Volunteer Opportunities November–December 2014 SALT LAKE COUNTY: AAA FAIR CREDIT FOUNDATION Contact: Martha Wunderli, 801.656.1610, Volunteers: AAA Fair Credit Foundation is conducting support groups that provide 10 month financial coaching in a peer supported groups facilitated by a certified financial counselor. Groups help low and moderate income residents of Salt Lake County identify and track financial goals of saving or paying down debt. Volunteers would help create dream boards for participants that provide a visual representation of their progress; AAA Fair Credit will provide suggestions but welcomes innovative responses designed to involve family systems. An example: a Map that tracks savings toward a trip to Disney Land. AMERICAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION on our waiting list lack sustained one-to-one adult supervision and attention. This holiday resolve to give your valuable time to a disadvantaged child. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS Contact: Lauren Wester, 801.284.2465, Donations: Gently used or new socks, coats, pants, shirts, hats, gloves, scarves, or toys for children ages 5 to 18. Volunteers: Thanksgiving Dinner: Volunteers are needed November 24 and 25 to help cook and serve food to kids at the annual thanksgiving dinner. Shoe Drive: Volunteers are needed the first weeks of December to help size kids at various locations for the shoe drive. Gift Wrapping: Volunteers are needed in December to help wrap gifts that will be distributed to the kids who attend the various clubs. Contact: Shawnie O ext.: 7069, Donations: Any new items that could be used for an annual silent auction. Game tables, electronics, etc. Volunteers: Helping collect in-kind donations (items, gift cards, etc.) for the upcoming 2015 events. These items will be used for the silent auction and volunteer appreciation throughout the year. BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF GREATER SALT LAKE BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SOCIETY UTAH CHILDRENS SERVICE SOCIETY Contact: Kristina Stromness, 801.574.2423, Donations: Dry dog or cat food to help support and provide sustenance for animals cared for by the society. BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF UTAH Contact: Tabb George, 801.313.0303, Donations: Clothing, rugs, small appliances, pots, pans, sports equipment, bed linens, small furniture, books, jewelry, knick-knacks, shoes, boots, drapes, curtains, Volunteers: Children need guidance and care all year long, not just during the holidays. Many of the children For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details Contact: Tiffany Harris, 801.322.4411, Volunteers: Teen Thanksgiving Late Night: Volunteers are st needed November 21 to help cook a Thanksgiving dinner for club teens. Volunteers are also needed to help run and implement games and activities for youth ages 13 to 18. Contact: Tami Hansen, 801.326.4410, Donations: New coats and winter clothing for all ages. Toys for ages 1 to 13. Amazon, McDonalds, Smiths or iTunes gift cards. Vouchers for a turkey or a ham. Board books for ages 0 to 5. Infant formula. Blankets. DUAL IMMERSION ACADEMY Contact: Michael Westover, 801.972.1425 Donations: Help provide adequate winter clothing for children from ages 3 to 13. Items needed include winter coats, winter hats, winter gloves, mittens and boots. EASTER SEALS-GOODWILL GUADALUPE SCHOOL Contact: Janae Trujillo, 801.946.1860, Volunteers: Have fun and help parents and their children learn in a Pediatric Therapy clinic once a week on evenings in December in January. Aides will help parents and their children engage in fun activities while addressing development. Volunteers are needed Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Contact: Beth Branson, 801.531.6100 ext.: 308, Donations: New toys, stuffed animals and activity items for children ages 0 to 12 years old. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed for Guadalupe ENDEAVOR HALL CHARTER SCHOOL Contact: Kaisa Freeman, 801.972.1153, Donations: Khaki pants for girls and boys sizes 5-16. Underwear for girls and boys sizes S, M & L. Winter coats sizes S, M & L. Girls and boys shoes for students in grades K-8. Non-perishable food items. Volunteers: Help assist students with reading, and assist teachers with various projects. FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER Contact: Kellie Mieremet, 801.955.9110 ext.: 104, Donations: Toys (unwrapped) warm clothing, books, baby formula, and cleaning supplies. Volunteers: Volunteer groups are needed to adopt one of our families for Christmas. This would be a Secret Santa type opportunity. Volunteers would be assigned a client/family who is in need of support during the holiday season. A list of all the information necessary for helping make this holiday special for the family will be provided. Contact Kellie to arrange details. FOUNDATION FOR FAMILY LIFE OF UTAH Contact: Elaine Fuller, 801.679.3921, Donations: Mattress pads, sheets, window coverings, lamps, kitchen supplies, garden tools, vegetable garden supplies, adult bicycles, adult bicycle parts Volunteer: Ongoing mentoring, service coordination, mentor coordination and office support volunteer opportunities are available year round. GRANITE PARK JUNIOR HIGH Contact: Carmela Castaneda, 801.694.4285, Donations: Turkeys for Thanksgiving meals, backpacks filled with food for winter break, books for Jr. High students, hygiene kits, bikes, helmets, clothes for students ages 12-15, shoes, electronics, gift cards to stores, gift cards for restaurants. Volunteers: Sub for Santa opportunities are available. For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details held on December 13, 2014. Parents of our children and adults in our ESL program, who have children, are able to visit the Christmas Store and select gifts for their families. All of the families are living below the poverty level and the Christmas store gives them opportunities to obtain gifts for their children they may not otherwise be able to afford. Volunteers are needed to pass out hot chocolate, greet families, wrap presents and assist families as they pick out toys for their children. HISTORIC SCOTT SCHOOL Contact: Trina Valdez, 801.803.3632, Donations: New socks, scarves, gloves, coats, shoes, coloring books, crayons, markers and fruit baskets. HOPEKIDS UTAH Contact: Kim Lewis, 801.726.9579, Donations and Volunteers: HopeKids is in need of a company or group of volunteers to assist with a Christmas party in early December. HopeKids provides on-going events and activities that help restore hope and transform the lives of families whose children have cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. An opportunity to plan and host a hope-filled event that includes a Santa visit and photos, memorable Holiday experience (caroling, elves, etc.) interactive games and crafts, snacks, and a small gift. HSER NER MOO COMMUNITY & WELCOME CENTER Contact: Mark Lowe, 801.828.7245, Donations: Help the Hser Ner Moo Community & Welcome Center provide refugee and recently resettled Some examples of items needed include vacuums, diapers, baby formula, and microwaves. HUMANE SOCIETY OF UTAH Contact: Lisa Burningham, 801.261.2919 ext:233, Donations: Kitten milk replacement, Puppy milk replacement (Esbilac), dry dog food, dry puppy food, dry cat food, dry kitten food, cat litter (clumping or nonclumping) stainless steel food and water bowls, fleece blankets and towels, cat and dog toys, cat and dog treats, dog shampoo, canned dog and cat food, newspaper, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, bleach, powdered laundry detergent, trash bags, sponges, anti-bacterial dish soap, Windex, and cleaning supplies. Day Care: The day care run on site at Kearns Junior High has recently undergone renovations. It was recently painted, but is still in need of various items. Needed items include a rug, kids sized tables, books and toys for ages 0-5. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF SALT LAKE CITY Contact: Hailey Watanabe, 801.328.1019, Donations: business clothing including slacks, skirts, dresses, blouses, tops appropriate for the workplace, blazers, coats, jackets, dress shoes, jewelry. Volunteers: Women Helping Women is a project in which Junior League and community volunteers collect, clothing. These clothes are given to women entering the workforce and who are in transition towards selfsufficiency. Clients are referred to the project by government and social service agencies. KEARNS HIGH SCHOOL Contact: Steve Whatcott, 801.668.5278, Donations: There are a few students at Kearns High School whose family situation is such that they have been alienated by family and belongings have been confiscated. In order to help the families get back on their feet Kearns High would like to help provide gift cards that could be used to help purchase food, essential school and living supplies, clothes and gas. Contact Steve to coordinate more specific details. Parent Resource Center: Kearns Junior High will be opening a new Parent Resource Center on site. This center will serve as a place for parents to get information about the school, learn how to access student grades, have free use of computers and internet, and receive clothes and food items if needed. Kearns Junior is trying to make this a very welcoming center and is looking for donations of a rug, table lamp, shelves that lock, clothing racks, food, a coffee maker, and decorations. LINCOLN ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Contact: Amanda Matthews, 801.558.0378, Donations: New socks, shoes, gloves, scarves, coloring books, markers, crayons, and crafts for kids ages 5-12. Small toys, stuffed animals, hygiene items, games, and other small prize type items that can be used in the Lincoln Loot student reward store. MEADOWBROOK STEM CENTER Contact: Adrienne Buhler, 801.518.5502, Donations: Computers, office supplies, book shelves, tables, chairs and books for kids ages 5 to 18. KEARNS JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Contact: Lauren Birge, 303.819.9903, Donations: Sub for Santa: Each year Kearns Junior High selects 15 families in need and collects donations to make sure their holiday season is bright. Each family receives a family gift, toys for all of the kids in the family, and stocking stuffers. Individual items or sponsors for an entire family are needed. Suggested items include small appliances, electronics, kitchen items, hygiene items, board games, puzzles, toys for kids 0-14 years old and small stocking stuffer items. Prizes for School Store: Kearns Junior High operates a school store where and leadership. The store is in need of fun donations including colored pencils, markers, notebooks, pens, and any other fun school supplies. Soccer and Sporting Equipment: New this year, Kearns Junior High has soccer teams. The team is in need of sports and soccer equipment, including soccer cleats for both boys and girls. For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details MILCREEK SENIOR CENTER Contact: Judy Madsen, 385.468.3310, Volunteers: Individuals or groups available Monday through Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. between November 21 and December 19 are invited to come teach a Christmas Craft, lead a Christmas Singalong, present readers theater using a holiday themed play, lead a holiday dish cooking class, provide singing or music concert, teach a dance class. Volunteers are also welcome to come serve a holiday meal from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on November 21 and December 19. MURRAY HERITAGE CENTER Contact: Susan Gregory, 801.284.4237, Donations: Veterans are honored at a Veterans Day Brunch. It is the desire of the Heritage Center to provide this brunch free of charge but donations, and or sponsors are needed to pay for the meals. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help decorate two Christmas trees and to hang garland in all rooms sometime between November 24 and December 3. There are a number of large lunch events where additional adult volunteers are needed to help in the kitchen, and to help serve meals. Holidays include a Veterans Day Brunch on November 10 from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., a Holiday Boutique on December 5 from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m., and New Eve Brunch on December 31 from 10:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. NAMI UTAH Contact: Natalee Kasmiskie, 801.323.9900, Donations: We need any food items for the Holiday Party including rolls, hams, vegetables and pies. Items are also needed for gift bags including hats, scarves, and mittens, hygiene items such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, and soap. Volunteers: NAMI will be hosting a Holiday party for homeless individuals with mental illness. Volunteers are needed to help assemble gift bags on December 17 in preparation for the party. Volunteers are also needed to help serve food to attendees on December 18. NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE Contact: Anna Ferris, 801.363.4589, Donations: New coats and socks for adults. Volunteers: November Family Fun Night: The November Family Fun Night is a Holiday Dinner and Harvest a Book Night on November 20. Children and their parents are invited to spend a night enjoying a good meal and reveling in the art of storytelling and celebrating literature. Volunteers are needed to help serve the -up for the storytelling and/or puppet shows, and may perform themselves if they are interested. December Family Fun Night: Volunteers are needed to help set up tables and decorating materials for the night on December 18. Volunteers will also refill trays of gingerbread, frosting, and holiday candies, and help with clean-up afterwards. Adult Day Care Performances: We are looking for volunteer groups Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. who can sing, dance, play music, etc. to perform special holiday music for our aging and disable adult clients at Neighborhood House. For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details OQUIRRH HILLS ELEMENTARY Contact: Stephanie Linton, 801.455.2774, Donations: New, small sized coats for 3 to 5 year olds. Hats and Gloves for students ages 5 to 12. Volunteers: We are in need of several volunteers to help day, several days, or just part of a day. There will be volunteer training on Tuesday, December 2. The store will run December 8 through the 12 between 9:30 and 3:15. The Santa Shop is a not for profit service that the PTA puts on that allows students to buy gifts for their families. Volunteers would be in charge of helping students shop, manage their money and gift wrapping. PAL BOXING CENTER Contact: Dustin Permann, 801.419.6902, Donations: Food for Thanksgiving meals. Winter clothing items including coats, gloves, hats, boots and socks. Toys and holiday gift items that could be used for children ages 6 to 18. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed November 25 from 12:00meals that will be delivered to families in the community. If volunteers are able to help transport the meals that would be of great benefit. ROOSEVELT ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Contact: Becky Land, 801.550.5991, Donations: Food baskets (or just food) for families over the holiday break. Clothes, especially boys pants sizes 4, 6, and 8. Athletic pants, shirts, and underwear in all sizes but especially small sizes. Shoes in a variety of sizes for ages 5 to 12 including boots or tennis shoes for boys and girls. Snack items for kids including fruit snacks, chips, pretzels or crackers. White board markers. Glue sticks. Paper towels, paper bowls, tissues, liquid hand soap and hand sanitizer. SALT LAKE CITY BICYCLE COLLECTIVE Contact: Alexandra Parvaz, 801.328.2453, Donations: With winter quickly approaching and a mountain of donated bikes to work on, we would love volunteers to come down and assist with fixing up kids bikes. We aim to give away 400 kids bikes this year, the majority at holiday time to needy families without presents for their small children. Monday nights from 5:30m. are our prime volunteer nights, you can come in earlier on weekdays between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Call to make an appointment for days other than Monday evenings. Snacks and water are provided for volunteers to consume. Wednesday mornings at 7:15 a.m. or Thursday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. or 4:30-7:30 p.m. THE CHILDREN S CENTER SALT LAKE COUNTY MEALS ON WHEELS Contact: Vicki Hansen, 385.468.3239, Volunteers: During the holidays the Meals on Wheels program needs help delivering meals to homebound seniors. Delivery routes consist of about 8-10 clients and are designed to last about an hour a day anytime between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Routes are available throughout the Salt Lake County. Volunteers are needed December 24 through January 2. SALVATION ARMY Contact: Vickie Young, 801.323.5888, Donations and Volunteers: Volunteers and Donations are Program, Turkey Dinner Distribution, Toy Drives, and the Angel Tree Program. Please call for more details on how to get you or your group involved. Contact: Leslie Durhm, 801.578.2329, Donations: Elastic waist knit pants, sweat pants and shorts sizes 2T-7. Unisex shoes and boots in gender neutral colors sizes 3-13. Boys and girls Pull-Ups sizes 3T-5T. Diapers 2T-5T. Boys and Girls underpants 2T-7. Long sleeved shirts 2T-7. socks. Snow pants and snow suits sizes 2T-7. Diverse dolls, storybooks, floor sicle sticks, colored construction paper, plastic cookie cutters, Fischer Price Little People, Giant waffle blocks, wood dollhouse furniture, glitter, wood puzzles, play dough and washable tempura paint. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help at our Holiday Concert on November 15. Shifts are available from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Volunteers will greet guests, work concessions, activity stations, and take tickets. Volunteers will also help set-up and take down the event. THE HOPE ALLIANCE SALT LAKE COUNTY AGING SERVICES Contact: Tracey Gibson, 385.468.3000, Volunteers: 15 volunteers are needed to serve a Thanksgiving themed lunch to 160 senior citizens Tuesday November 18 from 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Volunteers will help dish up the meal, serve the meal and clean up once the meal service is complete. SOUTH KEARNS ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Contact: Nate Salazar, 801.367.6392, Donations and Volunteers: Help South Kearns Elementary provide clothing, warm winter gear and toys to their students in need this holiday season. Donated items should be targeted for kids ages 5 to 12. Volunteers are needed to organize the clothing closet where donations are stored, to help make it more user friendly for school staff and parents that need to access items. SAINT ANDREWS FOOD PANTRY Contact: Tinisha, 801.871.5080, Donations: Canned pumpkin, chocolate chips, cake mixes, sugar, flour, green beans, cream soups, stuffing, corn, potatoes, mixed fruit, potato flakes, canned gravy, gravy packets, turkeys, Jell-O, and marshmallows. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help unload the food truck, organize and put away food and portion out family sized food orders. Volunteers are needed For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details Contact: Mimi Kameshige, 435.333.3334, Donations: Prescription eyeglasses, and non-prescription sunglasses. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to clean, sort, label and catalogue prescription eyeglasses that have been donated to the organization. These eyeglasses will be supporting multiple vision campaigns and will be distributed to under-served communities throughout Peru, Guatemala and Haiti. Times available upon appointment for individuals and groups. TURN COMMUNITY SERVICES Contact: Cynthia Proctor, 801.359.8876, Donations and Volunteers: TURN provides gifts to adults and children in Salt Lake, Utah, Davis and Weber counties who have disabilities and low-incomes. Each individual receives gifts chosen from their wish lists. Volunteers are needed to purchase, donate, or help wrap and deliver gifts between November 1 and December 23. Spending limit per person receiving items is $100. Please contact Cynthia for more information. UTAH ASSOCIATION FOR INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES Contact: Debbie Wyan, 801.654.8449, Donations: Socks and underwear in all sizes for men and women. DVDs rated G, PG and PG-13. Adult disposable undergarments all sizes. Board games and puzzles for ages 2-12. Sweaters and coats in all sizes for men and women. Bath towels. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed now through December 19 to help with a variety of holiday related tasks including the creation and delivery of over 1,500 holiday gift boxes, decorating 1,500 ornaments, wrapping gifts, sorting gifts and helping with the donation acceptance and thank you process. Volunteers are welcome 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. FOURTH STREET CLINIC Contact: Celeste Rich, 385.234.5730, Donations: The Fourth Street Clinic would like to provide 1,000 Hygiene Kits in Christmas Stockings with a small Christmas treat to patients and homeless that come during the holiday season. Hygiene kits cannot include hand sanitizer or mouth wash. UNITED WAY OF SALT LAKE Contact: Amy Worthington, 801.746.2566, Donations: Help United Way of Salt Lake warm the winter season for kids by collecting donations of new warm winter clothes. All donations will be given to students at various community schools and community centers throughout Salt Lake, Summit and Davis counties. Items needed include coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats and socks for children and youth ages 6-18. Donations are accepted from November 1 through December 12, 2014. WOODROW WILSON ELEMENTARY COMMUNITY SCHOOL Contact: Lindsey Edwards, 385.212.0347, Donations: During the holidays our families often struggle with providing holiday decorations, gifts and meals for their children. We would love to be able to offer gift cards to Walmart, Target, Shopko, other department stores, as well as grocery stores. Also needed are any type of winter gear including hats, scarves, and gloves, as well as snacks and non-perishable food items. DAVIS COUNTY: TURN COMMUNITY SERVICES Contact: Cynthia Proctor, 801.359.8876, Donations and Volunteers: TURN provides gifts to adults and children in Salt Lake, Utah, Davis and Weber counties who have disabilities and low-incomes. Each individual receives gifts chosen from their wish lists. Volunteers are needed to purchase, donate, or help wrap For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details and deliver gifts between November 1 and December 23. Spending limit per person receiving items is $100. Please contact Cynthia for more information. SALVATION ARMY Contact: Vickie Young, 801.323.5888, Donations and Volunteers: Volunteers and Donations are Program, Turkey Dinner Distribution, Toy Drives, and the Angel Tree Program. Please call for more details on how to get you or your group involved. UNITED WAY OF SALT LAKE Contact: Amy Worthington, 801.746.2566, Donations: Help United Way of Salt Lake warm the winter season for kids by collecting donations of new warm winter clothes. All donations will be given to students at various community schools and community centers throughout Salt Lake, Summit and Davis counties. Items needed include coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats and socks for children and youth ages 6-18. Donations are accepted from November 1 through December 12, 2014. SUMMIT COUNTY: THE HOPE ALLIANCE Contact: Mimi Kameshige, 435.333.3334, Donations: Prescription eyeglasses, and non-prescription sunglasses. Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to clean, sort, label and catalogue prescription eyeglasses that have been donated to the organization. These eyeglasses will be supporting multiple vision campaigns and will be distributed to under-served communities throughout Peru, Guatemala and Haiti. Times available upon appointment for individuals and groups. SALVATION ARMY Contact: Vickie Young, 801.323.5888, Donations and Volunteers: Volunteers and Donations are needed to help support the Salvation Program, Turkey Dinner Distribution, Toy Drives, and the Angel Tree Program. Please call for more details on how to get you or your group involved. UNITED WAY OF SALT LAKE Contact: Amy Worthington, 801.746.2566, Donations: Help United Way of Salt Lake warm the winter season for kids by collecting donations of new warm winter clothes. All donations will be given to students at various community schools and community centers throughout Salt Lake, Summit and Davis counties. Items needed include coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats and socks for children and youth ages 6-18. Donations are accepted from November 1 through December 12, 2014. TOOELE COUNTY: SALVATION ARMY Contact: Vickie Young, 801.323.5888, Donations and Volunteers: Volunteers and Donations are Program, Turkey Dinner Distribution, Toy Drives, and the Angel Tree Program. Please call for more details on how to get you or your group involved. UNITED WAY OF SALT LAKE Contact: Amy Worthington, 801.746.2566, Donations: Help United Way of Salt Lake warm the winter season for kids by collecting donations of new warm winter clothes. All donations will be given to students at various community schools and community centers throughout Salt Lake, Summit and Davis counties. Items needed include coats, gloves, mittens, scarves, hats and socks for children and youth ages 6-18. Donations are accepted from November 1 through December 12, 2014. For additional volunteer opportunities dial 2-1-1 or visit Please contact the organization for additional details