Number 86 - Creation Ministries of the Ozarks
Number 86 - Creation Ministries of the Ozarks
A NEWSLETTER PROVIDING CHRISTIANS UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ABOUT THE CREATION/EVOLUTION ISSUE AND THE MUSEUMS AT “CREATION MINISTRIES OF THE OZARKS” NO. 86 EXPANDING THE VISION RIBBON-CUTTING CEREMONY WITH BRANSON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JUNE 11, 10.00 A.M. The Creation Experience Museum in Branson has recently become a member of the Branson Chamber of Commerce. Our CMOTO board believes this will increase our exposure to the public. This means more visitors and more opportunities to share biblical creation truths and the Gospel. We hope that many of our supporters in the area and those interested in this ministry will come and be with us on June 11, 2015. DIRECTIONS: Type “CREATION EXPERIENCE MUSEUM BRANSON MO” into your browser; click on the map to enlarge. Exit off of Hwy. 65 at Hwy. 160, and proceed to North West Outer Road. Follow 200 yards to museum. (Note: Google GPS will not work.) Several years ago someone attending the class I was teaching on biblical creationism suggested that we should forget all this creation information and concentrate on just preaching Jesus and the Gospel. I certainly appreciated his concern, because it is the Gospel that Jesus commanded us to preach throughout the world. However, if teaching biblical creationism actually gives support in reaching people with the Gospel, it is surely something that is valid. The Apostle Paul confirmed this principle by writing: “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). This is exactly what we have found to be true for our biblical creation museums. They are a “means” God has provided for sharing the Gospel. CMOTO’s museums have been set up to include the Gospel as part of the tours, and we have already seen God use this in bringing some to salvation. For all of us here at CMOTO it is a great privilege to be servants of the Lord in this ministry. Please continue to pray for more victories. RB VISIT OUR CREATION EXPERIENCE MUSEUMS AT: 4180 US Hwy. 65 North MO 65771 (Just 7 miles north of Branson) Wednesdays — Saturdays 10.00 a.m. to 5 p.m. 417-561-0750 OR 112 E. Pine Street, Strafford, MO 65757 (Just a few blocks off Interstate 44) Fridays & Saturdays 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. 417-736-9737 Open throughout year 866-771-TRUE (8783) Maps available at: CMOTO.ORG Page 2 UNDERSTANDING OUR TIMES by Rod Butterworth (Continued from newsletter No. 85) Chapter 9 Allowing the Evidence to Speak for Itself “An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.” Why is it that the world is the way it is? Once again, the inspired truths of the Bible give us insight and understanding that no other source can supply. Here is a question to which only the Bible gives us an answer that makes sense. According to the Bible death did not exist before and during the creation week, so why is there death in this world today? Yet, our young people are taught from “slime to scholar” as fact every day in public education. Statistics have proven that we are losing two out of three young people who have been raised in church and Christian families—walking away from their faith, and even becoming atheists and evolutionists. And it is mainly because of this very issue of evolution that is so totally incompatible with the Bible. Sadly, many Christians in ministry and higher education especially have fallen prey to compromising with humanistic evolutionary philosophy. They have come to accept the millions and billions of years as established fact. Genesis chapter three gives us the answer. Death is present in the world specifically because of the Fall—Adam and Eve’s disobedience. When did this sad event happen? It certainly couldn’t have happened millions of years ago. We cannot put Adam and Eve’s existence back millions of years in time. According to the amazingly and meticulously preserved record of man’s genealogies, it happened about 6000 years ago in the Garden of Eden. Romans 5:12 says: “Therefore, just as through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and DEATH THROUGH SIN, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.” And again in 1 Corinthians 15:21: “For since by man [Adam] came DEATH, by Man [Jesus] also came the resurrection of the dead.” The fact is that the human race exists, and people are born with death as a certain future. So what is the purpose of these short physical lives that we live? If there is a Creator God, why didn’t He create us to live forever? Actually, this is God’s desire for His creation, but man caused a huge problem for humanity by disobedience. However, those who believe and accept God’s solution to this problem through Jesus Christ are promised the amazing gift of eternal life. Some however, following the same sinful nature of their first parents, choose to grasp at any idea that God does not exist, and that life is meaningless—we are born—we live—we die, and that’s the end of it. Believing in evolution is one way people can rebel against the inherent knowledge of a Creator God that all humans have in their hearts. The idea of evolution from slime to scholar is just not true. Biological science does not support it. It would be a huge leap of faith without scientific or historical support. Macroevolution does not support it. Ironically, because he claimed not to believe in God, Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick wrote in Life Itself about the origin of life with these words: However, it is the height of ridiculousness to imagine that we gain the respect and acceptance of the academic world by compromising the perfect, unchanging living Word of God with the fallible, changeable, scientifically unsupported ideas from the fallen minds of unregenerate men and women. Why would Christians take away from the beauty of God’s creation record and suggest that over millions of years God created through a tortuous, bloody cycle of death, disease, suffering, and the survival of the fittest? Cannot an all-powerful God of the universe do better than that? Yes, He did it in six days! Jesus said, “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). They bring us into living relationship with Him. Compromising with a GAP THEORY generates doubt and confusion. Compromising with a DAY/AGE THEORY brings theological, biblical and scientific confusion. All these alternative bankrupt ideas undermine the authority of Scripture and destroy the foundation of the Gospel. Let’s keep our thinking biblical. If there was death in the world before Adam’s sin, then death is not the consequence of sin—which suggests that there is no such thing as sin. Therefore, this would make the purpose for Jesus’ death on the cross meaningless. If death is not part of the curse (Genesis 3), then there was no reason for Jesus to become a curse for us to destroy the effects of the curse for those who would believe (Galatians 3:13). Can we see now that this is confusing and devastating to our young people? Every year when high school graduation takes place I wonder how many of these young people who plan to attend college or university are prepared for the humanistic evolutionary onslaught they will face? Satan is still deceiving with his “Hath God said?”—and he’s using ungodly university professors to do it! Continued on page 4 Page 3 THE TRUTH ABOUT DINOSAURS The plain truth about dinosaurs from the Bible and science reveals that these now extinct creatures were contemporary with humans from the beginning of creation. Of course, the secular world rejects any evidence in support of this because they must use dinosaurs to cling to their idea of millions of years. In public education children are taught from the earliest grades that dinosaurs were never seen by humans. At CMOTO’s museums our tour guides point out the truth about dinosaurs from a biblical perspective, and provide information from real empirical science to give added confirmation. CURTIS B GIVING A TOUR AT THE SECTION OF THE MUSEUM IN BRANSON WHERE THE GOSPEL IS PRESENTED. CHILDREN LOVE BOOKS ABOUT DINOSAURS. WE PROVIDE SEATING FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO REST DURING THE WALK-THROUGH TOUR. A NEW SIGN IN THE BOOKSTORE THANKS TO THE SCRIPT SKILLS OF LINDA B. Page 4 Understanding Our Times continued We should ask ourselves: Are we engaged in this spiritual warfare for the sake of the Gospel? Are we using the weapon of truth to build strong biblical foundations in the lives of those to whom we minister? Or, are we letting precious souls slip through our fingers into confusion and unbelief? Well, is there a need for the creation museum ministries in Strafford and Branson Missouri? Of course! Actually, I wish there were many such ministries throughout America to reach millions with the truths of God’s Word. In the days and times in which we live there is a crucial need for such ministries. Do we witness these biblical truths to our personal acquaintances and within our churches? Are we prepared to give our young people the answers they need in order for them to stand strong in the face of all the humanistic evolutionary propaganda they are exposed to from kindergarten through university? Painting by Rod B Here is a final challenge from the Apostle Peter: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and This concludes the series from the book Understanding Our Times by Rod Butterworth fear” (1 Peter 3:15). The answer to life’s deepest needs is not to be found in better education, good government, profitable commerce, or any other dimension of this world. Only in Christ is there hope, for any person and any nation. (The Rebirth of America, Arthur S. DeMoss Foundation. 1986, 230). COME AND VISIT US CREATION EXPERIENCE MUSEUM BRANSON IS OPEN WEDNESDAYS THROUGH SATURDAYS 10.A.M. TO 5.00 P.M. CREATION EXPERIENCE MUSEUM STRAFFORD IS OPEN FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS 10.00 A.M. TO 4.00 P.M. SOME CURRENT NEEDS FOR THIS MINISTRY: 1. Pray with us for more volunteers to train as tour guides for the Branson museum. (ages 18+). 2. It will cost more, but up to $5,000 has been offered as a matching gift for parking lot surfacing. Please designate gifts for the “Parking lot.” 3. For continuing operational expenses. Thanks to all who faithfully support this ministry. FIND MORE INFORMATION AT: (SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE NEWSLETTER ONLINE) Or call: 866-771-TRUE (8783) Donations can be made online or sent to: CMOTO c/o Secretary Treasurer 316 N. Dogwood Strafford, MO 65757 Please “CREATION MATTERS” You can hear our two-minute creation broadcasts on KWFC 89.1 FM at 11.21 a.m. CST Monday thru Friday each week which covers the Springfield and southwest MO area. Or, hear previous recordings at our online radio archive anytime at: make checks to CMOTO A WORD ABOUT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Financial accountability is extremely important to us. To this end Creation Ministries of the Ozarks has a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS. Donations can be claimed as charitable giving for tax purposes. We have engaged the services of Mr. Dan Wiser, Certified Public Accountant in Springfield, Missouri.
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