Ministry Directory 2016 - Windwood Presbyterian Church


Ministry Directory 2016 - Windwood Presbyterian Church
Ministry Directory
Table of Contents
What We Believe
Page 5
Our Story
Page 8
Why Presbyterian?
Page 9
Page 10
Living Christ Centered Lives (Worship, Grow, Share)
Page 12
Church Staff
Page 13
Frequently Asked Questions
Page 14
Joining the Church
Page 15
Page 16
Grow: Kid’s Ministry
Page 18
Grow: Adventure Preschool
Page 19
Grow: Kardia Christian Academy (KCA)
Page 20
Grow: Youth Ministries
Page 21
Grow: Adult Ministries
Page 22
Grow: Bible Studies
Page 23
Grow: Small Groups
Page 27
Grow: Social Groups
Page 29
Table of Contents
Share: Serving Opportunities
Page 35
Share: Care Ministries
Page 39
Share: Evangelism and Missions
Page 43
Share: Connecting Groups
Pages 48
Boards & Councils
Pages 49
Godly Citizenship
Page 53
Page 54
Page 55
Websites and Social Media
Page 56
Alphabetical Listing
Page 57
Campus Map
Page 59
What We Believe
Theological Foundations
In 1997, the Session of Windwood Presbyterian Church established, for this congregation, the following
Statement of Faith:
We Affirm …
… the LORD our God, the LORD is one. The one true God exists in three distinct Persons: Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, in one essential being, without confusion. The Lord our God is the One who was, who is,
and who is to come, the Almighty.
... the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God, the authoritative, and
infallible rule of our faith and practice.
... the historic actuality of the virgin birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and His divine/human nature.
... the historic actuality of the miracles of our Lord Jesus Christ as conveyed to us in the pages of Holy Scripture.
... that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were both necessary and sufficient for atoning for our sins
and to provide us the only way of salvation and life eternal.
... the historic actuality of the bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and His coming again.
We believe these to be the historic understandings of the Christian Faith, embraced by believers throughout
the centuries, and expressed faithfully in the Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds. While membership in the Church
Universal is a matter of the heart and can be judged by Jesus alone, membership in the local church is not a
right, but a privilege and duty that brings with it responsibilities and requirements. As our standards are
not to be ignored or dismissed, but rather upheld, the Session of Windwood Presbyterian Church requires
all members, leaders, and staff affirm these six essentials of the Christian faith as a condition of their membership and ministry service.
Where We Stand
In everything, we seek to ground ourselves in the Word of God made flesh, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior and the inspired Word of God written, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. This is where we
stand, without apology and without compromise.
Where We Are Going
Where we are going is an exciting adventure of faith laid out for us by Jesus himself. In his Great Commission and Great Commandments, Jesus has given his Church its purpose and direction.
The Great Commandments
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind … Love your
neighbor as yourself.” - Matthew 22:37, 39
The Great Commission
“In your going, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” - Matthew 28:19-20a
Balancing the Purposes of the Church
We are told that we have these purposes as the body of Christ in the world.
• Worship
• Grow
• Share
If we want to be a healthy body, we must work toward having a balance of all of these purposes. As we
grow healthier, we will grow larger. As we grow larger in number, we must also grow smaller in emphasis, that is to say, we must provide the opportunity for small group relationships and community to
form. Small groups must become not merely a program, but a strategy for the way we go about equipping people and doing all our ministries.
All this being said, we must do more than just say the right things, we must begin to do them. Faith is
more than belief, it is belief in action. If we are to grow in our faith we must learn the disciplines that
will lead to spiritual growth. Therefore, as a congregation, we are committing ourselves to becoming
“doers of the word and not hearers only.” Our focus is for each member to make the commitment to the
Five Spiritual Disciplines that Lead to Spiritual Maturity:
• A daily time in God’s word
• A daily prayer time
• A commitment to weekly participation in worship
• A commitment to a relational fellowship
• A commitment to stewardship
We believe God has called us to be leaders in our world for his kingdom. We have a great message to
share with people in the world:
God has forgiven us through his Son, and given us life eternal and life abundant if we will put our faith
in him.
We are committed to seeing people’s lives changed for an eternity and that change starts now. We invite you to join us on this Great Adventure of Faith!
Yours in Christ,
Kevin Rudolph, Senior Pastor
Our Story
History of our Church
Windwood Presbyterian Church has grown from the inspiration of 24 individuals in April of 1962, through
its organization by the Brazos Presbytery with 108 charter members in March of 1964, to its present large
and diverse family of faith. Its diversity stems from the fact that there are programs for people from infancy
to nonagenarians, with a great variety of interests, whose commonality is the love of God through Jesus
Christ. After being situated on the banks of Cypress Creek at the intersection of Grant Road and Lakewood
Forest Drive for many years, in the spring of 2002, the church moved to the new location at 10555 Spring
Cypress Road.
The church has a vision inspired by Christ's Great Commission as stated in the Gospel of Matthew 28:18-20
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the
end of the age."
By building on the foundation of our Statement of Faith, our statement of the Purposes of the Church, and
our commitment to growing as a healthy congregation by learning to balance those purposes, we have committed ourselves to move beyond "saying the right things" to "doing the right things."
Christian Education and Small Groups are available to persons of every age and interest. The curricula is
chosen to reflect the core values of the church and implement Windwood's Statement of Faith. The style of
worship includes both traditional and contemporary elements and there is a secure nursery available for use
during worship.
Windwood has often been cited by visitors as a very friendly and welcoming church family where newcomers can quickly become as involved as desired as they take their own journey of faith.
In 1999, the Session and Congregation approved a vision to carry the Gospel to our growing community and
world into the 21st century. We called it our
2020 Vision. That vision included relocating to the 57
acres on the corner of Spring Cypress and Huff-Smith Kohrville Road. It also called for a master plan for the
In phase one, we completed our fellowship hall (which also serves as our worship center for now) administrative offices and adult meeting rooms, our children's ministry building, and our youth ministry center.
In phase two, our plans call for building a permanent sanctuary that seats 1,500 and two additional classroom buildings.
Finally, in phase three, the sanctuary will be expanded to 3,000 seats, and an additional classroom building
and seminar building will complete the plan for the site. With an estimated 250,000 people moving into our
area by the year 2020, we believe God has called and equipped us to meet the needs of growing His kingdom
in our growing community.
Why Presbyterian?
Windwood is not a congregational church. What does that mean? It means that Windwood is a part of a
larger body of believers who are connected by a common understanding of the faith. We firmly believe we
can accomplish more by being connected with other like-minded congregations that we can by ourselves.
The name ‘Presbyterian’ comes from the Greek word for elder, and it means that the church is ruled by a
board of elders called the Session. Each congregation within a given geographical area is called a
‘Presbytery’ and all the Presbyteries together make up a Synod.
Windwood is part of a Presbyterian denomination called ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. This is a new denomination that formed in 2013 and now has over 200 congregations nationwide. It is
not the largest Presbyterian denomination (or the smallest) but the core beliefs of the denomination make it a
good fit for Windwood.
In 2014, Windwood left the PC(USA), the denomination we had been a part of, because that denomination
had gone away from the historic tenets of the faith. We are pleased to be part of a new faithful denomination
in ECO and look forward to working with other churches, both Presbyterian and otherwise to advance the
cause of Christ in our hurting society.
Windwood is a proud member of
"With a name like Smucker's it has to be good!"
Some of you are old enough to remember this ad. “With a name like Smucker’s, it has to be good!” The
Smucker’s company was dealing with their family name, which was a well respected and popular brand of
jams and jellies, but a modern day marketing nightmare. Funny names that dated a product as being “old”
- or in our society the equally bad “not new” - was a death knell in modern marketing terms. But leave it
to the clever people on Madison Avenue to turn the proverbial lemon into lemonade: “With a name like
Smucker’s, it has to be good!” In other words, it is so good, it can survive having a name like Smucker’s!
Some (myself included) would like to say the same for the name of our new denomination: “With a name
like ECO, it has to be good!” The truth is that ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians is a
very good new denomination, and we should feel good about being a part of it!
First, this new denomination is faithful to the Lord. “We believe Jesus Christ must be at the center of our
lives and making disciples of Jesus at the core of our ministry.” This is the historic faith in the risen Lord
faithfully passed on down to us. This is a denomination we belong with! With a name like ECO ...
Second, this new denomination is faithful to the Scriptures. “We believe the Bible is the unique and authoritative Word of God, which teaches all that is necessary for faith and life. The prominence of God’s
Word over our lives shapes our priorities, and the unrivaled authority of the Bible directs our actions to be
in concert with Christ’s very best for our lives.” Jesus promised that God’s Word would stand, even after
heaven and earth had passed away. This is a denomination that we belong with! With a name like ECO …
Third, this new denomination recognizes God’s call to all His people. “We believe in unleashing the ministry gifts of women, men, and every ethnic group.” Spirituality is not gender related and we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, no matter how widely we have been dispersed. The Holy Spirit comes to
dwell in all believers, and He gives gifts to all as He chooses. This is a denomination that we belong
with! With a name like ECO
…Fourth, this new denomination recognizes God’s call to us to be the salt and light in the world. “We
believe in living out the whole of the Great Commission – including evangelism, spiritual formation, compassion, and redemptive justice – in our communities and around the world.” Jesus said, “All authority
and heaven and earth has been given to me … go make disciples of all nations …” We have been authorized by the ultimate authority—God Himself—to share this good news in word and in deed, no matter
how “politically incorrect” it may seem! This is a denomination that we belong with! With a name like
Fifth, this new denomination believes more churches need to be formed. “We believe congregations
should vigorously reproduce new missional communities to expand the Kingdom of God.” As long as
there are people who do not know the love of God through Jesus Christ, the Church is not through growing, and we cannot all meet in the same time and place. Starting new churches has always been part of the
task of existing churches! This is a denomination that we belong with! With a name like ECO …
These quotes all come from ECO’s core values! They should all sound familiar because this is what Windwood has been about from the beginning!
I want to encourage you to get more informed about our new denomination. Don’t be put off by the name,
because with a name like ECO, it has to be good—and it is! There are certainly lots of challenges before
us. We need to have a better understanding of what Covenant means, a better understanding of what
Evangelical means, and a better understanding of what it means to be part of an “order” not just a denomination. But the journey will be exciting. Stay tuned—the best is yet to come!
Living Christ Centered Lives!
God has called us into existence for the
primary purpose of being in a relationship with Him first and foremost; in
other words, for living Christ-centered
This does not mean beginning every sentence with the name of
Jesus, nor does it mean spending all your spare time at church,
nor does it mean never reading any books other than the Bible.
It does mean that the most important relationship in your life,
for now and for all eternity, is the one you have with God! It
does not mean it is the only relationship you have, but it does
mean it must come first. As Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom
of God and it’s righteousness, and all these things will be added
to you.”, Matthew 6:33 Just what does this mean, and what
does it look like—this Christ-centered life?
But beyond worship, we need to be
growing in our faith and sharing our
faith (in word and in deed) each
week. Some churches have referred
to this as “worship plus two”. In addition to weekly worship,
where are you growing in your faith each week? Are you attending a Sunday school class, or a small group Bible study, or
are you taking an online course? Aside from reading, where are
you interacting with other Christians who can hold you accountable and who can pray for you, and in turn, whom you can
hold accountable and pray for?
Worshipping and growing is great, but
if you are not sharing what you’ve
learned, if you’re not sharing the blessings of your relationship with God with
others you will become like a stagnant
Just what does it mean to live a Christ-centered life? How do we
pond; all inflow and no outflow. Sharing
experience the kind of living relationship with the living God
your faith is not just telling someone
that He intends for us? How do we decide and balance all the
know him, it is about sharing the good
other relationships and demands on our lives? These are important and specific questions we will be looking at more close- news of a relationship with your Creator that is bringing you
ly, but there is a simple answer we can use to help us; Worship, joy overflowing, and letting it flow into the lives of others in
service. God has blessed you with spiritual gifts; do you know
Grow, Share!
what they are and are you using them to bless others? Jesus said
he came, not to be served, but to serve, and he has called us to
do the same in his name.
Worship is more than just what we do together on Sunday mornings, but it is certainly not less! We value what we spend
our time on, and God is worthy of our wor- Christ-centered living defines us as a body of Christ. After all,
Windwood is not an institution, is as a part of the Body of
ship—that means the center of our attenChrist and we have been called to be the presence of His kingtion, values, and focus! My late father-in-law was a Rotarian.
For years and years he received “perfect attendance” pins from dom in our world. That is important to us, but it is absolutely
critical for them!
his Rotary club. The club met once a week, and when he could
not attend for some reason, he “made up” his meeting by attend- So, be looking for this graphic “Worship, Grow, Share” and be
asking yourself, “Am I worshipping, growing, and sharing?”
ing another club. As a result, he attended at least 52 Rotary
meetings a year for decades! Such was his dedication to the Ro- because that is how we can have Christ-centered lives. In addition, Jesus deserves our worship and when we start living
tary club. The only thing he took more seriously was his worChrist-centered and balanced lives, we will be amazed at what
ship attendance! And it showed in his life and was a witness to
his friends and especially to his friends in Rotary! What we ded- He can do in and through us Join me in making “Worship,
icate our lives to is what we worship, and only God is worthy of Grow, Share” more than a slogan, but a definition of Christcentered living for us as individuals and a congregation.
that! Coming together with our family of faith to worship our
Redeemer is worthy of that dedication!
Kevin Rudolph
Church Staff
Staff may be contacted at 281-378-4040
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Senior Pastor
Assistant Pastor
Ministry Assistant to Rev. Rudolph
Rachel Bragg
Ministry Assistant to Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Evelyn Dempsey
Adult Discipleship and Church Life Director
Cindy Pirtle
Ministry Assistant to Cindy Pirtle
Eileen O’Bryant
Community Outreach Ministries Director
Christina Bowden
Children’s Ministry (Weekday) Director
Michelle Asous
Children’s Ministry (Weekday) Asst. Director Janice Melcher
Children’s Ministry (Weekend) Co-Director
Kim Watson
Children’s Ministry (Weekend) Co-Director
Christi Priddy
Youth Ministries Director
Travis Berry
Youth Ministries Asst. Director
Larrisa Lucero
Music and Worship Director
Joseph Akers
Bells and Children’s Choir Director
Bonnie Hernandez
Operations Officer
Tommy Thompson
Mickey Martin
Kerbi Blake
Dan Rudolph
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I leave a phone message after hours?
You may leave the message with our answering service and we will get it the next day. If it is an emergency please
let the answering service know so they can contact us immediately.
How do I make a prayer request
Send email to You may also contact Ann Miller 281-444-6235 or Judith Humphrey
How do I sign up for childcare for a specific program, event, or ministry?
Contact Children’s Ministry at 281-378-4050 or send an email to
Please RSVP 48 hours prior to the event with a count and ages of the children.
How do I order a sermon CD/DVD?
Envelopes are available to place an order at the Welcome Desk, or contact Rachel Bragg, or
call 281-378-4040. Sermons are also available for free download at
How do I request reimbursement payments?
Request for payment forms can be found in the plastic bins outside room A110 near the Financial Administrator’s Office. Please fill out the form, attach the proper documentation and obtain the authorized signature, from Ministry
Staff, Elder, or Deacon. Return the form to Mickey Martin in her mailbox or office. Please indicate on the form whether you want your check mailed or held for pick-up. If you elect to pick up your check, you will be notified by phone
and/or email when it is ready. Contact Mickey Martin, or call 281-378-4040.
Who do I contact for Baptisms?
Rachel Bragg, or call 281-378-4040
Flowers for Sunday Worship?
Edna Gunn, or call 281-955-1033 or sign-up in the Flower Binder at the Welcome Desk
Rachel Bragg, or call 281-378-4040
Sandra Samoska, or call 832-326-5979
Scheduling Rooms?
Eileen O’Bryant at or call 281-731-2344.
Publication Announcements?
Bulletin - Newsletter -
Website or call Dan Rudolph 281-378-4040
*Deadlines for Bulletin announcements are at noon, the Wednesday before the service.
*Deadlines for Newsletter announcements are the 19th of each month.
How Do I Join Windwood
This class is for all who are interested in membership at Windwood Presbyterian Church. Classes are held
throughout the year - watch the bulletin and website for upcoming dates.
Why join Windwood? There are many congregations in our area where Jesus Christ is proclaimed
faithfully. We happily acknowledge those as our brothers and sisters in Christ. In fact, as a denomination,
the Presbyterian Church recognizes that there are many other “expressions” of the body of Christ in our
world. In other words, we affirm that you can be a Christian and be a member of the Catholic Church, the
Methodist Church, the Lutheran Church, the Episcopal Church, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Bible Churches and many more. If the theology matches those great affirmations of the early church councils
(exemplified in the Nicene Creed) the Presbyterian Church affirms them as valid expressions of the body of
Christ. The Presbyterian Church, and Windwood in particular, is not the only Church.
In this class, we will be looking at those things which we share in common with our brothers and sisters in
Christ throughout the world, and then also at some of those things upon which we cannot agree. In
addition, we will look at some of the things that we think are quite distinctive about this congregation that
calls itself Windwood. We hope after considering these things, you will feel called to join us in our family
of faith as we seek to be faithful to that calling that Christ has given His whole Church, and the special
calling He has given our congregation. Finding your place within this body is not just something we say,
but something we hope to do together. May God bless you in your commitment and involvement in
responding to His call to be a part of Windwood!
Contact Person:
Cindy Pirtle
Director of Adult Discipleship and Church Life
The Worship & Arts Council works with ministries involving music, drama, arts, communion, flowers and seasonal
decorating to bring glory to God on Sunday and special worship services.
Edna Gunn
Donna Daughdrill
Sr. Staff Liaison
Kevin Rudolph
281 378-4040
Saturday Night (The Encounter)
Sunday Morning
8:00 AM
5:35 PM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
WINDWOOD CHOIR (Chancel Choir)
We provide inspiring special music for our Sunday services, and provide a place for those who are musically inclined
to fellowship with one another. Music reading skills are not required; all are welcome. Rehearsals are Wednesday,
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM in the Choir Room. We serve at the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship services.
Contact Persons:
Joseph Akers
Linda Aldrich
Major events:
Maundy Thursday Service, Easter Sunday, Patriotic Sunday in July, Christmas Concert in December
This music group rehearses weekly and leads the congregation in our “contemporary” worship songs. We also learn
and provide special music on Sunday morning services.
Contact Person:
Joseph Akers
The Encounter offers a more contemporary atmosphere, where we can praise the God who is worthy of all our praise!
The Encounter service is offered every Saturday night at 5:35 PM in the Worship Center.
The Windwood Bells are a medium/advanced group that rings several times a year for the worship service. Our regular rehearsal times are Wednesdays at 6:15 PM. in the Worship Center. New ringers with some experience are always welcome to join us.
Contact Person:
Bonnie Hernandez
Flowers for our church services are provided by members and friends of the congregation. We encourage them to
donate arrangements for their own special occasions (such as birthdays, anniversaries, or in memory of a loved one).
After the 11:00 AM service, they may take the flowers home or designate them for delivery to a local nursing home.
The sign-up book for flowers is at the Welcome Desk. Opportunities for donating Easter lilies and Christmas poinsettias are available seasonally.
Contact Person:
Edna Gunn
Our job is to serve the congregation through sound, video, and recording. We meet as needed. If you are interested,
or if you have experience in audio/video production, please contact the E-Media Team.
Contact Person:
Craig Aldrich
The decorating team provides seasonal beauty to the Atrium and Worship Center during Easter and Christmas.
Volunteers are needed during these exciting times of the year.
Contact Person:
Edna Gunn
Ushers are needed at every worship service to pass out bulletins, assist with the offering, locate seating, set-up baptismal needs, serve those with special needs and many other essential tasks to provide a smooth worship experience.
Contact Person:
Will Bowden
The Communion Guild provides a meaningful communion experience by preparing the communion elements and
coordinating the servers. As part of the Worship & Arts Council, the Guild meets on the second Tuesday of every
month at 7:00 PM.
Contact Person:
Nan Brown
Kid's Ministry partners with families in loving kids, growing like Jesus, and sharing God's love. We are all about kids, with various programs & activities that help our kids stand with the strength & confidence needed to be a believing child of God in today’s
world. We begin by teaching our kids about God and then guide them in developing a personal relationship with Jesus through
prayer, praise and bible study.
This team prays and plans for the Children of Windwood. We meet on the second Friday of each month at 9:30am in Room A125.
Sandy Smith
Bitsa Romer
Kim Watson, Co-Director of Weekend Kid’s Ministry
Christi Priddy, Co-Director of Weekend Kid’s Ministry
Michelle Asous, Director of Weekday Kid’s Ministry
Kid’s Ministry Staff:
On Saturday evenings, children from birth through 5 th grade are invited to experience God’s Word
through storytelling, drama, crafts, games & music during the 5:30 pm Worship Service.
Faith Explorers: Our youngest children (birth through 4 years old) explore their new world and begin
their journey with Jesus Christ. Our children will feel the love of Jesus through excellent caregivers
who share God with the children through their love for the Lord and through exciting activities. The
children will also enjoy and participate in praise and worship while they learn biblical truths in large
group activities. Our precious infants will be able to hear and feel the love of Christ through the nursery guides who love the Lord and His youngest children.
Faith Discoverers & Faith Builders: All children, from kindergarten through 5th grade, are invited to
experience God’s Word through storytelling, drama, crafts, games & music. Children will foster relationships through small group activities and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Children
will learn to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others. Sunday Adventures begins at 9:25 am.
Children who arrive prior to 9:25 am can be dropped off at the large pop-up area. Faith Discoverers (K3rd Grade) and Faith Builders (4th & 5th Grade).
Children’s Message & J.A.M (Jesus and Me) at 11:00 am: Children Kindergarten through 5th grade
are invited to join us in the Worship Center for the children’s message, then invited to join us for a
J.A.M. packed thirty minutes of worship and relationship building through small group activities. Pickup is in the children’s building – room C112.
On Wednesday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Infants through 5th graders will enjoy fun activities while
learning to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Drop off is in the Children’s Building.
Through being a part of the Children’s Choir, children will learn how to lead and participate in worshiping and making music in
various ways.
Bonnie Hernandez
The Adventure Preschool
Welcome to The Adventure Preschool where all children are cherished and loved for the unique individuals God created them to be. At The Adventure Preschool we are committed to daily convey and teach the love of Christ in all
activities and to lay a biblical foundation for Christian living within the heart of every child who walks into our classrooms.
Our program is an early childhood setting which offers comfort, security, support and affirmation. Our teachers in all
age levels exhibit genuine and caring attitude for young children. Through their actions and words they show kindness, respect, and an appreciation for each child. You will find them giving frequent hugs and much praise and encouragement to each child. Your family attitudes have a far-reaching effect on the educations of your young child.
For this reason, our teachers consider you, as the parent, a part of our educational team. Parents are welcome to help
and be involved.
We will share with your child the wonders of God’s world and the love of Christ as we guide them through hands-on
Contact Persons:
Michelle Asous, Director
Janice Melcher, Assistant Director
The Adventure Preschool serves children 3months through Pre-K (4 year olds). The hours of this program are 9:00
AM until 2:30 PM. (Extended hours from 7:15 AM to 6:00 PM)
This program is Monday through Friday from 7:15 AM to 9:00 AM and from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM operating the
same days as the Adventure Preschool, Windwood Christian Academy and Summer Camps. Summer Camp hours are
8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Summer Camp is a program that runs during the summer months. Registration is required. Camp hours are from
9:00 AM - 2:30 PM. (Extended hours 8:00 AM to 6:00PM)
This conference is for teachers and administrators who work in private, church-based Christian schools. PTAC will
be held Tuesday thru Thursday, July 26th-28th of 2016 and Saturday January 28th of 2017. Registration is required.
Kardia Christian Academy (KCA)
Kardia, Transition through 5th grade, is a neo-classical school that will help
children grow and learn in a natural fashion that is not so focused on academics
that elementary school children end up with multiple standardized tests and hours
of homework each night. Rather, education is a lifelong process of engaging in the relationship with God,
with people, and with the universe He created. Growing in wisdom and virtue and not merely knowledge and
power requires a balance of cognitive, spiritual, emotional, and social development. The Neo-classical
approach addresses this balance.
Kardia Christian Academy 281-378-4050
Kim Watson, Provost
Kazon Campbell, Head of School
School Hours 8:15 AM-3:15 PM
Devotions every day & Chapel on Wednesdays
KCA offers Enrichment Classes in the afternoons:
Bible, Music, P.E., Spanish, Art and Band.
The name Kardia is the Gr eek wor d for hear t. Our New Testament was wr itten in the Gr eek language so
Biblically speaking the heart was the seat of the will, the mind and the passions (desires and emotions). Knowing the
love of God is by far the most important lesson, but God would also have us grow in wisdom and virtue, knowledge
and skills to live this life in abundance of joy. Toward that end, Kardia Christian Academy seeks to pr ovide a
school where all knowledge and learning are done with the recognition that the God of the scriptures really exists and
calls us according to His purpose. Real education is Christian education and all subjects must be taught in the light of
the God who created, sustains, and directs our world.
Our teachers embody Christian values; honor each child as an individual while implementing a comprehensive
academic program including language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Our students grow in confidence
and self-assurance as teachers display and celebrate work, applaud performance and encourage classroom participation. We believe that children can best acquire a rich body of knowledge and the skills needed for future learning
through a curriculum that is imaginative, developmentally appropriate and continuously developing.
Youth Ministries
The Rock Youth Ministries @ Windwood
“Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” -Psalm 61:2
Who We Are
The Rock Youth Ministries is a group of Jr. High and Sr. High students who seek to know God
more. Together, we seek to understand God’s Word and live it out. We are committed to loving
God with all we have, and loving others as ourselves (Matt. 22: 37-40).
What We Do
Special Events and Mission Trips throughout the year.
Wednesday Nights:
Jr. High Journey (6:30-8pm) is a time for J r . High students to get together , play games, wor ship God, and hear God ’s
Word! Journey band practice runs from 5-6pm and dinner is free for students involved.
Sr. High Bible Study (6:30-8pm) is a time for Sr . High students to dive into God ’s Word and discuss to apply the teachings of
Scripture to their daily lives.
Sunday Mornings:
Sunday School (9:30-10:40am) is a time for both J r . High and Sr . High students to wor ship God and study
God’s Word. We all gather in the Rock building around 9am to hang out then together we worship God. After worship
we split the Jr. Highers and Sr. Highers and dive into the Scriptures.
Sunday Nights:
Sr. High Six10 (6:10-7:30pm) is a time for Sr . High students to fellowship with each other , wor ship together , and hear a
relevant message on God’s Word together! Six10 band practice runs from 5pm-6pm with free dinner for those students involved.
How to Stay Connected
There are many ways to stay connected to what is happening at The Rock. Please check out our website (, read
the Windwood Newsletter, get the Summer Calendar, or sign up to receive text message updates.
For Jr. High Parents Text Updates
text: @jrhparent
to: 81010
For Sr. High Parents Text Updates
text: @srhparent
to: 81010
For Jr. High Students Text Updates
text: @jrhighs
to: 81010
For Sr. High Students Text Updates
text: @srhighs
to: 81010
For more information please email, text, or call us!
Travis Berry, Director
Larissa Lucero, Assistant Director
Youth Ministry Elder:
Aaron Samoska
Grow: Adult
The Church is called to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. The Adult Discipleship Council’s (ADC) goal is
to provide educational opportunities and fellowship connections for equipping members of Windwood Presbyterian
Church. Our council oversees Adult Education, Small Groups Ministry, Membership Classes, Curriculum, Leadership Training, and Special Events.
ADC provides educational offerings such as classes and seminars focusing on the basic disciplines of the faith, apologetics, theology, Bible study and courses for discerning one’s own calling in carrying out The Great Commission.
Small Groups provide fellowship connections as well as opportunities to explore many of these areas.
Jeff Cregg
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Cindy Pirtle
Mid Week Studies
Adult Sunday School
Small Groups
Lent in the Living Room
Right Now Media
Adult Discipleship
Helping you GROW closer to GOD
Adult Sunday School
CONTAGIOUS CHRISTIANITY—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Room A126
Scripture commands each of us as believers to engage the world and “make disciples” (Matthew 28). Windwood’s
“Contagious Christianity” offering helps equip class members to fulfill this command. Our studies are biblically based
and cover multiple sources (Books of the Bible, Topical, Video Series…). We welcome visitors each and every
week. Woven throughout our class time is the opportunity to strengthen class community through prayer and
fellowship. Be Contagious!
Contact Persons:
Ron Hinn
Kathy Lee
FAMILY FOUNDATIONS—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Room A125
Our purpose is to build strong families by engaging parents in studies on marriage, parenting, Biblical topics, and
spiritual growth. We also participate in mission projects and sponsor family-oriented social events
and retreats.
Contact Persons:
Harold Merkel
Jeff Cregg
THE PRESENT WORD—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Room A128
Discussion oriented, in-depth study of the Bible book-by-book, alternating between Old and New
Testament, using nationally published Presbyterian curriculum.
Contact Person:
Charlie Cox
SALVATION HISTORY—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Room A124
This Adult Sunday School Class is an in-depth study of the Bible. The class features scripture readings, commentary
analysis, tie-ins to other scripture and applications to our daily lives.
Contact Person:
Dennis Samoska
Phil Robertson
THE COLONY OF HEAVEN—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Room A120
This class is for everyone, but to be honest, all of us are college-age to mid-thirties. For the next few months we will
be looking at how the Lord uses the gifts He has given us in work, family and the community. Come
ready to laugh a lot, the Lord has gifted humor to many members of the current class.
Contact Person:
Aaron Samoska
CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS—Sunday at 9:30 a.m.—Conference Room
.Our studies are biblically based and cover multiple sources (Books of the Bible, Topical, Video Series…).
Contact Person:
Tamara Willer
Begins September 14
Dinner 6:00-6:30 pm
All Classes 6:30-8:00 pm
2016 Fall MIDWEEK
Begins September 14
Upcoming Classes
Senior Pastor’s Bible Study Led by Kevin Rudolph
Bible in 90 Days Led by Cindy Pirtle
Love and Respect Led by Renee and Bob Writt
Women’s Bible Study : “Armor of God” by Priscilla Shire Led by Bitsa Romer
Men’s Bible Study Led by Brent Blake
Divorce Care Led by Stella King
Financial Peace Led by Marty Lisk
Other Adult Bible Studies Through Out the Week
Men’s Bible Study at 6:30 PM
Contact Person:
Brent Blake
Bible Study Fellowship at 6:55 PM
For more information go to
Contact: Person
Suzanne Wells
Every other Thursday
Collected Eclectics at 10:00 AM
Current Study: “Jesus in the Old Testament”
Contact Person:
Rogna Hilton
2 nd Fridays
Women’s Circle 2 at Noon
A Circle is a small group of women with different personalities, interests, and talents who share a common
loyalty to Christ and His Church. Circles are planned to lead women into deeper spiritual growth through
Bible study, prayer and fellowship.
Current Study: “Twelve Ordinary Men”by John MacArthur
Upcoming Study: “Case for Grace” by lee Strobel
Contact: Persons:
Ann Miller
Donna Odom
Acts 2:42 Small Groups
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking
of bread and to prayer.” - Acts 2:42
Do you want to know others from Windwood? Would you like to learn how the scriptures relate to your everyday life
and grow in your relationship with God? Do you want encouragement, support, and good friends? If you answered
“yes” to any of these questions, then an Acts 2:42 Group is for you!
An Acts 2:42 Group is a type of small group that focuses on the relational and spiritual growth of its members. Much
like the early church gatherings, Acts 2:42 Groups often meet in homes and include sharing our lives (and good food!)
with one another. They offer a warm and inviting atmosphere for group members to learn about the teachings of the
Bible with people they grow to trust, love, and enjoy. Typically, groups consist of 5-12 people.
Acts 2:42 Groups foster authentic Christian community where Windwood’s vision can become a reality: “We exist to
reflect the whole heart of God to a world loved by God.”
In line with the scripture, Acts 2:42 Groups devote themselves to four primary components:
1) Bible study (“the Apostles’ teaching”)
2) Fellowship
3) Food (“the breaking of bread”)
4) Prayer
Often, as a group grows and matures, a desire to reach out to others develops. This can happen through meeting specific
needs in the church or community, through mission and service projects, and through mentoring of new groups.
Acts 2:42 Groups identify a Group Coordinator and Facilitator. The Coordinator is responsible for recording and communicating the group’s name, roster, meeting time, location, and openings with group members and the Small Group
Support Team. The Facilitator maintains and develops the relational and spiritual life of the group by guiding the
group’s interactions, activities, ministry, and life together. The Coordinator and Facilitator are connected and communicate with the Small Group Support Team.
The Small Group Support Team is available to answer any questions and connect you with a group. For more information or to get involved, please contact:
Contact Persons:
Ann Knott
Sr. Staff Liaison
Cindy Pirtle
Windwood’s Current Small Groups
1st & 3rd Mondays
Ridenour Home
Rotating Homes
Prayerful Stitchers Judith Humphrey
Prayer Group
Group Name
Ann Miller
Meredith Ridenour
Dennis Samoska
John and Jeanne
Group Leader
Contact Phone
Contact Email
1:30 pm
4:30 pm
4th Sunday
11:00 am –12:pm
2nd Monday
Jody Chouinard
Prayerful Quilters
Men’s Prayer
4th Mondays
Collected Eclectics Rogna Hilton
Crossroads Young Aaron Samoska
Bill Rodgers
Maribeth Ramer
Samoska’s Home
Truth Seekers
Ron & Jean Hinn
Rotating Homes
John Sabey
Rotating Homes
Martinez’ Home
6:10 am
Every Other Thursdays
2nd&4th Fridays
1 Saturday a Month
Social Groups
Social Groups
These groups are made up of 10 to 45 people who have something in common, be it age, gender, life
situation or a special interest. As a large group they share the Word of God, prayer and companionship.
Windwood has many of these groups and are always looking for ideas to form new ones. These groups are
supported by the Church Life Council.
Sheryl Cooke
Jami Taylor
Sr. Staff Liaison
Cindy Pirtle
The purpose of CLC is to promote the many church-wide activities in the Windwood community with the opportunity to fellowship together through church-wide events, targeted gatherings, and coordinated ministry events,. Church
Life Council is a place for people to share their God-given talents of cooking (and cleaning), event planning, organizing and executing for fun-filled events that allow us to connect one body.
Sheryl Cooke
Jami Taylor
Sr. Staff Liaison
Cindy Pirtle
Social Groups
55 Plus Group (Young at Heart)
A diverse group (age 55 and over) who love life and the Lord! Our focus is on fellowship and support, with an
average attendance of around 30 for each event. Major events: Bi-monthly breakfast at Denny's (249 and Gessner),
monthly bus trips and quarterly luncheons.
Contact Persons:
Ann Knott
Marion Darnell
Southern Comfort
A ministry serving our God of all comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). Southern Comfort provides a way to connect or
reconnect at Windwood with Christian fellowship. Fun games and food, meeting at 1:00 p.m. on the third Thursday
of each month. Bring a snack to share, newcomers are welcome!
Contact Person:
Mike Schloz
Bridge Group
We are a group of card playing enthusiasts who meet 8 times a year to socialize and play bridge. Members take
turns providing snacks. Meets at 7pm at Windwood on the second Saturday of the month (summers excluded)
Contact Person:
Maribeth Ramer
New group forming soon. Watch the bulletin for more details. If interested please call or email.
Contact Person:
Sheryl Cooke
Aggie Whoop!!
Come join your fellow Aggies watch the out of town televised games and share in the excitement of Aggie games.
Contact Persons:
Toby Priddy
Jeff Garrison`
Christian Songwriters in the Round and Coffeehouse Fellowship
This a small group of Christian songwriters that meet monthly for review and critique original works. Coffeehouse
Fellowship are quarterly events featuring area Christian musicians and their original works.
Contact Person:
John Ebdon
Prayerful Stitchers
This group of ladies knits prayer shawls that are given to church members and friends of church members who
are hospitalized. Prayer shawls and chemo caps are given to cancer patients at the Ronald McDonald House and
MD Anderson. The ladies also knit children’s sweaters which are sent to Knit for Kids sponsored by Guideposts
and are distributed to needy children around the world. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month
1:30 - 3:00 p.m. in room A128.
Contact Person:
Judith Humphrey
Prayerful Quilters
The Quilters make Baptismal quilts for our newest family members. They also make pillowcase dresses and
washcloths for Living Waters Mission trips. They meet on the fourth Monday of each month from 10am to
12pm in room A128.
Contact Persons:
Judith Humphrey
Jody Chouinard
Gardening Group
Do you love dirt, plants, trees and mulch? Want to share knowledge of your favorites, share plant stories and favorite tools, tour member gardens, enjoy God’s creation with other Windwood folks? Saturday mornings, once a
Contact Person:
Kathryn Martinez
Restorative Yoga
Restorative Yoga is based on deep breathing and gentle relaxed poses. All poses are sitting and perfect for any skill
level. Meets weekly on Wednesday Mornings at 9:15 in A126 (Some dates excluded.)
Contact Person:
Christina Bowden
Fishers of Men
We love to fish! Quarterly ‘tournaments” with Christian fishermen. New group forming. Watch bulletin for more
details. If interested please call or email.
Contact Person:
John Rudinger
Co-Ed Volleyball
Get some exercise, have fun, and fellowship with friends.! Come join us for CO-ED Volleyball from 4pm –6pm
every Sunday afternoon in the gym. Childcare is provided.
Contact Person:
Aaron Samoska
Dancing with the Bates
Meets every Friday Night at 7:30pm in the Windwood gym.
Contact Persons:
Chris and Debi Bates
Social Groups
Father Son Campout
Yearly campout for Fathers and Sons.
This year’s date is February 5th-7th, 2016 at Camp Tejas in Giddings, Texas
Contact Person:
Will Bowden
Father Daughter Campout
Yearly campout for Fathers and Daughters
March 18th-20th, 2016 at Camp Tejas in Giddings, Texas
Contact Person:
Rory Rut
40 Below
“20s, 30s,and early 40s, and even the young at heart (we won’t judge) come join us for fellowship and fun as
we do life together and embrace these crazy times!”
Contact Persons:
Stella King
Becky Berry
2016 Events
Bowling Night (Adult)
Drive-In Movie (Family)
Egg Dying (Family)
Progressive Dinner (Adult)
Minute to Win It (Family)
Family Outdoor Adventure (Family)
Dinner and Dancing (Adult)
Open Gym (Family)
Adult Night Out (Adult)
Pumpkin Decorating (Family)
Murder Mystery (Adult)
Brain Bowl (Adult)
Social Groups
Women’s Ministry
Our heart’s desire is to reflect the whole heart of God as we grow in relationship together, knowing and supporting
each other. Our mission is to help women know and love the LORD Jesus Christ through Bible study, fellowship and
outreach opportunities, helping to equip women to reflect the whole heart of God to a world
loved by God.
We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith,
your labor prompted by love, and your endurance
inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 1:3
The Women’s Ministry Team meets monthly. Our team creates an atmosphere of love, support, and encouragement
for women to grow as disciples of Christ through various ministry opportunities.
Women’s Ministry Leadership Contacts:
Meredith Ridenour
Bitsa Romer
Lizzy Rocha
Nanina Ferguson
Sandra Samoska
Jane Fritz
Sr Staff Liaison :
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
We currently offer 2 different Bible studies one on Wednesday mornings at 9:15 a.m. and the other on Wednesday
evening at 6:30 p.m. There is free childcare for both studies.
Watch the bulletin and website for more details.
We offer various fellowship events – please see our calendar of events on the website.
Circle is a small group of women with different personalities, interests, and talents who share a common loyalty to
Christ and His Church. Circles are planned to lead women into deeper spiritual growth through Bible Study, prayer
and fellowship. Circle 2 meets on the third Friday of each month at 12:00 p.m. in the Seminar Room (A128).
Contact Persons:
Donna Odom (Circle 2)
Ann Miller (Circle 2)
Social Groups
Men’s Ministry
Man to Man serves the men of Windwood with opportunities for spiritual enrichment, fellowship and service to
the church and community. Our mission is to create an environment in which the spirit of God will empower
men, through relationships with other men, to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ, and thus honor God, serve their
families, and minister to others in our church and community.
Contact Persons:
Dennis Samoska
John Rudinger
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Several men’s Bible study groups are in progress. One groups meet every Monday evening — at 6:30 p.m. in Room
A124 an Another group meets Wednesday mornings at 6:05 a.m. in Holy Grounds.
Contact Persons:
Brent Blake (Monday evening 6:30 pm)
John Sabey (Wednesday morning 6:05 am)
Anytime is a great time to gather and fellowship around a barbeque pit. Men get together to
help with the preparation, cooking, slicing, serving and eating of some really great barbeque.
Contact Persons:
Dennis Samoska
John Rudinger
Serving Opportunities
First Impressions
The First Impressions ministry is devoted to helping guests feel comfortable and welcome at
Windwood. On Sunday mornings, greeters at Windwood’s doors and hosts at the Welcome Center,
throughout the atrium and at the Holy Grounds café offer friendly greetings and answer questions for guests and
members alike. Training materials are available to enable volunteers to feel comfortable in their roles. It’s easy to be
a part of this fun ministry. Just sign up to fill one of the positions on Windwood’s website or at the Welcome Desk.
We hope to see YOUR smiling face as a First Impressions team member on Sunday morning!
Ray Moore
Kerbi Blake
Wednesday Night Dinner Team
The Wednesday Night Dinner Team is responsible for providing the wonderful meals
enjoyed by our Windwood family before Midweek classes. The team prepares and
serves the food, then help clear the tables after. If you have a heart for cooking, serving, or even cleaning please consider joining this vital team for our church family.
Dennis Samoska
Senior Staff:
Cindy Pirtle
Serving Opportunities
Partners in Ministry Council (PIM)
The Partners in Ministry Council works with other ministries in our community to advance the Kingdom of God.
We oversee these relationships by administering financial commitments, providing volunteers, and developing
programs and events to benefit the ministries.
Dennis Samoska
Evelyn Dempsey
Senior Staff: Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Boys & Girls Country
About: Boys and Girls Country has changed the lives of over 1200 children in the greater Houston area since
its founding in 1971. It nurtures up to 88 children each year on its main campus in loving Christian home environments, raising them to become self-sustaining and contributing adults. Each resident lives in a cottage
with trained house parents and attends public school. Whether a resident for one year or many years, each child receives strong support for
their academic, athletic, and social achievement as well as training and counseling that respects their unique needs and family circumstances.
Get Involved: With over 100 children and young adults, we need all the help we can get! Here's how you can be a part of the big family that
raises children: make a personal monetary gift or a gift of stock., provide gifts of food, personal care items, or household furnishings, donate
livestock that may be processed for food or converted to cash, and volunteer your time and talent to help improve the quality of life for our children.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up with what's going on at our Home! And invite your friends to follow us too! For more information visit:
Cypress Assistance Ministries
About: a faith based organization that serves individuals and families in financial crisis, those on the brink of homelessness,
the elderly, the unemployed and anyone that needs hope for a better future. Our goal is to restore our neighbors, regardless
of religious or ethnic background, to self sufficiency
Get Involved: We simply could not run CAM without our volunteers! There are many opportunities to volunteer including a beautiful resale shop, a very busy donation area, a food pantry, and an assistance office. Whatever your talent, whatever your time frame, CAM would be very grateful to have you! For more information visit:
Care-Net Pregnancy Center
About: Founded in 1975, Care Net supports one of the largest networks of pregnancy centers in North
America and runs the nation’s only real-time call center providing pregnancy decision coaching.
Vision - Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
Mission - Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to
anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of
pregnancy centers, organizations, and individuals.
Get Involved: Care Net Pregnancy Center affiliates follow the guidelines of "Serving with Care and Integrity" - a biblically-based curriculum
that trains peer counselors to listen to clients without passing judgment, and offers a full range of parenting options to help clients make informed decisions.
Even if you can’t devote the time necessary for this training, there is always something you can do to help. For more info visit:
Serving Opportunities
Habitat for Humanity
About: Habitat for Humanity NWHC is an ecumenical nonprofit interfaith ministry bringing the community
together to build decent, affordable homes for all God’s people in need. We achieve our mission in partnership
through: Faith – our foundation, Volunteers – our walls, Donors – our roof, and Families – our heart
.Get Involved: To volunteer or donate please visit:
Mission of Yahweh
About: We are a faith-based shelter located in Houston, Texas that empowers, enriches and restores the lives
of homeless women and children and provides outreach services to low income families in our neighborhood.
Get Involved: The Mission is a volunteer-based homeless shelter for women and children. We always need
dedicated individuals and groups, who want to experience God working amongst his people, and want to make a difference in others' lives.
"Volunteer Tag Teams" are created to allow you to reach out and affect other's lives...and in the process, change your own! For more information visit:
Presbyterian Children’s Home and Services
About: Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS) provides Christ-centered care
and support for struggling children and families. Over the past 110 years, we’ve created programs that greatly improve children’s lives – enabling their recovery from abuse, abandonment, and other forms of neglect. We also reach out
and work closely with their parents, some of whom struggle with drug and/or alcohol addiction, unemployment, poverty, depression, and other
obstacles to healthy parenting.
Get Involved: There are many types of volunteers needed from tutoring to maintenance . For more information please visit:
Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries
About: Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (T.E.A.M.) is a nonprofit organiTomball Emergency Assistance Ministries
zation formed in 1985 by thirteen local Tomball churches to help needy, low-income
families of the Tomball area with short-term assistance.
Get Involved: TEAM is supported solely by the donations from the member churches and the community. TEAM does not receive any government funds. Proceeds from the resale shop are used to support the food pantry and utilities program. Special Annual Programs include: Back
to School Drive, Thanksgiving Food Drive, and Christmas “Adopt a Family”. For more information please visit:
Shield-Bearer Counseling Center
About: Since 2006, Shield-Bearer has been in the trenches on the front lines
in the battle for healthy relationships, strong marriages, healthy families
and strong communities. We believe that strong communities are built by
healthy families and that healthy families have their strongest link in the marriage relationship.
Get Involved: Want to be a Shield-Bearer Soldier, contact or attend an upcoming volunteer training at our community breakfasts. Every month Shield-Bearer hosts a
Community Breakfast during which we share the story about how Shield-Bearer began and what God is doing through us today. We also share
updated information regarding volunteer opportunities. We encourage everyone who has interest in volunteering or working at Shield-Bearer
to join us for this informative and interactive event.
Serving Opportunities
TOMAGWA Ministries Medical Clinic
About: TOMAGWA is a Christian ministry that, by the Grace of God and in response to
the Love of Jesus, provides quality health care, offers hope and restores dignity to uninsured, low-income families and individuals in the Tri-County region of Harris, Montgomery and Waller Counties.
This year, our desire is to Share the Love of Jesus, with our patients, with our volunteers, with our whole community. You have an essential
part in that sharing! You can pray, you can volunteer, and you can share some of the resources, which God has poured out on you, to help those
in our community who are in need.
Get Involved: Are you looking for a rewarding way to give back and make a difference in someone's life? Are you looking for a way to show
the spirit of love to all?
1. Ambassador – flexible schedule – an Ambassador is someone that has a passion for TOMAGWA and will invite some of their friends to
take a tour of the clinic. There’s no pressure at the tour to donate; it’s to familiarize people that don’t know anything about us with the mission
and ministry.
Patient Greeter – morning or afternoon – once trained, it could be a regular position or a substitute position
Power point expert to work on a monthly video to be shown in the lobby for patients.
Creative /Communications expert to put together the information for the monthly video. #3 and #4 could be one person or could be
more than one person. Involves gathering information from different areas of the clinic.
For more information visit:
Northwest Assistance Ministries
About: Serving in a spirit of humility and charity, we enable people toward independence while respecting racial, cultural, and religious differences. Via our collaborative effort with Houston area congregations, community partners, donors and volunteers, resources are pooled and leveraged to meet basic
needs and to help individuals regain their self-sufficiency, thereby creating a safer and more stable community for all.
Get Involved: NAM could not do what it does without volunteers. It’s as simple as that. More than 2,700 people serve NAM on a regular
basis. They are young and old, Girl Scouts and engineers, young moms and great-grandfathers. They bring experiences and expertise as varied as the world around us, and put those skills to work in hundreds of roles. There’s a place for you at NAM as well. You have a unique contribution to make, because no one else has your same blend of experiences, skills, and personality. No one else is you. If you feel the tug and
would like to get involved, please give us a call. We would love to explore the unique ways you can extend help to a neighbor in a way they
will remember forever. To volunteer for any program at NAM, please contact:
Ebony Kimble at (281) 885-4604.
Meals on Wheels
About: NAM's (Northwest Assistance Ministries) Meals on Wheels (MOW) home-delivered meals program offers services to homebound seniors and individuals who are homebound because of illness or
disability Often these neighbors in need are “invisible” because they cannot leave their homes. Such
neighbors are sometimes without family or friends to visit or care for them. NAM’s MOW program ensures that homebound individuals receive a hot, nutritious meal each weekday and a visit from a caring volunteer. For many MOW recipients, this is the highlight of their day.
MOW provides so much more than a hot lunch. The program provides reassurance and a friendly smile to those who can no longer cook for
themselves or leave their homes. Providing hot, well-balanced meals and other nutritional services helps program participants maintain or
improve their health, preserve and support independence and prevent premature or unnecessary institutionalization.
Get Involved: Route drivers and other volunteers are always needed. Visit:
Care Ministries
Blood Drive
This group hosts 6 blood drives each year. Our yearly goal is to provide coverage for all of Windwood’s
congregation and our community.
Contact Person:
Marty Lisk
Tomball ISD Mentor
A mentor is a friend who builds a child’s trust and self-esteem through a one-on-one relationship for 30 minutes to
an hour each week at the school.
Contact Person:
Ray Ramer
Christ’s Hands and Feet
This group assists members and families during times of personal need by providing meals, transportation, or
other necessary support. Volunteers provide these services on a temporary basis. Referrals are phoned in or
e-mailed to the coordinator.
Contact Persons:
Rob McLaren
Bev Cummings
Newborn Ministry
Our job is to give congratulations and lend support to our Family of Faith members after the delivery of their
new baby.
Contact Person:
Sandra Samoska
Staff Liaisons for Care Ministries
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan (Assistant Pastor)
Evelyn Dempsey (Ministry Assistant)
Care Ministries
Biblical Counseling Service
This ministry serves the emotional and spiritual needs of our family of faith and the surrounding community. Utilizing the protocols of Hope for the Hurting Home (HHH), the Counseling Team seeks to assist in
the healing of marriage, families, and individual.
The Counseling Team Includes:
Tad Bodeman
John and Jeanne Duhon
Marty and Toni Lisk
Evelyn Dempsey
Senior Staff Liaison: Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Daisy Roe
Memorial Reception Committee
The purpose of this committee is to provide refreshments for fellowship following a funeral or memorial
service. This committee is made of our women’s circle and any other members who may wish to aid in this
service for the bereaved family and friends.
Contact Persons:
Norma Draper
Carol Woods
Dee McDivitt
Nan Brown
Donna Odom
Ann Miller
Edna Gunn
Jody Chouinard
Nita Hale
Dot Everett
Memorial Garden & Columbarium
Our beautiful garden is open to all members of Windwood for prayer and meditation. The Columbarium is a
wall designed for the cremated remains of loved ones who have passed to the “church triumphant”. All members
of Windwood and their families are welcome to inquire about the use of the wall.
Contact Persons:
Lynda Davis
Tommy Thompson
Care Ministries
Prayer Groups and Prayer Chain
The Prayer Group is a vibrant gathering that encourages the growth of prayer at Windwood through various
outreaches. It is our privilege to pray for the needs of our church, country, community, members, their families
and friends. The group meets twice a month. The Prayer Chain members are in contact by telephone and e-mail
only. We also have a Prayer Parlor available.
Contact Persons:
Ann Miller
Judith Humphrey
Prayer e-mail address
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You
don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand
what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your
loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.
Contact Person:
Dell Burditt
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, is the world’s largest Christmas outreach of its
kind. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has delivered gift-filled shoeboxes to over 124 million children
affected by war, poverty, natural disasters, and other crises in more than 150 countries and territories. We
partner with local churches to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who receive shoebox gifts and offer a 12lesson discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, that helps boys and girls learn what it means to follow the Lord and
share their faith with others.
Shoebox drop-off begins Mid November
Contact Person:
Rick Bittner
Staff Liaisons for Care Ministries
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan (Assistant Pastor)
Evelyn Dempsey (Ministry Assistant)
Sharing God’s Word
Evangelism Council
The Outreach Council’s primary vision is to communicate the love of God in a way that leads people to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We meet the 2nd Monday of each month at noon.
Jody Boest
Staff Liaisons
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan (Assistant Pastor)
Evelyn Dempsey (Ministry Assistant)
Missions Council
The purpose of the Missions Council is to fulfill the Great Commission by supporting and equipping cross
-cultural missions both in the United States and abroad through prayer, financial support and communications
The primary focus areas are:
1.Increasing Awareness, Understanding, Acceptance and Commitment to missions at Windwood.
2. Providing an opportunity for intergenerational approaches to missions.
3. Providing an opportunity for adults to engage in different ways with missions at home and abroad.
Barbara Lowstetter
Staff Liaisons
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan (Assistant Pastor)
Evelyn Dempsey (Ministry Assistant)
Living Water International
About: Living Water International exists to demonstrate the love of God by helping communities acquire desperately needed clean water, and experience "living water"—the gospel
of Jesus Christ—which alone satisfies the deepest thirst. Our concern is for whole people—
physical and spiritual. We work with local churches wherever we find them, identify ways we
can be part of what God is already doing, and share the good news about Jesus in simple
ways—like telling stories and asking questions.
Prayer Requests and Getting Involved: The 783 Million People who lack access to Safe Water.~ Praise
that $1 Invested in Water and Sanitation yields $4 in recovered time, productivity and health care savings.~
Praise for the 14,352 Water Projects Completed in 26 countries since 1990.~ Windwood volunteers who
have participated in 12 water projects since 2008. That many more will find it in their hearts to help in the
future. Please consider going on a trip with Living Waters. For more information contact:
Rob McLaren
Athens Outreach
Mission: Unrest and war have caused many living throughout Africa, North Africa /
Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, and Eastern Europe to migrate seeking a better
life. Athens Greece has become the gateway into Europe. Due to the refugee and political
situation in Europe and Greece, many of those immigrants get trapped in Athens, unable to move into Europe and unable to return to their homeland. They are stuck. And lost. And a sense of despair sets in.
Since 2013, a number of Windwood members have responded to the Great Commission by going to Athens on short –term outreach mission trips, sharing Jesus with those immigrants seeking a better life. For
those of us who are already followers of Jesus, we know that He alone offers us the hope that is eternal. A
hope that frees us from our sins. A hope that brings us joy when we put our trust in Him.
Prayer Request and Getting Involved: Would you consider giving up a week of your time to serve the
Kingdom of God for His Glory by going with us? Or praying for our trip? Or giving to help cover the
costs? We are currently partnering with East-West Ministries and our next trip is September 16-25, 2016.
For more information please contact::
John Sabey
Missions Bangladesh (World Hope International): Michael and Henrietta Edward
Mission: God put a heavy burden on the hearts of the Edwards, members of Windwood, to move to Bangladesh at Satkhira where no evangelical church exists. There are 10 million unreached people, 20% Hindu and
80% Muslim in this area. The Edwards have reached 12 villages with approximately 8,000 people. Among these
people, 200 have accepted Christ as their Savior. In addition, the Edwards have established a Bible School for
new Christians to learn about the Word of God and to eventually plant new churches in the villages.
Prayer Requests: God will direct and guide them to build the Kingdom. People will hear the gospel, and they will accept Christ
as their personal Lord and Savior. For students in the Bible School to be equipped with the Word of God and witness in their
own villages. And that God will open the doors to plant churches in those villages.
Get Involved: If you feel God’s call to partner with Michael and Henrietta, please prayerfully consider the following—A commitment to pray for the Edward and a multi-year financial partner or a one time donation. For more information on how to help
please go to World Hope Ministries International at or:
World Hope Ministries International
P.O. Box 11808
Spring, TX 77391-1808
Church Resource Ministries :Bobby and Debbie Booze
Mission: Church Resource Ministries (CRM), “Working to Create More and Better Leaders for More and
Better Churches”. After more than 21 years serving as a church planters and leaders in, Budapest, Hungary,
the Booze family returned to the United States. Upon their return, they spent time seeking God about
whether they should return to Hungary or accept a new position with CRM. The result is, they moved
back to Greensboro, NC. Bobby now serves as Operations Director of the international work CRM is doing and they are humbled, honored, and privileged to be a part of this movement of God around the globe!
Prayer Requests: For Bobby’s position as Operations Director, as he learns where God is leading him, as well as, safety as they
both travel around the world.
Get Involved: Visit the CRM website for opportunities ranging from short-term exploration to internships and long-term
staff positions:
Address for cards or donations:
Church Resource Ministries
Bobby and Debbie Booze Support
1240 N. Lakewood Avenue, Suite 120
Anaheim, CA 92807
Witnessing Ministries of Christ: Dalit Children Adoption
Mission: There are about 19 million Dalit (formally “Untouchable”) Christians in India. Witnessing Ministries
of Christ, in association with Exodus Christian Presbyterian Church – India, offer scholarships for Dalit Christian children to receive a K-12 Classroom Education providing all books, daily lunches, and uniforms washed at
school. Nurses provide healthcare for the children and their families. Recently, WMC has expanded their services to offer an opportunity for college.
Prayer Requests: That they can continue to raise funds to offer the children an opportunity for college. That the Lord continues
to develop the faith and level of education to the ten pastor couples connected to the ministry. That more scholarships are funded
so more children may attend schools. There are over 2,000 children on our waiting list needing sponsorships. Praise that in spite
of the devastating poverty, parents contribute an amount equal to $1.50 per month.
Get Involved: For more information on how to help or to how to sponsor a child please go to: To
contribute to a Dalit child’s scholarship send money to Windwood Mission Council or the following address:
Witnessing Ministries of Christ
4717 N. Barton Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726-1119
Witnessing Ministries of Christ Philip Prasad
Mission: Philip Prasad was born into the Dalit class in India which is the lowest in the caste system. Dalits
face extreme cruelty and are denied access to education and many other basic services. Philip managed through
a series of blessings to receive education through high school and then a college education in the US to become
an ordained Presbyterian pastor. Philip founded Witnessing Ministries of Christ to help children born into this
horrific caste system.
Prayer Request: For Philip’s health, as he battles a difficult-to-treat Pseudomonas pneumonia. For WM to continue to run a
successful educational enterprise that attracts those in the society who do have resources. That they will tell the Exodus Story
well, inspiring new donations for the essential resources the Christians require to establish their ability to support their church,
educational system and outreach mission.
Get Involved: For more information on how to help please go to:
Address for sending cards or donations to the WMC:
Witnessing Ministries of Christ
4717 N. Barton Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726-1119
West Africa Theological Seminary
WATS is a non-denominational Christian seminary founded in Lagos, Nigeria in 1989 by Dr. Gary Maxey and a group of
Nigerian and expatriate Christian leaders to address a critical need for the Church in Africa – sound theological training
for local pastors and church leaders. Today, WATS has over 650 students on campus from 80 denominations, 40 native
language groups and 12 countries. There are over 2,000 graduates serving throughout West Africa and around the globe.
Mission: WATS is a non-denominational community of higher education that combines academic excellence and Christian spiritual formation to
prepare leaders who are transformed, equipped, and anointed by the Holy Spirit for spiritual awakening and holy living so that God’s mission can
be accomplished throughout Africa and beyond.
Prayers: Right now the seminary and the country need urgent prayers, as the Muslim north remains in turmoil with many Christians being killed
and persecuted by Islamic terrorist such as the Boko Haram. The economy, which relies heavily of Oil & Gas, is very depressed and poverty is
widespread. We are thankful for God’s provision and especially the generosity of our US friends, but most months we come up a bit short. Funds
for continuing student scholarships and staff payroll.
Get Involved: Windwood has been and continues to sponsoring scholarships for students at WATS, currently five scholarships of $100.00/month
supports a full time student.
A mission trip to visit WATS is being considered. For more information about West Africa Theological Seminary please to:
To give provide a donation towards a scholarship, Donations to WATS can be made through Windwood by writing Missions – WATS Donation in
the Memo section of your check.
Seminary Students of WATS
Frontiers Ministry : Jones Family
Mission: Frontiers’ missionaries to South Asia reach people for Christ through ongoing relationships by
demonstrating God’s power in our lives and sharing our faith.
After 11 years on the Asian Subcontinent, the Jones family has recently relocated to New York City to continue working with South Asian Muslims. This is one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the city, and
there are many challenges as they adjust to life there. They live mainly in concentrated neighborhoods, and
the Jones are living in one of those areas and continuing to reach out sharing Jesus in ways such as storytelling and starting Bible study discovery groups in homes with families.
Prayer Requests: Pray for many opportunities to share Jesus in their new Bangladeshi community and to bless their efforts to
communicate effectively with the Muslims in New York City.
Get Involved: For more information about the work of Frontiers, please go to:
Address for cards and donations to the Jones Mission:
Steven and Kristen Jones Frontiers—Kristin Jones
24-20 29H Street Apt 2
P.O. Box 60670
Queens, NY 11102
Phoenix, AZ 85082-0670
Taylor Global Consult: Bill and Yvonne Taylor
Mission: TGC exists to provide consultant wisdom and global connectivity to individuals, foundations,
churches and others who care, in order to leverage their impact in significant projects around the world.
- Select mentoring and personalized internships in global servant leadership;
- Writing: blog, articles, essays, books, editing work on books and journals;
- Speaking and teaching in areas of strength and experience;
- Opening doors global relational connectivity to veteran and tested cross-cultural leaders who are currently shaping the global
Christian agenda today.
Prayer Requests: Continued success in connecting the global body of Christ. Grappling with global missionlogical issues.
Starting and strengthening national missionary movements. Mobilizing new missionaries.
Get Involved: For more information about the work Taylor Global Consult does please go to
Address for cards and donations to the Taylor Mission:
Taylor Global Consultants
4807 Palasade Dr
Austin, TX 78739
Missionaries and Mission Fields
for which Windwood Mission Council provides one time donations and/or prayer support
Morrow Family – Aaron, Wendy, Micah, Emma Shae, and Mallory
The Morrow Family is committed to follow Jesus. They are presently living in North Carolina after a three year term in
Uganda and waiting on further marching orders. Pray for their future calling and for rest and growth in the Lord.
KidZ at Heart – Dr. Rick Chromey
KidZ at Heart is focused on equipping people to reach and teach kids for Christ in their own culture. Find out more or to
make donations visit
Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Budapest – Steve Johnson
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. Steve focuses his ministry through an Urban Discipleship Training School that is
housed in a coffee house along with many street outreach opportunities. Find out more or to make donations visit or Youth With A Mission, Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771. You can also contact Steve at
Connecting Groups
A ministry dedicated to the needs of individuals who are preparing for marriage, are currently
married, or are experiencing separation or divorce. We seek to provide support to individuals
and couples at all ages and stages of their relationship with the goal of nurturing Christian marriage and strengthening the body of Christ.
Contact Persons:
Paul & Lizzy Rocha
Marty & Toni Lisk
Renee Writt Tom & Stephanie Martens John & Jeanne Duhon
Sr. Staff Liaison
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Mission Statement: Reflecting the compassion of Jesus to the military and their families in heart, mind,
body and soul. Building relationships that help with service as we walk along side to support them in
times of need; with open minds, open hearts and open arms. This ministry meets once a month on the
3rd Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in room A124 Everyone is welcome to attend and participate. Please contact
us at
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought
captive to obey Christ”.
Contact Persons:
Joe Dempsey
Paul Marshall
Sr. Staff Liaison
Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Boards & Councils
The following are different committees, boards and councils that function to help the church and its people look for direction in
God’s plans for Windwood. They do not necessarily fall under Worship, Grow, or Share but are vital to Windwood. If you have
an interest or gift in one of these areas and are feeling God calling you to be involved, please contact the people listed in that
Stewardship Council
At Windwood we believe that God has gifted us all with a variety of talents and treasures that allow us, together, to make up the
body of Christ. While we take time every fall to celebrate the fact that God has decided to allow us to join with Him in His
work, at Windwood stewardship is integrated into everything we do and is a year round part of our personal ministries. The
breadth of this ministry directory is a testament to the treasure chest of people, talents, and treasure that God continues to pour
out on us. Learning to trust God is what stewardship is all about and Windwood offers a variety of Bible studies and small
groups to help each of us grow in our understanding of God, His character, and His trustworthiness. Additionally, Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University class has become an important way for each of us to learn God’s wisdom about becoming a steward of the financial blessings that God provides to us. At Windwood we believe that being a good steward of our time, talents,
and money is what each of us is called to and we are committed to helping our church family and our community understand
how to apply God’s word and experience the blessings He has promised each of us when we make stewardship a priority in our
daily lives. Each of you are encouraged to attend one of our upcoming Financial Peace University classes this year.
Ken Scholten
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Personnel Council
The Personnel Council is responsible for performance evaluations, job descriptions, developing budget recommendations for the
church staff, performing wage and salary surveys, and hiring support staff as required.
Tad Bodeman
Charlie Cox
Clerk of Session:
Larry Zajicek
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Boards & Councils
Finance Council
The Finance Council supports Windwood Presbyterian Church and its ministries in the areas of financial reporting and control,
planning, management and record keeping. The Council also prepares the congregation to be financially responsible stewards
and tithers. It provides leadership for the Financial Peace classes that teach members how to achieve financial peace in their
lives. The Finance Council reports to the Session on a monthly basis. The Council oversees the accounting for receipts and disbursements, preparation of financial statements, preparation of the budget, and review of insurance coverage. Council meetings
are held on the second to the last Tuesday of the month.
Debbie Haddix
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Property Council
The Property Council takes responsibility for all operational needs of the church including equipment, safety, upkeep, and improvements. In 2008, damage from Hurricane Ike became one of the major responsibilities of property council as we coordinated
repairs. If you would like to volunteer to help with property upkeep through set up/ tear down for events please contact members of Property Council or the church office.
Mike Sabotta
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Tommy Thompson
Boards & Councils
Community Outreach Ministry
Ministry Purpose Statement: This ministry has been created to glorify God and share the love of Christ through relationships with
the surrounding community through different outreach programs off campus, sports programs, property usage, and support in
healthy, properly prioritized programs and events. The mission is to impact them by being positive Christian role models while
strengthening their spirit, mind and body, and enriching their own personal walk with Christ.
Christina Bowden, Community Outreach Director
Kimberly Klopfenstein
Lizzy Rocha
At-Large Members: Julie Avey, Scott Peterson, Bob Hughes, Marc Chouinard, Jane Rut, and Brandi Emerson
Meetings: The 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the church.
Council is responsible for: All activities specifically related to reaching the community. This includes sport activities on the campus (Melvin Adam’s Basketball Camp, Children’s Soccer, Men’s Softball, Disc Golf Tournaments, Men’s Basketball), this also includes any short-term specialty camps for children, Outside Organization Rental, Northwest Houston Chamber of Commerce relationships and Events, Building partnerships with outside groups (Lone Star College University Park, Methodist Willowbrook Hospital, Sheriff’s Homeless Outreach Team (HOT)), and the ARK Program (Adults Relating to Kids).
Boards & Councils
Higher Courts Council
Higher Courts Council is divided into two branches:
Denomination Issues: Working on denominational issues of theology, building relationships with other congregations, and dealing with issues and fillings required by Presbytery and Synod.
Godly Citizenship: Providing trusted sources that should allow Kingdom Principles
to be applied to politics.
Tad Bodeman
Jim Willimann
Sr. Staff Liaison:
Kevin Rudolph
Godly Citizenship
The Houston Area Pastor Council was founded in 2003 by a group of thirteen pastors as a trans-denominational, inter-racial coalition of senior
pastors who came together to bring a united, Biblical voice to the city, state and even nation. It has grown to over 200 senior pastors in the
greater Houston area as well as assisted in developing Pastor Councils in Austin, Beaumont, Sacramento, Virginia Beach and other cities around
the country, birthing the identity of U.S. Pastor Council and Texas Pastor Council to connect those teams of pastors.
It achieved national prominence when Houston’s Mayor Parker, in defense of the “Equal Rights Ordinance” tried to subpoena the sermons and
personal communications with church members of those pastors who had participated in getting signatures to permit voting on the ordinance
by Houston voters. As it turned out, because of the Houston Area Pastor Council, this group was ready to defend their rights. An interesting
question would be, what would have happened, had they not been working together for some years before this blatant attack on their religious
liberties? Where would any of us be?
The “separation of Church and State” is not a statement, nor a concept, that is in the Constitution. The First Amendment exists to make it clear
that the Government cannot interfere in the Church, not that the Church should not be involved in government. However, like so many other
things, this idea of an “impenetrable wall” between Church and State is the common understanding of the media, and a large portion of the people in America.
We often hear it said this way, “The Church should not be involved in politics.” However, politics in a democracy is about making public policy. Very few would want to say that the Church has no place in making public policy, much less that Christians have no place in making public
policy! As citizens of this country, it is our civic duty to be involved in making public policy, and what is behind all public policy is morality. And morality is absolutely the business of the Church! As Daniel Webster said at the bicentennial celebration of the landing of the Pilgrims
at Plymouth Rock, “Our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed,
cannot safely be trusted on any other foundation than religious principle, nor any government be secure which is not supported by moral habits. Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citizens.” Besides, as Edmund Burke pointed out, “The fate of good men who refuse to become involved in politics, is to be ruled by evil men.”
But how can we be involved in politics without bringing great disagreement into the Church?
First, I would recommend a language change for us all (particularly me). The question of Christians and the Church being involved in politics
ignites a debate almost every time. But the question of Christians and the Church being involved in the making of public policy evokes a more
thoughtful response. Why wouldn’t we want Christians, and even the institutional Church, to be involved in making public policy? Certainly,
we all have to live with public policy, and again, in a democracy, we all have the opportunity to be involved in the making of public policy.
Still, how do we go about doing that when most of us have had no experience? I would like to recommend to Windwood the “AMERICA plan”
that has been adopted by the U.S. Pastor Council.
Articulate Biblical positions on important moral issues from the pulpit and to the community.
Motivate Congregants to be godly responsible citizens.
Educate congregants on Scriptural, historical and legal foundations for responsible Christian citizenship.
Register every eligible citizen in each participating church to vote.
Inform congregants on a regular basis in regard to important local, state and national issues of concern.
Coordinate with Pastors and churches of like mind throughout the community to pray, stand and speak together.
Activate members to effective prayer, service and civic involvement in the community to promote Biblical righteousness and justice.
If you would like to join the Godly Citizenship Group contact:
Rachel Bragg
Senior Staff:
Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Session Councils 2016
Worship and Arts Council (page 16)
Evangelism Council (page 42)
Meets: 2nd Tues 7:00 pm
Elders: Edna Gunn 2018
Donna Daughdrill 2019
Sr. Staff: Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Meets: 2nd Mon 12:00 pm
Elder Jody Boest 2017
Sr. Staff: Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Missions Board (page 42)
Adult Disipleship Council (page 22)
Meets: 2nd Thur 7:00 pm
Elder Barbara Lowstetter 2017
Sr. Staff: Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Meets: 2nd Sun 12:30 pm
Elder: Jeff Cregg 2017
Sr. Staff: Cindy Pirtle
Partners in Ministry Council (page 36)
Church Life Council (page 29)
Meets: 2nd Mon 7:00 pm
Elder Dennis Samoska 2019
Sr. Staff: Rev. Dr. Pat Ryan
Meets: 2nd Sun 1:30 pm
Elders: Sheryl Cooke 2018
Jami Taylor 2019
Sr. Staff: Cindy Pirtle
Personnel Board (page 49)
Youth Ministry Council (page 21)
Meets: 1st Thur 7:00 pm
Elders: Tad Bodeman 2017
Charlie Cox 2018
Sr. Staff: Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Tommy Thompson
Meets: 2nd Mon. 7:00 pm
Elder: Aaron Samoska 2017
Sr. Staff: Travis Berry
Children’s Ministry Council (page 18)
Property Board (page 50)
Meets: 2nd Fri. 9:30 am
Elders: Sandy Smith 2017
Bitsa Romer 2018
Sr. Staff: Michelle Asous (Weekday Ministry)
Kim Watson (Weekend Ministry)
Meets: 3rd Fri 3:00 pm
Elders: Mike Sabotta 2017
Sr. Staff: Tommy Thompson
Finance Council (page 50)
Community Outreach Ministry Council (page 51)
Meets: 2n Fri 2:00 pm
Elders: Debbie Haddix 2017
Sr. Staff: Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Tommy Thompson
Meets: 2nd Tue 7:00 pm
Elders: Kimberly Klopfenstein 2017
Lizzy Rocha 2019
Sr. Staff: Christina Bowden
Stewardship Council (page 49)
Meets: 2nd Thur 7:00 pm
Elders: Ken Scholten 2018
Sr. Staff: Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Higher Courts (page 52)
Meets: 3rd Tue10:00 am
Elders: Tad Bodeman 2017
Jim Willimann 2019
Sr. Staff: Rev. Kevin Rudolph
Clerk of Session
Larry Zajicek 713-301-7112
Windwood’s Websites and Social Media
Facebook: Windwood PC
Saturday Night Encounter
The Encounter at Windwood
Children’s Ministry
Kids Ministry, WPC
The Adventure Preschool
The Adventure Preschool & Kardia
Christian Academy
Kardia Christian
The Adventure Preschool &
Kardia Christian Academy
Women’s Ministry
WILD at Windwood-Women’s
N’Rich Marriage Ministry
Warriors of God
Youth Ministries
Youth Ministries
The Rock Youth Ministries
Printed 06/7/16
Phone: 281-378-4040
Fax: 281-378-4041
10555 Spring Cypress Road - Houston, TX 77070
The Adventure Preschool & Kardia Christian Academy
Phone: 281-378-4080
Fax: 281-378-4081
Worship Times
Saturdays 5:35 p.m. Sundays 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.