Aylesbury flood map


Aylesbury flood map
Your new Flood Map
Bear Brook and Upper Thame,
What is the Flood Map?
New Flood Map after August 2010
It is a guide to areas of land that are at risk of flooding
from rivers, (it does not show flooding from other
sources such as surface water).
We have a statutory responsibility for flood risk
management and defence in England and Wales and
support the planning system by providing timely
information and advice on flooding issues. Our Flood
Map helps us do this.
Being in the Flood Map does not mean your home or
business will definitely flood but we ask that you find out
more to be prepared should the worse happen.
Why has it changed?
Our previous Flood Map for your area was based on
information from a national study.
We have carried out a more detailed local study to
gather new information to improve our Flood Map.
Flood Map before August 2010
In your area approximately 240 properties have been
added to our Flood Map that were not in it previously.
There are also 2281 properties at very low risk from
flooding and will be removed from our Flood Map
Am I affected?
Check whether your property now lies within the Flood
If your property is within the dark blue outline called
‘Flooding from Rivers and the Sea’, it has a one per
cent chance of flooding in any year. If it is within the
light blue outline called ‘Extent of Extreme Flood’, it has
a 0.1 per cent chance of flooding in any year.
Our updated Flood Map will be available to view after 5
August 2010 at http://www.environmentagency.gov.uk/homeandleisure/floods/ or you can also
call our Floodline on 0845 988 1188 and speak to the
Flooding from Rivers
Extent of Extreme Flood
What should I do now?
Future work in your area
View the Flood Map
We are continually carrying out watercourse
maintenance work within Aylesbury to alleviate flood
risk in the area.
A good place to start is to find out whether you, or
anyone you know, are at risk of flooding. You can do
this by searching for ‘Flood Maps’ on our website and
entering your postcode, or by phoning our Floodline
service on 0845 988 1188.
If you have experienced flooding in this area, or have
pictures / reports that could help us, please do get in
touch via the details below.
Join Floodline Warnings Direct
If you are at risk, you can sign up for FREE flood alerts
to be sent to your landline, mobile number or email
address. This will help you take early action to reduce
the possible risk to your family, friends, pets, home and
Search for ‘Floodline Warnings Direct’ on our website,
call our External Relations team on 01491 828665, or
email them at thwest@environment-agency.gov.uk and
ask to be signed up to Floodline Warnings Direct.
When flood alerts are issued you should phone
Floodline on 0845 988 1188 to listen to local river level
information and forecasts. Floodline offers three
Option 1: listen to local flooding information:
More information?
If you are interested in finding out more about
flooding and how you can be prepared please
see the following websites:
If you would like to talk to us about us and the
work we do to manage flood risk, you can:
Email us:
enter your Quickdial number
for the River Thame enter 171115
for the streams that run through Aylesbury
enter 171119
Option 2: listen to road and travel information
Option 3: talk to an operator for further advice
Read our publications
We have produced leaflets on what to do before, during
and after a flood. These offer practical advice on what
can be done to minimise the damage caused by
flooding and restoring a home after a flood. These
leaflets can be either viewed on our website or
requested via our Floodline service on 0845 988 1188
(option 3).
Report any flooding
Finally, if you do experience flooding in the future
please tell us. You can do this by phoning our Floodline
service on 0845 988 1188 and speaking to our operator.
Visit us online:
Write to us:
External Relations, Environment Agency,
Red Kite House, Howbery Park, Crowmarsh,
Gifford, Oxon, OX10 8BD.