Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Meeting Agenda Monday, November 17, 2014 6:30 PM 2nd Floor Conference Room Policy Work Session Mayor Bucky Johnson Mayor Pro Tem Keith Shewbert Council Member Craig Newton Council Member Andrew Hixson Council Member David McLeroy Council Member Charlie Riehm Policy Work Session Meeting Agenda November 17, 2014 ROLL CALL Citizen Input General Updates *Sustainable Norcross - M. Middleton *PIB/Holcomb Bridge Monument Sign - J. Davis Council - General Discussion Board Appointments PH. 14-3965 Rezoning Case #RZ2014-0002 and RZ2014-0003 from RM-100 (Residential Multifamily) to R-65 (Residential Single Familiy) Attachments: REZ2014-0002 staff report M&C Rezoning Case # REZ2014-0002 & 0003 for 509-519 Holcomb Bridge Road Norcross, GA 30071. Request by Rick Cheek to rezone two existing R-100 lots to R-65 for the purpose of developing three new lots with single family homes on the property. PH. 14-3967 Special Use Permit - SUP2014-0002 - Request to Operate a Retail Store and Pawn Shop Attachments: Staff Report SUP2014-0002MC.pdf Special Use Permit SUP2014-0002 for 2055 Beaver Ruin Road, Suite A Indian Village Shopping Center Norcross, GA 30071. Request by R. Neal Castleberry, BDP2 Management, LLC, for a Special Use Permit to operate a retail store and pawn shop. 1. 14-3942 Georgia Tech Immigrant Integration Project Discussion Attachments: Immigrant Communities in Norcross Presentation Proposal Discussion of possilbe partnership with Georgia Tech to launch the Immigrant Integration Project which is a detailed analysis of new immigrant communities, strategies for outreach, activation of civic engagement and local leaders, and identification of opportunities for furthering economic development efforts. City of Norcross Page 2 Printed on 11/12/2014 Policy Work Session 2. 14-3944 Meeting Agenda November 17, 2014 Proposed Partnership with United Norcross Soccer Academy and Use of Summerour Field Attachments: Norcross Soccer Academy Concession Building Layout Concession Building Basement Layout Discussion on soccer field at the site next to Summerour MS and building a Concession Stand, Bathroom and Storage Facility. 3. 14-3970 Regulate Discharge of Firearms in the City Limits Attachments: ORDINANCE 10-2014 to Regulate Discharge of Firearms in City Limits.pdf The Norcross Code of Ordinances currently does not prohibit the discharge of weapons within the city limits. Mayor and Council desires to implement a new ordinance which replace the previously submitted ordinance submitted on September 15, 2014. 4. 14-3948 Appointment of Retained Professionals Attachments: Retained Professionals.pdf Pursuant to the requirements of the City Charter, the Mayor and Council are required to fill by appointment City Attorney, City Auditor and Chief Judge, Associate Judge and Solicitor for year 2015. 5. 14-3958 Stand By A-E (Architects - Engineers) Service Providers List Attachments: smith_MEMO_14-11-03 An advertisement soliciting qualifications and fees for A-E stand by services was sent out in 2014 for the three year term of 2015 -2017. 8 categories of service were identified. Responders were asked to identify categories of service for which they wished to be considered. 60 firms replied and 16 were selected and presented for approval. 6. 14-3969 Budget Amendment Request for IT Technology Fund 217 Attachments: Memo - G. Cothran.pdf Budget Amendment IT Technology Fund.pdf A budget amendment has been requested for IT fund 217, in the amount of $52,435. This shortfall is due to new required software and equipment not previously budgeted for FY2014 and 2015. City of Norcross Page 3 Printed on 11/12/2014 Policy Work Session 7. 14-3966 Meeting Agenda November 17, 2014 Change in Alcohol Ordinance to Provide for Growler Store(s) Attachments: Memo - Councilman Riehm.pdf Flowery branch ord There is a continuing interest by both businesses and consumers to allow a Growler store to open and operate in the downtown area. The ordinance currently allows grocery stores and others to sell packaged beer, but some small changes are needed to allow Growler stores to do so in their containers. The DDA Board supports this proposed change. 8. 14-3963 Towing Vehicles for Sale in Restricted Locations Attachments: ORDINANCE 11-2014 To Prohibit Curbstoning.pdf The proposed ordinance regulates the displaying or parking of used motor vehicles on property for the purposes of selling or advertising sale of vehicles. Whereas, the current ordinance regulates the advertisement for sale of motor vehicles only. 9. 14-3964 DDA/City IGA for Management of Park Properties Attachments: DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.pdf An IGA between the City and DDA to jointly manage and develop strategies for the revitalization and redevelopment designated properties on Buford Hwy and Holcomb Bridge. 10. 14-3941 Library Concept Plans Attachments: Library Concept Plans Site Concept Plans for the Proposed Norcross Library was tabled to the November 17, 2014, Policy meeting for furhter discussion. 11. 14-3968 Parking Deck Design Attachments: Small Forsite Library Parking Deck.pdf The Forsite Group presented concept plans for the parking deck and library site on July 22, 2013. These are the most current plans as of that meeting. Adjourn to Executive Session for Personnel, Real Estate or Legal Signed by: ___________________________________ Mayor Bucky Johnson Attest: _________________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk City of Norcross Page 4 Printed on 11/12/2014 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3965 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/10/2014 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Rezoning Case #RZ2014-0002 and RZ2014-0003 from RM-100 (Residential Multifamily) to R-65 (Residential Single Familiy) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date REZ2014-0002 staff report M&C Ver. Action By Action Result Title Rezoning Case #RZ2014-0002 and RZ2014-0003 from RM-100 (Residential Multifamily) to R-65 (Residential Single Familiy) Drafter Jon Davis City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ REZ2014-0002/0003 Action Rezoning Request R100 to R65 Property Location 509-519 Holcomb Bridge Road Petitioner Rick Cheek 5700 Lob court Norcross, GA 30092 Petitioner’s Request Rezoning from R-100 to R-65 Single Family Detached Residential Vicinity Map PROJECT SITE The subject parcel (6254 307-6254 320) is located on Holcomb Bridge Road across from the intersection with Queens Court. The applicant is proposing the development of three R-65 single family building lots with the construction of three new homes. City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 1 Zoning The existing zoning for the subject parcel (6254 307-6254 320) is R-100. The adjacent parcels are zoned R-100, R-75, and OI. The site is currently being utilized for two rental properties. PROJECT LOCATION In accordance with section 115-316, referencing procedures in section 115-310 and 115-311 in the zoning ordinance, this rezoning request requires a public hearing. The rezoning application initially requires review and recommendation for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board. All public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the Georgia Open Meetings Law (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1 et seq.). Site Analysis The parcel indicated on the map above, outlined in red, is zoned R-100 and has two existing rental properties with a shared drive. The adjacent properties on the same block are in a variety of zones. The immediately adjacent lot on the west is zoned OI. The residential lots on the east are R-100 and on the south the lots are R-75. The two structures that exist on the site are rental properties constructed in 1983. They have a shared drive off of Holcomb Bridge and are located on high ground above two blue line streams. The streams are subject to buffering as waters of the state and as such require a 25’ state buffer which is to be undisturbed and an additional city buffer City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 2 that is 25’ undisturbed and 25’ where no impervious surface is allowed. There is a requirement for a Stream Buffer Variance for site disturbance as a part of this application. The site plan provided by the applicant shows the removal of the existing driveway which is running through both of the city required buffers and is paralleling the required State buffer. The new plan places the bulk of the driveway in the in the outside 25 foot City buffer. The balance of the development is located outside the stream buffers. The Applicant is proposing the re-subdivision of the property into three single family lots under the R-65 zoning. The homes are proposed for the high ridgeline which runs through the center of the property. The access to the homes will be through a shared driveway with cross access easements. This plan will minimize the driveway cuts from three to one on the Holcomb Bridge frontage. The proposed site plan and examples of proposed homes are below. City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 3 City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 4 Staff Recommendation The applicant is requesting the approval of the request for rezoning to R-65. While R65 is a departure from the single family areas around the site this location encompasses a total area of 51,725 sf with a proposed average lot size of 17,241 sf which places the proposed development in the same density category as R-100. The relocation of the driveway as shown greatly reduces the impacts to the stream as compared to the existing condition. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The project shall be developed in accordance with the site plan by Georgia Civil dated 10/02/2014. 2. The Developer will comply with the requirements of the City’s site development ordinances. 3. The Developer will construct the new drive utilizing pervious paving material as a condition of approval. 4. The proposed homes shall be consistent with the Architectural and Site Design Standards of the City of Norcross 5. Prior to any construction on the site the Developer shall provide architectural plans for the homes and complete site development plans including: a- The location of the proposed structures, driveways, patios and other site features. b- The grading and drainage, tree preservation, tree protection and landscape plan for the proposed home sites. c- Complete utility service plans for the lots showing plan and profiles of the service pipes as needed. 6. The applicant shall coordinate all needed approvals with Gwinnett County Fire Marshal and Water & Sewer prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 7. A final plat of the project will be completed prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 5 (This request was passed by the Planning & Zoning Board with the s Staff recommened conditions by a vote of 4-0) City of Norcross Mayor & Council – November 17, 2014. Page 6 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3967 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/11/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Special Use Permit - SUP2014-0002 - Request to Operate a Retail Store and Pawn Shop Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Staff Report SUP2014-0002MC.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Special Use Permit - SUP2014-0002 - Request to Operate a Retail Store and Pawn Shop Drafter Jon Davis City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ SUP2014-0002 Action Special Use Permit Property Location 2055 Beaver Ruin Rd., Suite A Norcross, GA 30071 Petitioner R. Neal Castleberry BDP2 Management, LLC 5333 Bells Ferry Rd., Suite 202 Acworth, GA 30102 Petitioner’s Request Operation of a Retail Store/Pawn Shop Vicinity Map SITE OF SUP2014-0002 The subject parcel (6213 009) is within the Indian Village Shopping Center. The center contains a mixture of uses including restaurants, professional offices and the new Tiny City of Norcross Mayor & Council Meeting – Nov. 17, 2014. Page 1 Town facility. The center is a typical one story brick building with a pedestrian arcade with outlot uses. Zoning The site is located on the southeast corner of the intersection of Indian Trail and Beaver Ruin. The property is zoned C-2 General Business. This district is intended to provide spaces in appropriate locations along major roads for commercial uses. The use of property within this district for a Pawn Shop requires the issuance of a Special Use Permit. Furthermore, in accordance with section 115-316, referencing procedures in section 115-310 and 115-311 in the zoning ordinance, this special use request requires a public hearing. The Special Use Permit initially requires review and recommendation for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board. All public hearings shall be conducted in accordance with the Georgia Open Meetings Law (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1 et seq.). Analysis The applicant BDP2 Management, LLC DBA Big Deal Pawn states in the letter of intent the proposed use is for a Pawn Shop and Retail Store. The applicant also states that they will accept general merchandise for pawn or to sell. They also indicate that they will be stocking general merchandise for sale. While A Pawn Shop is a permitted use with the issuance of a Special Use Permit there are concerns about the juxtaposition of the Pawn Shop use with the new Tiny Town facility. Tiny Town caters to children and families and the business represents a major investment in the center which could be a precursor to additional commercial and professional uses that would serve a family oriented market. The inclusion of a Pawn Shop in the mix may be an issue for further improvement in the center along those lines. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that if the Planning & Zoning Board wishes to approve this Special Use Permit Application for the use of a Pawn Shop the following conditions should be applied: 1. The Special Use Permit is only approved for the use of a business operating as a pawn shop and general merchandise sales company. 2. This Special Use Permit is issued on behalf of BDP2 Management, LLC, dba Big Deal Pawn & Shop., and exists exclusively for the use/occupancy of that applicant, and expires upon the vacancy of the tenant by BDP2 Management, LLC 3. No additional businesses may be operated in the suite except the use proposed by the applicant. 4. Applicant shall follow established procedures for obtaining a business license. 5. The applicant shall apply for a Building Permit if construction is proposed. City of Norcross Mayor & Council Meeting – Nov. 17, 2014. Page 2 6. The Applicant shall fulfill all the conditions of Chapter 8, Article VII. Pawnbrokers in the Norcross Code of Ordinances prior to being issued any business license to operate within the city. 7. City of Norcross’s Code Enforcement shall routinely inspect the site checking for compliance with the recommended conditions. 8- The Applicant shall abide by regulations regarding outdoor sales and retail activity as noted in Chapter 8, Article 9, Norcross Code of Ordinances. 9- The Applicant shall abide by the sign regulations as noted in Chapter 115, Article VI- Signs (Conditions 8 and 9 above were added by the Planning and Zoning Board as part of there approval. Vote was 4-0) City of Norcross Mayor & Council Meeting – Nov. 17, 2014. Page 3 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3942 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Tabled in Council File created: 10/13/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Georgia Tech Immigrant Integration Project Discussion Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Immigrant Communities in Norcross Presentation Proposal Date Ver. Action By 11/3/2014 1 Mayor and Council 11/3/2014 1 Work Session 10/20/2014 1 Policy Work Session Action Result Referred to the Title Georgia Tech Immigrant Integration Project Discussion Drafter Mayor Bucky Johnson City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ PROJECT PROPOSAL: Planning with Immigrant Communities in Norcross Dr. Anna Joo Kim Georgia Institute of Technology School of City and Regional Planning College of Architecture Sponsors: City of Norcross, Gwinnett Village CID, and the Georgia Tech Foundation. Total Population Change by County for Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA 2000-2010 Anna Kim, Georgia Tech Information NOT for Public Distribution RE: NORCROSS CITY COUNCIL Immigrant Integration Proposal Source: ARC Regional Snapshot, Nov/Dec 2011 (Census 2010) Anna Kim, Georgia Tech Anna Kim, Georgia Tech Anna Kim, Georgia Tech Popula4on Quick Facts Aggregated for 2008-‐2012 Georgia Norcross Non Hispanic White 56% 27% African American 31% 20% Asian 3% 13% Hispanic or La4no 8.8% 40% Foreign Born 10% 47% Language other than English spoken at home 13% 63% High School Grad 84% 71% Areas of improvement: Immigrant integration, voter participation, linguistic isolation, educational attainment Economic Quick Facts Aggregated for 2008-‐2012 Georgia Norcross Homeownership rate 66% 52% Median Income $49k $42k Poverty 17% 31% Economic Census 2007 Georgia Norcross Black-‐owned firms 20% 14% Asian-‐owned firms 5.1% 22% Hispanic-‐owned firms 3.6% 9.7% Retail sales per capita $12,326 $71,800 Areas of improvement: housing, distance to jobs, poverty, small business and large business growth. Economic Development Opportunities • Focus on Retail/Commercial Plazas along Jimmy Carter Blvd: Centro, Global Mall, Hong Kong Supermarket, Merchant Square • Employment and Economic Development Opportunities, including support for ethnic entrepreneurs and small businesses owners • Focus on Manufacturing and Industrial Uses along Peachtree Industrial Blvd (inc Atlantic) and Beaver Ruin Rd. • Business growth, Employment, Transit and Jobs Analysis and projections. • Collaboration with Ethnic Chambers of Commerce Partnerships and Economic Development Opportunities (Unincorporated Norcross and Gwinnett County) Market Place Shopping Center City Hall Centro Shopping Anna Kim, Georgia Tech Global Mall HongKong Supermarket Target Corridor and Potential Commercial/Cultural Target Areas Merchants Square / Smoketree Plaza Civic Engagement Opportunities • Residential study of needs and preferences: Latino, Asian focus • Partner with Latino and Asian serving organizations: CPACs, AALAC, VAC, Georgia Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights • Housing and Education Needs Assessment • Recommendations for Norcross and Gwinnett County: SWOT Report • Unincorporated Norcross analysis / Regional Implications: CID partner Partnerships and Economic Development Opportunities (Unincorporated Norcross and Gwinnett County) Distribution by race/ethnic group in Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA: 2010 Source: ARC Regional Snapshot, Nov/Dec 2011 (Census 2010) Diversity Index for Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA: 2010 Source: ARC Regional Snapshot, Nov/Dec 2011 (Census 2010) PROJECT TITLE: Planning with Immigrant Communities in Norcross POTENTIAL PROJECT PARTNERS: Mayor Bucky Johnson; City of Norcross City Council; Gwinnett Village CID; Georgia Tech Foundation (includes matching funds). LAY OF THE LAND: In the last thirty years, the Atlanta metropolitan’s immigrant population has increased by 425%. Regionally, and nationally, the image of a city that embraces its immigrant communities is very important, and it is time to seek a more integrated scale of planning for immigrant communities. Norcross is at the nexus of new immigration in Georgia, as it has expanded post initial 1970s refugee resettlements into the older housing stock along Buford Highway. Recent immigrant booms and ethnic entrepreneurship have fueled residential and economic growth in the area but also migrated further north along the corridor into Gwinnett County. Author: Anna Kim. Map of immigrant growth in the Atlanta Metropolitan Statistical Area Data Sources: ACS PUMS, ESRI/TIGER Spanish language speaking neighborhoods in Southeast Atlanta (central city) declined over the 1990s, while the percentage of Spanish speakers in suburban Atlanta neighborhoods grew. Gwinnett county is perhaps the current poster child of new levels of Georgian diversity, where “nearly one in four residents is foreign-born…different from other metro counties because its minority make up is a more balanced mix of black, Hispanic, and Asian” (Pickel, AJC, 2008). The highest growth in absolute numbers came to suburban Spanish language suburbs in Atlanta. Where Latinos are the largest foreign-born group in Atlanta, Asians are the fastest growing group, with the Korean population alone estimated at 100,000. Many Koreans have made Norcross both a center for community, and a place of economic investment and opportunity. In addition to being home to Hyundai’s construction equipment site (approximately $10 million invested), Norcross was also chosen as the 2014 location for the Korean Cultural Center at 5900 Anna Joo Kim, 2014 Brook Hollow Parkway, where business leader Mr. Baik Kim fundraised over $1.5 million dollars from the Korean community in just 8 months to build it. The city is already an important place of commerce and industry, and becoming even more culturally vibrant. Hong Kong Supermarket and the Vietnamese Community Center are a draw for the diverse Asian community, another reason why many service organizations have chosen to operate out of the Norcross. Rapid population growth from both Asian and Latino immigrants have led to wonderful contributions to the diversity of Norcross, and in general, these two groups will lead residential growth in Gwinnett County and Atlanta metro for a long time to come. As growth happens, we at Georgia Tech propose strategic, smart growth, to accompany the efforts of residential and business leaders from those communities. CONTENT OF PROJECT: (Purpose, Products and Deliverables) Although diversity has led the region’s growth, it is important for cities to understand these emergent communities, new challenges, and growth opportunities along two parallel topics of immigrant integration: 1) Civic Engagement and Increased Community Participation 2) Economic Development and Small Business Growth The two arms will examine the immigrant community’s needs and strengths from both a residential, and business perspective. a. Data collection and analysis on Hispanic/Latino and Asian housing preferences and employment outcomes (BLS; ACS PUMS 2000-2010). b. Interviews with business owners will be led by studio students to collect primary source data on challenges and benefits of entrepreneurship and economic development along the Buford Highway corridor. There is intense business activity clustered along the I-75/85 and GA-400, and “the pattern of Hispanic and Asian self-employment by workplace coincides with their residential concentration…the correlation between ethnic residential concentration and selfemployment spatial clustering suggests that ethnic communities may provide certain resources such as ethnic market, labor and even capital to the development of ethnic businesses” (Wang and Walcott, 2010, p. 330, 331). c. Spring 2015 Graduate Student Studio – Approved at Georgia Tech, possible client partners include City of Norcross. Current Title: “Planning with Immigrant Communities” The studio team will conduct a comprehensive analysis of Hispanic/Latino residential clustering, community needs, and economic development opportunities. Should this proposal be funded, we anticipate a partnership among three target clients: Latino American Association, City of Norcross, and Gwinnett County CIDs. GT/SCARP students will play an important role in understanding the process of change, across cultural differences in these areas and translating them into recommendations for strategic improvements. Tech has provided Dr. Kim with $10,000 in funds for this project (to be used for initial data collection and research design). Anna Joo Kim, 2014 d. Report and Recommendations: Deliverable: Survey of needs and assets, and Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) analysis of immigrant communities with focus on various Asian and Hispanic/Latino groups, acknowledging and understanding that there is great diversity within the community. This studio will aid the City of Norcross in understanding the strengths of immigrant contributions and the needs of Georgia’s growing Asian and Latino constituents in order to produce an informed strategic plan – thus helping Atlanta metro to keep pace with cities and counties that have already implemented their own plans for immigrant integration (Chicago, 2012; NYC, 2013). Budget: $15,000 requested. Including matching funds, total budget: $25,000. Budget Line Item Description $17,500 Studio/ Outreach to relevant business and residential organizations, socialStaffing Fees service organizations, and city agencies. Analysis of Census data (population and economic), minority business database, and other secondary datasets with particular attention to year of immigration, non-Citizen immigrants, and ethnic differences. $5500 Research Spanish-speaking GRA to conduct in-depth interviews with ethnic assistance businesses & translate survey instrument into Spanish. $2000 Stipends, Business owner interviews, stipends for participation. Travel and Printing and materials costs. Materials Time period of performance and schedule. Time Period Goal October-November 2014 Outreach to potential partners: Dr. Kim has met with Mayor Bucky Johnson, and Gwinnett Village CID, both parties are interested in participating in a county-scale analysis of immigrant communities. December 2014 Finalize research design and methods. Translation of materials January 2015 Launch of small-scale ethnographic study of Atlanta metro Asian and Hispanic/Latino experiences (via business owners and associations). February 2015 Outreach to service and advocacy organizations at the forefront of discussions on how Georgia is doing on issues of immigrant integration (e.g. AALAC, CPACS, Georgia Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, Freedom University Georgia). February-March 2015 Secondary data collection, GIS mapping, and statistical analysis of immigrant residential and business patterns April-May 2015 SWOT Report/Recommendations Anna Joo Kim, 2014 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3944 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 10/13/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Proposed Partnership with United Norcross Soccer Academy and Use of Summerour Field Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Norcross Soccer Academy Concession Building Layout Concession Building Basement Layout Date Ver. Action By Action 10/20/2014 1 Policy Work Session Referred to the Result Title Proposed Partnership with United Norcross Soccer Academy and Use of Summerour Field Drafter Mayor Bucky Johnson City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ Potential partner for the new field next to Summerhour Norcross Soccer Academy Who We Are The United Futbol Academy (UFA), is a nonprofit organization established in 2010, out of the need to promote the game of soccer and to provide a new soccer experience for the community. UFA is the result of the merger of two neighboring soccer clubs: Atlanta Soccer Academy and Forsyth Fusion Soccer Club in 2010 and later Norcross Soccer Academy in 2014. UFA competes against other clubs within the state through Georgia Soccer, abiding by guidelines set forth by this organization. In addition to this competition, many of our travelling teams successfully participate in regional tournaments and the Region 3 Premier League (R3PL) which operates throughout the Southeastern United States. UFA is devoted to providing a developmental structure along with quality instruction for children ages 3-18. In order to experience the game of soccer at every level, we offer various programs within the club: recreational, academy, select and TOPSoccer; which encompass each child’s soccer potential. We also offer an adult league for people over the age of 18. UFA functions under the belief that the true value of success in soccer lies through the overall development of the individual player’s soccer skills (technical, tactical, physical and psychological) as opposed to the result of each game. To allow each player to develop at his or her own pace, we operate under the club system utilized around the world in which every player in each age group has the opportunity to reach their full potential. UFA wants to be successful in creating an organization that sustains the club over time, contributes to the community, and provides valuable life experiences for young players. Our Locations The United Futbol Academy (UFA) now has programs at the following locations: - Forsyth - Norcross - Dawson - Lumpkin Click on each location to learn more about the programs. Mission Statement United Futbol Academy’s (UFA) mission is to provide soccer players of all ages the appropriate level of play and training in a supportive environment where skills for soccer are developed alongside skills for life. Our goal is to promote the game of soccer by providing a positive learning atmosphere, where players can achieve their full potential in the development of their technical, tactical, physical and mental skills, regardless of skill and ability. Our purpose is to create challenging programs that are attractive to the novice player, challenging to the average player, and demanding to the most advance player wanting to play at the highest level. We want to develop a multicultural organization with a vast array of staff and players to further enhance the culture of the game in an environment that is professional yet enjoyable. Skills for Soccer. Skills for Life. United Norcross Soccer Academy and the City of Norcross – Soccer field development project. TERM SHEET (DRAFT) Months of use : August – May (Limited use during June and July) Days and hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (no use on a Friday, open to public) 5pm to 9:30pm Monday – Thursday (Norcross soccer programing for all ages and gender) 8am – 3pm Saturday (open for public after 3pm) 8am – 3pm Sunday (open for public after 3pm) Usage terms: 2x 5 year term agreement Programming for the Norcross Community: Program, organize and host community adult/kids soccer tournament or festival for residents Help middle school program with the soccer program activities Assistance with building the field project Norcross will help bring down the cost of the field installation if possible, using network of vendors Develop a lease program like Lionheart and Kudzu Total number of players at UFA Norcross currently enrolled - 1345 kids aged 4 - 19 boys and girls. Contact: Tony Annan, Norcross Soccer Academy Executive Director City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3970 Version: 1 Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/12/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Regulate Discharge of Firearms in the City Limits Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date ORDINANCE 10-2014 to Regulate Discharge of Firearms in City Limits.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Regulate Discharge of Firearms in the City Limits Drafter Chief Summers City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Mayor and council of the City of Norcross have authority to adopt ordinances resolutions and regulation pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-35-3; and WHEREAS, the 1989 Code for the City of Norcross, in Section 54-1 contained an Ordinance making it unlawful for any person to fire a rifle, shotgun, gun or pistol in the city without legal justification, other than shooting contests specifically authorized by the chief of police; and WHEREAS, the Norcross City Code of Ordinances was substantially rewritten in 1998; and WHEREAS, the Norcross City Code of Ordinances currently does not prohibit the discharge of firearms within the City Limits; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council are desirous of implementing a new Ordinance Section 28-5 to regulate the discharge of firearms within the City Limits of the City of Norcross; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council hereby amend Article II of Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances as is more particularly set forth below: Ordinance No. 10-2014 An Amendment to the City Code of Ordinances CHAPTER AND PURPOSE. CHAPTER AND PURPOSE Chapter 28, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions ENACTING CLAUSE. The Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia hereby ordains that the adopted Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as more particularly set forth herein. It is the intention of the Mayor and the Council, and it is hereby ordained that the following shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Norcross, and the Sections of the Code in this Chapter and of this ordinance may be renumbered to accomplish that intention. I. Amendment. Article I entitled “In General” of Chapter 28 entitled “Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Norcross shall be amended by adding the following Section 28-5, as follows: “28-5. Discharge of Firearms (a) No person shall discharge any firearm within the city limits, except as authorized by permit secured from the City Manager or his designee. The term "firearm" as used in this ordinance shall have the same meaning as in O.C.G.A. § 16-11-171 (3). (b) In order to obtain a permit to discharge a firearm within the city limits, such activity shall be conducted within an approved and permitted indoor firing range which provides a sufficient backstop or bullet trap to prevent the projectile from leaving the range or causing injury. The City Manager or his designee shall establish criteria for periodic inspection and permitting of indoor firing ranges. Outdoor firing ranges are prohibited within the city limits. (c) This section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his duty, nor any citizen from discharging a firearm when lawfully defending his person or property. (d) This section shall not be construed to prohibit the discharge of firearms loaded with blank cartridges during a funeral ceremony conducted by the police, the United States military, or by United States Military veterans’ organizations; (e) Citizens desiring to conduct hunting, turkey shoots or other events on property owned by them or with permission from the owner shall obtain a letter of authorization from the chief of police whose duty it will be to inspect the area for safety and to approve or disapprove the request. Approval shall be given upon a showing that public safety will not be endangered by the proposed activity and a further showing that the proposed activity will not violate any law or ordinance.” II. Severability. If the provisions of any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such order of judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any ordinance, section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance. III. Repealer. All ordinances or parts thereof which are in conflict with any provision or any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed, this the _____ day of ___________, 2014. _____________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -2ORDINANCE 10-2014 to Regulate Discharge of Firearms in City Limits.docx City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3948 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 10/20/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Appointment of Retained Professionals Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Retained Professionals.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Appointment of Retained Professionals Drafter Rudolph Smith City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ Rudolph Smith City Manager 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, Georgia 30071 770-448-2122 Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and Council From: Rudolph Smith Date: October 20, 2014 Re: Appointment of Retained Professionals Pursuant to the requirements of the City Charter, the following positions are required to be filled by appointment of the Mayor and Council for year 2015: City Attorney City Auditors Municipal Court Judge Pursuant to the City Charter, Sec. 3.14, please consider the following person for City Attorney: Pat O’Brien Pursuant to the City Charter, Sec. 3.16, please consider the following firm for City Auditor: Rushston & Company, LLC Pursuant to the City Charter, Sec. 4.11, please consider the following persons for the position of Municipal Court Judge and Associate Judges as well as the City Solicitor position and Associated Solicitors: Kenneth Wickham, Chief Judge Pro Tem Judges Gordon Tomlinson Angela Duncan William Brogdon Jim Anderson E.R. Lanier Gary Vey, Chief Solicitor Pro Tem Solicitors Jennifer White William Bryant Indigent Defense Attorney Josie Stevens City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3958 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/5/2014 In control: Mayor and Council On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Stand By A-E (Architects - Engineers) Service Providers List Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date smith_MEMO_14-11-03 Ver. Action By Action Result Title Stand By A-E (Architects - Engineers) Service Providers List Drafter Jon Davis City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ CITY OF NORCROSS Public Works Department TO: Rudolph Smith, City Manager FM: Craig Mims, Public Works Director DATE: November 3, 2014 RE: STAND BY A‐E (ARCHITECTS –ENGINEERS) SERVICES CONTRACT EVALUATION, 2014, REPORT Rudolph, An advertisement soliciting qualifications and fees for A‐E stand by services was sent out in 2014 for the three year term of 2015 ‐2017. 8 categories of service were identified. Responders were asked to identify categories of service for which they wished to be considered. 60 firms replied. An evaluation team of three staff was established. The staff members are the Director of Public Works (DPW), the Director of Community Development (DCD), and the City Engineer (CE). The eight categories of services anticipated to be needed: 1. Surveying 2. Site Development Engineering & Landscape Architecture 3. Environmental Engineering 4. Transportation & Traffic Engineering 5. Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing 6. Structural Engineering 7. Architectural Design 8. Construction Management The basis of scoring was: 45% ‐Qualifications 45% ‐Experience 10% ‐Proposed Fees With 60 firms to evaluate and 8 categories, there are many approaches that can be taken to evaluate and score the firms. The level of service selected was to identify at most three firms per category. With this level of service, the city can retain a service by soliciting the firms in that service category (SC) for a competitive proposal or can alternate firms in a category by going sole source and using the published fees in the proposals submitted, depending on the circumstances of the particular project. Based on this approach, the selected firms were: 3 4 5 6 7 8 Environmental Engineering Transportation and Traffic Engineering Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing Structural Engineering Architectural Design Construction Management X X X X X X X Categories Selected For 2 Site Development Engineering & Landscape Architecture Company Name KCI MAAI Foresite Group Keck & Wood S&ME Willmer Engineering CAS Architecture Gerding Collaborative HDR ISE Lee's Design and Associates Mulkey Engineers & Consultants Root Design Studio TranSystems TSW United Consulting Group 1 Surveying 2011 RFP for Stand by A/E Proposed Selections X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X It is intended that this stand by engineering list be adopted for a three year term beginning in January, 2015. Let me know if you have any questions or comments. 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3969 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/12/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Budget Amendment Request for IT Technology Fund 217 Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Memo - G. Cothran.pdf Budget Amendment IT Technology Fund.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Budget Amendment Request for IT Technology Fund 217 Drafter Greg Cothran City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ Date Submitted: 11/3/2014 2014 Budget Amendments Department Transfer From Technology Fund Fund Line Item # 217 38.9500 Line item Description Budgeted Amount Transferred $ (52,435.00) Amount Transferred $ 52,435.00 Fund Balance To Division Tech Surcharge Line Item # 5.1535.54.2507 Line item Description Police Technology Move IronSky Video Cameras Upgrade Federal Signal Dell/LogicsOne SOW Total Date Approved: $ (52,435.00) $ 52,435.00 City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3966 Version: 1 Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/11/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Change in Alcohol Ordinance to Provide for Growler Store(s) Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Memo - Councilman Riehm.pdf Flowery branch ord Ver. Action By Action Result Title Change in Alcohol Ordinance to Provide for Growler Store(s) Drafter Councilman Riehm City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Councilman Riehmn DATE: 11/11/2014 SUBJECT: Proposed Change to Alcohol Ordinance “The Growler Shop is a specific type of beer sales outlet. They specialize in the sale of locally produced craft beers from independent small local brewers. A Growler Shop will have a number of taps, sometimes 35-40 that each are dedicated to a specific brand of beer. The customer purchases a personal small keg, which is called a Growler, and they come to the Shop and purchase their beer selection. With each purchase the shop may either sterilize the customer’s personal growler or exchange it for one that is full of the beer of choice. A Growler Shop will have tasting events where customers can come and try selections of craft beers but they do not generally sell beer for on site consumption. The retail element of the stores can have various sized Growler containers, Home Brewing Kits, and or possibly some food items. The basic business is the sale of the beer to be consumed off site by the purchaser. The Growler Shop is licensed under a sub-heading to the Alcohol Ordinance which has a much lower retail/food element than a restaurant or bar would have. I am enclosing an example of a good ordinance from Flowery Branch. It is simple and to the point. 65 LAWRENCEVILLE ST., NORCROSS, GEORGIA 30071 (678) 421-2069 FAX (770) 770-255-2335 • Sec. 8-164. - Growlers. Package malt beverage licensees, who are not also licensed to sell distilled spirits by the package, may fill growlers with draft beer at the licensed location subject to the following requirements: (1) Either at least 90 percent of the licensee's total gross sales are from the packaged sale of malt beverages and/or wine or the licensee's premises have a minimum of 400 square feet of floor space dedicated to the display of malt beverages offered for sale. (2) A growler shall not exceed 64 ounces. (3) Growlers may only be filled from kegs procured by the licensee from a duly licensed wholesaler. (4) Only professionally sanitized and sealed growlers may be filled and made available for retail sale. (5) Each growler must be securely sealed and removed from the premises in its original sealed condition. (6) Consumption on the premises is strictly prohibited. However, samples of tap beers may be made available without a malt beverage tasting license, but shall not exceed one ounce nor shall any one individual be offered more than three samples within a calendar day. (Ord. No. 476, § 1 (Exh. A), 7-18-2013 ) City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3963 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/10/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Towing Vehicles for Sale in Restricted Locations Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date ORDINANCE 11-2014 To Prohibit Curbstoning.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Towing Vehicles for Sale in Restricted Locations Drafter Chief Summers City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Mayor and council of the City of Norcross have authority to adopt ordinances resolutions and regulation pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-35-3; and WHEREAS, O.C.G.A. § 40-2-39.1 regulates the displaying or parking used motor vehicles on property for purpose of selling or advertising sale of such vehicles; and WHEREAS, the Norcross Code of Ordinances Section 34-57 currently prohibits parking upon any roadway for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council are desirous of implementing a new Ordinance Section 3461 to regulate the advertisement for sale of motor vehicles within the City of Norcross; NOW THEREFORE, the Mayor and Council hereby amend Article II of Chapter 16 of the Code of Ordinances as is more particularly set forth below: Ordinance No. 11-2014 An Amendment to the City Code of Ordinances CHAPTER AND PURPOSE. CHAPTER AND PURPOSE Chapter 34, Traffic and Vehicles ENACTING CLAUSE. The Council of the City of Norcross, Georgia hereby ordains that the adopted Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as more particularly set forth herein. It is the intention of the Mayor and the Council, and it is hereby ordained that the following shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Norcross, and the Sections of the Code in this Chapter and of this ordinance may be renumbered to accomplish that intention. I. Amendment. Article III entitled “Parking” of Chapter 34 entitled “Traffic and Vehicles” of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Norcross shall be amended by adding a new Section 34-61 as follows: “34-61 Prohibited Display of Vehicles for Sale or as Advertising Devices. (1) An owner or lessee of any real property shall not authorize any motor vehicle to be displayed or parked on such real property for the purpose of selling or advertising the sale of such used motor vehicle. (2) No motor vehicle shall be displayed for sale from any commercial or industrial site not specifically zoned for that purpose. (3) All violations of this section shall be punishable by a civil violation notice in the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first vehicle on a first offense and five hundred dollars ($500.00) per vehicle for each additional vehicle and any repeat violation of this section. The Chief of Police, his designee, any City Code Enforcement Officer, or owner or lessee of any real property upon which a vehicle is displayed or parked in violation of this subsection may have any such vehicle towed from such real property and stored at the expense of the owner or lessee of such vehicle and may then dispose of said vehicle in accordance with Chapter 11 of O.C.G.A. Title 40.” II. Severability. If the provisions of any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such order of judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any ordinance, section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance. III. Repealer. All ordinances or parts thereof which are in conflict with any provision or any section, subsection, paragraph, subdivision or clause of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused this seal to be affixed, this the _____ day of ___________, 2014. _____________________________ Bucky Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________ Monique Lang, City Clerk -2ORDINANCE 11-2014 To Prohibit Curbstoning.docx City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3964 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/10/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: DDA/City IGA for Management of Park Properties Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title DDA/City IGA for Management of Park Properties Drafter Rudolph Smith City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR THE MANAGEMENT, REVITALIZATION AND REDEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES ADJACENT TO LILLIAN WEBB PARK, NORCROSS, GEORGIA This Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered into this _____ day of ________________________, 2014 by and between the City of Norcross, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia, (hereinafter referred to as “City”) and the Downtown Development Authority of Norcross, Georgia (hereinafter referred to as “DDA”). W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the City is a political subdivision of the State of Georgia and the DDA is a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 36-42-1, et seq.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IX, Section III, Paragraph I of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, the City and DDA are authorized to enter into Intergovernmental Agreements for periods not exceeding fifty (50) years in connection with the activities which these entities are authorized to undertake; WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IX, Section VI, Paragraph III of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, the DDA is authorized to further activities to promote public purposes to develop trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities within the City of Norcross; WHEREAS, the DDA is authorized pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 36-42-8(a)(5) to finance (by loan, grant, lease, or otherwise), refinance, construct, erect, assemble, purchase, acquire, own, repair, remodel, renovate, rehabilitate, modify, maintain, extend, improve, install, sell, equip, expand, add to, operate, or manage projects, as that term is defined by O.C.G.A. § 36-42-3(6); and WHEREAS, the City owns and controls the real property and improvements thereon located at 5765 Buford Highway, Norcross, Georgia 30071, Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 033, which is described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference (hereinafter “Property No. 1”); and WHEREAS, the City owns and controls the real property and improvements thereon located at 4 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, Georgia 30071, Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 039, which is described in Exhibit B which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference (hereinafter “Property No. 2”); and WHEREAS, the City owns and controls the real property and improvements thereon located at 155 Holcomb Bridge Road North, Norcross, Georgia 3007, Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 043, which is described in Exhibit C which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference (hereinafter “Property No. 3”); and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into a joint venture intergovernmental agreement with the DDA to cede certain control to the DDA, to manage and develop a strategy for the revitalization and redevelopment of Properties 1, 2 and 3 (Properties 1, 2 and 3 are collectively referred to as the “Properties”) so as to enhance the Lillian Webb Park property, to promote public purposes and to develop trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities within the City of Norcross (hereinafter the “Joint Venture IGA”); and WHEREAS, the Joint Venture IGA is in support of the Strategic Development Plan for Downtown Norcross as adopted by the City Council on October 2, 2006, which redevelopment and plan has been resolved by the City to be for the essential public purpose of the development of trade, commerce and employment opportunities in the City of Norcross; and NOW THEREFORE, for ten dollars ($10.00) and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and undertaking set forth herein, and detailed in the aforesaid recitals, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties, the City and the DDA do agree as follows: 1. -2DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc This Joint Venture IGA is entered into for the purpose of promoting the revitalization and redevelopment of the central business district of the City of Norcross and for all other purposes set forth in the Downtown Development Authorities Law, O.C.G.A. § 36-42-1 et seq. 2. The City shall retain all title and interest in the Properties until and unless this Joint Venture IGA is modified to provide for the lease, sale or transfer of all or a portion of the Properties to the DDA or one or more third parties. 3. The DDA shall have the authority and shall use its best practices to manage and develop a strategy for the revitalization and redevelopment of the Properties so as to enhance the Lillian Webb Park property, to promote public purposes and to develop trade, commerce, industry, and employment opportunities within the City of Norcross as set forth in the Downtown Development Authorities Law, O.C.G.A. § 36-42-1 et seq. and that also conforms to the needs of Norcross pursuant to the current City of Norcross Town Center Plan, Livable Centers Initiative, and other planning models adopted by Norcross, as such plans and studies may be amended and updated. 4. The DDA shall deliver a written proposal with the preliminary strategy for the redevelopment of the Properties to the City by not later than August 31, 2014. 5. The City and the DDA anticipate amending this Joint Venture IGA to provide for the sale, lease and/or development of all or a portion of the Properties pursuant to a joint strategy agreement to be developed, negotiated and approved by and between the DDA and the City. 6. Neither the City nor the DDA shall have independent authority to enter into any contracts for the -3DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc lease, sale or redevelopment of the Properties during the term of this Joint Venture IGA. Any such agreements shall require the approval of both the City and the DDA. 7. During the term of this Joint Venture IGA, the DDA shall be solely responsible for all insurance, operating costs, maintenance and repair of the Properties to keep them in good repair and safe for the public, including, but not limited to maintenance, replacement, painting, landscaping, snow removal, utilities, rubbish removal, supplies, sales or use taxes or services, and all other expenses associated with the management of the Properties. 8. The term of this Agreement shall begin on January 1, 2015 and shall expire on August 31, 2029, unless thirty (30) days prior written notice of intent to terminate is given by either party to the other. 9. The DDA agrees and acknowledges that all improvements to the Properties and all uses of the Properties shall conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws, including but not limited to the Norcross construction codes, building permits and the zoning ordinance. 10. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Joint Venture IGA to be executed in three counterparts each to be considered as an original by their authorized representative, on the day and date hereinabove written. CITY OF NORCROSS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF NORCROSS, GEORGIA By: ___________________________________ Its: Mayor By: ___________________________________ Its: Chairman -4DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc -5DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO. 1 5765 Buford Highway, Norcross, Georgia 30071 Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 033 -6DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc EXHIBIT “B” LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO. 2 4 Holcomb Bridge Road, Norcross, Georgia 3007 Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 039 -7DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc EXHIBIT “C” LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO. 3 155 Holcomb Bridge Road North, Norcross, Georgia 30071 Gwinnett County Tax Parcel No. 6243 043 -8DDA-City IGA for managment of Park Properties.doc City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3941 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 10/13/2014 In control: Policy Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Library Concept Plans Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Library Concept Plans Date Ver. Action By Action 10/20/2014 1 Policy Work Session Referred to the Result Title Library Concept Plans Drafter Mayor Bucky Johnson City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™ City of Norcross 65 Lawrenceville Street Norcross, GA 30071 Legislation Details (With Text) File #: 14-3968 Version: 1 Type: Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready File created: 11/11/2014 In control: Work Session On agenda: 11/17/2014 Final action: Title: Parking Deck Design Sponsors: Indexes: Code sections: Attachments: Date Small Forsite Library Parking Deck.pdf Ver. Action By Action Result Title Parking Deck Design Drafter Jon Davis City of Norcross Page 1 of 1 Printed on 11/12/2014 powered by Legistar™