Residential Lease Form Instructions
Residential Lease Form Instructions
How to clonTplete and use.." RES]IDE,}{TAL LEASE Form ,A3l0-10 R3 r0-04 O RESIDENTIAL LEAS]3 Apartmenl nmllll$::':l Coodominium - @ Enter landlord's name House - o '''i:ili,Ji '\|il( .il ""*'l,l;:'i',J:li" " ''"'"d *""" lr,;r,hJ 6 . . O n,!dh(e,h!r.rrnlnrsl.',,,'.,,/h q, €) u"u u"n" puni.rt,ay rbt,oss o y-'-..',,^*^.," r1gr,n @ fI' J$ a t-/ '6..r",rg1".',r,"n,".nrn" tU rn)!il . il il \,.h,{tcr . a \ur(,i (fy ll, l. s((unr) l)rFtr. \h.h,n'. gt @ u,1.r ir lrs\ur n,i} Jcrlnil( bN{ r),ilri^,! r. r(,(,pr ur _h,rh h tlt J(iil\,"rcJgN n! LL\.!{. Jr {!_nrr tttr lnc tsilanrkil(c h} u\{( !t rh! krtrt, hcr.u[, tr, h rclumLJ ro L.cs*.. *dolt ior.rc{. oi rhc lull lnd tlirhful'.illntlr pditrn,ln.c br hin oI rN p(\isi'ns hcruof -1. Quicl l:njottrr(nt. l..s\tr n'\cnrilN rhil on tltiilB Ltrf (lil ud Filinjl,nt ilk ro\cn!ilh hcr.rn coo,lrDcd. l-es... \hJll l*J!(llll\ x,! 9!(rly hJ\.. h,id. lnJ enl'y il,. d.,nri.d p.crrN: tir ilrc rSrcd r!nr. {. U* of htrris. -lh dcm^ed prlnriscs stull k{ licd rild r{cupicd b} Les$! c\.tusilctt $ ! pdvdc sinStc irmrl) ..sidcoec, rnd r.[h.r $. prctrri*..s no. nn) prfl rhcrcof ilult b us.d !r rnr unB du.iu rh. rnn ofthjs lcasc b, I-.:*. f(x Oc pu$,jc of(lryin! oil rA husn)6{. t,olesu,. or rdc,r' r,1 i nd. or rr irl pu,n,sc oocr rnan $ J pn!rr. iin![ tun'il) r*$dcn.c. trss* shlll colrtly wilh !tl ilrc san,k.] h"r. o.dtt!Nc\, rutcs. und ordun of ,il rh,. nluuf lc.,{. LAi.( J(t\^,h *,rn rpp.opnlrc go!!.ilnrcikl !!il'onr.s rlllcring rhc.lcnriin{\s.,{cupancy, 6. md bc ridcwllks connectcd rhcrcto, durinS rhc of 0r;s lca.. 5. \unberdlo(ilpanlr. LAslc rrrccs ilErA rild [.rcrlrrixr oi dr. dcnri$d JeIrNUd FCil'i:L. nrJtLF s\uprcil b' nu ilrurc condnioo. 7. &igmeor ud SuHoo!!& Wilhour de prior wrnrcn conscil of boi Lcsse thdl nil ssi8n 6is l@, or suF ,ct o.sdr uy@nssion or lis$ ro ue dc prcm,$ror u,y pd dqcoi b' | oonc Nignmenr, ruD'Ltrri8. ruNts'on. ur h((n* \hnll nil r ilcctrrd k' & r eonscnr h rtry su[{qrctrr ^crn,anr $si8n.rnr, sublctrin8, con. ccs,on. or liccn*. An {ssi8o,ncnr. sublctrirS. conccss().. or talcnsc w{holr il'. prior wilrcn conscor or bsor. o. 6 siSnmc.r q subl.tring by ophrion ollaw. shrtt tu void ild shult. il t.cssr\ opriln. knninlr. his le\c. E. Altontloro and Imp.orenrcna, bsscc Jdl nrt*o no aler!ilrtr to ilB buildinrs on rhe Jcnrised prurili\!r ur conshcr uy buildhS or m!1. oh.r inprovcnEtrLr on $c dcnri*d prcnri$s wtrhoit bc Drn/ writrcn Lonsnr ol. bMi All dFarions. chln8cs, afd impruvcilcnts buil, cun$ruckd, o. phc,jd otr fte Uenriid prcniscs oy ucsse. eid ilte crccptiotr ofll\rurA rcilovlble rihour d!ilrqc k) $c prcn,iscs and nurbtc trRx8t p;oFf,y, shrll, untcsi odcdi* provideJ bt eiln.o aErc.mcnr [rwccn bssor und Lcsscc, b tr pb6:ny or Usi,r ind ronrarn on oc dcnri$ prcnts ut ihe.\oturion o, s@ner rnniorrior ot rhis te$. L DlnEge to P.cnrils. tr rh. dcnn*d pr.nriscs. or atry pan lhcr.oi shr| [ Ftniily dlnutcd by rirc or odcr .{\!rl0 .ot !u. k' t..r*.\ n.flilcnec or willful !d or rh.r of his .n4iotcL. inri y, qcnr. o. ;ijildi rbc prcni$r ihJl 6* prDrtrprl! r.p!tred b) tAr/ rod rI.rc jrllt t! rl nbxrenrcnr ot rdi n{$pdrry wilb rhc rtric dudnr rhich. Jnd rhd cxcnr k' shrrh. rhL l..scd prcilri$s ilry hrv. 6{.n unknlnrJbtci bu. rfrre icul urcilixs slouu b turE.J urhr rhln b\ br$. r ncglilcDcc or wiltiut rlr ,tr rhil of hr ur oh\(c, run,tv. Jrcnt. d visito, ro d. crrcor hlr b$r shlll ddeidc nor ro rcbuild o..cp!,r. rlc Lenr or rhs rtr.c ihrr errd ud ric icrr bc pnruco "hail up Lo rh. rim. of he drrule ll!t(d$. L.$e. \hJlt ior klef or hrre on il( l.Jrcd tr.rri,{. Jd\ rhte d ilril! ri J dutc(,!r. or crplositc.h/d!r.r 0rrr trrilhr lor.rjrrhtl Incruc{e ric dlr8,r ,il r;(,,n rhc lca.j,r*s o, rhll h coosid.rld hulJou\ (tr c\r! hr/{.il'us [J uny rcunrshlc ilr\u!!n,j( uorrND ll.Urihi6. bs\r,hrllNrqiF{/iltil!trrfu,,!,|!t,,.il\tt.,iin8ririltrr/l,r\xr\,(.\rlquir.dolh!p,!nr[. .r..(.p( nrJrt r{. p,.*,J(J b} lr\{r tp '^!r 12. Risbt or lr\Frtir!. i.!\!r !n! hr\ ilti hvr ilr nlhr !r Jlt r.:\oonbt( UD.\ dunu rhc rnn o, brl l.{r rilJ $) ,co.*!l rhlr(r k, cnrr, rh! d.Dscd p(1n'.c\ r.{ ,rL nury,!. ,il ,L\F il,i! rh. U(nri{\ lnd !| huitd. In! rDJ unpk^(n)cnb rh!.!1nr 10. Enter tenanl's name O Enter the sqeet address of the premises to be rented C) Enter the cgunty O Enter the stAte G) Enter description of property trorn deed. @ Enter nurnbpr of @ Enter date when lease will begin prunri\. oc J8c ur rcus, wrrhilur lx( wirilcn u,'nscnr ot hsntr. lp 6. Condilloo of Pnnru bssa rtipllilcs ilil he h&\ cxuhd rhc dcnuvd pr.mises, includin8 6c puoc and lll blildings und impruvrmenrs. lnd thilr rhcy uc, !r ilrc lmc oflhk [r*. ir 8dd ordcr..c4i(;nd I stt, cldn, ud cns0bl* O G) Enter the city @^ .*.,. n e)' r,t'I L RcnL ksxtJt,(.!NpJl.srrhourJcilrJnJ.r,k"\Jkrsrcilrr.nrhuJ('nr,.Jrr!ni*\rh(\unrol @ (JihrJ{.tu,,u,,hrrin Enter date @ Enter date when lease will tennin.tte @ Enter time @ Spell out dqllar amount @ Enter dollar amount in numbers (9 Enter day @ Encer montlg @ Enter year @ Errter street address where rent is to be receiv0d Dangcos intuou$lc. nlCht @ Enter city @ Enter state @ Spell out dofiar amounr ^ AOrlCEr Cdul r!tui [r!] crrnr) (Jl.nt h,rrd trtr d(nrlril tLroN rIJ' nlr N k\urd n, nr.l r)!r iE.nrc n..!r @ Enter dollar arnount in numbers @ Enter appliqrble number @ Enter exceptrion, if any I 1992-?tn0 E'Z Legul Fonrs. lnu. a!&t!4y oo dl legdl macers. This pr(xlucl wus nol necssarily prcprred by a pcrsoo liccnscd ro prrclicc law in ihis sutc. Re\.6/o0 .1" .ri! t i,i*. , i:ii:" ,ri i.,, l;, , !;,1";,1$'i';,;, ix ri' .;'li,ll i3" '' 1 ,- l,'r.:; | '. i;.... :r:.;..:r:i:t ,!r,,; . . :...1 :,., :: . .,.i.1 ., .:;:' " .i.,::at t: : i,.l; f. t ai11'1.t:?r.:.1*;-e.,ir.'ir;.,r,,.',: .,,1,..,:,:..:: i$ ,t! 4DEntpr number of the leased premises od appurte: ir lease and ury renewal thereof. In panicumcc l{, lss@ sha.ll k@p the fixtures io the house or oo or about the leased premises in ,good order and repair; keep the fumace cleu; k@p tbe electric beUs io orde( k@p rhe walks f!@ din and debrir;; rod, ar his sole expeDse, sba.ll , Eake all required repairs to the plumbing, rmge, heating, app@tus, ud electric ad g6 futurs whenever dmage rherelo shall have resulted from Lesw's misuse, w6te, or legl{t or that of his employre, fmily, agdnt, or visitor, Major @intenance ud repai! of the le6ed plemises, not due to Lessee's misuse, wslq or neglect or that of his eoploy@, f@ily, agent, o! visito!, sball b€ the rcsponsibility of Lrssor or his rrssigns, kssee agrees that no signs shall be placed or painling done oo o! about the lrued premises by L€ssee o! at his diretion wirhout the pdor wriF leo consenl of lpssor, 14. Animals. L€ssee shall keep tro domestic or other dimals on or about the )eased prcmises without the wlittetr cooseot of Lessor. days of this lease, Lessor o! his agenl shall have tle privilege 15. Display of sig6. During tle ldt @ of displaying tle usual "For Sale" or "For Reot" or "Vacancy" signs on the demised preoises and of showing the property to prospstive pulchsers or tenaoB rl ' 16, Suborditrstion ofl,e6e, This Irue and L€s'See's leaschold intcrest hereunder ile &d shall be subject, subordinate, ed inferior to any liens or encumblances nolv or hereafier placed on the dcmised premises by Lessor, all ' rr l advucs made under My such liens or encumbluces, the interest payable on ary strch liens o! etrcumbruces, and ..:.. iCii uy od all or extensions of such lieos or eucumbmnces, l?. Holdoyer by Lsee. Should Lssee remain in posscssion of the demised premises witb the consgnt of Lessor after the naMl expiration of this le6e, a new month{o-montl tensncy shall be crelled berwgg4 Lessor ud Lessee which shall be subject to all the tems ud conditioos hcreof but shall be tcrminatcd on @t . days' writteo noti@ sefted by eirhe! I€sso! or Lessee oo fie other pany,; q;r: : , : i' /r: quit lease of Premiss, At tie expiration of the term, Lessec shall and 18. Surrender surrender the premises hgre- '. ' by demised in u good stste aod coodition as they were at fte commencement of this lease, reoonable use and wcu ther@f ud dmages by tle elements excepted. 19. Defsull lf any default is made i! thc payment of retrt, or any pdt thercof, at the times hereinbefore specified, or if uy default is made in de performance of or compliance widr any other tem or condidon hereof, the leqsc, at $e optioo of Lessor, sha.ll teminate ed be fodeited, and Lessor may rg-enter tire prelnises ud removg all persons therefrom. Lessee sball be giyen wriilen notice of uy dcfault or bre ach, od termiDorioD md forfeiture of the lease -p$ days of reeipl oisuch notice, Lpssce ha coreced rhg default or breach or hs shall nor raulr if, within nken acrion rqonably Iikelil6eflecr such coretion within a rcasonable timc. 20, Abandoment, lf at any rime during the temr of this lease Lessee abandons fti? demised premises or any put dercof, Lesso. may, at his option, cnter fte demised premises by any means without loeing liable for any prosecution rherefo!, md wirhout bccoming liable to Lessee for damages or for any payment of 0ny kiod whatever, ed may, al his discretion, u agent lbr lf,ssee, reler the demised premises, or any pan illereof, fbr the whole or any part of the iir.'r': rhen unexpired tem, md may rrceive ed collect all lent payable by virtue of surh ftlettitrg, ild, at kssor's option, , ' hold Lessee liable for any diffelence betwen de rcnt that would have been pay.rble under $is lease during the b0l: ' "' i me of the unexpired tcrm, if rhis lese had conrinued io force, and the net rcnt. for such period realizcd by lrssor by mms of such reletring, lf Lessor's right of re-etrtry is exclcised following abaDdoment of the premises by I Lss*, theo Lpssor may corsider any personal propeny belonging to Lessee and left on the premises to also have ' beeo abandoned, in which casc Lessor may dispose of all such personal property in any manner L€ssor.shall d@r4 . - , . t proper md is hereby relieved of all liability for doing so. 13, MaiBteouce and Repain in good ': ' ' . Lessee will, at his sole expense, k@p od ud witary condition ud repair dudlg the tem of this 4DEntpr state, if ,t: .rq daLyr; i; appliaable ":l @Entpr-otfrer tefins, .it[ arny .-I, + tg- (iD Signatule of landlordG) .. .t.l::..., .{.::: ..:'-,.. (igsigpature of tendnt(d) , .ib'; ;:li .: *, i i'l: . .: .'t .:' j .' .. 21. Binding Elfect..The covenmts ud conditions herein contained shall applv to and bind the heirs, legal reprq :.., .,r: ',, ^" sentalivq,andcsignsofthepiltieshercto,andailcovenuis{etobcconrlrucdasconditionsof$isleroe,t .. ,-l: i, 22. Radoo G6 Disclosure. As required by law (Lmdlord) (Selle!) makes the fDllorviog disclosuls: "Rado! CG" is ,,.r ',,I a naMally scwing rodioactive gu lhat, when it hs accumulated in a builling in sufficieot quetities, may prwnt h@.lth risks to peNos who re erjlised to it over iime, l*vcls of mdon thol exceed r'edenl ild shte guidelins have been . Additional infomration rcgtrdirg rarJon ad idon testing may be found in buildings in 4, l ,lt i rl]. ,tl!': il-i , "t:.i,1 , _ obuined from your county public heald unit. . 23, Lcad Paint Disclosure. "Every purchroer of any intdrest in rcsidcntial R,al property on which a residentinl dwelling w6 buih prior to 1978 is notified that such property mly prescn! exp,lsure ta lcad frorn lead-bascd paint . tlar may placc young childlen at risk of developing lead poisoning. lrad poisorLilg in young childrcn may produce pemuent neurological damagc, including lcaming disabilities, reduccd in(elliScoce quolient, bchavioral problems ud impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a puticulu risk to pregnant rvonrlo. The seller of any interest in residential real cstate is required b provide $e buyer with any iulormation o! leaclbascd paint huuds from risk ssessmenE o! inspecnon in lhe seller's possession dd nolify lhe buyer of any knowu lcad.based painr hazqgs. A::r:; rj l" " risk ssessmenr or inspcurion for possible lead-bNed point hffids is recomcnded prior !o purchase."'- ' : 2J. Other Tcrm: " 'i' :' ir'' ' @ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the prnies hrve ex4uted this lese t}le day and yciu hrst above written, @$ m ... ': . . ".;i,t. . Gsie-- ::' @ 'r ': : !r? NOTICE: State law cstablishes righb and obligations for pa$ies to rental agreerqents.'fhis agr*ment is rdquicd to comply.wid the Trut}l ir Renting Act or the applicable Landlord Tcnmt Statute or cod,r of your state. lf you have a' qu6tioo about the interpreadon or legality of a provision of this agreement, you muy want to seeL assist&ce from alawyqororherqua.lifiedpe$on. I .,. r , .j- Page 2 , .,' ,, ',,.r.' ,,'l , ,. '. Yrr of 2 rffil ,qi t; 'j ; , $, J .!:.