July 3, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish


July 3, 2016 - Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish
Blessed Sacrament
Roman Catholic Parish
11300 N. 64th Street • Scottsdale, AZ 85254 • 480-948-8370 • www.blessedsacramentscotts.org
July 3, 2016
Mass of Remembrance Monday, November 2, 7pm in the Church. We Invite You to Bring a Picture of Your Deceased Loved One to Display on the Altar. Pastor’s Corner
When Jesus sent out the seventy-two disciples he
said that their first words on entering a house were to be,
“Peace be to this house.” They were to be ambassadors
of peace and goodwill. Without peace nothing is possible.
Peace is not a negative thing. It is not just the absence of war or hard feelings. Peace is a positive thing. It
implies openness, friendship, tolerance, good will, hospitality, and reconciliation. It disposes us to reach out to
others. It helps to break down barriers of suspicion, fear,
prejudice, and bigotry.
Working for peace means welcoming people close
to us, those who annoy us or disagree with us, those who
provoke anguish within us. To take the path of peace is to
accept people as they are, with all their limitations and
weaknesses. The people we need to make peace with are
not our friends, but our enemies.
Shortly before Communion, the priest says to us,
“The peace of the Lord be with you always.” What a wonderful gift is being offered to us – the peace of Christ, a
peace that the world cannot give. Then he invites is to
“offer each other a sign of peace.” The hand we reach out
to our neighbor is the same hand with which we receive
Jesus in Communion.
We come to Mass to receive blessings from the
Lord. If we took nothing else away with us from here but
peace, our time would be well spent. We must be prepared to give back something of what we have received.
The end of the Mass is not like the end of a football game
or film where we simply get up and leave. At the end of
Mass we are sent out. Having received the peace of
Christ, we are then sent out as ambassadors of that
peace to others.
If we wish to be effective messengers of peace,
three things are necessary. First, we have to have peace
ourselves. Second, we have to be willing to share that
peace with others. And third, the other person has to be
willing to receive it from us.
The harvest is great. The opportunities for sharing
peace and for making peace are many. The great danger
is that we will allow people to take our peace away. This
happens whenever we become angry, hostile, bitter, or
vengeful when others do not respond favorably to us.
Scripture Readings
Sun 7/3
Mon 7/4
Tue 7/5
Wed 7/6
Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/Gal 6:14-18
Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22/Ps 145:2-9/Mt 9:18-26
Hos 8:4-7, 11-13/Ps 115:3-10/Mt 9:32-38
Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12/Ps 105:2-7/Mt 10:1-7
We have to accept that our peace
will not always be accepted. It may come
back to us like the echo of our own voice.
But at least we ought to try. In a world
torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred,
we have the challenging vocation to be
living signs of love that can bridge divisions and heal
Are you ready?
My friend was very sick and the doctor gave him
only six months to live. My friend then told his doctor that
he couldn’t pay his bill, so the doctor gave him another six
A distraught senior citizen phones her doctor’s
office. “Is it true,” she wanted to know, “that I have to
take that medication you prescribed for the rest of my
“Yes, I’m afraid so,” the doctor told her.
There was a moment of silence before the senior
lady replied, “I’m wondering, then, just how serious my
condition is because this prescription is marked ‘NO REFILLS”!
Have a good week, everyone. Remember, there is
no vacation from prayer so say one for me.
God Bless! Fr. Pat
Thu 7/7
Fri 7/8
Sat 7/9
Sun 7/10
Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9/Ps 80:2-3, 15-16/Mt 10:7-15
Hos 14:2-10/Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17/Mt 10:16-23
Is 6:1-8/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Mt 10:24-33
Dt 30:10-14/Ps 69:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37
July 3, 2016 │ 3
Parish Activities for All Ages
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mary’s Knights
In the Adoration Chapel every day, 24 hours a day. Come and
spend some time with the Lord.
Mary’s Knights is the ladies auxiliary to the Knights of
Columbus. Our purpose is fellowship, support of multiple local
charities, as well as support of our Knights of Columbus. All
women over the age of 18, especially K of C wives, are invited
to join us. The charities we support include: First Way, Shoebox
Ministry, Phoenix Children’s Project, One at a Time, and
Respite Shelter for Homeless Men. The final meeting for this
season will be Tuesday, May 17th. Our meetings will resume in
the Fall on Tuesday, September 20th.
Adult Formation
A variety of programs are available for Adult Catechesis. Call the
Faith Formation office at 480-998-1665 for information.
Catholic Business Network
Networking sessions 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of month. Start
with 7am Mass then meet in PLC 7 until 9am; cost: $3 to
cover refreshments. For more info, call/email Nick at 602-9891592 or petra@azreallink.com.
Christian Initiation Ministry (Adults & Children)
Adults & children meet Wednesdays at 7pm in PLC 7. Contact Larry
Fraher 480-998-1665 x216 or lfraher@blessedsacramentscotts.org.
A retreat that has opened a door to an understanding of Jesus
Christ and what he is calling each of us to do. Contact your
parish representatives Brian & Jen at jen.kelly@cox.net or call
Homecoming for Returning Catholics
No matter how long you’ve been away, you can come home
again! Check out www.catholicscomehome.org for info or
email lfraher@blessedsacramentscotts.org.
HTBC Cancer Ministry
Healing Through the Body of Christ Cancer Ministry. Prayer
shawls, cards, and medals are available. For info, call 602-5491188.
The JustFaith Ministry provides life-changing opportunities for
members of our parish to study, explore, and experience
Christ’s call to care for the poor and vulnerable in a lively,
challenging, multifaceted process in the context of a small
faith community. Call the parish office for more information.
Knights of Columbus
If you are interested in helping those in need, serving your
parish, growing in your faith, or having an exclusive access to
top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights
of Columbus is the organization for you. For more information,
visit www.kofc10050.org, find us on Facebook, or call Jerry at
(602) 561-0945.
Miraculous Medal Novena
The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed every Tuesday evening from 7pm
to 7:30pm in the Chapel and followed by praying the Rosary for the unborn.
Pro-Life Ministry
This ministry coordinates pro-life activities for the parish and acts
as an information resource by providing educational events on
various aspects of pro-life issues, other pro-life organizations, and
activities in the diocese. To join the group or for more information,
please contact Jim at BSC_Prolife@cox.net or call 480-951-4254.
Saint Vincent de Paul
Our mission is to grow spiritually by person-to-person service to
those in need. SVdP meets on the 2nd & 4thThursday at 7pm
until September. Call 480-948-8370 x266 for information.
Senior Friendship Club
July 4, No Meeting Today—Parish Offices & Facility Closed
Small Christian Communities
To learn more about this spirit-filled and inspiring ministry, contact the
Parish Office.
Welcome Ministry
Interacts socially with visitors, newcomers, and parishioners to
encourage/develop a spiritual community - Info: 480-948-8370.
Women’s Club
An active, service-oriented organization of parish women that supports
the parish and the community. Meets on 2nd Monday of the month at
6:30pm Sept. through May. All women of the parish are eligible to be
members and welcome to attend meetings. No dues required—you are
already a member. For information, contact Cheryl (602-569-1696),
Theresa (602-509-1475), or Dana (480-703-5094).
Legion of Mary
Meets Thursdays at 10am in PLC 5. We invite you to learn how
you can be a part of the new evangelization and bring others to
Christ through the Legion of Mary. To learn more & for info, call
Lolaine at 602-996-3961 or Kate at 602-953-3663.
Community and Parish Events
.TV Mass Ministry: Broadcast Sunday mornings at 9am on
KAZT-TV (AZ-TV7 or Cable Channel 13). Followed by local
Catholic talk show “Catholics Matter.” View Mass live at
www.catholictvmass.com Sunday mornings & during the week.
The Bishop’s Hour: Every Monday at 11am on radio 1310 AM.
Issues from a Catholic viewpoint.
Immaculate Heart Radio: Faith, Hope, and Love…there when
you need it on Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM and
streaming audio at ihradio.com.
4 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ
Parish Events
June 25—July 31, Water Drive to Save Lives
July 18, Monday Movies of Mercy
Give Unto the Lord
June 26, 2016…………………$19,451
Peter’s Pence……….…………$2,633
Thank You For Your Gifts!
Building the Domestic Church
Pray together as a family for our country. Offer
prayers of petition, intercession, thanksgiving,
and praise. (See the Catechism, Part Four,
Section One, Chapter One, Article 3 for an explanation of
these types of prayer.)
Thank You
Thank you for your generous support of our Holy Father’s
charitable works in the Peter’s Pence Collection. Your contribution will be combined
with those of our brothers and sisters
around the world to help Pope Francis provide essential relief to people in need. Your
generosity is an act of solidarity with the universal
Church, answering the call to be a witness of charity.
May God bless you.
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Need a New Medicare Card?
Catholic Business Networking
If your red, white, and blue Medicare card is lost, stolen, or
damaged, you can request a new one at
www.SocialSecurity.gov. However, you can use the online
application only to request a Medicare card. If you need a
Medicaid card, please contact your state Medicaid office.
Do you own a business or sell a product or service that
our fellow parishioners can use? If so, join us in our networking sessions and tell us about your business. Networking Sessions are 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Start with 7am Mass, then move to PLC Rooms 7 & 8. Sessions end no later than 9am. Donation of $3.00 covers cost
of refreshments. For info, or If you plan to attend a session, call Nick at 602-989-1592 or email
Duet Provides Computers to Elders
Duet provides free-of-charge computers along with
volunteers to help homebound neighbors (their clients)
navigate the ins and outs of using computers. This helps
bring the outside world a little closer to home. Contact Duet
if you know someone who might enjoy a computer, or if you
would be interested in teaching an elder how to use one.
Duet also needs volunteers who have the skills to restore
computers. Call 602-274-5022 or visit www.duetaz.org to
learn about Duet’s many health & aging services, or for a list
of volunteer orientation dates and locations.
July 3, 2016 │ 5
Pray For...
Rose Musuraca
Jim Tuttle, Jr.
Nick Putnam
Stu Stewart
Henry Prejs
Cindy Keller
Noah Montemayor
Georgiann Scritsmier
Linda Benedetti
Clarence Menke
Troy Olson
Esther P.
Mary Jo Wilson
Mary Ann Miller
Emmett Salinas
Ana Lucia Van Assche
Pam Hellestrae
Rene Gero Family
Maria Magat
Ronnie Tobin
Carolyn Quatros
Prudence H. Wisdom
Fr. Eric Houseknecht
Richard Phillips
Joseph Riley
Anthony Vara
Wally Heikka
Hank Ulloa
Rachel Denhof
Patrick Doherty
Mike Elert
Gary Varkongi
Lisa Wales
Audrey Kramer
Maria Williams
David Owen
Brian Brown
John A Koval
Cheryl & Joshua Durman
Elizabeth Beebe
Wayne Segneri
Arian Ploszaj
David Bien
Laura Bien
Ralph Volgarino
Neil Patal
Pat Lichok
Sue Harvey
Gerry Moran
Hollis Doherty
Gloria Meyer
Joyce Trulip
Nikko Sgro
Arthur Apostle
Tom & Sharon
Ann Clinton
Debbie Broernann
Kate Bode
Timothy Gwinn
Barbara Nazzal
Baby Hendrix Durnan
Evelyn Mackie
Jim Bushey
Mary Harley
Frank Montagnino
John Schirtzinger
Denise Finell
Chad Ettmueller
David Anderson
Matthew Chayerri
Bill Donnillon
Gail Gustins
William Nix, II
Joan Abramek
Fred Denham
Toni Troisi
The Deceased: John M. Santoro, Elmer E. Pooler...and all those in our book of intentions.
Those Serving Our Country: Please pray for our men and women in the military. Pray also for their families.
Are You Still Sick? If you no longer need your name on the sick list, please call the parish office to have it removed.
If you have a request for our Parish Prayer Line and/or prayers at Masses, call the Office at 480-948-8370.
Stewardship Reflection ~ July 3, 2016
If you are over 65 years old, you probably remember
Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Venerable Fulton Sheen was
an American bishop who became known for his
preaching and especially his work on television and
radio. In fact, in the 1950s into the
1960s, he may have been the most
recognizable Catholic in the United
Sheen once said, “Show me your
hands. Do they have scars from
giving? Show me your feet. Are they
wounded in service? Show me your
heart. Have you left a place for
divine love?” In many ways that
statement parallels something St. Paul writes in our
Second Reading from his letter to the Galatians: “From
now on, let no one make troubles for me; for I bear the
marks of Jesus on my body.” St. Paul is saying the same
thing as Archbishop Sheen — that is, “Do our lives reflect
the presence of the Lord? Are we living as good
stewards, as disciples, such that we, too, bear the marks
of Jesus?”
We are not speaking of real scars, but we are talking
about how the Lord has called us to follow Him, has
asked us to take up the cross and follow Him as a
matter of fact. If we strive to give, to serve, and to have
faith as Sheen indicates, then we, too can rejoice as the
Lord says to us, “Your names are written in heaven.” We
are called, and we need to respond to that call.
Saint Vincent de Paul
“Extend mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet
without helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw his mercy from us?”
(St. Vincent de Paul) For information, call 480-948-8370 Ext. 266.
6 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ
October July
11, 2015
│ │7 7
3, 2016
Xavier College Preparatory Honor Students
The following Xavier College Preparatory students from
Blessed Sacrament have achieved Honor Roll status for the fourth
grading quarter of the 2015-2016 school year.
Victoria Grace Anderson
Karli Jo Baker
Kira Cornell Dean
Alexis Maria Diaz--Infante
Grace Elizabeth Dowd
Remy Maureen Feagles
Claire Anne Folger
Jacqueline Michelle Gionet
Marissa Mae Jobe
Gabrielle Elizabeth Leier
Ashley Anne Martin
Virginia Grace Martin
Abigail Rose Paddison
Megan Ann Piotrowski
Madeline Rose Rapp
Chase Nicole Rasor
Alexa Rae Robinson
Brtttany Nicole Robinson
Kyra Anne Stehly
Kaela Nichole Stehly
Emma Sofia Strouse
Erin Patrice Sweeney
Jordan Isabella Van Winkle
Megan Mercer Woodbury
Danielle Ajamie Zachar
Catholic Charities Adoption Orientation
Men’s Retreat
Friday, Jul 15 - 4:00pm through Sunday, July 17 - 1:00pm
at Franciscan Renewal Ctr. “Get Out of the Boat and Discover What God Wants You to Do.” What does God want
from me? The answer to this question is centuries old
and was handed down to us by the Saints in the Church
who first asked it. Come and be part of the answers. Retreat fee including meals: $130; with lodging $215 single, $165 double per person. Check-in: Friday 5:00pm;
dinner 6:00pm. Retreat ends Sunday 1:00pm. Preregistration required. Register by July 14 at
www.thecasa.org or call 480-948-7460.
A Monastic Experience
Offered by the Sisters of St. Benedict on July 9 to 13
at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery, 8502 W.
Pinchot Ave., Phoenix. Catholic women, ages 20-55, in
good health and able to do manual labor, are invited
to learn about the spirituality of Benedictines, participate in our prayer life, join in our recreation, enjoy the
grounds, meet our Oblates, assist in the manual labor
of the Monastery, and work in our gardens. Register
by July 5 to sisterlydia@olgmonastery.com.
Are you looking to adopt an infant? The Catholic
Charities Pregnancy, Parenting, and Adoption Program has openings available in the Child Placement Program. The first step is to attend the program orientation on Wednesday, July 13. More info
and registration is available by calling Sally at 602230-4910 or email sgramke@cc-az.org.
Thank You for Asking!
Who is Dinah in the Bible?
Dinah was the sole girl among Jacob’s troop of 13 children.
She is often overshadowed by her 12 brothers, including the
most famous one, Joseph. Her mother was Leah, one of
Jacob’s wives. The book of Genesis is the only book that
mentions her, and we know little of her story. The primary
references to her come in Genesis 34. The incident recorded there tells of a man named Shechem who “defiled” Dinah and recounts the gruesome revenge that two of Dinah’s
brothers wreaked on them. “The Red Tent,” a novel by Anita
Diamant, is a New York Times bestseller that tells the story
of her life in Dinah’s voice.
Women’s Club
“Is prayer your steering wheel, or your spare tire?” ~ Corrie Ten Boom
► Watch for Macy’s “Shop for a Cause” at the Gift Card table! Buy a Savings Pass for $5. Shop August 26th – 28th for a
25% discount on many items and a 10% discount on electronics, mattresses, etc. Visit the Gift Card table for more info.
► If you are aware of any members who are ill or hospitalized, please let us know.
► The Women’s Club supports our military deployed overseas with cards, letters, and packages from home. If you
have a friend or relative serving our country overseas, please contact Rita (480-948-6240) with details. You can
correspond with these service people related to our parishioners by picking up a “Support our Troops” data slip at
the gift card table.
► Call Cheryl (602-569-1696), Theresa (602-509-1475), or Dana (480-703-5094) with questions or more information.
8 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ
This Week’s...
Blessed Sacrament Mass Schedule
Adoration Every Day
Holy Day Vigil:
Holy Day:
Mass of Anointing:
8am, 4pm
7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
7am & 8am (M--F)
24 Hours a day
Sat, after 8am Mass, Tues. 6 to 7pm
Call Parish Office
Call Parish Office
Call Parish Office
Local Parish Mass Schedules
St. Patrick: M-F 8am; T-Th 5:30pm; Sat 5pm; Sun 8:30am,
10:30am, 5pm - 10815 N. 84th St., Scottsdale
St. Maria Goretti: M-Sat 8am; Sat 5pm; Sun 7:30am, 9am, 11am 6261 N. Granite Reef Rd., Scottsdale
St. Bernadette: M-S 8:30am; Sat 5pm; Sun 8am, 10am, 5pm 16245 N. 60th St., Scottsdale
St. Joan of Arc: M-Sat 8:30am; Sat 4:30pm; Sun 8:30am,
10:30am, 12:30pm (Spanish) - 3801 E. Greenway Rd., Phx.
St. Joseph: M-F 8am; Sat 4pm; Sun 8:30am & 10:30am 11001 N. 40th St., Phx.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 2, 2016
†Memorial Mass for Deceased in July 2015
Gabriela Zendejas
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Pastoral Mass
†Rob Soper
†Patrick Kwasniak
†Ray Fearon
Monday, July 4, 2016
†Mark Paul & L. John Rosenbrock
Andre Nicholas Wagner
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
†Dorothy Plewg
Dave Blanchard & Family
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
†Leah O’Connor & Family Members
†Paul Riznowski
July 3, 2016 ~ July 10, 2016
Sunday, July 3
Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Adoration Chapel
Monday, July 4
Daily Mass
7am & 8am
Parish Offices & Facility Closed
Adoration Chapel
Tuesday, July 5
Daily Mass
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Adoration Chapel
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Adoration Chapel
PLC 7, 8
Daily Mass
Legion of Mary
Debtors Anonymous
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Adoration Chapel
Daily Mass
7am & 8am
After 8am Mass
Adoration Chapel
Daily Mass
Sunday Vigil Mass
After 8am Mass
After 8am Mass
Adoration Chapel
Daily Mass Chapel
Wednesday, July 6
Daily Mass
Catholic Business Network
Thursday, July 7
Friday, July 8
Saturday, July 9
Sunday, July 10
Continental Breakfast after Morning Masses
Masses at 7am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 5pm
Youth Choir Rehearsal
Adoration Chapel
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Helen Redfield
†Paul Wokki
Friday, July 8, 2016
†David Snell
†Fred Denham
Miraculous Medal Novena
The Miraculous Medal Novena is prayed every Tuesday evening from 7pm
to 7:30pm in the Chapel and followed by praying the Rosary for the unborn.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
†Navy Seal Charles Keating IV
† Deceased Members of Previte & Campbell Families
Sunday, July 10, 2016
†Joseph Bertram
†John Dunleavy
†Donna Prchal Bullington
Pastoral Mass
July 3, 2016 │ 9
Our Parish Mission Statement
Our Parish Vision Statement
“We are a Christ-centered Eucharistic Community. We
are led by the Holy Spirit to love God and one another,
to grow in faith, and to serve all. We welcome
everyone on the journey toward the fullness of life.”
Blessed Sacrament Parish is moving toward
…Following Jesus Christ more fully.
…Learning and sharing our faith.
…Becoming an engaged, inclusive community.
Our Parish Values Statement
Faith  Hope  Love through Prayer  Family  Discipleship
Contact the Parish Office for an appointment to begin
preparation for this sacrament.
Contact Parish Office at least 9 months prior to
the date of marriage.
Saturday after 8am Mass and 6-7pm Tuesday
Christian Initiation Ministry (Adults & Children)
Wednesday at 6:30pm; call 480-998-1665 for info.
Confirmation/First Eucharist & Reconciliation
call 480-998-1665 for info.
Small Christian Communities
Times vary — contact Parish Office
Charismatic Prayer
7:00pm Mondays in the Church
Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
7:00pm Tuesdays in the Church
Scriptural Rosary
After 8:00am Mass weekdays
Grief Support
Contact Parish Office
Prayer Line
Contact Parish Office
Returning Catholics
Contact Parish Office
House Blessings
Contact Parish Office
Annulments: Contact Jim Nappe at the Parish Office.
PARISH OFFICE HOURS (Subject to change)
Monday-Thurs.: 9am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 2pm
Closed for Lunch: Noon to 1pm Mon-Fri.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 8am to Noon
Holidays: Call for hours.
Monday - Friday: Closed
Saturday: 8:30am—Noon / 3:00pm—5:30pm
Sunday: 7:30am—Noon
Clergy ..................................................................................................... 480-948-8370
Rev. Patrick Robinson .................................................................. Pastor
Rev. John Shetler…………………………………………………… Parochial Vicar
Rev. George Schroeder (Retired)
Deacons ............................................................................................... 480-948-8370
Deacon Ted Childs
Deacon Clemens Czapinski
Deacon Bob Evans
Deacon Jim Nazzal
Deacon Fred Giesner
Main Number .................................................................................. 480-948-8370*
Fax .................................................................................. 480-951-3844
Parish Manager.................................................... 480-948-8370 X229
Parish Life Ministries ........................................... 480-948-8370 X204
Liturgy & Music Office.......................................... 480-948-8370 X202
Faith Formation & Education ........................................ 480-998-1665
Youth Ministry ................................................................ 480-998-1665
(High School and Middle School Programs)
Bulletin Editor ...................................................... 480-948-8370 X220
Parish Event Calendar ......................................... 480-948-8370 X226
Facility Rentals ..................................................... 480-948-8370 X226
Finance Manager ................................................. 480-948-8370 X211
Gift Shop ........................................................................ 480-948-1160
Parish Preschool & Kindergarten……………………………...480-998-9466
Notary Public..........................................................480-948-8370 X226
Email.......................................... parish@blessedsacramentscotts.org
Website ......................................... www.blessedsacramentscotts.org
*Sick, hospitalized, and/or terminally ill—call Parish Office; instructions will
be provided at this number.
The information in this section is provided for informational purposes only.
These institutions and organizations are not affiliated with Blessed Sacrament
Roman Catholic Parish.
AZ Licensed Counselor ........................................ 480-948-8370 X233
Sharon Taylor-Wood, MSW, MAPsy, LCSW
Health Psychology/Behavioral Medicine
Foundation for Senior Living........................................ 602-285-1800 x179
Senior Life Options — Counseling and Referrals
Duet: Partners in Health & Aging 602-274-5022; www.duetaz.org
St. Vincent de Paul .............................................. 480-948-8370 X266
Catholic School Community (K-8):
Saint John XXIII ........................................................... 480-905-0939
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School...............................480-874-3720
Catholic School Community High School:
Notre Dame Prep High School ................................... 480-634-8200
All “print-ready” articles must be in Parish Office 9 days prior to
actual Bulletin Weekend. Email your “copy-ready” Word
Document to: rking@blessedsacramentscotts.org.
Russ King, Editor
10 │ Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Parish • Scottsdale, AZ