Shinwa Gas Chromatography
Shinwa Gas Chromatography
Gas Chromatography C A T Available from: A L O G Winlab Pty Ltd in Australia and New Zealand Contact: call 61 07 3205 5233 Packing Material Packed column and capillary column are used for GC analysis. Packed column is a glass or stainless tube packed with stationary phase coated diatomite. Capillary column are fused-silica or stainless tubing coated or chemically bonded with stationary phase on the inner wall. We would like to introduce our excellent GC Packed materials. ■ Support The support hold the stationary phase and the ideal support is said to have no direct contribution to the separation of samples. According to the characteristics of the support, tailed peak or decomposition of the component are sometimes caused. Therefore, packing material should be chosen for each analytical needs. The conditions required as supports are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Holding stationary phases firmly Having a structure with proper surface area to contribute a good separation Not to adsorb itself the samples, the surface should be inert physically and chemically Excels in mechanical strength and have a good permeability of carrier gas Excels in heat resistance In general, diatomaceous earth is used as a GC support. There are two types of brown and white support. Compared with white support, brown support has large surface area and can be coated with wide range of stationary phases from low concentration to high. The white support has a low surface activity, so even in low concentration coating of the stationary phase, high sensitive analysis are possible without any adsorption and decomposition. Telephthalic acid, fluoride support and so on are also used according to the analytical requirements. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Diatomite (brownt type, white type) Fluoride beads Quartz Glass beads Telephthalic acid beads Porous polymer beads, carbon Adsorbents (aluminum, charcoal and other GSC supports) As the diatomite has a metal oxide and silanol group on the surface, adsorption or decomposoition of the samples are caused by the interaction between sample and the surface. To remove metal oxide, acid or base treatment are performed. To weaken the activity of silanol, silanization reagent is used for end capping. Treatment Contents of the Treatment NAW Non acid washed AW Acid washed (neutral in pH) BT Base treated (alkaline in pH) BW Base washed (neutral in pH) AW-BW Acid washed and base treated (alkaline) AW-DMCS Acid wasded and DMCS treated (neutral) 2 Stationary Phase ■ Stationary Phase The sample vaporized at the sample injection port is separated by the distribution equilibrium between stationary phase and gaseous phase. There are many kind of stationary phases from non-polar (e.g. squalene) to polar (e.g. polyethyleneglycol) . The sample and stationary phase that have similar polarity show strong affinity and sample is retained strongly on the stationary phase. There are about 300 kinds of stationary phase for GC. The characteristics of the stationary phases required for GC are as follows: 1) It has low melting point and low vaporized pressure at high temperature so as to keep liquid state at the time of use. Furthermore, having a heat resistance and heat stability. 2) Stable chemically at the time of use. Having a long life time and reproducibility. 3) Small resistance of mass transfer. 4) The quick distribution equilibrium results in the increase of the separation efficiency. Category Class Appellation Hydrocarbons Paraffin hydrocarbons Apiezon L, Squalane, Hexatriacontane, n-Hexadecane, n-Dodecane Halogen compounds Fluorine oils Kel F Oil No.3, Halocarbon Oil, Fluorolube HG1200 Oxygen compounds Monoesters Dibutyl Maleate(DBM), Dioctyl Phthalate(DOP), Dioctyl Sebacate(DOS), Dinonyl Phthalate(DNP), Flexol 8N8 Polyesters FFAP, FON, Thermon-1000, Thermon-3000, 1, 4-BDS, DEGS, DEGA, EGA, EGS, NGS, NGA Alcohols Diglycerol, Hyprose SP-80, Mannitol, Undecanol Ethers (Polyesters are contained) Polyphenyl Ether, Bis(2-butoxyethyl) Phthalate Polyglycols Polyethylenglycols, Ucons Amides Poly-A Series, Versamide900 Amines Quadrol, Triethanolamine Nitriles N,N-Bis(2-Cyanoethyl) Formamide(BCEF), 1, 2, 3,-Tris(2-Cyanoethoxy) Propane(TCEP), β,β'-Oxydipropionitrile(ODPN) Nitro compounds, Others Alukaterge T, 4, 4-Azoxydianisol Methylsilicone SE-30, DC-200, DC-11, DC-410, OV-1, UCW-98 Methylphenylsilicone SE-52, OV-17, OV-3, OV-22, DC-550, DC-710 Methylphenylvinylsilicone SE-54 Trifluoroproplylsilicone QF-1, OV-210 Cyanoalkylmethylsilicone XF-1150, OV-105(Propyl) Cyanopropylphenylsilicone OV-225 Others and Compounds OV-275, Dexsil Series Nitrogen compounds Silicones Sulfur compounds Phosphorus compounds Dimethyl Sulfide, Polysulfone, Poly-S Series Phosphoric Acid Ester Tricresyl Phosphate(TCP) Trixylenyl Phosphate(TXP) Salts, Organic acids, Chlorinecompounds Bentone 34 3 Support ■ Original Support Products Name Characteristics Shimalite® Support of diatomaceous earth for high and middle concentration Shimalite® W Support of diatomaceous earth for low concentration Shimalite® TPA Terephthalic acid support Shimalite® F Fluorocarbon polymer (Polytetrafluoroethylene) support Shimalite® Q Quartz support SHINCARBON A High purity carbon support Sunpak-A Porous polymer bead Shimalite® Shimalite® is our original brown colored support which are prepared from high purity diatomite. Shimalite® is available for from low to high boiling point sample. Shimalite® (Shimalite can keep middle or high concentration of stationary phase on the support) Mesh size 30 / 60 60 / 80 Treatment 80 / 100 (100ml) 100 / 120 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS, BT Shimalite® W Shimalite® W is suitable for analyses of biochemical and pharmaceutical samples (steroids, alkaroids, carbohydrates, amino acid and agricultural chemicals) . The surface activity of Simalite W is very small, so the adsorption of samples on the support is very weak even in low concentrarion of stationary phases. It is suitable for small amount and rapid analysis of high boiling temperature and activated substances. Shimalite® W (The white diatomite for analysis of low concentration stationary phase) Mesh size 30 / 60 60 / 80 Treatment 80 / 100 (100ml) 100 / 120 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS, BT Shimalite® TPA Shimalite® TPA is a terephathalic acid support which can be used for the analysis of water contained samples. Shimalite TPA is suitable for the analysis of aldehyde, fatty acid and alcohol having less 7 carbon number in water. It also be used for the analysis of samples which has such strong adsorption as sulfer compounds. Shimalite® TPA (The maximum temperature of Shimalite® TPA is 185℃) Mesh size 30 / 60 (100ml) 60 / 80 Treatment - 4 Support Shimalite® F Shimalite®F is the teflon (4-fluoro ethylene polymer) surport. Both Shimalite TPA have a very small surface activity and can be used for the analysis of adsorptive substances such as water. Shimalite® F (The maximum temperature of Shimalite® F is 210℃) Mesh Size 30 / 60 (100ml) 60 / 80 Treatment 80 / 100 - Shimalite® Q Shimalite® Q is crystal particles with very small adsorbed activity . It is also used as a resistance tube of reference column. Shimalite® Q (Quartz support ) (100ml) Mesh size 100 / 180 Treatment Non-treatment, AW-DMCS SHINCARBON A SHINCARBON A is a highly purified carbon support for GC obtained from firing of synthesized polymer and treatment of high deactivity. It has high heat and high water resistance. It can be used for the analysis of water solution containing the substances having low to high boiling point or very small amout substaces in the air, which could not be applied on the diatomite, terephthalic acid and teflon surport. Characteristics 1) This carbon surport is highly deactivated. It is very stable in phyiscally and chemically. The polar compounds such as alcohol or fatty acid are not adsorbed on the surface. As it can not be dehydrated, it is suitable for the analysis of the water soluble compounds. 2) Support force of the stationary phase and separation ability of SHINCARBON A are equal to diatomaceous earth carrier. 3) As it consists of 100% carbon, it can be used at high temperature using deactivated. 4) The mechanical strength is strong since the material is the vitreous carbon, and there are no generation of the fine powder. Therefore, the permeability of the carrier gas become lower on the column pressure, and the separation efficiency is improved. 5) There is no deviation between lots, because they are not natural product like diatomaceous earth but chemical synthesis product. SHINCARBON A (Inactivated carbon support) Mesh size (100ml) 60 / 80 80 / 100 Treatment - 5 Support Sunpak-A Sunpak-A is the high-performance porous polymer beads highly crosslinked by the original technology. And, the packing materials coated with stationary phase on the Sunpak-A is applied to the separation for such sample as the decomposition and adsorption phenomena is caused on the diatomide as usual. 1) Lower hydrocarbons C1 ~ C3 in water-content sample. It is possible to analyze lower alcohols C2 ~ C7 and inorganic gas CO2. 2) It is excellent in the microanalysis in the organic solvent. Sunpak-A (Porous polymer beads) (50ml) Max. Temp. 250℃ ■ CATALYST FOR THE REDUCTION Shimalite®-Ni (Catalyst for the reduction ) 1) It is catalytic particles which has the thin layer of the metallic nickel structure on the diatomaceous earth particle surface for the reduction. 2) It is effective as a reducing agent to convert the material which does not have the sensitivity for hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) into methane (CH4). Shimalite®-Ni (Reduced) (20ml) It is the catalyst for the high sensitive analysis (the ppm level) by methane conversion of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and so on GLASS BEADS (Non porous glass beades ) GLASS BEADS (Non porous glass beades) (100g) Mesh size 15 / 30 30 / 60 60 / 80 Treatment Strontium hydroxide Alkaline - 6 Support ■ Import Support Chromosorb W Mesh size (100ml) 30 / 60 60 / 80 80 / 100 100 / 120 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS, HP treatment - HP Chromosorb G Mesh size (100ml) 45 / 60 60 / 80 80 / 100 100 / 120 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS, HP Treatment - HP - Chromosorb P Mesh size (100ml) 30 / 60 60 / 80 80 / 100 100 / 120 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS, HP Treatment - HP Celite545 Mesh size (100ml) 30 / 60 60 / 80 Treatment 80 / 100 U, A, AS C-22 Mesh size Teratment 100 / 120 (100ml) 30 / 60 60 / 80 80 / 100 NAW, AW, AW-DMCS 7 100 / 120 Porous polymer Beads ■ High Performance Porous Polymer Beads Sunpak-A (50ml) P/N Mesh size Max Temp S-98 50 / 80 250℃ P/N Stationary phase Max Temp % Polarity A-42 Apiezon + KOH 220℃ 5+1 Non F-17 Fon 5 T-86 Thermon 1000 + KOH 5+3 Supprt Application Low amines Lower fatty acids Lower diamines Sunpak-A 250℃ 5+1 Strong T-87 Thermon 1000 + KOH Amino alchol T-88 Thermon 1000 5 Solvents in water T-89 Thermon 3000 + KOH 5+1 Lower amines Sunpak-S (50ml) P/N Max temp Application S-125 190℃ Hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide in hydrocarbons (C1 – C4) TENAX® TA TENAX® TA is suitable for the analysis of alcohols, glycols, diols, amines and high boil point and polar compounds. But it's not suitable for analysis of the hydrocarbons. It's also useful as a trap material to collect the atmospheric organic compounds such as styrene monomer in air. TENAX-TA Max temp 375℃ Mesh size 20/35, 35/60, 60/80, 80/100 Capacity 5g, 8g, 15g (※TENAX® TA is 2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylen oxide based porous polymer having a weak polarity. Maximum operating temperature is 375℃. ) 8 Porous Polymer Beads Porapak® (Made in Waters Corporation) Type Max temp Volume Application Mesh size Porapak-P 20g Carbonyl compounds (Low polarity), Glycols, Alcohols(slightly-polar column) Porapak-Q 26g O2 in N2, and organic compounds in aqueous hydrocarbons (versatility purpose column) Porapak-R 24g 50/80 Porapak-S 26g 80/100 Porapak-PS 20g 250℃ Ethers, Esters, Water from aqueous Cl2 and HCL (Mid-polar column) Alcohols (iso- and normal- type ) Aldehydes, glycols (low-tailing type-P column) 100/120 Porapak-QS 26g Organic acids, Polar compounds easy to cause Tailing (low-tailing type-P column) Porapak-N 29g CO2, NH3, Water, Acetylene gas from C2hydrocarbons 31g Formaldehyde in water (High polarity) 190℃ Porapak-T ■Polymer Type P : Styrene - Divinylbenzene Q : Ethylvinylbenzene – Divinylbenzene R : Vinylpyrollidone S : Vinylpyridone N : DVB - EVB – Ethyleneglycoldimethacrylate T : EGDMA Chromosorb Century Series (Made in Celite Corporation) Type Max temp 101 275℃ 102 250℃ Volume Mesh size Application Water, Free fatty acids, Glycols, Alcohols Oxygen compounds, Permanent gases 50/80 103 Amines, amides, Hydrazine, Ketones, Alcohols 275℃ 25g 105 80/100 106 250℃ 100/120 CO2, NH3, Water, Acetylene gas from C2-hydrocarbons Lower fatty acids(C2∼C5), Lower Alcohols(C2∼C5) 107 Formalin 108 Polar compounds, Water, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Glycols ■Polymer type 101 : Styrene - Divinylbenzene 102 : Styrene - Divinylbenzene 103 : Cross - Linked Polystyrene 105 : Polyaromatic 106 : Cross - Linked Polystyrene 107 : Cross - Linked Acrylic Ester 108 : Cross - Linked Acrylic 9 Adsorbent ■ Adsorbent Adsorbent Adsorbent Capacity P/N Mesh size SHINCARBON ST 10g (30ml) S-130 50/80 A-1 30/60 A-2 60/80 A-2D 80/100 A-3 30/60 A-4 60/80 A-4D 80/100 M-1 30/60 M-2 60/80 M-2D 80/100 M-3 30/60 M-4 60/80 M-4D 80/100 S-1 40/70 S-2 60/80 S-2D 80/100 Activated Alumina Activated Charcoal Molecular Sieve 5A Molecular Sieve 13X Silica Gel 100ml 10 Application Permanent gases and organic gases (C1 – C2) Inorganic gases and hydrogen Inorganic gases and hydrogen Inorganic gases, methane and so on Inorganic gases, methane and so on Permanent gases, organic gases and so on Stationary Phase P/N Statinary Phase P/N gram A Stationary Phase gram LD-7 Dibutyl Maleate (DBM) 25 LA-17 Acetyl Tributyl Citrate 25 LD-11 Dibutyl Phtalate (DBP) 25 LA-4 Apiezon H 25 LD-24 Dibutyl Sebacate (DBS) 25 LA-5 Apiezon L 25 LD-4 Didecyl Phthalate (DDP) 25 LA-6 Apiezon M 25 LD-25 DIethylene Glycol (DEG) 25 LA-7 Apiezon N 25 LD-1 Diethyleneglycol Adipate (DEGA) 25 LA-12 Apiezon T 25 LD-26 Diethyleneglycol Sebacate (DEGSe) 25 LA-16 4, 4’-Azoxydianisol 10 LD-18 Diethyleneglycol Succinate (DEGS) 10 LA-18 4, 4’-Azoxydiphenetole 1 LD-16 Diglycerol 25 LD-3 Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP) 25 LD-27 Diisopropyl Phthalate (DIPP) 25 LD-5 Dilauryl Phthalate (DLP) 25 LD-9 Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) 25 B LB-6 Bentone 34 25 LB-1 7, 8-Benzoquinoline 25 LB-2 Benzyl Cyanide (Phenyl-Acetonitrile) 25 LB-3 Benzyl Diphenyl 25 LD-29 Dimethyl Sulfolane (DMS) 5 LB-7 N, N’-Bis(2-Cyanoethyl) Formamide (Deleterious) 25 LD-28 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) 25 LB-12 Bis(2-Ethoxyethyl)Sebacate 25 LD-10 Dinonyl Phthalate (DNP) 25 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Tetrachloro Phthalate LD-30 Dioctyl Adipate 25 LB-13 10 LD-12 Dioctyl Phthalate (DOP) 25 LB-14 N, N7-Bis(p-Methoxybenzylidene) -α, α’-bi-p-Toluidine (BMBT) 5 LD-17 n-Dodecane 25 LB-9 Bis(2-Buthoxyethyl)Phthalate (BBEP) 25 LD-15 Dodecylbenezene Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt 25 LB-10 Nis(2-Methoxyethyl)Adipate (BMEA) 25 LE-8 10 1, 4-Butanediol Apipate (1, 4-BDA) ECNSS-M(Ethylene SuccinateCyanoethyl Silicone Polymer) 25 LE-9 ECNSS-S(Organo Silicone Polymer) 10 1, 4-Butanediol Succinate (1, 4-BDS) 25 LE-7 EGSS-X(Organo Silicone Polymer) 5 LE-10 EGSS-Y(Organo Silicone Polymer) 10 LB-11 LB-5 E C LC-3 Carnauba Wax 25 LE-5 EPON 1001(Epoxyresin) 25 LC-2 Caster Wax 25 LE-6 Ethofat 60/25 25 LC-5 Citroflex 4(Tributyl Citrate) 25 LE-1 Ethylacetoacetate 25 LE-2 Ethyleneglycol Succinate(EGS) 25 LF-3 FFAP(Free Fatty Acid Polyester) 10 LF-6 Flexol 8N8 25 LG-2 Glutaronitrile 25 LG-1 Glycerol 25 D LD-13 Daifloil No.3 LD-14 Daifloil No.10 LD-19 Daifloil No.100 LD-21 Dexsil 300GC LD-22 Dexsil 400GC LD=23 Dexsil 410GC F G 11 Stationary Phase P/N Stationary Phase gram P/N H LH-4 n-Hexadecane 25 LH-6 Hexamethyl Phosphoramide 25 LH-1 Hexatriacontane 25 LH-5 Hyprose SP-80 25 I Stationary Phase gram LO-14 OV-11 (35% Phenylmethysilicone) LO-15 OV-17 (50% Phenylmethysilicone) LO-16 OV-22 (65% Phenylmethysilicone) 10 LO-17 OV-25 (75% Phenylmethysilicone) 10 LO-18 OV-61 (33% Phenylmethysilicone) 10 LO-19 OV-73 (Diphenyldimethysilicone Gum) 10 10 10 LI-1 Igepal CO-880 25 LI-5 Igepal CO-990 25 LI-3 β,β´-Iminodipropionitrile 25 LI-6 Isophthalic Acid 25 LO-20 OV-105 (Cyanopropylsilicone) 5 LI-2 Isoquinoline 25 LO-21 OV-202 (Trifluoropropylmethylsilicone) 5 JXR Silicone 10 LO-22 OV-210 (Trifluoropropylmethylsilicone) 10 LO-23 OV-215 (TrifluoropropylmethysiliconeGum) 5 LO-24 OV-225 (25% Phenyl 25% Cyanopropyl silicone) 5 LO-25 OV-275(Dicyanoallylsilicone) 5 LO-26 OV-330 (Silicone Carbowax Coplymer) 5 LO-27 OV-351 (Polyglycol-Nitroterepthalic) 10 LO-28 OV-1701 (Dimethylphenylcynosilicone) 3 J LJ-1 K LK-1 Kel F Oil No.3 25 LK-2 Kel F Oil No.10 25 LL-6 Lanoline 25 LL-8 Liquid Paraffin 25 L M LM-1 Mannitol 25 N LN-4 α-Naphthylamine 25 P LN-7 Neopentylglycol Isophthalate 25 LP-13 Paraffin Wax 25 LN-2 Neopentylglycol Succinate(NGS) 25 LP-33 POLY-A 101A 5 LN-5 Nonyl Phenol 25 LP-24 POLY-A 103 5 LP-22 Polythyleneglycol 200 (PEG 200) 25 LP-27 Polythyleneglycol 300 (PEG 300) 25 LP-3 Polythyleneglycol 400 (PEG 400) 25 LP-4 Polythyleneglycol 600 (PEG 600) 25 LP-5 Polythyleneglycol 1000 (PEG 1000) 25 O LO-4 n-Octadecane 25 LO-3 β,β´-Oxydipropionitrile(ODPN) 25 LO-10 OV-1 (Demethylsilicone Gum) 10 LO-11 OV-101 (Demethylsilicone) 10 LO-12 OV-3 (10% Phenylmethysilicone) 10 LO-13 OV-7 (20% Phenylmethysilicone) 10 12 Stationary Phase P/N Stationary Phase P/N gram LP-6 Polythyleneglycol 1500 (PEG 1500) LP-7 Polythyleneglycol 1540 (PEG 1540) LP-23 Polythyleneglycol 2000 (PEG 2000) 25 LP-8 Polythyleneglycol 4000 (PEG 4000) 25 LP-9 Polythyleneglycol 6000 (PEG 6000) LP-10 Stationary Phase gram LS-38 SILAR-9CP 5 LS-1 Silicone DC 11 25 LS-2 Silicone DC 200 (Dimethylsilicone Oil) 25 LS-3 Silicone DC 550 (25% Phenylmethylsilicone) 25 LS-4 Silicone DC 702 25 25 LS-47 Silicone DC 704 25 Polythyleneglycol 9000 (PEG 9000) 25 LS-5 Silicone DC-710 (50% Phenylmethylsilicone) 25 LP-11 Polythyleneglycol 20M (PEG 20M) 25 LS-7 Silicone DC QF-1(FS-1265) (50% Trifluoropropylmethylsilicone) 25 LP-28 PEG 20M-TPA 10 LS-8 Silicone SE-30 (Dimethylsilicone Gum) 25 LS-10 Silicone SE-52 (5% Phenylmethylsilicone) 25 LS-29 Silicone SE-54 (1%Vinyl 5% Phenylmethylsilicone) 25 LS-11 Silicone SE-96 (Dimethylsilicone Fluid) 25 LS-14 Silicone XF-1150 10 LS-97 Silicone Oil KF-96 (Dimethylsilicone Fluid) 25 LS-48 Silicone UC L-45 25 LP-29 LP-16 Polyethyleneimine Polyphenyl Ether(5 rings)OS-124 25 25 25 10 LP-17 Polyphenyl Ether(6 rings) 10 LP-31 Polyvinylpyroidone(PVP) 25 LP-14 Propylenecarbonate 25 LP-12 Propyleneglycol 25 LP-39 Propylsulfone 10 LP-19 Propyleneglycol Sebacate 25 LP-20 Propyleneglycol Sebacate 25 LS-31 Silicone UC W-98 25 LP-21 Propyleneglycol Sccinate 25 LS-43 Siponate DS-10 25 LS-20 Sorbitol 25 LS-21 Span 40 25 LS-22 Span 60 25 LS-23 Span 80 25 LS-19 Squalane 25 LS-106 Squalene 25 LS-34 Stearic Acid 25 LS-35 Stearyl Amine 25 LS-18 Sucrose Diacetate Hexaisobutyrate(SAIB) 25 LS-107 Sulfolane 25 Q LQ-1 Quadrol 25 LQ-2 Quinoline 25 R LR-1 Reoplex 400 25 S LS-32 Sebacic Acid 25 LS-33 Sebaconitrile 25 LS-36 SILAR-5CP 5 LS-37 SILAR-7CP 5 13 Stationary Phase P/N Stationary Phase gram P/N T Stationary Phase gram U LT-24 Terephtharic Acid 25 LU-7 Ucon 50-HB-280X 25 LT-26 Tetraethyleneglycol Dimethyl Ether 25 LU-8 Ucon 50-HB-2000 25 LT-25 Tetraethylene Pentamine 25 LU-9 Ucon 50-HB-5100 25 LT-2 Tetradecanol(Myristyl Alcohol) 25 LU-10 Ucon 75-HB-90000 25 LT-6 Tetrahydroxyrthyl Ethylene Diamine(THEED) 25 LU-1 Ucon LB-550X 25 LT-16 β、β´Thiodipropionitlie(TDPN) 25 LV-1 Versamid 900 25 LT-21 Triacetin 25 LV-2 Versamid 930 25 LT-20 Tri-N-butylphosphate(TBP) 25 LV-3 Versamid 940 25 LT-22 Tributyrine 25 LT-7 Tricresylphosphate(TCP) 25 LT-10 Triethanolamine(TEA) 25 LT-28 Triethyleneglycol 25 LT-11 Triisobutylene(TIB) 25 LT-8 Tri-m-Cresylphosphate 25 LT-1 1,2,3-Tris(2Cyanoethoxy)Propane(TCEP) 25 LT-18 Tritone X-100 25 LT-19 Tritone X-305 25 LT-12 Tween 20 25 LT-13 Tween 40 25 LT-14 Tween 60 25 LT-15 Tween 80 25 LT-30 Tween 85 25 V 14 Packing Material We have many standard packing materials in order to satisfy your analytical demand. The item marked P/N in the table is the standard materials. The other are special ordered packing materials. P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % High 1∼25 Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application A Acetyl Tributyl Citrate (-25∼180) (Citroflex A-4) A-40 Advance-DS (30∼230) 5 Support you asked for 80/100 100ml AW-DMCS 50ml Free fatty acids Organic acids Fatty acid methylesters Acetylated suggar 50ml Chloric pesticide Support you asked for 100ml Lower amines Support you asked for 100ml High boiling pointcompounds 100ml High boiling pointcompounds 50ml Lower amines Chromosorb W Support you asked for 1∼25 A-41 Advance-DS + H3PO4 (30∼230) High 2+0.5 Alkaterge T (10∼70) High 1∼25 Apiezon H (20∼300) Non Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1∼10 10< A-10 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW A-35 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW A-43 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS A-44 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS A-45 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS A-48 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS A-49 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS A50 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS A-46 A-47 Apiezon L (20∼300) Non 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< A-42 A-51 A-52 5+1 Sunpak-A 50/80 20+10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 100ml Amines Non 20+10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 100ml Nitrile, Dinitrile Non 1∼10 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Apiezon L + KOH (30∼300) Non Apiezon L + Na Capronate (30∼300) Apiezon M (20∼275) 25 A-24 Shimalite 60/80 NAW Support you asked for 10< 1∼10 Apiezon M (20∼250) Non Apiezon M (20∼250) Non Apiezon Wax W (20∼ 250) Non 10< 1∼10 10< A-53 A-54 Armeen SD (30∼100) Atpet 80 (30∼100) Mid Low 1∼25 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for 15 Amines 100ml Nitriles 100ml Lower Hydrocarbons Packing material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity 1∼10 4,4’-Azoxydianisole (30∼150) Mid 4,4’-Azoxydiphenetole (135∼150) Low Bentone 34 (60∼200) Mid 1∼25 B-19 Bentone 34 + DNP (60∼150) Mid 5+5 B-22 Bentone 34 + DDP (60∼150) Mid 1∼25 B-37 Bentone 34 + Silicone DC-200 (50∼200) Low 5+5 Chromosorb W 60/80 B-32 Bentone 34 + DIDP (60∼150) Mid 5+5 Shimalite 80/100 7,8-Benzoquinoline (30∼100) High Bees Wax (30∼110) Low Bendyl Cyanide (Phenyl-Acetonitrile) (0∼50) Benzyl Cyanide+AgNO3 (0∼50) Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml 10< Application Aromatichydrocarbons 1∼10 10< B B-17 50ml Aromatic hydrocarbon isomers, especialyxylene isomer 100ml Xylene isomers AW-DMCS 100ml Xylene isomers NAW 100ml Xylene isomers Support you asked for 100ml Aromatic hydrocarbon isomers 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Alchol, Esters High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons (olefine and parafine) High 35 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 100ml Hydrocarbons (olefine and parafine) 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 100ml Hydrocarbons 100ml Hydrocarbons 80/100 NAW Support you asked for 1∼10 10< B-7 Benzyl Diphenyl (30∼100) Shimalite Low 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< B-27 15 N,N’-Bis(2-Cyanoethyl) Formamide (20∼125) High Bis(2-Ethoxyethyl) Sebacate (∼150) High Bis(2Ethylhexyl)Tetrachloro Phthalate (0∼150) Mid N,N’-Bis(pMethoxybenzylidene)α,α’-bi-pToluidine(BMBT) (180∼200) Bis(2Buthxyethyl)Phthalate (BBEP) (30∼175) Shimalite 60/80 1∼10 NAW Support you asked for 10< 1∼10 Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml 10< 1∼10 10< 1∼10 10< Mid 1∼25 16 Hydrocarbons Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Bis(2-Methoxyethyl Adipate) (BMEA) (20∼80) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application 1∼10 Mid Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Support you asked for 100ml Fatty acid esters 10< BMEE (See Tetraethyleneglycol Dimethyl Ether) 1,4-Butanediol Adipate (1,4-BDA) (30∼210) High 1,4-Butanediol Succinate (1,4-BDS) (50∼210) 1∼25 20 Shimalite 60/80 AW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS B-35 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS B-36 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS B-28 B-18 B-33 High B-34 1∼25 B-29 1,4-Butanediol Succinate-HG (50∼190) 100ml Support you asked for 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS High B-30 Fatty acid esters Alkyl mercurycompounds 100ml Phenyl mercurycompounds C Carbowax (See Polyethyleneglycol) Carnauba Wax (90∼200) C-10 Castor Wax (90∼200) Citroflex 4(Tributyl Citrate) (30∼150) C-3 C-9 Mid 20 Support you asked for 60/80 Shimalite Mid Mid C-8 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for Hydrocarbons 100ml High boiling pointcompounds 100ml 20 Shimalite 60/80 AW 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.5 100ml NAW Mid Cyclohexanedimethanol Succinate(CHDMS) (20∼250) C-2 1∼25 100ml Alcohols, Esters Aromatichydrocarbons High boiling pointcompounds Fatty acid esters 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< D D-88 D-89 Daifloil No.3 (0∼50) Non 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Corrosion compounds Daifloil No.10 (0∼50) Non 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Corrosion compounds Daifloil No.100 (0∼50) Non 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Corrosion compounds HP Triglycerides AW 100ml High boiling pointcompounds 2 Dexsil 300GC (50∼500) (DMCS-HP 350℃) 2 Chromosorb W Chromosorb W 80/100 80/100 Non 1∼2 Support you asked for 2< 17 Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity D-90 D-91 Dexsil 400GC (20∼400) (DMCS-HP 350℃) Low % Mesh Size Support Treatment 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW Capacity Application High boiling pointcompounds 100ml 1∼2 Support you asked for 2< Dexsil 410GC (20∼400) (DMCS-HP 350℃) Mid 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW High boiling pointcompounds 100ml 1∼2 Support you asked for 2< D-6 Dibutyl Maleate(DBM) (-10∼50) D-84 High 25 Shimalite W 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite W 80/100 NAW 100ml Support you asked for 1∼25 High 35 (95:5) Shimalite 60/80 NAW 100ml DBM + Propylene Carbonate (0∼30) High 35 (35:65) Shimalite 60/80 NAW 100ml Dibutyl Phthalate(DBP) (20∼100) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml hydrocarbons Esters Dibutyl Sebacate(DBS) (20∼70) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml hydrocarbons Esters Didecyl Phthalate(DDP) (10∼125) Mid 100ml hydrocarbons Esters Diethylene Glycol(DEG) (20∼50) High 100ml hydrocarbons Esters D-10 DBM + ODPN (0∼50) D-11 D-69 20 D-70 D-81 D-1 D-23 Diethyleneglycol Adipate (DEGA)(20∼225) Shimalite 60/80 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for NAW 15 Shimalite 60/80 AW 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW High 1∼25 Support you asked for Diethyleneglycol Isophthalate(DEGIP) (20∼200) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Fatty acid esters Diethyleneglycol Sebacate(DEGSe) (30∼210) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Fatty acid esters Shimalite 60/80 AW 25 Celite 545 60/80 AS D-60S 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-25 15 Shimalite 60/80 AW D-85 15 Shimalite 80/100 AW 15 Celite 545 60/80 AS D-86S 15 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS D-58 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW D-58S 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-87S 15 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS D-26S 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-125S Fatty acid esters 100ml 25 D-123S Lower hydrocarbons Diethyleneglycol Succinate(DEGS) (20∼225) High 18 Fatty acid esters 100ml Packing Material P/N D-27S D-82S Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Diethyleneglycol Succinate(DEGS) (20∼225) Polarity High % D-28S Diethyleneglycol Succinate + H3PO4 (DEGS + H3PO4) (20∼225) Treatment 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 D-73S Mesh Size Support 10+1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5+1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5+1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW D-74 2+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Shimalite 60/80 NAW D-80 D-12 D-8 D-9 High Diglycerol + Tetraethylene Pentamine + KOH (20∼80) High 15+15+ 2 Diisodecyl Phthalate (DIDP)(20∼150) Mid 1∼25 Diisopropyl Phthalate (DIPP) (20∼150) Mid Dilauryl Phthalate(DLP) (20∼70) Mid Dimethyl Formamide (DMF)(-10∼30) High 25 100ml Organic acids Organic acidantiseptics Chloric pesticide Esters, Alcohols 100ml 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower amines Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Lower alcohols 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Lower alcohols 50 Chromosorb W Shimalite 80/100 60/80 AW-DMCS Lower hydrocarbons NAW 100ml 1∼50 Dimethyl Sulfolane (DMS)(-10∼50) Fatty acid esters 100ml Mid Diglycerol (20∼150) Application Support you asked for D-28 D-54 Capacity Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW High Lower hydrocarbons 100ml 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Dimethyl Sulforxide(DMSO) (-10∼50) D-14 High Dinonyl Phthalate (DNP)(0∼150) D16 Mid D15 D-45 1∼25 Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT 25 Shimalite 80/100 BT 5 Shimalite 60/80 BT 5 Shimalite 60/80 BT 1∼25 D-78 D-126 Dinonyl Phthalate + H3PO4 (DNP+H3P4)(0∼150) Mid 6+1 Dioctyl Adipate (20∼150) Mid 1∼25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Support you asked for Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 25 Celite 545 60/80 AS 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-124 20 Shimalite 60/80 AW D-127 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW D-18 Mid Lower hydrocarbons Esters Alcohols 100ml Support you asked for 30 D-17 Dioctyl Phthalate [Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate] (DOP) (20∼150) 100ml 19 100ml Phenols 100ml Esters, Alcohols 100ml Esters, Alcohols Packing Material P/N D-128 D-4 D-62 D-19 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Dioctyl Phthalate [Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate] (DOP) (20∼150) Octoil S (Dioctyl-Sebacate) [Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Sebacate] (DOS) (0∼140) Polarity % 10 Mesh Size Support Chromosorb W 80/100 Treatment Capacity AW-DMCS Application Esters, Alcohols 100ml Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW Mid 1∼25 100ml Esters, Alcohols 100ml The thinnercontaining alcohols Support you asked for DOP-B (50∼120) Mid 30 n-Dodecane (-10∼30) Non 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower hydrocarbons Dodecylbenzene Sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt (20∼150) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Solvents Phenols Cresols Shimalite 60/80 NAW E ECNSS-M(Ethylene Succinate Cyanoethyl Silicone Polymer) (50∼220) E-24 1∼5 Support you asked for Low ECNSS-S is similar (50∼190) 5< EGSS-X (50∼225) 10 Low 100ml Monosaccharide Fatty acidmethylesters Chromosorb W 1∼5 60/80 Fatty acid esters AW-DMCS 100ml Support you asked for 5< EGSS-Y (50∼210) 1∼5 Monosaccharide Support you asked for Low 100ml Fatty acidmethylesters 100ml Compoundcontaining oxygen 5< E-25 E-26 EPON 1001(Epoxyresin) (50∼200) High 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 E-13 Ethofat 60/25 (20∼120) 20 Low Support you asked for 20/80 Shimalite F AW-DMCS Aldehyde 100ml 1∼10 Alcohols Support you asked for 10< Ethylacetoacetate (-10∼30) E-5 Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Low boiling pointcompounds 25 Shimalite 60/80 AW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS E-30 2 Chromosorb G 60/80 AW-DMCS Pesticide residue E-31 0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW Amino acid E-27 Ethyleneglycol Adipate(EGA) (50∼225) Esters E-28 E-29 High 1∼25 Support you asked for 20 Fatty acid esters 100ml Packing Material P/N E-7 E-3 E-32 E-33 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Ethyleneglycol Sebacate(EGSe) (50∼225) Ethyleneglycol Succinate (EGS) (50∼225) Polarity % 15 Mesh Size Support Treatment 20/80 Shimalite F 100ml High 1∼25 High E-34 Capacity Compoundcontaining oxygen Alcohols Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 AW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Application 100ml Fatty acid esters Support you asked for F F-2 FAL-M(20∼80) 25 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS H3PO4 12 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS 10 Shimalite TPA 30/60 F-3 (30∼210) F-1 (30∼0) F-7 (30∼210) 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-18 (30∼210) 10 SHINCARBON A 80/100 F-5 FAP-S (30∼180) Chromosorb W 60/80 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-8 FFAP (Free Fatty Acid Polyester) (30∼275) Low Mid 10 High Lower free fatty acids 100ml Lower free fatty acidsin water AW 100ml Cresol, Xylenol, Alkylphenols General solvents Fatty acids 100ml 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< F-19 F-16 FFAP + H3PO4 (30∼250) Flexol 8N8 (20∼150) High 0.3 + 0.3 25 Low Graphite Carbon 60/80 Chromosorb W 60/80 10g Ethyleneoxide AW-DMCS 100ml 1∼10 Lower free fatty acids Propyleneoxide Support you asked for 10< F-13 F-15 FON (20∼250) F-12 F-14 High F-17 20 Celite545 80/100 A Free fatty acids 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Organic acids 10 Celite545 800/100 A Highter alcohols 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 50ml Styrene monomerin the resin General solventsin water 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< G Glycerol (20∼100) Glutaronitrile (20∼100) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Alcohols Support you asked for 100ml Lower hydrocarbons 100ml Lower hydrocarbons (Boiling point orderelution) 1∼10 High 10< H H-6 n-Hexadecane (0∼50) 25 Shimalite 60/80 non 1∼25 Support you asked for 21 NAW Packing Material P/N H-14 H-2 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Hexamethyl Phosphoramide (-10∼35) Hexatriacontane (50∼100) Polarity % 25 Mesh Size Support Shimalite 60/80 Treatment Application NAW Mid 100ml 1∼25 30 Non Capacity Support you asked for Shimalite 60/80 NAW Hydrocarbons 100ml 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< H-16 High Vacuum Greese (20∼180) H-19 Non 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 H-21 Hyprose SP-80 (20∼150) Non H-22 Hydrocarbons 100ml Support you asked for 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Purfumes andRefined oils 100ml Support you asked for I I-5 Igepal CO-880 (20∼200) Low I-6 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for Compoundscontaining oxygen 100ml Esters Igepal CO-990 (50∼220) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Alcohols, Ketones Esters β,β’Iminodipropionitrile (20∼100) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Isophthalic Acid (10∼100) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Carbonic acids Isoquinoline (0∼50) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower hydrocarbons 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Halogenide J J-1 JXR Silicone (30∼300) 2 J-2 1.5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Non 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< K K-1 Kel F Oil No.3 (0∼50) 10 Mid Shimalite F 20/80 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< K-2 Kel F Oil No.10 (0∼100) 10 Mid Shimalite F 20/80 1∼10 100ml Halogenide Support you asked for 10< L Lanoline (20∼200) L-6 Low Lanoline(Denatured) (20∼200) 1∼25 10 Support you asked for Chromosorb W 80/100 Low 100ml AW-DMCS 100ml 1∼25 Support you asked for 22 Cresol (Separation of o,mand p) Packing Material P/N L-8 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Lubrol MOA+KOH (30∼150) Low 10+1 Liquid Paraffin (30∼130) Non 1∼25 Mannitol (30∼200) High α-Naphthylamine (20∼70) Mid Mesh Size Support Chromosorb W 60/80 Treatment AW-DMCS Support you asked for Capacity 100ml Application Dimethylformamide 100ml M 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Nitogen containedcompounds Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons N N-20 N-21 N-22 N-23 Neopentylglycol Adipate(NGA) (50∼225) High Neopentylglycol Isophthalate(50∼225) Neopentylglycol Sebacate (NGSe)(50∼225) 1∼25 15 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Fatty acid esters 100ml 1∼25 Support you asked for High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Neopentylglycol Succinate (NGS)(50∼240) N-17 N-24 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.5 High 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS N-25 1 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Low n-Octadecane (0∼90) Non Fatty acid esters Purfumes Steroids 100ml N-4 Nonyl Phenol (20∼120) High boilingtemperaturecompounds 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Phenols Alcohols O D-4 D-62 Octoil S (Dioctyl-Sebacate) [Di(2-Ethylhexyl) Sebacate] (DOS) (0∼140) 1∼25 Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW Mid 1∼25 OV-17(See Silicone OV-17) OV-210 (See Silicone OV-210) OV-25(See Silicone OV-25) OV-225 (See Silicone OV-225) O-55 O-56 Esters Alcohols Support you asked for OV-101 (See Silicone OV-101) β,β’Oxydipropionitrile (ODPN) (0∼100) Hydrocarbons 100ml OV-1 (See Silicone OV-1) O-42 100ml 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW High 25 Chromosorb W 1∼25 60/80 Support you asked for ※AW-DMCS-ST means the special treatment for the analysis of sulfur compounds 23 AW-DMCSST※ hydrocarbons Mercaptanes 100ml Sulfur compounds (Monosulfides) Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Non 1∼25 Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application P Paraffin Wax (20∼80) POLY-A 101A (50∼275) Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds 1∼5 Support you asked for Mid 5< POLY-A 103 (50∼275) 1∼5 Mid 5< P-22 P-70 Polyethyleneglycol 200 (PEG 200) (10∼100) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower Alcohols Thinner Polyethyleneglycol 300 (PEG 300) (10∼100) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower Alcohols Thinner 100ml Lower Alcohols Thinner Polyethyleneglycol 400 (PEG 400) (10∼100) High 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT 15 Shimalite W 60/80 BT 1∼25 P-6 P-84 Polyethyleneglycol 600 (PEG 600) (10∼125) High P-85 P-56 Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 BT 10 Shimalite TPA 30/60 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 100ml Support you asked for 1∼25 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT 25 Shimalite 80/100 BT 25 Celite 545 60/80 BT 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 BT P-71 10 Shimalite W 60/80 BT P-88 10 Shimalite TPA 30/60 P-89 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-10 P-11 P-110 Polyethyleneglycol 1000 (PEG 600) (10∼125) P-87 High 1∼25 P-29 P-134 P-30 Polyethyleneglycol 1500 (PEG 1500) (10∼150) High P-72 P-73 Lower Alcohols Thinner 100ml Lower Alcohols Thinner 100ml General solvents Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 15 Shimalite F 20/80 10 Shimalite W 60/80 1∼10 Support you asked for BT Polyethyleneglycol 1540 (PEG 1540) (50∼150) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml General solvents Polyethyleneglycol 2000 (PEG 2000) (20∼150) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml General solvents Polyethyleneglycol 4000 (PEG 4000) (50∼170) high 100ml General solvents 10 Shimalite W 1∼10 60/80 Support you asked for 24 BT Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment P-15 Polyethyleneglycol 6000 (PEG 6000) (50∼200) 25 Shimalite 60/80 BT P-16 (50∼200) 25 Shimalite 80/100 BT P-90 (50∼200) 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 BT P-115 (50∼200) 15 Celite 545 60/80 BT P-18 (50∼200) 15 Shimalite F 20/80 P-17 (50∼200) 10 Shimalite W 60/80 P-74 (50∼185) 10 Shimalite TPA 30/60 P-91 (50∼185) 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-130 (50∼200) 10 SHINCARBON A 60/80 High 1∼25 P-19 PEG6000 + KOH (50∼200) Chromosorb W 60/80 15+1 Chromosorb 103 80/100 100ml Lower fatty acids 50ml 100ml BT P-47 Polyethyleneglycol 20M (PEG 20M) (50∼230) 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW P-48 (50∼230) 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW P-120 (50∼230) 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS P-46 (50∼230) 20 Shimalite 60/80 NAW P-49 (50∼230) 20 Shimalite 80/100 NAW P-57 (50∼230) 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW P-58 (50∼230) 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW P-25 (50∼230) 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS P-26 (50∼230) 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS P-54 (50∼230) 15 Shimalite F 20/80 P-45 (50∼230) 10 Shimalite 80/100 NAW P-51 (50∼230) 10 Shimalite 80/100 NAW P-75 (50∼230) 10 Shimalite 80/100 NAW P-121 (50∼230) 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS P-122 (50∼230) 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS P-55 (50∼230) 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW P-56 (50∼230) 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW P-23 (50∼230) 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS P-24 (50∼230) 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS P-136 (50∼185) 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-131 (50∼230) 10 SHINCARBON A 60/80 High 1∼25 PEG 20M-TPA (50∼250) Nitogen containedcompounds 100ml High P-135 10< 25 Nitogen containedcompounds 25g Lower amines 100ml Hydrocarbons Alcohols Esters Ketones 50ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml 1∼10 Mid Application BT Support you asked for 10+10 Capacity Aldehydes Alcohols, Ketones Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polyethyleneimine (0∼180) P-127 P-128 P-81 P-82 Polarity % Mid 1∼25 Polyphenyl Ether (5 rings) (OS-124) (10∼200) (10∼200) (10∼185) Mesh Size Support Treatment Support you asked for 100ml Application High polarcompounds AromaticHydrocarbons 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Shimalite TPA 30/60 Sulfur compounds Phenols in water 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 Phenols in water 100ml Low (10∼185) Capacity 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< P-129 P-132 Polyphenyl Ether (6 rings) (10∼210) Low 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS AromaticHydrocarbons 100ml 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< P-133 Polysulfone (240∼330) 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 High boilingtemperaturecompounds NAW 100ml High 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< P-65 P-66 P-67 Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) (30∼200) Low Propylenecarbonate (0∼50) High Propyleneglycol (30∼150) Support you asked for 1∼25 25 60/80 Shimalite 100ml BT High boilingtemperaturecompounds Lower hydrocarbons 100ml 1∼25 Support you asked for Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Propylsulfone (0∼50) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Lower hydrocarbons Propyleneglycol Adipate (10∼225) High 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds, Esters Propyleneglycol Sebacate (10∼225) High 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds, Esters Propyleneglycol Succinate (10∼225) High 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds, Esters 20 60/80 Shimalite 1∼25 20 Support you asked for 60/80 Shimalite 1∼25 20 AW AW Support you asked for Shimalite 60/80 1∼25 AW Support you asked for Alcohols, Esters Q Q-11 Q-12 Quadrol (10∼150) Quinoline (0∼50) High Hgih 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼10 Support you asked for 26 Higher amines 100ml Aromatic amines 100ml Lower hydrocarbons Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application R R-1 R-2 Reoplex 400 (20∼80) High R-3 20 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1∼25 High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Terpenes Anaerobeidentification Support you asked for S SAIB (See Sucrose Diacetate Hexaisobutyrate) S-93 SBS-1 (20∼120) Mid 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 100ml General solvents S-94 SBS-100 (30∼150) Mid 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 100ml Working environmentmeasurementsubstances Organic solventsin the air Working environmentmeasurementsubstances S-120 SBS-120 (30∼150) Mid 12 SHINCARBON A 80/100 S-99 SBS-200 (30∼250) Low 20 Shimalite W 100/120 AW-DMCS 100ml Working environmentmeasurementsubstances S-100 SBS-300 (30∼280) Non 20 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 100ml Chloric solvents Sebacic Acid (20∼150) Mid 1∼25 S-66 S-85 Sebaconitrile (-10∼90) 50ml Support you asked for 100ml 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW High Lower hydrocarbons Lower hydrocarbons 100ml 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< E-23 F-9 F-11 Shinchrom E 71 (100∼250) Shinchrom F51 + Bentone34 (30∼140) Shinchrom F51 + H3PO4 (30∼140) SILAR-5CP (50∼275) High 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW 6+2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Low Low 6+4 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 10+1 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 50ml Fatty acidmethylesters 50ml Styren monomer (xylene andethylbenzeneisomers) 50ml Lower fatty acids 1∼5 High Higher fatty acidmethylesters Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Higher fatty acidmethylesters 100ml Pesticide residue 5< SILAR-7CP (50∼275) 1∼5 High Higher fatty acidmethylesters 5< SILAR-9CP (50∼275) 1∼5 High 5< S-61 Silicone DC 11 (10∼250) 5 Chromosorb G 60/80 Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 27 AW-DMCS Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application S 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW High boiling pointcompounds S-7 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW High boiling pointcompounds S-101 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane S-102 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane S-67 10 Shimalite W 60/80 NAW High boiling pointcompounds S-103 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-104 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane S-95 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-6 Silicone DC 200 (10∼250) (Dimethylsilicone Oil) Non S-105 100ml 5 Chromosorb W 1∼25 S-8 S-10 Silicone DC 550 (10∼250) (25% Phenylmethylsilicone) (10∼250) 60/80 Support you asked for 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW High boiling pointcompounds 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW High boiling pointcompounds Trihalomethane S-106 (10∼250) 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-107 (10∼250) 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-11 (10∼210) 10 Shimalite F 20/80 S-68 (10∼250) 10 Shimalite W 60/80 NAW S-108 (10∼250) 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-109 (10∼250) 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane S-96 (10∼250) 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Trihalomethane 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-110 Low (10∼250) 1∼25 S-15 S-111 S-112 Q-13 Q-8 Q-7 Silicone DC 702 (-20∼130) Low Silicone DC 703 (-20∼130) Silicone DC 704 (-20∼130) Silicone DC 710 (0∼150) (50% Phenylmethylsilicone) 25 100ml General solvents Support you asked for 60/80 Shimalite NAW Hydrocarbons 100ml 1∼25 Support you asked for Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Low 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼10 Silicone DC QF-1 (FS-1265) (10∼250) (50% Trifluoropropyl methylsilicone) Q-6 Solvents 100ml Solvents Support you asked for 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2 Chromosorb G 60/80 AW-DMCS Low High boiling pointcompounds Steroids in the Urea Chloric pesticide 100ml Q-14 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP Cholinc acids, Phosphorus pesticide Q-3 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Steroids, High boiling point- compounds 1∼25 Support you asked for 28 Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application High boiling pointcompounds S-70 20 Shimalite W 60/80 AW S-75 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-91 15 GasChrom Q 60/80 S-71 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-39 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds 10 GasChrom Q 60/80 S-89 Silicone SE-30 (50∼300) Medicine Medicine Non 100ml S-113 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP Medicine S-3 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-64 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds S-24 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids S-114 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids 1∼25 S-72 Silicone SE-52 (50∼300) S-4 S-65 Low S-25 Silicone SE-54 (50∼300) (1% Vinyl 5% Phenylmethylsilicone) S-42 S-115 S-116 Low Silicone SF-96 (10∼210) (Dimethylsilicone Fluid) (10∼250) Non (10∼250) Support you asked for 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼10 Support you asked for X-14 Silicone XF-1150 (10∼230) X-15 Shimalite F 20/80 Steroids 15 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds Halogenides 100ml High boiling pointcompounds Support you asked for 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High boiling pointcompounds 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High X-6 100ml 100ml 15 1∼25 High boiling pointcompounds 100ml Steroids, High boiling pointcompounds 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Silicone Oil KF-96 (30∼250) (Dimethylsilicone Fluid) O-57 O-58 Low Silicone OV-1 (50∼350) (Dimethylsilicone Gum) 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Non 100ml O-59 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-60 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 29 High boiling pointcompounds High boiling pointcompounds Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application P O-19 O-23 Silicone OV-1 (50∼350) (Dimethylsilicone Gum) O-23D O-22 Non 2 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids Chloric pesticide PCB Steroids, Alkaroids 100ml 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-10 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids O-18 1 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids in the Urea O-22D Steroids, Alkaroids 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< O-61 O-48 O-46 1∼10 Silicone OV-3 (20∼350) (10% Phenylmethylsilicone) Low Silicone OV-7 (20∼350) (20% Phenylmethylsilicone) Low Silicone OV-11 (30∼350) (35% Phenylmethylsilicone) Low 100ml Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds 10< 1∼10 10< 1∼10 10< Silicone OV-17 (20∼340) (50% Phenylmethylsilicone) O-49 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-26 3 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-29 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-29D 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-9 Low 1.5 O-28 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-28D 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-24 1 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-53 1 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< 30 High boilingtemperaturecompounds Support you asked for Medicine Nucleic acids High boilingtemperaturecompounds Steroids Alkaroids High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Steroids Alkaroids Medicine High boilingtemperaturecompounds 2,4-DNPHAcetaldehyde Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Silicone OV-22 (20∼300) (65% Phenylmethylsilicone) O-33 O-31 O-34D Silicone OV-25 (20∼300) (75% Phenylmethylsilicone) Polarity % Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity 1∼5 Low Support you asked for 100ml 5< Low Application High boilingtemperaturecompounds 3 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 100ml Steroids, Alkaroids Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Silicone OV-61 (20∼350) (75% Phenylmethylsilicone) Silicone OV-73 (20∼325) (5.5% Phenylmethylsilicone Gum) O-39 1∼5 Low 5< 1∼5 Low 5< Silicone OV-101 (20∼350) (Dimethylsilicone Fluid) O-37 3 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Non O-40D Steroids, Alkaroids Steroids, Alkaroids 100ml 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Silicone OV-105 (20∼270) (Cyanopropylsilicone) Silicone OV-202 (20∼250) (Trifluoropropylmethyls ilicone) O-44 O-50D Silicone OV-210 (20∼275) (50% Trifluoropropylmethylsil icone) 1∼10 Support you asked for Low 100ml 10< 100ml Steroids Alkaroids High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Steroids, Alkaroids 100ml Steroids Alkaroids High boilingtemperaturecompounds 1∼10 Low Support you asked for 10< 2 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Low 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Silicone OV-215 (20∼250) (Trifluoropropylmethyls ilicone Gum) O-45 O-51D Silicone OV-225 (20∼280) (25% Phenyl 25% Cyanopropyl silicone) 1∼5 Low Support you asked for 5< 2 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Steroids, Alkaroids 100ml Low 1∼5 Support you asked for 5< 31 Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Silicone OV-275 (20∼250) (Dicyanoallylsilicone) S-119 S-55 Polarity % Low Silicone OV-351 (50∼270) (Polyglycol nitroterephthalic) Low Silicone OV-1701 (20∼340) (Dimethylphenylcyano substituted polymer) Low 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 100ml 1∼5 5< 1∼5 5< SM-PACK (40) High Sorbitol (100∼150) Mid 30 Shimalite 60/70 NAW Shimalite 60/80 NAW 200ml LP Gas Freon Lower alcohols 100ml Support you asked for 5 +1.75 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 5 +1.75 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Low 100ml Stylenemonomer Span 40 (20∼150) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Span 50 (20∼150) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Span 80 (20∼150) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons 100ml Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Squalane (10∼150) S-121 Non S-53 S-118 Support you asked for 5< S-19 S-129 Application 1∼5 S-128 S-20 Capacity 5< Silicone OV-330 (30∼250) (A silicone carbowax copolymer) SP-1200 + Bentone34 (10∼175) Treatment 1∼5 Low 1∼30 S-84 Mesh Size Support 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 60/80 Heated at 600℃ 1 Alumina 1∼25 Support you asked for Squalene (30∼140) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Stearic Acid (30∼140) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Stearyl Amine (20∼100) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Amines, Alcohols 100ml Purfumes Essential oils 100ml Hydrocarbons Sucrose Diacetate Hexaisobutyrate(SAIB) (10∼190) Sulfolane (20∼110) Low High 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for 32 Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity % Terephtharic Acid (20∼200) High 1∼25 Tetraethyleneglycol Dimethyl Ether(BMEE) (10∼80) Mid 1∼25 Tetraethylene Pentamine (0∼80) High 1∼25 Tetradecanol (Myristyl Alcohol) (40∼120) Mid 1∼25 Mesh Size Support Treatment Capacity Application T T-30 T-91 T-92 Tetrahydroxyethyl Ethylene Diamine (THEED) (10∼180) Tetramethyl Cyclobutanediol Adipate (10∼230) High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Sulfur compounds Support you asked for 100ml Lower amines Support you asked for 100ml Support you asked for 15 Shimalite F 20/80 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 20 Low Alcohols 100ml Mid Chromosorb W 1∼25 T-46 100ml Support you asked for 60/80 AW-DMCS Support you asked for Chromosorb W 60/80 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds Higher fatty acidesters 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds AW-DMCS 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< Tetramethyl Cyclobutanediol Succinate (10∼250) T-70 1∼10 Support you asked for Low 10< Thermon-1000 (50∼270) T-63 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP General solvents Esters, Medicine 100ml T-64 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 AW-DMCS High T-88 50ml Alcohols High boilingtemperaturecompounds General solvents inthe water 1∼10 100ml Support you asked for 10< T-67 Thermon-1000+KOH (50∼250) High T-86 10+3 Chromosorb W 80/100 5+3 Sunpak-A 50/80 AW-DMCS 100ml Alcohols, Higher amines Lower amines 50ml T-87 T-65 T-66 Thermon-1000+H3PO4 (50∼250) (50∼230) 5+1 Sunpak-A 50/80 10+1 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS High 100ml Free fatty acids T-82 Thermon-3000 (50∼280) 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS Gasoline T-81 (50∼280) 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Glycol 10 Celite 545 80/100 AS p-Hydroxy benzoic acid 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-79 T-78 (50∼280) (50∼280) T-77 T-94 T-75 T-95 (50∼280) (50∼280) (50∼185) (50∼280) TCP 50ml High 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 5 SHINCARBON-A 60/80 3 Shimalite TPA 60/80 2 SHINCARBON-A 60/80 33 AW-DMCS Perfumes Free fatty acids in thewater, Lactic acids Free fatty acids in thewater Packing Material P/N T-76 T-90 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity Thermon-3000 (50∼280) (50∼210) % Mesh Size Support 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 2 Shimalite F 40/80 1 Shimalite TPA 60/80 Treatment AW-DMCS (50∼185) Application TBZ、PEG Free fatty acids in theWater, Lactic acids High T-74 Capacity 50ml Catecol in water 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< T-89 Thermon-3000+KOH (50∼250) High 5+1 Sunpak-A 60/80 T-68 Thermon-HG (60∼170) High 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 β,β Thiodipropionitrile (TDPN)(20∼90) High 1∼25 Triacetin (0∼60) Mid Tri-N-Butylphosphate (TBP)(0∼50) Tributyrine (0∼100) 50ml Lower amines 50ml Alkyl Mercury Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons 100ml Hydrocarbons Nitrogen- containedcompounds 100ml Cresols, Phenols Tricresylphosphate (TCP) (0∼125) AW-DMCS 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS T-109 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS T-110 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS T-17 T-18 Mid T-108 1∼25 T-34 T-19 TCP+H3PO4 (0∼125) Triethanolamine(TEA) (0∼100) High T-111 T-48 T-2 T-1 Mid Support you asked for Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10+2 1∼25 Support you asked for Lower amines 100ml Triethylene Glycol (20∼100) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Triisobutylene(TIB) (-10∼120) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Tri-m-Cresylphosphate (0∼120) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Hydrocarbons Nitrogen- containedcompounds 1,2,3-Tris〔2Cyanoethoxy〕 Propane(TCEP) (10∼150) High 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCSST※ 25 Shimalite 80/100 NAW 20 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 1∼10 Support you asked for 10< ※ AW-DMCS-ST means the special treatment for the analysis of sulfur compounds. 34 Mercaptane, Sulfur compounds descended- from Monosulfite 100ml Hydrocarbons Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Mesh Size Polarity % Triton X-100 (20∼190) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Nitrogen containedcompounds Triton X-305 (20∼230) High 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Nitrogen containedcompounds Trixylenylphosphate (TXP) (20∼150) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml T-49 TXP+H3PO4 (20∼150) Low 10 +0.5 T-96 TSG-1 (50∼230) High 3 Tween 20 (10∼60) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Tween 40 (10∼80) Low 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml T-42 T-60 Tween 60 (10∼100) Mid Support Chromosorb W 60/80 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-61 Tween 80 (10∼150) T-23 Mid T-62 Tween 85 (10∼150) Mid AW-DMCS 20 Shimalite 60/80 AW 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 1∼25 T-22 Treatment Capacity Application 100ml Cresols 50ml Formaline analysisonly Esters, Ketones 100ml Support you asked for 20 Shimalite 60/80 AW 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml Esters, Ketones 100ml Esters, Ketones 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds U U-10 U-23 Ucon 50-HB-280X (10∼190) U-24 High U-25 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 U-12 Ucon 50-HB-2000 (10∼200) U-26 High Support you asked for 20 Shimalite 60/80 NAW 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 U-27 Ucon 50-HB-5100 (10∼190) U-28 Support you asked for 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS High U-29 5 Ucon 70-HB-90000 (10∼190) U-37 U-2 U-30 100ml High Ucon LB-550X (10∼200) Low Chromosorb W 60/80 1∼25 Support you asked for 1∼25 Support you asked for AW-DMCS 100ml 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 35 High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Vinyl chloridemonomer Packing Material P/N U-31 Stationary Phase (Operation Temparature ℃) Polarity Ucon LB-550X (10∼200) U-32 Low U-33 % Mesh Size Support Treatment 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Capacity Application High boilingtemperaturecompounds 100ml Support you asked for V Versamid 900 (185∼275) 25 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS V-11 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS V-8 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW V-10 Mid 100ml V-12 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS V-13 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1∼25 Support you asked for High boilingtemperaturecompounds Amines, Alcohols Versamid 930 (100∼200) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds, Alcohols Versamid 940 (100∼200) Mid 1∼25 Support you asked for 100ml High boilingtemperaturecompounds, Alcohols 36 Standard Packed Column Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase % Support Column Size Mesh Size Treatment Length x I.D. Material of column Application A ZA-1 Activated Charcoal 60/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent gases ZA-2 Activated Charcoal 60/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent gases ZA-3 Activated Charcoal 60/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent gases B ZB-1 1,4-BDS-HG 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.2mm Glass Alkyl mercury ZB-2 1,4-BDS-HG 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.2mm Glass Phenyl mercury ZD-1 DEGS-HG 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.2mm Glass Alkyl mercury ZD-2 DEGS-HG 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.2mm Glass Phenyl mercury ZD-3 DEGS+H3PO4 2+ 0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Chloric pesticide ZD-4 Diglycerol+TEP +KOH 15+ 15+ 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Lower amines Ethyleneglycol Adipate(EGA) 0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW 1.6mx3.2mm Glass Amino acid (Bu-TFA) ZF-1 FAL-M 10 SHINCARBONA 80/100 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Lower free fattyacids in water ZF-2 FFAP+H3PO4 0.3 + 0.3 Graphite Carbon 60/80 1.6mx3.2mm Glass Lower free fattyacids ZF-3 Flexol 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Ethyleneoxide Propyleneoxide C E ZE-1 F AW-DMCS M ZM-1 Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 ZM-2 Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 ZM-3 Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 ZM-4 Molecular Sieve 13X 60/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 ZM-5 Molecular Sieve 13X 60/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 ZM-6 Molecular Sieve 13X 60/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4 N ZN-1 Neopentylglycol Succinate(NGS) 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, 17KS(TMS) ZN-2 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, 17KS(TMS) ZN-3 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.6mx3.2mm Glass Steroids ,17KS(TMS) ZN-4 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, 17KS(TMS) 37 Standard Packed Column Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase Column Size % Support Mesh Size Treatment Length x I.D. Material of column Application ZN-5 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2.6mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, 17KS(TMS) ZN-6 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, 17KS(TMS) β,β’Oxydipropionitrile (ODPN) 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCSST 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Hydrogen sulfide Methylmercaptane Sulfur dioxide ZP-1 PEG1500 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Isobutanol ZP-2 PEG6000 10 SHINCARBONA 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass ZP-3 PEG20M 10 SHINCARBONA 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass ZP-4 Polyphenyl Ether 5rings(OS-124) 10 Shimalite-TPA 60/80 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Hydrogen sulfide Methylmercaptane Sulfur dioxide ZP-5 Porapak-N 80/100 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-6 Porapak-Q 80/100 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-7 SP-1200 +Bentone34 5+ 1.75 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Styrenemonomer ZP-8 SP-1200 +Bentone34 5+ 1.75 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Styrenemonomer ZP-9 PEG6000 10 Shimaite-TPA 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Lower free fatty acids ZP-10 PEG20M 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Hydrocarbons Alcohols Esters Ketones ZP-11 Porapak-N 50/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-12 Porapak-N 50/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-13 Porapak-N 50/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-14 Porapak-N 80/100 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-15 Porapak-N 80/100 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-16 Porapak-Q 50/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-17 Porapak-Q 50/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-18 Porapak-Q 50/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-19 Porapak-Q 80/100 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 ZP-20 Porapak-Q 80/100 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Lower Hydrocarbons CO2 O ZO-1 P 38 AW-DMCS Alcohols in water Alcohols in water Standard Packed Column Packing Material P/N Column Size Treatment Length x I.D. Material of column AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm ガラス For the anaerobe identification Glass Workingenvironmentalsubstances Application % Support Mesh Size Reoplex400 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 ZS-1 SBS-100 10 Shimalite-TPA 60/80 3.1mx3.2mm ZS-2 SBS-120 12 SHINCARBONA 80/100 3.1mx3.2mm Glass ZS-3 SBS-200 20 Shimalite-W 100/ 120 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass (Organic solvents) ZS-4 SBS-300 20 Shimalite-W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Chloric solvents ZS-5 Shinchrom E-71 5 Shimalite 80/100 AW 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Fatty acidmethylesters ZS-6 Silicone DC 200 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Ttihalomethane ZS-7 Silicone DC 200 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Ttihalomethane ZS-8 Silicone DC 550 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Ttihalomethane ZS-9 Silicone DC 550 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Ttihalomethane ZS-11 Silicone DC 200 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Phosphorus system pesticide residue ZS-13 Silicone DC 200 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Phosphorus system pesticide residue ZS-15 Silicone DC QF-1 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Phosphorus system pesticide residue ZS-16 Silicone DC QF-1 2 Shimalite-W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids in the Urea (MO-TMSi) ZS-18 Silicone DC QF-1 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, Alkaloids ZS-24 Silicone SE-30 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, Alkaloids ZS-30 Silicone SE-52 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, Alkaloids ZS-35 Silicone SE-52 5 Shimalite-W 60/80 AW 2.5mx3.0mm SUS Kerosene, Light oil ZS-36 Silicone SE-52 5 Shimalite-W 60/80 AW 2.6mx3.2mm Glass Kerosene, Light oil ZS-44 Silicone XF-1150 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass High boiling pointcompounds ZS-46 Silicone XF-1150 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass High boiling pointcompounds ZS-50 Silicone OV-1 1.5 Shimalite-W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, Alkaloids High boiling pointcompounds ZS-52 Silicone OV-1 1.5 Shimalite-W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids, Alkaloids High boiling pointcompounds ZS-55 Silicone OV-1 1 Shimalite-W 80/100 AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Steroids in the Urea (MO-TMSi) ZS-56 Silicone OV-1 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass PCB ZS-57 Silicone OV-1 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass PCB ZS-58 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Chloric pesticide PCB Stationary Phase R ZR-1 S 39 (Organic solvents) Standard Packed Column Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase Column Size Treatment Length x I.D. Material of column Glass % Support Mesh Size Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Application Chloric pesticide PCB ZS-59 Silicone OV-17 2 ZS-61 Silicone OV-17 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 1.1mx3.2mm Glass Medicine High boiling pointcompounds ZS-63 Silicone OV-17 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Medicine High boiling pointcompounds ZS-66 Silicone OV-17 1 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 2.1mx3.2mm Glass 2,4-DNPH acetaldehyde 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Hydrogen sulfide sulfurization Carbonium in Lower Hydrocarbons (C1∼C4) 6.0mx3.0mm SUS LPG (with DATA) 50/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass ALower alcohols Lower hydrocarbons Silica Gel 60/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent Gases ZS-74 Silica Gel 60/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent Gases ZS-75 Silicca Gel 60/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Permanent Gases ZS-70 Sunpak-S ZS-71 SM-6 ZS-72 Sunpak-A ZS-73 80/100 Shimalite 60/70 NAW T ZT-1 Thermon-1000 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Lower alcohols inthe water ZT-2 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 1.6mx3.2mm Glass Lower free fattyacids and Lacticacids in water ZT-3 Thermon-3000 2 SHINCARBON A 60/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass PEG300 in water ZT-4 Thermon-3000 +KOH 5+1 Sunpak-A 50/80 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Lower amines in water ZT-5 Thermon-HG 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS 0.5mx3.0mm Glass Alkyl Mercury ZT-6 1,2,3-Tris〔2(cyanoethoxy)Prop ane(TCEP)〕 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCSST 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Hydrogen sulfide Methylmercaptane Sulfur dioxide ZT-7 TSG-1 15 SHINCARBON A 60/80 3.1mx3.2mm Glass Formalin Lower alcohols ZT-10 Shimalite Q 100 /180 0.5mx3.0mm SUS Reference column ZT-11 SHINCARBON ST 50/80 2.0mx3.0mm SUS CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 ZT-12 SHINCARBON ST 50/80 4.0mx3.0mm (2.0mx2) SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 ZT-13 SHINCARBON ST 50/80 6.0mx3.0mm (2.0mx3) SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 ZT-14 SHINCARBON ST 50/80 8.0mx3.0mm (2.0mx4) SUS H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 ZT-15 SHINCARBON ST 50/80 1.0mx3.0mm SUS CO, CH4, CO2, C2H4, C2H6 ZT-17 Thermon-3000 +KOH 60/100 2.1mx3.2mm Glass Ammonia in water Methylamine 2+2 Sunpak-N 40 Standard Packed Column Packing Material P/N Stationary Phase Column Size % Support Mesh Size 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 Treatment Length x I.D. Material of column AW-DMCS 3.1mx3.2mm ガラス Application U ZU-1 Ucon LB-550X Ethyl acetate Methyl isobutylketone Y The parallel separation column (with the test data) ZY-1 ZY-2 Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 2.5mx3.0mm SUS Porapak Q 80/100 1.5mx3.0mm SUS Shimalite Q 100 /180 0.5mx3.0mm SUS Molecular Sive 5A 60/80 3.0mx3.0mm SUS Porapak Q 80/100 1.5mx3.0mm SUS Shimalite Q 100 /180 0.5mx3.0mm SUS 41 O2, N2, CO2, CO, CH4 H2, O2, N2, CO2, CO, CH4 Application for Each Usage Sample Sulfurcompounds Stationary Phase % Support 1,2,3-TCEP 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-48 PPE-5 rings 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-82 β,β’-ODPN 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCSST O-56 Styrenmonomer Phthalic esters Organochlorine solvents Vinylchloridemonomer Specificchemicalcompounds Hydrogen sulfide Methylmercaptane SO2 Hydrogen sulfide in C1∼C4 Carbonyl sulfate Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS D-80 Tri-, Di-, Mono-methylamines Diglycerol+TEP +KOH 15+15+ 2 PEG6000+KOH 15+1 Chromosorb 103 80/100 P-135 Ammonia in water Trimethylamine Thermon-3000 +KOH 5+1 Sunpak-A 50/80 T-89 Mono-, Di-, Tri-methylamines in water and in air FFAP 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW F-8 Styrenemonomer in packing materials FON Celite545 80/100 A F-13 5+1.75 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-84 Styrenemonomer in air Silicone OV-17 1 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-53 2,4-DNPH-Acetaldehyde Silicone OV-1 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-10 Silicone OV-17 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-9 Thermon-3000 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-76 SBS-300 20 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-100 Silicone DC 200 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-95 Silicone DC 550 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-96 Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Thermon-3000 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-82 Silicone DC 550 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-107 Silicone DC 550 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-96 Silicone DC 200 20 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-102 Silicone DC 200 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-95 SBS-100 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 S-94 Freon113、Chloropropane Ucon LB-550X 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW U-2 Vinylchloridemonomer PEG20M 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS P-23 Acrylamide Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Acrylamide in water (50ppm) FAL-M 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-7 Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 1,4-BDS-HG 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS B-29 Thermon-HG 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-68 SP-1200 +Bentone34 Acetaldehyde Application S-125 Sunpak-S Nitrogen compounds P/N 20 Phthalic esters (Diethylphthalate∼ Dioctylphthalate) Trihalomethane (Chloroform, Dibromochloromethane, Dichlorobromomethane, Bromoform) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, Dichloromethane, Trichloroethylene, Chloroform, Tetrachloroethylene, 1,2Dichloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane in carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Acrylonitrile in water Methyl Mercury 42 Application for Each Usage Sample Organic solvents Organic mercury Stationary Phase PCB Support P/N PEG20M 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS P-23 Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Thermon-1000 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 T-88 SBS-1 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 S-93 SBS-100 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 S-94 SBS-200 20 Shimalite W 100/120 AW-DMCS S-99 SBS-120 12 SHINCARBON A 80/100 S-120 Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Ucon LB-550X 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW U-2 1,4-BDS-HG 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS B-29 Thermon-HG 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-68 Ucon LB-550X 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS B-30 2+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS A-41 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-29 Slicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-29D Silicone DC QF-1 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP Silicone DC 200 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP Slicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP Silicone OV-1 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-23D Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-29 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-29D Advance-DS +H3PO4 Pesticides residue % Application Acetone, Methanol, Toluene, Esters, Chloroethylene Thinner components Working environment measurement substances Thinner components Methyl mercuric chloride mercuric chloride Ethyl Phenyl mercury chlorinated pesticides residue Phosphorus pesticides PCB Silicone SE-30 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-64 Sodium cyclamate, Sulfite ester Tyntheticsweetener Silicone SE-30 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-75 Saccharin in juice (Methylated) Antifugal agents Thermon-3000 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-76 Thiobendazole (TBZ) DEGS+H3PO4 5+1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-28S Sorbic acids, Dehydroacetic- acids, Benzoic acids, Hydroxybenzoic esters FON 10 Celite 545 80/100 A F-12 Other preservatives components Silicone OV-25 3 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-33 BHA、BHT PEG20M 10 SHINCARBON A 60/80 P-131 PEG6000 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-91 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Preservatives Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 5+0.5 Thermon-3000 5 43 Application for Each Usage Sample Stationary Phase % Support P/N Application Spices Thermon-3000 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-76 Capsaicine Perfume Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Perfume components FFAP 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW F-8 FON 20 Celite 545 80/100 A F-13 PEG20M 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW P-56 Shinchrom F51 +Bentone34 6+2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS F-9 5+1.75 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-84 Package ·Plastic containner substances SP-1200 +Bentone34 Oil and fat Lower free fatty acids Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Dexsil 300GC 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP D-88 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 FAL-M 10 SHINCARBON A 80/100 F-18 FAL-M 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-7 FFAP 20 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW F-8 FON 10 Celite 545 80/100 A F-12 O-29D Thermon1000+H3PO4 10+1 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP T-65 Thermon1000+H3PO4 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 PEG6000 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-91 Reoplex 400 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS R-3 Thermon-3000 5 Shimalite F 40/80 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 Thermon-1000 2 Shimalite TPA 60/80 styrenemomoner Cocconut oil Lower free fatty acids in water Lower free fatty acids Lower fatty acids in water (such- as Acrylic acid, Methacrylic acid- and Acetic acid) Methyllactic acid, Dimethyl- succinic acid, Volatile fatty acid, Norvolatile fatty acid, Anaerobic- bacteria Acetic Acid in Acetic Anhydride Higher free fattyacids T-94 Enanthic acid, Pantoyl lactone Thermon1000+H3PO4 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 Thermon1000+H3PO4 10+1 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP T-65 Thermon-3000 3 Shimalite TPA 60/80 T-75 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 FFAP 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS FON 10 Celite 545 80/100 A F-12 FON 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS F-14 44 Lower free fatty acids in organic solvents Lower free fatty acids in organic solvents Palm oil acids in fish Higher fatty acids acids in fish Fatty Fatty Application for Each Usage Sample Stationary Phase % Support P/N Application Thermon-3000 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-76 Rosin acid Thermon-3000 10 Celite 545 80/100 AS T-79 Cinnamic acid, Hippuric acid, Hydroxybenzoic acid Thermon-3000 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-78 Tricresyl phosphate Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 3 Shimalite TPA 60/80 T-75 Thermon-3000 2 Shimalite F 40/80 T-90 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 3 Shimalite TPA 60/80 T-75 Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 25 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS・ H3PO4 F-2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP T-65 Lactic acid (free) Mono-, Dichloro acetic acid Aromatic acids, Oxy acids, Keto acids FAL-M Maleic anhydride, Phthalic- anhydride, Benzoic acid Levulinic acid (free) Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 10+1 FAL-M 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-7 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 3 ShimalitE TPA 60/80 T-75 Lactic acids, Levulinic acids Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBNON A 60/80 T-94 Glycolic acids, acids in soy Thermon-3000 2 Shimalite F 40/80 T-90 FAL-M 25 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS・ H3PO4 F-2 Acrylic acid esters (Methyl-, Ethyl, methacrylate) Advance-DS 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS A-40 Higher fatty acid methylesters DEGS 15 Shimalite 60/80 AW D-25 DEGS 10 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-26S DEGS 15 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS D-58S Shinchrom E71 5 Shimalite 80/100 AW E-23 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Pyruvic acid (free) Thioglycolic Fatty acid methyl esters Esters LPG SM-PACK Shimalie 60/70 NAW Permanentgases Lower hydrocarbons Aromatichydrocarbons S-119 Fatty acid methyl esters in Rape- oil, Linseed oil, Coconut oil, Fish- oil Dicarboxylic acid esters (Oxalic acids∼Citric acid esters) Liquefied petroleum gases Activated Charcoal 60/80 A-4 Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Methane Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 M-2 Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen Silica Gel 60/80 S-2 Permanent gases, Organic gases Sebaconitrile 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW S-66 1-Butene and Isobutene in- propylene Silicone DC 200 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW S-6 Impurities in 1,3-Butadiene Bentone34+DNP 5+5 Shimalite 80/100 NAW B-19 Shinchrom F51 +Bentone34 6+4 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS F-10 Xylene isomer DMS 25 Shimalite 60/80 NAW D-8 Alkene isomer(C4∼C6) Thermon-1000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-64 Paraffin wax Thermon-3000 10 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-82 Aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline 45 Application for Each Usage Sample Paraffin oil, Light oil, fuel oil Stationary Phase % Support P/N Application Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Hydrocarbons, Nitriles, Styrenemonomer, Aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline, Ligroin Thermon-1000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-64 Crude oil, A fuel oil, Light oil Silicone OV-101 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS Silicone SE-52 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW S-4 Paraffin oil, Light oil, Naphtha, regular gasoline Silicone SE-52 5 Shimalite W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-65 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS O-29 FAL-M 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-7 Lower Alcohols TSG-1 15 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-96 Formaline Thermon-1000 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 T-88 PEG6000 10 SHINCARBON A 60/80 P-130 Sorbitol 30 Shimalite W 60/80 NAW S-55 Ethanol in methanol Thermon-1000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-64 Higher alcohols Thermon-1000 5 Sunpak-A 50/80 T-88 TSG-1 15 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-96 Thermon-3000 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-81 Diols FAL-M 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 F-7 Lower saturated aldehydes FAL-M 10 SHINCARBON A 60/80 F-18 Lower unsaturated aldehydes (Acrolein, Crotone aldehyde, ,Furfural) PEG6000 10 Shimalite TPA 60/80 P-91 TSG-1 15 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-96 Formalin Lower aldehydes, Alcohols, Esters, Isobutylaldehyde in isobutyric acid Benzopyrene in tar Lower alcohols in whisky Alcohols Aldehydes Glycols Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Thermon-3000 1 Shimalite TPA 60/80 T-74 Thermon-3000 2 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-95 TENAX-TA 60/80 Poyethyleneglycol300 Ethyleneglycol, Diethyleneglycol, Triethyleneglycol, Glycols 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 1 Shimalite TPA 60/80 T-74 Catechol in water, Resorcinol, Hydroquinone Chromosorb W 80/100 AW F-5 o,m,p-Cresol, Phenols, Xylenol isomers 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS L-6 o,m,p-Cresol, Phenols 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 2,4-Dichlorophenol, p-Chlorophenol 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS P-23 Acrylamide 10+3 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-67 Phenylenediamine, Tetraethylenepentamine Lanoline (Denatured) Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 PEG20M Amines, Amides Ethyleneglycol, Diethyleneglycol, Triethleneglycol Thermon-3000 FAP-S Phenols Minor methanols, Ethanols, Lower alcohols Thermon-1000 +KOH 46 Application for Each Usage Sample Amines, Amides Stationary Phase % Support P/N Application Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Thermon-3000 5 SHINCARBON A 60/80 T-94 Apiezon Grease L 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS A-49 Trinitro propane Flexol 8N8 25 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS F-16 Ethylene oxides in ethanols Bentone34+DNP 5+5 Shimalite 80/100 NAW B-19 m,p-Chlorostyrene FAL-M 25 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS・ H3PO4 F-2 Thermon-1000 25 Shimalite 80/100 AW-DMCS T-70 Dexsil 300GC 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP D-88 Dexsil 400GC 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 HP D-90 Silicone OV-17 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-9 EGA 0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW E-31 NGS 1 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS N-4 Silicone SE-30 5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-64 Catecholamine(TMS) Silicone DC QF-1 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS Q-3 Tri-, Deoxy-, Dehydroxycol acids (Me-TFA), Bile acids Silicone SE-30 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-24 Codeine, Morphine, papaverine, thebaine Silicone OV-17 1.5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-9 Estrogen (such as Estrone, Estriol) Silicone OV-1 1 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-18 Urinary Androsterone, Etiocholanolone, Dehydroepiandrosterone (MO-,MO-TMS) Silicone DC QF-1 2 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS Q-7 Silicone OV-210 2 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-44 Advance-DS 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS A-40 Silicone OV-1 1 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-18 Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-29D Silicone SE-30 1.5 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-24 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Silicone SE-30 1.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS S-114 Acrylamide Nicotine in tobacco, Acetamide Others Fat Acetonitrile, Acrylonitrile Amino acids Catecholamine Bile acid Alkaloids Steroids Triglycerides Amino acids (Butyl esters, TFA) Urinary steroids(MO complete, TMSi) Adonitol, Erythritol, Xylitol Saccharide(TMSi、Acetylated) Sugar Tocopherol 47 Erythritol, Adinitol, Xylitol, Mannitol, Inositol, Sorbitol (Acetylated) β-Tocopherol (Accetylated) Application for Each Usage Sample Medicine Stationary Phase % Support P/N Silicone OV-17 2 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS O-29D Silicone SE-30 10 Chromosorb W 60/80 AW-DMCS S-39 Thermon-3000 5 Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-78 Thermon-3000 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-81 Thermon-1000 +H3PO4 5+0.5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-66 Thermon-3000 10 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-81 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 Thermon-3000 5 Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS T-77 48 Application Ephedrine hydrochloride, dl-Methylephedrine, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine salicylate, Caffeine, Chloropheniramine maleate, Diprophilline, Hyoscyamine, Glycerylguaiacol ester Dl-Camphor,l-Menthol, Methyl salicylate, Thymol Diphenhydramine Application Data Application Page Permanent Gases … 50 Lower Hydrocarbons … 53 Hydrocarbons … 56 Aromatic Hydrocarbons … 58 Organic Solvents … 59 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones … 63 Free Fatty Acids … 69 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters … 71 Amines … 73 Trihalomethane ・ Halogen Compounds … 75 Sulfur Compounds … 79 Organic Mercury ・ PCB … 80 Pesticides … 82 Food Additive … 83 Phenols … 85 Biochemical … 86 Others … 88 INDEX … 90 49 Permanent Gases Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons (C1∼C2) SHINCARBON ST SHINCARBON ST is modified-carbon packings for analyzing the inorganic gases, and which is acceptance of the innovative packings for possessing the advantages of the molecular sieves and Porapak Q. 1. Oxygen 2. Nitrogen 3. Carbon Monoxide 4. Methane 5. Carbon Dioxide 6. Nitrous Oxide 7. Acetylene 8. Ethylene 9. Ethane 2 9 Characteristics 3 Column : SHINCARBON ST 50/80 mesh 2.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃(3min hold) ∼ 200 ℃ Program rate 20 ℃/min Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (210 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5mL Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons (C1∼C2) 1. Hydrogen 2. Oxygen 3. Nitrogen 4. Carbon Monoxide 5. Methane 6. Carbon Dioxide 7. Ethylene 8. Ethane 1 6 7 3 5 2 35 30 15 10 5 40 35 30 25 20 15 Column : SHINCARBON ST 50/80 mesh 6.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃(12min hold) ∼ 200 ℃ Program rate 10 ℃/min Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (200 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5mL 8 4 1 10 7 6 40 8 25 5 20 4 2 Column : SHINCARBON ST 50/80 mesh 6.0m x 3.0mm I.D., Stainless Column temp : 40 ℃(12min hold) ∼ 200 ℃ Program rate 10 ℃/min Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (200 ℃) Carrier gas : Ar, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5mL 50 14 10 12 6 8 6 4 2 5 1. Hydrogen 2. Oxygen 3. Nitrogen 4. Carbon Monoxide 5. Methane 6. Carbon Dioxide 7. Ethylene 8. Ethane 5 8 4 Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons (C1∼C2) 3 7 1 1) H2, O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2, N2O, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6 can be analyzing in 1 injection. 2) The column performance does not drop for moisture-samples. Injected water can be flush out by heating. (Water peak is not observed.) 3) Column length can be controlled in 2m, 4m, 6m, 8m, by connecting. 4) Carbonyl sulfide and sulfur dioxide can be analyzing with a glass column. (hydrogen sulfide is absorbed. see, sulfur compounds) 5) Vinyl chloride, chloromethane can be analyzing from Cl2 and HCl gases. (see, Halogen compounds) Permanent Gases Hydrogen in Helium Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons (C1∼C2) 1 1 1. Helium 2. Hydrogen 3. Oxygen 4. Nitrogen 1. Air 2. Carbon Monoxide 3. Methane 4. Carbon Dioxide 5. Ethylene 6. Ethane 7. Propylene 8. Propane 9. iso-Butane 10. n-Butane 10 11. n-Pentane 8 2 3 4 5 6 2 9 7 11 30 25 20 15 Column : SHINCARBON ST 50/80 mesh 1.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃ ∼ 300 ℃ Program rate 20 ℃/min Injection temp : 300 ℃ Detector : TCD (300 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.75mL Column : SHINCARBON ST 50/80 mesh 6.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : TCD (50 ℃) Carrier gas : Ar, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Inorganic Gases 〔Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, Carbon Monoxide〕 2 10 5 5 15 4 10 3 Inorganic Gases 〔Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, Carbon Monoxide〕 3 1. Oxygen 2. Nitrogen 3. Methane 4. Carbon Monoxide 1. Hydrogen 2. Oxygen 3. Nitrogen 4. Methane 5. Carbon Monoxide 1 2 3 4 5 Column : Molecular Sieve 13X 60/80 mesh 2.5m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 60 ℃ Injection temp : 70 ℃ Detector : TCD (70 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Column : Molecular Sieve 5A 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 50 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : TCD (50 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL 51 12 10 8 6 4 2 10 1 Permanent Gases Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons Inorganic Gases and Methane 〔Carbon Monoxide, Methane, Carbon Dioxide〕 1 1. Air 2. Carbon Monoxide 3. Methane 4. Ethane 5. Carbon Dioxide 6. Ethylene 1. Air 2. Carbon Monoxide 3. Methane 4. Carbon Dioxide 2 2 3 3 1 4 5 4 10 10 6 Column : Silica Gel 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 50 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : TCD (50 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Column : Activated Charcoal 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 50 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : TCD (50 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Inorganic Gases and Methane 3 1. Helium 2. Hydrogen 3. Air 4. Carbon Monoxide 5. methane 6. Carbon Dioxide 5 2 4 1 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 Column : Porapak Q 80/100 mesh 5.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃ Injection temp : 60 ℃ Detector : TCD (60 ℃) Carrier gas : Air, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL 52 Lower Hydrocarbons Inorganic Gases and Lower Hydrocarbons Sunpak-A 1 1. Air 2. Methane 3. Carbon Dioxide 4. Nitrous Oxide 5. Ethylene 6. Ethane 7. Water 2 Sunpak-A is an original high effective highcross-linking porous polymer packings. Higher resolution, efficiency and stability can be obtained than others. 3 4 Characteristics 1) Porous copolymer beads of ethylvinylbenzene and divinylbenzene. Supporting the USP code [3] 5 6 2) Low hydrocarbons, lower alcohols, CO2(inorganic gases) can be analyzing from aqueous sample. 7 8 6 4 2 3) Short retention time of water. Excellent for the micro analysis of water in organic solvents. 4) High lot-to-lot uniformity. Column : Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 40 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (150 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL 5) Samples, difficult for diatomite supports by degradation reaction, can be analyzed by coating the liquid phase. (see, alcohols and amines) Lower Hydrocarbons Lower Hydrocarbons 2 1 3 1. Methane 2. Ethylene, Acetylene 3. Ethane 4. Propylene 5. Propane 6. iso-Butane 7. 1-Butene, 1.3-Butadiene 8. n-Butane 9. iso-Pentane 10. n-pentane 8 4 7 5 6 1. Methane 2. Ethylene 3. Ethane 4. Propylene 5. Propane 6. iso-Butane 7. n-Butane 8. n-Pentane 9. n-Hexane 10. n-Heptane 11. n-Octane 12. n-Nonane 13. n-Decane 1 9 2 5 7 3 8 10 11 4 12 Column : Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 60 ℃ ∼ 120 ℃ Program rate 5 ℃/min Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : FID (200 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Column : Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 65 ℃ ∼ 250 ℃ Program rate 10 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5mL 53 36 28 24 20 13 16 12 8 4 24 6 32 10 20 16 12 8 4 9 Lower Hydrocarbons Lower Hydrocarbons SM-6 2 SM-6 is the analytical column for LPG (liquefied petroleum gas). High performance is obtained for the separation of low hydrocarbon isomers. 1. Methane 2. Ethane, Ethylene 3. Propane 4. Propylene 5. iso-Butane 6. Cyclopropane 7. n-Butane 8. 1-Butene, iso-Butene 9. trans-2-Butene 10. cis-2-Butene 11. iso-Pentane 12. 1,3-Butadiene 13. n-Pentane 3 5 4 1 7 Characteristics Characteristics 6 1) SM-6 is composed of each 3m of SM-PACK (S) and SM-PACK (M). 2) Connecting the SM-PACK (S) side to injector. The label is on the column inlet. 8 11 20 24 12 13 16 10 12 8 4 9 Column : SM-6 6.0m(3m+3m) x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 30 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : FID (50 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Lower Hydrocarbons Lower Hydrocarbons 2 6 1 7 8 9 11 13 10 12 14 Column : DBM + ODPN 35%(95:5) Shimalite 60/80 mesh NAW 6.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : FID (50 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL 10 5 12 24 20 9 10 11 16 12 8 8 4 7 30 5 5 25 4 2 3 6 20 3 4 1. Methane 2. Ethane 3. Ethylene 4. Propane 5. Propylene 6. iso-Butane 7. n-Butane 8. 1-Butene 9. iso-Butene 10. trans-2-Butene 11. iso-Pentane 12. cis-2-Butene 13. n-Pentane 14. 1,3-Butadiene 15 1 1. Methane 2. Ethane, Ethylene 3. Propane 4. Propylene 5. iso-Butane 6. n-Butane 7. 1-Butene, iso-Butene 8. trans-2-Butene 9. cis-2-Butene 10. 1,3-Butadiene 11. iso-Pentane 12. n-Pentane Column : DBM + Propylene Carbonate 35%(35:65) Shimalite 60/80 mesh NAW 10m(5m+5m) x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 40 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : FID (50 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL 54 Lower Hydrocarbons Lower Hydrocarbons 1 Lower Hydrocarbons 1. Methane 2. Ethane, Ethylene 3. Propane 4. Propylene 5. iso-Butane 6. n-Butane 7. 1-Butene 8. iso-Butene 9. trans-2-Butene 10. cis-2-Butene 11. iso-Pentane 12. n-Pentane 13. 1.3-Butadiene 2 3 5 6 4 1. Methane 2. Ethane 3. Ethylene 4. Propane 5. iso-Butane, Propylene 6. n-Butane 2 3 1 5 6 0 32 10 4 13 28 28 9 10 11 12 24 8 20 16 12 8 4 7 Column : Sebaconitrile 25% Shimalite 60/80 mesh NAW 12m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 50 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : FID (50 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Column : Squalane 1% Activated Alumina 60/80 mesh 1.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 30 ℃ Injection temp : 50 ℃ Detector : FID (50 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Gasoline 2 5 1. n-Butane 2. n-Pentane 3. n-Hexane 4. n-Heptane 5. Toluene 6. Ethylbenzene 7. m,p-Xylene 8. o-Xylene 9. m-Ethyltoluene 10. 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 7 1 3 10 8 36 32 28 24 20 12 8 16 6 4 4 9 Column : Silicone DC-200 20% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 40 ℃ ∼ 200 ℃ Program rate 4 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 55 Hydrocarbons Mixture of Kerosene and Light Oil 1 5 4 2 1. n-C10 2. n-C11 3. n-C12 4. n-C13 5. n-C14 6. n-C15 7. n-C16 8. n-C17 9. n-C18 10. n-C19 11. n-C20 12. n-C21 13. Pyrene(1%) 14. n-C22 6 3 7 8 9 13 10 11 12 13 14 40 35 30 25 20 5 10 15 15 Column : Silicone SE-52 5% Shimalite W 60/80 mesh AW, 2.5m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 80 ℃ ∼ 250 ℃ Program rate 6 ℃/min Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : FID (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons and Acetone 1 12 3 1. n-Hexane 2. n-Octane 3. n-Nonane 4. n-Decane 5. n-Undecane 6. Benzene 7. n-Dodecane 8. Acetone 9. Toluene 10. n-Tridecane 2 3 1. n-C6 2. n-C7 3. n-C8 4. n-C9 5. n-C10 6. n-C12 7. n-C14 8. n-C16 9. n-C18 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 6 9 12 8 16 12 8 4 4 10 8 0 7 20 5 Column : Silicone OV-1 5% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS 1.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 50 ℃ ∼ 220 ℃ Program rate 10 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : N,N’-BCEF 30% Chromosorb P 60/80 mesh NAW 3.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 80 ℃ Injection temp : 150 ℃ Detector : FID (150 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 20 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 56 Hydrocarbons Paraffin Wax m.p. 40 ∼42℃ Paraffin Wax m.p. 40 ∼42℃ 1 1 1. n-C6 2. n-C20 3. n-C22 4. n-C24 5. n-C26 6. n-C28 7. n-C30 2 3 2 1. n-C6 2. n-C20 3. n-C22 4. n-C24 5. n-C26 6. n-C28 7. n-C30 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Column : Silicone OV-101 2% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 150 ℃ ∼ 260 ℃ Program rate 8 ℃/min Injection temp : 280 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 24 20 16 12 8 Column : Silicone OV-17 3% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW 2.0m x 2.6mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 150 ℃ ∼ 260 ℃ Program rate 8 ℃/min Injection temp : 280 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Paraffin Wax m.p. 60 ∼62℃ Paraffin Wax m.p. 48 ∼50℃ 1. n-C23 2. n-C24 3. n-C25 4. n-C26 5. n-C27 6. n-C28 7. n-C29 8. n-C30 9. n-C31 10. n-C32 11. n-C33 3 4 2 4 0 20 16 4 8 12 7 5 1 6 1. n-C20 2. n-C25 3. n-C30 4. n-C35 2 3 7 8 9 Column : Dexsil 300GC 3% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMSC, 1.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 150 ℃ ∼ 300 ℃ Program rate 5 ℃/min Injection temp : 320 ℃ Detector : FID (320 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 57 44 40 36 28 24 20 16 4 12 4 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 AW-DMCS mesh, 2.0m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 250 ℃ Injection temp : 290 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 80 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 8 1 32 11 10 5 10 Aromatic Hydrocarbons Styrenemonomer in Resin FON 1. Benzene 2. Toluene 3. Ethylbenzene 4. Isopropylbenzene 5. n-Propylbenzene 6. Styrene Monomer 7. Cyclopentanol 8. N,N-Dimethylformamide The chemical structure of FON is similar to that of FFAP. Characteristics 1 2 8 3 1) Because of the acidic stationary phase, the excellent analysis of acidic compounds can be performed. (see, lower fatty acids) 2) It is also available for the analysis of aromatic hydrocarbons. 3) The maximum operation temperature is 250 ℃. 4 5 6 16 12 8 4 7 Column : FON 20% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 110 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Xylene Isomers Styrenemonomer in Packing Materials 1 1. Benzene 2. Toluene 3. Ethylbenzene 4. Isopropylbenzene 5. n-Propylbenzene 6. Styrene Monomer 7. Cyclopentanol 8. N,N-Dimethylformamide 8 1. Ethylbenzene 2. p-Xylene 3. m-Xylene 4. o-Xylene 2 3 1 3 4 2 56 4 Column : FFAP 20% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 130 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 15 10 5 15 10 5 0 7 Column : Bentone34 + DNP (5+5)% Shimalite 80/100 mesh NAW 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 58 Organic Solvents SBS Series (SBS-100, 120, 200, 300) When small amount sample are analysed in head space method, about 5 mL of air including sample are injected. It is well known that packing material loaded polyethylene glycols is cleavaged by oxygen in the air and the separation could not be performed. SBS series are designed not to affect by oxygen in air. SBS series are composed of SBS-100, SBS120, SBS-200 and SBS-300. SBS-100 [SBS-100 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 (30∼150℃)] Characteristics 1) SBS-100 has middle polarity and has an oxidation-resistance. 2) Polar compounds such as alcohols in air can not be absorbed on the packing material, so quantitative analysis of small amount sample is possible. 3) As the support of SBS-100 is TPA, the column is not suffer from influence of the sample containing water in the air. SBS-120 [SBS-120 12% SHINCARBON-A 80/100 (30∼150℃)] Characteristics 1) The stationary phase of SBS-120 is the same of SBS-100. 2) SHINCARBON-A of graphite carbon is used for support. Therefore, the separation of alcohols, esters, ketones, hydrocarbons and cellosorbs is excellent. And minor quantitative analysis is possible. SBS-120 is possible minor quantitative analysis. Even if moisture is included in air, SBS-120 is unaffected. SBS-200 [SBS-200 20% Shimalite W 100/120 AW-DMCS (30∼250℃)] Characteristics 1) SBS-200 has middle polarity and oxidation resistance. 2) SBS-200 can analyze compounds of wide range from low boiling point to high boiling point 3) The number of theoretical plates is high, and the separation is excellent. Because support of diatomaceous earth is used. SBS-300 [SBS-300 20% Shimalite W 80/100 AW-DMCS (30∼280℃)] Characteristics 1) 2) 3) 4) SBS-300 is a packing material having silicone structure. SBS-300 has non polarity and oxidation resistance. Minor chloric compounds can be separated. Heat resistance temperature is high, and bleeding of stationary phase doesn’t occur. As a result, the bleeding of stationary phase doesn’t occur and ECD analysis is also possible. 5) The number of theoretical plates is high, and the separation is excellent. Because support of diatomaceous earth is used. 59 Organic Solvents Organic Solvents in Air 1. n-Hexane 2. Methanol 3. Acetone 4. 2-Propanol 5. Ethyl Acetate 6. Methyl Ethyl Ketone 7. Benzene 8. Trichloroethylene 9. Isobutanol 10. Isobutyl Acetate 11. Toluene 12. n-Butyl Acetate 13. Isoamyl Alcohol 14. Ethylbenzene 15. m,p-Xylene 16. o-Xylene 17. n-Propylbenzene 18. Cyclohexanone 11 1 6 34 7 5 9 2 10 12 13 15 17 18 25 20 16 15 10 5 0 14 30 8 Column : SBS-100 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 110 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : FID (200 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL Organic Solvents in Air 1 1. Diethyl Ether 2. n-Hexane 3. Methanol 4. Methyl Acetate 5. 2-Propanol 6. Ethyl Acetate 7. Tetrahydrofuran 8. 2-Butanol 9. Isobutanol 10. Toluene 11. n-Buthyl Acetate 12. Methyl n-Butyl Ketone 13. Isoamyl Alcohol 14. Ethylbenzene 15. m,p-Xylene 16. o-Xylene 17. Styrene 2 5 7 10 8 4 6 3 9 15 12 13 17 20 15 10 5 0 30 16 14 25 11 Column : SBS-100 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 110 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : FID (200 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL 60 Organic Solvents Organic Solvents in Air 1. Methanol 2. Ethanol 3. 1-Propanol 4. Methyl Cellosolve 5. n-Butanol 6. Ethyl Cellosolve 7. Ethyl Cellosolve Acetate 8. Buthyl Cellosolve 1 3 2 5 4 6 28 24 16 20 8 12 5 4 7 Column : SBS-120 12% SHINCARBON A 80/100 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 220 ℃ Detector : FID (220 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL Organic Solvents in Air 3 1. Diethyl Ether 2. n-Hexane 3. Methanol 4. Methyl Acetate 5. 2-Propanol 6. Ethyl Acetate 7. Tetrahydrofuran 8. 2-Butanol 9. Isobutanol 10. Toluene 11. n-Butyl Acetate 12. Methyl n-Buthyl Ketone 13. Isoamyl Alcohol 14. Ethylbenzene 15. m,p-Xylene 16. o-Xylene 17. Styrene 5 2 7 1 8 4 9 10 6 11 12 15 13 17 Column : SBS-120 12% SHINCARBON A 80/100 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : FID (200 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL 61 26 24 22 20 18 16 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 14 Organic Solvents Organic Solvents in Air 3 13 1. Acetone 2. 2-Propanol 3. n-Hexane 4. Ethyl Acetate 5. Chloroform 6. Carbon Tetrachloride 7. n-Butyl Alcohol 8. Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 9. Isobutyl Acetate 10. Toluene 11. n-Butyl Acetate 12. Ethylbenzene 13. m,p-Xylene 14. o-Xylene 15. Cyclohexanone 16. Buthyl Cellosolve 17. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 18. o-Dichlorobenzene 2 1 10 4 8 9 7 11 5 12 14 15 17 18 20 15 5 10 16 25 6 Column : SBS-200 20% Shimalite W 100/120 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL Organic Solvents in Air 1. Dichloromethane 2. trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 3. Chloroform 4. 1,2-Dichloroethane 5. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 6. Carbon Tetrachloride 7. Trichloroethylene 8. Toluene 9. Tetrachloroethylene 10. Chlorobenzene 11. 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 12. o-Dichlorobenzene 2 4 10 5 7 1 8 3 9 12 6 20 15 10 5 11 Column : SBS-300 20% Shimalite W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 mL 62 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Alchols in Water Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 4 Thermon-1000 is packing material which SunpakA is an original high effective high-cross-linking porous polymer packings. Thermon-1000 can be analyzed at compounds that can not be separated on the diatomaceous earth support. 6 5 2 1. Water 2. Methanol 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Ethanol 5. 2-Propanol 6. 1-Propanol 7. Ethyl Acetate 8. Isobutanol 9. n-Butanol 10. Isoamyl Alcohol 3 8 7 9 Characteristics 1) As the porous polymer beads are used as a support, hydrocarbons (C1 – C4), lower alcohols, aldehyde and ketone containing water can be analyzed. 2) Analysis objective compounds are eluted in order of molecular weight. As a result, the quantitative analysis is performed easily 3) By the partition equilibrium on Sunpack A, compounds impossible by diatomaceous earth support can be separated by Sanpak-A. 10 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 180 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Alchols and Cellosolves Organic Solvents in Water 1 1. Water 2. Ethanol 3. Acetonitrile 4. 2-Propanol 5. Hexane 1. 2-Propanol 2. Methyl Cellosolve 3. n-Butanol 4. 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol 5. Ethyl Cellosolve 6. Buthyl Cellosolve 3 1 2 6 2 3 4 4 5 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 180 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 170 ℃ ∼ 220 ℃ Program rate 6 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 63 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 6 4 2 5 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Sake Brandy 1. Water 2. Methanol 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Ethanol 5. 2-Propanol 6. 1-Propanol 7. Ethyl Acetate 8. Isobutanol 9. Isoamyl Alcohol 4 2 1. Water 2. Methanol 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Ethanol 5. 1-Propanol 6. Ethyl Acetate 7. Isobutanol 8. Isoamyl Alcohol 4 8 6 3 7 5 3 9 5 6 8 7 20 16 8 4 20 16 12 8 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 2 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 12 1 2 4 1 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 2 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Wine Whiskey 1. Water 2. Methanol 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Ethanol 5. 1-Propanol 6. Ethyl Acetate 7. Isobutanol 8. Isoamyl Alcohol 4 1. Water 2. Methanol 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Ethanol 5. 1-Propanol 6. Ethyl Acetate 7. Isobutanol 8. Isoamyl Alcohol 4 8 2 8 7 5 3 7 5 6 3 Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 2 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Thermon-1000 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 2 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 64 20 12 8 4 0 20 16 12 8 1 4 12 6 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Formaldehyde in Water TSG-1 1 4 1. Formaldehyde 2. Methanol 3. Ethanol 4. Water TSG-1 is the original packing material developed for analyzing of formaline. Characteristics 1) As SHINCARBON A is used as the support, activity of adsorption is not recognized. And quantitative analysis can be extremely performed. The detection limit of aldehyde is 300 - 500 ppm. 2) Lower alcohols, ketone and aldehyde in water can be separated by TSG-1. 2 8 6 4 2 3 Column : TSG-1 15% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : TCD (250 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Volatile Organic Compounds in Water Trioxane in Water 1. Formaldehyde 2. Methanol 3. 1-Propanol 4. Trioxane 1. Air 2. Formaldehyde 3. Acetaldehyde 4. Methyl Formate 5. Acetone 6. Methanol 7. Ethanol, 2-Propanol 8. Water, 1-Propanol 9. Acetic Acid 10. Formic Acid 8 2 3 5 6 2 7 10 3 1 4 9 4 Column : TSG-1 15% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 60 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 8 ℃/min Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (200 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : TSG-1 15% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : FID (200 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 65 30 25 20 15 10 5 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Glycols and Alchols Diols 1. Propyleneglycol 2. Ethyleneglycol 3. Decyl Alchol 4. 1,4-Butanediol 5. Diethyleneglycol 6. Lauryl Alcohol 7. Myristyl Alcohol 8. Triethyleneglycol 9. Cetyl Alcohol 10. Stearyl Alcohol 1 6 4 2 7 1. Pynacol 2. 1,4-Butanediol 3. 1,5-Pentanediol 4. 1,6-Hexanediol 5. 1,7-Heptanediol 6. 1,8-Octanediol 7. 1,9-Nonanediol 8. 1,10-Decanediol 1 3 2 9 4 3 5 5 6 10 8 7 5 20 5 10 15 8 Column : Thermon-3000 1% Shimalite-TPA 60/80 mesh 1.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 5 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Thermon-3000 10% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 228 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Impurities in Methanol Ethyleneglycol and Diethyleneglycol in Water 1. Benzene 2. Toluene 3. Acetone 4. 2-Propanol 5. Ethanol 6. Isobutanol 7. Methanol 1. Ethyleneglycol 2. Diethyleneglycol 1 7 1 2 2 6 3 10 24 20 16 12 8 4 4 5 Column : Sorbitol 30% Shimalite 60/80 mesh NAW 6.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 110 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Sorbitol 12% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh NAW 1.5m x 3.0mm I.D., Stainless Column temp : 150 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 66 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Saturated Aldehydes FAL-M 1. Acetaldehyde 2. Propionaldehyde 3. Isobutylaldehyde 4. n-Butylaldehyde 5. Isovaleraldehyde 6.n-Valeraldehyde 1 2 FAL®-M is a stationary phase having a structure of polyoxyethylenesorbitane ester. It is available for the analysis of lower free fatty acid, lower aldehyde, lower alcohol, essential oils and perfumes. Propionic acid and iso-butyric acid can be separated perfectly. 3 6 5 4 Characteristics 5 1) Normal and iso C2 – C6 fatty acids can be separated at equal interval. (See Lower fatty acids) 2) Aldehyde C2 – C5 can also be separated. 3) Low boiling point polar compounds in the wide range can be analyzed directly in the state of free body. Column : FAL-M 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 75 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Alchols Saturated Aldehydes 2 6 1. Acetaldehyde 2. Acrolein 3. Crotonaldehyde 4. Paraldehyde 5. Furfural 6. Benzaldehyde 3 1. Methanol 2. Ethanol 3. 2-Propanol 4. tert-Butanol 5. 1-Propanol 6. sec-Butanol 7. Isobutanol 8. n-Butanol 9. Isoamyl Alcohol 10. n-Amyl Alcohol 4 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 4 9 5 10 10 10 1 Column : FAL-M 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : FAL-M 10% Shimalite TPA 80/100 mesh NAW 1.5m x 3.0mm I.D., SUS Column temp : 150 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 67 Alcohols ・ Aldehydes ・ ketones Saturated Aldehydes in Dimethylformamide 1. Acetaldehyde 2. Propionaldehyde 3. Isobutylaldehyde 4. n-Butylaldehyde 5. Isovaleraldehyde 6. n-Valeraldehyde 7. N,N-Dimethylformamide 8 1 3 2 4 6 7 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 5 Column : FAL-M 10% SHINCARBON-A 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : FID (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Impurity in Acetic Acid Alchols 1 2 1 1. Methanol 2. Ethanol 3. 2-Propanol 4. 1-Propanol 5. Isobutanol 6. n-Butanol 7. Isoamyl Alcohol 8. n-Amyl Alcohol 3 4 1. Acetaldehyde 2. Ethanol 3. Ethyl Acetate 4. Acetic Acid 4 2 3 5 6 Column : FAl-M 10% SHINCARBON-A 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : FAL-M 10% SHINCARBON-A 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 68 20 16 12 8 4 14 12 8 10 8 6 4 2 7 Free Fatty Acids Lower Free Fatty Acids and Lactic Acid in Water Thermon-3000 Thermon-3000 is a packing material with the polyester (Alkylene glycol phthalic ester) structure. 10 Characteristics 5 6 3 1) Maximum heat resistance temperature is 280℃ that is the highest temperature in polyester stationary phases. 2) The polarity is similar to PEG20M. 3) Thermon-3000 can be used for a wide usage from no polar samples to high polar samples. 4) SHINCARBON-A support gives high resolution for complicated organic acids. 1. Acetic Acid 2. Propionic Acid 3. iso-Butyric Acid 4. n-Butyric Acid 5. iso-Valeric Acid 6. n-Valeric Acid 7. iso-Caproic Acid 8. n-Caproic Acid 9. n-Heptanoic Acid 10. Lactic Acid 4 2 7 8 1 24 20 16 12 8 4 9 Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ ∼ 220 ℃ Program rate 6 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Lower Free Fatty Acids in Water 2 Acetic Anhydride, Diketen, Acetic Acid in Acetone 1. Methanol 2. Water 3. Acetic Acid 4. Formic Acid 5. Propionic Acid 1 1. Acetone 2. Acetic Anhydride 3. Diketene 4. Acetic Acid 3 1 2 4 3 Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : TCD (200 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 12 8 12 4 5 8 4 4 Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 110 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 69 Free Fatty Acids Lower Free Fatty Acids in Water Lower Free Fatty Acids in Water 1. Acetic Acid 2. Propionic Acid 3. iso-Butyric Acid 4. n-Butyric Acid 5. iso-Valeric Acid 6. iso-Caproic Acid 7. n-Caproic Acid 8. n-Heptanoic Acid 1 1. Acetic Acid 2. Propionic Acid 3. iso-Butyric Acid 4. n-Butyric Acid 5. iso-Valeric Acid 6. n-Valeric Acid 7. iso-Caproic Acid 8. n-Caproic Acid 9. n-Heptanoic Acid 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 7 6 8 9 9 10 20 4 7 8 Column : PEG6000 10% Shimalite 60/80 mesh TPA 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : FAL-M 10% SHINCARBON-A 80/100 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 150 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Lower Free Fatty Acids in Water Formic Acid and Propionic Acid in Acetic Acid 1. Water 2. Formic Acid 3. Acetic Acid 4. Propionic Acid 3 16 4 12 3 8 2 1. Acetic Acid 2. Propionic Acid 3. iso-Butyric Acid 4. n-Butyric Acid 5. iso-Valeric Acid 6. n-Valeric Acid 7. n-Heptanoic Acid 3 1 2 4 2 1 5 6 4 Column : FFAP + H3PO4 0.3+0.3% Graphitecarbon 60/80 mesh 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ ∼ 220 ℃ Program rate 16 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : FON 5% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : TCD (260 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 70 24 20 16 12 8 4 12 8 4 7 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Standard Mixture of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Advance-DS 1 1. Methyl Caprate 2. Methyl Laurate 3. Methyl Myristate 4. Methyl Palmitate 5. Methyl Stearate 6. Methyl Oleate 7. Methyl Linoleate 8. Methyl Arachidate 9. Methyl Linolenate 10. Methyl Behenate 2 3 The chemical structure of Advance-DS is similar to that of DEGS and is excellent in heat resistance. Advance-DS is especially effective in the separation of fatty acid methylic ester. Advance-DS can also analyze chlorinated pesticide by high stability and high sensitivity. 4 Characteristics 5 1) Each peak of C18:0、C18:1、C18:2、C20:0、C18:3 can be eluted at equal interval. 2) The maximun heat resistance temperature is 230 ℃ and it’s 20℃ higher than DEGS. 3) The separation characteristics is stable. 4) Food additives can be analyzing similar to DEGS (see, food additives). 6 7 8 9 5 10 10 Column : Advance-DS 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Serum Shinchrom E71 (Analysis exclusively for higher fatty acid esters) 1. Methyl Palmitate 2. Methyl Palmitoleate 3. Methyl Stearate 4. Methyl Oleate 5. Methyl Linoleate 6. Methyl α-Linolenate 7. Methyl cis-8,11,14-Eicosatrienoate 8. Methyl Arachidonate 9. Methyl cis-11,14,17-Eicosatrienoate 10. Methyl cis-7,10,13,16 -Docosatetranoate 11. Methyl cis-7,10,13,16,19 -Docosapentaenoate 12. Methyl cis-4,7,10,13,16,19 -Docosahexaenoate 1 Shinchrom E71 is a packing material having a nitrile polyester structure for the analysis of fatty acid methyl esters(C10∼C22). DEGS columns are used to separate fatty acid esters in generally. But it has some weak points described below. 5 3 4 1) The retention order of C18:2, C20:0, C18:3 are not described. 2) The maximum heat resistance temperature is to 210℃. 8 Shinchrom E71 is cleared these problems. 2 7 Column : Shinchrom E71 5% Shimalite 80/100 mesh AW 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 230 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 71 28 20 20 16 12 8 4 11 10 Characteristics 1) The retention order is C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, C18:3, C20:0 are stable. 2) The separation characteristic are stable. 3) The maximum operation temperature is 250℃. 12 9 6 Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Fish Oil (Mackerel) Higher Free Fatty Acids in Fish Oil (Mackerel) 1. Methyl Myristate 2. Methyl Palmitate 3. Methyl Palmitoleate 4. Methyl Stearate 5. Methyl Oleate 6. Methyl Linoleate 7. Methyl α-Linolenate 8. Methyl cis-5,8,11,14,17 -Eicosapentaenoate 9. Methyl cis-7,10,13,16,19 -Docosapentaenoate 10. Methyl cis-4,7,10,13,16,19 -Docosahexaenoate 12 3 5 1. Methyl Myristate 2. Methyl Palmitate 3. Methyl Palmitoleate 4. Methyl Stearate 5. Methyl Oleate 6. Methyl Linoleate 7. Methyl cis-11-Eicosenoate 2 1 8 4 5 3 6 30 20 10 36 32 28 24 20 16 4 8 12 9 Column : FON 10% Celite545 80/100 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 250 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : FID (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Shinchrom E71 5% Shimalite-TPA 60/80 mesh 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ ∼ 180 ℃ Program rate 5 ℃/min Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Ethyl Eicosapentate Fatty Acid Methyl Esters 12 7 4 10 40 6 7 1. Methyl Caprate 2. Methyl Laurate 3. Methyl Myristate 4. Methyl Palmitate 5. Methyl Palmitoleate 6. Methyl Stearate 7. Methyl Oleate 8. Methyl Linoleate 9. Methyl Arachidate 10. Methyl cis-11Eicosenoate, Methyl γ-Linoleate 11. Methyl Behenate 12. Methyl Erucate 3 4 5 6 1. Hexane 2. Methyl Behenate 3. Ethyl Eicosapentate 1 2 3 8 10 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 28 20 11 16 12 8 4 9 24 7 Column : DEGS 25% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS 1.8m x 2.6mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 190 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 65 mL/min Sample Volume: 3.0μL Column : DEGS 15% Celite545 80/100 mesh A 3.0m x 2.6mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 2.0μL 72 Amines Thermon-3000 + KOH 2+2% Sunpak-N 60/100 mesh In trimethylamine offensive odor analysis, Diglycerol + Tetraethylenepentamine + KOH (15+15+2)% which can be completely separated colocalized monomethylamine and dimethylamine, also ethanol which is used as a solvent when is constructed calibration curve are generally used. However, the high sensitivity analysis was difficult, because the disorder of the baseline by the bleeding was large in case of comparatively low analysis temperature 70℃. However, the high sensitivity analysis was difficult, because the disorder of the baseline by the bleeding was large in case of comparatively low analysis temperature 70℃. Thermon-3000 +KOH (2+2)% Sunpak-N 60/100 is cleared these problems. Characteristics 1) Mixture of ammonia, mono-methylamine, dimethylamine, tri-methylamine, water and ethanol can be separated completely in order. 2) Sunpak-N is composed of porous polymer beads, which is adequate for analyzing the aqueous solution. 3) The maximum service temperature is 250℃. Low bleeding and stable base-line enables the high-sensitive analysis. 4) Tri-methylamine over 30 ppb in air can be analyzed directly (without cold-trap system), by utilizing the Needle trap extraction tools (NeedlEx for tri-methylamine). Ammonia and Mono, Di, Tri-Methylamine in Water 1 1. Ammonia 2. Monomethylamine 3. Dimethylamine 4. Trimethylamine 5. Water 6. Ethanol 5 6 3 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 4 Column : Thermon-3000 + KOH 2+2% Sunpak-N 60/100 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 120 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : TCD (250 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Lower Hydrocarbons and Ammonia Methylamines and Ethylamines in Water 1 1. Monomethylamine 2. Dimethylamine 3. Ethylamine 4. Trimethylamine 5. Triethylamine 6. Monoethanolamine 1 1. Air, Methane 2. Ethane 3. Ammonia 4. Propane 5. iso-Butane, Monomethylamine 6. n-Butane 2 4 3 2 3 4 6 Column : Thermon-3000 + KOH 2+2% Sunpak-N 60/100 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 120 ℃ (5 min hold) ∼ 200 ℃ Program rate: 4 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 6 16 8 4 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 5 12 5 Column : Thermon-3000 + KOH 2+2% Sunpak-N 60/100 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ Injection temp : 100 ℃ Detector : TCD (100 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 73 Amines Tri, Di, Mono-Methylamine in Water Lower Amines in Water 1. Water 2. Methylamine 3. Dimethylamine 4. Trimethylamine 2 3 1. Methanol 2. Acetaldehyde 3. Ethanol 4. Trimethylamine 4 2 3 4 1 Column : Thermon-3000 + KOH 5+1% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 12 8 4 6 4 2 1 Column : Thermon-3000 + KOH 5+1% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 120 ℃ Injection temp : 220 ℃ Detector : FID (220 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Phenylenediamines Mono, Di, Tri-Methylamine in Ethanol 1 1. o-Phenylenediamine 2. p-Phenylenediamine 3. m-Phenylenediamine 1. Trimethylamine 2. Dimethylamine 3. Monomethylamine 1 2 3 3 5 5 2 Column : Thermon-1000 + KOH 10+3% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 250 ℃ Injection temp : 280 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Diglycerol + TEP + KOH 15+15+2% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 74 Trihalomethane ・ Halogen Compounds Standard Mixture of Trihalomethanes 1. Chloroform 2. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 3. Trichloroethylene 4. Bromodichloromethane 5. Tetrachloroethylene 6. Chlorodibromomethane 7. Bromoform 4 1 3 6 20 16 14 10 12 7 8 6 2 4 5 18 2 Column : Silicone DC 550 20% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 220 ℃ Detector : ECD (220 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Standard Mixture of Trihalomethanes 3 6 4 1. Chloroform 2. 1,1,1-Trichloroethylene 3. Trichloroethylene Bromodichloromethane 4. Chlorodibromomethane 5. Tetrachloroethylene 6. Bromoform 5 2 20 16 12 8 4 1 Column : Silicone DC 200 20% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 240 ℃ Detector : ECD (240 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 30 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL 75 Trihalomethane ・ Halogen Compounds Chloride Solvents Chloride Solvents 2 1 1. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2. Carbon Tetrachloride 3. Trichloroethylene 4. Tetrachloroethylene 1. Carbon Tetrachloridel 2. Trichloroethylene 3. Chloroform 4. Tetrachloroethylene 4 1 4 3 Column : Silicone DC 200 20% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 85 ℃ Injection temp : 220 ℃ Detector : ECD (220 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 1. n-Hexane 2. Carbon Tetrachloride 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 3. Dichloromethane 4. Trichloroethane 5. Chloroform 6. Tetrachloroethylene 7. 1,2-Dichloroethane 8. cis-1,3-Dichloropropane 9. trans-1,3-Dichloropropane 10. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 2 4 7 1. Methane 2. Acetylene 3. Ethylene 4. Ethane 5. Chloromethane 6. Propylene 7. Propane 8. Vinylchloride 9. Dichloromethane 10. iso-Butane 11. n-Butane 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 10 11 20 16 12 8 4 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 9 2 6 5 3 8 5 4 Lower Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Hydrocarbons 12 6 3 Column : Thermon-3000 10% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : ECD (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Chloride Solvents 3 2 1 8 10 2 6 2 4 3 Column : SHINCARBON-ST 50/80 mesh, 1.0m x 3.0mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 170 ℃ ∼ 270 ℃ Program rate: 8 ℃ Injection : 280 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.25μL Column : Thermon-3000 10% Chromosorb-W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 90 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 76 Trihalomethane ・ Halogen Compounds Sulfur Compounds of Air Pollution 2 1. Carbon Sulfide 2. Hydrogen Sulfide 3. Carbon Disulfide 4. Methyl Mercaptan 5. Ethyl Mercaptan 6. Dimethyl Sulfide 7. Benzene 8. Dimethyl Disulfide 3 4 1 5 6 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 18 8 7 Column : β,β-ODPN 25% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS-ST, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Sulfur Compounds of Air Pollution 2 3 1. Carbon Sulfide 2. Hydrogen Sulfide 3. Carbon Disulfide 4. Methyl Mercaptan 5. Ethyl Mercaptan 6. Dimethyl Sulfide 7. Benzene 8. Dimethyl DIsulfide 4 1 5 7 6 15 10 5 8 Column : 1,2,3-TCEP 25% Shimalite 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS-ST, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL 77 Trihalomethane ・ Halogen Compounds Sulfur Compounds of Air Pollution 2 1. Hydrogen Sulfide 2. Sulfur Dioxide 3. Methyl Mercaptan 4. Ethyl Mercaptan 5. Dimethyl Sulfide 6. Carbonyl Sulfide 7. Benzene 8. Dimethyl Disulfide 1 3 5 6 7 4 5 10 15 8 Column : PPE-5rings 10% Shimalite TPA 60/80 mesh, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 70 ℃ Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Sulfur Compounds of Air Pollution 1 1. Methane 2. Ethane 3. Carbonyl sulfide 4. Sulfur dioxide 5. Propane 3 4 2 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 5 Column : SHINCARBON-ST 50/80 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 190 ℃ Injection temp : 190 ℃ Detector : FPD (190 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL 78 Sulfur Compounds Sulfur Compounds in Lower Hydrocarbons Sunpak-S Sunpak-S is a suitable the packing material for analyzing sulfur compounds in lower hydrocarbons (C1∼C4). 1,2,3-TCEP, PPE-5rings and β,β'-ODPN are used for the analysis of sulfur compounds. However, carbonyl sulfide can’t be separated from methane, ethylene and ethane by 1,2,3-TCEP and PPE-5rings. And also carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide can’t be separated from methane and ethylene by β,β‘-ODPN. The quenching phenomenon happens in FPD detector when sulfur compounds and too much hydrocarbons are eluted at the same time, so correct qualitative analysis of sulfur compounds can not be achieved. Therefore, SUNPAK-S enabled hydrocarbons and sulfur compounds to be separated completely. 1 3 1. Methane 2. Ethane 3. Hydrogen Sulfide 4. Carbonyl Sulfide 5. Propane, Propylene 6. Iso-Butane 7. Methyl Mercaptan 8. n-Butane 4 2 5 7 1) Carbonyl sulfide and hydrogen sulfide can be separated from methane, ethane, ethylene, propane and propylene by Sunpak-S, minor sulfur compounds can be detected. 2) Methyl mercaptane can be eluted between isobutane and n-butane. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Characteristics Column : Sunpak-S 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0mL Sulfur Compounds in Lower Hydrocarbons Sulfur Compounds in Lower Hydrocarbons 4 8 6 5 1. Methane 2. Ethylene 3. Ethane 4. Hydrogen Sulfide 5. Carbonyl Sulfide 6. Propane 1. Hydrogen Sulfide 2. Carbonyl Sulfide 3. Methyl Mercaptan 4. Ethyl Mercaptan 5. Carbon Disulfide 2 4 1 5 3 1 2 3 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 6 4 2 6 Column : Sunpak-S 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5μL Column : Sunpak-S 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ ∼ 150 ℃ Program rate 8 ℃/min Injection temp : 180 ℃ Detector : FPD (180 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5mL 79 Organic Mercury ・ PCB Methyl Mercuric Chloride and Ethyl Mercuric Chloride Thermon-HG 1. CH3HgCl 2. C2H5HgCl Thermon-HG is a packing material having a structure of polyester for analysis of organic mercury compounds. 2 Characteristics 6 2 1) Compared with DEGS, the low bleeding of Themon-HG stationry phase results in higher sensitivity of detection (3 to 5 times). As the result, the time of sample condensation can be shortened by half. 2) The conditioning time can be shorten. 3) Thermon-HG is excellent in thermostability compared with DEGS. As a result, Life is longer than DEGS. 4 1 Column : Thermon-HG 10% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 0.5m x 3.0mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : ECD (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 55 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Methyl Mercuric Chloride in Pelagic Tuna Methyl Mercuric Chloride in Foreign Fish Species 1. CH3HgCl 1. CH3HgCl 1.6x10-1ng 4.5x10-1ng 1 8 6 4 8 6 4 2 2 1 Column : Thermon-HG 10% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh, 0.5m x 3.0mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : ECD (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 0.5μL Column : Thermon-HG 10% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh, 0.5m x 3.0mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : ECD (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 80 Organic Mercury ・ PCB PCB 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 30 35 25 20 15 10 5 KC300:KC400:KC500:KC600=1:1:1:1 each 1.0ppm Column : Silicone OV-1 2% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 180 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : ECD (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 4.0 μL PCB 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 5 10 KC300:KC400:KC500:KC600=1:1:1:1 each 1.0ppm Column : Silicone OV-17 2% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : ECD (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 4.0 μL 81 Pesticides Organophosphorus Insecticides 1. DDVP 2. Methyldemethon 3. Methylparathion 4. Ethylparathion 5. EPN 3 4 2 1 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 2 4 5 Column : Silicone DC 200 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh HP, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ ∼ 230 ℃ Program rate 4 ℃/min Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : FPD (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Chlorinated Pesticides in Green Tea 1. α-BHC 2. γ-BHC 3. β-BHC 4. δ-BHC 5. Parathion 6. PP’-DDE 7. Endrin 8. PP’-DDD 9. PP’-DDT 10. EPN 1 5 7 23 8 10 4 6 30 20 10 9 Column : Silicone OV-17 2% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : ECD (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL 82 Food Additive Sodium Cyclamate Nitrite 1. Sodium Cyclamate Nitrite 2. n-Nonane 2 10 1 Column : Silicone SE-30 5% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 260 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Antiseptics Antiseptics 1. Sorbic Acid 2. Dehydroacetic Acid 3. Benzoic Acid 4. trans-Stilbene 1. Sorbic Acid 2. Dehydroacetic Acid 3. Benzoic Acid 4. trans-Stilbene 1 4 3 1 2 4 10 3 10 5 2 Column : DEGS + H3PO4 5+1% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 185 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Column : Advance-DS + H3PO4 2+0.5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 83 Food Additive Dibutylhydroxytoluene and Butylhydroxyanisole in Margarine Propyleneglycol 1 1. Methanol 2. Propyleneglycol 3. Propanediol(Trimethyleneglycol) 1. BHT 2. BHA 3. Fluorene 2 3 1 2 Column : Silicone OV-25 3% Shimalite W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 165 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 1. BHT 2. BHA 3. Fluorene 16 12 3 8 4 2 12 Column : Chromosorb 101 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 200 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 25 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Dibutylhydroxytoluene and Butylhydroxyanisole 1 8 4 10 3 Column : Silicone OV-17 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh HP, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 180 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 84 Phenols Cresol Isomers and Xylenols FAP-S 1. 2,6-Xylenol 2. o-Cresol 3. Phenol 4. 2,4-Xylenol 5. p-Cresol 6. m-Cresol 7. 3,5-Xylenol 8. 3,4-Xylenol FAP-S is a packing material coated with stationary phase which has a nitro-ester structure and can be used for the analysis of cresol isomers and alkyl phenols. GC method is authorized for the separation of cresol isomers by food hygiene law. Lanoline and tricresyl phosphate (TCP) are used as a stationary phase for these analysis, and occasionally H3PO4 may be added depending on the purpose. For cresol analysis, the operation temperature is needed at 160 ℃. But the stationary phases described above are bleeded and unstable at the temperature. The problem is cleared by FAP-S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Column : FAP-S Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 160 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 2) High sensitive analysis is possible at 160 ℃. 3) The analysis of minor compounds can be possible in the various fields. Phenols and Naphthols Polyhydric Phenols 12 3 1 1. Ethanol 2. Naphthalene 3. Phenol 4. p-Chlorophenol 5. 1-Naphthol 6. 2-Naphthol 1. Methanol 2. Catechol 3. Hydroquinone 4. Resorcinol 5. Pyrogallol 2 4 3 4 5 10 6 8 6 4 2 16 12 8 4 5 Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh, 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 220 ℃ Injection temp : 280 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 2.0μL Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh, 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ ∼ 150 ℃ Program rate 8 ℃/min Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 85 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 1) The maximum operation temperature is 180℃. 8 4 Characteristics Biochemical Dehydroepiandorosterone and Cholesterol 1 Bile Acids (Transaction of ME-TFA) 2 1. Litho Cholate 2. Deoxy Cholate 3. Cholate 4. 3α,12α-Dihydroxy 7-oxoCholate 1. Acetone 2. Dehydroepiandrosterone 3. Cholesterol 1 3 2 3 Column : Silicone OV-1 2% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 165 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FID (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 1. Estrone 2. Estriol 1 15 2 10 Column : Silicone OV-17 1.5% Shimalite W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 260 ℃ Injection temp : 290 ℃ Detector : FID (290 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 86 50 40 30 Column : Silicone DC QF-1 1.5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh HP, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 240 ℃ Injection temp : 270 ℃ Detector : FID (270 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Estrone and Estriol 5 20 10 10 8 6 4 2 4 Biochemical Urinary Steroids 1. Androsterone 2. Etiocholanolone 3. Dehydroepiandrosterone 4. Pregnanetriol 5. THB 6. allo-THB 7. THE 8. THF 9. Cortolone 10. Cortol 11. β-Cortolone 1 2 7 5 9 10 4 3 8 6 11 12 Column : Silicone OV-1 1% Shimalite W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 170 ℃ ∼ 280 ℃ Program rate 1 ℃/min Injection temp : 300 ℃ Detector : FID (300 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Urinary Steroids 1. Androsterone 2. Etiocholanolone 3. Dehydroepiandrosterone 4. Pregnanediol 5. Pregnanetriol 6. THF 7. THE 8. Cortolone 9. β-Cortolone 10. Cholesterylbutylate 2 7 6 5 1 4 10 8 9 80 60 40 20 3 Column : Silicone DC QF-1 2% Shimalite W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 150 ℃ ∼ 230 ℃ Program rate 1 ℃/min Injection temp : 290 ℃ Detector : FID (290 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL 87 Others Fatty Acids and Acrylic Acids Acetylated Suger Alcohol 1 1 1. Acetone 2. Acetic Acid 3. Propionic Acid 4. iso-Butyric Acid 5. n-Butyric Acid, Acrylic Acid 6. Methacrylic Acid 1. Erythritol 2. Adonitol 3. Xylitol 4. Mannitol 5. Sorbitol 6. Inositol 3 4 3 2 5 6 2 4 6 Column : Thermon-3000 5% SHINCARBON-A 60/80 mesh, 1.6m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 140 ℃ Injection temp : 230 ℃ Detector : FID (230 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 40 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 20 15 Column : Advance-DS 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 225 ℃ Injection temp : 260 ℃ Detector : FiD (260 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL Hypromelloses Ethyleneoxide and Propylenexide in Ethanol 3 1 10 5 8 6 2 4 5 4 1. Methyl Iodide 2. iso-Propyl Iodide 3. n-Octane 4. o-Xylene 2 1. Ethyleneoxide 2. Propyleneoxide 3. Ethanol 3 Column : Silicone DC 200 20% Chromosorb W 100/120 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 100 ℃ Injection temp : 150 ℃ Detector : FID (150 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 25 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 16 12 8 4 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 2 Column : Flexol 8N8 25% Chromosorb W 60/80 mesh AW-DMCS, 2.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 50 ℃ Injection temp : 250 ℃ Detector : FID (250 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 88 Others Mixtures of Flavor 25 12 2 1 18 26 23 8 10 20 15 14 4 5 16 7 11 13 9 24 19 6 30 22 21 20 15 5 10 17 25 3 1. α-Pinene 2. β-Pinene 3. Limonene 4. n-Octyl Aldehyde 5. n-Nonyl Aldehyde 6. Citronellal 7. n-Decyl Aldehyde 8. Linalool 9. Linalyl Acetate 10. Isobornyl Acetate(Citronellol) 11. Menthol 12. Benzyl Acetate 13. Perillaldehyde 14. Geraniol 15. α-Inone 16. Rose-P 17. n-Dodecyl Alcohol 18. Anisaldehyde 19. Methyl Cinnamate 20. Ethyl Cinnamate 21. Eugenol 22. Heliotropin 23. Diethyl Phthalate 24. Vanillin 25. Benzyl Benzoate 26. Benzyl Salicylate Column : Thermon-3000 5% Chromosorb W 80/100 mesh AW-DMCS, 3.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 80 ℃ ∼ 250 ℃ Program rate 6 ℃/min Injection temp : 290 ℃ Detector : FID (280 ℃) Carrier gas : N2, 60 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0 μL Alchol and Acetone 1 1. Nitrogen 2. Water 3. Ethanol 4. Acetone 5. 2-Propanol 2 3 4 4 2 5 Column : THEED 15% Sunpak-A 50/80 mesh, 1.1m x 3.2mm I.D., Glass Column temp : 120 ℃ Injection temp : 200 ℃ Detector : TCD (150 ℃) Carrier gas : He, 50 mL/min Sample Volume: 1.0μL 89 Application Index A Acetaldehyde 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 74 Acetic Acid 65, 68, 69, 70, 88 Acetic Anhydride 69 Acetone 56, 60, 62, 65, 66, 69, 86, 88, 89 Acetonitrile 63 Acetylene 50, 53, 76 Acrolein 67 Acrylic Acid 88 Adonitol 88 Ammonia 73 n-Amyl Alcohol 67, 68 Androsterone 87 Anisaldehyde 89 B Benzaldehyde 67 Benzene 56, 58, 60, 66, 77, 78 Benzoic Acid 83 Benzyl Acetate 89 Benzyl Benzoate 89 Benzyl Salicylate 89 BHA 84 α-BHC 82 β-BHC 82 γ-BHC 82 δ-BHC 82 BHT 84 Bromodichloromethane 75 Bromoform 75 1.3-Butadiene 53, 54, 55 Iso-Butane 51, 53, 54, 55, 73, 76, 79 n-Butane 51, 53, 54, 55, 73, 76, 79 1,4-Butanediol 66 2-Butanol 60, 61 90 Application Index B n-Butanol 61, 63, 67, 68 sec-Butanol 67 tert-Butanol 67 1-Butene 53, 54, 55 cis-2-Butene 54, 55 iso-Butene 54, 55 trans-2-Butene 54, 55 Buthyl Cellosolve 61, 62, 63 n-Butyl Acetate 60, 61, 62 n-Butyl Alcohol 62 n-Butylaldehyde 67, 68 Butylated Hydroxytoluene 84 iso-Butylic Acid 69, 70, 88 n-Butyric Acid 69, 70, 88 C C2H5HgCl 80 n-C6 56, 57 n-C7 56 n-C8 56 n-C9 56 n-C10 56 n-C11 56 n-C12 56 n-C13 56 n-C14 56 n-C15 56 n-C16 56 n-C17 56 n-C18 56 n-C19 56 n-C20 56, 57 n-C21 56 n-C22 56, 57 91 Application Index C n-C23 57 n-C24 57 n-C25 57 n-C26 57 n-C27 57 n-C28 57 n-C29 57 n-C30 57 n-C31 57 n-C32 57 n-C33 57 n-C35 57 iso-Caproic Acid 69, 70 n-Caproic Acid 69, 70 Carbon Dioxide 50, 51, 52, 53 Carbon Disulfide 77, 79 Carbon Monoxide 50, 51, 52 Carbon Sulfide 77 Carbon Tetrachloride 62, 76 Carbon Tetrachloridel 76 Carbonyl sulfide 78, 79 Catechol 85 Cetyl Alcohol 66 CH3HgCl 80 Chlorobenzene 62 Chlorodibromomethane 75 Chloroform 62, 75, 76 Chloromethane 76 p-Chlorophenol 85 Cholate 86 Cholesterol 86 Cholesterylbutylate 87 Citronellal 89 Cortol 87 92 Application Index C Cortolone 87 β-Cortolone 87 o-Cresol 85 p-Cresol 85 Crotonaldehyde 67 Cyclohexanone 60, 62 Cyclopentanol 58 Cyclopropane 54 D PP’-DDD 82 PP’-DDE 82 PP’-DDT 82 DDVP 82 n-Decane 53, 56 1,10-Decanediol 66 Decyl Alchol 66 n-Decyl Aldehyde 89 Dehydroacetic Acid 83 Dehydroepiandrosterone 86, 87 Deoxy Cholate 86 o-Dichlorobenzene 62 1,2-Dichloroethane 62, 76 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 62 Dichloromethane 62, 76 cis-1,3-Dichloropropane 76 trans-1,3-Dichloropropane 76 Diethyl Ether 60, 61 Diethyl Phthalate 89 Diethyleneglycol 66 3α,12α-Dihydroxy 7-oxoCholate 86 Diketene 69 Dimethyl Disulfide 77, 78 Dimethyl Sulfide 77, 78 Dimethylamine 73, 74 N,N-Dimethylformamide 58, 68 93 Application Index D n-Dodecane 56 n-Dodecyl Alcohol 89 E Endrin 82 EPN 82 EPN 82 Erythritol 88 Estriol 86 Estrone 86 Ethane 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 73, 76, 78, 79 Ethanol 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 85, 88, 89 Ethyl Acetate 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68 Ethyl Cellosolve 61, 63 Ethyl Cellosolve Acetate 61 Ethyl Cinnamate 89 Ethyl Icosapentate 72 Ethyl Mercaptan 77, 78, 79 Ethylamine 73 Ethylbenzene 55, 58, 60, 61, 62 Ethylene 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 76, 79 Ethyleneglycol 66 Ethyleneoxide 88 Ethylparathion 82 m-Ethyltoluene 55 Etiocholanolone 87 Eugenol 89 Fluorene 84 Formaldehyde 65 Formic Acid 65, 69, 70 Furfural 67 G Geraniol 89 H Heliotropin 89 Helium 51, 52 n-Heptane 53, 55 94 Application Index H 1,7-Heptanediol 66 n-Heptanoic Acid 69, 70 Hexane 63, 72 n-Hexane 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 76, 84 1,6-Hexanediol 66 Hydrogen 50, 51, 52 Hydrogen Sulfide 77, 78, 79 Hydroquinone 85 I α-Inone 89 Inositol 88 Isoamyl Alcohol 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68 Isobornyl Acetate(Citronellol) 89 Isobutanol 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68 Isobutyl Acetate 60, 62 Isobutylaldehyde 67, 68 Isopropylbenzene 58 Isovaleraldehyde 67, 68 K KC300:KC400:KC500:KC600=1:1:1:1 each 1.0ppm 81 L Lactic Acid 69 Lauryl Alcohol 66 Limonene 89 Linalool 89 Linalyl Acetate 89 Litho Cholate 86 M Mannitol 88 m-Cresol 85 Menthol 89 Methacrylic Acid 88 Methane 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 73, 76, 78, 79 Methanol 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 74, 84, 85 1-Methoxy-2-Propanol 63 95 Application Index M Methyl Acetate 60, 61 Methyl Arachidate 71, 72 Methyl Arachidonate 71 Methyl Behenate 71, 72 Methyl Caprate 71,72 Methyl Cellosolve 61, 63 Methyl Cinnamate 89 Methyl cis-11,14,17-Eicosatrienoate 71 Methyl cis-11-Eicosenoate 72 Methyl cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoate 71 Methyl cis-4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoate 72 Methyl cis-5,8,11,14,17-Eicosapentaenoate 72 Methyl cis-7,10,13,16,19-Docosapentaenoate 71, 72 Methyl cis-7,10,13,16-Docosatetranoate 71 Methyl cis-8,11,14-Eicosatrienoate 71 Methyl Erucate 72 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 60 Methyl Formate 65 Methyl Iodide 88 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 62 Methyl Laurate 71, 72 Methyl Linoleate 71, 72 Methyl Linolenate 71 Methyl Mercaptan 77, 78, 79 Methyl Myristate 71, 72 Methyl n-Buthyl Ketone 60, 61 Methyl Oleate 71, 72 Methyl Palmitate 71, 72 Methyl Palmitoleate 71, 72 Methyl Stearate 71, 72 Methyl α-Linolenate 71, 72 Methyl γ-Linoleate 72 Methylamine 74 Methyldemethon 82 Methylparathion 82 Monimethylamine 73 Monoethanolamine 73 Monomethylamine 73, 74 Myristyl Alcohol 66 96 Application Index N Naphthalene 85 1-Naphthol 85 2-Naphthol 85 Nitrogen 50, 51, 89 Nitrous Oxide 50, 53 n-Nonane 53, 56, 83 1,9-Nonanediol 66 n-Nonyl Aldehyde 89 O n-Octane 53, 56, 88 1,8-Octanediol 66 n-Octyl Aldehyde 89 Oxygen 50, 51 P Paraldehyde 67 Parathion 82 n-Pentane 51, 53, 54, 55 iso-Pentane 53, 54, 55 1,5-Pentanediol 66 Perillaldehyde 89 Phenol 85 m-Phenylenediamine 74 o-Phenylenediamine 74 p-Phenylenediamine 74 α-Pinene 89 β-Pinene 89 Pregnanediol 87 Pregnanetriol 87 Propane 51, 53, 54, 55, 73, 76, 78, 79 Propanediol(Trimethyleneglycol) 84 1-Propanol 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68 2-Propanol 60, 61, 62,63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 89 97 Product Index P Propionaldehyde 67, 68 Propionic Acid 69, 70, 88 iso-Propyl Iodide 88 n-Propylbenzene 58, 60 Propylene 51, 53, 54, 55, 76, 79 Propyleneglycol 66, 84 Propyleneoxide 88 p-Xylene 58 Pynacol 66 Pyrene(1%) 56 Pyrogallol 85 R Resorcinol 85 Rose-P 89 S Sodium Cyclamate Nitrite 83 Sorbic Acid 83 Sorbitol 88 Stearyl Alcohol 66 Styrene 60, 61 Styrene Monomer 58 Sulfur Dioxide 78 T 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 62 Tetrachloroethylene 62, 75, 76 Tetrahydrofuran 60, 61 allo-THB 87 THB 87 THE 87 THF 87 Toluene 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 66 trans-Stilbene 83 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 62, 75, 76 98 Product Index T 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 76 Trichloroethane 76 1,1,1-Trichloroethylene 75 Trichloroethylene 60, 62, 75, 76 n-Tridecane 56 Triethylamine 73 Triethyleneglycol 66 Trimethylamine 73, 74 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 55 Trioxane 65 U n-Undecane 56 V n-Valeraldehyde 67, 68 iso-Valeric Acid 69, 70 n-Valeric Acid 69, 70 Vanillin 89 Vinylchloride 76 W Water 53, 63, 64, 65, 69, 70, 73, 74, 89 X m,p-Xylene 55, 60, 61, 62 m-Xylene 58 o-Xylene 58, 60, 61, 62, 88 Xylene 55 2,4-Xylenol 85 2,6-Xylenol 85 3,4-Xylenol 85 3,5-Xylenol 85 Xylitol 88 99 Shinwa Chemical Industries Ltd. reserves the right to change product specifications, designs or prices without notice and without liability for such changes. Available from: 50-2 Kagekatsu-Cho, Fushimi-Ku, Kyoto 612-8307 Winlab Pty JAPAN Ltd in Australia and New Zealand FAX +81-75-602-2660 Contact: call 61 07 3205 5233 URL: E-mail: GN1002A
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