Announcing – - Sarcoma Alliance


Announcing – - Sarcoma Alliance
July 2015
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead (1901 to 1978) quote from U.S./World news)
In the summer of 2005 Sharon Anderson, LMS Advocate, Arthur Beckert, The Sarcoma Alliance, Jody
Cummings, The Sarcoma Foundation of America and Gilles Frydman, ACOR met to talk about how
sarcoma advocacy organizations could become more effective. From this meeting the first ever summit of
advocacy organizations was held in conjunction with the Connective Tissue Oncology Society annual
conference in Boca Raton, Florida, November 2005. Twenty-seven individuals representing 14
organizations agreed to collaborate on issues affecting all sarcoma patients. The International Sarcoma
Patient Advocacy Network (iSPAN) was founded to increase effectiveness and coordination of activities to
improve care for all sarcoma survivors. This directory was a result of this meeting.
iSPAN – International Sarcoma Patient Advocate Network
- One Unified Voice for Sarcoma
Every day, new sarcoma foundations are springing up. iSPAN's mission is to support and strengthen all
our mutual efforts & effectiveness. iSPAN was launched as a collaboration summit with the directors of
sarcoma patient advocate organizations.
For the first time, the directors and key leaders of sarcoma advocate foundations and organizations came
together to:
Learn about each organization's unique role, efforts and contributions;
Establish a communication network between all groups;
Discuss current developments, issues and needs for sarcoma advocates;
Define mutual goals and collaborative strategies.
iSPAN Discussion Group
iSPAN also has a private discussion group for sarcoma foundation representatives. We use this forum to
keep ourselves aware, educated and mobilized by sharing legislative alerts, research & patient resources.
We also work together in task force committees on mutual goals and strategies, which will maximize our
efforts & benefit us all.
To join the iSPAN discussion group go to:
Novartis Oncology played an important role by providing funding for the meeting
and the subsequent publication of this directory; for this, everyone in the sarcoma
community extends their most heartfelt thanks.
Directory of Sarcoma Patient Advocacy
Organizations and Foundations
Note: Organizations with changes since last publication are listed on the last page of the directory
1 Million for Anna Foundation
Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation
Association of Cancer Online Resources
Brian Morden Foundation
Central Wisconsin Sarcoma Support
Children’s Oncology Group
Chordoma Foundation
Cure Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma International (iCureASPS)
Cure Our Children Foundation
Dani’s Foundation
Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation
Ellen C. McCullough Golf Classic
Ensemble contre le GIST
Foster Foundation
Gift to Cure
GIST Cancer Research Fund
GIST Support International
Go4theGoal Foundation
Hope Fund for Sarcoma Research
Jared’s Juggernaut to Cure Sarcomas
Jennifer Hunter Yates Sarcoma Foundation
Karen Wyckoff Rein Sarcoma Fund
Kristen Ann Carr Fund
Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative
Life Raft Group
Link to Beat
LMSarcoma Direct Research Foundation
The National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation
Northwest Sarcoma Foundation
Sarcoma Alliance
Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration
Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Canada
Sarcoma Foundation of American
Sarcoma Patients EuroNet Association
Sarcoma UK
Southeastern Sarcoma Foundation
Steel Lillies Foundation
Stoważyszenie Pomocy Chorym na Mięsaki “Sarcoma”
WWWW Foundation
Appendix – Other Organizations
The Alliance Against Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma
Adam Dealey Foundation for Ewing Sarcoma
Amandalee Fund
Anthony Pilcher Bone Cancer Trust
Backmayer / Hetherington Fund
Betsy Foundation for Sarcoma Research
Carlene Paris Fund for Sarcoma Research
Cure Sarcoma, Japan
GIST Cancer Research Fund
GIST Support UK
Grind for Life Benefit / Mike Rogers Fund
In Memory of Beverly Cohn Fund
In Memory of Vicki Bundock Dowdeswell / Leiomyosarcoma Cancer Research Fund
Jake’s Reindeer Race
Janice and Michael Burk Leiomyosarcoma Research Fund
Jeanette S Moor Leiomyosarcoma Fund
Joanna C Marino Foundation
Joshua Gilbert Rhabdomyosarcoma Appeal
Kylee's Dancing Angels Inc.
Lola’s Love Sarcoma Cancer Foundation
Paula Takacs Foundation for Sarcoma Research
PMC Pan Mass Challenge
Reid R Sacco Memorial Foundation
Richard’s Run for Life
Seth A Bailey Sarcoma Cancer Fund
SOS Desmoid Association
Shawn Thomas Memorial Foundation
The Robert and Heather Urich Sarcoma Foundation
The Shelly Glaspell Schiellerd Ewing’s Sarcoma Fund
The Terry Fox Foundation
Changes Since Last Directory Publication
For additions, corrections, or changes to this directory, please email Alison Olig at the Sarcoma Alliance,
1 Million 4 Anna Foundation
Non-profit status since: January 2012
Public Contact
Name/title: Carol R. Basso, Co-Founder/Director
Address: 15301 Dallas Parkway, Suite 1100, Addison, TX 75001
Phone: 214-986-0009
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education/support
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: TBD
 Ewing’s Sarcoma Research funding
 Ewing’s Sarcoma Community Awareness
 Foundation Facebook Fan Page for Awareness/Sharing
 College Scholarships for Ewing’s Sarcoma Warriors/Survivors
 Anna’s Closet – stocking with adolescent/teen prizes in several hem/onc clinics
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our mission is to eradicate Ewing’s Sarcoma. We will remain vigilant to the needs of suffering adolescents
and their families. We will provide university scholarships for students who have battled, or continue to
battle, the disease. We will fund promising Ewing’s research. Our commitment is to empower young cancer
survivors and warriors in varying stages of their journeys through inspiration, education, and eradication.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Establishment and upkeep of three “Anna’s Closets” providing adolescent/teen gifts to patients in hem/onc
clinic. Successful Book Drive for five libraries in facilities of Children’s Medical Center Dallas and Plano.
Dallas Mavericks Night for Ewing’s patients and survivors. Sponsorship of Blood Drive. 100% of
activities accomplished with 100% volunteer support.
Description Organization’s Events
Scholarship Dinner (May). Awarded 5 college scholarships to five Ewing’s Sarcoma survivors. Golf
Tournament planned for October 2012.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
College Scholarship Recipients, Ewing’s families, and currently evaluating promising research projects with
the help of our Medical Advisory Board.
Non-profit status since: February 2001
Public Contact
Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation
2260 West Holcombe, Suite 174, Houston, Texas 77030
832- 367-WISH (9474)
Executive Director
Name/Title: Melissa Amschwand Bellinger, Director of External Relations & Programs
2260 West Holcombe, Suite 174, Houston, Texas 77030
832- 367-WISH (9474)
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website; includes sarcoma survivor starter notebook for newly diagnosed.
 Patient/caregiver bulletin board; rather than duplicate efforts; ASCF provides funding to ACOR
annually to ensure continuation of the various sarcoma lists Sarcoma research advocacy.
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 Other: ASCF provides tangible support to patients and families affected by sarcoma in the form of its
shared families program (A temporary short-term housing program offered in Houston, Texas for
patients who seek treatment in the Texas Medical Center). ASCF also works to ensure a greater
community awareness of sarcoma and the needs of those affected by it. Finally ASCF provides
funding (in the form of grants) annually to support your sarcoma researchers in their work.
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus:
The Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation's mission is to ensure the development of effective strategies
for the treatment of sarcoma, the provision of tangible support for these patients, and a greater awareness of
sarcoma and the needs of those affected by it.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments:
 ASCF’s physician scientist’s grants have resulted in the RO1 funding for some of its researchers.
 Increased awareness of sarcoma and the needs of those affected by it. ASCF has successfully and
consistently earned media coverage of its events all of which have included the definition of sarcoma and
information regarding the needs of those affected by this deadly orphan disease. Thousands of persons
new to the cause are reached annually as a result of ASCF related events and activities.
 Ensured annual funding to ACOR since 2001.
 Development of Sarcoma Survivor Starter Notebook and other resources for the newly diagnosed.
 Achieved lasting corporate, clinical and philanthropic partnerships that have enabled ASCF to maximize
its resources and influence.
 Development of the Shared Families program – a Houston-based hospitality house concept providing
short-term temporary housing to patients seeking treatment, follow-up or consultation for sarcoma within
the Texas Medical Center.
Maintained a high level of focus and financial responsibility. Development of a long-term strategic plan
and oversight by the ASCF board of directors has ensured the organization remains true to its mission
and is fiscally responsible.
Description Organization’s Events
Various. ASCF’s annual signature event is Catwalk for a Cure -- an awareness event, fashion show and
luncheon attended annually by approximately 500 local business leaders, clinicians, patients and
philanthropic groups.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Directly, researchers and indirectly, patients via the organization’s tangible support programs.
Non-profit status since: 1996
Public Contact
Gilles Frydman, President
173 Duane St N.Y., N.Y. 10013
Fax: 646-827-9190
Same as above
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Patient/caregiver bulletin board online community
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus:
ACOR is an Internet-based public charity dedicated to improve the quality of care provided to cancer
patients and the quality of life of patients, survivors and their caregivers.
ACOR leverages its wide technological and biomedical resource expertise to be a reliable source of
knowledge, support and community in a relentless worldwide campaign to empower those suffering from the
ACOR achieves its mission by constantly investing in advanced technologies and improving them to:
 Provide uninterrupted open access to a large nexus of online peer support groups (Health
eCommunities) it creates and manages,
 Host a number of exceptional patient-centered websites.
 Conduct breakthrough research.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments:
 One of the largest Internet systems of online medical communities
 Recipient of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation research grant to study the value of its communities
 Very well known and respected in the cancer communication research community. ACOR is now
becoming a partner for various research projects with prime academic institutions.
BeatSarcoma Inc.
Non-profit status since: August 13, 2007
Public Contact
Nathalie Criou, President
76 Ellsworth Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: Annual at this time
 Sarcoma research advocacy and fundraising
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
BeatSarcoma is a volunteer initiative to help increase awareness about sarcomas, raise funds for research and
assist with survivorship issues.
We raise funds to sponsor specific research projects or patient initiatives.
a) We work closely with the medical community to select un-funded high impact projects.
b) Currently 100% of funds raised support sarcoma efforts. As we grow, we will be transparent about our
c) We fund programs hosted by leading non-profit research institutions.
d) We favor fundamental, translational and early clinical research as opposed to late clinical trials. The
funding needs there are greater and the benefits far-reaching.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
BeatSarcoma is in its first year of operation. We have set up a website, produced a video about fertility
preservation for cancer patients raised about $10,000 with our BeatSarcoma 5k Fun Run, and donated 15
books to children with sarcoma in hospitals.
Description Organization’s Events (see website for information)
BeatSarcoma Annual Fun Run: March 29, 2009
Sarcoma Cup – a 2day regatta on San Francisco Bay, August 22 and 23
Sarcom’Art -
Online photostore:
Non-profit status since: March 2003
Public Contact
Dawn Morden
2809 Columbia Dr., Altoona, PA 16602
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: 2-3 times yearly
 Sarcoma research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
 Fund research for the express purpose of finding a cure and/or better treatment for Ewing's Sarcoma.
 Support patients, family, and staff of pediatric oncology units*
 Provide funding for "Brian Morden Memorial" higher education scholarships
*Brian was lovingly cared for at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh, the initial focus of the second BMF goal.
We still plan to contribute in important ways to the oncology unit there, however, we have expanded our
outreach with Brian Baskets and "Issy" bears, sending them to other pediatric cancer patients especially to
those in the Altoona Area, Janet Weis Children's Hospital in Geisinger, and Penn State Children's Hospital in
Hershey where some of our area children are being treated. We have also tried to brighten up the day for
some children from the Ewing's Sarcoma list serve. If you know a child with cancer who could use a "pickme-up," please contact us at We hope to be able to help as many pediatric
oncology patients as possible.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Donated $25,000 to Dr. James Geiger and his research team at the University of Michigan for a pilot
vaccine study
 Sent “Brian Baskets” to Pennsylvania Children’s hospitals every major holiday (Thanksgiving,
Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July and Halloween) since Thanksgiving
 Earned National Recognition for our 2004 Make a Difference Day project “Brian Bags for Halloween”
 Created a Ewing’s Sarcoma Charity Bear – Issy
 Developed other BMF products to raise funds and awareness – please see:
 Secured a donation of 20 laptops for Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh – oncology unit
Description Organization’s Events
Please see:
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
 Dr. James Geiger and his research team at the University of Michigan - $25,000
 Sarah Connelly – 3rd Annual $1000 Brian Morden Memorial Scholarship
 Danica Myers (Ewing’s survivor) – 2nd Annual $1000 Brian Morden Memorial Scholarship
 Josh Applas – 2nd Annual $1000 Brian Morden Memorial Scholarship
 Geo Horvath - 1st $1000 Brian Morden Memorial Scholarship
 Brian Johnson – 1st $1000 Brian Morden Memorial Scholarship
 Pediatric cancer patients at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA
 Pediatric cancer patients at Janet Weis Children's Hospital in Geisinger
 Pediatric cancer patients Penn State Children's Hospital in Hershey
 Children from Ewing's Sarcoma list serve
Non-profit status since: 2004
Public Contact
Richard Nesbitt
400 Columbus Dr., Marshfield, WI 54449
715-384-3489(h) 800-847-0016 ext 73390(w)
Fax: 715-847-3580
Email: or
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver counseling
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Provide education and support for people newly diagnosed with sarcoma
Description Organization’s Events
Walk for Sarcoma Awareness Events August 28, 2004 and June 11, 2005
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Sarcoma Alliance and Sarcoma Foundation of America
Next year I will include Rare Cancer Alliance as a recipient of the fund raising efforts.
Public Contact
Joan Darling, Ph.D., Patient Advocate Committee for Soft Tissue Sarcomas
611 Hazelwood Drive, Lincoln, NE 68511
Tel: 402-489-1353
Email: or
Beryl Gantt, Patient Advocate Committee for Bone Sarcomas
11806 Gaslight Place
Columbia, Maryland 21044Phone: Tel 301-596-6756
Peter C. Adamson, MD, Chairman, Children’s Oncology Group
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
3501 Civic Center Blvd, CTRB 10060
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: (215) 590-6359
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Sarcoma research advocacy (for pediatric cases)
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 NCI committee participation.
 CTOS conference participation.
 Other: Clinical trial development, research and treatment of children and adolescents with cancer
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The Children’s Oncology Group (COG), a National Cancer Institute supported clinical trials group, is the
world’s largest organization devoted exclusively to childhood and adolescent cancer research. The COG
unites more than 8,000 experts in childhood cancer at more than 200 leading children’s hospitals,
universities, and cancer centers across North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe in the fight
against childhood cancer.
Today, more than 90% of 13,500 children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer each year in the United
States are cared for at Children’s Oncology Group member institutions. COG’s unparalleled collaborative
efforts provide the information and support needed to answer important clinical questions in the fight against
The Children’s Oncology Group has nearly 100 active clinical trials open at any given time. These trials
include front-line treatment for many types of childhood cancers, studies aimed at determining the
underlying biology of these diseases, and trials involving new and emerging treatments, supportive care, and
The Children’s Oncology Group research has turned children’s cancer from a virtually incurable disease 50
years ago to one with a combined 5-year survival rate of 80% today. Our goal is to cure all children and
adolescents with cancer, reduce the short and long-term complications of cancer treatments, and determine
the causes and find ways to prevent childhood cancer.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
COG has treated more children with cancer than any other organization in history and has been responsible
for many of the improvements in the treatment and cure rates during the past 40 years. But its most lasting
legacy may be in developing a model of cooperative research.
Description Organization’s Events
COG: Semi-annual meetings (not open to the public); publications including scientific research as well as
educational information for patients, families and survivors. For one example, see:
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
The Children’s Oncology Group is primarily funded by the National Cancer Institute and also receives
additional funding from other granting agencies and from philanthropic sources ( Two
major NCI grants provide core funding: the primary or Chair’s grant supports research operations and funds
personnel at member institutions conducting research, and the statistics and data center grant supports these
essential research functions. Other key grants include the COG Phase 1 Consortium grant, supporting 21
COG institutions charged with early phase clinical trials, and the Community Cancer Oncology Program
(CCOP) grant.
Non-profit status since: 2007
Public Contact
Name/title: Josh Sommer
Address: PO Box 4562, Greensboro, NC 27404
Phone: 919-809-6779
Name: Josh Sommer
Address: PO Box 4562, Greensboro, NC 27404
Phone: 919-794-8506
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: quarterly
 Legislative advocacy.
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 Other : Chordoma Biobank, initiate, manage, and fund research
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our Mission is to improve the lives of chordoma patients by rapidly developing effective treatments and
ultimately a cure for this devastating disease. We lead a coordinated international research effort to
accelerate a cure, while improving the diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for people affected by
We take a big-picture approach to the problem of curing chordoma, ensuring that time and resources are
focused to achieve maximum results as quickly as possible. With the input of a diverse group of experts from
around the world, we have created a roadmap for developing new effective treatments for chordoma, and
serve as the engine to drive this plan forward. Beyond awarding grants, we take an active role in every aspect
of the research process by formulating research priorities, recruiting the best researchers, initiating new
projects, brokering collaborations, and breaking down barriers to progress.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
- Sparked scientific interest in chordoma, and united the chordoma research community through
international chordoma research workshops, co-hosted with NIH
- Connected chordoma patients, family, and friends, through national community conferences
- Launched over a dozen new research projects
- Developed important new scientific tools such as cell lines and animal models
- Creating a chordoma biobank and patient registry
Description Organization’s Events
Hosts yearly research meetings, and patient conferences
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Johns Hopkins University
Duke University
University of Florida
Massachusetts General Hospital
University College London
Istituto di Tumori, Milan
Non-profit status since: not yet
Public Contact
Name/title: Yosef Landesman, PhD
Address: 260 Tappan St., Brookline MA 02445
Phone: 781-466 4411 Fax:
Yosef Landesman, PhD : President and Cancer Research Director
Services provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver bulletin board _ chat Room, _ online support group__yes_
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: _not constant________
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our organization aims to bring together Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma (ASPS) patients, their families and friends who
have a shared interest to find a cure for ASPS. We actively look for institutions and laboratories that are engaged in
research aimed to find a cure for ASPS and support them by funds and shipments of fresh or frozen ASPS tumors from
patients who agree to donate their tumors for research. Our website serves as a platform that provides updated
information about the research and therapies for ASPS patients and their medical caregivers. Using this knowledge,
patients can make better decisions regarding their ASPS treatments. Using our online Forum, members can share their
experiences and get information and group support from the ASPS community all over the world. The information
network thus generated through patients’ communication helps to collect valuable information about this very rare
disease and is a key to the success of finding the best available treatments and ultimately to finding a cure.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
1. Efficient fundraiser
2. Active involvement in opening the first clinical trial for Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma at the Dana Farber
Cancer Institute in Boston
3. Initiating additional studies that may result in more clinical trials at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, or in
other institutions.
4. Creating international support group through our website
Description Organization’s Events
We have a Team of bike riders: “Team ASPS”. The team participates in the PMC bike ride of the Jimmy Fund once a
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
1. Dana Faber Cancer Institute, Boston MA
2. Volcani Center, Israel
Non-profit status since: 1999
Public Contact
Barry Sugerman, President
711 S Carson, Street, Suite 4, Carson City, NV 89701-5299
Fax: 310-454-9592
Barry Sugerman
1730 Michael Lane, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-2037
Fax: 310-454-9592
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trials referral
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
To educate the general public by providing a centralized internet information site to assist parents, families
and caregivers of children who have cancer and other life threatening diseases. This information site will
assist in learning about the child's disease, current treatments, new and developing treatments, and holistic
and complimentary treatment options. The site will also direct the readers to doctors, hospitals and other
experts specializing in particular disease treatment. The web site is located at
To provide the latest educational material to the general public and to health care professionals about early
diagnosis of life threatening diseases affecting children through the internet site, in printed material, and
through public speaking engagements and phone conferences.
To form, operate and maintain a committee of expert doctors and other health care professionals that have
demonstrated outstanding achievement in treatment of children's life threatening diseases, and have those
experts available to counsel children and their families about treatment options.
To provide social, emotional and financial support for children that have life threatening diseases and for
their families and caregivers. This will be in the form of toys, gifts, and grants directly to children, their
families or caregivers.
To support research into new and upcoming cures and remedies for diseases that are life threatening to
children by providing information resources, suggested study protocol comments, and other resources for
worthy research projects.
To support free distribution of a flavoring agent to be added to oral medicines to improve taste so children
will not hesitate taking their medicine.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Numerous original research publications including “Preparing the home for the chemotherapy patient”,
“Disabled sports” and other topics
Description Organization’s Events
Press releases to the national news media when new research is available.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
We use our fund for internal research purposes and periodically for family assistance programs.
Non-profit status since: 1999
Public Contact
Name/title: Michele Ashby, Founder & President
Address: 216 16th Street, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303/601-1881
Name: Martha Simmons, Executive Director
Address: 216 16th Street, Suite 1600, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 303/601-1881
Services Provided
Patient Assistance - Dani’s Foundation offers information, resources and financial assistance grants to US pediatric sarcoma patients to
assist with finding the most current information available and to assist with paying for human welfare needs. For guidelines and
application, email to
Patient/caregiver education website
Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
Patient/caregiver counseling (instituting and continuing to support the Teen Clinic at The Children’s Hospital in Denver, CO)
Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: mail Sarcoma Quarterly 1 time per year. Send out electronic newsletters twice per month.
Legislative advocacy. Issues: Patient Assistance, Education & Research
Member of the CO Kids Cancer Association.
CTOS conference participation.
Other conference participation: Targeted Therapy for Childhood Cancers (Spring 2009) at Georgetown – Michele Ashby presented.
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The mission of Dani’s Foundation, a charitable organization that was formed in 1999, is to find the cause and the cure for sarcomas affecting
children and young adults.
Dani’s Foundation is dedicated to advancing a global initiative that will be aimed at:
Funding research that will find the cause and the cure for sarcomas including Ewing’s Sarcoma (EWS), osteosarcoma and other forms
of sarcomas that affect children and young adults;
Funding studies that will target improved treatment protocols for ALL pediatric cancer patients;
Implementing community education programs that will inform the public-at-large on the symptons of sarcomas;
Providing valuable resource information and financial support for sarcoma patients.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Dani’s Foundation Year By Year Overview
1999 - A memorial fund at The Children's Hospital (TCH) in Denver received approximately $30,000, which was used to fund two Dani's Dine
In Kiosks. Dani's Dine In Kiosks help families and staff order food from nearby restaurants while they are in the hospital.
2000 - Dani's Foundation awarded $18,000 to the Denver Cancer Center at The Children's Hospital in Denver for research aimed at Ewing's
Sarcoma and other pediatric cancers.
2001 - Dani's Foundation awarded $20,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky, at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, providing pilot funding to
extend his research on Ewing's Sarcoma; $10,000 to the new Teen Clinic at The Children's Hospital in
Denver; $5,000 to Dr. Edythe Albano's
research at The Children's Hospital in Denver; $1,000 to the Marchello Fund, a scholarship fund for young cancer survivors.
2002 - Dani's Foundation awarded $5,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to extend his research on Ewing's Sarcoma; $5,000 to Dr. Edythe Albano's
research at The Children's Hospital in Denver; $1,000 to the Marchello Fund.
2003 - Dani's Foundation awarded $5,000 for the continuation of the Teen Clinic at The Children's Hospital in Denver; $5,000 to Dr. Jeffrey
Toretsky to continue his research on Ewing's Sarcoma; $2,000 to the Marchello Fund.
2004 - Thanks to funding support from Dani's Foundation, Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky’s lab discovered a key combination of two
Ewing’s Sarcoma. Dani’s Foundation provided funding for Dr. Toretsky’s lab to create novel peptides to
proteins in
prevent this interaction. In addition, Dani's Foundation awarded $10,000 to Dr. Larry Wiese, at Therapherisis Inc., for research into new
treatments for cancer patients; $5,000 for the continuation of the Teen Clinic at The Children's Hospital in Denver.
2005 - Dani's Foundation awarded $5,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to continue his research on Ewing's Sarcoma.
2006 - Dani's Foundation awarded $2,500 in funding to The Children's Hospital in Denver for the purchase of new DVD players for all patient
rooms in the oncology ward; $5,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to continue his research on Ewing's Sarcoma; $5,000 for the continuation of the Teen
Clinic at The Children's Hospital in Denver; $1,000 to the Marchello Fund.
2007 - Dani's Foundation awarded $10,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to continue his research on Ewing's Sarcoma; $5,000 for the continuation of
the Teen Clinic at The Children's Hospital in Denver; $1,000 to the Marchello Fund.
2008 - Dani’s Foundation awarded $10,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to continue his research on Ewing’s Sarcoma. In addition, Dani’s Foundation
hired its first full-time Executive Director and hosted the first annual EWS Medical Forum in Denver. This meeting brought together medical
and professional advisors, from throughout the nation, to address immediate and long-term research needs that will lead to the eradication of
Ewing’s Sarcoma and the Ewing’s Family of Tumors.
2009 - Dani’s Foundation awarded $10,000 to Dr. JeffreyToretsky to continue his research on novel treatments for Ewing’s Sarcoma.
2010 - Dani’s Foundation Awarded $100,000 to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky to continue his research on novel treatments for Ewing’s Sarcoma and
awarded a $25,000 seed research grant to the Colorado State University Animal Cancer Center for their study of Stereotactic Radiation Therapy
(SRT) for local control of bone tumors.
The Foundation also adopted the development of a Patient Assistance Grant Program that will now be available to
provide financial
assistance to pediatric sarcoma patients and their family members who are financially struggling to pay those bills that are mounting up due to
their cancer diagnosis and treatment.
The Foundation officially launched their much-anticipated STOP LOOK & LIVE community education program that has been designed to
provide pediatric sarcoma symptom information to those individuals who are on the frontlines in dealing with the health and well-being of our
children including school nurses, physical education instructors, coaches, athletic directors and sport trainers with the intent on educating each on
the symptoms of these diseases and encouraging their intervention should any symptom persist for an extended period of time. Initially the
FREE posters and brochures were sent out to all school personnel in Colorado and to any other individual and/or group who would like to assist
us in spreading the word on the symptoms of pediatric sarcomas.
2011 - Dani’s Foundation continued to work on its effort to connect with even more pediatric sarcoma advocates with the goal of improving the
delivery of our information and resources via our re-designed website (
Our patient assistance grant program proved successful in financially assisting even more pediatric sarcoma patients and, because of this
program, our foundation has become professionally connected with many medical centers throughout the country.
During 2011, Dani’s Foundation continued to push for even greater distribution of our pediatric sarcoma educational supplies in all schools
throughout Colorado and we continue to be aggressive in an effort to connect with pediatric sarcoma advocates from throughout the nation in an
effort to provide each and every advocate with the necessary supplies to take to their local schools and community organizations.
Thanks to the development of two new auxiliary groups which have been created during the past year, the Mothers & Others: Working to End
Pediatric Sarcoma and the Pet Pals. These groups have been established with the intent to raise awareness and funding opportunities for our
Foundation’s research programs.
Most importantly, thanks to the generosity of many during 2011, we have been successful in raising the funding necessary to continue our
Ewing’s Sarcoma research grant program and have also raised additional funding to begin an organized effort to fund osteosarcoma research in
the coming years.
2011 will also be noted as the year that launched our Community Education Breakfast. This most important event is our opportunity to showcase
the work of our Foundation to those assembled and to formally request participation with us via our patient programs, education and research
endeavors. During our first one-hour breakfast meeting, we were able to present real life pediatric sarcoma stories coupled with presentations
from our current research award recipients. Following these presentations, most guests in attendance made personal commitments to support our
Foundation via personal financial gifts, volunteer service or by offering other resources to help in other areas of the Foundation’s operation.
2012 is being logged as a landmark year for Dani’s Foundation.
Our overall outreach to the pediatric sarcoma community has doubled during the past year thanks in part to our re-designed website which
features a daily blog of information for the pediatric sarcoma community and our continuation of an organized effort in connecting via social
networking opportunities. Dani’s Foundation now has a presence via FaceBook, Google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Network for Good, Twitter,
Pinterest and YouTube. We continue to develop outreach via each new opportunity with the goal of connecting with others within the pediatric
sarcoma community and offering support where needed.
Thanks to the above outreach, our Foundation’s patient assistance program is lending support to those who need us most.
In 2012, Dani’s Foundation connected with hundreds of pediatric sarcoma patients, family members and medical professionals from around the
We provided 200 patients/patient advocates with requested information and resources. In addition to those connects, our patient assistance grant
program provided 16 financial assistance grants to those pediatric sarcoma patients who needed support with such items as fuel cards in order to
assist with those expenses associated with traveling to and from doctor and hospital visits; the payment of utility bills due to the patient not
having enough funding to pay for both medical expenses and their escalating utility bills; and the payment of a portion of some patient’s rent or
mortgage with the hope of easing their financial burden for a short period of time.
The Foundation’s patient assistance programs are vital to lending immediate assistance to those patients and family members who are most in
need of support and we are committed to working to continually expand the scope and reach of this program in the coming years with the intent
of becoming “The Number One Resource” for the pediatric sarcoma community.
In 2012, Dani’s Foundation was successful in connecting with pediatric sarcoma advocates in 26 states and 7 countries; each of whom are
working with us to distribute our community education supplies to their school personnel, medical communities and community networks.
Going forward, we are working to obtain support from others who will assist us in our effort to educate the public at large on the symptoms of
pediatric sarcoma with the intent of seeking earlier diagnosis and improved
outcomes for our children and young adult patients.
The Dani’s Foundation research effort continues to grow thanks to the support of so many patients, patient family members and other supporters
who are truly committed to putting an end to pediatric sarcoma. Our Ewing’s Sarcoma research effort continues to thrive and now our designated
funds for the study of osteosarcoma offer even greater opportunities in the future.
Thanks to our most recent connection with the Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center in Dallas, TX; we are now available to connect Ewing’s
Sarcoma patients with a Phase 1 Clinical Trial that is aimed at providing a targeted therapy opportunity. This is most exciting news for the
Ewing’s community and we are looking forward to working with the researchers at Mary Crowley via our recent grant award to them and
working together to expand upon this promising science which is aimed at providing greater support to the Ewing’s Sarcoma community.
In addition to the above, we would like to recognize the amazing new support from the Osteosarcoma community, who are now joining with us
to follow our Ewing’s research model and seek out those scientific investigators who show promise in finding better treatment protocols for this
disease and ultimately the cause and the cure for this dreadful disease.
Thanks to this new level of support, Dani’s Foundation is thrilled to be able to support Dr. Aykut Uren and his
scientific team at the
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, as he embarks on his research toward a targeted therapy for osteosarcoma.
Our Osteosarcoma network is already looking into other research opportunities for funding during 2013 and Dani’s Foundation will look forward
to announcing those new research grant opportunities during the coming months.
Description Organization’s Events
Annual Benefit (Spring)
GOLF FORE A KID Golf Tournament (Summer)
FriendRaising Breakfast (Fall)
Year End Campaign (November)
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center
Dr. Aykut Uren, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University
Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University
Dr. Larry Wiese, at Therapherisis Inc
Dr. Stewart Ryan and Dr. James Custis, at the Colorado State University Animal Cancer Center, Fort Collins, CO
The Children's Hospital (TCH) in Denver
Denver Cancer Center at The Children's Hospital in Denver
Teen Clinic at The Children's Hospital in Denver
Marchello Scholarship Fund
Non-profit status: 2005
Public Contact
Marlene Portnoy
16 Marget Ann Lane Suffern, NY 10901
Jeanne Whiting
(203) 966-7240
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our Mission is to advance the science related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of desmoid tumors,
 Increasing funding and support of research into the biological mechanisms and clinical strategies
related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of desmoids tumors
 Facilitating and enhancing the dialog among members of the medical and scientific communities
about basic and clinical research efforts that relate to desmoid tumors.
 Heightening the public's awareness of desmoid diagnosis and treatment and providing informational
support for patients, their families and friends.
Description Organization’s Events
 November 2009 Cirque du Survivor Fundraiser, San Francisco, California
 Oct 2009 Patient Support Meeting and Gala Fundraiser, Westchester, New York
 May 2008 Patient Support Meeting and Fundraiser
 May 2007 Second Annual Dinner Fundraiser
 Golf Tournament in memory of Joan Holman
 July 2007 Photo Exhibit and Fundraiser
 May 2006 First Annual Dinner Fundraiser
 DTRF 5k Run in Tampa, FL.
 November 2010 Patient Support Meeting and Walk/Run in Philadelphia, PA
 May 2011 Wine Tasting in Piermont, NY
 October 2011 Patient Support Meeting and Walk/Run in Philadelphia, PA
 2012 Patient meeting; Running for Answers Walk/Run; Wine Tasting
 2013 Rosie O'Donnell Comedy Show
 2013 Patient Symposium and Running for Answers Walk
 2013 Golf Outing
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Benjamin A. Alman, MD: Identifying the Desmoid Initiating Cell.
Huntsman Cancer Center-, David E. Joyner, PhD: Do growth factors mediate desmoid tumor invasiveness and drug
MD Anderson Cancer Center-, Dina Lev, MD: Molecular determinants of desmoids tumor development and progression.
Stanford University , Matt van de Rijn, MD, PhD: ROR2, a potential novel therapeutic target in desmoids tumors.
University of Pennsylvania, Richard D. Lackman, MD: The role of hydroxyurea as first line treatment for primary and
recurrent/refractory desmoids tumors.
The University of Chicago, Stephen Skapek, MD: Deregulated mTor in desmoid type fibromatosis: identification and
validation of a new therapeutic agent.
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Mrinal Gounder MD: Phase III, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled
trial of sorafenib in desmoid tumors or aggressive fibromatosis (DT/DF).
Aaron Weiss, DO, Main Medical Center, Portland, Maine; Deregulated mTOR in desmoid-type
fibromatosis: identification and validation of a new therapeutic target.
2012 Grant Awards -Mrinal Gounder, MD –Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; A Phase III, double blind,
randomized, placebo-controlled trial of sorafenib in desmoid tumors or aggressive fibromatosis (DT/DF)
Public Contact
Kathy McCullough, Karen Dell’ Aglio, Kelly Huber, Co-Presidents
c/o Hall Court Park Ridge NJ 07656
Services Provided
 Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) research fund raising
Description of your Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
 To raise money for the genetic aspects of LMS
 To educate and increase awareness about sarcoma and where one should receive treatment with a
focus on LMS
Description of organization’s Accomplishments
 Have held two successful fund raising events
Description Organization’s Events
 We have held golf tournaments in June 2004 and 2005.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Funds raised are distributed to researchers in New York, New York for LMS genetic research.
Ensemble contre le GIST
Non-profit status since: October 11th, 2005
Public Contact
Name/title: Estelle LECOINTE
Address: Maison des associations, 6 cours des allies – 35000 Rennes (France)
Phone: None
Name : Estelle LECOINTE
Address: Maison des associations, 6 cours des allies – 35000 Rennes (France)
Phone: None
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Patient/caregiver bulletin board ; chat Room, online support group
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency : Monthly
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 CTOS conference participation
 Other conference participation: Novartis annual GIST patient summit ; ECCO14 (Barcelona)
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The missions of “Ensemble contre le GIST” are the following ones :
Providing information about GIST and treatments to patients and caregivers.
Gathering French speaking GIST patients and caregivers in order to create a support network.
Promoting the knowledge of GIST within the French medical and scientific community so as to
improve the management and care of this disease.
Supporting French GIST scientific and medical research.
Current projects:
Since 2011, A.F.P.G. “Ensemble contre le GIST” organize an annual call for project in order to select
the best GIST research project driven by a French team and then orientate 100% of our donations to
its funding.
As GIST is a very rare cancer, we are also willing to inform doctors on its peculiarities to optimize GIST
patients' follow-up and survival. In order to reach this point, we work hard to set up a strong collaboration
with French and European scientific groups and networks such as the “French Sarcoma Group”, “ESMO”
and “EORTC”. In 2009, we have also co-founded, with several other European GIST Patients organizations,
the creation of a European Sarcoma Coalition called “Sarcoma Patients Euro Net”.
After seven years of committment, we are now represented in most of the major French and international
events dealing with GIST, sarcoma or Cancer. Since 2008, we are sitting at the Patient committee of the
French NCI where we represent at a national level and advocate for patients suffering from rare cancers.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Brochure about GIST : “Mieux connaître sa maladie”
Brochure about compliance in French : “L'observance au traitement : devenir acteur de sa prise
en charge thérapeutique au quotidien”.
PDF English version of the brochure : “Compliance with treatment : be an active partner in your
GIST care everyday” (Now available online in 12 different languages)
Brochure about “SUTENT” (in partnership with Pfizer).
Description Organization’s Events
French National Information Campaign dealing with Cancer : In 2007, Estelle LECOINTE
participated in the biggest national information campaign that had ever been made in France and
embodied the image of GIST in France.
General assembly : Annual event occurring in november.
“The Race of hope”: Healthy people, GIST patients, caregivers, and doctors are going to run for a
day in order to collect funds for the French GIST research. This event will occur in Fougères (35) on
june, 1st 2008.
“The GIST Patients day” : Scientific sessions specifically made for GIST patients and caregivers.
This event will occur in November, 22nd 2008 in Lyon.
Source of Organization’s Funds
Public and private Donations
Foster Foundation
Non-profit status since: 2002
Public Contact
Joseph Leondis, Trustee
25 Rockaway Ave, Garden City, NY 11530
Services Provided
Sarcoma research advocacy
Drug development and/or availability advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
 Osteosarcoma Research
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Funded basic research for a targeted therapy
Description Organization’s Events
 Various Fund Raisers
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
 Medical Researchers
Gift To Cure Corporation
Non-profit status: applied July 28, 2010
Public Contact
Name: Stacie Hubbard (Director)
Address: 3733 Sheridan Road, Cameron Park CA 95682
Phone: 530-244-5428
Name/title: Salome E Klopper (President/Founder)
Address: PO Box 825, El Dorado, CA 95623
Phone: 714-600-2509
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver DSRCT education website
 Patient/caregiver DSRCT doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver chat room link
 Newsletter email monthly
 DSRCT research advocacy
 NCI committee participation
 CTOS conference participation
 Patient/caregiver financial support
 List of all DSRCT patients and link to DSRCT statistics
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The mission of GiftToCure is to:
 Support individuals with DSRCT and their immediate families by providing information, as well as emotional and
financial support;
 Raise public awareness; and
 Sponsor research toward more-effective treatment and, ultimately, a cure for DSRCT.
We achieve our mission through the support of many volunteers and our Board of Directors. Our activities include:
 Providing support to, and exchanging information with, other professional cancer programs;
 Selling awareness merchandise;
 Hosting public fundraisers and community awareness events;
 Requesting corporate grants and private donations.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Various fundraisers to fund DSRCT research for a cure and improved treatment at Stehlin Institute in Houston TX
 Brought the DSRCT community closer to each other
 Provide valuable information for DSRCT community about treatments, doctors, and treatment centers
Description Organization’s Events
 Online Fundraisers
 DSRCT Public Fundraisers and Community Events (walk/run/cycling),
 Poker Run and fund raisers with the Biker Community
 Cycling events together with Team-Will
 Planned for the future – More of the above
 Raising awareness and funds through Facebook/Twitter
 Annual DSRCT Summit
 Public fundraisers with help of Special Speakers/ Entertainers
 Combined events with other non-profits, etc.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
 DSRCT patients and family (hardship)
 Stehlin Institute (DSRCT Research)
 Educational events to raise awareness
Non-profit status since: December 3, 2002
Public Contact
Name/title: Tania Stutman Chairperson
Address: 55 Sawmill Rd., New City, NY 10956
Phone: 845 634-1174
Name: Tania Stutman
Address: 55 Sawmill Rd., New City, NY 10956
Phone: 845 634-1174
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
Sarcoma research advocacy
Drug development and/or availability advocacy
NCI committee participation.
CTOS conference participation.
Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
To raise money for GIST research
Organization’s Accomplishments
Raised $1,500,000.00 in the past 2 years for GIST research
Organization’s Events
Annual Walks for a Cure: NY, California, Oregon, Washington.
Silent Auction and Dinners: Atlanta, Ga. and Long Island, NY
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Fox Chase
Dana Farber
OHSU-Coreless and Heinrich Lab
University of Pittsburg
Non-profit status since: March 2005
Web site:
Public Contact
Marina Symcox, PhD Co-manager
209 West 10 Avenue Bristow, OK 74010
Lee Ann Lamb, Co-manager
12 Bomaca Dr Doylestown PA 18901
Fax: 215 340-1630
Julie Royster, PhD
Title: Science Coordinator
Services provided
Patient/caregiver education website-yes
Patient/caregiver bulletin board _yes_ chat Room, yes -online support group yes
Attend GIST relevant medical conferences to gather up to date educational information for our group.
Volunteer network of Phone Pals to talk with those in need of personal contact
Separate Grief and Loss support list for those facing the loss of a loved one
Offer a clinical trials referral service through EmergingMed Clinical Trials Service direct link on GSI
web site
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus:
GIST Support International (GSI) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to outreach,
education and support of GIST patients and their families and friends. GIST Support International is
committed to the concept of free communication and open membership. Communication with our members
is through LISTSERV mailing list which is donated to GSI by LSoft and our frequently updated website.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments:
Our website currently uses a blog format to update our science information with the most comprehensive
GIST relevant publications and abstracts found in one place. We have almost 600 members in 25 countries
world wide.
Go4theGoal Foundation
Non-profit status since: July 2006
Public Contact
Name/title: Beth Stefanacci
Address: 300 West Maple Ave., Merchantville, NJ 08109
Phone: 609-313-0912
Name: Charla Lewis
Address: 43 E. Cedar Ave., Merchantville, NJ 08109
Phone: 609-636-7184
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: quarterly
Legislative advocacy. Issues: Research funding
Sarcoma research advocacy – Ewing’s sarcoma
Drug development and/or availability advocacy
Other : Support for children with cancer, gift baskets, wish granting, working with Companions in Courage and Dream
Street camp for kids with life threatening diseases – we support cancer patients going to the camp.
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Go4theGoal Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that was formed in 2006 by Dr. Richard & Beth Stefanacci when their
oldest son Richard (13) was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma, a form of bone cancer. At this time, we saw the great need that
existed for research in this field, as well as social support for patients and their families.
It became evident very early on in Richard’s treatment that many other children suffering from childhood cancer do not have the
emotional, financial and logistical support that they are fortunate enough to have for Richard. With the outpouring of support from
family, friends, and neighbors far outstripping their needs, Richard & Beth did what came naturally to them which was to bring
together the surplus of resources with the great need to improve the lives of children and their families affected with cancer.
Go4theGoal Foundation is a public charity whose funds will be used to provide supportive services to children with cancer and
their families with the goal to provide a sense of “normalcy” in their lives while they “Go4theGoal” of being healthy again soon.
Go4theGoal Foundation is a dedicated to finding a cure for Ewing’s Sarcoma. We are also involved with helping children and
their families affected by pediatric cancer.
Research Funding
At this time, our research funding is going to Dr. Jeffrey Toretsky, MD and his team of researchers at the Lombardi
Comprehensive Cancer Center at Georgetown University, who are dedicated to finding a cure for Ewing’s Sarcoma. Besides the
cutting edge research happening in his lab, we were inspired by Dr. Toretsky’s personal dedication since his first patient was
diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in 1981. He has also been affiliated with the National Cancer Institute and the University of
Social Giving
In our mission to help pediatric cancer patients and their families, we are able to provide financial assistance for day to day
expenses as well as special requests. Annual holiday gift baskets are given to pediatric cancer patients at area hospitals. We also
work with local schools developing volunteer programs for community service projects.
Since Richard’s death in June 2007, the Go4theGoal Foundation has increased our efforts towards accomplishing our goals. Along
with your support, we can achieve these goals and our dream of finding a cure for Ewing’s and other sarcomas
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
We are a small grassroots organization founded when the Stefanacci’s son, Richard, was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma. We
started slowly with a few events in the year of Richard’s treatment but since his death, have grown with additional events and
reaching out to more hospitals each year. We began funding research and have continued to stay involved with the advancement
of a cure for Ewing’s sarcoma. Our goal is to continue to grow to reach more children reach year and not stop until we find a cure
for Ewing’s.
Description Organization’s Events
Richard’s Run – 5K in HoHoKus, NJ held each fall, Oct. 2009 will be the 4 th annual
Bowl4the Goal- bowling event held in Feb. – 3rd annual planned for Feb. 2010
Richard’s River Run – 5K in Pennsauken, NJ – 3rd annual May 3, 2009
Richard’s Drive 4 a Cure – Golf Outing, Horsham, PA 2nd to be held in June 2009
Casino Night – Cherry Hill Health and Racquet Club held annually in April.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Dr. Jeff Toretsky’s lab at Georgetown University – Annual research support since Dec. 2007
Various hospitals that receive the gift baskets at the December holidays include Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Hackensack
Hospital, Georgetown University, St. Christopher’s in Philadelphia, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Cooper Hospital in Camden, NJ.
Non-profit status since: 2006, Donor-advised fund through NFCR (
Website: n/a
Public Contact
Marianne Bouldin
304 Charlesgate Place Nashville, Tn. 37215
615 298-7798 or 202 333-6867
Marianne Bouldin / Kenneth A. Bouldin co-directors
Same as above
Services provided
Legislative advocacy. Issue: - Funding/Access
Sarcoma research advocacy: Awareness/Funding/Access
15 years experience as health issues/cancer professional lobbyist/advocate
Description of organization’s mission, goals and focus
To increase understanding of sarcoma, to raise level of funding for sarcoma research, especially seed funding
for “adventure pilot programs”
Description of organization’s accomplishments
Collaboration with National Foundation of Cancer Research in US and China
Collaboration with Wellness Centers and various other organizations
Description your organization’s events
We will participate as Team Sarcoma – Tennessee for the first time this year with the Liddy Shriver Cancer
Initiative. Organizing educational seminars at Vanderbilt
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
To be determined
Status: Non-Profit Organisation since May,2009
Website :
Public Contact
Name/Title: Estelle LECOINTE – Founder President
Address: Maison des associations – 6, cour des allies, 35000 Rennes (France)
Phone : None
Email :
Service Provided
 Educational website
 Doctor and/or clinical trial referral
 Patients/caregivers support
 Newsletter
 Financial support to French Sarcoma research
 Support for training of health professionals
Description of Mission, Goals, Focus
 Development and dissemination of validated scientific and medical information for patients,
caregivers and non specialist doctors
 Optimization of the visibility of the French Sarcoma Group
 Development of sarcoma knowledge and support to dissemination of good practice
 Facilitate patients referral in sarcoma expert centers
 Facilitate patients access to sarcoma clinical trials
 Promote sarcoma scientific and medical research at National and European scales
 Raise public opinion awareness about sarcomas and rare cancers
Discription of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Official partnership with the French Sarcoma Group
 Annual call for sarcoma research
 Funding of 4 sarcoma research projects
Description of Organization’s Events
 Annual patient conference
 Partnership in the development of the eSURGE programme
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
 French sarcoma group research projects
Non-profit status since: 2010
Public Contact
Name/title: Robyn Grossman, President
Address: 24001 Muirlands Blvd. #303, Lake Forest, CA. 92630
Phone: 856-424-5345
Name: Raymond Grossman, Executive Director
Address: 24001 Muirlands Blvd. #303, Lake Forest, CA. 92630
Phone: 856-424-5345
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Current body sparing research information
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
 Help fund research into new and novel non-chemotherapy treatments for various types of Sarcoma
cancers with emphasis on Rhabdomyosarcoma
 Raise money for this purpose through sponsorship of various fundraising events and activities
 Increase public awareness and knowledge of the various types of Sarcoma and current research by
maintaining a website which contains definitive information on forms of the disease, current
treatment methods, diagnostic tools and current clinical trials.
 Write grants to aid worthy researchers in finding innovative methods of treating Sarcomas without
harming healthy cells and tissues.
 Maintain a physicians referral list containing hospitals and doctors along with their specific area of
expertise in specific forms of Sarcoma treatment and research
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Have associated ourselves with a doctor and hospital to which we hope to donate funds as soon as we
raise some more funds.
Description Organization’s Events
 Teamed with the Peter Skelton Sarcoma Research Fund to announce our upcoming events
 Two fundraising events at Campbell’s field, Camden, NJ-Aug. 28 and Sept. 18
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
 Comer Children’s Hospital @ University of Chicago-Dr. Skapak
 Children's Hospital, L.A.
 Oregon Health and Science University
 Texas Children's Hospital SW.
Non-profit status since: September 2004
Public Contact
Susan Erickson, Secretary
467 Laws Brook Road, Concord, MA 01742
See above
Services Provided
 General information about the JHYSF and fundraisers
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The goal of the JHYSF is to raise funds to provide sarcoma research, sarcoma education, and sarcoma family
support at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Our focus is to support sarcoma patients and doctors at
MGH who receive little if nothing in terms of research funding. Our other goals are to provide sarcoma
patients and families with education and support. Another goal is to provide patients and families who have
traveled a far way to be treated at MGH with financial support.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Our first fundraiser, 12,402 Steps to Cure Sarcoma Walk, held on May 7, 2005 resulted in our donating
$75,000.00 to MGH to help with our goals.
In three years of fundraising, JHYSF has donated $319,000 to the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer
Center. Funds have been used to increase participation in clinical trials, fund a Jennifer Yates Sarcoma
Scholar, provide patients with resources for wigs, prescriptions, and transportation to and from treatment,
and to sponsor a three hour long Sarcoma Seminar that is held each year in the month of November. JHYSF
is also responsible for increasing awareness by creating a Sarcoma Awareness Week in Massachusetts."
Description Organization’s Events
12,402 Steps to Cure Sarcoma Walk is an event to honor the memory of Jennifer Hunter Yates, who was 33
years old when she died. She had battled Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor and Osteosarcoma for
17 months. The 12,402 steps signify the number of days of Jennifer’s life.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
The Jennifer Hunter Yates Sarcoma Fund at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
Non-profit status since: 2004
(Worked as fund of University of Minnesota Cancer Center from 2001 until March of 2004)
Public Contact
Peter T. Wyckoff, President
3312 Richmond Avenue, Shoreview, MN 55126
Email: or
Mike Trucano, Board Member
11 Thompson Lane, North Oaks, MN
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: as needed
 Sarcoma research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The Karen Wyckoff Rein In Sarcoma Fund is a Minnesota non-profit Foundation created to carry out the
vision of its founder. Karen Wyckoff at the age of twenty-five created the fund shortly before her death from
Synovial Sarcoma in 2001. Its mission then as now is to:
Find a cure for sarcoma cancers (raise funds for research)
Educate physicians and public about sarcomas
Support sarcoma survivors and their families.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 Annual Rein in Sarcoma Event last Monday of each July (since 2001)
 Annual free picnic for sarcoma patients, survivors and loved ones (since 2004)
 The Fund’s support of University of Minnesota Sarcoma Researchers coalesced groups from both the
Veterinary School and Medical School into an increased emphasis and excitement about Sarcoma
 Increased public awareness of sarcoma cancers
 The major support system for sarcoma patients in the upper Midwest
 Have begun education of the medical community about sarcomas
Description Organization’s Events
Rein in Sarcoma
Rein In Sarcoma has been held annually in late July in St. Paul’s Como Park since 2001. From the
beginning, unlimited free rides on the historic Cafesjian’s Carousel have been a major draw for the event.
Over the last four years the event has expanded to the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory and its adjacent
Rein in Sarcoma currently consists of continuous entertainment for the whole family, unlimited carousel
rides, special Conservatory tours, and a massive silent auction.
Totally run by volunteers, the 2005 event attracted over 600 attendees from throughout Minnesota as well as
Wisconsin and Iowa. Over fifty sarcoma survivors most of whom never had met other sarcoma patients
joined in this celebration of life.
Three stages of continuous entertainment highlighted the event. Included were magicians, vocal groups,
jazz, dancers, and a Beatles tribute band. All performers donated their time. In addition entertainment for
children included a book walk, face painting and a moonwalk. Chair massages were also offered by
professional massage therapists throughout the evening.
Over 200 items were on the 2005 Silent Auction raising over $12,000. Items generously donated included:
restaurant and hotel gift certificates, art work, vacation condos, airplane rides, fine wine, music, books, retail
gift certificates, food baskets, spas, entertainment, gourmet dinners, clothing, jewelry and much more. An
Internet auction preceded the event that helped spur interest and set the opening bids for the actual live silent
auction. Internet bidding came from throughout the country.
Through RIS we have raised over $160,000 toward research and perhaps most importantly, we brought
patients, families and their doctors together for an evening of fun. The 2005 event netted about $40,000.
One of major strengths of the event is its appeal to people of all ages and resources. Over 100 volunteers
handled all aspects of Rein In Sarcoma. There is no paid staff.
Sarcoma Family Picnic
For many families touched by Sarcoma, the centerpiece of Rein in Sarcoma is the pre-event picnic. The
picnic is for survivors, their families and families who have lost someone to sarcoma. This year’s picnic was
attended by over 300 people who have been directly touched by sarcoma. The University of Minnesota
sarcoma physicians joined the celebration of life. There were reunions of survivors with the doctor who
saved their lives up to 30 years ago and whom they hadn’t seen since. Some attendees were patients who
were operated on the week before and were glad to eat with their doctor without a mask. People shared their
sarcoma successes and also celebrated the lives of those lost to sarcoma. Many of the picnickers told us that
the shared stories make the sarcoma experience easier. The picnic was made possible by the generous
sponsorship of American Family Insurance Company.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds:
The primary recipient of the Fund is the Karen Wyckoff Sarcoma Research Fund at the University of
Minnesota Medical Foundation.
Non-profit status since: 1993
Public Contact
David Marsh, Trustee
Michael Solomon and Rishon Blumberg, administrators
39 West 32nd Street, Suite 1403
NY, NY 10001
(203) 846-9033; (212) 501-0748
(212) 268-3544
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: Biannual (Sarcoma Update, published with Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center)
Sarcoma research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our mission is to raise funds and make grants to find treatments and cures for sarcoma. Also, to improve the
living conditions of patients with sarcoma or other teenage and young adult cancers.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Surgical fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Sarcoma Laboratory at MSKCC; Sarcoma
Update newsletter; small grants to several other groups including Musicians on Call, Planet Cancer, SARC
and NY Lifelab
Description Organization’s Events
We hold one large annual event in NY in the spring. There is an annual Halloween party. We also sponsor
pediatric holiday events with MSKCC Pediatric Dept. but that is not a fundraiser.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
MSKCC Dept of Surgery; MSKCC Sarcoma Laboratory; MSKCC Department of Pediatrics; Planet Cancer;
Musicians on Call; NY Lifelab; SARC are the main ones.
Non-profit status since: 2003
Public Contact
Bruce and Beverly Shriver, Co-Founders
17 Bethea Drive, Ossining, NY 10562
Services Provided
An educational website for the patient and medical communities, internationally
LSSI Bulletin: An Occasional Bulletin with articles of interest to the sarcoma community. We
anticipate publishing LSSI Bulletin’s through the end of 2017.
Peer-reviewed Research Grants Program (see below).
Description of Organization's Mission, Goals and Focus
The mission of the Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative had been to improve the quality of life for people
dealing with sarcoma. While we are no longer accepting donations to fund sarcoma research grants, we are
still in the process of reviewing grant applications for potential funding. We anticipate this will continue
through the end of June 2015. We have been working closely with the Alan B. Slifka Foundation’s Sarcoma
Research Grants Program, which has been modelled in the spirit of our program: see
Description of Organization's Accomplishments
We have published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles and Op-Ed pieces by sarcoma specialists around
the world. Many of these articles have been translated by physicians and advocates into several languages.
We have funded more than $4 million in sarcoma research grants, including several large International
Collaborative Grants.
We have worked with dozens of individuals, communities and organizations to host sarcoma awareness
events and to fund sarcoma research grants.
While still accessible, we are no longer accepting submissions and posts to the Faces of Sarcoma Gallery,
the Sarcoma Survivors Project, and the Team Sarcoma Facebook Group.
Description Organization's Events:
As of December 2014, LSSI is no longer holding any events.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative has funded a wide range of basic and translational research that is
targeted at finding cures for sarcomas, as well as research that attempts to develop more effective treatment
regimens than those currently available. Our Research Grants Program had been highly selective: study
proposals were accepted throughout the year and were reviewed by sarcoma experts. Only the most
promising studies were approved through this process, and our goal was to ensure that funds were available
for every approved study. Grant recipients published their experimental plan and a report of their research
findings on our website. A few of the past grants included recipients at the following institutions:
Baylor College of Medicine
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Children's Cancer Research Institute in Vienna (Austria)
Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Duke University School of Medicine
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto dei Tumori (Italy)
Johns Hopkins Medical School
Georgetown University
Harvard Medical School
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Instituto Ortopedico Rizzoli in Bologna (Italy)
Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands)
Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (UK)
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
MIT's Broad Cancer Program
Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York
Mother & Child Hospital (France)
National Cancer Institute (USA)
New York University School of Medicine
Oslo University Hospital (Norway)
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Australia)
St. Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne (Australia)
Stanford University School of Medicine
Tianjin Cancer Hospital and Institute (China)
Université Claude Bernard in Lyon (France)
University of British Columbia (Canada)
University of Toronto (Canada)
Non-profit status since: 2002
Public Contact
Life Raft Group
155 Route 46 West, Suite 202, Wayne, NJ 07470
(973) 837-9092
Fax: (973) 837-9095
Norman J. Scherzer
155 Route 46 West, Suite 202, Wayne N.J. 07470
(973) 837-9092 x 119 Fax: (973) 837-9095
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
Patient/caregiver online support community
Newsletter (mail and/or email.) Frequency: Every other month
Legislative advocacy Issues: Medicare drug coverage and clinical trials placebos
Sarcoma research advocacy; directed to GIST
Drug development and/or availability advocacy NCI committee participation.
CTOS conference participation; Presented LRG research paper on resistance & Gleevec dosage in 2004
Other: Crisis intervention for treatment access; Patient driven research; International outreach; Clinical
trial planning and design; Pediatric GIST initiative; New resistance research initiative; Global GIST
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The mission of the Life Raft Group (LRG) is to ensure the survival of GIST patients while maintaining the
quality of their lives. To accomplish this mission, the Life Raft Group devotes its efforts to five major program
areas: Research, Treatment Surveillance, Information & Support, Patient Outreach & Assistance, and Advocacy.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Each year the LRG reaches a network of over 60,000 people through its newsletters, websites and educational
materials. The LRG offers localized support in over 50 countries.
Description Organization’s Events
Membership meetings; Research strategy meetings; Special focus meetings (eg. Pediatric GIST); Annual
Fundraiser; B.O.D. meetings; etc.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Research Funding is provided to: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; West German
Cancer Center, University of Essen, Germany; Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR; Catholic
University of Leuven, Belgium; University of Pittsburg Cancer Center, Pittsburg, OH; Brigham and Women's
Hospital, Boston, MA; Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA; and The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland,
Public Contact
John Link
31 Indian Meadow Dr, Northboro, MA 01532-2129
Published book on experiences from diagnosis to a survivor of Osteosarcoma
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
University of Massachusetts Medical School “Walk to Cure Cancer”
LMSarcoma Direct Research Foundation (LMSdr)
Non-profit status since: 2006
Public Contact:
Ed Kurtz, President
PO Box 52697, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152
Fax: (413) 502-2241
Sharon Anderson, Executive Director
PO Box 52697, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74152
Fax: (413) 502-2241
Services provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: 3 x year
Legislative advocacy. Issues: funding
Sarcoma research advocacy
Drug development and/or availability advocacy
CTOS conference participation. Other conference participation: ASCO
Other: LMS Patient Registry
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus:
The mission of LMSarcoma Direct Research Foundation is to assure the development of the means to cure
and control the disease known as Leiomyosarcoma (LMS) and to improve the quality of life for those with
this disease until the cure is found.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments:
LMSdr was founded 2/06. We plan to establish a registry for LMS patients, continue to support the LMS tissue
collections and bank. We plan to attend all related medical conferences and work in partnership with researchers.
Description Organization’s Events:
LMSdr plans to hold an annual conference for both patients & researchers focused on LMS education & developments.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds:
LMSarcoma Direct Research Foundation invites investigators to submit grant applications for institutional research
studying leiomyosarcomas. The foundation is particularly interested in basic science and translational research aiming
for a better understanding of the (molecular) biology of non-uterine as well as uterine leiomyosarcomas eventually
leading to improvement of diagnostic tools, discovery of new prognostic markers and novel therapeutic approaches to
find a cure for this malignant disease or improve the quality of life for those whose disease cannot be cured.
This funding is intended primarily as seed money for promising new work. It is not for supporting research where
funding has either lapsed or has been previously disapproved. Preference will be given to applications where indirect
costs are minimal or nonexistent.
Non-profit status since: July 14, 2001
Public Contact
Lori Penton-Shields
2843 E. Grand River Ave, #230 East Lansing, MI 48823-5031
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver online support group
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: 3-4 months
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Other: Funding of LMS research
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
To raise and spread awareness and education of LMS among patients, the public, and medical field. Also to
procure funds for LMS research grants.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
To date we have raised in excess of $900,000 without government or agency assistance. We have donated
over $642,000 in research grants and made and distributed over 75,000 LMS Awareness Ribbons at NO
Description Organization’s Events
Annual weekend gathering, “Hugfest” of LMS Survivors, Caregivers, Supporters, and Researchers. Various
ongoing fundraisers through our LMS Awareness Products we sell. Attending and supporting various
fundraisers for our foundation.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
To date we have awarded multiple grants to Pennsylvania Hospital, Tulane University, Mt. Sinai School of
Medicine, The Coriell Institute, and Stanford University all for furthering LMS Research.
Non-profit status since: 1997
Public Contact
Name/title: Jeffrey Sweeney, President, Board of Directors
P.O. Box 91460, Portland, OR 97291
(425) 829-3829
Tammy Wilhoite
(503) 781-0921
P.O. Box 91460, Portland, OR 97291
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Peer support
Referrals to physicians/clinics with experience treating sarcoma
Sarcoma research advocacy
Financial assistance through the HELP$ program to patients undergoing treatment for
● Research
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Mission: Northwest Sarcoma Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to improving cure rates for
sarcomas, making the Pacific Northwest a research and clinical care leader through academic and
community initiatives to serve as the paradigm for sarcoma research.
Compassion: Provide comfort through a sympathetic awareness.
Advocacy: Promote accurate diagnosis, research and treatment options.
Responsibility: Provide accurate information and reliable resources.
Education: Teach patients, families and health care providers about this disease and its
Develop better treatments for patients with sarcomas through research and institutional
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Co-Recipient of National Cancer Institute grant to raise awareness about sarcoma treatment
and research in the Pacific Northwest.
Patient Packet – Packets distributed to physician offices and hospital social workers with
HELP$ Financial Assistance Program – A need-based financial assistance program for
adult patients currently undergoing treatment; Jenna Westerholm Pediatric HELP$ Program
-- A need-based financial assistance program for pediatric patients currently undergoing
Research Fund – Development and continued growth of a fund from which monies can be
withdrawn for research or research-based purposes.
Legacy Gifts – In partnership with Oregon Health & Sciences University
(OHSU)/Doernbecker Children’s Hospital a program has been established to collect
pediatric tumor tissue for research into a cure for sarcoma.
OHSU Lectureship Series – Sponsorship of a research lecture in conjunction with OHSU.
Support Groups
○ Solidarity in Sarcoma: an in-person support group held monthly in the Seattle area
○ Online Support Group through private Facebook page Solidarity in Sarcoma
Description Organization’s Events
Dragonslayer Bike, Hike, or Trike is an annual walk to raise awareness of sarcoma, and
support for sarcoma patients and their families. Held in Seattle, WA and Portland, OR.
● Stories from the Vineyard is an annual benefit dinner featuring wine tasting and silent/live
auctions and a paddle raise that funds the HELP$ programs.
● Community events are held from time to time by individuals or groups in support of the
foundation’s programs.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
● The Foundation HELP$ programs provide financial assistance to patients undergoing
treatment for sarcoma.
● OHSU and UW Lectureship Program
Non-profit status since: 2000
Public Contact
Alison Olig, Executive Director
775 E Blithedale Ave, #334, Mill Valley, CA 94941
(415) 381-7236
Fax: (415) 381-7235
Same as above
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Patient/caregiver counseling
 Patient/caregiver bulletin board; Chat room; Online support group; Facebook
 Peer to Peer support
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: 2 or 3/year
 Legislative advocacy
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 NCI committee participation.
 CTOS conference participation. Other conference participation: AACR, ASCO, ONS, AOSW
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The Sarcoma Alliance strives to improve and extend the lives of sarcoma patients through accurate
diagnosis, improved access to care, guidance, education and support. This mission statement drives all
decisions about our programs and future plans. In order to assure the best possible outcome a sarcoma
patient must be seen by a physician expert in the diagnosis and treatment of sarcoma. This includes not only
the primary treating medical oncologist but the pathologist, surgeon and radiation therapist.
We refer patients to sarcoma centers throughout the United States and through our Assistance Fund provide
financial support to those seeking second opinions from sarcoma specialists. We provide educational
information on our website, provide links to other websites and will send up to date diagnosis specific
written materials on request. We also have a bulletin board where patients can receive information and
support and conduct a twice a week web based support group so that patients, families and caregivers can
learn and get support from others with similar experiences. We also have a Peer to Peer program for one on
one support. Finally, we help to promote July as Sarcoma Awareness Month.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
 We have a comprehensive web site, bulletin board, twice a week web based support group, promote
face to face support groups, facilitate peer to peer support, a twice per year newsletter, send our
patient education materials via email and regular mail.
 We provide grants to individuals so to help pay for second opinions from sarcoma specialists.
Description Organization’s Events
Our primary fundraising campaign is the Ocean of Hope. We have paddleboarders and outrigger teams who
participate in events in California and Hawaii. The Sarcoma Alliance has a tent at these events.
Additionally, individuals regularly hold events around the United States to raise awareness about sarcoma
and to raise funds for the Alliance. Check our events page for the latest listing of events, locations, times, etc.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Our funds are used for program operations and to provide grants to patients to receive second opinions from
sarcoma specialists (Assistance Fund).
Non-profit status since: 2003
Public Contact
Denise Reinke
President and COO - SARC
24 Frank Lloyd Wright Drive
Lobby A, Suite 3100
PO Box 406
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0406
SARC Operations Office
SARC is led by a Board of Directors, and McHenry "Mac" Tichenor Chairman
Services provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Legislative advocacy. Issues: Clinical Trial Funding
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 NCI committee participation.
 CTOS conference participation.
 Other: Medical community education, recruitment of sarcoma-experienced regional hospitals to
participate in clinical trials.
Description of your organization’s mission, goals and focus
To facilitate clinical trials, attract pharmaceutical and government funding, develop compounds that show
promise for Sarcomas, make trials available to patients as treatment options, and establish standards of care
for Sarcoma.
Description of your organization’s accomplishments
Has garnered the leadership of Sarcoma specialists with a shared mission; attracted European Sarcoma
specialists for guidance regarding their successful creation of cooperative groups, established a collaboration
of 31 participating centers to conduct trials, has improved patient accrual into trials, has facilitated the
achievement of numerous trials that would not have happened without this infrastructure and patient accrual,
has received pharmaceutical funding as well as funding from the Department of Defense and an
appropriation within the new Energy bill recently passed. Has ongoing dialogue with and support from NIH.
Description your organization’s events
General meetings at CTOS and ASCO
Recipients of your organization’s funds
Funds are used for the conduct of trials and statistical support and education of physicians, patients and
Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Canada
Non-profit status since: 2010
Public Contact
Name/title: Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Canada
Address: 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1801, Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1W7
Phone: 416-214-7584
Name: Diana Arajs, Founder and Chair
Address: 374 Lippincott St, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2P7
Phone: 416-214-7584
Services Provided
Patient/caregiver education website
Newsletter (mail or email.)
Sarcoma research advocacy
Sarcoma research funding
Sarcoma community awareness
Facebook/Twitter/Website for awareness/sharing
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The SCFC was founded in 2010 in memory of Vera Arajs and other Canadians who have lost their lives to
Sarcoma cancers. We are a volunteer-run national organization supporting patients and their families, while
working with Canada's leading research institutions in their efforts to eradicate Sarcoma cancers.
It is our mission to connect patients and their families with the best medical information and community
resources, to ease the process of dealing with a sarcoma cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Establishment of the Vera Arajs Clinical Research Fellowship in Sarcoma at Mount Sinai Hospital,
Toronto. The fellowship is on-going and provides important sub-specialty physician training and
clinical research.
100% of activities and events accomplished with total volunteer support, with all funds raised going
directly to sarcoma efforts.
Description Organization’s Events
August 2010 - Earth Salon fundraiser, Toronto, Ontario.
August 2010 - Inaugural Scratch Sarcoma Shindig, Toronto, Ontario.
May 2011 - Earth Salon fundraiser, Toronto, Ontario.
July 2011 - Spike 4 Sarcoma, Waterloo, Ontario.
July 2011 – Sarcoma Step and Fetch, Trenton, Ontario.
October 2011 - Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Toronto, Ontario.
October 2011 – Scrap Sarcoma: Picture an End to Cancer, Toronto, Ontario.
December 2011 – Jigsaw for Hair: Walk the Red Carpet, Edmonton, Alberta.
July 2012 – Spike 4 Sarcoma, Waterloo, Ontario.
September 2012 – Sarcoma Step and Fetch, Trenton, Ontario.
October 2012 – Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Toronto, Ontario.
November 2012 – Survive Sarcoma: Picture and End to Cancer, Toronto, Ontario.
Jigsaw for Hair: Champagne Charity Event, Edmonton, Alberta.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Donations are used for priority projects that support sarcoma cancer patients and their families across
Canada. SCFC also works with Canada’s leading research institutions to develop life-saving treatments.
Non-profit status since: 2001
Public Contact
Bert E. Thomas, IV, CEO
9899 Main Street, Suite 204, Damascus, MD 20872
(301) 253-8687
Fax: (301) 253-8690
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: quarterly
 Legislative advocacy. Issues: Sarcoma research
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 Drug development and/or availability advocacy
 NCI committee participation.
 CTOS conference participation. Other conference participation: ASCO
 Other: SARC
 Sarcoma Patient Registry
 SFA State Chapters
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The mission of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) is to advocate for increased research to find new
and better therapies with which to treat patients with Sarcoma. The organization raises money to privately
fund grants for Sarcoma researchers and conducts education and advocacy efforts on behalf of Sarcoma
patients. The SFA has a national Sarcoma Patient Registry and also provided a Clinical Trial Navigator
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Funded 65 SFA Sarcoma Research Grants
Funded 6 ASCO Young Investigator Awards
Funded 2 ASCO Advanced Clinical Research Awards
Funded 1 ASCO Career Development Award
Participated in the Sarcoma PRG
Successfully advocated for sarcoma “language” in the NIH/NCI report from Congress.
Founded the Sarcoma Patient Registry
Formation of SFA State Chapters
Description Organization’s Events
Annual NY Gala event in April/May
Annual Educational Conference in April/May
Multiple fundraisers nationwide
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Scientists and physicians throughout the world
Sarcoma Patients EuroNet Association
Non-profit status since: August 2009
Public Contact
Name/title: Michaela Geissler (Project Manager)
Address: Am Rothenanger 1b, D-85521 Riemerling / Germany
Phone: + 49 (0)89-62836807
Name: Markus Wartenberg (Financial Director)
Address: Usa-Strasse 1, D-61231 Bad Nauheim / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)6032-9492438
Services Provided (delete those that do not apply)
Patient/caregiver education website
Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
Patient/caregiver counseling
Newsletter (email) Frequency: monthly
Sarcoma research advocacy
Drug development and/or availability advocacy
CTOS conference participation. Other conference participation: ECCO, ESMO, ASCO, EMSOS etc.
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Sarcoma Patients EuroNet Association (SPAEN), the European Network of Sarcoma, GIST and
Desmoid Patient Advocacy Groups, was founded in April 2009 with the aim of extending information
services, patient support and advocacy to patient organisations for the benefit of sarcoma patients across the
whole of Europe. Acting in partnership with clinical experts, scientific researchers, industry and other
stakeholders SPAEN is working to improve the treatment and care of sarcoma patients in Europe through
improving information and support, and by increasing the visibility of sarcoma with policymakers and the
 A Better Future For Patients With A Rare Cancer.
 Speaking with one voice, advocating and cooperating professionally and in partnership on a
European level to develop a better future for Sarcoma-patients and their families at each national
 Acting in partnership with experts, the researching industry and other stakeholders SPAEN will work
to improve treatment and care of sarcoma patients in Europe through improving information and
support, and by increasing the visibility of sarcoma with policymakers and the public.
Core Objectives
 Increasing the awareness of sarcoma
 Providing information and support
 Improving treatment and care
 Supporting research
Building capacity
Core Values
 Focused on the needs of the PAGs (patient advocacy groups)
and the patients/caregiver
 Willingness to advocate
 High quality of information/education/training:
Correct, up to date, understandable, independent
 Cooperative and professional
 Ethical, transparent, behave with integrity
 Innovative spirit
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
Participation ESMO-Guidelines GIST/Sarcomas in Lugano
Co-organizer of the "European Sarcoma and GIST surgery masterclass” 2010
Organizer of the 2010 CTOS PAG session (co-chaired with Prof. G. Demetri)
Different presentations at European platforms: Patient Partner, EPPOSI, ECPC RC-Action Group,
Presence on different important conferences:
(DGHO, CTOS, Trinat. GIST-Meet., DKK, EMSOS, ECCO, ESMO, Swiss Cancer League, etc.)
GIST “Compliance Brochure” in 12 languages
1st Annual Conference 2010 Madrid
Launch of website at
Description Organization’s Events
The 2nd SPAEN Annual Conference for Organizations Representing Patients with Sarcomas, GIST or
Desmoid Tumours will be held on 17 – 19 November in Berlin/Germany. The conference aims to provide
Sarcoma, GIST and Desmoid patient advocates with an opportunity to share experience and best practice, as
well as to learn about advances and challenges in the treatment of rare cancers. The three day conference will
focus on research, treatment and advocacy/capacity building. Leading European Sarcoma Experts will join
us to present the latest news and answer questions.
The 1st SPAEN Conference 2010 in Madrid was attended by 65 participants from 16 countries covering
Patient Advocates, Medical Experts and Members of the Healthcare Industry.
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Funds raised are used to cover external costs for projects (e.g. annual conference, educational materials) and
internal costs of the Associations (human resources, administrative costs etc.)
Registered as a charity in England and Wales (1139869) and in Scotland (SC044260). A company limited by
guarantee in England and Wales (7487432)
Founded in 2003 as non-profit company.
Public Contact
Ms Lindsey Bennister - CEO
49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH
+44 207 7250 827
Sarcoma UK is the only cancer charity in the UK focusing on all types of sarcoma.
Our mission is to increase knowledge and awareness of sarcoma through ground-breaking programmes that
inspire involvement and transform the landscape for everyone affected by sarcoma.
We initiate change to raise sarcoma awareness and improve standards of treatment and care
Sarcoma UK’s Sarcoma Voices network brings together people personally affected by sarcoma who
want to help shape and improve sarcoma services and to raise awareness nationally and locally.
Sarcoma UK is represented on national, local and European initiatives working to improve standards
of treatment and care.
Sarcoma UK is active in the policy and campaigning world representing the experiences of sarcoma
patients and lobbying for more awareness and improved standards of care.
Sarcoma UK works collaboratively on education initiatives for healthcare professionals with
organisations including the British Sarcoma Group and the National Sarcoma Forum.
We seek answers through research
Sarcoma UK funds scientific and medical research into the causes and treatment of sarcoma.
Sarcoma UK’s Research Advisory Committee is made up of leading sarcoma experts and scientists
from all disciplines.
Sarcoma UK has been funding research since 2010 and has awarded over £700,000 in scientific and
medical grants. In 2015 they launched their biggest grant call to date to fund £350,000 of highquality, peer-reviewed research.
We provide support & information for the sarcoma community
Sarcoma UK provides support to local sarcoma groups around the UK including in Scotland and
Northern Ireland.
Sarcoma UK offers online support to patients and carers: Click here
Sarcoma UK has an active Facebook and Twitter page where the sarcoma community can
communicate with each other in a social online environment.
Sarcoma UK’s authoritative information for patients and carers is accredited by the Department of
Health Information Standard and developed with input from patients, carers and healthcare
Southeastern Sarcoma Foundation
Non-profit status since:
Public Contact
Name/title: Ned Crystal, Founder
Services Provided
Raise money for research
Non-profit status since: We have non-profit status
through University of Rochester
Public Contact
Steel Lillies Foundation
40 Humboldt Street
Rochester, NY 14609
Vivian Santora
40 Humboldt Street
Rochester, NY 14609
Services Provided
Fund Sarcoma research and research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Steel Lillies was founded in January 2012 with Tiffany Lill’s wish to raise awareness and funding for
sarcoma research, a little known cancer. At that time, Tiffany was in the middle of her sixteen month long
fight with this disease. The Mother of two young children and lifelong “Flower City” resident would
eventually lose her courageous battle on 4/9/12. The Steel Lillies name symbolizes Tiffany’s beauty and
toughness. The “Steel” represents Tiffany’s unwavering strength as metal rods were inserted to support her
spine after tumors grew around her upper back area. The “Lillies” represents Tiffany’s last name as well as
being her favorite flower.
Financial goal is to raise a total of $250,000 for the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
We are proud to say that the Foundation has raised over $185,000 toward our $250,000 pledge to the James
P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester. Contributions will have an immediate impact in the
medical community by funding research with the promise of finding a cure for sarcoma cancer.
Advancements in the fight against sarcoma cancer will also lead to new treatments and cures for all types of
In the Fall of 2012, we were notified that EVERY DOLLAR RAISED BY STEEL LILLIES WILL BE
MATCHED by the University of Rochester’s Department of Orthopedics. This means every
contribution will have double the impact.
The larger portion of our gift was used as a recruitment package for a physician-scientist who is specifically
focused on sarcoma cancer. With the match provided by the Orthopedics department, there will be a level of
funding necessary to support a new research program over a few years. To be clear, these funds are
restricted for research and will not be used for salary support. This is a means to elevate the level of
sarcoma-related research as well as the care of patients who face a sarcoma diagnosis.
Through the generous funds raised by the Steel Lillies Group, Dr. Emily Carmody Soni was successfully
recruited by the U of R and she began her work this past August.
Description Organization’s Events
Two Annual Events:
1. All In For Steel Lillies Gaming and Silent Auction Event Annually in February
2. Steel Lillies 5K Annually in June
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at the University of Rochester
Non-profit status since: 2007
Public Contact
Name/title: Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Chorym na Mięsaki “SARCOMA”
Address: ul. Malborska 14/5 03-286 Warszaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 844 89 25
Name Kamil Dolecki
Address: . Malborska 14/5 03-286 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 608 335 326
Services Provided
 Patient/caregiver education website
 Patient/caregiver doctor and/or clinical trial referrals
 Newsletter (mail or email.) Frequency: every 4 months
 Sarcoma research advocacy
 NCI committee participation. Other committee participation: in near future
 CTOS conference participation. Other conference participation: in near future Other: ECPC
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
Our Association aims at:
 Support cancer treatment, including sarcoma, in compliance with international standards
 Act in favor of ensuring any medical and legal assistance to patients with sarcoma and their families
 Protect the rights of sarcoma affected people and their families
 Carry out educational/training activities to make the society more aware of cancer-related problems,
including sarcoma
 Establish contacts with similar institutions and organizations in Poland and abroad.
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
On September 2007 the documentation of our organization was been placed in the Polish Court Register
,and the sentence of the Court gave us the status of Association on 28 December 2007
Description Organization’s Events
On the 30 July 2007 first meeting took place of people interested in sarcoma organization activity. We
discussed the mission and goals of organization, and we elected members of management board. On the 29
January 2008 the first meeting of members and management board took place.
Non-profit status since: August of 2003
Public Contact
Scott Dixon, Co-Founder/President
10632 S. Memorial Drive, #212, Tulsa OK 74133
(210) 825-4401
David Cook
Same as above
(918) 269-6135
Services Provided
Sarcoma research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
To provide financial assistance to sarcoma cancer patients and families and to aid in the research of sarcoma
Description of Organization’s Accomplishments
We have raised a little over $6,000 in the past two years donating the money to two different cancer
treatment centers: Sloan Kettering and Washington Tumor Center.
Description Organization’s Events
Golf Tournaments
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
Stated above.
Non-profit status since: 2006
Public Contact
Name/title: Lisa W. Tichenor, Trustee
100 Crescent Court, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75201
lwtichenor@QuadW. org
Mac T. Tichenor, Jr., executive director
100 Crescent Court, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75201
mtichenor@QuadW. org
Services Provided
 Sarcoma research advocacy
Description of Organization’s Mission, Goals and Focus
The WWWW Foundation provides financial support to people and organizations pursuing innovative ideas
and opportunities in the areas of higher education, sarcoma research, personally transforming mission
experiences and general philanthropy. Our accomplishments will reflect the light-hearted gbut wholehearted spirit that Willie embodied.
Description Organization’s Events:
Sarcoma Expert Panel – September 2015
Recipients of Organization’s Funds
ASCO Conquer Cancer Foundation, Young Investigator Award in Sarcoma, annually
AACR – Young Investigator Award in Sarcoma, annually
Children’s Oncology Group - QuadW Sarcoma Biostatistics and Annotation Office
SARC (Sarcoma Alliance for Research through Collaboration) for support of anti-PD1 clinical trial
MD Anderson Cancer Center - Willie Tichenor Fellowship in Sarcoma, tissue banking support
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute – Willie Tichenor Fellowship in Sarcoma
Morris Animal Foundation – canine osteosarcoma pilot study
On March 15, 2006 Willie Tichenor died of osteosarcoma at age 19. The WWWW Foundation, Inc., or QuadW, was created to
honor his desire to make positive changes in the world around him. We will ponder the question “What Would Willie Want?” as
we consider ideas to achieve these wishes.
Music was Willie’s passion throughout his life – he was a glorious singer, whether on stage with his band CloverStreet, at church
or in his car. He loved sports, especially basketball, and was an avid snowboarder . Willie was insightful, outrageous and full of
good ideas and big plans. He regularly accomplished his goals. Through the end he maintained a strong faith in Go d. Willie had
the remarkable ability to inspire those around him to be better. With his unique zest for life, Willie’s personality and actions made
an enduring contribution to his family, friends, and community. His unmatched charm and wit are still remembered and emulated
by those who encountered him.
He brought great joy to his family and friends with his infectious smile and dancing eyes. He always made us laugh. And think.
The following is a list of other organizations, which advocate for sarcoma survivors and/or raise funds for
treatment and research. If you wish to be listed, contact Sarcoma Alliance.
Organization/ Foundation
Grants Given
The Alliance Against Alveolar Soft Part
Sarcoma (TAAASPS)
Rose Birtley, President
141-08 Coolidge Avenue
Briarwood, NY 11435
Tel 718 523-7752
Fax 718 657-0516
Jimmy Fund:
the PanMassachusetts
Challenge (PMC)
Adam Dealey Foundation for Ewing Sarcoma
John & Marian Dealey
Amandalee Fund
Arlynn Haarer, Marketing Specialist H. Lee
Moffitt Cancer Center
813- 632-1744 800-972-HOPE x1744
Lee Moffitt
Cancer Center
Anthony Pilcher Bone Cancer Trust
Peacehaven, UK
Royal Marsden
Dana-Farber –Contributions
Division of Development & The Jimmy
10 Brookline Place West
Brookline, MA 02445-7226
LMS research
Backmeyer/Hetherington Fund
Dana Farber
Cancer Center
Mail donation checks payable to MD
Anderson with “Marcia Acker” on the
memo line to:
Tricia Touchstone, 3468 Amherst
Dallas TX 75225."
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
P.O. Box 297153
Houston, Texas 77030
MD Anderson
Cure Sarcoma, Japan
Kaja Onishi
Dr. Takahashi’s
Calponin Gene
Ferrin Randall Zeitlin Foundation For
Sarcoma Research
Alan Zeitlin
27 Grace Dr.
Old Westbury, NY 11568-1228
GIST Cancer Research Fund
Tania Stutman, Chairwoman
Betsy Project Cure Sarcoma Now
Carlene Paris Fund for Sarcoma Research
Dr. Mark Landesman: Director
Ken Schou: Director
GIST Cancer Research Fund
55 Saw Mill Road
New City, NY 10956
(845) 634-6060
M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center
GIST research
Farber, Fox,
Cancer Centers
GIST Support UK
Grind for Life Benefit / Mike Rogers Fund
In Memory of Beverly Cohn Fund
In Memory of Vicki Bundock Dowdeswell
Leiomyosarcoma Cancer Research Fund
Jake’s Reindeer Race
David Cook
Mike Rogers
(561) 252-3839
Financial aid for
travel to sarcoma
centers, Sarcoma
Alliance, Miracle
House, Sloan
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
P.O. Box 297153
Houston, Texas 77030
M.D. Anderson
Cancer Center
Royal Marsden Hospital
Fulham Road
Chelsea, LONDON, England
Royal Marsden
Cindy Maynard
720 Epson Downs Court
Richmond, Virginia 23229
Janice and Michael Burke Leiomyosarcoma
Research Fund
Dana-Farber –Contributions
10 Brookline Place West
Brookline, MA 02445-7226
Dana Farber
Cancer Center
Jeanette S Moore Leiomyosarcoma Fund
Jacqueline Yencha
Georgetown Unv.
Joanna C. Marino Foundation
Dave Marino
508-380-8304 cell.
508-966-1557 H.
Dana Farber
Cancer Center
Joshua Gilbert Rhabdomyosarcoma Appeal
Mr. Robert Berg, c/o Janes Solicitors
18-21 Jermyn Street
London SW1Y 6HP
England, UK
Tel: 0207 734 3900
Kylee's Dancing Angels Inc.
Allan Webster, President
Provide grants to
sarcoma patients
who need
financial support
to find their
“happy place.”
Lola’s Love Sarcoma Cancer Organization
320 East 86th Street
Suite 4C
New York, NY 10028
Paula Takacs Foundation for Sarcoma
Paula Takacs-Director
Geoffrey Takacs-Assistant Director
The Institute of
Cancer Research
Memorial Sloan
P.O. Box 78416
Charlotte, NC 28271
(p) 704-287-7733
PMC Pan-Mass Challenge
Sponsors the Sarcoma Stomp
Billy Starr, Executive Director
77 Fourth Ave.
Needham, MA 02494
781-449-5803 fax
77 Fourth Avee Neeham, MA 02494
Jimmy Fund,
Dana Farber
Scholarships for
high school
Reid R. Sacco Memorial Foundation
Richard's Run for Life
Richard Gonzmart
Richard’s Run For Life Foundation
P.O. Box 5027
Tampa, Florida 33605
Pediatric sarcoma
research at
H. Lee Moffitt
Cancer Center
Tom Bailey
3173 560th St. SW
Riverside, IA 52327
Foundation of
Seth A. Bailey Sarcoma Cancer Fund
SOS DESMOIDE Association
Marie Podevin
President & Founder
Daniel et Rejane Podevin
1 Rue des Trembles, 17200 Royan,
Shawn Thomas Memorial Foundation
The Robert and Heather Urich Sarcoma
1500 E. Medical Center Drive, Ann
Arbor, MI 48109-0755
U of Michigan
Cancer Center
The Shelly Glaspell Schiellerd Ewing's
Sarcoma Fund
Sandy Glaspell
PO Box 1174 • Harrisburg, NC 28075
assistance for
Ewing’s families
The Terry Fox Foundation
Darrell Fox Ex Director
(604) 701-0246
National Cancer
Institute of
The Robert and Heather Urich Sarcoma
Organizations with changes since distribution of the 2014 publication:
Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative
LMSarcoma Direct Research Foundation (email change)
The National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation, Inc. (contact information change)
Sarcoma Alliance (Executive Director information change)
Sarcoma Foundation of America (CEO information change)
Sarcoma UK
*Removal of the sPECial Fund, which is no longer operational
Added to Appendix:
Kylee's Dancing Angels Inc.