Solar-Prospekt EN_04-2011_Layout 1
Solar-Prospekt EN_04-2011_Layout 1
ZIMM Actuators ZSA electro-mechanical drives for tracking systems english 04/2011 2-axis-tracking system „Corn Poppy” with 2 ZIMM Actuators ZSA (azimuth and elevation) Photo: ALTEC ZIMM Actuators ZSA for precise, robust and durable solar tracking systems Do you need precise, robust and durable actuators for adjusting your systems? Then we are the right partner. Since developing the actuators, ZIMM has already proved this in several small and large solar power plants. In doing so, 1- and 2-axis-trackers have been equipped comparably. The system is delivered with software according to the required customer specification for single or composite systems. Besides photovoltaic, our trackers ZSA are also suitable for satellite systems, wind energy, facade technology, shadowing technology, door actuation and also for industry. ZIMM Solar, like the Screw Jack Systems, follows the long lasting, established philosophy of the modular construction kit. The ZIMM Actuators ZSA are assembled individually from stock standard components providing short delivery times as standard. We would be pleased to develop a concept for linear drives suitable for your particular application, this means we will examine your requirements and then offer you a tailor-made solution, based on our standard program - supplemented with your wishes. We look forward to hearing from you. 1 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Towards the sun – with drives from ZIMM ZIMM has been involved in linear, electromechanical drive systems for machine and plant construction for more than 30 years and can support you with the right products and expert advice. ZIMM is an international operating company from Vorarlberg located in Western Austria - and is a family business that has developed into a global player and delivering its products all over the world. ZIMM has developed the ZSA series of solar actuators especially for outdoor applications and the requirements of solar plants. The actuators are designed and manufactured to be operated to last at least 20 years with a low maintenance requirement. The actuators stand out with their robust and stable construction and the usage of quality components. The fact that insurance companies and solar park operators know that a quality product is in use, which avoids damage and downtime and therefore can possibly avoid higher costs, will have a positive influence on the profitability analysis. Our standard program with 3 sizes covers the majority of different applications. In addition, ZIMM also offers further options and products in the sector of ZIMM Screw Jack Systems, produced for loads from 2.5 kN to 1000 kN. Visit our homepage or contact our ZIMM Solar Team in person. We will be pleased to advise you! Nevertheless, we can offer you an excellent price-performance ratio by serial production and simple installation - a lasting and excellent product. 2 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Tracking systems for solar tracker fixed mounting arrangement 2-axis tracking system 1-axis tracking system - azimuthal - 1-axis tracking system - polar - 1-axis tracking system - horizontal - Photo: AndaSun With help of a ZIMM Actuator ZSA, a polar single axis tracking system has been installed in this example. The yearly surplus reaches more than 30% compared to fixed installations. Photo: AndaSun 3 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 ZIMM Solar Actuators ZSA Characteristics Technical features • robust • intelligent • plug and drive • strong under tension and compression • low-maintenance • designed to last at least 20 years • 100% tested, mechanically and electrically Integrated end position switches and reference switches Maintenance-free mounting points optional pivot brackets Maintenance-free and protection against rotation trapezoid thread Integrated electronics es! z i s d r a d 3 stan Drive mechanism with rotary encoder and brake 4 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Technical features Size Static holding force [kN] Dynamic adjusting force [kN] Spindle dimension max. stroke* [mm] Lifting speed [mm/s] 24V DC / 230/400V AC, 3~ End position switch Emergency limit switch (security switch) Reference switch Drive mechanism Operating voltage standard [V DC] Rated power at max. adjusting force [W] **ca. Impulse per spindle pitch Operational voltage optional [V AC] Rated power at max. adjusting force [W] **ca. Impulse per spindle pitch Connection type Fitting position Fitting position (to advise) Accessories Protection class Operating temperature [°C] Relative humidity [%] ZSA-21-Tr/L 21 8.5 Tr 24x5 800 ZSA-32-Tr/L 32 12.5 Tr 36x6 1000 ZSA-32-Tr/N 32 12.5 Tr 36x6 1000 ZSA-62-Tr/L 62 25 Tr 44x7 1200 ZSA-62-Tr/N 62 25 Tr 44x7 1200 0.83 / – 0.93 / – 1.91 / – 1.08 / 1.02 2.23 / 1.85 24 27 625 230, 1~ 27 *** 2 Limit switches 2 Limit switches 1 Limit switch at stroke middle Motor / Planetary gear box / Rotary encoder / Brake 24 24 24 43 90 94 725 350 725 – – 230/400, 3~ – – 89 – – 604 2 Cable 5 m, open end optional downward standing torque tube Pivot brackets IP 65 -20 to +70 95 24 196 350 230/400, 3~ 162 332 *please note capacity diagram; higher stroke optional **rated power at 20°C ***isn’t conducted Fixation options FRONT optional Design and features: MIDDLE standard • • • • • REAR optional designed and constructed to last at least 20 years robust construction with integrated electronics Aluminium, anodized low maintenance version secure against buckling under full load and max. stroke: min. 2x safety factor • delivered ready for mounting • 100% tested, electrically and mechanically • 3 optional mounting points for the swivel movement 5 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 es! z i s d r a d 3 stan 3 sizes with 3 optional fixing positions Applications examples 1-axis-tracking system Precise de-piling machine (industry) Horizontal 1-axis-tracking system with ZIMM actuators and synchronous control (BUS-System) for network plants Parabolic mirror adjustment (elevation) Top cover opening (industry) 6 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Solar Actuator ZSA-21 L1=STROKE+523 L2=STROKE+503 L3=STROKE+257 OPTIONAL deep deep OPTIONAL Standard cable outlet on torque tube side Turned optional 180° kN Capacity diagram ZSA-21 [kN] 21 15 10 Technical data Size Lifting speed [mm/s] Static holding force Dynamic adjusting force max. duty cycle duration Spindle dimension Operating temperature Protection class Fitting position Weight for 500 mm stroke ZSA-21-Tr/L 0.83 21 kN 8.5 kN S2 - 10 min Tr 24x5 -20° to +70°C IP 65 optional ca. 9 kg 5 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Stroke [mm] ATTENTION!!! The dimensions may change for special models! 7 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Solar Actuator ZSA-32 L1=STROKE+695 L2=STROKE+660 L3=STROKE+308 OPTIONAL deep deep OPTIONAL Standard cable outlet on torque tube side Turned optional 180° kN Capacity diagram ZSA-32 Technical data Size Lifting speed [mm/s] Static holding force Dynamic adjusting force max. duty cycle duration Spindle dimension Operating temperature Protection class Fitting position Weight for 1000 mm stroke [kN] 32 30 20 ZSA-32-Tr/L 0.93 32 kN 12.5 kN S2 - 10 min Tr 36x6 -20° to +70°C IP 65 optional 23.5 kg ZSA-32-Tr/N 1.91 32 kN 12.5 kN S2 - 10 min Tr 36x6 -20° to +70°C IP 65 optional 23.5 kg 10 0 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Stroke [mm] ATTENTION!!! The dimensions may change for special models! 8 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Solar Actuators ZSA-62 L1=STROKE+739 L2=STROKE+697 L3=STROKE+345 OPTIONAL deep deep OPTIONAL Standard cable outlet on torque tube side kN Capacity diagram ZSA-62 Turned optional 180° Technical data Size Lifting speed [mm/s] 24V DC / 230/400V AC, 3~ Static holding force Dynamic adjusting force max. duty cycle duration Spindle dimension Operating temperature Protection class Fitting position Weight for 1200 mm stroke [kN] 62 50 40 30 20 ZSA-62-Tr/L ZSA-62-Tr/N 1.08 / 1.02 2.23 / 1.85 62 kN 25 kN S2 - 10 min Tr 44x7 -20° to +70°C IP 65 optional ca. 43 kg 62 kN 25 kN S2 - 10 min Tr 44x7 -20° to +70°C IP 65 optional ca. 43 kg 10 0 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 Stroke [mm] ATTENTION!!! The dimensions may change for special models! 9 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Pivot brackets LB for Actuator ZSA Pivot brackets LB are made of corrosion-resistant steel and are designed for the full nominal load. ATTENTION: When planning your own design, please consider that not only the axial loads (Fx) but also the resulting bending forces (Mx) on the bolts must be absorbed by your design. NOTE: Customer-specific pivot brackets can also be delivered on request. Type B1 B2 ZSA-21-LB 87 ZSA-32-LB 104 ZSA-62-LB 128 B3 B4 D1 D2 127 * 167 20 M10 126 182 204 28 M10 153 223 248 30 M12 170 L1 L2 H1 H2 kg/Set 105 85 12.5 25 1.6 130 106 17.5 35 3.4 140 20 40 6.2 *ZSA-21-LB have only 2 mounting holes 10 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Electrical connection options Connection 1: for ZSA-21 / ZSA-32 / ZSA-62 Connection 4: for ZSA-62 • 400V AC / 230V AC 3~ motor • integrated safety shutdown (with bridging connector) • connected brake • conducted end- and reference switches • conducted rotary encoder signals • 24V DC motor • integrated safety shutdown (realized with diodes) • internally connected brake • conducted end- and reference switches • conducted rotary encoder signals • not capable for driving speed setting Connection 2: for ZSA-21 / ZSA-32 / ZSA-62 Connection 5: for ZSA-21 • 24V DC motor power supply for 90-110V and 180-240V AC (50/60Hz) • adapter end switch internally processed (safety shutdown) • synchronous control • drive monitoring for single drives and drive network • 24V DC motor • integrated safety shutdown (realized with diodes) • connected brake • conducted end- and reference switches • conducted rotary encoder signals Connection 3: for ZSA-62 • 400V AC / 230V AC 3~ motor • integrated safety shutdown (with bridging connector) • internally connected brake • conducted end- and reference switches • conducted rotary encoder signals • not capable for driving speed setting Legend SES1 SES2 D1, D2 M BU IC ES1 RS1 ES2 CU PU Safety shutdown retracted Safety shutdown extended Diodes Drive motor Brake unit Rotary encoder End switch retracted Reference switch End switch extended Control unit Power unit The actuators ZSA are available with different electrical assemblies. Therefore you can configure the appropriate actuator ZSA for your application. 11 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Checklist - Actuator ZSA Comany: Date: Address: Phone: Contact person: Fax: Division: E-mail: 1. Size: ZSA-21-Tr/L ZSA-32-Tr/L ZSA-62-Tr/L ZSA-32-Tr/N ZSA-62-Tr/N 2. Technical parameters: Position and distance for mounting points : d easy n a t s fa copy select E-mail Fax / FRONT _____________________________ mm MIDDLE REAR Stroke length: ________________________________________________ mm Working force retracted: extended: Static holding force Tension / Compression [kN] _____________________________ _____________________________ Dynamic adjusting force Tension / Compression [kN] _____________________________ _____________________________ 3. Accessories: Standard Pivot Brackets 4. Electrical connection: Connection 1: ZSA-21 / ZSA-32 / ZSA-62 Connection 2: ZSA-21 / ZSA-32 / ZSA-62 Connection 3: ZSA-62 400V AC 3~ 230V AC 3~ Connection 4: ZSA-62 400V AC 3~ 230V AC 3~ Connection 5: ZSA-21 5. Notes (Location, Ambient conditions): 12 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 General terms and conditions ZIMM Solar GmbH, Millennium Park 5, 6890 Lustenau/Austria Phone: 00 43 (0)55 77/806-0, Fax: 00 43 (0) 55 77/806-8, E-mail:, 1. 2. General: 4. All our contracts are submitted to the following terms and conditions unless otherwise agreed upon in writing: These terms and conditions are deemed acknowledged and agreed upon through signing of the contract. Any terms and conditions – of any nature – contrary to the present general terms and conditions, shall be completely inapplicable and invalid, irrespective of the form in which they were brought to our knowledge. Modifications of or amendments to these general terms and conditions shall only be effective if they have been agreed on and confirmed by us in writing. Any agreement to abandon this formal requirement must equally be in writing and signed by both parties. Silence about any terms and conditions deviating from those given below shall not be regarded as acceptance or as confirmation of the same. 4.1. All goods delivered shall remain our sole property until complete payment of the purchase price. 4.2. Pour contractual partner shall be obligated to treat the goods carefully as long as retention of title applies to the delivered goods. If maintenance and/or inspection work is necessary, our contractual partner shall carry out such work regularly at his own expense. Our contractual partner shall inform us immediately in writing about any access by third parties to the delivered goods, especially about any judicial foreclosures as well as about eventual damages and/or destruction of the contractual goods. Any change of ownership must immediately be notified to us. 4.3. Retention of title remains effective even if goods supplied by us are mounted or built in. 4.4. Our contractual partner shall not be entitled to resell the goods which are subject matter of the present contract as long as retention of title is effective. If nevertheless the goods are resold, our contractual partner shall cede to us all claims due to him as a result of such resale to third parties, to the amount of the value of the goods as invoiced and he shall note this in his books or on his invoices. We accept this cession as of now. After the cession of the claims, we shall be entitled to collection of the claim. 4.5. If our contractual partner processes the good to such an extent that retention of title ceases to exist, we shall be co-owner of the good to the amount of the value of the goods as supplied by us. This clause shall also be applicable if our goods are mixed with or processed together with other objects. 4.6. If need be, our contractual partner shall produce and sign all necessary documents required to prove and safeguard our retention of title. Offers / Prices / Contents of contract 2.1. Our offers remain valid for 60 days after submission. 2.2. Details given in our catalogues are not binding and are subject to modifications at any time. 2.3. All our prices are to be understood in Euros excl. VAT. Unless otherwise agreed upon, prices as mentioned in our price list valid at the time of contract conclusion will be invoiced. The prices are stated ex works. Costs for packaging, freight and/or shipping costs are not included. Provided that consignment and delivery have explicitly been agreed upon, prices do not include costs for unloading and transportation to the working site. Risk and use are transferred to our contractual partner at the time of shipment. Delivery is always ex works. 2.4. Delivery times and dates are binding provided they have been promised by us in writing. This commitment ceases if our contractual partner requests to modify the order after the contract award or in the occurrence of impediments out of our control, such as for instance through force majeure or due to late supply by our suppliers. 2.5. We are entitled to carry through technical modifications after contract conclusion provided such modifications do not affect the contractual guaranteed performance of the goods. 3. 5. Retention of title Place of performance / Applicable law / Competent court The exclusive place of performance for all contractual relations is A-6890 Lustenau. Austrian law shall govern. All legal disputes arising from or relating to the business relations and contracts shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having competence for A-6800 Feldkirch. Warranty and liability for defects 3.1. The warranty period duration is one year. 3.2. Our contractual partners are obligated to verify goods after delivery and, if necessary, inform us in writing immediately, however, at the latest within 7 days after delivery, about any defects. If no notice of defects is communicated within this time limit, these goods are deemed approved and warranty claims and damage claims shall be excluded. 3.3. Our liability shall be limited to intent and severe gross negligence. Any liability for ordinary negligence, for consequential damages, financial loss, loss of profit, loss of interest or for damages resulting from claims of third parties shall be excluded. 6. Severability clause Should any individual provisions in the above general terms and conditions be or become invalid, either in part or in full, this will not affect the validity of the other provisions. The invalid provision will be replaced by a ruling that is as close as possible in economic purpose to the invalid provision in a legally effective and practicable form. Version 04/2011 © by ZIMM Austria 2011 Screw Jack Systems Screw Jack Systems and Transmission Parts ZIMM Maschinenelemente GmbH + Co KG Millennium Park 3 | 6890 Lustenau / Austria Phone: 0043(0)5577/806-0 | Fax: 0043(0)5577/806-8 E-mail: | Printing errors, mistakes regarding dimensions, etc., as well as technical changes and improvements are excepted. Protection mark for restricting the use of documents DIN ISO 16016. ZIMM Solar GmbH | Millennium Park 5 | 6890 Lustenau Phone: 00 43 (0)55 77/806 - 0 | Fax: 00 43 (0)55 77/806 -8 E-mail: |
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