Here we grow! - St. Francis Episcopal Church
Here we grow! - St. Francis Episcopal Church
May 2016 Here we grow! St. Francis Church & Day School Celebration Sunday, May 15th Church service at 10:30 and fun following Let's Celebrate together the Dedication of the Capital Project with a Ribbon Cutting in the front of the Church as well as a tour of the facilities before continuing with the day's activities. Enjoy a hamburger/ hot dog lunch in the newly renovated Parish hall or bring your lawn chairs and picnic outside St. Mike's. Please remember to bring a side dish. Dessert is provided by the Day School. The Annual Day School Basket Raffle and silent auction will be set up in the Parish Hall. Raffle drawings to be held at 1:30. You do not have to be present to win. Silent auction closes at 2:00 pm. Check out the bike rodeo provided by Trek Bicycle Shop. Test drive bikes and have your helmet checked for proper fitting. Test your bike skills in an obstacle course. Ask about their trade up program. Fun for all ages! Many fun family games available! HERE WE GROW! ST. FRANCIS C HURCH & D AY S C H O O L C E L E B R AT I O N Day School Basket Raffle $5 per ticket or 5 for $20 Drawing held May 15, 2016. You do not have to be present to win! Purchase tickets in day school lobby or church office. Tickets go to the basket(s) of your choice. BASKET#1…Oh, Baby! Musik Garten - Little Birds Music Studio Semester of Music Classes or Birthday Party ($175) Semester of Music Classes or a Birthday Party. Certificate can be used for Fall or Spring classes only Memory Photo Album ($10) Diaper Basket ($20) Bib & Burp Cloth ($15) Toddler Puzzles ($10) Baby Head/Bumper Pillows Baby “Tag” Pillow ($25) Elephant Pillow Disney Quilt ($50) Quilted Wall Hanging Mimi’s Café Enjoy a night out with “Dinner for 2” at Mimi’s Café, Shops @ Friendly ($40) Greensboro Children’s Museum Family Passes (2) ($64) PotBelly Sandwich Shop ($12) Toys & Co. GC ($20) Kidzone GC ($30) Fresh Market GC ($25) Estimated Retail Value $500 BASKET# 2 ...What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’? Culinary U of the Triad One kids or adult cooking class ($38) Bargello Round Baking Dish ($30) Mimi’s Café Enjoy a night out with “Dinner for 2” at Mimi’s Café, Shops @ Friendly ($40) I Love NC Wood Wall Hanging Plaque ($10) Crafted Beverage Opener & Bottle Cap Holder ($25) Bonjour Café Milk Frother Hand Crafted Gourd Bird House ($30) 3 Delicious Aunt Jane’s Jams ($25) Quilted Dining Gift Set Place Mats ($45) Let’s Get CookingLet’s go shopping for a cookoutHarris Teeter gift card ($10) Earth Fare gift card ($25) Gate City Butcher & Gourmet Market ($20) Fresh Market ($25) Post Cards/Note Cards ($10) Sterling Silver Earrings by Grace & Elegance (32) Mia Turquoise Bracelet Khloe Black & Gold Necklace/Earrings Warm Cookie Flavor Candle Kitchen Gift SetSet includes 2 quilted pot holder mitts, 1 quilted microwave bowl pot holder ($35) Estimated Retail Value $400 Kidzone Resale children’s store gift certificates compliments of Nicole Ray, owner and day school parent Proehlific Park 1 month family membership Autographed water bottle t-shirt and hat Compliments of Ashley Butterbaugh, parishioner and day school parent Thank you for supporting St. Francis Day School! 2 HERE WE GROW! ST. FRANCIS C HURCH & D AY S C H O O L C E L E B R AT I O N BASKET # 3 It’s All about…Me! The Club 1 month family membership (up to $199) Leon’s Salon & Day Spa Shampoo, cut and low dry @ Elm St. location ($42) Mimi’s Café Enjoy a night out with “Dinner for 2” at Mimi’s Café, Shops @ Friendly ($40) Hand Crafted Shelf ($45) Hand crafted Bird pillow ($25) Vivi Bead Strand necklace ($35) Silpada Earrings ($45) Pottery Leaf tray ($27) Wood candle holders set of 3 ($20) Jewelry Hanger/framed art ($25) Intial Outfitters Gift Card ($30) JuliePatoolie Gift Card ($25) Village Tavern Gift Card ($25) Diva Nail Spa ($30) Bizi Kids Gift Card (#50) Fresh Market ($25) and more… Estimated retail value $ 700 BASKET# 4 In the Garden Southern States bucket with assorted garden tools Garden gloves, hat, and garden stakes ($20) Garden kneeling pad ($10) Garden handbooks and planter Necklace/earring set Mimi’s Café Enjoy a night out with “Dinner for 2” at Mimi’s Café, Shops @ Friendly ($40) Tool Kit courtesy of Lowe’s Home Improvement ($45) Mimi Nail pedicure gift card ($15) Home Depot gift card ($25) New Garden Nursery Gift card ($50) Harris Teeter gift card ($10) Tessa Farm to Fork gift card ($50) Fresh Market ($25) and more… estimated retail value $400 BASKET #5 Let’s Ride…Kids Bike and more Trek ‘Jet Series 16’ Children’s Bicycle & Helmet This Dialed Fit Specific Design bike is cool even with the training wheels. Winner may trade in for a boys bike or correct size bicycle of the same value. Visit the store on Battleground for a correct fit. ($250) The Little Gym 1 week of Super Kids Quest Camp ($150) Toys & Co. toys ($35) Toys & Co. gift card ($25) Mad Platter ($20) Kidzone GC($15) Handmade American girl doll clothes ($18) Hops Burger Bar GC ($50) 6 Passes to Safari Nation ($60) 4 Tickets to Grasshoppers Home game ($50) and more…estimated retail value $700 BASKET #6 He Sees You Even in May: Christmas Horseshoe cross ($25) Plant Holder ($30) Woodtree Santas ($25) Snowman ($25) Wreath ($25) Kids Snowman sweatshirt ($20) Snowman Coal magnet Necklace/earring set ($18) Mimi’s Café Enjoy a night out with “Dinner for 2” at Mimi’s Café, Shops @ Friendly ($40) Big Burger Spot GC ($25) CharBar7 GC ($25) Fresh Market ($25) And more…. Estimated value $300 Mimi’s Café certificates for 5 baskets compliments of Mike Buterbaugh, Day School parent Trek Bicycle compliments of Chris & Chris Pieck, Day School parents & owners of Trek Greensboro 3 A R OU N D S T . F R A NC IS HONORING PAT'S RETIREMENT In February, 1959, Pat Copley came to St. Francis to begin her 57 years of dedicated service. She has played for countless weddings and funerals in addition to leading worship through music over all those years. She has touched all our lives in many ways. On May 16th, Pat and Kerman will be moving to Maryland to be nearer their daughter, Karen. Regretfully, Pat is retiring. On Sunday, May 8th, we will honor Pat for her years of dedicated service during the morning Worship Service at. The church is collecting a purse to present to her. To make a contribution please make your check out to St. Francis Episcopal Church and put Special Gift Fund in the memo line, due to IRS protocol these gifts are not tax deductible. Thank you for helping to honor Pat. C O N F I R M AT I O N 2016 Confirmation Class: Stephanie Louise Ger ow, Alyssa Lynn Lee, Andr ew Scott Hoskins, Benjamin Charles Lee, Michaela Cheynne Isaacs, Taylor Lee Schutt, William Cameron Johnson, Jackson Garland Smith, Kendra Gabrielle Schwitter, The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple and The Rev. Beth McKee-Huger 4 V BS AT S T . F R ANC I S St. Francis Episcopal Church presents Vacation Bible School August 1st-5th, 2016 Living Water This registration form and $20 will reserve your child’s place. Child’s name: ___________________________________________________age as of 8/1/16 ______________ Parent’s name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Street: ______________________________________City: ______________________Zip: ________________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone number(s): ____________________________________________________________________________ Allergies and/or medical conditions: _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact name and number in the event you cannot be reached: __________________________________________________________________________________ Eligible students are ages 3 through rising 5th grade. Children must be toilet trained. VBS starts at 9 am and ends at 12 pm. A peanut free snack will be supplied. Campers should dress for a mess and active play. Parents should apply sunscreen and insect repellant before VBS. Emergency Permission and Photo Release: -We hereby agree to hold harmless St. Francis Episcopal Church or anyone acting on behalf of St. Francis, from any and all liability resulting from injury to my child, _____________________, that may occur at Vacation Bible School. I authorize any agent for St. Francis Episcopal Church to admit my child for emergency medical treatment as necessary in the event that such care is needed and I cannot be immediately contacted. -We agree/disagree for our child’s likeness or work to appear in print or social media associated with St. Francis Episcopal Church. Parent signature: _________________________________________________________ We can’t do this without volunteers! You can help us during VBS by: _____ shepherding small groups of children to stations _____ serving snacks _____ arts and crafts _____ games _____ music _____ storytelling If you are not available during VBS, you can still help by: _____ sending in snacks or juice Questions? Contact Amanda Harmon at 288-4721. 5 T REASURER’ S F IRST Q UARTER R EPORT The following is a brief summary of the FIRST quarter 2016 and Year to Date Operating Financial Reports for St. Francis Episcopal Church: First Quarter ACTUAL First Quarter YTD BUDGET VARIANCE ANNUAL BUDGET Revenues $133,165 $144,175 ($11,010) $654,000 Expenses 148,816 152,212 3,396 669,927 Net Margin ($15,651) ($8,037) ($7,614) ($15,927) The operating fund’s FIRST quarter of 2016 finds the Church off to an okay start with Revenues lagging behind our budget. March was a poor revenue month, and for the Quarter we have a negative revenue variance of $11,010. Our Expenses were $3,396 below budget and good cost control continues to be exhibited. Therefore, the net margin for the quarter was ($15,651) versus a budgeted negative margin of ($8,037), yielding a negative net margin variance of over $7,614). In the Capital Fund, we have received $774,607 in revenues against our pledges (more than half way), and spent $1,225,705 yielding a deficit of ($451,969). The key expense of course is the Construction Project which is underway and nearing completion. We spent $1,039,868 on the Construction Project. We have borrowed from the Bank $489,697 to cover the shortfall. The construction project should be concluded in May. In addition, our Endowment Fund continues be managed by the Diocese and has a balance of over $57,000. Please consider a gift to the Fund as part of your Estate Planning. The Day School has a different fiscal year in order to coincide with the school year therefore; this is the completion of their 9th month of the year. Through 9 months, the School has received $121,725 in revenue and spent $121,752. Therefore the Day School has broken even for the first 9 months of their fiscal year. The Day School currently has 53 students. Please feel free to call me or e-mail me with any questions. Thank you! Dennis Barry, Treasurer 336-545-6946 6 T HE REACH… FROM THE OUTREACH COMMITTEE Thank you Saint Francis! The Outreach Committee would like to thank the Parish for its enthusiastic support of the Family Service Lenten Baby Bottle Change-ing Lives program! Your generous donations were sent to needy mothers and their children who are sheltered from domestic violence at Clara House. In addition, we were so blessed to have received hand-knitted baby blankets for Clara House from parishioner Mary Hoffler, who lives at Abbottswood and is still very committed to our Saint Francis family. Her labor of love for infants who have no fathers has been going on for many years, when she sent her blankets to the labor and delivery department at the Women’s Hospital in Greensboro. Thank you Mary, and thank you Saint Francis! Thanks to all who volunteered to collect food for the Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Food Pantry during the Spring Food Drive at Harris Teeter. Millie Ronemus reports that we collected 3800 pounds of food and over $200 in cash donations. First Sunday of the Month’s Loose Offerings In the past, the general practice as recommended by the diocese, the first Sunday of the month’s loose offerings have been directed toward the rector’s discretionary fund. In 2014 Father Michael had a large discretionary fund from parish donors and encouraged the Outreach Committee to direct the first Sunday of the month’s loose offerings to a selected ministry, as a way to educate the Parish about the many ministries we support in our community. The discretionary fund has been depleted over time, due to the many needs that cross our threshold; therefore, it is the decision of the committee to redirect those offerings back into the rector’s fund for future use at his/her discretion. Missions of Consequence Three worthy missions in Guilford County have been supported over the past two months. PEAK Adventure Ministries, an offspr ing of Hope Academy in the Glenwood neighbor hood, has star ted up to mentor middle and high school students who need direction and purpose in a faith-based program. The Journey program provides Bible study and landscape service job training for high school students who have graduated from Hope Academy. The Outreach committee has funded their efforts to purchase a work trailer and tools to help this worthy project move forward. For more information, visit their website at, or contact Britt Lassiter at (336)580-5311 to see how you can help. Reading Connections got its star t year s ago in the basement of St. Pius X Catholic Chur ch in Gr eensbor o. Now this organization provides adult literacy tutoring programs across Guilford County with the help of Outreach funds for instructional materials and supplies generated by our annual Book Sale. For more information, please visit their website at “Want to learn more about who we are and what we do? Taking a tour is a next great step. We invite you to schedule a time to visit our Greensboro or High Point office. You can meet the staff, talk to tutors, and maybe meet a student! Call Jenny Gore at 230-2223.” Sanctuary House, a nonpr ofit day center that offer s r ehabilitation and job mentor ing oppor tunities for young adults dealing with mental illness is another ministry we have supported since 2015. With recent cuts in their funding for treatment and counseling, the Outreach Committee has increased our support this year. Visit their website at To get involved, or to find out how to find care for a loved one, call Liz Theisen at (336)275-7896. For more information about how to get involved with the Outreach Committee please email Mary Flinn, chair at or contact the church office. 7 Y N OU TH EW S Mission Trips MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION TRIP Registration form and $50 deposit due ASAP! Final payment due by May 15th. Open to all rising 6th graders-completed 8th graders Cost will be $120 per student Dates are dependent on Guilford County snow days, but are currently scheduled for June 12th-15th. This will be a local mission experience! We will stay here at church and serve our community. We will need adults! Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer. HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP Registration form and $50 deposit due ASAP! Final payment due by May 22nd. Open to all rising 9th graders-graduated seniors Cost will be $250 per student We will be returning to Glory Ridge and serving in one of the poorest communities in our state. Dates are June 26th-July 2nd. We will need adults! Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer. A R OU N D S T . F R A NC IS ACS / RELAY FOR LIFE WALK / GREENSBORO / 2016 We will be walking again this year under the team name Jane Stubbs and Friends of St. Francis. The walk will be held on Friday night, May 13th starting at 6:00pm and going until 12 midnight at Western Guilford High School Track. Our team is on ACS website: click on teams and go until you find Jane Stubbs and Friends of St. Francis and click on to make a donation. If you would like to purchase luminaries, you can still go online to make donation, but send me the name of your family member or friend and note honor of or memory of by their name. I will take care of the rest. You may also mail check to me or give me a check payable to ACS/ Relay For Life. Thank you in advance for supporting this great cause. Being a 14 year cancer Survivor is truly a blessing. God Bless, Jane Stubbs, email: 4013 Ridgedale Drive, Greensboro, NC 27455, 336-209-7409 8 D AY S C H OO L Presents St Francis Day School Fundraiser Benefiting our children and their futures Come help the school earn some extra money toward supplies and essentials for the 2017 School Year! 15% of the proceeds come back into the School! May 23rd From 7 am until 9 pm Mimis Café, 3322 W. Friendly Avenue (Friendly Center) 336-852-7811 9 St. Francis Day School Little Franciscan Summer Camp 2016 It's time for Summer Camp! Don't delay reserve your spot today. See camp descriptions and registration form. Pirates and Princesses Ahoy Matey- Welcome aboard! Come sail the high seas with Captain Hook. Find buried treasure and save the Princess from the dragon. Anything is possible with enough imagination. Calling All Super Heroes It’s a bird, it’s a plane no it’s Super Max! Come be the super hero you were meant to be. Make a special cape and mask. Learn about your own unique strengthens. Dr. Seuss on the Loose Come explore all the fun of Cat and the Hat and those wacky snooty Sneetches. Maybe even convince Sam I am to try Green Eggs and Ham. Really you’ll like them! Wild Wild West Cowboys and Cowgirls saddle up! We are off to settle the Wild West. Camp is full of western fun sure to corral everyone’s interest. 10 St. Francis Day School Little Franciscan Summer Camp 2016 Child’s name: ____________________________________age as of June 1 __________ Parent’s name(s): ________________________________________________________ Street address: ___________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ Zip code: ________________ Email address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone number(s): _________________________________________________________ Allergies and/or medical conditions: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact name and number in the event you cannot be reached: ________________________________________________________________________ Please bring a tote bag with a change of clothing daily. A peanut free snack will be supplied. Campers should dress for a mess! Parents should apply sunscreen and insect repellant before coming to school. Bring a peanut free lunch in an insulated lunch bag. Eligible campers have completed a 2 year-old program. Camps are geared for rising 3’s, 4’s, Pre-K & Kindergarten and 1st graders. Camp starts at 9:00 am and ends at 1:00 pm. The cost for each camp is $125 per week. Please return this form with full payment to reserve your child’s space. A minimum of 15 children must be enrolled. _____ June 6-10 _____ June 27-July 1 _____ July 18-22 _____July 25-29 Pirates and Princesses Calling All Superheroes Dr. Seuss on the Loose Wild Wild West Aargh! Wham! Bam! Pow! Oh, the places you’ll go! Saddle up! ______ Total number of camps x $125 = $ ________ Refunds for camps requested in writing are honored up to two weeks prior to a scheduled camp less a $25 fee for each camp. In the event a camp is cancelled due to low enrollment a full refund will be made. Emergency Permission Form: We hereby agree to hold harmless St. Francis Episcopal Church and Day School or anyone acting on behalf of St. Francis, from any and all liability resulting from injury to my child, _________________________, that may occur at Little Franciscan Summer Camp. I authorize any agent for St. Francis Episcopal Church to admit my child for emergency medical treatment as necessary in the event that such care is needed and I cannot be immediately contacted. Parent signature: ______________________________________________________________ 11 ST. F R A N C I S E P I S C O PA L C H U R C H A Parish of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, Bishop Suffragan & Bishop Pro Tem The Rt. Rev. Peter Lee, Assisting Bishop P A R I S H The Rev. Milton C. Williams, Jr., Interim Rector Amanda Harmon, Director of Children's and Y outh Ministry Sam Doyle, Choir Director Jane Woody, Junior Choir Director Pat Copley, Organist Kit Hargett, Interim Day School Director S T A F F Linda Allgood, Parish Administrator Bonnie Thyer, Communications Coordinator Jack Steelman & Bo Edwards: Sextons Rigoberto Bautista, Custodian ST. FRANCIS VESTRY: Jim Cox: Senior W arden, Michelle Koehler: Junior W arden, Dennis Barry: Treasurer, Cindy Patterson: Clerk, Patrick Marshall, Brian MacKenzie, Grant Haviland, Geoff Wehe, Pat Russell, Mary Dator, Bruce Lyon, Dick Maxwell, Virginia Summerell On the web at: Phone: 336-288-4721 Fax: 336-288-4760 St. Francis Day School: 336-288-4740 ST. FRANCIS EPISCOPAL 3506 Lawndale Drive Greensboro, NC 27408 CHURCH 12
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