January 2015


January 2015
January 2015
Volume 25 Issue 1
Our Churches:
Blue Ridge
Brevard Community
Brevard First
Carr’s Hill
Carson’s Creek
Cathey’s Creek
Cedar Mountain
Dunn’s Creek
Dunn’s Rock
East Fork
Glady Branch
La Primera Miśion
Lake Toxaway
Light & Hope Ministry
Little River
Middle Fork
Mount Moriah-Calvert
New Hope
North Toxaway
Oak Grove
Pisgah Forest
Rocky Hill
Shoal Creek
The Church at Sapphire
Turkey Creek
New Associational Missionary
Dr. Michael “Mike” Miller
“The passion of my heart is evangelism,
missions, and discipleship/mentoring. Each
ministry God has privileged me to serve,
I have sought to train ‘soul winners,’
equip God’s people in personal soul
winning, and deepen the evangelistic
and mission temperature
of the Church.”
Winter Executive Board
Dinner Meeting
Tuesday, January 20 - 6:30 pm
Lake Toxaway Baptist Church
(Associational Council
Early Meeting at 5:30pm)
All Pastors, Leaders, & Church
Representatives Are
Encouraged to Attend
Visitors Are Always Welcome
Men Matter
Tuesday, January 13
11:55 am - 12:55 pm
Pisgah Forest Baptist Church
Cost: $5
Simply put, Men Matter! They matter to God, to their families, to their churches, to their country, to their employers,
to their employees, to society as a whole. This gathering is
designed to strengthen and encourage men in those areas of
life as they spend time with other men who share the same
desire to impact their world.
Reservations are required - please call 828-877-4223 or email
davidspray@pfbaptist.org by Monday, January 12.
One of my favorite passages to read at the beginning of a new year is Philippians 3:8-14, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for
whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be
found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the
faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith: That I may know him, and the power of his
resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; if by any
means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either
were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of
Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward
the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”
The following are great scriptural principles to help a Christian “press toward the mark for the prize of
the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” in 2015:
Walking by Faith - Hebrews 11:6
Becoming more passionate and Biblical in Prayer – Isaiah 56:7
Becoming more focused in sharing the Gospel and winning people to faith in
Becoming hungry to grow spiritually toward Christ-likeness. – Romans 8:29
Becoming absolute in obedience to the Word of God. - II Timothy 3:16-17
Christ – Proverbs 11:30
Jan and I are so grateful to God for opening the door to serve the pastors and churches of the Transylvania Baptist Association. Thanks for all your prayers and loving support. I wish to share the following
about our plans for moving to the mission field of Transylvania County:
The Lord has opened the doors for us to rent a house until our house sells here. The address is 1994
Whitmire Road, Brevard, NC 28712. We anticipate moving in Monday, January 12. I anticipate being
in the office beginning Tuesday, January 13. My present cell number is 850-295-5537. The best email
to use is dommike@me.com My office email is mike@tbanc.org.
I hope each pastor and staff member has been able to fill out a “Getting To Know You” form. This tool
is designed to help me serve and pray for the pastors and churches with focus. If you did not get a
“Getting To Know You” form, please contact the office and Nancy will get one to you.
Your servant in Christ,
Bro. Mike
What’s in your hand?
“In December 1977, the Arkansas Razorbacks, coached by Lou Holtz, were preparing
to play the Oklahoma Sooners in the Orange Bowl. Because of recent suspensions
on the Razorback team (and the resulting dissension among players) Arkansas had
become a 24 point underdog.
The negative press took its effect on the players as they prepared for the game; it was
evident in the way they practiced. They were listless and unfocused, completely lacking confidence.
Holtz called the team together for a meeting. As the players sat slumped in the chairs, staring at the floor
he told them: ‘Just because the press is writing our obituary doesn’t mean that we have to die. We’ve
read all the reasons why we can’t win; I want to hear why we can.’ The players sat silent. Nobody offered an opinion. Holtz told them plainly, ‘We’re not leaving this meeting until I get some answers.’
Slowly the players began speaking up: Even though they had lost some key offensive players, the defense was still intact; they still had the best place-kicker in the country; had a great quarterback; and on
and on. The more the players talked about why they could win, the more their confidence soared, and
the more their outlook changed.
If you’re a football fan, you know what happened a few days later. The Razorbacks pulled off one of the
greatest upsets in bowl history, beating Oklahoma 31-6.
Holtz said, ‘We won that game the moment our players focused on what we had instead of what we
lacked.’” (One Minute Messages by Steve May, Aldersgate Press)
Moses faced a similar situation when God called him to lead the people of Israel out of slavery. Moses’
response was: “What if they don’t listen to me?” God’s response was: “What do you have?” Specifically,
the Lord asked: “What is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2)
What Moses had was a rod. But it was more than a rod; it symbolized the power of God, and it was all
Moses needed. That rod taught Moses not to look at what he lacked, but to look at what he had, which
was the power of God in his life. What do you have? God has given each of us gifts and talents to be
used for His glory, but chief among the list of our assets is the power of God.
Whatever challenges you are facing — whatever seemingly insurmountable odds — remember that the
key to victory is focusing on what you have, not on what you lack.
This coming year will bring many joys and opportunities as well as sorrows and hardships. Let’s face
each of these with gratitude remembering that “God’s call” to a task includes His provisions to meet the
challenge. So, let’s learn the lesson that the Arkansas players learned: focus on what you have instead
of what you lack. In Second Corinthians 4:7 Paul wrote: “. . . we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us” (NKJ).
What’s in your hand?
Blessings for the Journey,
Pastor David
675 Hendersonville Hwy. / PO Box 670
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Phone: 828-877-3203
Web: tbanc.org / Email: tba@tbanc.org
Dr. Michael Miller - Associational Missionary
Mrs. Nancy Kilpatrick-Assoc. Ministry Assistant
Dr. David Spray-Moderator
Enabling Empowering Equipping Energizing
During recent weeks, many mission teams worked with ministry sites in
carrying out Christmas events. The reports have been absolutely wonderful. God has provided, protected, and led each one to do what He wanted them to do. We just love working with volunteers!
At Brevard First Baptist, 23 hard-working, faithful volunteers processed
701 filled backpacks for delivery. These backpacks came from 15 Transylvania churches, as well as two other churches in nearby associations.
With the help of NC Baptist Men Aviation Ministry, 500 of the backpacks
were flown to Summersville and Belington, WV. The remainder were
delivered to Williamsburg, KY. Around 200 volunteers gathered from several churches to work with the outreach at Cedaridge Ministries.
Pray that those who heard the Gospel will receive the best Christmas Gift
they could ever receive. We desire God alone to be glorified through it
Thank you for your prayerful support.
We love and appreciate you!
Dewey & Kathie Aiken
In 2014, 824 women came to the center seeking help.
Thirty babies were given life as a result of the compassionate care and support of the dedicated volunteers at
the center. As the year comes to a close, we celebrate
the Savior, we celebrate the gift of life, we celebrate
another year of God’s goodness, and we celebrate our
adoptive family - all of you!
Wendy Kicklighter, Director
The Center for Women
Ministry Positions Available
Cherryfield Baptist Church is seeking a minister of
music to lead blended worship.
For more
information, please contact Susan Reid by calling 828553-8047.
Zion Baptist Church is seeking a youth minister.
Contact Mark Willis at 828-506-3232 for more
Please continue to be much in prayer for our
churches without pastors:
Calvary, Carson’s Creek, Dunn’s Creek, Enon,
Morningside, Mount Moriah-Calvert, Oak Grove,
Shoal Creek, Temple
2015 IRS Standard Mileage Rates
The Internal Revenue Service has issued the 2015
optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the
deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving expenses.
Beginning on January 1, 2015, the standard mileage
rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups, or panel trucks) will be:
 57.5 cents per mile for business miles driven (up
from 56 cents per mile in 2014)
 23 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes (down .5 cents per mile in 2014)
 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable
Over 2100 Shoeboxes Collected in Transylvania County!
Anyone who packed a shoebox had the opportunity to impact 10 people through one shoebox
for the Glory of God. These shoeboxes are not just toys with some toiletry items. They are
hope and the knowing that someone loves and cares for them. These children not only get a
shoebox with toys but they participate in “The Greatest Journey” which is a twelve-week discipleship program with their very own graduation. At the end of their graduation, they receive
their very own Bible.
Anyone who volunteered with Operation Christ Child lived out the Scripture of Matthew 28:19 “Go therefore and
make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (NKJV)
Our team loves each and every one of you, and will be praying for you all!
Andrea Sechrist, Church Relations Team Member
Denise Gravely, Patricia Galloway, Carolyn Robinson, Area & Relay Coordinators
Church News
Boylston: Women’s “Sharing Ourselves” Group will gather for Bible study & fellowship on Jan. 15
at 6:30pm. Brotherhood will have a Men’s Breakfast on Jan. 24 at 8am.
Enon: Had 2 baptisms in December.
Thank You Lord for giving me
The brand new year ahead.
Help me live the way I should
As each new day I tread.
Give me gentle wisdom
That I might help a friend,
Give me strength and courage
So a shoulder I might lend.
The year ahead is empty,
Help me fill it with good things,
Each new day filled with joy
And happiness it brings.
Transylvania Baptist Association
January 2015
New Year’s
TBA Closed
Prayer Emphasis:
Carr’s Hill &
Shane Hardesty
Carson’s Creek &
Roger Smith
10:30 am
Pisgah Forest
Oak Grove
Senior Adult
Bible Study
10:00 am
Prayer Emphasis:
Cathey’s Creek &
Tony Lambert
Cedar Mountain &
Steve Cooke
Katina Farmer B/D
Little River
10:30 am
Pisgah Forest
Men Matter
11:55 am
Pisgah Forest
Senior Adult
Bible Study
10:00 am
Prayer Emphasis:
Cherryfield &
Tommy Preslar
Dunn’s Creek
10:30 am
Pisgah Forest
Ron Nelson
Sanctity of Human
Life Sunday
Prayer Emphasis:
Dunn’s Rock &
Dean West
East Fork &
Doug Tankersley
Baptist Men Day
10:30 am
Pisgah Forest
Senior Adult
Bible Study
10:00 am
Senior Adult
Bible Study
10:00 am
Randy Shuler
New Hope
Transylvania Baptist Association
Financial Summary for January - November, 2014
Total Receipts from Churches
Budget Needs for Period
Actual Expenses for Period
Spent Less Than Budget
Spent Less Than Received
Needed Monthly to Meet 2014 Budget
Blantyre  Ron Nelson
“Brethren, pray for us.”
Blue Ridge  Allen Martin
1 Thess. 5:25
Boylston  Jimmy Burress
Brevard Community  Todd Alewine
Brevard First  Tommy Crocker For the Association to remain
Calvary  Gordon Benton
strong and united, the churches
Carr’s Hill  Shane Hardesty
must first be strong and united.
Carson’s Creek  Roger Smith
Cathey’s Creek  Tony Lambert This begins with prayer. Please
Cedar Mountain  Stephen Cooke take time daily to pray for all of
our churches and pastors.
Cherryfield  Tommy Preslar
Dunn’s Creek
Dunn’s Rock  Dean West
East Fork  Doug Tankersley
Enon  Allen Thompson
Faith  Kyle Reese
Glady Branch  Johnny Hughes
Grace  Shane Duncan
Lake Toxaway  Harold Sitton
Little River  Chris Farmer
Middle Fork  Chester Chappell
Morningside  Sidney Calhoun
Mount Moriah  Wallace McCall
New Hope  Randy Shuler
North Toxaway  Tommy Mullis
“...God forbid that
Oak Grove  Tommy Madden
I should sin
Pisgah Forest  David Spray
against the Lord
Rocky Hill  Leland Holland
in ceasing to
Shoal Creek
pray for you.”
1 Samuel 12:23
The Church at Sapphire  Rick Plotts
Turkey Creek  Jason Kittrell
Zion  Dan Dellinger