July - TriState MS
July - TriState MS
971-C S. Kenmore Drive Evansville, Indiana 47714 Phone: 812-423-5943 Toll-free: 1-866-514-4312 www.tristatems.org “Like” us on Facebook July 2016 Newsletter Offering support, care, and hope…right here at home! Indiana Support Group Meeting Dates Evansville, IN support group will meet Saturday, July 9th, at 10:00 a.m. at the TSMSA Office, 971-C S. Kenmore Drive. Speaker: Cindy Goodwin. Cindy is a retired RN from Evansville. She enjoys teaching the Eastern medicine and Complementary Therapy classes at USI. She incorporates Reiki, massage, yoga, Tai Chi, aromatherapy and many others into her life and is a certified practitioner of Reflexology and Healing Touch. Cindy will talk and answer questions about the basics of energy as it applies to complementary therapies, and she will introduce you to your own energy biofield and how to influence it for better health. Contacts: Nita Ruxer / 812-479-3544 or Sharon Omer / 270-333-4701. Princeton, IN support group will NOT meet in July or August. Have a great summer!! Contact: TSMSA Office 1-866-514-4312. Tell City, IN support group will NOT meet in July or August. Have a great summer!! Contacts: Terri Hasty / 812-649-4013 or Gayle Taylor / 812-719-2417. Washington, IN support group will meet Saturday, July 16th, at 10:00 a.m. at Daviess Community Hospital. Join us for an open discussion and refreshments. Contacts: Cindy Kalberer / 812-254-6735 or Fran Neal / 812-259-1565. Kentucky Support Group Meeting Dates Henderson, KY support group will NOT meet in July or August!! Have a great summer!! Contacts: Meg Burnley / 270-826-9507 or Debbie Whittington / 270-827-8298. Owensboro, KY support group will meet Monday, July 11th, at 6:00 p.m. at HealthPark Owensboro Health, 1006 Ford Ave, Owensboro, KY. Contact: Susan Reynolds / 812-228-6100. Illinois Support Group Meeting Dates Fairfield, IL support group will meet Saturday, July 2nd, at 11:00 a.m. at Fairfield Memorial Hospital in the Board Room of Horizon Clinic. Join us for an open discussion. Contacts: Kathie Hill / 618-847-8452 or TSMSA / 1-866-514-4312. We would like to sincerely thank St. Mary’s Health System for their continued support of the Tri-State MS Association’s monthly newsletter. Shared Solutions: 1-800-887-8100 www.copaxone.com/shared-solutions Thank you to Teva Neurosciences for sponsoring our monthly newsletter. Calendar of Events Now through July 30, Holy Hoops H.O.R.S.E. Shootout for Multiple Sclerosis Play basketball for a cause! Visit www.holyhoops4ms.com for a list of available times and call Jay Stockman: 812-774-3963 to schedule. Games will be played through July 17 at Wesselman Park and July 18-30 at American Baptist East. Check out the great prizes on the website. Participants of all ages are welcome to take on the challenge of playing the designated shooter. Individuals who have signed to play collegiate basketball cannot participate. Make a tax-deductible donation of $20 to play, and an additional $10 to re-enter if you lose your game. All participants who beat the designated shooter will win a prize. All donations will benefit TSMSA! Tell your family and friends and schedule your game today! July 10, Sunday, Give Back Day At Texas Roadhouse Join us at Texas Roadhouse on July 10 for a Give-Back Night! 10% of all proceeds will be donated back to TSMSA! Bring the attached flyer into Texas Roadhouse any time on July 10 and present it to your server! July 12, Tuesday, Teva (Copaxone) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Dr. Randy Cox, Neurologist, Tell City, IN / Hardinsburg, KY Time: Registration 5:30 p.m.; Program 6:00 p.m. Location: Moonlite Bar-B-Q, Owensboro, KY RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: Shared Solutions 1-800-887-8100 July 18, Monday, Teva (Copaxone) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Dr. Rod Warren, Neurologist, Evansville, IN Time: Registration 5:30 p.m.; Program 6:00 p.m. Location: Haub Steak House, 101 E Haub Street, Haubstadt, IN RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: Shared Solutions 1-800-887-8100 July 21, Thursday, Monthly Newsletter Stuffing Time: 11:30 a.m. Location: TSMSA Office – Come help, while you make new friends! July 28, Thursday, Genzyme (Lemtrada) Educational Lunch Program Speaker: Nancy Heckler, RN, MSCN Associates in Neurology, Lexington, KY Time: 12:00 p.m. (noon) Location: Moonlite Bar-B-Q, Owensboro, KY RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: Lemtrada.com or 1-866-682-7502 July 28, Thursday, Genzyme (Lemtrada) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Nancy Heckler, RN, MSCN Associates in Neurology, Lexington, KY Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano, 6401 E Lloyd Exp, Evansville, IN RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: Lemtrada.com or 1-866-682-7502 Upcoming August Events August 4, Thursday, Mallinkcrodt (Acthar) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Dr. Kristi Nord, Neurologist, Memorial Hospital, Jasper, IN Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Moonlite Bar-B-Q, Owensboro, KY RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: 812-423-5943 or 1-866-514-4312 August 18, Thursday, ‘Girls Night Out’ Fundraising Event Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Evansville Country Club, 3810 Stringtown Road, Evansville, IN Cost: $25.00 prior to event; $30.00 at the door. Come support TSMSA, and enjoy some time with the girls! August 23, Tuesday, Genzyme (Lemtrada) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Nancy Heckler, RN, BSN, CBN Associates Neurology, Lexington,KY Time: 6:30 p.m. EST (5:30 p.m. Evansville time) Location: Schnitzelbank Restaurant, 393 Third Ave, Jasper, IN RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest: Lemtrada.com or 1-866-682-7502 August 29, Monday, EMD Serono (Rebif) Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Dr. Harold Moses, Neurologist, Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN Time: 6:00 p.m. Location: Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano, 6401 E Lloyd Exp, Evansville, IN RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest; 1-877-969-1722 August 31, Wednesday, Biogen Idec Educational Dinner Program Speaker: Dr. James Winkley, Baptist Neurology Center, Nicholasville, KY Time: Registration 5:30 p.m.; Program 6:00 p.m. Location: Patti’s Restaurant, 1793 J H O’Bryan Ave, Grand Rivers, KY 42045 RSVP: You and 1 (one) guest to Active Source: 1-866-955-9999 Please Read!! Important information regarding the continuation of your monthly newsletter!! The Tri-State MS Association is proud to provide many services to individuals living with MS and their families, one being a free monthly newsletter. For us to provide this service, St. Mary’s has generously provided the envelopes and underwritten the cost of mailing the monthly newsletter since 2001. However, due to recent budget cuts, St. Mary’s will no longer be able to continue to underwrite this cost. We would like to take this opportunity to thank St. Mary’s. We are truly appreciative of their support for so many years! We are grateful that Teva Neuroscience will continue to help sponsor the newsletter, but we will need to make adjustments to our mailing list. We mail monthly newsletters to 1,400 individuals each month, some of which may be sent to outdated addresses. In order to update the mailing list, we need your help! If you would like to continue to receive the monthly newsletter by mail, you MUST contact us by either e-mail: officemanager@tristatems.org, phone: 812-423-5943 or 1-866-514-4312, or by returning the survey included in this newsletter, and indicate your newsletter preferences. Zinbryta, (Daclizumab) Recently Approved for Relapsing MS Susan M. Reynolds RN MSCN Debbie and I just returned from Washington, DC for the Consortium of MS Center’s annual meeting. Every year it is held in a different area of the U.S., so that it will be more accessible to professionals from different regions. I hope to share some of the topics that I thought were the most interesting in the next few months. There is so much new research going on for people with MS. There are now 14 different Disease Modifying Therapies to treat the disease. Daclizumab (Zinbryta), the newest therapy, was approved on May 27, while we were at the CMSC meeting. Daclizumab is for the treatment of adults with relapsing MS. The US Food and Drug Administration approved Biogen’s new, long-acting injection as a self-administered monthly therapy. Daclizumab is a genetically engineered monoclonal antibody that binds to CD25, a receptor on Tcells that is thought to become activated in response to MS. Daclizumab is believed to work by selectively targeting these activated T-cells without causing general T-cell depletion. Further, Daclizumab is thought to work by decreasing abnormally activated T-cells and pro-inflammatory lymphoid tissue inducer cells and increasing CD56 natural killer cells, all important cells that help regulate the immune system. Daclizumab’s (Zinbryta’s) efficacy was demonstrated in two clinical trials. The most recent trial, the DECIDE trial, compared Zinbryta and Avonex in 1,841 participants for 144 weeks. Results showed that patients on Zinbryta had a 45 percent reduction in annualized relapse rates, a 54 percent reduction in new and newly enlarging T2 lesions, and a 65 percent reduction in new active lesions in comparison to Avonex. Seventy-three percent of the patients in the Zinbryta arm were relapse free compared to 59 percent in the Avonex arm. The most common side effects in the Zinbryta vs. Avonex trial were: cold symptoms, throat pain, upper respiratory infection and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Risks associated with Zinbryta include infections, rash, dermatitis and liver enzyme abnormalities, some of which are serious. More than 1/3 of the people on Zinbryta reported subcutaneous skin issues. Daclizumab’s drug label carries a “boxed warning” of serious safety risks. Among the risks are severe and potentially life threatening liver injuries and immune conditions that include inflammation of the colon, skin reactions, and depression. Patients taking Daclizumab must have tried and failed two other disease modifying therapies before trying this therapy. Your neurologist will get blood tests, including tests for liver function, before you start taking this therapy. Your liver function will be monitored before every dose and then up to six months after the last dose is given. Daclizumab has been used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis and other autoimmune diseases. The safety and tolerability profile has been well demonstrated in clinical studies for periods of up to six years. Qigong Classes In May, we welcomed Richard Ogilvy as a guest speaker at the Evansville support group meeting. If you are interested in taking Qigong classes with Richard, they are held on Tuesdays at 6 pm on the 2nd floor of Zion Evangelical United Church of Christ, 415 NW 5th Street, in downtown Evansville. If you have questions, contact Richard: 812-430-5808. Schwan’s Cares Fundraiser We are half way through our Schwan’s Cares fundraiser! You have until July 7, 2016 to place an order to benefit TSMSA. Go to Schwans-Cares.com to order from Schwan’s Home Delivery and help our organization meet its fundraising goals. When you order thru July 7th, 20% of all product sales and 40% of eGift Card sales will go back to TSMSA! Schwan’s Home Delivery offers over 350 delicious foods, flash-frozen at the peak of freshness! You will find the perfect meal ideas for parties and events, all delivered right to your door! There are two ways to support us: Order Online: 1. Visit http://www.schwans-cares.com/c/26514 2. Click “Shop to Give” 3. Start shopping! Order by Phone: 1. Call 1-855-870-7208 and provide Campaign ID: 26514 Existing Schwan’s customers need to follow one of the ordering steps above to create your fundraising affiliation and have your order contribute to our campaign. Your order will be delivered on your existing route day. New customers need to choose a delivery date & time during checkout. We have Schwan’s catalogs available at the TSMSA office, so stop by and pick one up! In Memory of…… In Honor of…… This is a wonderful way to acknowledge those individuals in our lives that have made a difference. Please include a note of who the donation is ‘In Memory of’ or ‘In Honor of’. In Honor of Tri-State MS Association Dr. Rick Yeager Stacy Little Kanesta Downs Mary Rueger Open Door UU Fellowship Denise Love Orrick Mr. Kevin Beck Michael Clauson Catherine Stevers Lucas Oil Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sanner In Honor of Brenda Floyd Laura Weibush In Memory of Richard Gooch Carol & Roger Ashenbremer Janice Gooch James Sheraden In Memory of Joni Gentry Bruce Adler In Memory of Von Sloan Vonda Templeton HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! Kris Holder Kathy McGlothlin Terri Hasty Andrea Slack Becki Unfried Windy Whitaker Jon Perryman Ethel Schuster Susie Sims Kurt Tretter Paula Elpers If you would like to have your birthday included in our newsletter, please send a note that includes your name, your date of birth, and your signed permission for us to print it in our newsletter. Congratulations to the winners at the Ted Donosky MS Golf Scramble!! Closest to the Pin: John Kaufman Longest Drive - Men: Gilles Paradis Longest Drive - Women: Lisa Loehrlein Golf Scramble Men’s Team Winners: BK Flooring Golf Scramble Mixed Team Winners: Old National Wealth Management Putting Contest: Scott Schmitt 2016 TSMSA Golf Scramble in Memory of Ted Donosky THANK YOU to our Outstanding Sponsors! Event Sponsor: Cart Sponsor: Beverage Sponsor: Food Sponsors: Printing Sponsor: Signs / Banner Sponsor: Media Sponsor: Hole In One Sponsor: Lucas Oil Center The Diamond Galleria Miller / Coors, Steve Peters Rally’s, Frito Lay, RC, Cleo’s Bakery Schutte Lithograph Signs by design Evansville Courier Romain Automotive Sponsors: Brandies Machinery & Supply Co. D-Patrick German American Bank Hebron Leasing International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers #16 Mulzer Crushed Stone New York Life Insurance, Roger Ziliak Old National Wealth Management Optimization Prime / Chad Schmidt Schultheis Insurance Traylor Brothers, Inc. Silent Auction Donors: AACO Golf Carts & Parts, LLC Archie & Clyde’s Cork ‘n Cleaver Dunn Hospitality Group Escalade Sports Evansville Massage Specialists Fiesta Acapulco J.E. Shekell, Inc. Knob Hill Tavern Longhorn Steakhouse Lucas Oil Golf Course Miller / Coors Morris Knight Rolling Hills Country Club Sharon Omer Stein Mart The Diamond Galleria The Pacetre’ Victoria National Golf Club Walmart Hole Sponsors: Steve Evans Brad & Cynthia Weathers Corressell Landscaping Dean Bosler’s Furniture The Rug Gallery of Newburgh Harding, Shymanski, & Company Head’s Construction Home Instead Senior Care In Memory of Charlie Omer John & Ginny Schrode Kappell Wealth Strategies Lefler Collision & Glass LNB Chandler National Bank Logan’s Roadhouse Mel-Kay Electric Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gulley Pet Food Center Raben Tire & Auto Service Southern Indiana Tire SYM Financial Advisors Special Thanks To: Jody Donosky, Jennifer Jones, Rick Tanner, Andrea Fisher, Rolling Hills Country Club, and Angie Wargel / Fire & Rain! Thank you to Terry Bethel for his generous donation. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers: Diane Whipkey, Bob Shipman, Barb Heacock, Amy Miller, Sharon Omer, Chris & Maria Hillenbrand, Sandy Bitter, Carson Bitter, Patty Given, Brenda Floyd, Pam Jutzi, Nancy Carlson, Jim Whipkey, Jim Mumford, Brian Jones, Fred McCool, Steve Skibo, Castle Golf Team, John Copeland, & Connie Romain! Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us at Texas Roadhouse on June 12! We appreciate our supporters! We hope to see you on July 10 for the next one! Gengelbach Pumbing, Tell City, IN 812-547-7346 Thanks for helping out a client with her plumbing issues!! Please cut and mail back to: Tri-State MS Association, 971 C. South Kenmore Drive, Evansville, IN 47714 OR fill out the survey on our website at www.tristatems.org! -------------------------------------------------------------2016 Newsletter Survey Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ Phone Number: Home (____) ____-________ State: ________ Zip: _________ Cell (____) ____-________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________ 1) I enjoy receiving the newsletter because I: □ Have MS □ Have a family member that has MS □ Am a Health Provider / Pharm Rep. 2) I would like to receive the monthly newsletter by: □ Mail □ E-mail □ Both □ I no longer wish to receive the newsletter 3) Information I find interesting in the newsletter: (Please check all that apply.) □ Educational Program Information □ Support Group Meeting Information □ Nurse Susan’s Article □ Fundraising Event Information □ Social Event Information □ Other (Please Explain) __________________________________________________________ 4) I attend or am interested in attending: (Please check all that apply.) □ Educational Programs □ Social Events □ Support Group Meetings □ Newsletter Stuffing □ Wellness Programs □ Family Events 5) I would like to have the following types of programs offered: ____________________________________________________________________________ 6) When it comes to participation in fundraising events: (Please check all that apply.) □ I participate □ My family/friends participate □ My company participates □ Send me information on fundraising events □ Send my company sponsorship information Company Name_______________________________ If you have multiple sclerosis, please provide the following information: When were you diagnosed? Date: ____/____/_______ Who is your neurologist? ______________________________________ What MS drug therapy are you currently on? (Example: Copaxone, Tecfidera, etc.) ______________________________________________________________________________ Comments: The information in this survey will NOT be shared with anyone, and will be used to help us better our educational programs and newsletter content.
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