Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda


Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Agenda
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
Wednesday February 18, 2015 12:00 PM
1. Call to Order:
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting:
1) February 4, 2015 Council Minutes and February 11, 2015 Committee of the
Whole Minutes
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council Minutes of February 4, 2015 and February 11, 2015 Committee
of the Whole Minutes be adopted as presented, including any revisions to be
4. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
7:00 PM - Public Meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
and Official Plan Amendments for 562093 Ontario Limited c/o Edward Raco.
Agent: Cuesta Planning Consultants Inc. Lot 11, Plan 535, geographic Township
of Derby.
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting
to hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and
Official Plan Amendments for 562093 Ontario Limited c/o Edward Raco, Lot 11,
Plan 535, geographic Township of Derby.
Public Meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for Flora and
Byron Spencer, agent Evan Spencer, Pt Lot 38, Colpoy’s Range, Plan 133 Pt Mill
Reserve, RP 16R1652, Part 1, RP 16R1354 Pt 2, geographic Township of
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting
to hold a public meeting to consider a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for
Flora and Byron Spencer, Pt Lot 38, Colpoy’s Range, Plan 133 Pt Mill Reserve,
RP 16R1652, Part 1, RP 16R1354 Pt 2, geographic Township of Keppel.
7:45 – Matthew Standen, Chair of the Physician Recruitment and Retention
Committee of South Bruce Peninsula.
5. Consent Agenda:
1) Accounts to be approved for the period of January 29, to February 11, 2015
in the amount of $623,491.33.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
February 18, 2015
(receive for information)
2) Correspondence for Council Information
Owen Sound & District Chamber of Commerce – Report on the Owen
Sound Inner Harbour
Autism Ontario – “Raise the Flag”
Correspondence from AMO – Highlights of the January 2015 Board Meeting
3) Minutes List
Kemble Arena Board Minutes – February 10, 2015
(receive for information)
Recreation and Property Committee Minutes of February 9, 2015
(receive for information)
Environmental Committee Minutes of February 9, 2015
(receive for information)
InterTownship Fire Board Minutes of February 3, 2015
(receive for information)
6. Adoption of Consent Agenda:
With the adoption of the Consent Agenda, all recommendations found within
previous Committee Reports or Minutes are then approved or received by
Council as noted. The Consent Agenda content is available to the public when
the Agenda is finalized, but is not subject to discussion from the floor at this time.
However, representations may be made at subsequent meetings on matters of
Recommended (move, Second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Consent Agenda
of February 18, 2015 as circulated, less any items requested for separate review
and discussion and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative
7. Correspondence:
Requiring Council Action:
1) Correspondence from Sydenham Community School
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
February 18, 2015
(for Council’s consideration)
8. Reports and Recommendations:
Financial Services:
1) 2013 Biodigester Deficit
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs directs the Treasurer to
issue a cheque to the Chatsworth/Georgian Bluffs Biodigester for $59,326 to be
paid for from Georgian Bluffs 2014 operating budget.
Building and Planning Department:
1) Carron and Jonathon Standaloft – Queen of Hearts Daycare Site Plan
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approves the Site Plan, dated
February 13, 2015 as presented by Carron and Jonathon Standaloft for
development of the property described as Part Lots 16 & 17, Concession 3, Part
1, 16R-6952 in the geographic Township of Sarawak, to permit a Commercial
Daycare, not to exceed a total of 55 employees and/or children without a review of
the servicing and amendment to the By-law.
Environmental Committee:
Finance Committee:
Recreation and Property Committee
Transportation Committee:
9. Public Question Period:
10. By-laws:
1) By-law 12-2015 to authorize a Site Plan Agreement with Shouldice Designer
Stone Ltd.
Recommended (Move, Second)
That By-law No. 12-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 12-2015 being a By-law to authorize a Site
Plan Agreement with Shouldice Designer Stone Ltd.
2) By-law 15-2015 - Zoning By-law Amendment for Carron and Jonathan
Standaloft (Queen of Hearts Daycare)
Recommended (Move, Second)
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
February 18, 2015
That By-law No. 15-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 15-2015 being a By-law to rezone Part Lots
16 and 17,Concession 3, Part 1, Plan 16R6952, geographic Township of Sarawak
to allow for an expansion to the daycare.
3) By-law 16-2015 Zoning By-law Amendment for Flora and Byron Spencer
That By-law No. 17-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 17-2015 being a By-law to rezone Pt Lot 38,
Colpoy’s Range, Plan 133 Pt Mill Reserve RP 16R1652, Part 1 RP 16R1354 Pt 2,
Georgian Bluffs, geographic Township of Keppel to allow for the construction of an
attached garage on a private road.
11. Unfinished Business:
1) Water Consumption Financial Relief Request for Grey Condo Corp
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs accepts the staff
recommendation regarding the respective properties presented at the February
11, 2015 Council meeting for financial relief on water consumption.
2) Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Budget
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs directs staff to prepare a
motion (to be sent to all affected municipalities) regarding the GSCA requesting
them to complete their budget based on revenue neutral and excluding phased in
assessment growth.
3) Heritage Hills
Recommend (move, second)
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs directs staff to designate the
Heritage Hills as multi-use trails and include them as part of the Georgian Bluffs
multi-use trail system.
12. New Business:
13. In Camera Session:
14. Confirmation By-law Adjournment:
Recommended (Move, Second)
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Agenda
February 18, 2015
That By-law No. 17-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 17-2015 being a By-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs on February 18,
Recommended (Move, Second)
That this Council adjourns at ______ PM on a motion moved by Councillor
___________and seconded by Councillor _____________ meet again at the
next regular Council meeting on March 4, 2015 or at the call of the Mayor.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
Wednesday February 4, 2015, 7:00 PM
Members Present:
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
Councillor – Carol Barfoot
Councillor – Sue Carleton
Councillor – Paul Sutherland
Councillor – Ryan Thompson
Councillor – Tom Wiley
Staff Present:
Acting CAO – Holly Morrison
Deputy Clerk – Christine Fraser-McDonald
Planner – Clint Stredwick
Operations Director – Peter Paquette
Treasurer – Kassandra Rocca
Media Present:
Matt Villeneuve – Bayshore Broadcasting
1. Call to Order:
Mayor Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A quorum was present.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Wiley
That the Council Minutes of January 21, 2015 and January 28, 2015 be adopted
as presented, including any revisions or amendments to be made.
4. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
5. Adoption of Consent Agenda:
Motion No.: 31-2015
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopts the Consent Agenda
of February 4, 2015 as circulated, less any items requested for separate review
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
and discussion and direct staff to proceed with all necessary administrative
6. Correspondence
Requiring Council Action:
1) Correspondence from Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Motion No.: 32-2015
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
Whereas Canada Post and the Conservatives are taking an axe to longtreasured postal services – killing good jobs, eliminating door-to-door delivery,
drastically increasing postage rates and closing, downsizing and reducing hours
at post offices;
Whereas Canada Post did not properly consult on these changes, effectively
eliminating any opportunity for input from the people who will be most affected;
Whereas closing and downsizing post offices, reducing post office hours and
eliminating door-to-door delivery will reduce service and eliminate thousands of
jobs in community throughout our country.
Whereas Canada Post offers a public service that needs to be protected;
Be it resolved that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs write a letter to
the Minister responsible for Canada Post that calls on the government to reverse
the changes to services announced by Canada Post, and to look instead for
ways to increase service and revenues in areas such as postal banking.
Be it further resolved that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs ask the
Federation of Canadian Municipalities to request that the federal government
consult with the public about what kind of postal service they need before
allowing Canada Post to make such major changes to public postal service.
2) Correspondence from Myrna Inglis, Chair, MedLINCS Committee
Council noted and filed this correspondence.
7. Reports and Recommendations:
Corporate Services:
1) Report CL.15.03Board and Committee Vacancies
The Deputy Clerk gave her report to Council regarding the Board and Committee
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
She noted that she has had one applicant for the Library Board and no applicants
for the Property Standards Committee.
One application has been received the Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Group, but
he is not a resident of Georgian Bluffs.
The following recommendation was made:
Motion No.: 33-2015
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs hereby appoints Joanne
Veerman as a public member to the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public
Library Board.
2) Report CL.15.04 Non-Union Boot Allowance
The Acting CAO gave her report regarding the Non-Union Boot Allowance.
Presently, union members receive a boot allowance. The Operations Manager,
Operations Supervisors, CBO, Deputy CBO and Facilities Manager have also
been receiving the boot allowance. At this time there is nothing in the Personnel
Policy in this regard.
It is recommended that this practice continues. It is suggested that the employee
be reimbursed (a maximum of $170.00 per year) upon submitting a receipt.
Council directed the Acting CAO to proceed with this allowance. The Personnel
Policy will be amended in this regard to incorporate this recommendation.
Planning Department:
1) Walpole – Zoning By-law Amendment
Planner Clint Stredwick gave his report to Council regarding this Zoning By-law
He advised Council that this application is not considered good planning and he
is recommending that the proposal not be approved.
Council supported the Planner’s report that this is not a buildable lot, but will
refund the water billing charges to the owner.
2) Boulter Subdivision Conditions
Planner Clinton Stredwick gave his report to Council.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
He said that the subdivision will have 22 lots and is to be serviced by a through
road as well as municipal water. From Township staff perspective, the Township
is satisfied that the proposed subdivision is appropriate.
The following recommendation was made:
Motion No.: 34-2015
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs supports the proposed
Township draft conditions and that the conditions and resolution be forwarded on
to the NEC and County of Grey for inclusion in the Subdivision Draft Plan
3) Abigail Homes Merit Report prepared by Professional Planner Kristine Loft
Planner Kristine Loft presented her Merit Report regarding Abigail Homes.
She noted that the Application is premature until such time as a Planning
Justification Report is received and until all municipal planning application fees
are received. She recommended that her report be received for information
purposes only. Once the Justification Report and fees are received and the
application is deemed complete, the application would have merit in proceeding
to a public meeting.
A By-law will be brought forward to Council at a later date.
Council wanted the applicants to be made aware that they will be paying for the
professional planner. The applicants will be making a presentation to Council at
a future Council meeting.
Council thanked Ms. Loft for her report.
Environmental Committee:
Chair Burley gave his report to Council. He noted that he will be absent at the
next meeting. There will be a proposed capital budget brought forward at that
Finance Committee:
Chair Carleton noted that the budget meeting date needs to be changed.
The budget meeting will commence at 12:00 PM on Wednesday February 18,
2105. It will not be held on the 17th.
The following recommendation was made:
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
Motion No.: 36-2015
Moved by: Councillor
Seconded by: Councillor
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs authorizes a Treasury
Contract with Joanne Marklevitz as per the contract agreement to commence
February 2, 2015.
Recreation and Property Committee:
Chair Thompson had nothing to report.
Transportation Committee:
Chair Wiley had nothing to report.
Director of Operations Peter Paquette noted that the new plow truck will be
arriving shortly.
8. Public Question Period:
There were no questions from the public.
9. By-laws:
1) By-law 9-2015 to appoint a Deputy Treasurer.
Motion No.: 37-2015
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That By-law No. 9-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 9-2015 being a By-law to appoint Lynne
McDowell as Deputy Treasurer, as per the terms outlined in the Offer of
Employment effective January 19, 2015.
2) By-law 10-2015 authorize an agreement with the Kilsyth Women’s Institute.
Motion No.: 38-2015
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That By-law No. 10-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 10-2015 being a By-law to authorize
an Agreement with the Kilsyth Women’s Institute for use of the Pioneer Club
room at the Derby Community Centre.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
3) By-law 11-2015 authorize an agreement with the Kilsyth Seniors Club/Derby
Pioneer Club
Motion No.: 39-2015
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That By-law No. 11-2015 be read first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 11-2015 being a By-law to authorize
an agreement with the Kilsyth Seniors Club/Derby Pioneer Club.
4) By-law 13-2015 authorize an agreement with the Minister of Community Safety
and Correctional Services for the provision of police services.
Motion No.: 40-2015
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That By-law No. 13-2015 be read first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law No. 13-2015 being a By-law to authorize
an Agreement with the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services
for the provision of police services for the term from January 1, 2015 to
December 31, 2017.
10. Unfinished Business:
1) White Cloud Island Dock
Council directed staff to correspond with Small Craft Habours requesting work to
be completed on the White Cloud Island Dock.
2) Councillor Internet Allowance
The following recommendation was made:
Motion No.: 41-2015
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Thompson
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recommends that the
Internet Allowance for Councillors continue for the term of Council at an amount
of $50.00 per month.
3) Social Media
The Township’s Twitter and Facebook account will go live on February 5, 2015.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
11. New Business:
1) Request from the City of Owen Sound Council to meet to discuss matters of
mutual interest.
Council directed that Deputy Clerk to respond back to have Owen Sound supply
some meeting dates.
2) Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Budget
Council directed their representatives on the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority
Board to not approve the 2015 budget as submitted.
3) Cultural Heritage Conservation Workshop
This is to take place on Wednesday March 25 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at the
Meaford Hall.
Councillors Barfoot and Carleton will be attending.
4) Transportation Master Plan
This is to take place on March 6 from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM at Grey Roots.
Councillors Carleton, Wiley, Barfoot, Deputy Mayor Burley and Mayor Barfoot will
12. In Camera Session:
Motion No.: 42-2015
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That Council proceeds into a closed session to discuss matters regarding
litigation or potential litigation and the following person to remain in attendance:
Acting CAO Holly Morrison
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That the regular Council meeting be reconvened at 10:20 PM
There was a discussion following the in camera session regarding the Wiarton
Keppel International Airport. Council directed the Acting CAO to prepare
correspondence to be sent the Town of South Bruce Peninsula regarding the
airport and direction received in camera.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Council Minutes
February 4, 2015
13. Confirming By-law and Adjournment:
Motion No.:43 -2015
Moved by: Councillor Sutherland
Seconded by: Councillor Barfoot
That By-law No. 14-2015 be read a first, second and third time, finally passed,
signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and
engrossed in the By-law Book. By-law 14-2015 being a By-law to confirm the
proceedings of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs on February 4,
That this Council adjourns at 10:32 PM on a motion moved by Councillor
Sutherland and seconded by Councillor Carleton to meet again at the next
regular Council meeting on February 18, 2015 or at the call of the Mayor.
Mayor Alan Barfoot
Christine Fraser-McDonald,
Deputy Clerk
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday February 11, 2015, 7:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
Councillor – Carol Barfoot
Councillor – Sue Carleton
Councillor – Paul Sutherland
Councillor – Ryan Thompson
Councillor – Tom Wiley
Members Absent:
Deputy Mayor – Dwight Burley
Staff Present:
Acting CAO – Holly Morrison
Deputy Clerk – Christine Fraser-McDonald
Planner – Clint Stredwick
Operations Director – Peter Paquette
Treasurer – Kassandra Rocca
1. Call to Order:
Mayor Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof:
3. Hearing of Delegations or Deputations:
7:00 PM – Committee of Adjustment Hearing for Consent Application B1/15 to
consider an access easement for an existing shared well and Consent
Application B2/15 to consider an 2.45 acre lot addition. Both applications are
made by Patricia Caldwell, Stephen Caldwell, Mark Caldwell and Doug Caldwell
and are located on Con 25 WPT Lot 38 in the geographic Township of Keppel.
The following recommendation was made:
Motion Number: COW 1-2015-02-11
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Sutherland
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting
to sit as the Committee of Adjustment for the purpose of considering the following
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
B1/15 and B2/15 for Patricia Caldwell, Stephen Caldwell, Mark Caldwell and
Bruce Caldwell, Part Lot 38, Concession 25, geographic Township of Keppel.
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That the Committee of the Whole meeting be reconvened at 7:15 PM
4. Correspondence:
5. Reports and Recommendations:
Corporate Services
1) Cost of Living Allowance
Acting CAO Holly Morrison presented her report to Council. She noted that
Council is responsible for approving pay grids for all staff. The proposed 2015
budget includes funds for a 2.0% COLA for the non-union pay ranges with a
January 1st, 2015 effective date.
Council directed that this be deferred until the Budget meeting on February 18,
2) Development Charges Study – Next Steps
Acting CAO Holly Morrison presented her report to Council. In her report she
said that after the presentation made by the consultant, Council directed that
the Fire Master Plan and the Recreation Master Plan studies be removed
from the calculations. The other adjustment was to use actual expenditures
for the Roads Needs and Development Charges studies, rather than
previously estimated costs.
The consultant would like confirmation that the growth related share of each
component calculation is acceptable (currently the calculations are based on
the County and Township Official Plan showing a 24% in population over the
next twenty years - 50 new dwellings on average per year).
Under the Biodigester section, only the average replacement cost was
factored into the analysis. The Development Charge (if approved) is
intended to provide the basis for the addition of more storage.
Prior to a revised costing being presented to Council, the consultant is looking
for confirmation that Council accepts the estimated growth and that under the
Biodigester, the growth component should be added.
Council directed the Acting CAO to direct the consultant to use the calculations
as presented in his report and further to include the cost of additional storage at
the Biodigester.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
3) Water Consumption Financial Relief Request for Grey Condo Corp.
In the spring of 2014, it was determined that there was a leakage/over usage
issue at this location. However, there are multiple meters at this location, and
therefore required investigation of which property and usage was causing the
large volume of water being used. A system to prevent flooding was
established by the engineers. The system started up due to a breaker tripped
in the pump's electrical panel and did not correct itself when the power was
restored and the water continued to flow. The Property Management agent
appeared before the Finance Committee in September 2014.
A meeting was held in January 2015 with representatives from the Township;
the Property Management agent and the Builder. Direction was given to staff
to provide a report to Council with the financial difference in the over usage
rates. In this proposal, costs have been recovered.
During the last year since the new water meters were installed, the Township
now has the ability to identify leaks over a p e r i o d of 96 days and breakdown
the usage into time increments. Staff was directed to draft a policy and
procedure regarding water usage and billing overages. However, due to time
restraints and staffing levels, this has not been submitted to Council for review.
Several ratepayers have requested financial relief from above average billings.
Staff has investigated and monitored these requests, however, minimal
adjustments have been made.
Council directed the Acting CAO to bring forward a motion for the next Council
meeting on February 18, 2015.
Building and Planning Department
1) Zoning Applications B5/14, B6/14, B7/14 and B8/14 - David McNabb, Jim
MacKinnon and Michael Smart (Francis Lake)
Planner Clinton Stredwick gave an update to Council regarding the proposed
There were a number of concerns raised by agencies and residents at the Public
Meeting and therefore the applications were deferred.
He noted that this is not another public meeting, but rather an update for Council.
A courtesy letter was sent out to anyone that attended the public meeting and
made comments or sent in correspondence. It is up to Council to decide whether
there will be another Public Meeting.
Mr. Stredwick also noted that there will be a Development Agreement prepared
for these properties.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ron Davidson, Planner for the Applicants, presented further information to
Council in regards to the above noted Consent applications.
He noted that there are 18 existing lots of records. There are no lots being
severed or a plan of subdivision being created.. There are a couple of lot
additions to change the lot configuration. The other application (McNabb) will
also be added to the existing roads.
The Zoning By-law states that you can only have a building permit if the property
fronts onto an open and maintained road. Therefore a Zoning By-law
Amendment is necessary.
He told Council that several studies had been completed and the Grey Sauble
Conservation Authority has now signed off on the Stormwater Management Plan.
Mr. Davidson then addressed every concern that was brought up at the Public
meeting or any letters that were submitted and discussed them.
Council thanked Mr. Davidson for his presentation.
Council directed the Planner to prepare his report and to send out notices to the
neighbours for the night that the report will be presented. The Zoning By-law
Amendment will be brought forward at a future Council meeting.
Public comments can still be sent to the Planner.
6. Public Question Period:
Marie Simpson noted that she is representing the Friends of the Heritage Hills.
She had an update regarding the hills. She noted that at the All Candidates
Meeting in the fall, all the councillors were asked if it cost $25,000 to open the
hills, would they vote yes. She said that they all said yes.
She told Council that she has met with Harold Sutherland regarding the costs to
open the hills. She feels the hills can be reopened with $25,000, and would like it
done this year.
Joanne Veerman asked about a new build and the costs of upgrading the road at
Francis Lake. She felt that with 17 new builds the road will need more
maintenance. She also stated that people can leave their boats at the dock at
this present time.
She would like another public meeting regarding these proposals.
Unfinished Business:
1) Heritage Hills Options
The Mayor noted that Council is concerned about the information that has been
given to them. Marie Simpson has provided information regarding the costs to
reopen the hills.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Mr. Sutherland is agreeing to the $25,000, but only if staff, solicitor and insurance
agree to that.
Council hired a firm to complete a road evaluation.
Council has decided to come to a decision regarding the hills prior to budget.
Transportation Chair Tom Wiley noted that at the January 19th Transportation
meeting, he has reviewed all the documents and emails and has come up with
three options for the hills.
1. Define a minimum construction standard that will enable the Municipality to
determine an estimate of construction and this will cost approximately
2. Stop up and close the Heritage Hills permanently to public vehicle traffic.
3. Designate the Heritage Hills as multi-use trails and include them as part of the
Georgian Bluffs multi-use trail system.
The Minimum Guideline explained in the Inventory Manual for Municipal Roads
specifies that the minimum tolerable width for roads that are Class 100 (AADT
less than 50 vehicles per day) is 5 metres, plus 0.5 metres shoulders. A single
lane option is proposed with one 4 metres wide lane. This is a Class D estimate,
for a one-way uphill road only.
Currently both of the hills are identified as “No Maintenance”. If Council
upgraded the level of maintenance to “No Winter Maintenance”, then dedicated
funds to improve the existing approach road would be required for summer use.
The estimate does not include rock removal or special methods of construction to
address stability, underground water control, engineering or contingency.
Staff noted that it will cost $80,000 to upgrade the “W” hill. There are additional
costs ($25,000) for culverts or underground collection systems, $10,000 for
surface treatment costs and $5,000 extra for gravel long term annual
Director of Operations Peter Paquette noted that the Township does not have
small enough equipment to maintain these narrow roads.
The approach roads are unsafe, unmaintained and would need additional funds
to be upgraded to “No Winter Maintenance”.
Concession 20 has an estimate of $361,300 to upgrade. The road is on rock and
cannot be modified to one lane to reduce construction costs. Due to the extreme
grade, it wold need geometric and alignment corrections to make it safe.
It would also need a hard surface of either hot mix asphalt or concrete, as well as
solid beam guard rails. An Environmental Assessment would also be required.
The estimate does not include or consider the cost to alter the grade or geometry
of the road. It does not include any rock removal or additional excavation or tree
removal. This option would increase the risk of accident and potential accident
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Operations Director noted that the submission from Harold Sutherland does
not address the pre-existing conditions.
Council voted on each option and supported Option three.
Council directed staff to designate the Heritage Hills as multi-use trails and
include them as part of the Georgian Bluffs multi-use trail system.
2) GSCA Budget Update
Councillor Thompson gave an update on the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority
Council directed staff to prepare a motion (to be sent to all affected
municipalities) regarding the GSCA requesting them to complete their budget
based on revenue neutral and excluding phased in assessment growth.
New Business:
1) Kemble Arena Board Meeting
Councillor Sutherland noted that there was nothing discussed.
10. In Camera Session:
Motion Number: COW 2-2015-02-11
Moved by: Councillor Wiley
Seconded by: Councillor Carleton
That Council proceeds into a closed session to discuss personal matters about
an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and the
following person to remain in attendance: Acting CAO Holly Morrison
Moved by: Councillor Carleton
Seconded by: Councillor Wiley
That the Council meeting be extended passed the 10:30 PM curfew.
Moved by: Councillor Thompson
Seconded by: Councillor Wiley
That the regular Council meeting be reconvened at 10:55 PM.
Township of Georgian Bluffs
Committee of the Whole Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
11. Adjournment:
Council adjourned at 10:57 PM on a motion moved by Councillor Sutherland and
seconded by Councillor Barfoot to meet again at the next regular Committee of
the Whole meeting on March 11, 2015 or at the call of the Mayor.
Alan Barfoot
Deputy Clerk – Christine Fraser-McDonald
The Township of Georgian Bluffs and the County of Grey want your feedback on a new development
Why did I get this notice?
You received this meeting notice as you live or own property within 120 metres of the proposed
development location.
Description of the Proposed Development
The County and the Township are seeking input on development applications to consider allowing for
additional commercial land uses on the subject lands shown below. The applicant has applied for
additional commercial opportunities which they believe would fit with the small building area on the
site. The applications have been filed by 562093 Ontario Limited, Edward Raco, and Cuesta Planning
Consultants Inc. are representing the applicant.
Location of the Proposed Development
The subject lands are located on the Sunset Strip at 202507 Highway 6 and 21. The legal description
of the property is Plan 535, Lot 11, in the geographic Township of Derby, now in the Township of
Georgian Bluffs. See key map below.
Location and Timing of the Public Meeting
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township of
Georgian Bluffs Council Chambers at 177964 Grey Road 18, in Springmount.
What can I expect at the Public Meeting?
The public meeting is an opportunity for members of the public to learn more about the proposed
development. Attendees have the opportunity to hear a brief presentation about the development,
ask questions, and/or make statements either in favour of, or in opposition to the development. At the
meeting members of the public will also hear a summary of any comments received about the
proposed development prior to the public meeting.
The public meeting will take place at a Township Council or Committee meeting. A designated
member of Council (often the Mayor) will act as the moderator or chair for the meeting. The
moderator will keep the meeting in order and allow the applicant (and their development team), the
public, and members of Council to speak and ask questions.
No decisions are made at this meeting. It is simply an opportunity to learn and provide feedback.
I can’t attend the Public Meeting, can I still participate?
Yes you can still participate. You can learn more about the proposed development by contacting the
County or Township offices, or by reading the materials on the County website at the below link. You
may also choose to submit comments via letter or email, after taking the time to learn about the
proposed development. All of the contact information for both the Township and County has been
provided below:
County Contact Information:
Scott Taylor, Senior Planner
County of Grey Planning Department
595 9th Avenue East
Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 3E3
Phone: 519-372-0219 ext. 1238
Township Contact Information:
Christine Fraser-McDonald, Deputy Clerk
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18, Rural Route 3
Owen Sound, Ontario, N4K 5N5
Phone: 519-376-2729
What are the changes being made through the applications?
This development requires three applications, a County Official Plan Amendment, a Township Official
Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law Amendment. In order for the development to move forward,
approvals are needed on all three of these applications. The County makes the decision on the
Official Plan Amendments and the Township makes the decision on the Zoning By-law Amendment.
The proposed County Official Plan Amendment would change the subject lands from the ‘Space
Extensive Commercial’ designation to the ‘Space Extensive Commercial with Exceptions’
designation. The proposed Township Official Plan Amendment would change the subject lands from
the ‘Sunset Strip Policy Area’ designation to the ‘Sunset Strip Policy Area with Exceptions’
designation. The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment would implement the Official Plan
Amendments and re-zone the subject lands from the ‘C4’ (Space Extensive Commercial) and ‘EP’
(Environmental Protection) zones to ‘C4-XX’ (Space Extensive Commercial with Exceptions) and ‘EP’
(Environmental Protection) zones. The collective effect of the amendments would be to provide relief
from setback requirements and allow for additional commercial uses on the subject lands.
The applications have been deemed complete, under the Planning Act, which means that it is now
time to receive public feedback on the proposals. In deeming the applications complete, the County
and the Township have enough information to seek public input on the development. No decisions
have been made on the applications, and no decisions will be made until the public process has been
Why this meeting is being held and what are your rights?
Within Ontario the planning and development process is an open and transparent process, where
opinions from all individuals and groups are welcomed. By law a municipality must hold a public
meeting, and this meeting is just one of your chances to learn about the development proposal and
offer your opinions. Under the legislation governing this development, which is sections 22 and 34 of
the Planning Act, you have the following rights:
1. Any persons may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either
in support of or in opposition to the proposed Official Plan Amendments or Zoning By-law
2. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to the Township of Georgian Bluffs before the Zoning By-law Amendment is
approved or to the County of Grey before the Official Plan Amendments are approved, the
person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decisions of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
or the County of Grey to the Ontario Municipal Board.
3. If a person or public body does not make oral submission at a public meeting, or make written
submissions to the Township of Georgian Bluffs before the Zoning By-law Amendment is
approved or to the County of Grey before the Official Plan Amendments are approved, the
person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the
Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to
do so.
4. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Township of Georgian Bluffs in respect to the
approval of the Zoning By-law Amendment, or the County of Grey in respect to the adoption of
the Official Plan Amendments, you must make a written request to the Township or the
County, at the addresses noted on the previous page. Please note file numbers GBOPA-03-15
and Z-02-15 when directing correspondence to the Township. The County Official Plan
Amendment file number is 42-03-540-OPA-126.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact County or Township staff, who would be
happy to answer any questions on the matter.
Dated at Owen Sound this 28th day of January, 2015
Public Meeting Agenda – Zoning Amendment Application
Flora & Byron Spencer
Agent: Evan Spencer
February 18, 2015
I would like to call this Public Meeting to order please. This meeting has been
called for the purpose of considering an application for a proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment in the Township.
Would the Deputy Clerk please advise those present as to the method by which
the notice of this meeting was given.
Deputy Clerk:
Yes, thank you Mr. Mayor.
Notice of this public meeting was given by first class prepaid mail to all property
owners within 120 metres (400 feet) of the subject property and to all the
agencies on January 28, 2015. A public notice was also posted on the Township
of Georgian Bluffs web site. As well, a public notice was posted on the subject
property by Garry McCartney on January 28, 2015.
Would the Planner please explain the purpose and effect of the proposed
application and whether any correspondence has been received to date”.
If there is anyone present who would like to make an oral or written submission on
the proposed application, they may do so after first giving your name and
address to the Deputy Clerk.
I will first hear from the applicant if there is anything that they wish to add to the
application and then from those in support of the applications and then from
those opposed.
Does the applicant wish to respond to any of the issues that have been raised
here today?
Anyone else wishing to address the application should ask their questions through
the chair.
Council will consider all the matters placed before it prior to submitting their
comments to the applicant
May I call for adjournment of this Public Meeting?
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18, R.R. #3, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5
Phone: 519-376-2729 Fax 519-372-1620
FILE: Z-15-14
(Section 34, Planning Act, 1990)
TAKE NOTICE that the following Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been
deemed complete pursuant to section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990,C.P 13, as
TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on February 18th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., in the
Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Chambers, 177964 Grey Road 18, R.R. #3, Owen Sound,
ON, in order to consider the Planning Application as outlined below.
Related File(s)
Legal Description
Municipal Address
Property Roll Number
Lot Description:
County and Local
Official Plan
Zoning By-law
Flora and Byron Spencer
Evan Spencer
Same as Applicant
Pt Lot 38, Colpoy Range, Plan 133 Pt Mill Reserve RP 16R1652, Part 1 RP
16R1354 Pt 2, Georgian Bluffs, geographic Township of Keppel,
105 Dewar Street
+/-62.19m (204.04ft)
+/-84.73m(278.0 ft),
+/- 0.75ham2 (1.86ac)
Single Family Dwelling
Attached garage.
Dewar Street (Private Road)
Existing shore well, and Septic tank and tile field, existing ditches
Inland lakes and shoreline, Tertiary Settlement Area, Significant Woodland and
Hazard. The Township OP designates the lands as Tertiary Settlement Area.
R1 Residential and EP Environmental Protection
Subject Property
Subject Lands
Surrounding Land Uses
Proposed OP
Proposed Zoning
Residential to the South, Seasonal Residential to the West, Georgian Bay to the
North and Residential to the East
No change proposed
Changing the “R1” Zone to “R1-x-2015” Residential exception to permit
development on a private road and recognize a deficient exterior side yard.
The zoning amendment will allow for the construction of an attached garage on a
private road. A holding symbol may be placed on the property pending the
outcome of a satisfactory EIS if required by the County of Grey. Development
requires relief from section 4.8.1 which requires access to an improved public
Any Person may attend the meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in
support or in opposition to the application.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to the Township of Georgian Bluffs before the proposed zoning by-law amendment
is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the
Township of Georgian Bluffs to the Ontario Municipal Board.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written
submissions to the Township of Georgian Bluffs before the proposed zoning by-law amendment
is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal
before the Ontario Municipal Board unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable
grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Written comments should be forwarded to the Township Deputy Clerk, Christine FraserMcDonald (by mail or fax at the above address; or by e-mail at
Additional Information relating to the application may be obtained at the Township Office, at
the above address, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday to Friday).
Any Person who has concerns or objections to the application is encouraged to contact the
Township at the above address prior to the scheduled meeting. Please note: Comments and
opinions submitted on these matters, including the originator’s name and address, become part
of the public record, may be viewed by the general public and may be published in a Planning
Report and Council Agenda.
Notification: If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed by-law amendment or of
the refusal of a request to amend the by-law, you must make a written request to the Township
at the above address.
Dated at the Township of Georgian Bluffs this 28th day of January, 2014.
Pt Lot 38, Colpoy Range, Plan 133 Pt Mill Reserve RP 16R1652, Part 1 RP 16R1354 Pt 2,
Georgian Bluffs, geographic Township of Keppel,
February 11, 2015
Township of Georgian Bluffs
177964 Grey Road 18
R. R. #3
Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N5
ATTENTION: Mayor and Members of Council
Dear Sirs/Mesdames:
The Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee of the Town of South Bruce
Peninsula (SBPPRRC) has been in existence for over ten (10) years in this community.
The Committee is comprised of members from South Bruce Peninsula and Georgian
Bluffs as well as representatives from Grey Bruce Health Services, the Sauble Family
Health Team, Southwest Local Health Integration Network and Municipal Council.
Members of the committee are passionate about the recruitment and retention efforts in
our community with some members sitting on the committee since its inception.
Our Committee is proud to be one of the most successful recruitment teams in Grey and
Bruce Counties. The Committee prides itself on being able to attract and retain
physicians by highlighting the lifestyle within our area versus attracting them with
promises of corporately backed monetary bonuses.
Our team of physicians serves South Bruce Peninsula’s permanent population of 8,500
as well as an estimated 800 residents of Cape Croker and an additional 2,500 from
Georgian Bluffs, not to mention the summer influx to upwards of 40,000 people.
Are you aware that many of the South Bruce Peninsula physicians are residents of the
Township of Georgian Bluffs?
Due to the geographic proximity, residents of the Township of Georgian Bluffs rely upon
healthcare and physician services located in South Bruce Peninsula. During the Grey
Bruce Health Services (GBHS) 2013-2014 fiscal year, there were over 2,000 Wiarton
Site ER visits by Township of Georgian Bay residents. There were over 50 separate
Wiarton Site in-patient admissions by Township of Georgian Bluffs residents,
accounting for the 396 total in-patient days. These numbers exclude Township of
Georgian Bluffs residents who have a N0H 2T0 postal code, which would include those
who live closest to South Bruce Peninsula and, potentially, are even more frequent
users of the GBHS, Wiarton Site Hospital.
Because of attrition, the Committee’s work is never done. A priority for the Committee
is to attract a full time physician to the Sauble Family Health Team to complement the
current part time physician and other medical practitioners at this facility while
maintaining the complement at the Wiarton Site Hospital.
The Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee of South Bruce Peninsula
respectfully requests the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs to consider an
annual financial commitment to physician recruitment efforts which will benefit both
South Bruce Peninsula and Georgian Bluffs.
The SBPPRRC has come before your Council before (in 2009) requesting financial
support for recruitment efforts, unfortunately, the verbal commitment made at that time
was never followed through upon. In fact, we understand that evidence of that verbal
commitment was never discussed during the subsequent budget deliberations. It
appears to have fallen through the cracks somehow.
The Committee feels that this request aligns with the recreation and culture actionables
contained within the Georgian Bluffs Strategic Plan:
“Identify strategies in partnership with municipalities and other recreation
service providers that promote healthy lifestyle and an active community.”
The Committee proposes the following commitment:
$7,500.00/year for 4 years
Total commitment: $30,000.00 (2015-2018)
We encourage you to ask questions as you feel appropriate. We are most anxious for
dialogue that will lead to a successful partnership between neighbouring municipalities.
Your careful consideration and decision would be welcomed during the 2015 budget
deliberations including a letter outlining the outcome of this request being delivered to
the addresses shown below. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Chair and Members of SBPPRRC
P. O. Box 73
Wiarton, Ontario N0H 2T0
BEING a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of
Georgian Bluffs.
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs deems it
in the public interest to pass a By-law to amend Bylaw No. 6-2003.
AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O.
1990, as amended, By-laws may be amended by Councils of Municipalities;
By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, is hereby amended as it affects lands described
as Plan 133 Part Mill Reserve, RP 16R1652 PT 1, RP 16R154 Pt 2, geographic
Township of Keppel, Township of Georgian Bluffs, and shown on the schedule
affixed hereto.
Schedule ‘A’ Map ‘16’ to By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, is hereby further
amended by changing the zone symbol from “R1’ Residential and EP
Environmental Protection to ‘R1-16-2015’ Residential exception and ‘EP’
Environmental Protection, as shown on the Schedules attached hereto and
forming part of this Bylaw.
Section 10.3, is hereby amended by adding the following:
Notwithstanding Section 4.8.1, 4.17.4, & 10.2 to this Bylaw, on lands
described as Plan 133 Part Mill Reserve, RP 16R1652 Pt 1 and RP
16R1354 PT 2, in the geographic Township of Keppel, shown as “R116-2015” on Map ‘16’ as amended, development for the purpose of
an attached garage with access from the private road is permitted.
The front yard shall be Grey Road 1 and the minimum exterior Side
Yard shall be reduced to 9m. The EP setback from the EP zone shall
be reduced to zero, as shown on schedule B. All other provisions of
Bylaw 6-2003 shall apply.”
Schedule ‘A’ attached and all notations thereon are hereby declared to form part of
this By-law.
The new EP boundary and building envelope shown on Schedule ‘B’ attached and
all other notations thereon are hereby to form part of this By-law
This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon being passed by Council
subject to any approval necessary pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as
Read a first and second time this 18th day of February, 2015.
Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 2015.
Mayor - Alan Barfoot
Deputy Clerk – Christine-Fraser-McDonald
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 162015 as enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the
Township of Georgian Bluffs this 18th day of February, 2015.
Christine Fraser-McDonald, Deputy Clerk
Spencer Z-15-14
SIGNED: _____________________
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
18th day of February, 2015
Deputy Clerk- Christine Fraser- McDonald
Subject Lands
Part Lots 16 and 17 Concession 5
, Part 1 of Plan 16R10169(Derby)
Parcel Zoned from ‘R1a’Residential and EP
Environmental Protection to “R1a-72-2014” Residential
Special and “EP” Environmental Protection (EP shown
on Schedule B)
Not to Scale
Amending Schedule A, Map 16
Spencer Z-15-14
DATE PASSED 18th day of February, 2015
SIGNED: _____________________
Mayor – Alan Barfoot
Deputy Clerk – Christine Fraser McDonald
Amending Schedule B, Map 16
Spencer Z-15-14
BY-LAW NO. 17-2015
BEING a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council meeting of the Corporation of
the Township of Georgian Bluffs held on February 18, 2015.
WHEREAS Section 19(1) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, grants powers of a Municipal Corporation to be exercised by its Council; and
WHEREAS Section 19(3) of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 219 as
amended, provides that powers of every Council are to be exercised by By-law unless
specifically authorized to do otherwise;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceedings of the Council meeting held
on February 18, 2015 is confirmed and adopted by By-law;
NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bluffs
enacts as follows:
1) That the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian
Bluffs at its meeting held on February 18, 2015 in respect to each motion and
resolution passed, reports received and direction given by the Council at the said
meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed.
2) The Mayor and the proper Officials of the Corporation are hereby authorized and
directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said action of the Council.
3) The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents
necessary in that behalf, and the Clerk is authorized and directed to affix the Seal
of the Corporation to all such documents.
4) That this By-law shall come into full force and effect upon the final passing hereof.
Read a first and second time this 18th day of February, 2015.
Read a third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 2015.
Mayor, Alan Barfoot
Deputy Clerk,
Christine Fraser-McDonald