River News - Clinton River Watershed Council
River News - Clinton River Watershed Council
Fall/Winter 2010 River News Greetings, The watershed council is pleased to report the progress of on the ground projects developing within the watershed. This edition contains an article about the successful Cascade Dam removal and stream restoration project in Ray Township . Another highlight this past year is that the City of Auburn Hills received an award from the Michigan Association of Planning honoring their achievement for the creation of a successful Riverwalk Master Plan. This plan showcases the river as a real asset to their community. Thanks to all of our members and stakeholders for your support. Happy Holidays to our Watershed Friends. See you on the river, Anne M. Vaara Executive Director Citizen Science River News Stories From The Stream…..The Cascade Dam River. The intent of this plan was to restore the riparian corridor at the site of Clinton took a major leap forward. the Cascade Dam. In doing this the Through the hard work of the MDNRE the stream banks would be stabilized resultCascade Dam has been removed from the ing in a reduction of bank erosion and river and the river’s natural channel has almost 93 miles of streams and tributaries been restored. in its headwater would be opened up to The Cascade Dam, located in Ray Township improve fish passage and the habitat for east of Romeo, was originally constructed in fish and mussels. This project was funded 1928 to create a 50 acre impoundment by USFWS, NFWF and in kind services that was planned to be surrounded by hun- from CRWC and MDNRE. dreds of homes. The plans for this 81 foot In mid August MDNRE staff began the dam came to an abrupt halt when the efprocess of removing a section of the Casfects of the Great Depression were felt. Since then the Cascade Dam had remained cade Dam and restoring the river channel simply an unused impoundment until its fail- to its original form. During this project a large section of the original dam was ure several decades ago. Failure of the saved for historical purposes while reCascade Dam had many negative effects moving a significant section of the broken on the river including excessive sediment structure. buildup, a decline in habitat for aquatic Continued on pg 4 This past summer the North Branch of the species, flood plain impairments, and blocked passage for both fish and mussels. These issues were all greatly affecting the ecosystem of the Clinton River. A few years ago the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the Clinton River Watershed Council began to establish a plan that would help to restimulate the North Branch of the Clinton gan Council Trout Unlimited. The main branch of Paint Clinton River Watershed Creek was surveyed in July Council (CRWC) staff asas part of the DNRE’s effort sisted in 2 fish population to manage the stream as a surveys in Paint Creek during sustainable trout fishery, and the summer and fall months. to assess the effectiveness of The surveys were led by the its current stocking program. Michigan Department of Michigan Council Trout UnlimNatural Resources and Envi- ited in partnership with ronment (DNRE), and Michi- CRWC conducted a fish sur- vey on Trout Creek; a tributary to Paint Creek, to aid in the DNRE’s management efforts, and to gain additional information about the tributary. Many brown trout and a few rainbow trout were found in the main branch of Paint Creek during the surveys suggesting Continued on pg 2 Inside this issue: Stories From The Stream Citizen Science Headwaters news PEP Stormwater updates A Community in Action REI grant news CRWC Contributors Upcoming Events Pa g e 2 Vo l u m e 1 5 R i ve r N ew s Citizen Science con’t from pg 1 that trout survival and available habitat has increased. No trout species were collected in Trout Creek, but an assortment of non-game species were collected such as sculpins, creek chubs, shiners, and various darters. The creek has been known historically to harbor trout, and seems to be an important source of coldwater input for the main branch of Paint Creek. Future efforts will be made to collect more information about Trout Creek and other tributaries of Paint Creek. Fish population surveys are conducted to help assess the effectiveness of management and restoration efforts. For more information about the methods and techniques used for these types of surveys please contact CRWC. The Clinton River Watershed Council participates with these surveys as part of the Clinton River Coldwater Conservation Project goals to generate public support for the Clinton River watershed as a valued recreational resource through efforts to improve the water quality, aesthet- Above: Kristin Thomas, Aquatic Ecologist for Michigan Council Trout Unlimited and CRWC ics, and access to the Clinton River members netting fish . and its tributaries. High water quality in a headwaters preserve serves a dual purpose to educate the public and to aid the state of Michigan, local communities and other organizations in their efforts to perform additional water quality studies. In a previous newsletter CRWC wrote an article highlighting the Above: CRWC staff and volunteers sampling macroin- value and beauty of our local Kimvertebrates in the Clinton River at the Kimball Preserve ball Preserve, located in Independin Independence Twp. ence Township. This preserve is The Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) program continues also a site monitored by the AdoptA-Stream program that has consisits mission to increase volunteerism, increase sites monitored and continued collection of wa- tently produced high water quality results. Recently, the North Oakter quality data. Each season, CRWC tries to land Headwaters Land Conserexpand the programs ability to monitor more areas throughout the watershed to collect useful vancy and the MDNRE requested the Adopt-A-Stream volunteer data information about our local water. The data to help direct their further analysis of the Clinton River as it flows through the Preserve. North Oakland headwaters Board President Sue Jullian said “The conservancy is thrilled to have the assistance of the AAS Program and the testing being performed at one of our premiere preserves and CRWC provides expertise and conjunctive data across the watershed that helps to inform our stewardship.” This is a terrific example of the Adopt-A-Stream data in action! Further collaboration about this site and others around the watershed will help gather more information about the condition of the Clinton River. We were treated to quite a show with roaring lions, curious chimpanzees and a very lazy tiger. Even the polar bear This past July, CRWC took several dives underwater showing held its first Walk-A-Thon off his swimming techniques. Our goal is fundraiser with nearly to double our walkers and pledges for $20,000 in donation 2011. Please Join us on July 23, 2011 pledges towards our profor another walk on the wild side! grams and services. We had 162 walkers that came out at 8:30 in the morning to walk for the Clinton River and Lake St. Clair. The morning was perfect with slightly overcast skies making it a perfect cool environment for animal activity…..and active they were. 2010 Walk-A-Thon Memories R i ve r N ew s Vo l u m e 1 5 Pa g e 3 Local community celebrating its water and natural resources The City of Auburn Hills, a dynamic community committed to innovation and growth, received the Michigan Association of Planning’s prestigious Planning Excellence 2010 Award for the city’s Riverwalk master plan. Ultimately, the plan envisions a Riverfront park system linked to the regional Clinton River Trail network and connected to the city’s downtown core that will host a wide range of recreational and leisure activities for local residents and visitors. Additional goals of the master plan are to protect and improve water quality, encourage a healthy, walkable community and enhance the economy of the city. Brian Marzolf, Director of Recreation for Auburn Hills, was formally presented with the award on October 20th at the Michigan Association of Planning’s annual conference, Planning Michigan, in Detroit. Mr. Marzolf says the Riverwalk Master Plan, which falls under the city’s parks system, was a true community effort. “The Riverwalk is shaping up to be a community success story. We obtained input from residents, business owners, elected officials, Oakland County planning professionals, various Auburn Hills departments, and other organizations that enjoy the benefits of the Clinton River and surrounding areas in a detailed planning process to ensure the Riverwalk’s long-term success,” explains Mr. Marzolf. “We anticipate the Riverwalk will become a big draw for advocates of parks, open spaces and healthy lifestyles.” porates sustainable practices in landscaping and infrastructure that will educate the public about the history and ecology of the Clinton River, improve the environmental quality of the riverfront, and encourage additional riverfocused recreation along the Clinton River trail network.” The City of Auburn Hills was assisted in the design of the Riverwalk Master Plan by the Ann Arbor office of ConservaAuburn Hills City Manager Peter Auger tion Design Forum, a leader in the ecoadds that the Riverwalk plan embraces logical design movement. environmental stewardship of the corridor that it serves. “The Riverwalk incor- Above: Graphic representation of the boardwalk and riverwalk at the Riverwoods District in Auburn Hills. PEP: the Public Education Plan for Phase II Stormwater Education on behalf of Macomb County, OakWatershed Council submitted a water- land County and the 40 MS4 permit shed-wide Public Education Plan (PEP) holders that participate in the CRWC Stormwater Education Program. The plan created by municipalities and other partners in the Clinton River Watershed outlines the public education goals and messages that must be communicated under the requirements of the Phase II regulations. The PEP describes the existing and future efforts the communities and other partners will undertake to achieve these education goals, and how these efAbove: Paddling enthusiasts and CRWC Volunteers forts will be evaluated. Clinton clean up the main branch of the Clinton River from River watershed communities, In August of 2010 The Clinton River Rochester Hills to Shelby Twp. subwatershed groups and partners agreed that approaching stormwater education on a watershed, crossjurisdictional basis is both cost effective and environmentally sound. The watershed approach allows the partners to share information and resources to address stormwater concerns at their source. Similarly, developing and implementing a public education program on a watershed basis provides a consistent and effective mechanism for protecting water resources across the region, while leveraging financial resources in each community. All Public Education requirements of the permit will be implemented and reported by CRWC, saving participating communities time, Continued on pg 4 Pa g e 4 R i ve r N ew s Vo l u m e 1 5 PEP: the Public Education Plan for Phase II Stormwater con’t from pg 3 money and resources. subwatershed. CRWC’s Stormwater Education pro- Annual forums for sharing informa- tion, discussing issues, and planning gram includes the following major projects. components: Education of the public and re- Coordination of other on-going edu cruitement of volunteers in each sub cation and stewardship efforts, in watershed through a variety of cluding River Day Clinton Clean-Up, outreach methods (presentations, and the Stream Leaders student river workshops, websites, cable TV, monitoring program. print media, etc.). Development and distribution of sup Regular volunteer training sessions porting print and web-based materiand establishment of water quality als. Above: Volunteers monitor Galloway Creek in monitoring sites throughout each Pontiac. Stories From The Stream…..The Cascade Dam con’t from pg 1 Both the MDNRE and CRWC worked closely with the riparian private land owners to ensure that they were pleased with the final outcome of the project. Currently, the Cascade Dam site stream banks are stabilized with heavy boulders, vegetation has begun filling the banks of the river, and Above: Prior to the project, the original 90 year old Cascade Dam had failed. This failure caused for excessive flooding during high water events and change the natural flow of the river. Above: Currently the river channel has been restored, the flood plain has been repaired, and a section of the original Cascade Dam has been left for historical purposes. a functional cross vane has been installed to allow for proper water flow during wet weather events. With the rich history surrounding this section of river and the great fishery in the North Branch, this was an excellent project that produced some very beneficial results. Left: MDNRE staff hard at work ensuring the natural flood plain is reestablished upstream from the original Cascade Dam. Below: A cross vane was established to direct the flow into the center of the channel which will help to prevent any future bank erosion during high flow periods. R i ve r N ew s Vo l u m e 1 5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS New Faces at the Council Randy Young, President Shawn Keenan, 1st Vice President Susan Kelsey, 2nd Vice President Yvonne Kniaz, Treasurer Mary Bednar, Secretary Peggy Johnson, Director Emeritus Michelle Larose Jacqueline Noonan Jerry Reis Scott Teigs, PhD JoAnn VanTassel Jim Williams Tom Vallone Lev Wood Claudette Wizniuk COUNCIL STAFF Anne M. Vaara Executive Director Michele Arquette-Palermo Education and Stewardship Director Jeremy A. Geist Watershed Programs Coordinator Dan Keifer Community Outreach Coordinator Jason Davis Watershed Field Assistant Heidi Recor Financial Manager Kelley Sunman Administrative Assistant Chuck Lester Membership Coordinator Kelley Sunman Administrative Assistant Chuck has joined us as our membership coordinator, a position made possible through a 12 month grant from the Erb Family Foundation. Chuck has a background in business and non-profit development. He is an avid outdoorsmen and paddles the Clinton every chance he gets. He has volunteered for CRWC at Clinton Clean-up. Kelley joined CRWC in March of 2010. She works part time as the administrative assistant. She is also responsible for the web site updates and database management, and helps to coordinate our volunteer base. Kelley has a background in web design and interactive media. She is an avid outdoors person who likes to camp and bike. REI Grant goes along way For the last 8 years the Clinton River Watershed Council (CRWC) has received funding from REI Inc. for stewardship and education programming. The funding this year was expanded to assist CRWC in new ways. One of the hurdles that impacts teacher and student participation in Stream Leaders or Student Congress is transportation costs. Funds from the REI grant are being used to reimburse teachers 50% of their transportation costs up to $200 for either Student Congress or Stream Monitoring during the 2010-2011 school year. Another new initiative under this funding is intended to increase volunteerism and stewardship through a targeted marketing Pa g e 5 program for Adopt A Stream. The additional funding will create an Adopt A Stream brochure and door hanger that will assist staff in marketing the program. We will continue to use these funds for Student Congress and Clinton Clean-up as in years past. CRWC’s mission aligns well with REI’s Conservation & Recreation Grants program that seeks "to help protect and restore the environment, increase access to outdoor activities, and encourage involvement in responsible outdoor recreation.” We here at the council are grateful for this partnership! Interested in CRWC? How about joining a committee or becoming a Board member. For more information, please contact Anne Vaara at anne@crwc.org Above: Macomb County Educator and CRWC board member Claudette Wizniuk assists students during Stream Leaders Student Congress with an environmental demonstration on pollutants in water. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Membership Contributions received January 1 2010—Nov 1, 2010 Jeffery & Michelle Aisthorpe Richard & Nancy Almond Alan & Doris Applebaum Michele Arquette-Palermo Brent & Patrice Avery Timothy & Nancy Backhurst Barbara Baldinger Roger & Eugenia Bajorek Greg Baughman Peter & Nita Beightol Diane Bobcean Chris & Beth Booth John Boyer & Loraine Schreiber Pamela Brady Paul & Susan Burback Roger & Mary Jo Byrd Angela Campbell Jeffery Campbell Gerald & Clara Carvey John & Mary Jo Cavanaugh Ed Coe Diane Colombo Clarence Constantakis David Contorer Bob Cooney Mary Coyle Jason Davis Gary & Joyce Dawson Walter & Lillian Dean Gary Delcourt Dottie Delehanty Gerald & Patricia DeMaire Annette DeMaria & Margie Spring Rowena DeMio Mac Deuparo William Digiulio Tim DiMartino Richard & Susan Doherty Sue Ann Douglas Jerry & Marian Evans Claudia Filler Bill Fox Greg & Karen Garr Leo Garry Tim Gauthier Edmond & Glorianne Gauvreau Jeremy Geist Frederick Gemmill Larry & Shirley Goldberg Jennifer Graessle Ralph Graham Jean Gramlich Donald & Mira Green J.L. Grube Edward & Laura Gruzwalski Rich Guilbault George Haberer Tom & Kathryn Hagen William & Margaret Halls Donald & Janet Hetrick Frederick Hoffman & James Stokes Dale & Nancy Hohlfeldt Steven & Teresa Holderer John & Mary Honsel Greg & Jane Hooper Patricia Hopkinson Peter & Mary Howard James & Jane Hoyle Scott Hummon Norman Hunstad Cynthia Idyle Mark Isken Peggy Johnson Robert Johnson Kermit Jones Richard and Helen Jositas Paul & Gitta Judd Gilbert & Carol Kachmar Brian Kaczmarek Shawn Keenan Dan & Heidi Keifer John & Magdalen Kelchak Wendy Keller Loren & Susan Kelsey Ginger Ketelsen Bruce & Diane Kezlarian M.A. Khan Dr. Kathleen Klein Lillian Kleine Alan & Teri Kline Leon & Yvonne Kniaz Roy & Mildred Knudsen George & Lola Koch Theodore & Edith Koch Richard LaDuke Michelle LaRose Robert & Linda Ledel James Lemire Judy Lindberg John Lisiecki & Rosemary Bayer Suzanne Lossing Carol Lowrie Albert & Joan Lucas David & Judy Markle Jason Mayer Gerald & Dorothy Mazurkiewicz George & Kathleen McCann Michael McCarty Dale McConnell Keith McCormack Lorna McEwen Bruce McFarland Michael McGuinness Elizabeth McKenney Elizabeth McMath David Meyers John & Freda Meyland Mark Mitchell Glenn Muhr Pat & Shirley Mullin Susan Murphy Bradford & Heather Muzzy Stan & Lillian Nalski James & Marlene Nazarko Steven Niswander Jacqueline Noonan Frank Pace James & Kim Palmer David Parkes Nancy Parmenter Richard & Jan Peacock Frank & Mary Penkala Charles Peringian Jamie & Amy Ploof Christopher & Kathryn Plummer Barrett & Susan Pool Clifton & Victoria Powell Terry & Judith Pritchett Tom Quail Kenneth & Patricia Quint Arlene B. Rampson Kurt Ranka Tim & Joy Reade Heidi Recor John & Barbara Reed Mark & Susan Richardson Mark Ripple Gilbert Rodger Godfrey Ross Quaid & Azra Saifee Gerard & Justine Santoro Larry & Joyce Schramm Michael & Cynthia Sevilla Bat & Lynne Seymour Mark & Mary Shantz Douglas & Sylvia Shore Pamela Simek Steven Slavik Robert Smith Robert Sparks Roger & Megan Steiger George & Marilyn Stephan Dr. Mark & Linda Stout Aileen Sundstrom Kelley Sunman Linda Lou Swanson Joseph Swantek Raymond & Darlene Tessier Megan Thomas Richard Thompson Scott Tiegs Mary Tischler Wes & Ann Tomlinson Gary & Gloria Towns Susan Tschirhart Anne Vaara Mel & Jo Vaara Thomas Vallone David & Lynn Vanderlinde JoAnn VanTassel Leslie Vilcone Sylvia Voelker Donald Vonk William & Sharon Walker William & Alice Waters William & Gloria Westrick John H. White Phd. James Williams Claudette Wizniuk Lev & Lynn Wood Carol Yamasaki Neil & Lori Yashinsky Douglas Zande Ronald & Carolyn Zeilinger Local Government Members Addison Township Auburn Hills Berkley Birmingham Center Line Clinton Township Eastpointe Ferndale Fraser Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Farms Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Shores Grosse Pointe Woods Harper Woods Harrison Township Hazel Park Independence Township Keego Harbor Lake Angelus Lenox Township Macomb County Macomb Township Mount Clemens New Baltimore Oakland County Oakland Township Orchard Lake Orion Township Oxford Township Oxford Village Pontiac Ray Township Richmond Township Rochester Rochester Hills Romeo Roseville Shelby Township Springfield Township St. Clair Shores Sterling Heights Sylvan Lake Troy Utica Village of Clarkston Village of Lake Orion Village of Oxford Warren Washington Township Waterford Township West Bloomfield Township Oxford Community Schools 2010 - Clinton River Watershed Council Business, Organization & Association Contributors Albatross Yacht Club Anchor Bay Yachting Association Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick ASTI Environmental Chief Financial Credit Union Detroit Area Steelheaders, Inc. DTE Energy Foundation Earth Share of Michigan Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc. Erb Family Foundation First United Methodist Church of Troy Friends of the Clinton River Trail General Motors Environmental Services (SL) Giffels-Webster Engineers, Inc. (SL) Goldner Walsh Garden & Home Great Lakes Guardians Great Lakes Paddlers Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc LimnoTech McGraw-Hill Companies Metro West Steelheaders NTH Consultants, Ltd. Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment Outdoor Escorts Oxford Veterinary Hospital Pleasant Ridge Garden Club Quail Ridge Homeowners Association REI Rochester Rotary Charities (SL) Royal Bank of Canada (SL) Sailing Singles Slavik Builders, Inc. St. Ambrose Parish St. Michael Parish St. Louis Church Stephan & Mary Slavik Sr. Foundation The Village Garden Club Trout Unlimited Challenge Chapter Tout Unlimited Clinton Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited Paul Young Chapter Trout Unlimited Vanguard Chapter Urban Land Consultants Waste Management of Michigan Women’s National Farm & Garden Club SL= Stream Leaders Sponsor Annual Fundraiser Walk-A-Thon Pledges Janet Adams Russ Aherns Linda Allen Carol Andre Angott Search Group Francine Arent Karen Arquette Alvin Austria James & Sandra Averill Adam Avery Fred Axley M.R. Bailey Ray & Linda Baker Marleen Bandy Jack Barker Stephanie Barney Kim Baubie Greg Baughman John Bazzo Richard & Peggy Beadle Jeff & Mary Bednar Edward & Michelle Berg Danielle Bierlein Michelle Boerman Mary Bohling Beth Boissonneault Ted Bolak Ken Bolterstein Chris & Beth Booth Virginia Booth Cory Borton Daniel & Susan Bracciano Shepler Bradley Ms. Sandy Brewer Michael Brinkman Amy Brown Diane Brown Leonard Bruley & Lynda Marek James Burton Neal & Nancy Buschmohle Dana Calhoun Sue Camilleri Jennifer Carnecki Stephanie Carroll Grant Cartrell Catherine Carver Charles Cassie Rachel Charron Jane Childers Christopher Ciavarro Friendzee Cleaning, Inc Dawn Cleary Judy Clubb Melissa Collins Brian & Erin Considine Lois Conte John Conway John Coombs William Costick Mark Crane Janine Crawford Calvin & Rachel Creech Charles Christy Madelynne Cudney Robert Czachorski Dennise Dalrymple Linda Daniels Gary Dawson Ken DeBeaussaert Thomas Dehondt Annette Demaria Joe & Darla DiClemente Tonya Dills Duane & Cheryl Dischler Allison Dolehanty Fred & Nancy Dolehanty Dave Donaldson Zac Dotson Kathleen Dougherty Charles Dowling Jr. David Duenow Sally Duffy Kristen Enlow Environmental Wood Solutions, Inc. Mark Fischer Patricia Fitchena Vivia Ford Bill Fox Moira Fracassa James & Sharon Francis Daniel Fredendall Janice Freeman Carl & Ingrid Fuderer Gary & Susan Fulk Greg & Karen Garr Jacy Garrison Grant Gartrell Catherine Gearig Jason Geist Jean Geist John & Claudia Geist Jeffrey Gerwitz Jessica Gladys Gofrank & Mattina, P.C. Shirley Gofrank Esther Goudsmit Marshall Grazioli Cheryl Green Donald & Mira Green Diane Griffiths Lee Hachigian Mark Hackel Scott Hankus Helen Harding Jeff Harris Michael Hartner Margaret Harwood Alyssa Hawkins Tom & Cheryl Hepp Colleen Hill Tricia Hill William & Joan Hoffman Jennifer Holmes Russ Holmes William Horton James & Jane Hoyle Mike Hrabonz Charles Humphriss Brian & Nina Ignaczak Tamara Inch Tory Irwin Mark Isken Elmer & Janette Jantz Kevin & Deborah Jason Cindy Jenerou James Jenkins Tracy Jensen Mark Johnson Paul Johnson Robert Johnson Mark & Erin Johnston June Jones Dan Jourdon Mike & Kelly Karll Vyto Kaunelis Jennifer Keating Ashley Keehn Shawn Keenan Dan & Heidi Keifer Dawn Keiser Warren Kelley Loren & Sue Kelsey Kathleen Klein Art Kleve David Kleve Teri Kline Yvonne & Leon Kniaz Bradley Knight Shawn Knight Jessica Knoll Kathi Kopacz Jeff Kordel Sandy Kramarich Jonathon Kramer Janet Krause Moh Kumar Patricia Kusiak Luanne Laemmerman Charles & Catherine Laich Beata Lamparski Dan & Susan Laparl Kevin Larsen Shawn Lavetter Jennifer Lawson Peter & Carmen Leclairadise James Lemire Catherine Lentner JoAnn Levigne Jeff & Liisa Lewis Denise Linderman Carol Little Suzanne Lossing Katherine Lowrie Richard Lowrie Andrea Lozon Jenny Lung Jeffrey Malinowski Mancini, Schreuder, Kline & Conrad, P.C. Carol Mansour Greg Marker Betty Martin Joseph Mason Vince Mattina Stacey McAllister Lisa Mcasthur Reginald McCloud Keith McCormack Joy McCourt Brian McKissen Brian McShane Vickie Mecsey John & Freda Meyland Michigan Fly Fishing Club Greg Mink Sean Mirk Karen Mondora Roger & Kelli Moore Sandy Moy Mr. John Muchez & Ms. Linda Corrion Pat & Shirley Mullin Rob & Jill Myllyoja Henry Nabors Jacqueline Noonan Richard Notte Gary & Janet Nowicki Phyllis O’Connor Lynn Oates Wayne Oehmke Jessica Opfer Richard Paajanen Richard Paielli Betty Palaj Christine Palermo Joe Palermo & Austin Arquette Jim & Kim Palmer Amanda Paniccia Jonathan Parks Ron Peckens Nancy Philippart Jamie & Amy Ploof Mark Pompetzki William Potere Evan Pratt Ken Pratt John Prebay Kurt Preibisch Camille Prescott Matthew Preston Michele Pridoehl Terry & Judy Pritchett Mark Pumpetek Tom Quail Siobahn Quigley Jillian Quinlan REB Construction Services Heidi Recor Marcie Reed Jerry Reis & Outdoor Escorts Taylor Renold Carol Restovic Peggy Roberts Karrie Roever Joseph Romano Pete & Cynthia Roth June Rupert Quaid & Azra Saifee Kimberly Salyers Suzanne Sanna Gerard Santoro Robert & Maria Schmidt Greg Schneider Ken Schneider Mary Sclawy Joe & Terri Scott Scottrade Mary Ann Sdao Nicholas & Diana Sekela Lynne & Bat Seymour Patrick & Linda Shaffer Bradley Shepler Douglas & Sylvia Shore Denise Short Penny Shults Brad Simmons Susan Siwek Donald & Diane Skinner Kathleen Skubic Steve Slavik Irma Slimko Dan Smarsch Jamie Smith Nancy Smith Robert Smith Wayne Snyder Lisa Sokol Gary Stahle John Steimel Marilyn Stephan Gloria Stephans Mary Stephans Shirlene Stephans Karen Stickel Josephine Stork Chris & Tasha Suydam Nancy Swords John Takle Kris Tesch Rick Thomas Scott Tiegs Mary Tischler Michael Toth Anne Vaara Mel & Jo Vaara Tom Vallone Martin & Maria VanFossan JoAnn VanTassel Mark & Kimberly Vanderpool Dan Vavrick Darren Vehar Kathy Vosburg Tom Walbridge Mary Walker Pat Walsh Colin Watkins David Watson Connie Waung Richard & Della Weaver Martin West Randy & Kimberly Wetton Mark Whalen Cheryl Wilcox Jim Williams Patrick Williams Mark Willoughby Robert Wilson Robert Wing Lori Winters Matthew & Mindy Withun Ellen Witz Claudette Wizniuk Nicole Wolf-Meyer Joel & Candice Wolf C. Levering Wood Curtis Wood Maurice Wood Stephen Wood Woodland Rivers Randall Wylin Randy & Diane Young Douglas Zande Barbara & Tommy Ziarko Annual Fundraiser Walk-A-Thon Event Sponsors and In-Kind Donations Environmental Consulting & J.F. New & Associates New York Bagel Anchor Bay Yachting Association Technology, Inc. LimnoTech Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment Anderson, Eckstein & Westrick Fazal Khan and Associates, Inc MacRays Panera ASTI Environmental General Motors (Underwriter) McDonalds Soave Enterprises Buca di Beppo Gofrank & Mattina MCPWO/Commissioner Marrocco Spalding DeDecker Associates Citizens Bank Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. Mitchell’s Fish Market Tim Hortons Coldstone Creamery ITC Holdings Moosejaw Waste Management of Michigan DTE Energy Foundation Whole Foods NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT # 264 ROCHESTER HILLS, MI mail to address here Our members make our water resource protection efforts possible. We thank you for supporting our mission. UPCOMING EVENTS Stonefly Search 2011 Saturday, January 22, 10:00am-2:00pm Yates Park in Rochester Hills General Bug ID Courses: Wednesday, January 19th, 6:00pm -9:00pm at Bass Pro Shops Saturday, April 2nd, 1:00pm -4:00pm Wolcott Mill Metropark Adopt-A-Stream Basic Training Saturday, April 2nd, 12:00pm -3:00pm Wolcott Mill Metropark Tuesday, April 6th, 6:00pm -9:00pm Hawk Woods Nature Center Saturday, April 16th, 12:00pm - 3:00pm Paint Creek Cider Mill CRWC Annual Meeting: March 24th, Great Oaks CC, Rochester One Pattern Fly Fishing Event: Dinner, March 25th / Tournament, March 26th Metrowest Steelhead Outing - Saturday, April 2nd, Yates Park in Rochester Hills River Rally - Saturday, April 16 at the Paint Creek Cider Mill, Oakland Township MARK YOUR 2011 CALENDAR FOR THE 13TH ANNUAL CRWC FUNDRAISER WALK-A-THON AT THE DETROIT ZOO: Saturday morning, July 23th Check out our Calendar of Events by visiting our website at www.crwc.org Phone: (248) 601-0606 or e-mail: contact@crwc.org www.crwc.org Phone: 248-601-0606 Fax: 248-601-1280 E-mail: contact@crwc.org OUR MISSION: To protect, enhance and celebrate the Clinton River, its watershed and Lake St. Clair.