Application Sheets


Application Sheets
Streetbox Case Studies
Application: Monitoring Air Quality.
Configuration: NO2 and PM10 sensors
In this application, a range of measurements was required at various points around a busy road junction.
Although diffusion tubes had been used in earlier campaigns, increased resolution was desirable (in the form
of 15 minute averages over several months).
Multiple Streetboxes were installed on lampposts
around the junction to provide almost real time
mapping of pollutant concentrations. As PM10
measurement was a requirement, the boxes were
mains powered with a pumped sample. Data collection
was carried out using a GSM (mobile phone)
connection from a central office.
In this type of application, StreetBoxes can be
deployed at a fraction of the cost (and time) required
for conventional reference analysers, enabling a
campaign to be completed in a much shorter
Application: Nuisance Monitoring.
Configuration: Battery powered NO2 and CO sensors
The option to run Streetboxes on internal batteries for months at a time is useful when ease and speed of
deployment is a consideration. Using a simple double clip mounting arrangement, a Streetbox can be
installed in minutes, which means that a monitoring campaign can be carried out without expensive and time
consuming delays.
An example of such a monitoring campaign was in the North
West of Scotland, where fugitive emissions from a local
distillery were investigated using a number of Streetboxes. The
units were installed near housing that surrounded the site, and
moved around as required.
The Streetbox is well suited to investigations such as this,
where local concern over environmental issues requires a quick
‘look see’ response, without
having to resort
to a permanent,
or even semipermanent, installation of reference style equipment.
Before and after studies of plant changes can be carried out
in a cost-effective manner whilst still ensuring the data
produced is usable and meaningful.
The wide range of sensors also means that monitoring is
available for the components of interest for a variety of
Streetbox Case Studies.doc October 2007
Streetbox Case Studies
Application: Unobtrusive Particulate Monitoring.
Configuration: PM10 sensor
A local authority in the Midlands was looking for real time particulate
monitoring to investigate the effects of local foundry operations on air
quality. The location of the monitoring site was next to the garden of a
private dwelling, which precluded the use of conventional reference
equipment on grounds of cost, noise and power consumption.
A Streetbox fitted with a PM10 sensor was chosen for this application,
and mounted in the garden using a simple telescopic tripod stand.
Data was logged in the internal memory over a period of time, and
compared with the gravimetric reference particulate monitor colocated with the Streetbox to assess performance. Although the two
instruments use very different techniques (and of course the
gravimetric unit is not real time), close correlation was found between
the two methods.
Application: Monitoring Away from the Urban Environment.
Configuration: CO sensor
Although Streetbox is mainly aimed at monitoring the urban environment, it
can also be useful for studies in less congested areas, especially in
sensitive areas where a larger reference site would be out of place.
A local authority wanted to carry out some preliminary studies of air quality
in the town centre, As the town was in a popular tourist area, the size and
appearance of the equipment was of prime importance. The small outline
of the single gas Streetbox allowed the council to fix the equipment onto
existing street furniture, in such a way
as to hide it from the immediate view of
passing pedestrians.
Data access by either short range,
license free radio, or using the mobile
phone network and a GSM interface,
ensures that any site intervention is kept
to an absolute minimum. Disruption to
the normal flow of pedestrian traffic in
the town centre can therefore be avoided.
These examples are just a few of the applications for the Streetbox product range.
For further details and specifications, please contact:
Signal Group Ltd
Ambitech Division
Regal Way
t: +44 (0) 1367 242660
f: +44 (0) 1367 242700
Streetbox Case Studies.doc October 2007