The Foundation Focus - Penn Manor Blogs


The Foundation Focus - Penn Manor Blogs
Foundation Focus
The Penn Manor Education Foundation Newsletter
Fall/Winter 2010
Psychology students think outside the “box!”
by Dr. Jan Mindish
I'm most certainly an animal lover but not a big fan of
rats. My experience with the rodents has involved
screaming when I see one. For over a decade, Penn
Manor High School students have enjoyed the opportunity to get to know a rat, “up close and personal.”
Through the month long “rat project,” students work in
teams of two or three conditioning their rat using various techniques to shape their behavior. The goal is to
determine the most effective strategies to help animals and people learn.
Surprisingly, in this short time, the rats learn to come
when called by name, crawl through tunnels, jump
hurdles, walk wires, push a marble up a ramp, complete a maze, and climb a rope “hand over hand” like
we used to do in gym class! What's the trick? After
thirty years of owning dogs, I'm happy when they are
successfully housebroken and sometimes look in my
direction when I call them! Psychology teacher, Maria
Vita, explained that the students practice a variety of
reinforcement techniques, based on food rewards, to
shape the rats' behavior. Students learn that positive
reinforcement and rewards are also prevalent throughout our world today in shaping human behavior.
Last year Penn Manor's psychology program
advanced to a level comparable to college programs
thanks to receiving a Penn Manor Education
Foundation Venture Grant for over $2,000. The grant
was used to purchase a “Skinner box,” an operant
conditioning chamber that has enhanced student
research methods as they learn how to shape the voluntary behaviors of their rats. Created by psychologist, B.F. Skinner, the Skinner box purchased is a nonshock system which includes a bar, a pellet dispenser
(for rewards) and a light to signal reinforcement to the
rat. The rats are conditioned to voluntarily press the
bar for food. Students can practice different schedules
of reinforcement, keeping detailed journals as evidence of their growing knowledge of behavioral concepts. They increase the schedule of reinforcement to
teach the rats to get the pellet after more times pressing the bar. Rats that pushed the bar 60 times in one
minute to get the sugar pellet earned a perfect score for
their team. Using lots of 45 milligram sugar pellets, nearly
all of the 27 rats last spring learned to press the bar for
food. The light in the box was also used to influence
behavior. The rats learned to look for food when the light
came on.
Penn Manor High School is now one of the very few secondary schools to offer this level of research experience for
our students. Is it any wonder that there are two sections of
Advanced Placement Psychology and four sections of
Social Psychology at Penn Manor this year, making psychology one of the most popular electives? Over the next
four years, nearly 1,000 students will have an opportunity
to condition their rats using the Skinner box. If only I could
fit a 100 pound Golden Retriever into the box!
To view student created videos of the PMHS Rat Project,
go to YouTube and type “AP Psych 2010” or go to
In October 2010, PMEF awarded 39 more venture grants
to teachers totaling $24,659.95 bringing the total amount of
venture grants funded since September 2000 to nearly
$450,000! Watch for more articles about these exciting
projects in future issues of the Foundation Focus.
Donor Recognition
Thank you for your recent contribution!
Robert & Vivian Abel
Amy Adair
Janice Adams
Ellen Altdoerffer
Susan Althouse
Gerald & Katherine Ames
James Amigh, Jr.
Peggy Anastasio
Douglas Anderson
Mark Andrew
Jay & Kim Andrusisin
Kathleen Ashworth
Holly Astheimer
Norma Aston
Billie Jo Atkins
Carrie Aukamp
Heidi Bair
Diane Baireuther
James Baker
Tamara Baker
Ed & Jacqueline Balderston
Tom & Susan Baldrige
Henry & Marsha Barley
Philip & Sharon Barley
Mary Barnett
Michael Baron
Linda Barto
Linda Bear
Dave Bender
Sharon Bender
Charles & Anne Besterman
Lisa Bitler
Jon & Amy Bittenbender
Claire Bleacher
Richard & June Blouch
Kristen Bock
Daniel & Janice Bofinger
Sallie Bookman
Charles Botto
Phyllis & Bill Boyd
Scott & Nancy Boyd
Eileen Boyle
Donna Brady
Mark & Becky Brandon
Heidi Brandt
Kenneth Brandt
Karen Braun
Jay & Charlotte Breneman
Ken & Vivianne Brent
Richard Brenton
Doris Bridgeman
Thomas Brighter
Richard Briola
E. Jerry Brooks
Michelle Brooks
Dan & Sandy Brown
Michael Brown
William & Judith Brown
Margot Brubaker
Edward Bugner
Janice & Kenneth Burkhart
Anne Butterfield
Ray & Lisa Caldwell
Diana Calendar
Elet Callahan
Maggie Cantrell
Joseph & Linda Caputo
Paul & Verna Carpenter
Anne & Andrew Carroll
Don & Judy Carter
Phillip & Connie Charles
Ellen Chenault
Paul & Carole Chismar
Lisa Collins
Cora Conrad
Beth Corl
Tracy Cornell
Courtney Costello
Rebecca Cotich
Kate Cox
Krista Cox
Christa Craig
Sandy Crellin
Donald Crownover
Elizabeth Crum
Jason & Amy D’Amico
Diane Dangro
Karen Davis
Kevin & Aline Davis
Linda Deal
Lisa Delisle-Haupt
Frank Dell’Estate
Joseph DeLuca
Charles & Gloria Denlinger
Patricia Detter
Glenn Detwiler
Jere Dickerman
Mary Lou Williams Difelice
Donald Diller
Darrin Donmoyer
Debra Drexel
JoLynn Drexel
Judy Duke
Richard Duncan
William & Alma Duncan
Kelly Eby
Richard Eby
Dana Edwards
Gerald Egan
Julie Ehrgood
Rebecca Eichler
Doris Eisenberger
Megan Elliot
Jen Ennis
James & Marie Eshleman
Artie & Betty Lou Espenshade
John Erisman
Tara Etzweiler
Mary Kay Fair
Tom & Deb Falk
Mary Ann Farmer
John & Larue Farrell
Carole Fay
Christine Felegi
Heather Fellenbaum
Kim Finkbiner
Edward Fishman
Darlene Ford
Donald & Claudia Forrey
Jean Forrey
Julianne Foulk
Dolores Frankhouser
Neil & JoAnne Freidly
Melissa Frerichs
Richard Frerichs
Harry & Faye Frey
Kimberly Frey
Johnna & Stuart Friedman
Konrad Fritz
Rufus & Judy Fulton
Fulton Family Foundation
Donald Funk
Tom Funk
Wendell Funk
Phil Gale
Angie Galgon
Bonnie Gambler
Jeanene Garber
Larisa Garpstas
Frank & Joyce Geist
Tom & Valerie Gemmill
Jamie Gehres
Kathleen Maul Gialanella
Roger Gibbon
Catherine Glass
Michele Good
Deb Goodhart
Tom Goodman
Kenneth & Beverly Goss
Lori Graham
Verna Graver
E. Anne Greider
Kathy Grenier
Jessie Griest
David & Vicki Groff
Kelley Groff
Ann Grosh
Linda Gutshall
Vickie Hallock
Sue Hamer
Linda Hampton
Christine Harman
Joann Harris
Hal & Virginia Hart
Erin Harvey
Christine Harzinski
Scott & Barbara Haverstick
Megan Hawley
Teri Hay
Maria Hayes
James & Barbara Hearn
Patricia Heffner
Christopher & Amy Helm
Amanda Helwig
Alex and Molly Henderson
Jodie Henderson
Michelle Henry
Joe Herman
Alta Herr
Amelia Herr
C.R. Herr, Jr.
C. Willis & Martha Herr
Earl & Gladys Herr
Joan Herr
John & Joanne Herr, Jr.
Lorraine Herr
Robert & Lydia Herr
Tom & Ginger Herr
John & Sandra Hess
Jonathan Hess
Lloyd Hess
Norma Hess
Steve Hess
Jeffrey Himes
Nichole Hinkle
Marilyn Hite
Alissa Hockley
Shelley Hodson
Robert Hoeppel
Cheryl Hogg
Jere & Elizabeth Hoin
Julie Hoin
Frank & Aluana Hoke
Deb Holt
Philip Holzinger
Holly Homsher
Jim Horner
Nancy Horner
Susan Hostetter
Katherine Houck
Paula Howard
Dorothy Huber
Steve Huber
Linda Husler
William & Jeri-Ann Hutchinson
Tammee Iddings
Connie Jackson
Mary Jacoby
Ron & Caroline James
Dawn Janssen
Dean and Kathy Johnson
Nancy Jo Johnson
Nancy O. Johnson
Tanya Johnson
Chris & Trish Johnston
Neil & Dolores Jones
Kim Juba
Barb Kamen
Kay Kane
Elizabeth Kaplan
Kyvele Karpouzis
Barry & Dianne Kauffman
Wendy Earhart Kautz
Scott Keddie
Lee Keefer
Harold Keeport
Elizabeth Kelly
Kris Kenna
Pete & Leni Kerekgyarto
Terry Kile
Stephen & Linda Kincade
Lauren Kirby
Katherine Kirk
Tresa Kirk
Maricia Kligge
Check us out on the web at
Pat & Laura Kline
Theresa Kline
Cynthia Knapik
Albert Knepp, Jr.
Steve Kramer
Diane Kreider
Theresa Kreider
Jennifer Kroesen
Thomas Kruse
Maggie Kyper
Scott Lackey
Cindy LaMaster
Andrea Landis
Greg & Terri Landis
Rena Lawrence
Nadine Leaman
Charles & Frances Lefever
Marie Lefever
Jeffrey & Leslie Lehman
Ron & Patricia Lehman
Todd & Marian Lehman
Michael & Mary Edith Leichliter
Carin Leisure
Jayne Leitzel
Robert & Janet Lenahan
Wendy Letavic
Todd & Heather Lindsley
Tom & Cathy Lindsey
Cynthia Lonergan
John Long
Ken & Heidi Long
Raymond & Karen Long
Daniel & Beverly Longenecker
Jennifer Loreto
Gary Luft
Page Lutz
Jeff & Peg Lyon
Brian Malek
Joan Manchak
John & Gwynneth Mann
Beth Reinhart Mansh
Beth Martin
Cynthia Martin
Donald & Susan Martin
Lee & Naomi Martin
Mylin & Helen Martin
Robert Martin
Wayne Martin
Daniel Martino
Travis Masten
Trevor Mattern
Lisa May
Lisa Mayo
Richard & Elaine Mazzur
Senator John & Cindy McCain
Dennis & Lorraine McCann
Donald & Michelle McCann
Gary McCauley
Robert & Erma McCauley
Stacey McElheny
Gregg McGough
James McGlynn
Sally McKinney
Christine McKnight
Patty McKonly
Kim McMullen
Francine McNairy
Carly McPherson
Deb Meckley
Joy Meley
Jessica Shaub Meyer
Karen Miller
Jacqueline Miller
James & Anne Miller
Paul Milot
Jan Mindish
Melissa Mintzer
Beth Mitchell
Mohsen & Bridgette Mohimani
Gail Monteleone
Kim Moore
Stephanie Moore
Stephen Moore
Gerald Morrin
Jenna Moyer
Sally Muenkel
Melissa Mulder
Roger Mummert
Margaret Murr
Shirley Murray
Jeannine Murry
Dudley Musselman
Kelly Musser
Dan Myers
Nancy Nadig
Dennis Nauman
James & Heidi Neff
Harriet Neil
Ginny Neiss
Jeremy Nesmith
Kathleen Rutt Neuman
Rae Newhouse
Michael Newmoyer
Phuc Nguyen
Pam Noll
David Ober
Patrice O’Brien
Janet Ochs
Dorinna O’Connor
Cece O’Day
Larry & Karen Oesch
David Ohl
Lori Orihuel
James Ortman, Jr.
Terry & Doris Ortman
Melissa Ostrowski
Doris Manning Otto
Patricia Paparo
Louis & Sarah Parry
John & Dee Perry
Ken Phillips
Heather Piatt
PMHS Marketing & Law Class
Ellen Pollock
Joan Pollock
Melissa Prychodzen
Anthony & Deborah Purcell
Carol Purzycki
Renae Radcliff
Ed & Beverly Rand
Lynn Reinhart
Charlie Reisinger
Joseph & Karen Revelt
Barry & Cindy Rhoades
Harold & Dora Rhodes
Randy & Elaine Rineer
Herk & Cathy Rintz
Carlton Rintz, Sr.
Rintz Family Foundation
Melany Rios
Madelyn Ritz
Joanne Robb
Linda Rogers
Glenn Rohrer
John & Linda Roscoe
Bethany Rosenberg
Tammy Rote
Lisa Roth Walter
Mindy Rottmund
Dudley & Joann Rowe
Kathy Rowley
Cathy Rudman
Judy Ruth
Mary Lou Ruth
Dorothy Sangrey
Christine Santaniello
Julie Saragosa
Linda Sauer
Maryann Saylor
Casie Saxton
Dave & Kim Schaefer
Regina Scheetz
Andy Scheid
Peggy Schlegelmilch
Kirk & Renee Schlotzhauer
Sherilyn Schock
Lavera Schrag
Thomas & Tracy Seiger
Gray & Ellen Sellers
Robert Shaak
Brian & Michelle Shaub
Earl Shaub
Melissa Shaw
Don & Carole Shellenberger
Denny & Karen Shenk
Patti Shover
Michael Sitler
William & Barbara Skelly
Steve & Cathy Skrocki
Oak Sky
Virginia Slotter
Barry & Dianne Smith
Brandy Smith
Jack Smith
Wayne & Shirley Smith
Jennifer Smyth
Marian Snavely
William & Ethel Snavely
Dennis Sneath
Cynthia Steffy Snedden
Curt Snelbaker
Barbara Snyder
Charles & Doreen Snyder
Mary Snyder
Matthew Soto
Bill Southward
Kathy Spang
Amy Spina
Kelly Sproul
Len Stachitus
Karen Stadden
Barbara St. John
Jarod Staub
James Stauffer
Shari Steager
Kari Steinbacher
Candy Steiner
Linda Steinmetz
Laura Stephan
Charles & Linda Stekervetz
Donald & Nancy Stewart
Angie Stiklaitis
Cynthia Stoner
Sally Stratigos
Christopher & Erika Straub
Samantha Strosser
Mary Jane Stuart
Janet Sturrock
Jennifer Sugra
Doreen Sweitzer
Jeffrey Taylor
Michelle Taylor
Noel Taylor
Rachel Taylor
Chris Telesco
Kyle Texter
Eileen Thomas
Michael & Shelly Thomas
Gail Thomson
Elizabeth Titers
Johanna Treier
David & Lynette Trout
Richard & Marge Trout
Gail Ulmer
Jackson & Charlotte Underkoffler
Ann Unholz
Ann Van Dyke
Maria Vita
Carol Vogt
Beth Wagner
Michelle Wagner
Sally Wagner
Thelma Wagner
Tom Wainman
Wayne & Judy Wales
Robert Walker
Wally Walker
Sue Walkowiak
Amy Wall
Bill Walton
Ron Walton
Dolores & Ike Warfel
Jerissa Warfel
Elizabeth Lovett Warner
Leroy Weaver
Steve Weidner
Joan Weidinger
Laurie Weitzel
Kim Wells
Donna Wert
Matthew West
Stacey White
Amy Williams
Steve Wilson
Tara Wilson
Joan Wimer
Glenn & Dale Witmer
Michelle Wolfersberger
William & Ruth Wood
Robert Woodbridge
Jeffrey & Lori Woodward
Joyce Wright
Ralph & Junko Wright
Bill Yarnell
James Yearsley
Julie Yoder
Kathy Young
Terry Fair Young
Cheryl Youtz
John & Sue Ann Yuska
William Zapata
William & Patricia Ziegler
Melissa Zongolowicz
Maribeth Zurn
Check us out on the web at
2010 Recipients of PMEF
Scholarships and Awards
Thirty scholarships and awards were presented to the students in the Class of 2010 that are
administered by the Penn Manor Education Foundation totaling nearly $40,000. The Penn
Manor Education Foundation was pleased to be able to award these scholarships with the support of so many community members. The following is a list of the seniors who received the
most recent PMEF administered awards on May 20, 2010. Each name represents the spirit
with which the Foundation was conceived, the spirit of enriching the educational experiences
and empowering the future of Penn Manor students.
Name of Award
2010 Recipient
School Attending
Brereton Manor Award
PMAA Dr. D.L. Biemesderfer Award (Valedictorian)
PMAA Mary Klemmer Award (Salutatorian)
Rintz Family Foundation
Susquehanna Bank Scholarship
Susquehanna Bank Scholarship
William H. Duncan, Jr. Award
Donald Wade Woodward Award
Hans H. Haverstick Award
Shellenberger-Hosler Award
Abe Sangrey Award
Donald & Susan Martin Pay-It-Forward Award
PMEF Award
PMEF Award
Ed Davis Memorial Award
John R. Milliman Scholarship
Dorothy Dart Milliman Scholarship
Lloyd & Ann Boyd Scholarship
Student Services Award
PMAA Luella Mellinger Award
Stella Caldwell Memorial Scholarship
Kim Wells Scholarship
Marsha Frerichs Scholarship
Dr. Jan Mindish Scholarship
Dr. Jan Mindish Scholarship
Christopher Johnson Memorial Scholarship
Donald Pollock Scholarship
Patricia A. Texter Scholarship
Rachel E. Miller Scholarship
Kevin B. Smith Memorial Award
Megan Shetrompf
Grant Elledge
Jonathan Shue
Hannah Tucker
Adrienne Herr
William Shipley
Nathaniel Lussier
Bryan Weaver
Thomas Tyman
Christine Rhoades
Tyler Barnett
Mark Longenecker
Alissa Zikmund
Estefania Perdomo
Mark Longenecker
Grant Elledge
Chelsea Bernheisel
Brittani Phelan
Megan Ferrick
Nancy Stehman
Jacy Ginder
Daniel Gochnauer
Kyle Harvey
Keith Eshelman
Karla Brent
Samantha Wary
Brittany Burke
Brianna Denlinger
Taylor Eichelberger
Alex Biagio
Lancaster General Nursing
Penn State University
Millersville University
George Mason University
Lebanon Valley College
Vanderbilt University
Millersville University
Penn State University
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh
Eastern Mennonite Univ.
Grove City College
University of Pittsburgh
Lehigh University
Grove City College
Penn State University
Penn State University
Penn College of Technology
Millersville University
West Chester University
University of Pittsburgh
Millersville University
Methodist University
Liberty University
Norwich University
University of Maryland
Shippensburg University
Lancaster General Nursing
Alvernia University
Memorial Gifts
Arlene Kreider
Harold Wild
Christopher Johnson
Pyfer Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Shoff, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Whiteman
Mr. & Mrs. C. Richard Beam
Ms. Sue Hackman
Mr. & Mrs. James Wild
Catholic War Veterans Home Assn.
Veterans Home Assn. 11-73 Mountville
Pequea Valley Sportsman Assn.
Mr. Ray Kunkel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Warfel
Mr. John Porter, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Hogg
Darlene Ford
Bud Stekervetz
Ms. Corinne Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Shrom
Mrs. Barbara Heffner & Mr. Carl Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stekervetz
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Johnson
Marsha Frerichs
Dr. Richard Frerichs
Comet Golf
Barbara Nusbaum
Roger Yard
Mark Goss
Ethel Gochenaur Shaub
Ms. Carol Guazzo
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Goss
Mrs. Jeannine Murry
Daniel G. and Ivan G. Engle
Joseph Brenneman
Arthur and Kathryn Erisman
Mr. Ivan D. Engle
Mrs. Melba Holton
Mr. A. Richard Erisman
Two new PMEF
scholarships will
be offered
this spring
The Christine A.
Weidinger Memorial
Mrs. Joan Weidinger and her family, long-time
friends of the Penn Manor School District, will offer
for the first time in May of 2011 a scholarship in
memory of their daughter and sister, Christine.
Christine was a resident of Manor Township and a
1979 graduate of Penn Manor High School. All of
her siblings, Kathy (class of 1971), Mike (class of
1973), Pat (class of 1977), and Mark (class of
1983), are also Penn Manor graduates.
As a Penn Manor High School student Christine
excelled in many areas, but her skills and her passions seemed to find their best demonstration
through her work in classes that were then called
Home Economics. (Now courses in this area are
referred to as the Family and Consumer Sciences.)
She continued her studies at Mansfield University,
graduating with honors in 1983 with a Bachelors
Degree in Family and Consumer Sciences.
The Christine A. Weidinger Memorial Scholarship
will recognize a female Penn Manor graduate who
values the same crafts and high academic goals
that were so characteristic of Christine. Interested
candidates for the scholarship must produce a reference provided by a Family and Consumer Science
teacher and should also provide pictures of products created in their textile classes.
The Penn Manor Foundation is grateful to the
Weidinger family for their thoughtful generosity and
is happy to help Mrs. Joan Weidinger create this
scholarship in the memory of Christine.
The Mrs. Abner J.
Houseknecht Scholarship
It is with great pleasure that PMEF announces the
newly created Houseknecht scholarships. These
$2500 awards will be given to five Penn Manor
senior girls each year in May starting with the
Class of 2011. Applicants must be planning to
pursue formal education beyond high school and
selection of winners will be based on academic
achievement and financial need.
Mr. Abner Houseknecht set aside funds in his
estate to create a trust that would honor the
memory of his wife, Ruth, through scholarships to
Penn Manor girls with great academic ability but
only modest financial means. These selection criteria reflect Ruth's circumstances when she graduated from Penn Manor. Ruth's high school teachers and classmates recognized a keen mind and a
great work ethic; feeling Ruth had the capability
to pursue a career in any field she wished.
Unfortunately, Ruth's class, the Penn Manor Class
of 1933, graduated right in the heart of the Great
Depression thus her career and educational
options were few. Upon graduation she took the
only job she could find, a retail clerk position, and
unselfishly gave up the dream of higher education
in order to help support her family. Life's hardships did not prevent Ruth from becoming a very
capable and giving person.
Ruth seemed to excel in everything she tackled,
becoming known as an accomplished gardener
and excellent cook. She was deeply involved in
the Millersville community serving as President of
the Woman's Club, on the Bicentennial
Committee, and in various positions with St.
Paul's Lutheran Church. For years she hosted
Fresh Air children in the summer.
In short, Ruth was the kind of lady who was
remembered by all as being optimistic, kind, selfless, and extremely generous. It was the hope of
her husband Abner that these scholarships will
keep her memory alive and give financial assistance to capable Penn Manor girls facing their
own financial challenges.
On behalf of all future Houseknecht scholarship
winners, thank you Mr. & Mrs. Houseknecht!
Check us out on the web at
PMEF Thanks our Business Partners
EITC Partners
Conestoga Telephone & Telegraph
D&E Communications, Inc.
Eschbach Bus Service
Fulton Bank
Giant Food Stores
Lancaster Leaf Tobacco
PNC Bank
Rhoads Energy
Southern Cross
Businesses/Service Groups
Above & Beyond Cleaning
Agape Care
Alicia’s Massage & Wellness
Amerimax Home Products
Barn Door Restaurant
Breneman Company
Brereton Manor
Brown Shultz Sheridan & Fritz
Charles Snyder Funeral Home
Conestoga Township Pool
Cooper Printing
Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates
C.R. Lefever Insurance Agency
Crossgates Golf Club
Darrenkamp’s Market
DeLuca Reproductions
Denny’s Camaro
Derck & Edson Associates
E.M. Herr Equipment
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Fabral, Inc.
Foxchase Golf Club
Fulton Bank
Fulton Opera House
George Street Cafe
George Wagner Painting & Paper
Grand Central Bagel
Groff’s Candies
Habecker Real Estate-Glenn Witmer
Harley Davidson
HealthAmerica Pennsylvania
Herr’s Fruit Farm
Hillyard, Inc.
Hot Z Pizza
House of Pizza - Millersville
House of Pizza - Willow Street
Howells Benefits - John Rovnak
Jackie’s Beauty Salon
J Mann Commercial Painting
John Herr’s Village Market
Kegel Kelin Almy & Grimm LLP
Kirchner Distributors
Kreider Mulch Farms, Inc.
Lancaster Container Inc.
Leisure Bowling & Golfing Center
Lisa Horst Golf
Long & Foster Real Estate
Loxley’s Restaurant
Martin Insurance Agency
MCA Construction
Meadia Heights Golf Club
Metro Bank
Millersville Lions Club
Millersville Manor Self Storage
Minder’s Nursery
Moore Engineering
Oak Leaf Manor
Online Publishers
PA School of Art & Design
Philadelphia Eagles
Philadelphia Flyers
PNC Bank
Providence Chrysler
Prudential Realty - Ken Kirchoff
A special thanks to the
following individuals who have joined
PMEF’s Program
Leave a Legacy for Learning
Tom & Louise Aument
Frank & Joyce Geist
Doris Hosler
E. Ann Klein
Ellen Pollock
Lloyd M. Boyd
Shelley Hodson
Bill & Janie Huber
James & Anne Miller, Jr.
An Anonymous Pequea
Raymond James-Ken Long
RBC Dain Rauscher
Ream Jewelers
Regal Cinemas
Revere Tavern
R.R. Donnelley
Rosa Rosa Ristorante Italiano
Rotary Club of Lancaster South
Scheid Funeral Home
Scooter Warehouse
Shaub Auction Services Group
Sheffer Distributors
Shenk Marketing
Shultz Transportation
Sight & Sound Theater
Special Occasions
State Farm - Pat Kline
State Farm - Matt Williams
Stauffer’s of Kissel Hill
St. John ‘s Driving School, LLC
Stoner’s Furniture
Stoudt Advisors
Student Services, Inc.
Subway - Mike Zwally
Takeuchi - Dale Keller
The Tomato Barn
Theraflex Massage
Tom Falk Plumbing & Heating
Turkey Hill Dairy
Two Cousins Pizza
Veranda Spas
Vladi Enterprises
Whalen Insurance Associates
Willow Valley Associates
Wiley’s Pharmacy
Wilson Design Group
The 5th Annual Charity
Golf Scramble
Date: Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Place: Meadia Heights Golf Club
For further information and/or registration
or sponsorship, contact Pat Kline at
(717) 284-3107 or email at
Check us out on the web at
Nonprofit Org
U.S. Postage
Millersville, PA
Permit #12
Penn Manor Education Foundation
P.O. Box 1001
Millersville, PA 17551
Board of Directors
Karen L. Shenk, President
Thomas K, Seiger, Vice President
Carole H. Shellenberger, Secretary
James A. Miller, Jr., Treasurer
Frank T. Geist
Barbara J. Hearn
Robert C. Herr
Patrick T. Kline
Janet D. Lenahan
J. Kenneth Long
Donald B. Martin - Charter Member
Janice M. Mindish
Lynette L.Trout
Dolores E. Warfel
Glenn R. Witmer
Donald F. Stewart, Executive Director
Ex Officio Members
Michael G. Leichliter, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Cindy L. Rhoades, Community Relations Coordinator
Welcome to New PMEF Board Members
The Penn Manor Education Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of two new Board members, Janet Lenahan and Robert Herr.
Janet Lenahan grew up in Camp Hill and graduated from Cumberland Valley High School and Grove
City College. She worked for Armstrong Industries for ten years, in direct sales for twelve years, and is
now the financial manager for Samaritan Counseling Center. Janet and her husband Rob have two children, Jason, a 2009 Penn Manor graduate and Kelly, a junior at Penn Manor High School. The Lenahan
family has lived in the district since Jason was in elementary school, and Janet has worked actively as
a volunteer for all of the activities in which her children were involved. She has served as treasurer
and co-president for the Central Manor PTO where she also led the Envirothon teams. At Manor Middle
she worked with the CAP program. She was treasurer for the High School Marching Band Boosters for
four years and was in charge of the band banquet. She has also helped with Applause!! and the
Chorus Boosters. Janet feels blessed to be a part of the Penn Manor School district and was more than
happy to accept appointment to the Foundation Board. She is proud to work for a district that is so
accepting of diversity and hopes that her energy, creativity, business background and experience with
other organizations will be useful in her tenure with the PMEF Board.
Bob Herr, a 1981 Penn Manor graduate, lives in the district with his wife Lydia and children, Marcy, a
freshman at Penn State University; Monica, a junior at the high school; Victoria, a freshman at the
high school; and Willie, a student at Dayspring. Bob is the owner of Herr's Fruit Farm and Burning
Bridges Antiques Market in Columbia. Bob says that he has always admired what the Penn Manor
Education Foundation does in helping teachers and students. Bob appreciated the mission of the
Foundation so much that he didn't have to think twice about the offer of a seat on the Board and
enthusiastically accepted the position. Impressed by Penn Manor's dedicated and inspiring teachers, he
definitely wants to get involved with helping the kids with scholarships and Venture Grants and other
projects that add so much value to the educational opportunities offered by Penn Manor.