The application of WolfVision Visualizers in medical facilities


The application of WolfVision Visualizers in medical facilities
The application of WolfVision
Visualizers in medical facilities
The initial impression of high
quality never goes away
Making a medical diagnosis can be a life or death decision, and may depend on having the
clearest possible images to interpret. WolfVision Visualizers are distinguished by their timeless,
user orientated design, and uncompromising build quality. They can be relied upon to deliver
the highest quality images time after time. WolfVision Visualizers are produced with the highest
quality components available, and are designed to deliver sharp, clearly defined images with
strong colours, to assist in the determining of medical conditions and accurate diagnoses.
A selection of existing clients who
are using WolfVision Visualizers
Ascension Health
BMS Medical Imaging
Carl Zeiss Microimaging AIS
Children Hospital Paris
Coalinga State Hospital
Frederica Sygehus
Janssen Pharmaceutical
Kaiser-Franz-Josef Spital Wien
Kolding Sygehuse
Krankenhaus Bad-Ischl
Krankenhaus Lienz
Krankenhaus Vöcklabruck
Landeskrankenhaus Leoben
Lexington Medical Center
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale
Odense Universitetshospital
Polly Ryan Memorial Hospital
Providence Hospital
Randers Centralsygehus
Ringhospitalet Copenhagen
Sarver Heart Center
St. Mary's Hospital
Stanford University
Swedish Health Services
University Erasmus Medical Centre
UNT Health Science Ctr.
UOP-School of Dentistry
USANA Health Sciences, Salt Lake City
Wetlab Limited
Willhelminen Spital Wien
Efficient communication faster decision making and
improved performance
Through the application of audio-visual and ICT technologies, telemedicine is now having a
considerable impact on many aspects of healthcare provision. Medical practitioners are
becoming more efficient in delivering treatment and care to patients despite the ever increasing
pressures on their time and skills. Oncology, radiology, pathology, dermatology, dentistry and
cardiology are among the wide range of medical disciplines already using and benefiting from
telemedicine, leading to faster diagnosis, improved care and monitoring, and improved training
Medical consultant meetings
In the UK, The Birmingham Cancer Network is a vital
organisation, providing a service to eight hospitals in
the Birmingham area. The network consists of multidisciplinary teams of specialists who meet regularly to
discuss and decide upon the most suitable treatment
plans for each patient. These oncology, pathology and
radiology specialists have chosen to conduct their
meetings via videoconference. WolfVision Visualizers
are connected to hospital systems, and their high quality
resolution assists with diagnostic interpretation. Mr
Richard Steyn, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon says
‘‘Videoconferencing allows for earlier meetings and
therefore quicker care, it can also improve treatment by
permitting more consultations, which in the past, may
have been impossible”.
The importance of the high quality of WolfVision‘s image
reproduction in medical applications is shown by the
new Diagnostic Cancer Suite at The Altnagevin Hospital
in Northern Ireland.
A WolfVision Ceiling Visualizer has been installed there,
it‘s sharp, accurate resolution enabling the hospital‘s
cancer specialists to clearly see and interpret the grey
shades of x-rays and CT scans to assist them in
deciding upon the most suitable treatment plans for
patients. The high precision lens and powerful light
source combine to make the WolfVision Visualizer ideal
for usage in this demanding application.
Easy to operate - leaving
you free to concentrate
on presentation content
We fully understand that healthcare provision is a challenging and demanding profession. That
is why it is very important for us that all WolfVision Visualizers are extremely easy to use and do
not impose any technical challenges on the user, allowing health professionals to concentrate
on what is most vital to them - the treatment and care of patients.
Training of surgeons
Training of medical staff
One of Europe‘s leading Wetlab specialists, WetLab
Limited, use a P Series WolfVision Visualizer in their
classrooms for the training of heart surgeons. The
Visualizer allows the live demonstration of complex
surgical procedures to be shown onscreen to the
audience. WolfVision‘s reflection and shadow free light
system ensures that all of the heart is illuminated, with
no detail concealed, even deep inside it. Movement is
clearly shown, and the high colour resolution reveals
each and every detail in realistic colour.
Kevin Austin, Director of WetLab Limited says ”The
quality of the images is always impressive and
immediately recognised by hospital teaching staff as
superior to any other alternative. There is no doubt that
the WolfVision Visualizer is by far the best for our
demanding application ”.
WolfVision Visualizers are currently to be found in many
educational institutions throughout the World. At the
Vöcklabruck Hospital in Upper Austria, in the school for
general health and medical care, WolfVision Visualizers
are used for training purposes by qualified healthcare
and nursing staff.
Franz Stadlmann, MBA, Lecturer in health and nursing
says “The Visualizer is used in anatomy and physiology,
and also in specialised health and medical care, to
present medical and nursing images, pages from
books, and also objects such as wound dressings to
trainee nurses. The Visualizer is an integral part of our
AV equipment, and we would not want to be without it ”.
WolfVision – the company,
the people and the environment
The new company headquarters –
setting ecological standards
“Going green” certainly is in fashion and corporate social
responsibility is on everyone's lips at the moment. Social and
ecological responsibility at WolfVision, however, has always
been a core issue. WolfVision is a family company, and full
awareness of subsequent generations and the world that
they will live in is, so to say, a part of the company's nature. In
addition to the certification for quality management in
accordance with ISO 9001, WolfVision also conforms to
environmental management standards and is certified under
ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. For a European manufacturer like
WolfVision, stringent environmental protection directives
also apply:
For WolfVision it is a matter of course that the company's
innovative strength enables it to go above and beyond the
practices stipulated by the mandatory regulations.
Apart from energy saving measures, such as reducing standby power consumption, environmental compatibility and
friendliness are an integral part of product development.
Taking into consideration the very long life cycle of a
WolfVision Visualizer and the fact that more than 95% of the
product is recyclable, it is evident that environmental
conservation is a high priority.
With its company headquarters building, which was completed in 2008, WolfVision has proved its commitment to
environmental issues. The design of the workstations and
working areas complies with the most modern of standards.
The building has an automatic intelligent lighting system
which is capable of activating lights in the presence of motion
and low ambient light. The air conditioning system, which
uses underground thermal energy, has minimal energy
expenditure and is completely independent of fossil fuels.
Printed in Austria, November 2015
Directive 2002/95/EG RoHS – Restriction of the Use of
Certain Hazardous Substances
Ÿ Directive 2002/96/EG WEEE – Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment.
Ÿ Regulation 1907/2006 REACH – Registration,
Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals.
Head Office:
WolfVision GmbH
6833 Klaus / Austria
Tel. +43 5523 52250
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Tel. +44-1628 509067
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WolfVision, Inc.
Tel. +1 770 931 6802
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WolfVision Asia
Tel. +65 6636 1268
Canada Sales Office
WolfVision Canada, Inc.
Tel. +1 613 741 9898
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WolfVision Middle East (Dubai)
Tel. +971 354 2233
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Tel. 0800 9828 787