Out of Centre Retail Schedule
Out of Centre Retail Schedule
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This bulletin provides information about out-of-centre retailing in Cardiff. Also included are stores in the Vale of Glamorgan fringe as they impact on Cardiff’s retail sector. The aim of the bulletin is to provide an up to date picture of the range and type of out-of-centre retail floorspace and development activity in Cardiff. Information is given on location, size and occupancy of existing developments. Additional information regarding future development, current planning activity and appeal decisions is also included. 1.2 This bulletin is updated at six-monthly intervals when store occupiers are monitored, along with developments under construction, unimplemented consents, current applications and appeals awaiting determination. A map can be found at the back of this bulletin showing the main retail locations in Cardiff. 1.3 Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report, however no liability can be assumed for any errors or omissions. Any comments or amendments will be gratefully received. 2. CRITERIA FOR INCLUSION 2.1 All existing out-of-centre stores (i.e. stores in locations outside centres defined in the City of Cardiff Local Plan [Jan 1996]) over 500 square metres are listed. Unimplemented permissions and sites under construction are also listed, along with current planning applications and appeals pending where over 500 square metres of additional floorspace would be created, or where changes to conditions at existing developments are proposed. Thornhill and St Mellons are district shopping centres but are included in the schedule for information as they accommodate large food stores. 3. FURTHER INFORMATION 3.1 For further information or enquiries relating to this schedule, please contact: Strategic Planning Cardiff County Council CY1, The Courtyard County Hall Atlantic Wharf Cardiff CF10 4UW Tel: 029 2087 3456 Email: developmentplan@cardiff.gov.uk 4. KEY FINDINGS GROSS FLOORSPACE Total existing Comparison Total existing Convenience Total under Construction Total unimplemented consents Current applications/ Appeals Total Vacant Comparison Units Total Vacant Convenience Units CARDIFF SQ. M 206,577 (95) 113,275 (26) 6,200 (1) 44,218 (11) 2614 (1) 11,620 (8) 2986 (2) VALE FRINGE AREA SQ. M 26,311 (12) 13,566 (2) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 5946 (6) 0 (0) TOTAL SQ. M 232,888 (107) 126,841 (28) 6,200 (1) 44,218 (11) 2,614 (1) 17,566 (14) 2986 (2) 4.1 There is a total of 232,888 square metres of gross comparison goods floorspace in large out-of-centre stores in Cardiff and the Vale fringe area. This is made up of 107 individual stores. 4.2 Out-of-centre convenience goods (food) superstores account for 113,275 square metres in Cardiff and 13,566 square metres in the Vale fringe area, a total of 126,841 square metres. 4.3 Since January 2013, the extension to Morrison’s, Ty Glas has been completed. 4.4 The application for a significant retail development in association with a replacement ice rink and natural ski slope scheme, at Sports Village has now been granted. Cardiff Gate Phase 2 of the retail park is pending legal agreement. 4.5 Unimplemented consents have the potential to provide a further 44,218 square metres of retail floorspace in Cardiff in the future. The majority of this floorspace can be attributed to Sports Village. 4.6 In terms of vacant retail units, of the 95 comparison units in Cardiff, 8 are currently vacant. This equates to 5.6% of the gross comparison floorspace. Of the 26 convenience units in Cardiff, 2 are currently vacant. This equates to 2.6% of the gross convenience floorspace. OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Cardiff Bay Retail Park (Application 94/2002R) Unit A1 Bank Fashion 2008 08/1263/C 340 Fashion Clothing Subdivision of original application 94/2002R. Unit A1 JD Sports 1998 97/2214R 589 Sports Goods CLD 06/361/C granted 08/06/06 for "Sale of non-food goods, including sports equipment & sportswear" App. 08/1263/C Subdivision of unit to create separate 340m2 unit, now occupied by Bank Fashion Unit A2 Brantano 2000 96/546R 929 Footwear App 99/00896: Variation of Condition 17 (94/2002R) to allow unit A2 to be used for the retailing of a range of goods including footwear. Refused July 99 Appeal to vary condition allowed March 2000 Unit B Sportsdirect.com 2009 97/2214R 1,394 Sports Goods CLD 06/361/C granted 08/06/06 for "Sale of non-food goods, including sports equipment & sportswear" Unit C Pets At Home 1997 94/2002R 929 Unit D Boots 1997 97/2214R 1,161 Mixed goods CLD 06/360/C granted 8/06/06 for "Sale of non-food goods, including cosmetics & pharmaceuticals" Unit E & F Argos Extra 1997 97/2214R 3,252 Mixed goods CLD granted 19/01/06 for the sale of non food goods, including jewellery and fashion accessories Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL Pets & pet supplies EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER Unit G and H British HOME Stores 2008 94/2002R 3,019 Furniture/Soft furnishings/ homewares 06/02524/C CLD Granted. App 13/00704/DCI Variation of condition 16 imposed on 94/2002/R to allow up to 2000 sqm to be used for the retailing of clothing, footwear and fashion goods. Unit J Vacant 1998 98/138R 1,858 Vacant Former Staples Unit K Thomson Holiday Superstore 1998 98/1300R 929 Travel agency Unit L Benson for Beds 1998 97/873R 929 Beds Unit M1 & M2 B&M Homestore 2011 11/01268DCI 1,858 Bulky/mixed goods ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Formerly vacant. Variation of condition 15 imposed on 97/00873 to permit the extension to the range of goods than can be sold from unit M1 and M2. Cardiff Gate Retail Park (Application 94/1943N) B & Q Warehouse 1996 94/1943N 9,290 Unit 1A SCS 1996 94/1943N 929 Unit 2 & 3 DFS 1996 94/1943N 1,859 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL DIY & Garden Centre Application 96/1048N to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold 790 Textiles/beds Application 96/1048N to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold. Furniture Application 96/1048N to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER Unit 4 Harveys/Benson Beds 1996 94/1943N 929 790 Textiles / Furniture Application 96/1048N to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold Unit 5 Oak Furnitureland 1996 94/1943N 604 522 Furniture Application 96/1048N to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold. 2007 06/2471/E 4,675 Jan 2007 93/985R 502 Jan 2006 03/147R 677 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Colchester Avenue Wilkinsons Appliance Express Colchester Avenue Unit N2 Ind Estate 3,900 Mixed Goods 427 Electrical Former Homebase Site (82/215/R) Former Hot Spot Cowbridge Road West 427 Cowbridge Data Power Tools Road West Tools Culverhouse Cross 485-487 Cowbridge Road West Multiyork/Ripples 2000 99/1684R 500 500 Furniture 485-487 Cowbridge Road West Sigma 3 2000 99/1684R 500 500 Kitchens / Bathrooms Redev of old Sigma 3 store. Sub division + additional space created through new mezzanine floor. 2002 99/389/R 9,200 Ex Finnings Site B&Q Warehouse Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL Redev of old Sigma 3 store. Sub division + additional space created through new mezzanine floor. DIY & Garden Centre Superseded permission 95/1691/R. 10/01514/DC allows for variation of condition 2 of 95/01691 to reflect size of building including recent 183 sq. m. mezzanine EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER Wenvoe Retail Park Unit 1 Homebase 1998 97/1725R 2,995 2,880 DIY & Garden Centre Allowed on Appeal, April 1996 Wenvoe Retail Park Unit 2 Cardiff Fabric Superstore /Benson Beds/The Home Company 1998 97/1725R 960 929 Soft furnishing, Beds, Allowed on Appeal, April 1996 Furniture 2003 02/1070R 26,000 1982 80/1657 4,300 3,810 DIY & Garden Centre Separate garden centre of 929 sq.m gross (10,000 sq.ft) Former UWIST Eddershaws Building 1999 94/1319R 1,625 1,065 Furniture Unit 2, Hadfield Leather Sofa Company Road 2009 08/01983/C 389 389 Furniture ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ferry Road Former Gas Works Ikea Bulky Goods Hadfield Road B&Q 04/646R allowed an extension. Variation of condition 11 of planning permission 96/0067/R to allow the sale of a wider range of bulky goods Leckwith (Capital Retail Park) Capital Retail Park Costco Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 2008 05/511/W 12,781 Membership Warehouse club Part of Leckwith stadium development (02/2679/R), App 10/02217/DCO - 112sqm of warehouse to be used as optalmic service (D1) EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER Leckwith (Capital Retail Park) Outfit 2008 12/0804/DCO 1,933 1,180 Fashion Clothing Unit 3 Capital Retail Park SCS 2008 02/2679R 1,626 Furniture Unit 4 Capital Retail Park Marks & Spencer Food and Home 2009 02/2679R 3,637 3,340 Furniture, homewares, food Unit 6 Capital Retail Park Smyths Toystore 2008 02/2679R 2,462 Toystore Unit 7a Capital Retail Park Mamas & Papas 2009 02/2679R 1,040 Baby equipment and Part of Leckwith stadium development. App clothing 04/1075W, 04/2689W, 04/2690W, and 04/2693W: allow a wider range of goods to be sold. App 06/00415W permits re-siting of the retail proposals Unit 7b Capital Retail Park Hobby Craft 2008 02/2679R 1,040 Arts and Craft Unit 9 Capital Retail Park DW Sports/Fitness 2008 02/2679R 1,440 Sports wear/clothing Part of Leckwith Stadium Development. App 06/1667/W formalises the location of the and equipment health and fitness unit as part of a mixed use development. Note floorspace figure excludes that of the health and fitness use Units 5a/5b Capital Retail Park Next/Next Home 2008 02/2679/R 3,716 Furnitures/Homeware 11/00932/DCO. Variation of condition 39 of s/Fashion Clothing app 02/2679W to allow occupation of Next for sale of furniture, furnishings and homewares and mens and womens and childrens clothing and footwear. 11/00931/DCO Development of garden centre at rear of existing retail unit comprising part conservatory and part enclosed open area. Newport Road Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Variation of condition 39 of app 02/02679/W to allow a single unit to be used for the sale and display of men's and women's fashion clothing, footwear and accessories. Granted 11/07/12 Part of Leckwith stadium development. App 04/1075W, 04/2689W, 04/2690W, and 04/2693W: allow a wider range of goods to be sold. App 06/00415W permits re-siting of the retail proposals App 06/1664/W: modification of original condition to allow ancillary food sales of 744sqm. Total M&S floorspace is 3,340sqm net. Part of Leckwith stadium development. App 04/1075W, 04/2689W, 04/2690W, and 04/2693W: allow a wider range of goods to be sold. App 06/00415W permits re-siting of the retail proposals Part of Leckwith stadium development. App 04/1075W, 04/2689W, 04/2690W, and 04/2693W: allow a wider range of goods to be sold. App 06/00415W permits re-siting of the retail proposals EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER 360 Newport Road Vacant 2002 96/601R 1,072 Vacant Former Allied Carpets. Application 12/01514/DCO to vary condition to allow broader range of retail goods which can be sold from unit, to include ancillary items such as food and drink goods. App 13/00708/DCO (Granted 26/06/2013) - COU from A1 to D2 (gym) 360 Newport Road Porcelanossa 2001 96/601R 1,072 Tiles Ex Bogod factory 372 Newport Road Range Home and Leisure 1986 85/1640 3,715 3,065 Homewares 374 Newport Road George Street Furnishers/Aqua bathroom centre 2006 81/838 2,790 1,390 Furniture/ Household 00/34R + 00/334R permissions to amend Goods trading condition. Former MFI store. 374 Newport Road (r/o) Go Outdoors 1982 81/838 3,070 2,650 Outdoor Clothing/Camping Equipment 380 Newport Road Panasonic Store 2013 12/00055/DCO 455 Newport Road (rear) Jewsons Building/Timber merchants 1989 87/2142 1,120 475 Newport Road Vacant 1974 82/1289 2,800 1,565 Vacant App 09/01815/E - Removal of Condition E of the 1972 Permission to allow the use of the unit by any operator 501 Newport Road Currys PC World Megastore 1993 86/1839W 3,344 2,880 Electrical Application 92/1790W permitted wider range of goods. Two units amalgamated 2010 formerly separate PC World and Currys. Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 639 Electrical 520 DIY and Builders/Timber Merchants ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Application 98/294 to vary condition to enable a wider range of goods to be sold. Former Focus DIY store. Permission 08/2568/E: variation of condition to allow for the sale of tents, camping, caravanning and outdoor activity equipment, ancillary outdoor clothing and footwear range Former Plumb Center (warehouse with ancillary trade counter) Store split in 1992. Permission 07/624/E allows wider range of goods. EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER 503 Newport Road Halfords 1988 503 Newport Road Topps Tiles 2007 507 Newport Road What! 2006 88/1170W 2,910 2,690 Textiles/Furniture Former Courts store. City Link Retail Dunelm Mill Park (Unit 1) 1989 88/576R 3,345 2,790 Soft furnishings / household goods Outline application 87/1380 allowed on appeal. City Link Retail Mothercare World Park (Unit 2a) (incorporates Early Learning Centre) 1989 88/529R 1,858 Jan 2007 05/01945/C City Link Retail Vacant Park (Unit 3a) 1992 88/1617R 1,579 City Link Retail Maplin Park (Unit 3b) 1992 88/1617R 617 City Link Retail Harveys/Sleep Park (Unit 3c) Masters 1989 88/1617R 941 City Link Retail Argos Extra Park (Unit 2b) Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 86/1839W 1,300 570 879 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Motor Centre/Cycle Parts Application 92/1917W to vary condition to enable wider range of goods to be sold. Topps Tiles takes up approx. 570 sqm from original Halfords. App 13/972/DCI (Granted 23/07/2013) Sub division into two units. Tiles Store takes up floorspace from original Halfords store. 07/1977/E Certificate of Lawful Development - Existing Use, granted 16/11/2007. 11/01538/DCO CLD for use of the unit for unrestricted A1 retail sales granted 01/06/2012 Children's Clothes Toys & Furniture Allowed on appeal. App 05/01945/C modification of condition to allow sub-division (complete) Mixed Goods Subdivision of unit 2 Vacant Allowed on appeal. 99/2144 standardises condition. 04/2291/C allowed external alterations to increase the unit size. Former Comet Electrical Allowed on appeal. 99/2144 standardises condition. 04/2291/C allowed external alterations to reduce the unit size. 810 Soft Furnishings Allowed on appeal. (99/2144 standardises condition) EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE City Link Retail Vacant Park (Unit 4) 1989 88/1618R 1,300 City Link Retail Dreams Park (Unit 5) 1998 88/1618R 745 City Link Retail Carpetright Park (Unit 6) 1991 91/169R ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1,170 Vacant Allowed on appeal. (99/2144 standardises condition) 466 Furniture Allowed on appeal. (99/2144 standardises condition) 1,115 984 Carpets/Floor Coverings/Furniture Allowed on appeal. (99/2144 standardises condition) 1,066 Pets and pet supplies Seagar Retail Park (Unit A) Pets at Home 1997 96/843R 1,254 Seagar Retail Park (Unit B) Wren Kitchens & Bathrooms 2011 96/843R 929 790 Kitchens/Bathrooms Seagar Retail Park (Unit C) Carpetright/Sleepri ght Bed 1997 96/843R 929 790 Carpets/Beds Newport Road (Avenue Retail Park) Unit 1 Avenue Retail Park Magnet 03/2923R 465 Unit 2 Avenue Retail Park Homebase 03/2923R 5,341 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL Kitchens/ Bulky Goods DIY and Garden Centre Note 1161 sqm is used as a garden centre EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER Unit 3 Avenue Retail Park Matalan Unit 5 Avenue Retail Park Vacant UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 89/2398 2,633 Retail Warehouse Club Application 93/170W allowed on appeal, to enable sales to "club members". App 03/706R granted to enable a wider range of bulky goods. 2006 03/2923R 1,737 Vacant Former Furniture Direct. 11/00134/DCO to vary condition 19 of 03/2923/R to add additional items to the range of goods that can be sold to allow the unit to be occupied by boot, refused 10/06/2011. App 11/01929/DCO to vary condition 19 to enable occupation of 929m2 (half unit) by Boots granted permission 10/02/12 not yet implemented 1,072 Motor Centre/Cycle Parts 98/1711R & 98/1722R allowed the sale of wider range of goods. App 05/01914/C alterations to motorist centre to form separate retail unit Computer Store Motorist unit altered to accommodate new unit Bulky goods Unit 2 occupied by car sales. Rear occupied by City Aquatics Penarth Road 214 Penarth Road Halfords 1988 87/1807 214a Penarth Road Nova Tech Computers 2009 05/01914/C 216 Penarth Road Unit 1 Tile & Bath Co / Rear - City Aquatics 2010 07/169/C 1,243 242 Penarth Road Dreams 1982 88/583 4,090 325/327 Penarth Road Nicobond Tile Style 1995 94/666R 1,938 Berl Buildings Wickes 1996 95/373R 2,323 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 456 3,250 Furniture 93/148R varied condition to allow for sale of wider range of goods. App 03/1485/R granted to enable sub-division. 290 Tiles/Bathroom equipment 2,156 DIY & Garden Centre Former Focus store. 98/371R allowed sale of a wider range of goods. EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER Former Western Cork Ltd Elephant Furniture UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE 00/440/R 1,617 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Specialist Furniture Benjamin's Interiors Unit 2, Freemans Parc 2013 12/01699/DCO 900 720 Furniture Store FW Homestores Unit 5, Freemans Parc 2012 12/01226/DCI 1,170 990 Furniture Store 2011 10/740/E 959 Bulky/mixed goods Occupies unit created by subdivision of Farm Foods store, app 10/00740/E App 96/801/R: permission granted for warehouse and showroom use for furniture and ancillary uses. Formerly Leather Sofa Company Retrospective planning application Pentwyn Road Unit 2 B&M Bargains Sloper Road (Gripoly Mills) Unit 1 Gripoly Mills Live in Style Furniture 02/2428/R 432 Furniture Unit 2 Gripoly Mills Motor World 02/2428/R 390 Car spares and parts App 95/991/R: permission granted for golf equipment sales/assessment area and offices/workshop. Formerly Nevada Bob's Golf Shop Unit 3 Gripoly Mills Lime Green 97/2114/R 260 Fireplaces/Gas appliances App 02/2428/R: permission granted for retail warehouse/sales of bulky goods Unit 4 Gripoly Mills Lite Craft 02/2428/R 650 Lighting App 96/1423/R: permission granted for showrooms and storage for retail DIY and bulky goods Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE ADDRESS OCCUPIER Unit 7 Gripoly Mills United Carpet and Beds 96/801/R 948 Carpets/Beds Unit 9 Gripoly Mills Vacant 00/350/R 475 Vacant Former Dream Time Beds Toy Store Granted consent as part of Sports Village Proposal (01/2617/R) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Sports Village Olympian Drive Toys R Us Jan 2007 05/02081/C 3,716 1994 94/639R 4,725 Trade Street Unit 16 & 17 Furniture Warehouse 3,367 Furniture Ty Glas Avenue/Lifestyle Retail Park Ty Glas Avenue Boots (Unit 2) 2004 03/69N 965 Mixed Goods 03/2576/N granted on appeal. Ty Glas Avenue Mountain Warehouse (Unit 3a) 2010 06/1225/E & 06/1229/E 386 Outdoor Wear Unit 3 relates to App 03/69N. 06/1225/E: Subdivision and installation of mezzanine floor in Unit 3B. App 10/00625/E: Variation of condition to allow extension to the range of goods that can be sold from unit 3a Jan 2007 06/1225/E & 06/1229/E 953 Furniture/soft furnishings Unit 3 relates to App 03/69N. 08/2372/E: Variation of condition 15 of planning permission 00/1081/N (as varied by permissions 06/1229/E, 07/595/E,07/2467/E and 07/2601/E) to increase the total floorspace amount of fashion goods to 160 sqm 2008 07/2601/E Ty Glas Avenue Laura Ashley (Unit 3b) Ty Glas Avenue DW Sports/Fitness/Mifit (Unit 5) (gym) Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 1,513 930 Sports Retail/Fitness App 07/2601/E Change of unit 5 to mixed Centre retail (sports goods and sports wear), health and fitness use, plus alterations to the unit, including the installation of a new mezzanine floor and changes to elevation EXISTING COMPARISON GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER UNIT APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENING NUMBER Gross Net DATE 1,726 Bulky Goods ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ty Glas Avenue Homesense (Unit 6) 2008 03/69N 07/2467/E variation of condition 15 of permission 00/1081/N to increase floorspace and clarify range of goods - to allow Homesense to sell 'homewares' and construct mezzanine of 757m2 Ty Glas Avenue Pets at Home (Units 4a and 4b) 2008 07/510/E & 07/595/E 573 1990 89/1470N 3,770 3,160 DIY & Garden Centre Allowed on Appeal. 97/450N allowed sale of wider range of goods. Formerly Focus, changed to Homebase in 2008. Wickes 1996 94/1443W 3,062 2,525 DIY Staples 1996 94/1443W 1,858 1,568 Office Supplies Halfords 2001 00/302W 743 94/662R 799 Pets and pet supplies Variation of condition 15 of permission 00/1081/N as subsequently amended by App 06/1229/E. Units 4a and 4b combined. 12/01295/DCO Certificate of Lawfulness for the unrestricted sale of goods within Class A1. Ty Glas Road Homebase Western Avenue Motor centre / cycle parts App 05/01899/W Variation of condition to allow installation of a mezzanine floor (unimplemented lapsed consent) Willowbrook Drive, St Mellons Vacant Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 1994 679 Vacant Part of Local Shopping Centre, former Hypervalue store OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN EXISTING CONVENIENCE GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER APPLICATION FLOORSPACE m² SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Land at Ty Draw Farm, Pentwyn Aldi 1999 98/112/N 1,505 1,125 Food Retail Unit Cardiff Bay Retail Park Aldi 1997 96/1778R 1,280 760 Food Retail Unit Cowbridge Road West Aldi 1999 98/1266R 1,577 978 Food Retail Unit Permission 05/2836/W extends store by 325 sqm gross. Leckwith (Capital Retail Park) Asda 2008 02/2679R 9,941 6,461 Food Superstore Part of Leckwith stadium development. App 06/423/W amends floorspace restrictions in foodstore Coryton (M4 interchange) Asda 1984 83/1391 11,063 7,465 Food Superstore Allowed on appeal. Includes 1,115 sqm extension (88/118) and 2323 sqm mezzanine (02/1590/N). 10/01286 permits canopy extension for home shopping service Cardiff Gate Retail Park Asda 1995 94/1881N 9,479 5,574 Food Superstore Includes 929 sq.m extension (02/1337/N). Cardiff Bay Retail Park Asda 1997 96/527R 9,290 4,923 Food Superstore Includes 929 sqm extension (00/7217/R). Pentwyn Road Farm Foods 2008 07/91/E 684 Food Retail Unit Certificate of Lawful Development Approved - COU from car showroom to A1 retail. Former Mercedes Benz Garage. App 10/740/E 131m2 extension and division of property into two separate units. Unit 2 now occupied by B&M Bargains. 1997 94/1678R Food Retail Unit Application 96/674R to allow 20% sale of non-food goods, App 13/00717/DCI Preparation and storage are for new in-store bakery (142 sqm) East Tyndall Street Lidl Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 1,132 800 Includes app. 06/2891/E, 365m2 extension constructed 2008 EXISTING CONVENIENCE GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS Cowbridge Road West OCCUPIER APPLICATION FLOORSPACE m² SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Lidl 1998 86/901 1,760 1,090 Food Retail Unit Former Safeway. Application 98/1126R Lidl occupying 1,760 sq. m of the total floorspace of 3,716 sq. m. App 13/00697/DCI Preparation and storage are for new instore bakery (155 sqm) Colchester Avenue Lidl 2000 99/2052R 1,398 1,081 Food Retail Unit Relates to outline permission 98/929R. Application 07/833/E allowed a 210m2 extension. Maindy Road Lidl 2004 03/1352C 1,286 Food Retail Unit Supersedes Application Number 00/2354W Caerphilly Road (Former Gnome Factory) Lidl 1999 98/1334N 1,475 997 Food Retail Unit Appeal held January 1999. Permission 07/0016/E to extend store 410m2 (net). Renewed by 11/00311/DCO. Ty Glas Avenue/Lifestyle Retail Park Marks & Spencer 2004 03/69N 1,504 929 Food Superstore Reserved matters of outline application 00/1081N Leckwith (Capital Retail Park) Marks & Spencer Food and Home 2009 02/2679R 744 744 Food App 06/1664/W: modification of original condition to allow ancillary food sales of 744sqm. Total M&S floorspace is 3,340sqm net. Newport Road (Avenue Retail Park) Marks and Spencer 03/2923R 1,858 Food, Clothes App 07/02064/E Variation of condition 19 of permission 03/2933/R to enable 929 sqm food retail sales and 232 sqm non-convenience retail sales Ty Glas Road Morrisons 1990 89/1470N 6,052 3,705 Food Superstore App 11/00513/DCO to extend and refurbish existing superstore and provide additional car parking. Ferry Road Morrisons Nov 2006 05/625/C 7,857 3,716 Food Superstore Foodstore granted consent as part of Sports Village proposal (01/2617/R) Excalibur Drive, Thornhill Sainsburys 1984 83/650 8,185 6,004 Food Superstore at District Centre Application 09/02183 for 2775 sq m gross extension to existing store. Completed July 2011 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL EXISTING CONVENIENCE GOODS STORES (Cardiff): July 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER APPLICATION FLOORSPACE m² SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Colchester Avenue Sainsburys 1983 81/1300 6,017 3,788 Food Superstore Allowed on Appeal. App. 95/1253 extension opened in 1996. App. 01/1481 for 377 sq.m extension opened in 2002. App. 06/119/E granted '06 for marquee for 7 mnth period/yr for horticultural products in car park. St Mellons District Centre Tesco 1982 81/1206 5,200 3,280 Food Superstore at District Centre Current application 08/1561/E to redevelop tesco store and district centre Western Avenue Tesco 1998 98/568W 9,955 7,660 Food Superstore Based on original permission 92/1729W for CRS (Pioneer/Living). 05/552/W allows relocated service yard &external alterations. 07/726/W permits canopy structure for home delivery service. Variation of condition 13 of 98/568/W (11/02159/DCI) relating to non-convenience retail floorspace Pengam Moors, Cardiff Bay Tesco 2001 97/1742R 7,572 0 Food Superstore Application 98/1078R approval of reserved matters + 00/1400R amend car park layout Newport Road Vacant 1992 91/1381W 1,630 920 Vacant Application 91/1381W split store in 1992. Former kwik save store. Residual occupied by Builder Centre. Willowbrook Drive, St Mellons Vacant 1994 92/1891R 1,356 802 Vacant Former Food Superstore at Local Centre Avenue Industrial Estate Waitrose 2008 07/1553/E 3,475 2,880 Food Retail Unit Former Focus DIY Unit (App 88/1853 - Allowed on appeal) Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN EXISTING STORES (Vale of Glamorgan Fringe): July 2013 Comparison ADDRESS OCCUPIER APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Culverhouse Cross Marks & Spencer 1992 91/1198/R 10,937 8,889 Mixed goods Allowed on Appeal February 1991. Includes store extension 97/499/R of 2576sqm gross (2201sqm net) allowed on Appeal 09/01/2002. Brooklands Terrace Retail Park Unit 1A PC World 1999 95/362/R 1,858 1,782 Computers Allowed on Appeal September 1996 Brooklands Terrace Retail Park Unit 1B Vacant 1999 95/362/R 929 888 Vacant Allowed on Appeal September 1996. Former furniture store. Brooklands Terrace Retail Park Unit 2A Vacant 1999 95/362/R 929 747 Vacant Allowed on Appeal September 1996 Brooklands Terrace Retail Park Unit 2B Vacant 1999 95/362/R 929 888 Vacant Allowed on Appeal September 1996. Former furniture store Brooklands Terrace Retail Park Unit 3 Currys 1999 95/362/R 2,179 2,088 Electrical Allowed on Appeal September 1996 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL EXISTING STORES (Vale of Glamorgan Fringe): July 2013 Comparison ADDRESS OCCUPIER APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net Carpets/Beds ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Vale Gate Retail Park Unit A Carpetright/ Sleep Right 1999 93/215/R 1,210 940 Allowed on Appeal December 1992. Vale Gate Retail Park Unit B TK Maxx 2010 93/215/R 2,787 1,858 Clothes/Household Originally allowed on Appeal December Goods 1992. App 08/01246/W variation of condition 7 of permission 91/01282/OUT to allow 1858 sqm net of retail floorspace to be used for the sale of men's or women's fashion, jewellery, cosmetics and toiletries and pharmaceutical products. App 10/00437/W now restricts this permission to Unit B only Vale Gate Retail Park Unit C Mothercare / Early Learning Centre 1993 93/215/R 1,394 1,045 Children's Clothes Toys & Furniture Allowed on Appeal December 1992 Vale Gate Retail Park Unit D Vacant 1993 93/215/R 1,115 743 Vacant Former Dreams. Allowed on Appeal December 1992 Vale Gate Retail Park Unit E Vacant 1993 93/215/R 1,115 743 Vacant Allowed on Appeal December 1992, Former Comet Vale Gate Retail Park Unit F Vacant 1993 93/215 929 622 Vacant Allowed on Appeal December 1992. Currently partly occupied by Bright Lights Lighting Showroom. Convenience ADDRESS OCCUPIER Culverhouse Cross Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION EXISTING STORES (Vale of Glamorgan Fringe): July 2013 Convenience ADDRESS OCCUPIER Culverhouse Cross Tesco Stores APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE DATE NUMBER OPENED Gross Net 05/1678/W 9,530 93/442 4,036 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Food Superstore Resubmittted scheme (Application 04/1486R for similar store refused on Appeal for landscaping reasons) Vale Ref. 05/01051/FUL Food Superstore Recently extended Penarth Marina Cogan Hill Tesco Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 1994 2,023 OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN SCHEMES IN THE PIPELINE (Cardiff) : July 2013 Under construction ADDRESS PROPOSAL Former Dairy Site, Newport Road Class A1 foodstore & petrol filling station Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NUMBER Gross Net 11/01749/DCO 6,200 2,900 Application is for Morrisons store and petrol filling station. SCHEMES IN THE PIPELINE (Cardiff) : July 2013 Not Yet Implemented ADDRESS PROPOSAL Caerphilly Road Renewal of planning permission 07/0016/E to demolish factory and build extension to existing Lidl store 11/00311/DCO 928 Cardiff Gate Business Park Proposed 3 Storey facilities building for class B offices and ancillary A1 and A3 retail 12/02080/DCO 446 Cowbridge Road West COU from D1 to A1 retail (30% of net sales for sale of food and drinks goods) 12/01984/DCO 1,869 Leckwith (Capital Retail Park) Variation of condition 39 of app 02/2679W 11/00931/DCO 465 Newport Road, City Link Erection of retail unit, highways, car park and landscape improvements 07/03021/C 1,394 Penarth Road Change of Use from Class B1/B2/B8 to Class A1 (Shops) 13/00202/DCI 1,170 Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NUMBER Gross Net 410 Factory unit demolished but no construction begun Three Storey facility consisting of Offices Former Fitspace Health Club 11/00931/DCO. Development of garden centre at rear of existing retail unit comprising part conservatory and part enclosed open area. To be occupied by Sofa Sofa SCHEMES IN THE PIPELINE (Cardiff) : July 2013 Sports Village Retail development in association with replacement Ice Rink and natural snow ski slope scheme 12/01861/DCI 13,717 Sports Village Erection of 569 dwellings and 982 sqm A1 retail floorspace 12/00937/DCI 982 Sports Village International Sports Village, comprising sports, leisure, retail, residential, hotel, conference centre, casino, restaurant / bar 01/2617/R 16,310 St Mellons District Centre Redevelopment of Tesco store and district centre 08/1561/E 4,619 Western Avenue Installation of 2318 sqm mezzanine floor within class A1 retail unit 09/110/W 2,318 Hybrid application. Retail forms part of replacement Ice Rink and natural snow ski slope scheme App. for 27,883 sqm floorspace but foodstore (7,857sqm gross, 3716sqm net) under App 05/00625/C completed (Morrisons Foodstore). App. also includes a further 6,780sqm for A3 use. Application 03/2880/R granted to allow sale of a wider range of goods. App 05/02081/C (Reserved Matters) 40,000 sqft (3716sqm) non food retail unit (Toys R Us) completed 4,091 Proposed replacement store would be 9819m2 gross, 7371m2 net (existing store is 5200m2 gross, 3280m2 net). Granted planning permission 19/05/10 Current applications ADDRESS PROPOSAL Cardiff Gate Retail Park Construction of new retail units (A1), gym (D2) and A3 Unit Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NUMBER Gross Net 12/01619/DCO 2,614 Phase 2 of retail park. Will also includes Class D2 and A3. OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN SCHEMES IN THE PIPELINE (Vale of Glamorgan Fringe): July 2013 Current applications ADDRESS PROPOSAL Culverhouse Cross Variation of condition 12 of app 1995/00161/OUT to allow sale of nonbulky class A1 retail goods. 12/0657/DCO Vale Gate Retail Park Variation of conditon 7 of planning permission 2008/481/FUL to allow a further 1858 sqm net retail floorspace to be used for the sale of clothing, footwear, sports equipment, accessories, jewellery, cosmetics, toiletries and pharmaceuticals. 12/01829/DCO Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NUMBER Gross Net Variation of condition 12 of app 1995/00161/OUT to allow sale of non-bulky class A1 retail goods OUT OF CENTRE STORES INFORMATION BULLETIN COMPLETIONS (Cardiff): since January 2013 ADDRESS OCCUPIER DATE APPLICATION FLOORSPACE (m²) SHOP TYPE OPENED NUMBER Gross Net ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Morrisons, Ty Glas Road Ashbourn Way, Llanishen Morrisons Source: CARDIFF COUNTY COUNCIL 11/00513/DCO 875 Food Store Application is to extend and refurbish existing superstore and provide additional car parking. Permission granted, subject to legal agreement.