P Dunn 2004 CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel N Ward Cheta’s Lady Liberty M Huerter 2005 Able VD Westwind M Huerter/ G Hutchinson Ehrenvogel Double Down T & K Evans/RLara Ehrenvogel Thrill Seeker M Huerter JMP’s EZ Goin Gus J Perrin NEWPoint Ehrenvogel 4 Runner 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 N Ward/T Sandvik R Lara NEWPoint Ehrenvogel Navigator N Ward NEWPoint Hummer V Ehrenvogel N Ward NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel T & J Evans/N Ward Moesgaard’s Chocolate Peppermint Pattie M Condit/H Condit Southwind’s Mega Fiesta P Dunn Jake R Carter JMP’s Not Just Whistling Dixie J Perrin CH NEWPoint Judge Advocate General N Ward NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow NAP NJP N Ward CH NEWPoint Due Process RN N Ward CH NEWPoint Good As Gold RN N Ward /SLittlefield NEWPoint Poetry Of Nuthatch N Ward /H Brennan Southwind’s Rock Slide From NEWPoint P Dunn NEWPoint Glitter N/ Gold N Ward NEWPoint Solid Gold N Ward NEWPoint On The Rocks N Ward NEWPoint Ghiradeli Midnight Reverie V Vikter Ehrenvogel N Ward Obedience Titles Utility Dog (UD) 1991 1992 1994 1995 1997 2002 CH Tejas’ Song Of Solomon CDX JH CH Deja’s Ticked Shadow CDX JH Rene’s Maine Hope CDX JH Deja’s Dogwood Divine Dream CDX JH Madrone Happy As A Lark CDX MH CH Gold Dust Crested Butte CDX S Appel M Howard S Evans III S Appel/J Synstad M Howard/M Howard M & S Smith Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) 1989 CH Deja’s Ticked Shadow CD M Howard Socrates’ Poncho Villa CD SH M J Wright 1990 Tejas’ Song Of Solomon CD S Appel CH Riverside’s C Spot Wyn CD G Bobo Rene’s Maine Hope CD, JH S Evans III 1991 CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug CD JH M Howard 1992 Baron Von Oskermeijer CD R Smith Deja’s Rianna V Marja CD SH M J Wright 1993 Deja’s Dogwood Divine Dream CD M & S Appel/J Synstad 1994 Madrone Happy As A Lark CD JH M Howard/S Grayshon Mayde Creek’s Thaddeus CD JH M J Wright 1995 Double S Crystal Clear CD R Smith Dogwood N’ Deja’s Darlin CD C Ramsay 1996 Riverside’s Rockin Robin CD TD OA G A Bobo/R Keegan 1998 CH Cock O’The Walk’s Victory CD NA JH S Evans III/B Culbreth 1999 CH Gold Dust Crested Butte CD M & S Smith 2007 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil RAE VCD1 OA OAJ N Ward/M R Lara NAP NJP Companion Dog (CD) 1970 CH Miss Blitz 1974 Firing Pin’s Diana CH Grand Prix 1975 Shady Lady V Greif 1978 Bluegras Just My Luck 1983 CH Deja’s Wyndbourne Razz M’ Tazz 1986 CH Deja’s Trespasser 1987 Ybold’s Lucky Boy 22 T Sylvester H L Herber M C Herber D A Brock L Kilbourne/P Marr D & J Synstad D & J Synstad W Chou 1988 CH Deja’s Ticked Shadow Riverside’s C Spot Wyn CH Silsha’s Hot Shot Oma V Greif Socrates’ Poncho Villa 1989 CH Oak Leaf’s Luck Of Ehrenvogel Tejas’ Song Of Solomon 1990 CH Deja’s Windmaster CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug JH 1991 Baron Von Oskermeijer Deja’s Rianna V Marja SH 1992 CH Deja’s Madrone Cuddlebug TD Double S Crystal Clear Indy Ballistic Mach II Flyer CH Indy’s One And Only JH 1993 Madrone Happy As A Lark JH Deja’s Dogwood Divine Dream Dogwood N’ Deja’s Darlin Mayde Creek’s Thaddeus JH CH Madrone Myna Ya Own Business 1994 Riverside’s Rockin Robin TD M Howard/J Synstad G Bobo B Brown M J Wright B & D Culbreth S Appel D & J Synstad M Howard R Smith M J Wright N Chambers R Smith T Gradert T Gradert M Howard M & S Appel/J Synstad C Ramsay M J Wright S Grayshon/M Howard G A Bobo/R Keegan 1995 Deja’s Dogwood Daze South Winds Gale Force JH 1996 CH Cock O’The Walk’s Victory JH CH Mayde Creek’s Olivia TD JH 1997 CH Gold Dust Crested Butte CH Madrone Luci Fruit JH D & J Synstad J & P Dunn S Evans III/B Culbreth E Bucy M & S Smith S Grayshon/M Howard/ M Howard 1998 Madrone Sandars Candy Apple JH Rally Excellent (RE) 2005 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 RA OA NAJ NA NAP N Ward/ M R Lara 2006 CH Gold Dust Created Butte UD RA M & S Smith CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare RA CD MX MXJ JH S Evans III 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel RA OA JH MXJ S & J Evans/N Ward CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel CD RA JH NAP NJP N Ward/V David 2008 CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow RA NA NAJ JH N Ward 2009 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior RA TD CD M J Wright Rally Advanced (RA) M Howard/S Grayshon/ M Howard 2000 Caijoy Last Dance TD JH N Ward 2001 NEWPoint’s Romancing The Stone N Ward CH Southwind Logs Onto Maydecrk J Wright CH Southwind Riverdance P & J Dunn 2002 CH Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH NA NAJ N Ward Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH S Evans III 2003 CH Caijoy Dirty Dancing JH B Culbreth Rich CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH TD N Ward & M RLara CH Southwind Heavenly Hattie C Ramsay CH Southwind’s Serenade JH P Dunn 2005 CH Kan-Point Foollproof Ehrenvogel JH N Ward 2009 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior RN TD M J Wright CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow N Ward RAE JH NAP NJP Rally Titles Rally Advanced Excellent 2 (RAE2) 2006 CH Gold Dust Crested Butte UD RAE M & S Smith Rally Advanced Excellent 2006 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 RE OA OAJ N Ward/ NAP NJP M R Lara DVM CH Gold Dust Crested Butte UD RA M & S Smith 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel RE OA JH MXJ S & J Evans/ N Ward 2009 CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow RE JH NA NAJ N Ward 2010 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior RA TD CD RE M J Wright 23 2005 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 RN OA NAJ NAP N Ward/ R Lara CH Ehrenvogel Straight Talk JH CD RN NA NAJ N Ward CH Gold Dust Crested Butte UD RN M & S Smith CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel CD JH RN N Ward 2006 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD RN MX MXJ JH S Evans III CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel RN NA NAJ JH S & J Evans/N Ward 2007 NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow NA NAJ RN N Ward 2009 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior RN TD CD M J Wright Rally Novice (RN) 2005 Caijoy Last Dance VCD1 TDX NAJ N Ward CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 NA NAJ N Ward/RLara CH Ehrenvogel Straight Talk JH CD NA NAJ N Ward CH Gold Dust Crested Butte UD M & S Smith CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel CD JH N Ward NEWPoint Romancing The Stone N Ward 2006 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD MX MXJ JH S Evans III CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel NA AXJ JH S & J Evans/ N Ward CH NEWPoint Sunsplash Of Ehrenvogel JH N Ward 2007 NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow JH NAP NJP N Ward NEWPoint Ehrenvogel 4Runner JH N Ward/T Sandvik/ R Lara NEWPoint Due Process N Ward/G Thornton 2008 CH Madrone Celestial Knight I & S Zagorski Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior M Jeanine Wright CH NEWPoint Judge Advocate General JH N Ward CH Southwind Logs Onto MaydeCrk M Jeanine Wright 2009 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior M J Wright CH NEWPoint Good As Gold N Ward & S Littlefield CH NEWPoint Solid Gold N Ward NEWPoint Texas Black Gold G A Bobo & N Ward 2010 Ehrenvogel All That Glitters M R Lara/A C Lester CH NEWPoint Glitter N’ Gold N Ward NEWPoint Poetry of Nuthatch N Ward & H Brennan Tracking Titles Tracking Dog Excellent (TDX) 1995 CH Deja’s Madrone Cuddlebug CD TD NA N Chambers 2002 Caijoy Last Dance TD JH NAJ N Ward/K Gravitt Tracking Dog (TD) 1990 CH Deja’s Madrone Cuddlebug N Chambers/ J Synstad 1994 CH Mayde Creek’s Olivia JH E Bucy Riverside’s Rockin Robin G A Bobo/R Keegan 1998 Caijoy Last Dance JH N Ward/K Gravitt 2002 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH N Ward/R Lara 2009 Mayde Crk’s Storm Savior RN M J Wright Agility Titles Master Agility Champion (MACH) 2010 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD RAE JH MX MXJ OF S Evans III Master Agility Excellent (MX) G A Bobo/ R Keegan 2004 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD JH AX AXJ S Evans III 2009 CH AFC Madrone Southwind Chime MH MXJ AX M Howard//M Howard/S Grayshon Open Agility (OA) 1995 Rene’s Maine Hope UD JH NA S Evans III 1996 Riverside’s Rockin Robin CD TD NA G A Bobo/R Keegan 1998 CH Cock O’The Walk’s Victory CDX JH NA S Evans III/B Culbreth 2002 Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD JH NA NAJ S Evans III Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD MH NA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2004 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 N Ward/M R Lara CH Madrone Romanov Champagne NA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2005 CH Madrone Southwind Chime NA NAJ M Howard/ M Howard/S Grayshon 2006 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel S & J Evans/N Ward 1998 Riverside’s Rockin Robin AX CDX TD Master Excellent Jumper (MXJ) 1999Riverside’s Rockin Robin MX AXJ CDX TD G A Bobo/R Keegan 2004CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD JH AX AXJ S Evans III 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel AXJ JH RA OA S & J Evans/N Ward 2008 CH AFC Madrone Southwind Chime MH AX AXJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon Open Jumpers With Weaves (OAJ) 1999 CH Cock O’The Walk’s Victory CDX AX JH S Evans III/B Culbreth 2002 CH Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH NA NAJ N Ward Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH CD NA NAJ S Evans III Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD MH OA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2003 CH Madrone Romanov Champagne OA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2004 CH Madrone Southwind Chime NA NAJ M Howard/ M Howard/S Grayshon 2005 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH VCD1 RA OA OAJ NAJ NA NAP N Ward/R Lara CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel NA NAJ S & J Evans/ N Ward Agility Excellent (AX) 1996 Rene’s Maine Hope UD JH OA S Evans III Riverside’s Rockin Robin CDX TD OA G A Bobo/R Keegan 1999 CH Cock O’The Walk’s Victory CDX OA JH S Evans III/B Culbreth 2003 Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH CD OA AXJ S Evans III 2004 Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD MH OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2006 CH Madrone Southwind Chime SH OA AXJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel OA MXJ OF RAE S & J Evans/N Ward Excellent Jumpers With Weaves (AXJ) 1998 Riverside’s Rockin Robin MX, CDX TD G A Bobo/R Keegan 2003 Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH CD OA OAJ S Evans III 2004 Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD MH OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH Madrone Southwind Chime OA OAJ M Howard//M Howard/S Grayshon 2006 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel JH NA OAJ S & J Evans/N Ward Novice Agility (NA) 1995 CH Deja’s Madrone Cuddlebug CD TD N Chambers CH Indy’s One And Only CD SH T Gradert CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug CDX SH M Howard/S Grayshon/M Howard CH Madrone Myna Ya Own Business CD JH S Grayshon/M Howard Rene’s Maine Hope UD JH S Evans III Riverside’s Rockin Robin CD TD G A Bobo/R Keegan 1997 CH Cock O’the Walk’s Victory CD JH S Evans III/B Culbreth 2000 CH Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH N Ward CH Madrone Luci Fruit JH S Grayshon/M Howard/ M Howard Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD SH M Howard/M Howard/ S Grayshon 2002 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH TD N Ward/R Lara Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH S Evans III CH Madrone Romanov Champagne M Howard/M Howard/ S Grayshon 2003 Caijoy Last Dance TDX JH CD NAJ N Ward/K Gravitt 2004 CH Madrone Southwind Chime M Howard/M Howard/ S Grayshon CH Southwind’s Heavenly Hattie CD C Ramsay 2005 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel NAJ S & J Evans/N Ward 2010 CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow N Ward CD RAE JH 24 Novice Jumpers With Weaves (NAJ) 2000 CH Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH NA N Ward Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD SH NA M Howard/S Grayshon/M Howard 2001 Caijoy Last Dance JH TD CD N Ward/K Gravitt 2002 Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH CD NA S Evans III 2004 CH Madrone Southwind Chime M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel T & J Evans/N Ward 2010 CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow N Ward CD RAE JH NA Open Standard Preferred (OAP) 2009 NSC CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP OJP JH NF OA N Ward/M R Lara Open Agility Jumper Preferred (OJP) 2007 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP NJP JH NF OA N Ward/M R Lara NGSPA Titles National Champion 2003 RR Billy’s Revelation 2010 Tonelli’s Little Stinker National Open Shooting Dog Championship 1985 1999 2000 2004 N Ward/M R Lara N Ward Novice Jumpers With Weaves Preferred (NJP) 2004 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH OA NAP VCD1 N Ward/R Lara 2007 CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel N Ward Agiliy FAST EXcellent (XF) 2008 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Enrenvogel JH MXJ RAE OF OA S & J Evans/N Ward Agility FAST Open (OF) 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel JH MXJ RAE NF OA S & J Evans/N Ward 2008 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP NJP JH NF N Ward/ M R Lara CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD RAE MX MXJ NF S Evans III Agility FAST Novice (NF) 2007 CH NEWPoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel JH MXJ RE OA S & J Evans/N Ward CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP NJP JH N Ward/M R Lara 2008 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare CD RAE MX MXJ S Evans III Agility FAST Open Preferred (OFP) 2008 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP NJP JH OF NFP N Ward/M R Lara Agility FAST Novice Preferred (NFP) 2007 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil VCD2 NAP NJP JH NF N Ward/M R Lara Versatile Companion Dog 1 (VCD1) 2003 Caijoy Last Dance TDX JH CD NA NAJ N Ward/K Gravitt CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil TD CD JH NA NAJ N Ward/M R Lara Versatile Companion Dog 2 (VCD2) Leipchen Buddendorf Missy’s Ashruf v Blitzkrieg (R-U) Alexander’s Dancing Dream (R-U) FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker M Finley T Hudson T Hudson J & S Messer National Amateur Championship 2010 FC/AFC Uodibar’s Angelina (R-U) AFC Uodibar’s Lolita H & D Killam H & D KIllam National Futurity Winners 2001 Texas Sky’s Okie 2009 Uodibar’s Will He Make It 2010 (R-U) MSR’s What’s It Gonna Be Novice Agility Preferred (NAP) 2004 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH OA VCD1 2007 CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel J & S Smith H & S Franco C Cline & P Carlisle H & D Killam J & S Messer Regional Open All-Age Championship 2003 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (Region 7) J & S Messer 2007 Uodibar’s Smart Albert (Region 7) H & D Killam 2008 Tonelli’s Little Stinker (Region 4) H & S Franco (R-U) FC Uodibar’s Smart Albert (Region 7) H & D KIllam 2010 FC Uodibar’s Smart Albert (Region 7) H & D Killam Regional Amateur Shooting Dog Championship 2002 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (Region 17)J & S Messer (R-U) FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (Region 7) J & S Messer 2003 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (Region 7) J & S Messer 2006 Carriage Hills St Thomas Breeze (Region 7) H & S Franco (R-U) FC/AFC Texas Practical Magic (Region 7) G & S Moseley 2008 (R-U) FC Uodibar’s Wood Man (Region 7) H & D Killam 2009 (R-U) Uodibar’s Smart Albert (Region 7) H & D KIlam 2010 FC Uodibar’s Angelina (Region 7) H & D Killam Regional Open Shooting Dog Championship 2002 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (Region 7) J & S Messer 2008 FC Uodibar’s Wood Man (Region 7) H & D Killam (R-U) Uodibar’s Little Lena (Region 7) H & D Killam (R-U) MSR’s Mr. Ed (Region17) J & S Messer 2010 Uodibar’s Texas Shadywood (Region 7) H & D Killam (R-U) FC Uodibar’s Angelina (Region 7) H & D KIllam Texas Hoosier Girl (Region 8) K & T Bomer Chukar Shooting Dog Championship 1986 FC Liepchen Buddendorf 1987 FC Liepchen Buddendorf 2010 Franco’s Freebird M Finley M Finley H & S Franco Sandhills Gtr. Prairie Chicken Open Shooting Dog Championship 2001 Annie’s Little Stinker 2003 (R-U) FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker 2010 (R-U) Uodibar’s Chocolate Wonder 2007CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil JH OA NAP VCD1 NJP N Ward/M R Lara 25 J & S Messer J & S Messer H & D KIllam Sandhills Gtr. Prairie Chicken Am. Shooting Dog Championship 2001 (R-U) Annie’s Little Stinker 2002 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (R-U) RR Billy’s Revelation 2003 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker 2009 Uodibar’s Fly High Freebird 2010 Uodibar’s Sneakin Deacon (R-U) Uodibar’s Angelina J & S Messer J & S Messer J & S Smith J & S Messer H & D Killam H & D Killam H & D Killam Sandhills Gtr. Prairie Chicken Derby Classic 2010 2009 Uodibar’s Tom Cat Uodibar’s Sidewinder H & D KIllam H & D Killam Sharptail Open Shooting Dog 2010 Uodibar’s Sneakin Deacon H & D Killlam Sharptail Amateur Shooting Dog 2009 Uodibar’s Lolita H & D Killam Hungarian Partridge Am. Shooting Dog Championship 2009 MSR’s Opalescence 2010 (R-U) Uodibar’s Blue Gold J & S Messer H & D KIllam Pheasant All-Age Shooting Dog Champion 2010 (R-U) Tonelli’s Little Stinker H & S Franco Pheasant Am. Shooting Dog Championship 2009 (R-U) Uodibar’s Wood Man H & D Killam Quail All-Age Shooting Dog Championship 2007 TH Monkee’s Silver T Hudson Quail Open Shooting Dog Championship 2004 2006 2011 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker NAFC/FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker (R-U) Uodibar’s Smart Albert J & S Messer J & S Messer H & D Killam Quail Amateur Shooting Dog Championship 2004 2006 2010 2011 FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker J & S Messer (R-U) NAFC/FC/AFC Annie’s Little Stinker J & S Messer (R-U) Uodibar’s Wood Man H & D Killam Uodibar’s Chocolate Wonder H & D Killam Quail Championship Derby Classic 2006 MSR’s Mr. Ed 2007 MSR’s Crystal Blue Persuasion J & S Messer J & S Messer Ohio Championships—Amateur Shooting Dog 2008 (R-U) Tonelli’s Little Stinker H & S Franco Great Plains Championship — Open All-Age 2010 (R-U) Tonelli’s Little Stinker H & S Franco Gulf Coast GSPC Versatility Awards Versatility Excellent 2007 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare S Evans III CD RA MX MXJ JH CH AFC Madrone Southwind Chime MH AX MXJ M & M Howard/S Grayshon CH NEWPoint Sunbeam OF Ehrenvogel JH RAE MXJ AX OF S Evans/J Evans/N Ward Versatility 1990 CH Deja’s Ticked Shadow CDX JH M Howard CH Deja’s Wyndbourne Razz M’ Tazz CD JH J. & D. Synstad CH Madrone Dejas Snug As A Bug CD JH M Howard CH Oakleaf’s Luck Of Ehrenvogel CD JH B & D Culbreth CH Riverside’s C Spot Wyn CDX JH G A Bobo 1991 CH Tejas’ Song Of Solomon CDX JH S Appel 1992 CH Ehrenvogel’s Jaeger CDX SH T Sanvik/B Culbreth/M R Lara CH Deja’s Madrone Cuddlebug CD TD N Chambers CH Indy’s One And Only CD JH T Gradert 1994 CH Madrone Myna Ya Own Business CD JH S Grayshon/M Howard CH Mayde Creek’s Olivia TD JH E Bucy 1995 Rene’s Maine Hope UD JH OA S Evans III Riverside’s Rockin Robin CD TD NA G A Bobo R Keegan CH Madrone Toucan Tango CD JH P Dunn 1996 CH Cock O’the Walk’s Victory CD JH S Evans III 1997 CH Madrone Luci Fruit CD JH S Grayshon//M Howard/M Howard 1998 CH South Wind’s Gale Force CD JH P & J Dunn 2000 Caijoy Last Dance JH TD CD Nancy Ward CH Ehrenvogel Caijoy Strait Talk JH NA NAJ Nancy Ward Madrone Sandars Candy Apple CD SH NA NAJ M Howard/S Grayshon/M Howard 2001 CH Southwind Logs Onto Maydecrk M J Wright 2002 CH Ehrenvogel Daredevil TD JH NA N Ward/R Lara Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare JH CD OA OAJ T Evans 2003 CH Caijoy Dirty Dancing CD JH B Rich CH Southwind’s Serenade CD JH P Dunn 2004 CH Southwind’s Heavenly Hattie CD NA C Ramsay 2005 CH Kan-Point Foolproof Ehrenvogel JH CD RA N Ward CH NEWpoint Sunbeam Of Ehrenvogel T & J Evans/ N Ward CH Madrone Romanov Champagne SH OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH Madrone Southwind Chime SH OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2006 CH NEWPoint Sunsplash Of Ehrenvogel JH RN N Ward 2007 CH NEWPoint Ehrenvogel 4 Runner JH RN N Ward/T Sandvik/R Lara CH NEWPoint Southwind Let It Snow RA JH N Ward 2008 CH NEWPoint Due Process RN JH N Ward CH NEWPoint Judge Advocate General RN JH N Ward 2009 CH NEWPoint Good As Gold RN JH N Ward 2010 CH NEWPOINT Solid Gold RN JH N Ward CH NEWPoint Glitter N’ Gold RN JH N Ward GSPCA Water Ratings Titles Retrieving Dog Excellent (RDX) 2004 CH Southwind’s Buccaneer MH Fred Cohen 26 Chuck Duran Good Sportsmanship Award Retrieving Dog (RD) 2003 CH Madrone Romanov Champagne NA NAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Novice Retrieving Dog (NRD) 2003 CH Indy’s One And Only SH CD NA T Gradert CH Madrone Luci Fruit CD JH NA S Grayshon/M Howard/M Howard Texas Sky’s Jesse James C Cline/P Carlisle 2004 CH Madrone Southwind Chime OA OAJ M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon 2005 CH Ehrenvogel Just A Little Dare S Evans III JMP’s EZ Goin Gus J Perrin 2006 CH NEWPoint Ehrenvogel Navigator JH N Ward Madrone Space Cadet M Howard/M Howard/S Grayshon CH Southwind’s American Pie SH P Dunn 27 Jeanine Wright Chuck Duran Paula Carlisle Molly Howard Gene Moseley George Anna Bobo Chuck Cline Gayla Brown Sandy Clock Trey & Joyce Evans Pat Dunn Mark Howard Sarah Messer Nancy Ward Sherrie Moseley Terry Bomer Jim Perrin Hayley Killam
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