St. Stephen UCC Annual Golf Scramble May 30, 2015 Seneca Golf
St. Stephen UCC Annual Golf Scramble May 30, 2015 Seneca Golf
THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE... YOUTH FUNDRAISERS FOR MEROM CAMP TODAY, SUNDAY, MARCH 29 PALM SUNDAY Adult Faith Development Classes - 8:45 AM All Ages Faith Development Classes - 11:15 AM Choir Rehearsal - 11:15 AM MONDAY, MARCH 30 Dartball Banquet at Ormsby Heights - 7:00 PM TUESDAY, MARCH 31 Ministerium Bible Study Group - 8:00-10:30 AM AL-ANON Meeting - 10:30 AM THURSDAY, APRIL 2 MAUNDY THURSDAY Worship and Communion - 7:00 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 3 GOOD FRIDAY Summerfield Worship Service - 2:00 PM Worship and Communion - 7:00 PM SUNDAY, MARCH 29 EASTER SUNDAY See Schedule in Middle Column St. Stephen UCC Annual Golf Scramble May 30, 2015 Seneca Golf Course Entry Fee of $60.00 includes Lunch, Green Fee, Cart, & Door Prize Chance REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS MAY 23, 2015 FLYERS ARE ON THE BULLETIN BOARD SEE RICHARD STORM FOR MORE INFORMATION Easter Sunday - April 5 Maundy Thursday - April 2 7:00 PM - Worship Service and Communion Good Friday - April 3 2:00 PM - Summerfield Service 7:00 PM - Worship Service 7:00 AM - Sunrise Service and Communion 7:45 AM - Breakfast 8:45 AM - Faith Development Classes 10:00 AM - Worship Service and Communion PRAYER WHEEL Please sign up on the Prayer Wheel for a thirty minute block of time during our 24 Hour Prayer Vigil beginning after Maundy Thursday Worship on April 2nd. You are rendering a service to your brothers and sisters in Christ and to God with your participation. Thank you for taking part. INDIANA KENTUCKY CONFERENCE ANNUAL GATHERING SERVICE PROJECT The Indiana Kentucky Conference will be help people experiencing the wilderness of poverty by assembling 1,000 Hygiene Kits and 1,000 School Kits for Church World Service. The Kentuckiana Association is responsible for collecting Nail Clippers and Blunt Metal Scissors. St. Stephen Goal is to collect the following items: 300 Nail Clippers 300 Blunt Metal Scissors 20 Boxes of Gallon Ziploc Bags There are various websites where these items can purchased in multiple amounts. If you need help locating items please see Donna Schneider or call the church office. SOUP AND SALAD BAR SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH AFTER WORSHIP Please join us after worship for delicious homemade soups and a salad bar. More info to come! BAKE SALE SUNDAY, MAY 10TH (MOTHER’S DAY) AFTER WORSHIP Cookies, Brownies, Pies & other Delectable Delights! A CONVERSATION WITH A MUSLIM PRESENTED BY ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 9616 Westport Road, Louisville Tuesday, April 7 - 6:30-8:00 PM Dr. Nadia Rasheed, a physician from the Lexington area will speak about Islam with discussion, comments, and questions to follow. Dr. Rasheed will talk about Islam in general, including thoughts on how we as Christians can best relate to our Muslim bothers and sisters in our world today and right here in our own community. Dr. Rasheed speaks to groups at no charge to “educate my fellow Americans on Islam and discuss the misunderstanding of my beloved religion.” Rev. Harper and Jenny Elmore have seen Dr. Rasheed previously and highly recommend this event. Please see them if you have questions. Coming in June…… St. Stephen Annual Yard Sale Spring Cleaning??? Start gathering treasures from your home and garage and bring them to the church to be priced for the Annual Yard Sale. The date will be announced soon! SERVING YOU TODAY IN WORSHIP Liturgist: Lisa Nolley Head Usher: Sam Raderer Nursery & Children’s Church: Lisa Nolley Next Week at St. Stephen United Church of Christ CHURCH STAFF April 5, 2015 Music Director: Janet Storm Church Secretary: Janet Manzo Easter Sunday MINISTERS Every Member of the Congregation President: Jenny Elmore PASTOR Rev. Jim Harper, III Now What? Mark 16:1-8 7:00 AM - Sunrise Service and Communion 7:45 AM - Breakfast 8:45 AM - Adult Faith Development Classes 10:00 AM - Worship & Communion Nursery & Children’s Church Worker: Emma Goble At Home Angie Lowen, Elaine Marheine Emma Jean Mosier, Jerry Mosier, William Montgomery, Jean Slusher, Dave Wright Recovering at Rehabilitation Facilities Robert Dale - Oaklawn Health & Rehabilitation Center 300 Shelby Station Drive, # 203 40245 Jack Bensing - Summerfield Health & Rehabilitation Center 1877 Farnsley Road, #801 40216 If you have a smartphone with you today, please share our Facebook page and ask your friends to Like Us! Visit Our Website St. Stephen United Church OF Christ 1875 Farnsley Road Louisville, KY 40216 502-448-2544 (Phone) 502-448-2526 (Fax) (Email) Please visit our website at Worshipping God Loving People Making a Difference Care Facilities Virginia Cahill - Essex Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 9600 Lamborne Blvd. 40272 Thelma Goss - Emeritus at Stonecreek Lodge 9251 Stonestreet Road, #138 40272 Week at a Glance March 29 – April 5, 2015
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St. Stephen UCC Annual Golf Scramble May 30, 2015 Seneca Golf
11:15 AM - All Ages Faith Development Classes
Nursery & Children’s Church Worker:
Lisa Nolley