NADOI News Volume 43, Issue 6 November / December 2011 for Puppy, Open, Tracking, or whatever else you are expert in, now is the time to do it, as application fees have been waived until March 2012. You can contact Anita Crafton or Linda Lundgren with any questions. President’s Message Greetings, NADOI members! After a brutal summer, cooler weather has finally arrived for many of us, and it certainly makes training and running our classes more enjoyable. I know I have sure perked up! You will find much important information in this issue of the News, so I hope you'll take time to read what has been contributed. Please pay special attention to the report in the Board Highlights. I hope members are taking advantage of the "upgrade promotion" that our Membership Committee has running right now. If you have been thinking you need to add that certification Speaking of Linda, kudos go out to her for the "click and treat" promotion she put into play recently. Thanks also to all members who made a special effort to promote NADOI by mentioning us in their signature lines, bios, articles, blogs, and elsewhere. This kind of publicity costs us nothing, yet is very effective. Let's all keep it up! And speaking of ways to get our organization name out, as well as garner publicity for our businesses and clubs, check out the info on "Pets-Life" in this News issue, then join. We are so fortunate to be getting in on the ground floor of this social media platform, and will be the exclusive "professional" instructing organization there. After many years of dedication, Phyllis Delvin has resigned her post as managing editor of ForwarD, our award-winning publication. I would like to thank Phyllis, on behalf of all our members, for her hard work, insight, and creativity on this magazine. I am very excited to announce that Niki Tudge will take the helm, and I am very sure that we can expect to see some wonderful things in the future. Niki's background in both business and writing will serve us all well. In order to give Niki and her staff some time to make the changeover, a fall issue won't be published. ForwarD will resume Continued on page 3 Page 2 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 Officers: President: Helen Cariotis 1st Vice President: Barbara Lewis 2nd Vice President: Sharon Hildebrand Treasurer: Gwen Chaney Recording Secretary: Vikki Youngmeyer Corresponding Secretary: Janice Brennan Board of Directors: Margery West Bill Burt Fran Tardif Marlene Stachowiak Margie English Who to Contact: Executive Director: Jan Gribble PO Box 1439 Socorro, NM 87801 (505) 850-5957 Web Page: E-Mail: NADOI NEWS is the official publication of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DOG OBEDIENCE INSTRUCTORS, INC., and is published bimonthly. Next Deadline for News is January 10, 2012 Send news to: UPCOMING EVENTS May 12 & 13, 2012 Annual Conference (Helping Fearful Dogs & Creative Client Coaching with Nicole Wilde and an evening presentation with Brenda Aloff) – hosted by Margery West in Springfield, Missouri For More Information Visit Check out the Member Page Click on Member News & Archive On the Home Page You can find member profiles and ads from NADOI members. This page can be accessed by the public so is a great way to market your books, artwork, etc. Have an Event to list or something to Advertise? Contact the Executive Director at Do you have . . . old copies of the NADOI News? information about past conferences or workshops? Send any materials you have to the Executive Director and note if you want the materials returned. IMPORTANT NOTICE THE NEWS IS FOR MEMBERS ONLY The News will be sent via Constant Contact to members and will also be available in a pdf format on the member only section of our website Please ensure you have a valid e-mail address on record with NADOI to receive the News and other important notifications Page 3 of 11 NADOI News with a winter issue. I would also like to thank our executive director, Jan Gribble, for all her assistance with ForwarD recently, and I am sure she and Phyllis will be on hand for any help that Niki might need. Please contribute articles to Forward, or if you know a nonmember who might be a good contributor, contact Niki. Jan Gribble has gotten boxes and boxes of old NADOI records, rosters, letters and committee files from Vikki Youngmeyer, our recording secretary. She is in the process of sifting through it all, cataloging items and archiving them so that they will be preserved for future NADOI members. Unfortunately, she is missing many of the "old things," i.e. the pre-1976 documents, as well as almost all of the issues of the News. If you have any of the older News issues, rosters, info on who was president or on the board, where and when annual meetings were held and who the presenters were, PLEASE send them on to Jan. She can scan them and return them if you don't want to donate them. Preserving our long history is so important, so let's see if we can fill in some of the blanks for her. Our CE committee consisting of Margery West (chair), Vikki Youngmeyer, and Gwen Chaney, have worked hard and compiled a form explaining our continuing education process, many ways to acquire continuing ed credits, and how to list what you have earned. This form will be sent out with upcoming dues notices, as well as being on our web site. Because our members felt that this was such an important issue, the board recently approved a continuing education requirement for members, and those fulfilling the requirements will be listed as "CEC" or Continuing Education Current. 36 "units" will be required over a 3year period. At this time, CE units are not required of retired and provisional members. Don't forget to check out the info on our upcoming 2012 annual meeting in Springfield, MO. Go to our web site for a flyer and registration form. Plan to attend now! November / December 2011 As always, I extend my thanks to those members who step up to assist NADOI, promote NADOI, and recruit new members to NADOI. I encourage any member who wants to become more active in our organization to contact me or our executive director. There is so much that needs to be done. As I have talked about here before, NADOI is in a pivotal time right now, and will go forward successfully only with the help and participation of our members. It truly is our choice. Last, but certainly not least, I was very saddened to learn of the passing of a NADOI icon, Charlotte Schwartz. Please read about her in this issue. I was fortunate to meet Charlotte and also enjoyed some long telephone conversations with her, and received some wonderful letters. She didn't have much use for e-mail! She was always nice to me, but not shy about telling me what I needed to be doing, whether in my business or serving NADOI. Charlotte was truly a NADOI "treasure." It's my wish that you all have a blessed holiday season, find enjoyment with family, friends, and beloved dogs, and enjoy continued success with your training and your classes. Best wishes to all, Helen NEWS AND UPDATES The Fall issue of ForwarD will not be published. The new editor, Niki, Tudge, will take over ForwarD with the Winter issue. Jessi Queen has resigned as a Director of the Board. Results of the Click-Treat Raffle are in this issue of the News. Remember to check out the Anthology on our website. A new Notes article is added monthly. Page 4 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 In Memoriam: CHARLOTTE SCHWARTZ, #119 C/N/L By Jan Gribble #925 C/N Charlotte Schwartz June 26, 1929 to September 5, 2011 NADOI recently lost a valued member with Charlotte Schwartz ‘ death. Charlotte was a life member of NADOI, having served the organization in many ways over the years. Charlotte wrote a regular column, That One Particular Person, for ForwarD, NADOI’s quarterly publication. It seems only appropriate to dedicate this memorial article to That One Particular Person: Charlotte Schwartz. When I was collecting remembrances of Charlotte, fellow NADOI member Marlene Stachowiak had the following to say: “Charlotte loved NADOI almost as much as she enjoyed teaching classes. She told me she planned on teaching as long as she lives. She reached that goal.” 2010 photo of Charlotte with her new car. She made the purse she is carrying. Charlotte’s involvement with dogs began very early in her life. The below photo is of Charlotte at age two. expertise through her involvement in NADOI has benefited us all. Many members commented on how they looked forward to each issue of ForwarD where they would read Charlotte’s column first. Charlotte’s rapport with both her students and their dogs shines in every column. Several members have memories of interacting with Charlotte at NADOI Annual Meetings or on various committees. She was seen as “wellinformed, opinionated and most often right!” Chris McKelvey remembers Charlotte teaching her how to gamble during a riverboat night while both were in St. Louis at a NADOI conference. While many of our members were not fortunate enough to have met Charlotte in person, her willingness to share her knowledge and Charlotte ran Brandy Lane D.T.S in New Jersey for many years. During this period of time Charlotte became the mentor and teacher of long-time NADOI member Nancy Brayton. Nancy recalls that Charlotte was using food in training long before anyone else and people would laugh at her. It worked though, as under Charlotte’s tutelage, Nancy put OTCHs on two shepherds and had the first OTCH MACH in the country. When Charlotte tired of the New Jersey winters and moved to Ft. Myers, Florida, she turned Brandy Lane D.T.S. over to Nancy. Page 5 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 Nancy remembers Charlotte teaching her to use her imagination when training and to be willing to try a new approach when something wasn’t working. Despite the fact that Charlotte did make the transition from a typewriter to a computer, she preferred to write her letters by hand rather than e-mail. Although Charlotte did trial, she was not as interested in training for competition as she was in promoting bonds between dogs and their owners. Charlotte was a tireless advocate for the human-animal bond. She was always willing to help a fellow NADOI member and several members sent their puppy-buyers, and even family members, to Charlotte for assistance in training. She stayed active in other ways as well. Charlotte quilted and friends and families were the recipients of her beautiful quilts. One of her quilts can be viewed on her memorial page: One of Charlotte’s students in Ft. Myers, became a close friend. When Annette Arnold called me to tell me of Charlotte’s death, we had a wonderful conversation about Charlotte and her impact upon those who knew her. Annette first met Charlotte when she enrolled her poodle, LillyAnn, in a class. LillyAnn was from a less than reputable breeder and health issues resulted in her being euthanized shortly after the class. Not to be deterred, Annette obtained another poodle and enrolled in another class. She eventually became Charlotte’s assistant in classes. Charlotte’s beloved black toy poodle Berry now makes his home with Annette. Charlotte exemplified the best of NADOI – she believed strongly in humane training and in the value of education. When she moved to Florida, unlike most people who retire to Florida, Charlotte continued to train and teach. She offered classes through Coral Vet Clinic and continued to write. While many NADOI members know that Charlotte was a prolific writer of dog books and articles, probably not many know that she also wrote romance novels! Sue Hill, a NADOI member from Australia, wrote the following: I first made contact with Charlotte in 1979 when I applied to NADOI to become a member, Charlotte who was education officer at the time quickly realised I did not have the qualifications necessary to become a member and so offered to help me by sending general training information and lesson plans from her school, Brandy Lane. After a year of constant contact she invited me to visit the U.S to stay with her and learn firsthand about her training methods and so began a long and fulfilling friendship spanning over 30 years. In 1980 I stayed with Charlotte for 3 weeks during which time she gave freely of her knowledge and spent many hours filling my head with wondrous new ideas about all aspects of training. I was like a sponge soaking up as much information as I could stack into my brain in a short time. Page 6 of 11 NADOI News Previously the only way I had known how to train was with abusive, and very negative methods. It had been the ruination of a very normal dog that had made me question the method I had been using and that surely there had to be another and better way to train, one shouldn't have to ruin a dog to achieve obedience titles. During my initial stay in America I attended Charlotte's View from the Floor and it was that weekend which convinced me that this was the way for me to go in the future. It was as if someone had turned on a very bright light bulb. With Charlotte's long range support, I came home to Tasmania, Australia and at Charlotte's request began to train from scratch a young German Shepherd pup I had bred and who had had no training prior to my U.S. trip. In 9 months Zargan had earned his CD, CDX and was ready to compete in his first UD Trial when he died unexpectedly of bloat aged at about 20 months. I had begun to take students and form classes and with Charlotte's help and many phone calls I had got myself and the school organised. My students soon began trialing their dogs and collected scores which had never been seen before. People were amazed at how happy these dogs were and how precisely they worked. Surely it was some trick, it had been suggested that we had secret things attached to our body - like food hidden in socks!! It was not long before I felt it was time to go back to Brandy Lane and make sure I was still on track with teaching methods, and it was on that return trip that Charlotte very quietly told me I was now ready to apply for membership to NADOI.! I brought the application forms home and then began the long procedure to answer the exam questions which were later sent. Because our rules were different, I supplied rule books for the examiners and with fingers crossed my papers were sent. November / December 2011 A few months later Charlotte made the first of many visits to Australia and brought with her my NADOI membership certificate which today hangs in pride of place in my training room!! Charlotte presented her View from the Floor at my school, and as we say here, she knocked quite a few people for six. I had invited everyone who I knew was involved with dog training to attend. There were many doubters of course, but after a while those people found they had been left behind and so many later sought my help, and today they still carry the message. I started several schools in various areas of this State, teaching people who had come to me and who were proficient with their own dogs. When I knew they could manage I handed over the schools to them and they continue to run today. Charlotte was an extraordinarily generous person who gave freely of her knowledge to anyone who asked. Her attitude to life was to be envied, her clarity of thinking, her logic, her wisdom, she expected only the best and in return received only the best. I spent much time with her over the years. both here in Australia where she did much of her writing in the office I set up for her in my home and now use as my own. Her company during those hours of writing was George a white sulphur crested cockatoo which I had given her one Christmas. Her dog companion was my shepherd Degen who decided Charlotte was great company and while she was here, would spend hours in the office with George pecking at his hair. Charlotte for some years spent 6 months in Australia, leaving her winter months to enjoy our summer climate and in the 6 months between visits, I would often join her for short periods of time when we would do seminars together. When she was with me she taught classes in my school, she went bird watching, she did a calligraphy course which I was brow beaten to attend with her!! and we spent many happy weekends at my beachside house where Charlotte in the evening cooked chicken and Page 7 of 11 NADOI News steaks on the barbecue and enjoyed her pre dinner HOT Bloody Mary The hotter the better she would say as she tipped in the tabasco sauce. Charlotte will be remembered by many people in Australia, and her influence has spread widely as she improved the life of many hundreds of dogs. When I received Brett, her grandson's phone call at 3 am, I knew sadly I had lost my greatest friend and mentor. My promise is, I will carry on her ideals to the best of my ability, and I will continue to make dogs lives better. November / December 2011 Rest in Peace my friend. Sue Hill Charlotte had many achievements during her lifetime but the most lasting will be the legacy she has left to her family and many friends. Lives of countless dogs (and their owners) have been improved because of Charlotte’s willingness to continue to learn and share that knowledge. We are all richer for having known her. NADOI OFFICIAL BUSINESS Highlights of Board Activity October 2011 The board approved paying $100.00 to to become the Professional Organization for trainers for a year. (More information on and its value to members is in this News.) Highlights of Board Activity November 2011 The board approved Linda Tilley’s request for reinstatement as a certified member. MORE NEWS AND UPDATES Election Committee Report: As reported in the last issue of the News, as there was only one nomination for the available board position, the President has declared that candidate duly elected. Effective March 1, 2012 the Board will consist of: Helen Cariotis, President; Sharon Hildebrand, First Vice-President; Gwen Chaney, Treasurer; Vikki Youngmeyer, Recording Secretary; Directors: Bill Burt, Fran Tardif, Marlene Stachowiak, and Margie English. Continuing Education Unit Reporting: The continuing education requirements to maintain the Certified CEC (Continuing Education Current) designation must be reported by March 1, 2012. The three year period in which these credits must be earned is 2009 through 2011. A form along with a table listing categories and credit values will be included with the dues renewal notice. For your convenience this form and table will also be on the web site. You may fill it out and return it as an e-mail attachment to Vikki Youngmeyer,, or mail the hard copy to Vikki Youngmeyer, 7910 Picador Drive, Houston, TX 77083. Submitted by: Margery West, Training & Education Chair Dues Reminder: The 2012 Dues will be increasing to $70.00. Dues for retired members will be $35.00. If you are experiencing financial difficulties and would like a waiver of dues for 2012, you must request a waiver no later than February 28, 2012. Requests can be e-mailed to or mailed to NADOI, PO Box 1439, Socorro, NM 87801. Renewal forms will be mailed in January and dues should be sent to the treasurer no later than March 1, 2012. A ten dollar late fee is assessed on all renewals sent after March 1, 2012. Members who fail to pay dues by May 1st will be required to request re-instatement of their membership. Page 8 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 The Deadline for Nominations for Life Members is January 31, 2012. Nominations should include a brief synopsis of what the member has done on behalf of NADOI and can be e-mailed or mailed to the Executive Director. From the Membership Committee: If "hassle" has been a factor holding you back from applying for additional endorsements, the Membership Committee is no longer requiring that applications be submitted in triplicate. Only one copy is needed, and electronic format is preferred (by e-mail or a CD by US Mail). SAVE $15! We are waiving the additionalendorsement application fee of $15 for all applications received by March 31, 2012. You must be a Certified member to apply for additional endorsements. ATTENTION! The login to the member section of the website is being changed to make it easier for members to access the member section. Currently there is a general login for all members to the member section and then each member has his/her own login to change their personal information. As of November 30th, there will be one login. The member login will allow access to both the member section as well as enable the member access to his/her own information. Remember, this change will take effect no later than November 30th. A brochure for NADOI members to download, add their business information, and use to market their businesses has been added to the member section of the website. A new brochure to market NADOI is at the printers. Recording Secretary’s Report Vikki Youngmeyer None Received Memberships Information regarding applications is critical to the application process. If you have knowledge regarding any of the following applicants, please send an informational letter within 30 days to the Administrator: Linda Lundgren 17918 Emrose Ln Cypress, TX 77429-1541 E-mail: Applicants for Provisional Membership None Applicants for Certified Membership Katara Peters 18252 South Mosiertown Rd Saegertown, PA 16433 telephone: 814-763-5968 email: Page 9 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 Applicants for Additional Certifications None Additional Certifications: Contact the Administrator or download an application form from the member only section of the website. The fee is $15.00 per additional certification. NEWS BULLETIN: the application fee will be waived for any certified member applying for an additional certification between October 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012. I am excited to announce the winners of our recent Click-Treat Raffle. We had 70 members (almost 24% of our membership) who were recognized for promoting their NADOI certification and our organization. I apologize if I missed anyone. Please be assured it was not intentional, and every single one of you is to be thanked for your on-going promotion of NADOI. And so ... drum roll, please . . . The First Place Winner ($25 gift certificate) is Sue Cone The Second Place Winner ($15 gift certificate) is Monique Williams The Third Place Winner is ($10 gift certificate) Frances Dauster and consolation prizes go to: Susan Jenkins Gail Clark Nikki Tudge Donna Blews Helen Marie Capps The winners will be getting an email from me with the details on how to claim your prize, so look for it by the end of the week. And again, I want to thank everyone who is making an effort to help promote NADOI. Keep up the good work! Linda Lundgren Page 10 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 Pets-life is a refined animal specific social network, created by and for the pet-caring community, for the purpose of finding solutions for today’s real life issues within the pet-caring community. NADOI has joined to promote training, obedience instruction and its members. Our shared mission is to improve the quality of a pet's life, to strengthen the bond between pets and their pet parents and to increase communications between pet parents, animal health care providers, pet care professionals, shelters and rescue organizations and reputable licensed breeders through social networking – particularly at the local community level. The goal to help us achieve our mission is to promote and support the continued efforts made by animal health care providers, pet-care professionals, professional associations and organizations, their individual members and pet-related businesses to maintain high standards and structure within the various pet-related professions. Our key focus is to expand your dog training business within your local community by maintaining and increasing loyal, returning clients and by increase your recognition as a professional obedience instructor within the pet-caring community. Action must be taken however to help us promote and support NADOI and yourself as a valuable member: -Create a profile page for yourself as a dog-obedience trainer. Please contact Pets-life if you need help with this or with anything else. -Invite your clients to join on Pets-life to maintain a connection with them. -Join the Pet-Community Groups that interest you the most to share your pet-related information and expert advice with the pet-caring community. has two “groups” which interested NADOI members should join. The first is a professional “group” only for NADOI members. You must be approved to join this group, so please ensure that your profile has sufficient information to enable us to know you are a NADOI member. Your approval will be delayed if we have to contact you for this information. All NADOI members joining this group will be shown as members to the public. While the introduction to the group will steer the public to our instructor search database on our website; to promote yourselves and your business, it is suggested that your profile contains information that would enable someone to know where you are and how to contact you. The public will be able to see videos, photos and blogs posted but comments will be only visible to NADOI members belonging to this group. The second group is the Dog House which is where pet owners will join. It is strongly recommended that NADOI members also join this group as it is where you can interact with the public. While membership in this group is open, only NADOI members will be designated “community experts” for this group. Page 11 of 11 NADOI News November / December 2011 Please join NADOI's efforts to promote and support the professional Dog Obedience Instructors community by joining us on Pets-life; the Social Network for the Pet-Caring Community. The network is designed to increase your recognition as an NADOI Professional Dog Obedience Instructor and to increase your business on a local-community level. There is no cost to join and we would appreciate your participation in NADOI's efforts to promote and support our profession. Follow this link to sign-up and join the NADOI Pet-Community Group on Petslife. Budget Tracking Budget Actual 3/1/2011 to 2/28/2012 3/1/2011 to 10/31/2011 Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Income and Banking Membership Dues PayPal Fees 450.00 17,000.00 2,020.65 34.51 Applications Fees 800.00 225.32 Endorsements Fees 45.00 15.00 34.51 Banking Interest Fees 50.00 52.45 230.58 77.00 3,889.78 Total Income ============ ============ ============ ============ 17,845.00 500.00 6,453.29 126.51 Administrative Expenses Executive Director Salary Printing Postage Registered Agent Bond Insurance Liability Insurance Director & Officer Liability PO Box Roster Printing Postage Constant Contact email marketing Pre-paid Cellular Phone (AT&T) Web-site Maintenance Hosting Total Administrative Expenses 21,850.00 14,400.00 3.21 104.12 53.66 170.00 1,100.00 350.10 776.00 0.00 72.00 125.00 1,160.00 144.00 123.04 472.50 107.40 ============ ============ ============ ============ 0.00 24,530.66 0.00 16,480.37 Board Expenses President 1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Treasurer Supplies Printing Postage Biz cards Recording Secretary Supplies Printing Postage Corresponding Secretary Supplies Printing Postage Recognition Public Education DWAA 1,000.00 65.37 73.21 85.66 700.00 ============ Page 1 of 3 ============ 83.80 25.72 92.72 132.00 ============ 54.40 100.00 47.68 ============ Budget Tracking Budget Actual 3/1/2011 to 2/28/2012 3/1/2011 to 10/31/2011 Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Total Board Expenses 0.00 1,700.00 0.00 760.56 Annual Meeting Board Travel to Annual Board / General Membership Meeting Helen Cariotis, President Barbara Lewis, 1st VP Sharon Hildebrand, 2nd VP Vikki Youngmeyer, Recording Secretary Janice Brennan, Corresponding Secretary Janice Dearth, Treasurer Margery West, Dirrector Bill Burt, Dirrector Fran Tardif, Dirrector Margie English, Dirrector Marlene Stachowiak, Dirrector Jessi Queen, Dirrector Executive Director Meeting Expense Site Workshops/Conferences Dinner Reservations Expenses Total Annual Meeting 7,500.00 946.93 635.58 514.60 1,808.00 637.45 932.33 1,089.38 663.58 532.69 1,179.58 666.30 107.24 1,111.14 140.00 50.00 ============ ============ ============ ============ 0.00 7,500.00 50.00 10,964.80 Administrative Procedures Communications and Publications NADOI News ForwarD Anthology NADOI Notes Logo Items Internet Discussion List Web Oversite Publicity Historian Election of Officers and Board Supplies Printing Postage Committees By-Laws Parliamentarian Ethics Executive Membership Training and Education Continuing Education Workshops/Conferences Handlers with Disabilities Webinars Total Administrative Procedures 600.00 121.50 164.80 224.77 800.00 71.85 691.10 50.00 150.00 200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 7,000.00 75.00 3,033.22 695.80 233.40 ============ ============ ============ ============ 4,600.00 13,580.00 268.35 5,243.09 ============ Total 22,445.00 ============ Cash Flow 200.00 880.00 -25,365.66 Page 2 of 3 ============ 47,810.66 ============ 6,771.64 ============ -26,803.69 ============ 33,575.33 Budget Tracking Budget Actual 3/1/2011 to 2/28/2012 3/1/2011 to 10/31/2011 Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Wells-Fargo Dividends Value Change 300.00 Page 3 of 3 1,909.79 968.96 Come Play in the Ozarks Saturday May 12, 2012 NICOLE WILDE on Saturday Night Banquet with BRENDA ALOFF speaking on Bang For The Buck Exercises: How to do a little work and get a BIG result Helping Fearful Dogs Sunday - May 13, 2012 ◊ Clarion Hotel ◊ 3333 S Glenstone Ave. Springfield, MO 65804 417-883-6550 mention National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors NICOLE WILDE on Creative Client Coaching REGISTRATION FORM 2012 ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 12 and 13, 2010 SPRINGFIELD, MO Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No.: __________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________ NADOI Membership No. ____________ HELPING FEARFUL DOGS – NICOLE WILDE CREATIVE CLIENT COACHING – NICOLE WILDE Saturday- May 12, 2012 9:00 am to 4:30 pm 6.0 CEUs (IAABC) CCPDT CEUs pending Sunday- May 13, 2012 9:00 am to 4:30 pm 6.0 CEUs (IAABC) CCPDT CEUs pending SATURDAY NIGHT BANQUET (6:00 pm) with PRESENTATION (7:00 pm) BY BRENDA ALOFF: Bang for the Buck Exercises: How to do a little work and get a BIG result (CEUs pending) Nonmember Helping Fearful Dogs Creative Client Coaching Helping Fearful Dogs AND Creative Client Coaching 135.00 135.00 250.00 Paid by 02/28/12 120.00 120.00 200.00 Member 67.50 67.50 125.00 Paid by 02/28/12 60.00 60.00 100.00 Helping Fearful Dogs Cost $__________ Creative Client Coaching $__________ Helping Fearful Dogs AND Creative Client Coaching $__________ Saturday Night Banquet with Brenda Aloff $55.00 ($50.00 with conference attendance) $__________ Please mark your choice (All include a signature salad, seasonal vegetables, potatoes, rolls, dessert, and coffee or tea): □ Raspberry Brie Chicken (sautéed chicken breast topped with brie cream and raspberry drizzle) □ Chicken Papas (herb potato encrusted chicken served with a Dijon cream sauce) □ Sliced Roast Beef (tender slow roasted beef served with a mushroom demi-glaze) Conference T-shirt (Short Sleeve size: Small □ Medium □ Large □ X-Large □ $15.00; 2X □ 3X □ $18.00; Long Sleeve: size: Small □ Medium □ Large □ X-Large □ $20.00; 2X □ 3X □ $23.00 $__________ Subtotal Paypal Fee (4%) TOTAL $__________ $__________ $__________ Please make checks payable to: NADOI and mail to Gwen Chaney; 5014 Granger Court, Indianapolis, IN 462684400. Payment can also be made via Paypal to Please add 4% of total above to amount to cover Paypal costs. If paying via Paypal please e-mail this form to the address above. REFUND POLICY: Thirty (30) days or more from date of conference full refund of payment, minus 25.00 processing fee; 15-29 days: refund of ½ registration fee; 0-14 days: no refund. NADOI Members Only: One-half of non-refunded portion of fee can be applied to another continuing education opportunity offered by NADOI within two calendar years.