fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
fine art + antiques - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
BRUUN RASMUSSEN FINE ART + ANTIQUES FINE ART + ANTIQUES International auction 862 A U C T I O N 8 6 2 • M A R C H 2 01 6 862_antik_omslag.indd 1 04/02/16 12.58 FINE ART + ANTIQUES International auction 862 AUCTION 1 - 3 March 2016 PREVIEW Thursday 25 February 3 pm - 6 pm Friday 26 February 11 am - 5 pm Saturday 27 February 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 28 February 11 am - 4 pm Monday 29 February 11 am - 5 pm or by appointment Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 1 04/02/16 11.54 Lot 9 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 2 04/02/16 11.54 DAYS OF SALE ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Tuesday 1 March 4 pm Hammershøi, Holsøe and Ilsted Paintings Wednesday 2 March 2 pm Furniture, clocks and bronzes Silver, glass and ceramics Oriental carpets 134 - 266 267 - 305 306 - 356 Thursday 3 March 3 pm Jewellery and handbags Wristwatches 357 - 578 579 - 619 1 - 15 16 - 133 ________________________________________________________ MODERN ART Tuesday 8 March 4 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Wednesday 9 March 2 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Prints Photographs ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Wednesday 9 March 4 pm Silver Ceramics Thursday 10 March 4 pm Furniture and lamps ________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: TUESDAY 22 MARCH Items bought at Auction 862 must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed on Bredgade 33 by Tuesday 22 March at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100 per item per week VAT included. 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 3 04/02/16 11.54 Lot 25 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 4 04/02/16 11.54 MALERIER + ANTIKVITETER International auktion 862 AUKTION 1. - 3. marts 2016 EFTERSYN Torsdag 25. februar kl. 15 - 18 Fredag 26. februar kl. 11 - 17 Lørdag 27. februar kl. 11 - 16 Søndag 28. februar kl. 11 - 16 Mandag 29. februar kl. 11 - 17 Danske katalogtekster kan ses på Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 5 04/02/16 11.54 SPECIALISTS IN FINE ART AND ANTIQUES Paintings Birte Stokholm +45 8818 1122 Ceramics and oriental art Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 Paintings Julie Arendse Voss +45 8818 1123 Ceramics, glass and oriental art Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1162 Jewellery and wristwatches Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen +45 8818 1174 Silver and ceramics Heidi Schophuus Jensen +45 8818 1163 Jewellery and handbags Lise Jacobsen +45 8818 1175 Ceramics and oriental art Alexandra Nilsson +45 8818 1164 Jewellery Julie Gram +45 8818 1171 Ceramics and oriental art Torben Friis Møller +45 8818 1165 Wristwatches Kristian Haagen +45 8818 1168 Furniture and carpets Henrik Schleppegrel +45 8818 1145 International relations Frederik Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1003 Furniture, bronzes and clocks Anders Fredsted +45 8818 1142 Silver and branding Alexa Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1091 Director of sales Kasper Nielsen +45 8818 1121 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 6 04/02/16 11.54 AUKTIONSKALENDER ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Tirsdag 1. marts kl. 16 Hammershøi, Holsøe og Ilsted Malerier Onsdag 2. marts kl. 14 Møbler, ure og bronzer Sølv, glas og keramik Orientalske tæpper 134 - 266 267 - 305 306 - 356 Torsdag 3. marts kl. 15 Smykker og dametasker Armbåndsure 357 - 578 579 - 619 1 - 15 16 - 133 ________________________________________________________ MODERN ART Tirsdag 8. marts kl. 16 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Onsdag 9. marts kl. 14 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Grafik Fotografier ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Onsdag 9. marts kl. 16 Sølv Keramik Torsdag 10. marts kl. 16 Møbler og belysning ________________________________________________________ SIDSTE FRIST FOR AFHENTNING: TIRSDAG DEN 22. MARTS Effekter købt på auktion 862 skal være betalt senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest tirsdag den 22. marts. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 100 kr. pr. effekt inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. effekt pr. påbegyndt uge inkl. moms. 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 7 04/02/16 11.54 Lot 384 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 8 04/02/16 11.54 The Opening of the Preview in Bredgade 33 Thursday 25 February 3 pm Presentations in the Saleroom 4 pm Welcome – The French Ambassador to Denmark, His Excellency François Zimeray (in English) 4:15 pm “Introduction to Hammershøi” – lecture by art critic, author and MA in art history Bente Scavenius (in Danish) The lectures can also be seen on via live streaming. ‘Modern Art Gallery Talk’ Friday 26 February The Saleroom near the Stairs 3 pm Bruun Rasmussen’s valuation expert in modern art, Niels Boe Hauggaard, will show us around the preview and give a talk about Asger Jorn, Per Kirkeby, Allan Otte and other artists (in Danish) Åbningen af eftersynet i Bredgade 33 torsdag 25. februar kl. 15 Foredrag i Auktionssalen Kl. 16.00 Velkomst ved Frankrigs ambassadør i Danmark, Hans Excellence François Zimeray (på engelsk) Kl. 16.15 “Introduktion til Hammershøi” ved kunstkritiker og forfatter, Bente Scavenius (på dansk) Foredragene kan også opleves på via live streaming. ’Modern Art Gallery talk’ fredag 26. februar Auktionssalen ved trappen Kl. 15.00 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 9 Bruun Rasmussens vurderingsekspert i moderne kunst, Niels Boe Hauggaard, viser rundt og fortæller om værker af Asger Jorn, Per Kirkeby og Allan Otte m.fl. (på dansk) 04/02/16 11.54 Paintings, Gold Ruby Glass and a Cartier Panther Ring This year marks the 100th year since the death of the famous Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershøi. Ordrupgaard is marking the occasion with the exhibition ”At Home with Hammershøi”, and at Bruun Rasmussen we also focus on Hammershøi at the first international auction of the year. With eight works from the artist we touch on all the aspects of Hammershøi’s artistic work - from early academic studies and nudes to a sublime portrait of his wife Ida and two Danish landscapes, one from Gentofte. The crowning piece of the selection is one of his renowned interior paintings from 1904 depicting a woman with her back turned and in the process of reading (cat. no. 10). Placed together, the works of art provide a unique insight into the special enigmatic ”Hammershøi” idiom, which you can read more about on p. 16. The brother-in-law Peter Ilsted and the close friend Carl Holsøe also had the interior as their favourite motif, and included in the auction is Ilsted’s atmospheric painting of two small girls in a living room lit up by sunshine (cat. no. 9), and Holsøe’s interior with a young woman sitting in front of a window with her back turned (cat. no. 3). While Hammershøi was working in Copenhagen the group of Danish painters from the artists’ colony in Skagen were preoccupied with light and the environment around the northernmost point of Denmark. Included in the auction is a beach motif painted during the ’blue hour’ on a May evening in 1907 by P.S. Krøyer (cat. no. 47). Anna Ancher has moved inside and depicted a number of women carrying babies in their arms during a christening in Skagen Church (cat. no. 61), while we with Michael Ancher meet a young fisherman, who is saying goodbye to his family before setting out to sea (cat. no. 51). We move further back into Danish art history with depictions from the world of theatre in the shape of Jens Juel’s portrait of the ballet dancer Marie Christine Bjørn (cat. no. 27) and C.W. Eckersberg’s (cat. no. 35) portrait of Birgitte Elisabeth Andersen, who was an actress at the Royal Danish Theatre. The Danish Golden Age is also represented by Constantin Hansen’s sun drenched motif from 1841 from the Temple of Ceres (cat. no. 36), as well as his portrait of the 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 10 painter Wilhelm Marstrand from 1837 (cat. no. 37) – a study for the famous work ”Et Selskab af danske Kunstnere i Rom” (A Group of Danish Artists in Rome). It is rare to see gold ruby glass on the auction market, but this time we can present two German Baroque cups. They both have silvergilt mountings and one is engraved with a grotesque mask. The beautiful deep red colour was achieved by mixing gold chloride with the molten glass – an expensive method that is believed to have been used during antiquity. In the late 1600s the method was rediscovered, and gold ruby glass found its way to the royal houses all over Europe (cat. no. 275). From the Baroque period in Denmark comes a few baluster-shaped silver candlesticks by the Master Oluf Clausen, who most likely made them in the then thriving town of Ærøskøbing during the early 1700s (cat. no. 273). Among the auction’s other notable antiques you can find a set of five Italian Louis XVI mirrors from the late 1700s (cat. no. 210) and an impressive Gustavian sofa bench from 1790 in its original length of 2.7 meters. It was made by Anders Hellman, who was one of the period’s finest cabinetmakers in Sweden (cat. no. 237). The catalogue concludes with exclusive jewellery and wristwatches from all the well-known international brands, and among the highlights there are clear references to the animal and plant kingdoms. The panther is, with its elegance and ferocity, a lasting icon of Cartier, as reflected in the timeless gold ring with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds totalling approximately 4,50 ct. and two tearshaped emeralds, which constitute the animal’s sharp eyes (cat. no. 375). Beauty can also be ascribed to Chanel’s rhodium-plated white gold ring with brilliant-cut diamonds, which takes its name and shape after the Camellia flower (cat. no. 413). We hope the selection is to your liking! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen 04/02/16 11.55 Malerier, guldrubinglas og en Cartier-panterring Det er i år 100 år siden, at den verdensberømte danske maler Vilhelm Hammershøi døde. I lighed med kunstmuseet Ordrupgaard og deres udstilling ”Hjemme hos Hammershøi” markerer vi ham på årets første internationale auktion. Med otte værker kommer vi hele vejen rundt om Hammershøis kunstneriske virke – fra tidlige akademi- og nøgenstudier til et sublimt portræt af hustruen Ida og to landskaber fra Gentofte. Kronen på værket er et af hans kendte interiørmalerier med en rygvendt kvinde i færd med at læse fra 1904 ( 10). Tilsammen giver malerierne et enestående indblik i det særlige gådefulde ”hammershøiske” formsprog. Læs mere om Hammershøi på s. 18. Svogeren Peter Ilsted og den nære ven Carl Holsøe havde også interiøret som deres foretrukne motiv, og med på auktionen er bl.a. Ilsteds stemningsfulde skildring af to små piger i en solskinsfyldt stue ( 9) og Holsøes interiør med en ung rygvendt kvinde foran et vindue ( 3). Samtidig med Hammershøis virke i København var rækken af danske malere fra kunstnerkolonien i Skagen optagede af lyset og miljøet omkring Danmarks nordligste punkt. Med på auktionen er et strandmotiv malet i den ’blå time’ en majaften i 1907 af P.S. Krøyer ( 47). Anna Ancher har bevæget sig inden for og skildret en række kvinder med babyer i favnen under en barnedåb i Skagen Kirke ( 61), mens man hos Michael Ancher møder en ung fisker, der tager afsked med sin familie inden fangsten på havet ( 51). Vi skruer tiden længere tilbage i dansk kunsthistorie med skildringer fra teatrets verden i form af Jens Juels ovale portræt af solodanserinden Marie Christine Bjørn ( 27) og C.W. Eckersbergs portræt af Birgitte Elisabeth Andersen, der var skuespillerinde på Det Kongelige Teater ( 35). Guldalderen er også repræsenteret med Constantin Hansens solbeskinnede motiv fra Cerestemplet i Pæstum fra 1841 ( 36) og hans portræt af maleren Wilhelm Marstrand fra 1837 ( 37) – et studie til det kendte værk ”Et Selskab af danske Kunstnere i Rom”. to lågbægre fra barokkens Tyskland. De har begge monteringer af forgyldt sølv, og det ene er slebet med en grotesk maske. Den smukke dybe røde farve blev opnået ved at blande guldklorid i smeltet glas – en kostbar metode, der menes at have været anvendt i antikken. I slutningen af 1600-tallet blev metoden genopdaget, og guldrubinglasset fandt vej til kongehusene rundt omkring i Europa (kat. nr. 275). Fra barokkens Danmark kommer et par balusterformede sølvstager af mesteren Oluf Clausen, der med stor sandsynlighed udførte dem i den dengang driftige købstad Ærøskøbing i begyndelsen af 1700-tallet ( 273). Blandt auktionens andre bemærkelsesværdige antikviteter finder man et sæt på fem italienske Louis XVI-spejle fra slutningen af 1700-tallet ( 210) og en imponerende gustaviansk sofabænk i sin originale længde på 2,7 meter fra 1790. Den er udført af Anders Hellman, som var en af periodens bedste møbelsnedkere i Sverige ( 237). Kataloget afsluttes med eksklusive smykker og armbåndsure fra alle de kendte internationale brands, og blandt højdepunkterne er der stærke referencer til dyre- og planteriget. Panteren står med sin elegance og vildskab som et gennemgående ikon for Cartier, som det kommer til udtryk i den tidløse guldring med talrige brillantslebne diamanter på i alt ca. 4.50 ct. og to dråbeformede smaragder, der udgør dyrets skarpe øjne ( 375). Smuk er også Chanels rhodinerede hvidguldsring med brillantslebne diamanter, der har taget navn og form efter kameliablomsten ( 413). Håber udvalget falder i smag! Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Det hører til sjældenhederne at se guldrubinglas på auktionsmarkedet, men denne gang præsenterer vi 862_antik_s001-013_start.indd 12 04/02/16 11.55 JEWELLERY HANDBAGS Thursday 3 March 3 pm Lot 357 - 578 Lot 375 357 NANNA & JØRGEN DITZEL A necklace of sterling silver "Vertebrae". Design no. 108. L. app. 40 cm. Weight app. 184 g. Georg Jensen after 1945. Accompanied by case. Similar depicted in Janet Drucker, "Georg Jensen - A Tradition of Splendid Silver", 1997, p. 111. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 358 ERIK MAGNUSSEN An Art Noveau jade jewellery set comprising a buckle and a brooch in the shape of insects each set with cabochon jade, mounted in silver. App. 9.5 x 6.8 and 7.7 x 8.2 cm. Circa 1909. (2) Erik Magnussen was a Danish Silver Pioneer who created a number of imaginative pieces of jewellery where he, influenced by René Lalique, used insect motifs. Similar pieces of jewellery are depicted in Jakob Thage, "Danish Jewellery," 1990, pp. 96-97. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 359 ASTRID FOG A bracelet of sterling silver. Design no. 193. L. app. 21 cm. W. app. 5.5 cm. Weight app. 180 g. Georg Jensen after 1945. Accompanied by original case Designed in circa 1969. Similar illustated in David A. Taylor, "Georg Jensen Jewellery", 2005, p. 294. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 292 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 357 358 359 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 293 360 GEORG JENSEN A pearl jewellery set comprising a necklace and a brooch each set with numerous cultured pearls, mounted in 18k gold. L. necklace app. 42.5 cm. L. brooch app. 5.8 cm. Total weight app. 50.5 g. Design nos. 251 and 183. Georg Jensen 1933-45 and 1915-30. (2) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 361 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.70 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.38 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 52. Italy, circa 1990. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 362 An Art Nouveau pearl and diamond pendant and necklace set with a pear shaped natural conch pearl, presumably natural pearls, old mine-cut diamonds, carved mother of pearl and enamel, mounted in gold. Pearl diam. app. 2.35 mm and 6.75 x 9.20 mm. L. pendant app. 5 cm. L. necklace app. 42 cm. Circa 1900-1910. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 294 363 A ruby and diamond ring set with a circular-cut ruby and numerous old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in gold. Size 67. Circa 1900-1910. Provenance: Presumably Emperor Wilhelm II. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 364 A diamond bangle set with numerous rose and old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k gold and silver. Diam. app. 5.5 cm. Weight app. 37 g. Circa 1910. Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 365 JØRGEN JENSEN A bracelet of 14k gold. Design no. 346. L. app. 19 cm. Weight app. 26.5 g. Georg Jensen 1933-44. Accompanied by case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 366 A bracelet of 18k partly satinated gold. L. app. 18 cm. Weight app. 76 g. Circa 1950. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 360 362 361 363 365 364 366 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 295 367 370 A diamond brooch set with numerous old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.95 ct., mounted in platinum and 14k gold. L. app. 3.2 cm. England, 1890-1900. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 An Art Deco jade and diamond brooch set with carved natural jade, cabochon onyx and numerous rose-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 5.8 cm. England, circa 1930. Accompanied by original case and Gemmological Certificate Services certificat no. 5776-3176 indicating, “No indications of impregnation (may also be called A-jade)”. London, 2015. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 368 An Art Deco necklace with a pearl and diamond pendant set with presumably natural pearls and old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum, gold and white gold. Pearl diam. app. 1.85 mm. L. necklace app. 60 cm. L. pendant app. 6 cm. London, circa 1920-30. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 371 An Art Deco diamond ring set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 1.65 ct. flanked and encircled by numerous old mine and rose-cut diamonds, totalling app. 3.00 ct., mounted in platinum and 14k gold. Size 53. Circa 1920-30. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 369 372 A diamond ring set with a old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 4.00 ct. encircled and flanked by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Colour: Light Yellow. Clarity: VS. Size 51. Rome, circa 1900. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 An Art Deco diamond bracelet set with numerous old mine and single-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.50 ct., mounted in platinum. L. app. 17 cm. Clasp of white gold. Circa 1920-30. DKK 90,000-100,000 / € 12,000-13,500 296 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 367 368 369 370 371 372 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 297 373 CHOPARD A diamond necklace “Happy diamonds” set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.79 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: IF. Weight app. 121 g. L. app. 41.5 cm. 2007. Accompanied by original case and certificate. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 374 An emerald and diamond pendant set with an emerald-cut emerald weighing app. 35.00 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.65 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: SI. L. app. 5 cm. Circa 1985. Accompanied by case and insurance valuation from Martin Sunde A/S, Norway. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 375 CARTIER An emerald and diamond ring "Panthère" in the shape of a panther set with two pear-shaped emeralds and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.50 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Signed. Flexible. App. size 55. DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 298 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 373 374 375 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 299 376 An Italian ruby jewellery set of 18k satinated gold comprising a three-strand necklace and a sevenstrand bracelet set with numerous circular-cut rubies. L. necklace app. 42 cm. L. bracelet app. 19 cm. Total weight app. 118 g. Circa 1950-60. (2) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 377 MAUBOUSSIN A jewellery set of 18k gold comprising a ring and a pair of ear pendants. Serial nos. A 7393 and C 7910. Signed Mauboussin Paris. Size 52. L. ear pendants app. 2 cm. Total weight app. 37 g. Paris, circa 2005. (3) Accompanied by original cases. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 379 DE AMBROSI A pair of garnet and diamond cufflinks each set with carved garnet weighing a total of app. 5.15 ct., circular-cut sapphire and numerous brilliant-cut white and fancy yellow diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.74 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 1.5 cm. Total weight app. 26 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. (2) Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 75.000. Depicted in “De AMBROSI Paris”, 2008, pp. 36-37. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 378 CARTIER 380 A ruby ring set with an oval-cut ruby, mounted in 18k gold. Serial no. C 47861. Size 50. Cartier, Milan. Accompanied by original certificate. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 A bracelet of 14k partly satinated gold. L. app. 19.5 cm. Weight app. 62 g. Circa 1960-70. The proceed of this sale goes to The Danish Cancer Society. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 300 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 376 377 378 379 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 380 301 381 EFFEPI GIOIELLI A diamond necklace set with numerous single-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.84 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton. Clarity: VVS. Weight app. 111 gr. L. app. 39 cm. 2007. Accpompanied by case and certificate of purchase. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 382 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with a cushion-cut diamond weighing a total of app. 1.85 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 383 A diamond ring set with a cushion-cut diamond weighing app. 2.35 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.75 ct., totalling app. 3.10 ct., mounted in 18 gold and white gold. Size 52.5. Circa 2010. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 302 384 DE AMBROSI A sapphire and diamond brooch in the shape of a bird set with numerous circular-cut sapphires weighing a total of app. 4.19 ct. and brilliant and baguette-cut white and fancy yellow diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.92 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-SI. Signed. App. 5.0 x 6.6 cm. Weight app. 30 g. Limited edition. Paris, circa 2008. Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 207.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 36-37. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 381 382 383 384 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 303 385 A long diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 20.30 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 85 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 386 388 A ruby and diamond ring set with a natural Burma ruby weighing app. 3.06 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.95 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wessel ton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI1. Size 57. Italy, circa 2005. Accompanied by Cisgem certificate no. 2194. Milan, circa 2015. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 A diamond ring set with three brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 0.80, 1.50 and 0.80 ct. flanked by numerous single-cut diamonds, totalling app. 3.26 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: WesseltonTop Cape (H-K). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 52.5. Italy, circa 1980. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 387 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.45 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 4.0 cm. Circa 2013. (2) DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 304 389 A ruby, emerald and diamond brooch set with numerous circular-cut rubies, emeralds and rose and single-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 10.10 ct., mounted in platinum. Diam. app. 7 cm. Weight app. 47 g. Detachable pin. Circa 1900. Accompanied by original case. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 385 386 387 388 389 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 305 390 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 18.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-P1. L. app. 40 cm. Circa 2010. Accompanied by original case. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 391 WILLY JUNGET A diamond ring set with numerous old mine and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.00 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Size 55. Circa 1950. Provenance: The diamonds originates from the private jewellery collection of Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia (née Princess Dagmar of Denmark). DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 392 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.01 and 3.02 ct., totalling app. 6.05 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: J-K. Clarity: VS1 and SI. Flourescense: None. Circa 2012. (2) Accompanied by original case and two AnchorCert Gem Lab certificates nos. 20021403 and 20021404 England, 2014. DKK 350,000 / € 47,000 306 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 390 392 391 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 307 393 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 12.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 40 cm. Circa 2012. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 394 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.75 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 6.0 cm. Circa 2011. (2) DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 395 A sapphire and diamond ring set with a natural ovalcut sapphire weighing app. 6.52 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of 308 app. 2.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI1. Size 57. Italy, circa 2008. Accompanied by Gübelin gemmological report no. 15110309 stating, “No indications of heating (NTE)”. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 396 A diamond bracelet "Tutti Frutti" set with numerous cabochon rubies weighing a total of 48.62 ct., sapphires weighing a total of app. 41.76 ct., emeralds weighing a total of app. 22.69 ct. and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.05 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 19 cm. Adjustable. Italy, circa 1990. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 396 393 395 394 396 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 309 397 400 A necklace and a diamond pendant set with nume rous baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: River-Top Wesselton (E-G). Clarity: VVS-SI1. L. necklace app. 47 cm. Adjustable. L. pendant app. 3 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 An amethyst and diamond ring set with an oval-cut amethyst weighing app. 15.11 ct. flanked by nume rous baguette and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.43 ct., mounted in platinum. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G) Clarity: VVS. Size 52.5. Circa 2010. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 401 398 BVLGARI A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with an Asscher-cut diamond weighing app. 1.01 and 1.04 ct., totalling app. 2.06 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVSVS1. Serial no. 35618. (2) Accompanied by original case and two AnchorCert certificates nos. 20019625 and 20019626. England, 2014. Symmetry: Very Good Polish: Very Good. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 399 A diamond solitaire ring set with a princess-cut diamond weighing app. 1.04 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS. Size 51.5. Circa 2012. Acommpanied by AGI certificate no. 6DR15081210L674 from New York. 2015. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 310 A diamond solitaire ring set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing app. 3.11 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity: VVS1. Size 56. Circa 2013. Accompanied by GIA Report no. 3175595503. New York, 2014. Polish: Very good. Flourescence: None. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,000 402 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.00 ct., moun ted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 17 cm. Italy, circa 2006. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 403 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.15 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 17.5 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 398 397 399 400 401 402 403 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 311 404 A sapphire and diamond necklace set with circular and oval-cut sapphires and old mine and rose-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. L. app. 52 cm. Rome, circa 1900. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 sapphires, mounted in platinum. Colour: Cape (M). Clarity: VS. Size 51. Circa 1950. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 408 405 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 1.60 ct., totalling app. 3.20 ct., mounted in gold and silver. London, circa 1930. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 A sapphire and diamond pendant set with an ovalcut sapphire encircled by numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-SI. Size 60. Italy, circa 2005. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 409 406 An Art Deco diamond brooch set with numerous old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Circa 2.2 x 3.5 cm. England, circa 1920-30. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 A sapphire and diamond bangle set with numerous oval cabochon sapphires weighing a total of 2.20 ct. and old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of 1.80 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Diam. 5.7 cm. Italy, circa 1920-30. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 407 410 A diamond and sapphire ring set with a brilliantcut diamond weighing app. 2.75 ct. flanked by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds and baguette-cut A diamond bracelet set with numerous old mine and rose-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18.7 cm. Circa 1930. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 312 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 405 404 406 407 408 409 410 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 313 411 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.05 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-P1. L. app. 41 cm. England, circa 1990. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 412 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.34 ct. flanked by two baguettecut diamonds, totalling app. 3.60 ct., mounted in platinum. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VVS1. Size 53. New York, circa 2008. Accompanied by European Diamond Reports no. B815 917. London, circa 2015. DKK 250,000 / € 33,500 314 413 CHANEL A diamond ring "Camélia" set with an oval brilliantcut diamond weighing app. 0.90 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut black and white diamonds, mounted in 18k partly rhodinated white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. Serial no. 13N 192. Size 53. Signed. Retali price DKK 400.000. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 414 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 7.49 ct., moun ted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top WesseltonWesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 18 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 411 412 414 413 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 315 415 418 A necklace with a diamond pendant set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 44 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 A sapphire and diamond ring set with a cushion-cut sapphire weighing app. 2.50 ct. flanked by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 1.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 54. Circa 2009. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 416 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut natural fancy yellow diamond weighing app. 0.46 ct. en circled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS1-SI. Size 52.5. Circa 2002. Accompanied by IGI grading no. F3C23417. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 419 A tanzanite and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut tanzanite weighing app. 4.70 ct. flanked by numerous fancy-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Size 52.5. England, circa 2008. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 417 420 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 5.5 cm. Circa 2012. (2) DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.07 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 18 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 45,000-50,000 / € 6,050-6,700 316 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 415 416 417 418 419 420 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 317 421 424 A Tahiti and South Sea pearl necklace with nume rous cultured Tahiti and South Sea pearls in grey and golden nuances with a clasp of 18k gold. Pearl diam. app. 10.4-12.9 mm. L. app. 44.5 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 A diamond ring set with two old mine-cut diamonds weighing app. 2.30 and 2.10 ct., encircled by numerous single and brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 4.82 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 56. Circa 1950. Accompanied by case. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 425 422 * A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 0.85 ct., totalling app. 1.70 ct., encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. L. app. 2 cm. Circa 1950. (2) DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 423 A pair of Tahiti pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured Tahiti pearl and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.80 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 14.2 mm. L. app. 2.2 cm. Rome, circa 2012. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 318 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 2.5 cm. Circa 2014. (2) DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 426 A pearl and diamond brooch set with numerous cultured pearls and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 14 and 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 3.8 cm. Rome, circa 1930-40. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 427 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.30 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2012. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 421 422 423 424 425 427 426 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 319 428 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 14.10 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 45 cm. Circa 2008. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 429 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.01 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut natural pink diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.54 ct., mounted in 18k pink and white gold. Grading of centre diamond: Colour: Crystal (J). Clarity: VVS. Size 56. Circa 2014. Accompanied by GIA report no. 3185010401. New York, 2014. Cut: Excellent. Polish: Excellent. Symmetry: Excellent. DKK 250,000-300,000 / € 33,500-40,000 430 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.74 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). L. app. 17.5 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 320 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 428 430 429 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 321 431 A Tahiti pearl necklace with numerous cultured Tahiti pearls and clasp of 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 12.00 - 14.70 mm. L. app. 48 cm. Rome, circa 2012. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 432 CARTIER A necklace with a diamond pendant in the shape of a heart set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. L. pendant app. 1.5. L. necklace app. 44 cm. Serial nos. 426027 and 244298. 1984. Accompanied by original case and certifcate. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 433 A Tahiti pearl and diamond jewellery set comprising a pendant and a pair of ear pendants each set with a cultured Tahiti pearl encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.20 ct., mounted 18k gold. Colour: Top WesseltonWesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Pearl diam. app. 11.2 - 12.2 mm. L. pendant app. 2.5 cm. L. ear pendants app. 1.5 cm. (3) Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Signed. L. app. 6.5 cm. Weight app. 47 g. Circa 1990-95. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 435 CARTIER A diamond ring “Bamboo” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VVS. Serial no. 699441. Size 51.5. Signed. Cartier, Paris. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 436 A “Nelson Mandela” bangle of 18k gold and copper. Signed G18 # 00084 1st edition. Diam. app. 6 cm. Weight app. 49 g. London, 2008. Accompanied by case and certificate. Made for the 90th birthday celebrations of Mr. Nelson Mandela in June 2008 at Hyde Park, London, recognising Mr. Mandela’s contribution to humanity. Serial number 1 - 90 have only been made available to significant supporters of the Nelson Mandela Foundation and were manufactured under licence for 46664, a subsidary of the Nelson Mandela Foundation. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 434 C’EST LAUDIER 437 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS A rose quartz and diamond perfume flacon of carved pink rose quartz set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.30 ct., mounted A bracelet of 18k tri-coloured gold. Serial no. I2 C2343. Signed. L. app. 17.5 cm. New York. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 322 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 431 433 432 435 434 437 436 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 323 438 EKVALL & ROSGAARD A Tahiti pearl and diamond necklace set with a pear shaped cultured Tahiti pearl, square-cut tourmaline and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: River (D-E). Clarity: VVS. Excellent cut. Pearl diam. app. 15 x 17 mm. L. app. 85 cm. Circa 2012. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 439 MAUBOUSSIN A pair of diamond and mother of pearl ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds and carved mother of pearl, mounted in 18k white gold. Diam. app. 2.2 cm. Weight app. 32.5 g. Circa 2012. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 440 An Art Deco diamond ring set with an old minecut diamond encircled by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Size 58.5. Circa 1930. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 441 A pair of pink sapphire and diamond ear clips each in the shape of a flower set with numerous circularcut pink sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, 324 mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI1. Diam. app. 2.5 cm. Milan, circa 2010. (2) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 442 A. DRAGSTED A diamond ring set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 1.00 ct. flanked by two baguettecut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. Size 52. Circa 1960. Provenance: The diamonds originates from the private jewellery collection of Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia (née Princess Dagmar of Denmark). DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 443 PER BORUP A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant and single-cut diamonds weighing app. 1.40 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Size 57. Circa 1970-80. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 444 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18.5 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 438 440 439 441 442 443 444 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 325 445 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 32.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 40 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 446 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 8.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 6 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 447 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emerald-cut emerald weighing app. 10.50 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.55 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 53.5. Circa 2010. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 448 A diamond ring set with a marquise-cut diamond weighing app. 2.20 ct. flanked by two baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. Size 51. Circa 2011. Accompanied by original case. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 326 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 445 447 446 448 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 327 449 A South Sea pearl necklace with numerous cultured South Sea pearls and clasp of 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 12.9 - 17.3 mm. L. ca. 47 cm. Rom, ca. 2012. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 450 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured South Sea Pearl and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 13.00 mm. L. circa 2 cm. Italy, circa 2010. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 Accompanied by The Gem & Pearl Laboratory certificate no. 06352. London, 2012. The emerald has sub sequently been recut. DKK 125,000 / € 17,000 453 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.90 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS. Size 57.5. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 454 451 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 7.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 5.5 cm. Circa 2009. (2) DKK 28,000-30,000 / € 3,750-4,000 452 A Colombian emerald and diamond ring set with an emerald-cut Colombian emerald weighing app. 15.78 ct. flanked by numerous baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 51.5. Circa 1980. 328 An emerald and diamond ring set with an oval-cut emerald weighing app. 1.59 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.57 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. Size 53. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 455 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.94 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 19 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 449 450 451 452 455 453 454 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 329 456 DAMIANI A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut white and cognac coloured diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.40 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 40 cm. Italy, circa 2010. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 457 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut emerald encircled and flanked by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Size 51. Circa 2010. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 of app. 0.96 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity:VS-SI. Size 55.5. Italy, circa 2010. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 460 A diamond ring set with three old mine-cut diamonds weighing a total of 2.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Cape (H-K). Clarity P. Size 56.5. Circa 1980. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 461 DAVID ANDERSEN 458 An emerald and diamond necklace and pendant set with a pear-shaped emerald weighing app. 3.30 ct. and a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.04 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS. L. necklace app. 50 cm. Italy, 2010. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 459 An emerald and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut emerald weighing app. 1.85 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total 330 An Art Deco emerald and diamond brooch set with a cabochon emerald flanked by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. L. app. 6.5 cm. Ca. 1930. Accompanied by original case. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 462 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 4.82 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity VS-SI. L. app. 18.5 cm. Milan, circa 2014. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 457 458 456 459 460 462 461 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 331 463 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 9.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 41.5 cm. Milan, circa 2008. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 464 CARTIER A pair of diamond ear pendants "Caresse D'Orchidées" each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Signed. L. 2.5 cm. Cartier. Moscow, 2011. Accompanied by original certificate and copy of valuation from Cartier. Retail price app. DKK 222.000. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 465 CARTIER A diamond ring "Caresse D'Orchidées" set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Serial no. 82102 B. Signed. Cartier, Moscow, 2011. Accompanied by copy of certificate and valuation from Cartier. Retail price app. DKK 129.000. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 332 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 463 465 464 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 333 466 A necklace and a diamond pendant in the shape of a cross set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. L. necklace app. 38 cm. L. pendant app. 1.8 cm. Circa 1990. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 of app. 0.90 ct., totalling app. 2.30 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 53.5. Circa 2010. Accompanied by HRD certificate no. J1502290004. Antwerp, 2015. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 467 ANNIKAT 470 A pair of aquamarine and diamond ear pendants each set with an emerald-cut aquamarine and numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. L. app. 5.6 cm. Circa 2012. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 An aquamarine and diamond ring set with an emerald-cut aqumarine weighing app. 9.34 ct. flanked by brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 0.43 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 54. Rome, circa 2010. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 468 EVALD NIELSEN 471 An Art Deco aquamarine and diamond pendant set with an emerald-cut aquamarine and numerous single and old mine-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Accompanied by necklace. L. pendant app. 4.5 cm. L. necklace app. 43 cm. Circa 1930. Accompanied by original case. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 469 A diamond ring set with a princess-cut natural fancy yellow diamond weighing app. 1.40 ct. flanked by numerous princess-cut diamonds weighing a total 334 A diamond ring set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing app. 2.70 ct. flanked by two trapeze-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: P. Size 54. Openable. Circa 1970. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 472 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.15 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 17.5 cm. Milan, circa. 2010. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 466 468 467 469 470 471 472 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 335 473 A South Sea pearl and diamond necklace with cultured South Sea pearls and clasp set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.52 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 12-16 mm. L. app. 49 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 474 A pair of South Sea and diamond ear pendants each set with a South Sea cultured pearl and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.25 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Perlediam. ca. 13.7 mm. L. ca. 2.1 cm. Rom, circa 2012. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 475 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.71 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.24 ct., totalling app. 1.66 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G-H). Milan, circa 2010. (2) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Serial no. AY 3056. Size 54.5. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 477 A pair of diamond ear pendants “Creoles” each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.53 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F). Clarity: VS-SI. Diam. app. 4.8 cm. Milan, circa 2010. (2) DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 478 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weiging app. 1.65 ct. encircled by numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.22 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Cape (K). Clarity: VVS1. Size 51. Milan, circa 2012. Accompanied by HRD certificate no. 15025290005. DKK 45,000-50,000 / € 6,050-6,700 479 476 CARTIER A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.74 ct., mounted 336 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 3.71 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2015. Accompanied by case. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 473 475 474 476 478 477 479 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 337 480 483 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 8.45 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 43 cm. Circa 2010. Accompanied by case. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.44 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: River (E). Clarity: SI. Size 53.5. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 484 481 A diamond necklace set with a heart-shaped brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.90 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). L. app. 40 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 482 A diamond ring set with a marquise-cut diamond weighing app. 3.39 ct. flanked by two baguette-cut diamonds, totalling app. 3.59 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity: VVS1. Size 52. Italy, circa 2010. Accompanied by Geci certificate no. 1014659. Milan, 2015. DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 338 A diamond ring set with a heart shaped brilliantcut diamond weighing app. 2.00 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 2.26 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 51. New York, circa 2005. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 485 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.35 ct. flanked by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: WesseltonCrystal (H-J). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 48. Circa 2012. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 486 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.72 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 18 cm. Circa 2010. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 339 487 A Tahiti pearl necklace with numerous cultured Tahiti pearls and clasp of 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 13.75 - 14.75 mm. L. app. 48 cm. Rome, circa 2011. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 488 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 5.5 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 489 A pair of Tahiti pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured Tahiti pearl and brilliantcut diamond weighing a total of app. 0.41 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 14 mm. L. app. 3.2 cm. Milan, circa 2013. (2) DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 490 DE AMBROSI A diamond ring in the shape of a flower set with a pear shaped brilliant-cut diamond and numerous brilliant-cut champagne coloured and white diamonds, totalling app. 3.95 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-SI1. Size 51. Paris, 2008. 340 Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 102.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 32-33. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 491 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.00 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant and single-cut diamonds, totalling app. 2.36 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. L. app. 2.5 cm. Circa 2008. (2) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 492 An Art Deco diamond brooch set with numerous old mine and single-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 6 cm. Milan, circa 1930. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 493 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 6.75 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. L. app. 19.5 cm. Circa 2011. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 487 489 488 490 491 493 492 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 341 494 SHAMBALLA 497 EKVALL & ROSGAARD A ceramic necklace with beads of ceramic and a “Gold Bar” pendant set with a brilliant-cut diamond, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wessel ton (G). Clarity: VS. L. pendant app. 7 cm. L. necklace app. 70 cm. Bead diam. app. 8 mm. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 A pair of tourmaline and diamond ear pendants each set with a circular-cut tourmaline encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: River (D-E). Clarity: VVS. Excellent cut. Diam. app. 1.3 cm. Circa 2012. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 495 CHOPARD A diamond ring “Happy Diamonds” set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Size 51. Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 496 SHAMBALLA A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliantcut brown and white diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.83 ct., mounted in 18k gold and black plait. Adjustable size. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 342 498 EKVALL & ROSGAARD A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: River (D-E). Clarity: VVS. Excellent cut. Weight app. 13.5 g. Size 57. Circa 2012. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 499 CHOPARD A diamond bracelet with three “Happy Diamonds” charms set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds and a circular-cut sapphire, mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 19.5 cm. Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 500 A bracelet of 18k gold. L. app. 21.5 cm. Weght app. 44 g. Circa 2005. Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 494 495 496 497 499 498 500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 343 501 A South Sea pearl necklace set with Australian cultured South Sea pearls and integrated pearl clasp of 18k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 15.0-18.5 mm. L. app. 48 cm. Italy, circa 2010. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 502 A diamond eternity ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.66 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: WesseltonTop Crystal (H-I). Clarity: SI. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 503 A South Sea pearl and diamond jewellery set comprising a ring and a pair of ear pendants each set with a cultured South Sea pearl encircled by nume rous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.00 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. Pearl diam app. 11.0-11.5 mm. Ring size 53. L. ear pendants app. 1.5 cm. (3) Purchased at Stenstrup juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 504 A diamond ring set with a cushion-cut diamond weighing app. 1.76 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 344 0.45 ct., totalling app. 2.21 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Size 53. Circa 2011. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 505 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.70 ct. flanked by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.20 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. Circa 2012. Accompanied by AGI certificate no. 6DR15081215L691 from New York. 2015. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 506 A diamond bangle set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton-Top Crystal (H-I). Clarity: VS-SI. Diam. app. 6.0 cm. Italy, circa 2010. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 507 A diamond bracelet "Tutti Frutti" set with numerous oval, pear, cabochon and circular-cut rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethysts, tsavorites, citrines and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (F-H). Clarity: VS-SI1. L. app. 18 cm. Weight app. 54.5 g. England, circa 1990. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 345 508 511 A necklace with a diamond pendant set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.29 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: River (E). Clarity: VVS1. L. app. 44 cm. Circa 2010. Accompanied by AnchorCert certificate no. 20026609. England, 2015. Fluorescence: None. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 A diamond solitaire ring set with a marquise-cut diamond weighing app. 1.02 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Colour: River (D). Clarity: VVS. Size 54. Accompanied by AGI certificate no. 6DR15110301L762 from New York. 2015. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 509 WIN An aquamarine and diamond ring set a with a cushion-cut aquamarine weighing app. 6.50 ct. flanked by two heart-shaped and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.20 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G) Clarity: VVS. Size 53. Circa 2012. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 512 A Burma sapphire and diamond ring set with a natural Burma star sapphire weighing app. 6.11 ct. encircled by numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Size 58. Sweden, 1952. Accompanied by GIL certificate no. STO 20150703640 indicating, "No indication of thermal treatment" and "Origin: Burma". DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 510 513 A diamond necklace set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.53 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 120 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.90 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 18 cm. Italy, circa 2011. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 346 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 508 509 510 511 512 513 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 347 514 A South Sea pearl necklace with cultured South Sea pearls and a diamond clasp set with numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k satinated gold. Pearl diam. app. 12.4-14.7 mm. L. app. 50 cm. Circa. 2011. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 515 A diamond solitaire ring set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 1.50 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Cape (M). Clarity: SI. Size 51. Circa 1950. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 516 A pair of South Sea pearl and diamond ear pendants each set with a cultured baroque South Sea pearl and numerous princess, emerald and baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in gold and oxidized silver. Pearl diam. app. 17.00-22.75 mm. L. app. 4 cm. Circa 2010. (2) DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 518 BVLGARI A bangle of 18k gold and steel “B.ZERO1” with Bvlgari logo. Diam. app. 5.6 cm. Italy, 2011 DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 519 DE AMBROSI A pair of ebony and diamond cufflinks each set with carved ebony and bone and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.74 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS. L. app. 2.0 cm. Total weight app. 20.7 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. (2) Accompanied by original case. Purchased for app. DKK 55.500. Illustrated in “De AMBROSI Paris”, 2008, pp. 10-11. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 517 520 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 3.90 ct. flanked by numerous baguette and princess-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Cape (M). Clarity: SI2. Size 56. Circa 1980. DKK 100,000-120,000 / € 13,500-16,000 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.68 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 17.5 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 348 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 349 521 A necklace with a diamond pendant set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 1.60 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. L. necklace app. 41 cm. L. pendant app. 1.5 cm. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 522 A diamond eternity ring set with numerous brilliantcut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.65 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity VS-SI. Size 53. Milan, circa 2010. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 Accompanied by EGL USA certificate no. US 62137102D and UGS valuation. 2015. DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700 525 A pair of diamond ear pendants “Creoles” each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.72 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. Diam. app. 3 cm. Circa 2012. (2) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 523 526 A pair of diamond ear pendants each set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.40 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. L. app. 2.2 cm. Circa 2012. (2) DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 A tourmaline and diamond ring set with an ovalcut tourmaline weighing app. 6.44 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant-cut black and white diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Size 54. Rome, circa 2010. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 524 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.89 ct. flanked by brilliant-cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.39 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. Grading of center diamond: River (E). Clarity: VS1. Size 51.5. 350 527 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 3.59 ct., mounted in 14k white gold. L. app. 17 cm. Milan, circa 2013. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 521 522 523 524 526 525 527 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 351 528 A three strand pearl and diamond necklace with cultured pearls and a diamond clasp set with numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in 14k white gold. Pearl diam. app. 8.89.2 mm. L. app. 41-47 cm. Circa 1960. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 529 A pair of diamond ear studs each set with an old mine-cut diamond weighing app. 0.82 ct., totalling app. 1.64 ct., mounted in 18k white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS. London, ca. 1950. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 cut diamonds, totalling app. 1.11 ct., mounted in platinum. Colour: River (D). Clarity: VVS. Size 51. Circa 2013. Accompanied by AGI certificate no. 6DR15100701L779 from New York. 2015. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 532 A diamond ring set with baguette and brilliantcut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Size 52. Circa 1990. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 530 533 GEORG JENSEN & WENDEL A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 2.65 ct. encircled by numerous brilliant and baguette-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Colour: Top Crystal (I). Clarity: SI1. Size 45. Circa 1950. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 534 531 A diamond ring set with an emerald-cut diamond weighing app. 0.71 ct. flanked by numerous brilliant- 352 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k white gold. Size 54. Ca. 1990. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 5.50 ct., mounted in platinum. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VS-SI. L. app. 18.3 cm. Ca. 1960. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 528 529 531 530 532 533 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 534 353 535 A topaz necklace set with numerous pear-shaped and oval-cut topazes weighing a total of app. 150.00 ct., mounted in gilded sterling silver. L. app. 42 cm. Circa 2008. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 54.5. Circa 2012. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 536 PICCHIOTTI A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k pink gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 56. New York, ca. 2008. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 A diamond solitaire ring set with a heart-shaped brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.08 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: VS. Size 56. 2009. Accompanied by certificate. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 537 A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k pink and white gold. 354 538 TIFFANY & CO 539 A diamond bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.18 ct. mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (GH). Clarity: SI. L. app. 18.8 cm. Milan, circa 2012. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 535 536 537 539 538 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 355 540 VAN CLEEF & ARPELS 543 NANNA & JØRGEN DITZEL A jewellery set comprising a necklace and a bracelet of 18k gold. L. app. 40.5 and 18 cm. Serial no. 10144 og B7896. Total weight app. 154 g. Circa 1970. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 A brooch of 18k gold. L. app. 5.3 cm. Weight app. 26.5 g. Design no. 1328. Georg Jensen after 1945. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 541 OLE W. JACOBSEN An opal and diamond jewellery set comprising a ring set with a boulder opal and a brilliant-cut diamond and a necklace with a pendant set with a boulder opal, mounted in 14k gold. Ring size 55. L. pendant app. 3. L. necklace app. 38 cm. Total weight app. 51 g. Circa 1980. (2) Accompanied by original case. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 544 JYTTE KLØVE CD A diamond bangle “Fish” set with two brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.30 ct., mounted in 14k gold. Diam. app. 7 cm. Weight app. 39 g. Circa 2000. Retail price app. DKK 41.000. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 542 EKVALL & ROSGAARD A diamond ring set with a princess-cut diamond, mounted in platinum and 22k gold. Colour: River (E). Clarity: VVS. Excellent cut. Size 54. Weight app. 16 g. Ca. 2012. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 356 545 A bracelet of 18k gold. Weight app. 102 g. Switzerland, circa 1960-70. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 540 542 541 540 543 544 545 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 357 546 GEORG JENSEN & WENDEL 549 GEORG JENSEN A necklace of 18k gold. L. app. 71 cm. Weight app. 68 g. Circa 1980. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 A malachite and amber brooch set with cabochon malachite and amber, mounted in silver. L. app. 5 cm. W. app. 4.8 cm. Design no. 13. 1904-8. Similar depicted in Janet Drucker, " Georg Jensen A Tradition of splendid Silver", 1997, p. 127. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 547 EKVALL & ROSGAARD A diamond ring set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in platinum. Colour: River (D-E). Clarity: VVS. Excellent cut. Weight app. 11 gr. Size 57. Ca. 2012. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 550 OLE W. JACOBSEN A jewellery set comprising a pair of bangles of 19.5k gold and sterling silver and a ring of 18k gold and white gold. Diam. app. 6.5 cm. Ring size 52.5. Weight gold bangle app. 70 g. Weight ring app. 19 g. Weight silver bangle app. 42 g. Circa 1970-80. (3) DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 548 GEORG JENSEN 551 ASTRID FOG A chalcedony and amber brooch set with cabochon chalcedony and amber, mounted in silver. Design no. 8. L. app. 8 cm. W. app. 5 cm. 1904-8. Similar depicted in Janet Drucker: “Georg Jensen-A Tradition of Splendid Silver” 1997, p. 124. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 A bracelet of sterling silver. Design no. 217. L. app. 23 cm. Weight app. 139 g. Georg Jensen after 1945. Accompanied by original case. Similar depicted in David A. Taylor: "Georg Jensen Jewellery", 2005 p. 296. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 358 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 546 547 548 549 550 551 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 359 552 A neclace with a diamond pendant in the shape of an elephant set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing app. 0.46 ct.. mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VS. L. neck lace app. 50 cm. L. pendant app. 3 cm. Weight app. 73 g. Openable pendant. Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 553 CARTIER An emerald ring set with an oval-cut emerald, mounted in 18k gold. Serial no. C10888. Size 49. Cartier, Milan. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 554 ROLEX numerous brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.27 ct., mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Size 54.5. Circa 2012. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 556 HARTMANN’S A tsavorite and diamond ring set with an emeraldcut tsavorite weighing app. 1.11 ct. flanked by radiant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 0.65 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: River (E). Clarity: VVS. Size 53. 2009. Accompanied by a certificate from Ruben Svart with an assurance valuation of DKK 44.200. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 557 CHOPARD A diamond ring set with numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (F-G). Clarity: VVS-VS. Size 54. Flexible. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A diamond bracelet "Happy Diamonds" set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. Weight app. 29 g. L. app. 19 cm. Purchased at Stenstrup Juveler, Copenhagen. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 555 558 An emerald and diamond ring set with an ovalcut emerald weighing app. 1.55 ct. encircled by A bracelet of 14k gold. L. app. 25 cm. Weight app. 103 g. Circa 1980. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 360 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 552 553 554 555 557 556 558 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 361 559 A diamond necklace set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.20 ct. and numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 43 cm. Weight app. 62.5 g. Circa 1950. Accompanied by case. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 560 A pair of sapphire and diamond ear pendants each set with a cabochon sapphire encircled by numerous brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. L. app. 1.8 cm. Circa 2000. (2) Accompanied by valuation from Torben Guldbrandsen of DKK 29.000. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 561 A sapphire and diamond ring set with a cabochon sapphire weighing app. 1.30 ct. and numerous single-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold and white gold. Colour: Wesselton (H). Clarity: VS-SI. Size 49. Italy, circa 1980. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 562 V. HOLMSTRUP A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 0.78 ct., mounted in 18k gold and 362 white gold. Colour: Top Wesselton (G). Clarity: IF. Size 57.5. 1977. Accompanied by original case and receipt. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 563 A sapphire and diamond brooch in the shape of a lobster set with numerous square-cut sapphires and brilliant-cut diamonds, mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 6.5 cm. Weight app. 32 g. Naples, circa 2005. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 564 A sapphire and diamond brooch in the shape of a butterfly set with oval and marquise-cut sapphires and numerous rose-cut diamonds, mounted in partly gilded silver. L. app. 6.2 x 5.8 cm. Italy, circa 1950. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 565 A sapphire and diamond bracelet set with numerous square-cut sapphires weighing a total of app. 3.60 ct. and brilliant-cut diamonds weighing a total of app. 2.88 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Top Wesselton-Wesselton (G-H). Clarity: VVS-VS. L. app. 18 cm. Accompanied by case. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 559 561 560 562 563 564 565 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 363 566 A jewellery set comprising a three strand necklace and a seven strand bracelet of 18k satinated gold. L. app. 19.5 and 47.5 cm. Total weight app. 142.5 g. Italy, circa 1970. (2) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 567 A jewellery set of 18k gold and white gold comprising a necklace and a bracelet. L. app. 41.5 and 17 cm. Total weight app. 187 g. Circa 1990. (2) Accompanied by case. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 Purchased for app. DKK 75.000. Depicted in "De AMBROSI Paris", 2008, pp. 36-37. Provenance: Part of a large private European jewellery collection. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 569 A diamond ring set with a brilliant-cut diamond weighing app. 1.51 ct., mounted in 18k gold. Colour: Crystal (J). Clartiy: SI. Size 55.5. Circa 2008. Accompanied by case and certificate. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 570 568 DE AMBROSI A pair of moonstone and ruby cufflinks each set with carved moonstone weighing a total of app. 2.70 ct., circular-cut sapphire and numerous circular-cut rubies weighing a total of app. 2.00 ct., mounted in 18k pink gold. L. app. 1.5 cm. Total weight app. 26 g. Limited edition. Paris, 2008. (2) 364 A cigarette case set with an oval cabochon sapphire, mounted in 18k gold. L. app. 6.0 x 10.0 x 1.5 cm. Weight app. 190 g. Paris, circa 1930-40. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 571 A bracelet of 18k gold. L. app. 19.5 cm. W. app. 3 cm. Weight app. 66.5 g. Circa 1980. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 566 567 568 569 570 571 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 365 572 573 575 574 572 HERMÈS 574 HERMÈS A “Kelly” 32 bag of burgundy box leather with golden hardware, padlock, key, keychain and three interiour pockets. With intials SR on front. 1963. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 A “Kelly” 32 bag of black crocodile (crocodylus porosus, CITES Anexe IIB)) with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain and three internal pockets. Items made of crocodile or alligator skin require a CITES export permit in order to be exported from Denmark to a country outside The European Union. Buyers residing outside the European Union are required to obtain this permit. More information is available upon request. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 573 HERMÈS A “Kelly” 32 bag of brown crocodile (crocodylus porosus, CITES Anexe IIB) with golden hardware, padlock, keys, keychain, and three internal pockets. Items made of crocodile or alligator skin require a CITES export permit in order to be exported from Denmark to a country outside The European Union. Buyers residing outside the European Union are required to obtain this permit. More information is available upon request. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 366 575 HERMÈS A “Kelly” 28 bag of brown leather and canvas with golden hardware, padlock, keys, key chain and three internal pockets. Stamped EZ. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 576 578 577 576 HERMÈS A "Birkin" 35 bag of dark green ostrich with palladium hardware, padlock, keys, key string and two internal pockets. Unused. 2007. DKK 125,000 / € 17,000 577 CHANEL A “Flap bag” of black, quilted lambskin with chain strap and golden hardware with interiour zipper pocket. L. app. 17 x 20 x 6 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 578 HERMÈS A "Birkin" 32 bag of light brown leather with golden hardware, padlock, key and key chain, two handles, two interiour pockets one with a zipper. 1993. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 367 The auction on the wristwatches will begin once the jewellery auction is finished. Please consult our website for information on which lot number is currently being sold. WRISTWATCHES Thursday 3 March Lot 579 - 619 Lot 603 579 ROLEX A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model DateJust, ref. 68238. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Champagne-colored dial with hands of gold and diamond hourmarkers. Rolex bracelet of 18k gold with concealed clasp. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter 25 mm. Approx. 1996. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 579 580 PATEK PHILIPPE A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k white gold. Model Golden Ellipse, ref. 4134/4. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 16-250. Blue dial with hands and hourmarkers of white gold. Bezel set with numerous diamonds. Integrated bracelet of white gold. Circumference approx. 16.5 mm. Watch diameter approx. 21 mm. 1970s. Patek Philippe box and two cut-off bracelet pieces included. DKK 30,000-35,000 / € 4,000-4,700 580 581 CARTIER A lady's diamond wristatch of 18k gold. Model Panthere. Quartz. Diamond dial with onyx and hands of gold. Bezel and bracelet set with numerous diamonds and onyx. Cartier bracelet of gold with concealed folding buckle. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 22 mm. 1994. Purchased on Feb. 1994. Cartier box and certificates included. DKK 70,000-80,000 / € 9,400-10,500 581 370 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 582 CARTIER A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Cougar. Quartz. Blue dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Cartier bracelet of 18k gold with concealed folding clasp. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter approx. 26 mm. 2000s. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 582 583 CHOPARD A lady's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Happy Diamonds. Quartz. White dial with gold-colored hands and five "floating" diamonds. Bezel set with numerous diamonds. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 17 cm. Watch diameter approx. 22 mm. 1990s. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 583 584 PROVITA A lady's diamond wristwatch of 18k white gold. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Light dial with silvered hands and hour markers. Bezel and bracelet set with numerous brilliant-cut diamonds with a total carat of approx. 4.50 ct. Colour: F-G, Clarity: VS-SI. Integrated bracelet of white gold. Circumference approx. 17.5 cm. Watch diameter approx. 16 mm. 1950s. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 584 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 371 585 OMEGA A lady's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model De Ville, 424.53.332. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date, caliber 2500. Mother of pearl dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Brown Omega strap with C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 32 mm. 2013. Purchased on Nov. 5th 2013. Omega box and certificates included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 585 586 ROLEX A lady's diamond wristwatch of steel. Model DateJust, ref. 62510. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Black dial with hands of white gold and diamond hourmarkers. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of steel. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter 26 mm. 2003. Purchased at Klarlund on June 19th 2004. Rolex box, certificates and an extra silvered dial and hands included. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 586 587 CHAUMET A lady's diamond wristwatch of steel. Model Class One Diamonds. Quartz with date. Mother of pearl dial with black hands and diamond hourmarkers. Turning bezel set with numerous diamonds. Integrated bracelet of steel with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 33 mm. 2004. Purchased on Feb. 12th 2004. Chaumet box and certificates included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 587 372 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 588 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN A gentleman's weistwatch of 18k gold. Model Ultra Slim, ref. 6115. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 1003. Champagne-colored dial with black hands and hourmarkers. Black strap with C-buckle of gold-plated steel. Watch diameter approx. 33 mm. 1960s. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 588 589 OMEGA A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model De Ville, ref. 424.53.40 Chronometer certified automatic movement with date, caliber 2500. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Brown Omega strap with C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter 39.5 mm. 2013. Purchased on Nov. 5th 2013. Omega Box and certificates included. Watch appears unused. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 589 590 JAEGER-LECOULTRE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Mechancial movement with manual winding, caliber 800. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. JLC winding crown. Black strap with Cbuckle of gold-plated steel. Watch diameter approx. 33 mm. 1960s. Watch appears newly reonovated with new hands, winding crown and crystal. Service receipt dated Nov. 16th 2015 included. Case back inscription: 1963 Erik Andersson från Bultfabriks A.B" DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 590 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 373 591 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of black DLC-treated steel. Model Breitling for Bentley "Tourneau". Chronometer certified automatic chronograph movement with date and GMT. Black dial with hands and hourmarkers of white gold. Integrated rubberstrap with folding buckle of black DLC-treated steel. Watch diameter approx. 48 mm. 2012. Purchased at Tourneau on May 25th 2012. Breitling box and certificates included. This model is limited to 150 pieces and this watch is no. 138/150. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 591 592 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Breitling for Bentley SuperSports, ref. A26364. Chronometer certified chronograph movement with date. Black/ blue dial with silvered hands and hourmarkers. Breitling rubber strap with folding buckle. Watch diameter 48 mm. 2013. Purchased on May 1st 2013. Breitling box, sales receipt and certificates included. This model is limited to 1000 pieces and this watch is no. 887/1000. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 592 374 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 593 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Breitling for Bentley 6,75, ref. A33364. Chronometer certified chronograph movement with big date. Grey dial with hands and hourmarkers of whitegold. Black Breitling rubberstrap with folding buckle. Watch diameter approx. 48 mm. 2012. Purchased on Dec. 26th 2012. Breitling box and certificates included. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 593 594 BREITLING A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Breitling for Bentley, ref. A47362. Chronometer certified automatic chronograph movement with date, GMT and worldtimer indicator. Black dial with hands and hourmarkers of white gold. Integrated rubberstrap with folding buckle. Watch diameter approx. 48 mm. 2012. Purchased at Hvelplund on Dec. 23rd 2012. Copy of sales receipt included. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 594 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 375 595 VACHERON & CONSTANTIN A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Jalousie. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 1017. Champagne-colored dial with blued hands and gold hourmarkers. Shutter activated by lower button on the middle case. Vacheron Constantin strap with folding buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 25 mm. 1999. Purchased at Watches of Switzerland on March 27th 1999. Certificates and Vacheron Constantin loupe included. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 595 595 596 JAEGER-LECOULTRE A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Reverso Squadra Hometime, ref. 230.8.77. Automatic movement with AM/PM indicator and secondary time zone. Black dial with silvered hands and white hourmarkers. Black JaegerLeCoultre strap of articulated rubber and folding buckle of steel. Watch diameter approx. 35 mm. 2007. Purchased on Nov. 2nd 2007. Jaeger-LeCoultre box and certificates included. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 596 596 376 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 597 PATEK PHILIPPE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Calatrava. Automatic movement. Gold-colored dial with black hands and hourmarkers. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 33 mm. 1970-80s. Patek Philippe holder of leather included. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 597 598 PATEK PHILIPPE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Golden Ellipse ref. 3738/1. Automatic movement. Blue dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Integrated bracelet of gold. Circumference approx. 18 cm. Watch diameter approx. 32 mm. 1983. Purchased on Sep. 22nd 1983. Patek Philippe box and certificates included. DKK 40,000-45,000 / € 5,350-6,050 598 599 AUDEMARS PIGUET A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Mechanical movement with manual winding. Champagnecolored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Integrated bracelet of 18k gold. Circumference approx. 17 cm. 18 mm cut-off bracelet parts included. Watch diameter 33 mm. 1950s. Audemars Piguet box included. Watch was serviced in 2013 according to seller. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 599 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 377 600 GIRARD-PERREGAUX A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model, ref. 4980. Automatic chronograph movement with date and worldtimer indicator. White dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Brown GirardPerregaux strap with folding buckle of gold. Watch diameter 43 mm. 2000s. Girard-Perregaux box included. DKK 60,000-70,000 / € 8,050-9,400 600 601 CARTIER A gentleman’s wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Louis Cartier Ronde Ultra Flat (Collection Privée). Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber MC430 (based on Piaget 430P). Silvered dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Black Cartier strap with folding clasp of 18k gold. Watch diameter 34 mm. 2007. Purchased on Dec. 1st 2007. Cartier Collection Privée box and certificates included. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 609 602 IWC A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Portugieser Rattrapante, ref. 3712. Mechanical chrono graph movement with rattrapante and manual winding, caliber 76240. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Brown IWC strap with C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter 41 mm. 2000s. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 602 378 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 603 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Daytona, ref. 115666. Automatic chronometer certified chronograph movement. Black dial with gold hands and diamond hourmarkers. Rolex Oyster bracelet of gold. Circumference approx. 21 cm. Watch diameter 40 mm. 2007. Purchased July 2007. Rolex box, original sales receipt and certificates included. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 603 604 OMEGA A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Speedmaster. Chronometer certified chronograph movement with manual winding. Black dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Omega bracelet of 18k gold with concealed clasp. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Watch diameter 42 mm. 1992. Purchased on Dec. 4th 1992. Omega box and certificates included. This model is limited to 250 pieces and this watch is no. 035/250. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 604 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 379 605 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Cellini, ref. 6622. Quartz. Creme-colored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Rolex ostrich strap with folding buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 32 mm. 1990s. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 605 606 CARTIER A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Ballon Bleu. Quartz. Silvered dial with blued hands and black hourmarkers. Integrated bracelet with hidden folding clasp. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter approx. 37 mm. 2000s. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 606 607 JAEGER-LECOULTRE A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Ref. E326. Automatic movement. Cream-colored dial with silvered hands and hour markers. JLC winding crown. Brown ostrich strap with C-buckle of steel. Watch diameter 33 mm. Approx. 1957. Photo copy of service receipt dated April 12th 2005 included. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 607 380 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 608 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Date, ref. 1503. Automatic chronometer certified movement with date. Champagne-colored dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Brown strap with Rolex C-buckle of gold-plated steel. Watch diameter 34 mm. 1970. Purchased on August 24th 1970. Rolex certificates and Klarlund service receipt dated January 16th 1998, March 25th 2006 and May 30th 2013 included. DKK 15,000-18,000 / € 2,000-2,400 608 609 CARTIER A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Santos 100 XL Chronograph. Automatic chronograph movement with date. White dial with blued hands and black hour markers. Black Cartier strap with folding clasp. Watch diameter approx. 40 mm. 2000s. Cartier box and undated certificate included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 609 610 PATEK PHILIPPE A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold. Model Calatrava, ref. 3468. Mechanical movement with manual winding, caliber 23 300. Gold-colored dial with black hands and hourmarkers. Brown strap with Patek Philippe C-buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter 33 mm. 1979. Purchased on March 14th 1979. Certificates included. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 610 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 381 611 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model DateJust, ref. 16233. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Champagne-colored "Jubilee" dial with hands of gold and diamond hour markers. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of gold and steel with folding buckle of steel. Circumference approx. 19 cm. Two extra links included. Watch diameter 36 mm. Approx. 1991. Rolex box and booklets included. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 611 612 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model DateJust, ref. 116203. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Black dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of gold and steel with concealed folding clasp. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter 36 mm. Approx. 2004. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 612 613 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model DateJust, ref. 1603. Chronometer certified automatic movement with date. Gold-colored dial with hands and hour markers of gold. Rolex Jubilee bracelet of gold and steel. Circumference approx. 20 cm. Watch diameter 36 mm. Approx. 1977. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 613 382 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 614 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model Submariner, ref. 16613. Automatic chronometer certified movement with date. Black dial with hands and hourmarkers of gold. Rolex Oyster FlipLock bracelet of gold and steel with 12 links. Watch diameter 40 mm. 1999. Purchased Dec. 1999. Rolex box, certificates, service receipt dated Oct. 2015 as well as exchanged parts included. DKK 35,000-40,000 / € 4,700-5,350 614 615 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of steel. Model Sub mariner, ref. 16610. Automatic chronometer certified movement with date. Patinaed black dial with tritium hands and hour markers. Rolex Oyster FlipLock bracelet with folding clasp and after-market endpieces. Watch diameter 40 mm. 1989-90. Rolex box included. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 615 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 383 616 HUBLOT A gentleman's wristwatch of 18k gold and ceramic. Model Big Bang "FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010". Automatic movement with chronograph and date. Black dial and hands and hourmarkers of gold. Hublot rubber strap with folding buckle of 18k gold. Watch diameter approx. 44 mm. 2010. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 60,000 / € 8,050 616 617 HUBLOT A gentleman's wristwatch of black ceramic. Model Big Bang King All Black Green. Automatic movement with date. Black dial with green hands and hourmarkers. Black Hublot strap with folding buckle of black DLC steel. Watch diameter 48 mm. 2013. Purchased on Sep. 26th. 2013. Hublot box, certificates and unused Hublot rubber strap included. Model is limited to 500 pieces and this watch is no. 362/500. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 617 384 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 618 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of "Everose" rose gold. Model Sky-Dweller, ref. 326135. Chronometer certified automatic movement with annual calendar and secondary timezone. Brown dial with hands and hour markers of rose gold. Brown Rolex strap with folding buckle of "Everose" rose gold. Watch diameter 42 mm. Approx. 2014. This lot is being sold at the request of a lawyer, an insurance company or a public authority. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 618 619 ROLEX A gentleman's wristwatch of gold and steel. Model Daytona, ref. 116523. Automatic chronometer certified chronograph movement. White dial with hands of gold and diamond hourmarkers. Rolex Oyster bracelet of gold and steel. Circumference approx. 23 mm. One extra bracelet link included. Watch diameter 40 mm. 2006. Purchased on Sep. 2006. Rolex box and certificates included. DKK 80,000 / € 10,500 619 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 385 INDEX A Ancher, Anna 59, 61 Ancher, Michael 46, 49, 51 54, 60, 62, 64 65, 66, 67, 69 Andersen, David 461 Andersen-Lundby, A. 105 Dasson, Henry 169, 170 Jaeger-LeCoultre 590, 596, 607 De AMBROSI 379, 384 Jazet, Paul Léon 99 490, 519, 568 Ditzel, Nanna & Jørgen Dragsted, A. 442 Dreyer, Dankvart 32, 33 E Eckersberg, C. W. Audemars Piguet Effepi Gioielli 35 381 Ekvall & Rosgaard B 438, 497 Bache, Otto 108 Bellotti, Pietro, style of 123 Benzon, Alfred 22 Bergslien, Nils Nilsen 112 Bloch, Carl 41, 50 Blunck, Ditlev 115 Borup, Per 443 Breitling 591, 592, 593, 594 Jensen, Georg Jensen, I. L. 29, 30, 31 Jensen, Jørgen 365 Jerichau Baumann, Elisabeth 498, 542, 547 53 Juel, Jens 27 Junget, Willy Fischer, Paul Kløve, Jytte 93, 118, 119, 120, 121 Fog, Astrid 359, 551 Friedlænder, Julius 58 391 K Kieldrup, A. E. 18, 19, 20, 24, 25 106 78, 88 Johansen, Viggo F 360, 548, 549 Jerichau, Holger H. Annikat467 599 357, 543 79 544 Kornbeck, Peter 38 Krøyer, P. S. 47, 48 Kyhn, Vilhelm 81 L G Georg Jensen & Wendel 533, 546 la Cour, Janus 76, 77 Brendekilde, H. A. 95, 96, 97, 103 Girard-Perregaux600 Larsen, Emanuel 87 Brendstrup, Thorald Grebe, Fritz Larsen, Johannes 110 80 Broeck, Clémence van den 114 82 H Larsen, Peter Julius Brée, Mathieu-Ignace van, style of Hammershøi, Vilhelm 126 Bvlgari 398, 518 2, 5, 6 7, 10, 13, 14, 15 Hansen, Constantin 36, 37 Bærentzen, Emil 34 Hartmann’s556 Bøgh, Carl 98 Helsted, Axel C C’est Laudier 434 Carstensen, A. Riis Cartier 83 375, 378, 432 435, 464, 465, 476, 553 581, 582, 601, 606, 609 Chanel 413, 577 Hermès 572, 573, 574 575, 576, 578 Holmstrup, V. Holsøe, Carl Damiani456 386 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 386 377, 439 Melbye, Anton 57, 63 Memling, Hans, after Mølsted, Christian 124 21 Mønsted, Peder 23, 70, 71, 72, 73 Nielsen, Evald 616, 617 358 Mauboussin Hublot Ilsted, Peter 100 Magnussen, Erik N Chopard Dalsgaard, Christen 1, 3, 11, 12 52, 55, 56 M 128 I D 562 Hondecoeter, Melchior de, style of Chaumet587 373, 495, 499, 557 113 Locher, Carl 42 84, 89, 90, 92, 102 468 O 4, 8, 9 Omega 585, 589, 604 IWC602 P J Pauelsen, Erik 26 Petersen, Emanuel A. 85 Jacobsen, Ole W. 541, 550 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39 INDEX Petzholdt, Fritz 101 Philippe, Patek 580, 597, 598, 610 Philipsen, Theodor 111 Picchiotti536 Pilo, Carl Gustav, school of 132 R Raoux, Albert 28 Rasmussen, I. E. C. 86 Regnault, Henri 40 Ribera, Jusepe de, style of 125 Richardt, Ferdinand 116 Ring, Ole 16, 17 Rohde, Frederik Rolex 117 554, 579, 586 603, 605, 608, 611, 612 613, 614, 615, 618, 619 Roos, Philipp Peter, style of 130 Rump, Godtfred 104 Rørbye, Martinus 39, 91 S Shamballa Simonsen, Simon Skovgaard, P. C. 494, 496 109 44, 45 Slott-Møller, Harald 94 Sonne, Jørgen 43 Syberg, Fritz 68 T Teniers II, David, school of 131 Tiffany & Co 538 V Vacheron & Constantin 588, 595 Van Cleef & Arpels 437, 540 W Wegmann, Bertha 75, 107 WIN509 Å Aagaard, C. F. 74 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 387 387 04/02/16 12.39 INFORMATION CITES EXPORT PERMIT CITES EKSPORT TILLADELSE Catalogue numbers marked with (¥ ) are items covered by the Washington Convention. Items made or processed from 1947 and onwards are sold with a CITES certificate, which is valid within the EU. Items processed before 1947 do not require a CITES certificate for a sale within the EU. For export to countries outside the EU, a Danish CITES export permit is required for items processed both before and after 1947, and possibly also a corresponding import permit for the country, which the export of the item is intended for. Katalognumre markeret med (¥ ) er effekter, der omfattes af Washingtonkonventionen. Effekter udført eller forarbejdet fra 1947 og frem sælges med CITES-certifikat gyldigt inden for EU. Effekter forarbejdet før 1947 kræver ikke CITES-certifikat før salg inden for EU. For udførsel til lande uden for EU kræves en dansk CITESeksporttilladelse både for effekter udført før og efter 1947 samt muligvis en tilsvarende importtilladelse i det land, som effekten ønskes indført i. DISPATCH Collection of purchases bought at traditional auctions must be no later than 2 weeks after the last auctionday. Uncollected items will without further notice be sent into storage at the expence and risk of the buyer. SALES RESULTS Sales results from the latest auctions are available at our website: PHOTO Photos of all items are available at our website: EURO Bids and invoicing are made in DKK. For the conversion from DKK into Euro, Bruun Rasmussen has used the official rate of exchange from Denmarks Nationalbank (the Danish National Bank) at the time of preparation of the catalogue. The amount in Euro is, in Bruun Rasmussen’s judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. CONDITION 388 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 388 AFHENTNING Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel auktion SKAL SKE senest 2 uger efter sidste auktionsdag. Uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring for købers regning og risiko. SALGSRESULTATER Hammerslagspriser fra de seneste auktioner kan ses på vores hjemmeside: FOTO Fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores hjemmeside: EURO Der bydes og faktureres i danske kroner. Ved omregning fra DKK til Euro er anvendt Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på tidspunktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget. Beløbet i Euro er afrundet til et tal, der efter Bruun Rasmussens skøn fremtræder på en præsentabel måde i forhold til beløbet i DKK. BEVARINGSTILSTAND Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 10). However, we refer to our website: where infor mation regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. Bruun Rasmussen henleder opmærksom heden på, at katalognumrene som udgangspunkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes § 10). Vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside:, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. Er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrækkelige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. BANKERS BANKFORBINDELSE Danske Bank · Account: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK Danske Bank · Konto: 30014310970638 IBAN: DK4130004310970638 Swift-BIC DABADKKK BUSINESS REGISTRATION VIRKSOMHEDSREGISTRERING CVR-nr. DK25472020 CVR-nr. DK25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39 Venskabsportrætter fra Rom 14.2. – 22.5.16 Tirsdag – fredag kl. 11-20, weekend kl. 11-17 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 389 04/02/16 12.39 CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE § 1. BIDDING The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. 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Such works are marked with (CD) for Copydan next to the lot number. The Copydan royalty fee is added to the auction price including the buyer’s premium when the total exceeds €300. Copydan royalty fees: • 5% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding VAT) totalling up to €50,000. • 3% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding VAT) of totals between €50,000 and €200,000. • 1% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding VAT) of totals between €200,000 and €350,000. • 0.5% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding VAT) of totals between €350,000 and €500,000. • 0.25% of the auction price and buyer’s premium (excluding VAT) of totals above €500,000. Copydan royalties must not exceed €12,500 for an individual artwork. 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Pictures are for identification only and cannot be used for an evaluation of the condition of the goods. Any person who wishes to bid at an auction should therefore satisfy himself of the condition of the lots for which he intends to bid by personal inspection at the preview held prior to the auction. The description is an indication of the prevailing opinion of scholars and expert at the time of the sale. If any doubts should BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 391 CONDITION REPORTS Bruun Rasmussen undertakes to provide further information about the state and condition of the lots if possible. This is regarded as a service for customers who are unable to make a personal inspection of the lots at the preview. Bruun Rasmussen stresses that the information given cannot be used as the basis for complaints; complaints can only be based on the description. EXEMPTION FROM VAT Buyers shall, according to § 2, pay full VAT on lots marked with an asterisk (*). 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Betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. Betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at Bruun Rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. Et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. Har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos Bruun Rasmussen, er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. Har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, 392 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 392 er Bruun Rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter på auktion hos Bruun Rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. Den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til Bruun Rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for Bruun Rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. FORTRYDELSESRET A. Ved køb på alle traditionelle auktioner er der ikke fortrydelsesret. Køb kan derfor ikke fortrydes, uanset om budafgivning er via web-kommissionsbud, live-bidding eller på anden vis. B. For privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. Eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer Bruun Rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af Bruun Rasmussen. Bruun Rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 4. AFGIFTSFRITAGELSE Udenlandske købere, der opfylder en af nedenstående betingelser, betaler de gældende salærsatser jf. ovenstående, men bliver ikke belastet af dansk moms. Den danske moms deponeres dog hos Bruun Rasmussen, indtil eksporten er gennemført på dokumenteret lovpligtig vis. A. Købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet EU-land, kan fritages for at betale dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at købet er transporteret til den adresse, som køber har angivet over for Bruun Rasmussen og som er anført på fakturaen. I sådanne tilfælde skal der afregnes moms i henhold til de gældende regler i det land, hvor virksomheden er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. B. Købere med bopæl uden for EU kan fritages for dansk moms, når det kan dokumenteres, at købet er transporteret ud af EU. Bruun Rasmussen udsteder så vidt muligt de fornødne eksportpapirer, som skal fremvises ved toldmyndighederne, og forbeholder sig ret til at opkræve et gebyr herfor. Foretages eksporten af en af Bruun Rasmussen godkendt speditør skal momsen ikke deponeres. Se listen over godkendte speditører § 5. AFGIFTSBETALING A. Momsregistrerede virksomheder i andre EU-lande kan undlade at gøre brug af muligheden for momsfritagelse og i stedet betale dansk brugtmoms/fuldmoms. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 dagen efter købet. B.Momsregistrerede virksomheder i Danmark kan vælge at betale fuldmoms jf. ovenstående. Dette skal meddeles Bruun Rasmussen inden kl. 10 dagen efter købet. § 6. UDLEVERING Købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. Det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. For varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. Købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. FORSENDELSE BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39 Såfremt Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. Bruun Rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. KUNSTNERAFGIFT TIL COPY-DA N CD Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag for værker af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. Følgeretsvederlaget opkræves af Bruun Rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation Copydan. Disse værker er mærket (CD) for Copydan ud for katalognummeret. Den såkaldte Copydan-afgift tillægges hammerslagsprisen inkl. salær, når beløbet overstiger €300. Copydan-afgiften er: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der udgør indtil €50.000. • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €50.000 og €200.000. • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €200.000 og €350.000. • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €350.000 og €500.000. • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger over €500.000. Copydan-afgiften kan ikke overstige €12.500 for det enkelte kunstværk. Euro-kursen er fastsat af Copydan i 2016 til kurs 746,02 pr. €100. § 9. EKSPORTTILLADELSE Kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i Danmark. Foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. Derefter vil Bruun Rasmussen igen ansøge Kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er Kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. BESKRIVELSE AF EMNER Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. Beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. De solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. Enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. Beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til Bruun Rasmussen. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refun- BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 393 deret køber. Væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. Retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos Bruun Rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for Bruun Rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til Bruun Rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. Køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. Et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for Bruun Rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder KOMMISSIONER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. Det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er Bruun Rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. Via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service KONDITIONSRAPPORTER Bruun Rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. Dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. Det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FRITAGELSE FOR DANSK FULDMOMS Købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre EU-lande, køber hos Bruun Rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. Det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 393 04/02/16 12.39 ADDRESSES BRUUN RASMUSSEN AUCTIONEERS COPENHAGEN – BREDGADE BREDGADE 33 DK-1260 COPENHAGEN K ONLINE AUCTIONS - SUPPORT BRUUN-RASMUSSEN.DK Tel +45 8818 1114 E-mail: Tel +45 8818 1111 Fax+45 8818 1112 REPRESENTATIVES: E-mail: FRANCE COPENHAGEN – SUNDKROGSGADE DITTE HERBORG KROGH . 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This service is free of charge. Det er muligt at afgive kommissionsbud, hvis De ikke selv kan være til stede på auktionsdagen. Denne service er gratis. When leaving a commission bid, you are instructing our customer service to bid up to a specified amount on your behalf. Når De afgiver en kommission, beder De vores kundeservice på Deres vegne byde op til et af Dem bestemt beløb i hammerslag. The situation can occur that another buyer has already bid the same as you were prepared to. Are you then willing to bid further? If not the lot will be sold to another buyer. Der kan opstå den situation, at en anden køber allerede har budt det beløb, som De ønsker at afgive. Er De da villig til at gå et bud højere eller er De indforstået med at nummeret sælges til anden side? If you do not wish to exceed your bid then write “Max”, for maximum, next to the amount. You can also allow us to raise your bid by approx. 15% or approx. 25%. The hammer price may be higher or lower than the estimated price, so it is possible to buy below the estimate. Bruun Rasmussen will always buy at the lowest price possible, as if you yourself had been present at the auction. All commission bids are strictly confidential. Ønsker De ikke at byde højere så skriv “Max” ud for beløbet. Er De i tvivl om hvor højt De vil byde, kan De hæve budet med op til ca. 15% eller ca. 25%. Salgsprisen kan blive højere eller lavere end vurderingen, så der er også mulighed for at købe til under den angivne vurdering. Vor kundeservice køber altid så billigt som muligt til Dem, som havde De selv været tilstede på auktionen. Commission bids must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. Alle kommissioner behandles strengt fortroligt. HOW TO MAKE A COMMISSION BID: SÅDAN BYDER DE: Complete the commission form with all pertinent information. Udfyld blanketten kommissionsbud med alle oplysninger. Indicate the lot number. Angiv katalognummer. Indicate the amount you are prepared to bid. Angiv beløbet De ønsker at byde. mum, please write Should this amount be the absolute maxi “Max” in the appropriate column. Er dette Deres absolutte maximum bedes De anføre “Max” i kolonnen. You can also allow us to bid by up to approx. 15% or approx. 25% more by indicating so. De kan også forhøje Deres bud med henholdsvis ca. 15% eller ca. 25%, ved at indikere dette i kolonnen. Sign the commission form and make sure that Bruun Rasmussen receives it 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. De bedes underskrive kommissionsblanketten og sikre Dem, at Bruun Rasmussen modtager den senest 24 timer før auktionens start. If the information should be insufficient, Bruun Rasmussen can abstain from bidding. Bruun Rasmussen can not be held responsible for error in bidding or failure to execute bids. INTERNET: Commision bids can be submitted via website directly from the page with the item you want to submit a bid for. Deadline for submissions of bids via the website is 3 hours prior to the start of the auction. Submitted bids are shown under “Your bids” when you are logged in. Please contact technical support on +45 8818 1114 for questions about the registration and submission of bids on the website. Kommisionsbud skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start. Hvis Deres oplysninger ikke er tilstrækkelige, kan Bruun Ras mussen undlade at byde for Dem, ligesom Bruun Rasmussen ikke kan gøres ansvarlig for fejl ved budgivningen. INTERNET: Kommisionsbud kan afgives på hjemmesiden direkte fra siden med den effekt, De ønsker at byde på. Seneste afgivelse af bud via hjemmesiden er 3 timer før auktionens start. Afgivne bud kan ses på hjemmesiden under “Deres bud”, når de er logget ind. Kontakt teknisk support på 8818 1114 for spørgsmål om registrering og budgivning via internettet. For additional information, please consult “Conditions of Purchase” §1. For yderligere information, se “Købskonditioner”, §1. TELEPHONE BIDDING: TELEFONBUD: Should you wish to bid at auction by telephone, please inform Bruun Rasmussen of your name and telephone number, as well as which catalogue numbers you are interested in, no later than 3 hours prior to the start og the auction. You will then be contacted shortly before the relevant lot comes under the hammer, thereby allowing you to participate without being in the auction room yourself. Såfremt De ønsker at byde pr. telefon, bedes De oplyse Bruun Rasmussen Deres navn og telefonnummer samt hvilke katalognumre, De ønsker at byde på, senest 3 timer før auktionens start. De vil så blive ringet op kort før, den aktuelle vare kommer under hammeren, og De kan på denne måde deltage i auktionen uden selv at være til stede. For additional information, please consult “Conditions of Purchase” §1. 396 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 396 For yderligere information, se “Købskonditioner” på under “Guide”. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39 COMMISSION BIDS KOMMISSIONSBUDBREDGADE Skal være Bruun Rasmussen i hænde senest 24 timer før auktionens start. Must be submitted no later than 24 hours prior to the start of the auction. AUKTION NR AUCTION NO: 862 Navn Name: * ................................................................................................................................................................................... Adresse Address: * ............................................................................................................................................................................. Postnr./by City: * ............................................................................................................................................................................... Land Country: * ........................................................................ 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Land Country: .......................................................................... Tel: .............................................................................................. Kontaktperson Contact: .......................................................... Obligatoriske felter er mærket med en stjerne * Mandatory fields are marked with an asterix * Undertegnede giver hermed fuldmagt til Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner A/S om på mine vegne at købe nedennævnte katalognumre så fordelagtigt som muligt, inden for det af mig anførte beløb, i hammerslag. I hereby request that Bruun Rasmussen bid on my behalf on the following lots up at the prices indicated below. Undertegnede har udfyldt ovennævnte med de ønskede oplysninger, samt har accepteret købskonditionerne. The undersigned has supplied the required information and agrees to be bound by the conditions of purchase. Signatur: * .................................................................................. B.R. kunde-nr. Client No.: ....................................................... Jeg ønsker at modtage salgsresultater på de emner jeg har budt på via email I wish to receive sales results on the items I have been bidding on via e-mail på e-mail adressen on this e-mail address: ................................................................................................ Katalog nr. Lot. No. Beskrivelse Description Bud kr. Bid DKK dagligt every day efter auktion after the auction Max +15%+25% B R U U N R A S M U S S EN KUN S TAUKT I ON ER A /S Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 · · " Fortsættes næste side Please turn over BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 397 397 04/02/16 12.39 COMMISSION BIDS KOMMISSIONSBUDBREDGADE Beskrivelse Description Bud kr. Bid DKK Max +15%+25% Ret til ændringer forbeholdes © 2016 Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner Foto: Bent Lange Tryk: Cool Gray Grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo & Lene Søbo Katalog nr. Lot. No. AUKTION NR AUCTION NO: 398 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 398 862 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39 VAT A N D C O P Y- DA N I N F O R M AT I O N Grafik og dtp: Jorge Figueiredo & Lene Søbo MOMS OG KUNSTNERAFGIFT BUYER’S STANDARD PREMIUM STANDARD AUKTIONSOMKOSTNINGER 30% AUCTIONEERS’ MARGIN SCHEME 30% - BRUGT MOMS As of 1 January 1995 new EC regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i EU vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunst genstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. Under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme the premium only is subject to VAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from VAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable VAT. Efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. FULL VAT * FULD MOMS * will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ Margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 24% plus 25% VAT on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. Disse er mærket med en stjerne *. Købere skal betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. BUYER’S REDUCED PREMIUM 24% REDUCEREDE AUKTIONSOMKOSTNINGER 24% is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: 1. Danish VAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 24% buyer’s premium + 25% VAT on the total amount (Full VAT). The buyer may have the total VAT refunded and thus pays 24% in buyer’s premium only. 1. Danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). Momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. VAT registered buyers in other EU countries may avoid Danish VAT by using their VAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 24% only. 2. Momsregistrerede købere i andre EU-lande kan, ved at anvende deres EU-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 3. Residents of countries outside the EU meeting the Danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 24% only (see Conditions of Purchase §3, Exemption from VAT). 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for EU, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §4, Afgiftsfritagelse). ARTISTS’ ROYALTIES PAYABLE TO COPY-DAN KUNSTNERAFGIFT TIL COPY-DAN CD CD Pursuant to current Danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of VAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 24%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all Danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked CD for Copy-Dan next to the lot number. Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% excl. moms på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. Disse værker er mærket CD for Copy-Dan ud for katalognummeret. For further information please refer to the Conditions of Purchase. For nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 399 399 04/02/16 12.39 ANTIQUES 400 862_antik_s386-400_slut.indd 400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 862 04/02/16 12.39
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