2011 Annual… - Catholic Charities
2011 Annual… - Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities CYO San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin report to the community 2011 Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you for your continued generosity to the underserved in our Archdiocese. Because of this kindness, Catholic Charities CYO has been able to respond to those most in need, strengthening families, building community and reducing poverty in San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo Counties. Your volunteer and financial support enabled Catholic Charities CYO to establish new programs, serving more at risk seniors and youth and some of the poorest among us who feel today’s burdens most acutely. In March, we welcomed Loaves & Fishes Honoree Rev. Greg Boyle, S.J. His inspiring story of helping gang members envision a different future through Homeboy Industries resonated with each of us. He reinforced that one person – a person like you – can help young women choose life over abortion, seniors stay in their homes with supplemental support and neglected children know they are loved. We appreciate all those who gave to the Loaves & Fishes Sunday Second Collection held on Mother’s Day in our parishes. Pastors supported my request and permitted volunteer speakers to advocate for Catholic Charities CYO at the weekend Masses. Their parishioners responded generously, making this year’s collection one of the largest of the last ten years. We were particularly grateful to the Loaves & Fishes Matching Fund donors, who raised $100,000 to match gifts raised through the Second Collection. The parishes and matching fund donors are listed within these pages for your review. catholic charities cyo Please know of my gratitude also to our Board of Directors, its President Deborah Dasovich, the staff and volunteers and to all those who carry out our mission of service to our brothers and sisters. May God bless you and keep you always in His loving care as we complete another year of serving those most in need. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend George Niederauer Archbishop of San Francisco 2011 report to the community •3 Dear Friends of Catholic Charities CYO, This Report to the Community allows me to thank you, our donors, for your generous support throughout the year. You continue to be our partner in serving the needs of individuals and families in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Without your contributions – donations, participation at our events or volunteering – Catholic Charities CYO could not provide the range of services to help those in need achieve self-sufficiency. We are very grateful to each of you. We are proud to share with you the results of the past year, including specific information about some of our programs as well as financial highlights for Catholic Charities CYO. During these difficult financial times, it is perhaps even more critical now that we recognize the importance of financial sustainability to ensure that we will be available to meet the needs of our clients in the future. We are mindful that we are stewards of your financial gifts to us and we work hard to provide quality services while keeping our expenses as low as possible. We do this in a number of ways including partnering with other organizations and leveraging our resources whenever possible. Our board and staff are always looking for new and creative ways to maximize our resources. We are proud to report that our overhead expenses are 14% for the fiscal year. We are proud of all of our programs, some of which are highlighted in this report, and the work that is done every day. We invite you to visit our programs and see the results of your generosity at work. Many of our donors appreciate the direct connection of seeing their support in action and personally meeting our clients and staff. If you are interested in visiting a program, please contact Elizabeth Rodriguez at 415.972.1297. This fiscal year, we welcomed new Board of Directors members Katherine Munter, Herb Foedisch, Jr., Maura Markus, Simon Manning, Dr. Pierre Theodore, Dr. Luis Calingo and Kathy McEligot. We appreciate their dedication and enthusiasm as well as the valuable assistance that they bring to Catholic Charities CYO. catholic charities cyo We also said good-bye to a number of our long standing Board members: Mark Cleary, Bishop Tom Daly, Jeffrey Fenton, Bernard P. Hagan, Sr., Timothy Rea and Jacqueline Woodford. Each of these Board members served for nine years or more and guided the agency through the merger of Catholic Charities and CYO, providing us with their wisdom and unfailing support. Their unique contributions in support of our programs and our fundraising efforts have left a lasting impact on Catholic Charities CYO. We thank them for their commitment, their service, and their dedication to our staff and the people that we serve on a daily basis. Thank you again for helping to improve lives here in San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo counties. Sincerely, Deborah Dasovich President, Board of Directors 2011 report to the community •5 Dear Friends, As we complete another year of service at Catholic Charities CYO, and reflect on the changes, challenges and successes that have come with it, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding support of you – our community of donors. It is this support that allows Catholic Charities CYO – as the social services arm of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of San Francisco – to strengthen families, build community and reduce poverty. It is with gratitude that we recognize your significant contributions and share with you how your help is making a difference for the people we serve. Choosing to help others is a gift to the giver as well as the recipient. By giving, we experience the goodness of God and see tangible results in the people we serve. Because of your individual act of charity, we are able to turn your contribution into the resources through which we bear witness to the dignity and worth of more than 30,000 people each year. This year, Catholic Charities CYO was pleased to expand its services to children and youth with the addition of the Family Connections Program through St. Vincent’s School for Boys, and welcomed seniors to stable housing at Edith Witt Senior Community. CYO Camp expanded its outdoor environmental education with the addition of Caritas Creek, allowing us to reach more students throughout the entire year. We also have continued to build the programming at 10th & Mission through our Maureen and Craig Sullivan Youth Services as well as welcome more children to our Treasure Island Child Development Center and our CYO Athletics Physical Education programs. Your giving has helped neighbors in San Mateo, San Francisco and Marin – neighbors like John, a 90-year-old caregiver who worked with San Carlos Adult Day Services to give his ailing wife the care she needed. You’ve also supported neighbors like Lu, a mother who came to us as an immigrant facing domestic abuse. Lu was able to find housing through our SF HOME program and became a catholic charities cyo citizen of the United States in February because of the support of our Refugee & Immigrant Services. You’ve supported the youth in our schools in Marin who rely on counseling so they can remain focused on their academics instead of stressful situations at home. At Catholic Charities CYO, we help families stay in their homes and avoid eviction, welcome strangers with dignity and respect, counsel those struggling to cope, provide shelter and permanent homes to families that are homeless, help children develop and grow into healthy adolescents and allow seniors to age with dignity and grace. Please know that your response to our appeals, participation in our events, giving through volunteering and advocacy on behalf of those we serve has made a profound difference in the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors. Sincerely and with gratitude, Jeff Bialik Executive Director 2011 report to the community •7 Catholic Charities CYO warmly thanks the following individuals and organizations for so generously supporting our work during the 2010-2011 fiscal year. We make every effort to provide a complete and accurate donor listing. Please advise us of any errors or omissions. loaves & fishes annual fund donors We are pleased to recognize those donors who contributed to the Loaves & Fishes Annual Fund this year. The names listed represent gifts received during the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Because of space considerations, our printed donor listing is limited to contributors of $100 and above and does not include special event underwriters who were recognized in event materials. Catholic Charities CYO is grateful for the support of all donors and underwriters who supported our programs in 2010-2011. levels of giving Circle of Peace $50,000 or more, Circle of Sharing $25,000 to $49,999, Circle of Hope $15,000 to $24,999, Circle of Light $10,000 to $14,999, Circle of Justice $5,000 to $9,999 Loaves & Fishes Circle $2,500 to $4,999, Ring of Charity $1,000 to $2,499, Circle of Faith $500 to $999, Circle of Love $250 to $499, Circle of Caring $100 to $249 symbols # Pledge * Loyal Donor of Five Consecutive Years We are pleased to recognize of donors of five consecutive years with a special symbol (*) in appreciation of their ongoing loyal support during challenging economic times. (m) Corporate Matching Gift leadership circles Leadership Giving is vitally important to the success of the Loaves & Fishes Annual Fund. In 2010-2011, Leadership Circle Membership was conferred upon those donors who made a personal gift of $2,500 or more to support the delivery of essential services to those in need. We salute the following 126 Leadership Circle members whose gifts of $2,500 and above in FY 2011 total $973,138. catholic charities cyo CIRCLE OF PEACE Jeanne & Mack Miller* Adriel & Steve Doyle LOAVES & FISHES CIRCLE Ardeen Merry* Cecilia & Jim Herbert *(m) Maura & Bob Morey * Lyn & Harold Isbell* Dale & Sharon McCarthy Allen Ann Gray Miller Cristina & Robert Morris* Jacqueline & Donald Jacobberger* Anne & Carlos Alvarez* Steve Molinelli Annette Nibley Sarah & Jack Knight (m) Cathy & Rob Aveson* Jane & David Nazzaro* Barbara Lovero & Chris Ottenweller* Gretchen & Howard Leach* Marilee & Tom Barth* Laradean & Robert Nerli Kristine & Jim Silva* Ms. Maura Markus (m) Mabel & Jeff Bialik Antje & Paul Newhagen* Ann & Jim McCabe* Tom Braje* Kathy & Larry Nibbi Caroline Voorsanger* Marcia & Max Messmer* Lou Brizzolara* Meg & Robert Nibbi Bobbie & Mike Wilsey* Nanette Miller & Olga Barrera Joan & Thomas Cooney* Bernadette & Pat Nolan Rosario & Antonio Cucalon* Chris O’Brien Carol & Dixon Doll Mark Okashima & Robert Nelson Leonard Falter Jan & George Pasha* Marie & Jack Fitzpatrick* Donna & Claude Perasso* Joan & Herbert Foedisch Ann & William Regan* Father Charles Gagan* Theres & Dennis Rohan* Douglas Giancoli* Pat & Donald Sabatini* Pat & Marlin Gill Monica & Richard Schoenberger* Lenore & Frank Heffernan* Josephine & Bernard Smith Daniel Herling* Mary Ann & Michael St. Peter* Jane Lanctot* Neill F. Stroth Cathy Storfer Rosemary & Robert Lucas* Suzanne & Brian Swift Diane Wilsey* Joan & Dick Madden* Susan A. Van Wagner Sharon & Daniel Winnike* Betsy & Jerry Marr Father Ken Weare* Anonymous (2) Milton McColl Julianne & Gary West* Kathleen McEligot Anonymous (3) CIRCLE OF SHARING Deborah Dasovich & Michael Bentivoglio* John M. Malcolm* Joan & Bob McGrath* Angela Nomellini & Kenneth Olivier* Maureen & Craig Sullivan* CIRCLE OF HOPE Philip M. Traynor* Anonymous Susan & Larry Marx Mari & Michael Pautler Anonymous (2) Joanne & Pete Murphy CIRCLE OF JUSTICE Charles Abela* Nick Andrade & Jim McDermott* CIRCLE OF LIGHT Richard C. Barker Mary Jane Brinton (RIP) Jeanne & Bill Barulich* Peggy Cahill* Robert Batinovich Pat & Jay Cahill Janice & Donald Elliott* Katherine A. Munter Nancy & Richard Bechtel Mary & Bill Brody* Bettye Poetz Ferguson The Honorable Mary I. Callanan* Bernard P. Hagan* Michael L. Carthew (m) Chris & Warren Hellman Karen & Mark Cleary* Darcy & Simon Manning Alan D. Conder June & Jim McCarthy* Jane R. Cummins* Kathleen M. O’Rourke Talia & Edgar Pierluissi* April & Matthew Quilter* Barby & Paul Regan Connie & Bill Ring (m) Heather & Robert Rodriguez Lillian E. Schwarz Rina Stefani* 2011 report to the community •9 Edith Witt Senior Community Helping seniors age with dignity In August, Catholic Charities CYO welcomed low-income seniors to stable housing at the Edith Witt Senior Community. Constructed by Mercy Housing of California, the community is comprised of 107 affordable apartments as well as a 400-square-foot primary health center operated by the South of Market Health Clinic. Catholic Charities CYO provides a multitude of integrated on-site community-based services at Edith Witt Senior Community. These services assist seniors in their progress toward residential, financial and psycho-social stability. Services include on-site case management, crisis intervention and a host of senior-specific services. The support services team offers links to mainstream benefits including coordination of services needed for seniors to age in place and help to prevent eviction. The Edith Witt Senior Community, in conjunction with our youth and family programs and support services at 10th & Mission, is a new, intergenerational community in San Francisco’s South of Market Neighborhood. catholic charities cyo RING OF CHARITY Betty & Robert De Fea* Deborah & Robin Hicks Lois & Nathan Agresti* Elizabeth & James Doherty James N. Hill* Mary & Wayne Alba Dolores & Leonard Dougherty* Eugenia A. Holt* Barbara & Walter Bankovitch* Mary & Sean Echevarria Barbara & Hank Jacquemet* Clara & Joseph Barbaccia* Sister Ellene Egan Mary Ann Jones* Jeanie & Nelson Barry Laurie & John Ferrari* Charles Kascal Jennifer & Aaron Barulich Maureen Flaherty Kevin Kearney (m)* Mary Clare & David Bennett Kathleen Fourre Patricia & Michael Kelly Barbara F. Bentley* Agnes & Edward Freeman* Mike Kerns Beverlee & William Bentley Fred Furth Flora Komes Joann & Jack Bertges Carole & Nick Gennaro* Alonzo Lopez William Boles* Alda & Donald Giannini* Chuck Louderback & Miranda Wagner Joyce & Frank Bullentini* Jean & Ellison Grayson Arlene & Jim Lucchesi* Carrie & Mark Bustillos* Jeanne Gressens Susan & William Lukach* Donna & Brian Cahill* Janine & Anthony Gschwend* Ellin & Edward Lundy* Kathleen & Paul Cardinal Juanita & Max Gutierrez* Brenda & Don MacLean Jose Cartagena Anne & Gerald Hahn James Martinoni* Rita & John Casey* Anette Harris and Marc Loupe Yvonne B. Marty* Rosemary & Peter Casey Muriel & Hugh Harris* Sally Maske & Christopher Radich* Sergio Catanzariti* Mary Elisabeth & John Hayes* Anne Marie & Steve Massocca Lilly T. Ching Edna & Maury Healy* Kay & Tony Matan* Suzanne Crane* Edwin Hendricks Margaret & Mike McCaffery Melissa Howell-Dantzig & Brian Dantzig Carolen & Doug Herst Jamie McClone Kelly McGinnis Marie Ouano* John F. Thistleton III Mark Byron Father Tony McGuire* Father Paul Perry* Sheila & George Tichy Cavan J. Candito* Jean McGuire* Margit Pettipas Peter L. Toms James Carroll* Monsignor Edward McTaggart* Marty Rea Barbara Travis Michael Casey* Ed Middendorf* Owen Reid* Tony Varni Romi Cereghino Cynthia Zollinger & Michael Minor* Louis Reynaud Cynthia & James Leslie Walker Mark T. Courson Sylvester Misovy* James Reynolds* Margaret Walsh* Seth Cox* Terry & Dennis Moriarty* Dan Roberts Darcy & Gregory Wettersten Mary Lou & Robert Coyle* John Moriarty* JoAnna Robertson Steve Wolking Anna M. Cronin* Paul Moslander* Yvonne & Angelo Sangiacomo Anonymous (3) Nancy & F. X. Crowley* Gregory J. Moss Joanne & Herman Scampini* Virginia & Thomas Mullan Steven Scotten CIRCLE OF FAITH Leonore & Howard Daschbach* Nancy & Robert Munson John C. Slater Rudizon P. Alegre Agnes E. Davis Mary Jo & Lawrence Nejasmich* Patricia & Ronald Sloan* Patricia L. Anastasi Richard de los Reyes Mr. Robert A. Nelson Elizabeth & Craig Spencer Carol & Fred Bellero* Karen & Daniel DeMars Xavier Nepo Deborah Ann & Charles Spivey* John M. Bentley Jennifer Dennison Archbishop George Niederauer Barbara & John Squeri* Ann & Jess Benton Liz & Bob Dondero* Caren Marie Normandin Elisa Stephens & Ed Conlin Kay & Gus Benz* Raymond J. Donohue Roger Nuxoll* Robert J. Stets, Jr. (m)* Jeanne-Marie & J. David Black Anne & Larry Drew Paul H. Offenbacher Marilyn & Arthur Strassburger* Christine Blackburn Brian D. Elchinoff Priscilla & Stephen Olivier (m)* Marti Sullivan* Maria & Kevin Boden* Cecilia & Robert Enright* Ralph J. Oswald Cathy & Kim Summerhays Roberta F. Borgonovo* Rita Fabri* Marguerite Ott* Margaret & Anthony Tay Carmen E. Bruschera Catherine & Del Fager* Mary & Thomas Cullen* 2011 report to the community • 11 Thanks to your help … 108 seniors who were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless moved into permanent, supportive housing 126 caregivers of older adults received guidance at caregiver workshops and support groups 69 families caring for a senior or disabled adult received home care visits and case management services to keep their loved ones at home catholic charities cyo Marilyn & John Farnsworth Mavin Howley Anita Trachte & Timothy Mason Dorothy & Edward Ford* Diane & Ashton Hutchins Eleanor J. Matheu Mara Frediani-Castillo* Penelope & Richard Katerndahl Carol Ceresa & Melvin Matsumoto* Jeanne & Ernie Gabiati Lorraine & John Keane (m)* Stephanie & Lawrence Mazzola* Glaudine Gasser* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kelly Marilu & Larry Mazzotta* Cynthia Gaylor & Adrian Polak (m)* James M. Kelly Therese McCallister* Elizabeth & Peter Gibb Tish & Marvin Key* Margaret & Tom McCarthy Mary & Richard Gilardi* William E. Klein* Lorraine McDonald* Patricia Glasser Mark Knoerr Barbara & Neal McGettigan* Ruth & Steve Grant Andrew Krcik Doris & Pat McGuire Paula & John Granucci Noah Kriel Monsignor James McKay* Maria & Raymond Grech* Thomas Kunkel* Marina McKenzie* Peter D. Greeley Larissa Labak* Mary McManus Janice & Kurt Guehring* Trudy & Edmond Larrieu Charles Miller Vera Hannon* Marguerite Mary Leoni* Veronica & Peter Mitchell Lindsay & Hunt Hanover (m)* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lin Barbara & Bill Mitchell* Stephanie & Larry Hart* Donald J. Loudon Robert J. Mock Reniea Haverluck* Al Maggio* Mary Mockus* Mary Catherine Hearney-Mills* Winnifred & David Mahoney Diana Mongini* Mary Lee Hellam Patrick Mahoney Esmond Monroy* Joan Higgins* Allison Mangiaracino John H. Muller, Jr. Margaret & Ralph Ho Susan & Paul Markavage* Merry-Lee & Steve Musich* Gloria & Stephen Hoffman Linda Marie Marmolejo* Robin Nelson Lan-Huong Nguyen* Father John Ring* Jo Ann Hurley Tuel* The Honorable Raymond J. Arata, Jr.* Kathlene & Charles Buada Sister Maureen O’Brien, BVM Marie Ringrose (RIP)* Manfred Umhofer* Diana Argenti* Sharon & Bob Burke* Brian J. O’Callaghan Carol & Thomas Roeder* Charles Vadalabene* Carolyn L. Bailey Joan & Mel Burman Roger Odenberg Margaret Ruiz* Suzanne & Eugene Valla Jeffrey J. Bairstow Sabina & Jeffrey Burns* Patrick D. O’Malley Barbara & John Schmidt* Pietje & Hank Vreman Jill & Philip Bank Alice Callagy* Noel A. Panelo Reverend David Schunk Patricia Ann Walicke Karen & Jeffrey Banks Dolores L. Callagy Diane & Robert Park Rita Semel* Charles M. Walters* Benita & David Bankson (m)* Megan Callahan Nancy Weaver Parker* Mary T. Sheehan Theresa A. Ward* Jorge Barrera* Martha & Raul Campos Bernice Pasha* Robert J. Sheppard Janet & Steve Watry* Mary & Bob Basso* Kelli & Brian Carlson Elyse & George Pasha Anita Simon Anna & Jeffrey Weidell* Marjorie & Geoffrey Baylor Kristy A. Carriere Judy & Frank Passaglia* Diane & Norman Siri Catherine & Stephen Welter* Sandra & Norman Bennett* Diane L. Cira Katherine & Vincent Patterson* Wilma & Hart Smith* Thomas Werdel, Jr. Sheila & Gordon Berg* Courtney & Eugene Clendinen David S. Pedersen Fortunata Espiritu & Rodolfo Soto* Rita & Robert Widergren* Roberta Bessette* Alex Cortez* Cindy & Jeff Pelger (m) Barbara & Keith Spindle Anne Wilson & Richard Cohn Joanne T. Bjork* Jean & Philip Cosentino Virginia Perkins* Judith & Jim Stark Muriel Fitzgerald Wilson Andrea & George Blankenship Reverend Brian L. Costello Agnes & Robert Perry Judith Steele* Stewart Wirth Vivienne Blanquie Joseph W. Cotchett Barbara & Joseph Picetti* Barbara & Jeff Stewart* Shirley Wood Claire Blohm & Arthur Schweitzer Bernard M. Crotty Beatrice Ponterio Nancy Stoltz & Craig Corbitt* Maureen Wright* Loretta & Lou Boris* Mary & Joseph Crowley* Anne Quilter* K. C. Stone Maria & Michael Yoham ( m)* Lindsey Boyer Nancy & Michael Cusack* Archbishop John R. Quinn Lorraine & John Taylor* Anonymous (20) Sylvia Braidwood Reverend Frederick J. Cwiekowski, SS Carolyn M. Ranken* Angelica Teaupa John Breslin Nancy J. Daley* Nancy & Maxfield Brown* Jane & Jay Daniel* Sam Brownell Susan O’Donnell Davenport Paul Renard* Barry Thornton* Julie & Christopher Ridley Dina & Bill Tiedje* CIRCLE OF LOVE Ellen & Thomas Abels* Marie Annuzzi* 2011 report to the community • 13 St. Vincent’s Family Connections Program Giving children and youth the chance to heal and grow Kate De Martini Robert J. Foster Miriam & Frederick Hass* In March 2011, we expanded our support for children and youth by launching our Family Connections Program at the St. Vincent’s School for Boys campus in San Rafael. Scott De Nardo Colleen & Del France Ann H. Hauer Margaret M. De Staebler Grace M. Frontin Chris Hemphill Maria & Franz Decker* Alberta & Roy Fross* Carolyn Hensley Patricia Ann Delucchi* Robert Gajewski & James Luedde Leslie & Gary Herrera* Theresa & Paul Descalso* Iris Garcia* James D. Hobbs Anne & Dudley Desler Lou Geissberger* Nancy Decker Holland* Julie & James Detro* Alvera Germano* Mary Ann Holman* Katherine E. Diekmann* Tom Gherini Lavinia Holmes* Winifred Downing* Gary Giacomini Virginia Hooke* Mary Beth Driscoll Jeanette Giacomini* Helen M. Hough* Mario A. Duarte Michael A. Gialis* Maureen Huntington Eulogia & Ramon Dychitan Nellie Gogas Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hurd Marguerite & Maury Edelstein* Connie & Ernest Goggio Kathryn & Donald Hutchison Barbara Ellis Jennifer Gonzales Terri & Dave Jackson (m)* Jacqueline & Albert Endriss* Herb Goodrich Kollyn Kanz & Daniel Cody Andres Esparza Lorraine Gotelli Alice & Robert Kauer* Nicholas Farguson Joseph Greenbach, Jr. Nancy Keegan Anne & Brent Faye* James Guglielmoni* Patricia Keeley* Teresa & Wally Fenn* Francis C. Hall Janis & Brian Kelly Marjorie A. Ferrari Christine & Douglas Haller* Dennis L. Kennelly* Donald Fitzgerald Kathleen Harrington* Gloria Kennett* Jane Beatty & Matthew Foehr* Patricia Harrod* Terry & Bob Keyes Family Connections Program is part of a state-wide pilot project to offer Residentially Based Services that help children and their families achieve and sustain positive and permanent relationships. Family Connections Program provides a comprehensive array of services for families who have highly disrupted relationships and need support to reconnect as they work toward permanency, safety and well-being. Through Family Connections Program, each child and family experiences a continuity of care across living environments. The same direct care team works with them whether the child is in the residential cottage, in a foster or relative caregiver home, or back home with her or his family. Catholic Charities CYO joins The Edgewood Center for Children and Families and Seneca Center as the three pilot providers operating this programming in San Francisco, in partnership with the San Francisco Human Services Agency. catholic charities cyo Gregory King Charles Makar* Susan & Dennis Mooradian Paul Pineda Denise Kline Joan R. Manini* Christine Motley & Neil O’Donnell Twyla & Patrick Powers Colleen & Tom Knopf* Giuseppe Marasco* Moyra Moy* William Primozic* Penelope Wong & Timothy Kochis Christopher N. Martinez Anne Muldoon & Andy Proehl David Puccini Anne & Frank Korp Lilia Martinez* Leo P. Mullin Elisa H. Puchir* Linda & Richard Kunnath* Stephanie Martinez Virginia Murillo* Jean & Anthony Ramirez* M. Margaret La Chica & Michael Krieger* Helene Bernice Mathe* Michael Murphy Pat Realini* Patricia & Thomas Landers* W. J. Matson Father Edward Murray* Claudia Reimer* Joseph Lascola* J. T. McAloon* Father James E. Myers Larry Reyburn* Joseph Lawhun Jane McColgan* Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nichols Merillin Richstatter* Billie & Joseph Le Blanc Monsignor Maurice McCormick* William Nisbet* Lydia Marie Rivera Joseph Leach* Theresa & Bill McDonnell* Lois & Frank Noonan* Mercedes & John Rojas* Kathleen & Edward Lederer Michael McKown Marcia Norris Sanford E. Rosenfeld* Francoise Lepage & Denise Lucy Lynn & Gary McLean Anne O’Brien* David Ross* Meagan Levitan & Dale Carlson Marsha & Kenneth McVey* Anita & Bruce Ochieano* Dorothy & Donald Rottinghaus* Madeleine Licavoli* Natalie P. Mead* Maria & Ramon Ongpin* Ronald Ruggiero Thomas S. Lickiss Mary & Tom Mellon Mary Ann Orchard* Kathleen & Kenneth Ryan Annette Lomont & Chuck Raaberg Loretta Merat* Bhanuprakash Panchanahalli Paul H. Ryan, Jr. Agnes Chan Low* Elizabeth Milano* Saul Pena Veronica Sanchez Antoinette Lucchese* Yvonne Miles* Irma Peri* Doris Coplen Santana* Danette Magilligan Christine & Richard Miller Susan & Stephen Phelps* Mary & Peter Schembri* Rafelina & Anthony Maglio Brian Mitchell* Imelda Phillips (m) Veronica & William Schwarz* Patrick Mahoney* Peggy & Peter Molinari Mary Jane Picone Shirley & Al Schwoerer* 2011 report to the community • 15 Thanks to your help … 4,200 hours of mental health support helped emotionally troubled youth on the path to healing 2,880 hours of services helped children and families achieve and sustain positive and permanent relationships 30 young people and their families received community-based support to help them on their path toward stability Lisa A. Scotch Rita Walljasper* Steven R. Alesch (m) Janice & Geoffrey Sears Margaret & E. C. Welsh* Matthew Alexander Jill Seman Anna Marie & Terry White* Margaret & Michael Allen* Rosemary & Betty Shanahan* Vince Whitney* Nadine Allen James Shannon* Cynthia Wier Susan & Michael Alvarado Timothy Alan Simon Maureen & Ray Wieser* Catalina Alvarez & Larry Alter Judge & Mrs. Peter A. Smith* Benedict Wikramanayake Donald C. Alvarez Nicole & Leon Sorhondo Michael Dean Williams Carlos Amador* Sharon & Rob Staley Lisa & Mike Wise* Mara & Michael Amato Cathy & Mike Stone* Toni Wolfson Barbara A. Amberg Pauline & John Stuber Paul K. Wong Evangeline Anacleto Mary T. Sullivan Lisa Torres & Laurence Wuerstle (m)* Wayne Anderson Donna & William Thomson Michael Xavier* Paule M. Anglim Diane & Tom Tognetti* Sahwn J. Young Jimena C. Angotti Isabelle Manning Toms* Anonymous (34) Evelyn Arata Victoria Turgeon* Barbara & Rick Urrutia* Manito J. Velasco Jacqueline Ventura* Matthew J. Viglione Mary & Paul Vogelheim* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wachowicz (m) Anne & George Wagner catholic charities cyo Iliana & Vern Arbogast CIRCLE OF CARING Emelita Abesamis* Avelina & Michel Accad Albert A. Acena Janet & Carlos Aguilar Doreen Aguirre* Noreen M. Ahern Veronica Arias Sara Arnaud Ann M. Arnold* Marta Arrazola* Joseph R. Asiano (m) Joan Atkinson Paul Attia Ann & Earl Aurelius Richard W. Bergson* Susan & Gregory Brown Robert S. Cassetta Elisa & Dan Corr Martha & Cipriano Austria Mary & Thomas Bersot Sandra R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Pascual Castro Sheila Corry Ann & Fabio Aversa Marie V. Bettencourt* Marlies & Stephen Bruning Patricia Caulfield Lisa Cortez-Holmes Maura A. Bailey Peggy & Brian Bettini Mary & Angus Brunner* Dianna Cavagnaro Leonora & Joseph Corvi Sandra Bainbridge Lois T. Bevans* Mary & John Bruno* Eugene Ceccotti* Father Patrick J. Coyle Robert E. Ballew Stella Bielat* Maureen Buck Mr. and Mrs. Bayardo Chamorro Elaine & Denny Crow Michelle Baran Gail & Dick Blach* Rosemarie & Christopher Buckley* Patricia Chang Barbara & Bernard Cummings Doris V. Barbagelata John R. Blackman* Deborah F. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cheung Kevin Cunz Mary & Robert Barrett* Stephen Boeri R. Thomas Burke* Mariolina D. Chong Jane Dabovich* Bernard A. Barron* Regina & Robert Boguski Jeanne Burns & Michael Baekbod Lorraine Cilley* Catherine M. Dacre Trudy & George Barron Betty Bolich Orlando Bustos Kathy & Peter Cimarelli* Ella M. Dalton* Margie & George Barry Regina & Aldo Bortolus* Margaret Buting Jill & John Clardy* Peter L. Daniels Rosemarie & David Basso Stan Borysewicz Patrice & Joseph Buzzella Melford C. Clark Michael Dardis Sandra & James Bates Sinjita Bose Frank L. Byrne Louis Clemence* Todd R. Darling Terry & Wayne Batmale Mary & George Bovone Rory Byrne Patty Clement-Cihak Carol & John David Kathleen Beaulieu Robert Kevin Brady Ruth F. Byrne Barbara & Francis Clifford Virginia & Michael David Maureen & David Behrs Bridget & Thomas Brawley* Tony Cahill* Jack Clifford* Karla & Grant Davies Verna & Joseph Bellan Kenneth J. Breitschopf Judith & Milan Caratan Rachel Coll James Davis III Alina & Alexander Beltrami* Imelda & Arcedo Brillantes Janine & James Carrig Collette T. Collins Helen Ann Davis Donna Bendotoff Maria & Martin Brillantes Honora M. Carson* Sandra Collins* Nancy & Robert Davis Michael Bennett Lisa M. Brinkmann* Dorothy Cartahena Robert K. Connolly Arlene & Cassidy de la Cruz* Maryann & Paul Bensi Erma & Vincent Brogan* Brenda K. Cash Monica & Raymond Conrady Diane & Ed De Matei Martha A. Berg Jane & Gary Brooks Patricia Cass Emily & John Corpos* Kathleen B. Deasy* 2011 report to the community • 17 Mark. L. Decell Rebecca T. Dulay Mary R. Fischbach Irene E. Garvey George F. Goerl* Philip Hayes Mary Ellen & James Deignan Helen Ebrahim* Suzanne & Craig Fitzpatrick Katherine & James Garvey Susana Gonzalez Karen & Richmond Hazlehurst* Carmen Anne Delano Katharine & Donald Edwards* Margaret A. Flipp Lisa & Louis Gasparini Katharine & George Grandemange* Carolyn & James Healy* Thomas R. Delebo Edmund A. Egan Michael Flynn, Jr. Brenda A. Gaufo James A. Grant Victor Hebert Barbara DeLuca K. McNulty & Dan Ehrmann Patricia M. Flynn Carol M. Gelatos Davidina & Nathan Greece Gloria J. Hechim Donald DePoto Robert G. Eklund Terence M. Flynn Gerald Gentile* Priscilla Grevert* Jerry F. Heffernan Suzi & Sean Desmond Vickii & James Ellis Rita D. Fogarty* Rosemary Gentile* Jean & William Gross* Gerald F. Heinz Dennis M. Diemer Doris Ann Elmore* Marie F. Foge Antoinette T. George* Joseph Guillory Amanda Hamilton & Timothy Hemmeter* James P. Dierkes Judith & Bruno Ender* Virginia J. Formichi Marilyn & Donald German* Evelyn & Rene Guiral Kathleen & Jeffrey Hendryx* Marion C. Dillard* Catherine Enos* Rita & Robert Forsyth* Patricia Ghilarducci* Adel Haddad* Richard L. Hennessy Robert Dixon Carolyn A. Eriksson Catherine Fortney Michael and Lisa Ghilotti Margaret & Cornelius Hagan Nancy W. Hiromoto Rosanna & Emmett Doherty Shirley Jean Ertola Mary & Robert Fosse* Dean & Robert Giacomini David Hague Tatt Wei Ho Lorraine & Nicholas Dollwet* Jean & F. Etcheverry Robert W. Fowler Mary Giammona* Byung Gook Han Mary Lynne Hogan Ramon Dominguez* Margaret Louise Falk* Helene & Randall Frakes Richard J. Gianoli Dennis F. Hanley Matthew J. Hogan Catherine M. Dompe Aida F. Falsis* Patricia Reyes Franklin Delores E. Gibbs Susan & Kevin Hanley Ramona & Richard Hogan* Cecelia & James Donahue Jeanne & Robert Fansler* Lynda M. Frattaroli Ann & Steve Gibson* Marta & David Hanna Monsignor J. Warren Holleran* Ann Donovan* Rosemary & Donald Farbstein* Dolores & Willie Frazier Lori & Stephen Giffoni (m)* Peggy & Tom Hannan* Donna & Kenneth Hoppe Cleo Donovan Malvina & John Farrell* Ann & Richard Fry Susanna Gin Irene & Joseph Hannauer Betty Horvath* Christopher P. Douglas Margaret Farrell Mary Jane Fuchs* Steven M. Giorgi* Marina & Michael Hardeman Mary M. Howard-Kiely Garrett M. Dowd Mary & Pat Fergus Helen & Wayne Fung Blanche Giusto Sharon Hartley Stephen H. Howell* Velda & James Draper Olallo L. Fernandez* Joan E. Gallagher Lillian & William Glaeser David Charles Harvey Mary & Jay Hubert* Sandy Drew Fran & James Ferry Valerie & Edward Garaventa Karen L. Gniadek Henry C. Hatcher Diane M. Hudson Gay Ducharme Janet C. Filipelli Rita P. Garcia* Kevin E. Go Pat Hayes Joan & Joseph Humphreys catholic charities cyo Marlene Hunter* Colette Kelly Edward J. La Chica Candace & Edward Lilly Gertrude M. Huygen Suzanne & Greg Kelly Charles La Mere George Lin Evelina Hwang Joseph Kelly Katherine & Leo La Rocca* Leanne & Kenneth Lippi Brigid & Gene Ide Sarah Kelsey & Bill Forrest Michael Laconsay Laura B. Lison James Illig and Larry Dotz (m) Kevin J. Kenneally Nancy & Lory Lacsamana Ted Liu Jacqueline & George Ivelich* Allan Kennedy Edward Lagomarsino Joan M. Loberg Lucy A. Jachetta* Gerald G. Kennedy* Christopher T. Lane Maynard Loeb* Phyllis Janey* Michael Kennedy Caryl & Donald Lane* Carol & Steve Lombardi* Gloria & John Jansheski Karyn & Tom Kennedy Molly & Jeffrey Lane Rosemary & Donald Lowry* Tom Johnson Blanche G. Kerrigan* Patricia Lane* Sharron W. Lucich Lawrence P. Johnston John J. Kiernan* Margie R. Lariviere Nancy & Robert Luft Michelle Jondreau & Franklin Dunn Sheila Doyle Kiernan Nancy & Paul Lau* Jeannette & Louis Luini Amy Jo Muller Jones Rhonda Kingman* Marie Lavezzoli Kathleen Duffy & Gregory Lyon* Eleanor D. Jones* Debbie & Nino Kiraly* Marie & Steven Lavezzoli Marilyn & Greg MacArt Dorothy & Jack Jones* Molly & Sanford Knapp Linda & Richard Leao Michael T. Macia* Dolores & Donald Junkin* Anna & Anton Knific* Janice & Robert Lee David W. Mackay Jane F. Jurkovich Anna & George Knight* Carol Ann Legnitto Cris & Michael MacKenzie Mary & Joel Jutovsky Oscar Koechlin Lynn & James Lenardon Caroline & Thomas MacKenzie G. Kampmeyer Lauren & Brad Koenig Donna M. Leonard Linda & Dennis Magri Olga B Katanics JoAnn Kozloski* Estelle & Bruce Leppanen Anne & John Mahoney Monsignor James P. Keane* Katie J. Krabbenschmidt Nancy & Jeremiah Lewis Agnes & William Mahoney Kathleen Keegan* Laurie & Serge Krassilnikoff Mary & Leandro Lewis* Jennifer Bilyk Makokha Elizabeth Arnold & John Kelley* Carole & James Krotzer Marjorie Liboon Nancy & Alex Malaspina 2011 report to the community • 19 Lifetime Giving Circles Circle of Wisdom (Cumulative giving of $500,000 or more) Robert Batinovich Peggy Cahill Deborah Dasovich & Michael Bentivoglio Fred Furth Cecilia & Jim Herbert John M. Malcolm Jeanne & Mack Miller Maura & Bob Morey Janet & Clint Reilly Kristine & Jim Silva Maureen & Craig Sullivan Circle of St. Francis (Cumulative giving of $250,000-$499,000) Bernard P. Hagan Muriel & Hugh Harris Mary Jo & Dick Kovacevich Gloria & Dennis O’Brien catholic charities cyo Suzanne & Brian Swift Philip M. Traynor Anonymous Circle of Compassion (Cumulative giving of $100,000$249,000) Leona & Eric Anderson Nick Andrade & Jim McDermott Lou Brizzolara Peter Cahill Dick Cahill Karen & Mark Cleary Al Cleary Ginny & Dick Collins Monica Devereux & Chris Columbus Joseph W. Cotchett Jane Cummins Candy & Eddie DeBartolo Susan & Michael Dorsey The Hon. Dianne Feinstein & Mr. Richard Blum Bettye Poetz Ferguson Marie & Jack Fitzpatrick Ann Barry Friedman Chris & Warren Hellman Doug Hickey Gretchen & Howard Leach Chuck Louderback Jackie McCarthy Joan & Bob McGrath Heidi & Bob McLalan Marcia & Max Messmer Joanne & Pete Murphy Angela Nomellini & Kenneth Olivier Jenny & Bob Theleen Diane Wilsey Bobbie & Mike Wilsey Anonymous (4) Gloria Maldonado Raymond McGrorey Donna M. Malliett Eileen McHugh Michael Malone Janice R. McKay* Mr. and Mrs. Samer G. Malouf Mairi McKeever Cherie & Daniel Mannion Winifred McKinnon Marco Marquez Donna J. McLain Rose-Marie Marsullo* Helen & Hugh McMonigle* Marie & Fabrizio Martinelli* Susan E. McNicoll Mark Mathew Patricia Perry & Stephen McPhee Delia & Oliver McCabe* Frances B. McVeigh Sandra & James McCambridge Mary Ann Koory & Christopher Meehan Jacinta M. McCann Florence Meisel Mary & Noel McCarthy Marie Melka* Robin McCarthy Audrey Lucille Meyer* Walter McCarthy Cathy & Donald Mibach* Margaret & John McCartie Edward M. Michels Jane & Andy McClure LaVerne D. Millane Lauren McCreery Husheng Zhu & Bruce Miller Mary McDermott Judy & Giles Miller Ray E. McDevitt Nancy & Michael Miller* William H. McDevitt, Sr.* Patricia W. Miller Roberta McDonough* Judith & Walter Miller* Patsy McGinnis Alexander G. Mitchell Piedad D. Mize* Michael J. Nelson (RIP) Debora D. O’Quinn Edward Pineiro Marilyn Voelke & J. Monaghan Grover B. Neuman Sarah & Edward O’Reilly Gale & John Plane Susan & Christopher Monahan Kathleen & Mike Nevin* Garrett W. O’Reilly Mary & Matthew Plescia* Patricia Mooney* Gary D. Newgard Carol & Rudolph Orfino* Lea A. Plunkett Maria & Jerome Moore Jeffrey Newman Lewis C. O’Rourke* Natalie Polin Charlene & Marshall Moran* Mary C. Nicholson* Mary C. O’Rourke Betty Louise Pommon Aileen Morello Thomas A. Nicholson Mary R. O’Rourke Donna & James Pope* Raymond D. Moresi* Julie Nicolai Marie & Thomas O’Rourke Angela & Norman Porter Geraldine Morrissey Carmela & Clifford Nilan* Claire & James O’Sullivan Barbara A. Powers Dr. and Mrs. Philip Morrissey* Anna & Harry Nomura Paula M. Pardini Daniel Powers Margaret Moster & Paul Schneider Julia P. Nord* Margaret & Ronald Parenti* Renee & Mieczyslaw Predki William S. Moura* Josefa M. Norona Laurie & Chester Peach Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Prevost, Jr.* Judith & Laurence Moyer* Kathy & John Norton R. H. Penaflorida Sharon & Paul Prudhomme Anne Murphy & John Hopkirk* Joseph Nucatola (RIP) Sally M. Perez Rosemary & Donald Prunty Charles T. Murphy Virginia & Robert Nurisso* Helen & Thomas Perlite Roberta & Richard Puccinelli Aileen & Howard Murphy* Esther N. Nzewi Mary & Angelo Perone Anthony J. Quarto Lorraine Murphy Jean O’Connell Mary Perucca* Melissa Ramirez Portal Ann & Philip Murphy* Patricia Joan O’Connor* Michele Perussina Debbie & Miles Raphael Elizabeth & Noel Murray Claudia & Thomas O’Connor Bonnie Jean & Joseph Phair Nina & David Ratto Patrick Naing* Rosemary & Daniel O’Kane* Margaret C. Phelan Donald P. Ratto Roland L. Nalette Julia & Ron Olson* Carolyn & Arnold Piatti Evelyn & Ted Rausch* Alvaro Navarro* Frances & Edward O’Neill Mary Helen Pidgeon Gael Ann & Owen Raven* Debra Lynn Nebreda Shelley & Tom Ontis Dr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Pieri Linda & Daniel Ravina 2011 report to the community • 21 Operation Purple at CYO Camp Providing healthy growth & development opportunities for children and youth This summer, CYO Camp was selected as a National Military Family Association Operation Purple summer camp. The Association developed this free summer camp program to support military children, ages 7 through 17, dealing with the stress caused by the deployment of a family member. Catholic Charities CYO joined 39 camps from 25 states in the USA and one in Japan. Each camp is “purple” and open to children of active duty, National Guard or Reserve service members from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard or the Commissioned Corps of the US Public Health Service and NOAA. CYO Camp went purple during its first session from June 26 through July 2 and hosted 82 children of military families. Campers enjoyed a traditional summer camp experience at CYO Camp. Their session was highlighted by a visit from members of the Army National Guard on June 28. Father and son service members Colonel Steven Strem and Cadet Grant Strem, spoke to the Operation Purple campers about their own family experiences. continues on next page. catholic charities cyo Dana & Joseph Reilly* Moira & Joe Russoniello Michael D. Sermersheim Gary L. Rich Matthew Ryan Fidel Serrano* Linda B. Rieschel Nicole M. Ryan Marilou & John Shankel Anne & Rick Riley Barbara & Joseph Saitz* Christine & Kevin Sharps Gloria B. Riordan Francine & John Sallaberry* Elaine & Michael Sheehan* Jane J. Risk Renato A. Salvoni Norma Sheehan John M. Rist* Michael Samson Maureen & Robert Sheehan Marian Ritchie* Chun Lum Say Mary & Timothy Sheehy* Sharon & Richard Rivera Susanne & Dave Scafani Albert Sheena* Linda & Salvatore Rizzo Rosa M. Schiessl Jennifer O. Shepard* John M. Roberts* Monsignor Harry Schlitt Dennis A. Sides Barbara & William Roberts Stephen Schneider Melinda & Todd Siemers Frank A. Rodezno Vincent E. Schoenstein William V. Singer Frances M. Rodriguez Janet & Albert Schultz Gail B. Siri Karen & William Rogers Brigitte Schulz Marie K. Slate* Josephine D. Roldan Michael Schulz* Thelma & John Smith Alta & Ralph Romo Barbara & Ralph Schulz Marvin Dorr Smith* Debra L. Roney* Bernice Schwabacher* Michael J. Smith Julie & James Rooney Ann & Lee Schweichler Tim C. Smith Margaret & Jerome Rosenthal* Joan & Harry Scott* Lucia Socaciu Annette & Vincent Rovai Father Thomas Seagrave Myungshik Song Mary G. Ruane Charlene & James Seley Louis G. Spadia Curtis Ruoff (m) Lew D. Serbin Jerome Spain Kim & Randy Sparks Helene Toy Mildred & Joseph Washington* Louise Stagnaro Brian Trainor Anne B. Waters Peter Stanek Phillip P. Q. Tran Bernadette & William Webb Dolores M. Staudenraus Ann & William Tristant Robert G. Wedig Robert J. Stevens Marianne & Lawrence Troxell Christine & Steven Wegner Jeane E. Stone Silvia Trujillo* Marvin Weinbaum Marie L. Stone Carolyn Rothman Tune Else M. Welch Alan Straub Carmel Turek Joy & William Wells Claire & Max Straube* Lorraine & Robert Urban Tracie & Stephen Wen Paula A. Straube Rhea & Ruben Valtierra Patricia & Stephen West Susan & Lloyd Sugaski Kathleen & Arie Van Den Akker Silas Wheaton Kathy Swallow* Roberta Van Zee* Diana Morris Wild Marilyn & Thomas Swartz* Maria K. Vento Doris & Robert Wilhelm Dorothy Sypal* Flora Vetari* Clare C. Willard Margaret E. Tang Helen Viner* Barbara & James Willford Barbara & Jude Tassone J. Malcolm Visbal Mary & Francis Williams Mary The & Po Chi Wu Eileen H. Wagner Jean & Philip Williams Eleanor & Robert Thiel* Eugene H. Wagner Charles R. Wilson (m)* Arceli & Silvino Timbol* Lucia H. Wahl Glen M. Wilson Patricia Tom* Teresa Walker Frances & James Wilson* Aurora Tomadoni* Teresa & Kevin Walsh* James L. Wiser Judith Tornese* Katherine Walther Ursula & Richard Wisniewski Michelle & Donald Torre William T. Ward Ursula Wollschlaeger continued from previous page. Colonel Strem answered questions from the kids about his own service while stressing how much the US Armed Forces values the service and sacrifice of its families. For decades, CYO Camp has offered a fun and inspiring summer experience for children and youth from all backgrounds. Programs are designed to give campers the opportunity to develop self-confidence while making new friends and taking on new challenges as they progress from year to year. CYO Camp embraces the values and traditions that have made it an exciting, educational and memorable place for tens of thousands of youth since 1946. 2011 report to the community • 23 Thanks to your help … 2,362 children received a hands-on environmental education experience Victor P. Wong Ellen Story Wood* Anne G. Wright Angela K. Wu Angela & Ben Wu Najib N. Yamini Chau & James Yoder 276 children had access to safe, nurturing out-of-school programs Terry & Carl Yordan Margaret M. Youngblood Joyce F. Zagrzebski* Sharron Zakus* Adrienne & John Zanini* Angelo Zara John W. Zellerbach 462 students participated in physical education programs provided by CYO Athletics Sharon Rae Zimmerman Jenny Zirelli Monique Zmuda & Phil Arnold* Maureen & Howard Zugman Walter Zwirek Anonymous (82) CIRCLE OF ANGELS The Circle of Angels is Catholic Charities CYO’s recurring giving program through which donors make ongoing gifts on a monthly or quarterly basis, providing a steady source of continuous support for Catholic Charities CYO and helping donors balance their charitable giving throughout the year. We thank the members of the Circle of Angels for their steadfast support. For information about joining the Circle of Angels, please call 415.972.1276. Ellen & Thomas Abels Lois & Nathan Agresti Carlos Amador Marie Annuzzi The Honorable Raymond J. Arata, Jr. Marta Arrazola Cathy & Rob Aveson Sharlyne Balano Barbara & Walter Bankovitch Michelle Baran Clara & Joseph Barbaccia Jorge Barrera Roberta Bessette Marie V. Bettencourt catholic charities cyo Mabel & Jeff Bialik Maria & Kevin Boden Regina & Aldo Bortolus Mary & Bill Brody Erma & Vincent Brogan Rosemarie & Christopher Buckley Sabina & Jeffrey Burns Carrie & Mark Bustillos James Carroll Jose Cartagena Dorothy Cartahena Rita & John Casey Lorraine Cilley Jill & John Clardy Patty Clement-Cihak Courtney & Eugene Clendinen Sandra Collins Elisa & Dan Corr Suzanne Crane Nancy & Michael Cusack Jane Dabovich Jane & Jay Daniel Leonore & Howard Daschbach Betty & Robert De Fea Mary Giammona Lucy A. Jachetta Jennifer Bilyk Makokha Diana Mongini Mary Ellen & James Deignan Alda & Donald Giannini Phyllis Janey Giuseppe Marasco Patricia Mooney Ann Donovan Mary & Richard Gilardi Dorothy & Jack Jones Christopher N. Martinez Paul Moslander Winifred Downing Jennifer Gonzales Mary Ann Jones Lilia Martinez William S. Moura Mario A. Duarte Jean & William Gross Dolores & Donald Junkin Stephanie Martinez Virginia Murillo Rebecca T. Dulay James Guglielmoni Kathleen Keegan James Martinoni Aileen & Howard Murphy Helen Ebrahim Juanita & Max Gutierrez Patricia Keeley Yvonne B. Marty Patrick Naing Katharine & Donald Edwards Adel Haddad Rhonda Kingman Kay & Tony Matan Rita Nowlin Barbara Ellis Vera Hannon Anna & George Knight Stephanie & Lawrence Mazzola Anne O’Brien Catherine Enos Kathleen Harrington JoAnn Kozloski J. T. McAloon Rosemary & Daniel O’Kane Cecilia & Robert Enright David Charles Harvey Andrew Krcik Delia & Oliver McCabe Julia & Ron Olson Rita Fabri Reniea Haverluck M. Margaret La Chica & Michael Krieger Jane McColgan Maria & Ramon Ongpin Catherine & Del Fager Mary Catherine Hearney-Mills Katherine & Leo La Rocca Eugene G. McGreevy Mary Ann Orchard Jane Ferguson Flout Gloria J. Hechim Patricia & Thomas Landers Father Tony McGuire Carol & Rudolph Orfino Rita D. Fogarty Kathleen & Jeffrey Hendryx Nancy & Paul Lau Jean McGuire Marguerite Ott Dorothy & Edward Ford Leslie & Gary Herrera Estelle & Bruce Leppanen Marina McKenzie Marie Ouano Rita & Robert Forsyth Joan Higgins Charles Levy Monsignor Edward McTaggart Amelia O. Palomera Mary Jane Fuchs Nancy Decker Holland Madeleine Licavoli Loretta Merat Barbara & Gary Parlapiano Iris Garcia Lavinia Holmes Maynard Loeb Audrey Lucille Meyer Irma Peri Glaudine Gasser Virginia Hooke Agnes Chan Low Cathy & Donald Mibach Virginia Perkins Patricia Ghilarducci Mary & Jay Hubert Ellin & Edward Lundy Brian Mitchell Mary Perucca Jeanette Giacomini Marlene Hunter Al Maggio Barbara & Bill Mitchell Susan & Stephen Phelps Michael A. Gialis Tu Huynh Patrick Mahoney Marjorie & Jack Mohror Talia & Edgar Pierluissi 2011 report to the community • 25 Second Start Subsidy Program Providing permanent housing and health stabilization June 2011 marked the 30th year of HIV/AIDS as an epidemic in our communities. Catholic Charities CYO was one of the first responders to this crisis. Although great strides have been made to help stabilize the health of those living with HIV/AIDS, the number of persons living with HIV/AIDS continues to increase. For many individuals in San Francisco, maintaining stable housing - with significantly decreased income and increased medical expenses - has become the critical issue. Catholic Charities CYO’s Assisted Housing & Health Programs promote stability in the lives of persons living with disabling health issues by providing advocacy, information and referral, rental and housing assistance, money management and employment services. Through the Second Start Subsidy Program, the people we serve are supported as they start anew toward a future of independence. Access to stable housing alleviates increasing housing costs, which result from frequent moves, and allows individuals to work toward receiving education and training or maintain meaningful employment. Sancho Pinto Fortunata Espiritu & Rodolfo Soto STAFF William Primozic Marti Sullivan William M. Avalos Anne Quilter Kathy Swallow Erica Barajas Jean & Anthony Ramirez Lorraine & John Taylor Jeff Bialik Pat Realini Eleanor & Robert Thiel Erick O. Brown Owen Reid Barry Thornton Kathlene Buada Claudia Reimer Dina & Bill Tiedje Christopher Callandrillo Larry Reyburn Isabelle Manning Toms Gloria E. Canas-Simon Merillin Richstatter Maria del Carmen Torres Raymon Cancino John M. Rist Philip M. Traynor Jose Cartagena David Ross Silvia Trujillo Dorothy A. Cartahena Dorothy & Donald Rottinghaus Roberta Van Zee Sally Cerreta Margaret Ruiz Matthew J. Viglione Patty Clement-Cihak Renato A. Salvoni Helen Viner Courtney Johnson Clendinen Samoan Catholic Community of Mildred & Joseph Washington Kevin Cunz San Francisco Margaret & E. C. Welsh Bishop Tom Daly Veronica & William Schwarz Anna Marie & Terry White Consuelo Zuniga Deeney Lisa A. Scotch Michael Dean Williams Kent Eagleson Fidel Serrano Kathleen Wolfrom-Vasquez Karen Erickson Rosemary & Betty Shanahan Lisa Torres & Laurence Wuerstle Francisco Escobar James Shannon Michael Xavier Jane Ferguson Flout Wilma & Hart Smith Anonymous (33) Gabrielle Slanina Gallagher Judge & Mrs. Peter A. Smith catholic charities cyo Carlos Garcia Iris Garcia Marty Rea FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS Little Children’s Aid Auxiliary Ruby Goldberg Scott Rea AND ORGANIZATIONS St. Isabella’s CYO Basketball Marinella Goncalves Lynn F. Robinson $10,000-$14,999 Elizabeth Rodriguez $100,000 or more Steve Grant Leslie and Virginia May Anderson Fund Daniel M. Haberkorn David L. Ross The San Francisco Foundation Archdiocese of San Francisco Ginger Ruth Anonymous Ellen E. Hammerle David Charles Harvey Daniel Sauers $50,000-$99,999 Gloria J. Hechim Brigitte Schulz The Guardsmen Eric Shifler The Robert and Helen Odell Fund George O. Simmons Sequoia Healthcare District Talia Smith St. Joseph’s Health Support Alliance Daniel Howell Zhuanquing Huang Nancy Keegan Jon Kurpinsky Henry Lao Jennifer Bilyk Makokha Christopher N. Martinez Stephanie Martinez Raul Millare Marcella Nutting John Paul Price Marnica Quintana Geraldine Souzis Keith Spindle Marti Sullivan Kathy Swallow Barbara Tassone Cynthia Ann Thomas Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area Robert Half International Inc. Koret Foundation Union Bank of California $5,000-$9,999 The Altos Foundation, Inc. $25,000-$49,999 Bank of America Catholic Charities USA Bank of the West Children of Shelters Bono Brothers Memorial Trust Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership Walter and Elise Haas Fund Louise M. Davies Foundation Little Children’s Aid Junior Auxiliary Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund Jim Willford $15,000-$24,999 Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers Michael Dean Williams Joseph L. Barbonchielli and The O’Shea Foundation Marianne Troxell Matthew J. Viglione Marie and Manuel B. Perez Fdn. The Joseph R. Parker Foundation Paul Raia Kathleen Wolfrom-Vasquez Frank L. Ramezzano Connie Wu The Godfathers Club RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation Melissa Ramirez Portal Anonymous (5) Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund Trust Funds Inc. 2011 report to the community • 27 Thanks to your help … 337 individuals moved from homelessness to housing Wells Fargo Foundation $2,500-$4,999 Catholic Healthcare West ChevronTexaco The Darrow Foundation 965 hours of supportive case management helped formerly homeless families transition to stability 151 people received a Second Start Subsidy to transition to meaningful, long-term employment In-N-Out Burger Foundation Isabel Allende Foundation The Basso/Healy Foundation Ramirez & Company, Inc. C.A.S.A. Samoan Catholic Community of San Fran- Chevron Humankind cisco Foreign-Trade Zone Corporation Sonoma County Trailblazer Foundation GAP Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation The Green Cross Williams Capital Management, LLC Marin Sanitary Service National Transportation Services, Inc. Jam Handy Character Building Foundation $500-$999 Marin Charitable Association City Church of San Francisco Mutual of America Good Samaritan Family Resource Center Novato Music Association, Inc. Homeless Prenatal Program Pacific-Western Foundation Jones, Clifford, Johnson & Johnson, LLP San Francisco Fire Fighters Local 798 Mujeres Unidas y Activas State Street Global Advisors San Carlos Lions Club Alice Phelan Sullivan Corporation San Francisco Federal Credit Union $100-$249 Seton Medical Center AT&T Inc. Sisters of St. Dominic Customs Brokers & Forwarders Assn. $1,000-$2,499 Alberian Institute #93, Young Ladies Institute Allensby Charitable Fund Blaylock Robert Van, LLC Catholic Kolping Society of America catholic charities cyo Palo Alto Medical Foundation Strategic Connections, LLC North Bay Basketball Academy Pac West Painting, Inc. San Francisco Police Officers’ Association UBS Foundation The Wine Group Inc. Women in International Trade of Northern CA Triton Container International Incorporated Delivery Agent USN OCS Class of 12/2010 Eckhoff Accountancy Corp. First Republic Bank $250-$499 Google American Express Foundation Freedom in Christ Evangelical Church Golden Gate Breakfast Club International Bond & Marine Brokerage, Ltd. BANK OF AMERICA Laurence Wuerstle James M. Illig Levi Strauss Foundation Arlene Andrews Michael J. Yoham Calvin Lam Marinwood Firefighter’s Association Gregory A. Bullian CLOROX MERCK Merck Partnership for Giving Cecilia Herbert Sarah Buck Imelda Phillips NAS Insurance Services, Inc John A. Knight North Bay Lighting and Electrical Supply Eileen Perkins FRANKLIN RESOURCES, Inc MERRILL LYNCH Brian Wachowicz John A. Knight THE GAP MORGAN STANLEY Benita Bankson Cynthia Gaylor Oakmont Walkers Club Nancy Rilett The Pacific Coast Council Anonymous Qualcomm Schneider Construction BANK OF THE WEST Maura Markus Score-Right Publishing LLC Selix Acquisition, LLC Sidley Austin LLP St. Vincent’s Women’s Auxiliary AMERICAN EXPRESS Margaret Cross Anonymous AT&T INC. Steven R. Alesch Michael L. Carthew Reynaldo C. De La Cruz Annette Lomont & Chuck Raaberg GOLDMAN SACHS UBS Edna M. Trammell Hunt Hanover Joseph R. Asiano Charles M. Walters John Keane Bishop Ignatius Wang Robert Black UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Anonymous (3) Marisa Brutoco David M. Jackson POOLED INCOME FUND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRAN- Rosemary Duggin Bacy CISCO Alice R. Glynn Amy Quach Nancy Krah GOOGLE Tom Knych Cindy Pelger Robert J. Stets, Jr. Stephen G. Giffoni Kevin M. Kearney Stephen P. Olivier Anonymous Lisa M. Torres Charles R. Wilson Rita C. Clark Helen M. Hough CAPITAL GROUP COMPANIES CHEVRONTEXACO Eileen & William Carlton Anonymous BLACKROCK Curtis Ruoff GIFT ANNUITANTS QUALCOMM Courtney Regan William T. Ring CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Patricia McMahon LEGACY CIRCLE We thank the following Legacy Circle Members for remembering Catholic Charities CYO in their estate plans. If you have made provisions for Catholic Charities CYO in your will or trust, and have not notified us of your intent, or if you wish to receive information about the Legacy Circle, please call 415.972.1291. THE JUNIPER NETWORKS Barbara & James Mason Michael A. Holubar Gloria N. Wu LEVI STRAUSS Angela Zink 2011 report to the community • 29 San Mateo Counseling Providing Counseling with Art Therapy Anonymous (4) Family stress, anxiety and depression are the most common reasons to seek counseling. Family stress issues may be caused by social, cultural, physical and educational concerns as well as financial difficulties caused by unemployment, all forms of domestic and substance abuse, homelessness and loss of a loved one. Individual circumstances will help determine the most appropriate type of help including individual, couple and family counseling. WILLS AND TRUSTS One of the ways Catholic Charities CYO offers counseling is through art therapy. Part of what is referred to as our treatment “tool box,” art therapy allows access to deeper emotions that are often difficult to reach when words are limiting. Our counselors at San Mateo Counseling utilize the various therapeutic art techniques every day. In one instance, a participant worked with her therapist to create an illustration depicting the various resources she has to help cope with her daily stress. Another counselor used art therapy when helping a young boy work his way through a difficult experience in his home life. By expressing feelings on paper, participants are able to slow down and work through the stages of emotions at each visit, progressing toward stability. This year, our counselors in San Mateo County benefited from the support of the community, using art supplies and donations to help continue offering talk therapy, guided imagery, family sculpting and art therapy – all important tools to help someone work through stress. Charles Abela Jimena C. Angotti Barbara & Walter Bankovitch Pat & Gene Barsotti Bertha Bedoni Kay & Gus Benz James J. Boll Joan Burke Lorraine Burtscher Angela Cadigan The Honorable Mary I. Callanan Joseph J. Carrasco Donna Miller Casey Peter Cassell Joan E. Cinquini Roxana & Jorge Cruz Sister Ellene Egan Margaret Louise Falk Maria E. Fanara Paul Fillow catholic charities cyo Marie & Jack Fitzpatrick Robert B. Manseau Wanda A. Forrest James Martinoni Cecelia Gaddini Mrs. Patrick Maughan Jacqueline Gagnon Joseph A. McCloskey Violet M. Gasparich Maggie & Ed McGovern Douglas Giancoli Patricia A. McGuigan Bruce F. Gordon Loretta Merat Lois Grant Ardeen Merry John M. Greeley Nancy & Michael Miller Jean & William Gross Anne & Douglas Murray Bernard P. Hagan, Sr. Diana M. Pacini Anna Herdtler Philo M. Remedios Catherine Baird & Stanley Karp Larry Reyburn Monsignor James P. Keane Kathryn E. Ringgold Brigitte Kouamo Joan & Arthur Ross Linda & Richard Kunnath Patricia Keane Ryan Raquel Lacayo-Valle Rita Semel Wing K. Lai Fortunata Espiritu & Rodolfo Soto Maureen Laney & Dan Clarke Rina Stefani Valerie Lavew Suzanne & Brian Swift Maynard Loeb Marie-Louise Tanner Annette Lomont & Chuck Raaberg Robert Collet Tricaro Beverly & Michael Loyd Clara K. Walker Charles M. Walters Mrs. Elizabeth M. Trixler Customs Brokers & Forwarders Assn. Stephen P. White The Cynthia Luthi Weber Trust of Northern CA Mary & Pat Fergus Scott De Nardo In Honor of Mr. Robert Anthony De Nardo Anonymous (16) Anonymous (2) BEQUESTS RECEIVED IN FY11 MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS The Sherwood J. Allen Trust Restricted Tributes The Gladys Batzer Estate ASSISTED HOUSING Evelina Hwang SENIOR SERVICES Mr. John J. Bible AND HEALTH SERVICES International Bond & Marine Susan O’Donnell Davenport Miss Dorothy A. Clark Ms. Audrey M. Corey Miss Marie Elgart Anne Quilter In Memory of Mr. Brendan Francis Quilter Foreign-Trade Zone Corporation In Memory of Mary Lynne Hogan Mrs. Patricia Kloch Diane M. Hudson Brokerage, Ltd. Kollyn Kanz & Daniel Cody Joseph Lawhun Cris & Michael MacKenzie The Stanley F. Erzar Estate CYO PROGRAMS Caroline & Thomas MacKenzie The Hilda Giovannetti Estate John Moriarty Cherie & Daniel Mannion Mr. Richard L. Kowalkowski Mrs. Mary C. Mangan The Alicia McEvoy Trust Dufer J. Milner Estate The Imelda Mini Trust The Lucille Ognjenovich Estate Helen A. Pasquini Trust In Memory of Daniel and Mary Moriarty Terry & Carl Yordan In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kelly Nancy W. Hiromoto Husheng Zhu & Bruce Miller Susan & Christopher Monahan NAS Insurance Services, Inc The Pacific Coast Council In Memory of Mrs. Anne O’Donnell James Davis III In Memory of Mrs. Eleanor Graves Brown Francis C. Hall In Memory of Mrs. Barbara Hall Gloria Maldonado Laurie & Chester Peach In Memory of Renee & Mieczyslaw Predki Mr. Adrian Ante FAMILY & CHILDREN’S SERVICES Roberta & Richard Puccinelli Allison Mangiaracino The following gifts were made Michael Samson In Memory of Mary K. Stroth Suzanne & Eugene Valla Rick Garcia In Memory of Mr. Albert M. Cernickey Mrs. Marie G. Ringrose Catalina Alvarez & Larry Alter Eileen H. Wagner Mr. Robert Romanovsky Wayne Anderson The Wine Group Inc. In Memory of Verna & Joseph Bella Women in International Trade Mrs. Louise Markman The Florence Ryan Estate The Evelyn J. Thomas Trust Shirley & Al Schwoerer Jeanne Burns & Michael Baekbod 2011 report to the community • 31 Thanks to your help … 4,998 appointments at counseling and behavioral health services strengthened and stabilized families 3,250 newcomers were welcomed, and they started on a path toward a new life Mary Ann & Michael St. Peter In Memory of Nike and Mitch Milias The Honorable John A. Ertola Stane and Djuro Bupic Ann & William Tristant In Memory of Mrs. Dorothy Linebarger of in-school counseling were given to explore and balance emotional issues that may affect students’ academic performance In Memory of Mr. John Perlite Michael J. Smith In Honor of In Memory of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Mrs. Frances Paganini Kim & Randy Sparks In Memory of In Memory of In Memory of Mr. John J. Lucich, Sr. Mr. Patrick Michael McDonald Mr. Donald W. Welch Mr. Kenneth Smith ST. VINCENT’S PROGRAMS Peggy & Brian Bettini Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Loretta & Lou Boris In Memory of Ms. Rose McCormick Ms. Jane Foster Mrs. Anna Mattei Mr. Bill McAllister Mary & Noel McCarthy In Memory of Mr. Charles L. Chiapellone Christine & Richard Miller In Honor of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Oakmont Walkers Club In Memory of Mr. Granville M. De Merritt Gale & John Plane Mrs. Louise DeBarbrie In Memory of Ms. Gert Sakowski Mr. Arthur J. Murphy Mr. Gary Santero Nina & David Ratto Mr. Jim Burke In Memory of Ms. Kathy Moroney Mr. Edward C. Trujillo Mr. Joseph Bernal catholic charities cyo Suzanne & Greg Kelly Christine & Kevin Sharps Sharron W. Lucich Else M. Welch In Memory of 1,858 hours Shirley Jean Ertola In Memory of St. Vincent’s Women’s Auxiliary In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. ST. VINCENT’S SCHOOL FOR BOYS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Nada Barulich In Memory of Mr. John Perlite Jaimie L. Benson In Honor of Mr. Michael Hoyt In Memory of Mr. Richard Joseph Benson Nancy M. Buckley In Memory of Mr. John Perlite Eugene Ceccotti In Honor of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Lynn & Colin Claxon In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Cecelia & James Donahue In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Clarissa Dyer In Memory of Mr. John Perlite Eckhoff Accountancy Corp. In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Juliet Esola In Honor of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Joan & William Gelardi In Memory of Lester and Juanita Brye Joseph and Marie Gelardi Timothy J. Groark In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Janice & Kurt Guehring In Honor of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Emile & Taghreed Kishek In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Colleen & Tom Knopf In Honor of Mr. Hugh W. Harris Carolyn Lerman In Memory of Mr. John Perlite Carol Ceresa & Melvin Matsumoto Michelle & Ron Ragusa Diane & Ed De Matei In Memory of In Memory of Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Mrs. Cecelia Andrews Bob and Blanche Offenbacher Strategic Connections, LLC In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Naomi Vasilieff In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Mary Kristina Winger In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Ms. Constance E. Stefani Bea Bird Robert Dixon In Honor of Ms. Doreen Dixon Tom Gherini In Memory of Mrs. Marie G. Ringrose David Hague In Memory of In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Mr. Granville M. De Merritt Lorraine McDonald In Memory of Mr. John D. McDonald III Ed Middendorf In Memory of Mr. Bernard J. Cummins, Jr. Mr. Robert M. Connelly Virginia & Thomas Mullan In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Mullan Mr. and Mrs. Marty Mullan Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mullan Paul H. Offenbacher In Honor of Unrestricted Tributes Karen & Jeffrey Banks In Memory of Ms. Dorothy Kiely Healy Mary & George Bovone In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nishant Bhatia Laura Callagy In Honor of Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy Patricia Caulfield In Memory of Mrs. Dolores Mullane Anette Harris and Marc Loupe In Honor of Ms. Deborah Dasovich Tatt Wei Ho In Honor of The Virgin Mary Marie & Steven Lavezzoli In Memory of Mr. Forrest Viglione David W. Mackay In Memory of Judy & Frank Passaglia In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Giovanni Passaglia Natalie Polin In Memory of Mrs. Celeste Calvo Anne Quilter In Memory of Mr. Thomas J. Quilter Mr. Brendan Francis Quilter Linda & Salvatore Rizzo In Memory of Mr. Thomas F. Hayes Veronica Sanchez In Honor of Ms. Deborah Dasovich Maureen & Craig Sullivan In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alf R. Brandin Triton Container International Incorporated In Memory of Mr. Kenneth M. Ashe Mrs. Elizabeth Mackay Galletto 2011 report to the community • 33 Board of Directors Officers Archbishop George H. Niederauer, Chairman Maura Markus Deborah Dasovich, President Kathleen McEligot James McCabe Mark Okashima, Treasurer Robert McGrath Carlos Alvarez, Secretary Ann Gray Miller Jeffrey V. Bialik, Executive Director Members Sharon McCarthy Allen Stephen Molinelli Katherine Munter Nanette Lee Miller Lorraine & Robert Urban In Memory of Ms. Carol James USN OCS Class 12-10 In Memory of Mr. Ronald Sullivan Joy & William Wells In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Mackay Galletto John W. Zellerbach GIFTS IN KIND We gratefully recognize donations of goods and services which assist us in carrying out our mission to support those in need. INDIVIDUALS Loretta & Joseph Agliolo Anthony E. Aguirre, Sr. Sharon Aissa George Anderson In Memory of Ron Appel Mr. Ronald Sullivan Mary Ellen Ariani June C. Baggiani Nicholas Andrade D. Paul Regan Dr. Luis Calingo William T. Ring Tim Behr Kathleen Cardinal Rita Semel Ann & Jess Benton Sister Ellene Egan, RSM Timothy Alan Simon Herbert W. Foedisch, Jr. Maureen O’Brien Sullivan Lorrie Boen Rev. Charles Gagan, SJ Dr. Pierre Theodore Jean & Allan Bollhoffer Cecilia Herbert Rev. Kenneth Weare John Knight Simon Manning catholic charities cyo Amendeep Bath Mara Bertolucci Kathleen Bodnar Stephanie M. Bulich Mary R. Byerwalter Gloria & Alindo Cardelli Pedro Bringas Casado Julie Cervetto Ruby Chow Angela Cincotta Angelique Cole Barbara Danielle Colvin Barbara & David Costamagna Carolyn Cottrell Nick & Bev Curran Leigh W. Curry Laura & Bill Del Carlo Pat Destine R. D. DiMeglio Zoran Doksimovich Mary F. Dolan Pauline Edgemon Margret Eisele Judy Leahy & Skip Emerson Madelene Ennis Estela Fabris Jeffrey Fenton Renee & Thomas Fitzpatrick Debbie Flowers Mary Fox Carmen Frye Marlie Mandell Arlene Passalacqua Kathleen Snyder Maria Gabby Larry Marcaletti Monica & Nick Petrucela Noel & Clark Stanton Susan Gamboa Gertrude Mauk Janine Poimiroo Karin Stolz-Rolla Mairee Gatewood Jennifer Maydar Claudia & Sean Quinn Fred Sturm Lilia G. Gonzalez Michael R. McClintock Diane Renda Angela Traverso Diane & Eddy Gutierrez Barbara L. McDuffie Joseph Rheaume Edmund D. Velez Catherine C. Haydn Marie Miller Heriberto Garcia Rico Helena Vella Marie Hall Nanette Miller & Olga Barrera Susi Robinson Matthew J. Viglione Kathleen & Joe Helmer Richard Moomjian Dorothea & Carmen Romeo Marisol Villanueva Susan & Scott Hubbard Christina Mora Leanna Rosenbaum Tiffany Wang Kathryn & Rizwan Hussain Janet Morris Lisa Sabatini Lorraine Watkins Barbara Johnson Anne Muldoon & Andy Proehl Tonja Sagun Lois White Michele Katz Eileen Murphy Matt Satterlund Rotraud Will Judith Kell Gerald F. Murphy Lindsay P. Savage Mark Willette Kim Saccio-Kent & Ed Kent Linda Mustachia Susanne & Dave Scafani Mario Wilson Alexis Kleinar Joseph Nuttall Alan Schaevitz Clinton Womack Barbara L. Kohn Jose Obien Sam Schaevitz Allen Wong Annette L. Legallet Muriel O’Dwyer Jennifer L. Schulz Linda Woods Amon Liu Ron Olander Lazo Sekulich Mary Louise Zamora May Lucier Kenneth Oshan Diane Shea Anonymous (3) Gorretti Lui Harry Owens Sally Shea Sonia Lundy Amelia O. Palomera Kathryn S. Shugart William P. Lynch, Jr. Katrina Papanastasiou Eric Smith 2011 report to the community • 35 ORGANIZATIONS Loaves & Fishes Sunday LOAVES & FISHES SUNDAY Our Lady of Loretto St. Bruno’s Church St. Luke Church Catholic Charities CYO Junior Board Matching Fund Donors Catholic Charities CYO acknowledges with gratitude the following donors who created a special fund to match the 2011 Loaves & Fishes Sunday parish second collection. The $100,000 fund doubled the impact of each parish gift up to the total amount in the fund, inspiring the largest second collection in the last decade. PARTICIPATING PARISHES Catholic Charities CYO gratefully acknowledges the following parishes for taking a second collection in support of our work on Loaves & Fishes Sunday: Our Lady of Mercy Church St. Catherine of Siena Church St. Mark’s Church Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Mill Valley St. Cecilia Church, Lagunitas St. Mary Magdalene Mission Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Redwood City St. Cecilia Church, San Francisco St. Mary Star of the Sea Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Charles Borromeo Church St. Mary’s Church, Nicasio All Souls Church Our Lady of Refuge Mission St. Charles Church St. Matthew Church Cathedral of St. Mary Our Lady of Angels Church St. Denis Church St. Matthias Church Church of the Assumption Our Lady of the Pillar Church St. Dominic Church St. Michael Korean Catholic Parish Church of the Epiphany Sacred Heart Church, Olema St. Dunstan Church St. Monica Church Church of the Good Shepherd San Jose Obrero Mission St. Elizabeth Church St. Patrick Church, Larkspur Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park St. Agnes Church St. Emydius Church St. Patrick Church, San Francisco Church of the Nativity, San Francisco St. Andrew Church St. Finn Barr Church St. Paul of the Shipwreck Church Church of the Visitacion St. Anne of the Sunset Church St. Francis of Assisi Church St. Paul’s Church Corpus Christi Church St. Anselm Church St. Gabriel Church St. Peter Church, Pacifica Holy Angels Church St. Anthony of Padua, Novato St. Gregory Church St. Peter Church, San Francisco Holy Family Chinese Mission St. Anthony-Immaculate Conception St. Helen Mission St. Philip the Apostle Church Holy Name of Jesus Church St. Anthony Church, Menlo Park St. Hilary Church St. Pius Church Immaculate Heart of Mary St. Anthony Mission, Pescadero St. Ignatius Church St. Raphael Church Mater Dolorosa Church St. Augustine Church St. Isabella Church St. Rita’s Church Mission Dolores Basilica St. Bartholomew Church St. James Church St. Robert’s Church Most Holy Redeemer Church St. Benedict Parish St. John of God Chapel St. Sebastian Church Notre Dame des Victoires St. Boniface Church St. John the Evangelist Church St. Stephen Church Old St. Mary’s Church St. Brendan Church St. Kevin’s Church St. Teresa Church Electric Bill’s Company Foster City Rotary Freedom in Christ Evangelical Church Godfathers of St. Vincent’s Graton Ridge Cellars Little Children’s Aid Little Children’s Aid Junior Auxiliary Sonoma Pet and Aquatics St. Vincent’s Women’s Auxiliary Terry Hines & Associates The Wax Museum at Fisherman’s Wharf WDA, Inc. Deborah Dasovich & Mike Bentivoglio Lou Brizzolara Carol & Dixon Doll Bettye Ferguson Bernard P. Hagan, Sr. Cecilia & Jim Herbert Darcy & Simon Manning Joan & Robert McGrath Maura & Robert Morey Maureen & Craig Sullivan Bobbie & Mike Wilsey catholic charities cyo St. Thomas Apostle Church Mireya Aguilera Jeff Bialik Luis Calingo Kevin Colombo St. Thomas More Grace Alcantar Jeff Bickel Chris Callandrillo Michael Cosgrave St. Timothy Church Malou Allan Brian Biens Wendy Calomiris Alison Crabtree St. Veronica Church Carlos Alvarez Larry Birello Aurelia Campoverde Robert Craig St. Vincent de Paul Church Patricia Anastasi Ester Blanco Ray Cancino Nancy Crowley Sts. Peter and Paul Church Luz Anaya Karina Blanco Antwan Capla Tori Cuddingan Star of the Sea Church Ann Anderson Felix Bleykhman Kathleen Cardinal Liz Curtis VOLUNTEERS Nick Andrade Nishanga Bliss Jose Cartagena Deborah Dacumos Grace Andrade Corinna Bockstruck Dorothy Cartahena Joanne Danberry Daniel Ang Rachel Boles Lilly Carter Deborah Dasovich Valeri Aragon Jonathan Bongco Dianna Cavagnaro Sheila Dasovich Sheila Arcelona Pamela Bosh Patricia Cavagnaro Patrona Davis Beltrand Arellano Ciriaca Bosque Sally Cerreta Lauren Davis Pamela Ashkenazy Milton Boyd Louis Cheng Cecile De La Cruz Carlos Ausejo Lindsey Boyer Katia Chikasuye Jose De La Torre INDIVIDUAL VOLUNTEERS Paola Ausejo Janice Brooks Michael Childress Shawn Demetriou AND INTERNS Beatriz Ayco Barry Brown Oliver Chu Rachel Denzer Daniel AcLan Melissa Badilla Laurie Buntain Patty Clement Cihak Houkun Ding Danny AcLan William Bailey Beverly Bushley Michael Cihak Cun Dip Kristen Aclan Olga Barrera Thomas Byun Legiok Co Michelle Doty Malou AcLan Battsetseg Battumur Jo Caciedo Jennifer Cocohoba Anne Drew Karen Aguas-Bongco Sheldon Beitzel Carolyn Cafferata Carol Cogliandro Mel Duffey Evangeline Aguilar Rebecca Beyer Brian Cahill Javier Colato Kent Eagleson Catholic Charities CYO gratefully acknowledges the support of volunteers who donate their time to assist us in carrying out our mission of service to our less fortunate brethren. In FY 2011, The Independent Sector valued volunteer time at $23.42 per hour. We thank the following program and Loaves & Fishes Sunday volunteers for more than 48,610 hours of volunteer service donated, valued at $1,138,446. 2011 report to the community • 37 Calvin Ellis Martin Godoy Kevin Ireland Ana Laulu David Macias Giles Miller Dave English John Gomez Fred Iskander Anaseini Laulu Machfud Madun Shalitha Mitchell Karen Erickson Rose Gomez Barney Jackson Tauailapalapa Laulu Justica Magat Elsibai Mohamed Cynthia Ervin Nella Goncalvez Larry Jackson Terese Lawler Roberto Magat Meghan Monahan Joe Exterovich Yang Pei Gong Rudy Jauregui Michelle Leao Jennifer Bilyk Makokha Carlos Morales Ysabel Eyman Kevin Gramajo Mary Johnson Johnnie Lee Xin Ping Man Jo Moran Dare Felchlin Joseph Guillory Aida Jones Meagan Levitan Ricardo Manalo Roy Moranz Jane Ferguson Flout Om Gurung Maude Jourdan Xinyi Li Ruth Manalo Jillian Morrison Roxana Fernandez Diane Gutierrez Carmelita Juarez Qi Liang Simon Manning Madeleine Mulderrig Jeneva Fernandez Eddy Gutierrez Olga Kasparova Sr. Esther Ling Michael Marcil Katherine Munter Duncan Fife Susana Guzman Victoria Katsarou Wen Ling Rowena Margate Nigora Muradova Lucrecia Flores Ly Ha Nancy Keegan Edith Lonergan Susan Marshall Mary Murphy Herb Foedisch Kristin Hagan Ann Kelly Juana Lopez Christopher Martinez Jeff Newman Brad Franceschi Joe Hagarty Mary Keung Lucia Lopez Samantha Marx Yen Ngo Emiko Fujita Sue Hanagan Samir Kharbanda Jenette Loveseth Darren McCorkhill Loan Nguyen LuLu Fulda Julie Harris Hala Khuri Brenda Lucido Lauren McCreery Dorothy Norman Brian Gallagher David Harvey Ryan Kiley Ed Ludeman Katherine McEntee Caren Normandin Dan Gallagher Leah Henry Jack Knight Nicole Luporini Barbara McGettigan Tomas Nunez-Cruz Rick Garcia Christopher Hersh Oscar Koechlin Diane Luporini Robert McGrath Sr. Maureen O’Brien Sergio Garcia David Harvey Chelsea Lalancette Cathryn Lyman Matthew McManus Mark Okashima Mairee Gatewood Catherine Hopkins Tiffany Lambright David Lyman Terry McNee Maria Olearczyk Alise Girard Jin Rong Huang Henry Lao Linda Macapagal Patrocinia Mejia Sasha Ortiz Patricia Glasser Nicole Hudson Pelenaise Lapaatourai Rino Macapagal Nanette Lee Miller Hector Ortiz catholic charities cyo Fiachra O’Sullivan Margaret Rabbitt Armandina Santellan Maria Sullivan Alexis Vogel Diana Otero Jean Ramirez Jamee Schorno Brian Swift Jian Hua Wang Juan Pablo Annette Rankin Casey Scollin Shao Li Tan Charles Washington Martina Pablo Chutta Ratnathicam Felicidad Seandra Dominique Tan Maggie Weadick Miriam Padillapaz Marcus Ratnathicam Mike Serdy Lourdes Tanedo Sara Weintraub Louise Pak Timothy Raymond Jack Shim Ricardo Tang Bobby Welch Dale Palean Tim Rea Rebecca Siegel Steve Tarantino Peter Whitney Justino Panella Marty Rea Timothy Allen Simon Callen Taylor Cui Xia Wong Jennifer Parks Maureen Reardon Kwai Cheong Siu Heather Tebbutt Suzanne Yu Ernesto Patino Paul Regan Charlene Smith Teresa Thomas Amy Yu Erin Pederson Melita Rines Jack Snow Julie Thorsen Terry Yu Karen Pelisetti-Demars Katherine Ringgold Richard So Penne Tognetti Li Ci Zhen Carlos Pena Yessica Rivera Elizabeth Soares Pauline Tomlinson Jian Qiao Zhen Tarun Pereira Elizabeth Robinson Enoka Soloatoa Katherine Tong Michael Perkins Marc Roman Bryan Soloatoa Monica Tsai Rachel Peters Alex Romanovsky Maria Solorzano Chris Tweedie Martha Petlus David Ross Andrey Sotnikov Michael Vargas Jann Phillips Liliana Rossi Rosanne Souza Alexandra Velasquez Ramon Ponce Joanne Rotella Maria Stein Jennifer Villarreal John Paul Price John Ruano Patricia Stern Maria Villarreal Giulissa Principe Ginger Ruth Yukiko Suenaga Rubin Villarreal Diana Prisk George Salinger Maureen Sullivan Juana Villegas Georgina Aleman Quiroz Sheryl Samson Marti Sullivan Dzinh Vo YOUTH VOLUNTEERS Adolfo Aguilar Zoila Aleman Bijan Bahreyni Huong Cao Matthew Carlsen Mckenzie Clark Adriana Cruz-Diaz Kyra Deeth-Stehlin 2011 report to the community • 39 Mayra Diaz Tomas Miranda-Katz Bunker Hill Pre-School St Agnes Church Jazmin Figueroa Daniel Moore Catholic Charities CYO Junior Board St. Brigid School Alan Gasca Michael Murphy City Church of San Francisco St. Charles Church Grant Giuliano Randy Nguyen Convent of the Sacred Heart High St. Charles Kindergarten Samantha Giuliano Daisy Pantoja School St. Kevin’s Church Gricelda Gomez Lexi Petitti Creative Healing Project St. Vincent’s Women’s Auxiliary Lusby Gramajo Barrie Purcell CYO Camp Alumni Stanford Presbyterian Berenice Guillen Maria Ramos Godfathers of St. Vincent’s Structural Engineers Association Nicole Hayes Monica Rivera Stephanie Howard Tory Salmon Golden Tones Sunset Baptist Church Arturo Islas Tony Smith Grace Presbyterian Church Silicon Valley Union Bank Nathan Jachetta Jack Snow Hands On Bay Area USF Foreword Summer Bridge Program Peter Snow iProspect Young Neighbors in Action Anne-Celine Jeffroy-Maynard Erik Sosa Little Children’s Aid Michelle Keung Madeleine Student Little Children’s Aid Junior Auxiliary Jennifer La Andrew Steele Little Learners Sandy Lam Tom Terry Menlo Park Presbyterian Kailey Lopez Will Terry Mission Temple Church Morrow Luke Jonathan Villeda Net App Bryan Mazariegos David Yocom Notre Dame 7th Graders 2010 Alexandre Jeffroy-Maynard Wendy Mazariegos Catheryn Melgar Evan Milburn catholic charities cyo VOLUNTEER GROUPS Azusa Pacific University Bread & Roses School for Boys Peninsula Humane Society Rebuilding Together Rhythm Tappers San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Northern California Financial Highlights — Year ended June 30, 2011 total Revenue by funding source Fiscal Year 2011 Total revenue $36.76 million Expenditure of Funds by Service Area fiscal Year 2011 Total Expenses $36.77 million Financials are unaudited. To receive a full, audited financial statement when it becomes available, please contact Keith Spindle, Director of Finance/CFO, 415.972.1265 or kspindle@cccyo.org. 2011 report to the community • 41 Programs & Services of Catholic Charities CYO SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY Treasure Island Child Development Center 415.843.0617 10th & Mission Support Services 415.863.1141 Treasure Island Supportive Housing 415.743.0017 Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center 415.452.3500 Youth Treatment & Education Center 415.668.0190 Assisted Housing and Health Programs 415.972.1333 MARIN COUNTY CYO Athletics – San Francisco 415.972.1348 Canal Family Support Program 415.454.8596 Derek Silva Community 415.553.8700 CYO Athletics – Marin 415.507.2000 Edith Witt Senior Community 415.863.1141 Marin County Counseling Services 415.507.4262 Home Care and Case Management 415.334.5555 St. Vincent’s Foster Family Agency 415.507.2000 Homelessness Prevention Programs 415.972.1300 St. Vincent’s School For Boys 415.507.2000 Housing STAR 415.972.1200 SAN MATEO COUNTY Leland House 415.405.2000 CYO Athletics - Northern San Mateo 415.972.1348 Maureen & Craig Sullivan Youth Services 415.863.1141 Refugee & Immigrant Services 415.972.1300 OMI Senior Center 415.334.5550 San Carlos Adult Day Services 650.592.9325 Peter Claver Community 415.749.3800 San Mateo County Counseling Services 650.295.2160 Refugee & Immigrant Services 415.972.1300 ARCHDIOCESE-WIDE Rita da Cascia 415.202.0941 Outdoor Environmental Education 707.874.0200 San Francisco Adult Day Services 415.452.3500 CYO Retreat Center 707.874.0207 San Francisco Boys’ and Girls’ Homes 415.221.3443 CYO Summer Camp 707.874.0240 San Francisco Counseling Services 415.564.7882 CYO Transportation 650.757.2110 SF HOME 415 550.4478 Information and Referral 415.972.1300 St. Joseph’s Family Center 415.575.4920 Main Office 415.972.1200 catholic charities cyo Ways You Can Support Catholic Charities CYO By supporting one another, we build a compassionate community that lives out the Gospel values of charity and justice. Your help in support of the people we serve is critical. We invite you to join us as we continue to commit ourselves to changing the lives of the people we serve. Loaves & Fishes Sunday Second Collection: Once each year, a second parish collection is made to benefit the programs and services of Catholic Charities CYO. As this is the only time each year funds from a parish collection direcly benefit Catholic Charities CYO, your support of this annual second collection is vital. Make A Gift to the Loaves & Fishes Fund was established to support ongoing services to the poor and life-enriching opportunities for our youth. Gifts to the Loaves & Fishes Annual Fund may be designated to general operating support for our social services or to any individual program or service. Making a Tribute is a meaningful way to acknowledge those who have made an impact in your life while improving the lives of others. We’ll send an acknowledgement to the person you specify. Notifications do not include the gift amount. Loaves & Fishes Leadership Fund: Members of the Loaves & Fishes Fund’s Leadership Circles (gifts of $2,500+) receive complimentary tickets to and are recognized at Catholic Charities CYO’s signature event – the Loaves & Fishes Dinner. Support the Advent Season of Caring, our special holiday appeal. Current stories of actual clients serve to illustrate the work we do every day in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Join the Circle of Angels Pledge Program, our monthly or quarterly giving program for donors. Your gifts are gratefully received via monthly or quarterly check or automatic deduction from your credit card or bank account. help you organize key documents such as your will, living trust and other estate planning tools that will provide comfort and guidance to your family. Donate Your Vehicle: Receive a tax benefit and support the work of Catholic Charities CYO. Support CYO Athletics Every Time You Shop: Register your Safeway club card, Macy’s credit card, and debit/credit cards with e-Scrip, and select CYO Athletics/ San Francisco or CYO Athletics/ Marin as the organization you would like to support. Every time you use your card, participating merchants make a donation to CYO Athletics. For more information, visit www.escrip.com. 2011 Report to the Community Employer Matching: Many employers match gifts. Inquire with your employer for a matching gift form. Published by Catholic Charities CYO Become a Part of Catholic Charities CYO’s Legacy Circle: Request a free Estate Planning Organizer. Though not a substitute for legal advice, it will Marti Sullivan, CFRE, Director of Development & Communications Jeffrey V. Bialik, Executive Director Matthew Viglione, Communications Director Photography by: The Archdiocese of San Francisco, Drew Altizer, Brandon Joseph Baker, Kevin Cunz, Gabrielle Gallagher and Jason Steinberg 2011 report to the community • 43 Catholic Charities CYO 180 Howard Street, Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94105 Catholic Charities CYO San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin www.cccyo.org Founded in 1907 and rooted in our faith traditions of charity and justice, Catholic Charities CYO supports families, aging and disabled adults, and youth through social services and opportunities for healthy growth and development. Help us go green. Sign up for electronic delivery at www.cccyo.org.