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The Community Newsletter for Burwood & Districts
Issue no. 124 Autumn 2012
Womens’ War Effort
“You’re Not Alone,”
say Purple People
Warm words from bleak
Fisher’s Forge
Canterbury, Ashburton,
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Angel Babies Foundation
Ashburton Women’s Soccer Club
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Balwyn Cricket Club
To find out more, call into your local branch listed below
Canterbury, Ashburton, Surrey Hills and
Balwyn Community Bank® Branches
Balwyn Traders Association
Bass Care
Boroondara Cricket Club
Boroondara Hawks Junior Football Club
Box Hill RSL Bowls Club
Senior Manager: Nick Coker
Phone: 0438 541 337
Ashburton Community Bank® Branch
Bulleen Cricket Club
241 High Street, Ashburton, 3147
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
Phone: (03) 9885 2666
Camberwell Lacrosse Club
Opening times: Mon-Fri. 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sat. 9.00am - 12 noon
Carols in Canterbury Gardens
Manager: Fiona Kerr
Ceres Calisthenics Club
Balwyn Community Bank® Branch
Eastern Lions Soccer Club
411 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn 3103
Phone: (03) 9836 8029
Elgar Park Cricket Club
Opening times: Mon-Fri. 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sat. 9.00am - 12 noon
Hartwell Childcare Association
Manager: Lorelle Richter
Hawthorn Cricket Club
Hawthorn Rowing Club
Canterbury Community Bank® Branch
Maling Road Traders Association
Phone: (03) 9836 9466
Marcellin Old Collegians CC
Opening times: Mon-Fri. 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sat. 9.00am - 12 noon
North Balwyn Combined Cricket Club
Manager: Craig Pitt
Shop 2, 143 Maling Road, Canterbury, 3126
Rotary Club of Kew on Yarra
Surrey Hills Community Bank® Branch
Strathcona – Sport and Music
107 Union Road, Surrey Hills, 3127
Surrey Hills Cricket Club
Phone: (03) 9890 7188
Waverley Hockey Club
Opening times: Mon-Fri. 9.00am - 5.00pm
Sat. 9.00am - 12 noon
Manager: Aaron Knott
Canterbury, Ashburton, Surrey Hills and Balwyn Community Bank® branches
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
This Issue
Cover photo:
Ashburton author
Bic Walker with
her children
autumn 2012
Photo: Lifeworks
31 bulletin noticeboard
From Barrage Balloons to the
Black Watch
true-Life terror Inspires author
From Hartwell Kitchen to the
Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria
Glen Iris has its own Red Dog
Danny Webb meets Vera Lynn
Prams, Plays and air Raid Shelters
Family and Fishers Forge–
Rev. Houghton remembers
Camberwell High Orchestra
on tour
treble tones – 50 Years Young
burwood village traders ’ report
business & small business directory
information for advertisers
scribe ’ s scribbles
community notices index
Issue 124
The Burwood Bulletin is produced by
volunteers who provide a range of talents
freely for the beneit of the community
Bob Stensholt
Vice President
Sue tay
ph 9822 5634
Editors Chris Gray
ph 9873 4797
Sara Peiris
Advertising robert Kay ph 9836 5520
Cheryl Grant
Graphic Designers
laura tynan
Jan Harrison
linda Hii (Kwik Kopy)
natalie Filmer
Barry Harding
Susan whitehead
BPA Print Group
tom Markovski
ph: 9808 6622
Writing Team
Susan webster
Jean Hadler
Jeff Sargeant
rosemary Feneziani
Margaret warland
Keith Smith
MarJo Angelico
Margaret rockow
Charles Hui
lavanya Kenneth
Penny Alberts
Geoff davies
Carrie Simmons
Kathy Soumprou
The past few weeks have been my first on the job - and
have been full of discovery as I find out all the work that
goes into the production of this magazine. It’s been great
to meet and begin to work with such a supportive team
and to get to know some of the regular contributors.
Please feel most welcome to give a ‘reader’s-eye’ view of
any improvements we can make to your magazine.
A big thanks to retiring editor, Sara, for her hard work over
the past year. We wish her well in her new employment.
bulletin editorial or production staff and no
endorsement or service is implied by the
Deadline for next issue may 1
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Tartan Kilts, Chewing-Gum Boys & Dancing
gruelling. Sleep was often interrupted by ighters leaving
or returning. When asked what she remembers most, she
ean Morrison is a reluctant storyteller, not believing
says it was dancing at the American camps and lirting
that her life is of interest to many. It was a neighbour
with the “chewing-gum boys”, a term used to refer to
who encouraged her to tell it, as she found Jean’s
American soldiers. During this time, Jean’s admirer made
experiences fascinating and an important part of history
her a replica Spitire, but it wasn’t until after her husband
that is not often told or known about. As an octogenarian, died, 13 years ago, that she began to display it as he felt
her spark and sense of humour are very much evident in
jealous each time he saw it! It now sits proudly on the
the pictures she paints describing life as a young adult
cofee table in Jean’s unit.
living in war-torn England. Her Scottish brogue is till
Jean was a proud and conident woman who would
strong as she talks about diicult and amazing times.
often take the younger girls
Jean, a Surrey Hills resident,
under her protective wing and
was born Jean Smith in 1924 in
advise them on the dangers of
Inverness, Scotland. She lived there
“getting fresh” with the soldiers.
until the age of 14, when her mum
It wasn’t uncommon for soldiers
told her (on her birthday) that she
to be married or “promised” to
was no longer going to school.
someone, yet still try their luck
Instead, she was to work on a farm
with the girls. Jean is very happy
outside Glasgow as a dairymaid,
to say that none of the soldiers
milking cows and delivering milk.
were able to “pull the wool over”
Jean didn’t protest at the abruptness
her eyes. Even when her future
with which her schooling ended—
husband approached her and
it was something that was “just
declared his admiration for her,
done in those days” as a 14-yearshe was cynical. She believed the
old was of “working age”. What
Defending the Empire
sailor had a girl in every port
is startling, however, is that at the
and thought him “odd” when
time she didn’t even know it was
stationed in Canada
her birthday!
she took to her new
Jean describes the two years spent on the farm as
friendships. One
“slavery”. She would rise at 5am to milk the cows, feed the
was with a soldier from the Black Watch Regiment. he
pigs and help bottle the milk ready for delivery. She didn’t
two boarded a double-decker bus one afternoon, and Jean
like the smell of the animals and found the farmer’s wife
to be a “moaner”, but she did enjoy the secretive lirtatious was keen to climb to the top deck to get a good view.
Her friend quietly protested and told her that he wasn’t
moments she shared with a neighbouring farmer’s boy!
allowed to go upstairs as under his kilt he was not allowed
Amid WWII in 1940, 16-year-old Jean was and was
to wear underwear. Although the memory is 60 years old,
sent back home to Inverness. She wanted to sign up
Jean laughs as if it had happened only moments ago.
for work in the ammunition factory, but her mother
Following the war, Jean returned to Inverness where
believed it was far too dangerous and was adamant Jean
did marry her sailor, Louis. Jean worked at the local
should not work there. So Jean signed up for work with
shop and raised their two sons. Louis worked as
the RAF (Royal Air Force) and began working on the
a painter. After some time working for the butcher, Jean
barrage balloons. hese were very large balloons illed
decided on a career change and became a personal carer.
with helium, which were anchored with a steel cable.
She was an attentive mother and kept it by dancing and
hey were kept aloft in open spaces and used as a defence
playing table tennis.
against low-lying German bombers. he balloons made it
he family migrated to Perth in 1960 and moved
diicult for the Germans to drop bombs on their targets
to Melbourne shortly after. Her husband died of
and caused damage to aircraft that came into contact with
emphysema, and her son died at the age of 46. She has
the cables. Jean worked with the barrage balloons for two
four grandchildren and ive great-grandchildren, and now
years, sleeping in Nissen huts with her fellow workers.
enjoys going out on supported outings and being in the
Nissen huts were semicircular metal structures, used
company of friends. She relects on her life during the
during the war as shelters. Jean remembers there being 14
war in a very matter-of-fact manner and believes that she
beds to a hut.
did what was required to help with the war efort. Even
In 1942, at the age of 18, Jean took an aircraft
though the work women did during the war was much
mechanic course and qualiied as a light mechanic.
appreciated by servicemen, Jean realises that it is not very
his meant she was qualiied to ix and help maintain
well-known how much they actually did. She was happy
any aircraft that had been ired upon. She remembers
doing what she did as she believed she was working for “a
many planes arriving at the station with gaping bullet
good cause”.
holes. She enjoyed the work, but found the long hours
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Bic has a Story to Tell
the plight of refugees–past and present. Bic hopes that
the book generates discussion of an issue that is both
ic Walker’s story began in 1974 in a village in
current and controversial. She also hopes that it teaches
Vietnam called Rach Gia, south of the Mekong
children the importance of embracing differences in
Delta, and continues today in suburban Ashburton, where people and adopting a compassionate attitude towards
she lives with her husband and two young children. Bic’s
new arrivals. Although a picture book, the story will
life is one of purpose, advocacy and creativity, however
appeal to people of all ages as it is evolving, inviting
it has not always been
and intriguing. Younger
serene and comfortable.
children will ind the
Born towards the end of
pictures and words relating
the 20-year Vietnam War,
to pirates fascinating,
Bic was the youngest of
while older children will
three children.
be able to understand
Living under the
its emotional content.
communist regime, her
As the text is simple, Bic
family suffered greatly.
believes it is a book that
In 1975 her father was
can reach migrants with
imprisoned for two years
a limited grasp of the
for siding with the nonEnglish language, thus
communist party. The
allowing others to use it
family lost their home,
as a platform for sharing
Bic’s parents lost their jobs
their stories and feeling
and they were constantly
comfortable in doing so.
under the watchful eye
Through her story of
Bic and her parents at the book launch.
of the communists. The
comes triumph,
Photo Shane Ambry
future looked bleak,
and in telling it in simple
and Bic’s parents knew
words and pictures, Bic
that supporting their family was going to be dificult.
wants children to realise that Australia is truly a lucky
Her mother wanted a more prosperous future for her
country and that with resilience and education, goals are
children than Vietnam was able to offer, thus began
achievable. She wants multiculturalism to be celebrated,
a desperate and secretive plan to escape. When Bic
as she believes it is what makes Melbourne a special
was ive years old and her siblings were 9 and 11, the
and colourful city. Refugees are not people to be
family boarded a tiny row boat in the dead of night. It
feared or seen
was 1979.
as threatening.
The events that transpired were horrendous and
Instead, they are
terrifying. Their boat was attacked by pirates and
people who have
any possessions, including the clothes off their backs,
led desperate
were taken. Bic’s family, together with the others on the
situations, looking
boat, were left for dead. Had it not been for the crew
for another chance
of a Canadian oil tanker, they would surely have met
at life and, as Bic’s
their end in the ocean. Bic’s fate saw her transported
book states, a safe
to Australia via Malaysia, where they found a safe
place to live.
haven after their rescue at sea. Her life after arriving
Bic is currently
in Australia resonates with many refugees and other
working on another
migrants: a life of hard work, assimilation, discrimination
book about the
and determination to succeed and to be acknowledged.
plight of an
Bic’s experience as a refugee was the catalyst
orphan child whose
for her book, A Safe Place to Live. This somewhat
parents died from
autobiographical picture book also contains her
paintings, which serve as the illustrations. Often she
would recount her experiences to her kids as bedtime
A Safe Place to
stories, but she felt that documenting it would cement
Live is available
the memories and keep the story lowing. The book also
at Readings.
serves as a resource for children, teaching them about
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Relay For Life
Last year we reported on the Scouts and Venturers from 1st
Bennettswood, who decided to participate in the Maroondah
Relay for Life, raising funds for cancer research.
The event was held on 19 November, but unfortunately for
both organisers and teams the day was one of unseasonably
heavy rainfall. As the 4pm start time neared, teams had their
ingers crossed, but to no avail—the rain seemed set to
coincide with the survivors and carers’ opening lap. They were
joined by the teams whose mission was to keep their baton
going around the circuit for the next 18 hours.
The rain continued in bouts until about midnight and it
was very inspiring to see the Scouts’ spirits not being
dampened. They broke the team into smaller groups,
who took turns to walk. Many tried to grab a little sleep
between shifts, but without much success.
Activities provided by the organisers, such as “midnight
madness” and morning Zumba helped to keep them
going. The team was also supported and fed by parents
and leaders rostered throughout the night.
As morning came the team experienced a sense of
achievement as they knew the mission was successfully
coming to a close. The inal amount raised was $5854,
making them 6th-highest fundraiser for that event. Even
more impressive was Ashleigh Dickson’s achievement
as the highest individual fundraiser, with $2321. As the team
raised over $5000, they have had a breast cancer research
grant named after them.
Group Leader Sue Henley is extremely proud of the Scouts’
achievement and of how well they conducted themselves
throughout the event.
Well done, Georgie, for captaining the team, and great job
Ashleigh, Chloe, Emily, James, Josh, Lachlan, Matthew,
Patrick, Simon, Steven, Tara, Will and Zoe.
From Hartwell Kitchen to The Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria
he early 60s were dark
days for people living with
epilepsy and there were
some incredibly tough times as
the families involved built the
Epilepsy Foundation from
nothing into an organisation
that helps thousands of
Victorians every year.
Mary Davis occupies
not only a pivotal place in
the history of the Epilepsy Foundation, but that of all
Victorians living with epilepsy. he enduring legacy of
her commitment came from her love for her son Roger
and a parent’s passion to right the wrongs that epilepsy
had brought to him.
In January 1964 Mary and four other people met with
the intention of forming a self-help group for individuals
and families dealing with epilepsy. he irst public meeting
was held on 15 May 1964 with 80 people attending. his
produced the Victorian Bureau for Epilepsy, now named
the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria.
Mary was a key inluence in the work and growth of
the foundation. Early days saw her operating from her
kitchen table in Hartwell, dealing with other families
or fundraising activities. Later she served on the
Committee of Management, was President, honorary
Education Oicer and a community speaker. Mary was
honoured with a Community Service Award by the
Victorian Council of Social Service in 1975 and with an
MBE for services to the cause of epilepsy in 1976.
Epilepsy Help Line 1300 852 853, or
818 Burke Rd, Camberwell. 9am–5pm Mon–Fri.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
y How the Epilepsy Foundation can help:
A telephone call, a visit or an email to the foundation
will put you in touch with an Epilepsy Foundation
Client Services Counsellor, who will support you with a
range of services, including the following.
Assistance with questions about access
to government beneits, equipment loans and
information about other community resources
Practical support and counselling about epilepsy
and its efect on physical, mental and social well-being
Ongoing support for individuals (and families)
whose epilepsy is diicult to control, and assistance and
support in getting the range of services they require
Hospital visits and seizure clinic participation,
working in partnership with neurologists specialising
in epilepsy
Assistance with questions about practical
everyday issues such as driving and medication
Assistance for rural Victorians living with
epilepsy (and their families) who need to attend
epilepsy-related appointments in Melbourne
Developing individual epilepsy management
plans and seizure irst-aid diaries to help people
manage their own epilepsy, and coordinate their needs
with schools and sporting clubs or in their workplaces
Working with schools, employers, community
organisations, and government departments to
breakdown any misunderstandings and prejudices
about epilepsy
In-school support with Student/Program
Support Group meetings and development of health
and education plans for children with epilepsy
Purple Day 2012 Kicks Off
his year, Purple day will fall
during epilepsy Awareness
week, on Monday March 26,
to increase awareness of epilepsy
and raise vital funds. Supporters
across the world are invited to wear
purple and host events to raise
funds and help spread the word
about epilepsy awareness.
Purple day was founded in 2008
by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan
of nova Scotia, Canada. Motivated by her own struggles
with epilepsy, Cassidy started Purple day in an effort
to get people talking about the disorder, and to inform
those with seizures that they are not alone. She named it
Purple day after the internationally recognised colour for
epilepsy, lavender.
over 100 000 students worldwide have been wearing
purple on 26 March along with hundreds in workplaces
and organisations who have also joined the campaign,
wearing purple to work and hosting Purple day events
and promotions.
Epilepsy Foundation staff at Purple Day
with the help of Boost Juices, St Monica’s College,
in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, slurped up
a storm last year to raise funds for Purple day and
promote epilepsy awareness throughout their school and
community. the company delivered hundreds of juices to
thirsty students at lunch time, while the giant juice mascot
hopped around to entertain the audience. Five eager Year
11 students organised the entire day, which St Monica’s
will recreate this year with similar activities to support
Purple day.
to Sue from riversdale dental, promoting Purple day
“gives me strength when i am able to help others.” After
recently being diagnosed with epilepsy, Sue was touched to
see the team at riversdale dental wearing the merchandise
to support not only Purple day, but also her diagnosis.
Further north, long-time epilepsy Foundation supporter
tracey Bush swamped the small town of Corowa with
Purple day merchandise. eagerly taking 16 full boxes of
pens, badges and ribbons to sell, tracey was determined
to get the word out there in memory of her son, Andrew,
who passed away owing to complications from epilepsy.
Joffa and Adam Blair
this year kicks off epilepsy Awareness week (March
25–31) with Purple day supporters Melbourne Storm
clashing with the roosters at AAMi Park. the game will
be dedicated to the epilepsy Foundation of Victoria and
Purple day.
through the month of March, the Foundation will also
be holding an auction through it’s eBay store, of signed
purple merchandise. Currently there is merchandise
donated from the Fremantle dockers and the Sydney
Kings, with much more to come.
the Foundation is aiming ‘bigger and better’ for
2012 and hopes to have more Purple day heroes to
help put purple on the map. with new additions to the
merchandise range and an exciting new website, this
Purple day is set to be the best yet.
Here are some of the ways you can help:
 Create your very own Purple Day fundraising
page at
purpledayvictoria; send the link to your friends.
 Host a Purple Day event, e.g. morning tea,
casual-clothes day, trivia night.
 Sell Purple Day merchandise.
 Buy your own Purple Day merchandise.
 Wear purple to show your support on March 26.
Centre for Child and Family Development
Director: Ruth Schmidt Neven
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Appointments and Informal Inquiries: Phone 9830-0422
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
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Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Mob: 0419 419 622
Fax: 03 8610 1040
PO Box 1034
Vic 3147
ABN 88 376 524 703
A Red Dog in Glen Iris
ike many people in whose lives dogs have played a
major role, red dog has certainly opened me up to
new and wonderful experiences.
the story of our red
dog begins with me
changing my behaviour
full circle, from a
dreadful fear of dogs
to an absolute love and
admiration for what they
can teach us. For many
years i used to shake in
terror whenever a dog
came close.You see, as
a young girl, i was badly
bitten by a farmer’s dog.
it was a scorchingly
hot day, when i didn’t
understand that it was
too hot for the dog to
play with me.
it’s interesting, though,
Alessina with a student
how such fears can be
turned around.
About 10 years ago, as i took my usual lunchtime walk
from my ofice in Mulgrave, a little dog appeared from
nowhere it seemed and started to follow me, never leaving
my side until I returned to the ofice. Knowing my fear of
dogs, my work colleagues (who all owned and loved their
dogs) didn’t waste a minute telling me that the dog was
meant to be with me. despite my great objections to this
assumption, i must admit i was a little curious about the
whole event and was even a little sad when the dog was
picked up later by the rSPCA.
At the same time i had to leave Australia for new Zealand
to say sad farewells to my father, who was deathly ill. upon my
return to Australia i was very surprised to see the little dog
complete with lead, bed and a starter pack of food, tied to the
fence in my driveway. unbeknownst to me, my colleagues had
arranged for the little dog to be rescued from the rSPCA.
My husband and i called her ‘Paige’ (from my publishing
background) and we very quickly grew to love her. But
unfortunately Paige had only a short life with us as she was
killed by a passing car. in a beautiful dream, after licking my
face, Paige left us as easily as when she had come. I irmly
maintain that Paige was an angel, sent to teach us many
things. we buried her amidst many tears.
our grief was unbearable and we knew from that point
onwards that our lives had to include a dog. events are
a little blurred in my memory now, but we decided on an
Australian dog and, as luck would have it, found a kelpie
litter in north dandenong. we collected a tiny pup with
wide blinking eyes not long opened to the world. we
named him red dog. He was cuddly, sweet, and before long
very mischievous.
it wasn’t too many days before we realised that our
lessons with red dog had begun. while we needed to teach
red dog manners in order to respect us, he began to teach
me, in particular, that indeed a dog can be your best friend.
now, instead of the fear that had ‘dogged’ me for so many
years, i delight in using my behavioural science skills to train
dogs and their owners whenever i can. i’ve developed a
series of lessons that i’ve called “good dog training tips”,
which show owners how to communicate with their dogs
using only voice commands and body language. i do this in
the home, where real situations and challenges exist. the
partnership between dog and human that develops doesn’t
rely on food bribes; instead it grows from leadership and
mutual trust. All dog lovers will know that this partnership is
one of the best things life has to offer.
to conclude my experiences to date though, i admit to
being somewhat amused by a phone call that came from a
kelpie breeder/trainer who had helped us train our red dog
when he was young, asking whether our red dog would like
to audition for the recently released
“Red Dog” ilm. While highly lattering,
further investigation revealed that red
dog would have to live in the west
for half a year under someone else’s
training and care. not surprisingly our
answer was “no thank you”. So red
dog stayed, and still lives in Glen iris!
Good Dog
Training Tips
Specialist in:
Basic obedience • Jumping up • Pulling on lead
• Digging • Barking • Play Biting • Recall
• Aggression • Separation anxiety • Dominance
• Puppy training
Alessina Brooks
Professional Dog Trainer
Behavioural Scientist
Telephone: 9885 6119
Mobile: 0400 508 944
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Catching Up with Danny Webb
In 1951 Danny met Kate Robinson, a librarian
with architects Stephenson & Turner, and it was
8 years in radio, 44 in television!
love at irst sight. Her mother eventually took Kate
overseas, thinking she would forget him, but Kate
Danny Webb would tell you he really enjoyed his years
wrote to Danny every day she was away. They were
in radio more than he did in television. Nevertheless,
inally married and lived in a tiny house in what
he has enjoyed travel, adventure and meeting
had been a lemon orchard in North Balwyn.
interesting people in his working life.
Kate and Danny have three children, the
Born in England, Danny’s contact
eldest being Liz Webb, who promotes
with Australia began when he
the shopkeepers in High St, Ashburton.
lew with an RAAF pilot, ‘Bruno’
Liz co-ordinates the annual Ashburton
Cawsey, in 238 Squadron RAF in
Festival and organises snow from Mount
Burma during WWII. At that time
Buller for the children to play in. Danny
a navigator, ‘Rags’ Banield, who
and Kate’s elder son, Peter, studied
had been a journalist with a British
gardening at Burnley and then went
newspaper, published a pamphlet
to England to learn about bio-dynamic
called ‘Airstrip’ that was dropped
horticulture. He now lives in Sao Paulo,
to troops, keeping them in touch
Brazil, where he lectures agriculture
with happenings in the area. Under
students. Their younger boy is a specialist
guidance from ‘Rags’, Danny’s
anaesthetist in Melbourne. He is married
journalistic career began with a
to Sue and they have two delightful boys.
few pieces written for Airstrip.
Danny’s much-loved Kate passed
Danny stayed in the air force after
away almost three years ago after
the war, lying British civil servants
a long illness. Danny is now writing
and Dutch refugees from remote places to Calcutta,
his memoirs, reading, doing watercolour
from where these people were lown “home”. He
paintings and talking to Probus Clubs.
was demobbed in Singapore and came to Adelaide,
thinking he would ind work with the Adelaide
Advertiser. They considered him too inexperienced
and suggested he apply to the Australian Broadcasting
405 Camberwell Road, Camberwell
Commission, which had recently opened Radio Station
Melway 59 K2
5DR in Darwin. Thus, taught to announce by popular
Meet last Friday of the month at 2pm
presenter Len Hamilton, Danny began his radio career.
2012 Syllabus
Eventually Danny came to Radio Australia in
Melbourne as a script writer. He assisted Robin Wood,
Mar 30 London to Malta via Monte Carlo
Alan Lang
producer of short Australian historical dramas. One
April 27 The Solomon Islands
Rob Catford
of the actresses, Patricia Kennedy, advised him to
May 25 Cruising Destinations
Gordon, Maureen & Rob
June 29 West Australian Wildlowers
Ruth Christensen
apply to 3DB for an audition. Eric Pearce listened
July 27 Berlin & Poland
Margaret Thodey
to Danny and made him a presenter with Maurie
Aug 31 Norfolk Island
William Mather
Callard, Geoff McComas and John Eden. Danny
Sept 28 Bulgaria & Romania
Margaret Thodey
Oct 26 Discovering Africa
Val Sinclair
worked on the famous 3DB cricket broadcasts,
& Dorothy
and also conducted the Country Session on 3LK.
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9803 6420
Member Dental Pros. Assoc. Vic.
Vietnam Vet’s Assoc.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Cost: $20 Annual Membership
Optional Afternoon Tea available $1 per program.
Treasures Table: March 30, June 29 & September 28.
For further details contact
the Secretary 9889 7509 or the President 9819 2741
Entertaining The Troops
omilla is a town in north-east India,
in what used to be Assam, but is now
Bangladesh. During WWII, at the start
of 1945, RAF Squadron 238 was based
at Comilla. We were lying two missions
a day over the Arakan Mountains
carrying reinforcements and supplies to the 14th Army.
British troops had broken out of the siege of Imphal and
were pushing the Japs hell-for-leather down the valley of
the Irrawaddy River. Bruno was the pilot of our DC3.
Steevie, the Canadian, was navigator and I was the wireless
We were taxiing out for our second light of the day
when a ground-crew bloke stepped in front of the Dakota
aircraft waving his arms above his head.
“Go down the back and see what that silly bastard
wants,” growled Bruno, jamming on the brakes. I opened
the cabin door and–stepping between bags of ice and
boxes of ammunition–I got to the open rear door. None of
the squadron lew with the big back door on in those days;
it was easier to load and unload the Dakota without it.
As I went down the back I could see the ground-crew
bloke standing where the door should have been. He had
a “chick” with him. he engines were running, propellers
still turning, and the wind was blowing in her hair. When
I got near enough the ground-crew guy yelled, “You’ve
gotta passenger–Vera Lynn”. And with that he lifted her
to his shoulder and shoved her into the plane. I couldn’t
believe it! I’d never seen Vera Lynn, but everyone knew
her songs: ‘We’ll meet again, dunno where, dunno when
. . .’. I went to help her to her feet but she was already
standing, waiting for me to lead the way up front to the
cabin door.
It was an uphill walk through all the cargo. I went
in irst, holding the door for her and shouting “Vera
Lynn!” Bruno took the brakes of and beckoned her with
his head, signalling her to take the second pilot’s seat
alongside him.
“ave yer lown before?” Bruno growled, concentrating
on taxiing the aircraft to the end of the Comilla runway.
“gotta passenger,” he told the tower, and a voice came
back telling him Miss Lynn was to go to Magwe. “She’s
entertaining troops down there.”
“Do I have ter bring her back?” asked Bruno. “Nah...
they’ll tell yer when yer get there,” came the voice from
the tower.
We were now at the end of the runway, Bruno revving
the engines; checking for “mag-drop”. As the roar
subsided, Bruno looked at his passenger in the dicky-seat
and asked, “Yer ever lown before?” Vera nodded.
“Yer ever felt squeamish?”
“Bit,” she whispered, nodding and looking at Bruno.
“See that window beside yer?” questioned Bruno. “hat
slides open. If yer wanna chuck, stick yer head downwind
and chuck!’ he commanded. “A pretty girl sh’d never
chuck into wind.”
Vera Lynn smiled and nodded. Bruno revved the
engines and, speeding down the runway we took of,
setting a south-east course and soaring high above the
Arakan Mountains and down to Magwe, east of the
Irrawaddy River.
Footnote: When Vera Lynn was made a dame in 2009
I wrote to congratulate her, reminding her of the flight
to Magwe and telling her of Bruno’s passing in that year.
Vera wrote back, sending her condolences and saying how
“terrified” (crossed out and the word ‘excited’ substituted) she
was on that flight with us...something she would never forget!
Tally Ho: The Birth of Radio National
adio Australia was founded on 20 December 1939,
with an English service inaugurated by Prime
Minister Menzies. The station, known as “Australia
Calling”, was under the direction of the Department of
Information and used the ABC staff and studios.
During the war years, Australia Calling became a vital
source of news and information for people throughout
Asia and the Paciic. Its fair reporting of both sides of
the conlict led to its widespread acceptance as an
authoritative, respected broadcaster. The name “Radio
Australia” was adopted in 1945 as part of preparations
for post-war broadcasting. Other steps were to increase
on-air hours, introduce new programs and to bring new
transmitters into service.
Radio Australia was situated in the Tally-Ho
Technology Park, East Burwood, until the 1990s, when
it moved to the ABC building at Southbank. Comprising
eight languages and focusing on its Asia and the Paciic
service, Radio Australia is committed to providing
audiences with independent and engaging radio and
online content, including English lessons, information
about Australia and objective, accurate regional news
and current affairs.
You can hear Radio Australia programs on almost 300
AM and FM partner stations in 17 countries or regions
around the world. Programs are also streamed online or
can be downloaded as MP3 podcasts.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to the Whitehorse Historical
Society for allowing us to reprint some of the information from
the article Radio Australia at Tally-Ho by A.Y. Fitzmaurice. For
further information about the society, see page 40.
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Volunteer in 2012– Give it a Go!
Hawthorn Town Hall, 358 Burwood Road, Hawthorn
(Melway Ref: 45 D10).
Wednesday March 14, 2–7pm. Best of all it’s free!
Everyone’s welcome, why not get a group of friends,
family or colleagues together and take your time to
wander through the Expo, stop and chat to people from
the various organisations that will be there on the day, and
have some fun at the same time? It’s a great, informal way
to ind out more about the large variety of volunteer roles
available, while relaxing with a tea or cofee and biscuits.
his year it’s expected that more than 40 not-forproit organisations will be at the Expo to talk with you,
answer your questions, and provide you with information
to take home. hese will include hospitals/allied health,
community centres/community festivals, disability
support, aged care, conservation/gardening, library
services and special interest groups. And that amounts to
a large number of options for prospective volunteers.
Whitehorse Volunteer Expo
Box Hill Town Hall, Wednesday May 2, 1–6pm.
The Whitehorse Volunteer Expo, organised
jointly by Whitehorse City Council and Eastern
Volunteers will showcase the vast community work
and support provided by community organisations
and volunteers across our municipality.
The Whitehorse Volunteers Expo is open to the
public and is a chance to learn more about local
volunteering opportunities in a large variety of
community organisations.
The City of Whitehorse has a reputation of
community spirit and volunteering and now,
with the changing face of volunteering from
more structured volunteering to less formal roles,
volunteering is now easier than ever for everyone
to get involved.
Council already has around 600 volunteers who
help out in areas such as the delivery of meals, the
walking school bus, parkland advisory committees
and the Whitehorse Art Space and we are always
looking for more helpers.
For more information, please phone 9262 6333 or
Can’t make it on the day? Don’t worry–you can always
contact the Boroondara Volunteer Resource Centre (BVRC)
to access the information and referral services that assist
people in inding interesting volunteer roles to suit their
needs. To ind out more call 9278 4550
or email
To celebrate the International Year of the Volunteer +10,
Monash Volunteer Resource Centre ran a photographic
competition “Focus on Volunteers” to illustrate the
remarkable things volunteers participate in.
At an evening at the Monash Gallery of Art on
December 9, seven winners were announced for two
categories of the competition and were presented with
their prizes by newly elected mayor, Cr Stefanie Perri.
The evening was sponsored by the Novotel Glen
Waverley and the Monash Gallery of Art, and was wellattended by volunteers, inalists and invited guests, who
also enjoyed the background music by Pep Talk. Anna
Burke, Federal Member for Chisholm, presented 10-year
certiicates to volunteers and Cr Stefanie Perri presented
certiicates to corporates who assist the organisation.
Prizes were donated by Coles (The Glen), Mason
Sier Turnbull, Monash Aquatic & Recreation Centre,
Retravision Brighton, Andrew Kopp Photography and
Rebel Knox City.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Funk, Contemporary,
Musical Theatre, Creative Drama
Adult classes in Pilates, Ballet, Jazz and Tap
& Creative Kids Integrated Arts
(catering for special educational needs)
13-15 Yertchuk Avenue, Ashwood
(next to Parkhill Primary and Ashwood
Memorial Kindergarten)
Email: Ph 9888 3354
Principal since 1994 Joanne Watt
BA Dance, GradDipMovement&Dance,
DipDanceTeaching & Management
Ashburton school memories
Head teachers of my days at Ashy were
Mr McCulloch and Mr Trudinger.
he article in the Burwood
here was Miss Tasman, Mr Wicken
Bulletin (Issue 123) about the
(Grade 3), Miss Little and Miss
reunion of old friends from
Andrews (Prep); as well as Miss
Ashburton State School inspires me
Pretty and Miss Kirwin (Grades 4 &
to write about my days at the school
5). here was a very active Mothers
during 1936–1942.
Club. I remember Mrs Hiscock and
he Annual School Fete was a
Mrs Smith, who wore her hair curled
great event for me each year. he
in plaits around her ears, which we
big draw was the procession by
believed was to hide the fact that she
the students with their “vehicles”–
had no ears! (Sorry, Mrs S.!). Mrs Price,
billycarts, bicycles, scooters or dolls’
Mrs Probus and Mrs Sinclair, all active
prams–each hung with lags, balloons,
Mothers Club workers, gave out free
streamers or whatever made one’s
milk at playtime.
entry attractive enough to win Best
he State Schools Sports Day was held
Decorated. I was very fortunate to win
Loraine with her decorated pram each year at the Glenferrie Football
many 1st prizes with my decorated
Ground. Our school never excelled,
‘Our Armed Forces’ in 1942
pram. My mother, a dressmaker by
although we did win the marching
trade, would work for several weeks to create a “minione year and June Hendra always won her foot race.
loat”–much to my embarrassment, as it would be so
Another sporting activity was the Herald Learn-toornate and striking for a small doll’s pram. Some of its
Swim campaign. We caught the train from Ashy to
appearances were as a Snowman, a “Dolly Varden”, a
Riversdale to the Camberwell Baths, the nearest pool.
wedding cake, a lovely white Swan and, one year, “Battle
he beach at Mentone was too far away and not many
Ground – War Ends”. After the parade, we assembled
families had cars; hence, not many children could swim.
in front of the verandas to be judged by the local mayor
During the war, air raid shelters were built in the
or a special identity.
school yard and we had regular air raid shelter practices.
During my years at A.S.S, King George VI was
We enjoyed the novelty of the exercise, going into the
crowned. he school held a re-enactment of the
trenches dug on the right side of the ground, up in the
occasion. Does anyone recall it? he ‘Twinny Browns’,
Carool Rd corner.
Lorna and Betty, played the parts of the Princesses
Our group of old friends are again planning a get-together
Elizabeth and Margaret, though I cannot remember
in March. Perhaps others in that class would like to join us.
who played the King and Queen. It was a very big
Phone Kath on 9808 8874, you would be most welcome.
occasion, the placing of the crown on the King’s head,
after which all the school sang ‘God Save the King’.
hank you Loraine, for sharing your memories with us.
Ashburton Primary School Grand Fair
Sunday March 18
It would appear that the impact of
the Ashburton Primary School Grand
Fair reaches much further than many
would think. Memories are made and
held for many years: how delightful
that some still have happy thoughts
well into their seventies.
A highlight for the children for many
years has been the Lunchtime Live
performances. Students practise their
singing or dancing over the summer
holiday and perform on the big stage
in the Performing Arts Hall. It is a fond
memory that will stay with them for a
long time.
Whilst traditions of pram, bike and
scooter parades are vastly different,
the memories are still held dear as
students return in their teen years. They
enjoy smashing plates, sponging a
teacher or eating fairy loss as they line
up for the Octopus ride. The littlies too,
are always patient, anxiously waiting
for the face-painters to call them up so
they can be Spiderman or a butterly
for the day.
The food stalls range from our newly
named Marmaladies, producing
homemade jams and spreads, to the
beautiful cake-and-slices stall and the
sweets stall—a favourite for the kids.
Meet our special guest this year, Adam
Wallace, a young and exciting Australian
children’s author, who will be showing
the kids how to draw cartoons.
For more details about this year’s Fair,
see page 45 of this issue.
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Fisher’s Forge Revisited
he Reverend Robert Houghton, now in his mideighties, writes about his parents, his childhood
in Mount Waverley and his annual visits to the
blacksmith’s forge in Ashburton . . .
y father, William Sherwood Houghton,
was born in Stirling, a mining town on the
Haunted Stream, in his father’s pub on 5
January, 1890. After moving around from pub to pub
the family settled in Cassilis, on Swift’s Creek, not far
from Omeo, and bought a beautiful farm overlooking
the lats of the Mitchell River.
Robert on his ‘Ride-on mower’,
powered by Timoshenko
Eventually my father moved to Melbourne and
worked for a solicitor while he completed the
Articled Clerks course at the Melbourne University
Law School. his must have been about 1910. Soon
after, he joined the Light Horse and became a citizen
soldier. When WWI started, he joined the infantry
and served in the 29th Battalion of the Australian
Imperial Force. Wounded in battle, he found himself
in a hospital converted from a manor house at
Le Treport, in France. here he met my mother,
Gladys, who was serving in the Volunteer Aid
Detachment (VAD). hey were married at All
Saints on 4 October, 1919 and came back to
Australia on a troopship.
Dad had inished the war as the Corps Legal
Oicer on General Monash’s staf, and on his
return to civilian life, became a member of the
irm Mills & Oakley, remaining with them for the
rest of his working life (until 1950). He bought a
humble weatherboard home in Kooyong Rd, Caulield,
where I was born, as were my four siblings. Mother
was very happy, caring for and bringing up her family.
However, Dad was not! He was a country boy at heart,
never reconciled to suburban living; and in 1934
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
he bought a 25-acre property in Mount Waverley.
On Sunday, 1 May, Dad drove us out to see his new
purchase in our family car, a 1927 Sunbeam. It was my
eighth birthday and I remember the day clearly. I was
feeling very resentful as I had been given a Meccano
set and I wanted to get home and play with it!
We inally moved into our beautiful home in 1937.
here were huge gum trees on the block. Sadly, Dad
had them all cut down and taken away. He fenced a
large home paddock, two acres or more, and planted
lawn and exotic trees. He bought a three-foot horse
mower and a draught horse to pull it. hat was my
job. I sat on the mower and did my best to steer it
round the trees and taps in the lawn. he horse’s
name was Timoshenko, Tim for short, named after
Marshall Timoshenko of the Army of our glorious
Russian allies.
It was also my job to take Tim every year to Fisher’s
Shoeing Forge, in Ashburton, to be reshod. It was
quite a long way. Tim trundled along slowly, but he
had a broad and comfortable back and we always got
there and back safely. At the end of High St, just down
from the corner of Warrigal Rd, the blacksmith’s yard
boasted a splendid oak tree that provided welcome
shade in the hot summer. he shop itself was a large
shed, dominated by a big forge. here was fuel for the
ire–coke, I think, which made for a very hot ire–as
well as the tools and the metal he used in plying his
trade. I loved watching him work, seeing the bellows
iercely blowing up the lames and hearing the heavy
clang as he shaped the shoes.
Years later, in December 1977, I was inducted as
vicar of the parish of St Matthew’s in Ashburton. he
vicarage had a carport and a drive running down to
High St, just where the blacksmith’s shop had been.
he shop was no longer there, but to my delight, the
noble oak still lourished in its old place. he tree was
removed last year, but its memory–and that of the
forge–lives on.
Fisher’s Shoeing Forge in Ashburton
Footnote: Fisher’s Shoeing Forge was established in
1871 (from A History of Camberwell by Geofrey
Blainey). St Matthew’s Church opened in 1947.
Acknowledgment: hanks to Susan Webster for her
assistance with this article.
Camberwell High Orchestra Takes Off
fter many years of practice and tuition, my double
bass and I were off for 18 days as part of the
Camberwell High School Senior Orchestra European tour.
At 4am with everyone full of energy and cracking
jokes, we arrived at Melbourne International Airport. The
excitement of travelling for the irst time overcame any
worries about being stuck on a plane for the next 22 hours.
We arrived at Heathrow at 6pm and our irst adventure
was landing. After circling London ive times owing to
trafic (and feeling the joys of
turbulence with afternoon tea
in the stomach!) we inally
got touchdown. Stepping
onto the ground was a relief!
Over the next two days
in London we managed to
do plenty of sightseeing
by visiting many tourist
locations, and seeing a
West End show Wicked. On
our fourth day we headed
off to Manchester, on our
way visiting Kneller Hall
in Twickenham. Our irst
music tutor, composer Ian Peaple, took us through the
songs in our repertoire. Later that day we travelled to
Stratford-upon-Avon and spent a couple of hours looking
around the beautiful town and visiting the house where
Shakespeare was brought up.
On our ifth day we went to the Bolton Market and
afterwards visited Manchester United Soccer Stadium,
where we had an in-depth tour of the stadium. After this
we headed to our next performance at the Rolls Crescent
Primary School to give the students a demonstration of
the instruments in the orchestra and to play them a few
songs from our repertoire. Finishing the performance
(and thinking everything was over), we were taken to the
Royal Northern College of Music, where we found to our
surprise that we were to be tutored by the composer of
the one of the songs in our repertoire.
Our next two days were spent sightseeing, including
roaming around Manchester’s beautiful Christmas Night
Markets and visiting Liverpool, where we were lucky
enough to get a ride on the Beatles Magical Mystery
Tour. We inished with another performance, this time at
the Archbishop Beck School, where we joined their music
ensemble for the concert that night.
The following day we travelled to Dover and took a
boat across the English Channel, and headed to a small
town in the Netherlands called Sliedrecht, where we
stayed three nights with host families. We performed
with the Crescendo School, a community ensemble of
student and adult musicians. The day inished with a
formal concert at one of the new churches in Sliedrecht,
and it looked as if the whole
town was there!
The following night we were
told to put our shoes out for
Sinterklaas. When I woke up
on the morning of December
5, I found my shoes illed
with biscuits! On this day
in the Netherlands it is
traditional to celebrate the
way we do at Christmas.
The next day we said
goodbye to our host families
and departed via Bruges
(Belgium) to France, where
we had a day trip to Villers-Bretonneux, where the
Australians fought in World War I. Completing this
visit we went on to our next performance at the L’Ecole
Victoria (Victoria School), where we demonstrated our
orchestra and played some of our repertoire.
On our 13th day we travelled to Paris, which would
be the inal destination of our tour. We were lucky
enough to spend half a day at Disneyland Paris (not
quite enough!) and inishing that evening with a formal
performance at its own concert hall.
Saturday December 10 was our last day; we
were fortunate enough to spend another free day at
Disneyland. In the end we only managed to it in ive
rides, but it was still worth it. So, at last it was off to the
Paris airport, where we would say goodbye to Europe.
Our last minutes before departing were spent thanking
all our teachers, and especially Ms Heaton, for organising
the the entire tour, before boarding the plane to head
back home...on another 21-hour light!
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Century-makers: from local park to Test cricket
ave you ever made a century in a cricket match?
If you are a cricket centurion, there is every chance
your name will be listed in Tons of Runs, an amazing
record of centuries scored throughout the length and
breadth of Australia since records were irst kept.
Sourcing 100s that date from the mid-1850s, its
breadth extends from the early
period of Australian cricket, up
to (and including) the end of
the 2007-08 Australian cricket
season. The book’s objective has
been achieved: to cast the net
widely and obtain individual
scores of 100+ derived from all
grades and playing surfaces in
the short, medium and long forms
of the game—for both Men’s and
Women’s competition.
Tons of Runs is a must read for
any cricket lover, especially those
who have raised their bat to the
applause of teammates when reaching those mystical
three igures.
But it’s not only a book of statistics. Over 125 pages
of high-class cricketing action shots and premiership
photographs help to round out this fascinating tome. And so
do the stories, legends and yarns about the century-makers.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Be regaled by the feats of Charles Eady, the proliic
Tasmanian cricketer whose epic innings of 566 for
Break O’Day against Wellington (1901-02) remains
the highest individual score on Australian soil. All of
Donald Bradman’s on-shore centuries are listed—you’ll
even learn about The Don’s tons for the Australian Army
during the war. Skim the
listings for 100s made by
actors, public servants and
politicians of note, or pick
out someone you think may
be listed.
Tons of Runs is the result of
three years of painstaking
research by author Paul Daley.
His moving and well-crafted
tribute to the nation’s cricket club
volunteers, be they secretaries,
presidents, archivists or statisticians,
reveals insight into what fuels the
game in this country.
Tons of Runs, a high-quality 780-page cricket publication,
is available for $80 plus postage from www.tonsofruns.
com. The author is pleased to sign, date and personalise
copies on request.
For more information email Paul:
Phoenix Fridges Rising
A fridge is a common appliance in Melbourne
households; however each fridge costs your home about
10 per cent of its total energy usage. If you have an old
fridge, even one that no longer works, Phoenix Fridges
will gladly take it of your hands!
his service, run by the Brotherhood of St
Laurence’s Social Enterprises, is the most cost-efective,
environmentally friendly and convenient option for
removing your fridge. It is an innovative approach to
tackling the ineiciency of fridges, which are major
contributors to ozone depletion, climate change, energy
costs and landills. he public can donate fridges they no
longer use to be repaired and resold or recycled.
Donated fridges are collected from households free
of charge and then taken to Phoenix workshops to be
evaluated. Damaged parts are replaced and the fridge is
sold through Brotherhood of St Laurence community
stores. If the fridge cannot be repaired, Phoenix safely
removes harmful CFC gases (to prevent environmental
contamination) and recycles for scrap metal.
times higher than the world average. his places signiicant
pressure on the environment. he report says: “In today’s
society the drive to have the latest products results in the
wastage of the old products. his type of waste, termed ewaste is one of the fastest growing waste types.”
Phoenix Fridges allows Melburnians to dispose of
unwanted fridges easily. You can phone 1300 DONATE
(1300 366 283) or go to
and complete an enquiry form. he fridge will be picked
up from your doorstep without a hassle. Give Phoenix
Fridges a call and save time and the environment!
References EPA Victoria 2008, ‘Victoria’s Ecological Footprint’,
viewed 31/01/2012
Len Leonidas, Senior Manager of Social Enterprises,
says that once the fridges are repaired, they are “sold
through some of our 23 retail stores to allow low-income
earners the opportunity to purchase second-hand
afordable white goods”.
he program was established in 2005 and was initially
funded by organisations such as the Moreland Energy
Foundation (MEFL), TRUenergy, the Adult Multicultural
Education Service (AMES) and the Victorian
Government Sustainability Fund. Now, owing to its
progression and maturation, the program is self-funded.
“Not only do all funds from the Phoenix initiative aid
the Brotherhood,” Mr Leonidas said. “But it allows us to
ofer numerous social beneits.”
he program provides job opportunities. Mr Leonidas
says the initiative “takes on up to 12 trainees annually,
providing the opportunity for the long-term unemployed
or new Australians to transition to employment. On
completion of their six-month training, each trainee
obtains a Certiicate II in Electronic Assembly and has the
skills necessary to gain ongoing work.”
Phoenix Fridges also minimises damaging impact on the
environment. According to a 2008 Victorian Government
report, Victoria’s Ecological Footprint is more than three
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Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Treble Tones Celebrate 50 Years of Song
he Treble Tones, a locally based ladies choir,
delight in entertaining audiences at retirement
villages, senior citizens’ venues, church groups
and community service organisations around Melbourne
and in regional Victoria. heir annual concert is held each
May at Burwood Uniting Church. his year’s concert,
Golden Memories–50 Years of Song, marks their 50th
anniversary, and will include a selection of favourite songs
performed over those 50 years.
Treble Tones have always tried to reach out to their
varied audiences and over the years the repertoire has
broadened to include in its program something for
everybody—classical, sacred, folk and seasonal songs, and
musical theatre.
Since 2005, Treble Tones have presented an
Encouragement Award to a vocalist at the annual
Manningham Eisteddfod. he recipient is invited to
perform at the choir’s annual concert in the following
year. he choir have regularly supported various worthy
organisations, the most recent being the Andrew Dean
Fildes Foundation, which assists children in overcoming
language and learning disabilities.
From the beginning, strong friendship has been a feature
of the choir. his support has been valued by all in many of
life’s challenges. Maybe because of this harmony, the choir
have attracted the assistance of many remarkable people
who have tirelessly given of their expertise and time.
Treble Tones at the 2011 concert
Fifty years ago, six ladies from Burwood Methodist
Church met socially each week to sing. he founding
Musical Director, Jean Cavell, nurtured the sophisticated
singing style by which Treble Tones are now known
and, with the assistance of accompanist Alma Reid and
singers Ethel Aitken, Bess Whelan, Lucy Ward and
Daphne Murton, produced a program to share with
appreciative audiences.
Within three years the choir had become known as the
United Ladies Choir, membership had swelled to almost
50 voices, choral competitions from Ballarat to Adelaide
had been won and many community audiences charmed.
In the ensuing years membership was between 24 and
38, and engagements averaged 20 each year. he choir
name changed to Treble Tones in 2001; today membership
is 25 and during 2011 they sang at 30 establishments.
From small beginnings in 1962, Treble Tones have
earned an unsurpassed depth of afection from their 6
musical directors, 17 accompanists, 11 compres and
assistant comperes, and the 187 choral singers.
For the past 14 years Treble Tones has operated under
the expert guidance of Musical Director Lorraine Pollard.
Piano accompaniment has been skilfully handled by
Marcella Petersen since 2005. Members of the choir–12
sopranos, 6 second sopranos and 6 altos–are very
fortunate also to boast Ted Pople as resident violinist. Ted,
Marcella, and several solo artists from within the choir,
provide extra variety to performances.
Treble Tones in the 1970s
Golden Memories–50 Years of Song will be
performed at 2pm on Saturday May 26, at
Burwood Uniting Church on the corner of Warrigal
Rd and Hyslop St, Glen Iris (Melway ref 60 G6).
For more information about the concert, call the
secretary on 9889 4003.
To book Treble Tones to entertain your community
group, contact the booking secretary on 9544 8546.
Burwood Yoga
Stress Management, Relaxation
& Meditation
Celebrating 10 years of Yoga in Burwood
Classes for Adults/Male & Female
VCE Students, Children 5 – 10 years
Daytime and Evening Classes
Call Helen: 9889 0684
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Bulletin noticeBoard
As a child living in Mount Waverley in the 1950s,
and then attending Burwood High School, I spent much
free time outdoors. We played for hours in nearby
paddocks, examining wildflowers, picking blackberries
and mushrooming. We were lucky living in a safe
environment. Will our grandchildren enjoy the same
advantage with the threat of climate change?
Most of the world’s top scientists say we are beginning
to experience climate change. For 35 years I have been
an environmental activist. In 2010 I was privileged to be
trained by Al Gore on his new presentation: Our Choice:
A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis. I was also trained
on an award-winning plan for Australia to emit zero
carbon emissions in ten years (Zero Carbon Australia)
by Beyond Zero Emissions with the University of
Melbourne Energy Research Institute. The world has the
knowledge to solve the problem. What we need is the will
to make it happen.
If you would like a free presentation for your group please
contact me at
In September 2004 the Bulletin published an article
‘Going down to the Tyrone’ by Pauline Armstrong,
submitted by her husband Bruce. Pauline was survived
by Bruce, two sons and two daughters. Would any
readers know where to find any of them as I would like
to interview them for my history of Hartwell. I have a
hunch that Pauline and Bruce may at one stage have
lived in Ashburton. With many thanks for your help.
Volkhard Wehner,
or P.O. Box 1002, Hartwell 3124
"% #'"&"
##%#%%'%(## !%( )! &)"&%$#""&'
Breadmaking & Baking
Supplies & Cooking Classes
Classes include bread loaves, French sticks,
rolls, scrolls, pullaparts, plus lots of other baking treats.
We stock high quality bread flours, bread
mixes, seeds, yeast, grains, bread tins
& accessories.
Gluten free bread mix & Spelt floursr
Timetable available by post or on net
Tel 9809 4327 1387 Toorak Rd, Burwood Village
Sales, Service, Repairs & Spares
฀ ฀
33 Burwood Hwy, Burwood
Call Brendan or Jason
9808 5370
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Ballyshanassy Author Returns
lyssa Beckley (formerly Alyssa Clarkson), the
author of Ballyshanassy: A History of the Burwood
District, published in 1991 with the assistance of the
Burwood Bulletin and Burwood History Group, has
returned to the Ashburton–Burwood area after an
absence of 11 years.
Alyssa was only 17
years old when her
book Ballyshanassy
was published under
the expert guidance of
the late June warland,
who was at that
time president of the
Burwood Bulletin. June
took Alyssa under her
wing and helped her
to realise her goal of
publishing the school
project she had
commenced in 1990
at Canterbury Girls
Secondary College.
For her project,
Alyssa had interviewed
several senior
residents of the Burwood area whose families had been
pioneer settlers of Ballyshanassy (as Burwood was
originally named). in her book she related their stories
as real-life history, along with photos and historical
data, producing a unique and fascinating record of early
settlement in the Burwood district.
writing would not yet, however, be Alyssa’s chosen
career, as she went on to la trobe university to
complete a course in Physiotherapy. After practising
in Victoria for several years, she travelled overseas to
work as a physiotherapist in the united Kingdom and
gain further qualiications in Acupuncture,Yoga and
Clinical Pilates instruction.
it was whilst working in dartmouth that Alyssa met
her husband John Beckley and had two boys, nathan
and Flynn. when she returned with her new family
to the Burwood –Ashburton area in 2010, Alyssa was
able to ind work locally at Ashburton Physiotherapy
& Pilates in High St, Ashburton, in her capacity as
physiotherapist and Clinical Pilates instructor.
Since her return, she has noticed many changes in the
area, namely the increased diversity of the population,
the expense of housing, and the number of young
families returning to the area of Ashburton–Burwood.
Although busy with her new life, Alyssa has still found
time to pursue her love of writing in local publications
and professional magazines. She says she would love
to have more time to devote to revisiting the history
of Burwood and hopes to one day publish a more
comprehensive edition of Ballyshanassy. But for now,
settling back into Australian life with her new family is
her number one priority.
Display your
medals with
rotect and
repair your
valuable history
while creating a
striking display.
Mounted swing
or court style,
medals can be cleaned and reribboned and
lost medals replaced with replicas. Cabinet
frames are available so medals can be worn
as well as displayed.
Every framing order over $100 receives
two beautiful greeting cards free.
Mention this ad.
When it matters, bring it to
Abacus Art for expert advice
on mounting and framing.
Member of
489 Warrigal Rd Ashwood 9885 8742
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood Village Autumn Festival!
Facepainting at last year’s Autumn festival
Burwood Village Shopping Centre, Sunday May 6, 10am–3pm.
It is that time of the year again, when traders and
community groups come together for a day of family fun.
Local arts and crafts will be showcased and all the
festival favourites will be back, including a sausage sizzle,
rides, face-painting, animal farm, roving entertainers,
dancers and much, much more! he theme for this
year is Celebrating Our Community and activities and
entertainment will represent the rich heritage, culture
and arts of the surrounding community. he streets will
be turned into an eye-catching wonderland relecting the
beauty of autumn in the Village: the verdant trees, the
falling leaves, and the colours—olive green, burnt orange,
crimson red and scorched yellow.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
An entertainment stage will showcase some of the best
performers, singers, dancers and bands from local schools,
community groups and businesses. We are also looking
for ways to showcase art from some of the best artists (and
aspiring artists) in the neighbourhood. If you would like
to be involved in the festival in any way, please contact the
Burwood Village Traders Association at burwoodvillage@ Contributing to the festival is a fantastic way
to present your community group, as well as being a
rewarding way to fundraise.
Come and celebrate our community this year at the
annual Burwood Village Autumn Festival, and let the
local traders and community groups celebrate with you!
Burwood Village shopping centre–making life easier!
hristmas is behind us, New Year celebrations are
completed and the children are back at school.
Every year there seems more to do, so inding
better ways to do things is paramount and timesaving ideas are much appreciated. Many of our
traders ofer fantastic items that will make your life
a little easier!
If you don’t feel the need to cook, take advantage of
the food stores and restaurants in the village. You
can call ahead to many of the restaurants or cafes
and order meals to be picked up on your way home.
here are lots of cuisines on ofer; a fresh ish & chip
shop and several charcoal chicken shops that ofer an
array of fresh salads.
For fresh produce to feed your family, Burwood
Village ofers a number of businesses (including
the IGA supermarket and Toorak Road Fruit
Market) to assist with fresh fruit and vegetables and
succulent meat may be had from the two butchers in
the village. he Peppermill ofers a range of unique,
time-saving kitchen and culinary items that will
assist you to produce great things in the kitchen.
When you feel like a cofee with friends or family,
Burwood Village has a great selection of day cafes
that, along with traditional favourites, provide everchanging menu items.
Don’t forget, in the hustle and bustle of life, to
reward yourself there’s nothing wrong with a little
indulgence. Visit one of the beauticians in the
village, or go to any of the hairdressers for a haircut
and pamper.
Burwood Village businesses also ofer many services
such as legal advice, accountancy or counselling.
here is even a fantastic dental clinic if you or your
children need a check up.
For when you are at home, brightening up the
kitchen or living area with a colourful display
from Flowers upon Flowers is sure to bring a
smile to everyone’s face. he Banyan Tree presents
stunning, often handcrafted–furniture that will
add to any area of your home and create an even
more beautiful place to be in. Visit Nick from
Forman Picture Framing if you want to frame
some of your children’s hand-painted art: the
options really are endless.
With car parking right out the front, it is easy to
stop and shop; it will save you the time (and perhaps
frustration!) of visiting the major shopping centres.
Visit Burwood Village any time and be welcomed
by the friendly faces of the traders who will save you
time, help you to brighten up your home and make
your life just that little bit simpler.
Paul, Gus, Dave, Dylan, Gully, James, Dec & Graham
We open 7 days a week:
Mon - Thurs: 10am - 9pm
Friday - Sat: 10am - 10pm
Sun: 10am - 9pm
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood Village & District
AccounTinG & TAxATion
G H o’Brien & Assoc.
tax on trak
4 Burwood Hwy
rear 1423 toorak rd
9808 4245
9889 6680
AcuPuncTurE & nATuroPAThy
Joseph Ferraro B.nat, d.Acu.
1337 toorak rd
9889 6777
14 the Highway, Mt waverley 9807 7261
AuTomoTiVE SErVicE & rEPAir
Kryton Automotive
3 Alexander dr
9888 8797
Shop 3, 1405 toorak rd
9889 7157
23-25 Burwood Hwy
9830 6111
18 Burwood Hwy
9888 8286
Mixing Bowl
1387 toorak rd
9809 4327
buTchEr AnD GourmET FooD ProDucTS
Carl’s Culinary Cuts
1398 toorak road
9889 1010
Shop 8, 1405 toorak rd.
9809 1243
1350 toorak rd
9889 1111
the Cake Cafe
Jagers Carpets
Camberwell Sports & Spinal Medicine 1431 toorak rd
9889 7889
communiTy houSE
Burwood neighbourhood House
1 Church St
9808 6292
DAncE STuDio
BdC dance
13-15 Yertchuk Ave
9888 3354
1341 toorak road
9809 1768
Azubel dental
DocTorS -- GEnErAL PrAcTiTionErS
dr Susan Schlicht
303 warrigal rd
9808 3988
1408 toorak rd
9889 4129
1380 toorak road
9889 0500
315 warrigal rd
9808 2130
Dry cLEAninG
Care Fresh
FiSh & chiPS
A&C Fish‘n Chippery
Burwood Fuel & Fodder
339 warrigal rd
9808 8888
1396 toorak rd
9889 4763
1423 toorak rd
9889 5152
1340 toorak rd
9889 4643
Adco Ofice Furniture
119 Burwood Hwy
9808 4404
Pack & Send
1374 toorak rd
9809 4333
new and used Sales, Service & Parts
130 Burwood Hwy
9268 1555
new and used Sales
142 Burwood Hwy
9268 1333
21 Mc intyre St
11-17 Mc intyre St
1300 858 084
new and used Sales59-63 Burwood Hwy
9268 1222
Service & Parts
2 Somers St Burwood
new and used
71 Burwood Hwy
Service & Parts
7 evans Street Burwood
9268 1488
national Pharmacy
1429 toorak rd
9889 0800
250 warrigal rd
9808 9827
115 Highbury rd
250 warrigal rd
9888 8225
9808 9827
9 tudor St
9808 7211
6 Burwood Hwy
9888 7906
1373 toorak rd
65 Station St
1156 toorak rd
1388 toorak rd
9889 1666
9888 8883
9805 2900
9889 2266
Shot, Framed & Hung
PicTurE FrAminG
Creative Framing
Framed & Hung
Burwood Plumbing
PrinTinG & coPyinG
Kwik Kopy Printing Centre
exceland Camberwell
exceland Burwood
J A Cain First national
Mackintosh First national
SoLAr EnErGy EquiPmEnT
242 warrigal rd
9808 7337
1379 toorak rd
4 Burwood Hwy
9889 0061
9808 6922
1424 toorak rd
9889 5120
Frank Bertucci
oates rennick Associates
Anthony J Von Moger B.Hlth Sc. 20 trent St
iGA Plus liquor
TooLbox ,TrAiLEr AnD cAnoPy cuSTom buiLT
homEoPAThic nATuroPAThic SErVicES
9889 9835
dragon welding P/l
1339 toorak rd
9889 7379
rick watkins P/l
9808 5370
9885 3199
d’Alton Hairdressing
Burwood Cellars
Solazone Solar Specialists
FunErAL DirEcTor
w d rose Funerals
33 Burwood Hwy
397 High St
PEnFoLD moTorS burWooD
Barry waddell
Burwood Hwy Mowers
Ashburton Mowers
PAckAGinG & FrEiGhT
bAThroom & kiTchEn
Shelron Bathroom Centre
9888 9888
oFFicE FurniTurE nEW & uSED
Burwood Bakery
84-90 Highbury rd
Liquor STorE
Highway Gallery
decor Pebble (Aust) P/l
LAWnmoWEr & GArDEn mAchinEry SALES & SErVicE
4 Burwood Hwy
9880 8300
Burwood Yoga
1-3 Bardolph St
9889 0684
burwood Village & District Directory
As a service to the Burwood community, the Burwood Bulletin has established this traders and Business directory so that
local residents can easily contact their local traders and to inform residents of the variety of shops and services located in
the Burwood area. the cost is $60 per annum, inc.GSt. Any business that is located within the Burwood area and would
like to be included in the directory should contact robert Kay on 9836 5520 or email
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Small & Home Business
AuDiT AccounTinG TAxATion
PAinTEr/ hAnDymAn
ian Grant FCA FCPA
13 edwards Street, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9813 3599
Fax: . . . . . . 9813 2732
Mob: . . . . . 0418 317 818
indrans residential Services
A local business specialising in handyman work,
painting and plastering.
For an obligation-free quote, phone Jan on 0422 168 228
Lindy hop Swing
At Ashburton & Mitcham
Phone . . . 0412 016 780
Hartwell Post Ofice
1166 toorak road, Hartwell 3124
Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 1132
open Saturday 9–12 noon
The Gourmet Guardian Pty Ltd
321 warrigal road, Burwood
Phone 1800 Food SAFetY (1800 366 372)
Mobile 0422 922 883
homE mAinTEnAncE
man Around the house
Carpentry repairs/replacements
weatherboards, fascias, decks,
pergolas, fences, lattice, etc. Free quotes
Ph: Martyn 0407 477 740
AH/Fax:. . . 9885 1150 Glen iris
ADVErTiSinG inFormATion
Full Page w18.5 x h26cm
$400 colour, $276 b/w
Frank bertucci
1379 toorak road, Burwood 3125
Ph: . . . . . . . 9889 0061/68
Fax: . . . . . . 9889 0407
oates rennick Associates
4 Burwood Hwy, Burwood
Ph: . . . . . . . 9808 6922
Fax: . . . . . . 9808 2243
Tax Workshop
registered tax Agents
All types of taxation returns
6 tooronga Court, Ashwood 3147
Ph: . . . . . . . 9885 1435 or 0405 435 480
Fax: . . . . . . 9888 2224
Special Full Pages
(inside front cover& back cover) PoA
half Page
–Horizontal w18.5 x h13cm
–Vertical w9 x h26cm
$252 colour, $168 b/w
quarter Page w9 x h13cm
$152 colour, $101 b/w
Burwood Bulletin needs a secretary.
We’ll give you support as you become
familiar with the following duties:
 Prepare agendas and take & distribute
quarter column w9 x h6cm $120 colour, $80 b/w
Small / home based business Directory
this directory has been established by the Burwood
Bulletin to assist small and home based businesses to
promote themselves in the local community. the cost for
a business listing as per this page is $25 for four lines plus
$5.50 per line to a maximum advertisement of six lines.
Prices include GSt.
EnquiriES Phone robert Kay 9836 5520
or email
Artwork must be ready for print.
Please ask about print speciications
or visit
Cost of any necessary alterations to artwork or copy
will be an additional charge to the advertiser.
All copy to be forwarded to:
Burwood Bulletin Association, Po Box 87, Burwood 3125
or email
Deadline next issue advertising & copy may 1.
minutes of quarterly meetings
 Point of contact for public and organisations
Liaise with Volunteer agencies
Manage distribution lists
 Public Oicer
 Ad hoc jobs as required
Computer, PC skills (Word, Excel), internet
 Ideally live in or near Burwood
 Prepared to make a long term commitment
Average time commitment is 2–3hrs a week
Email your details or questions to
or phone Susan 9885 3235
This is a voluntary position
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Baker Street in Burwood Box Hill Lions Last Dance
‘Live at Baker Street’ pioneers a revolutionary
concert concept—right here in Burwood!
Local jazz pianist Jeremy Woolhouse is featuring
in a series of concerts launching a unique music venue.
Baker Street Studio is a professional recording suite
in Burwood dedicated to music production of the
highest quality. he exciting new addition is a 33seat auditorium with a diference. his room has been
painstakingly perfected by experts in the ield to bring
together concert hall acoustics and jazz club intimacy.
It’s an audiophile’s paradise!
Local jazz musicians (from left)
Jeremy Woolhouse and Shannon Birchall
he project is the brainchild of Darren Springthorpe,
a passionate sound engineer and bikie known as ‘Rain
Manzs’. He has a vision to educate audiences and
revive the aesthetic of listeners drowned in compressed
audio. Darren has teamed up with Alan Neuendorf and
Mark Doehmann, recording the concerts and releasing
them on limited-edition, heavy-weight vinyl, and even
releasing lacquers, created direct from the master source.
he studio is matching the top-end audio set-up
with high-proile local performers. he Autumn series
of concerts takes advantage of the intimate setting
to premiere a suite for solo piano, launch a new duet
collaboration with revered guitarist James Sherlock
and reunite with Shannon Birchall, an extraordinary
virtuoso of double bass.
Jeremy and Shannon irst worked together in 2002
recording the album humbnails. Since then Shannon
has been touring internationally with artists such as
Deborah Conway, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
and the Spaghetti Western Orchestra. He spent several
years as bassist for John Butler, who described him as
“part of the best line-up I have performed with . . . a
pleasure to live, love, learn, record and tour with”.
he concerts feature Jeremy’s lyrical style of jazz
composition, with inluences of world and classical
music. He is renowned for performances of broad
appeal, both relaxing and captivating. Baker Street is an
ideal setting in which to experience and capture these
qualities. For concert details, please see page 46.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
he inal 50/50 dance run by the Box Hill Lions
Club was held on December 26 at Box Hill
Town Hall, ending a 27-year history. In that
time the club has raised an amazing $600,000 from the
dance, all to the beneit of those in need, both in local
and overseas communities. Lions make a real diference.
Attendance at the monthly event peaked in the
1990s, sometimes reaching capacity at 350 dancers and
people had to be turned away. Saturday night saw over
100 people celebrate this momentous occasion with the
wonderful Hat Band.
Club president Rodger Salmon described the
decision to end this volunteer-run dance as a “tough
decision. Knowing many of our loyal patrons wanted it
to go on . . . a generational change has diminished the
appeal of a live band and older style dance, but not the
many needs of the community, which we will continue
to serve,” he said.
And serve the community they do. Since its
formation in 1960, this active Lions club has set up
an annual youth scholarship award, bought medical
equipment for Box Hill Hospital and shade sails for
Box Hill Child Care Centre, donated funds to the
Girl Guides, the Salvation Army, Scout groups, Bush
Fire Relief, the Heart Foundation, Lions hearing and
eyesight projects, World Vision and the recent Tsunami
and Christchurch Earthquake appeals, to name a few.
Whether buying a hearing aid for a child in
Malaysia or beds for Dili Hospital in East Timor,
or mowing a lawn in Burwood because the owner
cannot walk, Box Hill Lions make a diference in our
Lions International was recently voted the number
one not-for-proit organisation in the world.
Box Hill Lions Club is looking for new members.
Do you want to join a fun club that makes a
diference to our world?
he dance has ended but people can still take steps
to improving our community. If you want to make
a diference, enquire about joining at the club
A New Lone Pine at Wattle Park
he story of the Lone
Pine tree that grows
in the Patriotic Area in
Wattle Park dates back to
Turkey in August 1915,
when the Anzacs fought
one of the bloodiest battles
of World War I to capture
the heavily fortiied plateau
of Lone Pine (Plateau 400)
on the Gallipoli Peninsula.
Both the 23rd and the 24th
Anzac battalions took part
in this bitter campaign.
The original Lone Pine
One solitary pine tree, a
Turkish red pine (Pinus brutia), was left standing after the
Turks cut down trees to shore up and cover their trenches.
his tree provided a valuable landmark for both Turkish
and Anzac troops and led the Anzacs to name the plateau
Lone Pine. he tree was demolished by artillery ire early in
the battle, but its memory and its descendants live on in the
Wattle Park tree.
Private homas Keith McDowell, a young miner
from Wonthaggi and a soldier of the 23rd Battalion,
souvenired a cone from the remains of the actual last tree
standing, and carried the pine cone in his haversack until
he was sent home because of ill health. He gave the cone
to his wife’s aunt, Mrs Emma Gray, saying ‘Here Aunty,
you’ve got a green thumb, see if you can grow something
out of this’. It was 12 years after the cone was collected
that the seeds were planted, and ive of them grew. One
seedling subsequently died.
he irst of the seedlings was planted on May 7, 1933 at
Wattle Park, the home ground of the 24th Battalion. he
second seedling was planted at the Shrine of Remembrance
six weeks later. he third seedling was planted at the
Soldiers Memorial Hall at he Sisters, near Terang, and the
fourth seedling was planted at Warrnambool.
Unfortunately, like old soldiers, these trees have
sufered the ravages of time; and as a safeguard and to
continue the memory of Lone Pine, a new seedling
grown from a seed from the original Wattle Park tree was
planted at an impressive Anzac ceremony last year. his
tree will be nurtured alongside its parent and continue to
be a living memorial to those courageous souls who have
fought for their country in the terrible carnage of war.
Planting the juvenile pine April 17, 2011.
L–R George Mackenzie, Life Governor, Shrine of
Remembrance,Tom Thorpe, Chairman, Wattle Park
Heritage Group and (the late) Rev. Lawrie Styles.
his year’s Anzac Service will again be at the Lone
Pine in Wattle Park on Sunday, April 22 at 1pm. his
special service is being conducted by the 24th Battalion
(AIF) Assoc. Inc, 2/24th Australian Infantry
Battalion Assoc, 7th Battalion (1939-45) Assoc, 2/7th
Australian Infantry Battalion Assoc, Hawthorn RSL
Sub-branch, Melbourne Tramways Band and Parks
Victoria. Everyone is welcome to attend.
~ Tramways conductor Bows Out ~
the Melbourne tramways
Band’s concert at wattle
Park in december was the
swan song for its popular
conductor and musical
director, Jonathan woods,
who is aiming to spend more
time with his young family.
Jonathan has been the public
Jonathan Woods face of the band’s concerts
since April 2003 and has
developed a wonderful rapport with audiences through
his candid style and easy-going manner.
Since completing his Bachelor of Arts in Music
Performance, Jonathan has worked extensively as
performer, conductor, and music educator. As well as his
role with the Melbourne tramways Band, his conducting
engagements have seen him work with the Melbourne
Symphony Brass ensemble and the Villers-Bretonneux
Brass ensemble.
Fortunately, Jonathan will not be lost to the band or its
audiences as he will continue as principal tuba.
Tramways Band’s executive oficer, Ed Bright, has asked
to record the appreciation of all members for Jonathan’s
outstanding contribution to the band and its concerts
over the past nine years. ‘the concerts have been
going for seventy-two years, so nine years represents a
signiicant contribution to this great tradition.’
mTb Wattle Park Autumn concerts:
Sunday March 25, Stage Selections
Sunday April 22, Spirit of ANZAC
Concerts start 2.30pm, weather permitting: you can check with
Parks Victoria on 13 19 63 after midday.
Take tram 70 along Riversdale Rd to Stop 59.
For information on the Tramways band, visit
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Help is at Hand!
averley Helpmates is an employment and training
program, based in and supported by the Waverley
Community, providing meaningful employment for
33 adults with a disability. Our aim is to develop and
instil positive work ethics and skills in the workers. his
enhances their potential to move into open employment.
Each of the program’s three divisions (garden maintenance,
ironing and contract cleaning) follows this aim of
vocational development and skill training.
Welcome to 2012!
It will be an action-illed year. The Chinese have
welcomed in the Year of the Water Dragon - a cool,
kind and helpful dragon. We hope he will be kind to
all on earth and improve the world.
Do remember please that this is also the Year of the
Farmer and we should all support our local farmers.
By the time you read this we will have held our annual
Ashburton Festival. This year we will have enjoyed
steam train trips between Ashburton and Camberwell
as well as the usual wonderful variety of activities and
an interesting talk about sustainable living.
Your Ashburton shopping strip needs your support.
We must encourage our local shops. Coles Local has
added to the area and has settled in well.
At the moment we are waiting for active people with
new and interesting ideas to move into our strip to
replace the Denture Clinic (relocated to the Craig
Centre), the travel agent in the arcade, Bedtime Bugs
and Harvey World Travel.
I hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year
and wish you a splendid 2012!
Ater 19 years of cleaning an entire school every day
we no longer have the contract.
his leaves ive workers with no job so we are
looking for cleaning work!
Employing people with disabilities
Cleaning Employment Enterprise
Club Rooms
Sports centre
Our workers are trained, supervised to do a
great job and provide their own equipment.
We are looking for work during normal
business hours.
For a great, reliable and regular service
Phone 9807 1155
12-16 Mavron Street, Ashwood
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Waverley Helpmates are looking for cleaning,
gardening and ironing work
Twenty-eight people are employed to carry out garden
maintenance. Training is conducted through the medium
of lawn-mowing and garden maintenance done on site.
Each Helpmate works individually at the job site, whether
it be a private house or on a contract. A minimum of
seven jobs per week is completed by each Helpmate,
leaving three afternoons per week for oice-based training.
Waverley Helpmates primarily focuses on the gardens
of about 450 aged pensioners, where there is a need to
provide a reasonably priced and reliable gardening service.
In the cleaning division, the contract involves cleaning
an entire school every school day. his requires the use of
a variety of equipment, which develops a diverse range
of skills. Each of ive Helpmates is assigned individual
tasks to complete, thus assisting in developing their own
independence and job pride.
Rather than formal lessons, oice-based training
consists of the development of numeracy, literacy and
banking skills that relate to the work done. Personal
motivation, pride and self-conidence are also developed
at this time, and the development is reviewed through
supervisor meetings, assessment and individual work plans.
he Helpmates produce a high standard of work
in both the gardening maintenance and the cleaning
divisions. Skilled guidance and direction is ofered by
a select team of staf specially trained in the area of
disability support. By providing a valuable service to the
community, Waverley Helpmates creates a solid basis
for maximising integration, respect and valued status for
people with a disability.
Local Churches
Anglican Churches
St Peter’s: 1038 Whitehorse Rd, Box Hill
Services: Sunday: 8am Eucharist, 9.30am Choral Eucharist,
Sudanese service 1pm. Wednesday: 11am, Friday: 7.30pm.
St Aidan’s: Surrey St, Box Hill South
Sunday service: 10.30am Eucharist. 3rd Sunday Family &
children’s service: 10.30am. Vicar: Rev Derek Jones.9890 2721
Hall for hire. Oice: hurs 9.30am - 2.30pm . . 9899 5122
AnglicAn PARiSh oF Box hill
4-8 Charles St, Glen Iris
Vicar: Rev. Stephen Pash 0403 273 486, 9889 2761
Church Oice: Tues & Fri 9am -12 noon . . . . 9889 5086
Sunday services 8am and 10am. Labyrinth open daily for
individuals to walk. Group walks by booking.
St FAith’S
44 Station St, Burwood
Sunday services: 8.15am, 9.45am, 11.30am (Cantonese),
6.30pm ESL.
Vicar: Rev Chris Appleby . . . . .9808 3250, 0422 187 127
St thoMAS’ BURWooD
Australian Christian Churches
17 Evans St, (cnr Evans & Dufy streets) Burwood
Pastor: Danny Guglielmucci
Service Times: Sunday 10am . . . . . . . . . . . .9888 7466
Baptist Churches
8 Y St, Ashburton. Interim Pastor: Rev. Rowena Curtis.
Sunday morning service: 10am (includes Kids’ Club)
hursday evening service: 7.15pm.
Phone . . . . 9885 8210 or E:
AShBURton BAPtiSt chURch
Box hill BAPtiSt chURch
Cnr Station St & Ellingworth Pde, Box Hill
Revs Anne & Richard Mallaby
Service:10am Sunday. Or pop into the Chapel on Station
Gallery at the front of the church - open every day, 9890 1275
BAlWyn BAPtiSt chURch
Cnr Whitehorse & Parring Rds, Surrey Hills., 9836 9455
Sunday service at 10am, followed by morning tea.
St MAtthEW’S
334 High St, Ashburton (cnr Warrigal Rd)
Services: 9.30am Sunday, Holy Communion.
Locum Vicar Rev. Len Greenhall, enquiries.. .. .. 0413 874 281
inDonESiAn BAPtiSt FElloWShiP
Cnr Blackburn Rd & Witchwood Cres, East Burwood.
Vicar: Rev. Robyn Boyd
Services: Sunday 8am and 9.30am, with children’s activities.
Wednesday 10am followed by study group.
Playgroup Friday 9.30am. Phone . . . . . . . . . .9802 4863
cRoSSWAy BAPtiSt chURch
thE chURch oF thE AScEnSion
96 High St, Glen Iris
Rev. Ken Hewlett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 1125
Sunday 8am Eucharist & Breakfast 10am Sung Eucharist
Wednesday 10am Holy Communion
We meet on the corner of Whitehorse and Parring roads each
Sunday at 4.30pm.
2 Vision Dve, East Burwood, E:
Senior Pastor: Mr Dale Stephenson . . . . . . . . .9886 3700
Sunday morning service & kids church 8.45am, 10.15 &
11.45am. Sunday evening: 6pm.
Mandarin Service 9am, Cantonese Service 11am
Korean service 1.15pm, Indonesian service 4pm
Cnr Highield & Hunter roads, East Camberwell
Pastor: Murray Hogg . . . . . . 9836 6063, Oice 9830 4842
When you lose someone close, having sensitive and
understanding support is vital.
339 Warrigal Road, Burwood
Phone: 9808 8888
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Local Churches
Catholic Churches
St BEnEDict’S
Hua En Tang Southern Church
299 Warrigal Rd, Burwood
Priest: Fr. David Tremble. Mass 6pm Saturday; 10 am & 5pm
Sunday. Daily services at 9am. Phone. . . . . . . .9808 2492
St ScholASticA’S
348 Burwood Hwy, Bennettswood
Priest: Fr. Jacob. Morning service daily, Sat 9am & 6pm Mass.
Sunday 9am, 11am & 5.30pm.
Vietnamese Mass 7.15pm the third Saturday of each month
Phone for further details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 1006
St MichAEl’S
268 High Street, Ashburton
Parish Priest: Father Hien Vu. Mass times: Saturday, 6.30pm
Sunday, 9.00am & 10.30am. Phone . . . . . . . .9885 2498
chRiStiAn chinESE chURch
1 Electra Ave, Ashwood
English Youth Service: Saturday 7pm, Chinese Service:
Sunday 10am, Childrens Sunday School: Sunday 10am
Contact homas. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0438 588 308
The Salvation Army
7 Bowen St, Camberwell
Oicers: Majors Brian and Jenny Pratt . . . . . . .9889 2468
Services: 9.30am, 11am & 6pm every Sunday.
Sunday School 11am—12.15pm school terms only.
Uniting Churches
AShBURton Uniting chURch
Christian Science Church
Church & Reading Room, 41 Cookson St, Camberwell
Services: Sunday 10.15am, Wednesday 8pm
Church & Reading Room, 256 Stephensons Rd, Mt Waverley
Services: Sunday 9.30am, Wednesday 12.30pm and 8pm
All welcome. Further information. . . . . . . . . .9882 6209
Church of Christ
Cnr Milverton St & Highield Rd
Service: Sunday at 10am. Pastor: Anthony Risson. 9889 3484
280 Highbury Rd. We are a friendly, family centred Church. All
age worship on Sundays at 10.30am. For infants: playgroups,
creche. For Preps and primary aged children: weekly activity
groups including Bible-based stories, gymnastics and craft.
Men’s and women’s fellowship groups. Bible study groups for
all ages. Interim Pastor: Andrew Boutros .. .. .. .. .. ..9808 1613
City Edge Church
Meets at Deakin University, Burwood.
City Edge is a growing community of people from diferent age
groups, walks of life, and cultural backgrounds who humbly
seek to live out, in word and practice the simplicity of New
Testament Christian living to the Glory of God.
Call Tony on 0449 254 249 or
The New Christian Church
426-434 High St Rd, Mount Waverley,
A new look at the Bible and spirituality. Spiritual Growth and
discussion groups. Sunday Service 10.30am.
Minister: Rev. Chris Skinner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9888 2850
Presbyterian Churches
Junction of High Street & High Street Road,
(near Warrigal Rd), Ashburton.
Sunday service at 10.15am, Sunday school & creche 10.30am.
Cnr Greenwood & Tennyson streets, Burwood
Sunday service at 11am. Rev Dr John Elnatan. . .9801 7645
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
3 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
Minister: Rev David Fotheringham . . . . . . . . .9809 1795
10am Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School.
For youth activities and small group programs, contact David.
BURWooD Uniting chURch
Cnr Warrigal Rd & Hyslop St, Glen Iris
Minister: Rev. Peter Welsh . . . 98889435. Oice, 9808 2284
Services: Sunday 10am Worship and children’s program
Taize Style Service 8pm, the 4th Wednesday of the month.
Korean Presbyterian Church, Pastor Victor Kim, Sunday 2pm
Hall/rooms available for hire. Contact: Pam . . . .9809 2917
BURWooD hEightS
Cnr Burwood Hwy & Blackburn Rd, Burwood East
Minister: Rev. Ojitha Goonetilleke . . . . . . . . .9803 7631
Sunday services: 9.30am and 6pm (informal service)
glEn iRiS RoAD Uniting chURch & coMMUnity cEntRE
200 Glen Iris Rd, Glen Iris.
Minister: Rev. David Carter. 10am Sunday services. BBQ &
Communion1st Sunday of the month. Oice 9885 8219
E: or
St JAMES Uniting chURch
1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South
Minister: Rev Paul Voumard
10am Sunday service, Communion the irst Sunday each month
St lUkE’S Uniting chURch MoUnt WAvERlEy
94 Essex Rd, Mount Waverley
Rev Judith Watkins. Oice 9807 2656 or 0408 580 880
Worship and Sunday School 9.30am every Sunday
Fun at Five: 5pm third Sunday of the month: craft, song and
light meal for people of all ages. Young people (15-30 years)
meet informally fortnightly. Contact David . . . .9807 3630
Unity of Melbourne (Unity School of Christianity Melbourne Inc.)
4 Renown St, Burwood.
Unity welcomes all spiritual seekers to our Sunday Service,
10.30am every Sunday. Personal and Spiritual Development
classes. Spiritual leader: Cynthia Wilson . .. .. .. .. .. ..9889 8503 or
Wattle Park Chapel
234 Elgar Rd, Box Hill South, email:
Pastor: John Reeder. Services: Sunday morning at 10am
Sunday at 2pm bilingual service in English and Chinese.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 2728
Community Notices
locAl chURchES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29-30
ARt & cRAFt, hoBBiES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
BoWling clUBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
chilDREn’S ActivitiES AnD chilDcARE . . . . . . . 33
coMMUnity & SPEciAl intERESt gRoUPS . . . . .33-34
DAncE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
EDUcAtion / SElF iMPRovEMEnt . . . . . . . . .35-36
FloRAl ARt/ gARDEning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Abbey Girls of Victoria
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood St, Burwood.
A club based around the books of Elsie J. Oxenham, most
famously the Abbey series. Like-minded book-a-holics with
a love of old school girl novels who enjoy a bit of a chat are
invited to meet for lunch, afternoon tea, an interesting activity
and some occasional English dancing.
Enquiries: Margaret on 9898 4369
FRiEnDShiP AnD Activity gRoUPS . . . . . . . .37-38
hEAlth AnD SUPPoRt gRoUPS . . . . . . . . . .38-39
hiStoRy gRoUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
MUSic gRoUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
coMMUnity cEntRES & ActivitiES . . . . . . . .42-43
volUntEERing oPPoRtUnitiES . . . . . . . . . . . 44
MARkEtS, FEtES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
coMMUnity ShoPPing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
ARtS & EntERtAinMEnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
• Art & Craft, Hobbies
Ashburton Seniors Art Group
Fridays 10–12, Ashburton Support Services, 296 High St
Ashburton. Develop your skills with a friendly group. Pursue
your own projects with our art group leader. Fay 9885 3815
Box Hill Handweavers & Spinners
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
We are a non-proit group of women and men who meet
weekly to share our knowledge in spinning, weaving and allied
crafts. If you would like to learn more about the group contact
Margaret Dimelow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9898 1474
Model Trains Open House
Australian Model Railway Association, 92 Wills St, Glen Iris
(Mel 59 J8)
Saturday–Sunday March 24–25, from 10am to 5pm
Clubrooms open for public viewing, large HO club layout,
outdoor garden railway, plus other layouts and demonstrations.
$5 (adults) Children under 15 free. Entertainment for the kids
Additional information and activities during the year available.
Phone the clubrooms 9885 7034 or
Wordsmiths of Melbourne Poetry Group
his is a group of poets with a Christian ethos which meets on
the second Saturday of every month from 2–5pm.
We meet to airm each other as poets. Guest poets lead poetry
workshops. New members always welcome. Enquiries: Jean
Sietzema-Dickson . . 9890 5885 or
Australian Philatelic Society
Meets bi-monthly at Memorial Homes Hall
152 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury.
Interesting displays at all meetings. Visitors and new members
welcome. For information call John Young. . . . .9889 1385
Camberwell Camera Club
Waverley Gem Club
RSL Hall, 403 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell (Melway 59 K2)
Meets 8pm on the fourth Monday of the month.
We have interesting speakers, competitions and outings.
For more information call Gaynore Robson on 9818 6601
or visit
We are a local club with members from the eastern suburbs,
with activities covering a wide range of lapidary interests. We
teach gem cutting and silversmithing and a mineral group for
those intrigued by the details of crystals and their structure.
Our clubrooms in Mt Waverley have facilities for training in
our activities. Phone Gwen, 9808 7510 or 9830 8046
or visit
Society of Folk & Decorative Artists of Victoria
(SFDAV) he society meets at the Craig Centre, Samarinda
Ave, Ashburton on the 4th Sunday of the month and caters to
the needs of folk and decorative artists.
Visit for more information.
Burwood Uniting Church Easter Services
Palm Sunday April 1, 10am Family Worship
Holy Week Services at 7.30pm:
Monday April 2, Choral Relection
Tuesday & Wed April 3 & 4, Easter Meditation
hursday April 5, Maundy Service
Good Friday April 6, 9.30am Relective Worship
Easter Day Celebration Sunday April 8, 10am
BUC welcomes all to all services.
The Travelogue Club at Camberwell
Meets 2pm last Friday of the month at Chambly Community
Centre, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell.
Seniors and retirees interested in travel and photography.
Our guest speakers will take you to various parts of the world,
visually relating their travel experiences for about one hour.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 7509
Craftworkers Social Club
Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood
Bring a craft project, share ideas, techniques and resources and
chat over a cup of tea. All skill levels and ages are welcome.
$2.50 a session plus a $7 annual fee. Every 1st, 3rd & 5th (if
there is one) Wednesday of the month. 10am–1pm or just
come for an hour or two.
Enquiries: BNH 9808 6292 or Cathy Weaver . .. .. ..9808 4069
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
The Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc.
Meets at he Box Hill Community Arts Centre.
A warm welcome to all who are interested in stitching to attend
one of our meetings. Saturdays 10am–3pm, Wednesday (2nd
each month) 11am–3pm, Wednesday (3rd each month)
7pm–10pm. Please contact . . . . . . . . . Anne 97283256.
Waverley Arts Society
Mt Waverley Community Centre, 47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
(opposite Mt Waverley Railway Station).
Meets 7.30pm, 3rd Wednesday of the month (except Dec and Jan).
At each meeting we have a professional artist demonstrate.
We ofer Tuition in Life Drawing, Portraiture, Watercolour,
Drawing Fundamentals, Pottery and Decorative Art. Classes
also available for children during school term.
We also have a Contemporary Art Group (DARE).
Waverley Scale Modellers Club
Wadham House, 52 Wadham Pde, Mount Waverley (behind
the library). We meet at on the second Tuesday of each month,
February to December, 7.30pm–10.30pm.
A non-proit community organisation for Scale Model builders.
• Bowling Clubs
Burwood District Bowls Club
Two sites: grass and synthetic. Coaching available by
experienced coaches. Ladies and men’s pennant sides, social
bowls, indoor carpet bowls in winter
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 5931
• Children’s Activities and Childcare
Camberwell Childcare Association
Cnr Aird St & Riversdale Rd, Camberwell
Activity gRoUP
Wednesday 12.45pm – 3.15pm
Camberwell Childcare Association Inc: a supervised Activity
Group for toddlers and pre-schoolers. All sessions are run by
experienced staf. Phone Anne Marie . . . . . . . .9889 6002
Uniting Care Connections
St James Uniting Church Wattle Park, Forsyth Hall
1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill South (Melway 61 C3)
10–11.45am Mondays. Contact Margaret Ashby .. ..9808 5657
3-year-old - hursday, Friday
4-year-old – Monday, Tuesday Wednesday
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 4495
St Matt’s Cats
A chRiStiAn PlAygRoUP FoR cARERS AnD totS
St Matthew’s Anglican Church, 334 High St, Ashburton
hursday during school terms from 10.30am–12.30pm
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . Leonie 9802 6406 or 0414 547 952
Kids Club at St Thomas’
St homas’ Anglican Church, 44 Station St, Burwood
Every hursday, 3.30–6.30pm, $5 per session, dinner included.
Suitable for primary school aged children up to Year 6.
For more information, contact Heather. . . . . 0416256485.
St Luke’s
Camberwell Central Bowls Club
Cnr Bowen and Trumper streets, Camberwell
We have both regular & occasional bowls activities
Saturday & Tuesday pennant sides. Free coaching available!
We bowl all year round on our two grass greens.
Facilities for hire: barefoot bowls & other social functions.
We are a small friendly club.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9889 4456
Ashburton Bowls Club
nEW & ExPERiEncED BoWlERS invitED to Join
1-3 Samarinda Ave, Ashburton
Phone Peter . . . . . . . . . 9802 1660 or David 9560 9598
Bennettswood Bowling Club
coME AnD Join US
179 Station St, Burwood.
Regular Open Days. Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 4373
St Luke’s Uniting Church,94 Essex Road, Mount Waverley
St Luke’s Pre School . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9807 9710
Playgroups at St Luke’s: Melissa . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0409 330 347
Box Hill South Neighbourhood House
47 Kitchener St, Box Hill South, Phone . . . . . .9898 8270
Childcare and hree-year-old Activity groups
· Sessions in a well established Community House,
· Small groups (max 12) encouraging individual participation,
· Support for gradual separation,
· Qualiied local community staf members,
hree-year-old activity group: Mondays 9.15am–12.15pm
Childcare: Tuesday & Wednesday mornings 9.15am–12.15pm
Become a Citizen Advocate
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Community Notices
• Community & Special Interest Groups
Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc.
1/41 Railway Rd, Blackburn.
AIGS is a family history research centre open 5 days a week to
both members and visitors. Mon–Wed & Sat 10am-4pm,
Tue 7-10pm, Fri 1-4pm. Enquiries . . . . . . . . 9877 3789
or email or visit
3WBC: 94.1 FM
Whitehorse Boroondara FM Community Radio Inc.
Tune in to 94.1FM 3WBC for the best locally based
information and music programs. Free publicity for local
non-profit organisations. Contact us for an on-air interview
or to promote your meetings, functions and activities.
Become a sponsor/member/presenter/volunteer.
Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9285 4846, Fax 9285 4849
Email or visit
Lions Club of Boroondara Central
Club Hawthorn, 627 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn. A group of
men and women of varying ages meet over a friendly dinner
the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Enjoy fellowship
and discussion of community projects. For further information
contact Pauline 98360541 or Margaret 0409 389 927.
Camberwell & District National Seniors
3rd hursday of the month, 10am.
Phyllis Hore Room, Kew Library, cnr Cotham Rd & Civic
Dve, Kew. Meet new friends and enjoy our interesting guest
speakers with refreshments. Cost $4. Ph Don 9833 4514
Camberwell City RSL Sub Branch
1st Monday of each month at 1.30pm.
403 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
We have very good guest speakers. From May to November,
soup and a sausage sizzle available at noon, prior to meeting.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9882 5580
Crossroads Victoria
BURWooD hEightS BRAnch
(Christian Fellowship with Disabled Persons)
3rd Saturday of the month, Burwood Heights Uniting Church.
An interdenominational church-based organisation providing
leisure activities for people with disabilities.
Enquiries: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9239 2500
Rotary Club of Box Hill Central
A group of 34 professional women and men who enjoy helping
others in the community, making new friends and sharing
some fun times. Join us for breakfast to see if Rotary is for you
– no charge for your irst 2 visits. We meet for breakfast at
7.30am on Wednesdays at the Box Hill Golf Club.
Call Don Sweeney . .. .. .. .041 114 9459 for more information.
Rotary Club of Mont Albert and Surrey Hills
Ofers community service, friendship and interesting guest
speakers. Meets Tuesdays at Box Hill TAFE Nelson Campus,
6.45 for 7pm. Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0450 472 723
Waverley Kiwanis Club
A coMMUnity SERvicE clUB
7pm at Le Gaulois Restaurant, 260 Blackburn Rd Syndal
he Club meets for dinner on the 2nd and last Wednesdays of
the month. Enquires to Stephen Greene . . . . 0408 357 050
Golden Days Radio 3GDR 95.7 FM
If you enjoy the nostalgic sound of music from the ’30s to the
’60s, then tune in 7.30am–11pm daily. Check the program
guide online at or in he Age Green Guide.
Probus Club of Ashburton Inc.
2nd Wednesday of the month at the Ashburton Bowling Club,
1-3 Samarinda Ave, Ashburton. Easy parking.
A warm, friendly, club of 17 years with an emphasis on fellowship.
Enquiries from recently retired or semi-retired men & women
are welcome. We have excellent guest speakers, lunches, social
events, holidays, day trips and special interest groups. Enquiries
Bob Flanagan, membership oicer . . . . . . . . .9822 2064
Blackburn Lake Ladies Probus Club
1st hursday of the month, 10am–12noon. Manchester Unity
Hall, 8 Main Street, Blackburn. (Melway 47 K12)
New members always welcome at our very friendly club
for ladies semi or full retirees. We have interesting speakers,
theatre mornings, ilm/luncheon mornings, outings, monthly
luncheons and cofee mornings. Give our friendly club a try.
Phone President Yvonne Roy . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 4316
Ladies Probus Club of Blackburn South Inc.
3rd Tuesday of the month 10am-12noon.
Avenue Church Fellowship Hall, he Avenue, Blackburn.
We ofer a range of interesting speakers and a variey of outings
and activities. New members welcome. Ph Helen 9890 8939
Combined Probus Club of Inala, Blackburn South
4thWednesday of themonth 1.15–3pm
Inala Village Auditorium, 220 Middleborough Rd, Blackburn Sth.
We provide opportunity for social contact and friendship for
retirees, men and women. We have a guest speaker at each
meeting followed by afternoon tea. We also arrange lunches,
trips and tours. New members and guests are always welcome.
For further information phone Barry Cairns . . . 9803 3130.
Men’s Probus Club of Box Hill South Inc.
1st Friday of the month, 10am–12noon. St James Uniting
Church Hall, 1201 Riversdale Rd, Box Hill Sth.
Entertaining and informative guest speakers at each meeting.
Group day tours, ‘ilm and lunch’, shows and lunches.
If you are retired or semi-retired and would like new
opportunities to broaden your horizons and make new friends,
we welcome you. Ph Eamonn Ryan.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9898 5647
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Combined Probus Club of Burwood Inc.
1st Wednesday of the month, 9.45am–12noon.
he Whitehorse Club, 298-336 Burwood Hwy, Burwood East
(Melway 62 B7).
Very friendly mixed club for semi or full retirees. Monthly
speakers, theatre, outings, dine-outs and many special interest
groups. Easy parking, or catch the 75 tram. Lots of fun, so give
us a try! Phone president Beverley Grigg . . . . . . 9889 7137
Camberwell Ladies Probus Club
1st Tuesday of the month, 10am.
Evergreen Senior Citizens club, Talbot ave Balwyn.
Activities include guest speakers, monthly day trips, cinema
visits, craft and card groups. New members welcome.
Phone Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9836 4118
Probus Club of Chatham (cAMBERWEll AnD DiStRictS)
1st Wednesday of the month at 10am.
Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen Street, Camberwell.
Mixed club with interesting speakers and a variety of activities
and outings. We are very welcoming to new members.
here is no joining fee, the annual subscription is $40.
Contact Secretary, Judith Clarke on . . . . . . . .9885 1444
Association of Independent Retirees
2nd Monday each month at 2pm. Odd months Mt Waverley
Youth Centre, Miller Cres (Mel 61E2); even months Alvie
Hall, cnr High Street Rd & Alvie Rd, Mt Waverley (Mel
61D11). Membership is open to any retired person who is
self-funded or receives a partial government pension. he
Association is non-party political and is stafed by volunteers.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9803 4563 or 9807 7663
The Australian Shareholders Association
3rd Tuesday of the month, 10am, Feb–Nov,
Wheelers Hill Library, cnr Jells & Ferntree Gully roads.
he Australian Shareholders’ Association (ASA), a not-forproit organisation, has been protecting and advancing the
rights of shareholders in Australian listed companies since
1960. With a focus on good company performance and
governance, the ASA has been successful in raising the standard
of corporate behaviour in Australia.
he ASA is also a strong campaigner for improving the
inancial knowledge of members and shareholders generally.
We provide access to value for money, independent education
seminars and workshops. Most meetings we have a guest
speaker, speaking on investment topics.
Visitors welcome. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 7166
Men’s Probus Club of Glenferrie
Whitehorse Ratepayers & Residents Assoc. Inc.
3rd Friday of the month, 10am–noon
Kew Heights Sports Club, 397 Barkers Rd Kew.
Interesting speakers, many activities to choose from, plus lots
of social events. Joining fee $40. New members are welcome.
Come and visit us this month. Enquires Peter 0417554841
Do you have a keen interest in what is going on and what
needs to be said in Whitehorse? WRARA is a voluntary support
group for ratepayers and residents. It seeks transparency and
accountability in municipal afairs and governance, and can
advocate for your group on community matters. WRARA
also provides education on matters of governance and opens
public debate on issues. Become a member and support your
community interests. Enquiries to
or contact Peter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9874 0784
Hawthorn Ladies Probus Club
1st Monday of every month at 10am
Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen St Camberwell.
New members are very welcome. Margaret . . . .9509 9585
Monash Men’s Shed
Combined Probus Of Whitehorse Inc.
1st Monday of the month, 10am–12noon.
Horticultural Hall, Jolimont Rd, Forest Hill
Easy access parking. Small, friendly club, we welcome new
members. Interesting and informative speakers, social activities
include day trips, theatre, dine-outs, cards and fun illed getaways to interesting places. If you would like to come along
please contact president Margaret Edgington 9884-8482
or membership secretary, Evelyn O’Keefe . . . . 9762-2468
Association of Independent Retirees
1st Friday of the month (except January) at 10am
Senior Citizens Centre, Silver Grove, Nunawading.
he Association of Independent Retirees is an Australia-wide
voluntary not-for-proit advocacy group for people who are
fully or partially self-funded in retirement.
here is a guest speaker at each meeting. Visitors are welcome.
For details phone . . . . . . . . . . 9874 3143 or 9894 1989.
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
77 Bogong Ave, Bogong Reserve, Glen Waverley.
Monday–hursday, 9.30am–1.30pm. We have all sorts of
activities for men of all ages: woodworking, leadlighting and
many other activities, or just have a chat and a cuppa. Why not
drop in and see for yourself whether the Monash Men’s Shed is
for you. Phone: 9561 8557 or email
A community brass band
in the City of Monash.
Rehearsals in Oakleigh
Mondays 8-10pm
New players all ages welcome.
Instruments and tuition available.
Previous experience in brass
bands not essential.
Ring Brian 9807 9624
Community Notices
• Dance
Education / Self Improvement
Scottish Country Dancing
Computer Savvy Seniors
Box hill AnD DiStRict ScottiSh SociEty
ARE yoU intEREStED in lEARning coMPUtER BASicS?
Hartwell Church of Christ, cnr Highield Rd & Milverton St,
Hartwell. (Melway 60 E5) No. 75 tram, Stop 53
Tuesday evenings March–November. Beginners 7 - 7.45pm,
Mixed 8-10 pm; a social dance every 4th Tuesday. Donation,
$7. Come alone, with a partner or group with any or no
dancing background. Flat, soft shoes.
Please ring Susie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9459 8503
A peer training program for seniors, no experience required.
You will be matched with a peer trainer who will start with
absolute basics, teach you about word processing, internet and
email. Training is free and can be held at a Boroondara library,
an aged care facility or your home.
For information contact Ellen Caswell . . . . . . .9278 4674
or email
Scottish Country Dancing
Broadband For Seniors
DEEPDEnE ScottiSh coUntRy DAncERS
Paton Memorial Hall, 958 Burke Rd, Deepdene (Mel 45 K7
Classes every Monday 8–10pm, Social Dances 2nd Saturday,
March–December. Come along and have a go. Inexpensive,
fun, social activity that is good for you
Please ring Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 2546
Welsh Dance Classes
Christ Church Hall, 1 he Ave, Surrey Hills (Melway 46 H11)
2pm–4.30pm on Sunday afternoons once a month.
Admission by donation, $5. Contact Ian . . . . . .9878 2414
Dance for Fitness
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Mondays, 1.30pm – 2.30pm. Have fun and get it at the same
time! Low impact informal dance class for those who don’t like
the gym. Phone . . . . 9895 8888 or visit
Round Dancing
Learn to dance individual steps, then put them together to
dance round the room. 7.30pm every Friday at Forest Hill.
Singles, couples and seniors welcome. Phone Fiona, 9802 5087
or visit
Box Hill Ballet Association Inc.
A non-proit, community based organisation providing classes
in Classical ballet (Cecchetti), Jazz, Tap, Folk and Wu Tao.
Classes held at BHCAC, and ‘he Studio’ (he median strip,
Whitehorse Rd, opposite theTown Hall). Students from 4
years. Adult classes available. A happy, friendly and welcoming
school, proudly supported by the City of Whitehorse.
Enquiries . . . . . . 94343368 or visit
English Country Dancing
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood St,
Burwood. Tuesdays 8pm–10pm, cost $5.
hink of “Pride and Prejudice” & you will have an idea of the
style of dancing you will learn here. Dances are done in various
set & combinations & most are quite gentle.
All dances are taught, partners not necessary, individuals are
most welcome. Flat-soled shoes recommended (not rubber
soled). More information, call George . . . . . . .9890 5650
Samarinda Aged Services, Ashburton, hosts a Broadband
for Seniors Kiosk – a joint initiative between the Federal
Government and NEC – for anyone over 50 interested
in learning new technology to stay in touch with friends
and family. he kiosk is free and volunteers provide initial
tutoring and assistance as users become more conident. he
kiosk operates Tuesdays 10am–noon, Wednesdays 10.30am–
12.30pm and Saturdays 10am–noon. Bookings essential. Call
to make an appointment 9885 0062
Glen Iris Toastmasters
Meets at the Glen Iris Uniting Church Community Centre,
200 Glen Iris Rd, Glen Iris. Improve your communication
and leadership skills, whether for work or social. Phone Anna
Vandenberg, 9839 4195 or Mike McNamara 0407 509048
Est.1951 A0003254J
Principal: Jan Turner
* CLASSICAL (Cecchetti Method)
* CREATIVE MOVEMENT for Pre-Schoolers
* WU TAO – Day & Evening classes for Adults
Adult Beginner classes available in all styles
Classes for boys & girls aged 4 to Adult
FOR 2012
Proudly supported by the City of Whitehorse
Enquiries & Enrolments 9434 3368
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Baha’i Community Of Booroondara
PO Box 32 East Kew, 3102
All sessions are free and everyone is welcome. Ph 9815 2020
tRAnqUility ZonE:
Every Sunday at 11am.
Venue: Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn.
Spend some time to let go of the activities and demands of the
week and regain focus and strength for the new week to come.
Relect on inspirational and uplifting words accompanied with
beautiful and soothing music to relax the body, centre the mind
and refresh the spirit.
1st Sunday of each month at 10.30am.
Village Roadshow heatrette, Melbourne State Library,
Entry 3, LaTrobe St, (parking available on LaTrobe St)
An opportunity to relax in a tranquil environment and
relect on diferent themes. Soul Food features music, audiovisual pieces and inspirational readings from various faiths:
indigenous, ancient and modern from the north, south, east
and west. We invite you to take some time out and join us.
inFoRMAtion night - intRoDUction to thE BAhA’i FAith
Hidden Words Bookshop, 351 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn
Come along for a relaxing Friday evening. Learn more about
various aspects of the Baha’i Faith, an opportunity to ask
questions and browse the selection of books and gifts.
Power Talk International
POWERtalk International can help you increase your
self conidence in speaking efectively in public, giving
presentations and leadership skills. Our club ofers a
supportive, stimulating atmosphere We meet at 7.30pm every
2nd and 4th Wednesday in Balwyn. Visitors are welcomed at
our friendly club. Enquiries to Margaret . . . . . .9857 7813
Boroondara Toastmasters
Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood
1st and 3rd hursdays of each month at 7.45pm
Boroondara Toastmasters Club promotes conidence and
self-development through the medium of public speaking.
Enquiries 9888 8061 or
University of the Third Age
• Floral Art / Gardening
Ashburton Floral Art Group
DEMonStRAtionS, hElPFUl hintS AnD FRiEnDShiP
Uniting Church Hall, Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
Meets 3rd Monday of the month at 12.30pm until November.
Fees: $15 annually, plus $2 per session.
Contact Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9802 4462
Box Hill Floral Art Group
Pavilion Room, Box Hill Hawks Football Club (cnr
Middleborough & Whitehorse roads)
Meets 1st hursday of the month at 11am, demonstrations at 1pm.
Everyone welcome to join us at our regular workshops and
enjoy free demonstrations by leading loral artists.
Garden Group 3rd Tuesday at 10am. Enquiries, 9808 6080
Camellia Victoria
East Burwood Uniting Church Hall, cnr Burwood Hwy and
Blackburn Rd, East Burwood.
Meets 2nd Wednesday of the month (March–Nov) at 8pm
Chrysanthemum Society of Victoria Inc.
Amazing blooms at the Chrysanthemum Society of Victoria’s
Annual Show. Weekend May 5–6, see page 45 for details.
Knoxield Church of Christ Hall, Scoresby Road
2nd Saturday of the month (except Jan. & Jul.) at 2.30pm
A specialist society in the cultivation of Chrysanthemums,
primarily to exhibition standards, but also for table decoration
and cut garden lowers. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . 9898 5458
Waverley Garden Club Floral Art Group
Mt Waverley Youth Centre, 45 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
Meets 3rd Tuesday at 7.45pm
Floral Workshops- Come and enjoy a free demonstration by a
leading loral art designer. Join us at our regular workshop and
gain experience to make your own arrangements. Prospective
new members are always welcome. For further information
please contact Elizabeth, 9560 4804 or Maree, 9887 2074
Waverley Garden Club
Waverley Community Centre, Miller Cres, Mt Waverley
Meets at 8pm, 1st Friday of the month. Enjoy guest speakers,
trading table and a friendly atmosphere. Ph 9807 3507
(U3A) hAWthoRn, A coMMUnity SElF-hElP oRgAniSAtion
26 Sinclair Ave, Glen Iris (formerly Glen Iris Bowling Club)
he University of hird Age (U3A) Hawthorn is a community
self-help organisation, providing educational and creative
courses in Boroondara for retired or semi-retired people. No
entry requirements, exams or formal certiicates. here are 90
courses and activities on a broad range of topics such as history,
current afairs, modern languages, science, jewellery making,
painting and Tai Chi. Courses held Monday to Friday. U3A
Hawthorn supports itself with a low annual membership fee;
members attend as many activities as practical.
For information phone 9821 0282, 10.30am–1.30pm M–F
or visit
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Barinna Garden Club, South Blackburn
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 1.30pm
Call Margaret . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9890 6448
Camberwell Morning Garden Club
‘Chambly’, 405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
Meets 2nd hursday of every month Feb–Nov, 9.45am–noon.
Expert speakers on a range of gardening topics, morning tea.
Meet like minds. Annual subscription is $10. Interesting day
trips during the year. For further details . . . . . 9890 7878
Community Notices
• Friendship and Activity Groups
Fitness and Fun
296 High St, Ashburton
Great ways for over 50’s to get it and have fun!
Early Bird Exercise, Gentle Exercises to Music, Line Dancing,
Ballroom Dancing, Steady on Your Feet (falls prevention
exercise program), Tai Chi, Phone Fay on 9885 3815 to book
for an activity or enquire about other programs/activities at
Ashburton Support Services.
Box Hill Senior Citizens Club Inc.
70 Carrington Road, Box Hill
Monday Gentle exercise, Cards, Snooker, Bingo 1.30pm ($3)
Tuesday Chinese Mahjong, Chinese Chess
Wednesday Chinese Mahjong, Chinese Chess, Snooker, Greek
Seniors (10am), hursday Italian Seniors (10am)
Friday Cards, Snooker, Concert or Speaker (($3)
3 course lunch Monday–Friday at 12noon
Enquiries - Hon. Secretary, Shirley Crossley . . . .9890 4979
Camberwell Senior Citizens
405 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell.
For information phone the club Mon & hurs on 9882 6947
or Debbie Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9808 3019
Burwood Community Centre
Burwood Uniting Church, cnr Warrigal Rd & Hyslop St, Burwood
We are open from 1.30pm–3.30pm every Wednesday.
Company and entertainment in a caring atmosphere. All
welcome. For information call Dorothy horpe 9808 2200
Golden Age Senior Citizens Centre
47 Miller Cres, Mt Waverley. Mon–hurs, 9.30am–3pm
Open to senior citizens over the age of 55. Activities include
carpet bowls, cards (Solo and 500), craft, table tennis, snooker
and scrabble. Monthly outings. Phone . . . . . . .9807 7003
Box Hill Senior Citizens’ Club Inc.
Burwood RSL
11 Hyslop St, Burwood
Mondays & hursdays from 12noon – 4pm for social snooker
games. Competition Billiards and snooker on Tuesdays.
Visitors and new members welcome. Club phone: 9889 6283
Secretary Damian Willcox: 9809 5502 or 0403 920 790
Burwood Country Women’s Association
Presbyterian Church Hall, cnr High St & High Street Rd,
Ashburton. Ph. Amanda Williams 9568 1682 (not Mon or Wed)
War Widows & Widowed Mothers’ Association
Burwood branch. Meets RSL Hall, cnr Myrniong & Hyslop Sts,
Burwood, 4th Wednesday of each month at 1pm.
We have a variety of speakers, demonstrations and outings.
Ph. helma Dalrymple 9808 5568 or Noni Wilson 9889 7458
Boroondara Life Activities Club
Salvation Army Citadel, Bowen St, Camberwell.
Monday: table tennis, swimming, card games (Solo), billiards
Tuesday: card games (Bolivia)
Wednesday: golf, luncheon (1st of the month)
hursday: table tennis, scrabble (1st and 3rd of the month)
Friday: dancing, day trips
Every six weeks: Dine Out.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9889 7458 or 9836 8027
Nieuw Holland Social Club
A group for 50+ meets every hursday morning in the
Blackburn Senior Citizens Club, ‘he Pines’, at Central Rd,
Blackburn (a few minutes from the station).
Weekly meetings 9.30am–1.15pm
For more information phone Inge Van Hoek . . .9877 1523
Burwood Evening VIEW Club
voicE, intEREStS AnD EDUcAtion oF WoMEn
Meets at 7pm, 2nd Wednesday monthly at Box Hill Golf Club,
202 Station St, Box Hill Sth. Dinner and guest speaker. Meet
new friends and enjoy interesting speakers. Visitors welcome.
For more information call heresa 0403 992 569 or 9836 1867
Carrington Centre, 79 Carrington Rd, Box Hill
Monday: Gentle exercise, cards, snooker, bingo 1.45pm.
Tuesday: Chinese MahJong
Wednesday: snooker, Chinese MahJong
hursday: snooker
Friday: cards, snooker, concert or speakers (cost $3)
Lunch M–F, 12noon. Annual Subscription $8
Enquiries to Hon. Sec. Shirley Crossley. . . . . . .9890 4979
Burwood Ladies Social Group.
Golden Wattle Day Club
East Malvern RSL Club, Stanley Grose Dve, East Malvern
Every hursday at 10am. Golden Wattle Day Club attracts
about 40 regular members from Ashburton, Ashwood,
Burwood, and Glen Iris, as well as East Malvern. New
members are very welcome. Contact Pat . . . . . .9807 4994
St Scholastica’s Community Centre 348 Burwood Hwy,
Bennettswood. Every Tuesday. Open 6pm eyes down 7pm–
9.30 pm. $3 books all night, 3 sessions. Min $30 games prize.
Jackpot $500 - $2000. BYO nibbles, or hot snacks available.
Ph 9808 1006 or 0410 141 209. Proceeds to the parish.
Looking for something to do? Come and meet new people and
plan outings over tea or cofee.
Fortnightly Tuesday at 1pm.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..9808 6292
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
Home League (Women’s Group)
thE SAlvAtion ARMy cAMBERWEll coRPS
7-11 Bowen St, Camberwell (Melway 59 K3)
We invite you to Home League, an oasis for women of all ages.
Our group ofers enlightenment, encouragement and teaches
us to search for the deeper meaning of life. Meetings are varied
with speakers, bus trips, brunches and musical mornings. We
ofer faith and hope in a practical way. hursday: morning tea
from 10am, meeting at 10.30am. Cost: $1 a week.
Contact Jane 0414 451 228 or he Corps 9889 2468.
Monash Croquet Club
Electra Community Centre, Electra Ave, Ashwood
Social and competitive play in a friendly atmosphere.
Lessons for beginners. Please phone Jean, 9803 3433 or
E: or visit
• Health and Support Groups
OverEaters Anonymous
Do yoU hAvE A PRoBlEM With FooD?
Rowville Uniting Church, cnr Fulham Rd and Bridgewater
Way (Melway 82 A1)
Overeaters Anonymous meets each Saturday, 8.30am–10am
Meetings are free and there are no weigh-ins.
For more information . . . . . . . 5986 2768 or 9874 5527
Personal Helpers and Mentors Program
Level 1 / 12 Hamilton Place, Mt Waverley
PHAMS Monash provides community-based outreach support
for people who are living with a mental illness in the City
of Monash. he program is delivered by Prahran Mission
and aims to build on people’s existing strengths and increase
personal capacity and self reliance in areas such as:
maintaining or acquiring independent living skills
help with accessing transport
support to access other local services
support to access community activities and courses.
Agencies, GPs or other services are welcome to refer and
interested people are encouraged to self refer. he program is
free, open-ended and sets goals to measure aspirations with
outcomes. Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 1846
SUPPoRt gRoUP FoR FAMily AnD FRiEnDS oF AlcoholicS
Meets every Monday at 10.30am in the hall at the rear of
Wesley Uniting Church cnr Station & Oxford Sts, Box Hill.
Free Meditation
Burwood Neighbourhood House, 1 Church St, Burwood.
Meditation is a simple & efective process. Monday 10–11am,
Tuesday 7.30–8.30pm, during school terms.
Require Adult Day Care?
PAnic & AnxiEty DiSoRDERS ASSociAtion victoRiA
Elsie Salter House, 11 Marquis St, Ashburton
Dementia is an illness which can afect a person’s memory,
intellect and personality. We ofer professional care,
encouragement and an interesting variety of activities.
Enquiries to the manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 6426
PADA in Victoria operates the Panic and Anxiety Disorders
Treatment Centre. Individual and group counselling for
all anxiety disorders is provided by experienced and caring
psychologists. Specialist child psychologists are available for
children and young people. For a free information brochure or
for further information, please ring PADA on 9889 7355
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria (ARCVic)
Boroondara Community Health Centre,
378 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn (old Post Oice Building next to
the Town Hall).Enter of Kent St. (Melway 45 D10)
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm.
Support Group for suferers of Obsessive Compulsive, Panic,
Anxiety Disorders, Phobias and related stress and depression.
Family members & carers are welcome. Support & social
groups and pen pal service. Email
Further details- Oice: 9886 9233. Helpline: 9886 9377
Warm Water Exercise Classes
Peter James Centre, Mahoneys Rd, Burwood East.
Mulgrave-Monash Self Help Group holds warm water exercise
classes under the strict supervision of a physiotherapist.
Presently there are three classes each Monday and hursday
evening. For further information phone . . . . . .9801 4758
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Parkinson’s Victoria Inc.
Meets at 10am on the last Monday of each month at St Mark’s
Church Hall, corner Burke & Canterbury roads, Camberwell.
For information contact Ruth Harrop . . . . . . .9889 3499
Lanyon Partners
Chartered Accountants
Level 1, 971 Burke Road
Camberwell Vic 3124
P 03 9861 6100
F 03 8678 3997
PO Box 8161
Camberwell North Vic 3124
Community Notices
Kara House Outreach Service
Health for Life Courses
Kara House is a Domestic Violence Support Agency
providing support to women and women with children,
experiencing domestic violence. Kara House also provides
specialised support to women from diverse cultural and
linguistic backgrounds. For assistance please phone 9877 9711
All courses are conducted by qualiied professionals. Over the
coming year courses commencing include: Massage, Sleeping
Solutions, Anxiety Management, Anger Management, Gentle
Exercise for Seniors (ongoing through the year), Yoga (through
the school term), Walking Group (ongoing through the year),
Reducing Road Rage. Costs vary. Our quality courses are
afordable and aim to support people in managing their health
and well being.
Blackburn Take Off Weight Naturally
(T.O.W.N.) Club
Eley Park Community Centre, Eley Rd, Burwood (Melway 61 H5)
Friendly Weight Loss Support. Over 300 clubs Victoria wide
for over 40 years, our not-for-proit weight loss club can help
you. Encouragement in the form of monetary and button
rewards for weight loss.We meet Mondays, 9.30–11.30am.
For information phone Rene Gale. . . . . . . . . .9874 4043
Boroondara Lupus Support Group
Balwyn Library meeting room.
Meets 2nd Wednesday each month at 1.30pm.
his group is for people living with Lupus and associated
auto-immune conditions. It also welcomes family and friends.
We provide information support, seminars and regular guest
speakers. Arthritis Victoria (the oicial organisation for Lupus
Victoria) also provides ongoing advice, support and speakers.
Meetings are free and afternoon tea is provided.
For further information please contact:
Maggie Kandi on 9817 2316 or
or Clare Hopkins on 9809 4998 or
Seniors Register
MonASh volUntEER RESoURcE cEntRE
A Seniors Register, a joint initiative between Monash Volunteer
Resource Centre, City of Monash and the Mt Waverley and
Glen Waverley police, has commenced in this area.
Contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre. . . 9562 0414
MS Support Group
thE WEll WoMEn’S gRoUP
Burwood Neighbourhood House.
Meets monthly on a Saturday afternoon.
We provide a safe, understanding, nurturing and empowering
environment where women diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis
can explore diferent natural approaches to wellness. If you
would like to join us, phone Jenni . . . . . . . 0425 740 927
Healthy Bones Group
Information and support through newsletters and meetings
every second month. If you can’t attend meetings (held at Mt
Waverley Youth Centre) you can register for the newsletter.
For information on this friendly and informative group,
ring Carole on 95688727 or email:
MASSAgE SERvicE At Box hill hoSPitAl.
Health Promotion ofer Massage herapists at reduced costs: 1
hour $50, $45 Conc., ½ hour $35, $30 conc.
Work cover: $44.80 initial consultation, $30.10 standard
givE UP SMoking
Eastern Health has established Tobacco-free clinics at Box Hill
and Maroondah Hospitals to help assist give up smoking. hey
are run by specially trained staf who will work with you to
speciically tailor a program to meet your needs.
For further information about the courses go to the website at:
Or contact the Health Promotions Unit . . . . . .9895 4947
Men’s Group
Meets fortnightly on Monday evenings at Camcare in
Camberwell. Men’s Groups encourage men of all kinds and
ages to discuss issues such as relationships, fathering, personal
growth, work stress and health in supportive, conidential and
friendly surroundings. Gold coin donation.
Contact Des 0402 522 261 or email
Betting On A Better Life!
New MonashLink Community Health project
Do you live in the Ashburton-Ashwood-Chadstone
Neighbourhood Renewal area? Are you concerned about yours
or someone else’s gambling? Like to participate in this project
in any way? Activities include community education forums,
storytelling and digital stories project, world dance sessions,
games afternoons…and more! Contact Judy Avisar on
0426 245 897 or 1300 552 509 or
Here2Help Pets
Power Neighbourhood House on Tuesday and Wednesday.
A free pet support program for older people and people with
a disability in Ashwood and Chadstone. Get help with dog
walking, pet grooming and cage cleaning.
Call Leonie on 9807 8789 email
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Community Notices
• History Groups
Burwood History Group
Meets at the former Burwood State School, 172 Burwood
Hwy, Burwood. First Wednesday of each month at 1.30 pm
A book on the history of the Burwood State School is
available for $10 from the Group.
For more information contact Valma Fell . . . . .9808 5482
Box Hill Historical Society Inc.
Strabane Chapel, 29 Strabane Ave, Mont Albert North.
Meets 3rd hursday of each month (from Feb–Nov) at 8pm
Archives open at rear of Box Hill Town Hall each Tuesday
11am - 4pm & 1st Saturday of the month 10am–12noon.
Enquiries . . . . . . 9285 4808 or
Waverley Historical Society Incorporated
Above Mt Waverley library, Miller Cres, Mt. Waverly (lift
now available) If you have a question about the history of
the Waverley area, you are welcome to visit our rooms on a
Wednesday afternoon. Phone Norma . . . . . . . .9802 9332
Email: or visit
Whitehorse Historical Society
Local History Room, Schwerkolt Cottage and Museum,
Deep Creek Rd, Mitcham. Mel 49 D7.
Meeting Saturday April 14, 1.30pm: Speaker Lambos Englazos
on Fromelles. Open for research Wednesdays 10.30–2.30.
All welcome. President, Vicki Jones-Evans. Phone 9873 4946.
Camberwell Historical Society Inc.
Ashburton Library Meeting Room, 154 High St, Ashburton
Meets the fourth Tuesday of February, March, May, July,
September and November. We are a non-proit organisation
dedicated to fostering historical interest and knowledge
particularly of the former City of Camberwell. Excursions,
guest speakers and a quarterly newsletter.
Enquiries to George . . . . . . 9885 9927 or
Interested In Local History?
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc is looking for people to join
our working group and our Committee of Management. Based
at Schwerkolt Cottage and Museum complex in Mitcham, we
provide museum displays and research assistance to the local
community, schools and visitors; focusing on the history of
the Whitehorse area. he complex is accredited by Museums
Australia (Vic). Activities include cataloguing and conservation
of artefacts and documents and museum maintenance
including displays. In-house and external training is provided.
Business, management or board experience would be desirable
for committee positions. Please phone Peter Simmenauer on
9877 0141 or email
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Music & Theatre Groups
Treble Tones
Join a friendly group of ladies who enjoy singing and bringing
the pleasure of music to others. Rehearsals Wednesday
mornings, Burwood area. Come and see what we do.
Contact musical director Lorraine Pollard. . . . 9807 5936
Sing Australia Choir
Camberwell Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Road,
Camberwell. Sing Australia Choir is a community-based choir.
Cost: $5.50. No auditions, just singing fun.
Contact Wendy 9886 9405 or
Our Community Sings
Ashburton Baptist Church, 8 Y St, Ashburton A fun, inclusive,
community strengthening choir. Led by Stefan Cassomenos,
part of With One Voice program. Come along to a rehearsal!
Enquiries to 8679 6088 or email
Box Hill Community Arts Centre Community Choir
470 Station St, Box Hill
Our choir meets on Sundays, 2 – 4pm in Arbour Hall.
No experience needed. Enjoy the casual atmosphere, variety
of songs and a cup of tea! Enrolments essential: $54 per term.
Please phone 9895 8888 or visit
Scotsglen Singers Inc.
We are an all-female community choir who entertain shut-in
folk and raise money for a charity. We rehearse every hursday
afternoon in Glen Waverley and perform regularly in the local
area. he ability to read music is useful but not essential. We
sing in 2/3 parts and are particularly seeking singers in the
lower parts. Contact Elizabeth Adnams . . . . . . .9807 6472
Hartwell Players Inc. Community Theatre
New members always welcome. A genuine communityfocussed theatre, anyone may join. We also encourage
involvement from people interested in technical aspects
(lighting, stage management, sound), front-of-house
(hospitality, ticket box, ushers) and production (programme
design, poster art, sets, props, costumes). Contact secretary
Joanne Watt on 9888 0198 or 0408 366 481
or email
Oakleigh City Band
A brass band in the City of Monash. Players of all ages and
experience welcome. Instruments and tuition available.
Phone Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9807 9624
Australian Boys Choir Auditions
Auburn Uniting Church Hall, 3 Hepburn St, Hawthorn.
Saturday March 17, 12–3pm
Boys aged 7–9 are invited to audition for entry into the
prestigious and internationally acclaimed Australian Boys
Choir. For appointments visit
90 9
So much under one roof-something for all
1 Church Street Burwood 1
Short Courses/Activities Mar,Apr, May
All Welcome
1.00 pm
PLAYGROUP VACANCIES: Large room and backyard . Low fees,
2 hr sessions morning or afternoon. Lots of play equipment, covered
sandpit, cubby. Groups or individuals can apply.
Mothers’ Groups – we have a great room with AC and kitchen,
less than $2 per week to meet.
FRIDAYS 9.30 – 11.30am
Only $ per session
Power of Attorney. Primon Legal
Find out the importance of this document
and why you need it. MAR
ASTHMA Asthma Foundation MAY
Understand, learn the management tips.
Gold coin donation
Afternoon tea provided
Soup & Roll LUNCH
meets Tues 9.30am & 7.30pm only $1 for 4 wks
DANCE Classes – FUN !
1 BALLROOM DANCING for fun and fitness
. LINE DANCING - Ring the office with your interest
- Community Bus Trips from $12
Great venues and lots of fun
12.30pm $8 MEN’S SOCIAL GROUP Tues 10.0am
BURWOOD LADIES SOCIAL GROUP - go on outings to movies, coffee trips or lunch at “the house”
TENNIS - Hit and giggle group
Mon am & Tues pm
Mon 6.30pm
New Feldenkrais Classes, to improve ease of
Mon 9.00am
movement and general wellbeing.
Balance for Seniors Tues 11.30am
Strength Training Tue/Thurs & Friday
Appointments required. Please ring the office
Wed 10.00am
Tai Chi
Thurs 11.30am
New BOWEN THERAPY, $40 per hr by appt.
Zumba Gold Frid 1.0pm
MASSAGE - Shiatsu / Reflexology appt req.
Crystal Relaxation Sessions Tues or Thurs
VACANCIES: In most classes
LEAP : Breast Cancer support group.
Ongoing Classes
Individual & affordable classes, small lab of Beginners, Word, Excel, Intro to MYOB, QUICKBOOKS, MYOB payroll, Internet/e-mail:
WORKSHOPS - 2hr sessions, iPOD Training, iPAD Training, iPhone, Mobile Training, SKYPE,
Twitter, Facebook, Defragging, Digital Photos, eBay * CARD MAKING 4 weeks W/Shop
Day & Evening classes available
Information & Bookings PH:
only $12.50 hour
90 9
* 2 hour classes and workshops
Office Hours 10.00 am – 3.00pm or pick up a program!
Burwood Neighbourhood House celebrate their th Anniversary in September. Asking all
past participants, community members who attended the Burwood Neighbourhood House, to
contact the ofice. Make this your BNH reunion. We invite you to join us! Phone 9808 6292
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Could Meals On Wheels be of help to you
or anyone you know?
Ashburton Support Services delivers Meals On
Wheels (to the area of Boroondara bounded by
Warrigal Rd, Gardiners Creek, Burke Rd, Camberwell
Rd and Toorak Rd) each day, Monday to Friday.
Hot fresh soup, a hot main course and a dessert
always provides a delightful repast. Frozen meals are
provided for weekends and holiday periods.
If such a service would make your life easier and more
enjoyable, please telephone 9885 6443 to learn more.
Burwood Bulletin volunteers
Can you help? We have vacancies for:
Assistant Editor,
Delivery and Distribution helpers,
Advertising Co-ordinator
If you would like to help out
please email:
or phone Susan 9885 3235
Over 50?
BreastScreen Victoria.
It’s important. It’s free.
And it’s close to you.
Convenient appointment times now available.
Call today for your free breast x-ray
13 20 50
hmaBlaze 076849
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Community Centres & Activities
Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre
Bowen Street Community Centre
49 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton
Business Classes: Introduction to Bookkeeping, MYOB, Excel,
MS2010, Conidence, Life Skills & Career Planning.
Certiicate I in Information Technology: Nationally
recognised qualiication. Please ring for an interview.
Computer Training: Ebay, Skype, YouTube, Facebook,
Computer and your Camera, Introduction to Computers.
English As A Second Language: Improve your conidence and
skills in the English Language.
Horticulture Course: Sustainable gardening and developing
your own herb and vegetable garden (qualiied horticulturalist).
Leisure Classes: Yoga, mosaics, pilates, zumba, mandala workshops.
Mens Do It Yourself Group: Meets every hursday 10.30am2.30pm. A supportive group for men to work on woodworking
projects, DIY jobs and creative hobbies. Call Sue on 9885 9401.
Shopping Bus to Chadstone. We take senior citizens in the
Ashburton area to Chadstone every Friday for unassisted
shopping and morning tea. Please phone for bookings
and interview. Check out our Monday shopping trips and
fortnightly Wednesday excursions to local places of interest.
Details: email or phone 9885 9401
102 Bowen St, Camberwell
We ofer a vast array of day and evening courses for adults and
children. For details and enrolments please ring the oice on
9889 0791, email us at
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre
34 Amaroo St, Chadstone
Our centre has a wide range of programs on ofer that include
Kids Karate, Art, Basic Computers, Basic Cooking for 1 or 2,
Community Lunch, Line Dancing and Country & Western
Singing Groups, Occasional Child Care, Garden Club, Tai
Chi, Walking Group, ESL, Ballroom Dancing, and much
more. A meditation class is starting in term 2. Programs will
be mailed out on request. Our premises are wheelchair friendly
and we welcome all people, with no exceptions.
We also ofer the services of a Justice of the Peace.
Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9807 2625 or 9807 0570
Bao Lin Chan (Zen) Monastery
94A High St, Glen Iris, near Ashburton & Glen Iris train stations.
Classes: Chinese calligraphy, Tai Chi, Mandarin, lower
arrangement, vegetarian cooking and children’s meditation.
Free Buddhist Meditation classes in English & Chinese, begins
March 7. Call 9813 8922 or email:
For more information please go to
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House
7 Greenwood St, Burwood
Come along anytime Monday to Friday, 9am–3pm, and take a
look at what is happening at your Neighbourhood House.
Low cost courses and activities: Library Day (read & borrow),
Lunch ‘n’ More, Mah-jong, Parent/Child Groups, Solo, Social
Events, heatre Outings.
Art & Craft: Balloonology Workshops, Beaded Jewellery,
Community Craft Group, Craft Group for Uninished
Projects, Drawing & Watercolour Painting, Felting Workshops,
Leadlight, Stamping & Card Making
Music & Dance: English Country Dancing, Harp Group &
Tuition, Music for Tinies, Singing Tuition in Group or Individual
Health & Wellbeing: Gentle Exercises to Music, Massage,
Seniors on the Move, Strength Training, Walking, Yoga
Skills: Asian Cooking Demonstrations, Computer & Internet.
Phone: 9888 0234 or email:
Box Hill Community Arts Centre
470 Station St, Box Hill
Call . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9895 8888 for information.
Box Hill South Neighbourhood House
47 Kitchener St, Box Hill Sth,
Weekdays: Exercises with weights, watercolour painting,
individual computer classes, EBay workshops, gardening, slow
walkers group, community lunches, cryptic crosswords for
beginners, what to do with your digital camera photos, English
as a second language, aerobic classes, mobile phone training for
seniors, craft, morning childcare, Friday morning playgroup,
mums and babies and three year old kinder group.
Weeknights: Pilates, Spanish, watercolour painting, book
club, yoga, yoga for over 50s, French , self help folk art and oil
painting group
Weekends: Pilates, Japanese children’s activity group, writers
group, and Sunday excursions. Room hire available. New
programs each term. Contact us for your copy today!
Oice hours 9am–2pm school terms.
Phone . . . . . 9898 8270 or email:
Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre
171 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury
Contact us for a detailed program guide and further
information between 9.30am–3.30pm, Mon, Tue, hur,
and 9.30am–12.30pm Wed and Fri or visit our website.
We welcome all your enquiries and interest.
Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9830 4214
Surrey Hills Neighbourhood Centre Inc
157 Union Rd, Surrey Hills
Call 9890 2467 for program,
Waverley Community Learning Centre
5 Fleet St, Mt Waverley
Classes include: Art, Creative Writing, CPR and First Aid,
English for migrants, Introduction to Computers, Spanish,
French and German, Pottery, Latin Limba, Literature Studies,
Digital Photography, Dressmaking, Crochet, Mosaics,
Calligraphy, Gentle Exercise, Strength training, Pilates, Hatha
Yoga. Groups - Walking, Cycling, Craft, Laughter, Community
Singing and lots more. Interested in a new hursday Latin
Limba? Oice Hours 9am–4pm, phone . . . . . .9807 6011
Venue for hire
St Scholastica’s community centre, a great venue in a great
location venue for hire. Jenny Williams, . .. .. .. .. 0448 040 111
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Volunteers–The Vital Link
volUntEERing EnhAncES yoUR liFE AnD it’S FUn
You meet new people, you’re doing an important job and you
are making a diference. To ind out more about volunteering,
contact Monash Volunteer Resource Centre Inc.
5 Myrtle St, Glen Waverley. Phone . . . . . . . . .9562 0414
Alzheimer’s Australia
thinking oF volUntEERing?
Alzheimer’s Australia Vic. Hawthorn.
Join our team of volunteers who provide telephone support and
information about memory loss and dementia.
Training provided. For further information phone
Judith Allen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9815 7847
Hartwell Players – good with sewing?
Based at Ashwood College, Hartwell Players Inc would love
to hear from people with sewing skill or an interest in fashion
or design to assist with the fun task of costuming plays for our
community theatre. We ofer a varied program, with costume
production required sometimes, or sourcing something suitable
or adapting an existing garment. We are a friendly bunch with a
broad theatre interest and would love to hear from you and we
have a decent costume resource to kick us of to a great start!
Joanne Watt, Secretary . . . . . 9888 0198 or 0408 366 481
Are you ABLE to lend a hand?
Activities include:
• Art, craft, cooking, gardening and music therapy programs.
• Recreation programs, fun days and social outings into the
• Assisting people with sensory impairments and other
disabilities with daily chores, reading newspapers, exercising or
accessing local shops or amenities.
• Support in fundraising, administration and events.
If you are willing and able to help support people with
deafblindness and other combined disabilities, Able Australia
ofers volunteer positions in many areas of creative and
professional interest.
Contact: Emely McCord . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300 225 369
Seniors Register Volunteers
ASSiSting SEnioR MEMBERS oF thE coMMUnity to FEEl SAFE
Would you like to volunteer with the Seniors Register?
he Seniors Register has commenced in the Mount Waverley
and Glen Waverley areas of the City of Monash.
Further details can be obtained by phoning
Monash Volunteer Resource Centre . . . . . . . .9562 0414
Melbourne City Mission
thE coMMUnity FRiEnD PRogRAM
Volunteers are needed to donate a couple of hours a week to
spend with a person who has a disability and really needs a friend.
If this interests you, call the program coordinators,
Shane or Tracie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9488 1203
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
Volunteer Alliance
Volunteer Alliance Ashburton recruits local volunteers for
community services in the Ashburton area. Now available:
• Kitchen Assistant, Tuesdays 10–2.30, helping staf at friendly
dementia care day centre. Food safety exp. preferred.
• Ashy Op Shop: Saturday assistants to help with sales and
donations. Also pickup teams for stock donations.
• Drivers for social transport, excursions, or Meals on Wheels,
for local Ashburton/Ashwood clients.
• Board member, marketing skills, for local aged care service.
Make a diference, contact Margaret today on 9885 3815
Eastern Volunteer Resource Centre
We are a non-proit agency that has several programs, one
which is a transport service for people who are no longer
able to drive themselves but still live independently at home.
Volunteer drivers take people to various appointments such
as doctor’s, social outings and even shopping. Each driver is
reimbursed for petrol costs if they want to drive their own
vehicle. Oice cars are also available for use. It could be half a
day or a full day–any help is very much appreciated. Please call
to discuss this and other options that may be available to you.
You can phone Mary or Margaret on . . . . . . . .9870 7822
Markets, Community
Fetes & Community
• Markets, Fetes, Festivals
• Community Shopping
Ashburton Primary School’s Grand Fair.
Lions Club of Boroondara Central – Op Shop
Fakenham Rd, Ashburton.
Sunday March 18, 10am–4pm
Celebrate our world at the Ashburton International Fair and
ind great adventures with exciting rides and activities –he
Cyclone, Giant Super Slide, Chair-O-Plane, Circus Train
inlatable obstacle, Cup and Saucer, GI Jane Eliminator and the
Octopus ride. (Meet children’s author Adam Wallace and bring
along your favourite book for Adam to sign.) It is the place
to be: we have face painting, used toys and clothing, books,
sporting goods and fantastic silent auction items, great food
and drink, music and free entertainment. here are many new
additional fantastic stores and activities to explore.
Contact 9885 2559 or visit
1350C Toorak Rd, Camberwell (500m west of Warrigal Rd)
Large range of bric-a-brac, clothes, furniture, electrical
goods etc. Stafed entirely by volunteers, all proceeds to our
community. Mon–Fri 10.30am–4.30pm, Sat 9.30–12.30pm.
Treasures @ Trinity
hird Saturday of the month 10am–1pm.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 177 Union Rd, Surrey Hills
An indoor boutique craft market and sausage sizzle. Handmade
(or home grown) items: home accessories, embroidered and
smocked craft, jewellery, baby goods, cards, cakes, wine and
lots more. Enquiries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9808 0323.
Chrysanthemum Show
Burwood Heights Uniting Church Hall (Melway Map 61, K7)
Saturday May 5, 1–5.30pm, Sunday May 6, 11am–4pm.
Amazing blooms at the Chrysanthemum Society of Victoria’s
Annual Show. Entry $3. Flowers for sale. Enquiries: 9898 5458
• Farmers’ Markets
Boroondara Farmers’ Market
hird Saturday of the month, 8am–1pm
Patterson Reserve, Auburn Rd, Hawthorn. Entry $2 donation.
Taste and purchase fresh pasta, organic fruit and vegetables,
and more. he produce comes fresh from all over Victoria and
is sold from 60 stalls. Phone Elisa Grassa . . . . . .9278 4814
Golden Opportunity Shop
Just by Ashburton Station. Proits support Ashburton Support
Services and our elderly local residents.
Contact Sybella Sullivan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9885 6426
Friends of Same
he Same Cofee Project (East Timor)
Friends of Same (pronounced sah-may) is a community based
group which funds vital development work in East Timor.
We sell delicious Timorese blended cofee at local outlets. We
are based at Hawthorn Community House and welcome new
members, volunteers and subscribers. For more 9819 2629, email
The House Of Books
508 Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham (Next to St John’s School/Church)
he House is not-for-proit & stafed by volunteers with all
books donated. Funds raised are returned to local community
services. Average prices $1–2.. Enquiries . . . . . .9874 2389
Open Mon–Fri 10am–4pm, Saturday 10am–1pm.
The Salvation Army Thrift Shop
401-403 High St, Ashburton. Melways 60, G10.
Our 3rd ‘birthday’ was February 6. To celebrate we had a
Monster Birthday Sale at 50% of. Remember to call in and
enquire about our next bargain sale! Our sincere thanks to
our customers for your support. We do value your donations
and patronage of the hrift Shop- it means we can maintain
our programs assisting the people of Boroondara. Please leave
donations behind the shop 8.30am–4.30pm M–F, 9am–1pm
Saturday. We accept electrical equipment (no TVs or monitors).
Volunteers most welcome. Ring Helen or Chris 9885 4965.
Whitehorse Farmers’ Market
Second Sunday of the month 8am–1pm
Whitehorse Civic Centre, 379 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading.
Fresh produce from farms straight to you. Proceeds used by
Rotary for local community projects. Phone . . . .9539 2443
his is a plastic bag-free market.
Ashwood Farmers’ Market
hird Sunday of every month
Ashwood College, Vannam Dve, Ashwood. $2, children free.
Animal farm, jumping castle & live music throughout the day.
Fresh vegetables, cheese, meat, deli foods, plants and much more.
Ashwood/Chadstone Community Fruit & Veg Market
Every Monday afternoon from 2–4pm
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre, 34 Amaroo St, Chadstone.
Ph . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9807 2625 or email
Amaroo Op-Shop
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre, 34 Amaroo St, Chadstone
For information contact, Joan Garde . . . . . . . .9807 0570
Animal Liberation Op-Shop
1355 Toorak Rd, Camberwell. Mon–Sat 11am–5pm
Shop, donate, recycle, help animals. Nothing over $20
Quality new & recycled clothing, books, jewellery and more.
Animal Liberation Victoria is dedicated to helping all animals.
We can pick up donations . .. .. .. .. .. .. .9889 9435, shop hours
Rotary Recycle – Opportunity Shop
192 Elgar Road, Box Hill South - next to the Post Oice
Excellent range of books, bric-a-brac and ladies wear.
Stafed by volunteers, all proits go to community projects.
Wednesday to Friday 10am–4pm and Saturday 10am–1pm.
March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Arts & Entertainment
• Art
• Concerts and Performances
Amaroo Annual Art Show
The Boite
34 Amaroo Street, Chadstone.
Saturday April 14 and Sunday April 15, 10am–4pm
Amaroo Neighbourhood Centre Inc.are holding their 20th
Annual Art Show. Tea, cofee, cakes and sandwiches will be
available. he Show will open with a pre-selection evening on
Friday April 13 at 7pm.
Open to all artists, for exhibitors forms call . . . .98072625.
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Bookings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .9417 1983 or
• Theatre and Film
The Hartwell Players Inc.
Ashwood College Performing Arts Centre, Vannam Drive,
Ashwood. (Of High St) Mel 60 J10.
Melbourne’s Oldest Community heatre, est. 1938.
Bookings: or .. .. ..9513 9581
The Camberwell Film Society
Camberwell Community Centre, 33 Fairholm Grove,
Camberwell. Mel 59 J1.
Invitation to new members. he Camberwell Film Society
meets on the third Wednesday of each month, February to
November. Screenings at 7.30pm.
Phone Bill Kerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9347 6969
Concerts at the Junction
Camberwell Music Society
Camberwell Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Rd, Camberwell
A non-proit organization presenting quality music at
reasonable cost in a friendly atmosphere.
Morning Concerts: Tuesday March 20 at 10.30am
Six Degrees of Separation – Music of Les Six: Soprano Vivien
Hamilton and pianist Len Vorster present a program of French
musical delicacies. Featuring songs by Debussy, Poulenc, Satie,
Kurt Weill, Edith Piaf and others.
Evening Concert: Saturday April 28 at 7.30pm
Trio Anima Mundi: Kenji Fujimura (piano), Rochelle Bryson
(violin) and Miranda Brockman (cello) play a dynamic mix of
music by Max d’Ollane, Haydn and Piazzolla.
Tickets at door, $18, $15 Conc. Subscription $40 (3 concerts).
New brochure now available
For more information.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9882 4560 or 9889 2363
Surrey Hills Music Cafe
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station St, Box Hill
Still the last Friday in the month.
Admission is $16, with tickets available through Whitehorse
Ticket Oice, 10am–4pm . . . . . . . .9262 6555 or online.
The Treble Tones Ladies’ Choir
he Treble Tones Ladies’ Choir will be holding its annual
concert in May (our 50th anniversary)!
Secretary Margaret 9889 4003 or 0407 881 145
Whitehorse Orchestra Concert
James Tatoulis Auditorium, MLC School,
Cnr Barkers & Glenferrie Rds, Kew.
Saturday March 31, 2.30pm
Featuring English composers: he Young Person’s Guide to the
Orchestra by Benjamin Britten will be a highlight.
English favourites for violin and voice will feature soloists
Philip Carrington on violin and Emily Lanham, voice.
Phone 98986809 or
Fortnightly Concerts
Ashburton Support Services, 296 High St, Ashburton
Come and enjoy fortnightly concerts, includes afternoon tea
Wednesdays 1.30-3pm fee $5. Phone . . . . . . 9885 3815
Baker Street Studios
2A Florence St Burwood. Pianist Jeremy Woolhouse in concert:
Friday 23rd March: solo piano
hursday March 29 and Wednesday April 4: duet with
guitarist James Sherlock.
Friday & Saturday April 13-14: duet, bassist Shannon Birchall.
Doors open 7.30pm. Concerts start at 8pm
Tickets $70 ($75 on 13–14 April), incl. drinks & refreshments.
Bookings essential from or 8689 9910.
Artist information at
Burwood Bulletin March–May 2012
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March–May 2012 Burwood Bulletin
Burwood Village
Sunday 6th May 2012
10am until 3pm
Animal Farm
& Rides
Games & Fun
Arts &
Celebrating Our Community
The Burwood Village, where Toorak Road begins.
Supported by:
Find us on: