The 25 Edition of the People In Motion Show June 6 and 7 , 2014


The 25 Edition of the People In Motion Show June 6 and 7 , 2014
The 25th Edition of the People In Motion Show
June 6th and 7th, 2014
Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place
Toronto, Ontario
Enclosed you will find an information package on the 2014 People In Motion
Show. Everything you need to apply for space in the show is contained on the
following pages. Additional information on our event can be viewed at our website –
This Information Package contains the following:
Show Fact Sheet
2014 Rules & Regulations
Space Application and Contract
Occupational Health and Safety Acknowledgement Form
Here’s How to apply:
 Print off your Space Application / Contract and Rules and Regulations
sheet as well as the Occupational Health and Safety Acknowledgement
 Fill out the top section of the application, including product
description. Please sign and date it. By signing the application, you
acknowledge having read the Show Rules and Regulations and agree to
abide by them
 Fax the application as well as the signed Occupational Health and Safety
Acknowledgement form to us at 905-361-2679 or you may scan and email
them to your Account Manager
 Mail the application and deposit to us at the address below. Cheques or
Money Orders should be made out to People In Motion Inc.
30 Village Centre Place Mississauga, ON L4Z 1V9
Phone: 905.361.2677 Toll Free: 1.888.695.2677 Fax: 905.361.2679
People In Motion
June 6th-7th, 2014
Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place
Year Established:
Expected Attendance: 4,000
Number of Exhibitors: 125
Type of Show:
Square Footage:
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Square Footage
Show Overview
As the largest and most comprehensive event of its kind in Canada, People in Motion offers an unparalled
opportunity to reach thousands of end users, therapists, health care representatives, insurance
professionals and special educators. The 25th Annual People in Motion features 63,000 square feet of
exhibits which include adapted vehicles, mobility aids, barrier-free design, rehabilitation services, home
health care products, accessible travel, leisure activities, technical aids, employment information,
corporate services and government programs
For more information contact:
Jennifer Allaby, Show Manager
Tel: 905.361.5248
Sajid Rahman, Assistant Manager
Tel: 905.361.5242
Danielle Roach, Account Manager
Tel: 905.361.5241
Canadian National Show Management
30 Village Centre Place Mississauga, ON L4Z 1V9
Tel: 905.361.2677 Toll Free: 1.888.695.2677
Fax: 905.361.2679
April 2013 – Schedule subject to change
2014 People In Motion Rules & Regulations
The Exhibitor agrees to pay price as laid out on the Space Application/Contract on or before the due date and to abide by the
terms and conditions found on the Space Application/ Contract.
The Exhibitor shall insure their own merchandise against fire, theft and all perils. Exhibitors are required to maintain public
liability insurance to a minimum of $2,000,000. Proof of insurance is mandatory.
Canadian National Show Management or Event Sponsor’s, are not responsible for any loss incurred by any Exhibitor.
Exhibit space will be made available for Exhibitor’s use, on a scheduled basis up to 24 hours before show opening.
Exhibits must be completed and ready for official inspection by 7:00 pm, Thursday, June 5th, 2014.
Preparation and set up of the Exhibit will be at the Exhibitor’s expense.
All Exhibits must remain intact until 5 pm on Saturday June 7th, 2014. Removal or dismantle of Exhibits is not permitted prior to
this time.
All booth decorations must be kept within the confines of the rented booth
dimensions. Eight (8) foot high sidewalls will not exceed four (4) feet in depth unless
prior approval is obtained from Show Management. Installation of eight (8) foot
high sidewalls will be at the expense of the Exhibitor. No booth decoration can block
the visibility of another exhibitor.
9. Backdrops and dividers are not permitted along the perimeters of bulk space
areas. Exceptions may be permitted in some cases (i.e. when a booth backs on
a wall or when sharing a backwall with another exhibitor or by the nature of
the product on display. Island booths requiring a wall must erect this wall in
the center of their booth. Exhibit walls must be finished on both sides to
present an acceptable appearance to fellow exhibitors and the visiting public.
10. Painting or affixing to walls, floors, ceiling or any part of the facility is not permitted. Attaching signs or display material to show
contractor’s equipment will be by approved methods only. Any damage to the facility or show décor will be the responsibility of
the Exhibitor.
11. Balloons, stick on decals or similar products will not be permitted in the facility.
12. Final allotment of booth space will be at the discretion of Show Management.
13. Exhibit space is to be used for products and display material of the contracted Exhibitor. Booth space cannot be sublet or used
for other purposes without the written consent of Show Management.
14. Canadian National Show Management may provide exhibitor contact information to official show contractors for the purpose of
facilitating the execution of this specific event.
15. The Exhibitor must occupy the space allocated to them during their scheduled move in time, unless otherwise approved
by Show Management.
16. Goods may not be delivered or removed from the building during show hours.
17. Show Management reserves the right to limit any audio or visual activity within the exhibit space if they deem it to be disruptive
or inappropriate for the event.
18. The sale of raffle tickets, lotteries and/or gambling is not permitted without the written approval of Show Management.
Important Notice
Occupational Health and Safety Acknowledgement
Dear Valued Exhibitor:
The People In Motion Show requires that all exhibitors review, sign and return the attached form to
acknowledge their acceptance and understanding of its contents by May 23, 2014.
As of April 2006, the Ontario Ministry of Labour has declared that all show sites are deemed “Industrial
Sites” which requires that all persons involved in the set up and tear down of a show be appropriately
equipped for such an environment. Consequently, the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety
Act and its Regulations (particularly the Regulations Dealing with Construction Projects) are applicable to
all shows, including the People In Motion.
The People In Motion Show requires that all exhibitors adhere to the highest standards of safety
when setting up and tearing down an exhibit and take every reasonable precaution to protect the
health and safety of workers. It is requested that all exhibitors of the People In Motion Show respect
and comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations and ensure the following:
That all workers involved in the set up and tear down of the show are competent to perform their
assigned duties.
That the workers are provided with information, instruction and supervision to protect the health
and safety of the worker and that every precaution reasonable for the circumstances is taken to
protect the worker.
W here prescribed, safety equipment, materials and protective devices are provided and that such
equipment, materials and protective devices are in good condition. This includes safety shoes,
gloves, safety glasses and hard hats.
That the equipment, materials and protective devices provided are used as prescribed.
That a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any explanatory material prepared
by the Ministry of Labour which outline the rights, responsibilities and duties of workers are
posted on the premises.
As an exhibitor, you are considered the prime contractor of your exhibit space and it is your
responsibility to contact all the people who will be involved in the assembling and dismantling of your
booth/display, including staff and outside contractors, to ensure that they are fully briefed on the
health and safety requirements of working in this environment. Exhibitors will be held accountable, at
all times, for the health and safety of those working for them on the show floor.
The above list is not intended to be complete or exhaustive. Please consult the Occupational Health
and Safety Act Regulations for further information regarding your obligations under the Act.
May 23, 2014
Safety Acknowledgement Form
I, the undersigned, acknowledge that I have read and understood the health and safety
acknowledgement. I agree to comply with and abide by all statutes and regulations that establish safety
requirements, including but not restricted to the provision of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety
Act and Regulations thereunder, and will cooperate with Show Management in the establishment and
enforcement of safe working procedures.
I also hereby confirm that, as an Exhibitor, I am considered “Prime Contractor” of my exhibit space and that I
currently maintain and will maintain at the time of the show, adequate insurance to cover against any losses
sustained or damages suffered, to personnel or to property arising out of any accidents or mishaps which may
occur before, during or after the show attributable to exhibitor negligence in setting up or tearing down the
Further, I agree to indemnify and save harmless People In Motion I n c . from all claims, demands, actions, or
causes of action and against any liability for damages, losses, expenses, fines and penalties of whatever kind or
nature, arising out of any accidents or mishaps which may occur before, during or after the show which may be
attributable to exhibitor negligence or breach of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its Regulations in
setting up or tearing down the exhibit, including limiting the generality of the foregoing, any fines or penalties
assessed against the Indemnified under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
In the event that the Indemnified Parties become involved in a charge, prosecution, civil litigation or
any other legal proceeding under or related to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its
regulations arising out of or related to a breach of the contract or my performance or lack of
performance of the contract or the violation of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its
Regulations, then, as an Exhibitor, I agree to be liable for, indemnify and pay the Indemnified parties’
fine, penalty, judgment, debt, damages and reasonable legal fees.
I hereby declare that I have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the foregoing.
_ Name:
I have authority to bind the exhibitor
Dated this
day of
Fax, mail or Email completed form to
People In Motion
30 Village Centre Place
Mississauga, ON L4Z 1V9
Fax # 905-361-2679
Queen Elizabeth Building, Exhibition Place –June 6-7, 2014
Company Name:
Postal/Zip Code:
Number of square feet (minimum space 100 sq ft)
@ $10.00 per square foot
@ $ 9.00 per square foot
@ $ 8.50 per square foot
(10’ X 10’Booths)
(400-700sq. ft.)
(800 + sq. ft.)
Plus 13% HST
= $____________
= $____________
= $____________
= $____________
= $____________
Space Location: 1st Choice______________ 2 nd Choice______________ 3 rd Choice________________
We agree to pay People in M otion Inc. (the “Licensor”) the appropriate space rate, plus HST. We have read and understand the Conditions of the Application/Contract on the reverse, or attachment if received via e-mail and agree
to abide by them. If this Application/Contract is faxed to People in M otion Inc., we authorize the Licensor to take any and all steps in reliance on our faxed Application/Contract as though it were an original. By signing below, the
undersigned (in both your personal capacity and where applicable, on behalf of the entity) agrees that verbal authorization may be obtained from you to charge the credit card tendered in respect of payment hereunder
Exhibitor Authorized Signature:
Date: ____________________________
METHOD OF PAYMENT (Please make cheques payable to People in Motion Inc.) OR
Visa___ MC___ AMEX___ Card Number____________________________________________________________________ Exp.:_________
Print Name__________________________________________________________________________ Amount: $_________________________
Card Holder Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
On acceptance of this contract by the Licensor a signed copy of this contract and an invoice will be sent. A 50% DEPOSIT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION
(A) Dimensions Front:
___________ x Depth _________________
(B) Dimensions Front:
___________ x Depth _________________
Customer Code
Date Received
Sales Person
Booth Space # assigned (A)
Booth Space # assigned (B)
Confirmation Number
Invoice Number ______________________________________
Number of Badges
Accepted by Show Management:
Cheque #
Deposit Received:
$ __________________
$ __________________
No right to allocation of space may be derived from the application. In special cases the organizers may decide not to confirm an application, to allocate less space than has been applied for, to alter allocated
space or to withdraw an allocation without the participant being entitled to claim compensation for damage incurred.
Exhibitors please remit a payment of 50% plus 13% HST with your Application/ Contract.
Final Balance on all booths due on April 11, 2014
Each exhibitor shall be restricted to showing only those goods described in this agreement, and shall confine its exhibit, activities and operations to the licensed space. Without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, the Exhibitor shall be prohibited from handing out coupons, samples or other materials belonging to or promoting the wares or activities of third parties and shall strictly confine all permitted activities to
the licensed space. In addition, use of the space shall be strictly restricted to the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor shall not assign, either in part or in whole, otherwise permit the participation of any third
party in any of the activities, undertakings or displays in the licensed space, without the prior express written consent of the licensor. In the event of the failure of the Exhibitor to utilize all its space to the
satisfaction of the Licensor, it may at any time after the opening hour of the Show allot any vacant space to such other applicant, as it may deem appropriate, in its sole discretion, for the benefit of the exhibition.
The Licensor reserves the right to relocate contracted exhibit space as it may deem necessary, in its sole discretion, for the overall benefit of the exhibition.
The use of said space shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations appearing in this contract and in the “Exhibitor Information Kit” and to all further rules and regulations now or hereafter adopted for the conduct
of said Show, which are hereby, made a part of this agreement and to which the Exhibitor agrees strictly to conform. The Exhibitor further acknowledges that the Licensor is a party to an occupancy agreement
pursuant to which the use and occupation of the building by the Licensor and all Exhibitors is governed. The Exhibitor agrees to be bound by the terms, conditions, rules and regulations set forth in such agreement.
The Licensor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to decline, prohibit or remove any exhibit, Exhibitor or proposed exhibit or Exhibitor not approved of by it, and to permit only such matter and conduct as it shall
approve. The above reservation covers persons, things, conduct, printed matter, souvenirs and emblems, and all things which effect the character of the exhibition, and the Exhibitor will not obstruct or hinder the
Licensor in preventing or removing forthwith any matter, conduct or thing which it considers objectionable.
All property used or exhibited is at the sole risk of the Exhibitor, and the Licensor will not assume any responsibility for the safety of exhibits against theft, robbery, fire, accidents or for any matter or thing
whatsoever, or for bodily injury or damage to property or persons caused by the operations of the Exhibitor. The Exhibitor understands and agrees that the Licensor shall assume no responsibility for
representations or warranties given by the Exhibitor to the public in regard to its products or services or for transactions or contracts between the Exhibitor and the public, or for any losses or damages arising
The Exhibitor shall hold the Licensor harmless from any damage, expense or liability, to or in respect to any person, arising out of the Exhibitor’s occupancy of the said licensed space or any thing or matter
connected with such occupancy or the activities of the Exhibitor, its servants, agents or employees in conjunction therewith, whether or not such activities shall occur in the licensed space, the building or
Under no circumstances shall any portion of an exhibit be removed from the licensed space during the continuance of the Show without prior written permission of the Licensor. The Exhibitor will cause all
exhibits, equipment and products to be removed from the Show premises on the date and time specified as “Exhibit Removal Dead line” in the Exhibitor Information Package. The Licensor shall be
entitled to remove all exhibits, equipment and products of the Exhibitor to any place of storage, and the Exhibitor shall be liable for all additional charges or damages incurred by the Licensor for or by reason of all
such property of the Exhibitor left on the Show premises or other environs after such deadline.
The Licensor reserves the right, exercisable in its sole discretion, to change the date or dates upon which the Show is to be held and shall not be liable in damages or otherwise by reason of such change. In the
event the Show is cancelled because of reasons beyond the control of the Licensor, space rental fees or deposits already made will be returned to Exhibitors on a pro rata basis, after all related expenses incurred
by the licensor through the date of cancellation have been met, and the Licensor shall be released from any and all claims for damage which might arise in consequence thereof.
The Exhibitor agrees to observe all union contracts and labour relation agreements in force, agreements between the Licensor, official contractor servic e companies and the building in which the Show will take
place and the labour laws of the jurisdiction in which the building is located.
No amount paid or payable by the Exhibitor hereunder is refundable in the event the Exhibitor does not use the reserved space. The Licensor shall have full power in the interpretation and enforcement of all Rules
and Regulations whether contained herein or otherwise and the power to make such amendments thereto and such further rules and regulations governing participation in the Show as it shall consider necessary
for the proper conduct of said Show.
If the Exhibitor fails to make any said payments at the time appointed therefore, all rights of the Exhibitor hereunder shall cease and terminate, and any payments made by it on account hereof prior to said time
may be retained by the Licensor as liquidate damages for the breach of this Agreement, and the Licensor may thereupon relicense said space. The Licensor may at any time that the Exhibitor fails to pay any
indebtedness owed by the Exhibitor to Licensor, after demand, seize and sell any property of the Exhibitor within the Show premises or their environs, either at public auction or by private sale, and may apply the
proceeds thereof against such indebtedness, together with its costs, without prejudice to any other rights of the Licensor, and the Exhibitor shall be liable for any deficiency or loss suffered by the Licensor. This
license may be terminated by the Licensor at any time on the breach of any of the terms or conditions hereof by the Exhibitor, and thereupon all rights of the Exhibitor hereunder shall cease and terminate, and any
payments made by it on account hereof to said termination shall be retained by the Licensor as liquidated damages for such breach, and the Licensor may thereupon relicense said space. Until this application is
accepted by the Licensor, the Exhibitor shall be entitled to the return of the rent paid, upon notice in writing to the Licensor.
In the event that any provision of these terms, conditions and rules shall be found to be illegal or otherwise unenforceable, the balance of these terms, condition or rule is not contained herein. No waiver or
permitted variation of any provision hereof shall be taken to permit any future waiver or variation of such provision. The Exhibitor hereby consents to the use of any pictures or other images by the Lic ensor in the
subsequent promotion of this Show or any other show of the Licensor.
There is no representation, warranty or condition made by binding upon the Licensor affecting the subject matter of this Agreement of the said space other than as expressed herein or in the Exhibitor Information
Package or in writing signed by the Licensor. Nothing herein shall be construed as constituting the Exhibitor and the Licensor partners, joint ventures or agents of one another. The Exhibitor has read and
understands the Rules and Regulations and understands that this application and the contract resulting from it will be subject to these Rules and Regulations. The Licensor reserves the right to determine the
eligibility and appropriateness of exhibits before acceptance of this contract. This contract and any disputes that may arise here from shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with Ontario law. The parties
hereby irrevocably attorney to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of Ontario, it being the intention of the parties that all disputes shall be settled by the Courts of the Provinc e of Ontario applying the laws.
Exhibitors, their on-site staff and suppliers/contractors, shall comply with all show terms, rules and regulations, and with all pertinent and applicable laws, codes and regulations, Federal, Provincial, Municipal and
local, including the Occupational Health & Safety Act, governed by the province of Ontario, which may affect the show space.
It is also the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to ensure that all their on-site staff and suppliers/contractors are informed of and comply with all these terms at all times while on the show property. The exhibitor
agrees to be liable for the actions of its on-site staff and suppliers/contractors.
These terms and regulations will be enforced by both Show Management and Ministry of Labour. Exhibitor’s failure to comply with such laws, terms, rules and regulations shall entitle People in Motion Inc to
terminate People in Motion Inc obligations under this contract and remove, shut down or darken Exhibitor’s space. People in Motion Inc’s decision on all such matters shall be final.
The Exhibitor accepts full responsibility for its legal liability and any losses or fines incurred as a result of failure to comply with health and safety laws. If Show Management should be held liable for an exhibitor’s
action or failure to comply with its legal obligations, the exhibitor shall reimburse Show Management for all expenses incurred and hold Show Management harmless for any resulting liability.
Exhibitors must comply with all facility and local Fire Code Regulations. Booth decorations must be flameproof, and all hangings must clear the floor. Electrical wiring must conform with all National, Provincial and
Municipal government requirements and to the local provincial Electrical Code Safety Rules. If inspection indicates that an exhibitor has neglected to comply with these terms, or otherwise incurs a fire or electrical
hazard, Show Management reserves the right to cancel all or such part of the exhibit as may be out of compliance.
Show Management will not be responsible for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to or be caused by the exhibitor to the exhibitor’s employees, property, or to the facility from any cause whatsoever. Show
Management will not be held liable for any injury, loss, or damage which is sustained by any person who may be on the premises leased or rented to the exhibitor, or watching, observing, or participating in any
demonstration in the exhibitor’s exhibit unless such injury, loss, or damage is caused by active negligence or a willful act of Show Management.
If Show Management should be held liable for an exhibitor’s action or failure to act in any manner whatsoever, the exhibitor shall reimburse Show Management for all expenses incurred and hold Show
Management harmless for any resulting liability.
November 2013