pdf - Society of St Pius X New Zealand


pdf - Society of St Pius X New Zealand
28 March, 2013
Society of St Pius X
O m n i a i n s t a u ra r e i n C h r i s t o
W a n g a n u i
St Anthony’s Church
88 Alma Road
Telephone: (06) 344 7634
Facsimile: (06) 344 2087
Postal address: P.O. Box 7123, Wanganui, 4541.
Website: sspx.org.nz
Address: 88 Alma Rd, Wanganui, 4501.
Email: stanthony@sspx.com
Easter Issue
A word from the Prior
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
Liturgy Schedule
Sunday – 7.30am & 11.00am
Low Mass, 9.00am High Mass
Daily - 6:00am (except Saturday
and Sunday), 7.00am Mass,
11.25am Mass (except Thursday),
5.30pm Rosary
Thursday – All day adoration
8am to 6pm
Friday – 5.30pm Stations of the
Cross (Excepting Pascal time)
Saturday – 5.30pm Devotions to
Our Lady
First Fridays - 6.00pm Mass & all
night Adoration
For all other Mass centres see
the back page of this publication
or simply visit our website:
Inside this issue:
Auckland Chapel
Rising from the
Golden Summer
Resistance Redefining of marriage
General info.
By the time this letter reaches
you, the Holy Week ceremonies will be over. I pray that
they will leave in your soul a
lasting impression which only
the holy liturgy of the Christ’s
Church has the power to do.
This lasting impression should
be give rise to a new supernatural vigour, being the fruit
of a season of penance rewarded by God’s graces
growing forth in a renewed
determination to die to self in
order to live for Christ. This
new supernatural vigour is
nothing other than the life of
grace in our souls which pulls
us up towards Christ, urging
and tugging us to die to ourselves daily in order to follow
Him more closely.
Our Lord Himself suggested
this: only days before His Pas-
sion He announced to a
group of Greeks visiting Jerusalem that “a grain of wheat
must fall into the ground and
die, or else it remains nothing
more than a grain of wheat; but
if it dies then it yields much
fruit.” Jn 12:24 I
In other words nature itself
insists on death as a condition
for life; Good Friday as a condition for Easter Sunday; penance as a condition for renewed spiritual vigour.
If Christ never died on Good
Friday, the life of his Church
would have been impotent
and fruitless, for He came not
to be a mere teacher but a
Saviour. How could He give
new life if first He did not
bury that life in the tomb for
three days? As St Augustine
said: ‘He Himself was the grain
to be mortified and to be multiplied; to be mortified by the
unbelief of the Jews; to be multiplied by the belief of all nations.’
Ah, let us not be afraid of
Christian mortification, for it
possesses the secret to vigour
and fervour in the daily practice of our Faith.
I wish you all the graces of
the risen Lord through the
hands of his most glorious
Fr Andrew Cranshaw.
Prior of St Anthony’s
Consecrating all we can to Glorious Saint Joseph
For up to date information
about the Society of Saint
Pius X in NZ visit the web:
As far back as May 1, 2010,
Divine Providence allowed
the SSPX in New Zealand to
be consecrated to St Joseph.
On March 19th of the following year, Fr Couture consecrated the whole of the Asian
district to the glorious spouse
of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
This year on the same date of
19th March, Bishop Fellay, in
conjunction with all the
priests and members of the
Society, consecrated the
whole of the SSPX throughout the world to St Joseph.
This act of solemn consecration was done not only to
demonstrate our heartfelt
gratitude to the foster father
of our Blessed Redeemer, but
also place in his hands, as custodian of the whole Church,
our little Society, that he may
guard it with the same vigilance and care with which he
guarded his most chaste
Spouse and her divine Son.
Page 2
S o c i e ty o f S t Pi us X
Avondale Chapel update: A call for help
On the 1st of January 2013 I
was standing on the porch of
our chapel in New Caledonia
enjoying the tropical sunset
when the phone rang. Fr
MacPherson was on the line.
He wished me a Happy New
Year and then told me to sit
down. The news that the
Auckland chapel had just
burnt down only a hour prior
hit me like a thunderbolt, and
made me raise my hands in
prayer to thank Our Lord for
preventing anyone from being
I visited the burnt and gutted
building the very next day as
soon as I flew in from New
“True Christian hearts
Rising from the Ashes
cease to lament,
The fire was a real tragedy in
one sense, but it is a chance
to rise triumphantly from the
ashes for those who wish to
follow Our Lord through His
Passion into his Resurrection.
Fr MacPherson has been
working closely with Paul
McKenna, Architectural designer, to put forward a proposal to replace the lost
chapel. The final project looks
like it will cost up to
$500,000. The Auckland
building fund currently stands
at $164,000, so we need to
come up with the rest. We
for grief it is in vain,
For Christ you know was
well content
to suffer bitter pain
That we may come to
heaven’s bliss,
Caledonia. The faithful had
already removed what they
could salvage for cleaning and
then awaited my arrival.
We lost everything- building
and contents. The building
was not able to be insured
but the contents were. I
wrote to Fr Couture the very
next day: “Reporting from
Auckland, at the scene of the
fire. It is indeed very tragic.
We have lost almost everything, but have managed to
restore some brass items.
The blessed Sacrament was
not incinerated. The
metal cabinet within the tabernacle was able to preserve
It despite several hundred
degrees Celsius of fire all
around. Not even the silk
lining within the tabernacle
showed any signs of heat
damage! Fr Lavin was first on
the scene after the fire department. Once the remains
of the tabernacle were removed from the smouldering
chapel he consumed the Sacred Hosts which tasted very
smoked and made him rather
It may be a year before we
have a chapel again, but we
are looking around for a hall
to rent until then. A cross to
begin the new year. Deo gratias!”
are prevented from taking out
a mortgage until we have
raised at least two thirds of
the amount needed, i.e.
$333,000. This means we
need another $169,000 from
benefactors. An appeal to the
USA last February has
brought in so far $12,000.
We will be appealing to our
neighbours across the Tasman
shortly after Easter, but for
now I am making a general
appeal to all my fellow countrymen to please help in any
way that you can.
Golden Summer Camps
There joyfully to sing.
Who doth believe shall
never miss to have a
joyful rising!
Ven, John Thewliss:
The song of happy rising.
(17th cent.)
This year’s golden summer was
well utilised with three organised camps. One for boys, one
for girls and one for the young
adults. All camps were well
attended, well organised, casualty free and a chance for spiritual, physical and educational
development. My special appreciation and gratitude to all organisers, lay, religious and
priests involved for their tremendous efforts and energies
spent in providing great outdoor experiences in a Catholic
Page 3
E a st e r Is su e
120 Campaign: Now is your last chance New Zealand
Catholics from throughout
NZ since January have
committed themselves to
performing the five first
Saturday devotions for
one of 120 New Zealand
MPs in order to obtain for
them the grace to oppose
this extremely obscene and
dangerous bill.
Your prayers are not
wasted. The second reading of the bill was 77 for
and 44 against the redefining of marriage to include
same sex groups. More
politicians are changing
their minds but not
enough yet to tip the tables and prevent the bill
from passing. NZ Herald’s
digipol indicates that public
opinion is now strongly
polarised with 50% for and
50% against. This demonstrates a significant jump in
public opposition to the
Family First lobby group
founder Bob McCoskrie,
believes that the longer the
law-change debate continues the more public concern will escalate. It is for
this reason that Parliament
is trying to push the bill
2013 Parish Gala: a real success
A special thanks goes out to
all the faithful throughout our
Mass centres for contributing
items to this year’s February
Gala. It was the biggest success yet, raising just over
$10,000 for the school and
parish. Don’t hesitate to start
preparing for next year’s Gala
by storing up as many second
hand items, plants, jams and
clothing as you may wish to
contribute. Simply de-
posit them at your local SSPX
chapel or contact your local
SSPX priest to arrange
pickup. Items for next year’s
gala are already rolling in.
through at lightening
speed. It could become
law by May of this year.
NZ Herald on 26 March
reported that there is a
generational divide in the
poll - two-thirds of over
65s opposed a law
change, while young people overwhelmingly favoured it. This demarcation is a warning to parents of the nature of
modern state education
which has been preparing
the youth for years to
accept this kind of immorality under that liberal pretext of equality.
Society of Saint Pius X
New Zealand
A heavenly
aw aits you
A hand sculptured
wooden statue of
Our Lady of Fatima,
like unto the image
below, together with
its own shrine valued at nearly $3000
will be up for draw.
All who participate
in the 120 Campaign
Catholic schools secure a Catholic future
Wellington (Tawa)
Chapel of St Michael Archangel
32 Beauchamp Street (Rawson
Street entrance) Linden, Tawa
Phone: (04) 232 7297
Mass Schedule
Sunday – 9.00am Confessions
with 9.30am Mass
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel
103 Avondale Road
Phone: 021 303 929
Mass Schedule
Sunday – 8.30am Confessions
with 9.00am Mass.
Adult and children instruction after
First Fridays – 7.00pm Mass with
Holy Hour
Saturday – 9.30am Confession
and 10.00am Mass
Maungatapere Memorial Chapel
on State Highway 14, 350m south
of junction with Otaika Valley Rd.,
Mass Schedule
Mass at 5:00pm on 1st and 3rd
Sunday of each Month.
Confessions begin one hour before
Dunstall’s Funeral Home
Corner Edwardes and Bowers St.
Phone: (06) 843 9446
Mass Schedule
5.00pm usually every 1st and 3rd
Sunday of each month, but please
ring to confirm.
St Joseph’s chapel
4 Comries Road
Phone: (07) 855 1790
Mass Schedule
Mass at 2.00pm on 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month.
Confessions usually an hour
before Mass.
Can you help St Joseph to help my school?
The schools of St Anthony Primary, St Augustine Boys’ and St Dominic Girls’ need
sponsors to help its children receive the best Catholic education that the SSPX and
Dominican Sisters can provide. School fees for primary students are $1500 per year
and $2000 per year for secondary students. If you can sponsor a quarter, a half or a
whole of the annual school fees for a single, please contact the school so we can assign a child to you. The child benefiting from your sponsorship will commit him/
herself to remembering you in their daily prayers . The parents of the same child (if
you so desire) will keep you informed of his/her progress.
How to make a donation to our school, church and apostolate
For Donations to the Apostolate of the SSPX in New Zealand
New Zealand Bank Account:
SSPX General Account: 03-0791-0293304-000
Australian Bank Account:
Society of Saint Pius X-NZ: BSB 082-624 Acct No. 58-756-6324
For donations to the works of our Primary and Secondary schools:
Bank Account: St Anthony’s School Account: 03-0791-0333257-000