2015 Annual Report


2015 Annual Report
NESAP volunteers served 6,405 hours in 2015!
NESAP is overwhelmingly grateful to our volunteers, who are ordinary people with
extraordinary hearts, who give of their time and expect nothing in return, yet their gift
of service is invaluable to their community in need. May God bless all our volunteers!
Tim Adams
Betty Barr
Nancy Hackler
Liza Hieronimus
Dottie Nickerson
Dana Pipp
Sharon Spies
Lori Teitelbaum
Anna Berger
Mary Ellen Brookhart
Carol Hilgartner
Deb Hooper
Anna Pyzik
Peggy Ridgely
Ron Teitelbaum
Tom Trevey
Connie Copenhaver
Linda Cross
Jen Hanke
Todd Hare
Dave Scafide
Kris Schipper
George Tuttle
Jean Wineke
Paul Cross
Sherry Crowl
Virginia Davidson
Robert Hendrix
Scott Hunewill
Joe Jenkins
Alice Shaffer
Barbara Smith
Jim Spies
Donna Wright
Ken Wright
Anne Durham
Barbara Egolf
Kelly Johnson
Bonnie Kahline
Steve Eline
Bob Gierhart
Ruth Kemp
Amy Sarah Lewis-Rill
Carol Gierhart
Howard Goodrich
Lawrence Lister
Joan Martin
Velvia Goodrich
Bill Goretsas
Bud Meredith
Mary Moore
Bobbie Guinto
Dave Guinto
Jim Moore
Nancy Nash
North East Social Action Program
Providing hope and a helping hand to the community in need
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday 8 am to 3 pm
Email: nesapinc@gmail.com
1046 South Carroll Street
P.O. Box 831
Hampstead, MD 21074
Office Phone: 410-239-6216
Office Fax: 410-374-9109
Store Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 9 am to 3 pm
and Thu: 9 am to 8 pm
Closed Sundays and major holidays
Donation Dock Hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat: 8 am to 5 pm
and Thu: 8 am to 7 pm
1046 South Carroll Street
Hampstead, MD 21074
Store Phone: 410-374-9099
Northeast Social
Action Program
NESAP 2015 Staff Members
North East Social Action Program’s (NESAP) mission is to extend God’s compassion and provide
assistance to the community in need.
North East Social Action Program (NESAP) is a Christian non-profit organization that provides
tangible assistance to disadvantaged residents of Carroll County and parts of Baltimore County.
Incorporated in 1984, Northeast Social Action Program is a faith-based organization, established
by local churches that saw the need for assistance in a growing population and a struggling
economy. As communities have grown, so has the demand for the services NESAP provides.
Individuals and families in the community who are experiencing real crises because of
unemployment, under-employment, fixed incomes, family problems, medical emergencies,
tragedies, or disasters can receive referrals and prompt assistance.
In addition to providing financial assistance, NESAP coordinates community resources and finds
creative solutions to respond to the total range of needs. Our personalized services emphasize
a systemic approach to help break the cycle of poverty and restore dignity and hope. To provide
more comprehensive services, NESAP networks with area churches and organizations to help
clients find additional support they may need.
Lynn Sheavly
Executive Director
Carolyn Jones, Lead
Barbara Graham
Trudy Harrell
Mary Laatsch
Alba Stierhoff
Store Manager
Mark Minnon
Gloria Poff
Alex Ridgely
Muriel Webster
Marianne P Larson
Program Manager
Donna Hanke
Assistant Store Manager
“Our small full and part-time dedicated staff
and many volunteers serve as a team at NESAP
to provide a very important service to our clients.”
- Ken Wright
NESAP Board of Trustees
NESAP exists to assist people struggling to maintain their independence, dignity, and ability to
continue to be productive individuals in society. NESAP’s services provide financial assistance,
resources and referrals.
Rent, Fuel, Utilities, Medical, and Transportation Assistance, Food Pantry, Clothing Assistance,
Back-to-School Program and the Holiday Help Programs
NESAP’s programs are funded by thrift store proceeds, as well as grants, fundraisers, and
donations from civic organizations, businesses, local churches and individuals. For thirty one
years NESAP has extended a helping hand to Carroll County residents. With the help of the
community, NESAP will continue to be a place where neighbors help neighbors in need in
the name of Christian compassion.
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40
Ken Wright
Board Chairman
Steve Eline
Board Vice Chairman
The Rev. Tim Adams, Outreach Director
Crossroads Community Church
The Rev. Lynn Boyd, Pastor
Boring, Mt. Gilead and Piney Grove UMC
The Rev. Amy Sarah Lewis-Rill, Pastor
Wesley United Methodist Church
The Rev. Dave Scafide, Pastor
Manchester Baptist Church
The Rev. George Tuttle, Pastor
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
Tom Trevey
Board Treasurer
Rev. George Tuttle
Board Secretary
Business Community:
Steve Eline, Owner Eline’s Funeral Home
Kelly Johnson, Manager Farmers & Merchants Bank
Tom Trevey, Accountant, Hull Co. Accountants
Ken Wright, Owner Towne Pride Interiors
Members At-Large and Volunteers:
Joe Jenkins, Emory United Methodist Church
Mary Moore, St. Bartholomew’s Catholic Church
Dana Pipp, St. Marks’ Lutheran Church
Barb Smith, Greenmount Methodist Church
Letters from the Director and Chairman of the Board
Financial Review
NESAP is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation funded by community support, donations and Thrift
Store purchases. Generous donations and grants from foundations, individuals, organizations
and churches make it possible for NESAP to provide assistance to the disadvantaged in the
community. Without the dedicated support of the community, NESAP could not begin to meet
the enormous need in these trying economic times. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all those
who continue to support NESAP’s mission to the community.
Total Income: $390,985
(Includes food donations valued at $35,020
Does not include 6,405 volunteer hours)
Do you make a difference? Absolutely, yes! We see the positive, healing impact you have on
families. After families get back on their feet, they follow your example. They want to reach
out and help others. Like you, they know what it means to offer help and hope with care and
compassion. You not only provide help and hope for our clients, you also give those gifts
to us. You inspire us to move gracefully through days that can be hurried and stressful. You
bring laughter to our voices and touch our souls with your friendship.
Store Sales: $224,004
Donations: $126,412
Fundraisers: $21,762
Grants: $1,500
Recycling: $15,882
Other: $1,425
Total Expenses: $367,446
Programs: $296,031
Administrative Expenses: $17,227
The beginning of each year gives me cause to pause and reflect. My
thoughts turn toward the clients NESAP helped this year. Our neighbors
who struggle to provide for their families experience long-term frustration
and hopelessness. Illnesses linger, job offers are elusive, and the cost of
just about everything is increasing faster than supplemental benefits or
low incomes. Simultaneously, my thoughts turn to you. For the last
31 years, you made it possible for us to provide assistance services.
You give freely of your time, talents, and treasure to embrace others.
Operations: $47,370
Depreciation $6,818
Your kindness equally impacts our clients, volunteers, and staff. We count our blessings each
day of the year. And you are one of them. -- Yours in Christ, Lynn Sheavly
At our local Lions Club meeting the other night, our District Governor
made his annual visit. The motto of the International Lions Clubs through
out the world is “WE SERVE,” and he thanked us for the role that each
individual Lion member plays in our world-wide organization to overcome
blindness and diabetes here in our country and throughout the world.
As I thought about his remarks, I was reminded of the difference NESAP
has made over the years helping struggling families in our community.
As Chairman of the Board I normally don’t meet personally with these families but I do hear
the stories from our staff about the difference we make in the lives of those that come to us
for help. Whether it is a bag of groceries or financial assistance with fuel, rent, medical needs,
transportation or utilities our local neighbors find great comfort knowing there is someone
willing to listen and reach out to them.
Our small full and part-time dedicated staff and many volunteers serve as a team at NESAP
to provide a very important service to our clients. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I want
to thank each person that has given a donation to the Thrift Store or shared even one hour
of their time. Your gift to others is making a difference. -- Ken Wright
Thrift Store
Financial Assistance Programs
The Thrift Store provides a variety of clothing, housewares, books,
toys, and collectibles, and proceeds help the community through
NESAP’s assistance programs. NESAP’s primary mission is to serve
the local community, and surplus donations are sent to missions
and organizations locally and abroad. In addition to providing
food and financial assistance programs, NESAP’s Clothing
Assistance Program provides free clothing to qualified clients.
Fuel and Utilities Assistance
Food Pantry
NESAP helps to reduce hunger
and malnutrition by providing
food to county residents in
crisis or in need.
415 requests for food were
Filled 2,060 bags of food
were provided.
NESAP provides assistance with fuel, electric
bills, water, sewer and phone service.
495 households were served with fuel
and utility assistance. $66,462 was paid
to utility and fuel companies.
“Thank you sooo much for the
food and gift card to Weis. It
helped me and my daughter a
lot. I thank God that He has
people like you here on earth to
lend a helping hand. “... call
on Me in the day of trouble, I
will deliver you, and you shall
glorify me.” Psalms 0:15
Rent Assistance
NESAP’s Rent Assistance reduces eviction
and homelessness in Carroll County.
151 requests for rental assistance were
filled. $22,815 was paid to community
Transportation Assistance
Community Outreach Programs
NESAP offers help to families in need with school supplies in August, as well as food and gifts
for the holidays through our Back-to-School and Holiday Help Programs.
216 Carroll County students
began the school year with
new backpacks and grade
appropriate supplies.
“Our neighbors who struggle to provide for
their families experience long-term frustration
and hopelessness. Do you make a difference?
Absolutely, yes!” - Lynn Sheavly
246 households
received food and/or
gifts for Thanksgiving,
Christmas and Easter.
NESAP’s Transportation Assistance provides
county residents with transportation expenses.
18 requests for transportation assistance
were filled. $3,151 was provided for
insurance, repairs, and transportation.
Medical Assistance
“Thank you for your
continued generosity for
my family. My kids had
all the supplies they
needed to start the school
year. You are truly
blessing my family”
NESAP’s Medical Assistance Program helps
County residents with medical expenses.
27 requests for medical assistance were
filled. $4,403 was provided for medical,
dental, and prescription help.