Autumn - Severnside Housing
Autumn - Severnside Housing
Pillar A newsletter from Severnside Housing Autumn 2014 Gardening competition results – page 3 Cover photo – Mr Prodger, Gardening Competition Overall Winner 2014 WW1 Centenary Celebrations – page 4 Community E v in Meole! – pag ents e6 4 Coming 1 0 2 R A T S 9 Soon – page Claire Poulson, Severnside, Howard Shellard, Volunteer, Amanda Gray, Severnside, Rev. Phil Briggs and Maxwell Hughes, Severnside Resident with the new range cooker. Community Chest Fund A number of Community Groups have benefited from our Community Chest Fund which was set up to support local voluntary, community and recreational groups working in the local area. One of the projects the Community Chest has recently granted funding to is Riversway Elim Church in Harlescott, to purchase a large range cooker for their cooking skills project entitled ‘Let’s get Cooking’, a project aimed at helping the local community cook healthy meals on a tight budget. Riversway is run by volunteers and offers the local community, including Severnside residents, a whole range of facilities including a job club, mother and toddler group, youth club and low cost food, including soup and a roll 3 days a week. Sue Briggs, the Minister’s wife, who has a teaching background and delivers the cooking training said, “We are delighted that Severnside gave us the grant to purchase our new cooker. It has made such a difference already and we plan to extend the type of cookery courses we offer. I am responsible for cooking the Christmas lunch for local people, who would otherwise spend Christmas day on their own, and it was not easy on the old cooker. This year we will be able to open our doors to even more people.” We are interested to hear from any group or club who think they may have an eligible project. It’s really easy to apply – you can call into our offices or visit to find out more and complete an application form. Charity Bike Ride 2 Pillar Autumn 2014 In July 2014, three of our Neighbourhood Officers cycled from John O’Groats to Land’s End for charity; a journey of nearly a 1,000 miles. Elliott Davies, Peter Riley and Richard Potter joined together to undertake the 11 day journey to raise money for three charities – Autism Awareness, Macmillan Cancer Research and Save the Children and they are delighted to have raised £1,400. Storage Heaters Getting the most from cheap electricity A number of our properties have storage heaters as their main form of heating. Storage heaters run on ‘off-peak’ electricity, so are the cheapest form of electrical heating, but only if they are used correctly. During the winter months, it’s particularly important to avoid expensive electricity bills, so here’s how you can make the most of your storage heaters: Storage heaters switch on at night and store up heat inside a core of firebricks so that when you need the heat the next day you can let it out. There are two controls on most models: • Input tells the heater how much heat to store up at night • Output (often called Boost or Room Temperature) tells it how much heat to let out into the room. Set the Input to its highest setting in cold weather (usually 6 to 9). In milder weather, you may not need to set it so high. The higher the Input the more heat the heater will store and the more electricity it will use. If it’s too high, you’ll be wasting money. When the room is warm enough and before you go to bed, make sure the Output is turned right down. If you don’t, you’ll use more electricity, heat an empty room and leave yourself with less heat for the next day. A well-controlled storage heater should give you 10 hours or more of useful heat each day. If your room is cold by the evening, check that the Output is turned down overnight and the Input is set high enough. Central heating switch-on With fuel bills rising and winters getting colder, you may be tempted to leave switching on your heating for as long as possible. However, doing this could leave you without heating if you discover your system has in fact broken when you need it most. One way to avoid this is to test your heating system before the cold spells arrive by turning it on and letting it run. This means that any problems with your central heating system or boiler can be identified and fixed before you need your heating the most. • Pick a day in October to test the heating is working • Switch on the heating, making sure it runs for at least four hours. This can be done on a low setting, gradually increasing to the required winter setting • Test thermostats and radiator controls by turning them up and down • Test radiators by checking they are hot from top to bottom. If any problems are identified through any of these steps, or if the heating does not come on at all, then you should contact PH Jones straight away on 0800 316 2104 or 01743 719051 to arrange a repair – this way you can be sure your heating will work when you need it most. s Fabulous Floral Fun 2014! Our annual gardening competition has always been a popular event and so it proved again this year with our highest ever number of entries! Judging the competition was as hard as ever, as the gardens were truly glorious. Last year’s overall champion Mrs Whiteley was one of the judges this time round. She joined our Chief Executive, Sarah Boden and Head of Neighbourhood Services, Paul Forsythe. Sarah said “I really look forward to Severnside’s Annual Gardening Competition as the standard of entries is always extremely high – although judging seems to get harder every year! It’s wonderful to meet so many residents who have obviously put a huge amount of love and hard work into their gardens to make them so beautiful.” We run the garden competition every year to recognise residents who make the very most of their outside space. Each category winner received a £50 first prize and £25 second prize. The overall winner, Mr Ken Prodger from Hanwood, won £100 and gets to keep the trophy for a year. All winners were also invited to a special presentation lunch. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who entered and congratulations again to all the prize winners. GARDEN COMPETITION WINNERS Containers First Mr Weatherhead First Time Entrants First Miss Thomas Second Mrs Wortley Second Mr Owen Highly Commended Mr Pryce Brayne Mrs Sandra Halford Mr & Mrs Trafene Mr Thompson Sheltered Scheme Garden First Mr Buck Second Mr & Mrs Hadden Highly Commended Miss Spragg Ms Kath Jones Mrs Ellis Ms Wesley Ms Ball Mr Buck’s Garden Highly Commended Lynette Halford Ms Denise Angus Ms Shirley Gittins Mr Paul Wilson Small/Medium Garden First Mr & Mrs Brooks Highly Commended Ms Brennan Mrs Bland Mr Puddle Mr Gregson Large Garden First Mr Cowley Flats Garden First Mr Whatmore Second Mr Edge Vegetable Garden First Mr Casewell Children’s Garden First Emily Bromage Second Condover Second Mr and Mrs Lewis Communal Garden First Edgefield Greenfingers Gardening Club Highly Commended Mrs Davies Overall Winner Ken Prodger (front cover) Miss Thomas’ Garden Mr & Mrs Lewis’ Garden Mr Cowley’s Garden Mr & Mrs Brooks’ Garden Pillar Autumn 2014 3 WW1 Centenary Celebrations Severnside is involved in a number of projects to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the First World War. World War 1 Commemorative We have just heard, hot off the press, that Edgefield Greenfingers Gardening Club have Garden Edgefield Green sheltered scheme have created a beautiful WW1 commemorative garden funded by their gardening club and a Local Joint Commissioning Grant. I’m sure you will agree that what has been created is absolutely stunning! Edgefield Green Garden won an award in the Royal Horticultural Society’s Britain in Bloom Competition in the Neighbourhood Category – we will tell you all about it in the next edition of Pillar! Pack up your Troubles Events In partnership with the Hive, Severnside has delivered a schedule of events under the title of ‘Pack up your Troubles’. Residents were invited to come along and share any memories, stories and experiences they had of the First World War and how it affected families and generations. Tea, cake, music and song have been part of every event and a great time was had by all! A grand finale exhibition will be staged at the Hive in November showcasing some of the work created and the memorabilia shared by those who got involved. Pack up your Troubles Event Poppies on Vans You will soon see all the Severnside vans out and about wearing large red poppies as this year we wanted to do something a little extra to mark the WW1 celebrations. DAWN’S SENATE BLOG As the long hot days of summer are a distant memory and we remember all we did throughout the summer, the Senate are doing the same and looking back at all we have achieved over the summer months. Our first project –‘How much do Severnside tenants understand about service charges?’ has been completed and our results can be seen on our web pages. Also a green paper has been written and presented to the Board and it was well received. Our findings showed that Severnside needed to provide more information to tenants who pay service charges so that they have a better understanding of what service charges are. Our second project was centred on how Severnside was preparing for the introduction of the new Police, Crime and Anti-social Behaviour Act. The Senate were happy as our findings showed that Severnside had been preparing for this Act for a long time. 4 Pillar Autumn 2014 Throughout the summer months, all members of the Senate have been involved in Severnside activities, like fun days and information days; it has been great to meet up with other tenants and to hear your ideas, opinions and thoughts on the work of the Senate and how we can represent you. During the summer Senate members also had a fantastic opportunity to visit another housing association in Oxford – SOHA. We had a great day hearing about how they have achieved award winning customer involvement and tenant empowerment. Everyone came back with so much enthusiasm and so many ideas. We also felt it was an ideal opportunity to send a green paper to the Board with our ideas. So watch this space!! June Jones has had to resign from the Senate for health reasons and we are sad to see her leave as she has been a valuable Senate member for the last three years. Thank you June! Being a Senate member gives me so many opportunities to get involved, have a voice and to help shape the services that Severnside provides to all of its tenants. I had no previous experience, or any housing qualification, but it’s not needed as so much training is offered and help and support is always available. So, if like me, you have an interest in receiving the best service from Severnside then please consider becoming a Senate member. We are all tenants representing all other tenants so they have a voice. I am more than happy to have an informal chat with anyone who would like to know more so please get in touch. You can contact me at or telephone 01743 285035. More information can also be found on our web pages on the Severnside website Autumn 2014 s Our new charity needs YOU! Severnside has recently established a charity. The purpose of the charity is to provide help and support to our customers, their families and local communities and the charity aims to raise money and obtain grant funding to carry out this work. We would like to appoint a Severnside customer to serve on the Board of Trustees which will direct the work and future activities of the charity. If you live in a Severnside property or are a customer of Severnside, have a little spare time, are prepared to share your knowledge and ideas and want to make a difference – then we really want to hear from you. We will encourage you to bring forward suggestions for activities and projects that the charity should support. We will provide you with any training you may need to help you develop your own role on the Board. This is a voluntary but rewarding position. We cannot pay you for the work that you will do or the contribution that you will make to the success of the charity but we do pay expenses. If you would like to be considered for a position on the Board of the charity or would like more information please contact Irene Molyneux on 01743 285073 or email Irene.molyneux@ Shropshire HomePoint has moved offices Just to let know that Shropshire HomePoint moved offices on Wednesday 20th August. Their new address is: Shropshire HomePoint Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND Repair Service Changes Severnside’s repairs and maintenance policy has recently been reviewed and updated with the help of residents. The revised policy clearly outlines our approach to how we repair and maintain your home. Inconsistencies in the original policy, giving some Severnside customers a preferential service, have been removed, resulting in an equal service being provided to all our residents. The revised policy outlines what you should expect from us as your landlord and also what you are responsible for in maintaining your home. The policy aims to provide an efficient, prompt and effective repairs and maintenance service which meets our statutory and regulatory obligations. The policy has also been written to align with our new service standards which were agreed with residents earlier in the year. The main changes relate to our responsive repairs service. Our definition of a responsive repair has been changed to give greater attention to the types of faults that affect the safe, comfortable and normal use of your home. As a result, the responsive repairs service will focus on essential repairs and minor replacement to existing components, i.e. ‘to fix something that is no longer working’. By their nature these are works of short duration, averaging two hours or, in rare instances, up to a maximum of one day to complete. Larger repairs, or where the replacement of components is necessary, normally require inspection and materials ordering or manufacturing. Therefore, these will now be carried out as minor planned works or batched repairs allowing the works to be planned and scheduled more efficiently. By separating larger works from the existing repairs service, we hope to: • increase the level of appointments available; • reduce the overall timescales for completing repairs; and • increase the focus on completing repairs right first time. To enable us to achieve an efficient and effective service, repairs will be prioritised in the following categories, based on the level of urgency. You will see that the target times for urgent and routine repairs have been reduced from the current 7 and 31 day targets. •Emergency –Repairs that present a health and safety risk and/or cause real danger to people or property. –Attend and make safe within four hours – completed within 24 hours where possible. •Urgent –Repairs that cause significant inconvenience but are not a health and safety risk. –Complete within three working days. •Routine –Small repairs that can be annoying but are not urgent. –Completed within 14 calendar days. There will, of course, be times where our repair timescales may vary, usually these are a result of: •Exceptional adverse weather. •Materials being unavailable or need to be ordered or manufactured. •Scaffolding is needed to carry out the repair. •The need to use an external specialist contractor. •Availability of resources to complete works. In these circumstances we will inform you why there is a delay and indicate when the repair will be undertaken. Maintaining your home is a joint responsibility and we ask that you please report repairs in a timely manner, keep appointments made and allow our staff and contractors access into your home to inspect and carry out works. The changes to the repairs service came into effect on the 1st October 2014 and we hope that they will further improve the level of service we provide. Pillar Autumn 2014 5 Community Events in Meole! Severnside joined together with a number of our partners over the summer to hold two community events in Meole, aimed at making a positive impact on the local community. Refreshments were kindly donated by Sainsbury’s and Starbucks. The first was a fun community event called Meole Day of Action where residents and the local community enjoyed a day full of activities, including arts and crafts, led by the Youth Service and Scrappies, a local crafts and recycling charity. Litter picking with goody bag incentives and a tidy up of the Meole Brace BMX track also took place. The second event was the Meole Street Party where residents and the local community had a great time playing garden games, enjoying a delicious BBQ, plus lots of fun activities. Residents also had the opportunity to find out lots of useful information from the different stands. The day was designed by a group of young Residents David & Poppy Shaw with residents from the estate. Edge Are you looking for a garage to safely store your car or vehicle in? Following the day’s activities, an online web chat took place, where members of the public could ask questions about issues affecting Shrewsbury. Meole Day of Action Abboh, Severnside – Meole Street Part y June Jones retires from Resident Senate June Jones has recently retired from her position on the Resident Senate. June has been a member of the Resident Senate since it began and she has been a driving force in making things happen. le for rent in We have some great garages availab and locations Bomere Heath, Nesscliffe, Harlescott £8.09 per week. across Shrewsbury starting from only ices To find out more call our Customer Serv 000 285 Centre on 0300 300 0059 or 01743 or email enquires@severnsidehousing June’s fellow members sent a big thank you to her, as did Severnside staff, and her retirement was marked with the presentation of a bouquet of flowers. June will be greatly missed and her wisdom, fresh ideas and hard work, on behalf of Severnside residents, will not be forgotten. The Chair of the Resident Senate, Andy Parkes, sent a special message to June saying “He was grateful for her support and friendship during his time on the Resident Senate and wished her a happy retirement” – as we all do! June Jones ning Polish Coffee Mgor ts, which we for our Polish residen Claire Poulson & Amand a Gray from Severnside and Interpreter Kate Fej fer 6 sssss Pillar Autumn 2014 ffee mornin the We recently held a co olving our residents in inv at ed aim y, an m of e area. hope will be the first eness of services in th ar aw ng isi ra d an ity local commun et new people nts to get together and me ide res for y nit rtu po op at ended This was a gre e first meeting was well att Th e. cak d an tea th wi nt in a relaxed environme de. and new friends were ma contact our Polish get together please xt ne r ou d en att to like If you would or email Team on 0300 300 0059 nt me lop ve De ity un mm Co community@severnsid Don’t forget if you have got something you want to tell us, ask us, or share with us, you can write to us at the address below. Pillar – Star Letter Severnside Housing Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury, SY3 7FA Residents’ Annual Report 2013-14 STAR LETTER Email: If you write a Star Letter and it is published you will win a £25 prize. WIN £25 We look forward to hearing from you! Condover Rural Housing Week Event To celebrate Rural Housing Week we held an event at our sheltered scheme in Condover. Residents enjoyed light refreshments and played a game that was new to most of them called Boccia! There was also useful information on reducing energy and water bills and general advice from the Credit Union and on keeping healthy. Everyone who came along had a great time socialising and having fun. Condover residents enjoying a game of Boccia Do you want to get involved? Enclosed with this edition of Pillar, you will have received a copy of our Residents’ Annual Report 2013-14. It’s been written in consultation with Resident Senate, Customer Panel and Resident Inspectors and the main theme of the report is based around Severnside’s Customer Service Standards. Severnside Housing It looks at how we have performed over the last 12 months and includes information about the different ways you can get involved in the work we do in your local community. Annual Report for Residents 2013-14 We would be pleased to hear what you think of the report. You can call the Marketing Team on 0300 300 0059, email your views to or text 07779 156156. Please start your text with AR Feedback. Connynger Crescent Flats Refurbishment All of the flats at Connynger Crescent have recently been successfully refurbished to a very high standard and re-let. The flats had previously been leased to Shropshire Council and used for temporary accommodation for the homeless, which had unfortunately sometimes caused problems for the neighbourhood. The refurbishment took 17 weeks to complete and the project was ground breaking in a number of ways for Severnside as it involved a new approach to partnering; our own SHPS major works teams and AWE worked alongside the main Contractor to install the kitchens and bathrooms and deliver the electrical works. Severnside wanted the project to have considerable customer involvement so the Asset Management Tenant Involvement Group nominated two members, Liz Toone and Gill Gilmour, to become involved. Liz and Gill helped to choose wall colours, kitchen styles, floor coverings and electrical layouts and fittings. They also attended meetings and site visits and were on site for the final handover. We are looking for more customer representatives for our Equality and Diversity Group, which works to make sure our services are accessible to all. Understanding the issues and needs of our entire community ensures that we continue to offer all of our customers the very best service. We are particularly interested in hearing from customers who are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender, as these groups are currently under-represented. If you would like to be part of this Group, that meets 2 or 3 times a year, please contact us on 0300 300 0059 or email Liz Toone wit Residents, Gill Gilmour and from Severnside h Steve Boon Pillar Autumn 2014 7 Do you think Severnside provides Value for Money? Value for Money (VFM) is a key goal for Severnside and the ever changing economic climate makes it vitally important that we adopt a comprehensive and planned approach to achieving the very best VFM and getting the most from our resources. As always, your views are really important to us so we would appreciate it if you could please spend a few minutes answering the three questions below on VFM. How satisfied are you that your rent provides value for money? Very Satisfied q Fairly Satisfied q Very Dissatisfied q Fairly Dissatisfied q How satisfied are you that your service charge provides value for money? Very Satisfied q Fairly Satisfied q Very Dissatisfied q Fairly Dissatisfied q How can Severnside improve Value for Money in the services it provides? ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................ Please return your completed questions to: Value for Money Questionnaire, Asset Management Team, Severnside Housing, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Knights Way, Shrewsbury, SY1 3AB. You can also email your answers to: 8 Pillar Autumn 2014 Justice Corner Severnside continues to work extremely hard, along with our partners, West Mercia Police and Shropshire Council, to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in your neighbourhoods and communities. Without your assistance we are often powerless to tackle ASB so we really appreciate your help; you are the eyes and ears of your neighbourhood and without the information you provide it can prove impossible to resolve ASB issues. We would like to thank the residents in one neighbourhood for their diligence in continually informing us of incidents at a particular property. Following their reports on the misuse of drugs, noise, threats of violence and explicit sexual activity, and with extensive partnership work carried out with the police, we were able to obtain the greatest measure in the courts possible. This was an Exclusion Order, meaning that the resident had to leave the property immediately. This is extremely rare and the first time, known to us, that the courts have granted such an Order. Along with this, we also obtained an Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction with Power of Arrest, which excluded the neighbour and her visitors from ever residing in a Severnside property and causing any further nuisance. We hope this once again emphasises what a successful and powerful tool ASB Injunctions are in tackling anti-social behaviour. If anyone is found to breach such an order from the court they face a fine and/or imprisonment and this really does happen. Following the bravery shown throughout this case by the local residents, we have recently submitted an application for a National Award through the SLCNG (Social Landlord Crime and Nuisance Group). The Award is ‘The Residents and Communities Award’. It is a National award for those who deserve special recognition for their outstanding contribution to standing up to anti-social behaviour – something we all recognise requires exceptional bravery. It is also fabulous to note that the local residents have now formed a new community group, which we fully support. It is lovely that these residents now feel supported by each other, with the knowledge they can come and talk to us if they ever have any issues in the future. Please remember... we want to help you live in a home where you feel safe. If you witness or experience ASB please call the ASB reporting line on: 0345 6789020 Estate Walkabouts Walkabouts are led by your local Neighbourhood Officer, along with representatives from the Council, the police and other partner agencies. The 2014 Estate Walkabout programme can be viewed on our website along with action plans which are drawn up following each walkabout. Visit Our Asset Management Team are finding that small niggles are being brought to their attention and being resolved before they have the opportunity to become real issues. We have also received a number of compliments on the improved quality of our neighbourhoods. We are now also looking for Grounds Maintenance Champions for our sheltered housing schemes to monitor the level of grounds maintenance service at their scheme. It’s still not too late to volunteer and receive training – if you are interested in getting involved please call the Community Development Team on 0300 300 0059 or email community@ Please come along and join us for a walk around the area you live in and point out any issues or concerns you may have. Date Time Location Meeting place Oct 15 10:30am Harlescott Meadow 2 Hawkestone Road Oct 22 10:30am Harlescott Grange 2 We are delighted to report that our Grounds Maintenance Inspectors, who volunteered to help monitor the levels of service being provided in their local area by our grounds maintenance contractors, are proving extremely successful. Nov 12 10:30am Ditherington The Community Centre, Long Row Nov 26 10:30am Springfield Mereside Shops Dec 3 10:30am Bomere Heath The Crescent Greenacres Community Centre STAR 2014 coming soon… You will soon get the chance to tell us what you think of our services in an independent survey which will be carried out by Acuity on our behalf. The results will help us to improve our services and show how we are performing compared to other housing associations, both locally and nationally. The survey is due to take place in October 2014 so spread the word! The vast majority of residents will receive a postal survey with a freepost envelope for returning completed surveys. A small number of residents, who we have already been in contact with, have agreed to undertake the survey either online or over the telephone. Resident Senate says “An ideal opportunity for all tenants to have a voice on shaping the services that we as tenants want Severnside to provide.” Sue Groom, Neighbourhood and Community Services Director says “Your views are really important to us, and help us to shape the services we offer. STAR 2014 is your chance to tell us what you think, so I’d encourage as many customers as possible to complete and return the survey. It helps us to identify what we are doing well and highlight any areas where we need to improve.” Each completed survey will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win six individual prizes of £50! Pillar Autumn 2014 9 How can we help? Even though things are changing it’s still really important that we collect rents and that rent is paid on time. Should you be experiencing financial stress or difficulties we can offer support and advice. We have a Decant Officer, who is supporting residents to look at and complete exchanges to downsize and move away from the pressure of bedroom tax. Welfare Reform has been, and continues to be, a hot topic and whilst the number of changes have slowed down, the impact of some of the changes is still being felt by many Severnside residents, with a similar picture for families across the country. Tenants’ Handbook 2014 We recently sent you a copy of the Tenants’ Handbook 2014 which is full of useful information and guidance on your tenancy and what you can expect from us as your landlord. We would love to hear what you think of the handbook and whether you think it can be improved in any way. You can call the Marketing Team on 0300 300 0059, email your views to pillar@ or text 07779 156156. Please start your text with Handbook Feedback. 10 Pillar Autumn 2014 •helping residents to attend job clubs, apply for employment, write CV’s and build skills to be successful in applying for jobs. These are just some of the ways we are working with you to manage the impact of Welfare Reform. You can contact the teams at Severnside below for further help and advice. Our Employment and Money Advice Service can offer support and guidance on: •benefit claims and whether you’re claiming everything you are entitled to; Employment and Money Advice Service Tel: 0300 300 0059 Email: •managing debt and helping to find ways to deal with debts that may have mounted up; and Rachel Mountford, Decant Officer Tel: 0300 300 0059 Email: rachel.mountford@ Development update We continue to build much needed new homes across the local area. Weston Road, Morda Weston Road, Morda will provide a total of 21 new homes, due for completion in September/ October 2014. The development consists of six new two bed bungalows, 11 new two and three bed houses for affordable rent and four new two and three bed houses for shared ownership. The homes have been built in partnership with SJ Roberts Construction to Lifetime Homes Standards, have solar panels to heat the hot water system and are extremely energy efficient. New homes at Weston Road, Morda If you are interested in purchasing a 50% share of one of our shared ownership properties they are being advertised through a local estate agent, Richmond Harvey. You can contact them on 01691 654222 or visit their website GAS SAFETY CHECKS Severnside has a legal responsibility to carry out an annual gas inspection at every one of our homes with a gas supply. It’s really important that you let our contractor PH Jones in to do the gas service so, if we call you to arrange a gas safety check, please make sure you are in for the appointment, and remember everyone who lets our gas contractors have first time access to their home will be entered into a monthly prize draw to win £50. Unfortunately, if we cannot get access to your property to carry out these important gas safety checks, we will take legal action to gain entry. So please contact PH Jones on Freephone 0800 316 2104 or from a mobile 01743 719051 if you think you need a gas safety check. Please let us carry out a gas safety check in your home – it could save your life! Don’t get in with a loan shark… it will cost you an arm and a leg Have you or anyone you know: •Been offered a cash loan without paperwork? •Been threatened when you couldn’t pay? •Had your benefit or bank card taken from you? •Had a loan which keeps growing even though you are making payments? If you can answer yes to any of the above you may have been bitten by a Loan Shark. For confidential help and advice please contact your Neighbourhood Officer on 0300 300 0059 or email Your Choice •help stamp out illegal money lenders Severnside’s Community Development Team, in partnership •promote legal credit options; and with West Midlands Trading Standards, recently delivered a •spread the ‘stop the loan campaign called ‘Your Choice’. shark’ message in their community. You Choice invited residents who were involved in local charities, community/ We are delighted to report that a voluntary groups, schools or statutory number of local community groups agencies to apply for a Your Choice grant were successful in their bids, including of up to £500 to: two of our Involved Resident Groups. THE SHARK COMPETITION If you are aged 15 or under try our spot the shark competition for a chance to win a £25 shopping voucher. Circle the 10 sharks on the picture below, fill in your details and send your entry to us by Friday 14th November 2014. Send your entries to: Name ................................................................................. Age ............... Pillar Competitions, Address ................................................................................................... Severnside Housing, Brassey Road, ..................................................... Telephone .......................................... Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury SY3 7FA WIN £25 Congratulations to Alfie Jones who won the spot the difference competition in the last edition of Pillar. Pillar Autumn 2014 11 Money Money Money Find the ten money themed words to be in with a chance to win a £25 shopping voucher. Send us your entries by Friday 14th November 2014. The first correct entry drawn will win the prize. Send to: Pillar Competitions, Severnside Housing, Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury SY3 7FA. Name .................................................... .............................................................. Address ................................................. .............................................................. O F E I K U E T Y M G I Q E D Q U XW C R Z S J Z A E L B G Q S O G E L X J I M J I S B F Y I E B N I A A W M R X Q C J V Q D D L A D F M C O E S S X T R I Z D C R Y E E K N T E H X N T H Y O O Q W I K Z E N J G A T K G V F A A E M S O Y I P O U F X S F U E X U T W Q X J L O B B U A A A T Z J N C R V U W R Y E C S Y L U X A K M G N G E S I L H H L A B I R E A K I B R G B N Y MOQ BWZ WIN £25 V U E G J E B S I J W V X Z G T E S J S A M H R J J W I V S .............................................................. .............................................................. Find these 10 words: Postcode ................................................ AFFORDABLE CREDIT CRIME Telephone .............................................. If you would like any more information about Severnside Housing, please contact us: Write to us Severnside Housing, Brassey Road, Old Potts Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3 7FA Ring us 01743 285000 or 0300 300 0059 Email us Visit our website Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @severnsideha ILLEGAL INTEREST LENDING MONEY RATE LOAN SHARK Congratulations to Sarah Hayes who won the Wordsearch competition in the last edition of Pillar. Severnside Housing provides a telephone interpreting service for more than 150 languages and can provide this document in a range of formats. ´ potrzebna jest jakakolwiek Jesli pomoc w zrozumieniu niniejszego dokumentu, lub potrzebne jest tumaczenie na inny jezyk, prosze o telefon na numer 0300 300 0059. Os hoffech gael cymorth i ddeall y ddogfen yma, neu os hoffech gael ei chyfieithu i iaith arall, ffoniwch 0300 300 0059. This document is also available in: Large print Audio tape Braille Different Languages Printed on paper from sustainable forests with FSC mixed source credit. Useful Contact Numbers Customer Services: 0300 300 0059 Out of Hours Repairs: 01743 360945 WELbeing: 01323 644422 ASB reporting line: 0345 6789020 PH Jones (Gas Servicing): 0800 316 2104 or 01743 719051 from Mobile Andy Walters Electrical Contractors: 01743 247850 or Out of Hours: 07870 238006
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