Winter 2013 - Think Small


Winter 2013 - Think Small
Hmong Child
Care Talk
Volume 12, Issue 1, Winter 2013
A Newsletter for Child Care Providers and Parents
Positive Interactions with Children
Kev sib raug zoo nrog menyuam
As parents and providers, we become the leaders for our children. Whether we
know it or not, we mold their behavior and attitude through our interactions with
them. These interactions, positive or negative, will determine the child’s social
and emotional growth. For this reason, it is important to learn the effective
ways of interacting with children. Through positive interactions, we become the
source for our children’s relationship building skills, promoting enriched
development in every way.
Cov niam thiab txiv mus rau cov neeg ua zov menyuam, nej yog tu coj rau nej
cov menyuam. Txawm phem thiab zoo los, nej txoj kev sib raug zoo nrog cov
menyuam yuav txiav txim rau tus menyuam txoj kev loj hlob. Vim li no, nws yog
ib qhov tseem ceeb heev rau cov naim thiab txiv thiab cov neeg zov menyuam
kawm txog kev txhawb menyuam. Tej kev txhawb noj yuav npab koj cov
menyuam txojkev sib raug zoo nrog lawj tus thiab txhawb lawv txoj kev kawm.
Ways to create positive interactions
Inside This Issue:
Positive Interactions
Think Small Services
Licensing Orientation
New Americans Network
Resources and Ideas
Parent Aware
Community Announcements
Parent Empowerment
Language Access Line
Training Announcement
Meet the Hmong Staff,
writers, and editors of
this newsletter
Mai Thao Xiong,
Hmong Outreach
Coordinator, has
worked at Think
Small for 8 years
Bao Moua Vang,
Hmong Outreach
Coordinator, has
worked at Think
Small for 3 years
Yang Mee Xiong,
Hmong Language
Line Specialist,
has worked at
Think Small for 4
Dombro, A., Jablon, J., & Stetson, C. (2010). Powerful interactions begin with you. Teaching Young
Children. 4.1 Or go to
Hmong Child Care Talk
Think Small has the following services:
1. Professional Development in Classrooms and
Online: classes on early childhood and on the
business of child care-classes are offered in
English, Hmong, Amharic, Oromo, Spanish and
Somali as well as interpreters in Lao, Karen, and
2. Language Access Line for Hmong, Somali and
Spanish: language support available statewide for
parents and child care providers.
New Americans Network
Please attend our next New Americans meeting on
March 6th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Think
Small Minneapolis Office located at 2021
Hennepin Ave., Suite 250, Minneapolis, MN
55413. If you have any questions please call
3. Career Guidance Services: advice for child care
providers on professional development.
Carlos Gallego at (651)641-6606 or
4. Special Needs Program: consulting for providers
serving children with special needs or behavioral
Yang Mee Xiong at (651)665-0150 ext. 3
5. Financial Support for Providers: grants,
scholarships, and financial support for child care
providers to improve the quality of child care.
6. Debra S. Fish Early Childhood Resources Library:
over 3,000 books, materials and bi-lingual
resources for early childhood professionals and
7. Businesswise Support: support and information
for child care providers.
8. Redleaf Press: awarding-winning books and
materials for early childhood professionals.
Kev Kawm Txog Txoj Cai Ua Laixees Zov
Menyuam Hauv Tsev rau Ramsey Co.
Tuaj mloog txog txoj cai ua laixees thiaj yuav tau daim ntawv application los fias. Nram qab no yog
cov hnub thiab sij hawm teem tseg.
January 9, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
February 13, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
March 13, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
April 10, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
May 8, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
June 12, 2013
10 Yorkton Court N. St. Paul, MN 55117
Thov hu tuaj cuv npe ntawm Yaj Mim Xyooj,
651-665-0150 ext 3. Yog koj nyob hauv Hennepin
County es xav kawm ua laixees zov menyuam hauv tsev thov hu rau tus xovtooj
Hmong Child Care Talk
Resources and Ideas for Providers and Parents
Places to go...
The Minnesota Children's Museum:
Free admission on the third Sunday of the month.
The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Is free all day Thursday during the winter.
Como Zoo and Conservatory:
The Museum of Russian Art:
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts:
The Weisman Art Museum:
The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden:
Always free, except when special events are happening in the
Early Childhood Screening
♦ Ramsey County- (651) 632-3746
♦ Hennepin County- (612) 348-8687
Child Care Assistance
♦ Ramsey County- (651) 266-4444
♦ Hennepin County- (612) 348-5937
Special Needs
♦ Help Me Grow-
The Minnesota State Capitol:
Free tour are held everyday.
The Minnehaha Depot:
Ramsey County Public Library
Story time:
eventcalendar.asp to print out calendar of story time.
Hennepin County Public Library
1 (866) 693-4769
(952) 838-9000
The ARC–
Vision Screening:
(651) 201-3760
Financial Resources:
FineWaiverApp.cfm to print out more information on dates.
Parent Aware
improves, supports and celebrates the strengths of child care and early learning
programs. For more information or to register for a Parent Aware informational session please call
1-888-291-9811 or visit Yog koj xav nkag rau Parent Aware los sis
Building Quality hu rau Bao Vang (651)641-6656 los sis Mai Thao Xiong (651)641-66362.
Hmong Child Care Talk
Community Announcements
Nyob Zoo Xyoo Tshiab!!!
Happy New Year !!!
Koom haum Think Small hais nyob zoo xyoo tshiab
rau ib stoom niam txiv, cov zov menyuam, cov phooj
ywg, cov kwv tij neej tsa, thiab cov me tub
menyuam sawv daws.Thov kom sawv daws noj qab
nyob zoo rau xyoo tshiab no thiab kom ntsib kev kaj
haus huv nrog rau kev vam meej.
Xyoo tshiab no nco ntsoov nrhiav sij haum los nrog
stev neeg sib tham seb nej tsev neej cov hom phiaj
rau kev kawn ntawv yog dab tsi. Tsis tas li ntawv
xwb rau cov laus seb nej txoj kev kawm txhawb tes
hauj lwm rau xyoo tshiab no yog dab tsi. Muaj hom
phiaj rau nej cov menyuan txoj kev kawm thiab kev
txhawb tes hauj lwm tseem ceeb heev. Cov hom
phiaj no yuav pab kom sawv daws paub npaj.
Nco ntsoov txhawb menyuam kev kawm thiaj li yuav
muaj kev vam meej thiab thiaj li muaj kev sib raug
zoo nrog rau menyuam thiab tseb neeg. Pab npaj
menyuam mus kawm ntawv txhua hnub kom lawm
thiaj li txim txiaj thiab thiaj li nriahv tau num zoo
thaum lawv loj tuaj.
Happy New Year
Rooj Txhawb Cov Niamtxiv Zov
Menyuam ~ Hmong Provider Café
The purpose of these community café sessions
are to: Lub hom phiaj ntawm cov rooj sib tham
thiab sib txhawb no yog:
1. Have an opportunity to experience a
provider café and learn about the five
protective factors that keep families strong /
Kom muaj fwmtsam tuaj sib ntsib thiab
kawm txog cov 5 protector factors ua tseem
ceeb rau ib tsev neeg
2. Help you take care of yourself / Pab koj
kom koj paub saib xyuas koj tus kheej
3. Help you be a strong parent and childcare
provider / Pab koj kom koj ua tau ib tus
niamtxiv zoo thiab ib tug kws zov menyuam
4. Help you build strong relationships with
your children and families / Pab koj sib raug
zoo nrog koj cov menyuam thiab cov tsev
Our Next Hmong Provider Café will be held on
Wednesday March 20, 2012 from
6:30pm-8:30pm at
Think Small
2021 E. Hennepin Ave. Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55413
For more info or to register call
Bao Moua Vang
(651) 641-6656
Listen to the Hmong Early Childhood Education
Radio Program on KPNP 1600 AM Radio every
Tuesday from 5:00pm-6:00pm.
A message from Jesse Kao Lee, Parent
Empowerment Administrator at Think Small,
see page 5.
Hmong Child Care Talk
Hello, Hmong Childcare Providers.
I am pleased for this opportunity to introduce myself to you all in the
event you have needs that I can be of assistance to you. My name is
Jesse Kao Lee, Parent Empowerment Administrator at Think Small.
I oversee the Parent Empowerment Program that educates and empowers
parents in the five cultural communities (African American, American
Indian, East Africans or Somali, Latino, and Southeast Asians) with our
early childhood “train the trainers” model. Our goals are to promote
parent empowerment so that there are more parents moving along a
continuum of: 1) knowing about early childhood development; 2)
making choices for their children regarding quality care and early
learning; and 3) acting in the civic arena to promote school readiness
and policy investments in young Minnesotans.
To empower parents I have engineered two culturally appropriate curriculums as followed: 1) A Cross-Cultural
Leadership Action Program (C-CLAP) is a nine-modules curriculum, a train the trainers model, emphasizes
adult learning strategies that educate and empower parents and caregivers in preparing their children for
kindergarten and for life, as well as well advocate for policy investment in our young Minnesotans. 2) Our
Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) curriculum is a six-module curriculum, is also a train the trainers model.
It provides our FFN caregivers the child development and school readiness knowledge and skills that would
enable them to become quality caregivers and contributors to the successes of our future generations.
The above projects are guided by the following principles: build cohorts, educate, empower, and take action.
My hopes and dreams are to train parents and caregivers so that they can replicate our curriculums in their
respective community. I think what we need is a collective voice and understanding of the importance of early
childhood education as a foundation every child needs to start with. Every ones deserve some sort of
education enable them to get start in the learning process in order to pass on to others. As people have said
“knowledge is power”, that is why providing parents and caregivers the knowledge and skills they need can
really empower them to do something good for themselves and the children. Last, but not least, when an
adult person knows something and is confident to share with another person, he or she will likely or be ready
to take action.
I believe that every parents and caregivers can learn and so are the children under their care. Frankly,
children can’t wait to learn and will learn something new every day regardless of whether we provide them the
appropriate education they deserve or not, they will learn from somewhere or someone else, including
television, video game, and peers. Most importantly, parents and caregivers are the primary teachers of these
children and can make huge differences in the children’s life by talking, telling stories, reading, giving
routine, and playing with them every day. Even though parents and caregivers are very busy, they can still take
one trip to the local library per week so that the children are exposed to books, technologies and learning
I am thankful for this opportunity to share my Parent Empowerment Program and my early childhood
perspectives with you and hope to share more on specific learning objectives with you in the future. If you
have any questions about the training opportunity or anything else, please feel free to contact me at
651-233-2265, or via e-mail at
Think Small invests in the lives of young children through
quality early childhood education and educational
resources. Since 1972, Resources for Child Caring has
educated, advocated, and supported thousands of
parents, child care providers, and other early childhood
professionals in the Twin Cities metropolitan area, the
state of Minnesota and across the country.
Our mission is to advance quality care and education of
children in their crucial early years.
Child Care Resource
and Referral (CCR&R)
Think Small
2021 E. Hennepin Ave.
Suite 250
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: 651-287-8580
Fax: 612-355-2235
Think Small
10 Yorkton Ct.
Saint Paul, MN 55117
Phone: 651-641-0305
Fax: 651-645-0990
Carlos Gallego
Community Outreach
Mai Thao Xiong
Hmong Outreach Coordinator
Bao Moua Vang
Hmong Outreach Coordinator
Yang Mee Xiong
Hmong Language Line Specialist
651-665-0150 ext. 3
Koj puas xav tau kev pab txog kev zov menyuam?
Koj puas yog ib tug niamtxiv, ib tug niamtxiv zov
menyuam lossis ib tsev neeg, phooj ywg, thiab neeg zej
zog uas pab zov menyuam muaj lus nug txog kev zov
menyuam? Hu rau tus xovtooj 651-665-0150.
Training Announcement
Effective January 1, 2013 no reminder calls will be made to
providers to attend training. Please mark your calendar and
remember to attend the training you registered and paid for.
Please do not bring children. Only children 13 and
above, with a paid registration, will be allowed in the training. If
you arrive 20 minutes late to the training, you will not receive
in-service hours for the class, a training certificate, class credit
or a refund. Please contact Yang Mee Xiong if you have any
questions at 651-665-0150 ext.3.
Pib lub ib hli ntuj tim 1 xyoo 2013 no mus peb yuav tsis hu tuaj
rau cov neeg zov menyuam kom nco ntsoov tuaj kawm kev cob
qhia. Nco ntsoov tuaj kawm cov kev cob qhia uas koj twb cuv
npe kawm thiab them nyiaj lawm. Sau cob hnub kawm tseg koj
thiaj li nco tuaj kawm.
Thov tsis txhob coj menyuam tuaj. Cov menyuam
muaj 13 xyoos rov sauv thiab cuv npe kawm thiaj li pub mus
nkag rau chav qhia ntawv.Yog koj tuaj lig 20 feeb koj yuav tsis
tau cov sib hawv kawm rau cov kev cob qhia, ib diam ntawv pov
thawj, tsis tau credit los sis thim nyiaj rov qab.Thov hu tuaj rau
Yaj Mim Xyooj yog koj muaj lus nug 651-665-0150 ext. 3.
For additional information about Think Small’s training policies and
procedures please read your Child Care Resource and Referral
Professional Development Catalog on page 4.