Press conference - Frankfurter Buchmesse
Press conference - Frankfurter Buchmesse
INFORMATION FOR THE PRESS 1 JULY 2016 CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION 5 1.1. INTERVIEW WITH BART MOEYAERT, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR OF ‘FLANDERS & THE NETHERLANDS GUEST OF HONOUR FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2016’ 5 1.2. THE NETHERLANDS AND FLANDERS EHRENGAST AT THE FRANKFURTER BUCHMESSE 2016 7 2. AT THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2.1. THE OPENING CEREMONY 9 9 2.2. THE GUEST OF HONOUR PAVILLION 9 The rooms of the Guest of Honour pavillion 9 The architecture of the pavillion 10 The programme in the pavillion 12 Else Otten Übersetzerpreis (Translators’ Price) 13 2.3. THE GUEST OF HONOUR PROGRAMME ELSEWHERE ON THE FAIR 14 2.4. LITERARY GAMES AND LITERATURE IN VR Literary Games 15 Literature in Virtual Reality 16 15 3. LITERARY PROGRAMME IN THE CITY CENTRE 3.1. THE GUEST OF HONOUR CAFE 18 18 3.2. EVENING PROGRAMMES IN FRANKFURT 18 3.3. HAUS AM DOM: SPRACHaufZEICHNUNG 19 3.4. HESSISCHES LITERATURFORUM at Mousonturm 20 3.5. FLANDERS AND THE NETHERLANDS – GUEST OF HONOUR AT HUGENDUBEL 3.6. LITERATURBAHNHOF ZUR FRANKFURTER BUCHMESSE 2016 21 3.7. LITERATURHAUS FRANKFURT 21 3.8. PHILOSOPHICAL DINNERS 3.9. ROMANFABRIK 22 3.10. STADTBIBLIOTHEKEN 22 23 20 4. THE CULTURAL PROGRAMME in FRANKFURT 25 4.1. BASIS E.V.: STATE OF THE CITY 25 4.2. DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTURMUSEUM: MAATWERK/MASSARBEIT. ARCHITEKTUR AUS FLANDERN UND DEN NIEDERLANDEN 25 4.3. DEUTSCHES FILM INSTITUT FRANKFURT: VERFILMUNGEN FLÄMISCHER UND NIEDERLÄNDISCHER LITERATUR / FILM ADAPTATIONS OF LITERATURE FROM FLANDERS AND THE NETHERLANDS 26 4.4. FOTOGRAFIE FORUM FRANKFURT: HANNE VAN DER WOUDE, EMMY’S WORLD 24 27 4.5. KÜNSTLERHAUS MOUSONTURM: TOLLE KÜNSTE. THEATER, TANZ & PERFORMANCE AUS FLANDERN UND DEN NIEDERLANDEN 27 4.6. MUSEUM MODERNE KUNST FRANKFURT 29 MMK 1: FIONA TAN. Geografie der Zeit 29 MMK 2: WILLEM DE ROOIJ 29 MMK 3: LAURE PROUVOST. ALL BEHIND, WE’LL GO DEEPER, DEEP DOWN AND SHE WILL SAY: 4.7. SCHAUSPIEL FRANKFURT: KÖNIGIN LEAR 30 4.8. STÄDEL MUSEUM FRANKFURT: DAVID CLAERBOUT, UNTITLED (ANONYMOUS) 30 32 5. THE LITERATURE PROGRAMME ELSWHERE IN (EXCHANGE WITH) GERMANY 33 5.1. EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES FOR TRANSLATORS, PUBLISHERS, FESTIVAL ORGANISERS AND WRITERS 5.2. BOOKSELLERS CAMPAIGN 5.3. CITYBOOKS 34 33 34 5.4. CREATIVE WRITING: STUDENTS FROM ANTWERP AND ARNHEM ON TOUR 35 5.5. LITERATOUR. YOUNG WRITERS ‘ON THE ROAD’ 36 5.6. LITERATURE FESTIVALS 37 5.6.1. HARBOUR FRONT FESTIVAL HAMBURG 38 5.6.2 INTERNATIONALES LITERATURFESTIVAL BERLIN 39 5.6.3. BERLEBURGER LITERATURPFLASTER 2016 40 5.7. LITERATURWERKSTATT BERLIN/ HAUS FÜR POESIE: VERSSCHMUGGLE 5.8. LITERATURHÄUSER.NET: This is what we share 42 5.9. POETS BY THE SEA 42 41 6. THE CULTURAL PROGRAMMA IN GERMANY (AND BRUSSELS) 43 6.1. FACING THE FUTURE: ART IN EUROPE 1945-68 43 6.2. GÖTTINGEN: CONN3CT: 2MEDIA,1STORY 44 6.3. STAATSTHEATER MAINZ: KINDER- UND JUGENDTHEATER AUS FLANDERN UND DIE NIEDERLANDE 6.4. ZEBRA POETRY FILM FESTIVAL MÜNSTER | BERLIN 2016 45 44 7. CROSS OVER – CREATIVITY AND EXCHANGE 7.1. MUSEUM READINGS: ART IS WHAT WE SHARE 46 46 7.2. ARTISTS RESIDENCIES: ANTWERP – ROTTERDAM – FRANKFURT 7.3. STUKSCHRIJVEN (‘WRITING PIECES’) 47 7.4. DRIFT 48 7.5. PHANTASIE UND GESCHICHTE (Fantasy and History) 48 7.6. COUNTRY PORTRAITS: THE NETHERLANDS & FLANDERS 49 8. AUTHORS AT THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 9. CONTACT 51 52 10. PARTNERS, STAKEHOLDERS & SPONSORS 53 47 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Interview with Bart Moeyaert, artistic director of ‘Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016’ by Peter Reichenbach Bart, German readers know you as a successful writer for children and teenagers. You have already won the LUCHS, Germany’s prize for youth literature. Now you suddenly turn up as artistic director for the ‘Schwerpunkt’ at the Book Fair. How come? Do you have to apply or do you get a phone call? You get a phone call. The Dutch Foundation for Literature and the Flemish Literature Fund, the two umbrella organisations, hadn’t forgotten their experience in 1993, when the Netherlands and Flanders were Guest of Honour. Back then they had a team to run things, which worked quite well but wasn’t always free of tensions. So this year they wanted to go about it like Iceland did in 2011, with an author as artistic director. They came up with a list of appropriate authors, and apparently both the foundations put me at the top. When they asked me, I was actually about to start working on a new book, with all the trimmings: I planned to get away, retreat from the world. So I thought about it, but really I knew right away that I had to do it. For 25 years I’ve been going to the Book Fair, for 25 years I’ve been watching the guest countries perform. I always went along under my own steam, because I wanted to be free and not have to do anything. I just wanted four days of liberty: the Book Fair was a place of rest – but also of depression. On Day Three I would wake up in the morning and think: What am I doing here? So many books! And by the evening of Day Three I would be thinking: There is so much disgusting stuff here! What I do must be different, I need to do a really good job. And that was always very healthy, taking that trip. I always go to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair too. I am an independent author. That means that I live from my writing and I am always involved with writing. Writing is my life. Books are my life. Once that decision had been made, I thought: Hey, this is going to be huge. But that was absurd, looking back. Because what I didn’t realise two years ago is that actually it is much, much bigger than that. However, the decision stands. I once went to a presentation you gave in Antwerp where you set out what you had in mind. To me it all sounded very impressive, modern with a touch of folklore, the kind of thing a lot of guests did in earlier years. What I found particularly interesting was that you said you weren’t looking for ways to show differences, but at the common ground. That’s right. That is because I often travel abroad. And because I am Flemish, when I am abroad I always have to explain how I write, why I write and so on, and whenever the question of my language came up, things went wrong every time: “Flemish, is that a Belgian language? Is Flemish like what they speak in Holland? Does it get translated into Dutch? And where is your publisher? Why are they in the Netherlands?” You could never quite get the message across. We are talking German now, so it’s fairly easy to explain. But in English, of course, I say I speak “Dutch”. I would never say I speak “Flemish”. Just as Austrians probably don’t say that they speak “Austrian”. That was my point of departure. I wanted to talk about the things we share. After that we can talk about the differences, because we have laid the groundwork. And then I wondered what the theme could be: Tulips? No. Cheese? No. Beer? No, not that either. But the sea, the North Sea. We share that. Not only Belgium and the Netherlands, but Germany too. Only choosing the North Sea as our theme would be daft, of course, because that is a tourist image. But the sea as a literary image – now that is fantastic, because the sea is both poetic and political. Just think of the refugees. And it isn’t always calm and pretty. Something else: the first time we were Guest of Honour was in 1993, and now for the second time in 2016. It always annoys me when people say to me as an author: We know all about you, we know how you write, it’s cinematic, poetic … I hate it when people don’t want to take a second look. Being Guest of Honour is the same. People say: “Sure, we know all about that, Nooteboom, Claus, Mulisch …” But 25 years have passed. There are new names, new people, new dynamics! It’s like the sea, always moving, a beach strewn with treasures. What can visitors expect at the Book Fair? I would like to play with expectations and create an experience. In the past, guest countries have often said, ok, we’ll try to show the country as a whole. Every little corner, every genre, etc. In the end I never saw anything at all, because I couldn’t hear a story, I couldn’t feel it. Things were different with New Zealand or Iceland, for example, which reached out to my emotions straight away. After that I told myself, how ridiculous that I have never read a book by a writer from New Zealand. How ridiculous that I have never been to Iceland, I absolutely must go! And that had something to do with the impressions, with the experiences I had there. Maybe it’s a lousy comparison, but if I spend a night in a hotel and recommend it to friends, it isn’t because there was a lovely big foyer, but because I felt at home there. And that, from what I have observed, always comes down to detail, so I have spent the last two years taking care of the detail. I read that part of the idea for the Guest of Honour programme is to extend it to another seven cities in Germany. The story with the cities is very easy to explain. If we spent our whole budget just on those five days in Frankfurt, that would be daft in my view. I didn’t want to turn up and then disappear again. I wanted things to carry on afterwards, and other things to be a prelude. But we don’t have that much money either, so I asked myself how we could manage to do that. I took a look to see what events were already taking place in Germany and where we could cooperate. It turned out to be quite a few towns: Cologne, Münster, Karlsruhe, Hamburg, Munich, Leipzig, Berlin, Erlangen, Bremen, Bed Berleburg, Göttingen and Mainz. In Hamburg, for example, we are working very closely with the Harbour Front Festival. What’s great is that in Hamburg we will have a ship, the Cap San Diego, which fits very well into the sea theme. In Berlin we will be working with the International Literature Festival. And we see Cologne as the gateway to Germany for the Netherlands and Flanders, and that works chronologically too, because we started at LitCologne in March. Karlsruhe will be the last stop, with an exhibition about avant-garde art after the Second World War, where four poets will take part in a reading at the museum. That same exhibition is now on show in Brussels from July to September. The same four poets will appear there too! Another idea we are putting into practice: We don’t just want to send authors to Frankfurt so they can sit on a stage to read and then go home again. We want to create something too. So we sent a German poet (Daniel Falb) to the Netherlands, for example, where he spent two weeks by the sea. And a poet from the Netherlands (Erik Lindner) went to Flanders, to Ostend, to write poetry there. Meanwhile Els Moors (from Flanders) stayed by the sea in Germany, on Sylt. These poems will be read in public in Frankfurt. There will also be a theatre project, of which I am ve ry proud, with five authors taking part, two from the Netherlands and three from Flanders. Each one is being asked to write a 20-minute play for children and teenagers. In Mainz those plays will then be read to an audience as part of the Youth Theatre Weekend in mid-October. You have a good formula for that, I think: create, present and cooperate. Exactly. That has something to do with money as well. As a Guest of Honour you have to ask: where is the heart, where is the enthusiasm? And the theatre project is an example. There are not many plays for young people, and that’s why it is so valuable, because the people working there don’t get paid much, but they want to be involved, and I think that’s amazing. Was it hard choosing which authors to take along and which not? Yes, very hard. On this very table there were a hundred, no, a thousand post-it notes. They stood for all the towns, all the festivals for the whole year. And then Judith Uytterlinde, who runs the literary programme, and I looked together to see who had already been invited to a festival. And then it got difficult. Don’t forget these are two territories, the Netherlands and Flanders, and I can only take 70 authors with me. But our story isn’t “70 authors to Frankfurt”; we want to place 120 names, if not more, across the whole German-speaking area. But yes, it was hard! Do you think the experience you have gained as an organiser will feed into your literary writing in any way? Yes, I think it will. And deep down I miss writing a lot. Especially as I am not writing at all just now, apart from a column for our website. But I tell myself: next year! Then I will write a big novel, and I will probably win the Nobel Prize. Sound plan! Yes, that’s what I think. A sound threat! 1.2. The Netherlands and Flanders Ehrengast at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016 250 translated titles No other international book fair anywhere else in the world is as important for the publishing industry as the Frankfurter Buchmesse. Germany is far and away the most important export country for Dutch-language literature – in addition, German translations often serve as a springboard to other language areas. Never before has so much Dutch-language literature been translated into German as now. In the run-up to the Buchmesse, the foreign rights for 223 books have been sold to German publishers, the translations of which will be published in 2016. The expectation is that this number will rise further to far exceed 250 titles (in all literary genres: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children’s books and YA literature, comic books). As a comparison, in recent years, around 85 new translations would appear each year in the German language area. In this regard, one of the important objectives of the Netherlands-Flanders position as guest of honour has already been achieved, even before the Buchmesse is held. 132 German publishers with a Dutch-language book The publication of more than 250 Dutch and Flemish titles in Germany is striking - it is the result of years of marketing efforts in the German market through publishers’ visits to Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich, and fellowships for which German publishers were invited to the Netherlands and Flanders. In 2014, there was a visitors programme with 30 German publishers, and another one in 2015 for 20 German publishers. Never before has the Frankfurter Buchmesse seen a guest of honour manage to sell so many translation rights in the run-up to the event. The network of German publishers involved with Dutch-language literature has grown 25% thanks to the guest of honour status. In addition to large, prominent publishers, many smaller, independent publishers such as Berlin-based Wagenbach will be publishing seven Dutch-language titles, supported by a bookseller campaign dedicated to these books. In 2016, some 132 German literary publishers have included at least one Dutch-language book in their catalogue. 31 German translators residing at translators’ houses in Antwerp and Amsterdam Of the many translators contracted by German publishers, 31 of them stayed in translators’ houses in Amsterdam and Antwerp in 2015 and 2016 where they worked on translations from Dutch to German. 23 authors in writers-in-residence exchange programmes As part of the mutual exchange programme, there are a large number of writers-in-residence staying in the neighbouring countries: 12 German authors stayed in writers’ residences in the Netherlands and Flanders in 2015 and 2016 (particularly Brussels and Amsterdam) 11 Dutch authors stayed in writers’ residences in Germany in 2015 and 2016 (particularly Berlin). 70 Dutch and Flemish authors attending the Frankfurter Buchmesse An extensive literary and cultural programme is being organised both at and near the exhibition in Frankfurt, held from 19 through 23 October 2016. Part of this programme will be held at the pavillion built just for the Buchmesse (2,300 m2). It will not only feature 70 Flemish and Dutch authors who cater to every genre, but also include virtual reality presentations, literary meet-and-greets for the general public, and performances related to the cultural programme in the city. 70 Dutch and Flemish authors on stages throughout Germany Various appearances by 70 Dutch and Flemish authors throughout Germany are scheduled for the period leading up to the Buchmesse. In May and June, the International Kinder- und Jugendbuchwochen (Children’s and Young Adult Book Weeks) in Cologne were devoted entirely to Dutch-language children and YA literature, with 10 guests from the Netherlands and Flanders. Seven Dutch-language graphic novelists were invited to the comics festival in Erlangen, and in June, six Dutch and six German authors took part in a large Lesefest (reading fest) in cooperation with DasMag in Berlin. In September, the Harbour Front Literature Festival in Hamburg will welcome 10 Dutch and Flemish authors, and the Berlin International Literature Festival will host 11. Theatre, performance & dance – fine arts – architecture – photography – film This autumn, the red carpet will be rolled out at various locations in Frankfurt for artists from Flanders and the Netherlands. Künstlerhaus Mousonturm has invited a dozen dance and theatre companies to perform at an exciting performing arts festival that will run for six weeks. The MMK (Museum of Modern Art) will feature three guest artists: Fiona Tan (MMK1), Willem de Rooij (MMK2) and Laure Prouvost (MMK3). Schauspiel Frankfurt, Städel Museum, Foto Forum Frankfurt, basis, DAM (Deutsches Architektur Museum) and the German Film Institute have also developed original projects that will highlight well-known and lesser-known names from Flanders and the Netherlands in the contemporary arts. These artists will treat visitors to images, stories, visions and ideas about life in today’s world. There will also be plenty to see and experience outside of Frankfurt, such as a comparative exhibition on the history of the media in Göttingen, a weekend of children’s and YA theatre in Mainz, and a poetry film festival with a Flemish-Dutch focus in Münster. Over 400 events Within the context of the guest of honour status, over 400 events, presentations, readings, exhibitions and performances will be held all over Germany. 2. AT THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2.1. THE OPENING CEREMONY The Frankfurt Book Fair will officially be opened on Tuesday evening, 18 October, and during this festive event, not one, but two authors will be there to represent the Guest of Honour. The Netherlands will be represented by writer, actor, columnist Arnon Grunberg. Flanders will be supplying the youngest guest-of-honour speaker in the history of the Book Fair, the poet Charlotte Van den Broeck. The choice for two speakers/authors who will use a ‘correspondence/dialogue’ to expand on an opening speech together emphasises the intention of Flanders and the Netherlands: sharing – as expressed in the tagline for the fair. Taking the stage together, Arnon Grunberg and Charlotte Van den Broeck each represent a generation. The celebrated fiction writer meets the young poet. 2.2. THE GUEST OF HONOUR PAVILLION The rooms of the Guest of Honour pavillion The theatre The beating heart of the Guest of Honour Pavillion, the theatre, is open from 9:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and offers a rich and surprising programme. The programme offers ten different formats that always start at the same time, making it easier for visitors to plan their day at the Buchmesse. (Although it is likely that you will be enjoying yourself so much, you will end up staying longer than you had planned.) The beach Since Flanders and the Netherlands ‘share’ the North Sea, don’t be surprised if you suddenly see an unusual object during your visit to the Guest of Honour Pavillion. An object you might find whilst beachcombing, for example. The unique thing about these objects is that they were sent in by writers. Be sure to view the photos of the writer’s studies - this is where the magic happens. The Absent Room Reality can hold the element of surprise, and so much is possible in literature. In augmented reality, just about anything really is possible. A room that isn’t real, for example, yet apparently does exist. The installation by CREW (Brussels) is a pavillion within the Guest of Honour Pavillion: an evocation of the famous house in Barcelona built by Mies van der Rohe in 1929. Feel free to walk right in. Look around. See the sea. And prepare to be baffled. The cinema In the cinema, you can choose your movie moment from the diverse range on offer. Prefer to sit down for an amazing portrait of a writer produced by an equally amazing director? Or perhaps you would rather watch an important short film or a remarkable animated film? Maybe you would like to see a few trailers for films that are based on a novel, made in Flanders or the Netherlands? The opera One minute you’re sitting in the cinema, and the next, you find yourself watching an opera. It is one of the four virtual-reality experiences that were created for the Buchmesse by four VR artists, in close collaboration with authors from Flanders and the Netherlands. The three other installations are set up at three surprising locations, spread out throughout the fair property. Prepare to be amazed. The studio The Studio had already made a successful appearance earlier this year at the Comic Salon in Erlangen, and now you can have front-row seats to the birth of a magazine. Under the guidance of the legendary Joost Swarte and Randall Casaer, illustrators and graphic novelists work on the magazine, Parade, live. You can witness the process from initial sketch to printed magazine, and with a bit of luck, you’ll be able to take a copy home with you. Books on Flanders & the Netherlands Publishers from all over the world were asked to provide the Frankfurter Buchmesse with their recent titles from and about the Guest of Honour, Flanders & the Netherlands. Translated literature from Flanders and the Netherlands, non-fiction about the Guest of Honour - the history, politics and culture. Never before has an offering this large been compiled. This is what we share As early as the 16th century, Christoffel Plantijn traveled from the Low Countries to Frankfurt to introduce his publishing/printing company to foreign colleagues and clients. Note the ligatures on certain fonts: they almost seem to predict that centuries later, Flanders and the Netherlands would be together again in Frankfurt. In the museum space, ‘This is what we share’, a select number of objects tell the story, past and future, of book printing. The bookshop The Guest of Honour Flanders & the Netherlands is proud of the approximately 250 titles that have been published in German this year. The Land in Sicht bookshop offers a selection of titles from various genres, supplemented by the unique publications released on the occasion of the Buchmesse, and a number of great extras, such as the Greetings from the Seaside postcard set. The architecture of the pavillion Shared Horizon The design for the guest-of-honour pavilion embodies the main theme of the guest-of-honour countries: ‘This is what we share’. The architecture of this pavilion facilitates the activities held within the context of the programme and the various exhibitions. It also offers room for unplanned activities and meetings as well as new interpretations and ideas. The design of the pavilion was inspired by perceptions of the similar landscapes of Flanders and the Netherlands. There is very little relief in the land of the Low Countries, and it is vast and open in many areas. This horizontal aspect of the landscape reaches its high point on the coastline that the Netherlands, Flanders and Germany share with one another, in the form of the sea’s horizon. The horizon represents an anchoring point in this endless landscape and the visual end of the panoramic vista. It reveals what is yet to come on the journey, and has always been a source of inspiration for stories, fantasies and the fine arts. This notion of the horizon forms the foundation for the concept behind the pavilion, a space that is more of an experience than a structure. The pavilion does not guide visitors to the middle of the Forum area, but instead, to its periphery, the outer edges, resulting in vistas that may also be studied up close. Visitors to the pavilion will find themselves surrounded by a large, scenic panorama that displays subtle changes in colour and texture over the course of the day, transforming the space into a living, landscape-like salon. Open landscape The central area in the guest-of-honour pavilion is vast and vacant, offering visitors a quiet place to relax and briefly escape the commotion of the Book Fair. It is a place where guests can stop and process all the new impressions, either alone or in the company of others. This indoor landscape is built using a historic foundation: a brick floor pattern forms the surface on which the activities will take place. Distributed throughout this brick landscape are several comfortable pieces of furniture where visitors can rest and take in the panorama, read or just think. Live poetry readings may be heard from some of these seating areas. Here and there, the landscape reveals objects contributed by writers that collectively form the exhibit ‘Wunderkammer’, and invite the guests to stroll through the landscape. Sources on the periphery Other exhibits and programmes will be held on the periphery of the open landscape. Large amounts of information and stimuli will be offered here, and the central landscape is a place where guests can process these. Located on one side is the large exhibit ‘books on’, where more than 800 works from and about the Netherlands and Flanders will be presented. To get to this exhibit, visitors will have to walk into the landscape panorama where they will see an intimate, horizontal book display. You can look through a perforated strip placed at eye level, gazing back into the open space. A book in hand, visitors can return to that area and take a seat in one of the chairs to read. On the other side of the landscape is a compact but navigable zone where visitors will find several exhibits, a reading theatre and a studio for graphic novelists. Exchange and mingling This zone also opens directly into the central area and has a specific form that suits the function: the multimedia evolution and interdisciplinary exchange are characteristic of many sectors of the arts and creative industries. This dynamic is recognised at the guest-of-honour pavilion, where the exchange and mingling of ideas is facilitated. For this reason, the activities, objects and images will be placed in a series of open spaces, built using translucent walls. The open routing makes it possible for visitors to draw new correlations between the various elements of the exhibits, and the walls act as lenses offering alternating perspectives and views of the objects behind them. The theatre area is part of this dynamic zone, and makes it even more inviting and accessible for visitors wishing to attend presentations and contribute to discussions. The Cloud Collective The Cloud Collective (TCC) is a group of architecture and design teams that work together based on their own areas of specialisation, creating spatial-social projects that transcend scale, from regional design to event architecture. The design for the Guest of Honour pavilion is a collaborative effort between the firm with expertise in scenography and exhibition design (TCC Paris) and the firm that focuses on public architectural works (TCC Civic Amsterdam). Among other things, the partnerships created within The Cloud Collective are characterised by a shared interest in the evolution of public typologies, a focus on atmospheric design and the innovative use of materials. Just a few of the projects The Cloud Collective has worked on include the new public library in Tilburg, the Mevlana mosque in Amsterdam, the Spoorpassage (railway underpass) in Tilburg, the algae bioreactor in Geneva and the Carravagio exhibition in Caen. The programme in the pavillion Goeiemorgen 9:30 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. (Wed. to Sun.) The live radio show, Goeiemorgen, will provide the latest literary and cultural news from the Guest of Honour, Flanders & the Netherlands, with reports from the Messegelände and the city, a preview of the day’s events, short interviews and of course great coffee. New Wave 10:00 a.m. - 10:20 a.m. (Wed. to Sun.) 2:30 p.m. - 2:50 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) Guest of Honour Flanders & the Netherlands share the sea with Germany. In New Wave, new names representing various genres will take the stage. This surprising, adventurous programme has been created especially for literary beachcombers and pearl hunters. Classic 10:30 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. (Wed. to Sun.) During the slow-reading programme Classic, an author who has changed the literary landscape in Flanders and the Netherlands will take a close look at an important book that has stood the test of time. These presentations will incorporate all the senses. This is what we share 11:00 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. (Wed. to Sun.) 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m. (Wed. to Sun.) It is no coincidence that two writers/illustrators in particular will be sharing the stage during This is what we share. They are either at home in the same genre, have found one another in a single book, or have found one another today, all because they have approached the same theme from different angles. Change 11:30 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. (Wed. to Sun.) In the tradition of the renowned TED talks, writers from Flanders and the Netherlands present their interpretation of the word ‘change’. They either stay close to their roots, or view Change in a broader context. Regardless of which approach they take, they give you a peek into their study. 21’ 1:00 p.m. - 1:21 p.m. (Wed. to Sun.) Time is not something visitors have in abundance at the Buchmesse. However, 21 minutes isn’t really too much to ask, particularly when you know you will be experiencing a one-time only performance lasting precisely 21 minutes, in which various art forms from Flanders and the Netherlands meet literature. Issue 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) In Issue, a handful of writers who are notorious for not shying away from a debate will be presented with a tricky question. With their recent work within reach, they will engage in a discussion (or lock horns!) with one another and the audience. On Stage 3:00 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) As the Guest of Honour, Flanders & the Netherlands look beyond the same horizon. The On Stage programme gives visitors a taste of language in its purest form. Poetry begins here, the monologue starts there, and where does the text of the play begin? One 3:30 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) One is all about the one-on-one experience. Time for the author you always wanted to meet. Hear the answer you never expected. Ask the question you’ve been dying to ask. Listen to an excerpt being read aloud. In short, take a seat and get ready for great conversation. Tribute 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) Two authors pay festive tribute to a figurehead from both Flanders and the Netherlands whilst also providing a glimpse into their own work. All the stops will be pulled out for Tribute. Join us afterwards, to toast the end of the day. Happy Hour 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Wed. to Sat.) When the theatre becomes more of a café than a theatre, you’re in the right place: Happy Hour has begun. Enjoy a drink in the company of authors, illustrators, translators, publishers from Flanders and the Netherlands, and be part of a great photo opportunity. Else Otten Übersetzerpreis (Translators’ Price) On Saturday, 22 October 2016, the Else Otten Übersetzerpreis will be presented at the Netherlands and Flanders Guest of Honour pavillion, a biennial award bestowed on the best German translation of a major Dutch literary work. The prize was launched in 2000 by the Netherlands Foundation for Literature and Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and is funded by the Netherlands Foundation for Literature and the Flemish Fund for Literature. Previous winners include Gregor Seferens (2000), Waltraud Hüsmert (2002), Marlene Müller-Haas (2004), Hanni Ehlers (2006), Helga van Beuningen (2008), Andreas Ecke (2010), Christiane Kuby (2012) and Bettina Bach and Rainer Kersten (ex aequo, 2014). Else Otten (1873-1931), after whom the prize is named, was one of the most prolific translators of Dutch literature into German in the twentieth century. 2.3. THE GUEST OF HONOUR PROGRAMME ELSEWHERE ON THE FAIR Arnon Grunberg Lab The Dutch author Arnon Grunberg had his brain activity monitored by neurologists from the University of Amsterdam while he wrote the novella, Het bestand. Visitors to the Agora can have their brain activity monitored at the Grunberg Lab as they read the same text, measuring levels of the emotions of disgust, contempt, anger, sadness and compassion. Kinky & Cosy ‘The Kinky & Cosy Experience’ is a giant black ‘box’ where visitors are ‘locked in’ for a brief period. Whilst there, they are ‘brainwashed’, their proper upbringing scientifically erased. A new operating system is then implanted, that of either Kinky or Cosy. In order to see what the results of this are, visitors can submit their new thought patterns to extensive testing in a training zone before they are released out into the world as a Kinky or Cosy. In 2015, working in close cooperation with the French publisher Le Lombard and the Angoulême festival, the Flemish Literature Fund presented ‘The Kinky & Cosy Experience’ at the most important international comics festival in the world. Cartoonist Nix then travelled with the expo all over Europe in a container, from Naples to Turnhout, and via Antwerp and Brussels to Erlangen and Delémont. Next stop: Frankfurt. Lesezelt The Lesezelt – the atmospheric Spiegeltent (‘mirror tent’) at the Agora – will feature appearances by Dutch-language writers, primarily children’s books authors and poets. The book doctor You have always known that reading is good for the heart and soul. Don’t be shy; be sure to pay the book doctor a visit. The doctor on call is an author, illustrator, translator with Flemish or Dutch roots, and will be happy to make time for a chat and take a close look at what’s ailing you. Suffering from infatuation or a migraine? Heartbreak or back problems? You will be prescribed the book you need to cure any affliction. Film booth Guests will be able to view short (12-minute) film portraits of contemporary Dutch and Flemish authors in booths designed especially for the Buchmesse. Prominent directors from the Netherlands and Flanders were asked to film these portraits of the authors. The films were produced for Dutch and Flemish television, and will be released this autumn. The film booths will be set up at various locations in the common areas, thus reaching a large and varied audience. These 40 author portraits paint a fascinating picture of contemporary Dutch-language literature and those who play a starring role. Low Lands Stage The Low Lands Stage will be set up in hall 5.0, surrounded by the Dutch and Flemish publishers’ stands, and will feature continuous presentations, discussions and interviews related to new Dutch-language literature. Kunstmeile In the new Arts+ section in hall 4.1, Dutch and Flemish art book publishers will be exhibiting their newest creations and publications, and visitors will also be able to view the Best Book Designs exhibit. 2.4. Literary Games and Literature in VR Literary Games In spite of the enormous growth in the games industry - global sales in 2015: $ 61 billion - literary games are still quite rare. This is striking, considering the game studios really need good stories. Inspired by this shortage, the Dutch Foundation for Literature, Media Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL issued an open call. The assignment: submit a proposal for a literary game. An advisory committee chose two out of the 49 proposals submitted, and these will be completed and presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The winning proposals are the games Winter from Joost Vandecasteele and Happy Volcano, and Puzzling Poetry from Lucas Hirsch and Studio Louter. 1. “Winter” – Happy Volcano & Joost Vandecasteele “Winter” is a narrative exploration game about a one second world. A colorful but deeply disturbing place where everybody who dies in the same second ends up. The player is confronted with different death moments of other people, presented as puzzles to be solved. The circumstances of their death have influence on the look and feel of these moments, from lovingly and peaceful to pure violence. The texts appearing with these images enhance the mystery. The protagonist tries to understand the bizarre world of “Winter” through linking her own foggy memories with her own death. The camera viewpoint is an homage to the classic roleplaying games. There is chosen to show one isometric tile on the screen at a time. As a player you’ll never see the whole world, but only one detail or snapshot. This forces the player to experience the game world on a micro level, but at the same time he knows that there is the bigger universe. This astonishing feel fits with the experiences of the protagonist and thus in turn reinforces the concept. “Winter” is developed for tablet and pc and is playable in Dutch, English and German. “Winter” is one of the first literary games made in Europe for (young) adults. The team behind the Belgian indie studio Happy Volcano consists of three different, but very compatile profiles. They learned about eacht other’s love for videogames when they all worked for the same agency. As Happy Volcano, Jeroen Janssen (1979), producer and business developer, Peter Maasen (1981), coder and David Prinsmel (1984) launched their first game “Lava Fever” in 2015. “ Winter” is their second game and it already won ‘Best Mobile Games’ at the Belgian Game Awards based on the prototype.” “Winter” is developed specifically for Frankfurt Book Fair in 2016. Dutch (financial) support came of the Game Fund, Dutch Foundation for Literature, Creative Industries Fund NL, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also with financial support from the Game Fund of Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) and Tento in Belgium. 2. “Puzzling Poetry” – Studio Louter & Lucas Hirsch, Remco Campert, Ruth Lasters, Miriam Van hee At the 2016 Frankfurter Buchmesse Studio Louter and poet Lucas Hirsch will be hosting the world premiere of the literary game “Puzzling Poetry”. In the game you can play with poems by four famous Dutch and Flemish poets - Lucas Hirsch, Remco Campert, Ruth Lasters and Miriam Van hee. In the game, the poem is an empty puzzle and the words are the puzzle pieces. In solving the puzzle the player is guided by the graphic design of the game. Everything has its own shape and colour: verbs, nouns, short words, long words. Together they from patterns that give insight in the structure of the poem and the style of the poet. Playing with words leads to an unexpected concentrated way of reading poetry. For a moment, the player steps into the shoes of the poet. It is an exciting way of understanding poetry. “Puzzling Poetry” is a mobile game, developed for smartphone and tablet (iOS/App Store en Android/ Google Play) and can be played in Dutch, English and German. “Puzzling Poetry” is one of the first literary games made in Europe for (young) adults. Studio Louter is a creative studio with more than 20 years of experience in creating exhibition concepts and producing films and multimedia. Using technology, Studio Louter transforms stories into memorable experiences. Because stories that touch your heart, are stories that stay with you. Studio Louter won various national and international awards, such as the International Museum + Heritage Awards, the Geschiedenis Online Prijs, the Luigi Micheletti Award and the Gouden Reiger. “Puzzling Poetry” is developed for Frankfurt Book Fair in 2016. It is produced with Dutch financial) support of the Game Fund, Dutch Foundation for Literature, Creative Industries Fund NL, Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in cooperation with publishing houses De Arbeiderspers, De Bezige Bij and Polis. Literature in Virtual Reality 1. ‘C.a.p.e. Drop-Dog’ – CREW and Tonnus Oosterhoff C.a.p.e. Drop-Dog is a virtual performance, created by the Brussels live-art collective CREW, inspired by two texts of Dutch writer Tonnus Oosterhoff. Using state-of-the art technology, C.a.p.e Drop-Dog teleports the visitor to the stage and into the core of two short stories. The experience is available in Dutch, English, French and German. No longer sitting and reading in a comfy seat, you are ‘immersed’ in a 360° story that develops whilst you are moving. This continuous process of looking, reading, listening, and moving produces a complex reading experience and a pleasant uncomfortable feeling of being in two different, but parallel, worlds at once. While walking the concrete floors of the exhibit space in what looks to others as a strange human-cyborg dance, you experience vertigo in your body, you will see a view from a balcony whilst overhearing some conversations, you interchange perspective with dogs up to a threatening level, you will experience the fragility of our existence, human nature and perception. C.a.p.e. Drop-Dog delivers two transformative stories that shift one’s perception about location, personal space and time. C.a.p.e. (Computer Automatic Personal Environment) was developed by CREW and EDM/UHasselt (BE). It is a lighweight version using prerecorded material for a mind-expanding immersive walk. Video goggles, trackers and a headset transfer the visitor to the virtual inside. Premiered at the Shanghai World Exhibition in 2010, this participatory format offers a radically new way to engage with a narrative, to live a documentary, to discover a far-away city. C.a.p.e. comes in many versions: C.a.p.e. Brussels, C.a.p.e. Tohoku, C.a.p.e. KIT, C.a.p.e. Horror, C.a.p.e. Vooruit, C.a.p.e. Anima and now also C.a.p.e. Drop-Dog. CREW is the Brussels/Belgium-based art collective, initiated by artist Eric Joris, that operates on the boundary between art and science, between performing arts and new technology. CREW pioneered immersion-based performances in 2003 and was the first to combine 360° Omni Directional Video (ODV) and Head Mounted Display (HMD) for delivering an ‘Alternative Reality’ (AltR). Unlike sitting and standing VR applications, CREW delivers ‘AltR’ which is anchored in the physical: by moving and walking the ‘immersant’ experiences the virtual world from within his own body. Their work is very versatile, but always rooted in the same utopic vision: the quest for a medium that analyses and at the same time opens up our experience. This striving for immersion is the basic theme running through CREW’s live-art. CREW creates in hybrid forms and presents in various setting (performance art, visual arts, large public events, scientific conferences,…) all across Europe, China, Canada and the U.S. C.a.p.e. technology and concept were developed by CREW in close collaboration with the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) of the University of Hasselt/iMinds (Belgium) and with the support of the EU Research Consortium Dreamspace (WP7 Programme). CREW receives structural funding from Flanders Government. 2. ‘The Opera’ – Daniël Ernst en Maud Vanhauwaert In The Opera language and music play a vital role, and the viewer becomes part of a wonderful performance straight out of the universe. As soon as you put on the VR glasses you are seated in a majestic theatre watching an impossible opera: instead of traditional wood decors the stage appears a window into the universe with stars, planets and nebulas as far as the eyes can see. The opera singer floats in the air like a star and sings the story of the star and her impossible love for a human in an everlasting loop of dying and becoming. The distance between human and heaven becomes the symbol for the distance between the real and the virtual. The opera text has been written by poet Maud Vanhauwaert, the music composed by Mischa Velthuis. The opera singer, Annina Giere, not only sings the composition, but also stood model for the virtual opera star: her performance will be recorded and captured onto a virtual character with Daniël Ernst responsible for programming, design and animation. Daniël Ernst has a background in the gaming industry as artist and designer. Now he has completely dedicated himself to the creation and development of interactive illustrations for virtual machines. His series is called The Shoebox Diorama. Each diorama captivates the audience and offers a weird and wonderful audiovisual experience in hand-painted magic-realistic environments. Interactivity is used for story-telling and to enhance the send of real belonging and presence, not to further a "game-level" or to solve puzzles. Daniël won the AMaze Award 2016 for: Other Dimensions: Diorama No.3 - The Marchland by The Shoebox Diorama (Netherlands) 3. ‘Table Secret’ – Sara Kolster, Zesbaans en Jaap Robben Table Secret, is a hand-drawn virtual reality story which transports the viewer to the world of 9-year old Lena and her father sitting at a table. Whilst Lena occupies herself with the dissection of an owl's pellet, her father is tortured by memories. They are in conversation with each other, but then again they are not. Without realising it they are both thinking about the same thing. The viewer finds him/herself inside the head of father or daughter, and experiences their different perspectives. Take a seat at the table and be transported in the fictive reality about forgetting and remembering. About life and death. Sara Kolster is designer and director specializing in digital storytelling. After graduating at the Design Academy and obtaining her Masters at Sandberg Institute she worked for Submarine and Mediamatic where she realised interactive productions for museums and the Dutch broadcasting cooperations. Now she develops interactive documentaries and stories, like Love Radio (Zilveren Camera award), Hidden Wounds and the VR Drawing Room (IDFA Doclab award). She works closely with other makers (photographers, filmmakers,artists, writers) and creative coders. Her work is shown at international festivals and exhibitions in Amsterdam, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Berlijn. 3. THE LITERARY PROGRAMME IN THE CITY CENTRE 3.1. THE GUEST OF HONOUR CAFE Mousonturm will be from 19 September 2016 the official Café for this year’s Guests of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Specially designed by the Amsterdam studio DOG AND PONY, the café is the place where authors, artists and visitors can get together in the evening – with parties, receptions, countless side events, encounters over specialities from both Flanders and the Netherlands, and celebrations into the night. 3.2. Evening programmes in Frankfurt Be sure to mark the following events in your calendar now: Monday evening, 17 October at Haus am Dom, you can learn more about two of the most popular illustrators from the Low Countries: Randall Casaer and Joost Swarte. These two were also there at the start of the Parade project, which you are sure to get a preview of during this evening event. On Wednesday evening, 19 October, Cees Nooteboom will be appearing at the Literaturhaus, and a programme featuring Dutch non-fiction authors - including Geert Mak - will be held at the City Library. On Thursday evening, 20 October, guests will be able to attend a major party at the ‘Gastlandcafé’ at Mousonturm. Another event that will be held at Mousonturm on Friday evening 21 October will feature a programme where guests can learn more about our best poets. Finally, on Saturday evening 22 October at the City Library, you will be treated to the cream of the crop when it comes to fiction writers from Flanders. Don’t forget the Open Books Festival from Tuesday to Saturday evening, held the entire week at various locations in the city, with appearances by authors from the guest of honour countries. Plenty of exciting events to choose from! 3.3. HAUS AM DOM: SPRACHaufZEICHNUNG SOUND POETRY AND GRAPHIC NOVELS FROM THE NETHERLANDS AND FLANDERS Rabanus Maurus Academy Domplatz 3 - Frankfurt am Main Exhibition with Jaap Blonk, Joost Swarte, Randall Casaer, Hanco Kolk 17.10 – 5.11.2016 The exhibition explores transitions: from concept to sound, from facial expression to verbal message, from tone of voice to speech balloon, from letter to image, from crossed wires to pennies dropping. Hanco Kolk’s original drawings for the graphic novel “From Istanbul to Baghdad” illustrate the misunderstandings Dutch writer Arnon Grünberg experienced on his journey into Middle East cultures. With unexpected flourishes of image and concept, Joost Swarte, master of the comic from the Netherlands, teams up with his Flemish colleague Randall Casaer to explode a few entrenched attitudes: a newspaper workin-progress entitled PARADE, born at this year’s International Comic Salon in Erlangen and to be continued at the Book Fair in Frankfurt. Sound poetry is also on offer with a breathtaking new take on the familiar sounds of words, teasing the ear and tickling the potential. Jaap Blonk’s scores and videos transform the process into visual poetry. His art is inspired by DADA, and oscillating against that backdrop SPRACHaufZEICHNUNGEN packs an unexpected punch. Partnership: PARADE; Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016; Frankfurt Book Fair. Exhibition preview 17.10.2016 – 6 pm with Jaap Blonk, Joost Swarte, Randall Casaer, Hanco Kolk Sound poet Jaap Blonk lifts the curtain on his visual poetry. Hanco Kolk describes how social conflicts take shape in his graphic novel. Joost Swarte and Randall Casaer describe the comic community in Flanders and the Netherlands, spotlighting illustrators and trends in the graphic novel and presenting the project PARADE. Poëzie klinkt anders (‘Poetry sounds differently’) Sound Poetry Performance: Hommage to 100 Years of DADA 17.10.2016 – 7.30 pm With Jaap Blonk, Arnhem; Maja Jantar, Ghent; Dirk Hülstrunk, Frankfurt am Main ‘Retreat into the innermost alchemy of words, reveal the essence of the word and in so doing salvage the last sacred shrine of poetry.’ (Hugo Ball, "Flucht aus der Zeit", Munich and Leipzig 1927) Partnership: Dirk Hülstrunk, Notes on Flight 23.10.2016 – 11 am to 2 pm Matinee with a tour of the SPRACHaufZEICHNUNG exhibition with Arnon Grünberg, Netherlands; Hanco Kolk, Netherlands; Stefan Hertmans, Flanders - On his trip “From Istanbul to Baghdad”, one of the Netherlands’ best-known writers, Arnon Grünberg, became a comic-strip hero. Hanco Kolk’s original drawings, on display in the Haus am Dom, show him lost in translation. There is both comedy and absurdity in Arnon Grünberg’s probing new novel “Moedervlekken”. It is about two people intricately bound to each other whether they like it or not: a mother and son. - Stefan Hertmans: “Der Himmel meines Großvaters” and the forthcoming publication (orig. 'De bekeerlinge') by Hanser. Partnership: Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016; Anne Frank Educational Centre 3.4. HESSISCHES LITERATURFORUM at Mousonturm WORTKÜSTEN UND SPRACHPOLDER: NEW POETRY FROM FLANDERS AND THE NETHERLANDS 22.10.2016 – 7.30 pm Waldschmidtrasse 4 – Frankfurt am Main Leonard Nolens (Fl), Erwin Mortier (Fl), Rozalie Hirs (Nl), Rodaan al Galidi (NL/Irak), Anneke Brassinga )Nl presented by Dirk Hülstrunk Our special guest is the Flemish singer-songwriter Tijs Delbeke Polyphony from a tight space: Dutch-language poetry. Resonant, lyrical, musical, playful, terse, absurd, multimedia, multiculture, rural, urban, biographic, universal, personal and political, classical and experimental. Five award-winning writers from Flanders and the Netherlands illustrate the great diversity in this tiny geographic area. Leonard Nolens has long been tipped for a Nobel Prize in Literature. Translater and poet Anneke Brassinga reflects existential experience in magical language. Iraqi refugee Rodaan al Galidi ranks as a leading voice in a new multicultural society. Rozalie Hirs is both a poet and a recognised composer who often works across media and borders. Erwin Mortier, poet, successful novelist, art critic and journalist, was the first Flemish winner of the coveted Dutch AKO prize for literature. Local writer and sound poet Dirk Hülstrunk will interview these Dutch-language writers and read the German translations. Huelstrunk, from Frankfurt/Main, is renowned internationally as a sound poet, spoken word poet, authors, lecturer, presenter and curator of art and literary events. The Flemish singer-songwriter and rock musician Tijs Delbeke will provide musical accompaniment. 3.5. FLANDERS AND THE NETHERLANDS – GUEST OF HONOUR AT HUGENDUBEL 23.10.2016 Steinweg 12 – Frankfurt am Main 2:00 p.m.: Carll Cneut Introduction to the work of the award-winning comic-strip writer and illustrator. Who knew there were so many different ways to draw a bird?! From the egg to the feathers, artists young and old try to create their own world of birds. 4:00 p.m.: Herman Koch Warning! There is more to it than meets the eye! Although the most recent novel from the Dutch bestselling author Herman Koch, Sehr geehrter Herr M. (2015, Original title: Geachte heer M. [Dear Mr M.], 2014) reads like a thriller, there is so much more to it. A writer, two secondary school pupils in love and a teacher who has disappeared under mysterious circumstances are the central characters in this novel, which immerses us in an atmosphere of innuendo one minute and doubt the next. Annika Bald – – +49 (0)69 920349 – 74 - 3.6. Literaturbahnhof zur Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016 19.10 – 22.10.2016 Dom Museum at Frankfurt Cathedral, Frankfurt All readings led by moderator Ruth Fühner (hr2-Kultur) 19.10.2016 4:00 p.m. Dola de Long (NL) Das Feld in der Fremde (Original title: En de akker is de wereld [The Field]) 5:15 p.m. Niña Weijers (NL) Die Konsequenzen (Original title: De consequenties [The Consequences]) Fikry el Azzouzi (BE) Wir da draußen (Original title: Drarrie in de nacht [Drarrie in the Night]) 20.10.2016 4:00 p.m. To be announced 5:15 p.m. Ilja Leonhard Pfeijffer (NL) Das schönste Mädchen von Genua (Original title: La Superba) Griet Op de Beeck (BE) Komm her, und lass dich küssen (Original title: Kom hier dat ik u kus [Get Over Here and Kiss Me]) 21.10.2016 5:15 p.m. Wytske Versteeg (NL) Boy, Peter Verhelst (BE) Die Kunst des Verunglückens (Original title: De kunst van het crashen [The Art of Crashing]) 22.10.2016 5:15 p.m. Gustaaf Peek (NL) Göttin & Held (Original title: Godin, held [Goddess, Hero]), Yves Petry (BE) In Paradisum (Original title: De maagd Marino [The Virgin Marino]) 3.7. LITERATURHAUS FRANKFURT 19.10.2016 Schöne Aussicht 2 – Frankfurt am Main Cees Nooteboom: 533 Tage. Berichte von der Insel / 533 days. Reports from the island One book: 533 days. A book about islands and skies by the Dutch novelist. One man, one island, the universe: when cosmopolitan Cees Nooteboom resides in Minorca he has both feet firmly planted on the fertile ground, surrounded by palm trees, stubborn turtles and his beloved books in the garden studio. However his view reaches way beyond the horizon. Nooteboom observes with skepticism and a quantum of grief a Europe which is about to break apart. Yet his enthusiasm is for the universe where the two Voyager probes with their messages of greetings for foreign civilizations have been out and about for nearly 40 years. On board: recordings by Glenn Gould and the voices of the children of this world. And only a few aerospace retirees know how to operate the antiquated software. The critic Maike Albath from Deutschlandradio Kultur is hosting the evening with Cees Nooteboom. In cooperation with Flanders and the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, and with the support of Suhrkamp Verlag. 3.8. PHILOSOPHICAL DINNERS 21.9 – 13.10.2016 Mousonturm Waldschmidtstraße 4 – Frankfurt am Main During this year’s Frankfurt Book fair, the festival café earmarked for guest of honour Flanders and the Netherlands will be holding its first Philosophical Dinners in the Mousonturm. On four separate evenings, writers and philosophers from Flanders and the Netherlands will be invited to share food, drink and ideas at this specially conceived philsophical banquet. The three courses set the frame, providing cadence and rhythm and whetting the senses. The dishes have their own history and origin to flank the philosophical symposium. Each evening there will be a different guest, a different philosophical theme and a different menu. Conceived by Frankfurt’s Leon Joskowitz, the series will begin on 21 September 2016 at 7 pm with the Dutch philosopher and writer Coen Simon (on ‘Waiting enhances pleasure’). There follow Philosophical Dinners with Paul Verhaeghen (29 September 2016, on ‘Authority’), Marli Huijer (4 October 2016, on ‘Discipline’) and Chris de Stoop (13 October 2016, on the disintegration of rural life). There are seats for 12 people on each occasion, alongside the guest and Leon Joskowitz to guide the conversation. Bookings can be made via +49 69 90752410 3.9. ROMANFABRIK 06.10.2016 – 8:00 p.m. Hanauer Landstr. 186 (Hof) – Frankfurt am Main Gustaaf Peek, Göttin und Held (Goddess, Hero) The fourth novel written by the Amsterdam-based author Gustaaf Peek, Göttin und Held (DVA), was a huge success in his homeland. The author focuses the perspective of his story on the theme that is central to the novel in every way, love, and the second theme, the truth. The novel tells the story of Tessa and Marius, two people who have known each other all their lives, and have an on-off relationship with each other. For years they meet secretly in hotel rooms. Their relationship goes by many names: romance, affair, obsession. What makes the novel so unique is the consistent switching between tenses used to tell the story. Gustaaf Peek starts telling the story of Tessa and Marius at the end: the book begins with chapter 50, and ends at chapter 0. Reading in German. With the support of Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016. Reservations: +49 (0)69-49 08 48 28 or Advance sales: Frankfurt Ticket, +49 (0)69-13 40 400 or 20.10.2016 - 8:00 p.m. Hanauer Landstr. 186 (Hof) – Frankfurt am Main Saskia de Coster, Wir & Ich (Original title: Wij en ik [We and Me]) The Vandersanden family lives in an upscale residential area high on a hill: mother Mieke is a member of the financial elite, father Stefaan has worked his way up to an executive position, and daughter Sarah is curious about real life. Saskia de Coster has dedicated her novel Wir & Ich (Tropen Verlag) to a very popular theme of rich Western civilisation, the way Jonathan Franzen does in Freedom. In a humorous yet vicious manner, the successful Flemish writer explores the inner compulsion of adults who are not capable of comforting one another. The oppressive calm is however deceptive. The over-protected daughter Sarah finds traces of a family secret, and Mieke’s brother, Uncle Jempy, comes for a visit from the prison where he is an inmate. We and Me is a comedy that plays with the interaction between urges for discipline, the obsession with safety, and the anxious desires of the well-to-do bourgeois. Reading in German. With the support of Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016. Reservations: +49 (0)69-49 08 48 28 or Advance sales: Frankfurt Ticket, +49 (0)69-13 40 400 or 3.10. STADTBIBLIOTHEKEN 07.10.2016 – 7:30 p.m. Stadtteilbibliothek Rödelheim Radilostraße 17-19 - Frankfurt am Main Reading & Discussion: Literature from the Low Countries - Literatur aus den Niederlanden Martin Maria Schwarz, editor and moderator at hr2-Kultur, will read a selection of texts written by Dutch authors and will engage in a discussion with Laurette Artois, professor of Dutch language, culture and literature at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. The Dutch author Thomas Heerma van Voss will close the session with a presentation of his novel, Stern. Advance sales: Stadtteilbibliothek Rödelheim, Pappmarché, ORTells 19.10.2016 – 7:30 p.m. Zentralbibliothek, Hasengasse 4 – Frankfurt am Main Geert Mak, Laura Starink & Douwe Draaisma Three Dutch non-fiction writers read from their own work and discuss history and identity, memories and forgetting. Moderator: to be announced Geert Mak: Die vielen Leben des Jan Six - De levens van Jan Six (The Lives of Jan Six). Laura Starink: Meine Mutter aus Mikultschütz - Duitse wortels (German Roots). Douwe Draaisma: Halbe Wahrheiten - Halve waarheden (Half-truths). in cooperation with Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016) 22.10.2016 – 7:30 p.m. Zentralbibliothek, Hasengasse 4 – 60311 Frankfurt am Main Three novels from Flanders Strange jokes, drama in the Antilles and the art of thriller storytelling. Moderator and interpreter: to be announced. Saskia de Coster Wir & Ich – Wij en ik (We and Me) Yves Petry: In Paradisum – De maagd Marino(The Virgin Marino) Stefan Brijs: Taxi Curaçao - Maan en zon (Moon and Sun) in cooperation with Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 There will also be a Book Fair quiz for children and young people aged 11 to 17. The quiz comprises four questions about the Guest of Honour at the 2016 Book Fair. Those sending in the correct answers will win two free tickets to visit the Book Fair. The quiz is online on our website, and also available at all school and city libraries. Stadt Frankfurt am Main - Der Magistrat - Stadtbücherei 44.5 Zentralbibliothek / 44.53 Medienangebot Patricia Gaydoul Hasengasse 4 - 60311 Frankfurt am Main +49 (0)69 - 212 38592 4. THE CULTURAL PROGRAMME in FRANKFURT 4.1. Basis e.V.: STATE OF THE CITY 14.10 – 18.12.2016 Gutleutstraße 8-12 – Frankfurt am Main “State of the City” is a project devoted to the complex relationship between trade and sociocultural settings in the cities of Antwerp, Rotterdam and Frankfurt am Main. All three cities play a significant role in global trade: Antwerp and Rotterdam have international ports; Frankfurt am Main houses the European Central Bank and a major airport. The exhibition “State of the City” is the result of three-month periods in residence, for which two artists from Rotterdam, Antwerp and Frankfurt were selected to visit one of the other two places and spend time working creatively. The production and exhibition platform basis e.V. presents the artistic fruits of those visits in the form of a themed group exhibition. Taking its cue from the artists with their multi-facetted approaches, the show explores artistic responses to social, economic and geographical aspects of these different cities. The exhibition project “State of the City” is a partnership between the production and exhibition platform basis e.V., the Department of Culture in the City of Frankfurt, AIR Antwerpen and Stichting Charlois aan het Water to mark the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2016. Christin Müller - - +49 (0)69/40037617 4.2. DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTURMUSEUM: MAATWERK/MASSARBEIT. ARCHITEKTUR AUS FLANDERN UND DEN NIEDERLANDEN 7.10.2016 – 29.1.2017 Schaumainkai 43 – Frankfurt am Main Maatwerk. Custom Made Architecture From Flanders and the Netherlands. The past thirty years have been crucial years for architecture in the Low Countries, north and south of the border between Belgian Flanders and the Netherlands. While the public image of Dutch architecture has been dominated by the substantial campaigns promoting the ‘Superdutch’, during much of this period Flemish architecture has developed largely out of the limelight and has only more recently attracted the attention of the international media. The presentation of architects from both Flanders and the Netherlands will provide a new perspective on the apparently much more well-known Dutch architecture, and the productive relationships between representatives from these two architectural cultures which are so different and complementary, yet also connected by one language. This exhibition is curated by Sofie de Caigny from the VAi in Antwerpen. This exhibition shows over 65 models of crucial projects, both north and south of the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. Additionally a special position in the exhibition will be taken by the “Wonderkamer” that gives the floor to the newest generation, hardly published on. Jantje Engels and Marius Grootveld are both the curators of this section and the designers of the scenography of the entire exhibition. The exhibition will be shown in the very special Ungers’ space of DAM – Deutsches Architekturmuseum on the 1.floor from. The exhibition includes work of over 40 architects, among whom 51N4E, Abel Cahen, Aldo Van Eyck, architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, AWG Architecten, Architecten Achtergael, B-architecten, Bureau Bas Smets, Benthem Crouwel Architects, BiermanHenket architecten, Bovenbouw architectuur, Carel Weeber, Cees Dam, Claus en Kaan Architecten, Christian Kieckens Architects, Coussée en Goris Architecten, De Smet Vermeulen Architecten, Dierendockblancke architects, Dok architecten, Driesen Meersman Thomaes Architecten, Van Dongen - Koschuch, Gunnar Daan, Herman Hertzberger, Huiswerk Architecten, Jo Coenen Architects & Urbanists, Jo Crepain, Atelier JPLX, Koen Van Velsen architecten, Korteknie Stuhlmacher, Mecanoo, Ney & Partners, Luc Deleu, Maarten Van Severen, MJosée Van Hee Architecten, Mart van Schijndel, MartineDeMaeseneerArchitecten, MVRDV, Neutelings Riedijk Architecten, NL Architects, noArchitecten, Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, OMA, Onix, Robbrecht en Daem architecten, Rapp + Rapp, Sjoerd Soeters, Stéphane Beel Architects, UNStudio, Wiel Arets, West 8 and Xaveer De Geyter Architects Production: Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) and Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi) Publication: Sofie De Caigny (ed.), Maatwerk. Custom made architecture from Flanders and the Netherlands, VAi and DAM, Antwerp and Frankfurt am Main, 2016. With the support of: Creative Industry Fund NL (Rotterdam), The Flemish Government (Brussels) Partner: Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam) Lender: Architectuurarchief Provincie Antwerpen (Antwerp), Architekturmuseum der TU München (München), Het Nieuwe Instituut (Rotterdam), FRAC Centre (Orléans), Museum aan de Stroom (Antwerp), Museum Kazerne Dossin (Mechelen), Stadsmuseum (Ghent) 4.3. DEUTSCHES FILM INSTITUT FRANKFURT: VERFILMUNGEN FLÄMISCHER UND NIEDERLÄNDISCHER LITERATUR / Film Adaptations of Literature from Flanders and the Netherlands 15 – 30.10.2016 Schaumainkai 41 – Frankfurt am Main The German Film Museum will be offering a programme that was put together by EYE Film Institute and includes film adaptations of contemporary and classic books. Several filmmakers and writers will be present at the festival. Screenplays based on novels and short stories represent a rather substantial share of what is being produced by the Dutch film industry; themes taken from Dutch literature play a decisive role in new film projects. The cinematic interpretations of literary works are extremely diverse: the collaboration between authors and filmmakers is very varied. Starting in late September, the German Film Museum will also be offering a retrospective on the work of the successful Dutch director and multi-talent, Alex van Warmerdam. 4.4. FOTOGRAFIE FORUM FRANKFURT: HANNE VAN DER WOUDE, EMMY’S WORLD Error! Bookmark not defined. 17.09 – 04.12.2016 Braubachstrasse 30 – Frankfurt am Main The Dutch couple Emmy Eerdmans and Ben Joosten were married for a half century. During their last years together, the Dutch photographer Hanne van der Woude captured these married artists’ lives on film. She caught moving moments with her camera, portraying the couple growing older, their creativity and lust for life at an advanced age, and their loving relationship. EMMY’S WORLD is a homage to the now 83-year-old Emmy Eerdmans, painter and headstrong freethinker. Hanne van der Woude offers a glimpse into the world Emmy inhabits in the Betuwe region of the Gelderland province in the Netherlands. These photos capture her in her garden with her guinea fowl, in her studio, her bedroom, in the car on the way to the South of France - always accompanied by her life partner, the graphic designer Ben, and with his brothers. With a tender eye, the young photographer records the couple’s fleeting and intimate moments, up until Ben’s death. Born in 1982 in Nijmegen, Hanne van der Woude studied photography at the ArtEZ University of the Arts in Arnhem, where she currently lives and works as a photographer. Her work has been exhibited at The Hague Museum of Photography (2008) and the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts in Yaamanashi, Japan (2010). The Frankfurt Photography Forum will be showing EMMY’S WORLD in cooperation with the Huis Marseille Museum for Photography in Amsterdam, where the exhibit was put together in 2015 and displayed for the first time. 4.5. KÜNSTLERHAUS MOUSONTURM: TOLLE KÜNSTE. THEATER, TANZ & PERFORMANCE AUS FLANDERN UND DEN NIEDERLANDEN 17.9 – 6.11.2016 Waldtschmidstrasse 4 – Frankfurt am Main For more than thirty years, artists from Flanders and the Netherlands have been blazing new trails across the European landscape of free dance, theatre and performance with their aesthetic positions and production models. From 17 September to 6 November, the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm will devote a special programme to leading figures in this movement and to a young generation of artists. This festival features 15 productions to represent a variety of perspectives. - Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker combines dance, music and poetry into a text-based choreography Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke, personally performing Rilke’s work in the original German (17-19/9). - The best-selling Dutch writer Arnon Grunberg, the theatre ensemble Wunderbaum and star director Johan Simons team up to stage THE FUTURE OF SEX (2&3/10). - 500 years after the death of Hieronymus Bosch, muziektheater LOD, with author Dimitri Verhulst, artist Kris Verdonck, composer Vasco Mendonça and Asko Schönberg Ensemble plunge the depths of the soul in BOSCH BEACH (12&13/10), with images, sounds and texts that probe today’s pursuit of a false Garden of Eden. - A unique people’s assembly will be convened by Needcompany from Brussels: on 7&8/10 they will occupy every stage and studio of the Mousonturm building with Grace Ellen Barkey’s timely choreography Forever as well as other plays, jam sessions and installations by this collective, which now embraces three generations of performers. - In another friendly takeover of the venue, CAMPO CAMP (15/10- 3/11) invites people of all ages to indulge in plenty of waffles while enjoying beautifully acted, highly dynamic, hands-on and deeply moving plays by Pieter Ampe, Sarah Vanhee, Milo Rau in an encounter with Europe’s most successful production centre CAMPO from Ghent. 17.09 – 22.10.2016 Guest of Honour Café 17-19.09 Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke 27 & 28.09 David Weber Krebs: Balthazar 02 & 03.10 Wunderbaum & Arnon Grunberg & Johan Simons: The Future of Sex. + Panel discussion. 15.10 – 03.11 CAMPO CAMP – Dance, theatre, performance 15.10 Louis Vanhaverbeke: multiverse Pieter Ampe & Guilherme Garrido: Still Standing You 16.10 Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank: To Break Benny Claessens: Hello Useless – for W and friends 07.10 Needcompany / Grace Ellen Barkey: Forever 08.10 Needcompany / Mararten Seghers: O Kuiperskaai: The Winter's Tale - Needlabp 12 & 13.10 muziektheater LOD / Dimitri Verhulst / Kris Verdonck / Vasco Mendonça/ Asko Schönberg Ensemble: BOSCH BEACH 20 & 21.10 Jan Martens: THE COMMON PEOPLE FRANKFURT 18.10 Pieter Ampe: So You Can Feel Sarah Vanhee: Oblivion 19.10 CAMPO TALK Sarah Vanhee: Oblivion 01-03.11 Milo Rau: Five Easy Pieces Press contacts Gabriele Müller (head of PR): /+49 (0)69 40 58 95 41 Hanna Knell (PR): +49 (0)69 40 58 95 42 Julia Kretschmer (online communications): /+49 (0)69 40 58 95 43 Tickets & info: 4.6. MUSEUM MODERNE KUNST FRANKFURT MMK 1: FIONA TAN. Geografie der Zeit 17.09.2016 – 15.01.2017 Domstraße 10 – Frankfurt am Main At the MMK 1, the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst Frankfurt am Main will present the hitherto most extensive exhibition of the internationally celebrated artist Fiona Tan (b. 1966) in the Germanspeaking world. In addition to major works from her filmic oeuvre – for example the double projection "Rise and Fall" produced in 2009 for the Dutch pavillion of the Venice Biennale – the survey will focus on the latest developments in her work, which increasingly takes the form of installation environments. Tan will transform the MMK architecture into an oppressive scenario that, occupied by a fictional figure, is reminiscent of commercial storage spaces as well as "freeports of culture" – publicly inaccessible display depots in tax oases. Along the route through the museum developed especially for this show, video projections, audio works and sculptural installations will combine in a concentrated reflection on the individual in a globalized world that is coming apart at the seams. In her striking filmic images and installations, Fiona Tan tells of the consequences of economic, ecological and political developments for mankind and sends the viewer on journeys through space and time. For the artist, the human being and his search for identity are the constant focus of her poetic investigations of the urgent issues of our time. The exhibition is carried out in cooperation with the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, the MUDAM, Luxembourg and the Tel Aviv Museum, and in close collaboration with the artist. The exhibition is supported by the Mondriaan fund with the support of the Dutch Foreign Ministry and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, and by the Ammodo Foundation. MMK 2: WILLEM DE ROOIJ 15.10.2016 – 16.04.2017 Taunustor 1 – Frankfurt am Main Willem de Rooij (b. 1969), a professor at the Frankfurt Städelschule art academy since 2006, is one of the most influential artists of his generation. Often bearing reference to works by other artists or artefacts from historical and anthropological collections, his works revolve around questions of representation and meaning. For his exhibition at the MMK 2, de Rooij will unite three of his existing workgroups for the first time and juxtapose them with works from the MMK collection in suspenseful dialogues. Whereas the assembly of the three workgroups will allow profound new insights into the oeuvre of this important Dutch artist, the confrontation with selected works by other artists will shed light on his own creative approach and his prominent position in contemporary art. The three workgroups to be featured in the show will be the large "weavings" (since 2007), the eighteen large-scale "Index panels" (2003) and the sportswear collection entitled "Fong Leng". The exhibition is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Berlin, the Mondriaan Fund and the Freunde des MMK. MMK 3: LAURE PROUVOST. ALL BEHIND, WE’LL GO DEEPER, DEEP DOWN AND SHE WILL SAY: 03.09 - 6.11.2016 Domstrasse 3 – Frankfurt am Main In her first major solo presentation in Germany, the Turner Prize recipient Laure Prouvost (b. 1978) will create spaces in which painting, drawing, sculpture and video are united in exuberant environments. The main focus of the exhibition at the MMK 3 will be Prouvost’s filmic works, which will be embedded in large-scale installations of collaged panorama wallpapers and fantastic object arrangements and combined with painting, drawing and sculpture. The artist will thus expand the virtual space of her videos to encompass the real exhibition space, creating bizarre mindscapes that blur the boundary between reality and fiction. The show’s starting point will be the story the artist invented about her make-believe grandfather as a close confidant and companion of Kurt Schwitters. Within the framework of an art project, he has dug a tunnel from his living room through the earth to North Africa, disappeared in it, and never been heard from since. The exhibition will continue this story – which already served as the basis for Prouvost’s award-winning work „Wantee“ (2013) – in three acts. In addition to this new production, the show will also feature other older and more recent works by the artist. The exhibition is being carried out in cooperation with Le Consortium in Dijon and the Kunstmuseum Luzern and developed in close collaboration with the artist. The exhibition is being made possible by the Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung. With kind support of the Institut Français. 4.7. SCHAUSPIEL FRANKFURT: KÖNIGIN LEAR German première of ‘QUEEN LEAR’ (orig. Koningin Lear) Text by Tom Lanoye, translated into German by Rainer Kersten Directed by Kay Voges Title role: Josefin Platt Schauspiel Frankfurt, “Grosses Haus” Neue Mainzer Straße 17 - Frankfurt am Main Première: 10.09.2016 October: 17.10, 26.10, 27.10.2016 21.10.2016: ‘Bloodnote’ “Panorama Bar”/Schauspiel Frankfurt Reading/performance by Tom Lanoye and book presentation “Gas/Königin Lear” (Verlag der Autoren). With Nicolas Rombouts, bass, and Teun Verbruggen, percussions. Bloodnote © International sets a new standard for literary-musical perfomances. “Let’s get back to basics: language, bass & drumm.” One writer who was ‘born to perform’ — Belgian novelist and playwright Tom Lanoye — meets two Belgian avant-garde artists who were born to make music: bass-player Nicolas Rombouts and percussionist Teun Verbruggen. The trio have one rule: ‘We never rehearse’. The trio have one law: the writer browses through his own oeuvre while the musicians improvise "live on stage” either a fitting soundscape or contradicting musical score. In Frankfurt Lanoye will recite fragments of two older plays of his — Festung Europa and Schlachten!. But of course he will focus on the new book that will be presented that same night, containing two new plays of his: Königin Lear and Gas. Plädoyer einer verurteilten Mutter. (Translated as always by Rainer Kersten and edited as always by Verlag der Autoren.) Lanoye will perform in German, English and some Dutch. And he promises not to sing too much. “QUEEN LEAR, loosely based on Shakespeare, is about a successful career woman who decides to carve up her global ‘too big to fail’ company between her three sons. But just as in Shakespeare’s version, the youngest doesn’t play the game – with far-reaching, devastating consequences for the family, the company and the (world’s) economy. Tom Lanoye paints the portrait of a ‘leading lady’ who has not grasped the principle that a family can’t be managed like a company.” (translated from Verlag der Autoren, Buchvorschau Herbst 2016) 4.8. STÄDEL MUSEUM FRANKFURT: DAVID CLAERBOUT, UNTITLED (ANONYMOUS) 28.09 – 06.11.2016 Schaumainkai 63 – Frankfurt am Main From September to November 2016 – on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair, whose guests of honour will be the Netherlands and Flanders – the Städel will present a new work by the Belgian artist David Claerbout (b. 1969) within the framework of the series “In the Städel Garden”. At first sight, the sixty-minute video Untitled (anonymous) developed especially for the Städel Museum looks like a direct appropriation of the popular animated film The Jungle Book by Wolfgang Reithermann from 1967. For his work, Claerbout had the drawings re-created in an elaborate process – the major difference being that he eliminated the humanized character of the familiar animals the Bear, the Panther, the Snake, the Tiger etc and therefore all narrative thread. They now move through the jungle like members of their species in an animal documentary, undisturbed by humanity’s stories. Rather than telling the tale of a young boy, the video culminates every hour on the hour in the final scene of the 1967 original: the singing girl who has come to the jungle to fetch water. For Claerbout, this scene serves as the beginning and end of the loop dividing time into onehour units on a large LED screen in the Städel Garden. In his photographic and filmic installations, David Claerbout employs visual material ranging from found historical photographs and reconstructed images to films shot according to his instructions. He processes this material digitally in such a way that the boundary between photography and film becomes fluid. Claerbout deconstructs linear courses of time. 5. THE LITERATURE PROGRAMME ELSWHERE IN (EXCHANGE WITH) GERMANY 5.1. EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES FOR TRANSLATORS, PUBLISHERS, FESTIVAL ORGANISERS AND WRITERS As in recent years, the run-up to 2016 Frankfurter Buchmesse features numerous exchange projects. German publishers and festival organisers visited Amsterdam and Antwerp at the invitation of their respective literary foundations to learn about the Dutch and Flemish literary landscape. In the wake of these visits a lively interest developed in the purchase of translation rights and in Dutch authors generally among programme makers at German festivals. German translators have been working since 2014 on translations from Dutch to appear in Germany this year. To encourage them, many stayed for a few weeks at the translators houses in Amsterdam and Antwerp. Dutch publishers such as DasMag and Cossee maintained offices in Berlin for a period, while German publishers Mairisch Verlag explored the literary scene in Amsterdam for several weeks and kept a blog of their progress. Several writers from both countries stayed in residences in each other’s country. To connect to our Sea theme, three poets each stayed for a number of weeks at a place on the coast in each other’s country, where they drew inspiration to write poems about the sea (see 5.5). Writers in residence in Germany, Flanders and Netherlands Amsterdam (Nederlands Letterenfonds):; Per Leo (Germany), Karen Köhler (Germany), Mirna Funk (Germany & Israel), Tom Struyf (Flanders), Ilija Trojanow (Bulgaria / Germany), Frank Witzel (Germany), Valerie Fritsch (Austria) Brussels (Passa Porta) Eugen Ruge (Germany), Katja Petrowskaja (Germany/Russia), Daan Heerma van Voss (Netherlands), Robbert Menasse (Germany/Austria), Ricardo Domeneck (Germany/Brazil). Berlin (DAAD) David van Reybrouck (Belgium) September 2016 – May 2017 (DAAD, Berlin) Berlin (LCB) Rachida Lamrabet (Flanders), Lize Spit (Flanders), Saskia de Coster (Flanders), Niña Weijers (Netherlands), Bregje Hofstede (Netherlands). Bergen (Stadt Bergen) Mano Bouzamour (Netherlands) Translators in residence at the translators houses in Antwerp and Amsterdam: Amsterdam 2015: Christiane Burkhardt, Hanni Ehlers, Birgit Erdmann, Rolf Erdorf, Marianne Hoberg, Bärbel Jänicke, Rainer Kersten, Anne Fritz Middelhoek, Marlene Müller-Haas, Simone Schroth, Eva Schweikart, Stefan Wieczorek, Ira Wilhelm, Annette Wunschel Amsterdam 2016: Christiane Burkhardt, Gerd Busse, Birgit Erdmann, Marianne Holberg, Bärbel Jänicke, Rainer Kersten, Marlene Müller-Haas, Eva Schweikart, Stefan Wieczorek, Ira Wilhelm, Annette Wunschel Antwerp 2015: Marlene Müller-Haas, Ira Wilhelm, Rolf Erdorf, Monica Götze, Stefan Wieczorek, Rainer Kersten, Marianne Holberg, Christiane Burkhardt, Barbara Buri, Ilja Braun Antwerp 2016: Marianne Holberg, Rolf Erdorf, Gregor Seferens Translation database: For a survey of all translations from Dutch supported by the Dutch and Flemish literary funds see: 5.2. BOOKSELLERS CAMPAIGN In June, a comprehensive bookseller campaign will start all over Germany, organised by the guest of honour and the Berlin-based LiteraturTest. The objective of the campaign is to make Flanders and the Netherlands’ guest-of-honour status visible in German bookstores, and to provide strong support for the promotion of the new Dutch and Flemish releases. An important part of the campaign is an extensive programme with appearances by Dutch and Flemish authors which bookstores may register for. The appearances will be organised in close cooperation with German publishers, and supported financially by the guest of honour. The prize for the competition Die schönste Gastland-Buchhandlung is a weekend getaway for two to Antwerp. There are also promotional and store display packages, kick-off meetings with booksellers in Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich and so on. Literaturtest – Ulrike Bauer - +49 (0)40 20 972815 5.3. CITYBOOKS An initiative of the Dutch-Flemish cultural organisation deBuren. In the broader context of the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016, citybooks will also set foot in Germany. In collaboration with the Flemish and Dutch foundations for literature and local partners Dutch, Flemish and German authors will each be invited to write a literary city portrait. A photographer will create a visual city portrait. We get underway in Münster and Karlsruhe. Münster In collaboration with Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, and local partners Literaturverein Münster and Institut für Niederländische Philologie, the renowned Dutch poet Erik Lindner and the young Flemish author Carmien Michels have been invited to each spend two weeks as guests in Münster. Michels resided in the city from 2 to 15 June, Lindner took up residency in Münster from 16 to 30 June. The German-Croation Alida Bremer will write a citybook about her home city in July 2016. Sofie Knijff took care of the series of 24 citybooks photos, creating a portrait of the city in which the fate of the 80-years war was sealed. The texts and photos will be published online beginning in September 2016. deBuren & Partners Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 Institut für Niederländische Philologie - Literaturverein Münster - Karlsruhe In Karlsruhe Monika Rinck, Els Moors and Maarten van der Graaff are the authors who will write the citybook. The photographer still has to be selected. deBuren & Partners Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe - Literarisches Gesellschaft Karlsruhe - 5.4. CREATIVE WRITING: STUDENTS FROM ANTWERP AND ARNHEM ON TOUR From Antwerp and Arnhem via Leipzig to Frankfurt To mark the Flanders and Netherlands guest country appearance at Frankfurter Buchmesse, a joint project was organised combining the ‘Woordkunst’ (‘word/text-art’) and Creative Writing courses at Antwerp and Arnhem. This last academic year, Maud Vanhauwaert and Dennis Gaens assigned each of their students to undertake creative research in their own city and those of other students. Inspiration: poetic journalism (Spalding Gray) and a publication about ‘the point of pointless research’ (Robert Dijkgraaf). Interaction Design students produced this research in visual form. They worked alternately in Arnhem and Antwerp and the research resulted in a full evening’s theatre performance in multimedia format in which students (eight Word Art students, eight Creative Writers and eight Interaction Designers) explore four cities. The tour starts on Monday 17 October in Antwerp, takes in Arnhem and Leipzig and finishes on 20 October in Frankfurt. 17.10.2016 – 8.00 pm Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerp (Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool) – Desguinlei 25 – Antwerp 18.10.2016 – 8.00 pm Arnhem Showroom - Kleine Oord 177, Arnhem 19.10.2016 – 8.00 pm Leipzig – location to be announced 20.10.2016 – 9.00 pm Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt Waldschmidtstraße 4 – Frankfurt am Main Antwerp conservatory, Woordkunst Artez Arnhem, Creative Writing, Interaction Design Production: Literair Productiehuis Wintertuin With support from Woordkunst, ArtEZ Creative Writing, ArtEZ Innovatiefonds, Vlaanderen & Nederland Eregast Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016 5.5. LITERATOUR. YOUNG WRITERS ‘ON THE ROAD’ Meeting, creating and connecting. Youngsters from Flanders, the Netherlands and Germany make a five-city tour from Aachen to Frankfurt on bike. They travel and share their meals. They have to face all kind of problems together as well. It is not only a journey through three countries, but also a journey through their minds and hearts. Two reknowned authors, Fikry al Azzouzi and Simon van der Geest, will actively participate – on their bike, and as writing coaches in workshops on the road. After a common translation workshop, eighteen youngsters presented the wonderful results of their project in a beautiful theatre in Maastricht. Discussing with Rick de Leeuw they started to imagine a collective bike tour along stages in different cities in Holland, Flanders and Germany, to present an original young writers’/ translators’ program. The organisations Tout Maastricht, MusikZentrum Hannover, de Brakke Grond, School der Poëzie, and Poetry Circle Nowhere gathered and organized the tour and the funding of the project. From Flanders, the organisation Te Gek! decided to participate in the project. During the bike tour, the youngsters write about their experiences everyday, in a LiteraTour diary and on social media, inspired by an anthology of fragments of poetry and literature. Issues relate to Europe, to contemporary life, to city life and to life in the country, to concepts like identity, belonging, shelter, responsibility, solidarity and sharing. The youngsters will write roadletters, poetry and lyrics, take photographs, visit historical monuments and places and share their work. The mobile recording studio SoundTruck, provided by MusikZentrum Hannover, will join the group during the whole trip. Along the road they will produce a CD and a book. The result will be a kind of Songlines of Bruce Chatwin, a compiled story of the tour, of the thoughts and views of youngsters on their life in Europe today. Presentations, and meetings with local youngsters, writers, musicians, slampoets 17.07.2016 Aachen 18-21.07.2016 Bad Honnef, Koblenz, Mainz 22.07.2016 Frankfurt From the experiences and creations of this summertour a compilation will be edited and presented by the participants and the two authors, Fikry al Azzouzi and Simon van der Geest, on at the ‘Lowlands’ publishers’ stage of the Frankfurter Buchmesse. 22.10.2016 – 12:30 Frankfurter Buchmesse De Brakke Grond, MusikZentrum (Hannover), Stichting Tout Maastricht, School der Poëzie (Amsterdam, Rotterdam), Poetry Circle Nowhere, deBuren, Fonds Soziokultur, Duits-Nederlands Jeugdwerk, City of Maastricht, Stichting Kannunik Salden Nieuwenhof, de Taalunie, Province of Limburg, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie and Euregio Maas-Rijn. (Dutch) 5.6. LITERATURE FESTIVALS In March, LitCOLOGNE festival kicked off the guest country programme with an appearance by Connie Palmen and Saskia de Coster at an overfull Literaturschiff in Cologne. That same month it continued at Leipzig Buchmesse after an intermediate stop in Berlin, organised by the Dutch embassy and Flemish representative. Around twenty Dutch and Flemish authors appeared. Besides well-attended programmes at the Buchmesse there were also twenty other locations around the city, attracting 4,000 visitors in all. A virtual reality installation at the guest country stand at the Buchmesse drew considerable attention. In April, the Prelude at Göttinger Herbst focused on non-fiction, with an appearance by Douwe Draaisma. In May, Cologne’s Internationale Kinder und Jugendbuchwochen featured Dutch children’s books. Ten Dutch authors lectured in schools and libraries. The festival opened with an exhibition of work by Ingrid Godon and Toon Tellegen, completed with photographs of August Sander at Museum für Angewandte Kunst. At the Comic Festival in Erlangen that same month there were no less than seven Dutch and Flemish graphic novel writers. Major poetry festivals Poetry on the Road in Bremen, and Poesiefestival Berlin, organised fantastic cross-over programmes in May and June featuring poetry, music and video art. While in Frankfurt the June LiteraTurm festival shone the spotlight on Dutch short story writing, the new generation of fiction writers were centre-stage at a festival of young Dutch festival organisers at DasMagazin, which appeared in Berlin for the first time on 24 June. Animated and well-attended reading groups were organised at twelve locations in the city. Still to come Many Dutch and Flemish authors are booked to appear at German festivals this autumn. A small selection: - 5 July-7 September: Literarischer Sommer hosts a large number of younger generation Flemish and Dutch authors this summer: Ariëlla Kornmehl, Bregje Hofstede, Wytske Versteeg, Saskia de Coster, Ernest vd Kwast, Tommy Wieringa, Stefan Hertmans and Lot Vekemans. The festival also hosts Buro van Voskuil; and organises a literary walk in Amsterdam led by Marinus Platz on 20 August. For more - 7-17 September: Berlin’s Internationales Literaturfestival presents eleven Dutch and Flemish novelists and children’s book writers – see separate info-sheet - 14 September–24 October: Hamburg’s Harbour Front Festival is opened by Cees Nooteboom, with many new stars in the spotlight – see separate info-sheet - 2 September–21 October: Berleburger Literaturpflaster is devoted this year to Dutch language literature – see separate info-sheet - 18 October–22 October: At the Buchmesse in Frankfurt, Open Booksfestival hosts Dutch and Flemish authors on various stages around the city – see separate info-sheet - 17 September–12 November: Mord am Hellweg is Europe’s biggest detective fiction festival. This year’s programme includes an appearance by Flemish thriller writer Bram de Houck. 5.6.1. HARBOUR FRONT FESTIVAL HAMBURG 14.09 – 24.10.2016 From 14 September to 24 October 2016, the port of Hamburg will be hosting the 8th edition of the event that is a meeting place for German and international authors. Open to the public, this festival will offer visitors a choice from 70 events representing a variety of genres, with a special focus on the most important new autumn releases. Within the context of the Guest of Honour status of the Netherlands and Flanders at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 and in cooperation with the Dutch and Flemish Literature Funds, the Harbour Front Literature Festival has invited the Dutch bestselling authors Connie Palmen, Cees Nooteboom, Leon de Winter and the singer songwriter Herman van Veen to make an appearance in Hamburg. Visitors will be able to hear from new young voices from Flanders and the Netherlands such as Fikry El Azzouzi, Lize Spit, Bregje Hofstede, Joost de Vries and Niña Weijers. The children’s programme will be presented by Gideon Samson. The event will be held on the water as well as the waterfront, an element that Flanders, the Netherlands and Germany share in Northern Europe, and is a connection that symbolises the literary collaboration between the three nations. The Cap San Diego forms the heart of this focus programme. Served as one of the main locations for the Festival since 2009, hatches 4 and 5 of the largest seaworthy museum freighter in the world will be where most of the Flemish and Dutch writers will give readings. 14.09.2016 | Audimax der Kühne Logistics University | Opening of the 8th Harbour Front Literature Festival with Cees Nooteboom 15.09.2016 | Church of St. Katherine | Herman van Veen reads from Erinnerte Tage (Original title: Herinnerde dagen [Days Remembered]) 16.09.2016 | Church of St. Katherine | Connie Palmen reads from Du sagst es (Original title: Jij zegt het [You Said It]) 19.09.2016 | Cap San Diego – Luke 5 | Leon de Winter reads from Geronimo (Original title: Id.) 21.09.2016 | Cap San Diego - Luke 5 | Lize Spit, Bregje Hofstede, Joost de Vries and Niña Weijers 22.09.2016 | Cap San Diego – Luke 4 | Fikry El Azzouzi reads from Wir da draußen (Original title: Drarrie in de nacht [Drarrie in the Night]) 23.09.2016 | Zentralbibliothek der Bücherhallen (Central Library) Hamburg | Gideon Samson reads from 70 Tricks, um nicht baden zu gehen (Original title: Met je hoofd boven water [With Your Head Above Water]) Info: Annabell Meyer (Press and public communication) | c/o Kühne + Nagel (AG & Co) KG | Großer Grasbrook 11-13 | 20457 Hamburg| T: +49 40 30333 – 1084| 5.6.2 INTERNATIONAL LITERATURE FESTIVAL BERLIN 16th international literature festival berlin 07 – 17.09.2016 The ilb is one of the most important and prestigious literature festivals in the world. With an estimated 150 international authors from over 50 countries in attendance, the festival presents contemporary developments and trends in prose and poetry from all over the world to a broad audience. The ilb also sees it as its duty and privilege to introduce the work of lesser-known authors to the European literary discourse. During the ten days of the festival, the city of Berlin becomes the pulsing centre of literary life in Germany. The great variety of literary voices from all over the world find a platform for expression and even reach people who are usually not active in the cultural milieu. A balanced schedule of readings and talks offers an open and lively international discourse throughout the city, so that every event has the potential to broaden the contemporary discourse and enrich the international literature scene worldwide. The ilb programme is defined by two central objectives. One is to encourage the exchange between authors and literary agents from Berlin and guests from all over the world and to broaden literary, cultural and political horizons in general. The other objective is to bring literature and art to new venues all over the city with the goal of encouraging the public appreciation of international literature. Literatures of the World The selection for Literatures of the World is made by the festival’s organisers, with the support of an international network of curators and friends, and by the members of the jury, internationally renowned experts in the literature of their region. The current guest authors of the DAAD’s Berlin Artists’ Programme will also receive invitations. This part of the festival allows audiences to get to know not only world-renowned authors, but also introduces them to fascinating new discoveries from the disciplines of prose and poetry. Guests from Flanders & the Netherlands who have confirmed their participation are: Margriet de Moor, Connie Palmen, Nina Polak, Wytske Versteeg, Niña Weijers, David van Reybrouck, Bregje Hofstede. International Children’s and Young Adult Literature In the International Children’s and Youth Literature section, authors and illustrators from all over the world will be presenting their texts and illustrations in readings, workshops, school projects and talks. Guests from Flanders & the Netherlands who have confirmed their participation are Carll Cneut, Simon van der Geest, and at least two more authors still to be confirmed! 5.6.3. BERLEBURGER LITERATURPFLASTER 2016 23rd Berleburger Literaturpflaster 2016: Flanders & the Netherlands 02.09 - 31.10.2016 07.09.2016 Talk: “Dit is wat we delen: Literatur aus Flandern und den Niederlanden zwischen 1993 und 2016” by Prof. Dr. Jan Konst Kur-Apotheke, Poststrasse 15 19, 20 and 21.10.2016 Reading: Mirjam Mous “Virus – wer aufgibt hat verloren” Presenter: Rikarde Riedesel School reading / Closed event 20.09.2016 “Märchen” (VHS) by Katja Heinzelmann Altenzentrum Haus am Sähling, An der Gontardslust 11 Starts at 6.30 pm, tickets: € 5/€ 2 22.09.2016 Reading: Saskia de Coster “Wir & ich” / Music by: Inne Eysermans Presenter: N.N. Autohaus Kroh, Ederstraße 72 26, 27, 28 and 29.09.2016 Reading: Stefan Boonen “Der Riese, der mit dem Regen kam” Presenter: Rikarde Riedesel School reading / Closed event 26.09.2016 Reading: Tillmann Bünz “Fünf Meter unter dem Meer” Presenter: Bettina Born Sanitätshaus Kienzle, Sählingstraße 16 07.10.2016 Reading: Britta Bolt “Das Haus der verlorenen Seelen” Presenter: Rikarde Riedesel Amtsgericht, Im Herrengarten 5 24.10.2016 Reading: Bert Wagendorp “Ventoux” Presenter: Rikarde Riedesel Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk, Am Hilgenacker 24 Starts at 8.00 pm, tickets: € 5/€ 2 25.10. and 26.10.2016 Reading: Ingrid and Dieter Schubert “Ein Krokodil unterm Bett” Closed event at Ev. Kindergarten “Zwergenland”, Osterweg 2/ AWO Kindergarten Arfeld, Am Kreuz 6 Familienzentrum Blauland, Am Grünen 8/ Familienzentrum Laubfrosch, Eichenweg 5 31.10.2016 Reading: Thomas Heerma van Voss “Stern geht” Translated and presented by Ulrich Faure EJOT – Labor, Unterm Hain 1 Rikarde Riedesel: / +49 (0)2751 923 232 5.7. LITERATURWERKSTATT BERLIN/ HAUS FÜR POESIE: VERSSCHMUGGLE The VERSschmuggle translation workshop, which has been a part of Berlin’s Poetry Festival for fifteen years, employs a unique method: translating verse with verse. The participating poets work in pairs and each translates the other’s poetry in his own poetic language, guided by professional literary translators. The result is a direct exchange, a smuggling of stylistic contexts, cultural connotations and poetic traditions. In the summer of 2015, Berlin Poetry Festival invited six Dutch-language poets from Flanders and the Netherlands to meet German colleagues and to begin smuggling. The results are published now, in June 2016, and will be presented at Akademie der Künste during the poetry festival. They appear in print in a bilingual edition in the Netherlands (Perdu), Flanders (Poëziecentrum) and Gwermany (Das Wunderhorn). The same anthology was presented earlier at Poetry International in Rotterdam on 9 June. Various performances will follow. Besides Berlin, venues include Ghent and Amsterdam. Last stop: Lesezelt at Frankfurter on 19/10 (10u). The smugglers collaborating in this anthology are Mustafa Stitou (NL), Jan Wagner (D), K. Michel (NL), Michael Speier (D), Anneke Brassinga (NL), Oswald Egger (Tirol/It), Els Moors (VL), Daniela Seel (D), Paul Bogaert (VL), Farhad Showghi (D), Maud Vanhauwaert (VL) and Nora Gomringer (D). Jutta Büchter Literaturwerkstatt Berlin: Thomas Möhlmann NLF: Patrick Peeters VFL: VERSschmuggel is a joint project involving Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/ Haus für Poesie, Nederlands Letterenfonds, Het Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren and is supported by Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande in Berlin and Generaldelegation der Regierung Flanderns in Germany. 5.8. LITERATURHÄUSER.NET: THIS IS WHAT WE SHARE ‘This is what we share’ is the motto of the Flemish-Dutch Guest of Honour project. ‘This is what we share’ is also the title of a series of lectures organised by the Network of Literary Houses throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These lectures are not the regular “Wasserglas-Lesungen”, rather encounters between Dutch authors and German colleagues. The theme being what these authors share: whether their subject matter, their style or their generation. On 20 September, Stefan Hertmans will talk with Per Leo – both authors who drew inspiration from the history of their own family during the Second World War to write superb novels – at the Literarisches Colloquium in Berlin. Linked to the Network of Literary Houses in Hamburg, Berlin, Göttingen, Leipzig, Rostock, Cologne, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Vienna, Graz, Zurich, Basel, Salzburg and Literarischen Colloquium Berlin.; The lectures are coordinated by Ursula Steffens: Other Literaturhäuser Literary houses not connected with the network are also organising events with guest country authors. Two examples: - Munich Literary House has invited no less than seven Dutch-language authors in September and October, including Connie Palmen, Leon de Winter and graphic novel authors Brecht Evans and Brecht Vandenbroucke. - Bonn Literary House has a programme including various Dutch-language authors, among them Arnon Grunberg and Fikry El Azzouzi. 5.9. POETS BY THE SEA Els Moors, Erik Lindner, Daniel Falb For the Poets by the Sea project, Els Moors (Flanders), Erik Lindner (Netherlands) and Daniel Falb (Germany) have spent two weeks this spring in a city or a remote place by the sea at Sylt, Ostend, and Schiermonnikoog respectively to write new poems inspired by the sea. Their creations will be collected in a bilingual Dutch-German bibliophile edition (Druksel Editions), presented jointly in Oostende at Vrijstaat O. on October 8. During the Book Fair, the new verse will be featured at the Frankfurter Buchmesse Forum. The sea poetry resulting from this project will be part of a poetic menu offering a broad spectrum of verse by Dutch poets inspired by the sea. The poetry is alive: surrounded by silence, actors whisper the selected poems in the listener’s ear. Organisation: Vrijstaat O. & Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, Sylt Foundation 6. THE CULTURAL PROGRAMMA IN GERMANY (AND BRUSSELS) 6.1. FACING THE FUTURE: ART IN EUROPE 1945-68 24.06 – 25.09 BOZAR / Ravensteinstraat 23 - Brussel 22.10 – 29.01 ZKM Karlsruhe / Lorenzstraße 19 - Karlsruhe Fernand Léger - Vladimir Tatlin - Gerhard Richter - Pablo Picasso - Andrzej Wróblewski - Karel Appel - Ossip Zadkine - Max Beckmann - Henry Moore- Hannah Höch - Tadeusz Kantor - Joseph Beuys For the first time, in cooperation with the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow and the ZKM in Karlsruhe, BOZAR presents a survey of the artistic trends that flourished in Eastern and Western Europe after the Second World War. Despite the political tensions and the background of the Cold War, artists on both sides of the Iron Curtain experimented with similar art forms such as media art, action painting, conceptual art, and sound art. 'Facing the Future: Art in Europe 1945–68' sheds light on a vibrant period in the recent history of art via 200 works by 150 artists from 18 European countries, including the former Soviet Union. Facing the Future is a travelling exhibition and, true to the spirit behind its conception, will be seen in both Europe and Russia. After BOZAR, it can be seen after the Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) at the ZKM in Karlsruhe (21 October 2016 – 29 January 2017) and at the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow (6 March – 28 May 2017). The authors Els Moors, Peter Verhelst, Maarten van der Graaff, Monika Rinck and Armando wrote poems for the visitors’ guide. / / +32 (0)2 507 82 00 Hélène Tenreira: / + 32 02 507 83 91 / / +49 721 81001200 6.2. GÖTTINGEN: CONN3CT: 2MEDIA,1STORY 06.10 – 18.12.2016 Paulinerkirche Göttingen Starting on 6 October, the stately Paulinerkirche will be transformed into a digital social media space. The minute you enter the church, you become an active player, following a unique route between historic printed materials and multimedia consoles. CONN3CT: 2media, 1story confronts today’s social media with some of the very first printed books. Although this may seem to be an odd combination, if you take a closer look, you will see that they are actually distant relatives. CONN3CT demonstrates the impact a new medium can have on mankind and the world we live in. Social media is all around us. Every day we are inundated with updates, snapchats and tweets. Communities are formed in which people comment on one another’s ideas, opinions and images. We allow ourselves to be influenced, and subconsciously expose our vulnerabilities. The impact is tremendous. As far as that goes, social media platforms are really not that different to the other form of mass media, printed books. During the first half of the 16th century, books evolved to become a resource put fully to use for the formation of ideas, propaganda and controversy. The printing press has made the world smaller. How does a new medium become a unifying factor? Who invests in it? Who participates? Who checks it? Who manipulates it? Visit conn3ct and discover what Erasmus and Twitter have in common. Will you share your opinion and preferences with other visitors? What will you bring with you? And just as importantly, what will you leave behind? A project of the Flanders Heritage Library and the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague, in cooperation with the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (State and University Library of Lower Saxony). Eva Wuyts,, +32 495776111 6.3. STAATSTHEATER MAINZ: KINDER- UND JUGENDTHEATER AUS FLANDERN UND DIE NIEDERLANDE 14-16.10.2016 Gutenbergplatz 7 – Mainz To celebrate the Netherlands and Flanders as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Staatstheater Mainz will devote a weekend to theatre for children and young people in these two countries. Guest productions, in-house productions, discussions and encounters with professionals are an opportunity to taste this inspiring theatre landscape. The heart of the weekend is a STUKschrijven, a project with the theatres HET PALEIS in Antwerp and Het Zuidelijk Toneel in the Netherlands. Five Dutch-language authors worked during several work- shops on their first-ever plays for children and teenagers, and these will be presented as stage readings by members of the Staatstheater company. The authors are: Rebekka de Wit, Mustafa Kör, Renée van Marissing, Tom Struyf and Maud Vanhauwaert (16 October, 4pm). We also have two special guest productions. From Antwerp a dance performance for children aged 6 upwards: “ZOO tun sie die Dinge” by choreographer Randi De Vlieghe (15 October, 4 pm). And from the Netherlands a new production by Jetse Batelaan called “If you run fast enough, no one knows where you are hiding” (14 October, 6 pm), which is fast-paced, funny and full of surprises for children aged 8 upwards. Justmainz, the youth ensemble at Staatstheater Mainz, will be staging the productions “When my Dad turned into a bush” by Joke van Leeuwen (15 October, 6 pm) and “Spinnerling” by Simon van der Geest (16 October, 2pm). Kathrin Doering,, Telefon - +49 (0)6131 2851243 6.4. ZEBRA POETRY FILM FESTIVAL MÜNSTER | BERLIN 2016 27 – 30.10.2016 In 2016 the ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival is moving to Münster, where it will be held for the first time at Filmwerkstatt Münster, working in partnership with Literaturwerkstatt Berlin/Haus für Poesie. The venue and festival hub is the arts cinema Schlosstheater. The ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival was created in 2002 as the world’s first platform for short films based on poems, and it remains the biggest of its kind. Every two years it provides a forum for poets, film-makers and festival organisers from around the globe to engage in creative exchange, identify new ideas and meet a wide audience. This is a stage for the poetry film genre in all its diversity, with competitions and themed cycles, readings by poets, retrospectives, performances, workshops and a special children’s programme. This year’s ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival Münster | Berlin will cast its spotlight on the Netherlands and Flanders. In the run-up to the festival, and in partnership with filmclub münster, a series of literaturebased films from those countries will be screened, with directors and authors present to discuss their works in person. The festival is also inviting film-makers to create a work based on this year’s chosen poem, “Orakel van een gevonden schoen” by Mustafa Stitou. The directors of the best three films will be invited to Münster to meet the poet, with an opportunity to present and discuss their work. 7. CROSS OVER – CREATIVITY AND EXCHANGE 7.1. MUSEUM READINGS: ART IS WHAT WE SHARE Four authors made a guest appearance during the Leipzig liest event in March this year which was held at the Museum der Bildenden Künste in Leipzig (Leipzig Museum of Fine Arts). These were successful encounters in which the authors engaged with four works: a 17th-century portrait, an early 20th-century scene of a building site, a theatrical bust of Beethoven, and a contemporary collage/installation. Four authors stationed themselves near these works to tell a story. They gave their own interpretations, made associations with their own work or lives, or used the work of art as inspiration for something entirely new. For the audience, it was a unique opportunity to get to know the authors better, and to view the artworks in a different way. This programme is also being organised in other cities, in collaboration with museums and with the cooperation of literary organisations, in Bonn, Brussels, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Dresden and Karlsruhe. 31.08.2016 – Kunstmuseum Bonn (Bonn Art Museum) Micha Hamel, Inge Braeckman ‘Literatur trifft Kunst (Literature meets art)’ in the Dorothea von Stetten Art Award 2016 Exhibition, Young Art from the Netherlands. Aimée Zito Lema, Dan Walwin and Taocheng Wang.' (30-06 - 25-09-2016) 15.09.2016 – Bozar Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels Els Moors, Monika Rinck, Maarten van der Graaff, Peter Verhelst, Armando ‘But sublime like a cannon’ in the Facing the Future. Art in Europe 1945-68 exhibition (24-06 - 25-09-16) 13.10.2016 – Hamburger Kunsthalle Tom van de Voorde, Ted van Lieshout Organisation: ANKK (Arbeitskreis Niederländische Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte; Dutch Art and Cultural History Work Group) 23.10.2016 – Staedel Museum Frankfurt Herr Seele, Charlotte Van den Broeck, Aline Sax, Bregje Hofstede, Gustaaf Peek, Mano Bouzamour 25.10.2016 – Staatliche Kunstsammlunge Dresden (Dresden National Art Collection) Joke van Leeuwen, Bibi Dumon Tak Organisation: Lesestark! Dresden 16.11.2016 – ZKM Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe Els Moors, Monika Rink, Maarten van der Graaff, Peter Verhelst, Armando ‘But sublime like a cannon’ in the Facing the Future. Art in Europe 1945-68 exhibition (21-10-16 - 29-01-17) 7.2. ARTISTS RESIDENCIES: ANTWERP – ROTTERDAM – FRANKFURT ‘State of the City’ is the title of an artistic residency- and exhibition’s project, organized at the occasion of Flanders and the Netherlands being Guest of Honour at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2016. Through an open call, published by all participating partners, six artists were selected in September 2015. During their three months’ residencies, the artists develop a site-specific intervention in the city with an outcome in the city itself, as well as in the exhibition in October 2016 (Basis, Frankfurt). During their residencies, the artists organize an action, event, performance – visible or less visible. Between January and June Stijn Van Dorpe and Levent Kunt stayed in Rotterdam, Karl Philips and Chislain Amar in Frankfurt, and Ani Schulze and Mirte van Duppen in Antwerp. The six projects will be brought together in a final group exhibition and publication in Frankfurt (Basis), presenting the six artistic interpretations and reflections on specific aspects of the three cities, in new, refreshing and critical perspectives. ‘State of the City’ is supported by Mondriaan Fund, the Flemish Government, CBK Rotterdam (centrum beeldende kunst Rotterdam), Generaldelegation der Regierung Flanders (Berlin), <H>ART Magazine, Flanders & the Netherlands Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016. 7.3. STUKSCHRIJVEN (‘WRITING PIECES’) Antwerp’s youth theatre HETPALEIS and Zuidelijk Toneel from Tilburg organised a joint theatre writing course in which Heleen Verburg introduced five Flemish and Dutch writers to youth theatre. The workshops started in late 2015; the final session is on 30 April. In this trajectory, Rebekka De Wit, Mustafa Kör, Tom Struyf, Maud Vanhauwaert and Renée van Marissing explored the world of youth theatre, and created theatre dialogues of 20 minutes. The pieces will be published in a bilingual Dutch and German edition of De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek (Amsterdam). Readings of the texts will take place in the autumn in Mainz, Antwerp, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Mid-September the texts will be presented in HETPALEIS in Antwerp and at De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam. From 14 to 16 October Staatstheater Mainz hosts a youth theatre weekend where the dialogues (presented by actors of Staatstheater Mainz) will feature in a broader programme with German theatre adaptations of work by Joke van Leeuwen and Simon van der Geest, with plays by Flemish and Dutch theatre companies and a colloquium for professionals. On 21 October, fragments from the dialogues will be staged by actors of Staatstheater Mainz at the Frankfurter Buchmesse Forum. The Dutch youth drama schools network (Platform-Theater) launched an additional project (DRIFT) in which drama schools in the Netherlands, Flanders and Germany work with existing texts by STUKschrijven authors (2016-2017). 7.4. DRIFT In DRIFT, nine young theatre makers explore how they can create theatre based on a literary source. Four of them are from the Netherlands, three from Flanders, and two from Germany. All the theatre makers create a piece that is 15 minutes long, and work with two young actors (aged 14 to 22). DRIFT is the shadow project for STUKschrijven, in which young authors write dialogues for youth and children’s theatre. In DRIFT, young theatre makers work with the literary work these authors have produced. They have chosen texts from Rebekka de Wit, Auke Hulst, Tom Struyf, Maud Vanhauwert and Renée van Marissing. The results reinforce the idea that it is possible to take different approaches to the same text, and that this always leads to interesting, moving, funny and touching theatre for young people. All the groups will come together in the autumn, when they will meet up with young German theatre makers in Berlin (2 - 4 September) and in Frankfurt (19 - 23 October). 7.5. PHANTASIE UND GESCHICHTE (Fantasy and History) 24.09 – 31.10.2016 Sparkasse Bad Berleburg Exhibition of original illustrations, featuring the work of Ann De Bode, Charlotte Dematons and Peter Goes A lively imagination and free style characterise the work of Dutch and Flemish illustrators. In the runup to the guest of honour status of Flanders and the Netherlands at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2016, the Haus des Buches will present the original illustrations of Charlotte Dematons, Peter Goes and Ann De Bode, centering on history as the theme. The work of these three illustrators demonstrates a unique and very personal relationship with this theme. In her book, Die Niederlände (Original title: Nederland [The Netherlands]), Charlotte Dematons returns to the turbulent history of her homeland. Using very precise and colourful drawings, Peter Goes reflects on the origin of the history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present, in Die Zeitreise (Original title: Tijdlijn [Timeline]). Ann De Bode provided the illustrations for the novel Das Mädchen und der Soldat (Original title: Het meisje en de soldaat [The Girl and the Soldier]), and together with the author of the book, Aline Sax, will be present at the opening of the exhibition. The book describes the friendship between a blind girl and a black soldier during World War I. Aline Sax’s precise yet sensual language is tied together with Ann De Bode’s oppressive illustrations. ‘Writing a book like The Netherlands, which presents everything the country has to offer (...). We need Charlotte Dematons for this.’ (NRC Handelsblad) ‘A journey back in time, Timeline from Peter Goes is a masterfully designed history book for readers of all ages, full of educational and humorous facts, some of which are hidden in the detailed illustrations.’ ( ‘The Girl and the Soldier is a subtle, restrained and unexpectedly difficult story. Ann de Bode’s powerful, atmospheric greyish green illustrations are practically paintings.’ (Ann Stessens, ) Rikarde Riedesel: / +49 (0)2751 923 232 7.6. COUNTRY PORTRAITS: THE NETHERLANDS & FLANDERS 14.10.2016 – 16.10.2016 Evang. Tagungsstätte Hofgeismar Gesundbrunnen 8 – Hofgeismar Every Belgian has an association with the country’s neighbour, the Netherlands. Many of us immediately see images of cheese maidens, wooden shoes, windmills and tulip fields. Some of us might remember a holiday to one of the beautiful islands along the Dutch coast, or a city trip to Amsterdam. Not only does the Netherlands have a varied landscape, it also offers visitors interested in culture a broad selection to choose from. The country has brought forth many great names in music, painting and literature, and currently serves as a role model for a tolerant, multi-cultural society. The Netherlands’ status as the Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair this year offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about the newer literature and writers from this impressive country. In addition to the activities at the Frankfurt Book Fair, the country portrait aims to provide insight into the richness of this culture. 14.10.2016 - 7:15 p.m. The Netherlands - A cultural pictorial history Jochem Wolff, Kassel, and Armin Diedrichsen, Hamburg 15.10.2016 9:00 p.m. Crossing borders. Dutch women in literature since 1900 Doris Hermanns, Berlin Publisher of the anthology: Wär mein Klavier doch ein Pferd. Erzählungen aus den Niederlanden 11:30 a.m. Reading: Guus Kuijer Die Bibel für Ungläubige (De bijbel voor ongelovigen [The Bible for Unbelievers]) Religion in contemporary Dutch literature Christina Bickel, Hans-von-Soden-Institut, Marburg 16.10.2016 10:00 a.m. God in Nederland (God in the Netherlands) On the current ecclesiastical-religious situation Willemien Boot, Amsterdam 11:30 a.m. Nederland vanuit mijn perspectief (The Netherlands from my perspective) Discussion with the speakers, concluding with a discussion and feedback from participants Contact: Ralph Fischer +49 (0)69 174152621 Kerstin Vogt +49 (0) 5671 881124 8. AUTHORS AT THE FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR Rodaan Al Galidi (NL) Mano Bouzamour (NL) Anneke Brassinga (NL) Stefan Brijs (Fl) Tsead Bruinja (NL) Randall Casaer (Fl) Carll Cneut (Fl) Michael de Cock (Fl) Saskia de Coster (Fl) Jan de Leeuw (Fl) Mattias de Leeuw (Fl) Gerda Dendooven (Fl) Joost de Vries (NL) Leon de Winter (NL) Kristien Dieltiens (Fl) Douwe Draaisma (NL) Bibi Dumon Tak (NL) Fikry El Azzouzi (Fl) Ingrid Godon (Fl) Arnon Grunberg (NL) Stefan Hertmans (Fl) Rozalie Hirs (NL) Bregje Hofstede (NL) Philip Hopman (NL) Herman Koch (NL) Erik Kriek (NL) Tom Lanoye (Fl) Ruth Lasters (Fl) Benjamin Leroy (Fl) Joris Luyendijk (NL) Geert Mak (NL) Erwin Mortier (Fl) Leonard Nolens (Fl) Cees Nooteboom (NL) Griet Op de Beeck (Fl) Connie Palmen (NL) Gustaaf Peek (NL) Yves Petry (Fl) Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer (NL) Jaap Robben (NL) Aline Sax (Fl) Mark Schaevers (Fl) Herr Seele (Fl) Laura Starink (NL) Joost Swarte (NL) Toon Tellegen (NL) Peter Terrin (Fl) Thé Tjong-Khing (NL) Charlotte Van den Broeck (Fl) Brecht Vandenbroucke (Fl) Simon van der Geest (NL) Ernest van der Kwast (NL) Edward van de Vendel (NL) Adriaan van Dis (NL) Annemarie van Haeringen (NL) Miriam Van Hee (Fl) Joke van Leeuwen (NL) Luuk van Middelaar (NL) David Van Reybrouck (Fl) Kris Van Steenberge (Fl) Annelies Verbeke (Fl) Nix (Marnix) Verduyn (Fl) Kathleen Vereecken (Fl) Paul Verhaeghe (Fl) Peter Verhelst (Fl) Dimitri Verhulst (Fl) Wytske Versteeg (NL) Niña Weijers (NL) Tommy Wieringa (NL) Anna Woltz (NL) 9. CONTACT Communication Flemish Literature Fund / Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren: Els Aerts - +32 270 31 61 Communication Dutch Foundation for Literature: Hanneke Marttin - +31 20 520 73 00 Communication Frankfurt 2016 team: Sonja Peters - +32 3 270 31 79 / 0486 079494 in Germany, Artefakt Kulturkonzepte: Celia Solf - 49 30 44010720 10. PARTNERS, STAKEHOLDERS & SPONSORS The programm ‘Flanders & the Netherlands - Guest of Honour Frankfurt Book Fair 2016’ is organised by with the organisational and financial support and input from The Government of Flanders And the Generaldelegation der Regierung Flanderns in Berlin Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Hague Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague Botschaft des Königreichs der Niederlande Berlin Other partners, stakeholders, sponsors Netherlands Business Support Office, Frankfurt NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen Flanders Investment and Trade, Brussels Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdam Fonds Podiumkunsten / Dutch Performing Arts, The Hague Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Rotterdam Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Utrecht Nederlands Filmfonds, Amsterdam Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam Kunstenpunt / Flanders Arts Institute, Brussels Vlaams Architectuur Instituut, Antwerpen Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds, Brussels Flanders DC, Brussels Visit Flanders Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren, Brussels Nederlandse Taalunie, The Hague Vlaamse Uitgevers Vereniging, Antwerp Nederlandse Uitgeversverbond / Groep Algemene Uitgevers, Amsterdam Vereniging van Letterkundigen, Amsterdam Vlaamse Auteurs Vereniging, Antwerpen Stichting Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek CPNB, Amsterdam, Antwerpen Goethe Institut Brussels Goethe Institut Amsterdam AIR – Artists in Residence, Antwerp Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool - Koninklijk Conservatorium / Woordkunst, Antwerp Bozar, Brussels DasMag, Amsterdam De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam De Nieuwe Toneelbibliotheek, Amsterdam HETPALEIS, Antwerpen Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague Literair Productiehuis Wintertuin, Arnhem / Nijmegen Lukasweb vzw, Ghent NAC – Nieuwe Ateliers Charlois, Rotterdam Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem Passa Porta, Brussels Plantin-Moretusmuseum, Antwerp Platform Theater, Rotterdam School der Poëzie, Amsterdam Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek, Antwerp Vrijstaat O., Ostend Writers Unlimited, The Hague Zuidelijk Toneel, Tilburg Deutsches Architektur Museum Frankfurt Deutsches Film Institut Frankfurt Foto Forum Frankfurt Goethe Universität Frankfurt / Lektorat Niederländisch Haus am Dom Frankfurt Hessisches Literaturforum Frankfurt Kulturamt Frankfurt Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt Literaturhaus Frankfurt MMK Frankfurt Produktions- und Ausstellungsplattform basis e.V. Frankfurt Romanfabrik Frankfurt Staedel Museum Frankfurt Schauspiel Frankfurt Berleburger Literaturpflaster Filmwerkstatt Münster Harbour Front Festival, Hamburg Haus der Niederländen, Münster International Comics Salon Erlangen Internationale Kinder- und Jugendbuchwochen Köln internationales literaturfestival ilb, Berlin Leipziger Buchmesse / Leipzig Liest Lesestark! Dresden Lit. Cologne, Keulen Literarisches Colloquium Berlin Literaturhaus Hamburg Netzwerk Literaturhäuser, Hamburg LiteraturWERKstatt Berlin / Haus für Poesie Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Leipzig Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen Staatstheater Mainz Sylt Foundation Westfälische Wilhelms Universität Münster /Institut für Niederländische Philologie ZKM Zentrum Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe