PDF - Farstad Shipping
PDF - Farstad Shipping
Quarterly Report 2 Farstad Shipping ASA 20 10 2 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa SIGNIFICANT EVENTS FIRST HALF YEAR 2010 Vessel delivery of Far Shogun Vessel delivery of Far Saracen Double naming ceremony in Geiranger AHTS ”Far Shogun” was delivered from AHTS ”Far Saracen” was delivered from AHTS “Far Saracen” and AHTS “Far STX Norway Offshore Langsten to STX Norway Offshore Langsten to Farstad Shogun” were named in a ceremony on Farstad Shipping the 28th January. A Shipping the 24th March. A long-term facil- the 8th May under the waterfall “The long-term facility of NOK 400 million has ity of NOK 435 million has been drawn Seven Sisters” in the Geirangerfjord. been drawn with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. with Eksportfinans ASA. The loan is guar- 270 persons participated at the event. (former Fortis Bank). The vessel trades anteed by GIEK, Handels-banken and DnB These were the two last vessels in the the spot market in the North Sea. NOR Bank ASA. The vessel trades the spot newbuild program of Farstad Shipping market in the North Sea. for now. Sale of Far Viscount OSJ - Shipowner of the Year PSV “Far Viscount” was delivered to her Farstad new owners the 11th May. The vessel was the smallest ship in the Farstad fleet, and was built in 1982. The vessel has been located in Brazil in recent years. The sale gave a booked profit of NOK 1.1 million. Shipping was OSJ - Innovation of the Year awarded Farstad Shipping was together with “Shipowner of the Year” in February. The Rolls Royce awarded ”Innovation of the award is given to the company which Year” for “the cable lifter change above all other companies has shown system”. This award is given to an inno- excellence in the operation of its vessels, vative product, system or service which and has, in the past year, demonstrated is considered to have made a significant an exemplary record of achievements in impact on the design, build and/or oper- the management of one or more of busi- ational aspects of offshore support ves- ness development and growth, of safety, sels in service during the past calendar quality, efficiency and environmental year. sustainability. Photo opposite page: Far Saracen (next to the pier) and Far Shogun alongside in Aalesund - Photo Kjetil Dreyer quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 3 4th QUARTER 416.7 540.6 265.0 285.6 473.6 456.4 804.7 895.0 3 QUARTER 299.1 640.8 549.5 06 07 08 09 366.8 775.7 871.9 rd 392.9 346.1 451.7 208.9 297.9 560.6 06 07 08 09 2 QUARTER 394.2 325.0 nd EBITDA ( excl . profit 268.6 536.8 06 07 08 09 10 1 QUARTER 193.5 853.3 834.9 st on sales ) 662.7 437.6 571.9 730.5 746.1 625.2 06 07 08 09 10 280.3 545.0 417.0 O P E R AT I N G I N C O M E ( excl . profit on sales ) MAIN FINANCIAL FIGURES (NOK mill.) 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 2nd QUARTER 06 07 08 09 3rd QUARTER 4th QUARTER 4 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 2nd QUARTER 178.2 06 07 08 09 3rd QUARTER 294.7 208.3 279.2 352.6 366.3 06 07 08 09 10 226.6 261.7 255.9 341.3 1st QUARTER 196.1 172.9 292.6 236.1 190.5 06 07 08 09 10 141.0 EBIT ( excl . profit 124.9 on sales ) 444.3 1st QUARTER 06 07 08 09 4th QUARTER Q U A R T E R LY R E P O R T 2 - 2 0 1 0 Farstad Shipping achieved an operating income of NOK 854.4 million for the 2nd quarter. The operating profit (EBIT) was NOK 262.8 million. The profit after taxes was NOK 114.0 million. This is Farstad Shipping Farstad Shipping’s strategy is to be a long-term major supplier of large, modern offshore service vessels to the oil industry worldwide. The company will maintain a long-term chartering profile. The company’s fleet consists of 58 vessels: 24 PSV, 32 AHTS and 2 SUBSEA vessels. Farstad Shipping has currently no newbuilds. Altogether, 170 employees in Aalesund, Aberdeen, Melbourne, Singapore and Macae manage the company’s activities. At the moment, 19 vessels are stationed in the North Sea, 13 in Brazil and 26 in the Australia / Indian Pacific. The number of sailors is approx. 1,650. Results for the 2nd quarter 2010 Farstad Shipping achieved an operating income of NOK 854.4 million for the 2nd quarter (NOK 834.9 million for the same period in 2009). The operating costs for the period were NOK 460.5 million (NOK 383.2 million). The operating profit (EBIT) was NOK 262.8 million (NOK 341.3 million) after depreciation of NOK 131.2 million (NOK 110.3 million). Net finance was negative NOK 131.5 million (positive NOK 52.3 million). Currency gain of NOK 3.8 million is booked during the 2nd quarter (gain of NOK 22.4 million). Further an unrealized currency loss of NOK 55.1 million (gain of NOK 82.8 million) is booked due to the adjustment of the company’s long-term liabilities in foreign currency. The profit after taxes was NOK 114.0 million (NOK 366.8 million). The Group’s cash flow*) for the period was NOK 317.6 million compared to NOK 421.2 million for the same period in 2009. Results as per 30.06.10 The operating income at 30.06.10 was NOK 1,585.0 million (NOK 1,581.0 million). The operating costs were NOK 893.1 million (NOK 735.1 million) and ordinary depreciations NOK 256.2 million at NOK 257.87 (NOK 235.73) Valueadjusted equity ratio is 56.3% (55.8%). (NOK 211.9 million). EBIT was NOK 435.7 million (NOK 634.0 million). Net finance was negative NOK 234.6 million (positive NOK 100.1 million) after an unrealized currency loss of NOK 175.6 million (gain of NOK 202.4 million). Currency gain of NOK 99.5 million is booked during the half year (gain of NOK 7.2 million). The profit after taxes was NOK 173.9 million (NOK 665.4 million). The Group’s cash flow*) for the period is NOK 632.9 million compared to NOK 743.6 million for the same period in 2009. Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and interpretations, and the IAS 34 standard for quarterly reporting. The accounting principles used are in accordance with principles used in the last annual report. The financial statements for the first half year of 2010 are unaudited, and the annual report for 2009 should thus be consulted when reading this report. Financing and capital structure In the balance sheet at 30.06.10, interest-bearing mortgage debt totals NOK 7,148.0 million (NOK 6,258.4 million at 30.06.09). Of the company’s interestbearing debts, 66.9% is in NOK, 18.1% in USD, 7.3% in GBP, 3.4% in EUR and 4.3% in AUD. Interest-bearing current assets at 30.06.10 were NOK 1,916.0 million (NOK 1,502.7 million). The Group’s booked equity at 30.06.10 was NOK 6,277.0 million (NOK 4,929.5 million) corresponding to NOK 160.95 (NOK 126.40) per share. Equity ratio was 44.5% (40.3%). Based on the valuation of the vessels (charter free) from three independent brokers at 30.06.10 the value-adjusted equity capital per share was calculated Accounting principles The quarterly report has been prepared in accordance with today’s International Financial risk The company is exposed to changes in the interest rates since approx. 27% of the long-term interest bearing debt was subject to floating interest rates as per 30 June 2010.The remaining part of the debt is subject to fixed interest rates through interest rate swap agreements and fixed interest rate loans. The company is significantly exposed to currency risk since approx. 90% of its income is earned in foreign currency. Forward exchange contracts and option contracts are signed to reduce the currency risk linked to cash flows in foreign currency. Related parties The company’s largest shareholder is Tyrholm & Farstad AS in Aalesund with a holding of 40.5%, and is defined as a related party. Farstad Shipping has a lease agreement with Tyrholm & Farstad. This applies for the head office in Aalesund and constitutes an annual cost of approx. NOK 3.8 million. Farstad *) Pre-tax profit + depreciation and deferred maintenance + change on revaluation of long-term liabilities in foreign currency. quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 5 Q U A R T E R LY R E P O R T 2 - 2 0 1 0 Shipping owns 50% of BOS Navega ç ão SA through the wholly owned subsidiary Farstad Brasil AS. Changes to the fleet Farstad Shipping has taken delivery of and sold the following vessels during the first half year: 1 Quarter Far Shogun (AHTS, UT731 CD) was delivered from STX Norway Offshore AS, Langsten 28th January. The vessel is trading the spot market in the North Sea. A long-term facility of NOK 400 million has st been drawn with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (former Fortis Bank), in order to facilitate the financing of the vessel. Far Saracen (AHTS, UT731 CD) was delivered from STX Norway Offshore AS, Langsten 24th March. The vessel is trading the spot market in the North Sea. A long-term facility of NOK 435 million has been drawn with Eksportfinans ASA to finance the vessel. The loan is guaranteed by Handelsbanken, GIEK and DnB NOR Bank ASA. 2nd Quarter Far Viscount (PSV, 1982, H/R design, THE COMPANY’S 20 LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS AT 20.08.10: 1 Tyrholm & Farstad AS 2 Folketrygdfondet 3 Brown Brothers Harriman & Co 4 Pareto Aksjer Norge 5 Verdipapirfond Odin Norge 6 Jan H. Farstad 7 Sverre A. Farstad 8 Pareto Aktiv 9 Skagen Vekst 10 Verdipapirfond Odin Offshore 11 Verdipapirfond Odin Norden 12 MP Pensjon 13 The Northern Trust 14 Pareto Verdi 15 RBC Dexia Investor Services Trust 16 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 17 Citibank 18 State Street Bank 19 Forsvarets Personellservice 20 Nortura Konsernpensjon Number % 15 796 199 3 941 600 3 200 000 1 592 495 1 163 029 1 050 000 1 000 000 758 748 700 000 700 000 617 734 420 000 306 511 262 550 236 845 232 114 210 347 175 710 157 000 150 000 40.5 10.1 8.2 4.1 3.0 2.7 2.6 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 Total 20 largest shareholders Other shareholders Total number of shares 32 670 882 6 329 118 39 000 000 83.8 16.2 100.0 1,540 DWT) was sold to new owners on 11th May. New contracts Farstad Shipping has achieved the following charter commitments during the first half year: 1st Quarter Statoil has declared their option to charter the PSV Far Searcher for two more years from March 2010. Statoil has also declared their option to charter the PSV Far Symphony for one more year from April 2010. Photo: Tommy Alnes 6 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa One of our new, large AHTS of UT 731 CD design (22,000 BHP) has been awarded a two year contract with Petrobras, Brazil. Start-up of the contract was 25th February, and AHTS Far Santana served as frontrunner until June 2010. Woodside has declared their option to charter the PSV Lady Grace for another year from 30th April 2010. Woodside has also declared their options to charter two AHTS, Far Stream for one additional year and with options for a further 2 x 1 year, and Far Strait for four more months. This contract contains options for a further 4 x 2 months. Start-up of these contracts was 20th April 2010. PSV Far Spirit has been awarded a 12 month contract with Woodside from May 2010. The vessels above will serve Woodside’s drilling programme in Australian waters. Apache North Sea Limited has awarded PSV Far Strider an 18 month contract with options 2 x 6 months. Start-up of the contract is May 2010. 2nd Quarter AHTS Lady Caroline was awarded a 12 months contract with Woodside in Australia. Start-up of the contract was in May 2010. The contract contains options for an additional 2 x 1 year. Woodside also prolonged the contract with Far Strait for a period of 12 months that started 20th April 2010. This contract contains options for another 2 x 1 year. BP awarded PSV Far Superior a 12 months contract with options for a further 2 x 6 months. Start-up of the contract was in July 2010 and the vessel will be located in the North Sea. Petrobras awarded AHTS Far Santana and AHTS Far Sovereign two four years contracts in Far Sagaris arriving in Rio de Janeiro to start her contract with Petrobras quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 7 Q U A R T E R LY R E P O R T 2 - 2 0 1 0 Brazil, and start-up of the contracts will be in the second half of 2010. Both contracts contain options for four more years. Contract coverage The contract coverage of the Farstad Fleet at the beginning of the 3rd quarter was approx. 80% for the remaining part of 2010 and approx. 70% for 2011. These figures include the charterer’s options to extend certain contracts. The market Also for this quarter the market has been characterized by too much idle tonnage. Especially the markets in the Indian Pacific region has had a negative impact on the income level, and long- term contracts are entered at continuously lower levels. The spot market in the North Sea has in the second quarter shown a positive development as compared to the first quarter of 2010. This is a result of a higher activity level. Even though most markets see a higher activity level offshore, the rate level and the utilisation rate for supply vessels will continue to be negatively affected by the large number of newbuilds already in the market or which are still to be delivered. Shareholder matters The company’s shares have during the quarter been traded between NOK 150.00 and NOK 164.00, and were NOK 155.00 at the end of the quarter. The share price at 30.06.10 values the company to approx. NOK 6.0 billion. The number of shareholders is approx. 1,430. Foreign shareholders own approx. 14% of the shares. The Annual General Meeting The annual general meeting was held at the company’s premises on May 19th. The annual general meeting passed all affairs in accordance with the notice. A dividend of NOK 3.00 per share was paid 1st June. The shares were traded ex dividend on 20th May. Shipping taxation After their defeat in the Norwegian Supreme Court, the Government launched in a press release on 26th March 2010, an optional system where the shipping companies can chose to remain in a tightened version of the old tonnage tax system. The alternative is to settle the tax bill and thereby be allowed entrance to the new system that was introduced by the Government in 2007. For Farstad Shipping this implies a tax bill of NOK 227 million. Farstad Shipping has not yet decided which system the company should enter. Confirmation from the Board of Directors and CEO We confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the condensed set of financial statements for the first half year of 2010 which has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements gives a true and fair view of the Company’s consolidated assets, liabilities, financial position and results of operations, and that the interim management report provides a true overview of important events during the accounting period, and their effect on the financial statements for the first half year, key risks and uncertainty factors that the company is facing during the next accounting period and of transactions with related parties. Aalesund 24 August 2010 8 Sverre A. Farstad Chairman Per Norvald Sperre Deputy Chairman Gro Bakstad Director Bjørn Havnes Director Janne-Grethe Strand Aasnæs Director Bjarne Sælensminde Director Astrid Koppernæs Director Karl-Johan Bakken CEO quarterly report - farstad shipping asa FA R S TA D S H I P P I N G A S A (NOK 1000) GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 1.1-30.06 1.1-30.06 1.1-31.12 2010 2009 2010 2009 2009 853 308 834 869 1 583 838 1 580 984 3 257 579 1 114 - 1 114 - - 854 422 834 869 1 584 952 1 580 984 3 257 579 (1 348 086) Freight income and other income Profit on sale of fixed assets Total operating income Operating expenses vessels Administration Total operating expenses (415 804) (344 859) (802 615) (653 415) (44 648) (38 360) (90 437) (81 687) (173 333) (460 452) (383 219) (893 052) (735 102) (1 521 419) Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) 393 970 451 650 691 900 845 882 1 736 160 Ordinary depreciation (131 180) (110 327) (256 233) (211 923) (454 909) Operating result (EBIT) 262 790 341 323 435 667 633 959 1 281 251 Financial income Financial expenses Agio/(disagio), realised Agio/(disagio), unrealised Net financial expenses Pre-tax profit 21 912 26 914 33 987 41 915 78 243 (102 102) (79 753) (192 519) (151 366) (304 153) 3 826 22 366 99 486 7 201 18 843 (55 110) 82 791 (175 566) 202 351 349 506 (131 474) 52 318 (234 612) 100 101 142 439 131 316 393 641 201 055 734 060 1 423 690 Taxes (17 289) (26 828) (27 146) (68 627) 507 813 Result 114 027 366 813 173 909 665 433 1 931 503 Hereof minority share Profit / diluted profit per share (NOK) Cash flow per share (NOK) - - - (43) (43) 2.92 9.41 4.46 17.06 49.53 8.14 10.80 16.23 19.07 39.21 39 000 000 39 000 000 39 000 000 39 000 000 39 000 000 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 1.1-30.06 1.1-30.06 1.1-31.12 2010 2009 2010 2009 2009 Average number of outstanding shares STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW Cash flow from operating activity 411 910 261 733 882 376 655 669 1 621 273 Cash flow from investment activity (161 236) (679 633) (1 112 531) (1 747 908) (2 438 422) Cash flow from finance activity (250 985) 166 887 456 555 840 268 800 132 Net changes in liquidity in the period Net currency exchange differences subsidiaries (311) (251 013) 226 400 (251 971) (17 017) 28 746 8 551 38 934 (11 627) (1 949) 1 762 312 1 523 243 1 525 413 1 544 379 1 544 379 1 790 747 1 280 781 1 790 747 1 280 781 1 525 413 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period *) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period *) *) Excl. shares, primary capital certificates and bonds quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 9 FA R S TA D S H I P P I N G A S A (NOK 1000) GROUP BALANCE SHEET ASSETS 30.06.10 30.06.09 31.12.09 Fixed assets: Goodwill 30 247 30 247 Deferred tax benefit 16 572 11 003 - 11 372 364 9 682 794 10 237 712 Vessels etc. Contracts newbuilds Other long-term receivables Shares Total fixed assets 30 247 - 234 928 191 242 23 592 14 380 24 977 5 185 5 239 5 170 11 447 960 9 978 591 10 489 348 Current assets: Account receivables, freight income 500 051 560 539 473 130 Other short-term receivables 223 953 180 858 325 869 - - 15 671 Liquid assets Forward currency and interest contracts 1 928 397 1 506 976 1 713 704 Total current assets 2 652 401 2 248 373 2 528 374 14 100 361 12 226 964 13 017 722 Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 30.06.10 30.06.09 31.12.09 Equity: Paid in capital Retained earnings Minority interests Total equity 237 396 237 396 237 396 6 039 621 4 692 084 6 014 499 - - - 6 277 017 4 929 480 6 251 895 Liabilities: Non-current liabilities: Provision for liabilities 60 517 56 535 - 508 476 - Interest-bearing mortgage debt 6 134 976 5 608 249 5 466 499 Total non-current liabilities 6 195 493 6 173 260 5 541 519 Tax liabilities and environmental fund 75 020 Current liabilities: 213 401 161 160 Forward currency and interest contracts Accounts payables 75 125 52 989 - Taxes payable 35 743 2 766 22 325 Other current liabilities Current portion of interest-bearing debt 177 019 290 532 257 142 253 193 1 013 050 650 167 771 771 Total current liabilities 1 627 851 1 124 224 1 224 308 Total liabilities 7 823 344 7 297 484 6 765 827 14 100 361 12 226 964 13 017 722 Total equity and liabilities 10 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa FA R S TA D S H I P P I N G A S A (NOK 1000) SEGMENT INFORMATION 2nd quarter 2010 GROUP OPERATING INCOME *) 1.1 - 30.06 2009 1.1 - 31.12 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 1.1-30.06 1.1 - 30.06 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 1.1 - 31.12 2009 AHTS 560 737 525 804 1 015 343 1 028 305 2 085 159 208 933 258 470 329 031 502 263 973 863 PSV 245 270 249 275 SUBSEA 2nd quarter 2009 1.1-30.06 2010 OPERATING PROFIT (EBIT) *) 472 513 451 463 936 352 36 558 65 952 67 362 96 297 220 725 46 660 50 488 94 320 86 999 215 600 17 375 8 826 39 817 23 484 71 721 641 9 302 1 662 14 217 20 468 (1 190) 8 075 (1 657) 11 915 14 942 Other income Total 853 308 834 869 1 583 838 1 580 984 Northwest Europe 238 781 219 911 396 078 389 717 812 708 46 657 50 407 88 837 191 008 Brazil 212 655 199 048 398 871 393 033 786 181 83 239 90 896 141 799 180 642 345 421 Indian Pacific 391 373 384 168 758 551 724 974 1 548 889 130 347 178 205 248 353 330 718 690 151 Other segments 37 348 9 858 22 440 28 676 59 043 89 333 2 623 13 740 8 710 21 847 39 729 641 9 302 1 662 14 217 20 468 (1 190) 8 075 (1 657) 11 915 14 942 Others Total 3 257 579 261 676 341 323 434 553 633 959 1 281 251 853 308 834 869 1 583 838 1 580 984 3 257 579 261 676 341 323 434 553 633 959 1 281 251 *) excl. sale of vessel STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 1.1-30.06 1.1-30.06 1.1-31.12 2010 2009 2010 2009 2009 114 027 366 813 173 909 665 433 1 931 503 Result Other comprehensive income: Change in foreign exchange contracts Change in deferred tax Translation effects foreign operations Charged to environmental fund Other equity effects Total other comprehensive income Comprehensive income for the period (37 933) 6 211 (74 007) 26 818 4 878 10 245 3 511 4 714 (3 538) 28 746 8 551 38 934 (11 627) (1 949) (225) (233) (225) (233) (335) - - (296) - - 82 135 (4 534) 24 774 (31 787) 19 672 76 017 109 493 391 587 142 122 685 105 2 007 520 Allocated to: Majority share 109 493 391 587 Minority share - - 142 122 685 148 2 007 563 (43) (43) - CHANGES IN EQUITY 2nd quarter 2nd quarter 1.1-30.06 1.1-30.06 1.1-31.12 2010 2009 2010 2009 2009 Equity at the beginning of the period 6 284 524 4 733 506 6 251 895 4 439 988 4 439 988 Majority share of income 109 493 391 587 142 122 685 148 2 007 563 Minority share of income - - - (43) (43) (117 000) (195 000) (117 000) (195 000) (195 000) - (613) - (613) (613) 6 277 017 4 929 480 4 929 480 6 251 895 Dividend payment Change in minority interest Equity at the end of the period 6 277 017 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 11 T H E FA R S TA D F L E E T The company’s fleet consists of 32 AHTS, 24 PSV and 2 SUBSEA vessels. The contract coverage for the fleet included options is approximately 80% for the remaining part of 2010. For 2011 the fleet coverage is 70%. Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel Offshore specially production modules/vessels. Certain designed to provide anchor handling supply vessels AHTS in our fleet are equipped for fire and towage services for semi submer- fighting, rescue operations and oil sibles, platform jackets, barges and recovery. AHTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 12 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa Plattform Supply Vessel. Subsea Vessel. Vessel specially designed for transpor- on deck, in addition to a variety of dif- Construction Subsea Vessel - specially tation of supplies and equipment to/ ferent products (dry and wet) in sepa- designed vessel for deepwater opera- from offshore installations. Transport- rate tanks. Also transporting pipes for tions, installation and subsea support. ing individual items mainly in containers pipe-laying activities. PSV SUBSEA 33 34 35 36 57 37 38 39 40 58 41 42 43 44 41 45 46 43 47 46 48 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 13 A H T S F L E E T - E M P L OY M E N T C O N T R A C T O V E R V I E W AT 2 4 . 0 8 . 1 0 Vessel name Photo no Design Year built Employment i) BHP Owner at 24.08.10 FAR SARACEN 1 UT 731 CD 2010 24000 SUP Spot FAR SHOGUN 2 UT 731 CD 2010 24000 SUP Spot FAR SAGARIS 3 UT 731 CD 2009 24000 SUP Feb. 12 FAR SCORPION 4 UT 731 CD 2009 24000 SUP Spot FAR SCIMITAR 5 UT 712 L 2008 15900 SUP Nov. 10 + optj. FAR SABRE 6 UT 712 L 2008 15900 SUP Nov. 11 FAR SAPPHIRE 7 UT 732 CD 2007 27500 SUP Spot FAR SOUND 8 UT 712 L 2007 15900 SUP Aug. 10 + opt. FAR STRAIT 9 UT 712 L 2006 15900 FSS April 11 + opt. FAR STREAM 10 UT 712 L 2006 15900 SUP April 11 + opt. FAR SWORD 11 UT 712 L 2006 15900 SUP May 11 FAR SALTIRE 12 UT 728 L 2002 16300 FSL Sept. 10 FAR SCOUT 13 UT 722 L 2001 18000 SUP Oct. 11 + opt. FAR SANTANA 14 UT 730 2000 19200 SUP July 14 + opt. FAR SOVEREIGN 15 UT 741 1999 27400 SUP Feb. 15 + opt. FAR SENIOR 16 UT 722 L 1998 18000 SUP Oct. 11 FAR SAILOR 17 UT 722 1997 16820 SUP Oct. 11 FAR FOSNA 18 UT 722 1993 14400 SUP Nov. 10 + opt. FAR GRIP 19 UT 722 1993 14400 SUP March 11 + opt. FAR SKY 20 ME 303 II 1991 14400 SUP March 11 + opt. FAR SEA 21 ME 303 II 1991 13200 SUP Jan. 13 + opt. LADY ASTRID 22 UT 712-2 2003 13200 IOS Sept. 10 + opt. LADY CAROLINE 23 UT 712-2 2003 13200 IOS May 11. + opt. LADY GURO 24 UT 719-2 2001 5450 FSS Oct. 16 + opt. LADY SANDRA 25 KMAR 404 1998 16100 FSS Aug. 10 + opt. LADY CYNTHIA 26 Hart Fenton 1987 9388 FSS Dec. 10 + opt. LADY GERDA 27 Hart Fenton 1987 8660 IOS April 11 + opt. LADY AUDREY 28 ME 303 1983 12240 IOS Spot LADY VALISIA 29 ME 303 1983 12240 IOS Spot BOS TURQUESA 30 UT 722 L 2007 19040 BOS Feb. 15 BOS TURMALINA 31 UT 722 L 2006 14410 BOS July 14 BOS TOPÀZIO 32 UT 728 L 2005 12240 BOS Dec. 13 2010 2011 2012 2013 Owner: SUP = Farstad Supply AS FSS = Farstad Shipping Pte. Ltd. IOS = P/R International Offshore Services ANS CON = Farstad Construction AS FSL = Farstad Shipping Ltd. BOS = BOS Navegação SA (Brazil Offshore Services) (50%) 14 quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 2014 P S V / S U B S E A F L E E T - E M P L OY M E N T C O N T R A C T O V E R V I E W AT 2 4 . 0 8 . 1 0 Vessel name Photo no Design Year built Employment i) DWT Owner at 24.08.10 FAR SERVER 33 HY 832 CD 2010 4000 FSL Nov. 10 + opt. FAR SERENADE 34 UT 751 CD 2009 5950 SUP April 14 + opt. FAR SEARCHER 35 UT 751 E 2008 4755 SUP March 12 + opsj. FAR SEEKER 36 UT 751 E 2008 4755 SUP April 11 + opt. FAR SPIRIT 37 VS 470 Mk II 2007 3550 FSL May 11 + opt. FAR SWAN 38 VS 470 Mk II 2006 3570 FSS April 11 + opt. FAR SPLENDOUR 39 P 106 2003 3503 SUP Dec. 10 + opt. FAR SYMPHONY 40 P 105 2003 4929 SUP April 11 FAR SWIFT 41 UT 755 L 2003 3084 SUP Oct. 11 + opt. FAR SCOTIA 42 UT 755 2001 5450 FSL Spot FAR STAR 43 UT 745 1999 4303 SUP June 11 + opt. FAR SUPPLIER 44 VS 483 1999 4605 FSL May 14 FAR STRIDER 45 VS 483 1999 4605 FSL Dec. 11 + opt. FAR SUPPORTER 46 UT 750 1996 4680 FSL March 13 + opt. FAR SERVICE 47 UT 745 1995 4680 FSL Aug. 11 + opt. FAR SCANDIA 48 UT 705 1991 3100 SUP May 14 FAR SUPERIOR 49 UT 705 L 1990 3796 FSL June 11 + opt. FAR SLEIPNER 50 ME 202 1984 3067 SUP May 11 + opt. FAR GRIMSHADER 51 UT 706 L 1983 3325 SUP Spot LADY MELINDA 52 UT 755 2003 3095 FSS Dec. 10 + opt. LADY GRETE 53 UT 755 L 2002 3271 FSS Nov. 10 + opt. LADY GRACE 54 UT 755 2002 3936 IOS April 11 + opt. LADY CHRISTINE 55 ME 202 1985 2368 IOS Spot LADY KARI-ANN 56 ME 202 1982 2972 IOS March 11 + opt. Vessel name Photo no Design Year built BHP/ Owner Employment vi) DWT at 24.08.10 FAR SAMSON 57 UT 761 CD 2009 49000 CON April 14 + opt. FAR SAGA 58 UT 745 L 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2001 3475 SUP Oct. 10 + opt. ) Certain freight contracts contain clauses which give the charterer i 2010 Contract Charterer’s option the right to cancel the contract. quarterly report - farstad shipping asa 15 FARSTAD SHIPPING ASA PO. Box 1301 - Sentrum, 6001 Ålesund, Notenesgt. 14, Norway Tel: +47 70 11 75 00 Fax: +47 70 11 75 01 E-mail: post.aalesund@farstad.com Internet: www.farstad.com FARSTAD SHIPPING LTD. Farstad House, Badentoy Avenue, Badentoy Park, Portlethen, Aberdeen AB12 4YB, Scotland Tel: +44 1 224 784 000 Fax: +44 1 224 783 340 E-mail: post.aberdeen@farstad.com FARSTAD SHIPPING (INDIAN PACIFIC) PTY. LTD. GPO Box 5111, Melbourne Victoria, 3001 Australia Level 4, 99 Queensbridge Street, Southbank, Victoria, 3006 Australia Tel: +61 3 9254 1666 Fax: +61 3 9254 1655 E-mail: post.melbourne@farstad.com FARSTAD SHIPPING PTE. LTD. 78 Shenton Way, #19-02 Lippo Centre, Singapore 079120 Tel: +65 6323 2077 Fax: +65 6323 2877 E-mail: post.singapore@farstad.com BOS NAVEGAÇÃO SA (BRAZIL OFFSHORE SERVICES) Rua Abilio Moreira de Miranda, 606 Parque Valentina Miranda, CEP 27915-250 Macae - RJ Brasil Tel: +55 22 2105 1900 Fax: +55 22 2105 1901 E-mail: bos@bos.com.br
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flow*) for the period was NOK 315.2 million compared to NOK 322.5 million for
the same period in 2009.