Read the Complete Newsletter


Read the Complete Newsletter
Safety Milestone
Heroic Effort
The Most Trusted
How Do We Know
We’re the Best...
Emergencies, Post
A S S O C I A T E S ,
I N C .
2 0 1 0
Safety Milestone Reached
Safety Milestone Reached by U.S. Security Associates at Baytown, TX
On September 24, 2010, USA Security Personnel working at the ExxonMobil Baytown Complex
reached 8 years & 1.7 million Safe Hours worked without a recordable injury.
This effort was celebrated on October 13, 2010 at the site, with ExxonMobil and USA management
Orders & Poetry
Officer Appreciation
Got Shrink???
USA’s Academy
Certifies OSHA Class
U . S .
Safety & Training Team Denise Lindsey and Chirona Lewis lead the safety program for this site
that has a base operation averaging 120 officers and 4900 hours per week. They coordinate safety
& training, track compliance with client safety programs, and investigate and manage safety incidents.
During the celebration Officers received individual certificates recognizing their part in this Safety
Success and individual flashlights to help “light the way to safety”. Five Officers were the lucky
recipients of the door prize of “one paid day off”.
Welcome New Clients 8
ASIS Support
Experience Counts
Announcements /
Denise Lindsey, Henrietta Robinson of USA
Denise Lindsey, Kristen Bowie,
Erik Appel of USA
Denise Lindsey, Billie Jo
Long, Leroy James of
Site Manager Rick Hassell gives credit
for the success to each individual officer
being focused on “working safely” and
“watching out for each other”. We are
“ONE TEAM” in Safety and Security.
We look for success in completing each
individual task – safely and correctly.
Denise Lindsey, Brenda
Delasbour, Lance Lowenstein
of USA
NOTE: USA recently assumed the security operation at
ExxonMobil Baytown with the acquisition of Day &
Zimmermann Security Services.
Denise Lindsey, Latoya
Clarke, Erik Appel of USA
A woman in St. Johns County suffered only minor injuries despite a fiery crash on Interstate 95 near Hastings on Tuesday evening. Benita Worley, 46, spoke Wednesday night
about the terrifying moments.
Heroic Effort
The crash happened about 5:30 p.m. on the southbound side just south of State Road 206.
Troopers said one of the tires on Worley's SUV separated, flipping the SUV into the
woods off the highway.
Worley was able to get out of the SUV before it burst into flames.
"I've got some lacerations on my head," Worley said Wednesday night. "I was picking
glass out just a few minutes ago."
Worley was taken to Flagler Hospital. Paramedics told her it was amazing that she got
away with only a few cuts, considering how severe the crash was. Worley said everything happened fast.
“I will truly never forget this day.”
Scott Clement
Branch Manager 172
Jacksonville, FL
"Just driving home -- all of a sudden it started shaking and popped; the truck started swerving," she said. Worley said she had a
new tire put on the Ford Explorer on Saturday. Tuesday was the first time she had driven her car since she got the new tire. Worley said she doesn't know how the crash happened but she does know her seat belt saved her life.
"I'm positive it saved my life, absolutely convinced of that," Worley said. "I would like to thank all the police officers, fire fighters and paramedics, and thank God I'm still here."
U.S. Security Associates employee Scott Clemet was heading south on I95 and observed the overturned vehicle. Without hesitation, Scott stopped his vehicle and assisted others pulling Benita Worley from the burning vehicle.
-ST. Johns County, FL
Story derived from
“On 10/5/10 at 1532 hrs. a call was received on the MedImmune in-house emergency
line, for a MedImmune employee needing medical assistance. Tim Hayden our
USA project manager responded to the scene where the employee was seated in her
chair at her workstation. Tim quickly assisted USA supervisor Paul Holmes in checking the vitals of the employee and accessing the situation. The employee showed no
signs of breathing or a pulse.
Tim Hayden (Project manager) on left and
Paul Holmes (Supervisor) right who
responded to provide quick treatment and
scene control during this emotional
During this time, MedImmune safety manager Jack Follweiler and MedImmune Security Manager Brooks Cucuel were notified. Officers moved the employee to a
nearby office area to begin administering CPR and the assistance of an AED. Montgomery County EMS responded and took over at the scene. The employee unfortunately did not respond to the quick life safety assistance provided by our team and
the local EMS.
The next day, MedImmune provided services of counseling to its employees and also
extended those services to our officers.
Many thanks to our team and the staff at MedImmune for working together to provide continued the
Life Safety and protection to this client and it’s valued employees.”
Marco Miranda Sr.
Branch Manager 501
Baltimore, MD
How do we know we’re the best...
Thought you’d like
to hear some good
news today. I
wanted to tell you
what a great job
Officer Sophia
Pace at the front
gate did for me
today, helping me
track down a
package that
contained my
replacement cell
She watched out for the
package, emailed me as
soon as it came and
made sure it was
delivered back to the
front gate for me to pick
She was very nice and
thoroughly competent,
two things usually in
short supply at security
Kudos to you and your
Marty Gould
Fort Lauderdale , FL
I want to commend your
morning shift officer (07001500), Jack Debord.
On Saturday, 16 Oct 2010,
he was notified by residents
about a young girl that was
by herself at the Turnberry
early morning. Some neighbors recognized the girl as
living at Paradise Pond and
that she is autistic.. They
called Mobile directly and
he responded. Jack knew
the girl, around 9 or 10 and
knew her home address. He
asked the residents to stay
with the girl and went to her
home. He had difficulty in
waking up anyone in the
house, but finally her two
sisters, one around 19, came
to the door. They did not
know the little girl had gotten out and her parents were
not home. Jack went back
and got the little girl and
returned her to her
home. She was barefooted,
part of her PJs off and very
quickly and professionally.
He may have saved the little
girl's life.
Mike Talbert
Turnberry Board Member
Branch 172
Jacksonville, FL
He contacted Capt Lloyd
for advise but reacted
On October 5, 2010, security officer Stephen Ladenhauf was working the security gatehouse at The Springs in Purchase, NY. A driver approached the gatehouse and told Officer Ladenhauf that he worked for Con Ed and was going to perform work on the property and requested access into the property.
Officer Ladenhauf asked the alleged Con Ed employee if he had a Con Ed identification
card. The person told Officer Ladenhauf that he did not have any ID on him but that he
needs access into the property to get his job done. Officer Ladenhauf contacted the client to double check to see if there was any expected work to be done by Con Ed before
he turns away the person and the client informed Officer Ladenhauf that there was no
worked expected to be done on the property by Con Ed.
Officer Ladenhauf informed the alleged Con Ed employee that he was not authorized to
be on the property and he need to leave the property. The person drove away from The
Springs and this is a perfect situation of a security officer performing their job the right
way. Officer Ladenhauf is an excellent employee for U.S. Security Associates and provides our client with great service.
-Branch 513-White Plains, NY
Our Clients tell us!
Dear Officer Robert Morgan.
efits greatly from your work to make our school
great! You are always kind, courteous, and helpful.
Congratulations on being selected as the
These are just a few traits that caused the students
Support Person of the Month for October! in FTA 10 elect you as the Support Person for October.
The members of Future Teachers of
America are proud of your hard work here Congratulations!
at Enka High School. Thanks so much for Enka High School Future Teachers of America
all that you do to help our students sucAsheville, NC
ceed. Everyone at Enka High School ben- Branch 042
How do we know we’re the best...
"We would like to express our personal and professional recognition for Security Officer Kevin
Jones. Kevin has remained a key part of the security program at Perdue's Corporate Headquarters and
its sole, long-term consistent performer for the last several years.
His performance over that time has been exemplary and he has earned the respect of his co-workers,
the entire Perdue team as well as our most senior-level managers. He has often worked extra shifts
and extended his own shift to insure his post, and others, were adequately staffed. Kevin has continually balanced his allegiance to US Security Associates and Perdue, always protecting the needs of
both and attempting to bridge any gaps when they may occur.
Kevin has gained the trust of our most senior-level managers through
his consistent performance and handling of disgruntled visitors and
callers. His calm demeanor during stressful interactions with those that
are angry with Perdue and/or Jim Perdue has proven to be invaluable.
We look forward to Kevin's ongoing support of the security program.
We hope he remains a key part of our security team here at Perdue for
many years."
James A. Perdue
Officer Kevin Jones (L) Client Susan Miles (R)
Kort Dickson
Director Corporate Security
Salisbury, MD
Branch 537 Baltimore, MD
Verizon would like to recognize Donnie Musgrove for his leadership, organizational skills and vision for change. Upon his
arrival, the security team has adopted a new attitude and organizational culture at Norcross, which has lead to accommodating
and more resourceful security officers. Mr. Musgrove has transformed the Norcross Premium Data Center into a securefriendly atmosphere. The extraordinary professionalism and progressive security measures are a reflection of his dedication and
commitment to the Norcross Verizon security team.
Mr. Musgrove leads by example with his laughter and intelligence that seems to last throughout the day. This appreciation and
concern for Verizon and their customers has been well noted. The enthusiasm being expressed through the security team has
changed the interactions and improved relations among all Verizon stakeholders here at Norcross. Mr. Musgrove provides excellent customer service and has been an inspiration to us all. His knowledge base goes well beyond his role in security and has
overlap into being that first smile of the day. This simple act of kindness embraces the spirit of Verizon and its ability to deliver
exceptional customer service. Once more, Verizon would like to salute Donnie Musgrove on his commitment to the security
team at Norcross on a job well done.
Rodney Wilson
Security Administrator
VSO - Norcross, GA
Branch 190
Our Clients tell us!
How do we know we’re the best...
"At 0043, on June 06, 2010,
while performing his duties as
Central Monitoring Attendant at
the Security Operations Center,
Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Morgantown, WV, Associate Booth
distinguished himself while coordinating the response of the
Morgantown Police Department
and Mylan Corporate Security
to the Morgantown Airport after
being notified of four males who
had entered onto the airports
property by forcibly manipulating a gate to the facility.
Associate Booth quickly notified
the Morgantown Police Department and Mylan Corporate Security, providing the essential details
in order for them to respond to
the Airport with the necessary
information for an efficient response.
mation to the responding personnel which
enabled the police to locate and arrest the
four suspects.
Associate Booth’s calm demeanor, professionalism, and dedication to his job were
instrumental in this incident coming to a
successful conclusion. His actions reflect
great credit upon himself and United States
After the initial response was initi- Security Associates."
ated, Associate Booth remained
on the phone with the Police De- John Humberston
partment, radio contact with CorMylan Corporate Security
porate Security, and monitored
the security system to provide up Morgantown, WV
Branch 406
to the date and accurate infor-
Officer Davina Galloway,
It gives me great pleasure to recognize an employee that has demonstrated excellent
powers of observation and due diligence in the performance of their duties.
On September 19, 2010, while you were on duty at the K-Mart
Command Center, you observed an employee on camera behaving in a suspicious manner. Rather than discounting these observations as nothing important, you were persistent and continued
to monitor the employee’s activities. Your sense of something
wasn’t right paid off when you finally observed the employee concealing merchandise for removal from the property. Your followup with this information prevented a theft and provided evidence
that resulted in the dismissal of the employee.
Both K-Mart management and US Security Associates management applaud you for your keen observations and fulfillment of
your responsibility as a loss prevention security officer.
You have set an example for all other security officers to follow.
Congratulations and Thank you.
Stephen W. Claybourn
District Manager 825
Greensboro, NC
Our Clients tell us!
Captain Phillip Coltraine – Site Supervisor
Wilhelmina Timmons – K Mart Loss Prevention Mgr.
Officer Davina Galloway
Stephen Claybourn – Branch Manager 825
Donald Reid – Operations Manger Branch 825
Emergencies, Post Orders and…Poetry
Doctors Medical Center has a great staff and crew,
Providing great service with all that they do,
From emergencies to baby deliveries and even volunteers as well,
With their pride and smiles you can easily tell,
Their hard work and determination is appreciated by all,
Whether their task at hand is big or small,
Providing security on each and every floor,
To secure the safety of patients and staff who enter the door,
Patrolling the parking lots and locking up buildings too,
Assistance and protection is what we are here to do,
Writing reports and documenting what happens throughout the day,
Getting the helipad ready for a helicopter on its way,
The many procedures and rules to know,
The steps taken to help this hospital grow,
Lending a helping hand or patrolling the grounds,
Lifting peoples spirits when they are feeling down,
The many caring employees where ever you go,
Greetings with a smile or a simple hello,
So if a growing future is what you see,
Then DMC is definitely the place to be.
by Security Officer Juliana Lok ( 206 Stockton, CA) for USA Client: Doctors Medical Center
Officer Appreciation in San Jose, CA
Officer Gurmit Singh and Beth
Ann Zuvella, Principal at Stratford School San Anselmo
Officer Luis Diaz and Aaron Schiffner, Principal at Challenger School Sunnyvale.
Officer Sam Jefferson, Sherrie Paregian (L)
Principal of Stratford School-Palo Alto, Zhila Larijania (R) Pre-School Principal at Stratford School-Palo Alto
Got Shrink???
On Friday October 15, 2010, LPA (Under Cover Agent) working at Store# 523 observed a female suspect with 2 Cal-King
Comforter sets in her basket, selecting a large amount of
women’s and children’s clothing. The LPA continued to observe the suspect after initial contact. The suspect then
walked to Women’s Dresses and placed her basket in the rack
to conceal her actions and began cutting off the EAS Hard
Tags with a pair of wire cutters.
The suspect then removed part of the contents of the comforter sets and began to stuff the merchandise she had
removed the EAS Tags from into the Comforter Bags. The LPA maintained constant observation of the actions
and proceeded to follow the suspect to the registers. The suspect then purchased the Comforter Sets and proceeded to exit the building. Once the suspect passed the last point of purchase the LPA apprehended her and
brought her back into the store and to the manager’s office. The LPA removed all the merchandise from the comforters and got a total of $1155 (One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Five Dollars) in merchandise that was being stolen from the store.
Police were called and arrived at the store. During the Police questioning, the suspect admitted to being a part of
a Organized Retail Crime Group that had come into Store# 523 a few Fridays in the past. The police are currently
investigating this information. I have asked the LPA to continue to work Store# 523 to ensure none of the other
group members return.
We all need to be on the look out for this type of activity and alert all associates on this type of scenario and what
to look out for. This type of theft can easily be detected and prevented by ensuring ALL Associates are Walking/
Observing the Shortage Highway at ALL Times and SPS Attentiveness. Please make sure we share this Success
Story with ALL Associates and have them heighten their awareness so we can eliminate this type of Theft.
Thank you for your continued Support on Reducing Shrink!!
Robert Duran
Area Loss Prevention Manager
Central Coastal California
*The Loss Prevention Associate’s (LPA) name has been removed for confidential reasons.
OSHA Certified
US Security Associates Security Academy would like to recognize
the Black and Decker Security Team from Charlotte, NC. They
are the first USA Security Officers to complete the live 10-hour
Occupational Safety and Health Administration course and receive
their 10-Hour OSHA certification.
The team consists of Mary Acy, Matt Lail, Misbawu Dauda, Stephanie Perry and Willie
The 10-hour OSHA program is intended to provide a variety of instruction on general
industry safety and health standards to entry level workers. Subjects covered in the 10
-hour OSHA class are Introduction to OSHA, Walking and Working Surfaces, Egress
and Fire Protection, Electrical, Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Personal and Protective Equipment, Machine Guarding, Bloodborne Pathogens, Hazard Communications and Lockout Tagout.
Congratulations Branch 043, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Welcome New Clients
Behind the Scenes in Dallas
The American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) held their annual trade show
in The Dallas Convention Center on October 12-14, 2010. This show has always
proven to be an excellent forum for interacting with our National Account clients,
meeting new prospects and getting insights on what our competitors are doing. The Southwest Business Unit’s Dallas Branch, led by Regional Manager Brian
Lumby, did an outstanding job hosting this event and providing logistics & shuttle
service for our employees, clients and prospects attending the show. We would
like to thank the following individuals personally for their hard work, dedication
and commitment in executing a flawless plan:
Brian Lumby
Anthony Anderson
William Petty
Bill Shirley
Carter Livingston
Trevor Rasmussen
Allen Gilman
Steve Bowman
Lorraine Longoria
Here’s to the Dallas Branch for a job very well done! Orlando will be host in 2011!
Experience Counts!
5+ Years of Service
Experience is important in any job, but never more important than
Kinman, Ralph G.
Charles, MargieA.
Cumming, Judy M.
Rabon, Carol S.
McGilvary, Princess L.
Lumby, Brian J.
Torres, David S.
I am proud to say that last year alone, we recognized 1,900 Associates for
Mellnick, Laura B.
five or more years of service. This strong experience base is an important rea-
Townsend, Desmond K.
son why the U.S. Security Associates team is the “best in the business.”
Hartin, David
Behne, Thomas C.
Rykowski, Peter R.
in the security business. Not only does experience help us to perform our
daily responsibilities better, it really counts when “the chips are down” and
we must react to a fire, forced entry or other emergency at a client site. Our
clients recognize this and love to see the same security officers, supervisors
and branch office representatives on their site year-after-year.
Fortunately, we have a great deal of experience within the company.
Officer Larry Ganton with client Tatiana
Harper, Head Master at Challenger
School - San Jose, CA
10+ Years of Service
Hendricks, Everton P.
Tapia Sr, Fernando J.
Stecker, James S.
Vinson, Shelby C.
Oringer, Kenneth W.
Schneider, Charles R.
Large, Cory L.
Isales, Juan E.
Frieson, Tamela R.
Anderson, Richard A.
Smith, Robert L.
Haider, Sayed Karim
McDaniels, Glenda D.
Harrell, Mary L.
Blanton, Lori N
U.S. Security Associates, Inc. (USA)
engineers high-value security solutions for over 3,400 clients
U.S. Security Associates., Inc.
200 Mansell Ct. E Suite 500
Roswell, Georgia 30076
Phone: 770.625.1500
The Most Trusted Security Company in
the Business.
throughout the country. As one of the nation’s largest
uniformed guard service providers, we attribute our success
to continually investing in security program design and support, offering above-average security officer wages, providing
superior background screening, training and supervision, and
the most responsive customer service in the industry.
Tell Us!
Please send all comments, suggestions, notable events,
recommendations, accolades etc to: