`five acres` at land west of poore street, wicken
`five acres` at land west of poore street, wicken
FIVE ACRES LOCAL COMMUNITY ACTION (FALCA) WARD HOMES ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT, ESSEX FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL REPORT REF. V990-01D PROJECT NO. V990 JANUARY 2015 ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT, ESSEX FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL Ardent Consulting Engineers Suite 207 One Alie Street LONDON E1 8DE Tel: 0207 680 4088 Fax: 0207 488 3736 enquiries@ardent-ce.co.uk REPORT REF. V990-01D PROJECT NO. V990 JANUARY 2015 ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 3.0 BASELINE PARAMETERS 6 Existing Site 6 4.0 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE 8 Flood Risk Assessment 8 Flood Risk Policy 10 5.0 SUMMARY 16 FIGURES Figure 1 Site’s Location Figure 2 Aerial Photograph Figure 3 Indicative Floodplain Extent Figure 4 Extent of Surface Water Flooding Figure 5 Floodwater Encroachment into Five Acre Site Figure 6 Flood Warning Areas Figure 7 Photographic Records of Recent Flooding SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D (i) ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Ardent Consulting Engineers has been instructed by Five Acres Local Community Action (FALCA), on behalf of FALCA, Arkesden Parish Council and Wicken Bonhunt Parish Meeting, to assess the flood risk implications associated with the ‘Five Acres’ site in response to Uttlesford District Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Issues and Options Consultation, which commenced on 8th December 2014, and ends on 2nd February 2015. 1.2 The site has been proposed as a ‘site with potential’ on the basis that Uttlesford Council considers that it is available and suitable for Gypsy and Traveller use. This Appraisal report outlines the serious flood risks associated with this proposed allocation, and provides evidence to demonstrate that the site is unsuitable for gypsies and travellers. 1.3 The impact of any potential flood risk has been assessed in accordance with the guidance outlined within the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Government’s web-based Planning Practice Guidance. 1.4 The NPPF was published in March 2012 by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) provides the policy advice for undertaking Flood Risk Assessments (FRA). The advice contained within the NPPF should be used in conjunction with the web-based Planning Practice Guidance. 1.5 Draft Policy HO11: Sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (from the Uttlesford Local Plan – Pre-Submission consultation) also sets out a series of criteria upon which sites should be identified. Criterion (c) states that “sites should not be located within areas at risk of flooding”. 1.6 Consultation with the Environment Agency has confirmed that the site is situated within the indicative undefended floodplain of the nearby Wicken Water, which encroaches into the site from the site’s eastern boundary. The site is located within Flood Risk Zone 3a SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 2 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 area, at a high probability of flooding. Evidence of recent flooding is provided in this document, and the floodwater encroachment conflicts with the only means of safe and dry means of access along Poore Street: View of Poore Street looking from the site to the south 1.7 This report demonstrates to Uttlesford District Council and its Statutory Consultees that the level of flood risk at ‘Five Acres’, adopting the guidelines outlined in the NPPF, is unsuitable for a gypsy and traveller site. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 3 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 2.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2.1 A flood risk appraisal has been prepared to assess the ‘Five Acres’ suitability as use for a gypsy and traveller site. 2.2 Consultation with the Environment Agency has established the ‘Five Acre’ site is at a high risk of flooding from the Wicken Water and/or surface water flooding. 2.3 Recent flooding events illustrate that the site regularly experiences extensive floodwater inundation which would maroon any occupants and place them in severe danger. The only means of safe and dry escape from the land would no longer be available: View of Poore Street looking south towards 5 Acres 2.4 Any occupants would be heavily reliant on the help and assistance of the emergency services to evacuate the area as the site would not receive any advanced warning of the impending danger. 2.5 The access and a significant part of the site is classified as a Flood Risk Zone 3 site, at a high probability of flooding. The standing- advice outlined in the Planning Practice Guidance states that gypsy SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 4 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 and traveller sites are not an appropriate form of development where the land is at a high risk of flooding. 2.6 The report concludes that the site does not comply with the guidance outlined with the National Planning Policy Framework and is therefore considered to be unsuitable for the provision of a gypsy and traveller site. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 5 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL 3.0 V990-01D JANUARY 2015 BASELINE PARAMETERS Existing Site 3.1 ‘Five Acres’ is located to the west of Poore Street, Wicken Bonhunt, Essex. It is a 2.2 hectare site, approximately 1 kilometre north- west of Wicken Bonhunt, and approximately 1.5 kilometres southeast of Arkesden, in north-west Essex (as illustrated in Figure 1 below): Figure 1: Site’s Location 3.2 The site is centred on an Ordnance Survey grid reference of 549070mE, 233400mN. 3.3 The site is currently covered by some vegetation. It is screened on its southern boundary by a screen of Leyland Cypress trees, and on its western boundary by a belt of deciduous trees, as illustrated in the aerial photograph in Figure 2 on the following page. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 6 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 SITE Figure 2: Aerial Photograph SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 7 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL 4.0 V990-01D JANUARY 2015 SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE Flood Risk Assessment 4.1 A review of the Environment Agency’s maps illustrates that the site is situated within the indicative undefended floodplain of the Wicken Water (Flood Zone 3A), as illustrated in Figure 3 below: SITE Figure 3: Extent of Indicative Floodplain 4.2 As indicated in Figure 3 above the only means of access to the site falls within the Flood Zone 3A area. 4.3 A further search of the Environment Agency’s maps confirms that the site is situated within Groundwater Source Protection Zone (Zone 3) – Total Catchment, described as “the area around a source within which all groundwater recharge is presumed to be discharged at the source. In confined aquifers, the source catchment may be displaced some distance from the source. For heavily exploited aquifers, the final Source Catchment Protection Zone can be defined as the whole aquifer recharge area where the ratio of groundwater abstraction to aquifer recharge (average recharge multiplied by outcrop area) is >0.75. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 8 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL 4.4 V990-01D JANUARY 2015 Furthermore, the site is also considered to be at risk of surface water flooding that would subject the site to significant floodwater inundation in the event of an extreme event: SITE Figure 4: Extent of Surface Water Flooding 4.5 According to the guidance outlined on the Environment Agency’s website, the land could experience a floodwater depth between 300mm to 900mm, depending on the severity of the storm. 4.6 Recent flooding has occurred at the ‘Five Acres’ site and from the photographic records taken, the floodwater extends a significant distance into the site. This photograph is compelling relevant evidence of the flood risk potential at the site and is precisely the area where consultants to the Uttlesford District Council recommend locating the pitches. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 9 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 Figure 5: Floodwater Encroachment into Five Acre Site Flood Risk Policy 4.7 The site is situated within Wicken Water’s indicative undefended floodplain. 4.8 This Appraisal has been undertaken in accordance with the policy advice set out in the NPPF and the accompanying web-based Planning Practice Guidance, with particular reference made to paragraph 19 of the Planning Practice Guidance which clearly states “the aim is to steer new development to Flood Zone 1 (areas with a low probability of river or sea flooding)”. 4.9 Paragraph 102 of the NPPF specifically states that a Flood Risk Zone 3 site should demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime (taking into account the vulnerability of its users), without increasing flood risk elsewhere and, where possible, reduce flood risk overall. 4.10 The guidance uses the concept of sequential testing and the risk based approach to flood risk and development. Development priorities are based on the specific flood risk zones outlined within Table 1 of the technical guidance. These flood risk zones have been briefly outlined below for reference: SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 10 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 Zone 1 - Low probability. Land assessed as having a less than 1 in 1,000 year annual probability of river and sea flooding (<0.1%) in any year; Zone 2 – Medium probability. Land assessed as having between a 1 in 100 and 1 in 1,000 annual probability of river flooding (1%-0.1%) and between a 1 in 200 and 1 in 1,000 annual probability of sea flooding (0.5%-0.1%) in any year; Zone 3a – High probability. Land assessed as having a 1 in 100 year or greater annual probability of river flooding (>1%) and a 1 in 200 year or greater annual probability of flooding from the sea (>0.5%) in any year; Zone 3b – Functional floodplain. Land where water has to flow or be stored in times of flood. 4.11 Paragraph 19 goes on to state “where there are no reasonably available sites in Flood Zone 1, local planning authorities in their decision making should take into account the flood risk vulnerability of land uses and consider reasonably available sites in Flood Zone 2 (areas with a medium probability of river or sea flooding), applying the Exception Test if required. Only where there are no reasonably available sites in Flood Zones 1 or 2 should the suitability of sites in Flood Zone 3 (areas with a high probability of river or sea flooding) be considered, taking into account the flood risk vulnerability of land uses and applying the Exception Test if required”. 4.12 Table 2 contained in the Planning Practice Guidance (paragraph 66) classifies schemes comprising “caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use”, to be a ‘highly vulnerable’ land-class usage, in terms of flood risk: SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 11 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL 4.13 V990-01D JANUARY 2015 Table 3: Flood risk vulnerability and flood zone ‘compatibility’ in paragraph 67 of the Planning Practice Guidance1 states that ‘highly vulnerable’ uses such as “caravans, mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use” are not appropriate and “development should not be permitted”: 1 4.14 Planning Practice Guidance Reference ID: 7-067-20140306. In the event of an extreme event where floodwaters encroach onto the site, the access with Poore Street (the only means of evacuating SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 12 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 the land), will be flooded effectively marooning the residents of the site. 4.15 The Environment Agency provides a service to provide warning alerts to inform residents of any extreme rainfall/flooding events forecast in England. However, the ‘Five Acre’ site is not covered by the Environment Agency’s ‘Flood Warning Areas’, and consequently will not receive advanced notification of any forthcoming extreme event. This will prevent residents from evacuating the premises or taking preventative measures before the floodwaters reach the site: SITE Figure 6: Flood Warning Areas 4.16 In the absence of any advanced warning that an extreme event is approaching the site, the residents will not have a safe or dry means of escape to land outside Wicken Water’s floodplain. 4.17 Should the site experience an extreme event and any route to safety is no longer available, the occupants will be heavily reliant upon the emergency services, to assist in evacuating the site and reaching safety. 4.18 Further evidence of the flood risk associated with the ‘Five Acre’ is shown from the recent events that caused this area to flood SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 13 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 recently, and highlights the real risk any occupants would be exposed to: Site to right of entrance Site entrance SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 14 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 View of Poore Street looking south towards 5 Acres. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 15 - ‘FIVE ACRES’ AT LAND WEST OF POORE STREET, WICKEN BONHUNT FLOOD RISK APPRAISAL V990-01D JANUARY 2015 5.0 SUMMARY 5.1 In view of this appraisal’s findings, the following should be carefully considered: - The access and a significant part of the site is classified as a Flood Risk Zone 3 site, at a high probability of flooding; - The standing-advice outlined in the Planning Practice Guidance states that “mobile homes and park homes intended for permanent residential use” are not deemed to be appropriate and therefore “development should not be permitted”. - Uttlesford District Council should apply the ‘Sequential Test’ to identify alternative sites which are at less risk of flooding; - The site will be subjected to both fluvial and surface water flooding; - Residents of the proposed gypsy/traveller site will not receive any advanced warning of an impending extreme flood event approaching the site; - No safe or dry means of escape will be available to the residents once the floodwater reaches the site; and - Residents will be reliant upon the assistance of the emergency services to evacuate the site. 5.2 In view of the evidence presented in this report, there is a serious risk of flooding to the site on a regular basis and the proposed allocation of the ‘Five Acre’ site is wholly inappropriate in this particular location. SJB/slh17288/V990/Reports/V990-01D - 16 -