Weather affects Insect Pests
Weather affects Insect Pests
March/April 2016 A Publication of the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina How the Weather Affects Insect Pests in Turf From 0 to 60 in 5 years: Starting a Turfgrass Breeding Program from Scratch Proper Loss Prevention May Help Save You Money table of contents March/April 2016 14 14 tcnc member profile Bob Bell, Recipient of TCNC’s Lifetime Achievement Award 16 16 cover story How the Weather Affects Insect Pests in Turf more features upcoming event Guy Hollar Memorial Golf Tournament, April 27, 2017 eye on business Proper Loss Prevention May Help Save You Money recent event TCNC Annual Meeting & Education Conference departments From the President News from TCNC TCNC Membership Application New TCNC Members and NCCTPs NC State Turf Team Index of Advertisers Calendar of Events M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 22 4 22 applied science From 0 to 60 in 5 years: Starting a Turfgrass Breeding Program from Scratch North Carolina Turf g r a s s n 12 27 30 6 8 9 11 33 33 34 The Turfgrass Council of North Carolina (TCNC) serves its members in the industry through education, promotion and representation. The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the association, its staff, or its board of directors, North Carolina Turfgrass, or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers, or TCNC members, does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services featured in this, past or subsequent issues of this bimonthly publication. Copyright © 2016 by the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina. North Carolina Turfgrass is published bimonthly. Subscriptions are complimentary to members of TCNC. Presorted standard postage is paid at Nashville, TN. Printed in the U.S.A. Reprints and Submissions: North Carolina Turfgrass allows reprinting of material published here. Permission requests should be directed to TCNC. We are not responsible for unsolicited freelance manuscripts and photographs. Contact the managing editor for contribution information. Advertising: For display and classified advertising rates and insertions, please contact Leading Edge Communications, LLC, 206 Bridge Street, Franklin, TN 37064, 615-790-3718, Fax 615-794-4524. from the president An Exceptional TCNC Event On January 26, TCNC held its 2016 Annual Meeting & Educational Conference at Raleigh Country Club in Raleigh, NC. This event was a tremendous hit as we gathered to hear about all the great works and happenings of TCNC, ate delicious food and desserts prepared by the staff of Raleigh Country and learned about the latest research during the educational conference. More than 100 people attended this event, and it was clear that they felt excitement as they realized all that TCNC is doing to help support the North Carolina green industry and the amount of support that we are giving to the turfgrass program at NC State. First, I wanted to thank our great sponsors that assisted us with this event. Without their help, the conference would not been as successful. Green Resource was our biggest sponsor. I also would like to thank Precision Laboratories, Southern Seeds and SOLitude Lake Management for their support. Our Educational Conference speakers were NC State’s Dr. Grady Miller, Lee Butler, Dr. Terri Billeisen, Dr. Travis Gannon and Matthew Jeffries. Dr. Charles Peacock gave an address of the state of the turfgrass program and how NC State needs TCNC’s support more than ever with their increasing yearly budget cuts. During our annual meeting, TCNC awarded two $2,500 Eagle Scholarships to Matthew Jeffries and Jennifer Kimball. We also awarded a fund proposal of $44,688 to Dr. Travis Gannon to further explore the “Elucidate Edaphic Factors that Affect Off–Target Movement and Injury from Herbicide Application in Turfgrass Systems.” We also awarded a fund request of $26,173 to Dr. Peter Hertl for developing baseline data on ants in North Carolina. We recognized the current and new NC Certified Turfgrass Professionals (NCCTPs, see page 9). We also recognized all our past presidents and board members who were in attendance and thanked them for all of their hard work and service to TCNC. One of the main highlights of the event was awarding our Lifetime Achievement Award to Bob Bell for his outstanding contribution and leadership to the turfgrass industry as well as his many years of support and leadership with TCNC. He gave an outstanding and inspirational acceptance speech, thanking his lovely wife Linda and his employer Smith Turf & Irrigation (STI) for their support and encouragement as he served on the many different boards and committees supporting the green industry and TCNC. He also thanked TCNC for this award and strongly urged all of us to continue to support and help with the future growth of TCNC as we strive to fulfill the mission statement of being the umbrella association for the green industry in North Carolina. Billy Cole 2015–2016 TCNC President The Mission Statement of TCNC: To promote the turfgrass industry in North Carolina through continuing education, career development, support of NC State research and extension, environmental stewardship and governmental advocacy. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 TCNC Thanks Our Corporate Member! 6 In case you might have missed it, TCNC added a new membership level for companies that wish to provide more support by adding ten or more employees to their membership. One such organization has done that, and we’d like to acknowledge those members. Please join us in thanking and recognizing our Corporate Member: NC State University – Athletics North Carolina Turf g r a s s n The Corporate Level of membership will receive extra benefits, such as a listing in each issue of the magazine. As we begin offering sponsorship opportunities, they will be given first opportunity to sponsor; additionally, you may see banner ads for these companies on the website in the future. All ten members under the corporate membership receive full membership, with voting rights and their own subscription to the magazine. If you would like YOUR company to upgrade to a Corporate Level of membership, please contact the office to see how easy it can be! Just email North Carolina Turfgrass is the official publication of the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina 2501 Aerial Center Parkway Suite 103 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 459-2070 fax (919) 459-2075 Account Executive Lee Campbell IMI Association Executives (919) 459-6087 Published by: Leading Edge Communications, LLC 206 Bridge Street Franklin, TN 37064 (615) 790-3718 fax (615) 794-4524 info@leadingedge TCNC OFFICERS President Billy Cole Raleigh Country Club, Raleigh (919) 427-0312 Vice President Damon Dean Keith Hills Country Club, West End (910) 893-1372 Treasurer David Bradley, NCCTP, NCCLP Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. Hendersonville (828) 606-7186 Past President Jonathan Richardson, NCCTP Coastal Floratine, Dunn (910) 892-9937 Directors Dean Baker, CGCS Kinston Country Club Kinston James (Bo) Barefoot, NCCTP Precision Labs Raleigh Michael Hrivnak, NCCTP Harrell’s, LLC Raleigh Gene Queen Nature’s Select Premium Turf Services Winston-Salem M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Kevin Herrmann Fairway Green, Inc. Raleigh A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f North Carolina 7 news from TCNC Meet Your New TCNC Leaders for 2016 Directors Executive Committee President Treasurer Billy Cole Raleigh Country Club Raleigh, NC (919) 427-0312 David Bradley, NCCTP, NCCLP Turf Mountain Sod, Inc. Hendersonville, NC (828) 606-7186 Vice President Past President Damon Dean Keith Hills Country Club West End, NC (910) 893-1372 Jonathan Richardson, NCCTP NCCTP Chairman Coastal Floratine Dunn, NC (910) 892-9937 2016 TCNC Board of Directors (left to right): Kevin Herrmann (Director), Bo Barefoot, NCCTP (Director), Gene Queen (Director), Damon Dean (Vice President), Michael Hrivnak, NCCTP (Director), Billy Cole (President) and Jonathan Richardson, NCCTP (Past President). Not shown, David Bradley, NCCTP (Treasurer) and Dean Baker, CGCS (Director). Dean Baker, CGCS Kinston Country Club Kinston, NC (252) 527-9464 James “Bo” Barefoot, NCCTP Precision Labs Raleigh, NC (919) 901-7348 Kevin Herrmann Communications Chairman Fairway Green, Inc. Raleigh, NC (919) 329-0095 Michael Hrivnak, NCCTP Harrell’s, LLC Raleigh, NC (919) 812-5808 Gene Queen Nature’s Select Premium Turf Services Winston Salem, NC (336) 768-7999 TCNC Staff Account Executive M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Lee Campbell IMI Association Executives 2501 Aerial Center Pkwy., Suite 103 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 459-6087 FAX: (919) 459-2075 8 North Carolina Turf g r a s s n Turfgrass Council of North Carolina 2501 Aerial Center Parkway • Morrisville, NC 27560 Phone: 919.459.2070 • Fax: 919.459.2075 • • MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Please print clearly First Name Last Name Title Company Street City ( State ) E-mail* Phone Referral Member Name Company Zip ( ) Fax Membership Levels: (See features and benefits on the reverse side!) _____Corporate: $1,000 _____Gold: $425 _____Silver: $175 _____Regular: $125 _____Student: **$25 Gold Members: List the 4 employees you want included in your membership here: Main Contact Name Name Name Name Gold Members can add additional employees for only $100 each! Please attach a separate list. Corporate Members: List the 10 employees you want included in your membership here: Main Contact Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Corporate Members can add additional employees (over 10) for only $25 each! Please attach a separate list with your employees. Payment may be made by check or credit card. To pay with a credit card please fill in the following: _____Visa Credit Card Number Name on Card _____MasterCard _____American Express _____Discover Exp Date Billing Address * An email address is required to access certain benefits. **Student members must present a valid student ID before their application can be processed. Security Code # M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Type of Card: A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f North Carolina 9 TCNC membership categories The Basics: Every TCNC member (1) receives a membership certificate, (2) can include the TCNC Member logo on his or her business cards and invoices, (3) has access to the Members Only area of TCNC’s website and (4) has a subscription to North Carolina Turfgrass magazine. Beyond that, the following membership categories are rewarded with the following. Student Members ($25) Receives basic membership plus: • Eligible for TCNC scholarships and directly notified when applications become available. • New graduates of turf and landscape programs are invited to join as Regular Members upon graduation. As a gift, enrollment fees for the NCCTP program are waived (a $250 value). New graduates must enroll and take the NCCTP exam within six months of graduation. Regular Members ($125) •E ligible to participate in all TCNC programs, like NCCTP Certification and the First Benefits Workers’ Compensation Insurance program. • Receives a complimentary Pest Control for Professional Turfgrasses Managers manual, published by NC State. • Receives a TCNC Membership Directory. Deluxe Gold Members ($425) Ideal for multiple memberships in the same location! Receives all the features of a Silver Membership, plus: • Receives Regular Member services for three additional individuals at the same location. • Receives discounts on additional memberships from the same location after the first four individuals are enrolled. Corporate Members ($1,000) Ideal for corporations with multiple employees who wish to join! Receives all the features of a Silver Membership, plus: • Receives Regular Member services for a total of ten employees in any locations. • Receives discounts on additional memberships after the first ten individuals are enrolled. • Receives first opportunity to sponsor events. Starter Members ($60) Silver Members ($175) Receives all the features of a Regular Membership, plus: • Eligible for complimentary registration to select educational programs each year. • Receives preferential seating and registration at TCNC events. • Receives a complimentary copy of the Turfgrass Pest Management Manual, a 104-page color guide to turfgrass insects, weeds, diseases and more, published by NC State. Receives a basic membership only. This “information only” category was designed for those who want only the most basic benefits of TCNC membership. It’s valid only for first-time members or for those returning to TCNC after at least a one-year absence. Following one year of Starter Membership, members must renew as Regular Members. Every day, TCNC members just like you are working to advance the following goals: M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Enhanced Credibility for You and All Turfgrass Professionals Increased Influence over Legislative and Regulatory Decisions that Impact You Developing Innovations and Work Efficiencies for Turfgrass Professionals Like You Elevating Professional Knowledge in the Turfgrass Industry 10 “Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere.” President Theodore Roosevelt North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n new TCNC members Welcome, New TCNC Members! Kevin Brewer Village of Pinehurst Pinehurst, NC Christopher Butcher Lawn Cure Holly Springs, NC Amanda Drew Chacco, Inc. Fayetteville, NC Callie Freeman Parker BioLabs, LCC Cape Carteret, NC Jeffrey Gaylor Ayden Golf & C.C. Ayden, NC Tommy Grisham Grisham Landscapes & Turf, LCC West End, NC Phillip Hardy Wake Forest University Boonville, NC Jason Ketchie Nature’s Select Premium Turf Services Winston-Salem, NC Lin Ou NC State University Raleigh, NC Greg Harris Leap Frog Landcare Cary, NC Aaron Rockwell ARPS Lawn Raleigh, NC Brian Hodshon Nature’s Select Premium Turf Services Winston-Salem, NC Sarah Scott NC Cooperative Extension — NCSU Waynesville, NC Patrick Smith Givens Estates Asheville, NC Tim Sorrell Leap Frog Landcare Cary, NC Philip Stilson New Garden Select Greensboro, NC Leon Warren Warren QA and Weed Research Surf City, NC Will Younger Will’s Southern LawnService Franklinton, NC Wilson Sutton Kinston Country Club Kinston, NC Parker Veit Leap Frog Landcare Cary, NC Congratulations, New NCCTPs! Andrew Carruthers, NCCTP Weed Man Clemmons, NC David Matthews, NCCTP Fayetteville-Cumberland Parks and Recreation Fayetteville, NC M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Andrew Carter, NCCTP Weed Man Mocksville, NC A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 11 upcoming event CVCC Turf Alumni Organize Benefit Golf Tournament in Memory of Guy Hollar, April 27, 2017 F M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 riends of the late Guy Hollar are striving to reinvigorate a fundraising golf tournament in his memory. The Guy Hollar Memorial Golf Tournament will take place Wednesday, April 27, at Rock Barn Golf & Spa in Conover, NC. Two flights are scheduled to hit off at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. in a captain’s choice format. 12 Hollar was the longtime golf course director of grounds at Rock Barn Golf & Spa. He was a member of the first graduating class of the Turfgrass Technology program at Catawba Valley Community College (Hickory, NC) in 1972. He grew up on a farm where he developed an interest in becoming a golf course superintendent. He began working for Rock Barn from the time the original course was being built on land that was formerly owned by his family. Guy continuously stayed involved in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America as well as the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendent Association and enjoyed his chance to give back to those organizations. He played a major role in teaching others about his profession at local schools and his alma mater, CVCC. He was well respected within all of these organizations and was awarded posthumously the Turf Grass Council of North Carolina Eagle Award in December 2008. “The manner in which Guy performed his daily duties and the way he treated his team demonstrated how much he loved his job,” said classmate and Guy Hollar Memorial Golf Tournament Committee chair Gerry Millholen. “This tournament will help carry on Guy’s legacy by helping deserving students fund their education at CVCC.” Millholen is among a group of people working to revive the tournament, which North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n was first held in 2009. He is joined by Ray Avery, golf course superintendent at The Club at Longview in Weddington, NC, and former superintendent at Quail Hollow Country Harry DuBose, now retired and living in Myrtle Beach, is serving on the committee. DuBose and Avery are joined by a number of other CVCC turf alumni, including Robert Arrington (golf course superintendent at Catawba Country Club), Jeff Clemmons (golf course superintendent at Lake Hickory Country Club), Ben Dietz (managing superintendent at Rock Barn Golf & Spa), Rick Icard (retired from the NC Dept. of Transportation), Keith Rose (retired golf course superintendent in Tennessee) and Jim Merritt (owner of JRM, Inc., turfgrass maintenance products manufacturer in Clemmons, NC). Team entries before April 15 cost $350. Individual players can enter at a cost of $100. Sponsorships are available from $100 for a hole to $1,000 at the platinum level, which includes a fourperson team entry. For more information or to become a sponsor, reach Gerry Millholen (CVCC Turfgrass Class of ’74) at 828-455-2284 or at, or Mary Reynolds, CVCC Alumni Director, 828327-7000 ext. 4387, In October 2008, Guy’s second battle with leukemia came to an end. However, Guy’s legacy will continue through the Guy Hollar Memorial Scholarship. Please join us on April 27. G Champions Award (Left to right:): Jay Haas (winner of the 2005 Greater Hickory Kia Classic at Rock Barn), Guy Hollar, Ned Jarrett (Dale’s father) and Dale Jarrett. The framed flag was given to Guy by tournament staff at Rock Barn. TCNC member profile TCNC Spotlight on Bob Bell, Recipient of TCNC’s Lifetime Achievement Award T hroughout the years, the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina’s Lifetime Achievement Award has gone to many great leaders, and this year is no different. The TCNC is pleased to award this most prestigious award to someone who has demonstrated outstanding leadership through his career of dedicated service and commitment to improving and furthering the betterment of the turf grass industry. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Bob Bell (center), holding his Lifetime Achievement Award, with his wife Linda and TCNC President Billy Cole. 14 Bob was also honored with special desert during the TCNC Annual Meeting on January 26. North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n This year’s recipient, Bob Bell, retired from Smith Turf & Irrigation in January 2014 after a distinguished 40-year career with the company. After being hired in 1973 as a commercial equipment (golf) territory manager for then E.J. Smith and Sons Co. in Charlotte, NC, Bell quickly put his talents to use, traveling the western North Carolina area and forging lifelong customers and friends in the golf and green industry. After receiving multiple awards from the company, including Salesman of the Year in 1977, 1979 and 1982, it is no secret that Bell had a very successful career, overseeing the growth of STI’s largest-grossing sales division. His division won the Toro Best in Commercial award in 1999 and continues to be one of the largest divisions in the worldwide distributor network every year. During Bell’s career, he helped to build and shape Smith Turf & Irrigation with strong dedication to customers, vendors and colleagues. His same charisma and dedication can also be seen in Bell’s commitment to the green industry, as he is a member and past president of the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina. He has also been a Carolinas GCSA member since 1974, a Carolinas GCSA Industry Advisory Committee member, a past chairman and member of the Advisory Board for the Center for Turfgrass Environmental Research and Education (NCSU) and a member and board member of the South Carolina Turfgrass Foundation. Bell holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Clemson University in Parks & Recreational Grounds Maintenance and has been married to his lovely wife Linda since 1990. Together, they have four children and six grandchildren. Thank you, Bob, for your service to not only the green industry, but also the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina. Please join TCNC in honoring Bob Bell as this year’s recipient of the TCNC Lifetime Achievement Award. G cover story How the Weather Affects Insect Pests in Turf By Rick Brandenburg, Ph.D., Wm. Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, and Terri Billeisen, Post-Doctoral Researcher, North Carolina State University M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 A 16 fter a record-breaking December in which record high temperatures became the norm for the whole month, many people began talking about how the warm December would impact plants and pests in 2016. The weather is an often-discussed topic, but even more so for those of us who work outdoors. Mild winters typically cause the concern that we will be overwhelmed with pests the following year. There are often a lot of “facts” North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n thrown around that in reality aren’t facts. Throw opinions about global climate change or global warming into the picture, and the debate over which new pests 2016 will bring is off and running. In this article we’d like to bring some clarity to the question of how weather, both short term (daily) and long term (monthly), can impact the type and the abundance of insect pests. While we are not able to accurately predict the abundance of a pest months in advance, we can make some specific statements about common trends that can occur when certain weather patterns are observed. Effects of temperature First, it is important to understand that each and every insect is cold blooded. In other words, an insect’s body temperature fluctuates with the surrounding air (or soil) temperature. Other than rapidly increasing its movement or orienting itself so its body is in direct sunlight, there’s very little an insect can do to increase its 1 Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Insect Development. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Figure internal temperature. This is important because when an insect’s internal body temperature increases with the surrounding environment, its rate of development, or growth, also increases. This is not endless scale, however, as all insects have an upper threshold for growth and development, meaning that as temperatures increase indefinitely, at some point, the rate of development will stay the same (Figure 1). Insects can also have a lower threshold for development where, below a certain A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 17 temperature, development will not occur. Typically, most insects do not feed, grow or develop when temperatures are approximately 50°F or less. As a result, very little growth, development and general insect activity takes place during much of the winter in North Carolina. Most of the time, insects will stay put for the winter, just as they would in a much colder place like Michigan or New York. Occasionally, there may be a week or two when unseasonably warm temperatures (such as December of 2015) could cause insects in the soil to become active. Second, cold winters rarely have an impact on insect abundance the following spring. Japanese beetle grubs have no trouble surviving even the coldest of North Carolina winters; keep in mind, they survive much colder winters in New York. Some insect pests unable to withstand low temperatures, such as fall armyworms, don’t overwinter in North Carolina even in the warmest of winters. These insects migrate back into the state from areas where they do overwinter, such as Florida and right along the Gulf Coast. In this case, regardless of a warm or cold winter, infestations the following summer will always start over from the beginning. In most cases, the winter weather rarely impacts the level of insect pest infestations we see the following spring and summer. One exception to this general rule in North Carolina is fire ants (Photo 1). Fire ants can be negatively affected by record cold temperatures, and the subsequent summer population may be lower as a result. Photo cover story | continued 1 Fire ant mound in Raleigh, NC. White grubs at the soil surface. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 18 Rainfall (and soil moisture) can also impact insect populations in a number of ways. As a general rule of thumb, dry weather slows the development of many insects, especially soil insects such as fire ants, mole crickets and white grubs (Photo 2). Dry conditions reduce the likelihood that eggs will survive and hatch in the soil. Newly hatched larvae and nymphs can also have trouble surviving in dry soil due to the porous composition of the soft-bodied exoskeleton through which water can evaporate. A hot, dry summer, even when the turf is irrigated, is tough on soil insects. These conditions can also reduce the surface activity of fire ants and may make it more difficult to control the mound. North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n Photo Effects of moisture 2 Conversely, if it rains while eggs are being laid and new larvae and nymphs are present in the soil profile, the insect population is more likely to survive. Although wet weather conditions can increase the likelihood of survival of insect pests, they may also increase the presence of predators and pathogens in the soil. These microorganisms can be effective against caterpillar pests like cutworms or armyworms, but they are so small that it is impossible to predict whether or not they will have an impact on a future pest population. Some caterpillar pest (armyworm) problems are often most severe during droughts simply because there are fewer lush host plants for them to feed on. For a highly mobile insect moving into a new area under dry conditions, irrigated turf is especially attractive. Hot, dry weather can also increase the impact of insect damage by applying additional stress to the turf, thus making it more susceptible to insect feeding. Anytime a host plant is stressed, its tolerance for insect feeding will be less. We often see this with hunting billbugs in warm-season turf such as bermudagrass or zoysiagrass. In the spring and fall, when day length is shorter and nighttime temperatures are cooler, adult billbug feeding damage becomes much more obvious simply because the plant has less capacity to tolerate feeding. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 So, what now? 20 All of this brings us around to the big questions. Exactly what do the record warm temperatures we observed in December and the near-normal temperatures of January mean for insect pest populations in May, June, July and August? The honest answer is that we don’t know, but I would speculate that they won’t mean too much. Yes, December was indeed a record warm month — not by a small amount, but rather by double digits. No recent previous-year temperatures have even come close. In December, plants were blooming, skunks were out running around, frogs were croaking, and it felt like North Carolina had been moved further south to Florida. Without a doubt, some insects took advantage of the situation and were active. However, many turf insects were already in their “overwintering stage,” and that meant those insects were not going anywhere by North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n the time December rolled around, regardless of temperature. Specifically, I don’t think the warm December will make any difference in the lifecycle or timing of soil insects such as mole crickets or white grubs. Fire ants did take advantage of the weather and were quite active, and I am confident the queen was laying eggs, more ants were hatched, and the colony was very happy. But since these mounds are relatively active for much of the year, I don’t see much real impact for 2016. Hunting billbugs, sugarcane beetles and annual bluegrass weevils (Photo 3) overwinter as adults (mature larvae also for billbugs), and it is possible that they used the warmer temperatures in December to continue to mate and lay some additional eggs. However, I do not believe this slight potential increase in activity will have much of an impact on overall populations for these pests. Fall armyworms had already succumbed to mid-fall’s frosts and freezes, so there was no impact on their populations. Cutworms, which can survive cold weather, were very happy and active during December. A few golf courses actually had damage to putting greens from cutworms in December, but the overall impact on cutworm populations for 2016 will be minimal. My prediction for 2016? Will it be a record year for insects due to the record warm weather we saw in December? No! 2016 could be a record year for some turf insect(s), but I do not think it will be due to the previous warm winter. December did not allow any insect that normally doesn’t overwinter in North Carolina to survive since January temperatures quickly brought us back to reality. The warm December did not allow any insects to complete extra generations and thus start out 2016 with larger initial populations. It was warm — it was record warm, indeed a novel event — but I really doubt that we’ll see anything of significance relative to insect pests in turf due to this phenomenon. There are times when strange weather significantly impacts insect populations, especially the timing of their occurrence. My experience, however, has not been that temperatures in the winter months have much impact on the timing of insect populations, but rather the spring temperatures in late March, April and Photo cover story | continued 3 Annual bluegrass weevil adult. May have the greatest effect. Warm temperatures in the winter, even the extreme record warmth of December 2015, are still relatively “cold” temperatures to insects. Therefore, not much will happen in December that really contributes to the overall timing of an insect population. However, unusually warm temperatures in April CAN and DO push insect populations forward. So, as we move into the spring and summer of 2016, keep that in mind. No matter how warm it was in December, if it is unusually cold and dry in April, insect populations will most likely be delayed, and the opposite will be true if April is warm and wet. The spring weather is a big factor in our insect issues for the rest of the year. That being said, December was a warm month of epic proportions so we all need to be vigilant and not assume that 2016 will be a “normal” year because it may not be. We have never seen a winter month this warm in history, so we can’t let our guard down. After near normal weather in January and February, March has chosen to be a repeat of December, with very warm temperatures through the middle of the month (at the time this issue of North Carolina Turfgrass goes to press). These are the conditions more likely to cause an early emergence of pest problems. But, with that said, below-normal temperatures in April or a late freeze or frost can reset all of those forecasts. The only accurate prediction is the one you develop by being vigilant about scouting and staying on top of pest issues. We will continue to provide regular updates and reports throughout the season on turf insect issues this spring and summer on Turffiles (www.turffiles. and on Facebook “Turf, Bugs, and Rock n Roll.” G applied research From 0 to 60 in 5 years: Starting a Turfgrass Breeding Program from Scratch By Susana Milla-Lewis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics, NC State University P I was hired in 2009 to establish a new turfgrass-breeding program in the College of Agriculture and Life Science at North Carolina State University. At the time, NCSU had a world-renowned turfgrassmanagement program and a long and illustrious plant-breeding history, but no combination of the two. I had big greenhouses, but they were empty. I had almost no breeding materials to work with. How does one start a breeding program from scratch? The first few months in the job, I did some travelling and visited the main turfgrass-breeding programs in the southern U.S. and a few private companies in Oregon, looking for materials. After establishing collaborations and negotiating transfer of materials, it was all about making sense of what we received. We needed to understand how much variation there was among our new materials; in other words, did we have any winners for traits of commercial interest? We spent the first couple of years screening materials for many different traits. Our team has made significant progress in identifying materials that have superior performance for several important traits. For example, in bermudagrass, a two-year study under continuous 63% and 80% shade identified two accessions with high levels of shade tolerance. Likewise, in St. Augustinegrass, experiments under controlled environmental conditions resulted in the identification of materials with resistance to gray leaf spot and chinch bugs. Similar work has been done in zoysiagrass to find materials with large patch resistance. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 eople say that the good thing about the transition zone is that you can grow any kind of grass, but the counter side of that is that you cannot grow any of them really well. In North Carolina, for example, summers are just a bit too hot for coolseason grasses, and winters can be a bit too cold for warm-season grasses. Both groups of grasses are likely to struggle during some part of the year. Therein lies my challenge. A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 23 continued | applied research Once useful variation is found, that’s when the fun starts. The goal is to stack together stress-tolerance traits while keeping turf quality in mind. To do so, years of crossing and selection are a must. The more lines we look at, the higher the number of genetic combinations under evaluation and, therefore, the higher the chances of finding a good one. Plant breeding is a little bit like playing the lottery — the more tickets you buy, the higher your chances of winning. So, plant breeding is all about numbers but not just numbers of lines. The longer we evaluate a line, the more certain we are of having a good picture of its true performance. Also, the more environments we put that line in, the better idea we’ll have of how it’ll perform, no matter what Mother Nature throws at it (drought, cold, insects, etc.). But the breeding process is a long one. Probably the hardest part about my job is dealing with people’s expectations on how long it takes to get a new cultivar out in the market. From the initial cross to the release date, it might take eight to ten years of evaluations until we are 100% sure that we have something worth putting out there… and that’s assuming we get lucky and hit it right on that first cross. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Most of the time, we have to go back to the crossing block to add other traits. So, what kinds of things are we working on? Because of our location in the transition zone, the main goals of the program are to improve cold tolerance in warm-season grasses and to improve heat and drought tolerance in cool-season grasses. The program currently has projects on tall fescue, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, centipedegrass and St. Augustinegrass. I believe that the potential of warm-season grasses has not been fully exploited in some areas of the transition zone. With increasing demands for water-usage efficiency, transitioning to grasses with lower water demands would have a significant effect on the sustainability of our industry. Thanks to a strong partnership with growers and industry professionals, the program has identified goals to ensure its long-term success. Ultimately, what we want is to improve the sustainability and economic gain of the overall turfgrass industry in our state through the development of cultivars that require reduced inputs and that are capable of tolerating biotic and environmental stresses while still maintaining good quality and overall performance. G A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 25 eye on business Proper Loss Prevention May Help Save You Money… Develop a Loss-Prevention Plan for Your Business This Year By Richard Suddarth, First Benefits Insurance Mutual, Inc. Your business is also subject to risk analysis and management, as there are obvious financial risks that must be considered and addressed when running a business. Hopefully, you’re not making those decisions unconsciously or instinctively. I would bet that you have a financial advisor, or CPA, to help with the details. You also probably have a strong relationship with your insurance agent to help manage your property and liability exposures. Does your risk-management plan include your workers’ compensation program? Do you have a loss-prevention policy, or are you just letting nature run its course? Are you actively engaged in providing a safe working environment for your employees? A proper analysis of your exposures, or what may lead towards potential accidents and losses — and a plan to mitigate them — can pay dividends in the form of reduced premiums, increased productivity and improved employee morale. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider developing a loss prevention plan for your business this year. Reduced premiums One of the first returns that your workers’ compensation loss-prevention plan can lead to is reduced workers’ compensation premiums. Your premiums are based on several factors. One of them is your job classifications, or the functions your employees perform. Some examples include clerical office staff, carpentry, auto-service technician and outside sales. Your payroll is another factor in the determination of your rate. Finally, your experience-modification factor is a big part of your premium determination. Your experience modification takes into account the frequency and severity of claims that your business reports. The experience modification factor itself is a representation of how your business performs, better or worse, than businesses similar to yours. Think of it as a percentage factor applied to your workers’ compensation premium calculation. If the factor goes above 1.0, then you’re paying extra. If below a 1.0, then you’re getting a discount. A solid lossprevention program can have a positive impact on your business’ experience modification factor and provide for potentially lower premiums. Reduced lapse in business productivity We can also speak to the unseen costs of workers’ compensation claims. When an employee is injured, it is comforting to know that the medical costs and potential lost wages that the injured employee faces will be addressed. But what about the additional expense that your business faces, now that the employee is out of work? Is productivity impacted because you’re down one employee? What other administrative expenses will you face? Will you need to hire and train a new employee to keep up with the businesses demands? These are all things to consider, and they’re things that can potentially be avoided if a loss-prevention plan is put into place. Improved employee morale Lastly, we can look to the business environment itself and employee morale. Employees who are confident in the safety of their work environment tend to show greater morale and greater pride in their jobs. A proper loss-prevention program can lift employee spirits since they know everything that is being done is to provide them a safe working environment. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 A nalyzing and managing risk are things you do as an individual every day, albeit unconsciously. You get into a car, and you instinctively reach for the seatbelt. You stop at an ATM in a poorly lit area. You grab a step stool to help you reach for a box on the top shelf. Each one of these actions comes with potential consequences — based on the action, or inaction, that you choose to take. A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 27 eye on business | continued Many times, we take a reactive approach to what we could have done differently. While there is nothing wrong with reviewing what occurred and what can be done to prevent it in the future, a proactive approach will assist with identifying problems before they occur. Take the time to develop your own lossprevention program, and then take the time to review it at least on an annual basis to see if adjustments should be made. The dividends you may receive are worth the effort. Things that your loss-prevention plan should include: About First Benefits Insurance Mutual: First Benefits Insurance Mutual (FBIM) is a North Carolina-based mutual insurance company that specializes in providing workers’ compensation insurance. With over 20 years of experience, FBIM prides itself on personal service, sound underwriting and aggressive claims management. Source: Written by Richard Suddarth, vice president of Marketing and Administration, First Benefits Insurance Mutual, Inc. A membership-based workers’ compensation insurance company created by North Carolina business owners, FBIM is NCRMA’s most-popular member service. For more information, contact Richard Suddarth at G M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 ommitment from management to C a safety culture Proper communication of the plan and expectations to employees Method to evaluate employee compliance with the plan Safety training and instruction Scheduled equipment, machinery and premises inspections ost-accident investigations P Analysis and review of each accident to identify factors to prevent future losses Recordkeeping and documentation of safety meetings and accident logs 28 North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n Your TCNC Membership Allows You Access to One of North Carolina’s Best-Kept Secrets Members. They are the lifeblood of every association. Each year, associations look for ways to enhance the value proposition that is provided to their members. These come from a variety of different sources. Sometimes they are through educational offerings, sometimes through expos and events and sometimes through strategic relationships. One benefit of particular value that Turfgrass Council of North Carolina (TCNC) offers to its members is its strategic relationship with First Benefits Insurance Mutual (FBIM). More than 20 years ago, the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association (NCRMA) created a workers’ compensation company and made it available exclusively to its members. Initially a self-insured fund, the company’s reputation grew based on outstanding service and competitive rates. Additional organizations began to make it available to their members as a member benefit. The relationship with TCNC and FBIM doesn’t go back quite 20 years, but they have partnered together through the transformation of the self-insured fund six years ago. In 2008, the fund reformed as a mutual insurance company. First Benefits Insurance Mutual emerged and is an outstanding, competitive workers’ compensation benefit for members of TCNC. As a current member of TCNC, you are eligible for workers’ compensation with no other membership requirements. Your membership allows you access to one of North Carolina’s bestkept workers’ compensation secrets. North Carolina law states that all businesses with three or more employees, and farm operations with ten or more employees, are required to purchase a workers’ compensation policy. Although these numbers dictate when you have to purchase coverage, your liability to your employees begins when you hire the first one. Purchasing workers’ compensation insurance is the smart thing to do, and when you purchase a policy through FBIM, your purchase is providing an additional layer of support for your association. If you don’t have your workers’ compensation through First Benefits Insurance Mutual, you should! Contact the Turfgrass Council of North Carolina for additional information, or contact FBIM for an agent in your area! M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 29 recent event Highlights from TCNC’s Annual Meeting & Educational Conference January 26, 2016 • Raleigh Country Club • Raleigh, NC M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Bob Bell (second from the right, retired from Smith Turf & Irrigation) received TCNC’s Lifetime Achievement Award. In the photo above, Bell is flanked by his wife, Linda, and friends from Smith Turf & Irrigation. 30 NC State’s Dr. Travis Gannon (left) was presented with a $44,688 check from TCNC President Billy Cole to fund a research trial on “Elucidate Edaphic Factors that Affect Off–Target Movement and Injury from Herbicide Application in Turfgrass Systems.” North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n NC State’s Matthew Jeffries (right) received a TCNC $2,500 Eagle Scholarship from TCNC President Billy Cole. Thanks To Our Event Sponsors! New North Carolina Certified Turfgrass Professionals (NCCTPs) were honored during the Annual Meeting. Standing with Certification Chairman Jonathan Richardson (far left) were (left to right): Bruce Spesard, NCCTP (Bayer CropScience); Scott Wilson, NCCTP (The Biltmore Company); Andrew Carruthers, NCCTP (Weed Man); Michael Hrivnak, NCCTP (Harrell’s, LLC); Al Hunter, NCCTP; and Tom Woods, NCCTP (NC State University). Ryan Walsh (right), outgoing TCNC board member, received a plaque in recognition of his service. M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 NC State’s Dr. Charles Peacock was the luncheon speaker, updating attendees on the “State of the Turfgrass Program at NC State.” During the education segments throughout the day, Dr. Grady Miller, Dr. Terri Billeisen, Dr. Travis Gannon, Lee Butler and Matt Jeffries also spoke. A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 31 nc state turf team Amick’s Superstore...............................15 Crop Science Department Matthew C. Martin Extension Associate (910) 675-2314 Arthur H. Bruneau, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus (919) 515-5855 Susana Milla-Lewis, Ph.D. Associate Professor (919) 515-3196 Richard J. Cooper, Ph.D. Professor, Turfgrass Management Specialist (919) 515-7600 Grady Miller, Ph.D. Professor & Ext. Specialist (919) 515-5656 Emily Erickson CENTERE Assoc. Director (919) 513-2034 Charles Peacock, Ph.D. Professor & Ext. Specialist (919) 515-7615 charles_peacock@ Travis Gannon, Ph.D. Assistant Professor (919) 513-4655 Rongda Qu, Ph.D. Professor (919) 515-7616 Rob Richardson, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Extension Specialist (919) 515-5653 Thomas Rufty, Ph.D. CENTERE Co-Director Professor (919) 515-3660 Fred H. Yelverton, Ph.D. CENTERE Co-Director Professor, Ext. Specialist (919) 515-5639 Cardinal Chemicals...............................29 Carolina Green Corp.............................34 Carolina Turf Farms, Inc.......................25 Divots, Inc.............................................34 Ewing Irrigation......................................5 Leading Edge Communications............32 Lebanon Turf.............. Inside Front Cover Sandhills Research Station Rick Brandenburg, Ph.D. Professor (919) 515-8876 rick_brandenburg@ Jim Kerns, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist (919) 515-4820 Jeremy R. Martin Research Operations Manager (910) 974-4673 Horticulture Science Dept. Lee Butler Extension Coordinator Turf Diagnostic Lab (919) 513-3878 John Michael Phillips II Turfgrass Unit Manager (910) 974-4673 johnmichael_phillips@ Wei Shi (919) 513-4641 Buy Sod....................... Inside Back Cover Green Resource..................... Back Cover Plant Pathology Department Danesha Seth Carley, Ph.D. Assistant Professor (919) 513-2717 Brouwer Kesmac...................................28 Golf Agronomics Supply & Handling...28 Entomology Department Soil Sciences Department Barenbrug USA.....................................13 Mid-Atlantic STIHL, Inc.........................19 Modern Turf, Inc...................................23 Morgan Sand Co.....................................7 PBI Gordon Corporation......................21 Perdue AgriRecycle, LLC......................26 Revels Tractor Co. Inc...........................29 Smith Seed Services..............................34 Southern Agricultural Insecticides, Inc.....................................23 Southern Seeds, Inc................................7 Southern Specialty Equipment.............31 Super Sod Carolina.................................3 Turf Mountain Sod................................25 Vandemark Farms.................................11 M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Daniel C. Bowman, Ph.D. Professor (919) 515-2085 Joe Neal, Ph.D. Professor, Ext. Specialist (919) 805-1707 index of advertisers A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e T u r f g r a s s C o u n c i l o f N orth Carolina 33 calendar of events April 27 August 22–25 Guy Hollar Memorial Golf Tournament StormCon — 2016 Conference The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Conference Rock Barn Golf & Spa Conover, NC Indiana Convention Center Indianapolis, IN July 10–12 NALP Legislative Day on the Hill (National Association of Landscape Professionals, formerly PLANET) Washington, D.C. October 5–8 NRPA Annual Conference (National Rec. & Park Assn.) America’s Convention Center St. Louis, MO November 14–16 Carolinas GCSA Annual Conference & Show Myrtle Beach Convention Ctr. Myrtle Beach, SC January 24–27, 2017 STMA Conference and Exhibition Orlando, FL February 4–9, 2017 August 1–5 October 19–21 Perennial Plant Symposium GIE+Expo 2016 DoubleTree by Hilton Minneapolis, MN Kentucky Expo Center Louisville, KY October 21–24 August 10 NCSU Turfgrass Field Day and TCNC Board Meeting Lake Wheeler Turfgrass Research Labs Raleigh, NC ASLA – Annual Meeting & Expo (American Society of Landscape Architects) New Orleans, LA Digital Marketplace M ar ch/ A pr il 20 16 Scan the QR code: Download your favorite QR reader to your phone, and scan the code to learn more about this company. 34 North Carolina Tur f g r a s s n Golf Industry Show Orange County Convention Center Orlando, FL February 23, 2017 TCNC Annual Meeting & Educational Conference Sedgefield Country Club Greensboro, NC