NEWSLETTER - Bar Association of Montgomery County Maryland
THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD Volume 53, Issue 10 N EWSLETTE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE In this - my penultimate President's Column (I've always wanted to use that word) - I want to thank many people for making this year a Presidential pleasure: - The Executive Committee - I acknowledge that several of the meetings ran longer than the usual time allotted. Issues present themselves then recede, than present themselves again. The willingness of the Executive Committee to tackle them head on promptly and fully reduces work in the long run, and improves immensely this Association. - Trish Weaver, Dave Rubino and Ron Canter, for retooling and streamlining out Fee Dispute Resolution Rules. This was long overdue, and we needed this badly because the public needs an effective forum for resolving these disagreements, and the Bar should (Continued on page 3) NEXT BAR LUNCHEON April 4, 2006 ~ 12:15p.m. - 1:00p.m. Speaker: John J. McCarthy, President, Montgomery County, MD, Bar Foundation Rockville United Methodist Church 112 West Montgomery Ave., Rockville, MD 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850-4200 Telephone: (301) 424-3454 Fax: (301) 217-9327 Web Site: — E-mail: LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT SECTION Join us on April 27, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. at the Law Firm Management Section Meeting for a special presentation by a nationally recognized expert on legal malpractice avoidance and legal malpractice insurance. Date: Thursday, April 27, 2006 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Place: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. 11921 Rockville Pike 4th Floor Conference Center Rockville, MD 20852 This program is being offered at no charge, compliments of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. To reserve your seat please contact Donna Olenick at or 301230-6565, ext. 5515. David A. Pordy, Chair LEADERSHIP ACADEMY The MSBA's Leadership Academy is celebrating its 10th year. It was established in 1996 by then-President Robert Gonzales. Its purpose is to bring members with leadership ability and potential to the MSBA and train them to become even better leaders for both the MSBA and local and specialty bars. The program is NOT just for new attorneys but for practitioners from all backgrounds who want to learn more about the opportunities for leadership. Information is available at the Leadership Academy website, leadership/ The deadline for applications is March 31, 2006. R April 2006 112TH ANNUAL MEETING & LAW DAY CELEBRATION May 5, 2006 ~ 8:00a.m.-2:30p.m. Keynote Speaker: Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., Chief Judge Court of Special Appeals of Maryland NEW LOCATION THIS YEAR: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center 5701 Marinelli Rd. North Bethesda, MD 20852 SEMINARS BEING PRESENTED: Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Our Electronic World What You Don’t Know About Immigration and Divorce Can Hurt Your Client Lawyer as an Employer The Matrix: Immigration Issues at the Crossroads of Your Criminal Case Electronic Discovery and the 2006 Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Estate & Trust Law Topic TBA Tax Issues Related to Business Valuations and Divorce Integrating Dispute Resolution Processes for Business Clients For Registration ... See Insert This Issue FAX BACK TO (301) 424-6724 OR E-MAIL YOUR PREFERENCE TO MDELGADO849@EARTHLINK.NET ~ VOLUNTEER/CONTRIBUTION FOR PRO BONO ~ In conjunction with Rule 6.1, I wish to contribute time and/or money to the Montgomery County, Maryland, Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program. I wish to donate: Time in the following areas of law: ________________________________ Time to the Evening Legal Clinics (6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.) ________________ Time to the Pro Bono office as a Volunteer Consulting Attorney from 10:00a.m.-Noon on M____ Tu ____ W ____ Th____ I wish to donate funds and enclose $________ Credit Card #: _________________________________________ Exp. Date ____________ (CIRCLE ONE) VISA or MC Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ The Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and contributions are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. PAGE 2 FOR YOUR INFORMATION HEADING Bar Association Beverly Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager/LRS Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Association Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Membership (part-time) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tessy Cindy Marg Marleni Kathy } Lawyer Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lawyer Referral Service Operators (part-time) . . . . . . . . (301) 424-3453 (301) 424-7040 (301) 762-8376 (301) 424-6351 (301) 424-7040 (301) 279-9100 Bar Foundation Jackie CLE Seminars and Events Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 340-2534 Pro Bono Program Client Intake Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7651 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-7652 The following staff listing is not for public information. It is for attorney use only. Mary Kay Canarte, Staff Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-5831 Maria Office Administrator / Client Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 424-2706 Ingrid Client Intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (301) 762-8488 FOR LAWYERS WHO NEED HELP FRIENDS OF BILL W. LAWYER MEETING If you are aware of attorneys who are having problems with alcohol, drugs, stress, emotional problems and related illnesses that interfere with their professional or personal lives, please call the Lawyer-toLawyer Committee. Committee members are available to assist lawyers find confidential effective programs to suit their needs. All calls are strictly confidential. Barbara R. Graham, Chair Phone: (301) 294-3467 E-mail: For further information as to the time and location of the meetings, please call Lawyerto-Lawyer Committee member, William G. Simmons at (301) 340-1900. BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD NEWSLETTER (USPS 430-930) ISSN-1079-0780 is published monthly except July/August combined at $25.00 per year by the Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850-4200 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, Newsletter 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director & Editor Cindy Brandenburg, Assistant & Advertising Editor LEGAL ETHICS HOTLINE ~ Reserve Your Spot ~ 2006 Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, May 5, 2006 Jeffrey M. Axelson Lawrence R. Holzman - (301) 738-7650 - (301) 220-2200 For a written confidential opinion, submit your written request, marked confidential, to Jeffrey M. Axelson, c/o Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850. 2005-2006 Officers and Chairs ASSOCIATION OFFICERS: President: Paul F. Kemp President-Elect: John C. Monahan Treasurer: Richard S. Stolker Treasurer-Elect: Robert B. Hetherington Secretary: Richard H. Melnick Past President: John J. McCarthy Executive Director: Beverly C. Mondin EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Hon. Michael J. Algeo Daniel M. Kennedy, III George E. Simms, III Bradford S. Bernstein Michael J. McAuliffe Jeffrey Van Grack Audrey A. Creighton Master Joan E. Ryon Patricia M. Weaver Neil I. Jacobs Nancy A. Sachitano Vincent M. Wills New Practitioners Co-Chairs: Omolade R. Akinbolaji & Marjorie P. DiLima COMMITTEE CHAIRS Assoc./Found. – Ann. Mtg. & Law Day – Robert B. Hetherington, Chair – (301) 762-7770 Bench/Bar-Circuit – Patricia P. Via, Chair – (240) 777-6721 Bench/Bar-District Court – Reginald W. Bours, III, Chair – (301) 340-7600 Fee Dispute Resolution – Ronald S. Canter, Co-Chair – (240) 386-3000, David L. Rubino, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770 & Patricia M. Weaver, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9360 Interprofessional – John M. Quinn, Chair – (301) 698-8182 Judicial Selections – Larry A. Ceppos, Chair – (301) 251-0440 Thomas D. Murphy, Vice Chair – (301) 424-0400 Lawyer to Lawyer – Barbara R. Graham, Chair – (301) 294-3467 Lawyer Referral – Gregory E. Flynn, Chair – (301) 340-2020 Legal Ethics – Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair – (301) 738-7650 & Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair – (301) 340-1333 Legislation – Laurel N. Anchors, Co-Chair –(301) 990-6065 & VACANT, Co-Chair Nominations & Elections – Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair – (301) 657-8805 Professionalism & The Quality of Life - Karen L. Federman-Henry, Chair – (240) 777-6761 Designated Conciliator Program – Gary W. Diamond, Chair – (301) 933-4500 Technology – Morton J. Frome, Chair – (301) 738-9900 Unauthorized Practice of Law – Ronald M. Abramson, Chair – (240) 386-3000 SECTION CHAIRS Alternative Dispute Resolution – Robert L. Baum, Co-Chair – (301) 610-0610 & Ellen F. Kandell, Co-Chair – (301) 588-5390 Bankruptcy Law – Ronald M. Levin, Chair – (202) 973-1200 Business Law – Edward E. Sharkey, Co-Chair – (301) 657-8184 & Matthew J. Downs, Co-Chair – (301) 838-9500 Commercial Litigation – Steven Gould, Co-Chair – (301) 718-4548 & Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair – (301) 838-3210 Criminal Law – Eun K. Cho, Co-Chair – (301) 230-5200 & Carol A. Crawford, Co-Chair – (240) 777-7342 Employment Law – Scott A. Mirsky, Co-Chair – (301) 251-6200 & Rosanna C. Lopez, Co-Chair – (301) 881-6800 Estates & Trusts – Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair – (301) 230-5223 Family Law – Jennifer A. Forquer, Co-Chair – (30) 657-8805 & Carlos M. Lastra, Co-Chair – (301) 869-1700 Federal Practice – Lawrence R. Holzman, Co-Chair – (301) 220-2200 & Charles F. Chester, Co-Chair – (301) 294-2500 Health Law – Randi Kopf, Co-Chair – (301) 762-3770 & Jason Slotnik, Co-Chair – (301) 649-0626 Immigration – Devang M. Shah, Co-Chair – (301) 315-0001 & Timur Edib, Co-Chair – (301) 251-8830 In-House Counsel – Gregory D. Grant, Chair – (301) 230-6578 Intellectual Property & Technology – Jeffrey I. Auerbach, Co-Chair – (301) 896-0600 & Eric J. Von Vorys, Co-Chair – (301) 239-5242 Juvenile Law – Debra S. Grimes, Co-Chair – (240) 777-7389 & Maura L. Lynch, Co-Chair – (240) 777-7380 Law Firm Management – David A. Pordy, Chair – (301) 230-5205 New Practitioners – Omolade R. Akinbolaji, Co-Chair – 301-657-8805 & Marjorie P. DiLima, Co-Chair – (301) 251-0100 Mentor/Mentee (sub of New Practitioners) - Ilana Cohen, Chair – (240) 355-6642 Chamber Chats – Ivonne C. Lindley, Chair – (301) 838-3217 Personal Injury Litigation – Michael V. Nakamura, Co-Chair (Plaintiff) – (301) 230-5255 & John J. O’Neill, Co-Chair (Defense) – (301) 279-0099 Real Estate – Jerry R. O’Conor, Chair – (202) 887-0005 Taxation – Chaya Kundra, Chair – (301) 424-7585 Telecommunications – Bruce A. Henoch, Co-Chair – (301) 230-6569 & Michael Deutschman, Co-Chair – (301) 571-6222 Workers Compensation Law – Mary B. Buonanno, Co-Chair – (301) 270-0327 & Wendy B. Karpel, Co-Chair – (240) 777-6726 BAR FOUNDATION OFFICERS (Effective July 1, 2005) President: John J. McCarthy President-Elect: Paul F. Kemp Past President: Deane A. Shure Treasurer: Alan S. Zipp Assistant Treasurer: Richard S. Stolker DIRECTORS James M. Brault Mark S. Goldstein A. Howard Metro Douglas M. Bregman Gerald W. Heller Robert C. Park Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho Eric M. Johnson Linda D. Schwartz Charles B. Day John P. Kudel Harry C. Storm Glenn M. Cooper Susan S. Magazine Rebecca N. Strandberg David S. DeJong Mimi L. Magyar-Socorso Joseph P. Suntum Kathleen M. Dumais Rachel T. McGuckian Marvin Waldman Mary Ellen Flynn Patrick C. McKeever Jo B. Fogel Camilla O. McRory COMMITTEE CHAIRS Bar Revue – Steven J. Bienstock – (301) 251-1600 Cable T.V./Law School for the Public – Thomas P. Ryan, Co-Chair – (301) 762-7770 & Natasha R. Luddington, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0748 Continuing Legal Education – Daniel L. Shea, Chair – (301) 424-1060 CLE Breakfasts – James C. Strouse, Chair – (410) 730-7600 Fall Outing – James R. Hammerschmidt, Co-Chair – (301) 951-9338 & Alison W. Rind, Co-Chair – (301) 657-0750 Pro Bono – Lauri E. Cleary, Chair – (301) 657-0176 School Mock Trial – Bradford S. Bernstein, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 & Rachel T. McGuckian, Co-Chair – (301) 762-1600 Speakers Bureau – Richard E. Schimel, Chair (Public Division) – (301) 654-0896 & William F. X. Becker, Chair (School Division) – (301) 340-6966 PAGE 3 CURRENT UPDATE TONER FRAUD An example of what happens ... someone calls the office posing as a representative from the copier company saying that they have increased the price of your copier toner, but that they are willing to order 8 toner cartridges at the cheaper "original price" and only send you 1 cartridge as to not "over stock" your office. The price the scam artist quoted me this last try was over $500. They already have your address and fax number and usually know the type of copier you have and if not, they'll ask you for the information. They then say that their manager will be faxing you something that needs your signature on it authorizing them to bill you. A few minutes after the fraudulent California based company faxes you they call again (usually a different person in on the scam) and ask you to sign the paper and fax it back to them immediately while they have you on the line stating they are having problems with their fax machine and want to make sure they receive it. The first time the scam artist called, I tended to believe them, but not quite, they were not very professional which led me to believe they were not a legitimate company. The second time they tried the scam, the person sounded as if he were reading a script. The first time this happened I called a supplier our office deals with regarding our copier needs. They informed me that I was an attempted victim of "Toner Fraud" and gave me the number to the Federal Trade Commission SLATE OF OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR 2006-2007 In accordance with Article VII of the Constitution of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland, we the Nominating Committee of 2006 report that the following persons have been nominated for the indicated offices. If any voting member wishes to place his or her name on the official ballot to be mailed on April 7, 2006, you are invited to file a petition, available in the Bar Office by March 30, 2006 and have it signed by ten or more voting members. President-Elect Jeffrey M. Axelson Mary Ellen Flynn Treasurer-Elect Sharon Johnson Donna E. Van Scoy Secretary C. Sei-Hee Arii Suzy L. Eckstein Executive Committee Robert L. Baum James R. Hammerschmidt Cheryl A. McCally Nelson I. Burgos Hadrian N. Hatfield Richard H. Melnick Ronald S. Canter Wendy B. Karpel Lawal Momodu Maria F. Glinsmann Mary K. (Kathy) Knight Devang M. Shah Nancy A. Sachitano, Chair to report them. I filled out a complaint on-line at in October of 2005 with as much information as I had. Michelle Lease, Clifford, Debelius, Crawford, Bonifant & Fitzpatrick, Chtd. CIRCUIT COURT FAMILY DIVISION Revised Bench/bar Schedule through December 2006 Please note that the schedule for Juvenile Court Bench Bar meetings has been changed. Beginning in April, the CINA bench bar meetings will be held on Wednesdays. Delinquent bench bar meetings will remain on Thursdays. All meetings will be held in Courtroom 20 at 12:30 p.m. APR.: CINA Wed., Apr. 19, 2006 MAY: DELQ Thurs., May 18, 2006 JUNE: CINA Wed., June 14, 2006 JULY: DELQ Thurs., July 20, 2006 AUG.: CINA Wed., Aug. 16, 2006 SEPT.: DELQ Thurs., Sept. 21, 2006 OCT.: CINA Wed., Oct. 18, 2006 (Continued on page 5) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. INTERSPANISH COMMUNICATIONS METROPOLITAN PROCESS SERVICES INTERPRETING AND TRANSLATING SERVICES (301) 929-6819 DEPOSITIONS, MEDIATIONS, HEARINGS, STATEMENTS WANDA S. LEHMAN CERTIFIED COURT INTERPRETER, PRINCIPAL P.O. BOX 13535 SILVER SPRING, MD 20911 TELEPHONE: (301) 257-2228 FAX: (301) 585-7768 24 Hour Cell (301) 252-0706 Skip Tracing Unlimited Attempts Rush Services within 48 hours Court Filings Available Scheduled Pickups KARL STEPHENS P.O. Box 6811 Silver Spring, MD 20916 Serving DC, MD and VA PAGE 4 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE, cont’d (Continued from page 1) provide that forum fairly and expeditiously. - To the Chairs of all Sections and Committees. In the support of our members, this is where the rubber meets the road. Meaningful exchange with our peers about practice pointers, judges' idiosyncrasies, civility in our adversarial system, client management, business management, and business opportunities, all enrich our profession. Great friendships are made in these meetings, and the chairpersons who provide those opportunities deserve commendation. - The Bar staff. Bev, Cindy, Tessy, Jackie and LRS. They have been making presidents and Executive Committees look so good for so long that we forget how busy they really are. Just sit at the Bar Office for a few minutes on any busi- ness day and watch the beehive of activity. The luncheons, Bar Revues, Committee assignments, CLEs, court support and membership initiatives of BAMC are models due largely to the support of our great staff. - Larry Ceppos and the Judicial Selection Committee. This year they have made recommendations for eight vacancies - four in Circuit Court, and four in District Court. Most recently, twenty eight applicants were investigated and screened by the Committee, over the course of three long sessions. Everyone relies on work product - the State bar, the Judicial Selections Commission, the Governor. While ensuring the confidentiality of our sessions, we share the results and some impressions. Our interviews are thorough and painstaking for the applicants, and are a tribute to all members of WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. the Committee. If we paid our Committee members their hourly rates, the cost would be well over $100,000. They work for free, and we are all the richer for it. - Finally, to the 200 or so really hard working members of the Bar Association this year. You know who you are, and now, so do I. You staff our functions and committees, you attend early morning breakfasts and late evening meetings, and you defend our profession, our Association, and our Judiciary. We have a membership of nearly 3,000 attorneys, and you are the best of the best. It has been one of the pleasures of my career to witness your selflessness and your example. Paul F. Kemp Make Your Reservations Today ~ 112th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, May 5, 2006 8:00a.m. - 2:30p.m. Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center ~ 2006 Bar Revue Wednesday, May 24, 2006 5:30p.m. ~ Rockville Civic Centre ~See Inserts This Issue ~ BAIL BONDS 24 HOUR SERVICE 301- 279-0757 PANTAZES BAIL BONDS 77 South Washington Street Rockville, MD 20850 PAGE 5 CURRENT UPDATE, cont’d (Continued from page 3) NOV.: DEC.: DELQ Thurs. Nov. 16, 2006 CINA Wed., Dec. 20, 2006 Family Division Open Motions Reminder Please follow up on motions that you have filed with the court. If a motion is past ripe and you have not received a ruling, please inquire with the court as to the status of the motion. Similarly, if you have filed a motion that you no longer wish to pursue, please file a line to withdraw the motion. To check on the status of a motion please call the Clerk's office at 240-777-9429 or the Family Division at 240-777-9079. Madeleine Jones, Family Division Coordinator SCHOOL MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION We would like to thank the volunteer attorneys who acted as Judges for the competition: Robert Grant Deborah Webb Jeffrey Goldstein Matthew Focht Heather Kafetz Rhian McGrath Scott Nelson Jason Fisher Richard Hagerty Mitchell Batt Jennifer Phillips Jeannie Cho Todd Forster Eric Mitchell Mark Futrovsky Patricia Weaver Marc Smith Erin Ashbarry Mike Campbell Jennifer Thomas Paul Kemp Marissa Olson Rebecca Bixler Jeffrey Stickle Claudia Vitale Andre Forte Bulletin Board & Future Calendar April 10-17, 2006 ... Montgomery County Public Schools Spring Break April 27, 2006 ... Montgomery County Womens’ Bar Association Take Your Child to Work Day ... For information, call Heather Hostetter at (301) 657-8805. May 5, 2006 ~ Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration ... Marriott / Montgomery County Conference Center May 24, 2006 ~ 2006 Bar Revue ... 5:30p.m. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre. For information, contact Jackie at (301) 340-2534. Do you need materials from our Fall CLE Breakfasts & Seminars, For information call Jackie in the CLE office at (301) 340-2534. Please feel free to send your newsletter submissions via e-mail to Brad Bernstein Ivonne Lindley Neil Jacobs Matthew Tidball Rich Costella Rajita Andrews David Lease Nick Andrews Marjorie DiLima John Murphy Monica Harms Scott Stinnett Audrey Creighton David Bulitt Omolade Akinbolaji Howard Cheris The competition this year has been terrific and the students have done an incredible job. Thank you for your time and assistance. Rachel T. McGuckian, Co-Chair Bradford S. Bernstein, Co-Chair BUSINESS LAW SECTION AND THE COMMERCIAL LITIGATION SECTION TO HOLD A JOINT MEETING The Business Law and Commercial Litigation Sections will sponsor a joint meeting at 5:30 p.m. on April 19, 2006 at a NEW LOCATION. The meeting will be at Paley Rothman in Bethesda - 4800 Hampden Lane, Seventh Floor, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. The meeting will feature Glenn Cooper of Paley Rothman who will speak on the topic of "Corporate Control and Minority Rights," an issue of interest to all business lawyers and litigators. Refreshments will be served. Following the meeting, we expect to continue with a networking social at a local watering hole. Please RSVP to Ed Sharkey at 301657-8184. The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the 10th of the month for the following months’ issue. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. L AW O F F I C E S O F COURTLAND K. TOWNSEND, JR. *************** 6804 COASTAL HIGHWAY TOWNSEND TOWERS OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND 21842 *************** TWENTY-SIX YEARS PREVIOUS PRACTICE IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND *************** FAX: (410) 524-4953 TELEPHONE: (410) 524-4300 DAVID HARRISON, INC. APPRAISALS - CONTENTS PURCHASED DC/MD REAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $200.00 DC/MD PERSONAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS - $200.00 COMBINATION FEE - BOTH FOR $350.00 DC/MD MD LICENSE #83 ♦ DC LICENSE #286 ON DC APPROVED APPRAISERS LIST - CERTIFIED APPRAISER #38315 LICENSED BROKER DC/MD SINCE 1959 WE APPRAISE HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS, ANTIQUES, FINE ARTS & COLLECTIBLES. REFERENCES - FAST SERVICE - TOTAL CLEANOUTS - DELIVERIES - SHIPMENTS CALL FOR OUR LITERATURE - WE BUY, SELL, RESTORE, APPRAISE & ACCEPT CONSIGNMENTS 301-258-9317 Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland Proposed Budget ~ July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007 Ordinary Income/Expense Income 400 UND INCOME 4005 BAR DUES 4007 CHECK-OFF 4011 LRS DUES 4012 LRS ASSESSMENT 4025 XEROX 4030 ANNUAL MEETING March 23, 2006 4040 NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING 4043 LUNCHEON & DINNER 4044 LAWYERS DIRECTORY To: The General Membership 4045 MONT CO HOSPITALITY STE 4070 INTEREST 4090 JOINT DINNER INCOME We are presenting a proposed budget for the year July 4091 JUDICIAL SELECTIONS 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007. Every effort has been made to 4095 GIFTS & FLOWERS continue proposing progressive budgets to meet future 4096 SECURITY CARDS 4097 SOCIAL EVENTS needs, while reviewing actual expenses of past years. 4099 SPECIALTY LISTING Three years ago the membership approved a $15.00 4100 SOFTBALL 4105 POSTAGE INCOME dues increase, which was phased in at $5.00 per year for 4122 MAILING LIST the active membership. A large part of this increase was to 4133 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME upgrade our computer system to better serve the member4147 SECRETARIAL ADVERTISING 4148 SERVICE FEES ship. 4215 MANAGEMENT FEES The Lawyer Referral Service will be the first project TOTAL 4000 UND INCOME 7000 DES REV (LRS) that will go on-line so that the community will be able to 7020 LRS ADS INCOME search and select their attorney and thereby tap into a marTOTAL 7000 DES REV (LRS) ket, which the LRS may not serve at the present time. TOTAL INCOME The second phase of the technology upgrade will include on-line balloting for judicial referenda and nominations and elections. On-line surveys will also make it easier to gain member feedback quickly. The Monthly Bar Luncheons continue to be a free member service, served in Rockville on the first Tuesday of each month from September through April. Our luncheons are a wonderful networking opportunity, as well as an opportunity to hear local and state speakers on topics of interest to the membership. We hope all of you look at our Web Page,, on a regular basis for the most up to date announcements. The Monthly Newsletter is actually on the web page a week in advance of you receiving it in the mail. It has been a pleasure to serve as your Budget Committee this year to assure our continued financial stability and success. The Budget Committee Marvin Waldman, Chair Paul F. Kemp, President Richard S. Stolker, Treasurer Robert B. Hetherington, Treasurer-elect John C. McCarthy, President, Bar Foundation Alan S. Zipp, Treasurer, Bar Foundation Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director Expense 6000 UND. EXP. 6010 ACCOUNTING 6015 AUDIT SUPPORT 6030 ADVERTISING-SECRETARIAL 6040 ANNUAL MEETING 6050 BANK CHARGES 6055 BENCH BAR 6107 CHECK-OFF 6110 COMMITTEE WELFARE 6114 COMPUTER 6120 CONVENTION-TRAVEL 6125 CONVENTION-REGISTRATION 6140 DELIVERY 6150 DEPRECIATION 6152 LAWYER'S DIRECTORY 6160 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6210 EQUIPMENT LEASING (PBCC) 6220 GIFTS & FLOWERS 6230 INSURANCE 6245 JUDICIAL SELECTIONS 6247 JOINT DINNER 6249 LONG RANGE & TRI-STATE 6250 LUNCHEONS & DINNER 6254 MARKETING 6270 MONT. CTY HOSPITALITY STE 6290 NEWSLETTER 6291 NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 6310 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6315 OUTSIDE SERVICES 6320 PHOTOS & CERTIFICATES 6330 PRINTING 6360 POSTAGE 6390 RENT TO FOUNDATION 6400 REPAIRS & MAINT CONTR. 6401 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 6408 SALARIES 6415 SECURITY PASS 6435 SOCIAL EVENTS 6440 SOFTBALL 6460 FUTA-SUTA-1/2 FICA 6479 TELEPHONE & FAX 6489 XEROX LEASE 6490 XEROX (SUPPLIES ONLY) TOTAL 6000 UND. EXP. 7035 ADVERTISING (LRS) TOTAL EXPENSE NET INCOME PROPOSED JUL 06 - JUN 07 316,000.00 24,500.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 3,000.00 20,000.00 64,000.00 200.00 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 300.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 40,000.00 587,100.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 607,100.00 8,900.00 1,200.00 800.00 20,000.00 4,800.00 1,500.00 24,500.00 4,000.00 22,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 300.00 3,000.00 2,800.00 1,600.00 1,400.00 800.00 7,400.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 500.00 1,600.00 50,000.00 500.00 3,000.00 7,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 59,579.00 1,000.00 44,000.00 216,297.00 200.00 2,000.00 1,400.00 17,650.00 12,000.00 4,900.00 500.00 586,126.00 19,000.00 605,126.00 1,974.00 PAGE 7 NEW PRACTITIONERS / YOUNG LAWYERS NEW ADMITTEE COURTHOUSE TOUR & RECEPTION The New Admittee Courthouse Tour & Reception was held on March 23, 2006. Thank you to all the members of the bar who joined us in welcoming our newest members to the bar. The event was a great success. Our next New Admittee Courthouse Tour & Reception will be held in the fall and will welcome the February 2006 admittees. FRIEND RAISER The Bethesda happy hour was held on March 30, 2006 at the Daily Grill in Bethesda. Thank you to our event sponsors–Paley, Rothman, Goldstein, Rosenberg & Cooper, Chtd; Lerch Early & Brewer, Chtd; and the Maryland State Bar Association's Young Lawyers Section. CHAMBER CHATS The format for our chamber chats programs will change so that we can try to get better attendance. Instead of having the event every month, we will coordinate the event every other month, alternating between the District Courts and Circuit Court Judges. Thank you to all the Judges who have participated in this year's Chamber Chats. Our next chamber chat will occur in the Fall. If you have any questions or suggestions about the Chamber Chats please contact Ivonne Lindley, Esq., at Stein, Sperling et al, (301) 838-3217 or MENTOR/MENTEE COMMITTEE The committee is still hard at work pairing newly admitted attorneys with mentors. If you are willing to serve as a mentor for a 1-year period, please respond directly to Ilana Cohen, MentorMentee Chair at 240-355-6642 or Omolade R. Akinbolaji, Co-Chair Marjorie P. DiLima, Co-Chair 2006 Bar Leaders Dinner On March 15, 2006, John J. McCarthy, President of the Bar Foundation presented the 2006 Honorary Life Bar Leaders Award to Robert S. Bourbon and Judge James S. McAuliffe, Jr., for their tremendous past service to the Legal Profession. President McCarthy also inducted 13 new Bar Leaders for their current service to the Bar Association, Bar Robert S. Bourbon James S. McAuliffe, Jr. Foundation, and the legal profession. They were: Bradford S. Bernstein, Mary B. Buonanno, Cynthia Callahan, Audrey A. Creighton, Marjorie DiLima, Jennifer A. Forquer, Bruce A. Henoch, Wendy B. Karpel, Carlos M. Lastra, Bruce Magazine, Scott A. Mirsky, Master Joan Ryon, and Jeffrey M. Schwaber. President McCarthy gave a beautifully crafted presentation of the accomplishments of Mr. Bourbon and Judge James S. McAuliffe, Jr. Following is a minute description of their contributions to the legal profession: WHEREAS, Robert S. Bourbon has served as President of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland in 1966 - 1967 with outstanding leadership, commitment and boundless energy, and WHEREAS, his willingness to plan and lead significant projects and programs for the legal profession assured the delivery of service to many senior members of the Bar and, WHEREAS, his altruism and friendship have benefited current members of the Bar, as he delivered an address at the "Century of Service Celebration" and for his oral history at the "Celebration for Senior members of the Bar", and WHEREAS, his professional courtesy to colleagues and the Judiciary is an example for every practicing attorney. THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation, as the highest testimonial of his volunteerism, professionalism, and collegiality presented this 15th day of March, 2006. WHEREAS, Judge James S. McAuliffe, Jr. has served the legal profession and the Judiciary with integrity, vision, and commitment, and WHEREAS, he chaired the committee, which developed and implemented the Code of Civility for the attorneys of the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland, and, WHEREAS, he has dedicated 27 years of continuous service, to the Lawyer-to Lawyer Program, which has benefited those members of the Bar in need, and WHEREAS, he has devoted many years to mentoring and the delivery of Continuing Legal Education to hundreds of attorneys and, WHEREAS, his altruism, friendship, and camaraderie has benefited the profession and shall stand as a model for future generations. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation, as the highest testimonial of his volunteerism, professionalism, and collegiality presented this 15th day of March, 2006. PAGE 8 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION SECTION The ADR section will hold a meeting on April 24th from 8:00 a.m.-9:30 a.m. at the Broadway Diner, on Rockville Pike to discuss plans and programs for 20062007. We welcome everyone's ideas and participation. Please join us. RSVP to Bob Baum at 301-610-0610 or Ellen Kandell at 301-588-5390. Also, the section continues its active participation in the advancement of collaborative law by announcing that spaces are available for the May 7, 8, and 9, 2006 Collaborative Law team training, to be held in Rockville. The training will cover both basic collaborative law and also focus on the team aspects of that practice. It will qualify novices to practice collaborative law, and help those already trained to sharpen their skills and learn how to utilize other professionals in the collaborative process more effectively. For further information contact Karen Robbins at or Suzy Eckstein at Bob Baum, Co-Chair Ellen Kandell, Co-Chair BUSINESS LAW SECTION MEETING DATES The Business Law and Commercial Litigation Sections will sponsor a joint meeting at 5:30 p.m. on April 19, 2006 at a NEW LOCATION. The meeting will be at Paley Rothman in Bethesda - 4800 Hampden Lane, Seventh Floor, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. The meeting will feature Glenn Cooper of Paley Rothman who will speak on the topic of "Corporate Control and Minority Rights," an issue of interest to all business lawyers and litigators. Refreshments will be served. Following the meeting, we expect to continue with a networking social at a local watering hole. Please RSVP to Ed Sharkey at 301-657-8184. Edward E. Sharkey, Co-Chair Matthew J. Downs, Co-Chair CINA/DELINQUENCY BROWN BAG BENCH BAR MEETINGS April 19, 2006 Aug. 16, 2006 May 18, 2006 Sept. 21, 2006 June 14, 2006 Oct. 18, 2006 July 20, 2006 Nov. 16, 2006 Dec. 20, 2006 Beginning in April, the CINA Bench Bar meetings will be held on Wednesdays. Delinquent Bench Bar meetings will remain on Thursdays. The CINA/Delinquent Bench Bar meetings will be held in Courtroom 20 of the District Court Building at 12:30 - 1:30 PM. CIRCUIT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE MEETING DATES May 3, 2006 All meetings will be held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 8:00a.m. in the Administrative Judge’s Conference Room in the Circuit Court building in Rockville. The following matters are brought to your attention: The Circuit Court Bench Bar Committee and the ADR, Family Law and Criminal Law Sections sponsored the program and reception on March 7, 2006 "ADR Today–the Court's Perspective." By all accounts, the program was well received. I want to thank Judge Sundt and all the speakers for their wonderful presentations, which made this program very informative and interesting. I also want to thank Bev Mondin and her staff for all their efforts in helping to plan this event and in arranging for the food and drink at the reception which followed. Of April 5, 2006 course, the food was delicious thanks to the efforts of Mary McEchern. Finally, many thanks go out to all the members of our subcommittee who were instrumental in planning and organizing this event. As a reminder, entry into the Circuit Courthouse after 5:00 p.m. is by way of the Maryland Avenue entrance only. The other two entrances (Monroe Street and the T-level) are closed after 5:00 p.m. If you have any matters to bring to the Committee's attention, please contact Patty Via (240-777-6721),, Committee Chair, or Lawal Momodu (301654-9393), Patricia Via, Chair CRIMINAL LAW SECTION Spring has sprung and we are overflowing with very special events! Our CLE will be on Tuesday, April 25 from 5 to 7 PM. Our special guests are the Honorable Mary Ellen Barbera of the Court of Special Appeals and John McCarthy, Deputy State's Attorney. They will be discussing "2005The Appellate Year In Review." In addition to food, drink, and friends, you will be treated to two dynamic and knowledgeable speakers. Be sure to join us for what promises to be a very special evening! Look for more specifics on the listserv. In addition, be sure not to miss our breakout session at Law Day on May 5th. We will be teaming up with the Immigration Law section for "The Matrix: Immigration issues at the crossroads of your criminal case." Our WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Appellate Practice Law Office of Paul Benkert 21 Years Experience Appellate Briefs, Oral Arguments, Centiorari Petitions Maryland and Federal Courts Former Federal Attorney, Assistant State’s Attorney, and Corporate General Counsel Current practice specializing in appellate advocacy Will research and ghost write for you or enter appearance 301-3 340-6 6090 • PAGE 9 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS exciting panelists will be Laura Kelsey Rhodes, Esq., Alan Drew, Esq., and Margaret Schweitzer, Assistant State's Attorney. If you've never heard these three marvelous lawyers, you're in for a great treat. See you then! Carol Crawford, Co-Chair Jeannie Cho, Co-Chair COMMERCIAL LITIGATION SECTION A special announcement: For our section’s April meeting, there will be a joint meeting with the Business Law Section on April 19, 2006, at 5:30p.m. Please see the Business Law Section’s listing for more details. The Commercial Litigation Section will be sponsoring an exciting CLE program, Navigating the Unpredictability of Virginia’s State Courts, on May 16, 2006, from 8:30-11:30a.m. More information regarding the speakers and other details will be circulated through the listserv in the near future. Steven Gould, Co-Chair Jeffrey M. Schwaber, Co-Chair DISTRICT COURT BENCH BAR COMMITTEE MEETING DATES May 4, 2006 The next Meeting is Thursday, April 6, 2006, 8:00 a.m., in 4th Floor Conference Room at the Rockville District Court location. Members with questions or sugges- April 6, 2006 tions are encouraged to e-mail them to Reg Bours at Reginald W. Bours, III, Chair EMPLOYMENT LAW SECTION MEETING DATES Our next regular meeting will be a breakfast meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2006, at 8am. We are very pleased to announce that Liza H. Gold, MD, author of "Sexual Harassment: Psychiatric Assessment in Employment Litigation," will be speaking on the role and use of psychiatric experts in employment litigation. The meeting will be held at Bromberg Rosenthal LLP, 401 North Washington Street, Suite 500, Rockville, MD 20850. Free parking is available. Your RSVP is requested via email or phone to Rosanna Lopez ( or 202-861-2934) or Scott Mirsky (, 301-2516200). If you are not currently on the Section's e-mail list, please send an e-mail message to Scott Mirsky at or Rosanna Lopez at Scott Mirsky, Co-Chair Rosanna Lopez, Co-Chair ESTATE & TRUST LAW SECTION MEETING DATES April 10, 2006 Please think of, and thank our sponsors often. Bob Quinn, CLU (301-217- WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. 6450) from Northwestern Mutual, and Brendan Hurley from Goodwill of Greater Washington (202-715-2605), will be sponsoring the entire year's programs. If you would like to attend the April meeting, please RSVP to Chris Hutt at 301-230-6565 x5392 or to Please arrive by 11:45a.m. to eat lunch (no charge to attendees), so we can begin promptly at noon. Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair FAMILY LAW SECTION MEETING DATES April 20, 2006 All meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Bar Association Building. April 20, 2006 is our last regular section meeting of the year and then we are on a break for the summer. Our meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association Building. The Wine and Cheese with the Master's and Judges on February 16th was a great success and thank you all for attending! Many thanks to Molly Ruhl, Clerk of the Court, and Hadrian Hatfield for providing tips to handling cases involving the UCCJEA and UIFSA statutes. Thank you very much to the firms that sponsored this event: Dragga, Callahan, Hannon & Hessler, Brodsky, Greenblatt & Renehan and Strickler, Sachitano & Hatfield, P.A. Thank you also to the many people who helped with preparation, setup and clean up - your assistance is what made this event a success. If you were not able to attend the Wine and Cheese event, Molly Ruhl announced new procedures related to registration of foreign custody orders under UCCJEA (Md. Code Ann., Fam. Law §9.5-101 et seq.) and foreign support orders under UIFSA (Md. Code Ann., Fam. Law §10-310 et seq.). Beginning immediately, the clerk's office will automatically generate and send out the notice of registration contemplated by these statutes upon the filing of a foreign order for registration. To do this efficiently, however, court personnel need some indication of the nature of the filing. (Continued on following page) PAGE 10 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) Attorneys have two options to benefit from the automatic notice procedure: First, reference in the name of the pleading that it involves a "Foreign Custody Order" or a "Foreign Support Order." Second, file an accompanying Line that specifies the purpose of the filing is registration of a foreign custody or support order. The cooperation of the family law bar to ensure that the filings are properly identified so that the notices are generated appropriately is greatly appreciated, thanks! The program for the April section meeting is "Lawyers as Problems Solvers: How to Navigate Your Client Thorough the Turbulent Financial Waters of Divorce" and our speakers are Ron Kronthal, J.D., L.L.M. (mortgage consultant) and John Faggio, CPA,CFP (divorce financial planner). Come and find out first hand how you can better advise your clients regarding the practical financial issues that arise in a divorce. Law Day this year is on May 5, 2006 in the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center located at 5701 Marinelli Road in Bethesda. Our Section's meeting and program are combined this year with the Immigration Section and is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. In addition to our regular meeting to elect a new Section Chair(s) we have two sets of speakers who will present. Carol Crawford, Esq., who is a prosecutor with the Montgomery County State's Attorney's Office and Dolores O. Ridgell, Esq., Assistant Bar Counsel with the Attorney Grievance Commission will speak on the topic, Navigating the Treacherous Waters of Our Electronic World. We all increasingly use computers, digital information, the internet, etc., and our speakers will alert you to the hidden, and not so hidden, ethical and practical issues seen in our electronic world. Devang M. Shah from the Immigration Section will speak on the topic, What You Don't Know About Immigration and Divorce Can Hurt Your Client, which addresses the immigration issues divorcing parties can face and the possible solutions to those problems. As announced in March via the listserv, if you have someone to nominate or if you are interested in being the Section Chair or Co-Chair, please let us know. If you want to find out more about the position before making up your mind to throw your hat into the ring, give either Carlos or Jennifer a call. Thank you again to everyone who has been so generous in offering of your time and experience to help out at the Pro Se Project! Thank you also to our Committee Chairs, Bonnie Montgomery and Diana Metcalf, for being so dedicated to finding people to help, you've done a great job. The Pro Se Project still needs your assistance so be sure to stop by after a court appearance to help out or let Bonnie or Diana know WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. when you can fill in. You can contact Bonnie at and Diana at The Gilchrist Center is still looking for volunteers to speak at the family law seminars taking place on May 11, 2006 (Custody, Visitation and Support), October 12, 2006 (Grounds for Divorce, Marital Property and Alimony) and December 14, 2006 (Custody, Visitation and Support). Please contact Rahul Kishore if you are interested. The seminars commence at 6:30 p.m. and run for about 90 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the numbers in attendance. The seminars take place at the Gilchrist Center for Cultural Diversity, 11319 Elkin Street, Wheaton, MD 20902. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking to put in pro bono hours and provide valuable legal services to the public. Rahul can be reached at Shah & Kishore - (301) 3150001 or Thank you very much to Alex Radice and Anne Allbright who spoke at the Women's Commission in February and to Vance Redmond who spoke in March. Our Section's continued involvement with the Montgomery County Commission for Women Counseling & Career Center is an integral part of our Section's commitment to pro bono efforts and to providing services to the public. It is also a great opportunity for our members to share their experience and knowledge. If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please contact committee chair: Shelly McKeon at 301-2510400 or Thank you to Shelly for organizing the speakers this year - your help has been invaluable! As a reminder, Judge McGann will speak at our CLE Breakfast scheduled for Apri1 13, 2006. On April 19, 2006, Jeffrey N. Greenblatt, Esq. will present the annual Family Law Update CLE. Attend and find out what changes occurred in the law during the last year that could impact your family law cases. Also, our final CLE of the year takes place on May 10, 2006. The speakers, David Goldberg, Esq.; Joseph C. Paradiso, Esq.; Darcy A. Shoop, Esq.; and Scott M. Strickler, Esq. will discuss the issues related to collaborative law, mediation, negotia- PAGE 11 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS tion and litigation as methods of dispute resolution. Come and enjoy provocative and lively discussion that is sure to ensue! On Wednesday, May 3rd from 2:00 pm until 4:30 pm, at the State Department there will be free training on handling "Hague Cases" for attorneys who want to learn how to handle an international child abduction case. To RSVP for this free training opportunity contact Melissa Kucinski at or (240) 2770134 by April 19th. Space is limited, so please RSVP early. From May 4 to 6, 2006, the ABA Family Law Section Spring CLE Conference will be held at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. To obtain more information about this event contact Karen Robbins at (301)260-0223 or The registration form and the conference brochure can be found at: As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact either of us at any time. We look forward to seeing you at the April Section meeting and at Law Day. Jennifer A. Forquer, Co-Chair Carlos M. Lastra, Co-Chair INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY & TECHNOLOGY LAW SECTION MEETING DATES May 9, 2006 All meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of alternating months at 8:00 a.m. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association Building, unless otherwise noted. Jeffrey I. Auerbach, Co-Chair Eric J. Von Vorys, Co-Chair JUVENILE LAW SECTION MEETING DATES April 26, 2006 May 31, 2006 Unless otherwise notified, all meetings will be held on the last Wednesday of the month at Noon in District Court Courtroom 20. Mary Siegfried, Co-Chair Kim Alfriend, Co-Chair LAW FIRM MANAGEMENT SECTION MEETING DATES April 27, 2006 Join us on April 27, 2006 from 10:00 a.m.-11:30a.m. (please note change in date and time for this meeting only) at the Law Firm Management Section Meeting for a special presentation by a nationally recognized expert on legal malpractice avoidance and legal malpractice insurance. Place: Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. 11921 Rockville Pike 4th Floor Conference Center Rockville, MD 20852 These programs are being offered at no charge, compliments of Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A. To reserve your seat please contact Donna Olenick at or 301230-6565, ext. 5515. Please R.S.V.P. to Donna Olenick at 301-230-5200, ext. 5515 or David A. Pordy, Chair LAWYER TO LAWYER COMMITTEE MEETING DATES May 11, 2006 All meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of alternating months (September through May) at 5:00p.m. in the Circuit Court Law Library, unless noted otherwise. Barbara R. Graham, Chair LEGAL ETHICS COMMITTEE MEETING DATES April 11, 2006 May 9, 2006 June 13, 2006 (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 12 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) All meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:30p.m. in the Bar Association Conference Room, unless otherwise noted. Jeffrey M. Axelson, Co-Chair Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chair PROFESSIONALISM & THE QUALITY OF LIFE COMMITTEE MEETING DATES April 4, 2006 May 2, 2006 All meetings will be held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 4:30p.m. in the Bar Association Conference Room, unless otherwise noted. It's time for spring break! In the academic calendar, spring break usually divides the semester. Whether it arrives early or late in the term, it is always welcomed by students. Many view the break as just that–a time to forget about classes and studies and to visit warm places on the beach. Others view it as a way to catch up on homework or to start on that long-term project that will become due all too soon. For some reason, this dichotomy seems to follow us into our careers. There are those who know how to take breaks, whether it involves a vacation, plans for the weekend, or even going out to lunch with a friend. Others keep their noses to the grindstone in a desperate attempt to complete yet one more task and never think they have the time to take a break. Yet, to achieve the quality of life that we all seem to want, we most likely need to ensure ourselves breaks. Spring break is a wonderful place to start–the weather makes it easier to be outside and the possible activities seem to multiply with the longer daylight hours. We all have things we have to do and appointments that we have to keep, but adding a "spring break" to our schedules (whether a full week or only a day at a time) can refresh our brains in a way that makes the time spent working much more enjoyable. If you missed our program with Judge Barbera and Judge Day on April 4, stay tuned. Next month this column will recap their tips for improving your quality of life. Karen L. Federman Henry, Chair REAL ESTATE LAW SECTION MEETING DATES May 9, 2006 June 13, 2006 We will not hold a breakfast meeting in April. We will meet on Tuesday, May 9th and our featured speaker will be Charles A. Kasky, Esq., Director of Legal Affairs, Maryland Association of Realtors, discussing legislation in Maryland (which took effect on October 1, 2005) that expands the obligation of sellers of residential properties to disclose defects. This discussion promises to be interesting and useful, and I hope you will plan to join us. On Tuesday, June 13th, Carson WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. STEPHEN J. DUNN AT T O R N E Y AND COUNSELOR AT L AW Litigation experience representing Federal Civil Servants To include the following Federal Administrative Forums: U.S. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION F E D E R A L W O R K E R S C O M P E N S AT I O N ( O W C P ) SECURITY CLEARANCE APPEALS 7400 YORK ROAD, SUITE 305 TOWSON, MARYLAND 21204-7502 TELEPHONE (410) 321-8368 FAX (410) 321-1599 Email: Webpage: Mills, Esq. of LandAmerica will be the speaker, and will provide us with a summary of real estate-related legislation passed in the 2006 session of the Maryland General Assembly. We will not hold a meeting in July or August (when our attendance thins dramatically because of vacation schedules), and will resume meeting in September. Finally, I would welcome hearing from you if you have thoughts on topics or speakers for future breakfast meetings. Many of the ideas for topics or speakers for our meetings have come from members of the Section, as I have indicated on occasion in past e-mails. So, please let me hear from you if you have suggestions to offer. All meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. at IHOP, 775 Rockville Pike (between Wintergreen Shopping Center and Courtesy Jeep), Rockville, MD 20850, unless otherwise noted. Jerry R. O’Conor, Chair TAXATION LAW SECTION April 3, 2006 All meetings will be brown bag lunch meetings and will be held on the 1st Monday of the month at 11:30a.m. at the offices of Kundra & Associates, P.C., 110 North Washington St., Suite 406, Rockville, MD, unless otherwise noted. On Tuesday, February 28th, the 9th Circuit published its decision in Commissioner v. Ewing, 2006 WL 463788 (9th Cir.). Ewing deals with the denial of an innocent spouse claim where the couple was still married, and the wife believed the husband would be satisfying 'his share' of the self-assessed tax liability. The ruling identifies three major issues. The first is of jurisdiction; second is the method of claiming your refund; and the third touches on the administrative record. Congressional intent in enacting the innocent spouse provisions under §6015 was to allow the IRS to grant relief where the requesting spouse "does not know, and had no reason to know, that funds intended for the payment of tax were instead taken by the other spouse for such other spouse's benefit." H.R. Conf. Re. No. 105-599, at 254 (1988). Congress PAGE 13 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS also authorized equitable relief under §6015(f) when in "taking into account all the facts and circumstances, it is inequitable to hold an individual liable for all or part of any unpaid tax or deficiency arising from a joint return." Id. Because Sections 6015(b) and (c) only provide relief where a proposed or assessed deficiency has been asserted by the IRS, relief in Ewing would fall under the purview of §6015(f). Jurisdiction. The Ewing Court held that the U.S. Tax Court ("USTC") lacked jurisdiction to decide §6015(f) deficiency cases. In its reading of the statute, Ewing concluded that Congress limited the USTC's jurisdiction to only deficiency matters. Because the issue before the Court dealt with an underpayment, the USTC lacked the authority to review it. Thus, reversing the USTC. Claim for Refund. On appeal, the taxpayer also requested a claim for refund for the taxes she already paid. This was vacated based on Ewing's finding of the USTC's limited "scope of review" and the taxpayer's "eligibility for relief." Id., at 5. The Ewing Court once again pointing out the USTC's jurisdiction concerning the underlying balance due. Second, it reasoned that the request was not properly or overtly made. Neither in the response brief to the Court, nor on the face of the Form 8857 was the request found adequate. In addition to the timing restrictions in filing a claim for refund, Ewing held that merely identifying zero liability on Form 8857 does not rise to the level of a request as found in Washington v. Commissioner, 120 T.C. 137 (2003). In Washington the taxpayer specifically claimed the refund and related interest directly on the Form 8857. Id., at 4. Making the Record. Relative to the administrative record, U.S. Tax Court judges have dissented in written opinions as to whether what is raised during the administrative process restricts what may be brought before the Court. While current USTC opinions are based on a de novo review, Ewing does not address this issue, again citing to jurisdiction. Nonetheless, on March 8, 2006 the 8th Circuit makes its determination of limited review in Robinette v. Commissioner, 2006 WL 544798 (8th Cir.) Stay tuned as we will discuss this case and its implications in the next issue. Thus, in asserting a claim for relief under §6015(f), be sure to also review Rev. Proc. 2003-61 for threshold requirements. When counseling your clients on relief, you will want to both address their qualification for relief and the protection of property. In attempting to secure equitable relief, you may be playing a game of chance relative to the IRS and the USTC. Therefore, you want to make sure that your administrative record clearly reflects your issues-including any claims for refund. (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. EMINENT DOMAIN/CONDEMNATION AND AD VALOREM TAX ASSESSMENT CASES Jim Thompson and Joe Suntum head Miller, Miller & Canby's eminent domain/condemnation practice - a practice that extends back to the 1970's when Bill Canby established a major presence in the field. We accept lawyerto-lawyer referrals to: • • • • Achieve "just compensation" for property owners Try complete and partial taking cases Evaluate damages from roads, utilities and other projects Consult with owners and counsel Proven experience and leadership in this area, including trial work, teaching at ALI-ABA on eminent domain, and membership in the Owner's Counsel of America (, a select national group of lawyers representing owners in condemnation cases. In addition, both lawyers have done extensive amounts of ad valorem tax assessment hearings/trials, teach classes on Maryland property tax, and have completed the Property Tax School for the Institute for Professionals in Taxation (IPT) addressing valuation issues. Miller, Miller & Canby 200-B Monroe Street Rockville, Maryland 20850 301.762.5212 PAGE 14 COMMITTEES & SECTIONS (Continued from preceding page) The Taxation Section meets the first Monday of every month for a brown bag lunch to discuss tax issues of interest to its members and to provide continuing legal education for the benefit of members of the Bar Association. Any changes to the meetings of the Taxation Section will be announced in the Newsletter. If you have specific topics that you would like to see covered in the newsletter, please call me at (301) 424-7585. Chaya Kundra, Chair WORKERS COMPENSATION LAW SECTION MEETING DATES April 6, 2006 May 4, 2006 All meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 4:00p.m. in the Conference Room of the Bar Association Building, unless otherwise noted. At the March Workers' Compensation March Section Meeting, the section discussed subrogation. Chris Hinrichs from the Montgomery County Attorney's Office and Phillip Armstrong from Armstrong & Paige were the speakers. The speakers discussed the law of subrogation and strategies to use in negotiating subrogation cases. Chris Hinrichs gave an excellent overview of the subrogation law in the workers' compensation arena. Basically, when a party gets injured on the job and collects workers' compensation benefits and the accident was caused by the negligence of a third party, the claimant or the employer/insurer can sue the third party. If a recovery is received, the employer/insurer has a lien to the extent of the amount of money paid in the workers' compensation case against the third party tort award. If a recovery is received, the award has to be disbursed. First, monies are taken out of the award to pay the costs and expenses of the action. Second, the attorneys' fees are paid. Finally, the workers' compensation lien is paid off. If there is any money left, the Claimant receives the proceeds of the action. The employer/insurer continues to have a lien against the monies received by the claimant against future workers' compensation payments. Chris advised that not only does the statutory lien exist under 9-902 of the Workers' Compensation Act, but the employer/insurer may also have a contractual lien. For example, Montgomery County labor agreements confer a right of subrogation onto the county and create a lien on accident leave paid in addition to the workers' compensation payments. A common law lien may also exist. Finally, Chris warned that there is one exception to the workers' compensation lien found in Section 9-902 of the Act. If the injured worker makes a recovery under the employee's own uninsured motorist coverage, the uninsured motorist insurer has the right to offset payments by the amount paid by an employer/insurer in workers' compensation. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. After Chris gave this detailed outline of the applicable law, Phillip Armstrong gave some great practical tips in pursuing claims and negotiating settlements for your clients. First, do not assume that the only action to recover on a third party action for your client is a negligence action. Look for other avenues of recovery including products liability and medical malpractice actions. Second, do not forget to file the compensation claim first. If you settle the third party claim before filing a compensation claim, your client has given up his right to compensation. Third, from a strategic perspective, it is better to settle the third party after you get the compensation recovery. In that way, you know the extent of the third party lien. Fourth, communicate with your clients. They need to know exactly what the workers' compensation lien is. Fifth, negotiate for everything. What that means is see what the employer/insurer is willing to give up to have the employee pursue the proceeds of the third party case. While your client is obligated to cooperate with the employer/insurer to recover the third party lien, the cooperation does not have to be for free. Finally, be careful when signing any third party releases that it does not release the workers' compensation carrier from future coverage. At the next meeting of the section, the topic will be "News from the Commission." Commissioner Lauren Sfekas will be our honored guest for lunch. The meeting will be held at 12:30 p.m. on April 6, 2006, at the Broadway Diner in Rockville, Maryland. Please plan to attend. Elections for new section chairs will also be conducted. If you would like to be included on the ballot, please contact either of us before the meeting. While Mary and Wendy have enjoyed being your chairs this year, we are looking forward to new leadership next year and will not be running. Mary Buonanno, Co-Chair Wendy Karpel, Co-Chair The deadline for submission of copy for the newsletter is the 10th of the month for the following months’ issue. COMMITTEE/SECTION REGISTRATION (XEROX AND FAX BACK) 2006-2007 NAME ________________________________________________ email: ____________________________ I. STANDING COMMITTEES The following committees have three-year staggered terms. PLEASE INDICATE first, second and third choice by marking the figures 1, 2 and 3 in the box opposite the preferred committee. There can only be 3 choices for both Association Committees and Foundation Committees combined. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION Fee Dispute Resolution ______ Bar Revue Interprofessional ______ Continuing Legal Education ______ Community Relations Judicial Selections Lawyer Referral Service ______ Law School for the Public Legal Ethics ______ Outreach Legislation ______ Speakers Bureau — Public Membership Recruitment ______ Speakers Bureau — School Membership Services ______ School Mock Trials Mentor/Mentee ______ Fall Outing Professionalism & Quality of Life ______ Pro Bono Designated Conciliator Technology Unauthorized Practice Special Committee Lawyer-to-Lawyer Services (no staggered terms) * * – Please only sign up if you have no intention of running for a Judicial vacancy within the next 3 years. II. SECTIONS — IF YOU ARE ALREADY A MEMBER OF THE SECTION, DO NOT MARK IT AGAIN. Please indicate an “X” before the Sections in which you are interested in becoming a NEW member. A. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Alternative Dispute Resolution Bankruptcy Law Business Law Commercial Litigation Criminal Law Employment Law Estate & Trust Law _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Family Law Federal Practice Health Law Immigration Law In-House Counsel Intellectual Property Law Juvenile Law _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Law Firm Management New Practitioners Personal Injury Litigation Real Estate Taxation Telecommunications Workers Compensation Law B. We ask that you indicate whether you would be willing to serve on a Section Council (for a 1-year term) and (approximately 15-20) will attend meetings regularly to plan and implement programs and seminars for the entire section and general membership. YES _________ NO _________ SECTION _______________________________ III. I would like to chair the ______________________________________________________________________ Committee/Section. IV. Is there a Committee or Section in which you would like to participate and would like to see added to the BAMC?__________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Is there a special project in which you would participate if it was offered by the BAMC? ____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN TODAY: John C. Monahan, President-Elect Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD 20850 Fax: (301) 217-9327 The POWER of VOLUNTEERING! “You Can Make A Difference” An Invitation to Serve from John C. Monahan, President-Elect As your President-Elect, I am actively soliciting assistance from you, so that I may appoint additional Committee Members to the Association and the Foundation. Printed on the back is the Committee/Section Registration Form which will be used for: Appointments are effective May 15, 2006 BAMC Committees and Sections are a primary and recognized vehicle for identifying the opportunities and challenges facing the Bar Association. They bring together leaders of the profession to explore the many facets of the practice and help BAMC make the best decisions in moving the profession forward. We invite you to join this innovative group of professionals. Your contribution will make a difference–to the profession, the county, and the community. Why Participate? As a member of a council or committee you’re provided a rare opportunity to truly influence a profession that touches the lives of thousands of people. The results of your contributions are tangible and will not only help shape the future of the profession, but will provide you with great personal and professional satisfaction. Committee Appointments Each year, one third of the members of every Committee are removed and new members are added. Therefore, we maintain continuity while adding new members with new ideas, energy and enthusiasm. Sections and Their Councils If you would like to be a NEW member of a Section, please so indicate. Also, each Section maintains a Section Council, which is responsible for planning and implementing programs. If you would like to serve on a Section Council, please so indicate. AGAIN, IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN A SECTION — YOU WILL STAY THERE UNLESS YOU INDICATE YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE DELETED. The strength of our Bar Association and Bar Foundation is YOU. Please offer us your time and energy to maintain our existing programs and implement new ones as the need is perceived by you the members. We will use your time wisely. To assist us in making assignments with your preference, please fill out the Preference Sheet and Return it to the Bar Association office by April 10, 2006. (TURN OVER TO MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS) Bar Association of Montgomery County, MD 112th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, May 5, 2006 8:00A.M. - 2:30P.M. NEW LOCATION : Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center 5701 Marinelli Road North Bethesda, Maryland 20852 Keynote Speaker: Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., Chief Judge Court of Special Appeals of Maryland Liberty Under Law: Separate Branches, Balanced Powers 2006 Annual Meeting Program Committee Paul F. Kemp, President ~ John C. Monahan, President-Elect Robert B. Hetherington, Annual Meeting Chair Robert L. Baum/Ellen F. Kandell, Co-Chairs - Alternative Dispute Resolution Section Matthew J. Downs/Edward E. Sharkey, Co-Chairs - Business Law Section Jeannie K. Cho/Carol A. Crawford, Co-Chairs - Criminal Law Section Rosanna C. Lopez/Scott A. Mirsky, Co-Chairs - Employment Law Section Jay M. Eisenberg, Chair - Estate & Trust Law Section Jennifer A. Forquer/Carlos M. Lastra, Co-Chairs - Family Law Section Timur Edib/Devang M. Shah, Co-Chairs - Immigration Law Section Jeffrey Axelson/Samuel M. Shapiro, Co-Chairs - Legal Ethics Committee Michael V. Nakamura/John J. O’Neill, Jr., Co-Chairs - Personal Injury Litigation Section Chaya Kundra, Chair - Taxation Law Section STAFF COORDINATORS: Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director Cindy Brandenburg, Conference Coordinator ~ Jackie Strzepek, Exhibits Coordinator PROGRAM SCHEDULE 8:00 - 10:00a.m. REGISTRATION Room A 9:00 - 10:45a.m. Family Law Section & Immigration Law Section component A: NAVIGATING THE TREACHEROUS WATERS OF OUR ELECTRONIC WORLD B: WHAT YOU DON’T KNOW ABOUT IMMIGRATION AND DIVORCE CAN HURT YOUR CLIENT Speakers: Carol A. Crawford, Esquire, Prosecuting Attorney, Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office, Team Leader for the Economic Crimes, Cyber Crimes, and Special Prosecutions Team and Dolores O. Ridgell, Esquire, Assistant Bar Counsel, Maryland Attorney Grievance Commission and Devang M. Shah, Esquire, of Shah & Kishore Ms. Crawford and Ms. Ridgell are here to answer all your questions about the practical and ethical issues that arise in our daily practice due to the ever increasing use of computers. What are your obligations regarding deletion, retention, and storage of email? What ethical concerns do you face with e-discovery and what can you do to prevent missteps? What are your ethical obligations when your client tells you that he or she has installed spyware on the spouse's computer? What criminal and civil penalties is your client exposed to when he or she intercepts a spouse's communications or installs spyware on the computer? How do you determine if your client has run afoul of the Federal and/or Maryland wiretapping laws? Come find out the answers and much more! Mr. Shah will discuss the immigration issues divorcing parties can face and the possible solutions to those problems. The program will highlight immigration issues that are critical to a non U.S. citizen spouse in a divorce proceeding. Often times, a spouse cannot remain in the United States after a divorce. Legally residing in the United States may be much more important to your client than the usual issues of pension, division of property etc. Discovery may have to be conducted for immigration purposes and not just for divorce purposes. The divorce practitioner should be aware of these issues and many other issues when a non-citizen spouse is party to a divorce proceeding. Approximately thirty percent of our county is foreign born. With this number expected to rise, immigration issues increase in importance to divorce practitioners. We will also be voting for your new Section Chair or Co-Chairs! Jennifer A. Forquer/Carlos M. Lastra, Family Law Program Co-Chairs Devang M. Shah/Timur Edib, Immigration Law Program Co-Chairs 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Employment Law Section & Workers Compensation Law Section LAWYER AS AN EMPLOYER Speakers: Wendy Karpel, Esquire, Office of the County Attorney for Montgomery County and Karen Federman-Henry, Esquire, Office of the County Attorney for Montgomery County and Phillip A. Rodokanakis, Managing Partner of U.S. Data Forensics, LLC This program will concentrate on the lawyer as an employer. The program will be divided into 3 segments: workers’ compensation coverage, ethical and professional responsibility, and computer forensics. With regard to workers’ compensation, the necessary insurance coverage and how to report and document on the job accidents will be covered. The professional responsibility section of the program will concentrate on the ethical obligations when supervising subordinate attorneys and support staff. Finally, proper handling of computer data to prevent destruction of useful and necessary information as well as retrieval of hidden information on computer storage mediums will be discussed. Scott A. Mirsky/Rosanna C. Lopez, Employment Law Program Co-Chairs Mary B. Buonanno/Wendy B. Karpel, Workers Compensation Law Program Co-Chairs Room B 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. Criminal Law Section & Immigration Law Section component THE MATRIX: IMMIGRATION ISSUES AT THE CROSSROADS OF YOUR CRIMINAL CASE Speakers : Laura Kelsey Rhodes, Esquire and Alan Drew, Esquire and Margaret Schweitzer, Assistant State’s Attorney Join us for an expert panel presentation on the hows and whys of addressing the many, many issues and pitfalls at the crossroads of criminal and immigration law. In this ever evolving area of the law, you can't afford to miss this session. Our dynamic panelists are Laura Kelsey Rhodes, Esq., Alan Drew, Esq., and Margaret Schweitzer, Assistant State's Attorney. Ms. Rhodes is a principal in the firm of Albright and Rhodes, LLC. Her successful criminal defense practice has included over approximately one hundred trials at both the federal and state levels. In addition, she guides businesses and applications through filings, applications, and litigation in the immigration arena. Mr. Drew is a seasoned attorney with the Office of the Public Defender. His experience includes significant felony trial work ranging from street crime to homicide. He is, in addition, an adjunct faculty member of the University of Maryland with a special interest in immigration issues. Ms. Schweitzer is a highly talented prosecutor with over fifteen years of experience. She is known as the "Queen of Corum Nobis" and brings her extensive knowledge of post conviction practice. Eun (Jeannie) K. Cho/Carol A. Crawford, Criminal Law Program Co-Chairs Devang M. Shah/Timur Edib, Immigration Law Program Co-Chairs 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Personal Injury Litigation Section ELECTRONIC DISCOVERY AND THE 2006 AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE Speaker: Honorable John M. Facciola, U.S. Magistrate Judge, United States District Court for the District of Columbia The program will cover the anticipated enactment of the amendments; An overview of computer technology and discovery; Preservation obligations and orders; Form of response and the problem of metadata; Privilege problems, sneak and peek, and claw back; What is reasonably accessible in a computerized environment? and Spoilation and safe harbors. Michael V. Nakamura/John J. O'Neill, Personal Injury Litigation Program Co-Chairs Room C 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Estate & Trust Law Section TOPIC TO BE ANNOUNCED Speakers : To Be Announced Program Description Jay M. Eisenberg, Estate & Trust Law Program Chair 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Business Law Section / ADR Section INTEGRATING DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESSES FOR BUSINESS CLIENTS Speakers : Ellen Kandell, Esquire and Lucy Robins Business clients have many disputes that have the potential for damaging relationships and distracting executives from their mission. This panel will provide information on various dispute resolution processes, such as dispute review boards and ombudsman programs, that you can recommend to your clients. Numerous large corporations have instituted alternative dispute systems. We will also provide resources and recommendations for drafting dispute resolution clauses in legal documents and handbooks. Edward E. Sharkey/Matthew J. Downs, Business Law Program Co-Chairs Robert L. Baum/Ellen F. Kandell, Alternative Dispute Resolution Program Co-Chairs Great Falls Room (Lower Level) 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Taxation Law Section DIVORCE: BUSINESS VALUATION, TAX AND FINANCIAL PLANNING Speakers : David S. DeJong, Esquire and Alan S. Zipp, Esquire This session will cover the fundamentals and controversies of business valuation in divorce cases. The complexity of the tax law will be made simple for the divorce attorney. Discussion will include financial planning opportunities for our divorcing clients. The handouts will include comprehensive reference materials to assist the practitioner in understanding these issues. The session will be interactive and group participation is encouraged so bring your questions with you. Chaya Kundra, Taxation Law Program Chair *********************************************** There will be a Legal Ethics component to all seminars … The Legal Ethics Committee will furnish a speaker where requested. *********************************************** 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. LUNCH Installation of Officers, Other Awards, Law Day Guest Speaker REGISTRATION FORM – Copy This Page and Mail To assist in planning the program and to ensure that we have an adequate supply of materials, please duplicate and complete the form below and mail it today! Please write entree selection in the space provided. Entree # ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ NAME(S) (please print) _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Complete Program with Lunch Complete Program without Lunch Lunch Only Program Chair or Speaker Lunch New Practitioners (practicing 5 years or less) (Complete Program with Lunch) Law Firm Personnel Program & Lunch (if accompanied by lawyer) _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Firm Name: ____________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON: ____________________________________ $50.00 $35.00 $30.00 No Charge $35.00 $45.00 MENU X Honey Roasted Chicken with a Preserved Lemon Reduction Sauce or Y Herb Crusted Seared Salmon with a Pernod Sauce or Z Cavatappi Pasta with Wild Mushrooms and Oregano Scented Marsala Cream Sauce (AN ENTREE REQUEST MUST BE MADE AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION – PLEASE INDICATE ON FORM) Salad Coffee, Iced Tea & Water Dessert PLEASE INDICATE METHOD OF PAYMENT TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $____________ Check Included: Make check payable to: Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland Please charge my Visa/Mastercard Account: Account # _____________________________________________ Exp. Date _________ (OFFICE USE ONLY – INCOME CODE A-403) PROGRAM SELECTION Please indicate the number of individuals attending each program (and put their initials on the line). 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. Family Law/Immigration Law Criminal Law/Immigration Law Estate & Trust Law Taxation Law Employment Law/Workers Compensation Law Personal Injury Litigation Business Law/Alternative Dispute Resolution ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ the Montgomery county bar foundation presents “2006 Bar revue ” May 24, 2006 F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre Rockville Civic Center 603 Edmonston Dr., Rockville, MD 20851 MENU DINNER: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Pulled Chicken Beef Brisket BBQ Beans Potato Salad Coleslaw Brownies & Blondies Beer, Wine, Sodas SHOW: Catered by 8:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. COST for Individual Tickets: $38.00 Price Includes Per Person: Dinner: $15.00 Bar: $3.00 Civic Center Rental: $14.00 Marketing Materials: $6.00 REGISTRATION FORM $500.00 Sponsorship (Entitles you to 10 tickets) $250.00 Sponsorship (Entitles you to 6 tickets) Additional Sponsorship Tickets @ $25.00 each ** Each sponsor will be acknowledged in the program and thanked in the Bar Association Newsletter. Since your contribution will go to the Bar Foundation for Pro Bono, you will be able to list part of the donation on the Annual Pro Bono Reporting Form. Law Firm Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Names:______________________ _____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ ____________________________ Number Attending: _____________ Payment Enclosed: $______________________ Visa/MC_______________________________________________ Exp:_________________ Contact Person:_________________________________ Phone:_____________________________ Please mail or fax registration forms by May 18, 2006. Montgomery County, MD, Bar Foundation: 27 W. Jefferson St., Rockville, 20850 For More Information call Rocio at 301-340-2534 Fax: 301-217-9327 For Office Use Only: Income Code F/420 CONTINUING LEGAL EDUCATION April 2006 Schedule SEMINARS Cost: $60 Member, $30 New Practitioner, $85 Non-Member; Cost Per 3 Hour Program/Cost is doubled for 6 hour Programs BREAKFASTS Advance Registration: $10.00 At Door Registration: $12.00 **CALL 301-340-2534 TO REGISTER, OR USE THE REGISTRATION FORM BELOW** Please See Your CLE Brochure for Complete Program Descriptions **All CLE classes are held in the Bar Office CLE Classroom unless noted - 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850** CLE SEMINARS Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Annual Family Law Update This is a must attend seminar for anyone looking to stay abreast of the most recent changes issued from our appellate courts and to obtain insight on how to take advantage of those changes for your client's benefit. Everyone needs to know what changes have occurred in the law that could impact your family law cases. Not only will you learn about the changes in the law you will receive insight on practice tips and pointers, from one of the top family law litigators in Montgomery County. Speaker: Jeffrey N. Greenblatt, Esquire of Brodsky, Greenblatt & Renehan, Chtd. Thursday, April 20, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Filing a Successful Occupational Disease Case The course will be an overview of what constitutes an occupational disease under the Maryland Workers’ Compensation Act. The emphasis of the course will be on filing and trying a case that meets all the requirements of an occupational disease under the Act. Topics will include compensability, disablement, causal relationship, presumptions, mental stress cases, sick building case and pre-existing conditions. Speakers: Mary Buonanno, Esquire and Wendy Karpel, Esquire, Office of the County Attorney. Tuesday, April 25, 2006, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. “2005-A Year in Review” The criminal law section, chaired by Jeannine Cho and Carol Crawford, will present a panel of speakers that will discuss significant cases and updates from 2005. ! nced nou te An Da Tuesday, April 18 and Wednesday, April 26 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Rita Rosenkrantz Basic Famil Law Institute Learn everything from A-Z on family law!This annual program has been hailed as pertinent & informative by attendees. More than 400 pages of material, case studies, forms, and CD of relavant information. This two part seminar is $250.00. Free if you take a Pro Bono Case. If you will be taking a pro bono case, please call their office at 301-424-2706. . CLE BREAKFASTS Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Wills, Trusts, and Probate: “There is Money in Those Hills” Speakers: Charles Bagley, IV, Esquire and Richard L. Lyon, Esquire Thursday, April 13, 2006, 7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. Everything You Wanted to Know About Appearing before the Honorable DavidA. Boynton Speaker: Honorable David A. Boynton Date of Programs You Want to Attend: ____________________________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________________ Total: $ ______________________________ Check/Coupon Enclosed OR E-Mail ______________________________________________________ Spring Pass Number # _________________________________ OR Visa/MC ______________________________________________ Exp. _____________________________ Make Check Payable & return Completed Form To: Montgomery County, MD, Bar Foundation 27 W. Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD, 20850 Phone: 301-340-2534 Fax: 301-217-9327 For Office Use Only: Income Code F/410 PAGE 15 PERSONAL INJURY APPELLATE DECISIONS PERSONAL INJURY APPELLATE DECISIONS In Baltimore v. Hart (Court of Special Appeals, No. 403, September Term 2005, Filed February 2, 2006), the Court affirmed the trial court's evidence ruling allowing introduction of Police Department General Order 11-90. The order required activation of the siren and roof lights of a patrol car entering an intersection on a red light. Although not negligence per se, failure to follow the order is a factor to be considered in determining the reasonableness of police conduct. A practice pointer: In order to challenge an adverse ruling on a motion in limine, one must object again in the trial itself at the time the evidence is presented in compliance with Rule 2-520, and offer a specific objection setting forth a concise statement of the grounds. In Ozborne v. Walzer (Court of Special Appeals, No. 2457, September Term 2004, Filed March 1, 2006), the Court reversed the trial court's dismissal of a medical malpractice suit. Section 3-2A-04(b) of the Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article requires that within ninety days of the filing of the complaint, plaintiff file a certificate of a qualified expert claiming that defendant departed from the standard of care, and that the departure was a proximate cause of plaintiff's injury. The statute also requires the filing of the expert's report. Plaintiff filed a timely certificate, but did not file the report until much later. The appellate court held that the penalty of dismissal is required only for failure to file the certificate. The portion of the statute requiring the filing of the report is not in the same part providing for dismissal. If the report is never filed or not filed after the court imposes a deadline for its filing, then dismissal would be appropriate. Defendant suffered no prejudice from the delayed filing. In Mundey v. Erie (Court of Special Appeals, No. 2069, September Term 2004, Filed March 1, 2006), the Court affirmed the trial court's holding that plaintiff was not entitled to use the uninsured motorist benefits of his parent's automobile liability insurance policy. Plaintiff, then 21 years old, was living with his grandmother in her house when he was severely injured in an automobile accident. His parents lived in a different residence. Their insurance policy provided uninsured motorist coverage for a relative physically living in their household. It also provided coverage for a full-time student under the age of 24, not emancipated or married who is temporarily away. Plaintiff did not meet the definition (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. HOME/OFFICE FOR SALE Retiring attorney is selling home and large 2 room office with ample storage (licensed for home occupation). Reception room warmed by brick fireplace, private entrance from wooded half acre lot. Home is 3 BR, 2.5 BA, country kitchen, hardwood floors, stone fpl, garage. Located near I-270 & I-370 & Shady Grove Rd. For more info, please call Kathi Kershaw, Realtor, Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. c: 301-613-1613 or o: 301-548-9700. METRO COUNSELING SERVICES, INC. A comprehensive approach to DWI/DUI Assessment and evaluation Education (six weeks) Counseling (26 weeks) Relapse prevention Expert Testimony Forensic drug screening Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland JERRI BENNER-GUNNISON, DIRECTOR 15719 Crabbs Branch Way - Rockville, MD 20855 301-670-6161 - (fax) - (301) 670-6163 THE LAW FIRM OF JOSEPH, GREENWALD & LAAKE, P.A. is pleased to announce the election of CARY J. HANSEL as a shareholder focusing his practice on trial and appellate civil litigation and the addition of three associates: KEVIN S. DALE, focusing on civil litigation, JASON L. LEVINE, focusing on civil and criminal litigation, and PAUL R. SCIUBBA, focusing on civil litigation. 6404 Ivy Lane, Suite 400 Greenbelt, Maryland 20770 (301) 220-2200 PAGE 16 PERSONAL INJURY APPELLATE DECISIONS (Continued from preceding page) even though he never had changed his address officially from that of his parents. In Nationwide v. Wilson (Court of Special Appeals, No. 100, September Term 2005, Filed March 3, 2006), the Court considered the insurance company's limitation of liability in a business automobile insurance policy. Claimant was severely injured as a result of alleged negligence of his fellow employee who fell asleep at the wheel. Nationwide insured the employer's vehicle and also provided workers compensation insurance. The automobile policy limited coverage to the statutory minimums of $20,000-40,000 if injuries are caused by the negligence of a fellow employee. The court held that the limitation is valid. If you have any recent Maryland decisions to submit to the Newsletter, please contact me at 301-933-4500 or Marvin Waldman MARYLAND LEGAL AID BUREAU will honor “TRUE CHAMPIONS OF JUSTICE” October 14, 2006 at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum Winners will be honored at a Gala Homecoming cocktail reception & dinner for those people who advanced the mission of Legal Aid Bureau: Paralegals Lawyers Maryland Legal Aid Board Members For their work and years of service to the Legal Aid Bureau. Nomination forms at Nominations due on May 1, 2006 WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 17 IN MEMORIAM ... JOSEPH C. ROESSER February 7, 1923 - October 20, 2005 Joseph Carroll Roesser, 82, a retired lawyer and lieutenant colonel in the Army, died of cancer October 20 at his daughter’s home in Frederick. He lived in Olney. Mr. Roesser, a Catonsville native, graduated from Mount St. Joseph High School in Baltimore and served in the Army in the United States during World War II. He graduated in 1950 from Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, and in 1951 his reserve unit was called to active duty in the Korean War. Mr. Roesser became an assistant to the battalion aide surgeon with the Army’s 5th Cavalry Regiment, First Cavalry Division. When his division was rotated to Hokkaido, Japan, he served as commanding officer of the Medical Service Company. In a later tour of duty, he served in Seoul with the U.N. command. He was transferred to Walter Reed Army Medical Center, serving in the comptroller’s office while attending the Georgetown University Law Center at night. He received a law degree in 1957 and transferred from the Army Medical Service Corps to the Judge Advocate General Corps, serving in Germany as a court observer until being assigned to the Pentagon. He taught evening legal and business classes at American University, the University of Maryland and Southeastern University. He retired from the military in 1968. He began practicing law in Montgomery County in 1968 and opened a practice in 1972, specializing in insurance, negligence and family law. He retired a second time in 1997. Mr. Roesser was a founding member of the Olney Lions Club and a member of the committee to standardize fiscal policies of U.S. military hospitals. He was also a member of Delta Theta Phi, the Rotary Club and several legal associations. Survivors include his wife of 57 years, Elizabeth Louise Parke Roesser of Olney; seven children, Joseph Roesser Jr. of Carmel, CA, Douglas Roesser of Monterey, CA, Robert Roesser of Thurmont, MD, Thomas Roesser of Gainesville, GA, Mary Beth Kotowski of Vienna, Laurie Shah of Tomball of TX, and Leslie O’Connell of Frederick; a brother; and eight grandchildren. On behalf of Joe’s many friends and col- leagues in the Bar Association of Montgomery County, we extend our belated heartfelt sympathy to all members of the family. Beverly C. Mondin, Executive Director WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Montgomery County Health and Human Services line informationline 240-777-1245 ~ 240-777-1295 (TTY) ? Easy access to information about Health and Human services and programs • Child Care Assistance • Financial Assistance • Health Care Services • Disability and Senior Services • Immunizations • Mental Health and Substance Abuse • Other Health and Human Services programs and services Information Line open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Bi-Lingual staff available PAGE 18 PRO BONO HEROES PRO BONO PROGRAM IN THE COMMUNITY During February, 2006 the following activity has taken place in the Pro Bono Program: Cases Closed - 164 Opened Cases - 132 Total Intakes - 174 Pending Cases to be referred - 26 The Pro Bono Program is ever so strong due to its incredible attorney volunteers. The Takoma Park East Silver Spring Community Center, directed by Patricia Reisinger and the Charles Gilchrist Center in Wheaton, directed by Elizabeth Ortega continue to be a tremendous partnership that enables us to serve 20 - 30 clients every Wednesday Evening. If you have not volunteered for a 3 hour volunteer time, you are missing a wonderful opportunity to assist those in need in our Community. We particularly need Spanish Speaking Immigration Attorneys. However, if you do not speak Spanish, we do have interpreters to assist you. Following are the attorneys who have volunteered in February at the Clinics. On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Bar Foundation, we wish to thank OUR PRO BONO HERO'S TESS Center Jeffrey Barham Andrew Murnane Jennifer Forquer Lindsay Parvis Roger Golden David Vega Harry Lewis Celene Coburn Wilson May Marks Gilchrist Center David Gonzales Kathleen Muldoon David Lease Jacqueline Ngole Harry Lewis Mike Subin Michael Lu David Vega Jay Marks Lynette Whitfield In addition we wish to thank our "Attorney Hero's" for taking Pro Bono Cases into their offices: Robert C. Baker Mary D. Brennan David F. Chavkin Michael D. Dobbs Rebecca Drury Rina Erhart Charles R. Garten Robert K. Goren John H. Harman Stacy Kurnot Susan Magazine Kathleen Muldoon Judith Mustille Deborah Otoo Morghan Richardson Cheryl E. Rose Philip Santa Maria Yona Shleyner Melissa Siegal Richard Ugelow David Waranch Michael G. Wolff The Board of Directors also wishes to thank the Child Custody Hero's who have taken these very difficult cases under the Child Custody Grant, which allows $50.00 per hour up to $1,000. If you would like to volunteer or need training, please call Mary Kay Canarte at 301762-5831: Bruce Avery Debra G. Oliver* Monifa N. Bailey Deborah Otoo Rodella E. Berry Lawrence Robinson* Andrew Fontanella* Darin Rumer John M. Green Michael L. Subin Stacy Kurnot David Waranch* Lawal Momodu Robert D. Weinberg *=2 cases There were 42 referrals for the February 2006! “Thanks to these great lawyers.” We also do not want to forget to thank the Pro Bono Staff for all their hard work interviewing, screening, opening files and placing cases with attorneys. Accolades to Mary Kay Canarte, Maria Delgado and Ingrid Menendez!!!!!!!!!!! Beverly C. Mondin on behalf of John J. McCarthy, Bar Foundation President Lauri E. Cleary, Chair, Pro Bono Program Make Your Reservations Today ~ 112th Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, May 5, 2006 8:00a.m. - 2:30p.m. Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center ~ 2006 Bar Revue Wednesday, May 24, 2006 5:30p.m. ~ Rockville Civic Centre ~See Inserts This Issue ~ FAX BACK TO (301) 424-6724 OR E-MAIL YOUR PREFERENCE TO MDELGADO849@EARTHLINK.NET ~ VOLUNTEER/CONTRIBUTION FOR PRO BONO ~ In conjunction with Rule 6.1, I wish to contribute time and/or money to the Montgomery County, Maryland, Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program. I wish to donate: Time in the following areas of law: ________________________________ Time to the Evening Legal Clinics (6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.) ________________ Time to the Pro Bono office as a Volunteer Consulting Attorney from 10:00a.m.-Noon on M____ Tu ____ W ____ Th____ I wish to donate funds and enclose $________ Credit Card #: _______________________________________ Exp. Date _________ (CIRCLE ONE) VISA or MC Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________ The Montgomery County, Maryland Bar Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and contributions are tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. PAGE 19 STATE & NATIONAL MSBA BOARD OF GOVERNORS J. Michael Conroy, Jr., President Edward J. Gilliss, President-Elect Alison L. Asti, Secretary John P. Kudel, Treasurer Cornelius Helfrich, Past President 1-Year Term Members Michael G. Banks (301) 251-9161 Gary C. Crawford (301) 840-2232 John M. Quinn (301) 698-8182 Stephen H. Ring (301) 990-4840 Donna E. Van Scoy (301) 610-0110 Floyd “Ron” Willis, III (301) 424-6622 2-Year Term Members Deborah L. Webb (301) 657-0725 Deane A. Shure (301) 762-8860 THE BEVERLY GRONER FAMILY LAW AWARD The Family Law Section Council of the Maryland State Bar Association announces the opening of nominations for the 5th Annual Beverly Groner Family Law Award. The Award will be presented at the MSBA Annual Convention in Ocean City, MD in June, 2006. The award recognizes a person who has served the Maryland legal community through his or her dedication to the practice of family law, exemplifying the highest professional standards during a distinguished career. Past recipients include Retired Judges Katie O'Ferrell Friedman and John F. Fader II, and Senator Sharon Grosfeld. Most recently, The Honorable Julia Weatherly received the Award in 2005. The Beverly Groner Family Law Award was created to provide a vehicle for highlighting the importance of family law to our community, and to celebrate those who improve family law practice in our state. It is named in honor of the late Beverly Ann Groner, the Maryland family law practitioner whose long, distinguished career featured chairing the state commission which researched and drafted the present Marital Property Act and Alimony law. The Family Law Section Council is soliciting nominations for the Award from individual attorneys, local bar associations and the judiciary. Nominations should be of a single individual, in writing, signed by the nominator(s), and include details of the nominee's qualifications for the Award. Please send your nomination to: Beverly Groner Family Law Award Committee, c/o Mary Roby Sanders, Turnbull & Sanders, P.A., 29 W. Susquehanna Ave., Suite 202, Towson, MD 21204; The deadline for nominations is April 28, 2006. MEMBERSHIP ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PRO BONO RESOURCE CENTER OF MARYLAND The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland (PBRC) is seeking a Board member who is committed to its mission of promoting equal access to justice through the recruitment, training and support of volunteers and serving as a resource for the legal community. Members are expected to support the organization through regular attendance at Board meetings; service on at least one committee; an annual financial contribution; and promotion of PBRC in the legal and business communities. PBRC strives to maintain racial, gender and geographic diversity. Interested persons should submit their resumes to Thomas M. Meachum, Chairman, Committee on Appointments, Maryland State Bar Association, c/o Reese & Carney, LLP, 10715 Charter Dr., Suite 200, Columbia, MD 21044 or fax their resumes to Mr. Meachum at (410) 730-7729, no later than April 14, 2006. MEMBERSHIP ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LEGAL AID BUREAU, INC. The MSBA Committee on Appointments makes recommendations to the MSBA Board of Governors concerning the appointment of attorney members to the Board of Directors of the Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. LAB currently has a vacancy on its Board of Directors. The LAB is a non-profit organization with offices throughout Maryland and provides free civil legal services to lowincome individuals. Attorney members on the Board are expected to be supportive of the purposes of the Legal Service Act, and to demonstrate an interest in, and familiarity with, the delivery of legal services to low-income individuals. Interested persons should submit their resumes to Thomas M. Meachum, Chairman, Committee on Appointments, (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. ~ Reserve Your Spot ~ 2006 Annual Meeting & Law Day Celebration Friday, May 5, 2006 Keynote Speaker: Joseph F. Murphy, Jr., Chief Judge Court of Special Appeals of Maryland ~ See Insert This Issue ~ PAGE 20 STATE & NATIONAL (Continued from preceding page) Maryland State Bar Association, c/o Reese & Carney, LLP, 10715 Charter Dr., Suite 200, Columbia, MD 21044 or fax their resumes to Mr. Meachum at (410) 730-7729, no later than April 14, 2006. MSBA LITIGATION SECTION REGIONAL MEETING & CLE PROGRAM The Maryland State Bar Association Litigation Section will hold its Regional Meeting and Continuing Legal Education Program on Thursday, April 20, 2006 from 5-7p.m. at the Clubhouse at the University of Maryland Golf Course in College Park, MD. There will be a social hour from 56pm with Hors d’oeuvres at no charge and a Cash Bar. From 6-7pm there will be a Panel Discussion, “Recent Appellate Decisions and Local Practices Affecting Opening/Closing Arguments, Voir Dire, Jury Instructions & Issue Preservation”. The speakers will be Honorable Irma S. Raker, Court of Appeals of Maryland, Honorable James R. Eyler, Court of Special Appeals of Maryland, Honorable John W. Debelius, Circuit Court for Montgomery County and Honorable William B. Spellbring, Jr., Circuit Court for Prince George’s County. Albert D. Brault, Esquire has also been invited to participate. Space is limited. Please register in advance by contacting: Honorable Glenn T. Harrell, Jr., Program Chair, at (301) 9522716 or Volunteer Lecture Attorneys Needed in Rockville Area! Housing and Community Initiatives, Inc. (HCI) is a private, non-profit agency that works with government and other non-profit agencies to help families in need by providing housing and financial education. HCI offers a free seminar entitled “First Time Homebuyer.” This program is offered 4 times a month (one of them in Spanish) to assist underserved residents of Montgomery County. The seminars are taught by volunteer instructors. A realtor, a lender and a settlement attorney, who donate their time and expertise to teach the process of purchasing a home, are needed at each session. HCI is in need of settlement attorneys to help us teach this class. The settlement attorney usually goes through the HUD1 Form, and explains generally the legal requirements of the settlement process. Spanish speaking attorneys are encouraged to join our cadre of teachers. If you are interested, please call Emilia McCarthy at (301) 590-2765 or email her at For additional information, please visit the website at WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 21 HEADING OTHER ASSOCIATIONS MONTGOMERY COUNTY WOMEN’S BAR ASSOCIATION Holly D. Reed, III, the Montgomery County Committee Chair, at (301) 587-9480. Take Your Child to Work Day, April 27, 2006, lunch at Far East Restaurant in Rockville. Even if you cannot attend, please consider making a donation–or having your firm make a donation–to support this great program. Please call Heather Hostetter at (301) 657-8805 for details. MONTGOMERY COUNTY INN OF COURT MEMBERSHIP OPENINGS FOR 2006-2007 J. FRANKLYN BOURNE BAR ASSOCIATION MONTGOMERY COMMITTEE The J. Franklyn Bourne Bar Association Montgomery County Committee will meet on Saturday, April 1, 2006 at 9:30a.m. in the conference room at the Bar Association of Montgomery County, 27 West Jefferson St., Rockville, MD. If you have any questions, please contact The Montgomery County Inn of Court is completing its 18th year and is devoted to developing the ethical and trial advocacy skills of Montgomery County lawyers. The Inn currently consists of 115 active members: 29 Associates, 29 Barristers, 36 Benchers, 18 Judges & Masters and 3 Students. Associates are recent law school graduates or attorneys licensed to practice law in Maryland for not more than five years. Associates serve a one year term and there are 27 vacancies anticipated for 2006-2007. Barristers are attorneys licensed to practice law in WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. CIRCLE TREATMENT CENTER * * * * * * Twenty One Years of Superior Service To The Community DWI Evaluation, Education/Counseling (6 weeks and 26 weeks) Addiction and Relapse Prevention Programs Adolescent and Adult Drug/Alcohol Programs Individual, Couples, Group therapy by licensed professionals Approved and Certified by the State of Maryland MVA classes in Spanish and English (new licenses) 424 N. FREDERICK AVE., #8A, GAITHERSBURG, MD ~ 301-258-2626 COMPLETE CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED Litigation Support – Expert Witness Testimony Business Valuation – Pension Valuation – Financial Analysis Forensic Accounting – Financial Fraud Investigations Tax Issues – Income Tax Preparation Alan Zipp Certified Public Accountant Attorney at Law Certified Business Appraiser Certified Fraud Examiner Telephone 301-340-0084 – 932 Hungerford Drive, Suite 13 Rockville, MD 20850 Maryland for at least five years, who are of good character and seek to improve their skills as trial or appellate advocates. Barristers serve a three-year term and 9 vacancies are anticipated for 2006-2007. Benchers are attorneys licensed to practice law in Maryland, who have demonstrated superior character, ability and competence as trial or appellate advocates. Benchers are honored with lifetime memberships in the Inn, but vacancies only occasionally occur, so applications for Bencher positions are being taken. The Montgomery County Inn of Court meets at the Circuit Court on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September through May for a social hour and dinner, followed by an educational presentation in Courtroom 1. The Inn offers trial advocacy programs accentuating legal excellence, civility, professionalism and ethics. Usually, the Montgomery Inn has been fortunate to have more qualified applicants than available vacancies. While preference is given to Montgomery County litigators, the Inn seeks to have a membership that reflects diversity in race, gender, ethnic background and practice areas. We have also been able to grant some scholarships and have brought in law students as members. Applications are available and may be obtained from Membership Chair: Dorothy Fait, Esquire, 1 Church St., Suite 800, Rockville, MD 20850; (301) 251-0100 or and President: Judge Mary Beth McCormick, District Court for Montgomery County, 27 Courthouse Square, Rockville, MD 20850; (301) 279-1539 or Completed applications are to be returned to either by June 1, 2006. COLLABORATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROFESSIONALS, INC. Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals, Inc. presents a Collaborative Team Training on May 7, 8 and 9th. This training is a basic training and will qualify you to practice Collaborative Law. Interested persons can contact Karen Robbins (CDRP President Elect) at or Suzy Eckstein at This training also provides an opportunity for those already collaboratively trained to sharpen their skills and learn how to utilize other professionals in the collaborative process more effectively. PAGE 22 WHAT’S NEW ... LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Thomas L. Heeney and C. Sei-Hee Arii are pleased to announce the formation of their law firm, Heeney & Arii, Chartered. Ms. Arii was an associate for 5 years in the former firm, Law Office of Thomas L. Heeney, Chartered. They will continue their practice in the area of criminal and civil litigation, including personal injury. The firm is located at The Adams Law Center, 29 Wood Lane, Rockville, MD 20850, tel.: (301) 7628545; fax: (301) 762-8572; website: D. Elizabeth Walker and John J. Murphy are pleased to announce the formation of Walker & Murphy, LLP. The firm is located at 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852, tel.: (301) 998-6598. Experienced malpractice litigators, we will continue to practice in the areas of medical, dental and longterm care litigation, as well as represent clients in various other areas of civil litigation. Theodore P. Stein, P.C. is pleased to announce the relocation of its law offices to 611 Rockville Pike, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852, tel.: (301) 4249377, fax: (301) 424-9430, email: Mr. Stein will continue to concentrate his practice in real estate, estate planning and probate, employment, ERISA and employee benefits law and commercial litigation. The law firm of Karp, Frosh, Lapidus, Wigodsky & Norwind, P.A. is pleased to announce that Annie P. Kaplan and Albert H. Lechner have become partners in the firm. Ms. Kaplan has more than 25 years of experience in representing clients in medical negligence, product liability, and personal injury cases. She is admitted to practice in MD, DC, NY and PA. In 2004, she had the privilege of representing 2 claimants before the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund in Washington, D.C. She presently serves on the Board of Governors of the Trial Lawyers Association of the District of Columbia and has served on the board of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Lechner graduated 1977 cum laude from The University of Baltimore School of Law, where he was on the Law Review. He served a judicial clerkship in the Circuit Court for Frederick County, for all of the Circuit Judges. Maryland 1997-1998. He has served on the MTLA Board of Governors since 2003, last year chaired the Education committee and is presently chair of the MTLA Awards Committee. RENT/LEASE BETHESDA – 3 offices available to rent to solos or small firms. We have a very amicable multi-lawyer (and multi-practice) suite at 4550 Montgomery Avenue, in the North Air Rights Building, 1 block from Metro, across the street from the large public parking garage. All the usual amenities (high-speed internet access, Lexis, parking, kitchen, library, reception, four recently renovated conference rooms, etc.) are available, as well as secretarial/paralegal workstations. Definite opportunity for cross-referrals. “Virtual” office arrangement is also available. Call Norman at (301) 961-6464 (x3302) or or Marc at (301) 961-6464 (x3313) or BETHESDA – 2 blocks from metro in first class office building in shared suite with 3 law firms. “Plug in and practice.” Up to 3 windowed offices and secretarial stations available immediately. Amenities include telephone system/conference room/copier/kitchen. Contact BETHESDA – New upscale building located at 4416 East West Highway with underground parking available and within two blocks of Bethesda Metro has one window office and one secretarial/paralegal station on top floor in suite of attorneys available immediately. Access to amenities (kitchen, library, reception, four conference rooms, copiers, etc.). Call Gail Goodfellow at (301) 986-9600. CHEVY CHASE – Large windowed office, 11th floor of Chevy Chase Building, 5530 Wisconsin Ave. in law firm suite, for sole practitioner. Secretarial/clerk space available. Use of two conference rooms, fax, copier, kitchen, phone system, DSL. Reasonable. Call (301) 951-0270. BETHESDA/CHEVY CHASE – One windowed office available for sublet. Additional space available for staff if WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. Your Business Can Benefit From Our Total Business Solutions Eileen Porras Business Consultant Sandy Spring Bank works with your business as a true financial partner. We’ll recommend a full range of solutions designed to help you achieve your business objectives, all based on a sound understanding of your business. For More Information Contact: Eileen Porras 301-774-6400 ext. 6728 PAGE 23 WHAT’S NEW ... desired. Class A building. Spacious, quiet, ground floor. Prime Connecticut Avenue location less than a mile from beltway. Easy access and convenient parking for clients. Conference room, fax, all amenities. Call Anne DeNovo at (301) 654-1200. GAITHERSBURG – Suite with two offices with private entrance, reception area, bathroom and kitchenette with DSL in Law Building with Route 355 signage. $1,500/month. Call Stephen Allen at (301) 987-2002. GREENBELT – Office available in suite with other attorneys. Windows, spacious and sunny, with use of all amenities, including reception area, library/conference room, kitchen, fax and copier. Conveniently located at Beltway, and Greenbelt Road, near the federal courthouse. Call (301) 474-1817. OLNEY – One windowed office to sublet in Olney Office Park; shared waiting room, no wheelchair access, free parking. 24/7 access. Available immediately. Contact Karen or Chrystal at (301) 2600223 or (888) 637-1744 for more information. ROCKVILLE – Courthouse Square office space available for sublease. Conveniently located across the street from both Circuit Court and District Court. 1 or 2 offices with secretarial space. Conference rooms and library access. Contact Sherry Zobrisky at (301) 424-8520 for terms. ROCKVILLE – Class “A” Office Space – Multiple offices and secretarial bays available in recently constructed firstclass modern multi-lawyer suite. Perfect for small law firm or sole practitioners. Includes shared access to 3 conference rooms, law library, work room, and kitchen with free coffee and water cooler service. Also includes receptionist services, telephone equipment, high-speed broadband Internet access, networked high-volume multi-functional copier/ printer/scanner, and fax. Conveniently located on North Washington St.–walking distance from courthouses. Contact Barry at (301) 251-6200. ROCKVILLE – Single office for rent in shared office space at 932 Hungerford Dr., Suite 13. Some conference room availability and copier. Tenant will be responsible for his or her own phones. Very reasonable rent in a congenial environment with two other attorneys. Contact Crystal at (301) 340-1050. ROCKVILLE – Windowed office available in attorneys’ offices. Walk to Metro and to District and Circuit Court. Use of conference room, fax machine and copier. Parking available. For further information, call (301) 315-9400. ROCKVILLE – Several window offices for rent in bright, quiet, cathedral ceiling Rockville townhouse. Use of conference rooms, library, kitchen and spacious client waiting areas. Plenty of free parking. Feed/sort copies available. Short walk to Circuit and District Court. Practice law comfortably. Call (301) 251-1600. ROCKVILLE – 1 18’ x 15’ windowed office in townhouse of small law firm. Walking distance to Metro and Courts. Free Parking. Use of reception area, small conference room, library, copier, kitchenette. Call (301) 545-6100. ROCKVILLE – Office in historic building close to court, metro; many amenities for compatible attorney; $1,000 per month. Call (301) 251-9200. ROCKVILLE – Office on ground floor with use of conference room, library and kitchenette. Secretarial space also available. Fax, copier with sorter available. Free parking. Conveniently located near Shady Grove/I-270. Call (301) 309-3680. ROCKVILLE – Adams Law Center – Bright, recently-carpeted corner windowed office on ground floor. Walk to District Court, Circuit Court and Metro. Rent includes parking, use of reception area, conference room and kitchen. Copier available. Long-term arrangement with solo practitioner sought. Please call Cindy at (301) 762-4050. SILVER SPRING – Share a satellite office located on the corner of Georgia Avenue and Cameron Street next to the old Silver Spring District Court building. $150/month. Fax requirements for use and areas of practice to (301) 987-2487. SILVER SPRING – Windowed office in Penthouse office suite overlooking downtown Silver Spring. Walking distance to the Silver Spring District Court. All amenities including reception area, copier, kitchen, conference room, file space & DSL. Use for FT or satellite office. Call Phil Guzman at (301) 587-5285 or email: SILVER SPRING – Windowed office for rent in downtown Silver Spring law office. Call (301) 587-1000. ATTORNEY OPPORTUNITIES ASSOCIATES – Commercial Litigation and Business Associate – Stein, Sperling, Bennett, DeJong, Driscoll & Greenfeig, P.C., an established AV rated Rockville, MD firm, has immediate openings. Excellent opportunity for litigation associate in a fast paced environment with (Continued on following page) WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. DAVID HARRISON, INC. 2% ~ SAVE YOUR CLIENT COMMISSION DOLLARS ~ 2% • Our total charge to sell a house or condo is 2% if sold by our real estate office. • If the house or condo is sold by another real estate office, through multiple listing, they get 2% and we get 2% for a total of 4%. • We never charge transaction fees, processing fees or administrative fees. • Our four person staff holds open houses. We advertise all listings every Sunday in The Washington Post. • All listings are posted with photographs on the GCAR multiple listing service. • Licensed since 1959 in Montgomery County and D.C. Member GCAR, MRIS, NAR, MAA, NAREA, AAAA, NEA and BBB. David R. Harrison Real Estate 301-258-9317 PAGE 24 WHAT’S NEW ... (Continued from preceding page) significant client contact and court opportunities for detail oriented, self-directed & highly motivated lawyers. Minimum 3 years experience. MD bar required. DC & VA bars helpful. Business Associate should be skilled in commercial transactions, shareholder/LLC operating agreements, commercial real estate and/or local government issues, with 3 plus years law firm experience. Only qualified candidates should apply. Send resume to or fax to (301) 340-8217. ASSOCIATE – Litigation Associate – Law Offices of Cheryl Lynn Hepfer, an AV rated Rockville family law firm, has an immediate opening for a litigation associate. Ideal candidate will have prior litigation experience. Excellent opportunity in a fast paced environment with significant client contact and court opportunities. Ideal candidate should be detail oriented, self-directed, highly motivated, and shall possess strong written and oral communication skills. Maryland Bar required. Please send letter of interest and resume to or fax to (301) 294-2270. ATTORNEY – Family Law Associate – The partners named among Washingtonian’s 50 Best Family Law attorneys are looking for an associate with 4 or more years of experience. You’ll be working with the most intellectually challenging and sophisticated family law issues. These positions require dedicated individuals w/excellent oral and written communication skills, ability to meet deadlines, desire to work directly with clients and MD Bar. Fax resumes to (301) 926-7844. ATTORNEY – Real Estate Settlement Attorney – Extremely busy Gaithersburg office of Village Settlements, Inc. has a rare opportunity for a settlement attorney to join our team. Candidate must have 1 to 3 years experience conducting residential and/or commercial settlements, reviewing titles and surveys, preparing/understanding title binders. Excellent salary and benefits. Exceptional work environment. Maryland Bar required. All replies will be held in strict confidence. Fax resume to David Parker at (301) 556-4895 or email to ATTORNEY – Workers’ Rights Attorney – The Law Foundation of Prince George's County, Inc. is seeking a bilingual (Spanish/English) attorney to assist at our Langley Park clinic one day per week, some weekend and evening hours. The Law Foundation bilingual (Spanish/English) workers' rights attorney will assist clients with employment law cases by: Negotiating pre-court settlements; Contacting an appropriate agency for assistance; Explaining the court process to clients; Assisting in completing court forms; Providing legal education classes to workers and Working with the private bar to provide representation to the workers. Applicant must be a member of the MD State Bar. Please send resume and cover letter to Karin Dalichow at or fax to 301-864-8352, attention: Karin Dalichow, or mail to: Karin Dalichow, The Law Foundation, P.O. Box 329, Hyattsville MD 20781. LEGAL AID BUREAU ... TRUE CHAMPIONS OF JUSTICE NOMINATIONS On Oct. 14, Maryland Legal Aid wants to honor former staff and volunteers who had a long-term association with Legal Aid, whose contributions had an impact, and whose tenures were in different decades or periods since its founding in 1911. A "True Champion of Justice" is someone who advanced the mission of Legal Aid by his or her length of service, a specific legal accomplishment or a unique contribution to Legal Aid–a paralegal who provided service to many clients over many years, a lawyer who prosecuted a novel legal theory resulting in improvement of the situation for many Legal Aid clients, or a board member who was the face of Legal Aid to the wider community, or a staff member whose tireless and competent service contributed to the stability and success of Legal Aid. We hope to have nominees representing service throughout the history of Legal Aid. Nomination forms are at and are due by May 1, 2006. WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. PAGE 25 WHO IS NEW ... ~ NEW MEMBERS ~ Eilene Brown, 3540 Crain Highway, Apt. 331, Bowie, MD 20716, tel.: (301) 3528960, email: Anthony H. Davis, II, 4920 Niagara Rd., Suite 206, College Park, MD 20740, tel.: (301) 982-0888, fax: (301) 542-0005, email: Karin R. Dunlap, 110 North Washington St., Suite 406, Rockville, MD 20850, tel.: (301) 424-7585, fax: (301) 424-7047, email: Suzanne B. Hill, 500 West Baltimore St., Baltimore, MD 21202, tel.: (410) 706-2080 Claudia Anne Michels, 1 Church St., Suite 201, Rockville, MD 20850-4181, tel.: (301) 610-9700, fax: (301) 610-9716, email: Elizabeth S. Morris, 7735 Old Georgetown Rd., Suite 1100, Bethesda, MD 20814, tel.: (301) 656-7800, fax: (301) 656-3053, email: ADVERTISERS INDEX Paul J. Benkert, Jr., Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .8 Circle Treatment Center . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Stephen J. Dunn, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . .12 EagleBank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Richard Edelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 William McMurtrie, 50 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850, tel.: (240) 7777418, fax: (240) 777-7414 Elkind & Shea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Michael A. Stodghill, 1 Church St., Suite 201, Rockville, MD 20850-4181, tel.: (301) 610-9700, fax: (301) 610-9716, email: Patrick Hoover Law Offices . . . . . . . . . .25 ~ Please make our new members feel welcome ~ WHEN YOU CALL ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS TO MAKE AN INQUIRY, TELL THEM WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. David Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 23 InterSpanish Communications . . . . . . . . .3 Joseph, Greenwald & Laake, P.A. . . . . .15 Michael L. Kabik, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .14 Long & Foster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Luxenberg, Johnson & Dickens, PC . . .22 Metro Counseling Services, Inc. . . . . . . .15 Metropolitan Process Services . . . . . . . . .3 Miles & Stockbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Miller, Miller & Canby . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13 Montgomery County Sentinel . . . . . . . .25 Oxley & Goldburn Insurance . . . . . . . . .20 Pantazes Bail Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Pasternak & Fidis, P.C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Risk Management Group . . . . . . . . . . .10 Rossmann - Hurt - Hoffman, Inc. . . . . .16 Sandy Spring Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Alan B. Sternstein, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . .9 Target Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Courtland K. Townsend, Jr., Esquire . . .5 YellowWood Financial Advisors, Inc. . .20 Alan S. Zipp, Esquire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 PAGE 26 STATE’S ATTORNEY’S ASSIGNMENTS Office of the State’s Attorney for Montgomery County Court Assignments for the Month of April JUDGES ALTER EGOS The Bar Association is again publishing the following list of all judge’s alter egos. When a member wishes to address an issue to a judge, please call the judge’s corresponding alter ego. The alter ego will then contact the judge. DISTRICT COURT Judge Gary G. Everngam Patricia Mitchell Barry A. Hamilton Louis D. Harrington Stephen P. Johnson Brian G. Kim Mary Beth McCormick Eugene Wolfe Lawyer Phillip L. Felts Charles Mitchell Deborah A. Armstrong Marc P. Hansen John C. Monahan Edward B. Lattner Gerard J. Emig Walter Neighbors CIRCUIT COURT Michael J. Algeo DeLawrence Beard Marielsa A. Bernard David A. Boynton Thomas L. Craven John W. Debelius, III D. Warren Donohue Joseph A. Dugan, Jr. Robert A. Greenberg Ann S. Harrington Eric M. Johnson Michael D. Mason Terrence J. McGann S. Michael Pincus William J. Rowan, III Ronald B. Rubin Nelson W. Rupp, Jr. James L. Ryan Katherine D. Savage Louise Scrivener Ann N. Sundt Durke G. Thompson John P. Kudel David P. Modell Charles E. Wilson Joseph P. Suntum Reginald W. Bours James A. Bonifant Sue A. Mahaffey Terrence J. McGann Rene Sandler Judith R. Catterton George E. Simms Paul F. Kemp Terrence M. McGann Joseph C. Paradiso Joseph M. Quirk Steven VanGrack William D. Foote, Jr. Patrick J. May David Martella Patrick W. Dragga Gary L. Crawford Albert D. Brault RETIRED JUDGES/CIRCUIT COURT Martha G. Kavanaugh James S. McAuliffe John F. McAuliffe Paul A. McGuckian Dennis M. McHugh J. James McKenna William C. Miller L. Leonard Ruben William P. Turner C.J. Vaughey Paul H. Weinstein Susan Kalil Judith R. Catterton John M. Quinn James J. Cromwell Floyd (Ron) Willis William J. Chen, Jr. Thomas D. Murphy Kevin G. Hessler Stanton J. Gildenhorn Charles E. Wilson Philip H. Armstrong Barry H. Helfand SPECIAL MASTER Suzanne Snedegar DOMESTIC RELATIONS MASTERS Charles M. Cockerill Susan A. Polis Joan E. Ryon Steven G. Salant John S. Weaver Paul B. DeWolfe Sara M. Donohue Cheryl L. Hepfer Donna E. Van Scoy U.S. DISTRICT COURT FOR MARYLAND Charles B. Day Peter J. Messitte Jillyn K. Schulze Roger W. Titus Michael G. Banks Charles E. Wilson Barbara A. Kestenbaum Paul T. Glasgow U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND Nancy V. Alquist Paul Mannes Patrick C. McKeever Mark S. Goldstein PAGE 27 JUDGES SCHEDULES Calendar ☺ Bar Office Conference Room See Committee/Section Pages for Location / CLE Classroom CLE Seminar–Call (301) 340-2534 to Register APRIL 3 4 5 6 10 11 13 14 18 19 20 25 26 27 11:30a.m. Taxation Law Section 12:15p.m. Bar Luncheon 4:30p.m. Professionalism Com. Meeting 8:00a.m. Circuit Court Bench Bar Meeting 7:45a.m. / CLE Breakfast with the Judges 8:00a.m. District Court Bench Bar Meeting ☺ Workers Compensation Law Section 4:00p.m. 11:45a.m. Estate & Trust Law Section ☺ Executive Committee Meeting 5:00p.m. 7:30a.m. Real Estate Section ☺ Legal Ethics Committee Meeting 4:30p.m. 7:45a.m. / CLE Breakfast with the Judges FLOATING HOLIDAY – BAR OFFICES CLOSED 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Rita Rosenkrantz 12:30p.m. CINA Bench Bar 5:30p.m. Business Law/Commercial Law Section Meeting 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Family Law ☺ Family Law Section Meeting 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Workers Comp 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Criminal Law Noon Juvenile Law Section 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Rita Rosenkrantz 10:00am. Law Firm Management Section Newsletter of the BAR ASSOCIATION OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MARYLAND 27 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland 20850-4200 MAY 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 16 18 24 29 31 ☺ Professionalism Com. Meeting 4:30p.m. 8:00a.m. Circuit Court Bench Bar Meeting ☺ Nominations & Elections Committee 4:00p.m. 8:00a.m. District Court Bench Bar Meeting ☺ Workers Compensation Law Section 4:00p.m. ANNUAL MEETING & LAW DAY CELEBRATION 7:30a.m. Real Estate Section ☺ 8:00a.m. Intellectual Property & Technology ☺ Legal Ethics Committee Meeting 4:30p.m. 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Family Law 5:00p.m. Lawyer to Lawyer Committee 5:30p.m. / CLE Seminar–Commercial Litigation 12:30p.m. DELQ Bench Bar ☺ Foundation Budget Committee 5:30p.m. BAR REVUE HOLIDAY – BAR OFFICES CLOSED Noon Juvenile Law Section Periodicals Postage PAID at Rockville, MD
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