Longfellow PTA Newsletter - Westerville City Schools
Longfellow PTA Newsletter - Westerville City Schools
“Making Stars for Tomorrow” Longfellow PTA Newsletter Teacher Appreciation Week Longfellow “Rockets” Math & Science Magnet School 120 Hiawatha Avenue Westerville, Ohio 43081 614-797-7180 www.wcsoh.org PRINCIPAL Mr. Stephen Petercsak PTA OFFICERS: April Hynes President Lynn Aventino 1st Vice President Susan Blackwood 2nd Vice President Link Editor Kelley Hand Secretary Cheryl Lovell Treasurer Chris Dilley Parent Council May 4th - May 8th May 4,2009 Important Dates your “Little Rocket” will want you to remember! Our Teachers and Staff are a Treat! May 1st STUDENTS: Highland’s Pool Passes Go On Sale at the Community Center Monday: Treat Street Message Board (write a message to your Teacherboards will be displayed in the lobby) Tuesday: No School Wednesday: Bring a Flower To Your Teacher Thursday: Bring in a Treat that reminds you of your teacher Friday: Bring a Card in for the Office Staff Summer Day Camps Check out the out the ZOO, COSI and the YMCA May, 2009 Preview and play at the NEW PARENTS “Castle Playground” at Huber Village Park Monday Message Board: Available for Parents to sign or send a message with their student to post. Wednesday: The PTA is providing a basket of treats for the teachers...feel free to have your student contribute. Thursday : Lets Treat You! The PTA is sponsoring a luncheon for the teachers. (Dedication sometime this Month) May 16th Race for the Cure www.komancolumbus.org May 29th Westerville's 1st Friday 6-9 PM Excitement is abound with the implementation of the Progress Book for our elementary students starting this year. All parents have been sent a letter indicating their logon and password so they can start using this tremendous tool. Log on at https://parentaccess.mecdc.org/general/district.aspx Longfellow LINK Page 2 EAT HEALTHY 2009 SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI 1 SAT 2 Interim Reports Go Home 3 4 6 5 No School 7 8 9 Jump Rope For Heart Donations Due Election Day Teacher Appreciation Week 10 11 MOTHER’S DAY 13 Market Day G.E.M Award Orders Due Ceremony at noon 12 15 14 Student Volunteer Logs Due New Parent Orientation Central College 16 Scholastic Book Fair 17 18 19 20 21 22 BIGGEST MOVER CHALLENGE Market Day Pick Up 6:30-7:30 SUPER BOWL 23 SCOUTS Flag Raising Ceremony 9:05 AM 2:15 24 25 No School Memorial Day 26 27 28 29 PTA MEETING 7 PM (free child care BIGGEST MOVER CHALLENGE SUPER BOWL MAY 21st 2:15 PM BIKE SAFETY DAY 30/31 Longfellow LINK Page 3 ANNUAL LONGFELLOW FLAG RAISING CEREMONY Friday, May 22, 2009 at 9:10 AM Featuring Longfellow Scouts Assisted by Mary Leavitt, Founder of The Flag Lady Store Special Guests Westerville Mayor Anne Gonzales & Other Westerville Officials Members of Navy Operational Support Center, Columbus Veterans, including Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7883 & American Legion Young-Budd Post 171 United States Representative Pat Tiberi (or his representative) State Representative Marian Harris Superintendent Dr. J. Daniel Good, Member s of WCS Board of Education & WCS Officials & Staff This is a school wide Service Project Benefiting Navy Maritime Expeditionary Security 823 (SECDET 823) Reception Following in the Cafeteria For additional information, contact: Rebekah Carlisle, Program Chair 614-325-4215 (cell) or Email: Oclub-home@columbus.rr.com Longfellow’s Biggest Mover Challenge BIGGEST MOVER CHALLENGE WINNERS FOR GAME #4 (APRIL) Overall Biggest Mover Classroom For the Month…..ROSTORFER’S ROCKETS THEY HAD A TOTAL OF 24,269 MINUTES! AWESOME!!!!!!!!! THE ROSTORFER’S ROCKETS ARE IN THE LEAD WITH A TOTAL OF 55,442 MINUTES They will receive the BMC Class Trophy and earn a star for their team flag! Overall Biggest Mover Individual per classroom Grade 1: Rostorfer’s Rockets-Braden Mulick Grade 2: Dark Knights-Kathryn Shaffer Grade 3: The Buckeyes-Nikita Nair Grade 4: The Wolverines-Austin Lovell Grade 5: The Panthers-Griffin HarrisThe Rockers: Mrs. Dawley THE ENTIRE SCHOOL HAS ACCUMULATED A TOTAL OF 184,183 MINUTES SUPER BOWL IS MAY 21st at 2:15 WHICH CLASS WILL WIN THE TROPHY???? WHICH STUDENT WILL BE MVP???? Longfellow Link Page 4 PTA Treasurer’s Report Below is what the PTA provided in the Month of April, 2009 Playground Climbing Wall Equipment-Freight Delivery charges $500.00 (Actual playground Climbing Wall is being funded by the Grant we were awarded) D.A.R.E. Graduation T-Shirts 44. 00 PTA Childcare 25.00 Snacks for testing 17.00 Snacks for Testing 63.00 Total $586.00 Below are ways we raised money for the Month of April, 2009 Fun Fair 950.00 Market Day (March) 67.00 Total $ ,1017.00 JUMP ROPE FOR HEART On Thursday, April 30, Susan Leonard and volunteers we were all ready for the Jump Rope for Heart event. Unfortunately, a few minutes into recess and the rain started pouring down. Although many kids didn’t seem to mind, we did have to stop and reschedule again for this week. Longfellow has received new jump ropes and double dutch ropes as a thank you for our participation with this program. We hope that the kids can try to collect a few dollars to support this organization’s efforts in fighting heart disease. All monies are due Friday, May 8 Longfellow’s 2009 ANNUAL FUN FAIR On April 4th, Longfellow students and their families joined us at Blendon Middle School for our annual Fun Fair. Students played carnival games, challenged themselves to some floor mazes, had fun in the obstacle course inflatable, danced, made balloon animals and learned some juggling skills. Student artwork and classroom baskets were raffled off, as well as some super items donated to us from local area businesses. Thanks to everyone who contributed to make this fun fair a big hit! We hope to see you there next year! Longfellow LINK Page 5 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR May 12th to 15th Next week we will be holding our Scholastic Book Fair. This is our spring buy one get one free book fair. The proceeds benefit our Longfellow Library. TUESDAY, May12th 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. PREVIEW DAY Students will visit the book fair with their class, and make a “wish list” to bring home. Parents can approve the list and send money with their child to make a purchase the next day. WEDNESDAY, May 13th 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. BUYING DAY Students will return with their class to purchase books. THURSDAY, May 14th 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. MAKE-UP DAY Any students that were absent may shop for books. FRIDAY, May 15th 8:30a.m. to 1:00p.m. Parents are welcome to shop too. This is a good chance to get summer reading books. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please call Sarah Gaunt 882-8963 or e-mail sgaunt@columbus.rr.com. Longfellow Elementary Bike Safety Day Saturday, May 30th 12-3 pm Westerville Bike Shop Please stop by the Westerville Bike Shop for a FREE Helmet Fitting & Bike Check All Longfellow Students and Families are welcome! We will have Westerville Bike Shop gift card GIVEAWAYS!!!!! Bike safety checks and helmet fittings are compliments of Westerville Bike Shop. Please be sure to thank them and check out the store while you are there. Longfellow LINK Page 6 I’d like to say a big “Thank You” to those of you who have supported Longfellow by ordering Market Day products throughout this school year. Since last June, we have raised over $1000! I would also like to thank the volunteers who have been so dedicated in helping with Market Day over the last year – Linda George, Tracie Harris, Lish Sendelbach, Kelley Hand, and Cheryl Carey! You make things go so smoothly; I really appreciate all that you do! Sincerely, Kathy Wade May Market Day orders due by noon on Wednesday, May 13 Market Day order pick up on Monday, May 18, from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. June Market Day orders due by noon on Wednesday, June 3 Market Day pick up on Wednesday, June 10 from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. No July Sale August Market Day orders due by noon on Wednesday, August 5 Market Day pick up on Wednesday, August 12 from 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. FINAL PTA MEETING TUESDAY MAY 28th 7-8PM Do people only use 10% of their brains? find the answer hiding in this newsletter 2009/2010 SCHOOL YEAR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The new school year will be here sooner than think!! We are in need of volunteers that range from chairing committees to parents interested on in being on the PTA Executive Board. We are looking for a Secretary and a 2nd Vice President Look for sign up coming home in book bags soon. We are trying to plan ahead for next year!! COME TO THE MAY PTA MEETING TO FIND OUT WHAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE Please join us for our 6th and final PTA meeting of the year. Our topic is: OPEN FORUM. We welcome all parents to join us in an open discussion to help share ideas for next school year. Also at this meeting, we will vote in new PTA board members- so please come out and show your support for these volunteers who try to make Longfellow such a great place for our kids. LIGHT SNACKS, FREE CHILD CARE, SNACKS AND MARKET DAY GIVE-A-WAY Longfellow LINK Page 7 WE NEED YOU!!! YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS YOU!!! Give Back...Volunteer! Your used printer cartridges and cell phones can… MAKE A DIFFERENCE We are helping to keep the earth clean while earning new equipment and cash!! You can help us earn even MORE by saving used cartridges and cell phones. Drop off all these items in front of the office by the pencil dispenser. Please place old cartridges in a sealed bag with your student to bring to school. Check it out at www.fundingfactory.com All proceeds will go towards PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT! LONGFELLOW DECALS FOR SALE There is still time to get a decal for your car (some are using them on notebooks). These are the cling type that do not damage your car and are removed simply. Look around and notice the cars in our parking lot and see for yourself. Let you child show their pride for Longfellow!!! Only $5.00 each and can be obtained by calling Cheryl Lovell at 818-0473 or stop in the office and purchase Word for the Month of May RESPONSIBILITY Accountability, Reliability, Dependability, Diligence, Self-discipline, Self-control and Work ethic District Questions? Reminder: If you have questions for the Superintendent or Administrative Chiefs, please fill out the half -sheet form located on the PTA bulletin board in the hallway and turn it into the office for Chris Dilley, our Parent Council Representative. All questions are answered at the monthly Parent Council meeting or shortly thereafter if more information needs to be collected for an accurate answer. Meetings are the third Wednesday of each month. Also feel free to e-mail your question to Chris at csdilley@att.net if you can't make it into the school for the form. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! A generous Thank You goes out to James Roberts, parent of 1st grader, Owen Roberts, who manages the Starbucks on South State Street. On the morning of our FUN FAIR, James graciously donated ALL the coffee to our volunteers. We enjoyed the delicious coffee and it helped give us that energy we needed to get everything ready for our event. Thanks again!!!! Longfellow LINK Page 8 SIGN UP FOR BUILDING NEWSLETTERS AND DISTRICT COMMUNICATIONS, INCLUDING EMERGENCY CLOSINGS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS AT: Westerville Schools Superintendent Dr. Dan Good today announced that he is hosting several “Coffee and Conversation” meetings throughout the school year and extends an open invitation to parents and community members to stop by and meet with him to discuss education in the Westerville Schools. Below are the scheduled time through the end of the year. April 3, 2009, 7:00 AM , Tim Horton’s, 772 S. State May 1, 2009 , 7:30 AM, McDonalds, 4435 Executive Parkway May 8, 2009, 8 AM, Tim Horton’s, 891 N. State Street STUDENTS Have you completed 3 Hours or more of COMMUNITY SERVICE this school year? *Grades 3-5 can return the form to their teacher *Grades 6-12 should return them to their guidance counselor ATTENTION: All forms due no later than May 15th http://www2.westerville.k12.oh.us/Curriculum/Community%20Service.htm Longfellow thanks Nationwide Children’s Hospital for their sponsorship CHECK OUT THIS EXCELLENT SITE FOR PARENTS, KIDS and TEENS http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/gd/applications/controller.cfm?&page=250 Longfellow LINK Page 9 WE NEED YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Did you know that you can donate money to your child’s school by shopping at BoxTops4Education also? We all shop online occasionally so see how you can earn money for our school at stores such as Barnes and Noble, The Gap, Kohls, Home Depot, Staples, Limited Too, Lands End, Target and the lists goes on and on. SAVE THOSE BOXTOPS TOO!!! http://Boxtops4education.com Grocery Shopping made easy...PLUS, make money for the school. If you lose the menu your child brings home…..it is right here...VOILA!! http://www.marketday.com Scrip is a fundraiser for our school that involves purchasing gift cards for everyday shopping needs. You can go to www.shopwithscrip.com and register a new account using the enrollment code below. Also you will find a complete list of retailers. Longfellow enrollment code: DF481F247918. If you have any questions please contact Lisa Stewart at 901-8504 or email lstewar3@columbus.rr.com SEE NEW KROGER UPDATES ON PAGE 10 YOU NO LONGER NEED YOUR KROGER SCRIP CARD BRAIN TEASER ANSWER: No, it’s a myth, according to Dr. Eric Chudler, a neuroscience professor at the University of Washington. You use and need your entire brain. That’s why it’s so important to protect your brain by wearing your bike helmet!! Longfellow LINK If you EVER shop at KROGER We have an important CHANGE to the Kroger Reward Program You will no longer load your Kroger Scrip card to reward Longfellow 5% of your purchases. Instead, simply register your current Kroger Plus card (the card you have to scan at check out to receive the Kroger discounts) online and Longfellow will benefit. Every time you shop for groceries and swipe your card, Longfellow PTA automatically starts earning a rebate. Simply sign up as new member or existing Kroger Plus member and then click on Community Rewards to activate our School. Longfellow Magnet Elementary PTA’s organization code is: 80380 Purchase accumulations begin on May 1, 2009. After this date, individual purchases will begin counting towards Longfellow PTA within 7-10 days of registering the individual rewards Cards on-line. If you do not have access to the online sign-up method or have any questions, please contact Cheryl Lovell at clovell@wideopenwest.com or 818-0473 to learn about the alternative sign-up method. www.krogercommunityrewards.com Page 10