Appendix C – Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By
Appendix C – Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By
Town of South Bruce Peninsula Wiarton Wastewater Treatment Plant Municipal Class Environmental Assessment BRM-605257-A0 April 24, 2015 Appendix C – Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment Application and Notice of Passing This page intentionally left blank. Georgian Bluffs Township of Memo lo: Agencies Owners: Town of Soulh Bruce Peninsulo Agenl: Alex Kolsleren Appficolion: Z-14-14 legol Desc. Porl Lol Civic Address: 441048 Concession I qnd PoÉ [o12, Concession 2t 21, geogrqphic Township of Keppel (Elm Streel) Roll # 4203 620 006 022 00 Subjecl: Zoning By-low Amendmenl Pleose find enclosed o Public Heoring Notice for the subject opplícotion os noted obove. Pleose review ond comment, os you feel necessory. Pleose provide your response to the Township by December 11.2014, so thot q finol report con be prepored for the Council's considerotion of the public heoring. Your co-operotion would be opprecioted ond if you hove ony questions or concerns pleose contoct lhe Township of Georgion Bluffs. Yours truly, Christine Froser-McDonold, 8.4., CMO Deputy Clerk Township of Georgion Bluffs 177964 Grey Rood 18, R.R.3 Owen Sound, Ontorio N4K 5N5 (519) 376-2729 Phone 1519) 372-1 620 Fox 6 November 24,2O14 Cìint Stredwick Township of South Georgian Bluffs 177964 Grey Road 18 R.R. #3 Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N5 Re Planning Justification Zoning Bylaw Amendment Wíarton Wastewater Treatment Facility Dear Mr. Stredwick, The following is a Planning Justifìcation letter in support of the above noted Zoning Bylaw Amendment Purpose The Wiarton Wastewater Treatment facility is currently at or near full capacity. lt is anticipated that in order to accommodate projected populatíon growth in the Town of South Bruce Peninsula, the Wiarton facility will need to be upgraded. The site is designated as an A-1 Rural zone, with part of the site designated as ËP Environmental Protection Zone. Under the Zoning Bylaw, utility uses are not permitted in A-1 and EP zones, and the current facility has a legal non-conforming status. lt is proposed to amend the Bylaw to rezone the site from the A-1 Rural and EP Environmental Protection Zone to the I lnstitutional Zone, which will bring the existing facility into conformity, and permit the upgrading. Property Description and Background The property is located to the south east of the intersection of Elm St. and Taylor St. in the Township of Georgian Bluffs. The property is located at 441084 Concession 21 (Elm St.) and the legal description is Con 21 , Part Lot 1 , Part Lot 2. The property occupied by the sewage lagoons is located in the Township of Georgian Bluffs, along the boundary shared with the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. The lands are generally located within an existing agricultural area of Grey County, South East of the intersection of Elm St. and Taylor St. The northern portion of the property falls under the jurisdÍction of the Niagara Escarpment Conrmission, and accordingly is not part of the proposed amendment. '1595 Clark Blvd, Brampton, ON L6T 4V1 , Canada T: +1 905.793.9800 . exp Services lnc. Town of Soulh Bruce Peninsula Zoning Bylaw Amondmenl 605257-A0 November 21, 2014 The property is currently in use as wastewater treatment facility serving the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. The facility and associated system consists of three sewage lagoons, associated pump and filtration stations, and connecting forcemains, running from the Town of Wíarton to the Plant, and back out to the Marine effluent oulfall. The sewage lagoons of the Wiarton Wastewater Treatment Plant and system were first construcled in 1982. The lagoons and associated systems have been periodically upgraded to improve capacity and performance. The Town of South Bruce Peninsula is now considering a further upgrade of the Wastewater Treatm ent Plant. The proposed upgrade will entail adding an additional sewage lagoon to the south of the existing lagoons and a new pumping facility. Zoning Amendment Proposal Under the Zoning Bylaw, the property is designated as A-1 Rural and EP Environmental Protection. Under the A-1 and EP designation, utility and infrastructure uses are not permitted, and the wastewater treatment plant ¡s legal non-conlorming. Accordrngly, tne proposed expansron ol the treatmenl laolfty rs not permitted. For this reason, it is proposed to amend the Zoning Bylaw to rezone the lands from the A-1 Rural zone and EP Environmental Protection to the I lnstítutional zone, which permits utility and infrastructure uses. The proposed amendment is time sensitive. The proposed upgrading of the facility is conlingent on federal funding with the requirement that construction is completed to a poínt of Substantial Performance by December 1,2O15. A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment in support of the project is anticipated to be completed shortly. The preliminary and final design of the preferred alternative is scheduled to begin as soon as reasonably possible after completion of the Environmental Assessment. lt is antícipated that tenders for construction will be called in eady spring, 2015. For these reasons, it is necessary to have,the requisite planning approvals in place as expeditíously as possible. Policy Framework Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement provides policy direction for land use decisions in Ontario. The Províncial Policy Statement, 2014 (PPS) was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on April 30, 2014 and is applicable to the subject lands. The following is a summary of applicable policy in the PPS. S.'l .6.6 Sewage, Water and Stormwater S. Planning for sewage and water services shall: a) direct and accommodate expected growth or development in a manner that promotes the efficient use and optimization of existing. *:f"¿ 2 EX exp Services lnc. Town of South Bruce Peninsula Zoning Bylaw Amendmenl 605257-A0 November 21 , 201 4 1. municipal sewage services and munic¡pal water services; and 2. private communal sewage services and pr¡vate communal water services, where mun¡c¡pal sewage services and munícipal water serulces are not available; b) ensure that these systems are provided in a manner that: 1. can be sustained by the water resources upon which such services rely; 2. is feasible, financially viable and complies with all regulatory requirements; and 3. protects human health and the natural environment; c) promote water conservation and water use efficiency; d) integrate servicing and land use considerations at all stages of the planning process; and e) be in accordance with the servicing hierarchy outlined through policies,, 1 .6.6.4 and Municipal sewage services and municipal water services are the preferred form of servicing for settlement areas. lntensification and redevelopment within settlement areas on existing municipal sewage servíces and municipal waler services should be promoted, whereverfeasible. "Sections, 1.6,6.4 and concern the provìsion of private water and sewage facilities, which is not related to the proposed amendment, Based on the above, it is concluded that the proposed bylaw amendment is conslstent with the policies of the Provincial Policy Statement. Grey Gounty Official Plan Under the Official Plan of Grey County, part of the sile is designated as agricultural and part is designated as rural. The following Official Plan policies have been highlighted for their relevance to the proposed amendment. Environmental Policies S.1 .6.3 To promote the wise use and conservation of water supply and waste treatment facilities, including the efficient collection and disposal of solid, liquid and hazardous wastes ín a manner that minimizes environmental impacts and promote programs of recycling, composting, and reduction. Services Policies S.5.3.2 Local municípafities shall plan for sewage and water services which direct and accommodate expected growth in a manner that promotes the efficient use of existing: municipal sewage services and municipal water services. Agriculture Area Use Policies (C) Airports, utilities, transmission towers, designated historic sites and other infrastructure shall be permitted on existing lots of record or new lots in accordance with Section 2.1 .4 of this Plan.* *S. 2.1.4 addresses consents, which are not being proposed as part of this amendment. 3 exp Services lnc. Town of Soulh Bruce Peninsula Zoning Bylaw Amendment 605257-40 Novetnber 21, 2014 RuralArea Use Policies S,2.3 (1) The Rural designation on Schedule A shall mean that the predominant use of the lands shall be for agriculture and forestry and uses connected with the conservat¡on of water, soil, wildlife and other natural resources. The proposed upgrading of the Wiarton Wastewater Treatment Facility will promote water conservation by increasing the capacity of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula to treat wastewater and minimize environmental impacts. The expansion of the existing facility is also an efficient use of avaílable infrastructure. Addítionally, the upgradíng of the Facility will not result in the creation of any new lots. For these reasons, the proposal conforms to the policies of the County of Grey Officíal Plan. Town of Georgian Bluffs Official Plan Under the Land Use Policies of the Township, the lands of the proposed amendment fall outside of the area of the Township's Official Plan, and the land use policies for the land are designated under the Grey County Offícial Plan. Environmental Assessment As part of the proposed upgrading of the Wiarton FacÍlity, a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment is being conducted. The Assessment is being undertaken to develop a planníng and design process that seeks to ensure that any environmental impacts are considered, and any effects are appropriately mitigated. The results of the Assessment will direct the design and implementation of the upgrading of the Facility. Summary The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment is in conformity and consistent with the various applicable plans and polícies. The proposed upgrading is a suitable use of the land, as it expands in an efficíent manner on the existing facility with minimal impacts to adjacent land uses. By expanding the capacity of the existing Treatment Facility, the proposal is an efficient use of exísting infrastructure that will support sustainable growth for the communlty of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. For These reasons, the proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment represents good planning. S Kolsteren, M.Pl. Urban Planner exp Services lnc. t: +'1.905.793,9800 x2403 | m: +1.647.996.5827 | e: 1595 Clark Blvd. Brampton, On L6T 4V1 -%x e 4 TOWN{ii.¡¡ts OF GEORGOAN g¡LI!I:FS APFNCA"fi ON FOR f\ÎdENÐ trIËNT TC THË UON¡NG BV.C.AW ¡ETE ù c ç . PIIEGONgT'LTA'¡ION IS NOW NEOU¡REb PRIO$.TfO FORMAL SUBISISOION OF API¡LICÍ\T¡ONS FOR A COHPNEHË$I6ruË.ZONIÀIG BY-LÂW AT9CNDMFNT ANõ'Oß SIlË PLAN AFPROVAL Tha ¿i"nondmsnl Þrcæos wlll n0l r:orÍìflohc€ untll a'c¿mþlcts' ol¡llca$on lB Þcolv(d, l¡oslfiFlolo BppllcsllonE E{ll bo totumsd lo lìs Appllct¡|. ThB Appllca¡lon 6hould bB fllBd Elth tho Plrrmlng óoprrrlnúiil ot llG Tôv¿lðhlp af Gcor0l0n Blúlls. A mpy m0y ho rBlurnod lo lho Aptlhdrìl for tho[' rEcorìlú. Ah acdlrmls ûk6hh or mop lD roqulrsll. All rnÈüsuremoillt muEl bo rhovfl ln nrolrìo u¡ütB (lmpûlrl tnuy Àhq bB o FlDs€ o¡)pllod sv6llsblo stllþ Munldpül Offco, Flsoro call flhood, o Acomplsto afltloôtlon muÀl hiclrdo B'Jllsllflcútlorì lmcñ ln lülhu oul lhls omllrltclomr lB ¡J¡uâlly fiðpûrf, üìa complsxlty ùf lhõ.tel)ott 9tl dßp¡l¡rl thc Pmposol, ll lB rìol lïlotul(d to mlteco dotâtôd qnglns6rin0 o¡ uìvlrorßðnlll ropôrtÀ R€Þorlr rilËt bs Ìrúùktsd ln d0ltÂl f0rnÐ1, 'fhe foa for e nln¿r zonlnE omg[drn6n] (wllhh lho oo'l¡n ztno ol ,n ænlüncüon $flh Errolhol upoN o a9pllcû¡lon) lô 50?{r.00, For s rEþr zonln0 sFpllaollorì (from onÉ zt}ne lo åroth€r, mulll|)lô 0lungBr lo truilud3zffco) lho fo0lr, 91,300.80 I hol€by 8llrmlt lhfû öppllcsuon lór on smÊ¡rrJnônt lo thcZonh0 Byle¿ of lìrs'l ow¡ràldp of oÉorglon tslufü, lrr ro8p€r't 0llh{t lBndþ hrohlafr€r d8ecfihod, Elil:l"ARArlQålj. Alox l(olstoron t, clhd 'esP.Ë41\'; Cltv ln lho ìrC , tftô ToroÐlo st B) lhsl I snr tho oanflrrlhô aullrorlzdd ùgoïl ôl tlì€ b) -r ¡p.<-- do tolèmÞly doDlårg; m¡noro ol ll¡o lsndÉ hôrÊh0ner dæcllbád (Âs plr Ètatomonla gluon ln lhl¡ 6ppllc6ll0n lû lho beûl ôt cf lor d)l lor lnfomullon, Dmkr¡c¡t brlore ms ¡t BmnÞton the-----glly Floglor of Pndl furlhor nollDð, -.--*.*---Õl Ð.1 doy lho ot---UgY!UÞl Éifiñrr¡rpolöwno(s) lor 8xP øto., Provlncs ôl Ontqrlo, sr.¡beldlarløs, iìs ând lno' Global companlßÊ' and dñll6t€rt5' lo lhe ,2o7A-. -"*'-' /r\.--- ../ ffi¡ììfrütumìd;¡õìffi;il*- sssooletad t. prllll En tho mglûlororl ôrvilar ul lho l0nds sultßcl t0 thl8 Gkhvoer CJc"lkplÍlÞg_y$r Ðqpllcsùoft trnl0ÊpJloilqqd !ìV thÊgqq¡çL¡ oLoubhEl lo otìor-oo)jlmllo-no-nl[lfldv |llamnmgs: (r? pËyàbfo chù'qu6 Torun6hflr Élrrfo to lhe Oooaglen 5125.ûf), $'lD7.fí0lf ønnìñnla 0nr o 6mlrln0d M0k6 Eonlnt flnd cönosnl sppllcâlloil. MÐl(a chßquâ pÐyDblo tô lho GfÞy €3ùblÊ ÛirnsEÌuêlk¡rì A[¡hgrlly $230.00 for lho af,lllDl 0ppllGollqn dnd $146,íJ0 for oach o¡ldltloHl opÞllc¡Uofl 0ubñltlsd. fr i.QL'\ì.l¡ILi.iåtLl,.&{tl-Aiyi!:ii1i,..r-il i.'i4:i. rìriii::!"i\.,i]'i.iÍ-i,i.! All'pii(lil Í,(líl l,;i',i: i[rleii' DâtÈ Appliiati(¡n lit*ceivedl 'I Registc;red Owner's l.lame: Arldress Towrr of Sol¡th Èiuce Êcttit¡sttl¡r 315 Georcie Stleot, Wiartc:rt, Orrtariti, Code: t'Jti-l ?T0 Et¡ail Adtiress tsbppwrnanagel@brntri, conr 5'l9-534-1400 Phone Number: (Bus Postal r 3. (lìes Authorized Agent's Name: Alex Kolstersn 1595 Glark Blvd., Brampton, ÖN Address: Postal Code: LST 4V1 Email Addrcss: âlex.kolsteren@exP.coln Phone l{unrher: (Bus.) 905 793.9800 x 2.403 All correspondence should be sent --- to: Ûwnet' (R .A-crent @) Name and Address of holders of any Morlgage, charges or other encumbratrces in respect of the subjeotlands: 4. N/A Legal Description of Subjoct Property: i,e Lol/Concessiorr/Regisier-ed Plan/ParVRefercnce Plan/Geographic Twp. (Keppel, Derby, Sarawak, Shallow Lake) Con 21, Part Lot 1, Part Lot 2 Municipal Acldress (91 1#) Tha following lnformaflon must be complete and detalls méy bê provided ln tha attached 'Justification Roport'. 5. Rural& Present Officlal Plan Designation (Gtey County OfficlalPlan) Explain how the Applicalion conforms lo the Offìoial Plan in the Justífìcation Report- lYes ls the Property subJect to an Offiçial Flan Amendrnent? in the Justif¡cation Report lf Yes, pleasè include tho boundaries of ã Settlemenl Areô Does the Application land frorn an arêa of enploynrent 6. CurrentZoningofSubject A-1 Flural, EP Propobed Zoning of Subject Proporty liltlo Protection Zone I lnstif ¡ rtional Elriefly doscribe the nature, extont and reasons for the Proposed Amer¡dment (i.e. relief for lot fronlage, denslty, height, area, setbacks, etc.). To Þermit utilities and ¡nfrâstructure tlses. l'{as the subject property evet treen subject io a pretrious zonirrE¡ application? [lYes ¡No Eunl<nown lI Yes, please briefly explain Ð ls thr.r Zorring By-law Amendment consisterrt wítìr thtz Pr'ovinci;rl l:)olir:y íìtatetnenl? Explaln in the ,lusfificatiotr Report. lllYr:s L]No A¡e ilrs..$ubjec'i Lands within än ereû of lilrrd rlesigtrat+:rÌ urrdor i.rtry prr-rvitrcial plan or pl;ltrs? lìx¡rlairr itt ther 'ltrstificatiort Report LÇYe* L]No fuity 20'14 i)t¡gs thr: Ëìropor':r:rl /-t¡'nencJn'rr;¡rl {:r-rìÍ,-,irir'i' u, il'the Fro¡rosal is fc;r arnen<Jed), trovr fong Justif ication [,!Yo,'i l'li$r'r a Tsln¡rorary llso (¡rurslr;irit tir SetJio¡¡ :i!J cí lfre P/i,rr; /-\ct, l:1.,<:.O l9i)0 ¡¿tl is the terrrpoiaty urc reqìJested lor'? (ti4axinluln tlr¡ee vr:a¡s). f-'rovi(je cjetciils irr Rrrpot't. Nl ¡ ^ il lhe Prr)posal will result in a llohiilrg By.laur aflecting tr$e, p¡'rìvidù citrlails; t-.f anlicipatecl crilt-'ria fot' ihe lemoval of the holcìing in tho Justifìcaliort Ropotl. lf the Proposal will result in an lnterinr Cofltroi By-larrv, providø details in tlio Justilìcation Roport. 10. l-l'/es l_lves ls lhis rezoning implementirtg a consent to sever? OR plan of subdivision BNo El No lf Yes, please explä¡n br¡êfly he¡e ancJ in dotail in the Justificalion Re¡rort (include applicatiort number if 11. known) N/A Dimenslotrs of Subiect Lands {errlire pro¡:erty): Ll2.o r" Depth of Side Lot Line: 9'l l' ø. LotArea: 35,ß L'4Wirlth of Rear Lot tine: _4(b"'î \,/r=._ Depth of Side Lot Liner: -/ _Çf_l¡,s:\l-ol Frontage: Topographic or Special Features: 12a. Present Use ofSubJect Property nResidential fJFarmlan¿ [lndustrial fllnstitutional Utilities íWasle Water Treatrnenl) ffiOther (specify) ECornmercial l]Seasonal Residontial Date of acquisition by curent ownar: Lenglh of timo existlng uses have 12b. Unknown cont¡nuod: Over 30 Yeats List any existing Buildings or Structures on the Lancl Type/Use of Bulldlngs/Structures fndicate All Yard Selbacks Front Þ'tñr Sir,ln _3Þ,_€Æ [.ü4 Z{¿î Sewage Lagoons xDxtl '30 Dale Consltilcterl tltf ¡f .9,.. )í il.>-, Y-å 5t \ u,-^, ÞI l¡)aru"r6v'c"ç"X'1) Ól 13a. Building [tlmensions Side t/;,'2'l r3A'¡ {i*- Propcrsecl Use of Subject Property lllReslderrtial []lndustrial []Other (specify) 13b. List Proposed Buildings or'Structures Setbacks Fronl lleâr Side Side Type/Use of Buildings/Slruütures lndlcñtc /.tll Y¡rri 14 % o1 t-ot Qover;rge: Prossni: ..-.-. {}, ¡þ{'þ {1.= Þuilding Dimeneion$ [4unicipal Req't W ;< D x l"J Pro¡ru*,o,Ì' t) ,\ !:>F!:; Å r,t4^1,2014 i'iaiti¡ l-i¿rsi 16 Ar.¡rictrlttrral ,¡-tgrioilltural Soutir Arliicult¡-lr'¿ri We:;t ,/t üriculìuíal Tvpes 6f S;ei¡¿ici¡l-tj -.tho ¡'rro¡reriy w¡li be sen,¡úed by, lllease check applÒllíiate iro>l antì picrvide cJeiails in Justification Report. Water System Mublicty Owned and Operated Sanitary flseptic Tank and Tlle Fleld IOther Sewage Systetn (e.9. Lake), please specifY tftne Apdl¡rãt¡on wbuld permit Aevêtopment on privately owned ancl operâted.indiv¡dual or iomtnunal septic iystems, and moie ihan 4500 litres of effluent v¿ould be produced per dal' ¿t o result of the deielopment being completed A Servicing Options Report ancl a l-lydrogeological Reiport are tequired, thesd matters rnust be included ín the.Justificaüon Rcport- fla euUtic Road Owned and Maintained by the Locâl Municipality Publ¡c Roarj Owned and Mainlained by the County ÜA Fu¡l¡c Road Owned and Maintained by the Provitree flPrivate Road Accoss Only - lnformation must be provirJerJ on parkirrg and docking faöilities to be used FWater -and the approximãte clistance of lhese fâc¡llt¡es fronr the subject lands and lhe nearost public road [olher, please spoc¡fy ÜA Storrn Drainage (details should be addressed In the Justificalion Report ancl/or sketch) EExisting System DNew On-Site System flNew Arêa System 17 The Applicant is required to attach a sketch to each copy of the applicalion, andlor in the Justifìcation Report, which wilf include the following information: diinensions, boundarlês and shape of property, drawn to scale, of the subject lands. " Trire Full extent of other lands owned by the Applicant if abutting tho Subject Lands, or in lhe " Applicants opinion may affect the aþplication. o Approximate location, size and distance of existing and proposed buildings and structures from thé lront, rear atld side yarif lot lines. any sntrances, right-of'ways and easemenls âflect¡ng'ihe lantls. ". Location of Locatiorr ol all nalural and arlificial features (i.e. railways, highways, steep slopes, wetlancls, watercourses, diainage; well, septic fields, hydro lirres elc.) o The use of adjoining iands. o Tlre locatlon, name ancl statr,rs of roads (opened, unopened, private, seasonal) t!44y,2014 L{ Z,c7*^ I o I fr L<r t3å\ fi t0 It.i,n ,LûJ'^ | 9Ø t '\) '.'r f(r I u I { Ît\l\ s \ c\'1 ( LX t {r i,,cu\Ohl5 /iY' Tt\l,ÉCsit-F( ri å.r r.)Niì I I Ai-i or.t LÀi?[.1 io iìt. t-ì¡ Ë I I (O J I E OJ -e-¿_ 9G1 m I I I I I ¡ I 441084 CONCESSION 21 (ELM STREET) PART LOT 01, PARÏ LOT 02, CONCESSION 21, TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BLUFFS SCHEDULË A By-l-aw qorrr,ved by: A.K. -fy: -lr¿\rn K-B- Dare: Nov. Scaic: 2'l , 2ol4 N.T.S. FrojcctNo: Fìqure rì0.; BRMoo6os2sT XX.1 ;lC{ ) íi o e w I r0) € -(n - ,- c)TÞ a\>Þ i *:" . t-' i rl , -.'- 7À)= ô-1 æ :' 'i-f | . i -a' .: ;ì..,. ..- '- '-I I , D5å r2-t o a\oz >:o '..i -\TB i' .'Tg 0 9rZ =-ro ìOr.¡ !q (J) a^ z IÑM o T-= z sN) Ø OØ iU) .. - Il -{ N m on U è C t- m ll ! ê. 9 z I i ,.. mm n'] o NJ :. a o z æ tc-n . i:r -Tl @ X X I -\. Ð o , i .,.i o o O) ,l I !:.. O (,l N (¡ I -.¡ I ¡> rt lr N> o rÌ >¡ Qo oo ZØ €-d- -----9 @! C2 o! -/Ja o -o c 1a Township of Georgian Bluffs 177964 Gîey Road 18, R.R. #3, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N5 Phone: 51 9-376-2729 Fex 5'19-372-1620 FILEt2-'14-14 NOT¡CE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT (Section 34, Planning Act, 1990) TAKE NOTICE that the following Application for a Zoning Bylaw Amendment has been deemed complete pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, C.P 13' as amended. TAKE NOTICE that a Public Meeting will be held on December 17. 2014 at 7:00 p.m.. in the Township of Georgian Bluffs Council Chambers, 177964 Grey Road 18, R'R. #3, Owen Sound, ON, in order to consider the Planning Application as outlined below' Town of South Bruce Pe Part Lot 1 Part Lot 2 Con 21 21 44 42-03-620-006-02200 +l- 42 m (137.79 ft) +/- 1006 m (3300.5 ft) +/- 35.5ha ( 87.72 acres) irreoular Sewaqe treatment lagoons(waste water treatment) Expansion of the existing use Three sewage lagoons, filter building, shop and pump buildinq Additional sewage lagoon Elm Street rlicable Plan ownshi OffìcialPl the lan AS an Zoning is-41 General Rural North- Residential, South- Residential, East-Agricultural, West-Commercial Uses. No chanqe proposed No chanqe proposed General Rural -41 to lnstitutional- | The purpose of the Zoning bylaw Amendment is to recognize the current sewage treatment lagoons and allow for the exoansion to the svstem with the addition of a lagoon. Any person may attend the meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support or in opposition to the application. lf a person written sub law amend decision of Board. Written comments should be fonrrarded to the Township Deputy Clerk, Christine Fraser-McDonald by mail or fax at the above address or by e-mail at cfraser@ georgian Additional lnformation relating to the application may be obtained at the Township Office, at the above address, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (Monday to on is encouraged to contact eeting. Please note: ng the originator's name ed by the general Public and may be published in a Planning Report and Council Agenda. Notification: lf you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Þy-law âmendment or oi the refusal of a request to amend the by-law, you must make a written request to the Township at the above address. Dated at the Township of Georgian Bluffs this 25th day of November,2014. SITE PLAN Pt Lot 1 and Pt lot 2 Concession 21 (Keppel) AR N#: 42-03-620-006-02200 I t I I {l \^ .9 i I 4410t4 coNcÊssloñ ?r (ELM STREET) PÀRT LOT O,I. PART LOT o2, CONCESSION 21, TOW\¡SHIP OF GEORGIAN BLUFFS qy^La_ AK KB l* SCHEDULEA NC/ ,l'-* XX-'