moriel Canadapresents
moriel Canadapresents
moriel Canada presents... A WEEKEND WITH: JAMES JACOB PRASCH & PASTOR DAVID NATHAN WHERE ARE WE NOW? 30 SEPT - 1ST OCT 2016 E E R N F O I S S I M AD ISRAEL, PROPHECY & THE CHURCH CONFERENCE LOCATION: NORTHWEST LANGLEY BAPTIST CHURCH 20025 91A Avenue Langley, bc canada directions: From trans Canada hwy 1 take exit 58 (200th street) head north on 200th st. the venue is on the right hand side at 91a ave. A LOVE OFFERING WILL BE TAKEN Moriel Ministries Canada, PO Box 32052, Walnut Grove, Langley, BC V1M2M3 Phone : 778 298 8551 ITINERARY: 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 6:30PM 7:45PM 7:45PM 8:15PM 8:15PM 9:30PM 9:30PM 10:00PM JACOB PRASCH BREAK DAVID NATHAN BREAK 01 OCTOBER 2016 11:00AM 12:15PM 12:15PM 12:45PM 12:45PM 2:00PM 2:00PM 2:30PM 2:30PM 3:45PM 3:45PM 4:15PM 4:15PM 5:30PM 5:30PM 6:30PM JACOB PRASCH BREAK DAVID NATHAN BREAK JACOB PRASCH BREAK DAVID NATHAN Q & A James Jacob Prasch is Director of Moriel Ministries. Jacob was born near New York City in the USA where he became a Christian while studying science in university in February of 1972, after trying to disprove the Bible with science, history, and archaeology. He found so much evidence in support of the claims of Jesus and the Bible that it required more faith to reject it than to believe it. Already frustrated by the failures of the hippie generation to build a better world, disillusioned by the Marxism to which he subscribed, and with the drug culture that claimed the lives of some of his friends and nearly his own, he put his faith in Jesus. In 1986, David Nathan came to faith in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah), from an orthodox Jewish family. He entered full time ministry in 1992. Since then, he has been involved in many diverse ministries, from evangelism to pastoral work, Messianic ministry, teaching and writing to church planting. David ministers in a typical Hebraic style, encouraging interaction with the congregation whilst expounding the Scriptures from a Biblical Jewish mindset. CONFERENCE HOTEL SANDMAN SIGNATURE HOTEL 8828 201 ST LANGLEY, BC V2Y0C8 BOOK BEFORE 16TH SEP FOR RATE 1-800-SANDMAN CONFERENCE RATES FROM $116 + TAX Hotel: Sandman Signature Langley Group Name: Moriel Ministries Canada Group Number: # 119843 BOOK BEFORE 16TH SEP FOR RATE HOTELS CANCELLATION POLICY: 7 days prior to the arrival date, 50% of first night’s room revenue will be charged. 2 days (or less) prior to arrival would be charged 100% of the first night’s room revenue.