FOBANA Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 1 December 2013


FOBANA Newsletter Vol. 1, Issue 1 December 2013
FOBANA Newsletter
Vol. 1, Issue 1
December 2013
FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
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FOBANA Newsletter
Vol. 1, Issue 1
December 2013
FOBANA Newsletter is an official publication of FOBANA.
However, any expression in personal written materials
are solely the opinion of the writer and FOBANA is not
responsible for them.
Welcome to the first issue of FOBANA Newsletter. The
idea of a newsletter has been on the books for couple
of years but due to lack of resources and infrastructure
we couldn’t make it happen. The FOBANA Newsletter
committee was formed last year and the initial planning
of the newsletter was put to place. However, it was at the
later part of the term so we had decided to wait for the
next term and start fresh.
What’s Inside
Editorial............................................................................................................ 2
A Message from the Chairman................................................................ 3
A Message from the Vice-Chairman & Coordinator of all
Standing Committees.................................................................................. 3
FOBANA 2014 Update & A Message from the Convener............. 3
FOBANA Executive Committee (2013-2014).................................... 4
FOBANA 2013 - A Very Successful Convention................................ 5
Poetry ................................................................................................................ 6
“Jong”.................................................................................................................. 7
Bangladesh Association Multicultural Gala....................................... 9
FOBANA in Cyberspace and Social Media........................................11
A Parent’s Guide : Are you ready to fight “Flu Season” ?............12
“Victory Day Still Waiting”......................................................................13
“Sodesh Prem Eemaner Ongsho”.........................................................15
We are delighted to have a strong newsletter committee
this year that includes prolific writers, journalists
and FOBANA veterans. Since the concept of FOBANA
newsletter is something new we will take baby steps and
slowly add features. We realize that it is very easy to start
something, but quite a challenge to continue on. We are all
volunteers and we have many other priorities besides this
project. But we will do our best and adhere to our passion
for quality production.
If you have any suggestion for the newsletter please feel
free to send it to
FOBANA Newsletter Committee
Chairperson: Azadul Haq (Houston, TX)
Adviser: Wahed Hossaini (Washington DC)
Co-Chair: Wahida Afza (San Hose, CA)
Co-Chair: Abdus Sattar (Washington DC)
Co-Chair: Sayma Zaman (Atlanta, GA)
Co-Chair: A H Russel (Atlanta, GA)
Co-Chair: Syed Dinar (Houston, TX)
Co-Chair: Tasnim Hossain (Austin, TX)
Co-Chair: Shahidul Mallick (New York, NY)
Officio member: Mahmud Musharraf Hussain,
Chairperson, FOBANA, (Potomac, MD)
Officio member: Duke Khan,
Vice-Chairperson, FOBANA, (Atlanta, GA)
FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
If you want to publish your
write-up, article, poems or
any report, then please send
them to
Page 2
A Message from the Chairman FOBANA 2014 Update & A
I am very delighted to see the
Message from the Convener
first issue of FOBANA Newsletter.
Congratulations to the Newsletter
Committee for their hard work
and coming up with this milestone
publication. It will usher another
new era in our beloved organization.
FOBANA is slowly transforming
itself from a 3 day convention to a
full-fledged matured service oriented non-profit serving
the Bangladeshi diaspora across North America. This
newsletter will carry that positive message to the NRBs
though various mode of distribution. This newsletter will
also be a vehicle for fund raising for the organization.
I wish the project good luck and would love to read the
future issues.
Mahmud Musharraf Hussain
A Message from the ViceChairman & Coordinator of
all Standing Committees
Congratulations FOBANA
Newsletter Committee! You did it!
As the coordinator of all standing
committees I am very proud of you for
this achievement. Using this excellent
communication tool now we can tell
the story of FOBANA in a far better
manner. I would strongly urge all member organizations
and other committee members to provide you with
their respective updates. That will make this newsletter
more useful and attractive. Currently the newsletter is a
quarterly one, I hope someday this will become a monthly
newsletter. I wish you the very best and look forward to
the future issues.
On behalf of the FOBANA 2014 Host Committee I welcome
you to Los Angeles in 2014! The next FOBANA convention
will be held at the Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport
located at 2500 North Hollywood Way, Burbank, California
91505 USA. The committee has negotiated a very special
discounted rate of only $109.00 for single/double
occupancy. The main event will take place at the adjacent
convention center. The opulent and luxury Marriot
will provide all the amenities that our honored guests
can expect from a reputed hotel like Marriot. A custom
reservation web page has been opened for FOBANA and
hotel can be reserved now. Please go to our web site www. and then click on the Hotel
Reservation link on the top menu on our web site.
Our preparation for the convention is in full swing. We
held a Venue Introduction and Meet the Committee
meeting on December 8, 2013. Over 200 people attended
the event and we were honored by the presence of
FOBANA Chairman Mahmud Musharraf Hussain
(Maryland), FOBANA EC Member Rehan Reza (Kansas),
Mahabub Reza Rahim (Phoenix) and many local
community leaders and prominent personalities.
We hope to present another blockbuster convention in
2014 and we hope to see you all here in 2014! If you have
any questions about the convention then please feel free
to contact us at any time. We are here to serve you.
Zainul Abedin, Ph. D.
Duke Khan
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FOBANA Executive Committee (2013-2014)
Mahmud Musharraf Hussain, MD
Vice Chairperson
Duke Khan, GA
Executive Secretary
Azadul Haq, TX
Joint Executive Secretary
Abdus Sattar, DC
Shah Haleem, TX
Outstanding Members:
Rehan Reza, KS
Mohamed Alamgir, DC
M Mowla Dilu, GA
Dr. Ahsan Chowdhury, TX
Executive Organization Members:
28th FOBANA Convention Host
Bangladesh Association of California
Dr. Zainul Abedin
Bangladesh League of America, NY
Bangladesh Association of Greater Washington DC.
Bangladesh American Foundation of Central Florida
Ananda Dhara
Bangladesh Foundation of GA
Bangladesh Association of New Jersey
Bangladesh Association of Phoenix
Bangladesh Association of North Texas
Mid Continent Bangladesh Association
Bangladesh Association of Chicagoland
Bangladesh Foundation of Florida
Bangladesh Association of America Inc. BAAI
Scan to learn more about FOBANA
Maqbul M Ali, IL
Qudrot E Khuda, FL
Zahid Hossain, CA
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FOBANA 2013 - A Very Successful Convention
From August 30-September, 2013 FOBANA held its annual convention at Atlanta, Georgia. It was one of the best
conventions of FOBANA. Over 3500 people attended the event and even the opening ceremony had over a 1000 guests!
The adjacent Hotel Sheraton was sold out long ago and the organizers scrambled to reserve other nearby hotels and
motels. The booths were sold out and many vendors who came to the show without any prior reservations had to
be turned away. Besides the guests inside there were always hundreds of guests in the food court and marketplace
enjoying the food, shopping while keeping an eye on the program displayed on large screens.
Our thanks to the FOBANA 2013 Host Committee and all the Bangladeshis in Atlanta for making us proud.
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Bangladesh Association,
Houston Multicultural Gala
Bangladesh Association, Houston, had hosted a
Multicultural Gala to celebrate 35 years anniversary of
the organization at the city of Houston . This Gala was
held at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Galleria on Friday evening
with a full house of 250+ audiences from across the city of
Houston . BAH raised $211,000 for Bangladesh-American
This multi-cultural gala was conducted by Channel 13’s
Cynthia Cisneros with invited guests from federal to local
leaders. The Gala night was Chaired by Afrin Inc. CEO Mr.
Shahid Ullah. The Afren Inc. is a major up-stream energy
company. Gala Chief Guest was Congressman Steve
Stockman. Many delegates including Congresswoman
Chairman via their representatives. Other organizations
including Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Pakistan
Chamber of Commerce had endorsed this Gala.
The gala represented many countries and their local
artists in performing guitars, fashion shows and music
to entertain the audiences throughout the 4 hours of
events. Color guards were presented US flags, US national
anthem performed by Elsik High Choir team among
many multicultural performances. During this event,
Bangladesh Association had raised over $211,000 for
the Bangladesh-American Center at 13415 Renn Road,
Southwest part of Houston , which is under construction
to be the beacon of Multi-cultural community center for
the city of Houston in the coming years.
Sheila Jackson Lee, Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia
and State representative Jean Wu, Congressman Al Green’s
rep, Councilman Al Hoang were present in this event.
Many representatives from Texas Governor, Senator John
Cornyn, other city and state representatives including
the Houston Mayor’s Office provided proclamations and
7 greeting messages to the Bangladesh Association’s
FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
The photos of Multicultural Gala Event that held last night
have been posted in our BAH website.
Please visit Bangladesh Association website at http://
and go to the Photo Gallery or Click on this link directly
Picture posted on FB and click like on the page.
Pics are posted to this link also:
Shah Haleem
281-748-9880, Bangladesh Association, Houston
A Nonprofit Organization, Established in 1978,
Charter #3-00084-4754-9
13415 Renn Road , Houston , TX 77083
Page 9
- Tasnim Hossain
The role of culture in our lives is often
overlooked by many. There is a notion among the mass
population that culture is an “extra” thing that you do
at your free time. Sociologists have defined culture as
a system of values and norms that are shared among a
group of people and that when taken together constitute
a design for living. Culture is indeed an integral part of
our lives and perhaps one of the most important parts of
our identity.
Back in the time, when Bangladesh was a
part of Pakistan, the Bengali population was under many
forms of oppressions, including cultural oppression.
Beginning from the language movement in 1952 to the
gaining of independence in 1971,
our struggle for freedom had its
roots to the cultural movements.
Even in today’s reality cultural
activities plays a vital role in
fighting the fundamental evil
forces that is trying to drag us
back to the medieval times.
In the history of mankind, the
nations that have produced the
greatest minds were always rich
in the cultural front. We can take
pride about the fact that we have
a very rich cultural heritage that dates back to the ancient
FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
United States is a very unique country that embraces
immigrants from all over the world and protects
everyone’s freedom so that they can preserve their own
heritage. In this way US has become a world itself; no
other country in the world can offer this much diverse
population, living side by side enjoying and sharing their
own beliefs.
The growing diversity of the population
in Texas is reflected in the number of ethnic cultural
celebrations that take place in the area each year.
Bangladesh Association of Houston (BAH) is a pioneer
non-profit organization which started it’s journey 35
years ago and the members and supporters have brought
with them a proud and fascinating heritage that they are
enthusiastic to keep alive, to pass on to their posterity,
and to add to the remarkable
cultural and ethnic diversity
that is taking shape in the
region. Transplanting cultural
traditions from one place to
another is, in fact, an integral
part of American history and
experience. With hosting the
Multicultural Gala involving
a number of countries, the
Bengali community is not
only keeping its own tradition
alive, but also following the
footsteps of a great American tradition as well.
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From The FOBANA Health & Wellness Committee
A Parent’s Guide : Are you ready to fight “Flu Season” ?
Dear Parents ,
Winter is here along with peak of cold and flu season . How can you keep your child from catching this nasty virus ?
You have two primary weapons to fight it :
Good hygiene : The best thing you can do to prevent
catching whatever is going around is to encourage regular
“HAND WASHING” especially before meals .
Also teach your child to sneeze or cough into a tissue or
his or her bent elbow. Remember , coughing into the hand
will just spread those germs around on the next thing he
or she touches -- which may well be the face . Encourage
good hygiene with sticker charts or rewards . Keep hand
sanitizer within easy reach , but supervise younger kids
when they use it . “Older children, such as school-age kids
can be given small bottles of hand sanitizer to carry with
them in their backpacks” .
Your second germ fighting weapon is “FLU VACCINE” :
Babies ages 6 months and up can get the injected flu shot
. Generally , kids ages 2 and up can have the nasal spray
unless they have asthma or a very stuffy nose at the time of
visit . Flu shot is like using car seat belt . Most of the time
you will be safe without wearing seat belt but it can save
one’s life when it’s on ! Same way , most season your child
will be fine without a flu shot but you can prevent a bad flu
attack by the shot .
Good news: Some kids with egg allergy can now get the flu vaccine . “ We used to shy away from giving flu shot to the
kids with history of “EGG ALLERGY” ! But many kids outgrow egg allergies . If your child can tolerate scrambled eggs
with no reaction, they can get vaccine normally . Even if they get just a mild rash , we will still give the vaccine and just
observe them carefully .
Muhammad Ali (Manik ), M.D.
FOBANA Health & Wellness Committee
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FOBANA in Cyberspace and Social Media
FOBANA Website is located at It is filled with most recent
information and everything about our organizations. Please visit us often
FOBANA doesn’t have
any facebook page, rather
it maintains an open
Facebook group : https://
Visit us
FOBANA Twitter account is at
Imagine yourself in these chairs!
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FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
Page 13
generation gap. Usually expatriates are survival and
ambitious. We secretly dream that our next generation will
break the glass roof and prosper in their fullest potential.
In America, eventually they will be American. Americans
are bonded by some national holidays and celebrations
like Fourth of July, Halloween, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving,
To a new land, an expatriate moves not only physically, Christmas and so on. Theoretically USA is a melting pot. As
but also culturally. 15 years ago, when I was a native this country welcomes the most talented and hardworking
in Bangladesh, the Victory Day, December 16, was an people from all over the world, diversity is prominently
inseparable part of my life. Special programs on television, visible in the society. In fact diversity is one of the strengths
songs of 71 coming from loud speaker organized by of its dominating economy. So far I don’t get a straight
local political party and vivid hanging posters along side forward definition of being American.The main stream
the road adorn the city at a festive mode on the occasion American life is also constantly changing by adding more
of December 16. Even though last
flavors into its distinctive fruit15 years, the Fourth of July and its
salad alike society. Now we are
fireworks have integrated into my life,
very familiar with Chinese New
still I cannot ignore the craving for
Year and Diwally. But still when an
December 16. I expect each year BABA
Indian-American has won the Miss
(Bay Area Bangladeshi Association)
“Tell me about
America 2014 pageant, Twitter has
will organize a local fair for us , I will
been flooded with racist comments.
go there wearing a lal-sobuj saree Bangladesh’s Declaration Good news is American values are
and meet other members from the
against racism. Free speech doesn’t
of Idependence?”,
community while having my cup of tea
mean hate speech in USA. Our next
My son has asked.
with Sheeter Pitha. At least in my life
generation is aware of it. The vital
time, the victory day will not be faded
western philosophy is individualism.
away in this new land. Because it is
Everyone is considered as an
an inspirational day for us, it reminds
enormous source of potential. They
me that I am a member of the second
want to give everybody a good share.
largest ethnic group in the world. I am
Quoting Albert Einstein “Everyone
not alone.
should be respected as an individuals, but no one idolized.”
Wahida Noor Afza
Generation after generation, we are developing a lifechain and proceeding forward. Harvest festival was a big
celebration for our previous generation. Our next generation
will settle their own celebrating calendar in a new version.
It is obvious that we evolve culturally and mentally. Which
is very essential for me is to pass the information to our
next generation so that there will be no vacuum in the
FOBANA Newsletter, Vol. 1, Issue 1, December 2013
Back home, we grew up in a communal environment.
Our society is idol-centric. Most of the middle class
Bangladeshis are opinionated on every issue, but their
voice cannot reach beyond the boundary of their own
living room. To me, our logics are emotionally biased.
That’s why we are shortsighted. Prosperity is proportional
to its foresight. The other day I have had a discussion with
my son about Bangladesh’s Victory Day. It was a really eyeopener conversation for me.
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reason innocent people are burning on the way to their
workplaces or schools, no doubt our deep down values
need to be refreshed. At this moment, people are facing
“Tell me about Bangladesh’s Declaration of Idependence?”, the experience of real war in Bangladesh. Bullets, fire,
explosion, violation of human rights cannot be a part of our
My son has asked.
I became very confused, from where I should start. I told everyday lives when a country is in peace. If it continues,
him about March 7, 26, 27. I told him about Sheikh Mujib, this year December 16 will be an irony.
Major Zia, first prime minister Tazuddin, General Osmani,
Bhasani and so on. But it seemed like he didn’t get his
answer. Later on I have figured out that his interest was 5
on ‘WHAT’ where as I am giving him the answer of ‘WHO’.
“Mammy, you know the United States Declaration of Like waterfalls, values cascade from top part to bottom
part of the society. After the liberation of America in 1783,
Independence, particularly the second sentence:
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are when George Washington was asked to be crowned in the
created equally, that they are endowed by their Creator free America, he simply refused by telling that Americans
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, didn’t fight for getting another king. When the idol wants
to be the part of community, it makes everybody special
Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’
Like this one, what is the motivating sentence for the and respectful. Yes, we want to be respectful in Bangladesh
also. Hatred ignites fire and respect extinguish it. We have
general people during 1971?”
“Actually our declaration just said that we had to fight with seen enough infernos, isn’t it the time for putting it down?
our two hand until freedom comes. There is no mention When it will happen, we’ll call it our final Victory Day.
of what would happen next. Foresight views haven’t been
practiced in our politics. Rather than last 40 years we have
been noticing that backward view like WHO declared the
independence has divided our nation into two extreme
ends. I am trying to answer to your question in my way.
Because back home, I was always a part of swing voters.
The ‘WHO’ part actually doesn’t matter to me at all.”
“It sounds like Gulliver’s Travel.”
“Lilliput and Blefuscu are fighting over Little-Endians and
I know he is not wrong. From a distance, it looks like that
a homogeneous nation is trying to be divided into small
segmented racial tribes so that they can hate each other
and continue the fight. A total wastage in terms of time,
energy, security, above all, the prosperity as an individual
or as a whole country.
Western indivitualist culture is very honest to give
everybody a fair distinctively share and credit of their
liberation. For example, the credit of it’s unique Declaration
of Independence goes to the Continental Congress. On
the other hand, eastern communal culture is sustained
by creating a idol and making the rest invisible. In this
discussion, I don’t like to share a judgmental view by telling
that this culture is better over the other one. Actually
there is no straight forward calculation for selecting
the better one. But I must say when we see that for no
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Want to publish
your stories
Send it to fobanaec@
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