March 2014 Issue of CASA Voice


March 2014 Issue of CASA Voice
March 2014
Vol. VI , No. 1
CASA Voice
The Official Newsletter of CASA of Peoria County
Executive Director
From the desk of the Executive Director
Pamela Perrilles
When Will Spring Arrive?
Board of Directors
Gwenne Henricks, President
Are you experiencing winter fatigue? Are you tired of your winter wardrobe? Are
you feeling that a zero-degree temperature is becoming the norm?
Bob McCullum, VP
Kathleen Monge, Secretary
Steve Howard, Treasurer
When will this never-ending winter weather end and our lives once again enjoy the
warmth of the sun on our face? When can our emotional and physical body be relieved of the stress of the iciness? As I reflect on enduring this long extended coldness, I am reminded of what many of the children we serve must feel about their extended existence in the uncertainty of not knowing where and when they will have a
permanent home. Imagine how these children must adjust to cope to survive everyday of their lives. CASA of Peoria County is grateful for our wonderful volunteers
who advocate for these children to help move their case along for a safe permanent
home. You can help too by being a CASA Volunteer or donating to sponsor the
cost of advocating for a child. Make a difference in a child's life and make a difference in our community.
At-Large Members
Greg Birkland
Janice Brown
Brian Buralli
Teri Cook
Judge Brian Nemenoff
Nancy Overcash
Stacy Benjatka Robins
Maureen Schlicksup
Jennifer Sharp
Be the Spring in a child's life!
Aneta Youngblood
Advocate Supervisors
— Pam Perrilles
CASA Welcomes Fall 2013 Volunteer Class!
Dominique Alexandre
Terry Pyatt
Pictured at left, Front row: Judge
Gilles, Gwen Wilson, Pat Tillman,
Judy Jenkins, Kerishena Deal, Beth
McDaniel, Kay Jenkins, Kyleen Martin; Back row: Emma Hines, Jody
Smith-Brown, Gale Grant, Karen
Dooley, Leslie Koch. Not pictured:
Rod Lorenz; Brittany Morales (but
see below); Judy Sunderland.
Michael Zerneck
Irene Nafziger
Inside this issue:
Our Fall 2013 Volunteer Class
CASAblanca Photos
CASAblanca Winners
The Year in Review;
Spring Training Class Schedule
Training Sponsors;
Nigel Turk’s Amazing Video
Support CASA
Owing in large part to a front-page weekend
article in the Peoria Journal Star highlighting
CASA of Peoria County, we fielded the largest
class of volunteers in many years. Please join us
in welcoming this bumper crop of new recruits.
Pictured at right: After being sworn in, Brittany
Morales looks on as Judge Gilles signs her CASA
Statement of Commitment and Confidentiality.
Judge Gilles ended his 3-year term in Courtroom
424 in December, 2013, moving to Divorce Court.
CASA Voice
CASA of Peoria County
Page 2
CASAblanca 2013 Stars Shine Brightly in the Night
Below: Members of
Belly Dance Dazzle
enchanted the audience.
Above: Lesley Matuszak
and Michael Henchman
dancing an inventive East
Coast Swing & Rumba mix
Above: Emoke Hergart and
Carl Cannon bedazzled us
with their energetically choreographed Latin / Salsa dance
Above: John Bearce and
ballerina granddaughter
Lauren Pschirrer were winners of The People’s Choice
Award, with a
delightful waltz.
Above: Apollo Shaw (fourth from right),
choreographer, and The Peoria Latin
Vibe Dance Company after performing
their amazing routine
Above: Roberta Simpson tries to maintain a
straight face while her husband Byron Simpson
(at right), CASA volunteer, clowns with Todd
Strong, CASAblanca reveler and proud spouse of
Dominique Alexandre, Advocate Supervisor at
Above: Drs. Sarah and Chris Zallek
At right: Dawn
Harris Jeffries
and husband
Dr. James
Jeffries III
Below: Eric Turner and CASA
Volunteer Cathy Dare
Below: CASA volunteer Debbie Ollson
and husband Dr. Jim Ollson
At left: CASA
Board Member
Stacy Benjatka
Robins with
husband Jeff
All photos courtesy Natalie Jackson O’Neal. To view more pictures of our fun evening visit: (Photos are displayed in "Client Viewing: - CASA.”)
CASA Voice
CASA of Peoria County
Page 3
Peoria, IL – CASAblanca 2013 was a fun-filled evening of entertainment to raise awareness of
our organization, as well as being our primary fundraiser for the year. The evening featured local "Celebrities" dancing with Dance Specialists from Central Illinois. Local "Celebrity"
judges rated each couple’s performance and, along with votes by the live audience, selected
The Critic’s Choice Award winners. Pre-event online voters chose The People’s Choice Award
Winners of the “2013 Critics Choice Award”
Teri Cook, Cook Travel & Cruise, with Dance Instructor Apollo Shaw
Winners of the “2013 People’s Choice Award” (pre-event voting)
John Bearce, with his granddaughter Lauren Pschirrer
Runners-up of the Local Stars and Dancing Pros included:
Lesley Matuszak with Mike Hinchman
Sarah Zallek, MD with Hal Weatherford
Cynthia Kennedy with Darren Jackson
Carl Cannon with Emoke Hergart
Saverio Fato with Dominique Alexandre
Tom Schlink with Stanzia Weatherford
We extend special appreciation to our Judges:
Jim Buda, Executive Vice President, Caterpillar Inc.
Diana Hall, CEO, Bard Optical
Honorable Thomas L. Kilbride
Jennifer Lee, Independent Art Critic
Special thanks to our co-chairs Aneta Youngblood and Kathleen Monge!
Emcee: Sandy Gallant Auctioneer: Brian Swartz
Sponsors of CASAblanca included: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Par-A-Dice Hotel and Casino,
Essential Wellness Pharmacy, Gwenne & Alan Henricks, G&D Integrated, Aneta Youngblood,
Cook Travel, UnityPoint Methodist, CMFI, and Lisa Murphy Web Design.
Many thanks to all of our event sponsors, table sponsors, child sponsors,
and guests who shared in this exciting event!
CASA Voice
CASA of Peoria County’s
Spring 2014
Training Class
April 26 - May 5, 2014
Advanced Medical Transport
1718 N Sterling, West Peoria
Class Schedule
Saturday Apr 26 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Monday Apr 28 5:30 pm — 8:30 pm
Tuesday Apr 29 5:30 pm — 8:30 pm
Apr 30 5:30 pm — 8:30 pm
May 1 5:30 pm — 8:30 pm
Saturday May 3 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Monday May 5 5:30 pm — 8:30 pm
(Note: Meals will be provided for all
Swearing-In Ceremony
Date & Time to be Determined
Hon. David Dubicki
Juvenile Abuse & Neglect Courtroom
Peoria County Courthouse
324 Main St (Jefferson St. entrance)
Room 424 (Fourth Floor)
For more information, or to apply to
be a volunteer, please contact
Michael Zerneck
Advocate Supervisor
Speak up for a child!
CASA of Peoria County
Page 4
The Year in Review
Many Changes to The CASA Board
In July of this past year, upon
the expiration of CASA of
Peoria County Board President
Geoff Turk’s 3-year term, we
were proud to announce the
Gwenne Henricks (pictured at
left) as new
Board President.
Gwenne is chief
technology officer and vice president of Product Development & Global
Technology. A native of Illinois, Gwenne graduated from
Bradley University in 1979
with a Bachelor of Science
degree in physics, in 1981 with
a Master of Science degree in
electrical engineering and in
2003 from the University of
Illinois with a master’s in business administration. In 1996
she also completed the Managing Engineering Design and
Development Program at Carnegie Bosch Institute, Carnegie
Mellon University. She is a
member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the Society
of Women Engineers and the
Bradley University Engineering Advisory Committee.
CASA of Peoria County is delighted that Gwenne heads up
our Board!
Also joining the Board in 2013
or early 2014 were the following illustrious individuals:
Janice Brown is a retired Caterpillar executive who adds
much expertise to CASA with
her marketing and social media
expertise, as does Brian Buralli, an advertising executive
with Central State Media.
Teri Cook, founder and owner
of the renowned agency Cook
Travel & Cruise, brings her
entrepreneurial spirit to the
Schlicksup, a paralegal with
Vonachen, Lawless, Trager, &
Slevin who underwent CASA
training in 2011, brings legal
expertise to our Board. Aneta
Youngblood. an audit director
Caterpillar, contributes
myriad talents to CASA, and
co-chaired the hugely successful CASAblanca 2013, a task
she has agreed to take on with
Teri Cook in 2014 as well.
Hon. Brian Nemenoff, a retired 10th Circuit Associate
Judge, adds an eminent jurist’s
perspective to the Board.
Nancy Overcash, a former
teacher in the Morton school
system and active CASA,
rounds out the Board with her
educational experience and
unique perspective as an active
CASA volunteer.
Gwenne Henricks was proud
to name John Amdall head of
the CASA of Peoria County
Advisory Panel. John, a retired Director of Research and
Technology for Caterpillar,
joins Board Members whose
terms expired in 2013: In addition to Geoff Turk, they are
Jake Fleshman, Thomas
Harrington III, Dawn Harris
Jeffries, Melanie Spurgeon,
Paris McConnell, Ron
Hanna, Cindy Fleming, and
Rogene Paullo. These notable
people will continue to serve
CASA in this new capacity,
and we thank them for their
invaluable ongoing contributions to our organization.
CASA Voice
CASA of Peoria County
Page 5
Thanks to our Volunteer Training Sponsors
Detweiller Executive Suites
Chuck and Laurie Weaver
the work of a much older person, a pro- creative work did not go unnoticed.
fessional, rather than a high school sen- Pam Perrilles nominated Nigel for a
2013 National Philanthropy Award in
the ages 18-23 category. Nigel was
Last year, when Nigel Turk was attend- Unfortunately, without a license to use proud to win the award, accepting the
trophy at the Association of Fundraising
the "Rain" music, the video could not
ing Dunlap High School, he discussed
be displayed to a wide audience. How- Professionals' National Philanthropy
with his father, Geoff Turk, the work
ever, through the intercession of record Day luncheon on November 13. Said
Geoff was doing as President of the
Ms. Perrilles in her nominating letter,
Board of Directors of CASA of Peoria executive Joe Augustine in New York
"A dollar value cannot be placed on
County. Geoff was talking to Nigel
Nigel Turk's efforts. His unsolicited
about the fund-raising needs of CASA, do "everything he could" to obtain the
necessary permissions for licensure — contribution to CASA of Peoria County
and how valuable an informational
is, truly, priceless. We -- and especially
CASA of Peoria County was able to
video would be to the organization.
the abused and neglected children for
Alas, as is often the case, CASA lacked gain licensure for use from the songwhom we advocate -- will forever be
the funds and the requisite talent and
indebted to this fine young man."
personnel to produce a video on their
that merited a larger exposure.
Without prompting, and of his own
Indeed, one of the co-songwriters of
accord, Nigel undertook to produce
such a project. He crafted, with a desk- "Rain" is Billy Corgan, of the group
Smashing Pumpkins. Upon viewing the
top editing application, a three-minute
video, he personally gave his approval
video montage -- using still photos
to license the song, we were told.
available online from National CASA
Association -- asking the viewer to give
It turns out that Billy Corgan grew up
a child a voice in juvenile abuse and
in an abusive household, and the video .
neglect court by donating $100 per
month to CASA. He set the photo mon- had a great personal impact on him.
tage to a recording of the song "Rain"
by Breaking Benjamin, a popular band The compelling video was shown to the
among teenagers. He gave the video to attendees at CASAblanca -- Dancing
with the Local Stars, CASA's yearly
his amazed Dad, who proudly submitfundraiser, which prompted the sponted it to Pam Perrilles.
Pictured above: Nigel Turk accepts
sorship of 52 children by generous auYouth Philanthropy Award from Pam
dience members, more than a 500%
Perrilles at National Philanthropy
The video is extraordinary, primarily
Day Annual Luncheon at The Par-abecause it is so expertly done, and at the increase in the previous year's sponsorDice Casino on November 13, 2013.
same time so heartfelt. It appears to be ship level. The young man's excellent
Nigel Turk’s Video Nets
Support for 52 Children
and Wins Him an Award
CASA Voice
CASA of Peoria County
Page 6
CASA of Peoria County
324 Main St. Room 215
Peoria, IL
Leave a Loving Legacy
Planned Giving through your will: You can create a legacy of hope for vulnerable children
through a planned gift to CASA of Peoria County.
Bequests Through Your Will
A bequest to CASA of Peoria County is one of the most effective and simplest ways to make a
lasting impact on the lives of vulnerable children. You may specify a specific amount or a percentage you wish to give. If you would like to make such a gift to CASA of Peoria County, you
may include language similar to the following:
"I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise and bequeath to CASA of Peoria County a
nonprofit public benefit corporation having its principal office at 324 Main Street, Room
215, Peoria, IL 61602, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] to be used for the furtherance of its charitable purposes in the discretion and at the
direction of its Board of Trustees for its unrestricted use and purpose."
If you are considering making a gift by bequest, please meet with your attorney to discuss the
ramifications and, if appropriate, to update your will. Please let us know if you have included
CASA of Peoria County in your estate planning.
We’re on the Web!
CASA of Peoria County gives Special Thanks to:
Bring A Voice to a Child
Illinois Attorney General
Violent Crime Victim
Assistance Grant
_____Yes, I would like to support a CASA Child for one year @ $100 per month.
_____ I would like to make a one-time gift:
___ $25 ___ $50 ___$100 ___ $250 ___ $500 ___$1,000 ___ Other $_____
_____ I am interested in learning more about CASA.
_____ I would like to give of my time. Please contact me about being
_____ Board Member
_____ CASA volunteer
_____ Other volunteer
_____ Help with Special Events
_____ Other: __________________________________
Name: ___________________________________
Phone # (_____)_________________
Address: __________________________ City: ___________________, IL
A Member of the National
CASA Association
Zip: _________
Email Address: __________________________________________________
The best time to reach me is during _____ day or ____ evening.
Method of Payment:: Visa _____MasterCard_____ Check #________
Account Number: _____________________________
Expiration Date: ___/___/___ Sec. code: _______
Name as it appears on card: _____________________
Signature: ___________________________________
Make checks payable to: CASA of Peoria County
Return to: 324 Main Street, Room 215, Peoria, Illinois 61602
Make A Difference
Our Mission
The mission of CASA of Peoria County is to advocate for abused and neglected children in Peoria County
through the services of specially trained community volunteers.