NEWSLETTER - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
NEWSLETTER - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD N EWSLETTE 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850-4200 Telephone: (301) 424-3454 Fax: (301) 217-9327 Web Site: — E-mail: R November 2007 Volume 55, Issue 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DID YOU KNOW??? ... That our BAMC Website,, has a "Find a Lawyer" referral service for our membership's use? ... That it costs only $30 for the first listing, and $10 for each additional listing?...And that anyone (i.e., potential clients) can access it? DID YOU KNOW??? ... That this newsletter is available on the "members only" pages of our website at least 7 days before it is received by U.S. Mail? AND DID YOU EVEN KNOW??? ... That our website has "members only" restricted pages that also provide us court schedules, members' phone numbers and email addresses, listings of positions available and positions sought by individuals, as well as other valuable information? (Continued on page 4) Bar Luncheon Schedule November 6, 20077 – Collaborative Law: What is it? Why You Need to Know. Speakers: Suzy Eckstein and Stacy Talbott December 4, 2007 February 5, 2008 January 8, 2008 March 4, 2008 April 1, 2008 12:15p.m. - 1:00p.m. Rockville United Methodist Church 112 West Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE ... TECH TALK LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT SECTION “Managing Litigation Documents With Technology in the Electronic Era." Attorney William G. Rossick of Esquire Litigation Solutions will kick of The Technology Committee's monthly "Tech Talk" series following the November 6, 2007 Bar Luncheon. Tech Talk will be held at the Bar Office, 27 West. Jefferson Street in Rockville. Please RSVP to C. Sei-Hee Arii ( or Lindsay Parvis ( This program may be postponed or cancelled if there is a lack of interest, so please RSVP as soon as possible. C. Sei-Hee Arii , Co-Chair P. Lindsay Parvis , Co-Chair The Law Firm Management Section proudly presents a special presentation by Joel Rose of Joel A. Rose & Associates entitled "Techniques for Maintaining a Collegial, Cooperative Firm Atmosphere and Concurrently Making Partners Accountable For Their Actions/Inactions." I'm confident that every firm could benefit by sending one or more representatives to this presentation and discussion. Date: Thursday, November 15, 2007 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Place: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. 11921 Rockville Pike, 4th Floor Rockville, MD 20852 Please R.S.V.P. to Donna Olenick at or 301-230-5200, Ext. 5515. David A. Pordy, Chair SPECIAL THANK YOU TO CHEVY CHASE BANK On behalf of the Bar Foundation Board of Directors and members of the Bar Association, we would like to thank Chevy Chase Bank for its 14th year as Tournament Sponsor for the Golf and Tennis Charity Classic. We are very proud of this partnership! ROCKVILLE ART & FRAME IS NOW A POSTAL FACILITY Location: 90 West Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD Hours: Monday-Saturday, 9:00am-5:30pm ~ CLE EVENING SEMINARS ~ Tuesday, November 6, 2007 & Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Family Law Institute The Proper Care & Handling of Expert Witnesses Important Income Tax Aspects of Marriage & Divorce Electronic Discovery ~ CLE MORNING BREAKFAST ~ Thursday, November 15, 2007 How To Present An Indefinite Alimony Case and Have It Survive on Appeal ~ To register for any of these CLEs, please see page 21 ~ FAX BACK TO (301) 424-6724 OR E-MAIL YOUR PREFERENCE TO MARIA@MCBFPROBONO.ORG ~ VOLUNTEER/CONTRIBUTION FOR PRO BONO ~ In conjunction with Rule 6.1, I wish to contribute time and/or money to the Montgomery County, Maryland, Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program. I wish to donate: Time in the following areas of law: ________________________________ Time to the Evening Legal Clinics (6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.) ________________ Time to the Pro Bono office as a Volunteer Consulting Attorney from 10:00a.m.-Noon on M____ Tu ____ W ____ Th____ I wish to donate funds and enclose $________ Credit Card #: _________________________________________ Exp. Date ____________ (CIRCLE ONE) VISA or MC Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ The Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and contributions are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. PAGE 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION HEADING Please Note New Bar Staff Email Addresses Bar Association x Beverly Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tessy Office Manager/LRS Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cindy Association Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jennifer Julie } Lawyer Referral Service Operators (part-time) . . . . . . . . Lawyer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and w (301) 424-3453 (301) 424-7040 (301) 762-8376 (301) 424-6351 (301) 279-9100 (301) 424-7040 Bar Foundation Marleni CLE Seminars and Events Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 340-2534 Pro Bono Program Client Intake Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7651 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7652 The following staff listing is not for public information. It is for attorney use only. Mary Kay Canarte, Managing Attorney (Part-Time) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-5831 Maria Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-2706 Ingrid Office Administration / Client Coordination . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-8488 FOR LAWYERS WHO NEED HELP If you are aware of attorneys who are having problems with alcohol, drugs, stress, emotional problems and related illnesses that interfere with their professional or personal lives, please call the Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee. Committee members are available to assist lawyers find confidential effective programs to suit their needs. All calls are strictly confidential. F. Patrick Kelly, Chair Phone: (301) 279-5600 E-mail: FRIENDS OF BILL W. LAWYER MEETING For time and location of the meetings, please call Lawyer-to-Lawyer Committee member, Dan Gaskill at (301) 279-7400. BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD NEWSLETTER (USPS 430-930) ISSN-1079-0780 is published monthly except July/August combined at $25.00 per year by the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850-4200 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, Newsletter 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director & Editor Cindy Brandenburg, Assistant & Advertising Editor LEGAL ETHICS HOTLINE Samuel Shapiro P. David Gavin - (301) 340-1333 - (301) 279-2700 For a written confidential opinion, submit your written request, marked confidential, to Jeffrey M. Axelson, c/o Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. BAR FOUNDATION OFFICERS (Effective July 1, 2007) President: John C. Monahan Treasurer: Robert B. Hetherington President-Elect: Mary Ellen Flynn Assistant Treasurer: Donna E. Van Scoy Past President: Paul F. Kemp DIRECTORS Douglas M. Bregman Mimi L. Magyar-Socorso Deane A. Shure Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho John J. McCarthy Richard S. Stolker Charles B. Day Rachel T. McGuckian Harry C. Storm Glenn M. Cooper Patrick C. McKeever Joseph P. Suntum David S. DeJong Camilla O. McRory Marvin Waldman Jo B. Fogel A. Howard Metro Alan S. Zipp Hon. Eric M. Johnson Robert C. Park, Jr. Susan S. Magazine Linda D. Schwartz COMMITTEE CHAIRS Bar Revue – Steven J. Bienstock – (301) 251-1600 Cable T.V./Law School for the Public – Lauri E. Cleary, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0176 & VACANT, Co-Chair – Continuing Legal Education – John R. Garza, Chair – (301) 838-3585 CLE Breakfasts – VACANT, Chair – Fall Outing – James R. Hammerschmidt, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9338 & Alison W. Rind, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0750 Pro Bono – Lauri E. Cleary, Chair – (301) 657-0176 School Mock Trial – Bradford S. Bernstein, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 & Rachel T. McGuckian, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 Speakers Bureau – VACANT, Chair (Public Division) – & Rene Sandler, Chair (School Division) – (301) 610-9797 Youth Initiative Program – Rene Sandler, Chair – (301) 610-9797 2007-2008 Officers and Chairs ASSOCIATION OFFICERS President: Mary Ellen Flynn President-Elect: Paul B. DeWolfe Treasurer: Donna E. Van Scoy Treasurer-Elect: Nancy A. Sachitano Secretary: Audrey A. Creighton Past President: John C. Monahan Executive Director: Beverly C. Mondin EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Larry A. Ceppos Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho Patrick W. Dragga Suzy L. Eckstein James R. Hammerschmidt Hadrian N. Hatfield William E. Hewitt, Jr. Wendy B. Karpel Mary K. (Kathy) Knight Hon. Cheryl A. McCally Richard H. Melnick Stephen H. Ring New Practitioners Co-Chairs: Lili Khozeimeh & Ivonne C. Lindley COMMITTEE CHAIRS Assoc./Found. – Ann. Mtg. & Law Day – Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair – (301) 657-8805 Bench/Bar-Circuit – Peter A. Feeney, Chair – (240) 777-7349 Bench/Bar-District Court – Jonathan R. Bloom, Chair – (301) 762-4021 Catastrophic Health Emergency – David C. Merkin, Chair – (301) 251-1180 Courthouse Construction – Mary Ellen Flynn, Chair – (301) 563-6685 Fee Dispute Resolution – Michael J. McAuliffe, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1696 & David L. Rubino, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770 & Deborah L. Webb, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0725 Interprofessional – VACANT, Chair Judicial Selections – Deborah E. Reiser, Chair – (301) 961-6094 Daniel L. Shea, Vice Chair – (301) 424-1060 Lawyer to Lawyer – F. Patrick Kelly, Chair – (301) 279-5600 Lawyer Referral – Jeffrey Van Grack, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0159 & Dawn E. Bowie, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1050 Legal Ethics – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650 & Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1333 Legislation – Hadrian N. Hatfield, Chair – (301) 657-8805 Long Range Planning – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650 & Laurie E. Cleary, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0176 & David W. Lease, Co-Chair – (301) 838-8950 Membership – Monica G. Harms, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3230 & Charles B. Lipscomb, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7000 Nominations & Elections – Joseph A. Lynott, III, Chair – (301) 424-5100 Personnel Transition – David S. De Jong, Chair – (301) 838-3204 Professionalism & The Quality of Life - Steven M. Selzer, Chair – (301) 251-1590 & Elizabeth G. Loggia, Vice-Chair – (301) 340-9393 Designated Conciliator Program – VACANT, Chair Social – Patricia M. Weaver, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9360 & Millard S. Bennett, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3203 Softball – Charles B. Lipscomb, Chair – (301) 738-7000 Specialty Bar Associations – Audrey A. Creighton, Chair – (240) 773-9603 Technology – C. Sei-Hee Arii, Co-Chair – (301) 762-8545 & P. Lindsay Parvis, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090 Unauthorized Practice of Law – Ronald M. Abramson, Chair – (240) 386-3000 Youth Courthouse Project – Holly D. Reed, III, Co-Chair – (301) 587-9480 & Mariana C. Cordier, Co-Chair – (240) 268-0230 SECTION CHAIRS Alternative Dispute Resolution – Ellen F. Kandell, Co-Chair – (301) 588-53900 & Judith A. Mustille, Co-Chair – (301) 424-1720 Business Law – James L. Parsons, Jr., Co-Chair – (301) 424-5100 & David P. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 656-7603 Commercial Litigation – J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0734 & Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3210 Criminal Law – Marc R. Emden, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 762-7007 & Carol A. Crawford, Co-Chair (State) – (240) 777-7342 Education Law – Patrick J. Hoover, Chair – (301) 424-5777 Elder Law – Camilla O. McRory, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7473 & VACANT, Co-Chair Employment Law – Laurel N. Anchors, Co-Chair – (301) 990-6065 & Christina V.B. Ballance, Co-Chair – (301) 340-8200 Estates & Trusts – Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair – (301) 230-5223 Family Law – Stuart M. Skok, Co-Chair – (301) 840-8565 & Vicki Viramontes-LaFree, Co-Chair – (301) 656-8850 Federal Practice – VACANT, Chair Health Law – VACANT, Chair Immigration – Jinhee K. Wilde, Co-Chair – (202) 328-1000 & Cynthia G. Katz, Co-Chair – (301) 838-4400 Intellectual Property & Technology – Albert M. Churilla, Co-Chair – (301) 319-9846 & Michael L. Greenberg, Co-Chair – (202) 625-7000 Juvenile Law – Mary K. Knight, Co-Chair (State) – (240) 777-7440 & Carlotta A. Woodward, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 424-6366 Law Firm Management – David A. Pordy, Chair – (301) 230-5205 New Practitioners – Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair – (301) 340-9090 & Ivonne C. Lindley, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3217 Mentor/Mentee (sub of New Practitioners) - Heather S. Collier – (301) 340-9090 Chamber Chats – Monica G. Harms, Chair – (301) 838-3230 Personal Injury Litigation – Hong S. (Paul) Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) – (301) 230-5230 & Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 762-7770 Real Estate – Matthew D. Alegi, Co-Chair – (301) 230-6574 & Alexis H. Peters, Co-Chair – (301) 255-0538 Taxation – Glenn M. Anderson, Chair – (301) 762-5212 Telecommunications – VACANT, Chair Workers Compensation Law – Wanda G. Caporaletti, Co-Chair – (301) 562-1140 & Kevin J. O’Connell, Co-Chair – (301) 424-2300 PAGE 3 AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE The Legal Ethics Committee is alerting you to changes in Rules 1.15 Safekeeping Property and Rule 16-600 Attorney Trust Account Record Keeping. The following rules go into effect January 1st, 2008. Please have your office manager, secretary and bookkeeper determine whether your current office practices meet these requirements. If they do not, you should determine how best to accomplish this prior to the effective date. AMENDMENTS TO THE MARYLAND RULES OF PROCEDURE Rule 16-812, MRPC Rule 1.15. Safekeeping Property. (a) A lawyer shall hold property of clients or third persons that is in a lawyer's possession in connection with a representation separate from the lawyer's own property. Funds shall be kept in a separate account maintained pursuant to Title 16, Chapter 600 of the Maryland Rules, and records shall be created and maintained in accordance with the Rules in that Chapter. Other property shall be identified specifically as such and appropriately safeguarded, and records of its receipt and distribution shall be created and maintained. Complete records of the account funds and of other property shall be kept by the lawyer and shall be preserved for a period of at least five years after the date the was created. (b) A lawyer may deposit the lawyer's own funds in a client trust account only as permitted by Rule 16-607 b. (c) Unless the client gives informed consent, confirmed in writing, to a different arrangement, a lawyer shall deposit legal fees and expenses that have been paid in advance into a client trust account and may withdraw those funds for the lawyer's own benefit only as fees are earned or expenses incurred. (d) Upon receiving funds or other property in which a client or third person has an interest, a lawyer shall promptly notify the client or third person. Except as stated in this Rule or otherwise permitted bylaw or by agreement with the client, a lawyer shall deliver promptly to the client or third person any funds or other property that the client or third person is entitled to receive and, upon request by the client or third person, shall render promptly a full accounting regarding such property. (e) When a lawyer in the course of representing a client is in possession of property in which two or more persons (one of whom may be the lawyer) claim interests, the property shall be kept separate by the lawyer until the dispute is resolved. The lawyer shall distribute promptly all portions of the property as to which the interests are not in dispute. NEW RULES TO TITLE 16 - COURTS, JUDGES, AND ATTORNEYS Rule 16-606.1. ATTORNEY TRUST ACCOUNT RECORD-KEEPING (a) Creation of Records The following records shall be created and maintained for the receipt and disbursement of funds of clients or of third persons: (1) Attorney Trust Account Identification An identification of all attorney trust accounts maintained, including the name of the financial institution, account number, account name, date the account was opened, date the account was closed, and an agreement with the financial institution establishing each account and its interest-bearing nature. (2) Deposits and Disbursements A record for each account that chronologically shows all deposits and disbursements, as follows: (A) for each deposit, a record made at or near the time of the deposit that shows (i) the date of the deposit, (ii) the amount, (iii) the identity of the client or third person for whom the funds were deposited, and (iv) the purpose of the deposit; (B) for each disbursement, including a disbursement made by electronic transfer, a record made at or near the time of disbursement that shows (i) the date of the disbursement, (ii) the amount, (iii) the payee, (iv) the identity of the client or third person for whom the disbursement was made (if not the payee), and (v) the purpose of the disbursement; (C) for each disbursement made by electronic transfer, a written memorandum authorizing the transaction and identifying the attorney responsible for the transaction. Cross reference: See Rule 16-609 c, which provides that a disbursement that would create a negative balance with respect to any individual client matter or with respect to all client matters in the aggregate is prohibited. (3) Client Matter Records A record for each client matter in which the attorney receives funds in trust, as follows: (A) for each attorney trust account transaction, a record that shows (i) the date of the deposit or disbursement; (ii) the amount of the deposit or disbursement; (iii) the purpose for which the funds are intended; (iv) for a disbursement, the payee and the check number or other payment identification; and (v) the balance of funds remaining in the account in connection with the matter; and (B) an identification of the person to whom the unused portion of a fee or expense deposit is to be returned whenever it is to be returned to a person other than the client. (4) Record of Funds of the Attorney A record that identifies the funds of the attorney held in each attorney trust account as permitted by Rule 16-607 b. (b) Monthly Reconciliation An attorney shall cause to be created a monthly reconciliation of all attorney trust account records, client matter records, records of funds of the attorney held in an attorney trust account as permitted by Rule 16-607 b, and the adjusted month-end financial institution statement balance. The adjusted month- end financial institution statement balance is computed by adding subsequent deposits to and subtracting subsequent disbursements from the financial institution's month-end statement balance. (c) Electronic Records Whenever the records required by this Rule are created or maintained using electronic means, there must be an ability to print a paper copy of the records upon a reasonable request to do so. Committee note: Electronic records should be backed up regularly by an appropriate storage device. (d) Records to be Maintained Financial institution month-end statements, any canceled checks or copies of canceled checks provided with a financial institution month-end statement, duplicate deposit slips or deposit receipts generated by the financial institution, and records created in accordance with section (a) of this Rule shall be maintained for a period of at least five years after the date the record was created. Committee note: An attorney or law firm may satisfy the requirements of section (d) of this Rule by maintaining any of the following items: original records, photocopies, microfilm, optical imaging, electronic records, or any other medium that preserves the required data for the required period of time and from which a paper copy can be printed. Cross reference: Rule 1.15 (Safekeeping Property) of the Maryland Lawyers' Rules of Professional Conduct. Source: This Rule is new. Rule 16-609. PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS a. Generally. An attorney or law firm may not borrow or pledge any funds required by the Rules in this Chapter to be deposited in an attorney trust account, obtain any remuneration from the financial institution for depositing any funds in the account, or use any funds for any unauthorized purpose. b. No Cash Disbursements. An instrument drawn on an attorney trust account may not be drawn payable to cash or to bearer, and no cash withdrawal may be made from an automated teller machine or by any other method. All disbursements from an attorney trust account shall be made by check or electronic transfer. c. Negative Balance Prohibited. No funds from an attorney trust account shall be disbursed if the disbursement would create a negative balance with regard to an individual client matter or all client matters in the aggregate. Source: This Rule is derived in part from former Rule BU9 and is in part new. Jeffrey M. Axelson, Esquire, Co-Chair Samuel Shapiro, Esquire, Co-Chair PAGE 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, cont’d (Continued from page 1) ACCORDING TO OUR RECENT ON-LINE MEMBERS' SURVEY: Only 5% of the survey respondents use the "Find a Lawyer" feature on our website when looking for a lawyer in a particular area of practice, and 56% of the respondents either do not know that restricted pages exist on the website or how to access them. Yet, 84% of the respondents said they would "usually" or "always" use a BAMC online directory if we had one. Further, 67% of the respondents did not know the BAMC newsletter is posted on our website 7 days before receiving the newsletter by mail, and yet 49% of the responses said they always read the newsletter "as soon as they can." Clearly, we need to do a better job of informing our members of the "Find a Lawyer" and "members only" features of our website. The survey confirmed that we are going in the right direction in investing time and money in both our website and in more advanced computer hardware and software for our BAMC office. Over 60% of the respondents said that they prefer online registration for CLE classes and BAMC events and prefer to participate in online elections and judicial referenda. I recognize that participating in a survey is not a cherished activity, and in light of how busy we lawyers are in juggling our practices, families, and other activities, I am pleased to report that 313 persons (13% of the persons who received the survey by email) participated. This rate of return has been verified as a typical participation rate for bar association surveys. Of our survey participants: 31% are solo practitioners, 24% are in firms of five attorneys or less,18% are in law WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. firms greater than ten lawyers, 16% are government lawyers, and 11% are corporate counsel or in-house counsel. And as far as years of experience: 25% of our respondents has been practicing law for more than 30 years, 24% for 20-30 years, 21% for 11-20 years, 12 % for 5-10 years, and 18% for less than five years. The survey respondents rated our monthly newsletter, printed directory, and courthouse security passes as the highest ranked benefits of BAMC in that order. For association goals, Continuing Legal Education (CLE) ranked most important, followed closely by civility among members of the profession, improvement of the administration of justice, and publications. The comments portion of the survey provided some excellent suggestions of CLE topics and will be shared with our CLE Committee and Section Chairs. Further, 85% of the respondents rated our CLEs "good" to "excellent" and most of our members want us to offer a larger number of and greater topic selection for CLEs. While the majority of our membership prefers live seminars rather than on-line, phone, videotape or CD-Rom seminars, due to the positive responses we received for the other alternatives, we will be showing tapes of live seminars on our website. IN FACT, DID YOU KNOW??? ... That you can watch tapes of some of our May 4th Annual Meeting programs on our website (a/k/a "Webcasts")? IF NOT, check them out now so you can experience the advantages of this state-of-the-art technology. Except for one strongly worded negative comment about the softball league PAGE 5 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, cont’d and a comment that our newsletter is too large, all of the other typed-in comments were very complimentary and positive. As a whole, our Bar Association was highly rated by its members. In response to the question regarding BAMC's performance evaluation as a bar association, 32% of the respondents said "excellent," and another 44% of the respondents gave a rating of "very good." Four percent of the respondents rated BAMC as "fair" and only one person gave us a "poor" rating (perhaps the same person who did not have a positive softball league experience(?)). I thank everyone who participated in our first ever on-line survey, and I encourage you to continue sending your comments, whether positive or negative, to the Bar Association, so that we may better serve our members in these changing times of new technology and more diverse membership. The survey results will be particularly helpful to our Long Range Planning Committee in formulating the agenda and goals of their upcoming annual conference. Now that your head is possibly spinning from numbers and percentages, I am pleased to report that the success of our October 18th "Party Around the World" proves that, in addition to the serious topics of the practice of law, administration of justice, civility, CLEs, and technology, our bar association likes to have fun and meet new people. I extend many thanks and kudos to the Chair of the Party and our Specialty Bar Association Committee Audrey Creighton, the party planning committee, and all the co-hosts and sponsors for a great event. In closing, I wish each of you and your family a very special Thanksgiving holiday. Mary Ellen Flynn WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. VanGrack, Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C. Announces the departure of Steven VanGrack. The firm will continue to practice its full range of services under the new name of Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C. 401 N. Washington St., Ste 550 Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: (301) 738-7600 Fax: (301) 424-0124 NEW LAW CLERKS Ann S. Harrington Payman Tehrani (240) 777-9182 Durke G. Thompson Aindrea M. Conroy (240) 777-9190 Eric M. Johnson Rosalyn Tang (240) 777-9198 S. Michael Pincus Amal Bertrand (240) 777-9206 John W. Debelius, III Maureen Renehan (240) 777-9213 Louise G. Scrivener Stephen Erhart (240) 777-9220 Terrence J. McGann Rachel Viglianti (240) 777-9248 David A. Boynton Rachel Coll (240) 777-9241 Michael D. Mason Andrew Italia (240) 777-9234 Ann N. Sundt Alison (Casey) Weinberg (240) 777-9276 William J. Rowan, III Laura Gagliuso (240) 777-9255 Marielsa A. Bernard Leanne M. Carvino (240) 777-9368 Joseph A. Dugan, Jr. Lindsey Anthone (240) 777-9269 Katherine D. Savage Kelly E. Davis (240) 777-9374 NelsonW. Rupp, Jr. Timothy F. Hagan, Jr. (240) 777-9283 Michael J. Algeo Patrick McCarthy (240) 777-9362 DeLawrence Beard Douglas Wink (240) 777-9297 Ronald B. Rubin Allie Wright (240) 777-9227 Mary Beth McCormick Curtis L. Zeager (240) 777-9290 Thomas L. Craven Greg Bertelsen (240) 777-9262 Robert A. Greenberg Reid Weinstein (240) 777-9393 BAIL BONDS 24 HOUR SERVICE 301- 279-0757 PANTAZES BAIL BONDS 77 South Washington Street Rockville, MD 20850 PAGE 6 CURRENT UPDATE CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY DIVISION Save the Date!!! The Administrative office of the Courts will be offering a six hour training for those interested in becoming Best Interests Attorneys. This training will be offered in Montgomery County on November 20, 2007 and in Baltimore on November 27, 2007. The location and start time is not yet available. If you are interested, please hold the date on your calendar. More information will be forthcoming. If you have any questions please call Madeleine Jones at 240777-9061. Adjudication/No Witness Hearings: When an adjudication/no witness hearing is requested for a Respondent who is not under the supervision/probation of any judge, the Assignment Office will determine availability within the timeframe requested, without divulging who may or may not be assigned to a docket on those dates. Once the date has been agreed upon, the Assignment Office will indicate to which courtroom the case is assigned. Once set, a case may not be moved elsewhere unless the following occurs either by oral or written motion: • The scheduled judge consents to the move; • The Assignment Office determines that another judge is available and transfers it to that judge's docket. Only the Assignment Office can move the case. It is imperative that this procedure be followed. Juvenile Bench/Bar Schedule for 2008: Meetings will be held in Courtroom 18 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m... Please note that there are no meetings scheduled for July or August. Delinquent bench bar meetings will be held on Thursdays and WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. CINA bench bar meetings will be held on Wednesdays. The schedule for 2008 is as follows: Thursday, January 17, 2008 - DELQ Wednesday, February 20, 2008 - CINA Thursday, March 20, 2008 - DELQ Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - CINA Thursday, May 15, 2008 - DELQ Wednesday, June 18, 2008 - CINA Thursday, September 18, 2008 - DELQ Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - CINA Thursday, November 20, 2008 - DELQ Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - CINA Madeleine Jones, Family Division Coordinator ADULT DRUG COURT GRADUATION The Honorable Nelson W. Rupp, Jr., Chair of the Adult Drug Court and Members of the Adult Drug Court Team invite all members of the Bar and public to attend the Drug Court Graduation Ceremony on November 28, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. in Courtroom 1 of the Judicial Center, Montgomery County Circuit Court. NEW SHERIFF’S OFFICE FEES On October 1, 2007 new fees went into effect for the Sheriff’s Office. To view a copy of the of the fees, visit our website at J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY BANQUET Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association 30th Annual Anniversary Banquet–From Success...To Significance– J. Franklyn Bourne Bar in the New Millennium. The event will be held on Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 6:30p.m. at Martin’s Crosswinds and will feature Special Guest Speaker Harry Belafonte. For information, please contact Judge Hassan El-Amin at (301) 952-4011 or Sharon Christmas DeBerry, Esquire at (301) 883-8616. PAGE 7 IN MEMORIAM ... James D. Dalrymple September 27, 1962 - September 27, 2007 James David Dalrymple was born in Takoma Park, Maryland, on September 27, 1962 and passed away due to heart failure in his home in Germantown, Maryland, on September 27, 2007. He was 45 years of age. Jim grew up in Aspen Hill, Maryland, playing baseball, football and basketball for the Wheaton Boys Club. He attended Robert E. Peary High School, where he excelled in academics, football and baseball. He starred in numerous high school musicals and other drama productions and he developed a passion for playing guitar and song writing. He attended Frostburg State University, majoring in political science and earning his B.S. degree with honors in 1984. Jim studied law at Catholic University, in Washington, D.C., earning his Juris Doctor in 1987. While in law school, he clerked for the Rockville law firm of Wilson, McCarthy and Ethridge. Following graduation, Jim clerked for one year for the Honorable James McAuliffe in the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Thereafter, Jim joined the law firm of Linowes and Blocher in 1988, later joining the law firm of Stein Sperling before branching out on his own and starting the law firm of James D. Dalrymple, Esq., P.C. in Gaithersburg. Jim's expertise was in litigation, also practicing in the areas of estates and trusts. As an attorney, Jim continued his love of music, enjoying his participation in the Bar Association's annual variety show, The Bar Review, where he played guitar, sang, performed skits and helped write and produce the shows. He was active in the Bar Association, serving for numerous years as the chair of the Pro Bono Committee. Jim married Judy Ann Witters of Rockville in November of 1989, and together they had three children, Ariel (age 16), Alex (14), and Allison (11). He is also survived by his parents, Chuck and Jann Dalrymple, his two sisters, Valerie Rollins and Jackie Dalrymple Perry (Sid) and his brother Bob Dalrymple (Jane). Jim will be remembered by all for his quick wit, his love of music, his high ethical standards, his athletic abilities, his love of the Redskins, his love of his family and his kindness. He will be greatly missed. ~ James W. Salter, III April 22, 1939 - September 11, 2007 Everyone remembers Sept 11. However, on Sept 11, 2007 that date took on an entirely new meaning for me personally, because on that date I lost a dear friend and colleague on the courthouse (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 8 IN MEMORIAM ... (Continued from preceding page) steps of the District Court in Silver Spring, Maryland: Jim Salter. I first met Jimmy in 1970 when I began practicing law in Silver Spring as a solo practitioner. Jimmy was following the law in a firm with his father and Jim Tomes, all of whom were willing to give a hand to a newcomer. Later, Jimmy moved his practice to Potomac and finally to Rockville. However, he always kept his Silver Spring roots, even continuing the old firm name of Tomes and Salter to the finish. Jim Salter loved the law as few people I have ever known. He believed in the law and what it stood for always. Jim was intellectually sharp and insightful, seeing right through the most complex legal and factual maze to the heart of the matter. If you wanted to talk law with Jimmy, you needed to bring your "A" game. As many can attest, Jim was an excellent litigator with a wry sense of humor and a sometimes biting wit. But on another note, he was always just and professional in his dealings and willing to give assistance or advice to anyone who needed it, and often without seeking anything in return. The record will clearly reflect that Jimmy gave generously to his profession, our bar and his colleagues. Yet he loved his family more than can be imagined. He met and married the wonderful Carol Frasher whom he loved dearly along with their children, grandchildren and his siblings. Yes, Jimmy will be sorely missed by the lawyers, Judges, Courthouse personnel, his friends, family and the community in general. When all is said and done, more is often said than is done. But not with Jimmy. He was a doer. When struck by Cancer, he fought and was winning until suddenly and unexpectedly cut down by a silent force. Jim Salter is gone, but his spirit remains and what he was and the things he did will not be forgotten. The torch he carried is now passed to us, and it is our duty to see that the flame is kept burning brightly to light the way for those who are to follow. If I could say one final word to Jim, it would be: Thanks for the memories, Jim. Thanks for the memories. John H. Harman, Esquire ************** It's just about a year ago now that we learned that Jim Salter was ill. Early one morning, I received a call from Jimmy inviting me to come and have breakfast with him at the Apollo. He sounded very serious and matter of fact. I remember thinking "Have I done something wrong?" I sat down across from Jim. He was very intent on eating his breakfast, a large plate of grits and eggs, an occasional sip of coffee that his favorite waitress warmed up periodically. There was never any messing around with Jimmy when he WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. was serious… "I'll get right to the point," he said in between bites. "My results are in… I have cancer." And, just like that everything changed. On our part, there was great sadness. Sometimes, there was anger at the world, anger at Jim for his daily lifestyle, anger at the doctors for not helping him sooner. On Jim's part, there was a sense of resolve and urgency. There would be no more vacations until he beat the disease, no more time for his favorite pastime - golf. He was 100 percent certain that he would win this challenge, as he had so many times before when faced with a seemingly supreme legal foe. He was going to beat this disease or die trying. Mr. Salter once told me that he wasn't afraid of dying, so long as he didn't wither away. At the wake, I overheard someone say that it was as if Jim wrote his own ending. He died suddenly, without suffering or lingering on. He died doing what he loved, suited up and being a lawyer. He died in a way that caused his family as little grief as possible… under the circumstances. Jim Salter loved life like no other. He loved the law and practicing law. The only thing that he loved more than his chosen profession was his family, his wife, Carol and his children, Carrie and Jamie. He would put a judge on hold, stop a deposition, tell everyone else to wait if one of them called. I, for one, feel as though I was handed a gift when I made the acquaintance of James W. Salter, III. I will miss him immensely. Luis F. Gomez, Jr. DAVID HARRISON, INC. APPRAISALS - CONTENTS PURCHASED DC/MD REAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $300.00 DC/MD PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $300.00 COMBINATION FEE - BOTH FOR $500.00 DC/MD MD LICENSE #83 ♦ DC LICENSE #286 ON DC APPROVED APPRAISERS LIST - CERTIFIED APPRAISER #38315 LICENSED BROKER MD SINCE 1959 WE APPRAISE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS & COLLECTIBLES. REFERENCES - FAST SERVICE - TOTAL CLEANOUTS - DELIVERIES - SHIPMENTS CALL FOR OUR LITERATURE - WE BUY, SELL, RESTORE, APPRAISE & ACCEPT CONSIGNMENTS 301-258-9317 EIGHTH ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS CAMPAIGN Through December 14, 2007 The New Practitioner Section is collecting gifts for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Campaign Please drop off unwrapped gifts at the Bar Association Building at 27 West Jefferson Street in Rockville. PAGE 9 LEGAL ETHICS WITNESSES AND THE STATE'S ATTORNEY Is a prosecutor ethically prohibited from talking to a witness on a case when the witness is represented by counsel in an unrelated matter? As any criminal practitioner can tell you, today's state witness is tomorrow's defendant and vice versa. This creates an array of ethical considerations for criminal practitioners. Maryland Rule of Professional Conduct (MRPC) 4.2 dictates that "a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person who the lawyer knows is represented in the matter by another lawyer unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or authorized by law or court to do so." This is sometimes referred to as the anti-contact rule. The critical language from the Rule regarding this issue is "in the matter" since the prosecutor is not attempting to discuss with the witness any issues that are related to the matter in which he is represented. The comments to the rule point out that "this Rule does not prohibit communication with a person… concerning matters outside the representation." The Maryland State Bar Association Committee on Ethics issued an opinion on this subject nine years ago and opined that the prosecutor can talk to the witness despite the representation by counsel in another matter. (Ethics opinion 98-18) The opinion points out that the prosecutor cannot "ignore the obvious" about whether a witness is represented by someone concerning the subject matter of the communication. The opinion goes on to point out that a prosecutor may determine that a person represented by a public defender "would not be entitled legally to that representation in a matter where the person was merely a witness", citing the authorizing statute for the Public Defender (Art. 27A, Section 4). There are a limited number of cases in Maryland (and elsewhere) on this precise topic. The closest Maryland appellate courts came to addressing this issue is in In Re Criminal Investigation No. 13, 82 Md. App. 609 (1990), in which the corporate counsel for a company under investigation sought an injunction to prohibit the Attorney Generals office from talking to any employees without counsel's consent and presence. The company cited Rule 4.2 of professional conduct as its authority. The Court of Special Appeals rejected the company's claim. The Court first pointed out that the scope of the Rules indicates that violation of a Rule of Professional Responsibility are "designed to provide guidance to lawyers and to provide a structure for regulating conduct through disciplinary agencies…The purpose of the Rules can be subverted when they are invoked by opposing parties as procedural weapons." The Court then went on to say that "the weightiest of all arguments against the appellant's position, however, is the one based upon common sense." There would never be any undercover investigation of any "sophisticated and organized criminal enterprise" if "the boss's lawyer" were present at every witness interview. The Court concludes that under such a broad reading of Rule 4.2 "the investigations of Watergate, Teapot Dome and Credit Mobilier would have been dead in the water before they were underway." In Re Criminal Investigation No. 13 involves the investigative stage and does not address the post-indictment issue raised here. Other states have strictly construed what is included under rules similar to 4.2 when determining when a discussion involves a "matter" in which a person is represented. A New York court determined that a prosecutor could talk to a defendant about his Freedom of Information Request even though his conviction was still under appeal because, while it was concerning the same "subject" i.e. the criminal case, the FOIA request and the criminal appeal were different "matters" within the context of the anticontact rule. Mims v. Chichester, 722 N.Y.S. 2d 30 (2001) A common sense reading of Rule 4.2 would also indicate that a prosecutor should not be prevented from talking to his witness prior to trial by a counsel on an unrelated matter. A defense attorney should not gain leverage on an unrelated criminal matter by precluding a client from talking to a prosecutor as a witness on a separate matter. Likewise, a prosecutor should not gain leverage on a separate crime by his discussions with the defendant when he is a "witness" in a separate matter. Prosecutors must be careful when talking to a witness who has a separate criminal matter. They should make it clear to the witness that they will not discuss the crime that the witness has been charged with without their attorney present. The prosecutor should have a witness present (as with other witness conferences) to verify that the conversation did not digress into a discussion about a represented matter, thus making Rule 4.2 applicable. (It should be pointed out that the comments to 4.2 indicate that a client can ask to talk to a prosecutor without his attorney present and the prosecutor must then file an ex-parte motion with the court to have substitute counsel appointed for that discussion.) John M. Maloney, Esq. Jeffrey M. Axelson, Esq., Co-Chair Samuel M. Shapiro, Esq., Co-Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. STEPHEN J. DUNN AT T O R N E Y AND COUNSELOR AT L AW Litigation experience representing Federal Civil Servants To include the following Federal Administrative Forums: U.S. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION F E D E R A L W O R K E R S C O M P E N S AT I O N ( O W C P ) SECURITY CLEARANCE APPEALS 7400 YORK ROAD, SUITE 405 TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204-7531 TELEPHONE (410) 321-8368 FAX (410) 321-1599 Email: Webpage: PAGE 10 NEW PRACTITIONER SECTION FRIENDRAISER MENTOR/MENTEE COMMITTEE The Fall "Friendraiser" (a.k.a. Happy Hour!) was held on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at the Greystone Grill in the Rockville Town Center ( Thank you to the restaurant for sponsoring appetizers for the event! There was a good turnout and we appreciate current members of the bar, including our President Mary Ellen Flynn and President Elect Paul DeWolfe, who came out to meet and welcome new practitioners! As many of you know the Bar Association has a Mentor Program for New Practitioners. Heather Collier is this year's chair and she still is trying to pair mentors with mentees. The mentoring program purpose is to foster professionalism and improve the practice of law in Montgomery County by having experienced practitioners known for their high degree of professionalism and commitment to excellence impart their knowledge to new practitioners. We are looking for mentors in all practice areas and she would appreciate your time and assistance in volunteering to be mentors. Should you have any questions please contact Heather at 301-340-9090 or CHAMBER CHATS The Honorable Joseph A. Dugan, Jr. will host the Circuit Court Chamber Chat on November 15, 2007 at 12:30 p.m. in his chambers located at 50 Maryland Avenue, Suite 701, Rockville, MD. The District Court judges will host the District Court Chamber Chat again in December - date to be determined. Please remember to bring your lunch, your colleagues and your questions for our judges! Contact Monica G. Harms at (301) 838-3230 or for more information. TOYS FOR TOTS The BAMC New Practitioner Section once again in organizing a contribution for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Campaign for the eighth year in a row. Please drop off unwrapped gifts at the Bar Association Building located at 27 West Jefferson Street in Rockville. Gifts for all ages are encouraged, but don't forget items for teenagers such as CDs, watches, gym bags, cosmetics, and jewelry. If you would like more information, please contact Ivonne Lindley at or (301) 838-3217 or Lili Khozeimeh at or at 301-340-9090. Lili Khozeimeh, Co-Chair Ivonne C. Lindley, Co-Chair TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE ... TECH TALK “Managing Litigation Documents With Technology in the Electronic Era." Attorney William G. Rossick of Esquire Litigation Solutions will kick of The Technology Committee's monthly "Tech Talk" series following the November 6, 2007 Bar Luncheon. Tech Talk will be held at the Bar Office, 27 West. Jefferson Street in Rockville. Please RSVP to C. Sei-Hee Arii ( or Lindsay Parvis ( This program may be postponed or cancelled if there is a lack of interest, so please RSVP as soon as possible. C. Sei-Hee Arii , Co-Chair P. Lindsay Parvis , Co-Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 11 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION SECTION The ADR Section will hold its next breakfast meeting on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 8 a.m. at the Broadway Diner, 895 Rockville Pike, Rockville. All section members are invited. Ellen F. Kandell, Co-Chair Judith A. Mustille, Co-Chair BUSINESS LAW SECTION Now that the Fall Outing has passed and you no longer need to spend your evenings polishing-up on your golf game, the Business Law Section invites you to join us for our final two programs for Fall 2007. Please mark your calendars to join us - members of all BAMC Sections are welcome! On November 14, 2007, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., the Business Law Section will hold a Section meeting and educational program at Paley Rothman (4800 Hampden Lane, Sixth Floor, Bethesda). At the November meeting, Joseph Hennessey, a principal with Newman McIntosh & Hennessey, LP (www.newmanmcintoshlaw. com), will be back by popular demand to speak to the Section about metadata in legal documents (letters, agreements, discovery, pleadings, etc.) and the legal and ethical considerations of disclosing and accessing metadata. This is a HOT TOPIC for both transaction-based and litigation-based practices and has been the subject of numerous recent legal ethics opinions. This is a free program and is a must for all BAMC members. On December 13, 2007, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the Business Law Section will present its long-format CLE program at the Bar Association Headquarters. The Fall CLE will focus on "Securing Your Transaction - A Guide to Protecting Your Client's Deal." This CLE will include a discussion and review of promissory notes, pledge and security agreements and relevant UCC considerations. This program is intended to benefit lawyers of all levels of experience, though some familiarity with commercial transactions will be helpful. Planning is well underway for the Business Law Section's Spring program lineup. The Section's short-format educational programs tentatively will include presentations on reviewing and negotiating commercial leases, understanding business succession planning and estate planning issues in closely held businesses, and a nuts and bolts review of entity selection in business planning and using commercial insurance tools in business operations and business transactions. The Section's long-format CLE will focus on The Ins and Outs of Compensation and Incentive Plans. Finally, by popular demand, Glenn Cooper, a principal with Paley Rothman, has agreed to present the Section with an update to his monograph on the Standards and Methods of Corporate Control (subject to his research schedule) in late Spring or Fall 2008. This should be another great program year for the Business Law Section! While the Business Law Section has a lot of fantastic programs on tap for this year, we invite your suggestions and recommendations for programs to run starting in Fall 2008! We look forward to seeing you at the November meeting on November 14th! Have a happy Thanksgiving! Please submit any agenda items that you may have to Ann Wilson at, two days before the meeting. David P. Shapiro, Co-Chair James L. Parsons, Jr., Co-Chair Starting in November our meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8a.m. in the Administrative Judge's Conference Room on the 3rd floor of the Circuit Court building in Rockville. November 7, 2007 February 6, 2008 December 5, 2007 March 5, 2008 January 2, 2008 April 2, 2008 May 7, 2008 The following matters are brought to your attention: The Clerk of the Court, Loretta Knight, brings the following matters to your attention: 1) Interpreters. If you request an interpreter for your case and it turns out one is not actually necessary, please be sure to let the Clerk of the Court know 48 hours in advance of the hearing date. When cancellations are CINA/DELINQUENCY BROWN BAG BENCH BAR MEETINGS November 15, 2007* May 15, 2008* December 19, 2007** June 18, 2008** January 17, 2008* September 18, 2008* February 20, 2008** October 22, 2008** March 20, 2008* November 20, 2008* April 16, 2008** December 17, 2008** *=Delinquent **=CINA All meetings will be held in Courtroom 18 of the District Court Building at 12:30 1:30 PM. CINA bench/bar meetings will be held on a Wednesday and Delinquent bench/ bar meetings will be held on a Thursday. CIRCUIT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 12 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) not made or made late, it still costs the Court for at least 2 hours of interpreter time and can cost even more for lengthy trials. It is very important for attorneys to self monitor their cases and determine, in advance if possible, whether an interpreter is necessary. Please take the time to follow up on your cases with interpreters and alert the Clerk of the Court to make appropriate cancellations so that the Court process can run more smoothly. 2) List Interested Parties in Pleadings. Please list the names and addresses of all interested parties at the beginning of the pleadings. It is very time consuming for the department to search through the pleadings to determine the name and address of an interested person. 3) Consolidated Cases. If the order consolidating the cases does not state "all further pleadings go into [specific case]," then each individual case continues on and the department will need copies of pleadings for each case involved in the consolidation. 4) New Case File tracking System. Our court will soon be implementing a new case file tracking system. The new system will automatically detect the location of case files as they pass by a scanning device in key areas throughout the court buildings. The scanners are capable of "seeing through" solid objects to detect RFID stickers. 5) Foreclosure Cases. There was a 700% increase in Foreclosure cases since last year. If you have any concerns to bring to the Committee's attention, please feel free to contact any committee member or Peter Feeney at 240 777-7349 or Peter A. Feeney, Chair COMMERCIAL LITIGATION SECTION The next breakfast meeting of the Commercial Litigation Section will take place on Tuesday, November 27, 2007, from 8:009:00 a.m., at the offices of Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C., 25 West Middle Lane, Rockville, Maryland. Please RSVP to Chris Grube at (301) 8383269, or The Commercial Litigation Section will be presenting a CLE program on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the CLE Classroom in the Bar Association building. The program is titled The Proper Care and Handling of Expert Witnesses. The Honorable Peter J. Messitte, U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, and the Honorable Durke G. Thompson, Circuit Court for Montgomery County, Maryland will be the speakers. Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair J. Bradford McCullough, Co-Chair CRIMINAL LAW SECTION Our regular section meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the bar building. The schedule is: November 13, 2007 December 11, 2007 "What are the Current Differences that Exist Between the State's Attorney's Office and the Defense Bar and How do we Narrow Them?" Even though we work in an adversarial system, we also know that strong differences occasionally arise in the ways in which each side practices law. When they do, it is still important that we act professionally. The criminal law section invites you to a meeting on Tuesday, November 13 from 5:30pm to 7:00pm at the Bar Building to address, in a WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. EMINENT DOMAIN/CONDEMNATION AND AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSMENT CASES Jim Thompson and Joe Suntum head Miller, Miller & Canby's eminent domain/condemnation practice - a practice that extends back to the 1970's when Bill Canby established a major presence in the field. We accept lawyerto-lawyer referrals to: • • • • Achieve "just compensation" for property owners Try complete and partial taking cases Evaluate damages from roads, utilities and other projects Consult with owners and counsel Proven experience and leadership in this area, including trial work, teaching at ALI-ABA on eminent domain, and membership in the Owner's Counsel of America (, a select national group of lawyers representing owners in condemnation cases. In addition, both lawyers have done extensive amounts of ad valorem tax assessment hearings/trials, teach classes on Maryland property tax, and have completed the Property Tax School for the Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT) addressing valuation issues. Miller, Miller & Canby 200-B Monroe Street Rockville, Maryland 20850 301.762.5212 PAGE 13 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS cordial and professional way, your concerns and opinions about the state of our respective practices. Our hope is that the meeting will enhance the state of professional collegiality between our two bars. This will not be a gripe session. However, if would like to submit questions in advance, please submit them to Reggie Bours. His email address is We will have Team Leaders of the State's Attorney's office, members of the Public Defender's office, and members of the defense bar in attendance. Once again, food and drinks will be served. We hope to see you there. Carol A. Crawford, Co-Chair Marc R. Emden, Co-Chair DISTRICT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE MEETING DATES November 8, 2007 February 7, 2008 December 6, 2007 March 6, 2008 January 3, 2008 April 3, 2008 May 1, 2008 All meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00a.m. in the Judges' Conference (4th Floor) in the District Court building in Rockville, unless otherwise noted. New District Court–Although Governor O'Malley commissioned a study regarding potential sites for the new District Courthouse, it still appears likely that the site will be the old Rockville Public Library site across the street from the Rockville City Police Department. Construction will hopefully begin in 2009 or 2010. Criminal Procedure–In criminal cases, pre-trial State continuances when the defendant is unrepresented will be denied. The Court wants the Defendant to appear in Court on the trial date in order to be advised of his right to an attorney. Frequently, when the State files a pre-trial motion to continue (due to witness problems), the Defendant fails to appear thinking that the pre-trial State motion excuses the Defendant's appearance. However, the trial judge is free to reconsider the State's motion to continue on the actual trial date. The Court will generally grant the State's motion to reconsider the denial of the continuance once the Defendant is properly advised. Therefore, the State may still keep WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. witnesses on call. This may not apply however, if the Defendant is incarcerated due to the trial date charge. The State should also be aware that if defense counsel has timely entered his appearance prior to trial and has sent notice to the State, the likelihood that the case will be continued on the trial date decreases, especially if the Defendant is incarcerated. If the Defendant fails to appear after receiving the State's pre-trial motion to continue, it is unlikely that a bench warrant will be issued for the Defendant's failure to appear. Possession of Alcohol citations–The Court will no longer accommodate requests to move alcohol citation cases to times of the year when Defendants who attend school out of state are back in the area on vacation. Defense counsel should contact Margaret Schweitzer or Dave Baker of the State's Attorney's Office to try to work something out pre-trial. Privacy Concerns–Civil counsel should be aware that any and all exhibits filed with the court that contain a person's identifying information e.g. social security number, address, phone number etc. should be redacted due to identity theft concerns. This information is frequently found in medical records, When counsel submit their 10-104 statements in accident cases, the Court only wants a list of items as well as the notice that the records have been sent to the other side. Counsel should refrain from actually filing the exhibits pre-trial. Jonathan R. Bloom, Chair EDUCATION LAW SECTION Section meetings will be be held on the first Friday of the month at noontime. All will be held in the Conference Room of the Bar Association Building, unless otherwise noted. Dates are as follows: November 2, 2007 February 1, 2008 December 7, 2007 March 7, 2008 January 4, 2008 April 4, 2008 May 2, 2008* *to be a breakout session at the BAMC Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration. Patrick J. Hoover, Chair (Continued on following page) PAGE 14 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) EMPLOYMENT LAW SECTION CLE: November 27th, 2007 from 5:307:30pm at the Bar Association. Chief Magistrate Judge Paul W. Grimm, of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland and Circuit Court Judge Eric Johnson will explore electronic data and its implications in employment law cases. Judge Grimm has written a variety of books on evidence, including Fundamentals of Trial Evidence: State and Federal. Judge Grimm began his career as a Judge Advocate in the U.S. Army. His civilian career began in 1980 when he became an Assistant State's Attorney in Baltimore County. In 1981, he became an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland. In 1997, Judge Grimm was appointed a U.S. Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. In addition, Judge Grimm is an adjunct professor for the University of Maryland School of Law and the University of Baltimore School of Law. Judge Johnson began his career prosecut- ing for the Office of the State Attorney's in Montgomery County. In 1996, he was appointed as a District Court of Maryland Judge. In 2000, he was appointed as a Circuit Court of Maryland Judge. The questions posed to the Judges will include: • How long is an employer required to retain documents in the normal course of business? • Does an employer have to be served with a lawsuit before it is required to maintain records that may be discoverable? • Are employers required to maintain back-ups of documents? • What are the confidentiality issues involved in the retrieval of e-mails when the emails may reveal possible discriminatory behavior, etc.? • When and under what circumstances may an employer monitor e-mails of an employee? We look forward to seeing you for this exciting CLE. Laurel N. Anchors, Co-Chair Christina V. B. Ballance, Co-Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Offices in Gaithersburg and on the Eastern Shore Family Mediation Services, Inc. Mediation, Arbitration and ADR Services Since 1991 David S. Goldberg, Esq., Attorney/Mediator 382 Hart Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878 121 Congressional Drive, Stevensville, Maryland 21666 (Off Route 8, Exit 37, just across the Bay Bridge from Annapolis) Telephone: 1-301-947-0500 or 1-410-643-1902 ESTATE & TRUST LAW SECTION Please make sure to hold the dates for the remainder of the year's meetings: November 26, 2007 February 11, 2008 January 28, 2008 March 10, 2008 April 14, 2008 The above meetings will be held at the office of Shulman Rogers, 11921 Rockville Pike, 4th Floor Conference Center, Rockville. Lunch is available starting at 11:45 courtesy of our sponsors (see below), and our programs begin at noon sharp and end no later than 1pm. Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair FAMILY LAW SECTION All meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Bar CLE Classroom, unless otherwise noted. November 8, 2007 December 13, 2007 (Holiday Party) January 24, 2008 February 21, 2008 March 20, 2008 (Wine & Cheese, Judge Ann Sundt) April 17, 2008 May 2, 2008 (Law Day) Please join us for several worthwhile programs in November, starting with the "Rita Ronsenkrantz Basic Family Law Training" on November 6 and 13, 2007, at 5:30 p.m., the annual program that provides excellent training and mentor opportunities for new practitioners in family law. Our Section meeting program on November 8, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. will address "Pre-Nups, Post-Nups and in Between" with Robin A. Clark, Darryl A. Feldman and Robin B. Taub as our speakers. Last but not least, there will be a CLE Breakfast on November 15, 2007, at 7:45 a.m. by the Honorable Patrick Woodward on "Indefinite Alimony," to give us insight on the recent alimony cases from the view of the appellate bench. Our annual Holiday Party will be hosted by Strickler, Sachitano & Hatfield on December 13, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. marking their second year to graciously open their PAGE 15 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS offices to all of our Section members, Judges, Masters and Court staff for what is sure to be a fun and festive event. See the flier insert in this Newsletter for more details and how to RSVP. Thank you to Hadrian Hatfield and Kathleen Dumais for their informative program on October 11th, addressing "Legislation in Family Law," giving us the knowledge we need to participate in legislations affecting our cases. We also wish to specially thank all of the panel speakers for their excellent program on "ADR Approaches in Family Law" on October 23rd, including David Goldberg, Debbie Reiser, Hadrian Hatfield, Judge James Ryan, Darcy Shoop, Suzy Eckstein and Jennifer Forquer. Thank you to the following family law attorneys who volunteered their time in September to the Pro Se Project: Kay Ackerman, Brian Barke, Doug Cohn, Bonnie Montgomery and Heather Sunderman. Those interested in volunteering should contact Cherish O'Donnell at Thank you to Geoffrey Platnick and Bob Baum for volunteering their time to teach the Divorce Legal Seminar at the Commission for Women. Those interested in volunteering should contact Shelly McKeon at We welcome all of our Section's Committees and Liaisons this year. These are the valuable leaders in our Section. If you have questions, ideas or want to become involved in matters affecting our Section, here are the designated individuals to contact: Secretary: Laurel Anchors Legislation: Lindsay Parvis Programs: Reza Golesorkhi Rhian McGrath CLE's: Geoffrey Platnick Maeve McGrath Rita Rosenkrantz: Scott Strickler John Weaver Social: Rahul Kishore Heather Collier Holiday Party: Jennifer Forquer Commission for Women: Shelly McKeon ADR Directory Project: Jennifer Forquer Monica Harms Heather Collier Court Evaluator Program: John Weaver Nicholas Orechwa Melissa Kucinski Executive Committee Liaison: Hadrian Hatfield Mentor/Mentee Liaison: Heather Collier Family Division Liaison: Rahul Kishore Pro Se Project Liaison: Cherish O'Donnell ABA Liaison: Melissa Kucinski New Practitioner Liaison: Lili Khozeimeh Divorce Roundtable Liaison: John Spiegel Web Page Liaison: Dawn Bowie Library Liaison: Robert Eustice MSBA Liaison: Erik Paul Arena Don't forget to sign up for the November programs and send in your RSVP's for the Family Law Section Holiday Party! Vicki Viramontes-LaFree, Co-Chair Stuart Muntzing Skok, Co-Chair IMMIGRATION LAW SECTION Thank you, to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Washington District Office Director Greg Christian, for clearing a scheduling conflict and, for facilitating the appearance of Community Relations Officer, Gloria Williams-Brevard, who joined us last month, and lead an excellent program. We truly appreciate the time that they generously set aside, out of a very busy schedule to make the trip to Rockville, in order to provide us with insights and answer our questions. Mark your calendars now, as Director Christian will be joining us on February 20, 2007. Also, as we (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 16 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) continue to work towards even stronger attendance and participation, thanks to all of you who participated in this event and helped to make it such a successful exchange. Please watch your Immigration Section list-serve emails for details on the upcoming November CLE. As we enter the Thanksgiving holiday season, we wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy holiday, hoping that you have much for which to be thankful. It is not too late to help out with our Holiday Party - if you would like to help, please email Jinhee Wilde at or Cynthia Groomes Katz at We look forward to hearing from you! Please bring your immigration questions, comments, concerns, and experience to our future Brown Bag Lunches and events! We will continue to hold our monthly Brown Bag meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 p.m., in the Bar Association Conference room, unless otherwise notified. The schedule is: November–CLE February 20, 2008 December–Holiday Party March 19, 2008 January 16, 2008 April 16, 2008 May 2, 2008 Our December Holiday Party is just around the corner. If you are interested in working on this event, please contact one of us. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings. Jinhee Wilde, Co-Chair Cynthia Groomes Katz, Co-Chair INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & TECHNOLOGY LAW SECTION November 13, 2007 February 12, 2008 December 11, 2007 March 11, 2008 January 8, 2008 April 8, 2008 May 13, 2008 The Intellectual Property & Technology Law Section will meet November 13, 2007, at 8:00 AM in the first floor conference room at the Bar Association of Montgomery County in Rockville, MD. The November topic will be collaborating with the federal government. The discussion will include an overview of the legal basis for technology transfer and licensing of federal government intellectual property, a discussion of the value in federal government collaborations with the private sector as well as the mechanisms for formulating such WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. INSIGHT TREATMENT CENTERS AOC/ADAA Approved and Certified – Fully Confidential Alcohol and Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Programs DWI SERVICES Pre-Trial Evaluations • 6-Week DWI Program 26-Week DWI Program • Intensive Outpatient Domestic Disputes • Child Custody Evaluations Patricia Harris, CEO Don Oberg, Ph.D. President Clinical Director 4920 Niagra Road, Suite 101 College Park, MD 20740 Phone: 301.345.1200 5210 Auth Rd., Suites 100 + 303 Suitland, MD 20752 Phone: 301.423.0967 24 Hour Voice Mail: 202.907.4898 collaborations, such as cooperative research and development agreements. Food and drink will be provided. We will also meet December 11, 2007, at 8:00 AM in the first floor conference room at the Bar Association of Montgomery County in Rockville, MD. The December topic will be two-for-one. We will discuss the patent rule changes concerning continuation applications, which will take affect 1 November 2007. Additionally, we will have a discussion of ICANN and domain name disputes as they relate to trademarks. Food and drink will be provided. In order to make the section topics as relevant to the practices of its members as possible, we also looking for other topics for future sessions. If you have a suggestion, please contact Al Churilla (email: or Michael Greenberg (email: Albert M. Churilla, Co-Chair Michael L. Greenberg, Co-Chair JUVENILE LAW SECTION The Juvenile Law Section will be holding it's meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of every month, at 12:30, in Courtroom 20 of the District Court. Please put the following dates on your calendars: November 20, 2007 February 19, 2008 December, 2007 March 18, 2008 January 15, 2008 April 15, 2008 *A holiday party to be held and a time and location to be announced later. Kathy Knight, Co-Chair Carlotta Woodward, Co-Chair LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT SECTION The Law Firm Management Section proudly presents a special presentation by Joel Rose of Joel A. Rose & Associates entitled "Techniques for Maintaining a Collegial, Cooperative Firm Atmosphere and Concurrently Making Partners Accountable For Their Actions/Inactions." I'm confident that every firm could benefit by sending one or more representatives to this presentation and discussion. Date: Thursday, November 15, 2007 Time: 8:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Place: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. 11921 Rockville Pike 4th Floor Conference Center Rockville, MD 20852 Please R.S.V.P. to Donna Olenick at or 301-230-5200, Ext. 5515. David A. Pordy, Chair LAWYER TO LAWYER COMMITTEE MEETING DATES November 8, 2007 March 13, 2008 January 10, 2008 May 8, 2008 All meetings will be held on the 2nd EIGHTH ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS CAMPAIGN ' PLEASE JOIN THE NEW PRACTITIONERS' SECTION IN MAKING THE HOLIDAYS SPECIAL FOR LOCAL CHILDREN AND TEENS!! Please drop off unwrapped gifts at the Bar Association Building at 27 West Jefferson Street in Rockville. Gifts for all ages are encouraged, but don't forget items for teenagers such as CDs, watches, gym bags, cosmetics, and jewelry. NOW THROUGH DECEMBER 14, 2007 we are collecting gifts for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Campaign Contact Section Co-Chairs Ivonne C. Lindley at (301) 838-3217 or Lili Khozeimehat (301) 340-9090 with questions. 2007 GOLF AND TENNIS CHARITY CLASSIC Fall Outing Co-Chairs Alison Rind and Jim Hammerschmidt President John Monahan CHAMPS Scott Nelson, Robert Hetherington, Tim Fisher & Matt Tidball David De Jong and Tim Junkin with Reznick Group Great Dinner ! Argyle Country Club Charlie Loehr, Jody Kline, Paul Klinedinst & Robert Gough Sharon Rabinovitz Sean Sherman, Jeannie Cho, Honorable Eric Johnson & Kevin Kennedy Honorable Michael Mason, Jack Quinn & H. Kenneth Armstrong II Harry Lerch, Alex Tanouye, Eric Core & Julie Reddig Jonathan Bloom, Howard Cheris and Jim Hammerschmidt Tennis Players Warming Up 2007 GOLF AND TENNIS CHARITY CLASSIC THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Tournament Sponsor Chevy Chase Bank Law Firm Patron Sponsors Commercial Sponsors Paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg, Eig & Cooper Chtd Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chtd. Capital Bank Santos Postal & Co. Hole-in-One Sponsor Law Firm Sponsors Linowes & Blocher, LLP Chevy Chase Acura Tee & Green Sponsors McCarthy Wilson Ballard Spahr Andrew & Ingersoll, LLP Miles & Stockbridge, P.C. Clifford, Debelius, Bonifant, Fitzpatrick, Hyatt, Chtd. McMillan Metro John C. Monahan Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, L.L.P. Eagle Bank Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. L.A.D. Reporting Miller, Miller & Canby Venable LLP Refreshment Sponsors Tennis Sponsors Gore Brothers Reporting & Videoconferencing Alyssa W. Chang Invotex Group Paradiso, Taub, Sinay & Owel, P.C. Associate Sponsor Contributor Reznick Group Ain & Bank, P.C. EuroMotor Cars Thank You to Our Silent Auction Donors! Arena Stage Bar Foundation Board of Directors Blue Mash Golf Course Bowl America - Gaithersburg Brooks Glogau Photographers Caverns Country Club Resort Center Stage Clubgolf Performance Center Congressional Motors David S. De Jong, Esquire Duncan Copeland Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center Hampshire Greens Golf Course Honorable Ann S. Harrington Honorable Michael D. Mason Jurys Washington Hotel Intercontinental Harbor Court Kiehl’s of Georgetown Niti Crupiti Law Office Normandie Farm The Papery Of Rockville Ruth’s Chris Steak House The Answer, Inc. The Aspen Hill Club The Members Club at Four Streams Timpano Italian Chop House Washington Golf Centers Zola PAGE 17 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from page 13) Thursday of alternating months (September through May) at 5:00p.m. in the Circuit Court Law Library, unless noted otherwise. I wish to again remind all members of the MC Bar Association that the Lawyer-toLawyer Committee is an ultra confidential group of fellow attorneys with special skills or desires to assist other lawyers experiencing personal difficulties. Our confidentiality is protected by statute and a personal sense of dedication. Anyone who calls any committee member can be guaranteed all information will be treated appropriately. We are not the "authorities" or a grievance agency. We only offer help or guidance for lawyers going through difficult times. If you or someone you know is or may be in this category, please call us. MC Lawyer-to-Lawyer is scheduled (at least at the time of this writing) to meet November 15, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. in the Bar Association Conference room. We may change the location, so be sure to check your e-mail. I am also attempting to verify the e-mail addresses of all our committee members. If you have not received an e-mail from me asking for a return mail to verify your address, please contact Cindy at the bar office to give her your information. Accurate e-mail account information is critical for communicating with our committee members. We only meet every other month, and the nature of our work is often of an emergent nature. So we need to know we can communicate when necessary. F. Patrick Kelly, Chair LEGAL ETHICS COMMITTEE MEETING DATES November 14, 2007 February 13, 2008 December 12, 2007 March 12, 2008 January 9, 2008 April 9, 2008 May 14, 2008 Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair PERSONAL INJURY LITIGATION SECTION The personal injury section will hold its next meeting on November 16, 2007 concern- WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. ing the new "bad faith" legislation will be just as informative. The meeting will take place at noon in the conference room of the Montgomery County Bar Building. The tentative schedule for the regular meetings for the upcoming year is as follows: 11/16/07 – Understanding the New Bad Faith Legislation 1/18/08 – Technology in the Montgomery County Courthouses 3/21/08 – Trying a Personal Injury/Worker's Compensation Case If you have any questions about the section, any upcoming events or would like to become more involved, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Hong S. (Paul) Chung, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) Andre M. Forte, Co-Chair (Defense) REAL ESTATE LAW SECTION MEETING DATES November 13, 2007 March 11, 2008 November 29, 2007 April 8, 2008 January 8, 2008 May 2, 2008* February 12, 2008 June 10, 2008 *The May 2 date will be in conjunction with the Bar Association Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration. All meetings will continue to be at 7:30 a.m. at the IHOP at 775 Rockville Pike on the second Tuesday of each month. Our November meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 7:30 a.m. at the south Rockville office of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. which is located 11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 300. Our featured speaker will be Mort Faller, a partner with Shulman Rogers. Mort will be speaking to us about Current Trends in Title Insurance Claims: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Mort is the chair of the Firm's Title Dispute Resolution Group and is actively involved in representing insureds and title insurers in the litigation and resolution of title claims, including: mortgage foreclosure scams and PHIFA; title defects; lost insured (Continued on following page) METROPOLITAN PROCESS SERVICES (301) 929-6819 24 Hour Cell (301) 252-0706 Skip Tracing Unlimited Attempts Rush Services within 48 hours Court Filings Available Scheduled Pickups KARL STEPHENS P.O. Box 6811 Silver Spring, MD 20916 Serving DC, MD and VA PAGE 18 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) mortgage instruments, and; fraud (by sellers, purchasers, lenders, and, yes, title agents). Mort's goal will be to identify potential issues of concern to title agents and insurers and to help them recognize and avoid high risk closings before they become open title insurance claim files. Bagels and coffee will be served. We would like to thank Jim Witkin, our featured speaker at the October meeting, for hosting us at Linowes & Blocher and providing an excellent overview of the newly passed Montgomery County Green Building Law. Due to the busy holiday season we do not have a formal meeting scheduled for December. However, please save the date for an evening social event to kick-off the holiday season on November 29, 2007. We will return to our regular meeting time on January 8, 2007, at 7:30 a.m. As in past years, the presentation will provide an overview of the upcoming 2008 Maryland legislative session. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events. Matthew D. Alegi, Co-Chair Alexis H. Peters, Co-Chair SPEAKERS BUREAU COMMITTEE The Montgomery County Speakers Bureau for the Montgomery County Public Schools is off to a great start, however we need volunteers. There are essentially three components of this Committee. The Committee provides speakers to the Montgomery County Public Schools on topics requested by individual schools on an as needed basis. These topics vary depending on the individual school's needs and have included requests on basic introductory information to the legal system to advanced subjects such as forensics (DNA, fingerprinting techniques). Secondly, the Committee provides speakers to MCPS for Career Day which takes place in the Spring throughout the County. Individuals who are selected to speak at the schools either for specific topics or Career Day must complete basic training and register through the Committee and Montgomery County Public Schools prior to any speaking engagement. Third, the Committee has partnered with MCPS and the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office to draft the curriculum in three subject areas for the MCPS Parent Academy. Those topics include How a Bill Becomes a Law, School Violence, and Drugs and Alcohol. These presentations will take place between January-March, 2008. The Committee is currently working on an additional presentation on the topic of Citizenship. The Committee needs volunteers to work on the different aspects of this unique and rewarding partnership with MCPS. Volunteers should be individuals interested in assisting MCPS with subjects meant to educate both parents and students of different age levels throughout the County. Volunteers are sought to assist in coordinating speakers, drafting content for presentations, and assisting with Power Point and other technical tools used in the presentations. If interested, please contact Rene Sandler at or 301610-9797. Your help is greatly needed and appreciated. Rene Sandler, Chair (School Division) TAXATION LAW SECTION The Taxation Law Section meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the law offices of Miller, Miller & Canby 200B Monroe Street Rockville, MD 20850 WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. IMMIGRATION LAWYERS GLINSMANN -&GLINSMANN Matthew R. Glinsmann CHARTERED Chair, AILA DC Chapter (2006-2007) Executive Committee, AILA DC Chapter (2002-2007) Served as Government / AILA Liaison Peer Rated - AV® (301) 987-0030 Maria F. Glinsmann Chair, BAMC Immigration Section (2001-2002) Peer Rated - AV® 12 RUSSELL AVENUE GAITHERSBURG, MD 20877 WWW.GLINLAW.COM Litigation Support – Expert Witness Testimony Business Valuation – Pension Valuation – Financial Analysis Forensic Accounting – Financial Fraud Investigations Tax Issues – Income Tax Preparation Alan Zipp Certified Public Accountant Attorney at Law Certified Business Appraiser Certified Fraud Examiner Telephone 301-340-0084 – 932 Hungerford Drive, Suite 13 Rockville, MD 20850 PAGE 19 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS Phone: 301-762-5212. All interested persons are welcomed to attend. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 14, 2007, at 5:30 pm. November 14, 2007 February 13, 2008 December 12, 2007 March 12, 2008 No Jan. Meeting April 2, 2008 The Taxation Law Section meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the law offices of Miller, Miller & Canby 200B Monroe Street Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301-762-5212. All interested persons are welcomed to attend. There will be no meeting on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 as the section will be hosting a CLE program entitled "Important Income Tax Aspects of Marriage and Divorce" from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the CLE Room of the Bar headquarters at 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850. Using a panel of experienced tax attorneys, this seminar will present information on the taxation of several important aspects of marriage and divorce, including (i) deductibility of attorney fees, (ii) innocent spouse relief, (iii) alimony & child support, (iv) allocation of deductions and exemptions, (v) property settlements and transfers incident to a divorce, and (vi) filing status. The speakers will be: (i) Glenn M. Anderson, CPA, Esq.; (ii) David S. DeJong, CPA, Esq., (iii) Chaya Kundra, Esq., (iv) Robb A. Longman, Esq., (v) Michael J. Salem, Esq. and (vi) Alan Zipp, CPA, Esq. and the moderator will be Glenn M. Anderson, CPA, Esq. The topic of innocent spouse relief will be covered at the November 14, 2007 CLE program. Below is a discussion of a recent US Tax Court case on the subject. In Juell v. Com'r, T.C. Memo 2007-219, the U.S. Tax Court recently found a taxpayer eligible for innocent spouse relief for deficiencies on joint returns where there was a tax understatement due to investments of the other spouse. Innocent spouse relief is available for any tax, interest or penalties which may be assessed by the IRS upon the filing of a joint return. First, there must be an understatement of tax due to unreported income or incorrectly claimed deductions or credits. Second, the spouse must prove that they did not know or have reason to know of the understatement. The court will analyze and weigh the particular facts of the case, for example, the education and involvement of the claimant spouse in the finances of the household, or whether the spouse failed to question a particular item a reasonable person would question. Finally, the court will examine all of the facts and circumstances in a given case, to determine whether it would be unfair to hold the spouse liable for the tax, including whether the claimant spouse received a significant benefit from the understatement on the return. Relief from joint and several liability is not easy to obtain, because of the steps which must be met to qualify as an innocent spouse. The IRS has reported that in 2004, there were 51,988 applications submitted and 9,788 granted, with an additional 3,804 partially granted. In the above case, Rhonda Juell never participated in the financial matters during her marriage to Glenn Evans, which began in 1987. Her husband became involved with an investment partnership and Juell objected. She relied on her husband's representations that her signature was required on partnership documents and that the couple was required to file a joint return, because she was his wife. All payments from the partnership were made to her husband's separate, restricted accounts and Juell received no benefit from the payments or eventual tax refunds. The court said it would be inequitable to hold Juell liable because she confronted her husband before signing documents, and he assured her that the finances and documents were correct and in proper form. Alternative forms of relief are also available via Separation of Liability, whereby the (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 20 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS understatement of tax is allocated between the former spouses and is only available for understatements of tax, not refunds. Separation of Liability is only available if the spouses filed a joint return and are legally separated, or divorced at the time the petition for relief is filed. The claimant spouse must meet the qualifications for Innocent Spouse Relief discussed above and also establish the basis for allocating the erroneous items. If the IRS believes a spouse is entitled to relief but does not qualify for Innocent Spouse Relief or Separation of Liability, relief may be found in the form of Equitable Relief for either understatements or underpayments of tax. An underpayment of tax is an amount of tax properly reported on a return, but was not paid. The spouse must still establish that it would be unfair to hold the spouse liable for the tax, based on the facts and circumstances, including factors such as whether the spouse received a benefit from the unpaid tax or would experience an economic hardship by paying the tax. The various forms of relief are found under §6015 of the Internal Revenue Code and further information may be obtained from the IRS website at [Note: This month's article on Juell v. Com'r was written by Christine E. Buckley] Glenn M. Anderson, Chair and reminders to attendees (with downloadable Outlook calendar appointment) - all for free. Attendees need only dial the number provided (long distance), enter the conference code, and voila - conference call accomplished! Dirty Keyboards: Wondering what to do with your well-loved keyboard? Have you heard about washing it in the dishwasher?! (We have NOT tested this, but it's almost too funny not to…) Try searching Google using "keyboard" and "dishwasher" to learn more about this tip (or Halloween "trick"?). If looking for a dishwasher safe keyboard, try Otherwise, stick with the basics: compressed air and antibacterial wipes. Disconnect your keyboard; shake upside down over a trash can to dislodge crumbs; holding keyboard sideways above trash can, use compressed air to dislodge remaining crumbs; use antibacterial wipes to wipe down the surface. Look for our first "Tech Talk" following the November bar luncheon. Library lunch roundtable discussions on developing successful websites and blogs are also in the works. To learn more, please contact Sei-Hee Arii ( or Lindsay Parvis ( Sei-Hee Arii, Co-Chair P. Lindsay Parvis, Co-Chair TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE WORKERS COMPENSATION LAW SECTION (Continued from preceding page) Tech Tips of the Month Free Conference Call Online Services: Attending endless meetings? Prefer conference calls, but need to conference more people than your phone service allows? There are any number of online services that provide free conference call coordination. is one such service with which we've had experience. Although the call to join the conference is long distance, the travel time saved is well worth the cost of the call. After signing up, the service takes care of all online scheduling, e-mailing instructions The Worker' Compensation Section will meet the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 4:30p.m. in the Conference Room at BAMC bar headquarters. The scheduled meetings are: November 15, 2007 February 21, 2008 December 20, 2007 March 20, 2008 January 17, 2008 April 17, 2008 The Workers' Compensation Section will still meet the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 4:30 pm at BAMC bar headquarters, unless otherwise specified. The September 2007 meeting was well attended with section members who assisted in drafting the following schedule for the upcoming year: November 15, 2007 - Mary Buonanno & other panel TBD will present a seminar on representing the undocumented worker. December 2007 - Holiday party January 2008 - legislative update presented by Wendy Karpel of County Attorney's Office of Montgomery County, Maryland and Berman, Sobin & Gross February 2008 - Summary Judgment with the context of Workers' Compensation appeals - Is it Dead or Alive. Presented by Judge Sally Adkins of the Court of Special Appeals. This meeting will be co-sponsored and attended by Maryland Defense Counsel and Maryland Trial Lawyers Association. This meeting date will change, so stay turned for date in Feb. 08. March 2008 - Medicare set asides April 2008 - Commission update presented by a Commissioner (TBD) May 2008 - luncheon w/new chairs presented We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible. Wanda G. Caporaletti, Co-Chair Kevin O'Connell, Co-Chair YOUTH COURTHOUSE PROJECT COMMITTEE MEETING DATES November 7, 2007 February 6, 2008 December 5, 2007 March 5, 2008 January 2, 2008 April 2, 2008 May 7, 2008 All meetings will be Brown Bag Lunch meetings, to be held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 12:15p.m. in the Bar Association Conference Room, unless otherwise noted. Holly D. Reed, III, Co-Chair Mariana C. Cordier, Co-Chair WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. EIGHTH ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS CAMPAIGN Through December 14, 2007 Please drop off unwrapped gifts at the Bar Association Building at 27 West Jefferson Street in Rockville. Gifts for all ages are encouraged, but don't forget items for teenagers such as CDs, watches, gym bags, cosmetics, and jewelry. The New Practitioner Section is collecting gifts for the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Campaign PAGE 21 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION EVENING PROGRAMS: New Practitioner $35.00 Member $65.00 Non-Member $90.00 CLE Pass: 4 Seminar – $200; 10 Seminar – $500 BREAKFAST PROGRAM: $10 IN ADVANCE $12 AT DOOR Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Total: $___________________ Fax: ____________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Check/Coupon Enclosed OR Fall Pass Number # ____________________ OR Visa/MC___________________________________________ Exp.____________________ Send Checks: Payable to Montgomery County, MD, Bar Foundation 27 West Jefferson S5., Rockville, MD 20850 Fax Credit Card Payments to : (301) 217-9327 Code: F/410 WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. CLE EVENING SEMINARS Tuesday, November 6, 2007 & Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Family Law Institute Speakers: Scott Strickler, Esquire; John C. Weaver, Esquire; Vincent M. Wills, Esquire; Joseph C. Paradiso, Esquire; Hadrian N. Hatfield, Esquire; Deborah L. Webb, Esquire Wednesday, November 7, 2007 The Proper Care & Handling of Expert Witnesses Speakers: The Honorable Peter J. Messitte and The Honorable Durke G. Thompson CIRCLE TREATMENT CENTER * * * * * * Twenty Three Years of Superior Service To The Community DWI Evaluation, Education/Counseling (6 weeks and 26 weeks) Adolescent and Adult Drug/Alcohol Programs Outpatient Mental Health Services Individual, Couples, Group therapy by licensed professionals Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland MVA classes in Spanish and English (new licenses) 424 N. FREDERICK AVE., #8A, GAITHERSBURG, MD ~ 301-258-2626 COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED Wednesday, November 14, 2007 Important Income Tax Aspects of Marriage & Divorce Speakers: Glenn M. Anderson, Esquire; David S. DeJong, Esquire; Chaya Kundra, Esquire; Robb A. Longman, Esquire; Michael J. Salem, Esquire; Alan S. Zipp, Esquire Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Electronic Discovery Speakers: A panel of Judges (TBA) from Circuit Court for MOntgomery County, Maryland Court of Appeals, Maryland Court of Special Appeals and U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland CLE MORNING BREAKFAST Thursday, November 15, 200 How To Present An Indefinite Alimony Case and Have It Survive on Appeal Speaker: The Honorable Patrick L. Woodward PAGE 22 PRO BONO UPDATE The following attorneys volunteered their time to the Pro Bono Program. On behalf of the MCMBF Board of Directors, we thank each of you for your continued dedication: September Pro Bono Referrals Lawrence Anderson John Moffett Adrienne Corley Deborah Otoo James S. Dyson* Peter Spann*** Robert K. Goren Stacy R. Swain Daniel M. Kennedy III* Lecia C.K. Wade Georgia Martin Lynette Whitfield Susan Magazine *=2 cases **=3 cases During September, the following activity took place in the Pro Bono Program: Cases Referred - 25 Cases Closed - 195 Opened Cases - 31 Intakes - 222 The Board of Directors also wishes to thank the Child Custody Hero's who have taken these very difficult cases under the Child Custody Grant, which allows $50.00 per hour up to $1,000. If you would like to volunteer your services or need training, please contact Mary Kay Canarte at 301-762-5831 or September Child Custody Cases Louise Preble-Schwartz Belinda Tilley* Aimee C. Robbins Lecia C.K. Wade Peter Spann Donya Zimmerman Regan A. Sweeney *=2 cases ~ The Evening Legal Clinics at TESS and the Gilchrist Center continue to handle volumes of clients through the very able assistance of David Vega, Esquire and Jay Marks, Esquire. Their assistance and commitment continues to be the backbone of the program along with our very committed Volunteers. Following are the attorneys who volunteered in September at the Clinics. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bar Foundation, we wish to thank all of our “PRO BONO HERO'S for their time and dedication.” Gilchrist Germantown Center Elliott Alman Jacqueline Ngole Jonathan Bloom Stacy Reid Swain Mary Kay Canarte Monty Yolles Gilchrist Wheaton Center Christina Ballance Andrew Murnane Dinah Choi Rosemarie Ricchinto Sondell Foster David Vega Nakia Gray Juan Washington TESS Center Marc Emden David Vega Jerry Lyell Juan Washington On behalf of the conscientious work of Mary Kay Canarte, our part-time managing attorney for the Pro Bono Program, I am pleased to announce the opening of two UPCOUNTY EVENING LEGAL CLINICS IN GERMANTOWN. This gives us a total of six evening clinics to serve the community for legal information, guidance and advice from our incredible Volunteer Attorneys. Congratulations Mary Kay on this new service to our citizens. October is Pro Bono Contribution Time ... Support YOUR LOCAL MONTGOMERY COUNTY PRO BONO PROGRAM with your volunteer time OR financial contribution to help finance the evening clinics. Yes, we need your help! Call MaryKay Canarte at 301-762-5831 to volunteer time or use the contribution form (see front cover) and mail to: Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850 (Your Financial Contribution is Tax Deductible) Bev Mondin, Executive Director WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Appellate Practice Law Office of Paul Benkert 21 Years Experience Appellate Briefs, Oral Arguments, Centiorari Petitions Maryland and Federal Courts Former Federal Attorney, Assistant State’s Attorney, and Corporate General Counsel Current practice specializing in appellate advocacy Will research and ghost write for you or enter appearance 301-3 340-6 6090 • PAGE 23 SPECIALTY BAR ASSOCIATIONS MONTGOMERY COUNTY WOMEN'S BAR ASSOCIATION THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY CHAPTER OF THE WOMEN'S BAR ASSOCIATION will host its 11th Annual Judicial Reception to honor our Appellate Judges, Circuit Court Judges, District Court Judges, and Family Division Masters. This evening is one of the most anticipated events of the year and affords everyone a wonderful opportunity to meet and honor our esteemed judges and masters, meet with colleagues, and enjoy a delicious assortment of hors d'oeuvres, desserts, wines, and soda. Mark your calendars for THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2007. The reception opens at 5:30 p.m. in the Atrium of the Circuit Court building at 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, and the cost is $30 for WBA members and $40 for non-members. Make checks payable to: WBA Judicial Reception and send to: Lisa Segel, 200-A Monroe Street, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850. For more information, contact Lisa at (301) 315-6030. THE MARYLAND STATE WOMEN'S BAR is awarding our own JUDGE ANN NEWMAN SUNDT with the Rita Davidson Award at the annual mid-year meeting on NOVEMBER 15, 2007, at the Sheraton Columbia Hilton, 10207 Wincopin Circle, Columbia, Maryland 21044. There will also be a professional development seminar on "How to be a Judge in Maryland" moderated by the Honorable Mary Ellen Barbera. The Seminar begins at 5:00 p.m., a cocktail reception at 6:00 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $70 for WBA members, $90 for non- WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. METRO COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. A comprehensive approach to DWI/DUI Assessment and evaluation Education (six weeks) Counseling (26 weeks) Relapse prevention Expert Testimony Forensic drug screening Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland JERRI BENNER-GUNNISON, DIRECTOR 15719 Crabbs Branch Way - Rockville, MD 20855 301-670-6161 - (fax) - (301) 670-6163 members and $50 for law students. A table of 8 may be purchased for $560. Please email Hilda Jungclaus at for a registration form. The Montgomery County Chapter's Foundation will be hosting the Fall Forum for high school girls on November 17, 2007, at Montgomery College. This is one event that really helps the community and you do not want to miss it. Volunteers are needed for the event. Please contact the Honorable Kathy Savage at The Chapter's annual holiday party will be December 12, 2007, at the beautiful home of Susan Oldham. It is a free event with lots of food and good cheer. Everyone is welcome. The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at noon in the library of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. All members are encouraged to come and participate. Sherry L. Leichman, President J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION, INC. Montgomery County Committee The next meeting will be held on Saturday, November 3, 2007 from 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Holly Reed at (301) 587-9480 or PAGE 24 STATE & NATIONAL MSBA BOARD OF GOVERNORS Alison L. Asti, President Katherine Kelly Howard, President-Elect John P. Kudel, Treasurer Thomas C. Cardaro, Secretary Edward J. Gilliss, Past President Robert T. Gonzales, ABA State Delegate John J. Murphy, III, Young Lawyers Chair 2-Year Term Members Thomas P. Ryan (410) 528-7700 Harry C. Storm (301) 986-1300 1-Year Term Members Douglas M. Bregman (301) 656-2707 Maury S. Epner (301) 762-5212 Paul F. Kemp (301) 217-5664 Hon. Mary Beth McCormick (301) 279-1551 Thomas D. Murphy (301) 424-0400 Steven G. Salant (240) 777-9042 ~ ~ MARYLAND STATE BAR ASSOCIATION 9TH ANNUAL SOLO & SMALL FIRM CONFERENCE Friday November 2, 2007; 8am-1pm Saturday, November 3, 2007; 8:30am-4pm BWI Marriott For more information or to register for the conference, please visit: ABA ... CALL FOR NOMINATIONS–2008 MARGARET BRENT WOMEN LAWYERS OF ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Do you know an outstanding woman lawyer who has achieved professional excellence in her field and has paved the way to success for other women lawyers? The ABA Commission on Women in the WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Profession is seeking nominations for the 18th Annual Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Awards. These awards will be presented at a luncheon on Sunday, August 10, 2008 during the ABA Annual Meeting in New York City. The deadline to submit the nomination form and supporting materials is the close of business on Friday, November 30, 2007. If you have nominated someone previously and want to nominate her again for 2008, please submit (1) the online nomination form and (2) updated material, at a minimum (a) a current resume and (b) an updated award criteria narrative. You can submit your nomination via the online nomination form For more information and to download the nomination form, please visit the ABA website at AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION SEMINARS/ WEBCASTS Thursday-Friday, November 8-9, 2007 CLEAN AIR: Law, Policy, and Practice on site in Washington, DC | or | via audio webcast in your office Thursday-Saturday, November 29-December 1, 2007 Advanced Employment Law and Litigation on site in Washington, DC | or | via video webcast in your office Wednesday-Friday, December 12-14, 2007 Environmental Impact Assessment NEPA and Related Requirements on site in Washington, DC | or | via video webcast in your office For information on any of the programs listed above or to register, please visit the website at L AW O F F I C E S O F COURTLAND K. TOWNSEND, JR. *************** 6804 COASTAL HIGHWAY TOWNSEND TOWERS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 21842 *************** TWENTY-SIX YEARS PREVIOUS PRACTICE IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND *************** FAX: (410) 524-4953 TELEPHONE: (410) 524-4300 PAGE 25 WHAT’S NEW ... ACCOLADES Stuart S. Greenfeig and Darcy A. Shoop have been named to the 2008 list of Best Lawyers in America, a leading referral guide to the legal profession in the United States. Mr. Greenfeig was recognized as a Best Lawyer in the areas of Collaborative Law and Family Law and Ms. Shoop in the area of Collaborative Law. Mr. Greenfeig and Ms. Shoop are both principals of Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C. LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Deckelbaum Ogens & Raftery, Chartered, is pleased to announce that Sara M. Donohue, Esquire has joined the firm as a principal, and that our Senior Associate, Marjorie Just, Esquire, has also become a principal. Both Marjorie and Sara are members of the Maryland and District of Columbia Bars, and will continue to focus on Family Law and related matters. The firm is also pleased to announce that Ron Ogens, Esquire, has been elected President of the Maryland Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and that he will co-chair the Academy's 12th Annual Family Law Symposium, which will be held at Martin's West on November 12, 2007. The firm is located at 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 200, Bethesda, Maryland 20814; (301) 961-9200. The Law Firm of Dragga, Callahan, Hannon, Hessler & Wills, L.L.P. takes pleasure in announcing that P. Lindsay Parvis and Christopher W. Roberts have become associated with the firm. The firm is located at 110 North Washington St., Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20850, tel.: (301) 340-9090. Haspel & McLeod, P.C. is pleased to announce that Kerry A. Fox has become associated with the firm. Ms. Fox is a graduate of the University of Baltimore School of Law and served as a clerk for the Honorable Julie Stevenson Solt, Circuit Court for Frederick County, Maryland. Haspel & McLeod has offices in Rockville and Frederick. The law firm of Karp, Frosh, Lapidus, Wigodsky & Norwind, P.A. is pleased to announce that Steven VanGrack, Esquire, former Mayor of Rockville and past chair of the Maryland Real Estate Commission and MICPEL, has become “Of Counsel” to the firm and will be resident in the firm’s Rockville office. Lerch, Early & Brewer is pleased to announce that it is adding nine new attorneys to the firm. The firm welcomes Raymond J. Sherbill, Joel S. Aronson, Stuart A. Schwager and Theodore R. Goldstock as principals (all of them coming from the former Bethesda firm of Ridberg, Sherbill & Aronson LLP). Also joining the firm are associates Alex S. Tanouye (estate and tax planning), April H. Birnbaum (land use and zoning), Michael J. Neary (employment and litigation), Emily B. Rachlin (litigation) and Julie A. Reddig (litigation and employment). McCarthy Wilson LLP is pleased to announce the opening of its Hagerstown office on November 1, 2007. The firm will (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 26 WHAT’S NEW ... (Continued from preceding page) continue to operate its principal office in Rockville, Maryland, and we look forward to serving our clients from our new Hagerstown and Baltimore locations. For nearly forty years, McCarthy Wilson LLP has distinguished itself as a litigation firm of experienced trial lawyers, specializing in a variety of civil matters throughout Maryland and the District of Columbia, including personal injury, insurance defense, insurance coverage, construction litigation, business law, products liability, workers compensation, lead paint and toxic torts, and commercial litigation. For more information, please visit our website at The office will be located at 223 N. Prospect Street, Suite 400, Hagerstown, Maryland 21740; Phone (301) 791-6924; Fax (301) 791-6947. Stark, Meyers, Eisler & Leatham, LLC (, a growing Rockville, Md., law firm, is pleased to announce that Megan M. Wallace, Esq. has joined the firm as counsel. Wallace brings ten years of experience in business and corporate law, estate planning and administration, land use and zoning law, and representing non-profit and tax-exempt organizations. Wallace forms limited liability companies, partnerships, and corporations, including tax-exempt organizations. Wallace also counsels clients on real estate matters, including commercial acquisitions and leases, land use, zoning, and development issues. Her clients include individuals, businesses, charitable organizations, philanthropic foundations, religious institutions, private schools, and child-care centers. Ms. Wallace is admitted to practice law in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Georgia, and Michigan. VanGrack, Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C., announces the departure of Steven VanGrack. The firm will be known as Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C. The office is located at 401 N. Washington St., Suite 550 in Rockville, and provides services in the following Practice Areas: Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Family Law, Workers Compensation, Criminal Law, General Litigation, Wills and Estates planning, Real Estate Settlements and Transactions, Business and Tax, Employments Law and Foreclosure. RENT/LEASE BETHESDA – off Massachusetts's Avenue, furnished office in suite with lawyers, copier, facsimile library, telephone, and high-speed wireless Internet. No lease to sign, by month or yearly. 15 minutes to D.C. Courts or Rockville. Free parking. $795 per month, inclusive. Shops, bank, eateries on the premises. Call Steve at 301-229-7900. BETHESDA – OFFICE SUBLEASE: Near Rockledge Dr/off 270. Entire office available (approx 1500 sq ft) OR 1 or 2 windowed offices available + workstations if desired. All amenities including large conference room, parking, copier, kitchenette, fax, good size reception area avail. Ideal for professionals (attorney, broker, CPA, salesperson etc) Opportunities for cross referrals. Contact Cathy 301-672-6889 or for more info. NORTH BETHESDA / ROCKVILLE – Corner windowed office with secretarial space in The Executive Condominium on Executive Blvd. Walking distance to White Flint Metro Station and easy access to Rockville Pike, I-270 and Old Georgetown Rd. Suite with other attorneys has receptionist services, two conference rooms, photo copier, law library, fax, DSL and kitchenette. Parking is free to tenant, staff and clients. Looking for compatible attorney who may be interested in referrals. Contact Larry Kent at (301) 984-1212 or GAITHERSBURG – HAVE SPACE, WILL SHARE with you and yours. Russell Office Park condominium. Great for solo or small firm; possible referrals. Flexible arrangements. Call to visit or discuss. (301) 258-9636. GERMANTOWN – Attractive office is available in a modern condominium office suite. Share conference room, waiting area, copier, wireless network, and other amenities. Space and location are ideal for solo attorney with a compatible practice, satellite office, or other small business. $700.00 per month. Call Stewart A. Sutton (301) 916-5000. GERMANTOWN – Churchill Executive Office Park–high visibility, convenient to WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 27 WHAT’S NEW ... I-270; 1,000 SF end unit; three offices & reception. Call (301) 251-9200. ROCKVILLE – MONROE STREET – Office space to share. Two spacious windowed offices (with windows that open) available in building with free parking for employees and clients. Space available for two attorneys and one assistant-secretary in reception area. Amenities: kitchen, shower, copy room and conference room. Please contact Sam Shapiro at (301) 340-1333. ROCKVILLE – Office with 2 office spaces across from Courthouses in downtown Rockville. Back office is windowed. Front office can be used separately or as reception/secretary area. Perfect for two people. Next door to law firm with conference room. Call Richard at (301) 838-0098. ROCKVILLE – 1-3 offices in ground floor multi-lawyer suite, with use of conference room/library, workroom and kitchenette. Receptionist/copier/fax/DSL options available. Free parking. Conveniently located on Research Blvd. near Shady Grove Rd./I-270. Call (301) 527-9533. ROCKVILLE – Part time/ Satellite office in a beautiful penthouse office in premium office building with outdoor terrace. One block from Circuit Court. Adjacent to the Rockville Metro Station. Full use of conference room, reception, copier & kitchen, and other amenities for a reasonable cost. Call Stanley at 301-3403003. ROCKVILLE – 7th Floor office with view on Route 355 with ample free parking, walking to Court and Metro, receptionist, conference room, kitchen, and available secretarial area. Call Kathy at (301) 7627200. ROCKVILLE – Office Space – 17 West Jefferson Street–across from District Court. 2,500 sq. ft., hardwood, up-grade decor, available immediately, ideal for law office, title or mortgage company. Also 1,500 sq. ft. available immediately; can be divided into 2 spaces. Call John Garza at (301) 3408200. ROCKVILLE – Several window offices for rent in bright, quiet, cathedral ceiling Rockville townhouse. Use of conference rooms, library, kitchen and spacious client waiting areas. Plenty of free parking. Feed/sort copies available. Short walk to Circuit and District Court. Practice law comfortably. Call (301) 251-1600. ROCKVILLE – Two office suite available directly across from the Rockville Courthouses. Reception Office - 10'x 20' and Main Office with windows and storage closet 14' x 20'. Perfect for solo practitioner or satellite office. For more information please leave message at (240) 292-1416. ROCKVILLE – 2 offices available for rent - one of the offices has five huge windows, along with a separate secretary and support staff area. Here's your chance to have a premier Downtown Rockville Office Space. Ready-to-occupy 5th floor (Sublease) office space in Class A building with available garage parking. Offices are fully wired with Windows, receptionist, access to 3 conference rooms and fully equipped kitchen, coffee included. Please call 301738-7688 and ask for Richard Wells or email SILVER SPRING – OFFICE SUBLEASE: Right off 495/New Hampshire Exit./1 windowed office available + workstation. Free parking + amenities including kitchen, conference room, reception area, as well as secretarial/paralegal workstation. Ideal for professional with or without small staff (attorney, broker, CPA, salesperson, etc) Use of furniture, copier, fax avail. Opportunity for cross-referrals. Avail immed. $795/month Contact Cathy 301-672-6889 or for more info. WHITE FLINT AREA – Central to Bethesda, Rockville, Silver Spring and Potomac. On Metro Line. Law firm interested in space and workload sharing arrangement particularly in areas of Commercial and Estate Litigation or Post Death Administration. Great for Senior Lawyer in need of support or Junior Lawyer interested in mentoring. Secretary Bay, Internet Access, Conference Room, Copier, Fax, Library and Storage available. Call Jenny at (301) 231-0677. (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 28 WHAT’S NEW ... (Continued from preceding page) ATTORNEY POSITION WANTED AV rated lawyer with extensive experience, seeking of counsel arrangement with high profile law firm involved in complex domestic and/or PI matters. Prefer Bethesda/DC locations. Compensation negotiable. Send responses to Internal Box N07-01, Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. ATTORNEY OPPORTUNITIES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATE– Thriving Bethesda business, real estate and litigation firm seeks attorney with 3-5 years experience in commercial real estate. Extensive drafting experience and strong academic credentials required. Excellent compensation, benefits and working environment. Send cover letter and resume in confidence to Garson Claxton LLC by email to, by fax to (301) 634-1352, or by mail to 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 650, Bethesda, MD 20814. ASSOCIATE – CRIMINAL DEFENSE AND PERSONAL INJURY – Sandler Law LLC, a busy Rockville criminal defense and personal injury practice, seeks motivated attorney with 1-3 years experience. Former law clerk, prosecutor or assistant public defender a plus. Great opportunity to have significant client contact and gain valuable court experience. Please send resume and references to Rene Sandler by facsimile 301-340-0796 or e-mail: LITIGATION ASSOCIATE – Melehy & Associates LLC, a small firm in downtown Silver Spring, is seeking a full time Associate with 0-2 years experience for its litigation practice. Applicant must have an interest in litigation and have strong writing skills. The Associate's primary practice areas would be family law, real estate litigation and general civil litigation. Please send resume and unofficial law school transcript with salary requirement to: Ms. Gordon, Melehy & Associates LLC, 8403 Colesville Road, Suite 610, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910; Email: LITIGATION ASSOCIATE – Mid-sized law firm is seeking a litigation associate with 2-3 years experience to assist with a diverse litigation practice that includes both complex commercial cases, traffic and minor criminal cases, and administrative proceedings before the U.S. Department of Transportation. We work in a fast paced collegial environment providing opportunities for growth and a supportive learning environment. Please submit resume to: McMillan Metro, PC, Attn: Cathy LaRue, 1901 Research Blvd., Suite 500, Rockville, Maryland 20850 or by fax to (301) 2510447. EXPERIENCED LITIGATION ASSOCIATE– AV rated Montgomery County law firm seeks attorney with 4 to 6 years litigation experience in family and domestic relations law. The ideal candidate will assume responsibility for handling all types of domestic relations cases, including all facets of pre-trial preparation through the trial of any given case; be highly motivated; have strong organizational skills; excellent writing skills; and be a team player. Admission to Maryland Bar required. Qualified applicants should submit salary requirements, a current resume, a writing sample, and a cover letter via fax to (301) 424-0569 or by email to ATTORNEY – Mid-sized Bethesda law firm is seeking a full-time litigation associate with 3 to 5 years of experience for its busy commercial litigation practice. Candidate must be licensed in MD; VA & DC bars a plus. This is an excellent opportunity for career growth. Benefits include medical and dental insurance, 401(k), profit sharing and paid parking. Close to Metro. Send cover letter and resume to Elyse L. Strickland, Esquire, Selzer Gurvitch Rabin & Obecny, Chtd., 4416 East West Highway, Suite 400, Bethesda, MD 20814; fax 301-986-1301; email: The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the 10th of the month for the following months’ issue. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. BUSINESS AND FAMILY LAW ASSOCIATES NEEDED Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C., an established, AV rated Rockville, MD law firm, has immediate openings for detail-oriented, self-directed and highly motivated ASSOCIATES for our BUSINESS & FAMILY LAW practice groups. Business Law associate must be experienced in commercial transactions, shareholder/LLC operating agreements and/or commercial real estate. Family Law associate must be experienced in disputed divorce and custody matters, including trial work. Candidates must have a minimum of 3 years law firm experience with strong writing skills, Maryland Bar required. Only qualified candidates should apply. Send resume to or fax to 301-354-8140. Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C. Rockville · Frederick · Falls Church · Langley Park • (301) 340-2020 PAGE 29 WHAT’S NEW ... WELCOME NEW MEMBERS J. Max Barger, 4800 Hampden Lane, Suite 700, Bethesda, MD 20814; tel.: (301) 9519343; fax: (301) 652-8302; email: Paula M. Bresnan-Gibson, 7006 Carroll Ave., Suite 200, Takoma Park, MD 20912; tel.: (301) 270-0327; fax: (301) 270-5927; email: Gerald Collins, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: (240) 777-7409; fax: (240) 777-7414; email: Diana Gary, 50 West Montgomery Ave., Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20850; tel.: (301) 294-2334; fax: (301) 315-8275; email: Sigrid C. Haines, 3 Bethesda Metro Center, Suite 460, Bethesda, MD 20814; tel.: (301) 657-0152; fax: (301) 347-1781; email: Mikisha Harrison, 77 South Washington St., Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850-2331; tel.: (301) 424-8841; fax: (301) 424-0569; email: Michelle Hunter Green, 11921 Rockville Pike, Suite 300, Rockville, MD 20852-2743; tel.: (301) 230-6563; fax: (301) 230-2891; email: Neveen H. Kurtom, 14735 Main St., Suite 3404, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772; tel.: (301) 952-5160; email: Pooja A. Regmi, 1600 K St., NW, Mezzanine Level, Washington, DC 20006; tel.: (202) 393-3572; fax: (202) 393-0995; email: Cynthia Robinson, 9801 Greenbelt Rd., Suite 209, Lanham, MD 20706; tel.: (240) 965-1811; fax: (240) 553-1549; email: Wendy H. Schwartz, 818 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 315, Washington, DC 20006; tel.: (202) 243-7800; fax: (202) 243-7801; email: ~ Welcome to the Association ~ WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. ADVERTISERS INDEX Anger Management Techniques . . . . . . .23 Axelson, Williamowsky, Bender & Fishman, P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Paul J. Benkert, Jr., Esquire . . . . . . . . . .22 Berenato, White & Stavish, LLC . . . . . .14 Circle Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Design25 Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Stephen J. Dunn, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 EagleBank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Richard Edelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Elkind & Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Family Mediation Services, Inc. . . . . . .14 Glinsmann & Glinsmann, Chartered . .18 Global Credit Network, L.L.C. . . . . . . .20 David Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Holland Law Firm, PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Insight Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . .16 IT Pro 911 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Lawyers Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Michael L. Kabik, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .13 Lerch, Early & Brewer, Chartered . . . . .6 Maryland Bonding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Maryland Drug & Alcohol Monitoring Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 The McCammon Group . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Metro Counseling Services, Inc. . . . . . . .23 Metropolitan Process Services . . . . . . . .17 Miller, Miller & Canby . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Montgomery County Sentinel . . . . . . . .22 Oxley & Goldburn Insurance . . . . . . . . .18 Paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg, Eig & Cooper, Chartered . . . . . . . . . .27 Potomac Valley Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . .4 Preferred Offices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Process Service Unlimited . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Pushkin & Pushkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Risk Management Group . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Rossmann - Hurt - Hoffman, Inc. . . . . .19 SPC Financial Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Stein, Sperling, Bennett, De Jong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Target Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Courtland K. Townsend, Jr., Esquire . . .24 Alan S. Zipp, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 PAGE 30 STATE’S ATTORNEY’S ASSIGNMENTS WE NEED VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION ATTORNEYS: Looking for an easy way to earn some Pro Bono hours you can report to the Court of Appeals? The Pro Se Project may be just what you are looking for. We are conveniently located on the second floor of the Circuit Court building, and can always use your help. You can volunteer your time in one of two ways. If you happen to be at the courthouse, and have a little time to spare, stop by and see one, or maybe two, clients. We almost always have a backlog of people waiting to be seen between 12:00pm and 2:00pm each day, and could use your help. If you have more time to spare, we ask that you coordinate your visit by either contacting us directly, or speaking with our Bar liaison, Cherish O'Donnell, at 301-913-0068. By doing this we can schedule you for a time when we know we will be shorthanded, and your presence will do the most good. Please be assured, volunteers are under no obligation to take anyone on as a client. On the other hand, if you happen to see someone who needs an attorney, you are free to offer your services. PAGE 31 JUDGES SCHEDULES Schedule updates are available on our website when we receive them Circuit Court *Family Duty; CM=Criminal Motions; PT=Criminal PreTrial Jury Demand/Appeal Docket Calendar ☺ Bar Office Conference Room See Committee/Section Pages for Location / CLE Classroom CLE Seminar–Call (301) 340-2534 to Register NOVEMBER 1 2 6 DECEMBER 6:00p.m. Noon 7:30a.m. 12:15p.m. 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 12:15p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 8:00a.m. 5:00p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:30a.m. 5:00p.m. 7:30a.m. 8:00a.m. 8:00a.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 4:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:45a.m. 8:00a.m. 12:30p.m. 4:30p.m. Noon 12:30p.m. J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Dinner ☺ Education Law Section ☺ Personnel Transition Committee Bar Association Luncheon / CLE Seminar–Rita Rosenkrantz Circuit Court Bench Bar 7 ☺ Youth Courthouse Committee WBA Judicial Reception / CLE Seminar–Commercial Litigation District Court Bench Bar 8 ☺ Lawyer to Lawyer Committee Family Law Section ☺ Foundation Board of Directors 9 ☺ Executive Committee Meeting 12 Real Estate Law Section 13 ADR Section ☺ Intellectual Property & Technology ☺ Criminal Law Section / CLE Seminar–Rita Rosenkrantz ☺ Legal Ethics Committee 14 Business Law Section / CLE Seminar–Taxation Law 15 CLE Breakfast–Family Law Law Firm Management Section Circuit Court Chamber Chat ☺ Workers Comp Law Section ☺ Personal Injury Litigation Section 16 Juvenile Law Section 20 22 ~ THANKSGIVING ~ 23 ~ FLOATING HOLIDAY–BAR OFFICES CLOSED ~ 26 11:45a.m. Estate & Trust Law Section Commercial Litigation Section 27 8:00a.m. 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Employment Law Professionalism Commission 28 5:00p.m. Report Lawyers Literary Circle 29 4:30p.m. 29-30 ~ LONG RANGE PLANNING RETREAT ~ 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 20 24 25 ☺ Personnel Transition Committee 7:30a.m. 12:15p.m. Bar Association Luncheon Circuit Court Bench Bar 8:00a.m. ☺ Youth Courthouse Committee 12:15p.m. District Court Bench Bar 8:00a.m. ☺ Education Law Section Noon ☺ Executive Committee Meeting 5:00p.m. ☺ Intellectual Property & Technology 8:00a.m. ☺ Criminal Law Section 5:30p.m. ☺ Legal Ethics Committee 4:30p.m. Taxation Law Section 5:30p.m. M.C. Womens Bar Holiday Party 5:30p.m. Lawyers Literary Circle 4:30p.m. 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Business Law Family Law Section Holiday Party 5:30p.m. Law Firm Management Section 8:00a.m. ☺ Workers Comp Law Section 4:30p.m. ~ FLOATING HOLIDAY–BAR OFFICES CLOSED ~ ~ CHRISTMAS ~ Future Calendar November 1, 2007 ~ J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Banquet November 29-30, 2007 ~ Long Range Planning Conference January 17, 2008 ~ Judge Beard Retirement Celebration March 15, 2008 ~ Barristers Bash ~ Hilton, Washington DC/Rockville Newsletter of the BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 March 19, 2008 ~ Bar Leaders Dinner ~ Lakewood Country Club May 2, 2008 ~ Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration May 22, 2008 ~ Bar Revue ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre Periodicals Postage PAID at
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