Little Stukeley Village Hall
Little Stukeley Village Hall
Maisy Gibbons of Great Stukeley & Tom Smith of Little Stukeley are two very talented local youngsters.. Read about them on Page 15 Below are the logos of the Huntingdon 10K Charity Run. Read about it on Pages 13 & 14 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Monday 6 June Friday 1st June Sunday 3rd June Tuesday 5th June Saturday 9th June Wednesday 13th June Sunday 17th June Wednesday 20th June Friday 22nd June Saturday 23rd June Thursday 28th June th Parish Council Meeting Right Royal Quiz Jubilee Picnic Jubilee Celebration Mens Breakfast WI Meeting Huntingdon 10K Charity Race Heritage Group Seaside Trip Bingo Night Mid Summer Party & Ceilidh Little Stukeley Villlage Hall AGM 7.30pm 7.30pm 10.00am 1pm until late 9.00am 7.30pm 9.00am 6.30-8.30pm 7.00pm 7.30pm LSVH GSVH GSVH 3 Horseshoes Grace Fellowship GSVH Alconbury Airfield GSVH GSVH LSVH LSVH July 2012 Magazine Cut-off Date The cut-off date for the July Stukeleys Parish Magazine is 9am Friday 22nd June 2012 STUKELEYS PARISH COUNCILLORS & CLERK Sue .Parkin. Mrs. Chairman Michael Monk, Vice-Chairman Philip Hobson Bob Hulstrom Harry Raby Paul Ryan Nicola Sly Sally Smith Paul Vincent Mike Newman, Clerk COUNTY & DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES Sir Peter Brown CCC Laine Kadic CCC Keith Baker HDC 01480454085 01480456634 01480455629 01480431848 01480453269 01480450434 01480412262 01480450356 01480411871 01480455365 01480453062 01480453062 01480896979 This Month Page 5: Parish Council Meeting Report Page 5: Stukeleys Parish Council Wins an Award Page 6: Great Stukeleys Village Hall Page 7: Little Stukeleys Village Hall Page 7: Bingo Night Page 13&14: Huntingdon Charity 10k Race Page 15: 2 Talented Local Youngsters Page 17: Stukeleys Heritage Group Page 19: Update from Urban&Civic THREE HORSESHOES Ermine Street, Great Stukeley PE28 4AH A friendly family Pub run by Michelle & Doddy Come and join us On Tuesday 5th June From 1pm until Late Celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Bouncy Castle, BBQ, Disco, Raffle, Stalls and more For more information phone Michelle on 07927 909345 May Parish Council Meeting Seven Councillors and two members of the public attended the May Council meeting in Great Stukeley village hall. Mr. Cook asked the council if there was availability of allotment space for Lt. Stukeley residents, he was assured there was but that all spaces would be provided on an availability basis, he was also assured that negotiations with Urban & Civic were ongoing in relation to lease terms and the provision of water for the site, the later it was hoped could be collected through a system of swales that direct water into a centrally excavated pond area, there would also be underground storage of water collected from the central storage building. Mrs Sally Smith of 16 Low Road was to be co-opted to the council as a member to serve in the place of the recently retired Terry Pinner. The Council accounts and balance st sheet for the period ending 31 March 2012 were approved as was the content of the Annual Return to be sent to the External Auditors. Several important constitutional issues were to be placed on the June agenda for debate, namely, limiting the term of officers serving the council, introduction of a financial advisory group and whether members should consider serving on village organization committees when invited. Plans for one single house on the land between 4 & 10 Ermine Street were approved with certain clauses added about drainage issues on the site. It was agreed that the Council should promote, and Urban & Civic host an exhibition to advertise the draft proposals and Master Plan for the Alconbury site, a two hour period was envisaged followed by an Q&A session chaired by Mrs. Parkin so salient points could be established, this would in turn be followed by an official Parish Council Meeting at which all points could be collated into a submission to put to Urban & Civic prior to their submission to the District Planning Authority later this year. The position of the gate at the place where Owl End joins bridleway ten was agreed but it had to be determined as to whether the gate was acceptable to Mrs. Pond who had access to Lodge Farm along that route, all other parties had consented. The Council is pleased to announce that it has been awarded the District Council Chairman’s Community Award for services they have provided to their community. Please Note, due to extended public holidays, the next Council meeting will be on th WEDNESDAY 6 JUNE 2012 at 7.30pm at Little Stukeley village hall. Michael. J. Newman, Clerk & RFO. The Stukeleys Parish Council Wins an Award The Chairman’s Community Award was presented by District Councillor Jeff Dutton GREAT STUKELEY VILLAGE HALL TABLE TOP SALE This was a successful afternoon. There were 24 stalls altogether and we raised over £200 for our funds. In case you have more things to sell, or missed this one, we will probably have another one in the autumn, so watch out for details. EVENTS IN JUNE RIGHT ROYAL QUIZ – 1st June starting at 7.30pm. Depending on when you get your magazine this event may have passed. At the time of writing we need more teams. So if you have not booked in, and it is before 31st May when you read this, you still have time. Ring Ann Monk 456634 to book a place. JUBILEE PICNIC - 3rd June Hopefully we will get as many people as possible to this event. We will set out the tables at 10.00am and the rest is up to you. Please join with your neighbours and have some fun. HUNTINGDON MALE VOICE CHOIR - Saturday 9th June 2pm – 4pm. The Choir will be performing in the Village Hall. The event is sponsored by Urban & Civic, and profits will go to Village Hall Funds. Contact Ann Monk 456634 for further details. On Sunday June 17th the WI and Village Hall Committee are running a cake stall at the 10K run. If anyone would like to make a cake for us please contact either Jan Sly 450197 or Ann Monk 456634. A Jubilee photo from Penny Glover Here is another Jubilee photograph from Alan Adam's collection. This shows the men from the villages planting an oak tree in Little Stukeley church yard as part of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. Alan's great grandfather, Thomas Saunders, is second from the left with his fork. Those who know Alan can probably see the family resemblance! LITTLE STUKELEY VILLAGE HALL Jubilee BBQ th We had a very successful Jubilee BBQ on 20 May despite the slightly disappointing weather – at least it did not rain and the kids could play outside! My thanks to the committee and all the willing volunteers who help make it a success. Annual General Meeting th The AGM for the Village Hall will be held on Thursday 28 June in the hall; as usual it will be followed by the AGM for the Social Club. The meetings will start at 7.30 pm and the format will be similar to previous years. Any resident of Little Stukeley will be most welcome at the meetings. It’s your village hall and your Social Club, so do come along and help us by putting forward your ideas of the type of events you would like to see, or any improvements you would like us to look at. Anyone wishing to volunteer to join either of the committees should get in touch with me, or any member of the relevant committee before the meeting if possible. Flower Show The next event that the committee will be running is the Flower Show; please th remember that it is on 8 September this year. With all this rain we have been having we should be inundated with produce to be exhibited this year. Schedules for the Flower show should be on your doorsteps sometime in July. Keith Winter (Tel: 450656 email: BINGO NIGHT – Friday 22nd June Come and join us on Friday 22nd June in Great Stukeley Village Hall for a family bingo session 6.30-8.30pm. Apart from being great fun, you could win £10 for a full house and there will be other prizes for lines. You can book a place free of charge by emailing or by calling or texting 07961 358067 or simply turn up on the night. We are charging £1 a game and proceeds will go to DSA UK which will enable Tom Smith in Little Stukeley and his team mates to represent Great Britain at the World Games 2013 in Michigan. Pictures taken on the Legal London Tour REFLECTIONS on LEGAL LONDON: Discover the Inns of Court, Thursday 26th April, 2012 Our very informed Blue Badge Holder guide, Owen Joseph, met my group off the coach when we arrived at the Aldwych in London on Thursday 26th April.We braved the morning rain and rather cool weather after a welcoming morning tea stop at the iconic George on the Strand. We enjoyed a gentle stroll through the mediaeval Inns of Court and learnt about the history, traditions and peculiar practices of English Law half-expecting to see Rumpole around the next corner!. We visited the Elizabethan Middle Temple Hall with its glorious double hammer beam roof where Shakespeare performed and barristers still dine. The early lawyers rented this land from the Knights Templar whose round Norman Church we passed on our way. At twelve noon the rain stopped and the sun came out which helped to make the rest of our tour both dry and more comfortable and enjoyable. Our day included a delicious carvery lunch at atmospheric, half timbered George in The Strand.We all felt very spoiled with their kind and very efficient service. It was a real pleasure to visit The George. On the day of our visit Rupert Murdock was on his second day giving evidence at the Leveson Inquiry.Lots of photographers, TV cameras and reporters were camped outside the Royal Courts of Justice. We finished the day with a sight seeing coach tour viewing The Old Bailey and Staple Inn and a wonderful walk through Lincoln’s Inn ending with afternoon tea at Fuller’s of Chiswick. Our driver, Peter Brown, did a superb job getting us everywhere on time the whole day and whose careful driving got us back home safely. Phone calls and notes of appreciation from the participants leads me to believe that the forty-three people who joined me had a really great day. Mary Alleyne-James Flying High on the London Eye & a Xmas Cruise Tuesday 4th December 2012 On Tuesday 4th December 2012 I am offering you a terrific opportunity to take a Christmas Cruise on the Thames, fly high on the London Eye followed by shopping at the Cologne Christ Markt. We would leave the Great Stukeley Village Hall at around noon and return, depending on traffic, at about 10.30pm. The price of this splendid tour, seeing the Christmas Lights cruising on The London Rose and flying on the London Eye will be: £37.50 per person. Included in this tour: · A Blue Badge Holder guide for the duration of the trip plus a tip. · The coach journey to and from London and a tip for the driver. · A 90 minute Christmas cruise on the Thames · A 30 minute ride on the London Eye · Shopping at the Cologne Christ Markt If this festive tour holds interest please call me without delay as my tours fill up in a few days rather than weeks. Mary Alleyne-James Tel 01480 433 954 A Fundraising Open Evening Friday 9th November 2012 Every village and hamlet in the Fens used to have its very own eel-catcher. Eel catchers have been a vital part of the economic life of East Anglia for centuries. Today there is just ONE eel-catcher in the whole of Cambridgeshire. Meeting Peter Carter is like facing living history. His family caught eels for more than 200 years and Peter still uses the traditional methods to catch eels in the Fenland village of Outwell. Do plan on joining us on Friday 9th November 2012 at 7.30pm when Peter Carter will visit us at the Great Stukeley Village Hall for our meeting which is OPEN TO ALL. This promises to be a most interesting and very amusing event. If you have any questions or ideas regarding this visit please feel free to call me. This is a fundraising evening, open to all. Mary Alleyne-James Event Organiser (Tel: 433.954) Royal London Tour Tuesday 11th September 2012 The Throne Room at Buckingham Palace was designed for investitures and ceremonial receptions for dignitaries. However, in the early years of her reign Queen Victoria also used the Throne Room as a ballroom. The Queen was very fond of music and dancing and before the death of Prince Albert, in 1861, the Throne Room was the site of numerous concerts and balls. The Throne Room is now used principally for the reception of formal addresses on important occasions such as those presented at the Queen’s Jubilee in 1977 and 2002. Official Royal wedding photographs taken here include the Queen’s own in 1947 and that of The Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981. Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding photographs were also taken in the Throne Room on 29 th April 2011. My Royal London tour will take place on Tuesday 11 th September 2012 meeting at the Great Stukeley Village Hall at 7.30am. We will be meeting up with our Blue Badge Holder guide for the day, Jeanie Carmichael, at 10.30 am at St. Paul’s Cathedral where we will stop only for refreshments at the Crypt Café. Our departure from St. Paul’s Cathedral will be at 11.15 am by coach for our 15 mile journey exploring ROYAL LONDON-ancient & modern-on an entertaining journey looking at birth places and residences and hearing about scandals and successes. After lunch we will visit Buckingham Palace. Mary Alleyne-James Tel 01480 433 954 Thank you for our quiz prize! We decided to use our great prize for the Christmas quiz on Pete’s birthday at the end of April. We had a relaxing, rather than energetic, time in the Leisure Centre at the Marriott Hotel - in the swimming pool and spa bath. Then we returned in the evening for a glass of champagne and a delicious three course meal. Thank you very much to all concerned – it was a lovely way to spend a birthday! Pete and Gail Belcher Thank you to Steve Ryan of ERAS & the Marriott Hotel Leisure Centre for sponsoring the prize. Martyn Fox, Editor Thursford’s Christmas Spectacular 2012 Sunday 18th November 2012 The Thursford Christmas Spectacular, devised and produced by John Cushing, has been running for more than 30 years. With a cast of 130 professional musicians, singers and dancers this show has become the biggest of its type in the United Kingdom. On the day of the Show I urge you to visit their very special attraction-Santa’s Magical Journey into Christmas. For a charge of £5.00 per person(once you show your ticket for the Christmas Spectacular)you will enter into the ultimate Christmas experience for children from 1 to 101. In this wonderful Christmas Grotto you experience an enjoyable walk through Santa’s Magical Journey into Christmas-passing cute displays of moving animals-Penguins, Polar and Brown Bears, Santa himself and his Reindeer, and my favourite, Santa’s Workshop. Do not miss this fun event. For us this year the news in nothing short of fantastic as our seat allocation completely reflects my request. We have been allocated my preference date of Sunday 18th November for the 2pm matinee performance. The ticket price for our visit is £ 47.50 per person which includes superb De Luxe seating located in the area D/E/F/G and H which is mid stalls. The price includes entrance to the Christmas Spectacular, the return coach trip and a tip for the driver. Please note that FULL PAYMENT in CASH ONLY must be received by me personally NO LATER THAN THURSDAY 14th JUNE 2012 at 5pm. NO EXCEPTIONS PLEASE. Cheque, postal and money orders and credit cards are NOT acceptable. Please call first to arrange a mutually convenient time to drop off your payment at my house. Please be aware that if full payment is NOT received by the deadline I reserve the right to offer your tickets to others on the waiting list. Your help, understanding and PROMPT PAYMENT are very much appreciated. Mary Alleyne-James Tel 01480 433 954 Boiler Servicing & Installation Musical theatre scholarships from Huntingdon 10k Charity Race 2012 Four promising young performers were given musical theatre summer workshop scholarships at the recent Riverside Theatre Company annual awards evening. The company is one of six charities set to benefit from profits of the Huntingdon Charity 10k Race, taking place on Sunday June 17 at Alconbury Airfield. The donation will be used to fund more opportunities for young people in future. Harrison Leigh, Chloe Patterson, Tash Beauchamp and Scott King will all attend the 'We Will Rock You' summer workshops, an opportunity made possible by previous fund raising donations and grants to the company. They received the awards, in recognition of their hard work and commitment throughout the year, in a ceremony at The Priory Centre, St Neots hosted by actor and comedian Alex Perkins. Nicki Compson, chair of Riverside, said: " Run by parents and other enthusiastic volunteers, Riverside employs professional tutors to give young people between seven and 21 musical theatre, dance, acting and singing training. “It is always a struggle to find funding but thanks to the generosity of Hullabaloo we can be confident of being able to continue to fund places for children and young people whose families cannot afford to pay and who would otherwise miss out on this kind of opportunity." Riverside makeup artists will be face painting as part of the community fair, which is part of this year's race, in return for a small donation. The company will also be promoting its next production, Fame, which is being staged at the Mumford Theatre, Cambridge on July 13 and 14. Place are booking up fast for the 10k all-terrain race which is now in its third year. A community fair and a 3k fun run, open to anyone aged five years or over, have been added to the attractions this year. As well as face painting by the Riverside Theatre Company, the community fair will have attractions for all the family including refreshments and a prize draw. Race Director Bob Hulstrom said: "We want this to be more than just a race. We are supporting charities that work to help children and young people so it seems fitting this should be an event for the whole family. "Whether you enter a race or not, come and visit the fair and support some great causes. "Entry to the site is free and there is plenty of car parking. The runners will also really appreciate your support." As well as profits from the event going to help local charities, many runners will be sponsored to raise more funds for the causes closest to their hearts. The other charities set to benefit are: Disability Huntingdonshire, Huntingdon Youth Theatre, the Fusion programme, the Crossroads Young Carers' Project in Huntingdon and Dreamdrops For more information visit You can also follow the Race Director on Twitter @RaceBobHunts10k Pictured receiving their summer workshop scholarships at the recent Riverside Theatre Company annual awards evening are, from left to right: Harrison Leigh, Chloe Patterson, Tash Beauchamp and Scott King. With them are (l-r) Richard Mann, Artistic Director and host Alex Perkins. For more information or to request an interview or other facilities, please contact Bob Hulstrom on 01480 451412. For more information about Riverside Theatre Company visit Hullabaloo is a new club for Huntingdonshire combining opportunities for socialising with the chance to participate in charity fundraising events and service to benefit the local and wider community. For more information visit This year's event is being sponsored by: · Cook Italian · Circle Health · Flex-Able travel · Trisports Plus · It is also supported by: Urban and Civic MAISY GIBBONS Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art based on self-defence and through its study helps to develop many life skills including respect, concentration, confidence and to help others. Maisy who is 10 years old showed interest in this art back in October 2010. She started to practice the art in Brampton. Her Grandfather, Brian Gibbons who lived in the village was very proud of her but unfortunately past away from Pancreatic Cancer is September 2011. This was one month before she competed in Watford in the National Championships where she achieved 2 silver medals. She continued to work hard but wanted to do something in memory of her Grandfather as her two elder sisters will be involved in the “Race for Life”. Whilst deciding what she would like to do, she competed on 5th May in the Central Championships and won a Gold medal in her free fighting and a Silver medal in her Tang Soo Do forms. She has decided that she would like to dedicate her next belt grade to her Grandfather. Maisy is currently orange belt and wants to achieve the next belt, which is green by October. She has the approval of the UK Tang Soo Do Federation. All monies raised will be donated to Cancer Research. LOCAL SPORTSMAN IS NATIONAL CHAMPION. Little Stukeley resident Tom Smith wins his way to success. Tom, aged 11, was in Walsall at the Dwarf Sports Association National Games where he won three Gold medals and a Silver medal. His Gold medal wins were in running, cycling and football and the Silver was in Basketball. He also reached the semi-finals in Table tennis. This is only the second year that Tom has competed at the Nationals, and has proved his sporting ability yet again, after achieving medal wins last year. Tom lives in Low Road with Mum Sally, Dad Graham and sister Jenny and goes to Abbots Ripton Primary school. Tom recently joined the Table Tennis club in Great Stukeley and as a result of the experience he has had there, he gained the confidence needed to enter in that category at the DSA games. In the football finals at the games, Tom scored the two winning goals and will often be seen playing football after school and at the weekends with his friends in the Little Stukeley village hall playing field. The new goals recently installed there have certainly been put to good use! Tom's family and friends are all very proud of him and are now looking forward to the future where he is due to be competing in the World Dwarf Games in Michigan, USA next year. They all wish him luck and are thinking of lots of fundraising ideas to get him out to Michigan where he will not only be representing Little Stukeley but also Great Britain! Mid Summer Party And Ceilidh including supper At Little Stukeley Village Hall On Saturday 23rd June at 7pm Tickets £12 50 from Jocelyn Kerr on 01480 453213 Bar The Retreat HOLISTIC BEAUTY 01480 700621 A salon with a difference; Spa-like surroundings Spacious rooms A warm welcome Relaxed, unhurried treatments Holistic experts Beauty experts Quality products Fair pricing Book now for 20% off your first visit! Threading from £5, Dermalogica 1 hr facials £40, Crystal Clear microdermabrasion, Nouveau eyelash extensions, Thai massage, Sports Massage, Aromatherapy oils blended just for you… Couples much more...and of course Vouchers so that you can share the experience. 1a, George Street, Huntingdon. PE29 3AD The Stukeleys’ Heritage Group N.B. Bookings for the nostalgic seaside trip to Hunstanton have been slow. Unless we get more interest we will have to cancel. Our next evening meeting will be: 7.30 pm Wednesday 15th August when we will be focussing on weddings, so please bring along your photos of any wedding which has a connection with The Stukeleys or Stukeley residents for scanning so that we can see how traditions and dress have changed over the years. The Heritage Group will be the focus village organisation for the Songs of Praise at St Bartholomew’s in Great Stukeley at 9.30 am on Sunday 29th July. Please let me know any hymn you would like to be included. I have asked Richard Turpin if the service could be based on the text of the King James Bible and the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as this seems appropriate for our Group. Michael Monk Convener, Stukeleys’ Heritage Group The Stukeleys Heritage Group trip to the seaside is on Wednesday 20th June 2012 starting from the car park at Great Stukeley Village Hall at 9.00 am visiting Heacham Lavender Fields and Hunstanton and with the return journey leaving around 3.30 pm All welcome – you do not have to be a member of the Group to come along! The cost of this day out is a modest £15.00, payable in cash in advance please. All bookings must be made by Friday 8th June – to me at: 33 Church Road, Great Stukeley 01480 456634 Michael Monk Shakespeare at the George Shakespeare at the George Is a charity which supports drama In the local community, including a couple of burseries. Every year Shakespeare at The George perform one of the Bard's plays. We perform them in the open air in the Jacobean Courtyard of the George Hotel in Huntingdon. A setting much as would have been used in Shakespeare's own time. The productions are run by a group of Trustees and the entire cast and crew are volunteers. The performance and production is of the highest quality, easy to follow and a night to remember. This year we are performing Love’s Labour’s Lost from 26th June to 7th July at 7.30pm Update from Urban&Civic : Alconbury Airfield Design Enquiry Report Over the last couple of weeks we have been sending out copies of the Design Enquiry report, which pulls together the information we displayed at our September consultation events, the feedback received, and our responses. We hope you have all received copies of the document, but if you have not, you can either view it (and leave feedback!) online at if you get in touch with us on 01480 413141 we will send you a copy. Outline Application Following on from pulling the feedback together, we are planning to submit our Outline Application for the site in the early summer. This Application will be a high level document, putting forward the principle of developing the site into a high quality mixed use community with space for businesses in the Enterprise Zone, as well as homes, facilities like schools, health centres, community centres and local convenience shops, investment in transport and over 700 acres of green space and woodland. We plan to hold a series of public exhibitions to discuss the Application before it is submitted, so that you can ask questions of our technical team and find out more about our plans, and the planning process over the next few years as more detailed applications come forward. The main exhibition will be on Wednesday 27 June, from 2pm-9pm at Great Stukeley Village Hall. If you can’t make this date, there will be further events running 2-9pm at: · Alconbury Memorial Hall on Wednesday 20 June · Abbots Ripton Village Hall on Friday 22 June Further events are also being planned and displays will be at a number of local events over the summer before taking up residence on site and in Huntingdon Town Centre. The District Council will also be holding public consultation events about the plans later in the year to enable people to feedback their views to the Planning Team, as they consider the application. Supporting local businesses, jobs and skills Over the early summer we will also be putting in a planning application for the first building in the Enterprise Zone: an incubator building, to help start up businesses to grow in a supportive environment. We also continue to support local construction businesses for work on site through a locally focussed procurement process. Watch this space for more information about our work with local businesses and local schools in next month’s newsletter – or call us to find out more. Questions and Feedback If you have any questions for us you can: - write to us at Urban&Civic, 137 North Gate, Alconbury Airfield, Alconbury, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4WX, - email me at - or call me on 01480 413 141 / 07739 339 889 You can also follow our progress through subscribing to our e-newsletter at or following us on twitter @beccaU&C Mill Antiques & Collectables 1 Mill Street, Houghton, Huntingdon PE28 2AZ Buying & Selling Free Valuations House Clearance Peter Brown Tel: 01480 468646 Mob:07080 801393 Email: FANTASTIC BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INTERNET RUN SO CAN BE MANAGED FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. CAN BE RUN EITHER PART TIME OR FULL TIME ALONGSIDE YOUR PRESENT JOB FOR MORE INFORMATION PHONE ALAN ON 07828 059784 Or go to THE STUKELEYS WI Meeting held on Wednesday 9th May 2012 The President, Jan Sly welcomed nineteen members to the meeting. Five apologies for absence were received. We sang Jerusalem. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was agreed that they were accurate and that Jan should sign them. Jan thanked Ann Monk and Jenny Thilo for preparing refreshments, Sheila Stephenson for the Curtis Bowl arrangement and Doris Sadler for providing the draw prize. She reminded Margaret Helme and Nancy Oldfield that they had volunteered to provide refreshments at the next meeting. Jan reminded members that the next Table Top sale would be Saturday 19th May at the village hall and thanked everyone for their hamper contributions. Various members volunteered to help out on the stall. Jan remarked on the good turnout for the Bridge Club Songs of Praise on 29th April which had been enjoyed by all. The ACWW walk which was due to take place after the service was postponed due to inclement weather and members were asked to make a contribution of £1 in lieu if they so wished. A group walk would be organised in the summer. The Spring Group Meeting at Hartford on 24th April had been highly entertaining with the Caverners duo singing 60s songs. The Stukeleys WI won 3 out of 4 of the competition prizes. Jan won the doll in sixties clothes and Sarah came second and Kath Simpson won second prize for her Sergeant Pepper 60s record sleeve. Several of our members also won draw prizes. Various members also attended Federation Day at the Burgess Hall on 25th April. Jan said that all three speakers were excellent and that a full report would be issued in due course. Nita Charter won £100 in the 200 Club Draw and Jan won a draw prize. Jan suggested that we advertise our Open Meeting on 9th November in the Huntingdon and Peterborough magazine which has an editorial cut off 2 months before each issue. It would be a worthwhile exercise as it would reach all the WIs in the area. Jan reported that The Stukeleys WI and Village Hall Committee had been approached by the organisers of the Huntingdon 10k race to run a cake stall. This year it will be held on Sunday 17 th June on Alconbury Airfield. It was agreed that we should run a stall with the Village Hall Committee and all proceeds should go to the village hall as our designated charity this year. Various members volunteered to make cakes and run the stall. A vote was taken on the AGM Resolution for the Employment of More Midwives. Members voted unanimously in favour of the Resolution. Some members had knitted fish and chip jumpers for South Africa for which they were thanked Mr Alan Eade was welcomed as speaker and gave a very informative talk accompanied by slides about the English Timber-Framed House. Since retiring 20 years ago, he had spent time researching what are known as vernacular buildings. These are buildings made from local materials unaffected by styles outside the area so in lowland areas of Great Britain, amongst other places, for centuries, this meant timber-framed houses with the timber being taken from nearby oak woodland. Sarah Toyn gave the vote of thanks. The competition was 4 jam tarts. 1st prize: Sarah Toyn 2nd prize: Nita Charter 3rd prize: Joan Gray Draw Prize: Sheila Stephenson. Roll Call: your dream home Next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th June 2012 at 7.30pm in the main hall and will have a Diamond Jubilee theme. The hall will be decorated and members are requested to wear red white and blue if possible. Speakers: Sheila Stephenson, Doris Sadler, Sylvia Renolds, Shirley Berrill and Kath Simpson – demonstrations of flower arranging, card making and silver knitting Curtis Bowl: Sylvia Renolds and Draw: Deanna Strange Competition: A small flower arrangement or card (all your own work) Roll Call: which new craft would you like to challenge. Sarah Toyn LAWN CARE IN JUBILEE JUNE “Spruce your lawn up for the Jubilee Celebrations and Garden Parties” Mowing Continue mowing, and increase the frequency. Try cutting one way then cut at 90 degrees to it to give that criss-crossed fairway look. The grass will look and grow better if cut little and often, rather than one big cut. This month cut no lower than ¾ inch (2 cm). Top Tip - Stems: You may need to rake stems upright that creep through the lawn so they stand up and the mower can cut them. Weed Control Tidy up any persistent weeds that survived the earlier application. Spot treat dandelions or you may need an all over treatment if dealing with trefoil (small yellow flower). Ask ProLawnCare if you need help with this; we are trained technicians and we can spray a specialist herbicide. Fertiliser Apply either a liquid or granular feed to bring out the best in your lawn at this time of year. Patio/Driveway Weed Control Weeds can look unsightly at this time of year in patios and driveways. We can spray a total weed killer to kill them and keep weed free for up to 6 months. Actions required in June · Mow lawn lightly; don’t cut shorter than ¾ inches (2 cm) this month. Grass will respond better if ut little and often · Treat weeds with herbicide once actively growing · Feed lawn with a balanced fertiliser · Treat weeds on driveways, paths and patios Call Deborah or Richard : 01480 812393 - email - Reader Offer “FREE LAWN HEALTH CHECK”. Call the number above and we will assess your lawn for FREE If you need Free Lawn Care Advice ask the Lawn Ranger on Lawn Fact: “Lawns from eight average houses have the cooling effect of 70 tonnes of air conditioning” THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS. ERMINE STREET, GREAT STUKELEY, NEXT TO THE VILLAGE HALL. Bishop Matthew Wade Sunday Services 10.00am to 11.15am Sacrament Meeting 11.15am to 12 noon Sunday School Classes for 12 years old and over. 11.15am to 1pm Primary For under 12 year olds, and Nursery for 18 month old to 3 years old. 12 Noon to 1pm Relief Society Meeting for Sisters 18 years and over(Women) 12 Noon to 1pm Priesthood Meeting for Brothers 18 years and over(Men) 12 Noon to 1pm Young Men and Young Women Classes for 12 to 18 year olds. All are welcome to come and join us. Weekday Meetings Every Tuesday: Youth Meetings for 12 to 18 year olds from 7.30pm to 8.30pm First Wednesday of each month: Sisters Meeting from 7.30pm to 9pm GRACE FELLOWSHIP Love God: Love People: Serve the World An International English Speaking Baptist Church for Everybody ‘I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”’ Psalm 122 v. 1 Why not come and join us? A warm welcome always awaits you. All of our meetings are open to you. Every Sunday 9.45 am All age Sunday School including Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Bible Study Class 11.00 am Worship Service 7.00 pm Small Group Study at the Church Every Monday 7.00 pm Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday 7.30 pm Ladies Bible Study at the Church Every Thursday 7.30 am Skype Prayer Group. Just Phone Pete and add your number, and Friday to join in. Friday June 22nd 6.30 pm Games Evening - Table Games and fun and Finger Food Saturday June 9th 9.00 am Men’s Breakfast Fellowship All Men Welcome. Bring a friend or two!! If there is any way in which we can help or any questions you need to ask please call Pete and Penny Bourne on *01480 432207 or 07887707940 / 07908093224 or email us at or or phone David Stokes on 01480 891023 and we will do our very best to help. If you need help with transport to any of the meetings just call Pete or Penny as above. If you would like more information about Grace Fellowship visit our website, Life is full of ups and downs. Just over a week ago we heard that the people we had hoped would be able to fill the post left open by the sad departure of Paul and Jepye Hendrix are unable to take up the post. Last Sunday at Great Gidding Baptist Church we enjoyed a joint service with the C of E to Rogation Sunday with Rev Mary Jepp leading a walk round the parish starting at the Church and ending at the Chapel, where we came together in worship and shared communion with 21 attending; a good start after the Chapel not being used for a year due to the illness of last Pastor. The next service is the 10 th of June which will be a service of baptism. At the same time at Grace Fellowship we have seen an increase in numbers, small though it may be we are seeing things happen. At our men’s breakfast last week we had the pleasure of local Parish Councillor, Bob Hulstrom, join us and he entered into a good discussion on a wide range of topics. Now we start again the search for a pastor to replace Paul, I would like to share a few words left by Carl Jung 1875-1961, a Swiss Psychiatrist: There are as many nights as days, and the one is as long as the other in the year’s course. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word “Happy” would lose it’s meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Pete Bourne CHURCH SERVICES ST BARTHOLOMEW'S GREAT STUKELEY ST MARTIN'S LITTLE STUKELEY Going to the airport? 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